Email deliverability; How to get your email in the inbox

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  • 7/30/2019 Email deliverability; How to get your email in the inbox


    March 2011

    Under the skin ofemail deliverability

  • 7/30/2019 Email deliverability; How to get your email in the inbox


  • 7/30/2019 Email deliverability; How to get your email in the inbox



    About this document

    Executive summary

    Steps to improve deliverability



    Buildyourreputationslowly 9

    Content 10-11

    Frequencyofmessage 12


    Blacklists 16

    Authentication 17

    Monitor 18

    Further reading and useful links


  • 7/30/2019 Email deliverability; How to get your email in the inbox



    Intro paragraph


  • 7/30/2019 Email deliverability; How to get your email in the inbox



    About this document

    However, despite there being numerous documents on the subject in the marketplace, they are generally highlytechnical and arent necessarily marketing-friendly. My intention with this paper is to produce a document forthe marketing professional who has a limited understanding of technical jargon.


    Email deliverability is a hugely complicated topic.Its a subject that is pretty complex and can ll many with fear and dread.

    About t he aut hor


  • 7/30/2019 Email deliverability; How to get your email in the inbox


    The primary reason for this change is the massive volume of spamthat Internet Service Providers (ISPs) have to deal with on a daily basis.According to the most recent McAfee Quarterly Threat Report(1), thereare approximately 130 billion spam messages broadcast every day. Thedifculty for ISPs is that they have to try and identify and eliminatethis spam activity without damaging permitted email broadcasts.

    When 90% of all email is spam then they really do have quite a jobon their hands if they want to keep one step ahead of the spammers.If there is any doubt as to the legitimacy of your email messages then

    you are going to be treated as spam. You cant blame them can you?

    In todays email marketing landscape the key factor that determineswhether or not your email messages reach their intended target is yourSender Reputation. Like a credit score, your sender reputation is anindication of the trustworthiness of your email source. Your reputationis determined by several factors such as the volume of email, the

    number of complaints you receive and the number of bouncebacks.

    When I rst arrived in the industry 5 years ago, the issue of email deliverability was a relatively simpleone. If you managed to avoidspam words such as Free and Sale then you could generally guarantee adelivered message. However, over the course of the last 5 years, the measures and factors that inuenceemail deliverability have changed signicantly... and they continue to do so.

    Executive Summary

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    I have outlined a number of must-dos that if applied should go a longaway to improving your email deliverability. However, these simplesteps require the support and co-operation of all the departmentsinvolved with your email programme; the IT department, yourdesigner, your copywriting team, your data department and themarketing department. They should all be accountable for your emaildeliverability record. Your email service provider (ESP) should then betasked with monitoring your reputation and deliverability ratings.








  • 7/30/2019 Email deliverability; How to get your email in the inbox



    Intro paragraph


    The number of complaints it takes to affect the reputation of an IPaddress is a closely guarded secret, as is the frequency in which ISPschange these rules. However, America Online recommends that youshould be looking to keep complaints below one per 1,000 delivered

    messages. If you were to exceed this amount, and ignoring otherfactors, you could be looking at your emails either being ltered orblocked altogether.

    Throughout this document I detail several reasons as to why recipientsof your email programme might feel the need to mark your email asjunk and recommend ways in which you can avoid this unwantedaction happening to your email programme.

    Your sender reputation is greatly inuenced by spam complaints; so much so thatthis alone can determine whether your email message is delivered or not.

    The must-do steps

    SpAM CoMpLAInTS1

    Htmail:You can mark your emails as junk oreven as unsafe.

    Yah:You can mark your emails as spam.

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    A costly but, in my view, vital step for ensuring that your reputationis of a good standard is to refrain from sharing an IP address acrossmultiple brands and/or departments. When you share an IP address

    with other departments you are then relying on them to deploy thehighest standard of best practice. If other departments were to fallfoul of an ISP then the consequences would not only be dire for theperpetrator/s but you would also suffer the same consequences, suchas having your emails junked, ltered or blocked.

    By having your own IP address you are solely responsible for yourown destiny and youre not relying on other departments toshowcase those same levels of best practice.

    ReturnPath have reported that 77% of delivery problems were based on reputation(2).So, given the importance of reputation, I would advise that the necessary investmentis made to ensure that your reputation is solid.



    If you nd yourself with a new IP address not to try too much toosoon, as ISPs prefer for new reputations to be built gradually overtime. This can be achieved by sending small batches of emails andgradually building the distribution volume up over the course ofthree to four weeks.

    Your sender reputation is not transferable, if you have had a fantastic reputation in thepast that counts for nothing when you start afresh with a new IP address.


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    Intro paragraph



    Spam lters monitor email content for incorrect or non-standard code,spammy content and a whole host of other factors. Emails are in factgiven scores by ISPs and it is believed by many that if you have scored4 points or more then you stand a good chance that your message will

    be junked, blocked or delayed (4).

    There are many ways of checking your email templates before distribution:

    You can check how your email renders by sending it through anHTML validator or spam content checker such as Litmus (see below)or Campaign Monitor.

    Use Litmus to check how your email renders.

    It is also recommended you view your emails on a number ofdiffering web browsers, i.e. Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer.

    Id advise you set up dummy email accounts with Hotmail, Gmail,Live, Yahoo etc..., so you can closely monitor rst-hand how youremail messages render.

    Although email content isnt regarded as being as inuential as it once was, it is stillvery much a factor that needs to be considered and closely monitored (3).

    The must-do steps (continued)


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    If you are experiencing problems with how your emails are renderingthen you should look at the way in which you build your emails.For example, if your email is being designed with the assistance ofa design programme such as Dreamweaver or Frontpage then youremail might contain dirty html code, which will almost certainly becausing you problems. Why not build your emails by hand withoutthe support from such programmes.

    It is estimated that 50% of consumers have their images turnedoff by default so it is recommended that you dont design yourmessages with an over-reliance on images. The image/HTML ratioshould be considered carefully from a deliverability perspective butequally it should be implemented from a customer experience pointof view. If customers are struggling to view your emails content thenthey may well unsubscribe or even click spam complaints.

    Be careful when structuring your subject headers as overly aggressivemessages could generate a high complaint rate. Avoid all-caps,exclamation marks and what might be regarded as spammy words.Consider using your brand name in your subject header as its

    recognisable to the consumer and therefore generatesconsumer condence.

    Another key point when it comes to content is its relevancy. It isdangerous for businesses and retailers to take their subscribed emaillist for granted by sending messages that they havent necessarilysubscribed to. For example, if a customer has subscribed to a fashionrelated email programme but they then begin receiving emailspromoting nancial services - this course of action could lead to anincreased complaint rate. Do not to partake in sharing data acrossdiffering brands as although this might be viewed within a businessas being an effective method of stretching resources it could beviewed by a customer as being very confusing and again couldtrigger a complaint.

    (3) DMA; Deliverability White Paper Review

    (4) Silverpop; Email Delivery Rates above 95%: 16 Must do to make it happen, 2009.

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    Intro paragraph



    Although I dont advocate a haphazard blast approach I do believethat email frequency should be pushed as high as possible. The

    decision on how frequent you should be emailing your customersshould be based on several factors such as the relationship you havewith the customer, seasonality, product range, email content and yoursign up promise.

    If you do decide test the frequency in which you contact yourcustomers then it is absolutely critical that your open, click,unsubscription and complaint rates are monitored rigorously. If youremail programme does experience an increase in unsubscribes orcomplaints then it is a fair assumption that you are contacting yourcustomer too frequently.

    I would also advise that if you were to test your frequency levels,which I very much recommend you do, then you dont make radicalchanges immediately and instead you ramp up the frequencyslowly. According to a JupiterResearch study (5), 40% of consumersunsubscribe from email programmes because emails are sent toooften. This is quite a damning statistic, especially given that 26% ofconsumers unsubscribe by clicking the report spam button, due to nottrusting the unsubscribe link. This will ultimately lead to an increasein spam complaints, therefore your frequency of message needs to bemonitored closely.

    Establishing the right frequency of marketing message has always been an issue thathas generated much debate amongst email marketers. Given the relatively low costsassociated with email and the relative ease of email production there has always beenthe temptation to blast customers with messages as often as possible.

    The must-do steps (continued)


    (5) David Daniels, Vice President, JupiterResearch, December 2007

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    It is certainly good practice for your data list to be screened on a

    regular basis to identify poor data and its a good idea to screen yourlist prior to it being used for the rst time.

    Things to look out for:

    Duplicate addresses

    Junk entries ([email protected])

    Common mis-spellings (hotmial instead of hotmail)

    Irrelevant addresses (foreign addresses for a UK campaign)

    The quality of your data can often be improved at the source byintroducing a double opt in function, as this will almost certainly

    eradicate mis-spelling or mistakes when email addresses arebeing inputted.

    Good list hygiene is absolutely crucial as a dirty list will undoubtedly cause yousignicant problems when it comes to your sender reputation and, ultimately, youremail deliverability.


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    Intro paragraph



    The must-do steps (continued)


    1. Heyts

    Spammers often look to compile email lists by roamingthe web looking for any email addresses that are listed onwebsites. If they nd one, they copy the address and put it

    on their list. This process is known as email addressharvesting and is usually automated using special addressharvesting software.


    It is recommended that a bounceback management process beintroduced to any email programme. This will indentify and processany email addresses that soft or hard bounce.

    If you experience a hard bounce (i.e. failed delivery of an email due to apermanent reason) then they should be removed from your data list assoon as they are identied.

    However, a more relaxed approach should be applied when dealingwith soft bounces as immediate expulsion is too severe, given thepossible reasons for a soft bounce (bounces back due to a fault orunavailability of space in the users inbox). For example, you maydecide that you remove an address after it has received ve softbounceback notications over the course of a 60 day period.

    SpAM TRApS

    Spam traps are email addresses that have been created or re-activated

    not for communication but to lure spam. They are to be avoided at allcosts, as if you fall foul; its a clear indication that you are managing

    your data in an inappropriate fashion.

    There are two types of spam traps that are to be avoided:

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    (5) David Daniels, Vice President, JupiterResearch, December 2007


    An area that is becoming more and more important is the

    issue of non-engagement. ISPs take a dim view of emailbroadcasters who persist in sending email messages tonon-responding email addresses. It is recommended thata dedicated re-engagement programme be implementedto look at re-engaging email addresses that haventopened an email for an agreed period.

    It is not known what level of non-engagement triggersISPs to act.

    Some organisations involved in tackling spam put specicemail addresses on a website for the sole purpose ofattracting harvesting software.

    These addresses are never used for any other purpose. Theyare merely listed on a web page in such a way that no

    human would ever discover them or seek to send an emailto them. Any email sent to a honeypot addresses must, bydenition, be spam. The address owner never added the emailvoluntarily to any email list: they just put it up on a website.So it must have been harvested by a spammer and addedwithout permission to a mailing list.

    2. Drmat addresses

    Email accounts often fall into disuse. They are abandonedby their owners or shut down - as a result the account is

    unable to receive email. Legitimate senders of email willstop sending messages to such addresses. They notice a deadaddress and remove it from their system. Spammers will justkeep on sending regardless.

    So some organisations (like webmail services) will takedead email accounts and, after a suitable period of time haselapsed, re-activate them for the purpose oftrapping spammers.

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    Intro paragraph



    The must-do steps (continued)

    There are hundreds of blacklists in operation but some are more

    inuential than others. For example, Spamhaus, Spamcop and MAPS(Mail Abuse Prevention Centre) are all considered to be hugelyinuential and are used by the major ISPs.

    It is increasingly easy to establish if you have fallen foul of an emailblacklist as there are many websites that provide a quick way ofchecking if you have indeed been listed.

    If you have been listed then it isnt necessarily the end for your emailprogramme, as although its clearly bad news the problem is rectiable.It is possible to contact the blacklist owners to try and have the listing

    removed. Blacklist owners will generally provide information on theirsite to detail the de-listing process, but generally it will involvere-assurance that the offence wont happen again and evidence that agood level of best practice is being carried out in relation to theemail programme.

    If you fall foul of spam traps or if ISPs receive complaints about your emailprogramme you are then in real danger of being blacklisted. As the name suggests,a blacklist is a list or database of IP addresses that are viewed as being spammers.The lists can be populated through consumer complaints but are just as likely to bepopulated independently of consumer feedback. ISPs subscribe to these blacklistdatabases in order to lter out spam sent across their network or to the subscribers.


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    One way of ensuring that your emails are authenticated is to add somecode within the email header. In basic terms it acts as a signature thataligns your email to your domain address. The name of this code is theDomain Keys Identied Mail (DKIM). Incorporating this code within

    your email template should see the ISP accept the email, if it cansuccessfully identify the code as being legitimate.


    DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256;; s=brisbane;

    Another way of helping to ensure that your emails are authenticatedis by running them through a validation system called a Sender ID /or

    Sender Policy Framework (SPF). In very basic terms a SPF allows youto form a record of hosts that are allowed to distribute emails from aparticular domain.

    Ensuring that your emails are authenticated via SPF and DKIM isgenerally the responsibility of your ESP.

    Increasing numbers of spammers have been adopting the identities of legitimatedomain owners in an attempt of getting their emails delivered to their intendedtargets. Therefore, it is essential for the various parties who partake in emaildistribution to have a way of identifying whether the email has been sent by the partythat it is claiming to be.


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    The must-do steps (continued)

    Keep track of the following performance indicators;

    Hard bounces

    Spam complaints Unsubscribes

    Blacklists that youve been added to

    Inbox delivery rate by ISP (i.e. Hotmail)

    In addition it would also be advisable if you were able to trackperformance via email type (newsletter, promotional, services), timing(season, day of week), frequency (increased or decreased activity) andperhaps even content and style.

    The monitoring of your email programme doesnt necessarily need

    to be something that you carry out in isolation as there are servicesavailable that can help with this process. Many ISPs use feedbackloops, which are used to notify email senders when they hit anunknown complaint rate.

    ISPs are constantly reviewing their rules around deliverability as they have to keepone step ahead of the spammers. It is therefore imperative that you are constantlymonitoring your performance when it comes to your sender reputation anddeliverability rates.


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    N N N N

    Delivered Opened Clicked Ordered

    Y Y Y Y

    oe rate Click rate, usubscribe rate, cmlaits rder rate, custmer behaviur

    Engagement monitoring

    Data Management

    Hard buces, sft buces,ibx mitri

    Key performance indicators

    Heat map analysis

    Web analysis

  • 7/30/2019 Email deliverability; How to get your email in the inbox



    There is no doubt that the subject of email deliverability is one that requires a greatdegree of attention, as ISPs and their lters become more and more sophisticated inghting the good ght against spammers. However, the good news is that you cancontrol your email deliverability by investing the right amount of time and resource toits continued management.

    Each of the factors that I have highlighted in this document all impact yourreputation and ultimately your email deliverability, but it isnt known as to how these

    factors rank in importance. For example, is it more important to steer away fromusing spam words in your subject header than it is to limit your email interaction withnon-engaged email addresses? No one knows, apart from the guardians of the inbox the ISPs.


    Returnpath -

    Goodmail -

    Email marketing Council blog - -

    MarketingSherpa -

    Further reading and useful links

  • 7/30/2019 Email deliverability; How to get your email in the inbox


  • 7/30/2019 Email deliverability; How to get your email in the inbox
