[email protected] Introduction It is still today a common practice at NMS’s worldwide to use the uncorrected brightness temperature information from AVHRR IR imagery as a rough estimation of cloud top temperatures. For the optically thick clouds this estimation is in most cases acceptable. However, for pixels containing semi-transparent or fractional clouds (often representing a large fraction of cloudy pixels) this information is definitely misleading, yielding sometimes to quite a large underestimation of true cloud top heights. Within the Eumetsat Satellite Application Facility (SAF) project to support Nowcasting and Very Short Range Forecasting (NWCSAF) SMHI has developed algorithms and software to extract four cloud and precipitation products from AVHRR and AMSU/MHS data (see e.g. Dybbroe and Thoss, 2003). Here we present the algorithm to retrieve the cloud top temperature and height (CTTH) product, and attempts for an objective validation using ground based remote sensing. Adam Dybbroe #, Sauli Joro § , Aarno Korpela £ , and Anke Thoss # #: Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological institute (SMHI), S-60176 Norrköping, Sweden §:Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), P.O. BOX 503, Helsinki, Finland £: National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA), Private Bag 14901, Wellington, New Zealand References Derrien, M., Lavanant, L., and Le Gleau, H., 1988: Retrieval of the cloud top temperature of semi-transparent clouds with AVHRR. Proceedings of the IRS'88, Lille, France, pp. 199-202, Deepak Publ., Hampton. Dybbroe, A. and Thoss, A., 2003: Scientific user manual for the AVHRR/AMSU cloud and precipitation products of the SAFNWC/PPS. Available at http://www.smhi.se/saf. Inoue, T., 1985: On the temperature and effective emissivity determination of semi-transparent cirrus clouds by bi-spectral measurements in the 10 micron window region. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan 63 (1), pp. 88-98. Korpela, A., Dybbroe, A. and Thoss, A., 2001: Retrieving the Cloud Top Temperature and Height in Semi- transparent Cloudiness using AVHRR. NWCSAF Visiting Scientist report. SMHI Report series Meteorologi 100. Available at http://www.smhi.se/saf. The main outline of the CTTH retrieval applied to all cloudy pixels as given by the Cloud Type product (see Dybbroe and Thoss, 2003) is shown below. It consists of a pre-processing step which can be performed prior to satellite data acquisition, an algorithm for opaque and another for fractional and semi-transparent clouds: Cloudfree and cloudy TOA radiances and brightness temperatures are calculated for the AVHRR channel 4 and 5 applying the RTTOV radiative transfer model using temperature and humidity profiles taken from NWP (analysis or a short range forecast). The overcast simulation results are available for each pressure level given by RTTOV and are derived using an emissivity of one (black clouds). The radiance simulations are done on a coarse horizontal resolution (segments of high-resolution pixels). The segment size is configurable but should be chosen so as to be comparable to the grid resolution of the NWP model used. Retrieve the cloud top pressure or temperature depending on the cloud type: CTTH retrieval The objective validation of satellite derived cloud top height is a challenging task. Direct measurements require expensive observation campaigns using aircrafts, and are thus scarce. Earlier validation attempts using aircraft measurements were presented in Korpela et al. (2001). Data To objectively validate the CTTH retrieval we use data from a network of C- band weather radars over Finland (see figure 1 and table 1). Finnish rather than Swedish radar data are used mainly for two reasons: The Finnish radars are more sensitive, and a TOPS product is routinely derived and has been used operationally, i.e. by the Finnish Air Force, since the 1980’s. Validation For all pixels classified as opaque cloud: The cloud top pressure is derived from the best fit between the simulated and the measured T11. The simulated T11 from the segment closest in space to the given pixel is chosen. For all pixels classified as semi-transparent cirrus or fractional water cloud: A histogram technique based on the work of Derrien et al., (1988) and Inoue (1985) and detailed by Korpela et al (2001) is applied. Navigation info (AAPP satpos/ephe files) Extract on map- projected region Physiography NWP fields Compute solar/sat angles on map- projected region Extract on map- projected region (segment resolution) Determination of segment type: Fraction of land Mean elevation Mean solar/satellite angles on segment Cloudy and cloudfree IR RTM calculations Pre-processing Segment data: Atm. vertical profile Cloudy TOA radiances Cloudfree TOA radiances Segment description HDF5 Compute cloud top temperature and height for opaque clouds Real time processing – step 1 Extract on map- projected region AVHRR data (AAPP level 1b) HDF5 Remapped AVHRR on region Compute cloud top temperature for semi- transparent and broken clouds Real time processing – step 2 HDF5 CTTH product Cloud Top Temperature Cloud Top Height Cloud Top Pressure Processing/quality flags HDF5 CTTH product (semi- transparent and broken clouds only) Derive cloud top height and pressure from temperature HDF5 CTTH product (opaque clouds only) Merge with opaque results HDF5 Cloud Type on region HDF5 Remapped AVHRR on region HDF5 Remapped Physiography on region HDF5 Cloud Type on region Summary and future work Retrieve the cloud top height and temperature from the pressure for the opaque cloud pixels and retrieve the cloud top height and pressure from the temperature for the semi-transparent cirrus and fractional water cloud pixels. Histogram method The technique to derive the top temperature of semi- transparent and broken clouds use two-dimensional histograms of AVHRR channel 4 and 5 composed over the larger segments. A thermodynamic cloud top temperature valid for all broken and thin clouds inside the segment is derived. ) ( ) )( ( 4 , 5 , 4 4 , 4 4 5 4 s s c s T T T T T T The above equation describes an arch as displayed in the two-dimensional histogram to the right. Least squares fitting solves for T c and ß using RTM calculations for T s =T s,4 and d s =T s,5 -T s,4 : s s c c s c s c c s c Tc T T x T T T T T x T T T x p x y ) ( ) , ( using and where ) , , , ( s s c T T p c i s c i i T T T T , Cloudfree Sea Semi-transparent Cloudfree land Opaque Solving for land and sea: Land Sea Assumptions: Single layered cloudiness Constant α throughout cloud layer Tb depends linearly on radiance No atmospheric absorption Local thermodynamic equilibrium β=α5/α4 α i : absorption coefficient at channel i σ 4 : transmittance at channel 4 T s : Surface temp T c : CTT T i : Tb at channel i T s,i : Cloud free Tb at channel i Figure 2: NOAA 17 scene (orbit 4590) received at Norrköping 10:47 UTC May 13, 2003, covering Finland. RGB composite using channel 13a4 (left), Cloud type (middle) and an image of the height of the CTTH product (right). The red box outlines the area around the Radar site at Utajärvi shown in greater detail in figure 3. Figure 3: Close-up of the area outlined in figure 2. From left to right: channel 13a4 RGB, channel 3a45 RGB, Cloud Type, and an image of the height of the CTTH product. The cloud top heights inside the small red box derived from both satellite and radar is shown in figure 4. The cloud field inside the box seem to consist of a layer of cirrus with decreasing opacity to the east overlaying some lower level clouds. The box is within the -10 dBZ range. Figure 4: Cloud top height from Satellite and radar using the radar thresholds -5dBZ (left) and -10 dBZ (right). Good agreements are found for the opaque clouds (secondary maximum) using the -5 dBZ threshold, and for the thin cirrus (bias=400m) using the -10 dBZ threshold. Table 1: For each radar: Location, sensitivity (minumum detectable signal at 1km – Z 1km ), maximum elevation angle ( max ), minimum detectable range (rmin), and maximum detectable ranges at the thresholds -5dbZ and -10 dbZ (r -5 and r -10 ). Figure 1: Satellite image with location of weather radar sites superimposed. The green circles show for each radar the detectable ranges given in table 1. The smallest is rmin and the last is r -5 . Only in the case of Utajärvi also the r -10 (middle circle) is shown. 52 29 28 20 -39.31 24.873 60.271 Vantaa 99 56 10 45 -44.94 26.322 64.774 Utajärvi 50 28 28 20 -39.06 26.901 67.139 Luosto 68 38 28 20 -41.69 27.385 62.862 Kuopio 74 42 28 20 -42.38 23.080 61.767 Ikaalinen 52 29 28 20 -39.25 27.109 60.904 Anjalankoski r -5 (km) r -10 (km) r min (km) max (deg) Z 1km (dbZ) Lon Lat Radar site ITSC-XIII Montreal 2003 Non-processed Cloudfree land Cloudfree sea Snow contaminated land Snow contaminated sea Very low clouds - stratiform Very low clouds - cumiliform Low - stratiform Low - cumiliform Medium level - stratiform Medium level - cumiliform High opaque - stratiform High opaque - cumiliform Very high opaque - stratiform Very high opaque - cumiliform Very thin cirrus Thin cirrus Thick cirrus Cirrus above lower level clouds Fractional clouds Undefined 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 km The TOPS product gives for each pixel the height of the highest occurrence of a dBZ contour. When the appropriate (configurable) threshold value is selected the TOPS algorithm makes a downward search at constant range in cylindrical coordinates to determine when the threshold is crossed and a cloud top height is derived from interpolation. From measurements by the Finnish Air Force a threshold value of -10 dBZ has proved to give reliable top heights of “raining clouds”, when the cloud top mainly consist of ice particles. In this study we use collocated radar/satellite data of April and May 2003. Example Cloud Type Height An operational AVHRR Cloud Top Temperature/Height retrieval for the Eumetsat SAF’s has been introduced, and a validation approach using weather radar data and an example of the results is presented. This particular example showed fairly good agreement between radar and satellite, but this is far from always the case. Sometimes the opaque and semi-transparent satellite retrievals give results further apart from each other than shown in this example, and also the radar may provide more than one solution. Furthermore the appropriate dBZ threshold (the -10 dBZ is said to apply for “raining clouds”) is likely to depend on the cloud type. Two months of co-located data shall be analysed in details and summary statistics generated.

[email protected] Adam Dybbroe Sauli Joro Korpela

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Page 1: [email protected] Adam Dybbroe Sauli Joro Korpela

[email protected]

IntroductionIt is still today a common practice at NMS’s worldwide to use theuncorrected brightness temperature information from AVHRR IRimagery as a rough estimation of cloud top temperatures. For theoptically thick clouds this estimation is in most cases acceptable.However, for pixels containing semi-transparent or fractionalclouds (often representing a large fraction of cloudy pixels) thisinformation is definitely misleading, yielding sometimes to quitea large underestimation of true cloud top heights.Within the Eumetsat Satellite Application Facility (SAF) project tosupport Nowcasting and Very Short Range Forecasting (NWCSAF)SMHI has developed algorithms and software to extract four cloudand precipitation products from AVHRR and AMSU/MHS data (seee.g. Dybbroe and Thoss, 2003). Here we present the algorithm toretrieve the cloud top temperature and height (CTTH) product,and attempts for an objective validation using ground basedremote sensing.

Adam Dybbroe#, Sauli Joro§, AarnoKorpela£, and Anke Thoss#

#: Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological institute(SMHI), S-60176 Norrköping, Sweden

§:Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), P.O. BOX 503,Helsinki, Finland

£: National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research(NIWA), Private Bag 14901, Wellington, New Zealand

ReferencesDerrien, M., Lavanant, L., and Le Gleau, H., 1988: Retrieval of the cloud top temperature of semi-transparentclouds with AVHRR. Proceedings of the IRS'88, Lille, France, pp. 199-202, Deepak Publ., Hampton.Dybbroe, A. and Thoss, A., 2003: Scientific user manual for the AVHRR/AMSU cloud and precipitationproducts of the SAFNWC/PPS. Available at http://www.smhi.se/saf.Inoue, T., 1985: On the temperature and effective emissivity determination of semi-transparent cirrus cloudsby bi-spectral measurements in the 10 micron window region. Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan63 (1), pp. 88-98.Korpela, A., Dybbroe, A. and Thoss, A., 2001: Retrieving the Cloud Top Temperature and Height in Semi-transparent Cloudiness using AVHRR. NWCSAF Visiting Scientist report. SMHI Report series Meteorologi 100.Available at http://www.smhi.se/saf.

The main outline of the CTTH retrieval applied to all cloudy pixels asgiven by the Cloud Type product (see Dybbroe and Thoss, 2003) isshown below. It consists of a pre-processing step which can beperformed prior to satellite data acquisition, an algorithm foropaque and another for fractional and semi-transparent clouds:� Cloudfree and cloudy TOA radiances and brightness temperaturesare calculated for the AVHRR channel 4 and 5 applying the RTTOVradiative transfer model using temperature and humidity profilestaken from NWP (analysis or a short range forecast). The overcastsimulation results are available for each pressure level given byRTTOV and are derived using an emissivity of one (black clouds).The radiance simulations are done on a coarse horizontal resolution(segments of high-resolution pixels). The segment size isconfigurable but should be chosen so as to be comparable to thegrid resolution of the NWP model used.� Retrieve the cloud top pressure or temperature depending on thecloud type:

CTTH retrieval

The objective validation of satellite derived cloud top height is achallenging task. Direct measurements require expensive observationcampaigns using aircrafts, and are thus scarce. Earlier validation attemptsusing aircraft measurements were presented in Korpela et al. (2001).

DataTo objectively validate the CTTH retrieval we use data from a network of C-band weather radars over Finland (see figure 1 and table 1). Finnish ratherthan Swedish radar data are used mainly for two reasons: The Finnishradars are more sensitive, and a TOPS product is routinely derived and hasbeen used operationally, i.e. by the Finnish Air Force, since the 1980’s.


� For all pixels classified as opaque cloud: The cloud toppressure is derived from the best fit between the simulated andthe measured T11. The simulated T11 from the segment closestin space to the given pixel is chosen.

� For all pixels classified as semi-transparent cirrus or fractionalwater cloud: A histogram technique based on the work ofDerrien et al., (1988) and Inoue (1985) and detailed by Korpelaet al (2001) is applied.

Navigation info(AAPP satpos/ephe


Extract on map-projected regionPhysiography

NWP fields

Compute solar/satangles on map-projected region

Extract on map-projected region(segment resolution)

Determination ofsegment type:� Fraction of land� Mean elevation� Mean solar/satellite angles on segment

Cloudy and cloudfree IRRTM calculations

Pre-processingSegment data:

� Atm. vertical profile� Cloudy TOA radiances� Cloudfree TOA radiances� Segment description


Compute cloud toptemperature and height

for opaque clouds

Real time processing – step 1

Extract on map-projected region

AVHRR data(AAPP level 1b)


Remapped AVHRR onregion

Compute cloud toptemperature for semi-transparent and broken


Real timeprocessing – step 2


CTTH product� Cloud Top Temperature� Cloud Top Height� Cloud Top Pressure� Processing/quality flags


CTTH product (semi-transparent and broken

clouds only)

Derive cloud top heightand pressure from



CTTH product (opaqueclouds only) Merge with

opaque results


Cloud Type onregion


Remapped AVHRR onregion


RemappedPhysiography on



Cloud Type onregion

Summary and future work

� Retrieve the cloud top height and temperaturefrom the pressure for the opaque cloud pixels andretrieve the cloud top height and pressure fromthe temperature for the semi-transparent cirrusand fractional water cloud pixels.

Histogram methodThe technique to derive the top temperature of semi-transparent and broken clouds use two-dimensional histogramsof AVHRR channel 4 and 5 composed over the larger segments.A thermodynamic cloud top temperature valid for all broken andthin clouds inside the segment is derived.

)())(( 4,5,44,4454 sscs TTTTTT ������


The above equation describes an arch asdisplayed in the two-dimensionalhistogram to the right. Least squaresfitting solves for Tc and ß using RTMcalculations for Ts=Ts,4 and ds=Ts,5-Ts,4:









TTTxpxy �









�� )(),(

using and where ),,,( ssc TTp �����




cii TT



�Cloudfree Sea Semi-transparentCloudfree land Opaque

Solving for land and sea:

Land Sea

Assumptions:• Single layered cloudiness• Constant α throughout cloud layer• Tb depends linearly on radiance• No atmospheric absorption• Local thermodynamic equilibrium

β=α5/α4αi: absorption coefficient at channel iσ4: transmittance at channel 4Ts: Surface tempTc: CTTTi: Tb at channel iTs,i: Cloud free Tb at channel i

Figure 2: NOAA 17 scene (orbit 4590) received at Norrköping 10:47 UTCMay 13, 2003, covering Finland. RGB composite using channel 13a4(left), Cloud type (middle) and an image of the height of the CTTHproduct (right). The red box outlines the area around the Radar site atUtajärvi shown in greater detail in figure 3.

Figure 3: Close-up of the area outlined in figure 2. From left to right:channel 13a4 RGB, channel 3a45 RGB, Cloud Type, and an image of theheight of the CTTH product. The cloud top heights inside the small redbox derived from both satellite and radar is shown in figure 4. Thecloud field inside the box seem to consist of a layer of cirrus withdecreasing opacity to the east overlaying some lower level clouds. Thebox is within the -10 dBZ range.

Figure 4: Cloud top height from Satellite and radar using the radar thresholds -5dBZ(left) and -10 dBZ (right). Good agreements are found for the opaque clouds(secondary maximum) using the -5 dBZ threshold, and for the thin cirrus(bias=400m) using the -10 dBZ threshold.

Table 1: For each radar: Location, sensitivity (minumum detectable signal at 1km– Z1km), maximum elevation angle (�max), minimum detectable range (rmin), andmaximum detectable ranges at the thresholds -5dbZ and -10 dbZ (r-5 and r-10).

Figure 1: Satellite image with location ofweather radar sites superimposed. The greencircles show for each radar the detectableranges given in table 1. The smallest is rminand the last is r-5. Only in the case of Utajärvialso the r-10 (middle circle) is shown.



r-5 (km)r-10 (km)rmin (km)�max (deg)Z1km (dbZ)LonLatRadar site





l 200


Non-processedCloudfree landCloudfree sea

Snow contaminated landSnow contaminated sea

Very low clouds - stratiformVery low clouds - cumiliform

Low - stratiformLow - cumiliform

Medium level - stratiformMedium level - cumiliform

High opaque - stratiformHigh opaque - cumiliform

Very high opaque - stratiformVery high opaque - cumiliform

Very thin cirrusThin cirrus

Thick cirrusCirrus above lower level clouds

Fractional cloudsUndefined 0









9 km

The TOPS product gives for each pixel the height of the highest occurrenceof a dBZ contour. When the appropriate (configurable) threshold value isselected the TOPS algorithm makes a downward search at constant rangein cylindrical coordinates to determine when the threshold is crossed and acloud top height is derived from interpolation.From measurements by the Finnish Air Force a threshold value of -10 dBZhas proved to give reliable top heights of “raining clouds”, when the cloudtop mainly consist of ice particles.In this study we use collocated radar/satellite data of April and May 2003.


Cloud Type Height

An operational AVHRR Cloud Top Temperature/Height retrieval for the EumetsatSAF’s has been introduced, and a validation approach using weather radar data andan example of the results is presented. This particular example showed fairly goodagreement between radar and satellite, but this is far from always the case.Sometimes the opaque and semi-transparent satellite retrievals give results furtherapart from each other than shown in this example, and also the radar may providemore than one solution. Furthermore the appropriate dBZ threshold (the -10 dBZ issaid to apply for “raining clouds”) is likely to depend on the cloud type. Two monthsof co-located data shall be analysed in details and summary statistics generated.