E S %-\ FF8 0520W From: “lucy decoutere Reply-To Date: Sa05 Jul 0O3 13:35:29 -0300 To Subject: clunkity clunk clunk Jian, Getting to know you is literally changing my mind - in a good way I think. You challenge me and point to stuff that has not been pulled out in a very long time. I can tell you about all that sometime and everything about our friendship so far will make sense. You kicked my ass last night and that makes me want to tuck your brains out. Tonight. Lucy DeCoutere Protect your PC - get McAtee.com VirusScan Online httrj://clinic.mcafee.com/cIinic/ibuy/camrjaign.asp?cid3 963

Emails Between Lucy DeCoutere and Jian Ghomeshi

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Jian Ghomeshi's defence lawyer Marie Henein confronted Lucy DeCoutere with numerous friendly dispatches between the Trailer Park Boys actor and the disgraced broadcaster.

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Page 1: Emails Between Lucy DeCoutere and Jian Ghomeshi

E S %-\

FF8 0520W

From: “lucy decoutereReply-ToDate: Sa05 Jul 0O3 13:35:29 -0300ToSubject: clunkity clunk clunk


Getting to know you is literally changing my mind - in a good way I think.You challenge me and point to stuff that has not been pulled out in a verylong time. I can tell you about all that sometime and everything about ourfriendship so far will make sense.

You kicked my ass last night and that makes me want to tuck your brains out.Tonight.

Lucy DeCoutere

Protect your PC - get McAtee.com VirusScan Onlinehttrj://clinic.mcafee.com/cIinic/ibuy/camrjaign.asp?cid3 963

Page 2: Emails Between Lucy DeCoutere and Jian Ghomeshi

Subject: Re: Mmm, shopping

Date: July 17, 2003 at 3:25:47 PM Eastern Daylight Time

From: jiai_—

To: lucy decoutere

hi lucee,

of course i want to hang again, you’re coolio.

i don’t know about getting married in the next week and a half. sounds a bit rushed.besides, i’ve just started to come around to the “it’s not so bad being single when you’renot over your last (shit) relationshiop with an alcoholic that you really loved” philosophy.

sorry i’ve not had the chance to ring you back in the last couple of days. was up inhuntsville (went very well) and a bunch of other stuffs. y’know...rolling cigars on thethighs of virgins, etc.

i’m not sure where we’re due to hang again, but i look forward to doing so at somepoint, perhaps before the dang summer is done, eh?

yours (with the usual non-requisite but affectionate smile),


jian ghomeshiwonderboy entertainment inc.WWW.JIAN.CAwww.wonderboy.ca

**wotch h’>ployh on cbc newsworld ---thursdays, fridoysandsaturdoys**

a fancy for crap lit? read my weekly column at www.cbc.ca/play**


Date: Thu, 1 7 Jul 2003 09:48:46 -0300To: jianSubject: Mmm, shopping

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There is a very cool scene in “6 feet Under - Season 3” featuring thematriarch and her beau. They are in a hardware store considering which kindof screwdriver they should get - more specifically cordless or not. Somewhereamidst the deliberations she turns to him and says, “I don’t want to do this bymyself anymore.” and they get married ten minutes later.. .(which in thenarrative works out to about a week and a half and a world of heartache andcool cam.e ra ang!es) The sentiment being that it is doing these day to daytrivial things with “someone” is the what makes the world a kinder place to

-—live-in. Gay, but true.

I think you are magic and would love to see you. I am realizing that in the noteI mailed to you, I was really asking if you’d like to go to Crappy Tire to help mepick out an electric rake. And I am thinking now that maybe you would notbecause I really pissed you off.. .somehow. And then I am thinking you arecaptive in a Cuban prison and are trying to send me telepathic messages toget me to spring you from the joint so we can go smoke cigars rolled on thethighs of virgins and frolic on the beach...with the virgins.

So. ..can you help me out with this? Do you want to hang out again?


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Page 4: Emails Between Lucy DeCoutere and Jian Ghomeshi

E- 3-

Subject: with good fimes like these...

Date: ‘July 21, 2003 at 2:47:58 PM Eastern Daylight Time

From jian

To: lucydecoutere

i’m no even sure how to say that word. please instruct.



jian ghomeshiwonderboy entertainment inc.WWW.JIAN.CAwww.wonderboy.ca

**watch “>play” on cbc newsworld - thursdays, fridays and saturdays**

a fancy for crap lit? read my weekly column at www.cbc.ca/play**

From: “lucy decoutere”Reply-To: -

Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2003 11:13:07 -0300To:Subject: Re: with good times like these...

citroLnle...that’s what you should call it.

Lucy DeCoutere

Tired of spam? Get advanced junk mail protection<http://g.msn.com/8HMEENCA/2734??PS=> with MSN 8.


Page 5: Emails Between Lucy DeCoutere and Jian Ghomeshi

Subject: Re: you put the icing in enticing

Date: July 23, 2003 at 6:31:07 PM Eastern Daylight Time

From: jian — >

To: lucydecoutere


just received some absolutely fabuloso flowers from barrington St. grrl. thank you thankyou! so sweet.

and.. .they are the exact colour of DOONIE. that would be my new bi-sexual littleconvertible that officiafly drove home today. his name is doonie. in case you werewondering.

such a very nice gesture. lovely flowers, don’t know what i did to deserve it really. merci.

yours (as ever),


jian ghomeshiwonderboy entertainment inc.WWW.JIAN.CAwww.wonderboy.ca

**watch “>play” on cbc newsworld - thursdays, fridays anci saturdays**

a fancy for crap lt? read my weekly column at www.cbc.ca/play**

From: Lucy DeCoutereDate: Wed, 23 Jul 2003 1 6:01 :34 -0400 (EDT)To:Jj -

Subject: you put the ‘icing’ in ‘enticing’


One of the projects I’m dealing with here is show about the freemasons -

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namely following around new recruits who are in their twenties andd askingthem “Why in the name of fuck do you what to be a freakin’ Mason?”. As wellwe’re looking at how the society is dealing with the fact that theirmembership is literally dying off faster than they can be replaced. The NewYork Times ran an ad saying ‘Hey, wanna be a mason? This week only, you canbe initiated in just one day (rather than the typical three months. Yikers)!!!!!!...this is how despereate these folks are to up their enrollment.

Here’s my question. We are going to be doing a couple of re-enactments toillustrate what happens ‘behind closed doors’ during some of the

rituals...know anyone willing to fuck a goat?

Just checking.

Lucy DeCoutereArcadia Entertainment Inc.


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Page 7: Emails Between Lucy DeCoutere and Jian Ghomeshi

)( 34r

CsSubject: Re: weed plants

Date: July 25, 2003 at 2:38:15 PM Eastern Daylight lime

From: jian

To: lucydecoutere

they don’t call me “mr. lame” for nothing. well.. .actually, that name comes fromsomething else, never mind.

jian ghomeshiwonderboy entertainment inc.WWW.JAN.CAwww:wonderboyca

**watch “>play” on cbc newsworld - thursdays, fridays and saturdays****got a fancy for’ crap lit? read my weekly column at www.cbc.ca/play**

From: Lucy DeCoutere -

Date: Fri1 25 Jul 2003 1 3:32:26 -0400 (EDT)To: jian -___________________

Subject: Re: weed plants

lame joke.. .love it.

jian wrote:

thanks. bud.

jian ghomeshiwonderboy entertainment inc.WWW.JIAN.CAwww.wonderboy.ca

**watch “>play’ on cbc newsworld - thursdays, fridays and

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saturdays****gcyl a fancy for crap lit? read my weekly column atwww.cbc.ca/plcly**

From: Lucy DeCoutereDate: En, 25 Jul 2003 13:17:53 -0400 (EDT)To: jianSubject: weed plants

fuck halifax indeed, and all this salt is dehydrating, yaknow?

Thanks for your perspective.

Hey, Jian. I’m really glad to know you. So roll up thatbud and smoke it.

jian — wrote:

i find it increasingly difficult to identifywhether flattery is a bud or a leaf. part of theproblem is that you WANT to believe thatnice things being said are all buds, to acertain extent, my way of dealing is that iend up taking everything with agrain of salt.that sucks because what really happens isthat i don,t believe the flattery but i getdown and upset about criticism, butsometimes i can tell i,ve really affectedsomeone and i choose to accept theircompliments.- that,s nice.

so there,s some thoughts for ya.

hope you,re smiling. it,s a gorgeous day intoronto. fuck halifax.

yours (as usual),

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jian ghomeshiwonderboy entertainment inc.WWW.JIANCAwww.wonde rboy . ca

**watch “>play” oncbc newsworld - lhursdays,fridays and scturdays***got a fancy for crap lit? read my weeklycolumn at www.cbc.ca/play**

From: Lucy DeCoutere

Date: En, 25 Jul 2003 11:58:07-0400 (EDT)To: jianSubject: for arguement sake


Here’s my puzzle?

I’m I am right in thinking that youat times encounter folks whooffer up exaggerated false flattery(like in Banff “Wow, at karaokeyou really held the room” blahblah). How do you separate thebud from the leaf, if you see whatI mean? What stops you, as a Jiancreature, from thinking it’s allleaf? Or all bud for that matter?

This is what kept me up lastnight.. .the gaining of perspective


Page 10: Emails Between Lucy DeCoutere and Jian Ghomeshi

which is for me at best anebuJous entity. Driving mefucking nuts. You got anything onthis?

Lucy DeCoutereArcadia Entertainment Inc.


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Lucy DeCoutereArcadia Entertainment Inc.

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Lucy DeCoutere

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Page 11: Emails Between Lucy DeCoutere and Jian Ghomeshi

_,%-c_ -

From: Lucy DeCoutereDate: Fri, 17 Oct 2003 1 6:37:18 -0400 (EDT)To:jianSubject: Re: just tell me

this weekend has been a bust so far fun wise, but great to see you last nightand see what that play thing is all about, up close and personal. looking fowardto having real conversation. sunday, in my brain, has a slot all for you. rrrrrrr

after leaving you nobu and i went to the horseshoe...kinda felt like high schoolreunion. lots of halifax indie rockers wearing polka dot makeup (what the fuck)

Page 12: Emails Between Lucy DeCoutere and Jian Ghomeshi

-‘C— ‘—‘ c... - . ‘ 5

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Subject: Re: nice

Date: October 25, 2003 at 3:15:57 PM Eastern Daylight Time

From: jian

To: lucy decoutere

dear lucee,

my advice would be: move to the big smoke.

you are a big personality with talent and lots and lots of energy. you will enjoy exploitingthe riches of a big city. and clearly you’re antsy to shake up your world.

i say go for it. what’s the worst that can h-appen? give yourself a year and be back forxmas in halifax 2004 if it all turns to shit. it’s worth it to try.

yours (as ever),


jian ghomeshiwonderboy entertainment inc.WWW.JIAN.CAwww.wonderboy.ca

**watch “>play” on cbc newsworld - thursdays, fridays and saturdays****got a fancy for crap lit? read my weekly column at www.cbc.ca/play*

From: Lucy DeCoutereDate: Sat, 25 Oct 2003 11:40:56 -0400 (EDT)To: jiarliSubject: nice

nice to see you Monday (can this really be the same week?) your on cameraGemini behind the scenes stuff showed you very relaxed and having fun. i wasincredible psyched out this year and didn’t have fun until we were in our seats,the show had begun and it was all in motion. I think I told Star TV that I’d

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bang John Doyle...that can’t be good.

After sitting on the runway for 3 hours, changing planes and finally landing inthe ‘Fax at 3 in the morning Wendesday, the afterglow of our magnificent losshad finally waned. everyone and their dog has offered condolences (like on theplane home, in the coffee shop, grocery store) which is nice. the peeps are onour side. even my smokin’ new boyfriend Ian H. is on my side. sigh

I am wading in a sea of options and choices and decisions and offers. having abit of a time figuring out whether or not to jump to the big smoke now. imostly want to but the carrots are being dangled to keep me here. I’ll checkout everything until a concrete offer takes hold, really jian, any advice you canoffer would be ofhuge. value--at this point. “torn between two lovers...”

take care and lemme know how you are

peace out, bro

Lucy DeCoutereArcadia Entertainment Inc.


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Subject: Re: brace yourself

Date: November 24, 2003 at 12:40:06 PM Eastern Standard Time

From: jian[

To: lucydecoutere —

woohoo. duly braced.

jian ghomeshiwonderboy entertainment inc.WWW.JIAN.CA

won d erboycbc office:

**watch “>play” on cbc newsworld - thursdays, fridays and saturdays**

a fancy for crap it? read my weekly column at wwwcbc.ca/play*

From: Lucy DeCoutere —

Date: Mon, 24 Nov 2003 10:08:38 -0500 (EST)To:jianSubject: brace yourself

I’m in town and am gonna call you cell phone and askyou to play with me.. in a maimer of speaking.. .soyou havefair warning

Lucy DeCoutere

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Page 15: Emails Between Lucy DeCoutere and Jian Ghomeshi

Subject: Re: dreamin’

Date: February 17, 2004 at 4:38:45 PM Eastern Standard Time

From: jian

To: ucydecoutere

do tell, lucee.

how are things going over there on that east coast? i thought you were moving to toronto.to harrass children and stuff. what gives?



jian ghomeshi

wonderboy entertainment inc.WWW.JIAN.CA

wonderboy office: —

cbc office direct._—

From: Lucy DeCoutereDate: Mon, 16 Feb 2004 13:28:44 -0500 (EST)To: jian ghomeshiSubject: dreamin’

had a really great dream the- other niteyou were-with-me in—torontowanna hear about it?

Lucy DeCoutere

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Subject: Re: check check, 1,2,3

Date: April 6, 2004 at 11:27:05 AM Eastern Daylight Time

From: jian -

To: lucydecoutere

hi luceel

I’m good but frazzled. just got back from edmonton and have to go to PEI tomorrow. funwow. am shooting my >play network election special called “screw the vote, let othersdecide your future.” it’s an earnest attempt to dissuade young people from voting in theupcoming federal election, after all, why vote when it makes no difference and you couldspend that time masturbating?

did you come to t-dot in march? i hope i didn’t miss you here.

i’m sad that you’re not moving to toronto. not for my sake — i couldn’t give a fuck whereyou live - but for YOUR sake. i really think you need(ed) a change of scenery and takingover toronto is a good idea. but i guess you gots stuffs goin’ on in the atlantic region, fairenough.

i guest hosted zed a couple of weeks ago. everyone was very nice to me.

hope you’re well.

yours (as ever),


jian ghomeshi

wonderboy entertainment Inc.



cbc office direct:

From: Lucy DeCoutereDate: Tue, 6 Apr 2004 09:28:30 -0400 (EDT)ToSubject: check check, 1,2,3

Greetings earth]ing.You know, I think about you sometimes and as usual

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wonder how you are. Caught Play last week. Now that Ihave cable, such luxuries are mine for the having.Things are good. Still wishing I could take flightfrom this town but am committed until the early autumnwith this and that, and Trailer Park Boys, my ownpersonal anvil. And I heard that you are doing somestuff with Zed? What else?

I have a chum who is doing a piece for the CBC ArtsdReport and she asked me about who is dgging TPB thesedays. I gave her some names of folks, yours being oneof them. You might be able to give some insight as towhy people bother to watch it. Or you may want to sendme a hundred bucks to fuck off and leave you alone.Either way, you’ll do it with your usual flare, I amsure of that much.

Will you lemme know how you are? If there is an itchyou need.. .um. scratching?

peace, bizatch

Lucy DeCoutere

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—S C.- %-‘ ‘L p’-”

c %-k. VS —S —\ (C -

Subject: Re: altitude sickness

Date: May 19, 2004 at 11:44:43 PM Eastern Daylight Time

From: jian —

To: luc —

i’d love to hang in banffy. can’t promise much because the next month and a half areabsolutely bonkers. i may be doing work in between doing work at banff. i’m freaked enoughabout co-hosting the rockie awards without any time to rehearse or think about ‘em inadvance. eep.

hope life is well in the atlantic region.



jian ghomeshiwonderboy entertainment inc.WWW.JIAN.CA

wonderboy office

cbc office direct —______________

From: Lucy DeCoutereReply-To: —

Dnte: Wed, 19 May 2004 21:09:41 -0400 (EDT)

To: jiariSubject: altitude sickness

how busy are you gonna be in banff? i wanna play with you. i am in the midst ofplanning my days...ofcourse it’ll be a bit hairy but wanna go for a hike? Pims on theterrace? chance--encounter in-the broom closet?

you dig coldplcay...there is a sweet thing on their site you should check out if youhaven’t already


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Page 19: Emails Between Lucy DeCoutere and Jian Ghomeshi

Subject: Re: altitude sickness

Date: May 26, 2004 at 8:47:01 PM Eastern Daylight Time

From: jian —

To: Iuc

right on. pass on warm regards to mr. plaskett. see u in banff, lucee!

yours (with a smile from los angeles),


jian ghomeshiwonderboy entertainment inc.WWW.JIAN.CA

wonderboy officecbc office direct —

From: Lucy DeCoutere

Reply-To:Date: Wed, 26 May 2004 10:53:57 -0400 (EDT)

To: jianSubject: Re: altitude sickness

life is goodshooting a joel plaskett show friday

loving my new computer, which makes-writing to you lovlier

going to waterlou next weekend (jesus help us)

then banff to followingill see you then...i may stalk you a little between meetings

jian wrote:

i,d love to hang in banffy. can,t promise much because the next monthand a half are absolutely bonkers. i may be doing work in between

doing work at banff. i,m freaked enough about co-hosting the rockieawards without any time to rehearse or think about cEem in advance.


hope life is well in the atlantic region.

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Page 20: Emails Between Lucy DeCoutere and Jian Ghomeshi


j ian

jian ghomeshiwonderboy entertainment inc.WWW.JIAN.CA

wonderboy office --

cbc office direct

From: Lucy DeCoutere -

Reply-To: —

Date: Wed, 19 May 2004 21:09:41 -0400 (EDT)

To: jiariSubject: altitude sickness

how busy are you gonna be in banff? i wanna play with you.

i am in the midst of planning my days...ofcourse it’ll be a bit

hairy but wanna go for a hike? Pims on the terrace? chance

encounter in the broom closet?

you dig coldplay...there is sweet thing on their site you

should check out if you haven’t already


Post your free ad now! Yahoo! Canada Personals


Lucy DeCoutere Producer Prospero Entertainment Corporation

Post your free ad now! Yahoo! Canada Personals <http://ca.personals.yahoo.com/>

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Page 21: Emails Between Lucy DeCoutere and Jian Ghomeshi


(Subject: Re: you’re in big trouble

Date: June 11, 2004 at 9:29:12 PM Eastern Daylight Time

From: jiar

To: lucyprospero-ent.com

wow. hot photo! that kinda skin will get you a dinner date every time.

and hey, thanks for wishing me a happy birthday a couple of days ago (june 9). that was

really sweet!

yours (from the banff springs),


jian ghomeshiwonderboy entertainment inc.WWW.JIAN.CA

wonderboy officecbc office direct —

From: Lucy DeCoutere

Reply-To:Date: En, 11 Jun 2004 11:55:15 -0400 (EDT)

To: jim

Subject: you’re in big trouble

if i dontget to hang with you while we are in banff im gonna beat the crap out

of youi am booked pretty solidly for the days but maybe dinner? or perhaps i could tap

you on the shoulder for breakfast?

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Page 22: Emails Between Lucy DeCoutere and Jian Ghomeshi

(c —

Subject: hit me, baby, 1 more tyme

Date: June 27, 2004 at 7:07:59 PM Eastern Daylight Time

From: Lucy DeCoutere —

To: jian ghomeshi

Attachments: 78.jpg

proof that you can’t live without me

Lucy DeCoutere Producer Prospero Entertainment Corporation

Post your free ad now! Yahoo! Canada Personals

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04 a

Page 24: Emails Between Lucy DeCoutere and Jian Ghomeshi

(cSubject: Re: geminis

Date: October 29, 2004 at 12:35:37 PM Eastern Daylight Time

From: jiar

To: lucydecoutern

hi lucee,

i don’t really know if i’ll be around the gemini parties this year. i might wait a couple of

decades until i get nominated.

but i will be in toronto, i think, will be nice to see you. perhaps get plastered and prounce_.__l .._.J £_I. L:.L.. :

UL uuiiu iv iiiuuviiiiu yi uii riiia. Ifl puviii..

let me knowwh-en you know your-sched.



jian ghomeshiwonderboy entertainment inc.WWW.JIAN.CA

wonderboy office_cbc office direct

From: Lucy DeCoutere -

Reply—To: 1 -jDate: Fri1 290ct 2G041O4E23i -0400 (EDT)

ToHjian Ghomeshi —

Subject: geminis

Oh, G.

How’s it all sitting with you these days. Feels like a long time

since my last update from you. Hope you’re well.

Are you gonna party like a rock star at the G show this year?

I am working on a show which wraps on the 10th, gonna pack up all my

stuff and come to T.O. for a few days. Then going to Europe (to party

like a Euro Trash rock star) then back to Toronto for.. .well.. .a

while.I’d love to see you. Gonna be around?



Page 25: Emails Between Lucy DeCoutere and Jian Ghomeshi

FEB 05-L

‘—F’)Subject: hey

Date: November 30, 2004 at 10:06:47 AM Eastern Standard Time

From: Lucy DeCouten —

To: Jian Ghomeshi

I move into my new flat on Bathurst on Jan.7th when I get back fomEurope. And I promise to get a cell phone.

Do you know yet if you are gonna be at the Geminis?L to the Juicy

Post your free ad now! fi.tp/LpersonaIs.yahoo.ca

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Page 26: Emails Between Lucy DeCoutere and Jian Ghomeshi


Subject: lobby

Date: May 3, 2005 at 7:25:36 PM Eastern Daylight Time

From: Lucy DeCouter

To: jian ghomesh

last night was fun and everything, but i am not sure i would actuallyrock that place under ordinary circumstances.after you left i bumped into another ex-pat from NS who works at thetoronto star.all in all a great night

if you want to hang out give me a shout. my week is filling up butill just bet we can work something out.peacelucy416

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(c,Subject: Re: lobby

Date: May 9, 2005 at 11:53:07 PM Eastern Daylight Time

From: Lucy DeCoutere

To: jian

not really a fan of lobby either (too white) but had plans to meet achum who ended up not being able to make-it.early next week should be ok.shout me outId

jian wrote:no way. i don’t really like that place very much even though lastweek waskinda fun.sorry i didn’t get back to you last week. was in Winnipeg untilsaturday.let’s make a plan to get a drink, maybe early next week? (I’m busyuntillater in-the week and then in montreal).hope you’re well, lucee.


jian ghomeshiwonderboy entertainment inc.


wonderboy office

cbc office direct>

> From: Lucy DeCoutere

> Reply-To:> Date: Mon, 9 May 2005 15:50:23 -0400 (EDT)>To:jian_-> Subject: lobby>

>going-to-the lobby thing tonight?>


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Si .


back to where i once belonged

October 19, 2005 at 11:22:57 AM Eastern Daylight Time

Lucy DeCoutere

jian -


-FEB 0 5 2016O

C c?

i am coming back to toronto in a couple of weeks...and moving into aplace in riverdale.

thanks for introducing me to a great and sexy neighbourhood.

hope you are well. dan told me he bumped into you on a flight a fewdays ago.

talk soonlucee

Find your next car at http://autos.yahoo.ca

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Page 29: Emails Between Lucy DeCoutere and Jian Ghomeshi
Page 30: Emails Between Lucy DeCoutere and Jian Ghomeshi

Subject: Re: lucys new deets

Date: November 22, 2005 at 8:07:10 PM Eastern Standard Time

From: Lucy DeCouteref

To: Jian Ghomeshi— @CBC.CA>

planning to stay indefinately.the east is the place to be. for me, for now at least.lots of trees and, since i am not a native ‘torontoer’, i still findall the squirrels charming.so, lemme know when you want to hook up. I am doing stuff but wouldhappily use you as a procrastination technique.

416Jian Ghomeshi - @CBC.CA> wrote:

austin is a fine street. murray (fruvous) lived in that house or

! somethin. actually i think it was #57. anyway...can you stay therefor a while. i’m tired of getting these emails from you with newcoordinates.


jian ghomeshiThe NATIONAL PLAYLIST The HOUR I Documentary Specialscbc radio one I cbc newsworld cbc televisioncbc (direct line) -

wonderboy ent. -

>>>Lucy DeCoutere 11/21/05 1:39 PM >>>

> Gang,> I am finally wired and good to go on Toronto.> My address is Toronto On,>Callmeat4l6 -

> Lemme know howyou are doing, and please drop me line when youare> in town I-would really love to see you.> Take care,> Lucy

Find your next car at pJ/autos.yahoo.ca

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Page 31: Emails Between Lucy DeCoutere and Jian Ghomeshi

Saturday. June 9. 2007 at 9:40am EDT

Lucy DeCoutere wrote on your timeline.

happy birthday, dude. member that birthday time we went to the body shop ... in banif?

-f Z


Page 32: Emails Between Lucy DeCoutere and Jian Ghomeshi


@facebook.com Wednesday. September 8, 2010 at 5:50pm EDT

hey, remember when i came to see you in toronto and you dropped me off at the place i wascrashing...in the danforth? well, that was patchen barss place. he is a dear friend, and he isgonna be on your little radio show. nice.