CHAPTER 24 ELECTRIC POTENTIAL 24-1 What is Physics? One goal of physics is to identify basic forces in our world, such as the electric force we discussed in Chapter 21. A related goal is to determine whether a force is conservativethat is, whether a potential energy can be associated with it. The motivation for associating a potential energy with a force is that we can then apply the principle of the conservation of mechanical energy to closed systems involving the force. This extremely powerful principle allows us to calculate the results of experiments for which force calculations alone would be very difficult. Experimentally, physicists and engineers discovered that the electric force is conservative and thus has an associated electric potential energy. In this chapter we first define this type of potential energy and then put it to use. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved. 24-2 Electric Potential Energy When an electrostatic force acts between two or more charged particles within a system of particles, we can assign an electric potential energy U to the system. If the system changes its configuration from an initial state i to a different final state f, the electrostatic force does work W on the particles. From Eq. 8-1, we then know that the resulting change ΔU in the potential energy of the system is (24-1) As with other conservative forces, the work done by the electrostatic force is path independent. Suppose a charged particle within the system moves from point i to point f while an electrostatic force between it and the rest of the system acts on it. Provided the rest of the system does not change, the work W done by the force on the particle is the same for all paths between points i and f. For convenience, we usually take the reference configuration of a system of charged particles to be that in which the particles are all infinitely separated from one another. Also, we usually set the corresponding reference potential energy to be zero. Suppose that several charged particles come together from initially infinite separations (state i) to form a system of neighboring particles (state f). Let the initial potential energy U i be zero, and let W represent the work done by the electrostatic forces between the particles during the move in from infinity. Then from Eq. 24-1, the final potential energy U of the system is (24-2) CHECKPOINT 1 In the figure, a proton moves from point i to point f in a uniform electric field directed as shown. (a) Does the electric field do positive or negative work on the proton? (b) Does the electric potential energy of the proton increase or decrease? Top of Form

ELECTRIC POTENTIAL text pdfs... · 2014. 11. 19. · 24-4 Equipotential Surfaces Adjacent points that have the same electric potential form an equipotential surface, which can be

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24-1 What is Physics?

One goal of physics is to identify basic forces in our world, such as the electric force we discussed in Chapter 21. A related goal

is to determine whether a force is conservative—that is, whether a potential energy can be associated with it. The motivation for

associating a potential energy with a force is that we can then apply the principle of the conservation of mechanical energy to

closed systems involving the force. This extremely powerful principle allows us to calculate the results of experiments for

which force calculations alone would be very difficult. Experimentally, physicists and engineers discovered that the electric

force is conservative and thus has an associated electric potential energy. In this chapter we first define this type of potential

energy and then put it to use.

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24-2 Electric Potential Energy

When an electrostatic force acts between two or more charged particles within a system of particles, we can assign an electric

potential energy U to the system. If the system changes its configuration from an initial state i to a different final state f, the

electrostatic force does work W on the particles. From Eq. 8-1, we then know that the resulting change ΔU in the potential

energy of the system is


As with other conservative forces, the work done by the electrostatic force is path independent. Suppose a charged particle

within the system moves from point i to point f while an electrostatic force between it and the rest of the system acts on it.

Provided the rest of the system does not change, the work W done by the force on the particle is the same for all paths between

points i and f.

For convenience, we usually take the reference configuration of a system of charged particles to be that in which the particles

are all infinitely separated from one another. Also, we usually set the corresponding reference potential energy to be zero.

Suppose that several charged particles come together from initially infinite separations (state i) to form a system of neighboring

particles (state f). Let the initial potential energy Ui be zero, and let W∞ represent the work done by the electrostatic forces

between the particles during the move in from infinity. Then from Eq. 24-1, the final potential energy U of the system is



In the figure, a proton moves from point i to point f in a uniform electric field directed as shown. (a)

Does the electric field do positive or negative work on the proton? (b) Does the electric potential

energy of the proton increase or decrease?

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Sample Problem

Work and potential energy in an electric field

Electrons are continually being knocked out of air molecules in the atmosphere by cosmic-ray particles coming in

from space. Once released, each electron experiences an electrostatic force due to the electric field that is

produced in the atmosphere by charged particles already on Earth. Near Earth's surface the electric field has the

magnitude E = 150 N/C and is directed downward. What is the change ΔU in the electric potential energy of a

released electron when the electrostatic force causes it to move vertically upward through a distance d = 520 m (Fig.


Figure 24-1 An electron in the atmosphere is moved upward

through displacement by an electrostatic force

due to an electric field .


1. The change ΔU in the electric potential energy of the electron is related to the work W done on the electron by

the electric field. Equation 24-1 (ΔU = -W) gives the relation.

2. The work done by a constant force on a particle undergoing a displacement is


3. The electrostatic force and the electric field are related by the force equation , where here q is the

charge of an electron (= -1.6 × 10-19



Substituting for in Eq. 24-3 and taking the dot product yield


where θ is the angle between the directions of and . The field is directed downward and the displacement

is directed upward; so θ = 180°. Substituting this and other data into Eq. 24-4, we find

Equation 24-1 then yields


This result tells us that during the 520 m ascent, the electric potential energy of the electron decreases by 1.2 × 10-14


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24-3 Electric Potential

The potential energy of a charged particle in an electric field depends on the charge magnitude. However, the potential energy

per unit charge has a unique value at any point in an electric field.

For an example of this, suppose we place a test particle of positive charge 1.60 × 10-19

C at a point in an electric field where the

particle has an electric potential energy of 2.40 × 10-17

J. Then the potential energy per unit charge is

Next, suppose we replace that test particle with one having twice as much positive charge, 3.20 × 10-19

C. We would find that

the second particle has an electric potential energy of 4.80 × 10-17

J, twice that of the first particle. However, the potential

energy per unit charge would be the same, still 150 J/C.

Thus, the potential energy per unit charge, which can be symbolized as U/q, is independent of the charge q of the particle we

happen to use and is characteristic only of the electric field we are investigating. The potential energy per unit charge at a point

in an electric field is called the electric potential V (or simply the potential) at that point. Thus,


Note that electric potential is a scalar, not a vector.

The electric potential difference ΔV between any two points i and f in an electric field is equal to the difference in potential

energy per unit charge between the two points:


Using Eq. 24-1 to substitute -W for ΔU in Eq. 24-6, we can define the potential difference between points i and f as


The potential difference between two points is thus the negative of the work done by the electrostatic force to move a unit

charge from one point to the other. A potential difference can be positive, negative, or zero, depending on the signs and

magnitudes of q and W.

If we set Ui = 0 at infinity as our reference potential energy, then by Eq. 24-5, the electric potential V must also be zero there.

Then from Eq. 24-7, we can define the electric potential at any point in an electric field to be


where W∞ is the work done by the electric field on a charged particle as that particle moves in from infinity to point f. A

potential V can be positive, negative, or zero, depending on the signs and magnitudes of q and W∞.

The SI unit for potential that follows from Eq. 24-8 is the joule per coulomb. This combination occurs so often that a special

unit, the volt (abbreviated V), is used to represent it. Thus,

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This new unit allows us to adopt a more conventional unit for the electric field , which we have measured up to now in

newtons per coulomb. With two unit conversions, we obtain


The conversion factor in the second set of parentheses comes from Eq. 24-9; that in the third set of parentheses is derived from

the definition of the joule. From now on, we shall express values of the electric field in volts per meter rather than in newtons

per coulomb.

Finally, we can now define an energy unit that is a convenient one for energy measurements in the atomic and subatomic

domain: One electron-volt (eV) is the energy equal to the work required to move a single elementary charge e, such as that of

the electron or the proton, through a potential difference of exactly one volt. Equation 24-7 tells us that the magnitude of this

work is q ΔV;so

Work Done by an Applied Force

Suppose we move a particle of charge q from point i to point f in an electric field by applying a force to it. During the move, our

applied force does work Wapp on the charge while the electric field does work W on it. By the work–kinetic energy theorem of

Eq. 7-10, the change ΔK in the kinetic energy of the particle is


Now suppose the particle is stationary before and after the move. Then Kf and Ki are both zero, and Eq. 24-11 reduces to


In words, the work Wapp done by our applied force during the move is equal to the negative of the work W done by the electric

field—provided there is no change in kinetic energy.

By using Eq. 24-12 to substitute Wapp into Eq. 24-1, we can relate the work done by our applied force to the change in the

potential energy of the particle during the move. We find


By similarly using Eq. 24-12 to substitute Wapp into Eq. 24-7, we can relate our work Wapp to the electric potential difference ΔV

between the initial and final locations of the particle. We find


Wapp can be positive, negative, or zero depending on the signs and magnitudes of q and ΔV.


In the figure of Checkpoint 1, we move the proton from point i to point f in a uniform electric field

directed as shown. (a) Does our force do positive or negative work? (b) Does the proton move to a

point of higher or lower potential?

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24-4 Equipotential Surfaces

Adjacent points that have the same electric potential form an equipotential surface, which can be either an imaginary surface

or a real, physical surface. No net work W is done on a charged particle by an electric field when the particle moves between

two points i and f on the same equipotential surface. This follows from Eq. 24-7, which tells us that W must be zero if Vf = Vi.

Because of the path independence of work (and thus of potential energy and potential), W = 0 for any path connecting points i

and f on a given equipotential surface regardless of whether that path lies entirely on that surface.

Figure 24-2 shows a family of equipotential surfaces associated with the electric field due to some distribution of charges. The

work done by the electric field on a charged particle as the particle moves from one end to the other of paths I and II is zero

because each of these paths begins and ends on the same equipotential surface and thus there is no net change in potential. The

work done as the charged particle moves from one end to the other of paths III and IV is not zero but has the same value for

both these paths because the initial and final potentials are identical for the two paths; that is, paths III and IV connect the same

pair of equipotential surfaces.

Figure 24-2 Portions of four equipotential surfaces at electric potentials V1 = 100 V, V2 = 80 V, V3 = 60 V, and V4 = 40

V. Four paths along which a test charge may move are shown. Two electric field lines are also indicated.

From symmetry, the equipotential surfaces produced by a point charge or a spherically symmetrical charge distribution are a

family of concentric spheres. For a uniform electric field, the surfaces are a family of planes perpendicular to the field lines. In

fact, equipotential surfaces are always perpendicular to electric field lines and thus to , which is always tangent to these lines.

If were not perpendicular to an equipotential surface, it would have a component lying along that surface. This component

would then do work on a charged particle as it moved along the surface. However, by Eq. 24-7 work cannot be done if the

surface is truly an equipotential surface; the only possible conclusion is that must be everywhere perpendicular to the surface.

Figure 24-3 shows electric field lines and cross sections of the equipotential surfaces for a uniform electric field and for the field

associated with a point charge and with an electric dipole.

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Figure 24-3 Electric field lines (purple) and cross sections of equipotential surfaces (gold) for (a) a uniform electric

field, (b) the field due to a point charge, and (c) the field due to an electric dipole.

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24-5 Calculating the Potential from the Field

We can calculate the potential difference between any two points i and f in an electric field if we know the electric field vector

all along any path connecting those points. To make the calculation, we find the work done on a positive test charge by the

field as the charge moves from i to f, and then use Eq. 24-7.

Consider an arbitrary electric field, represented by the field lines in Fig. 24-4, and a positive test charge q0 that moves along the

path shown from point i to point f. At any point on the path, an electrostatic force q0 acts on the charge as it moves through a

differential displacement . From Chapter 7, we know that the differential work dW done on a particle by a force during a

displacement is given by the dot product of the force and the displacement:


For the situation of Fig. 24-4, and Eq. 24-15 becomes

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To find the total work W done on the particle by the field as the particle moves from point i to point f, we sum—via

integration—the differential works done on the charge as it moves through all the displacements along the path:


If we substitute the total work W from Eq. 24-17 into Eq. 24-7, we find


Thus, the potential difference Vf–Vi between any two points i and f in an electric field is equal to the negative of the line integral

(meaning the integral along a particular path) of from i to f. However, because the electrostatic force is conservative,

all paths (whether easy or difficult to use) yield the same result.

Figure 24-4 A test charge q0 moves from point i to point f along the path shown in a nonuniform electric field. During a

displacement , an electrostatic force acts on the test charge. This force points in the direction of

the field line at the location of the test charge.

Equation 24-18 allows us to calculate the difference in potential between any two points in the field. If we set potential Vi = 0,

then Eq. 24-18 becomes


in which we have dropped the subscript f on Vf. Equation 24-19 gives us the potential V at any point f in the electric field

relative to the zero potential at point i. If we let point i be at infinity, then Eq. 24-19 gives us the potential V at any point f

relative to the zero potential at infinity.


The figure here shows a family of parallel equipotential surfaces (in cross section) and five paths

along which we shall move an electron from one surface to another. (a) What is the direction of the

electric field associated with the surfaces? (b) For each path, is the work we do positive, negative, or

zero? (c) Rank the paths according to the work we do, greatest first.

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Sample Problem

Finding the potential change from the electric field

(a) Figure 24-5a shows two points i and f in a uniform electric field . The points lie on the same electric field line (not

shown) and are separated by a distance d. Find the potential difference Vf - Vi by moving a positive test charge q0

from i to f along the path shown, which is parallel to the field direction.

Figure 24-5 (a) A test charge q0 moves in a straight line from point i to point f, along the direction of a

uniform external electric field. (b) Charge q0 moves along path icf in the same electric field.


We can find the potential difference between any two points in an electric field by integrating along a path

connecting those two points according to Eq. 24-18.


We begin by mentally moving a test charge q0 along that path, from initial point i to final point f. As we move such a

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test charge along the path in Fig. 24-5a, its differential displacement always has the same direction as . Thus,

the angle θ between and is zero and the dot product in Eq. 24-18 is


Equations 24-18 and 24-20 then give us


Since the field is uniform, E is constant over the path and can be moved outside the integral, giving us


in which the integral is simply the length d of the path. The minus sign in the result shows that the potential at point

f in Fig. 24-5a is lower than the potential at point i. This is a general result: The potential always decreases along a

path that extends in the direction of the electric field lines.

(b) Now find the potential difference Vf - Vi by moving the positive test charge q0 from i to f along the path icf shown in

Fig. 24-5b.


The Key Idea of (a) applies here too, except now we move the test charge along a path that consists of two lines: ic

and cf. At all points along line ic, the displacement of the test charge is perpendicular to . Thus, the angle θ

between and is 90°, and the dot product is 0. Equation 24-18 then tells us that points i and c are at

the same potential: Vc - Vi = 0.

For line cf we have θ = 45° and, from Eq. 24-18,

The integral in this equation is just the length of line cf; from Fig. 24-5b, that length is d/cos 45°. Thus,


This is the same result we obtained in (a), as it must be; the potential difference between two points does not depend

on the path connecting them. Moral: When you want to find the potential difference between two points by moving

a test charge between them, you can save time and work by choosing a path that simplifies the use of Eq. 24-18.

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24-6 Potential Due to a Point Charge

We now use Eq. 24-18 to derive, for the space around a charged particle, an expression for the electric potential V relative to the

zero potential at infinity. Consider a point P at distance R from a fixed particle of positive charge q (Fig. 24-6). To use Eq. 24-

18, we imagine that we move a positive test charge q0 from point P to infinity. Because the path we take does not matter, let us

choose the simplest one—a line that extends radially from the fixed particle through P to infinity.

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Figure 24-6 The positive point charge q produces an electric field and an electric potential V at point P. We find the

potential by moving a test charge q0 from P to infinity. The test charge is shown at distance r from the point

charge, during differential displacement .

To use Eq. 24-18, we must evaluate the dot product


The electric field in Fig. 24-6 is directed radially outward from the fixed particle. Thus, the differential displacement of

the test particle along its path has the same direction as . That means that in Eq. 24-22, angle θ = 0 and cos θ = 1. Because the

path is radial, let us write ds as dr. Then, substituting the limits R and ∞, we can write Eq. 24-18 as


Next, we set Vf = 0 (at ∞) and Vi = V (at R). Then, for the magnitude of the electric field at the site of the test charge, we

substitute from Eq. 24-3:


With these changes, Eq. 24-23 then gives us


Solving for V and switching R to r, we then have


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as the electric potential V due to a particle of charge q at any radial distance r from the particle.

Although we have derived Eq. 24-26 for a positively charged particle, the derivation holds also for a negatively charged

particle, in which case, q is a negative quantity. Note that the sign of V is the same as the sign of q:

A positively charged particle produces a positive electric potential. A negatively charged particle produces a

negative electric potential.

Figure 24-7 shows a computer-generated plot of Eq. 24-26 for a positively charged particle; the magnitude of V is plotted

vertically. Note that the magnitude increases as r → 0. In fact, according to Eq. 24-26, V is infinite at r = 0, although Fig. 24-7

shows a finite, smoothed-off value there.

Figure 24-7 A computer-generated plot of the electric potential V(r) due to a positive point charge located at the origin of

an xy plane. The potentials at points in the xy plane are plotted vertically. (Curved lines have been added to

help you visualize the plot.) The infinite value of V predicted by Eq. 24-26 for r = 0 is not plotted.

Equation 24-26 also gives the electric potential either outside or on the external surface of a spherically symmetric charge

distribution. We can prove this by using one of the shell theorems of Sections 24-4 and 24-9 to replace the actual spherical

charge distribution with an equal charge concentrated at its center. Then the derivation leading to Eq. 24-26 follows, provided

we do not consider a point within the actual distribution.

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24-7 Potential Due to a Group of Point Charges

We can find the net potential at a point due to a group of point charges with the help of the superposition principle. Using Eq.

24-26 with the sign of the charge included, we calculate separately the potential resulting from each charge at the given point.

Then we sum the potentials. For n charges, the net potential is


Here qi is the value of the ith charge and ri is the radial distance of the given point from the ith charge. The sum in Eq. 24-27 is

an algebraic sum, not a vector sum like the sum that would be used to calculate the electric field resulting from a group of point

charges. Herein lies an important computational advantage of potential over electric field: It is a lot easier to sum several scalar

quantities than to sum several vector quantities whose directions and components must be considered.

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The figure here shows three arrangements of two protons. Rank the arrangements according to the

net electric potential produced at point P by the protons, greatest first.

Top of Form

Sample Problem

Net potential of several charged particles

What is the electric potential at point P, located at the center of the square of point charges shown in Fig. 24-8a?

The distance d is 1.3 m, and the charges are

Figure 24-8 (a) Four point charges are held fixed at the corners of a square. (b) The

closed curve is a cross section, in the plane of the figure, of the

equipotential surface that contains point P. (The curve is drawn only



The electric potential V at point P is the algebraic sum of the electric potentials contributed by the four point


(Because electric potential is a scalar, the orientations of the point charges do not matter.)


From Eq. 24-27, we have

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The distance r is , which is 0.919 m, and the sum of the charges is



Close to any of the three positive charges in Fig. 24-8a, the potential has very large positive values. Close to the

single negative charge, the potential has very large negative values. Therefore, there must be points within the

square that have the same intermediate potential as that at point P. The curve in Fig. 24-8b shows the intersection of

the plane of the figure with the equipotential surface that contains point P. Any point along that curve has the same

potential as point P.

Sample Problem

Potential is not a vector, orientation is irrelevant

(a) In Fig. 24-9a, 12 electrons (of charge -e) are equally spaced and fixed around a circle of radius R. Relative to V = 0

at infinity, what are the electric potential and electric field at the center C of the circle due to these electrons?

Figure 24-9 (a) Twelve electrons uniformly spaced around a circle. (b) The electrons

nonuniformly spaced along an arc of the original circle.


(1) The electric potential V at C is the algebraic sum of the electric potentials contributed by all the electrons.

(Because electric potential is a scalar, the orientations of the electrons do not matter.) (2) The electric field at C is a

vector quantity and thus the orientation of the electrons is important.


Because the electrons all have the same negative charge -e and are all the same distance R from C, Eq. 24-27 gives


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Because of the symmetry of the arrangement in Fig. 24-9a, the electric field vector at C due to any given electron is

canceled by the field vector due to the electron that is diametrically opposite it. Thus, at C,


(b) If the electrons are moved along the circle until they are nonuniformly spaced over a 120° arc (Fig. 24-9b), what

then is the potential at C? How does the electric field at C change (if at all)?


The potential is still given by Eq. 24-28, because the distance between C and each electron is unchanged and

orientation is irrelevant. The electric field is no longer zero, however, because the arrangement is no longer

symmetric. A net field is now directed toward the charge distribution.

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24-8 Potential Due to an Electric Dipole

Now let us apply Eq. 24-27 to an electric dipole to find the potential at an arbitrary point P in Fig. 24-10a. At P, the positive

point charge (at distance r(+)) sets up potential V(+) and the negative point charge (at distance r(+)) sets up potential V(-). Then the

net potential at P is given by Eq. 24-27 as


Naturally occurring dipoles—such as those possessed by many molecules—are quite small; so we are usually interested only in

points that are relatively far from the dipole, such that r d, where d is the distance between the charges. Under those

conditions, the approximations that follow from Fig. 24-10b are

If we substitute these quantities into Eq. 24-29, we can approximate V to be

where θ is measured from the dipole axis as shown in Fig. 24-10a. We can now write V as


in which p (= qd) is the magnitude of the electric dipole moment defined in Section 22-5. The vector is directed along the

dipole axis, from the negative to the positive charge. (Thus, θ is measured from the direction of .) We use this vector to report

the orientation of an electric dipole.

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Suppose that three points are set at equal (large) distances r from the center of the dipole in Fig. 24-

10: Point a is on the dipole axis above the positive charge, point b is on the axis below the negative

charge, and point c is on a perpendicular bisector through the line connecting the two charges. Rank

the points according to the electric potential of the dipole there, greatest (most positive) first.

Figure 24-10 (a) Point P is a distance r from the midpoint O of a dipole. The line OP makes an angle θ with

the dipole axis. (b) If P is far from the dipole, the lines of lengths r(+) and r(-) are

approximately parallel to the line of length r, and the dashed black line is approximately

perpendicular to the line of length r(-).

Top of Form

Induced Dipole Moment

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Many molecules, such as water, have permanent electric dipole moments. In other molecules (called nonpolar molecules) and

in every isolated atom, the centers of the positive and negative charges coincide (Fig. 24-11a) and thus no dipole moment is set

up. However, if we place an atom or a nonpolar molecule in an external electric field, the field distorts the electron orbits and

separates the centers of positive and negative charge (Fig. 24-11b). Because the electrons are negatively charged, they tend to be

shifted in a direction opposite the field. This shift sets up a dipole moment that points in the direction of the field. This dipole

moment is said to be induced by the field, and the atom or molecule is then said to be polarized by the field (that is, it has a

positive side and a negative side). When the field is removed, the induced dipole moment and the polarization disappear.

Figure 24-11 (a) An atom, showing the positively charged nucleus (green) and the negatively charged electrons (gold

shading). The centers of positive and negative charge coincide. (b) If the atom is placed in an external

electric field , the electron orbits are distorted so that the centers of positive and negative charge no

longer coincide. An induced dipole moment appears. The distortion is greatly exaggerated here.

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24-9 Potential Due to a Continuous Charge Distribution

When a charge distribution q is continuous (as on a uniformly charged thin rod or disk), we cannot use the summation of Eq.

24-27 to find the potential V at a point P. Instead, we must choose a differential element of charge dq, determine the potential

dV at P due to dq, and then integrate over the entire charge distribution.

Let us again take the zero of potential to be at infinity. If we treat the element of charge dq as a point charge, then we can use

Eq. 24-26 to express the potential dV at point P due to dq:


Here r is the distance between P and dq. To find the total potential V at P, we integrate to sum the potentials due to all the

charge elements:


The integral must be taken over the entire charge distribution. Note that because the electric potential is a scalar, there are no vector components to consider in Eq. 24-32.

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We now examine two continuous charge distributions, a line and a disk.

Line of Charge

In Fig. 24-12a, a thin nonconducting rod of length L has a positive charge of uniform linear density λ. Let us determine the

electric potential V due to the rod at point P, a perpendicular distance d from the left end of the rod.

Electric potential of a charged straight rod

Figure 24-12 (a) A thin, uniformly charged rod produces an electric potential V at point P. (b) An element can

be treated as a particle. (c) The potential at P due to the element depends on the distance r. We

need to sum the potentials due to all the elements, from the left side (d) to the right side (e).

We consider a differential element dx of the rod as shown in Fig. 24-12b. This (or any other) element of the rod has a

differential charge of


This element produces an electric potential dV at point P, which is a distance r = (x2 + d


from the element (Fig. 24-12c).

Treating the element as a point charge, we can use Eq. 24-31 to write the potential dV as


Since the charge on the rod is positive and we have taken V = 0 at infinity, we know from Section 24-6 that dV in Eq. 24-34

must be positive.

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We now find the total potential V produced by the rod at point P by integrating Eq. 24-34 along the length of the rod, from x = 0

to x = L (Figs. 24-12d and 24-12e), using integral 17 in Appendix E. We find

We can simplify this result by using the general relation 1n A - ln B = 1n(A/B). We then find


Because V is the sum of positive values of dV, it too is positive, consistent with the logarithm being positive for an argument

greater than 1.

Charged Disk

In Section 22-7, we calculated the magnitude of the electric field at points on the central axis of a plastic disk of radius R that

has a uniform charge density σ on one surface. Here we derive an expression for V(z), the electric potential at any point on the

central axis.

In Fig. 24-13, consider a differential element consisting of a flat ring of radius R′ and radial width dR′. Its charge has magnitude

in which (2πR′)(dR′) is the upper surface area of the ring. All parts of this charged element are the same distance r from point P

on the disk's axis. With the aid of Fig. 24-13, we can use Eq. 24-31 to write the contribution of this ring to the electric potential

at P as


We find the net potential at P by adding (via integration) the contributions of all the rings from R′ = 0 to R′ = R:


Note that the variable in the second integral of Eq. 24-37 is R′ and not z, which remains constant while the integration over the

surface of the disk is carried out. (Note also that, in evaluating the integral, we have assumed that z ≥ 0.)

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Figure 24-13 A plastic disk of radius R, charged on its top surface to a uniform surface charge density σ. We wish to find

the potential V at point P on the central axis of the disk.

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24-10 Calculating the Field from the Potential

In Section 24-5, you saw how to find the potential at a point f if you know the electric field along a path from a reference point

to point f. In this section, we propose to go the other way—that is, to find the electric field when we know the potential. As Fig.

24-3 shows, solving this problem graphically is easy: If we know the potential V at all points near an assembly of charges, we

can draw in a family of equipotential surfaces. The electric field lines, sketched perpendicular to those surfaces, reveal the

variation of . What we are seeking here is the mathematical equivalent of this graphical procedure.

Figure 24-14 shows cross sections of a family of closely spaced equipotential surfaces, the potential difference between each

pair of adjacent surfaces being dV. As the figure suggests, the field at any point P is perpendicular to the equipotential surface

through P.

Figure 24-14 A test charge q0 moves a distance from one equipotential surface to another. (The separation between

the surfaces has been exaggerated for clarity.) The displacement makes an angle θ with the direction

of the electric field .

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Suppose that a positive test charge q0 moves through a displacement from one equipotential surface to the adjacent surface.

From Eq. 24-7, we see that the work the electric field does on the test charge during the move is -q0 dV. From Eq. 24-16 and

Fig. 24-14, we see that the work done by the electric field may also be written as the scalar product , or q0E(cos θ)

ds. Equating these two expressions for the work yields




Since E cos θ is the component of in the direction of Eq. 24-39 becomes


We have added a subscript to E and switched to the partial derivative symbols to emphasize that Eq. 24-40 involves only the

variation of V along a specified axis (here called the s axis) and only the component of along that axis. In words, Eq. 24-40

(which is essentially the reverse operation of Eq. 24-18) states:

The component of in any direction is the negative of the rate at which the electric potential changes with

distance in that direction.

If we take the s axis to be, in turn, the x, y, and z axes, we find that the x, y, and z components of at any point are


Thus, if we know V for all points in the region around a charge distribution—that is, if we know the function V(x, y, z)—we can

find the components of , and thus itself, at any point by taking partial derivatives.

For the simple situation in which the electric field is uniform, Eq. 24-40 becomes


where s is perpendicular to the equipotential surfaces. The component of the electric field is zero in any direction parallel to the

equipotential surfaces because there is no change in potential along the surfaces.


The figure shows three pairs of parallel plates with the same separation, and the electric potential of

each plate. The electric field between the plates is uniform and perpendicular to the plates. (a) Rank

the pairs according to the magnitude of the electric field between the plates, greatest first. (b) For

which pair is the electric field pointing rightward? (c) If an electron is released midway between the

third pair of plates, does it remain there, move rightward at constant speed, move leftward at constant speed,

accelerate rightward, or accelerate leftward?

Top of Form

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Sample Problem

Finding the field from the potential

The electric potential at any point on the central axis of a uniformly charged disk is given by Eq. 24-37,

Starting with this expression, derive an expression for the electric field at any point on the axis of the disk.


We want the electric field as a function of distance z along the axis of the disk. For any value of z, the direction of

must be along that axis because the disk has circular symmetry about that axis. Thus, we want the component Ez

of in the direction of z. This component is the negative of the rate at which the electric potential changes with

distance z.


Thus, from the last of Eqs. 24-41, we can write


This is the same expression that we derived in Concept Module 22-5 by integration, using Coulomb's law.

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24-11 Electric Potential Energy of a System of Point Charges

In Section 24-2, we discussed the electric potential energy of a charged particle as an electrostatic force does work on it. In that

section, we assumed that the charges that produced the force were fixed in place, so that neither the force nor the corresponding

electric field could be influenced by the presence of the test charge. In this section we can take a broader view, to find the

electric potential energy of a system of charges due to the electric field produced by those same charges.

For a simple example, suppose you push together two bodies that have charges of the same electrical sign. The work that you

must do is stored as electric potential energy in the two-body system (provided the kinetic energy of the bodies does not

change). If you later release the charges, you can recover this stored energy, in whole or in part, as kinetic energy of the charged

bodies as they rush away from each other.

We define the electric potential energy of a system of point charges, held in fixed positions by forces not specified, as follows:

The electric potential energy of a system of fixed point charges is equal to the work that must be done by an

external agent to assemble the system, bringing each charge in from an infinite distance.

We assume that the charges are stationary both in their initial infinitely distant positions and in their final assembled


Figure 24-15 shows two point charges q1 and q2, separated by a distance r. To find the electric potential energy of this two-

charge system, we must mentally build the system, starting with both charges infinitely far away and at rest. When we bring q1

in from infinity and put it in place, we do no work because no electrostatic force acts on q1. However, when we next bring q2 in

from infinity and put it in place, we must do work because q1 exerts an electrostatic force on q2 during the move.

Figure 24-15 Two charges held a fixed distance r apart.

We can calculate that work with Eq. 24-8 by dropping the minus sign (so that the equation gives the work we do rather than the

field's work) and substituting q2 for the general charge q. Our work is then equal to q2V, where V is the potential that has been

set up by q1 at the point where we put q2. From Eq. 24-26, that potential is

Thus, from our definition, the electric potential energy of the pair of point charges of Fig. 24-15 is


If the charges have the same sign, we have to do positive work to push them together against their mutual repulsion. Hence, as

Eq. 24-43 shows, the potential energy of the system is then positive. If the charges have opposite signs, we have to do negative

work against their mutual attraction to bring them together if they are to be stationary. The potential energy of the system is then


Sample Problem

Potential energy of a system of three charged particles

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Figure 24-16 shows three point charges held in fixed positions by forces that are not shown. What is the electric

potential energy U of this system of charges? Assume that d = 12 cm and that

in which q = 150 nC.

Figure 24-16 Three charges are fixed at the vertices of an equilateral

triangle. What is the electric potential energy of the system?


The potential energy U of the system is equal to the work we must do to assemble the system, bringing in each

charge from an infinite distance.


Let's mentally build the system of Fig. 24-16, starting with one of the point charges, say q1, in place and the others

at infinity. Then we bring another one, say q2, in from infinity and put it in place. From Eq. 24-43 with d substituted

for r, the potential energy U12 associated with the pair of point charges q1 and q2 is

We then bring the last point charge q3 in from infinity and put it in place. The work that we must do in this last step

is equal to the sum of the work we must do to bring q3 near q1 and the work we must do to bring it near q2. From

Eq. 24-43, with d substituted for r, that sum is

The total potential energy U of the three-charge system is the sum of the potential energies associated with the three

pairs of charges. This sum (which is actually independent of the order in which the charges are brought together) is


The negative potential energy means that negative work would have to be done to assemble this structure, starting

with the three charges infinitely separated and at rest. Put another way, an external agent would have to do 17 mJ of

work to disassemble the structure completely, ending with the three charges infinitely far apart.

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Sample Problem

Conservation of mechanical energy with electric potential energy

An alpha particle (two protons, two neutrons) moves into a stationary gold atom (79 protons, 118 neutrons), passing

through the electron region that surrounds the gold nucleus like a shell and headed directly toward the nucleus (Fig.

24-17). The alpha particle slows until it momentarily stops when its center is at radial distance r = 9.23 fm from the

nuclear center. Then it moves back along its incoming path. (Because the gold nucleus is much more massive than

the alpha particle, we can assume the gold nucleus does not move.) What was the kinetic energy Ki of the alpha

particle when it was initially far away (hence external to the gold atom)? Assume that the only force acting between

the alpha particle and the gold nucleus is the (electrostatic) Coulomb force.

Figure 24-17 An alpha particle, traveling head-on toward the center of

a gold nucleus, comes to a momentary stop (at which

time all its kinetic energy has been transferred to electric

potential energy) and then reverses its path.


During the entire process, the mechanical energy of the alpha particle + gold atom system is conserved.


When the alpha particle is outside the atom, the system's initial electric potential energy Ui is zero because the atom

has an equal number of electrons and protons, which produce a net electric field of zero. However, once the alpha

particle passes through the electron region surrounding the nucleus on its way to the nucleus, the electric field due

to the electrons goes to zero. The reason is that the electrons act like a closed spherical shell of uniform negative

charge and, as discussed in Concept Module 23-6, such a shell produces zero electric field in the space it encloses.

The alpha particle still experiences the electric field of the protons in the nucleus, which produces a repulsive force

on the protons within the alpha particle.

As the incoming alpha particle is slowed by this repulsive force, its kinetic energy is transferred to electric potential

energy of the system. The transfer is complete when the alpha particle momentarily stops and the kinetic energy is

Kf = 0.

Calculations: The principle of conservation of mechanical energy tells us that


We know two values: Ui = 0 and Kf = 0. We also know that the potential energy Uf at the stopping point is given by

the right side of Eq. 24-43, with q1 = 2e, q2 = 79e (in which e is the elementary charge, 1.60 × 10-19

C), and r = 9.23

fm. Thus, we can rewrite Eq. 24-44 as

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24-12 Potential of a Charged Isolated Conductor

In Section 24-6, we concluded that for all points inside an isolated conductor. We then used Gauss' law to prove that an

excess charge placed on an isolated conductor lies entirely on its surface. (This is true even if the conductor has an empty

internal cavity.) Here we use the first of these facts to prove an extension of the second:

An excess charge placed on an isolated conductor will distribute itself on the surface of that conductor so that all

points of the conductor—whether on the surface or inside—come to the same potential. This is true even if the

conductor has an internal cavity and even if that cavity contains a net charge.

Our proof follows directly from Eq. 24-18, which is

Since for all points within a conductor, it follows directly that Vf = Vi for all possible pairs of points i and f in the


Figure 24-18a is a plot of potential against radial distance r from the center for an isolated spherical conducting shell of 1.0 m

radius, having a charge of 1.0 μC. For points outside the shell, we can calculate V(r) from Eq. 24-26 because the charge q

behaves for such external points as if it were concentrated at the center of the shell. That equation holds right up to the surface

of the shell. Now let us push a small test charge through the shell—assuming a small hole exists—to its center. No extra work is

needed to do this because no net electric force acts on the test charge once it is inside the shell. Thus, the potential at all points

inside the shell has the same value as that on the surface, as Fig. 24-18a shows.

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Figure 24-18 (a) A plot of V(r) both inside and outside a charged spherical shell of radius 1.0 m. (b) A plot of E(r) for

the same shell.

Figure 24-18b shows the variation of electric field with radial distance for the same shell. Note that E = 0 everywhere inside the

shell. The curves of Fig. 24-18b can be derived from the curve of Fig. 24-18a by differentiating with respect to r, using Eq. 24-

40 (recall that the derivative of any constant is zero). The curve of Fig. 24-18a can be derived from the curves of Fig. 24-18b by

integrating with respect to r, using Eq. 24-19.

Spark Discharge from a Charged Conductor

On nonspherical conductors, a surface charge does not distribute itself uniformly over the surface of the conductor. At sharp

points or sharp edges, the surface charge density—and thus the external electric field, which is proportional to it—may reach

very high values. The air around such sharp points or edges may become ionized, producing the corona discharge that golfers

and mountaineers see on the tips of bushes, golf clubs, and rock hammers when thunderstorms threaten. Such corona

discharges, like hair that stands on end, are often the precursors of lightning strikes. In such circumstances, it is wise to enclose

yourself in a cavity inside a conducting shell, where the electric field is guaranteed to be zero. A car (unless it is a convertible or

made with a plastic body) is almost ideal (Fig. 24-19).

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Figure 24-19 A large spark jumps to a car's body and then exits by moving across the insulating left front tire (note the

flash there), leaving the person inside unharmed.

(Courtesy Westinghouse Electric Corporation)

Isolated Conductor in an External Electric Field

If an isolated conductor is placed in an external electric field, as in Fig. 24-20, all points of the conductor still come to a single

potential regardless of whether the conductor has an excess charge. The free conduction electrons distribute themselves on the

surface in such a way that the electric field they produce at interior points cancels the external electric field that would

otherwise be there. Furthermore, the electron distribution causes the net electric field at all points on the surface to be

perpendicular to the surface. If the conductor in Fig. 24-20 could be somehow removed, leaving the surface charges frozen in

place, the internal and external electric field would remain absolutely unchanged.

Figure 24-20 An uncharged conductor is suspended in an external electric field. The free electrons in the conductor

distribute themselves on the surface as shown, so as to reduce the net electric field inside the conductor to

zero and make the net field at the surface perpendicular to the surface.

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Electric Potential Energy The change ΔU in the electric potential energy U of a point charge as the charge moves from

an initial point i to a final point f in an electric field is


where W is the work done by the electrostatic force (due to the external electric field) on the point charge during the move from

i to f. If the potential energy is defined to be zero at infinity, the electric potential energy U of the point charge at a particular

point is


Here W∞ is the work done by the electrostatic force on the point charge as the charge moves from infinity to the particular point.

Electric Potential Difference and Electric Potential We define the potential difference ΔV between two points

i and f in an electric field as


where q is the charge of a particle on which work W is done by the electric field as the particle moves from point i to point f. The potential at a point is defined as


Here W∞ is the work done on the particle by the electric field as the particle moves in from infinity to the point. The SI unit of

potential is the volt: 1 volt = 1 joule per coulomb.

Potential and potential difference can also be written in terms of the electric potential energy U of a particle of charge q in an

electric field:



Equipotential Surfaces The points on an equipotential surface all have the same electric potential. The work done on a

test charge in moving it from one such surface to another is independent of the locations of the initial and final points on these

surfaces and of the path that joins the points. The electric field is always directed perpendicularly to corresponding

equipotential surfaces.

Finding V from The electric potential difference between two points i and f is


where the integral is taken over any path connecting the points. If the integration is difficult along any particular path, we can

choose a different path along which the integration might be easier. If we choose Vi = 0, we have, for the potential at a particular


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Potential Due to Point Charges The electric potential due to a single point charge at a distance r from that point

charge is


where V has the same sign as q. The potential due to a collection of point charges is


Potential Due to an Electric Dipole At a distance r from an electric dipole with dipole moment magnitude p = qd,

the electric potential of the dipole is


for r d; the angle θ is defined in Fig. 24-10.

Potential Due to a Continuous Charge Distribution For a continuous distribution of charge, Eq. 24-27 becomes


in which the integral is taken over the entire distribution.

Calculating from V The component of in any direction is the negative of the rate at which the potential changes

with distance in that direction:


The x, y, and z components of may be found from


When is uniform, Eq. 24-40 reduces to


where s is perpendicular to the equipotential surfaces. The electric field is zero parallel to an equipotential surface.

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Electric Potential Energy of a System of Point Charges The electric potential energy of a system of point

charges is equal to the work needed to assemble the system with the charges initially at rest and infinitely distant from each

other. For two charges at separation r,


Potential of a Charged Conductor An excess charge placed on a conductor will, in the equilibrium state, be located

entirely on the outer surface of the conductor. The charge will distribute itself so that the following occur: (1) The entire

conductor, including interior points, is at a uniform potential. (2) At every internal point, the electric field due to the charge

cancels the external electric field that otherwise would have been there. (3) The net electric field at every point on the surface is

perpendicular to the surface.

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1 In Fig. 24-21, eight particles form a square, with distance d between adjacent particles. What is the electric

potential at point P at the center of the square if the electric potential is zero at infinity?

Figure 24-21 Question 1.

Top of Form

2 Figure 24-22 shows three sets of cross sections of equipotential surfaces; all three cover the same size region of space. (a)

Rank the arrangements according to the magnitude of the electric field present in the region, greatest first. (b) In which is the

electric field directed down the page?

Figure 24-22 Question 2.

3 Figure 24-23 shows four pairs of charged particles. For each pair, let V = 0 at infinity and consider Vnet at

points on the x axis. For which pairs is there a point at which Vnet = 0 (a) between the particles and (b) to the

right of the particles? (c) At such a point is due to the particles equal to zero? (d) For each pair, are

there off-axis points (other than at infinity) where Vnet = 0?

Top of Form

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Figure 24-23 Questions 3 and 9.

4 Figure 24-24 gives the electric potential V as a function of x. (a) Rank the five regions according to the magnitude of the x

component of the electric field within them, greatest first. What is the direction of the field along the x axis in (b) region 2

and (c) region 4?

Figure 24-24 Question 4.

5 Figure 24-25 shows three paths along which we can move the positively charged sphere A closer to

positively charged sphere B, which is held fixed in place. (a) Would sphere A be moved to a higher or lower

electric potential? Is the work done (b) by our force and (c) by the electric field due to B positive, negative,

or zero? (d) Rank the paths according to the work our force does, greatest first.

Figure 24-25 Question 5.

Top of Form

6 Figure 24-26 shows four arrangements of charged particles, all the same distance from the origin. Rank the situations

according to the net electric potential at the origin, most positive first. Take the potential to be zero at infinity.

Figure 24-26 Question 6.

7 Figure 24-27 shows a system of three charged particles. If you move the particle of charge +q from point A to

point D, are the following quantities positive, negative, or zero: (a) the change in the electric potential energy

of the three-particle system, (b) the work done by the net electrostatic force on the particle you moved (that

is, the net force due to the other two particles), and (c) the work done by your force? (d) What are the

answers to (a) through (c) if, instead, the particle is moved from B to C?

Top of Form

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Figure 24-27 Questions 7 and 8.

8 In the situation of Question 7, is the work done by your force positive, negative, or zero if the particle is moved (a) from A to

B, (b) from A to C, and (c) from B to D? (d) Rank those moves according to the magnitude of the work done by your force,

greatest first.

9 Figure 24-23 shows four pairs of charged particles with identical separations. (a) Rank the pairs according to

their electric potential energy (that is, the energy of the two-particle system), greatest (most positive) first. (b)

For each pair, if the separation between the particles is increased, does the potential energy of the pair

increase or decrease?

Top of Form

10 (a) In Fig. 24-28a, what is the potential at point P due to charge Q at distance R from P? Set V = 0 at infinity. (b) In Fig. 24-

28b, the same charge Q has been spread uniformly over a circular arc of radius R and central angle 40°. What is the potential

at point P, the center of curvature of the arc? (c) In Fig. 24-28c, the same charge Q has been spread uniformly over a circle

of radius R. What is the potential at point P, the center of the circle? (d) Rank the three situations according to the magnitude

of the electric field that is set up at P, greatest first.

Figure 24-28 Question 10.

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sec. 24-3 Electric Potential

•1 A particular 12 V car battery can send a total charge of 84 A · h (ampere-hours) through a circuit, from

one terminal to the other. (a) How many coulombs of charge does this represent? (Hint: See Eq. 21-3.) (b) If

this entire charge undergoes a change in electric potential of 12 V, how much energy is involved?

Top of Form

•2 The electric potential difference between the ground and a cloud in a particular thunderstorm is 1.2 × 109 V. In the unit

electron-volts, what is the magnitude of the change in the electric potential energy of an electron that moves between the

ground and the cloud?

•3 Top of Form

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Much of the material making up Saturn's rings is in the form of tiny dust grains having radii on the order of

106 m. These grains are located in a region containing a dilute ionized gas, and they pick up excess electrons. As an

approximation, suppose each grain is spherical, with radius R = 1.0 × 10-6

m. How many electrons would one grain have to

pick up to have a potential of -400 V on its surface (taking V = 0 at infinity)?

sec. 24-5 Calculating the Potential from the Field

•4 Two large, parallel, conducting plates are 12 cm apart and have charges of equal magnitude and opposite sign on their facing

surfaces. An electrostatic force of 3.9 × 10-15

N acts on an electron placed anywhere between the two plates. (Neglect

fringing.) (a) Find the electric field at the position of the electron. (b) What is the potential difference between the plates?

•5 An infinite nonconducting sheet has a surface charge density σ = 0.10 μC/m2 on one side. How far

apart are equipotential surfaces whose potentials differ by 50 V?

Top of Form

•6 When an electron moves from A to B along an electric field line in Fig. 24-29, the electric field does 3.94 × 10-19

J of work

on it. What are the electric potential differences (a) VB - VA, (b) VC - VA, and (c) VC - VB?

Figure 24-29 Problem 6.

••7 The electric field in a region of space has the components Ey = Ez = 0 and Ex = (4.00 N/C)x. Point A is on the

y axis at y = 3.00 m, and point B is on the x axis at x = 4.00 m. What is the potential difference VB - VA? Top of Form

••8 A graph of the x component of the electric field as a function of x in a region of space is shown in Fig. 24-30. The scale of

the vertical axis is set by Exs = 20.0 N/C. The y and z components of the electric field are zero in this region. If the electric

potential at the origin is 10 V, (a) what is the electric potential at x = 2.0 m, (b) what is the greatest positive value of the

electric potential for points on the x axis for which 0 ≤ x ≤ 6.0 m, and (c) for what value of x is the electric potential zero?

Figure 24-30 Problem 8.

••9 An infinite nonconducting sheet has a surface charge density σ = +5.80 pC/m2. (a) How much work is done

by the electric field due to the sheet if a particle of charge q = +1.60 × 10-19

C is moved from the sheet to a

point P at distance d = 3.56 cm from the sheet? (b) If the electric potential V is defined to be zero on the

sheet, what is V at P?

Top of Form

•••10 Two uniformly charged, infinite, nonconducting planes are parallel to a yz plane and positioned at x = -50 cm and x = +50

cm. The charge densities on the planes are -50nC/m2 and +25 nC/m

2, respectively. What is the magnitude of the potential

difference between the origin and the point on the x axis at x = +80 cm? (Hint: Use Gauss' law.)

•••11 A nonconducting sphere has radius R = 2.31 cm and uniformly distributed charge q = +3.50 fC. Take the

electric potential at the sphere's center to be V0 = 0. What is V at radial distance (a) r = 1.45 cm and (b) r =

R.(Hint: See Section 23-5.)

Top of Form

sec. 24-7 Potential Due to a Group of Point Charges

•12 As a space shuttle moves through the dilute ionized gas of Earth's ionosphere, the shuttle's potential is typically changed by -

Page 34: ELECTRIC POTENTIAL text pdfs... · 2014. 11. 19. · 24-4 Equipotential Surfaces Adjacent points that have the same electric potential form an equipotential surface, which can be

1.0 V during one revolution. Assuming the shuttle is a sphere of radius 10 m, estimate the amount of charge it collects.

•13 What are (a) the charge and (b) the charge density on the surface of a conducting sphere of radius 0.15 m

whose potential is 200 V (with V = 0 at infinity)? Top of Form

•14 Consider a point charge q = 1.0 μC, point A at distance d1 = 2.0 m from q, and point B at distance d2 = 1.0 m. (a) If A and B

are diametrically opposite each other, as in Fig. 24-31a, what is the electric potential difference VA - VB? (b) What is that

electric potential difference if A and B are located as in Fig. 24-31b?

Figure 24-31 Problem 14.

••15 A spherical drop of water carrying a charge of 30 pC has a potential of 500 V at its surface (with

V = 0 at infinity). (a) What is the radius of the drop? (b) If two such drops of the same charge and radius

combine to form a single spherical drop, what is the potential at the surface of the new drop?

Top of Form

••16 Figure 24-32 shows a rectangular array of charged particles fixed in place, with distance a = 39.0 cm and the charges

shown as integer multiples of q1 = 3.40 pC and q2 = 6.00 pC. With V = 0 at infinity, what is the net electric potential at the

rectangle's center? (Hint: Thoughtful examination can reduce the calculation.)

Figure 24-32 Problem 16.

••17 In Fig. 24-33, what is the net electric potential at point P due to the four particles if V = 0 at infinity, q =

5.00 fC, and d = 4.00 cm?

Figure 24-33 Problem 17.

Top of Form

••18 Two charged particles are shown in Fig. 24-34a. Particle 1, with charge q1, is fixed in place at distance d. Particle 2,

with charge q2, can be moved along the x axis. Figure 24-34b gives the net electric potential V at the origin due to the two

particles as a function of the x coordinate of particle 2. The scale of the x axis is set by xs = 16.0 cm. The plot has an

asymptote of V = 5.76 × 10-7

V as x → ∞. What is q2 in terms of e?

Page 35: ELECTRIC POTENTIAL text pdfs... · 2014. 11. 19. · 24-4 Equipotential Surfaces Adjacent points that have the same electric potential form an equipotential surface, which can be

Figure 24-34 Problem 18.

••19 In Fig. 24-35, particles with the charges q1 = +5e and q2 = -15e are fixed in place with a separation of d =

24.0 cm. With electric potential defined to be V = 0 at infinity, what are the finite (a) positive and (b)

negative values of x at which the net electric potential on the x axis is zero?

Figure 24-35 Problems 19, 20, and 97.

Top of Form

••20 Two particles, of charges q1 and q2, are separated by distance d in Fig. 24-35. The net electric field due to the particles is

zero at x = d/4. With V = 0 at infinity, locate (in terms of d) any point on the x axis (other than at infinity) at which the

electric potential due to the two particles is zero.

sec. 24-8 Potential Due to an Electric Dipole

•21 The ammonia molecule NH3 has a permanent electric dipole moment equal to 1.47 D, where 1 D = 1

debye unit = 3.34 × 10-30

C · m. Calculate the electric potential due to an ammonia molecule at a point 52.0

nm away along the axis of the dipole. (Set V = 0 at infinity.)

Top of Form

••22 In Fig. 24-36a, a particle of elementary charge +e is initially at coordinate z = 20 nm on the dipole axis (here a z axis)

through an electric dipole, on the positive side of the dipole. (The origin of z is at the center of the dipole.) The particle is

then moved along a circular path around the dipole center until it is at coordinate z = -20 nm, on the negative side of the

dipole axis. Figure 24-36b gives the work Wa done by the force moving the particle versus the angle θ that locates the

particle relative to the positive direction of the z axis. The scale of the vertical axis is set by Was = 4.0 × 10-30

J. What is the

magnitude of the dipole moment?

Figure 24-36 Problem 22.

sec. 24-9 Potential Due to a Continuous Charge Distribution

•23 (a) Figure 24-37a shows a nonconducting rod of length L = 6.00 cm and uniform linear charge density λ =

+3.68 pC/m. Assume that the electric potential is defined to be V = 0 at infinity. What is V at point P at

distance d = 8.00 cm along the rod's perpendicular bisector? (b) Figure 24-37b shows an identical rod except

that one half is now negatively charged. Both halves have a linear charge density of magnitude 3.68 pC/m.

With V = 0 at infinity, what is V at P?

Top of Form

Page 36: ELECTRIC POTENTIAL text pdfs... · 2014. 11. 19. · 24-4 Equipotential Surfaces Adjacent points that have the same electric potential form an equipotential surface, which can be

Figure 24-37 Problem 23.

•24 In Fig. 24-38, a plastic rod having a uniformly distributed charge Q = -25.6 pC has been bent into a circular arc of radius R =

3.71 cm and central angle = 120°. With V = 0 at infinity, what is the electric potential at P, the center of curvature of the


Figure 24-38 Problem 24.

•25 A plastic rod has been bent into a circle of radius R = 8.20 cm. It has a charge Q1 = +4.20 pC uniformly

distributed along one-quarter of its circumference and a charge Q2 = -6Q1 uniformly distributed along the rest

of the circumference (Fig. 24-39). With V = 0 at infinity, what is the electric potential at (a) the center C of

the circle and (b) point P, on the central axis of the circle at distance D = 6.71 cm from the center?

Figure 24-39 Problem 25.

Top of Form

••26 Figure 24-40 shows a thin rod with a uniform charge density of 2.00 μC/m. Evaluate the electric potential at point P if d

= D = L/4.00.

Figure 24-40 Problem 26.

••27 Top of Form

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In Fig. 24-41, three thin plastic rods form quarter-circles with a common center of curvature at the origin.

The uniform charges on the rods are Q1 = +30 nC, Q2 = +3.0Q1, and Q3 = -8.0Q1. What is the net electric potential at the

origin due to the rods?

Figure 24-41 Problem 27.

••28 Figure 24-42 shows a thin plastic rod of length L = 12.0 cm and uniform positive charge Q = 56.1 fC lying on an x axis.

With V = 0 at infinity, find the electric potential at point P1 on the axis, at distance d = 2.50 cm from one end of the rod.

Figure 24-42 Problems 28, 33, 38, and 40.

••29 In Fig. 24-43, what is the net electric potential at the origin due to the circular arc of charge Q1 = +7.21 pC

and the two particles of charges Q2 = 4.00Q1 and Q3 = -2.00Q1? The arc's center of curvature is at the origin

and its radius is R = 2.00 m; the angle indicated is θ = 20.0°.

Figure 24-43 Problem 29.

Top of Form

••30 The smiling face of Fig. 24-44 consists of three items:

1. a thin rod of charge -3.0 μC that forms a full circle of radius 6.0 cm;

2. a second thin rod of charge 2.0 μC that forms a circular arc of radius 4.0 cm, subtending an angle of 90° about the

center of the full circle;

3. an electric dipole with a dipole moment that is perpendicular to a radial line and has magnitude 1.28 × 10-21

C · m.

Page 38: ELECTRIC POTENTIAL text pdfs... · 2014. 11. 19. · 24-4 Equipotential Surfaces Adjacent points that have the same electric potential form an equipotential surface, which can be

Figure 24-44 Problem 30.

What is the net electric potential at the center?

••31 A plastic disk of radius R = 64.0 cm is charged on one side with a uniform surface charge

density σ = 7.73 fC/m2, and then three quadrants of the disk are removed. The remaining quadrant is shown

in Fig. 24-45. With V = 0 at infinity, what is the potential due to the remaining quadrant at point P, which is

on the central axis of the original disk at distance D = 25.9 cm from the original center?

Figure 24-45 Problem 31.

Top of Form

•••32 A nonuniform linear charge distribution given by λ = bx, where b is a constant, is located along an x axis from x = 0 to x =

0.20 m. If b = 20 nC/m2 and V = 0 at infinity, what is the electric potential at (a) the origin and (b) the point y = 0.15 m on

the y axis?

•••33 The thin plastic rod shown in Fig. 24-42 has length L = 12.0 cm and a nonuniform linear charge density λ =

cx, where c = 28.9 pC/m2. With V = 0 at infinity, find the electric potential at point P1 on the axis, at

distance d = 3.00 cm from one end.

Top of Form

sec. 24-10 Calculating the Field from the Potential

•34 Two large parallel metal plates are 1.5 cm apart and have charges of equal magnitudes but opposite signs on their facing

surfaces. Take the potential of the negative plate to be zero. If the potential halfway between the plates is then +5.0 V, what

is the electric field in the region between the plates?

•35 The electric potential at points in an xy plane is given by V = (2.0 V/m2)x

2 - (3.0 V/m


2. In unit-vector

notation, what is the electric field at the point (3.0 m, 2.0 m)? Top of Form

•36 The electric potential V in the space between two flat parallel plates 1 and 2 is given (in volts) by V = 1500x2, where x (in

meters) is the perpendicular distance from plate 1. At x = 1.3 cm, (a) what is the magnitude of the electric field and (b) is the

field directed toward or away from plate 1?

••37 What is the magnitude of the electric field at the point m if the electric

potential is given by V = 2.00xyz2, where V is in volts and x, y, and z are in meters?

Top of Form

••38 Figure 24-42 shows a thin plastic rod of length L = 13.5 cm and uniform charge 43.6 fC. (a) In terms of distance d, find an

expression for the electric potential at point P1. (b) Next, substitute variable x for d and find an expression for the

magnitude of the component Ex of the electric field at P1. (c) What is the direction of Ex relative to the positive direction of

the x axis? (d) What is the value of Ex at P1 for x = d = 6.20 cm? (e) From the symmetry in Fig. 24-42, determine Ey at P1.

••39 Top of Form

Page 39: ELECTRIC POTENTIAL text pdfs... · 2014. 11. 19. · 24-4 Equipotential Surfaces Adjacent points that have the same electric potential form an equipotential surface, which can be

An electron is placed in an xy plane where the electric potential depends on x and y as shown in Fig. 24-46

(the potential does not depend on z). The scale of the vertical axis is set by Vs = 500 V. In unit-vector notation, what is the

electric force on the electron?

Figure 24-46 Problem 39.

•••40 The thin plastic rod of length L = 10.0 cm in Fig. 24-42 has a nonuniform linear charge density λ = cx, where c = 49.9

pC/m2. (a) With V = 0 at infinity, find the electric potential at point P2 on the y axis at y = D = 3.56 cm. (b) Find the

electric field component Ey at P2. (c) Why cannot the field component Ex at P2 be found using the result of (a)?

sec. 24-11 Electric Potential Energy of a System of Point Charges

•41 A particle of charge +7.5 μC is released from rest at the point x = 60 cm on an x axis. The particle begins to

move due to the presence of a charge Q that remains fixed at the origin. What is the kinetic energy of the

particle at the instant it has moved 40 cm if (a) Q = +20 μC and (b) Q = -20 μC?

Top of Form

•42 (a) What is the electric potential energy of two electrons separated by 2.00 nm? (b) If the separation increases, does the

potential energy increase or decrease?

•43 How much work is required to set up the arrangement of Fig. 24-47 if q = 2.30 pC, a =

64.0 cm, and the particles are initially infinitely far apart and at rest?

Figure 24-47 Problem 43.

Top of Form

•44 In Fig. 24-48, seven charged particles are fixed in place to form a square with an edge length of 4.0 cm. How much work

must we do to bring a particle of charge +6e initially at rest from an infinite distance to the center of the square?

Figure 24-48 Problem 44.

••45 Top of Form

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A particle of charge q is fixed at point P, and a second particle of mass m and the same charge q is

initially held a distance r1 from P. The second particle is then released. Determine its speed when it is a

distance r2 from P. Let q = 3.1 μC, m = 20 mg, r1 = 0.90 mm, and r2 = 2.5 mm.

••46 A charge of -9.0 nC is uniformly distributed around a thin plastic ring lying in a yz plane with the ring center at the origin.

A -6.0 pC point charge is located on the x axis at x = 3.0 m. For a ring radius of 1.5 m, how much work must an external

force do on the point charge to move it to the origin?

••47 What is the escape speed for an electron initially at rest on the surface of a sphere with a radius of 1.0 cm

and a uniformly distributed charge of 1.6 × 10-15

C? That is, what initial speed must the electron have in

order to reach an infinite distance from the sphere and have zero kinetic energy when it gets there?

Top of Form

••48 A thin, spherical, conducting shell of radius R is mounted on an isolating support and charged to a potential of -125 V. An

electron is then fired directly toward the center of the shell, from point P at distance r from the center of the shell (r R).

What initial speed v0 is needed for the electron to just reach the shell before reversing direction?

••49 Two electrons are fixed 2.0 cm apart. Another electron is shot from infinity and stops midway between

the two. What is its initial speed?

Top of Form

••50 In Fig. 24-49, how much work must we do to bring a particle, of charge Q = +16e and initially at rest, along the dashed line

from infinity to the indicated point near two fixed particles of charges q1 = +4e and q2 = -q1/2? Distance d = 1.40 cm, θ1 =

43°, and θ2 = 60°.

Figure 24-49 Problem 50.

••51 In the rectangle of Fig. 24-50, the sides have lengths 5.0 cm and 15 cm, q1 = -5.0 μC, and q2 = +2.0 μC.

With V = 0 at infinity, what is the electric potential at (a) corner A and (b) corner B? (c) How much work is

required to move a charge q3 = +3.0 μC from B to A along a diagonal of the rectangle? (d) Does this work

increase or decrease the electric potential energy of the three-charge system? Is more, less, or the same work required if q3

is moved along a path that is (e) inside the rectangle but not on a diagonal and (f) outside the rectangle?

Figure 24-50 Problem 51.

Top of Form

••52 Figure 24-51a shows an electron moving along an electric dipole axis toward the negative side of the dipole. The dipole is

fixed in place. The electron was initially very far from the dipole, with kinetic energy 100 eV. Figure 24-51b gives the

kinetic energy K of the electron versus its distance r from the dipole center. The scale of the horizontal axis is set by rs =

0.10 m. What is the magnitude of the dipole moment?

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Figure 24-51 Problem 52.

••53 Two tiny metal spheres A and B, mass mA = 5.00 g and mB = 10.0 g, have equal positive charge q = 5.00 μC.

The spheres are connected by a massless nonconducting string of length d = 1.00 m, which is much greater

than the radii of the spheres. (a) What is the electric potential energy of the system? (b) Suppose you cut the

string. At that instant, what is the acceleration of each sphere? (c) A long time after you cut the string, what

is the speed of each sphere?

Top of Form

••54 A positron (charge +e, mass equal to the electron mass) is moving at 1.0 × 107 m/s in the positive direction of an x axis

when, at x = 0, it encounters an electric field directed along the x axis. The electric potential V associated with the field is

given in Fig. 24-52. The scale of the vertical axis is set by Vs = 500.0 V. (a) Does the positron emerge from the field at x = 0

(which means its motion is reversed) or at x = 0.50 m (which means its motion is not reversed)? (b) What is its speed when

it emerges?

Figure 24-52 Problem 54.

••55 An electron is projected with an initial speed of 3.2 × 105 m/s directly toward a proton that is fixed in place.

If the electron is initially a great distance from the proton, at what distance from the proton is the speed of

the electron instantaneously equal to twice the initial value?

Top of Form

••56 Figure 24-53a shows three particles on an x axis. Particle 1 (with a charge of +5.0 μC) and particle 2 (with a charge of +3.0

μC) are fixed in place with separation d = 4.0 cm. Particle 3 can be moved along the x axis to the right of particle 2. Figure

24-53b gives the electric potential energy U of the three-particle system as a function of the x coordinate of particle 3. The

scale of the vertical axis is set by Ux = 5.0 J. What is the charge of particle 3?

Figure 24-53 Problem 56.

••57 Identical 50 μC charges are fixed on an x axis at x = ±3.0 m. A particle of charge q = -15 μC is then

released from rest at a point on the positive part of the y axis. Due to the symmetry of the situation, the

particle moves along the y axis and has kinetic energy 1.2 J as it passes through the point x = 0, y = 4.0 m.

(a) What is the kinetic energy of the particle as it passes through the origin? (b) At what negative value of y will the particle

Top of Form

Page 42: ELECTRIC POTENTIAL text pdfs... · 2014. 11. 19. · 24-4 Equipotential Surfaces Adjacent points that have the same electric potential form an equipotential surface, which can be

momentarily stop?

••58 Proton in a well. Figure 24-54 shows electric potential V along an x axis. The scale of the vertical axis is set by Vs =

10.0 V. A proton is to be released at x = 3.5 cm with initial kinetic energy 4.00 eV. (a) If it is initially moving in the

negative direction of the axis, does it reach a turning point (if so, what is the x coordinate of that point) or does it escape

from the plotted region (if so, what is its speed at x = 0)? (b) If it is initially moving in the positive direction of the axis,

does it reach a turning point (if so, what is the x coordinate of that point) or does it escape from the plotted region (if so,

what is its speed at x = 6.0 cm)? What are the (c) magnitude F and (d) direction (positive or negative direction of the x axis)

of the electric force on the proton if the proton moves just to the left of x = 3.0 cm? What are (e) F and (f) the direction if

the proton moves just to the right of x = 5.0 cm?

Figure 24-54 Problem 58.

••59 In Fig. 24-55, a charged particle (either an electron or a proton) is moving rightward between two parallel

charged plates separated by distance d = 2.00 mm. The plate potentials are V1 = -70.0 V and V2 = -50.0 V.

The particle is slowing from an initial speed of 90.0 km/s at the left plate. (a) Is the particle an electron or a

proton? (b) What is its speed just as it reaches plate 2?

Figure 24-55 Problem 59.

Top of Form

••60 In Fig. 24-56a, we move an electron from an infinite distance to a point at distance R = 8.00 cm from a tiny charged ball.

The move requires work W = 2.16 × 10-13

J by us. (a) What is the charge Q on the ball? In Fig. 24-56b, the ball has been

sliced up and the slices spread out so that an equal amount of charge is at the hour positions on a circular clock face of

radius R = 8.00 cm. Now the electron is brought from an infinite distance to the center of the circle. (b) With that addition

of the electron to the system of 12 charged particles, what is the change in the electric potential energy of the system?

Figure 24-56 Problem 60.

•••61 Suppose N electrons can be placed in either of two configurations. In configuration 1, they are all placed on

the circumference of a narrow ring of radius R and are uniformly distributed so that the distance between

adjacent electrons is the same everywhere. In configuration 2, N - 1 electrons are uniformly distributed on

the ring and one electron is placed in the center of the ring. (a) What is the smallest value of N for which

the second configuration is less energetic than the first? (b) For that value of N, consider any one circumference electron—

Top of Form

Page 43: ELECTRIC POTENTIAL text pdfs... · 2014. 11. 19. · 24-4 Equipotential Surfaces Adjacent points that have the same electric potential form an equipotential surface, which can be

call it e0. How many other circumference electrons are closer to e0 than the central electron is?

sec. 24-12 Potential of a Charged Isolated Conductor

•62 Sphere 1 with radius R1 has positive charge q. Sphere 2 with radius 2.00R1 is far from sphere 1 and initially uncharged. After

the separated spheres are connected with a wire thin enough to retain only negligible charge, (a) is potential V1 of sphere 1

greater than, less than, or equal to potential V2 of sphere 2? What fraction of q ends up on (b) sphere 1 and (c) sphere 2? (d)

What is the ratio σ1/σ2 of the surface charge densities of the spheres?

•63 Two metal spheres, each of radius 3.0 cm, have a center-to-center separation of 2.0 m. Sphere 1

has charge +1.0 × 10-8

C; sphere 2 has charge -3.0 × 10-8

C. Assume that the separation is large enough for us

to say that the charge on each sphere is uniformly distributed (the spheres do not affect each other). With V =

0 at infinity, calculate (a) the potential at the point halfway between the centers and the potential on the surface of (b) sphere

1 and (c) sphere 2.

Top of Form

•64 A hollow metal sphere has a potential of +400 V with respect to ground (defined to be at V = 0) and a charge of 5.0 × 10-9


Find the electric potential at the center of the sphere.

•65 What is the excess charge on a conducting sphere of radius r = 0.15 m if the potential of the sphere is

1500 V and V = 0 at infinity?

Top of Form

••66 Two isolated, concentric, conducting spherical shells have radii R1 = 0.500 m and R2 = 1.00 m, uniform charges q1 = +2.00

μC and q2 = +1.00 μC, and negligible thicknesses. What is the magnitude of the electric field E at radial distance (a) r =

4.00 m, (b) r = 0.700 m, and (c) r = 0.200 m? With V = 0 at infinity, what is V at (d) r = 4.00 m, (e) r = 1.00 m, (f) r = 0.700

m, (g) r = 0.500 m, (h) r = 0.200 m, and (i) r = 0? (j) Sketch E(r) and V(r).

••67 A metal sphere of radius 15 cm has a net charge of 3.0 ×10-8

C. (a) What is the electric field at the sphere's

surface? (b) If V = 0 at infinity, what is the electric potential at the sphere's surface? (c) At what distance

from the sphere's surface has the electric potential decreased by 500 V?

Top of Form

Additional Problems

68 Here are the charges and coordinates of two point charges located in an xy plane: q1 = +3.00 × 10-6

C, x = +3.50 cm, y =

+0.500 cm and q2 = -4.00 × 10-6

C, x = -2.00 cm, y = +1.50 cm. How much work must be done to locate these charges at

their given positions, starting from infinite separation?

69 A long, solid, conducting cylinder has a radius of 2.0 cm. The electric field at the surface of the

cylinder is 160 N/C, directed radially outward. Let A, B, and C be points that are 1.0 cm, 2.0 cm, and 5.0 cm,

respectively, from the central axis of the cylinder. What are (a) the magnitude of the electric field at C and

the electric potential differences (b) VB - VC and (c) VA - VB?

Top of Form

70 The chocolate crumb mystery. This story begins with Problem 60 in Chapter 23. (a) From the answer to part (a) of

that problem, find an expression for the electric potential as a function of the radial distance r from the center of the pipe.

(The electric potential is zero on the grounded pipe wall.) (b) For the typical volume charge density ρ = -1.1 × 103 C/m


what is the difference in the electric potential between the pipe's center and its inside wall? (The story continues with

Problem 60 in Chapter 25.)

71 Starting from Eq. 24-30, derive an expression for the electric field due to a dipole at a point on the

dipole axis.

Top of Form

72 The magnitude E of an electric field depends on the radial distance r according to E = A/r4, where A is a constant with the

unit volt–cubic meter. As a multiple of A, what is the magnitude of the electric potential difference between r = 2.00 m and r

= 3.00 m?

73 (a) If an isolated conducting sphere 10 cm in radius has a net charge of 4.0 μC and if V = 0 at infinity, what is

the potential on the surface of the sphere? (b) Can this situation actually occur, given that the air around the

sphere undergoes electrical breakdown when the field exceeds 3.0 MV/m?

Top of Form

74 Three particles, charge q1 = +10 μC, q2 = -20 μC, and q3 = +30μC, are positioned at the vertices of an isosceles triangle as

shown in Fig. 24-57. If a = 10 cm and b = 6.0 cm, how much work must an external agent do to exchange the positions of (a) q1 and q3 and, instead, (b) q1 and q2?

Page 44: ELECTRIC POTENTIAL text pdfs... · 2014. 11. 19. · 24-4 Equipotential Surfaces Adjacent points that have the same electric potential form an equipotential surface, which can be

Figure 24-57 Problem 74.

75 An electric field of approximately 100 V/m is often observed near the surface of Earth. If this were the field

over the entire surface, what would be the electric potential of a point on the surface? (Set V = 0 at infinity.) Top of Form

76 A Gaussian sphere of radius 4.00 cm is centered on a ball that has a radius of 1.00 cm and a uniform charge distribution. The

total (net) electric flux through the surface of the Gaussian sphere is +5.60 × 104 N· m

2/C. What is the electric potential 12.0

cm from the center of the ball?

77 In a Millikan oil-drop experiment (Section 22-8), a uniform electric field of 1.92 × 105 N/C is maintained in

the region between two plates separated by 1.50 cm. Find the potential difference between the plates. Top of Form

78 Figure 24-58 shows three circular, nonconducting arcs of radius R = 8.50 cm. The charges on the arcs are q1 = 4.52 pC, q2 =

-2.00q1, q3 = +3.00q1. With V = 0 at infinity, what is the net electric potential of the arcs at the common center of curvature?

Figure 24-58 Problem 78.

79 An electron is released from rest on the axis of an electric dipole that has charge e and charge separation d =

20 pm and that is fixed in place. The release point is on the positive side of the dipole, at distance 7.0d from

the dipole center. What is the electron's speed when it reaches a point 5.0d from the dipole center?

Top of Form

80 Figure 24-59 shows a ring of outer radius R = 13.0 cm, inner radius r = 0.200R, and uniform surface charge density σ = 6.20

pC/m2. With V = 0 at infinity, find the electric potential at point P on the central axis of the ring, at distance z = 2.00R from

the center of the ring.

Figure 24-59 Problem 80.

Page 45: ELECTRIC POTENTIAL text pdfs... · 2014. 11. 19. · 24-4 Equipotential Surfaces Adjacent points that have the same electric potential form an equipotential surface, which can be

81 Electron in a well. Figure 24-60 shows electric potential V along an x axis. The scale of the vertical axis is set

by Vs = 8.0 V. An electron is to be released at x = 4.5 cm with initial kinetic energy 3.00 eV. (a) If it is

initially moving in the negative direction of the axis, does it reach a turning point (if so, what is the x

coordinate of that point) or does it escape from the plotted region (if so, what is its speed at x = 0)? (b) If it is

initially moving in the positive direction of the axis, does it reach a turning point (if so, what is the x coordinate of that

point) or does it escape from the plotted region (if so, what is its speed at x = 7.0 cm)? What are the (c) magnitude F and (d)

direction (positive or negative direction of the x axis) of the electric force on the electron if the electron moves just to the left

of x = 4.0 cm? What are (e) F and (f) the direction if it moves just to the right of x = 5.0 cm?

Figure 24-60 Problem 81.

Top of Form

82 (a) If Earth had a uniform surface charge density of 1.0 electron/m2 (a very artificial assumption), what would its potential

be? (Set V = 0 at infinity.) What would be the (b) magnitude and (c) direction (radially inward or outward) of the electric

field due to Earth just outside its surface?

83 In Fig. 24-61, point P is at distance d1 = 4.00 m from particle 1 (q1 = -2e) and distance d2 = 2.00 m from

particle 2 (q2 = +2e), with both particles fixed in place. (a) With V = 0 at infinity, what is V at P? If we bring

a particle of charge q3 = +2e from infinity to P, (b) how much work do we do and (c) what is the potential

energy of the three-particle sytem?

Figure 24-61 Problem 83.

Top of Form

84 A solid conducting sphere of radius 3.0 cm has a charge of 30 nC distributed uniformly over its surface. Let A be a point 1.0

cm from the center of the sphere, S be a point on the surface of the sphere, and B be a point 5.0 cm from the center of the

sphere. What are the electric potential differences (a) VS - VB and (b) VA - VB?

85 In Fig. 24-62, we move a particle of charge +2e in from infinity to the x axis. How much work do we do?

Distance D is 4.00 m.

Figure 24-62 Problem 85.

Top of Form

86 Figure 24-63 shows a hemisphere with a charge of 4.00 μC distributed uniformly through its volume. The hemisphere lies

on an xy plane the way half a grapefruit might lie face down on a kitchen table. Point P is located on the plane, along a radial

line from the hemisphere's center of curvature, at radial distance 15 cm. What is the electric potential at point P due to the


Page 46: ELECTRIC POTENTIAL text pdfs... · 2014. 11. 19. · 24-4 Equipotential Surfaces Adjacent points that have the same electric potential form an equipotential surface, which can be

Figure 24-63 Problem 86.

87 Three +0.12 C charges form an equilateral triangle 1.7 m on a side. Using energy supplied at the rate

of 0.83 kW, how many days would be required to move one of the charges to the midpoint of the line joining

the other two charges?

Top of Form

88 Two charges q = +2.0 μC are fixed a distance d = 2.0 cm apart (Fig. 24-64). (a) With V = 0 at infinity, what is the electric

potential at point C? (b) You bring a third charge q = +2.0 μC from infinity to C. How much work must you do? (c) What is

the potential energy U of the three-charge configuration when the third charge is in place?

Figure 24-64 Problem 88.

89 Initially two electrons are fixed in place with a separation of 2.00 μm. How much work must we do to bring a

third electron in from infinity to complete an equilateral triangle? Top of Form

90 A particle of positive charge Q is fixed at point P. A second particle of mass m and negative charge -q moves at constant

speed in a circle of radius r1, centered at P. Derive an expression for the work W that must be done by an external agent on

the second particle to increase the radius of the circle of motion to r2.

91 Two charged, parallel, flat conducting surfaces are spaced d = 1.00 cm apart and produce a potential

difference ΔV = 625 V between them. An electron is projected from one surface directly toward the second.

What is the initial speed of the electron if it stops just at the second surface?

Top of Form

92 In Fig. 24-65, point P is at the center of the rectangle. With V = 0 at infinity, q1 = 5.00 fC, q2 = 2.00 fC, q3 = 3.00 fC, and d =

2.54 cm, what is the net electric potential at P due to the six charged particles?

Figure 24-65 Problem 92.

93 A uniform charge of +16.0 μC is on a thin circular ring lying in an xy plane and centered on the origin.

The ring's radius is 3.00 cm. If point A is at the origin and point B is on the z axis at z = 4.00 cm, what is VB - VA?

Top of Form

94 Consider a point charge q = 1.50 × 10-8

C, and take V = 0 at infinity. (a) What are the shape and dimensions of an

equipotential surface having a potential of 30.0 V due to q alone? (b) Are surfaces whose potentials differ by a constant

amount (1.0 V, say) evenly spaced?

95 A thick spherical shell of charge Q and uniform volume charge density ρ is bounded by radii r1 and r2

> r1. With V = 0 at infinity, find the electric potential V as a function of distance r from the center of the

distribution, considering regions (a) r > r2, (b) r2 > r > r1, and (c) r < r1. (d) Do these solutions agree with

each other at r = r2 and r = r1? (Hint: See Section 23-9.)

Top of Form

96 A charge q is distributed uniformly throughout a spherical volume of radius R. Let V = 0 at infinity. What are (a) V at radial

Page 47: ELECTRIC POTENTIAL text pdfs... · 2014. 11. 19. · 24-4 Equipotential Surfaces Adjacent points that have the same electric potential form an equipotential surface, which can be

distance r < R and (b) the potential difference between points at r = R and the point at r = 0?

97 Figure 24-35 shows two charged particles on an axis. Sketch the electric field lines and the equipotential surfaces in the

plane of the page for (a) q1 = +q, q2 = +2q and (b) q1 = +q, q2= -3q.

98 What is the electric potential energy of the charge configuration of Fig. 24-8a? Use the numerical values provided in the

associated sample problem.

99 (a) Using Eq. 24-32, show that the electric potential at a point on the central axis of a thin ring (of charge q and radius R)

and at distance z from the ring is

(b) From this result, derive an expression for the electric field magnitude E at points on the ring's axis; compare your result

with the calculation of E in Section 22-6.

100 An alpha particle (which has two protons) is sent directly toward a target nucleus containing 92 protons. The alpha particle

has an initial kinetic energy of 0.48 pJ. What is the least center-to-center distance the alpha particle will be from the target

nucleus, assuming the nucleus does not move?

101 In the quark model of fundamental particles, a proton is composed of three quarks: two “up” quarks, each

having charge +2e/3, and one “down” quark, having charge -e/3. Suppose that the three quarks are

equidistant from one another. Take that separation distance to be 1.32 × 10-15

m and calculate the electric

potential energy of the system of (a) only the two up quarks and (b) all three quarks.

Top of Form

102 (a) A proton of kinetic energy 4.80 MeV travels head-on toward a lead nucleus. Assuming that the proton does not penetrate

the nucleus and that the only force between proton and nucleus is the Coulomb force, calculate the smallest center-to-center

separation dp between proton and nucleus when the proton momentarily stops. If the proton were replaced with an alpha

particle (which contains two protons) of the same initial kinetic energy, the alpha particle would stop at center-to-center

separation da. (b) What is da/dp?

103 In Fig. 24-66, two particles of charges q1 and q2 are fixed to an x axis. If a third particle, of charge +6.0 μC,

is brought from an infinite distance to point P, the three-particle system has the same electric potential

energy as the original two-particle system. What is the charge ratio q1/q2?

Figure 24-66 Problem 103.

Top of Form

104 A charge of 1.50 × 10-8

C lies on an isolated metal sphere of radius 16.0 cm. With V = 0 at infinity, what is the electric

potential at points on the sphere's surface?

105 A solid copper sphere whose radius is 1.0 cm has a very thin surface coating of nickel. Some of the

nickel atoms are radioactive, each atom emitting an electron as it decays. Half of these electrons enter the

copper sphere, each depositing 100 keV of energy there. The other half of the electrons escape, each carrying

away a charge -e. The nickel coating has an activity of 3.70 × 108 radioactive decays per second. The sphere is hung from a

long, nonconducting string and isolated from its surroundings. (a) How long will it take for the potential of the sphere to

increase by 1000 V? (b) How long will it take for the temperature of the sphere to increase by 5.0 K due to the energy

deposited by the electrons? The heat capacity of the sphere is 14 J/K.

Top of Form

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