Electoral competition 1 1 Electoral Competition and the Voter Forthcoming, Public Opinion Quarterly Shaun Bowler Department of Political Science University of California, Riverside Riverside, CA 92521 [email protected] 951.825.5595 951.827.3933 (fax) Todd Donovan Department of Political Science Western Washington University Bellingham, WA 98225 [email protected] 360.650.3018 360.650.2800 (fax) (Corresponding author) Keywords: Opinion, elections, electoral competition, campaign effects

Electoral Competition and the Voter Forthcoming, Public

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Electoral competition

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Electoral Competition and the Voter

Forthcoming, Public Opinion Quarterly

Shaun Bowler Department of Political Science

University of California, Riverside Riverside, CA 92521

[email protected] 951.825.5595

951.827.3933 (fax)

Todd Donovan Department of Political Science Western Washington University

Bellingham, WA 98225 [email protected]

360.650.3018 360.650.2800 (fax)

(Corresponding author)

Keywords: Opinion, elections, electoral competition, campaign effects

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Author notes:

Shaun Bowler is a professor of political science at the University of California,

Riverside, Riverside, CA, USA. Todd Donovan is a professor of political science at

Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA. Address correspondence to Todd

Donovan, Department of Political Science, Western Washington University, Bellingham

WA, 98225, USA; email: [email protected]

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This note examines how electoral competition, in the form of district-level campaign

expenditures, affects voters' opinions about elections. We direct our attention at how

voters perceive competition, and at how electoral competition affects how people

perceive elections. Although people generally over estimate the competitiveness of US

House races, we demonstrate that perceptions of competition are connected to actual

levels of campaign activity. We also find that electoral competition may have

contradictory democratic effects. District-level spending is associated with greater

attention to news about the local campaign, but also with greater dissatisfaction with

election choices.

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Studies examining electoral competition generally focus on how competition

affects the behavior of representatives (e.g. Key, 1949; McDonald and Samples 2006),

or how it affects voter turnout (e.g. Cox and Munger 1989; Blais 2000; Endersby el al

2002). A smaller body research examines the effects competitive elections might have

on voter attitudes (Brunell 2008; Brunell and Buchler 2009). We are interested here in

whether voters are aware of electoral competition, and whether campaign activity

associated with competition affects voters' perceptions and attitudes about elections.

We demonstrate that congressional campaign activity corresponds with

perceptions that the election in a person's district is close. We also find that when voters

are exposed to greater campaign activity they appear more attentive to campaign news.

However, competitive elections may not have uniformly positive democratic effects.

Exposure to competition also corresponds with greater dissatisfaction with election


How do voters perceive electoral competition?

Are voters' aware of how close elections might be, and does campaign activity

affect other perceptions about elections? The strategic voting literature assumes that

voters are not only aware of how close things are, but that these perceptions are accurate

and acted upon (e.g. Downs 1957; but see Green and Shapiro 1994). A large body of

work also documents that turnout in elections (Blais 2000) and instances of strategic

voting (Cox 1997; Karp et al 2002) both correlate with how close an election is. Blais'

(2000) extensive review of the voter turnout literature found that electoral competition is

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associated with increased turnout (see also Franklin 2004), but this effect could be

caused by the mobilization efforts of elites, rather than mass behavior being affected by

actual awareness of how close an election is (Cox and Munger 1989).

There are reasons to expect that voters might not be particularly aware of

district-level electoral competition, and reasons to expect that it may have limited

effects on attitudes and behavior. Campaigns compete for attention in an environment

where people generally pay little attention to politics (Converse 1962), and people have

limited factual information about politics (Delli Carpini and Keeter 1997). Ferejohn and

Fiorina (1974) provide a model of the decision to vote as a choice being made under

uncertainty about how close an election might be. Voters must sort between

information about the national contest and the reality of their local race when evaluating

electoral competition in their own district. Perceptions of electoral competition may

also be inaccurate, as people are biased toward over-estimating how close elections are

(Uhlaner and Grofman 1986).

It is an open question, then, how voters are affected by electoral competition.

We might expect they simply assume elections are competitive. Thus, regardless of

campaign spending prior to the vote, perceptions of the closeness of a race could be

independent of how much money is spent on the contest. Conversely, even if

perceptions of closeness tend to be inaccurate, they may be responsive to variation in

campaign activity.

District-level competition may not only affect how people view the closeness of

an election, but it may also affect interest in the election and attitudes about the election.

Studies have demonstrated that spending corresponds with greater exposure to campaign

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ads (Kenny and McBurnett 1997), and campaign spending has been demonstrated to

decrease the likelihood that people would see something positive about incumbents

(Coleman and Manna 2000). Exposure to campaign ads has been found to make

citizens more interested in an election and more familiar with candidates (Freedman et

al 2004). Chong and Druckman (2007) also demonstrate that democratic competition

stimulates deliberation and generates greater attention to issues.

But do these patterns mean that campaign activity leads voters to feel more

positive about the election? Most campaign expenditures in US House races are

dedicated to advertising, and research demonstrates that most congressional candidates

running ads in 2006 (the election examined here) went negative (Druckman et al

2009:14). Higher spending may increase the chances that voters are exposed to

information – positive and negative. Although some literature reviews (Lau et al 1999;

Coleman and Manna 2000) show that negative ads do not have pervasively detrimental

effects others show that negative campaigns may correspond with lower political

efficacy, less trust in government, a more negative public mood (Lau et al 2007),

demobilization, and increased cynicism (e.g. Ansolabehere et al 1994). Research also

demonstrates that people generally dislike politics and want to avoid it (Hibbing and

Theiss-Morse 2002). Active campaigns may thus have adverse effects on attitudes about

the election since they are a visible manifestation of the sort of politics that many people


We propose that people experience electoral competition through campaign

activity, and that this activity is best measured by campaign spending. For example, a

low spending contest may be close but without active advertising campaigns, such a

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race may have a limited effect on voter awareness and perceptions. People experience

electoral competition directly in the form of radio and television ads, direct mailing,

billboards, signs, phone calls and other campaign activity. Campaign spending serves as

a measure of the level campaign activity in a specific geographic area, and it has been

shown to be associated with candidate vote share (Jacobson and Kernell 1983; Pattie et

al 1995), changes in vote intentions in US House races (Jacobson 1990); variation in

voter turnout in gubernatorial (Patterson and Caldiera 1983) and US House races

(Gilliam 1985) and other elections (Matsusaka and Palda 1999). Active campaigns have

thus been shown to affect voter behavior. Here we test how they affect perceptions of


In short, competition in the form of campaign expenditures could affect whether

voters think their House contest is close, and affect their interest in the race. We suggest

that campaigns may focus greater critical attention on candidates and lead people to pay

attention to the contest. If people generally dislike politics, visible political campaigns

may sour their attitudes about the election. We test if greater exposure to political

campaigns reduces satisfaction with elections.

Modelling perceptions of competition and elections

We test our argument by modelling responses to October 2006 Pew survey

questions. This survey has an advantage over others because it included an item asking

about perceptions of competition in a respondent's district. It also included an over-

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sample of respondents in competitive US House districts1 and thus includes a rare,

robust sample of respondents exposed to competitive House races. Weights are used in

our analysis to account for this over-sample. Table 1 displays results from a question

asking respondents whether they thought their US House race was competitive or not.

This illustrates that although people clearly over estimated how close these races were

there is a 12 percent increase in perceptions that contests are close when respondents

from competitive districts are compared to those from non competitive districts.

Table 1 about here

We estimated a model that tests if a respondent perceived their local race to be

close, and if this perception was roughly accurate. These perceptions are modelled as a

function of district-level campaign spending, district-level measures of whether the race

featured a Democratic or Republican incumbent (with open seats being the reference

category),2 individual-level attitudes about the political process, the respondent’s

partisanship, strength of partisanship, and standard demographic controls (age,

1 Details of question wording and sampling are in Appendix C. These districts were

identified with information from Congressional Quarterly, the Cook Political Report, the

Rothenberg Report, the New York Times, and Larry Sabato's Crystal Ball. Analysis

presented in this paper is weighted to account for the oversample and to balance

demographics. Michael McDonald of the Brookings Institution and John Samples of the

Cato Institute provided consultation on the study design.

2 Alternate specifications of perceptions of closeness controlled for whether a seat was

uncontested by one of the major parties, and if there were contested primaries. The

coefficients for these controls were not significant.

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education, race, ethnicity, and gender). These results are reported in Appendix A. We

also estimated similar models to test how district-level competition corresponds with

whether people pay attention to news about the campaign and to test whether

respondents were satisfied with the choices presented by the election (see Appendix B).

We expect that cynicism about politics will affect how people reason about

elections in general. Each model includes a measure of generalized dislike for politics.

Respondents were asked their views of the Democratic and Republican parties, as well

as Congress, and allowed to rate these institutions on a 5 point scale from “very

favorable” to “very unfavorable.” Our measure of political cynicism is a count of a

respondent's total number of “very unfavorable” responses. People who are generally

cynical about politics may also be skeptical about whether elections are close, and be

less satisfied with the choices they have in elections. Partisans, particularly strong

partisans, and people with more education, might be more attentive to campaigns. As

such, these variables are included as controls to better isolate the potential effects of

campaign activity.

We suggest that campaign spending is the most direct measure of how voters

experience the effects of electoral competition, as spending reflects the intensity of

campaign advertising, voter contacting, and voter mobilization efforts.3 We use total

spending in a district as a measure of electoral competition since the majority of

campaign spending goes to advertising that many voters are likely to be exposed to. We

assume that total expenditures is the most direct representation of how (or if)

3 The mean level of district spending was $2,899,000 (sd = 2,435,150 with a range from

$181,051 to $11,092,914).

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respondents are exposed to electoral competition. We are interested in here in the effects

of the total volume of campaign activity on perceptions, rather than distinguishing

between the effects of challenger versus incumbent spending. Spending was heavily

one-sided in small set of districts, however these tended to be lower spending contests.

Voters in these districts thus received relatively limited exposure to campaigns. Not

surprisingly, districts with the most total spending tended to be closer contests. District

vote margin in the 2006 House race is well correlated with spending (r = .62).4

However, unless voters are particularly attentive to district-level pre-election opinion

polls or to previous results, it is not clear how they can be directly affected by vote

margin in the immediate election since votes have not yet been counted.

We use probit and ordered probit with standard errors clustered by congressional

district to estimate our models. Perceptions of the existence of a competitive election are

coded dichotomously, with those who responded that their election "would be a close

contest" coded as 1, and other respondents coded as 0. Accurate perception are coded as

1 if a respondent said the contest would be close, and the actual margin was less than

10%, and 1 if the respondent said it would not be close and the margin was greater than

4 When vote margin and spending are included in the models at the same time, the

coefficients for spending remain significant and in the same directions in each

estimation, and none of the coefficients for vote margin are significantly different than


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10%.5 This measure is coded 0 otherwise. Attention to the local campaign is coded 1 if

the respondent reported following "news about candidates and election campaigns in

your state and district" very closely, and 0 if otherwise. Satisfaction with choices in the

campaign is coded 1 if a respondent said she was satisfied with choices in the election,

and 0 if otherwise. Question wording and sampling details are reported in Appendix C.

Additional estimates using a sample limited to respondents in competitive districts and

using alternate coding of dependent variables produced results similar to what we report

below. These estimates are included in the on-line appendix for this paper.


How then, do voters perceive electoral competition? As noted, many voters

over-estimated how close elections actually were. With key attitudes and

demographics accounted for, we find that electoral competition as represented by

campaign spending had a strong association with perceptions of elections. Figure 1

displays the probability (simulated from estimates reported in Appendix A) that a

respondent reported thinking her district had a close contest (the lighter bar), and the

probability that this perception was roughly accurate (the darker bar). People in districts

with very high spending ($10,000,000 total) are predicted to have had a .28 greater

probability of saying their election was close6 when compared to people in districts with

5 The 10% standard was used to define competitive ("marginal") districts by Mayhew


6 All predicted probabilities reported are for an independent, moderate, non-Hispanic

white woman of median age and education.

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some of the lowest spending ($200,000). The probability that someone in the highest

spending districts had an accurate perception of a race being close was .27 greater than

someone in a district with low spending. Results in Appendix A also demonstrate that

higher education was associated with being less likely to say elections were close and

with accurate perceptions of closeness. Somewhat surprisingly, African Americans

were more likely than whites to think their contest was close in 2006. As expected,

people who were cynical about politics were significantly more likely to think their

election would not be close, as were people in districts with no incumbent.

Figure 1 about here

Models in Appendix B estimating attention to the campaign and whether a

respondent was satisfied with choices in the election are similar to those used in

Appendix A. Additional variables are included in the estimate of satisfaction to control

for attention to campaign news and for the party of the incumbent.

Figure 2 about here

Figure 2 reports the relationships between competition (district spending),

attention to the campaign, and satisfaction with the election. The figure compares the

simulated probabilities of responses expected from people residing in districts with low

spending ($200,000) to those residing in districts with high spending ($10,000,000).

Respondents exposed to greater campaign spending were more likely to say they were

dissatisfied with choices presented in the election. Compared to people in low spending

districts, those in districts with the most spending had a .12 lower probability of saying

they were satisfied with choices in the election. There are also significant differences in

attention to the campaign associated with campaigns. People from higher spending

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districts were more likely to say they were following news about the candidates and

campaigns. In lower spending districts a respondent is estimated to have a .21

probability of saying she followed news about the campaign. A similar respondent in a

high spending district is estimated to have a .30 probability of saying this. The control

variables indicate that political cynics were more likely to report following local

campaign news, and that strong partisans (rather than partisans per se), men, and older

respondents were more attentive. As expected, respondents with more years of formal

education were more attentive to campaign news. Political cynics, African Americans,

women, and people with less education were less satisfied with choices offered by

elections. Partisans,7 and those who followed campaign news, were more satisfied.

It is important to note that when we estimate perceptions using vote margin to

measure competition, results (not shown here) are a bit different. Margin is associated

with accurate perceptions of how close a race is, and with following campaign news. It

is not associated with the general impulse to view any election as close, nor with lower

satisfaction with elections - yet spending is. We expect this may reflect that spending

captures exposure to campaign activity that the vote margin measure does not fully


7 We also specified the models with a term to account for Democrats residing in districts

with Democratic incumbents, and a term for Republicans in districts with Republican

incumbents. The coefficients for these were not significant and did not alter the results

reported here.

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This research has some mixed news for those who study the role that electoral

competition plays -- or should play -- in congressional elections. Despite a beneficial

effect that competitive districts may have on voters (more accurate perceptions about

whether a race is close, and increased attention to campaign news), voters appear less

satisfied with elections where campaigns are most active. This finding is consistent with

literature showing that people dislike being exposed to politics. Our results may be then

seen by some as a glass half full, and by others as a glass half empty. We assume that if

efforts to increase the number of competitive districts are successful (e.g. by changing

districting practices, adopting term limits, etc), that this might increase the proportion of

the electorate exposed to high-spending campaigns. This could increases in voter

attention to campaign news. When this is considered, greater electoral competition

appears as a normative gain. But intensive campaign spending might also stimulate

dissatisfaction with the candidates voters must select from.

The results of this study have implications for how we view the relationship

between campaigns and voters. We find that variation in electoral competition in the

form of spending affects voters' perceptions that a race is close, as well as other attitudes

and behavior. Although the Pew data are not suited for testing how campaign activity

might affect voter turnout or strategic voting, results reported here are consistent with

the idea that voters are aware of competitive campaigns and that they respond to them.

District-level campaign activity, as measured by campaign spending, appears to have a

substantial effect on whether people think the contest in their district will be close.

Commonly reported links between close elections, voter turnout, and strategic voting

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might then reflect direct voter awareness of, and responsiveness to, the intensity of

campaign activity and the fact that the contest is actually close.

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Appendix A: Probit estimates of perceptions of electoral competition (standard errors in parentheses)

Respondent thinks Thinks close, and election is close margin lt 10% Campaign expenditure in R's district 5.0e-8* 8.0e-08** (2.2e-08) (2.4e-08) Republican incumbent -.29* .09 (.13) (.15) Democratic incumbent -.36* .15 (.14) (.16) Respondent cynical about politics -.10 .08 (.06) (.06) Democratic party ID .07 -.03 (.12) (.12) Republican party ID .06 .02 (.12) (.12) Strong partisan -.14 .09 (.11) (.11) Education -.08** .10** (.03) (.03) Age .002 .001 (.002) (.002) Female -.05 .10 (.09) (.08) Latino .19 -.16 (.17) (.16) African American .41* -.29 (.17) (.16) Constant .73* -.99** (.29) (.28) Number of cases 1496 1496 Wald Chi2 Model 38.0** 32.6** Note: Probit estimates with sample weights. Robust standard errors clustered by congressional district in parentheses. ** p < .01; * p < .05 (two-tail).

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Appendix B: Probit estimates of attention to campaign news and perceptions of choices (standard errors in parentheses) Follows campaign news Satisfied with about district contest election choices District-level expenditure 4.2e-08** -3.2e-08* (1.5e-08) (1.6e-08) Republican incumbent --- .21 (.14) Democratic incumbent --- .11 (.15) Respondent cynical about politics .22** -.11 (.05) (.06) Respondent follows campaign news --- .12* (.05) Democratic party ID -.18 .48** (.10) (.12) Republican party ID -.28** .53** (.10) (.12) Strong party ID .43** .10 (.09) (.11) Education .10** -.05 (.03) (.03) Age .02** -.003 (.002) (.002) Female -.26** -.16 (.07) (.08) Latino -.20 .07 (.15) (.17) African American .01 -.39* (.18) (.17) Constant 1 -.28 .04 (.23) (.29) Constant 2 .41 (.22) Constant 3 1.7 (.24) Number of cases 1485 1485 Wald Chi2 Model 128.3** 67.4** Note: Probit and ordered probit estimates with sample weights. Robust standard errors clustered by congressional district in parentheses. ** = p < .01; * = p < .05 (two-tail).

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Appendix C. Data collection.

The data were collected via telephone interviews by Princeton Survey Research

Associates for the Pew Center for the People and the Press between October 17 and

October 22, 2006. The sample was drawn using list assisted random digit dialing, and

included an over-sample from 40 competitive congressional districts. Using AAPOR

standards the contact rate was 77 percent, the cooperation 37 percent, and the

completion rate was 91 percent. The resulting response rate was 26%. A total of 732

interviews were from competitive districts, and 1274 were from other districts.

Questions we examine were asked of registered voters.

Question wording and coding.

Election close?: What's your impression -- in the race for the U.S. House in your

district, is one candidate heavily favored to win or do you think this will be a close

contest? Response categories included: One candidate heavily favored (n=329), will be

a close contest (n=933), don't know/refused (volunteered, n=290). This is coded 1 if the

respondent reported one candidate was heavily favored, 0 if the race will be close or

don't know.

Follow local campaign news: How closely have you followed news about candidates

and election campaigns in your state and district? Have you followed it very closely,

fairly closely, not too closely, or not at all closely? Response categories included: Very

closely fairly closely (n=468), fairly closely (n=708) not too closely (n=240), not at all

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closely (125), don't know/refused (volunteered, n=11). This is coded so not at all = 0,

not too closely = 1, fairly closely = 2, and very closely = 3. 'Don't know' is omitted.

Satisfied with election choices?: Generally, are you satisfied with the choices you have

in the elections this year in your state, or do you wish there were other choices?

Response categories included: Satisfied (799), wish other choices (666), depends on

race (Volunteered, n=12), and don't know/refused (volunteered, n=75). This is coded

so satisfied = 1 and other responses = 0.

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Source: Pew survey 2006. Estimated with probit model reported in Appendix A, where 1 = think election close, 0 = other. Predicted probabilities produced with Clarify. Estimated with sample weights and robust standard errors clustered by congressional district. Note: Standard errors of the estimated probability are represented by error bars. Predicted probabilities represent a non-Latina, white, female, independent respondent of median age and median education; with mean or median responses on attitudinal questions. Standard errors shown as bars. Mean district spending is $2.9 million.

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Source: Pew survey 2006. Estimated with ordered probit and probit models reported in Appendix B. Estimated with sample weights and robust standard errors clustered by congressional district. Probabilities generated by Clarify. Note: Standard errors of the estimated probability are represented by error bars. Predicted probabilities represent a non-Latina, white, female, independent respondent of mean age, mean education, mean attention to the campaign and mean level of cynicism about politics. Low spending is a district with $200,000 in expenditures. High spending is $10,000,000.

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Table 1: Perceptions of electoral competition in US House race. R lives in

non competitive district

R lives in a competitive district

All respondents

One candidate is favored 24% 16% 21% Will be a close contest 56% 68% 60% Don’t know/refused 20% 16% 19% N 1017 535


Source: October 2006 Pew Survey. Note: Respondents were asked, What's your impression -- in the race in the race for the U.S. House in your district, is one candidate heavily favored to win or do you think this will be a close contest. Seats are classified as competitive if the margin was greater than 10%. Chi-square = 24.1 (p < .000).

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