In the article, Anita Renfroe wrote the catchy words for the song “Momims” which are dedicated to mothers. It was sung with a tune that was similar of the William Tell Overture. The song is described the mayhem that mothers going through especially for those who stay at home. Mothers who stay at home does not only undergo lots of responsibilities but also chaos since they have only a single chance in raising their children to become responsible members of the society in the future. All of us know that throughout the history, men is the one who responsible of being the breadwinners which we expect to work and support the family. While all the men struggled to support their families, women were viewed as the nurtures which the one who perform the house chores and raise children. The writer mention that during 1960’s, women realised that they also wanted more rights, power and the ability to get higher paying jobs rather than just staying at home to nurture their children. During this time, women were granted with their right and they expressed their freedom which then allowed them to go work outside their homes. The writer write that women who in the work force enjoy working because being able to show their children the advantages of working outside the home. The writer take quoted Karaim where “successful working mothers give their children one of the best gifts any parent can where example of a life lived to its potential. Moreover, a household that has a dual

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In the article, Anita Renfroe wrote the catchy words for the song Momims which are dedicated to mothers. It was sung with a tune that was similar of the William Tell Overture. The song is described the mayhem that mothers going through especially for those who stay at home. Mothers who stay at home does not only undergo lots of responsibilities but also chaos since they have only a single chance in raising their children to become responsible members of the society in the future.

All of us know that throughout the history, men is the one who responsible of being the breadwinners which we expect to work and support the family. While all the men struggled to support their families, women were viewed as the nurtures which the one who perform the house chores and raise children. The writer mention that during 1960s, women realised that they also wanted more rights, power and the ability to get higher paying jobs rather than just staying at home to nurture their children. During this time, women were granted with their right and they expressed their freedom which then allowed them to go work outside their homes.

The writer write that women who in the work force enjoy working because being able to show their children the advantages of working outside the home. The writer take quoted Karaim where successful working mothers give their children one of the best gifts any parent can where example of a life lived to its potential. Moreover, a household that has a dual income helps boost many families into middle class says Karaim. This can lead for their children to live comforts without worrying about the money.

But in the article, the song writer (Anita) says that it was unfortunate that women sought employment leaving behind their children to the care of the babysitters and day care worker where some of them had no experience in what does a mothers desire for their children to become a better person in the future. It is common where the society has defined that mother role in the workforce, absence of mothers in the homes has resulted into a decline of the family unit and thus the society since charity begins at home. The writer mention that the forfeiture has created a generation which the social morals and values are not as important as they once were back in the 90s.

The writer then quote that Society truly does begin at home by Sibyl Niemann. She then conclude that in order to return to a culture with better morals and values, we must emphasise the important role of a mother of staying at home and by this mothers can help to improve the society. However, according to a non-partisan Public Agenda survey in 2000, roughly 80 percent of parents with children five and younger say a stay-at-home parent is best able to give children the affection and attention they need. When children are care for by any other person apart from the mother, such children often get violent and engage more in fights as a way of solving their problems in future. However, reports from teachers on child behaviour may vary.In conclusion, the writer does give both the pros and cons if the women working. But, his example on a women should be working is not that strong. The writer example on women should stay at home is more strong and relevant. Although he managed to show some validity and credibility in some of the earlier claims, the writer overall argument is okay even though lack of examples.