Emanuel Lutheran Church July 2020 Enlightener Michael Holman, LLM (231)824-6757 (cell) [email protected] Emanuel Lutheran Church: 906-942-7245 [email protected] www.be-Lutheran.org Emanuel Lutheran Church of Skandia , ELCA Celebrating 125 Years Growing in God’s Grace

Emanuel Lutheran Church July 2020 Enlightener...Emanuel Lutheran Church July 2020 Enlightener Michael Holman, LLM (231)824-6757 (cell) [email protected] Emanuel Lutheran hurch: 906-942-7245

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Page 1: Emanuel Lutheran Church July 2020 Enlightener...Emanuel Lutheran Church July 2020 Enlightener Michael Holman, LLM (231)824-6757 (cell) holmi@1fj.com Emanuel Lutheran hurch: 906-942-7245

Emanuel Lutheran Church

July 2020


Michael Holman, LLM

(231)824-6757 (cell)

[email protected]

Emanuel Lutheran Church: 906-942-7245

[email protected] www.be-Lutheran.org

Emanuel Lutheran Church of Skandia , ELCA

Celebrating 125 Years

Growing in God’s Grace

Page 2: Emanuel Lutheran Church July 2020 Enlightener...Emanuel Lutheran Church July 2020 Enlightener Michael Holman, LLM (231)824-6757 (cell) holmi@1fj.com Emanuel Lutheran hurch: 906-942-7245

Council Members

Sandi Ruotsi

Richard Cooke

Lois Kokko

Betsy Koski

Jane Sims

Dan Bahrman

Jolene Kokko

Christian Education

Michael Holman, LLM ~


Leah Kainulainen , Karen Maki ~

Sunday School

Sandi Ruotsi ~ Adult Forum


Jolene Kokko ~ Office Assistant

Michael Holman, LLM

(231)824-6757 (cell) Email: [email protected]

Office Hours: Tuesday 1-5pm, Thurs. 9am-2pm

Committee Leaders

Sandi Ruotsi ~

Council President

Barb Bach ~ Stewardship

Sarah Kimball ~ Outreach

Betsy Koski ~ Christian


Jane Sims ~ Worship & Music

Roger Kimball ~ Building &


Pam Bahrman~ Cemetery

Business Manager

Emanuel Lutheran Church has both a

Face Book Page and website! Catch

up on upcoming and past events, our

monthly calendar and Enlightener

newsletters at:


Congregational Leadership

Sunday Worship Service is available

online at www.be-lutheran.org

Parking Lot Worship Services

beginning Sunday, July 19, 9 AM

Page 3: Emanuel Lutheran Church July 2020 Enlightener...Emanuel Lutheran Church July 2020 Enlightener Michael Holman, LLM (231)824-6757 (cell) holmi@1fj.com Emanuel Lutheran hurch: 906-942-7245

July 7—Vonnie Stenfors

July 9-John Maki

July 11-Mark Krans

July 14-Ryan Rickaby

July 19-Lee Whitaker

July 20-Mary Heath

July 22-Ryan Yearicks

July 24-Leah Kainulainen

July 29-Elzabeth McCarthy

July 13-Dale & Sally


July 13-Mark & Iva Arnett

Birthday Blessings

Anniversary Blessings

Thank you to Sandi Ruotsi for

sponsoring the July Sunday bulletins

in honor of Al Cole.

Remember in Prayer …

Our members, family, and friends who are ill, have

health concerns, are grieving, or are in need.

Our members who are absent from worship and

unable to attend … Herb Anderson,

prayers for Elsie Haglund, and Vonda Berglund.

Our Thanks and Praise to God.

If you have a prayer request, please let the office

know by calling or by leaving a message at 942-7245.

Page 4: Emanuel Lutheran Church July 2020 Enlightener...Emanuel Lutheran Church July 2020 Enlightener Michael Holman, LLM (231)824-6757 (cell) holmi@1fj.com Emanuel Lutheran hurch: 906-942-7245

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

“Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. Let your

gentleness be known to everyone. The Lord is near.”

Philippians 4:4-5

Summer is upon us. It is a time of refreshment and transition. In

years past this is a time when people move all about the country and

judging by the traffic flying past my house I would say this year seems

to be experiencing an uptick in travel. After months of confinement

people are on the go! Perhaps they are trying to escape the cities or

they just have the urge to see some of the natural beauty that is the

area in which we live, I do not know, but they are on the move.

Moving seems to be a rite of passage in summer. I have noticed that

the “for sale” signs that pop up right after the snow banks go down

are sporting many “sold” or “pending” placards. A sure sing that

people are on the move, looking to plant their roots in a new place,

growing and flourishing in the new community they have selected.

That’s what summer is, a time for planting and growing. Many of

us have planted and tended to gardens in the hope of being able to

enjoy the fruits of this earth. Fresh produce will grace our tables, that

we might taste and see the goodness of the creation. Many will

experience a bumper crop which they can then share with those who

also hunger for the fresh goodness of that which this world puts

forth. Coming together as community in peace, harmony and love.

We have much to be thankful for, the freedom that we have

received from God in forgiveness. For all the good things that come

from this earth, and for the communities that we live in, inviting

others to join us and to share the richness of their lives. As we gather

with friends and families remember one simple thing; REJOICE!



Page 5: Emanuel Lutheran Church July 2020 Enlightener...Emanuel Lutheran Church July 2020 Enlightener Michael Holman, LLM (231)824-6757 (cell) holmi@1fj.com Emanuel Lutheran hurch: 906-942-7245

July 2, 2020

Sisters and Brothers of the Risen Christ,

For months now we have been unable to gather to worship

together. In a meeting on Wednesday 7/1 council decide to

start holding Parking Lot Worship. This will begin on Sunday

7/19/2020 at nine A.M., great news. This will be a full

communion service with elements and bulletins being

distributed as you arrive. We ask that when you park that you

keep some distance between your vehicles and that you remain

in your vehicle for the entire service. You will be able to

participate by tuning your cars radio to FM station 93.7, you

should be able to hear the readers, hymns and prayers by doing

so. Also, there will be a bucket that you can drive by to place an

offering in if you choose to do so.

While this may seem a bit different, I think we will find it

to be a meaningful service. Unfortunately, at this time it has

been determined that fellowship remain suspended and that

proper distancing be maintained. We ask also that you refrain

from using the rest rooms unless it is an emergency. Thank you

for your cooperation. Together and by the grace of God we will

get through this. If you are not comfortable in being a part of

this service, we will continue our online presence that you may

be fed by the Word of God. Blessings on your lives and ministry.



Page 6: Emanuel Lutheran Church July 2020 Enlightener...Emanuel Lutheran Church July 2020 Enlightener Michael Holman, LLM (231)824-6757 (cell) holmi@1fj.com Emanuel Lutheran hurch: 906-942-7245





The Northern Great Lakes Synod is launching a new series of classes

for adults who want to increase their knowledge and understanding

of the Bible, church history, Lutheran Theology, world religions, and

more. The new program, “Lifelong Faith Formation,” evolved from

the synod’s Lay School for Mission.

In these challenging and uncertain times, the Synod is offering the

program online this fall. While discussions through computer screens

are not ideal, online learning presents an opportunity to connect

people from across the synod --people who share a love of learning

and have discovered that adult studies help them to grow in faith.

Classes will meet weekly for 60 to 90 minutes for four to eight weeks.

Instructors will select what they wish to teach possibly from among

these subject areas.

The Bible -Church History -World Religions -Lutheran Theology

Lutheran Worship-Literature Study -Anti-racism training -OR

whatever they want to teach!

KEY DATES: August 1:The fall term of Lifelong Faith Formation will

be announced synod wide. August 15:Student registration deadline

September: Classes begin between September 8 and September 23.

OTHER IMPORTANT NOTES:•A synod-wide survey indicated that

Saturday day, Sunday evening, and Wednesday evening were the

most preferred class meeting times for courses ranging from four to

eight weeks.• Classes are free but may require the purchase of text-

books or other materials.•

Page 7: Emanuel Lutheran Church July 2020 Enlightener...Emanuel Lutheran Church July 2020 Enlightener Michael Holman, LLM (231)824-6757 (cell) holmi@1fj.com Emanuel Lutheran hurch: 906-942-7245

Lifelong Faith Formation” is not driven by an end result, such as

graduation from a program. It is not a certification program to

become a Licensed Lay Minister. It may play a role in an individual’s

discernment to participate in a higher accountability program

through a neighboring synod or lead to seminary. Mostly “Lifelong

Faith Formation” is designed for curious adults who want to engage

more deeply with the Bible; to learn more about church traditions;

to become better equipped to serve the work of Christ in their con-

gregations; and to grow in spirituality and faith.

For more information, contact Sister Lori Ward at 615-519-1969 or

[email protected] or Rev. Warren Geier at 906-486-4351 or

[email protected]

Page 8: Emanuel Lutheran Church July 2020 Enlightener...Emanuel Lutheran Church July 2020 Enlightener Michael Holman, LLM (231)824-6757 (cell) holmi@1fj.com Emanuel Lutheran hurch: 906-942-7245

“A theology of glory calls evil good

and good evil. A theology of the cross

calls the thing what it actually is.”

~Martin Luther

Dear people of the Northern Great Lakes Synod,

In 1518, Martin Luther wrote The Heidelberg Disputation where

among other things he criticized the notion that a lack of suffer-

ing indicates the presence and blessing of God. Rather, said

Luther, it is in suffering that God’s presence is not only most

clearly seen, but that is where God is most fully present.

In this year of 2020, where so much is unclear, we cannot help

but see the suffering of people of color in our country. Countless

protests and demonstrations following the death of George

Floyd, mostly peaceful, speak to the concern and even rage as

injustice has not been challenged.

As Lutherans, we call a thing what it is. Racial bias and racism,

white privilege and the ideology of white supremacy continue to

undermine and harm people and our society in a multitude of

ways. The truth is, as in any system, we are all complicit, either

knowingly or unknowingly. One need not have malice in one’s

heart or even strategic intention in order to benefit from a

system that favors one person over another, one family over

another, one neighborhood over another, one school over

another, one race over another.

We have inherited a world with racial baggage and inequity.

While no one alive today laid the foundation, we all have a

responsibility to see what is now and do something about what

we see.

Page 9: Emanuel Lutheran Church July 2020 Enlightener...Emanuel Lutheran Church July 2020 Enlightener Michael Holman, LLM (231)824-6757 (cell) holmi@1fj.com Emanuel Lutheran hurch: 906-942-7245

To that end, I invite you to take another step in your own

understanding of the systems at work and how people of color

have a different experience of society. On our website,

nglsynod.org/anti-racism-resources, is a comprehensive list,

complete with study and discussion guides, movies, books,

videos, and articles. Now is the time to understand more

deeply the sin of racism, and as followers of Christ, do what we

can to understand it and combat it, or the sake of ourselves and

our neighbors.

Yours in Christ,

Bishop Katherine Finegan

Outreach Update

We have been contacted by Habitat For Humanity for

donating a lunch to their building crew this summer

season. If you can help with a lunch item, please contact

Sarah Kimball at 942-7492. We don’t have a specific

date yet, but having a list of those that can contribute is

very helpful! When we start getting back together for regular wor-

ship, new prayer partners will be made. We haven’t heard for sure if

Lutheran World Relief will be shipping school supplies this fall, but

when we hear we will let you know and a list of the usual items that

we collect. Thank you for your help with these ministries.

Sarah Kimball

Page 10: Emanuel Lutheran Church July 2020 Enlightener...Emanuel Lutheran Church July 2020 Enlightener Michael Holman, LLM (231)824-6757 (cell) holmi@1fj.com Emanuel Lutheran hurch: 906-942-7245

I have recently learned that my Goddaughter, Katie and her husband are in the process of adopting. An organization called Shoes with Heart will help them with their adoption cost if they collect gently worn (no holes, tears, and soles intact) shoes. Their goal is to collect 2500 pairs of shoes through this Adoption Fundraiser. Any size shoes are accepted. If you would like to help out with this fundraiser and donate your gently worn shoes, please contact me, Sandi Ruotsi, 942-7614 or email me at [email protected]. They will be collecting shoes until July 15th.

Mark Your Calendars for

Fortune Lake's Fall Fest!

This year's event, set for October 3,

2020, will look different than years

past, as it will likely be a virtual

experience. However, we're still

committed to the same Fall Fest

elements you've come to expect and

love: beautiful one-of-a-kind handcrafted items, celebrating

what God is doing at Fortune Lake, and raising funds for our

favorite Place of Grace!

Quilters and artists, keep crafting and stay tuned, with a

September 1 tentative submission date in mind. Submission

details and forms will be available on the Fortune Lake Website


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Free for all ages! Invite your friends, family, and communities to join in the fun!

Because we are not able to gather at Fortune Lake for summer camp, we are bringing Fortune Lake into your homes! We can’t wait to see you online as we experience God’s love, grow and challenge our communities, and worship together!

Follow us on Facebook to be notified when a new video premiers! Unless otherwise noted, videos will stream from our YouTube page at the dates and times listed below and will remain available at no cost to the general public. Events hosted on Zoom will require a link and password (details to come).

Also be sure to checkout our online canteen. Shipping

costs are included and each dollar you spend directly

impacts the outdoor ministry of Fortune Lake.

The spring Adopt-A-Highway was cancelled for

May, and we haven’t heard what the state of

Michigan has decided for the July 18-26 pickup

date. When we get word if it will be held or

not we will let you know. Thanks for your help

keeping our Upper Peninsula roadways clean!

Page 12: Emanuel Lutheran Church July 2020 Enlightener...Emanuel Lutheran Church July 2020 Enlightener Michael Holman, LLM (231)824-6757 (cell) holmi@1fj.com Emanuel Lutheran hurch: 906-942-7245


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