V: _ '{3 ELMORE COUNTY REPUBLICAN NUMBER 1. MOUNTAIN HOME, IDAHO, SATURDAY, OCTOBER, 4, 1913. VOLUME 25. INFANT CHILD FATALLY BURNED ******** * * * * PASSES TO THE GREAT BEYOND SCHOOL NOTES Be A. Booster Ernest Coats and Hill Ottenhelmer entered high school Monday. Ready Money,was the topic of a magazine article which was review- ed by Mr. Monroe before the high jj. hool ass rnbly, Tuesday morning. Harry Isaacs ims withdrawn from hljh school, temporarily. Glenn Beaman entered the third and M.\rl Beaman the seventh grade this week. Mrs J. \V. Cudwell vis ted t'ie six.h grade and Mrs. B. B. Swann the sec- ond grade, the first of the week. Doctors, please take notice; Boot jail pra ties will begin next week. The enro lment of the high school has increas d one seventh since the d rst week, the total number now be- ing eighty. The big s bool program is made up o" thirty-two wide-awake and lu- te eslng class a, any or all of which wo Id be greatly pleased to have natrons visit, and see for themselves he work that is being carried on by noth pupil and teacher. The Mountain Hom^ Art Exhibit which occupied approximately 250 s mure feet of a side wall In the art rail at the State Fair grounds, drew a gr at deal of attention. This ex Dibit was made up of water color s eehrs made by pupils from the rl i ary through the high school, bu lid not receive a prize because It was entered as a s diool exhibit in jompetilion with professional work. The fire drill of Wednesday nuini- ng was the cause of great exclte- uent, beth among the pupils and thf ■it z, ns of the town in general. All up 1s were out of the building In il s cnndp and the firemen had as cend d the f re escape and were on t e rcof wi'h a good force of water il less than three minutes from the time the alarm was given. A new nc tat on room has been opened in the basement of the old part (f the school building, which at pre ei.t looks somewhat dilapidated, hut when iepaired, will make a very leas ng r oom for recitation. A selection from the opera Lucia, and Schuberts Moonlight Serenade were very pleasingly presented by Mr. Monroe on the saxophone, accom- ian ed by Aslon Peake at the piano, Th rsday morning before the high s ho 1 assembly. An appalling accident resulting fa- tally, occurred Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lahaie, when their three year old daughter, Josephine, was dreadiuliy burned while playing n the sage brush near her home, he children had In some manner red some matches and pet fire to the brush, the little one getting near enough so that her clothes caught and beore help arrived was so adly burned that she died Friday at four oclock after suffering intense agony for 24 huors. The mothers hands were severely though not .seriously burned trying to ue ,ch the fire surrounding her lit le one. Baby Joe >ph!ne is survived by her aren s tv\o s'steis and four brothers. The funeral Is beng held this after- noon from the home aud Interment uade In Mountain Home cemetery. The family have the sympathy of the entire community in the loss of a loved one. MRS. JOHN CRUTCHFIELD With life seemingly hanging by a slender thread for several months, th* end came Wednesday morning at six o'clock, nd Mrs. Ilaattie E., wife of John E. Crutchfield, left "all that is mortal,and passed Into the eter- nal realities. Born in Clark county, Illinois, Feb- ruary 19, 1971, she d ed October 1st, 1913, in middle life, 42 yearp, 7 months and 10 days of age. Though the home has been In Je- rome recently, for many years Mr. and Mrs. Crutchfield were residents of Mountain Home, where they are so well and favorably known, mother, Mrs. Rachel Stanfield, living here in Mountain Home, Mrs. Crutch- field was brought there May 29, and there lived her last day, all being done that repeated consultation of doctors could not restore to life. The deceased was the only living child of Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan M. Stanfied, the father having preced- ed her In 1899. Besdcs the husband and mother, sbe leaves three children, Mrs. Edna Mae West, of Jerome and Charles and Wil iam Crutchfield, also an uncle, Jamep B. Staniield, of Moun- tain Home. A professed Christian for 22 yearB, she had the great satisfaction of having with her as members of the church her husband and all three ol her children. The family were all mernb rs of the Baptist church of Mountain Home. It was the natural consummation of such a Chris.ian personal and family life that on the morning of her de- parture at four o'clock she should call around her death bed her loved ones and herself pray for them and exh r. t em to meet her again. Three weekB ago Saturday night when she was thought near the end pi e dd the sam , and with her pas- ter's wife sang that soul song, Nearer My God to Thee." Funeral servlets were held at the Bap 1st church Thu;sday afternoon, at 2:30 oclock, and in the absence of the pastor, Rev. John A. Peake, who was at the state Baptist confer- ence, Rev. C. E. Mason of the Con- gregational church conduct the services. Adits* 7* out Of WUK.IR AT LAST! ___ «• / . '-JT. ~~r~' f l * -> 1~ 4 \ el v 'A \ V, / Vv i il- (We TtR HUrMJLO' » V / i / ft / / X A f, / nag \Y1 \ i / ' SUMS TO ME SOKlBOtW'j A D0»*3 SOMETHING / ; a (• / / i 7 ' m Her m. V ' \ w \ 700HT FEEL OVtfO SAFE MTJtlf THIS, TRIP! L / 1 s m m t ! I ~~ I h i Mh, (into the ' 5FV3E WWSHi FOR JJ m i i i 'nothin' NOR N0ftO(W&] Anr COOO IH THIi / BURC, AHtWAV ! / I FIRE BOY8 MEET At a meeting of the Fire Boys Mo day evening with Chief Hend- .1 ks In the chair, the following rou- tine of b siness was transacted: E ght members having left the city, th ir names were taken from the roll; uilnut s were read and approved; two low members, Joe Hinton and Ralph I ihii8on, were e ected; a committee it three, James Weed, Geo. Burke and Mr. Helgren were appointed to present schem>' to c uncil to fix fire alarm bell; resolution fixing salary of engineer to take care of fire engine, at s x dollars, pass d; chief and as- s slant instructed to consult with Shoshone company as to cut-off at s hool building and chief was also ins ructed to locate a place for Company No. 1. The boyp are also In communication as to a whistle alarm. Tills was an altogether profitable me. tl g and the boys deserve much credit for Interest shown In work d me by the companies. A: \ > ■Y- -V \ ij r k-?CK Y V f V A1'',*x ' Hbr. fA .V I Vo / 1 I u -<€' A C# r*j -7', ■•Yjk It t i . r v#.r W/y r*i A « I, ^5 Jr~/- 1 / k'"' 7si r%4 \\ O Z\ III [eVfRf&ODti \ Doin'it - ooiNj kn! L \ / ■tS J a ' / m :'a /' ittij c [OUCH < ifi \ 1 Lc ' * ^ ff (f ,/M V ■i'f. V :rY%, ':t!u - >*V" \ w iTiy V (I •?, 'Y i j 7 ^ _ FIRE TE8T ALARM A f're test alarm wap given Wed' nesday at 10 a. m. when both the fire boys and school pupils gave evidence of excellent training by prompt and active work. Hose company No. 1 responded with Cominipsioner Johnsons team hauling hose cart In a run to the school building where the boys had tl e hose to the top of the building as ending by the fire escapee and waer turned on in less than three m nu'ep from the time the alarm was sounded, which was also given simultaneously with one In the bulld- 1 ig whch was vacated by pupils and te ichers In loss than one minute. It would seem that thip is one of t e most Important parts of the s ho 1 routine and too much cannot e sill in praise of work of fire boyp a d teachers In their drilling for < h s safeguard. ml % if ,,;;A * are going into the work in a most EPISCOPAL NEWS NOTES * I.apt Tm slay evening the Rectory enthiipiastlc manner and the meet- ^ t m t % Wes remodeltd into an up-to-date ings are well attended. Mrp. J. L. Kief returned home Mon- Telephone Exchange by the members day from camp leaving Tuesday in of the Knights of Honor. Two full company garet, for a short visit in Caldwell employed with all the necessary bat- ******* was asked to * * * * * HUTCHISON-CRAMER * RATTLESNAKE RATTLINGS ,ifj At the Congregational parsonage, Wedncs 'ay, October first at eight o’- clock In the evening, Mr. Lloyd C. Cramer and Miss Ella M. Hutchison, othycung people from Bruneau, were in ted in marrla-e, Reverend Charles 3. Mason performing the ring cere- mony. The brides parents, Mr. and Mrs John H itch son and little broth- er, Ho ert, were present. The contractng parties have been repVen s of Bruneau for the past wenty t1 ree yeais Mbs Ella attended the Mouiratin Home public school,s a few years The eid s! of six children, she A quartet composed of Mrs. Peake and Miss Blunk, Mr. Norell and Mr. T..om pon, with Mrs. Hall pianist, two selections, Sometime we W.ll Understand,and "Nearer My God to Thee.Mrs. Peake and Miss No Night There.A week ago last Wednesday ths Young Ladies Club spent a most en- j yable evening at (he home of the pri sident, a full attendance was re- terlis and equipment. The boys were corded. Last Wednesday the Month- ly business meeting was held at the Rectm-y. The prs months work has been most encouraging and reflects great credit upon the Officers of the Club. This coming month is to be a very busy one for the members. It has been derided to give a big Hallow-een party and the committee which has the matter in hand is plan nlng for a spec al program of ghost- like fun and weird music. A small charge Is to be made for admission and a hall will be procured In which the v sltots may enjoy a real old- fashioned Halloween party. The public is heartily invltid to help the club make this the biggest and best event ever held on Hallow-een night in Mountain Home. The evening will be given over to the spooks and all shapes and sizep of ghosts will be was the short dlptance In evidence. Every haunted house in the neighborhood is being diligently searched and everything that lookp the evening had good 1 ke a spook will be dragged forth for the o casion. Watch for the ghost- like s'gns In the store windows- Awith her daughter, Miss Mar- s zed modern desk Instruments were sung and Boise. Billie Hinton from the Keif Ranch,1 dlvidt d up i ito two sections and two visitor in Caldwell rooms were used for the exchanges. ! After an hour of hard work the sys- Blunk sang Tne casket was covered with flowers, there being several crosses and wreathes and many boquets. was a business Thursday, returning home Saturday. Among those taking in Fair week tem was completed and In shape for The linemen had very i at Boise from Rattlesnake were: Mr. o erat'on. and Mrs. C. H. Lamberton, Mr. and little difficulty In attaching the Vari- Mrs. Frank Jackson, Mrs. J. L. Kief, ous lines to the poles as the only M ss Margaret Keif, Mr. Ernest Filley, poe brought into use was the stove Mrs. T. A. Hoffman and son, Henry. L. M. Hoagland is helping gather cess'ully scaed and the wires duly the heavy crop of fruit at the lam- attached to the handle of the damper. Ranch and while there the The boys were much Interested in two tons of the work and entered Into It with they having to fix The bearers were Messrs Fountain, Ross, McWilliams, and Johnson, Bennitt, (Dick), (Frank,) Helgren, (Ralph). The grave was lined and the fresh Brief Scripture selec- pipe of the heater which was -suc- a;o. has dev loped 1 to a mature and dirt envertd. tions were read while the beloed ovne wap gradually lowered by undertaker Wilbur in'.o ts final rest. “Dust to Dust and the Spirit to God Who Mr. pleasing young womanhood. Cramer, originally from Wallowa, Ore* berton oiher evening, we saw t e finest prunes ever picked, put great energy, In 50 pound boxep ready for ship- every detail In order to make the co ineclon compete. There being no gun, has a quiet and gentlemanly ersonality. Mr. and Mrs Cramer took the train f r < ash Valley, Utah, Thursday, where they wtlT spend the winter. Th lr many fr e ds wish them much and continued Joy. BABY VERA up >* Gave It. Much sympathy is felt for the be- reaved. Aft r a brief span of earthly life, the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Rl e left her mothers arms for the arms of Jesus. Born in the month of flowers, June 30th., and gatheri d like a sheaf in the autumn, .Sepl ember 25th., two dayp of bing three months of a ,e. The Rl e home is at Bennett Cre k where little Vera Wilma came to life, and at Mountain Home where he family had come for Bchool, she le.t lor the other Home. Mr. Rice was at work In Kahlotus, Washing- ton, where the Bad telegram reached him. meat. The school trustees of the Jackson "centralto bother with It was not district No. 7, were in town the first hard to make connection and a very of the we?k finishing up details per- l ve y conversation was soon flying taming to the building of the new over the wires, much to the amuse- concrete schoolhouse which will be ment of all. The only difficulty ex- star ed this week, under the super- per enced CATHERINE ANN MACLEAN Rev. and Mrs. Charles MecLeam have the sympathy of the citizens of Mountain Home, where Mr. MacLean James 1913, she lacked DOCTOR ESHELMAN HONORED from <ach insrument and as some of vis on of the contractor, John Hays. Mrs. Sarah A. Hoffman returned the parti's who used the system to her home Sunday after an outing d ir ng month in the vicinity of lungs their conversation could be I p'al ly henrd for some distance out- James Moss and family and side the Rectory. The next time the IT,me and place will be announced be shortly. The club will ^ meet with Mel en on Wednesday evening The Unit'd Art sans entertained a- out fifty of tlier friends Thursday Ocio' er s cond, in honor was priest ln-ctarge of St. Episcopal church several years prior to Ills ret'rement, In the death of tlie r daughter, Catherine Ann, which took place at St. Lukes hospital at Boise, Sunday afternoon of pleurisy. The funeral was held Monday at four o'clock from Fry & Sumners chapel, Dean Everett P. Smith offi- c'ating and Interment was made In evening, of ti e r no'ed gu st, Doctor E,shel- Supreme M d'cal Examiner, wl t trip of a Boise. man. entertained the as embly for about Mr. Mrs E. A. McWilliams and children instruments are ustd this will Saturday at the avo'ded as the boys will take their j M ss teephone s; stem with them on a next at 7:30 at the residence of Mrs for y minutes with a brief talk on t'e good of fra'ernal Insurance in general ami that of the United Ar- t's ns in particular, estlng talk, gam s of different kinds were indu'g d in until a late hour when the Ar lam lad e,s served a de- lghtful super a"'er which all adjour ed wish ng the Doctor to come a- s e.it most of last Kelsey Hot Springs. CommodoreJackson leftTuesday "hikeand will then have an oppor- Miller, for the Baker andAnderson mill, tunlty of operating them from a dip- The Lad'e.s Guild meet this week after more lumber for the ranch, also tance. The instrumenls used are two with 'Mrs. Wilkins. A hearty lnvita- f r th° "R'*d Elephantmine which of the laest Western Electric Com-j tion is given to those in tores* ed to he i pa y s private line phones so the present. A cookedfoed sale will be he boys sho ild be able to learn some of held by the ladies a week from Sat- in the offices of the The father and oldest brother the After tlis Infer- tile la!ter also being In Washington, Tha came home for the funeral. conducted from the Morr s Hill ceme'ery. Bes des her Parents, Miss Mac- Lean leaves one brother and one s ster to mourn the loss of a loved s rvicep were bouse Saturday forenoon at ten o- clock by Reverend Charles E. Mason of the Congregational Church. Jesus Lover of My Soul and Nearer My Flowers is sttl) running. Mrs. Frank Gosset will soon down from the Camas Dam, In order the methods of modern telephone urday next end her children to school In op ration which might prove useful to Idaho Power and Light Company who S' Mr. Gosset expects to, then later on. have k'ndy loaned space for the occa slon. Sunday morning at the services Mrs Monroe will sing the offertory solo. gain soon. one. to iod to Thee, were sung. .ered the little white casket and the little waxen baud held the floral blem of the blooming land. Four bo. s served as bearers, William Han- Smith, Hanley Spring Brief services MR8. ELLpLNr MASTER8 As we go J,i press, news comep to of thr geathof Mrs Ellen Masters, at tbehome of her grand daughter, Sirs. H. H. Miller at Bruneau, on Friday. Mrs. John Pinkston who moved to Mountain Home at the beginning of the school year, left for Bruneau Thursday to help care for her aged mother who has made her home with Mrs. Plnkst-n for several years but did not feel able to accompany her CARD OF THANK8 this dlstr'ct. wnrk at the dam all winter. Mr. Frank Filley and son, Jim, are dayFlag signalling, First Aid work hauling out the lumber and cem- and telephone manipulation will be | the ord r of the day. In case of ac- ! cidens a kit of bandages, etc., is Another "hikeis to take place to- o To the Odl Fellow, Women of Wco lcrart and Modern Woodman lod- w sh to ex'end our sincere us ; o.n busy enffor the new school house. ges, we t an! s f r the many kiudnessep and help during the illness and death of ley, Atherlon and Jessie Britton. FOR 8ALE 30 Head of full Blood Cots Bucks o bred by Governor Gooding. Will sell cheap. Enquire WALKER BROS. Glenns Ferry, Idaho. daughter at that time expecting to always carried on such trips, and the come later. great* st care is taken by those In Particulars are brief but we will charge to guard against anything \ that may befall the travelers. The Junior GirlsClub Is making ur loved one. Mrs. Raci el Stanfield. J. E. Crutchfield. Edna West, Will Crutchfield Charles Crutchfield were held at the grave. Wilma Rice leaves to tol- Vera low her. it is hoped, her father, moth- and sisters, Floy, l4»- ■■m try and get more next week. Mrp. Pinkston and children have te sympathy of all In the loss of a splendid progress under the super- vision of Mrs. Qoodall. The members or, brothers ranee, Edna, Alvta, Claude andMai7. Adv. 61-4t IAS loved one. %

ELMORE COUNTY REPUBLICAN · up 1s were out of the building In il engineers cnndp and the firemen had as cend d the f re escape and were on t e rcof wi'h a sgood force of water il

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Page 1: ELMORE COUNTY REPUBLICAN · up 1s were out of the building In il engineers cnndp and the firemen had as cend d the f re escape and were on t e rcof wi'h a sgood force of water il


_ '{3



********* * * *PASSES TO THE


Be A. BoosterErnest Coats and Hill Ottenhelmer

entered high school Monday.

“Ready Money,” was the topic of

a magazine article which was review­

ed by Mr. Monroe before the high

jj. hool ass rnbly, Tuesday morning.

Harry Isaacs ims withdrawn from

hljh school, temporarily.

Glenn Beaman entered the third

and M.\rl Beaman the seventh grade

this week.

Mrs J. \V. Cu’dwell vis ted t'ie six.h

grade and Mrs. B. B. Swann the sec­

ond grade, the first of the week.

Doctors, please take notice; Boot

jail pra ties will begin next week.

The enro lment of the high school

has increas d one seventh since the

d rst week, the total number now be­

ing eighty.

The big s bool program is made

up o" thirty-two wide-awake and lu­

te eslng class a, any or all of which

wo Id be greatly pleased to have

natrons visit, and see for themselves

he work that is being carried on by

noth pupil and teacher.

The Mountain Hom^ Art Exhibit

which occupied approximately 250

s mure feet of a side wall In the art

rail at the State Fair grounds, drew

a gr at deal of attention. This ex

Dibit was made up of water color

s eehrs made by pupils from the

rl i ary through the high school, bu

lid not receive a prize because It

was entered as a s diool exhibit in

jompetilion with professional work.

The fire drill of Wednesday nuini-

ng was the cause of great exclte-

uent, beth among the pupils and thf

■it z, ns of the town in general. All

up 1s were out of the building In

il s cnndp and the firemen had as

cend d the f re escape and were on

t e rcof wi'h a good force of water

il less than three minutes from the

time the alarm was given.

A new nc tat on room has been

opened in the basement of the old

part (f the school building, which at

pre ei.t looks somewhat dilapidated,

hut when iepaired, will make a very

leas ng r oom for recitation.

A selection from the opera Lucia,

and Schubert’s Moonlight Serenade

were very pleasingly presented by

Mr. Monroe on the saxophone, accom-

ian ed by Aslon Peake at the piano,

Th rsday morning before the high

s ho 1 assembly.

An appalling accident resulting fa­

tally, occurred Thursday at the home

of Mr. and Mrs. Lahaie, when their

three year old daughter, Josephine,

was dreadiuliy burned while playing

n the sage brush near her home,

he children had In some manner

red some matches and pet fire

to the brush, the little one getting

near enough so that her clothes

caught and be’ore help arrived was so

adly burned that she died Friday

at four o’clock after suffering intense

agony for 24 huors.

The mother’s hands were severely

though not .seriously burned trying to

ue ,ch the fire surrounding her

lit le one.

Baby Joe >ph!ne is survived by her

aren s tv\o s'steis and four brothers.

The funeral Is be’ng held this after­

noon from the home aud Interment

uade In Mountain Home cemetery.The family have the sympathy of

the entire community in the loss of

a loved one.


With life seemingly hanging by a

slender thread for several months, th*

end came Wednesday morning at six

o'clock, nd Mrs. Ilaattie E., wife of

John E. Crutchfield, left "all that is

mortal,” and passed Into the eter­

nal realities.

Born in Clark county, Illinois, Feb­

ruary 19, 1971, she d ed October 1st,

1913, in middle life, 42 yearp, 7

months and 10 days of age.

Though the home has been In Je­

rome recently, for many years Mr.

and Mrs. Crutchfield were residents

of Mountain Home, where they are so

well and favorably known,

mother, Mrs. Rachel Stanfield, living

here in Mountain Home, Mrs. Crutch­

field was brought there May 29, and

there lived her last day, all being

done that repeated consultation of

doctors could not restore to life.

The deceased was the only living

child of Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan M.

Stanfie’d, the father having preced­

ed her In 1899.

Besdcs the husband and mother,

sbe leaves three children, Mrs. Edna

Mae West, of Jerome and Charles

and Wil iam Crutchfield, also an

uncle, Jamep B. Staniield, of Moun­

tain Home.A professed Christian for 22 yearB,

she had the great satisfaction of

having with her as members of the

church her husband and all three ol

her children. The family were all

mernb rs of the Baptist church of

Mountain Home.

It was the natural consummation of

such a Chris.ian personal and family

life that on the morning of her de­

parture at four o'clock she should

call around her death bed her loved

ones and herself pray for them and

exh r. t em to meet her again.

Three weekB ago Saturday night

when she was thought near the end

pi e dd the sam , and with her pas­

ter's wife sang that soul song,

“Nearer My God to Thee."

Funeral servlets were held at the

Bap 1st church Thu;sday afternoon,

at 2:30 o’clock, and in the absence

of the pastor, Rev. John A. Peake,

who was at the state Baptist confer­

ence, Rev. C. E. Mason of the Con­

gregational church

conduct the services.



Of WUK.IR AT LAST! ___ «•


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Her m.V'\ w ■\ 700HT FEEL OVtfO


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I ~~ Ih ■i Mh,(into the '




'nothin' NOR N0ftO(W&] Anr COOO IH THIi / BURC, AHtWAV ! /


At a meeting of the Fire Boys

Mo day evening with Chief Hend-

.1 ks In the chair, the following rou­

tine of b siness was transacted:

E ght members having left the city,

th ir names were taken from the roll;

uilnut s were read and approved; two

low members, Joe Hinton and Ralph

I ihii8on, were e ected; a committee

it three, James Weed, Geo. Burke

and Mr. Helgren were appointed to

present schem>' to c uncil to fix fire

alarm bell; resolution fixing salary of

engineer to take care of fire engine,

at s x dollars, pass d; chief and as-

s slant instructed to consult with

Shoshone company as to cut-off at

s hool building and chief was also

ins ructed to locate a place for

Company No. 1.

The boyp are also In communication

as to a whistle alarm.Tills was an altogether profitable

me. tl g and the boys deserve much

credit for Interest shown In work

d me by the companies.


\ >

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:rY%,':t!u - >*V" \wiTiy V (I •?, 'Yij 7^ _FIRE TE8T ALARM

A f're test alarm wap given Wed'

nesday at 10 a. m. when both the

fire boys and school pupils gave

evidence of excellent training by

prompt and active work.

Hose company No. 1 responded

with Cominipsioner Johnson’s team

hauling hose cart In a run to the

school building where the boys had

tl e hose to the top of the building

as ending by the fire escapee and

wa’er turned on in less than three

m nu'ep from the time the alarm

was sounded, which was also given

simultaneously with one In the bulld-

1 ig wh’ch was vacated by pupils and

te ichers In loss than one minute.

It would seem that thip is one of

t e most Important parts of the

s ho 1 routine and too much cannot

e sill in praise of work of fire boyp

a d teachers In their drilling for

< h s safeguard.

ml ■ ’%if


* are going into the work in a mostEPISCOPAL NEWS NOTES* I.apt Tm slay evening the Rectory enthiipiastlc manner and the meet-

^ t m t % Wes remodeltd into an up-to-date ings are well attended.

Mrp. J. L. Kief returned home Mon- Telephone Exchange by the members

day from camp leaving Tuesday in of the Knights of Honor. Two full

companygaret, for a short visit in Caldwell employed with all the necessary bat-


,‘ifjAt the Congregational parsonage,

Wedncs 'ay, October first at eight o’­

clock In the evening, Mr. Lloyd C.

Cramer and Miss Ella M. Hutchison,

othycung people from Bruneau, were

in ted in marrla-e, Reverend Charles

3. Mason performing the ring cere­

mony. The bride’s parents, Mr. and

Mrs John H itch son and little broth­

er, Ho ert, were present.

The contract’ng parties have been

repVen s of Bruneau for the past

wenty t1 ree yeaisMbs Ella attended the Mouiratin

Home public school,s a few years

The eid s! of six children, she

A quartet composed of Mrs. Peake

and Miss Blunk, Mr. Norell and Mr.

T..om pon, with Mrs. Hall pianist,

two selections, “Sometime we

W.ll Understand,” and "Nearer My

God to Thee.” Mrs. Peake and Miss “No Night There.”

A week ago last Wednesday ths

Young Ladies Club spent a most en-

j yable evening at (he home of the

pri sident, a full attendance was re-

terlis and equipment. The boys were corded. Last Wednesday the Month­

ly business meeting was held at the

Rectm-y. The prs month’s work has

been most encouraging and reflects

great credit upon the Officers of the

Club. This coming month is to be

a very busy one for the members.

It has been derided to give a big

Hallow-e’en party and the committee

which has the matter in hand is plan

nlng for a spec al program of ghost­

like fun and weird music. A small

charge Is to be made for admission

and a hall will be procured In which

the v sltots may enjoy a real old-

fashioned Hallowe’en party. The

public is heartily invltid to help the

club make this the biggest and best

event ever held on Hallow-e’en night

in Mountain Home. The evening will

be given over to the spooks and all

shapes and sizep of ghosts will be

was the short dlptance In evidence. Every haunted house in

the neighborhood is being diligently

searched and everything that lookp

the evening had good 1 ke a spook will be dragged forth for

the o casion. Watch for the ghost­

like s'gns In the store windows-

A j®

with her daughter, Miss Mar- s zed modern desk Instruments weresung

and Boise.Billie Hinton from the Keif Ranch,1 dlvidt d up i ito two sections and two

visitor in Caldwell rooms were used for the exchanges.

! After an hour of hard work the sys-

Blunk sang Tne casket was covered with flowers,

there being several crosses and

wreathes and many boquets.

was a business

Thursday, returning home Saturday.Among those taking in Fair week tem was completed and In shape for

The linemen had very


at Boise from Rattlesnake were: Mr. o erat'on. and Mrs. C. H. Lamberton, Mr. and little difficulty In attaching the Vari-

Mrs. Frank Jackson, Mrs. J. L. Kief, ous lines to the poles as the only

M ss Margaret Keif, Mr. Ernest Filley, po’e brought into use was the stove

Mrs. T. A. Hoffman and son, Henry.L. M. Hoagland is helping gather cess'ully sca’ed and the wires duly

the heavy crop of fruit at the lam- attached to the handle of the damper.

Ranch and while there the The boys were much Interested in

two tons of the work and entered Into It with

they having to fix

The bearers were Messrs Fountain,

Ross, McWilliams,

and Johnson,Bennitt, (Dick),

(Frank,) Helgren,

(Ralph).The grave was lined and the fresh

Brief Scripture selec-

pipe of the heater which was -suc-

a;o.has dev loped 1 to a mature and

dirt envertd. tions were read while the beloed ovne

wap gradually lowered by undertaker

Wilbur in'.o ts final rest. “Dust to

Dust and the Spirit to God Who

Mr.pleasing young womanhood.

Cramer, originally from Wallowa, Ore*berton

oiher evening, we sawt e finest prunes ever picked, put great energy,

In 50 pound boxep ready for ship- every detail In order to make the

co inec’lon compete. There being no

gun, has a quiet and gentlemanly

ersonality.Mr. and Mrs Cramer took the train

f r < ash Valley, Utah, ‘Thursday,

where they wtlT spend the winter.

Th lr many fr e ds wish them much

and continued Joy.

BABY VERAup>*Gave It.

Much sympathy is felt for the be­


Aft r a brief span of earthly life,

the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

E. C. Rl e left her mother’s arms

for the arms of Jesus. Born in the

month of flowers, June 30th., and

gatheri d like a sheaf in the autumn,

.Sepl ember 25th., two dayp of b“ing three months of

a ,e. The Rl e home is at Bennett

Cre k where little Vera Wilma came

to life, and at Mountain Home where

he family had come for Bchool, she

le.t lor the other Home. Mr. Rice

was at work In Kahlotus, Washing­

ton, where the Bad telegram reached


meat.The school trustees of the Jackson "central” to bother with It was not

district No. 7, were in town the first hard to make connection and a very

of the we?k finishing up details per- l ve y conversation was soon flying

taming to the building of the new over the wires, much to the amuse-

concrete schoolhouse which will be ment of all. The only difficulty ex-

star ed this week, under the super- per enced


Rev. and Mrs. Charles MecLeam

have the sympathy of the citizens of

Mountain Home, where Mr. MacLean



from <ach ins’rument and as some ofvis on of the contractor, John Hays.Mrs. Sarah A. Hoffman returned the parti's who used the system

to her home Sunday after an outing d ir ngmonth in the vicinity of lungs their conversation could be

I p'al ly henrd for some distance out-James Moss and family and side the Rectory. The next time the IT,me and place will be announced

be shortly. The club will ^ meet with

Mel en on Wednesday evening

The Unit'd Art sans entertained a-

out fifty of tlie’r friends Thursday

Ocio' er s cond, in honor

was priest ln-ctarge of St.

Episcopal church several years prior

to Ills ret'rement, In the death of

tlie r daughter, Catherine Ann, which

took place at St. Lukes hospital at

Boise, Sunday afternoon of pleurisy.

The funeral was held Monday at

four o'clock from Fry & Sumner’s

chapel, Dean Everett P. Smith offi-

c'ating and Interment was made In

evening,of ti e r no'ed gu st, Doctor E,shel-

Supreme M d'cal Examiner, wl ttrip of a

Boise. man.entertained the as embly for aboutMr.

Mrs E. A. McWilliams and children instruments are ustd this will

Saturday at the avo'ded as the boys will take their j M ss

te’ephone s; stem with them on a next at 7:30 at the residence of Mrs

for y minutes with a brief talk on

t'e good of fra'ernal Insurance in

general ami that of the United Ar­

t's ns in particular, estlng talk, gam s of different kinds

were indu'g d in until a late hour

when the Ar lam lad e,s served a de-

lghtful super a"'er which all adjour

ed wish ng the Doctor to come a-

s e.it most of last

Kelsey Hot Springs.Commodore Jackson left Tuesday "hike” and will then have an oppor- Miller,

for the Baker and Anderson mill, tunlty of operating them from a dip- The Lad'e.s Guild meet this week

after more lumber for the ranch, also tance. The instrumenls used are two with 'Mrs. Wilkins. A hearty lnvita-

f r th° "R'*d Elephant” mine which of the la’est Western Electric Com-j tion is given to those in tores* ed to he

i pa y s private line phones so the present. A cooked foed sale will be

he boys sho ild be able to learn some of held by the ladies a week from Sat­

in the offices of the

The father and oldest brother theAfter tli’s Infer­tile la!ter also being In Washington,

Thacame home for the funeral.conducted from the

Morr s Hill ceme'ery.Bes des her Parents, Miss Mac-

Lean leaves one brother and one

s ster to mourn the loss of a loved

s rvicep were bouse Saturday forenoon at ten o’­

clock by Reverend Charles E. Mason

of the Congregational Church. Jesus

Lover of My Soul and Nearer My Flowers

is sttl) running.Mrs. Frank Gosset will soon

down from the Camas Dam, In order the methods of modern telephone urday nextend her children to school In op ration which might prove useful to Idaho Power and Light Company who

S' Mr. Gosset expects to, then later on. have k'nd’y loaned space for the occa

slon.Sunday morning at the services

Mrs Monroe will sing the offertory


gain soon.one.

toiod to Thee, were sung.

.ered the little white casket and

the little waxen baud held the floral

blem of the blooming land. Four

bo. s served as bearers, William Han-

Smith, Hanley Spring

Brief services


As we go J,i press, news comep to

of thr geathof Mrs Ellen Masters,

at tbehome of her grand daughter,

Sirs. H. H. Miller at Bruneau, on

Friday.Mrs. John Pinkston who moved to

Mountain Home at the beginning of

the school year, left for Bruneau

Thursday to help care for her aged

mother who has made her home with

Mrs. Plnkst-n for several years but

did not feel able to accompany her

CARD OF THANK8this dlstr'ct.wnrk at the dam all winter.

Mr. Frank Filley and son, Jim, are day—Flag signalling, First Aid work

hauling out the lumber and cem- and telephone manipulation will be | the ord r of the day. In case of ac-

! ciden’s a kit of bandages, etc., is

Another "hike” is to take place to- oTo the Odl Fellow, Women of

Wco lcrart and Modern Woodman lod-

w sh to ex'end our sincereus ■ ;o.nbusy

enffor the new school house.ges, wet an! s f r the many kiudnessep and

help during the illness and death of ley, Atherlon and Jessie Britton.

FOR 8ALE30 Head of full Blood Cots Bucks o

bred by Governor Gooding. Will sell

cheap. Enquire


Glenns Ferry, Idaho.

daughter at that time expecting to always carried on such trips, and the

come later. great* st care is taken by those In

Particulars are brief but we will charge to guard against anything

\ that may befall the travelers.The Junior Girls’ Club Is making

ur loved one.Mrs. Raci el Stanfield.

J. E. Crutchfield.

Edna West,

Will Crutchfield

Charles Crutchfield

were held at the grave.Wilma Rice leaves to tol-Vera

low her. it is hoped, her father, moth-

and sisters, Floy, l4»-

■■mtry and get more next week.

Mrp. Pinkston and children have te sympathy of all In the loss of a splendid progress under the super­

vision of Mrs. Qoodall. The members

or, brothers ranee, Edna, Alvta, Claude andMai7.

■Adv. 61-4t IASloved one.
