Don’t Look Back: Improving Don’t Look Back: Improving social care service social care service delivery for older lesbian, delivery for older lesbian, gay and bisexual service gay and bisexual service users users Elizabeth Price

Elizabeth Price

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Don’t Look Back: Improving social care service delivery for older lesbian, gay and bisexual service users. Elizabeth Price. What do we know?. Very little! Policy, research, guidance, practice - the heterosexual imperative - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Elizabeth Price

Don’t Look Back: Improving Don’t Look Back: Improving social care service delivery for social care service delivery for older lesbian, gay and bisexual older lesbian, gay and bisexual service usersservice users

Elizabeth Price

Page 2: Elizabeth Price

What do we know?What do we know?Very little!Policy, research, guidance, practice - the heterosexual imperative

The ageing experience – mediated through disadvantage and discrimination

Why is the LGB perspective an issue?

Page 3: Elizabeth Price

The Legislative The Legislative FrameworkFrameworkProviding protection and strengthening equality:◦The Mental Capacity Act (2005)◦The Equality Act (2006),The Equality Act (2010)

◦The Civil Partnership Act (2004)◦The Equality Act (Sexual Orientations Regulations)(2007)

Page 4: Elizabeth Price

Service reformService reformThe Personalisation Agenda‘Sexuality sensitive’ careRecent developments:

◦National Carers Strategy ◦The End of Life Care Strategy ◦The National Dementia Strategy

◦The Dignity Agenda

Page 5: Elizabeth Price

Key ThemesKey Themes

Accessing services – Discrimination and negative experiences

Page 6: Elizabeth Price

I came out in the 50s – and that was shit – now I am dependent on carers and I am frightened… I am very frightened of them… what if they find out that I am a lesbian… what are they going to do to me… I have ‘de-gayed’ my house… this is much worse than the 50s. I want to be able to be gay in my last days – I don’t want to have to hide again and I particularly don’t want to have to hide because the home help is coming round…

(Older lesbian interviewee quoted in Pugh, 2010)

Page 7: Elizabeth Price

Key ThemesKey Themes

Accessing services – Discrimination and negative experiences

Service delivery – Invisibility and assumed heterosexuality

Page 8: Elizabeth Price

My (former) GP prescribed HRT andsaid that “it should make my husbandhappy”. I was stunned by the sexist

andheterosexist assumptions wrapped up

inthis comment.Older lesbian respondent quoted in


Page 9: Elizabeth Price

Key ThemesKey Themes

Accessing services – Discrimination and negative experiences

Service delivery – Invisibility and assumed heterosexuality

LGB specific health and social care issues

Positive practice

Page 10: Elizabeth Price
