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  • 8/13/2019 ELECTRICITY SERVICE COMMISSION lNotificationJE5-2013


    ELECTRICITY SERVICE COMMISSIONU.P, Power Corporation Ltd', Lucknow'(ADW. No. 05/VSA/2013). Onllne Appltcations are lnvtted from Eligtble Indian Nationals for dlrect rcruitment to the followlng posts of runlorEr,girree,. (Traineej agatnst vacancies ln Dlstrlbuuon Companles(DISCOMS) vlz, Madhyanchal Vidyut Vltran Nlgam Llmlted,poi-inctlt Vidy;t vitran Ntgam Llmited, Pashchimanchal Vidyut vitran Nlgam Limited, Da :n a ?l Vldyut vitran NigamLimited, Kanpur Etectrtc Suppiy Company(KESCO), U.P. Power Transmisslon Corporation Ltd.ORANSCO) .nd tJPrcL Corporateoffices under Uttar pr.dGsh Power Corporation Ltd. (UPPCL) as detailed below. No other mode of submission of appllcation lsavailable or accePtable.,,- Datails of vacanclea

    sl.NO Post Name

    TechnicalOualiticatlon ( asmentloned below)Gonsral

    oBc sc ST TotalEr-Servlcemen(EXSM) VacancyExistlng in

    ,4^7'-lrt ltra'/n^^':/,{, tfqr

    (Domicil6 of U.P. Onty) (HoizontalRgerv6tion)


    Oiplomaexamination inElectrlcal 9954+42t*=96



    2 Junlo.Englneer(1r lnce)Diplomaaramination inElectronlcsEnolneerlna

    15 01 57 03+01*=04Tft\NSCO


    3 lunlorEnglnaer(Trahee)Diplomaexamination inTcle-communlcatlonEnolnaerlno

    o3 o2 01 00 o6 00 IRANSCOont.

    4 lunlorEn9ln er(Tr8lne.)Dlplomaexamin.lion inClvll Enqlneerlng

    59 32 25 02 118 o6ALL DISCOMS,KESCO. ;TRANSCoS iCORPORATE InFFrnFs tl '

    LegendF fl lndkatei sdiuitcd vacancles. i lndicatei Bacldot vac.ncy.Theg lIacanclei may lnc.6ase or decrase as pr requlrements.Other provisiont and lnstructions required for filllng of Online Applicatlons are given as under: Q:,-.o(a)Appllcant should apply tor one post only.(b) Physically Handicap candldates are not eligible for above posts.iciciriafaates ava tng tiri iactlity of rcservation under any category should clearly mention the category applicable.Under any circumstances, change of data will not be allowed after successful submission of completed Applicatlon Form.However submitted application form can be viewed and downloaded/prhted. If at any stage lt ts found that thelnforma on fumlshed in the online applicauon form is false/fake/mislnterpreted/incorrect, or does not satlsfY theeflgiblfity criterla for the post applled, the candidature ls llable to be cancelled, even after appeariflg in the Examinatlon,in additlon to any o$er Ection as may be deemed fit.pil:Sgallj pay Band-2; Pay scate -Rs. 9300-34800 ; Grade Pay- Rs. 4200; Dearness and othe. allowances admlsslbleas per rules of UPPCL.Er'lD$rf-aeruic$ioDl(Arcandtdates should have thorough knovrledge of Hindi (Devnagri script),If the candidate has not passed Hlgh schoolir 'equlvatent examlnation in Hindi, he/she has to alear an exam conducted by the Reglstrar, Department ExamlnationCort. Of U.p. within 3 years of jolniog. (B)A candldate must have passed(l)"Three years Diploma examlnatlon inElectrical Engtneering/Electronics Engineeringffehcommunication Engineerlng/Civil Engineerlng at{arded by PravidhlkShtksha pad;had, Uttar pradesh OR a Diploma, equivalent thereto, recognlzed by the State Government'OR (ii)Threyears A Indta Diploma Examination in Elect cal Engineering/Electronlcs Englneeringfele@mmunlcatlonEngtneertng/Civil Engineering conducted by the All India Council for Technical Educauon (AICTE), Govt. of India" OR (ili)"Diploma Examinauon in Electrical Englneering/Electronics Engineerlng/Telecommunlcation Englneering/ClvilEngtneertng conducted by any of the Unlversitles ln Indla Incorporated by an Act of the Central/State legislature."Noic:- (li Candldater havlng recclved Dtploma through Dlstance Larning Educatlon ProgrammG are dgliEfietbta'to.ppty for thr above posts,(2) Candi,rates havlng Dlplome recelvd on the basls ot length ofservtce(wtttrout passing the Dlploma examination) ate also-lllp]L.lEUgiD|gto apply tor th abov6 poata.(a) Aglj Minimum 18 years and maximum 35 yeaG as on O1'OI'2O13.(B) RGlaxaflon ln upoar aoe llmitr (I) Apprenticeshlp training under Apprenticeship Act 1961 -Actual prlod ,subject'to-maxirnurn fwentv tosr months . (tt) "SC, ST & OBC (non-creamy layer)" of Uttar Pradesh domicile-s yoa.5 (IIl)Ex-servlcemen who had served a minimum of 5 years ln Armed Forces of lndla-(Servlca YeaB + Threc years).However maxlmum age of a candidate availing all relaxations shall not exceed 50 years.Resarvadon : (t) Reservation will be provided as per applicable Reservatlon rules to "SC, ST and OBC (non creamy)"Eiffiillifro'aie original tnhabitants of Uttar Pradesh (Domlclle of Uttar Pradesh only). (II) "sC, ST and oBc" of;ih;r states & OBC (miring under =I3an0y- 3Igl1 of U'P.) mav applv as General Category candidate'(Ill) Horizontalreservation for "Ex'Servicemen (ExSM)",/vill be provlded as pr existlng UPPCL order.No oitectlon Cerflflcate : Candidate who are worklng with any State Govt./Central Govt'/Seml'Govt./ Govt.Gafiakinf,o,lairatil" .shatl have to submlt 'NOC'from their present Employer at the time of Joining,iiliiiaii-oi iint". s. 3et""tion pr"c"s" , Selection Proess. will be based on written Test(computer Based Test(CBT)) and t"te*"*. C"mtuter Based Test (CBT) will be held at Allahabad, VartnEsl, Gortkhpur. Agrl Kanpur.iiieiity, t-ucLnow, Ghaziabad, and Meerut cltles ,Electricity service commission, however, haYe the rlght to cancelany of ttre Examlnation City/ Center andlor add some other clties/centres depending upon the response, administratlvet"JsfUlfrty, or any force-maleure conditlons etc., The test shall be of total 200 marks and shall comprise of total 200qu"tUoni, out oa which 156 quesuons shall be from the oiploma level Engg. Branch syllabus ,or the Post applied, 20quesuons of General Kno\4ledge/Awareness, 20 questions of Reasoning and 10 questions of Generdl Hindl, Eegh



  • 8/13/2019 ELECTRICITY SERVICE COMMISSION lNotificationJE5-2013




    marl(s ln the cBT wlll not be eliolble to uu .*.ioureo'ioi seiect-lln.interview carrylng 3s marks rvill be conducted atucknow only Maxlmum num&rs of candidatei it ortrr.iuo ioi int"*tew r,{ill be equal to 3 flmes the number ofacancies in each cateqory' However, in case a numuei oiiaialdaies ortarn equal marks, which are the minlmumarks fo' belng called for intervlew, itt suctr canatoiiei "irr-ul ,iiiuo for interview. Appeartng ln bosr the cBT andntervlew is compulsory; farlino whicl canoraatuie wirr lt iieitli i"cancerreo. rrnirri, t[ merri lit-sirrlir oe prepa.ean the basls of the combined mar*s obtarned in the Cef unO irt"*,"*, branch wise category wise.CANDIDATE MUsr cARRY (DADMlr CARD,(ti) pnssponr siii piioiteepr trnrias ir-iriirrirlro,v .orrlnNolrrry nAuD PHoro lDENTrry CARD sucH AS PAsspoRT, DRIVING ucENcE, vorER ID, AADHAR CARD, pAt{ CARD oR ANyorHER vAuD PHoro IDENTITY PRooF(same as mentloned in the Ap;ttca$on Form) WHILE REPoRTTNG FoR cBT ANDINTERVIEW."3|&$;t-#.I,EQUIRED

    ro MAINTAIN ,HEIR ,NIQUE E-MAIL ID AND M.BILE NUMBER rHRoucHour rHE. IF AT ANY TAGE, IT tS FOUND THAT ANY INFORMATION FURNISHED IN THE ONLINE APPLICATION IS FALSE /NcoRREcr oR THE CANDIDATE DoES Nor sATrsFy rHE ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA ron rne posi arpLIED, THECANDIDATURE WtLL BE TREATED AS CANCELLED.*candidates havlng undergone apprentlceshlp training under Apprenticeship Act 1961, will be given age relaxation andreference as per order of Hon.ble Supreme Court, in case, all oifrer requisite parameters being the same.Trarnrnq The serected candidate has to undergo a trarning p.og.rrr", for a perrod "; ;;id;-Ly uppcL. onuccessful completion of the trainlng, the candidat snall be corisiderJo ror absorption as per existing rules of uppcl.ransDar'ncvr For the comolctF transparency of the held cBT, the Electrlcity service commission-sLll arange tolsplav the answer-kev ror 7 davs on tr,i omciir ,relsJt;;iGfti:';'ft", tr,e int rviewi i.e-overi:i-e 'aiiJ or arspray ornswer kev will be displaved on ihe officiat.websrt. "i-u-r'pii. ii'J'iliaiout" -n tosl th;;.- il#;"";il: rr any, aronelth proper proof within 3 davs from the rast oatq ;rir5pray. ir*ii'i,tv service commission will refer tiie cases to a3li""l"1l$**, whose dectsion srrarr oe iommuiiiatuo-.'ii"ii].'j' lrpi.v or rhrs perrod, any obje6ions sha, not be11.




    (a) Application Processinq Fee can tForm (pavabre * qlara R,^r ^. ,-",1",, p:lo, tl:.,,-sLl]I "',T D:gil card/credit card/sBl Net bankins oR Bank charanorm. (Pavable fr state B;nk or rnara).'iu) 'eankir.,l"sir, ;'Jo"djiti'i /gr Esrt Ldrq/>Er Net Dankinq oR Bank challanpatd by ie candldate. rii 1""ir""1i"" ',r^...Grnn .-- ^-,^ --,- . -.,'. i 9.lppligation -Processing Fee shall be bome/Bii:,L'lf,*j:',";j:If:tij:::',T,i:::::*-ri: -,-ll;-;;';;i,Hili#;#:'';Tffif'j:]:?::"'ij:T.j::l-:tl t" rasen e foranybirrer rutuie sereciio'n'iio'.-es--jffiffiHf:lrJ:::i#':*.8fl,y::":llfj*.*-*tij:issued rrcm ule Head ortherastrnsotuteattended andlso from two responSlble/ reSOeCtab rrerrr (rle neaq or me last Instltuta.itar status Anv mer.ie.i _.,-I:-gT:::^:*-sh1{d not be his/he. ,eratiresii $ri iiri#i;;il;:.ital Status.iwho i Any married male/female candida ure urtE or Jolnlng.) a oerson wha ha( ar6r,rv ^^- ^_ j:l1llS- igT than.gle-wife/husband aiiveand flmale candtdate1ff[],:l,yij""n:i,]:"*?:?[*r^*3aie::r.1le-;41;..J;#i:.ljEiltTi3,"ifi"'3i.",:*"1l.,"':ffi##.,;#r,:?x,:i::flig"*:t.Li_*:lii:iiiri;ii;:":Hil1T", T#lJT"""T,r"",1EIu*"vallabls at UprcL officiat webs serecEron ano other gGncral dct6lls rra,VA.AN.'/RESULT " an.J r.rrnw,"" lL_,**lll,"l;:llg -9:1d:d-18: are advised t"- nsi, 'ihl.i'eir "na sur".t;hfl:,H:ty*. " and Forow tr," in.t',.,ioni'.i,'i;;ii ,il;lffi:i" ,.|:ri?:"ff , ;:. H.#,",$"", :S:'j:""i1*,:?"j:

    TERMS AND CONDITIONS GIVEN IN:l$li{ini,Si.::'-",i8'l'-f il"', jli+""Y,TX"EMpENraREGUTDELINESoNLY'

    candldats should applY for one Post only. computer Based rest (cBT) for alr the posts w, be mnductedimultaneouslv All the candrdate, who, have.trpi.tiil"o-"ioi..',tteo ti,e 16r.-, Jiri iLi.iiJi.lri"ry arowed toppeir ln cBT on basis of their partlculars p.uio"i in tr," a-ppr;iion ro.rn pr.t-li