CLINICAL RESEARCH Elamipretide Improves Mitochondrial Function in the Failing Human Heart Kathryn C. Chateld, MD, PHD, a, * Genevieve C. Sparagna, PHD, b, * Sarah Chau, BS, b Elisabeth K. Phillips, BS, b Amrut V. Ambardekar, MD, b Muhammad Aftab, MD, c,d Max B. Mitchell, MD, c Carmen C. Sucharov, PHD, b Shelley D. Miyamoto, MD, a Brian L. Stauffer, MD b,e VISUAL ABSTRACT Chateld, K.C. et al. J Am Coll Cardiol Basic Trans Science. 2019;4(2):14757. HIGHLIGHTS Mitochondrial function is impaired in explanted failing pediatric and adult human hearts. Elamipretide is a novel mitochondria- targeted drug that is targeted to car- diolipin on the inner mitochondrial mem- brane and improves coupling of the electron transport chain. Treatment of explanted human hearts with elamipretide improves human cardiac mitochondrial function. The study provides novel methods to evaluate the inuence of compounds on mitochondria in the human heart and provides proof of principle for the use of elamipretide to improve mitochondrial energetics in failing myocardium due to multiple etiologies and irrespective of age. ISSN 2452-302X https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jacbts.2018.12.005 From the a Department of Pediatrics, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Childrens Hospital of Colorado, Aurora, Colorado; b Department of Medicine/Division of Cardiology, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Aurora, Colorado; c Department of Surgery/Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Aurora, Colorado; d Department of Surgery, Veterans Administration Hospital, Denver, Colorado; and the e Department of Medicine/Division of Cardiology, Denver Health Medical Center, Denver, Colorado. *Drs. Chateld and Sparagna have contributed equally to this paper. This work was supported by the Addison Scott Memorial Fund, the Boedecker Foundation Award, the Jack Cooper Millisor Chair in Pediatric Heart Disease, a gift from the Nair Family, research support from Stealth BioTherapeutics, Inc., and the following National Institutes of Health (NIH)/National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute grants: K08 HL127294, R01 HL107715 (to Dr. Stauffer) and R01 HL126928 (to Dr. Miyamoto). This study was supported by NIH/National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences Colorado CTSA Grant Number UL1 TR001082. The contents are the authorssole responsibility and do not necessarily represent ofcial NIH views. Drs. Sucharov, Miyamoto, and Stauffer are founders and scientic advisors for CoramiR Biomedical, LLC. Dr. Stauffer received research support from Stealth BioTherapeutics, Inc. All other authors have reported that they have no relationships relevant to the con- tents of this paper to disclose. All authors attest they are in compliance with human studies committees and animal welfare regulations of the authorsin- stitutions and Food and Drug Administration guidelines, including patient consent where appropriate. For more information, visit the JACC: Basic to Translational Science author instructions page. Manuscript received October 22, 2018; revised manuscript received December 11, 2018, accepted December 13, 2018. JACC: BASIC TO TRANSLATIONAL SCIENCE VOL. 4, NO. 2, 2019 ª 2019 THE AUTHORS. PUBLISHED BY ELSEVIER ON BEHALF OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY FOUNDATION. THIS IS AN OPEN ACCESS ARTICLE UNDER THE CC BY-NC-ND LICENSE ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ ).

Elamipretide Improves Mitochondrial Function in the ...basictranslational.onlinejacc.org/content/btr/4/2/147.full.pdf · SUMMARY Negative alterations of mitochondria are known to

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Page 1: Elamipretide Improves Mitochondrial Function in the ...basictranslational.onlinejacc.org/content/btr/4/2/147.full.pdf · SUMMARY Negative alterations of mitochondria are known to

J A C C : B A S I C T O T R A N S L A T I O N A L S C I E N C E V O L . 4 , N O . 2 , 2 0 1 9

ª 2 0 1 9 T H E A U T H O R S . P U B L I S H E D B Y E L S E V I E R O N B E H A L F O F T H E A M E R I C A N

C O L L E G E O F C A R D I O L O G Y F O U N D A T I O N . T H I S I S A N O P E N A C C E S S A R T I C L E U N D E R

T H E C C B Y - N C - N D L I C E N S E ( h t t p : / / c r e a t i v e c o mm o n s . o r g / l i c e n s e s / b y - n c - n d / 4 . 0 / ) .


Elamipretide Improves MitochondrialFunction in the Failing Human Heart

Kathryn C. Chatfield, MD, PHD,a,* Genevieve C. Sparagna, PHD,b,* Sarah Chau, BS,b Elisabeth K. Phillips, BS,b

Amrut V. Ambardekar, MD,b Muhammad Aftab, MD,c,d Max B. Mitchell, MD,c Carmen C. Sucharov, PHD,b

Shelley D. Miyamoto, MD,a Brian L. Stauffer, MDb,e



















Chatfield, K.C. et al. J Am Coll Cardiol Basic Trans Science. 2019;4(2):147–57.

SN 2452-302X

rom the aDepartment of Pediatrics, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Children’s Hosp

Department of Medicine/Division of Cardiology, University of Colorado School of Medicine,

urgery/Division of Cardiothoracic Surgery, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Aurora,

eterans Administration Hospital, Denver, Colorado; and the eDepartment of Medicine/Divi

edical Center, Denver, Colorado. *Drs. Chatfield and Sparagna have contributed equally to th

y the Addison Scott Memorial Fund, the Boedecker Foundation Award, the Jack Cooper Millis

gift from the Nair Family, research support from Stealth BioTherapeutics, Inc., and the follo

IH)/National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute grants: K08 HL127294, R01 HL107715 (to Dr. S

iyamoto). This study was supported by NIH/National Center for Advancing Translational Scie

L1 TR001082. The contents are the authors’ sole responsibility and do not necessarily

ucharov, Miyamoto, and Stauffer are founders and scientific advisors for CoramiR Biomedical,

upport from Stealth BioTherapeutics, Inc. All other authors have reported that they have no

nts of this paper to disclose.

ll authors attest they are in compliance with human studies committees and animal welf

titutions and Food and Drug Administration guidelines, including patient consent where appro

e JACC: Basic to Translational Science author instructions page.

anuscript received October 22, 2018; revised manuscript received December 11, 2018, accept


� Mitochondrial function is impaired in

explanted failing pediatric and adult

human hearts.

� Elamipretide is a novel mitochondria-

targeted drug that is targeted to car-

diolipin on the inner mitochondrial mem-

brane and improves coupling of the

electron transport chain.

� Treatment of explanted human hearts

with elamipretide improves human

cardiac mitochondrial function.

� The study provides novel methods to

evaluate the influence of compounds on

mitochondria in the human heart and

provides proof of principle for the use of

elamipretide to improve mitochondrial

energetics in failing myocardium due to

multiple etiologies and irrespective

of age.


ital of Colorado, Aurora, Colorado;

Aurora, Colorado; cDepartment of

Colorado; dDepartment of Surgery,

sion of Cardiology, Denver Health

is paper. This work was supported

or Chair in Pediatric Heart Disease,

wing National Institutes of Health

tauffer) and R01 HL126928 (to Dr.

nces Colorado CTSA Grant Number

represent official NIH views. Drs.

LLC. Dr. Stauffer received research

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are regulations of the authors’ in-

priate. For more information, visit

ed December 13, 2018.

Page 2: Elamipretide Improves Mitochondrial Function in the ...basictranslational.onlinejacc.org/content/btr/4/2/147.full.pdf · SUMMARY Negative alterations of mitochondria are known to



ADP = adenosine diphosphate

BN-PAGE = blue native

polyacrylamide gel


C = mitochondrial respiratory


FCCP = carbonyl cyanide



HF = heart failure

RCR = respiratory control ratio

SC CCF = supercomplex

coupling control factor

Chatfield et al. J A C C : B A S I C T O T R A N S L A T I O N A L S C I E N C E V O L . 4 , N O . 2 , 2 0 1 9

Elamipretide Improves Mitochondrial Function in Human HF A P R I L 2 0 1 9 : 1 4 7 – 5 7



Negative alterations of mitochondria are known to occur in heart failure (HF). This study investigated the novel

mitochondrial-targeted therapeutic agent elamipretide on mitochondrial and supercomplex function in failing

human hearts ex vivo. Freshly explanted failing and nonfailing ventricular tissue from children and adults was

treated with elamipretide. Mitochondrial oxygen flux, complex (C) I and CIV activities, and in-gel activity of

supercomplex assembly were measured. Mitochondrial function was impaired in the failing human heart,

and mitochondrial oxygen flux, CI and CIV activities, and supercomplex-associated CIV activity significantly

improved in response to elamipretide treatment. Elamipretide significantly improved failing human

mitochondrial function. (J Am Coll Cardiol Basic Trans Science 2019;4:147–57) © 2019 The Authors.

Published by Elsevier on behalf of the American College of Cardiology Foundation. This is an open access

article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).



A substantial body of work has implicatedabnormal mitochondrial function and conse-quent impaired energy production via oxida-

tive phosphorylation as a factor in the developmentof heart failure (HF), leading to heightened interestin mitochondrial function as a therapeutic target (1–3). Efficient mitochondrial function is consideredespecially essential in the heart due to the sustainedenergy requirements of the myocardium. Cardiolipin,a unique phospholipid with 4 fatty acid side chains, iscritical for maintaining normal adenosine triphos-phate generation by anchoring the proteins of theelectron transport chain onto the inner mitochondrialmembrane architecture (4). In the heart, a mitochon-drial inner membrane enriched with tetralinoleoylcardiolipin (containing 4 linoleic acid side chains) fa-cilitates the stability of the physical interaction be-tween oxidative phosphorylation complex proteinmultimers in what has been termed the mitochondrialsupercomplex, composed of complex (C) I, CIII, andCIV (5,6). Abnormalities in cardiolipin compositionlead to mitochondrial dysfunction in the failing heartthrough disruption of the supercomplex and can beimproved with dietary interventions in rodentmodels (7–9). These abnormalities in mitochondrialfunction have led to heightened interest in mitochon-dria as a therapeutic target in HF (3).




Elamipretide (formerly referred to as Bendavia, MTP-131, and SS-31) is an aromatic-cationic, cell-permeable

tetrapeptide in a new class of mitochondrial-targeteddrugs and is the first in its class to enter clinical trialsin patients with HF (10–12). The peptide is targeted tomitochondria via cardiolipin where it has been shownin animal models to improve energetics and decreasereactive oxygen species, possibly by stabilizing themitochondrial membrane and cytochrome c (13,14).Elamipretide rapidly enters tissue (within minutes oftreatment) and has cardioprotective effects inischemia/reperfusion injury in animal models (15–18).To date, there are no data on the direct effects ofelamipretide, or other members of this novel class, onmitochondrial function in the human heart.


The purpose of the present study was to investigatethe effects of elamipretide on human cardiac mito-chondrial function. Because this study was ex vivo andperformed over the course of a few hours (too rapid toinduce cardiolipin remodeling), any effects of the drugwould likely be independent of cardiolipin molecularspecies alterations. Using freshly explanted humanhearts, the current study found that: 1) elamipretideimproves impaired mitochondrial function in HF, withno effect on normal mitochondrial function in non-failing hearts; 2) elamipretide improves mitochondrialsupercomplex function (CI, CIII, and CIV) but does notalter CII or CV activity; and 3) the short-term action ofelamipretide is independent of any changes in car-diolipin side chain composition.


CHEMICALS AND REAGENTS. Elamipretide was pro-vided by Stealth BioTherapeutics, Inc. (Newton, Mas-sachusetts), resuspended in water at 10 mM, and storedat –80�C. The elamipretide ex vivo treatment

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TABLE 1 Characteristics of Cardiac Samples According to Experiment

High-ResolutionRespirometry Enzyme Activity Assays BN-PAGE In-Gel Activity

Cardiolipin MassSpectrometry

Nonfailing Failing Nonfailing Failing Nonfailing Failing Nonfailing Failing

No. of heart samples 13 23 11 12 19 21 5 10

Male 6 15 4 7 8 10 3 7

Female 7 8 7 5 11 11 2 3

Age, yrs 25 � 7 31 � 5 20 � 8 29 � 8 26 � 5 25 � 5 28 � 13 29 � 9

Ejection fraction, % 64 � 5 24 � 2 64 � 4 27 � 3 61 � 3 22 � 6 58 � 2 20 � 3

Values are n or mean � SEM.

BN-PAGE ¼ blue native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.

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concentration was determined by the plateau of a dose–response curve in a subset of samples (data not shown).Unless otherwise noted, all other chemicals were fromMilliporeSigma (Burlington, Massachusetts).

PATIENT SAMPLES. Explanted cardiac ventriculartissue from children and adults of all races, sexes, andethnic backgrounds with informed consent obtainedfrom the subjects or their guardians were available forthis study through the institutional review board–approved University of Colorado Pediatric and AdultCardiac Tissue Banks. Fresh samples were harvestedduring sequential transplants at Children’s HospitalColorado and University of Colorado Hospital. Addi-tional experiments were performed in previouslyharvested frozen samples from the University ofColorado Heart Tissue Bank. Sample characteristicsfor each experiment are given in Table 1. Moredetailed information for each patient is provided inSupplemental Tables 1 and 2. Nonfailing tissue wasprocured from donors or individuals with normalsystolic ventricular function. HF tissue was obtainedfrom patients undergoing transplant for terminal HFwith reduced systolic function. Heart tissue wasdissected in the operating room immediately afterexplant and kept in BIOPS preservation solution at4�C until processing (19). Mitochondria were freshlyisolated within 6 h of explant for spectrophotometricassays. Time course experiments showed that after 3days in BIOPS at 4�C, mitochondrial respiration wasunchanged in nonfailing tissue, but increased in HFtissue (Supplemental Figure 1). High-resolutionrespirometry experiments were performed in freshpermeabilized cardiac fibers. Flash-frozen tissue attime of explant was used for in-gel activity stainingusing blue native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis(BN-PAGE) separation.MITOCHONDRIAL ISOLATION. Subpopulations ofmyocardial mitochondria, subsarcolemmal locatedbeneath the plasma membrane and interfibrillarresiding between the myofibrils, were isolated byusing differential centrifugation and trypsin

digestion as previously described with the followingmodifications for human tissue (20,21). Briefly,freshly explanted cardiac tissue in pieces no largerthan 5 mm was placed in ice-cold BIOPS solution.Tissue was trimmed of fat, placed into mitochondrialisolation buffer, and minced by using scissors. Low-speed spins were at 1,500g and high-speed spins at4,200g. One milligram of trypsin was used per gram oftissue. Mitochondria were resuspended in potassiumbuffer and protein quantified (BCA, Thermo FisherScientific, Waltham, Massachusetts).

ENZYMATIC ACTIVITIES. Isolated mitochondriawere diluted to a final protein concentration of 1 mg/ml and incubated with 100 mM elamipretide or anequal volume of vehicle (water) for 1 h on ice. Enzy-matic activities of CI, CIV, and citrate synthase wereperformed at 30�C as previously described (22,23).


Mitochondrial supercomplexes were separated byBN-PAGE using TGX 4-15% gels (Bio-Rad, Hercules,California). In-gel activity assays for CI, CII, CIV, andCV were performed with septal tissue processed ac-cording to published methods (22,24). Samples weretreated with 100 mM elamipretide for 1 h. Super-complex and free protein bands were quantified byusing ImageJ software (National Institutes of Health,Bethesda, Maryland). Total supercomplex activitywas calculated as a sum of all supercomplex bands.

HIGH-RESOLUTION RESPIROMETRY. Respiration ofpermeabilized cardiac fibers was measured by high-resolution respirometry (Oxygraph, Oroboros In-struments, Innsbruck, Austria) using a stepwiseprotocol to evaluate various components of the elec-tron transport system (19,25). Approximately 30 mg ofventricular tissue was placed in BIOPS immediatelyafter explant. One-half of the tissue was incubated inBIOPS containing 100 mM elamipretide at 4�C for 1 h.After incubation, tissue was cut into approximately2-mgpieces and teased using forceps to separatefibers.The tissue was then placed in a solution of BIOPScontaining 30 mg/ml saponin for 30min to permeabilize

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FIGURE 1 High-resolution Respirometry of Treated and Untreated Heart Fibers

Oxygen (O2) flux normalized to mass in permeabilized heart fibers from untreated heart failure (HF) versus nonfailing (NF) human hearts with additions of: (A) pyruvate

malate plus adenosine diphosphate (ADP); (B) subsequent addition of glutamate acting through complex (C) I; and (C) subsequent addition of succinate additionally

activating CII. (D to F) Elamipretide treatment had no effect on oxygen flux of NF samples (G to I) but significantly improved oxygen flux in HF samples after additions of

the aforementioned substrates. Untreated hearts in (D to I) are shown with closed circles and treated hearts with open circles. NF, n ¼ 13; HF, n ¼ 23.

Chatfield et al. J A C C : B A S I C T O T R A N S L A T I O N A L S C I E N C E V O L . 4 , N O . 2 , 2 0 1 9

Elamipretide Improves Mitochondrial Function in Human HF A P R I L 2 0 1 9 : 1 4 7 – 5 7


the plasma membrane and to allow substrate deliveryto the mitochondria. Fibers were washed for 10 min at4�C in ice-cold mitochondrial respiration mediumcontaining 25 mM blebbistatin � 100 mM elamipretide(26). Samples were blotted on filter paper, weighed,and placed in the chambers of the Oroboros O2Kapparatus at 37�C containing respiration medium and25 mM blebbistatin � 100 mM elamipretide. Standardprotocols were followed for calibration of the cham-bers and followed by stepwise addition of 5 mM pyru-vate, 1 mM malate, 4 mM adenosine diphosphate(ADP), 10 mM glutamate, 10 mM succinate, 10 mM cy-tochrome c, and either 2 mg/ml oligomycin or 0.5 mMsteps of carbonyl cyanide p-trifluoromethoxy-phenylhydrazone (FCCP) (until the maximum rate wasreached) followed by 2 mM rotenone. Oxygen flux rateswere normalized per milligram of tissue wet weight.

CARDIOLIPIN QUANTITATION. Cardiolipin wasquantified in a subset of the total cohort by usingpreviously published methods with liquid chroma-tography coupled to electrospray ionization massspectrometry in an API 4000 Mass Spectrometer(SCIEX, Framingham, Massachusetts) (20). AfterBIOPS or BIOPS Plus 100 mM elamipretide treatmentfor 4 h, heart tissue was frozen without buffer at–80�C. Tissue pieces were homogenized by using aglass-on-glass homogenizer in phosphate-bufferedsaline and lipids extracted according to previouslypublished methods with 1 mmol tetramyristoyl-cardiolipin as an internal standard (Avanti PolarLipids, Alabaster, Alabama) (20,27). Cardiolipin spe-cies were quantified per milligram of protein.

STATISTICAL ANALYSIS. Statistical analyses wereperformed by using Prism software version 6.0

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FIGURE 2 SC CCF and RCR With Elamipretide Treatment

(A) Supercomplex coupling control factor (SC CCF) ratio is lower in untreated HF than NF controls. Elamipretide treatment does not alter SC CCF in (B) NF hearts but

improves SC CCF in (C) HF. (D) The respiratory control ratio (RCR) trends lower in untreated NF hearts versus HF hearts. Elamipretide treatment has no effect on RCR in

(E) NF hearts but increases RCR in (F) HF hearts. Untreated hearts in B, C, E and F are shown with closed circles and treated hearts with open circles. NF, n ¼ 13; HF, n ¼23. Abbreviations as in Figure 1.

J A C C : B A S I C T O T R A N S L A T I O N A L S C I E N C E V O L . 4 , N O . 2 , 2 0 1 9 Chatfield et al.A P R I L 2 0 1 9 : 1 4 7 – 5 7 Elamipretide Improves Mitochondrial Function in Human HF


(GraphPad Software, La Jolla, California). Treatmenteffects were analyzed by using a ratio-paired Stu-dent’s t-test, with p < 0.05 being significant and p <

0.1 reported as trending toward significance (28). HFor time-based effects were analyzed by using an un-paired Student’s t-test. Datasets were tested forGaussian distribution with the D’Agostino and Pear-son omnibus test or the Shapiro-Wilk normality test.Data that did not conform to a Gaussian distribution(glutamate and supercomplex coupling control factordata) were log-transformed before analysis.

Graphs with bars show SEM for unpaired Student’st-test data, and graphs with paired data show meansplus SDs (chosen for clarity) flanked on either side ofthe paired data. Linear regression analysis was per-formed to assess for an association between age andsignificant outcomes (no associations weredemonstrated).




HEART. Quantitation of the results of high-resolutionrespirometry in all samples is shown in Figure 1 with

sample traces shown in Supplemental Figure 2. Therewas significantly lower mitochondrial normalizedoxygen flux in HF vs nonfailing samples using pyru-vate malate þ ADP, glutamate (CI), and succinate(CI þ CII) as substrates (Figures 1A to 1C). There werealso significantly lower oxygen fluxes in HF with in-hibition of flux through CI þ CII using oligomycin orthe uncoupler FCCP (p < 0.01) but not combined withthe CI inhibitor rotenone (data not shown).

Elamipretide treatment of nonfailing permeabilizedfibers did not alter mitochondrial oxygen flux(Figures 1D to 1F). However, in HF, there was a signif-icant increase in oxygen flux with elamipretide treat-ment using the substrates pyruvate malate þ ADP(Figure 1G) and glutamate (CI) (Figure 1H). Notably,there was no significant difference with elamipretidetreatment with the addition of succinate (CI þ CII) inHF (Figure 1I). Addition of pyruvate/malate, FCCP,rotenone, or oligomycin did not significantly affectoxygen flux through CI þ II (data not shown).



CONTROL RATIO IN FAILING MITOCHONDRIA. Thesupercomplex coupling control factor ratio (SC CCF) is

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FIGURE 3 Individual Total Activity Measurements of CI, CIV, and Citrate Synthase in Subsarcolemmal Mitochondria

(A to C) Enzyme activities of CI, CIV, and citrate synthase are lower, trending lower, and unchanged, respectively, in untreated HF versus NF controls. (D to F) Activities

of CI, CIV, and citrate synthase are unaltered with elamipretide treatment in NF hearts. (G to I) Individual activities of CI and CIV increase with elamipretide treatment in

HF, with citrate synthase unchanged. Untreated hearts in (C to G) are shown with closed circles and treated hearts with open circles. NF, n ¼ 11; HF, n ¼ 12.

Abbreviations as in Figure 1.

Chatfield et al. J A C C : B A S I C T O T R A N S L A T I O N A L S C I E N C E V O L . 4 , N O . 2 , 2 0 1 9

Elamipretide Improves Mitochondrial Function in Human HF A P R I L 2 0 1 9 : 1 4 7 – 5 7


a mathematical construct to calculate the influence ofthe supercomplex on a given respirometry measure-ment and is directly proportional to supercomplexintegrity (derivation is given in the SupplementalMethods). The SC CCF was significantly lower withHF (Figure 2A). Elamipretide treatment in nonfailinghearts did not alter SC CCF (Figure 2B). Conversely, inHF, elamipretide treatment significantly increased SCCCF (Figure 2C). The respiratory control ratio (RCR)indicates a trend toward decreasing in HF (Figure 2D).There was no change in RCR with elamipretidetreatment in nonfailing hearts (Figure 2E), whereas inHF, RCR was significantly increased with elamipre-tide treatment (Figure 2F).



WITH ELAMIPRETIDE. Freshly isolated subsarcolemmaland interfibrillar mitochondria treated with elami-pretide were used to measure total activity of CI and

CIV as well as citrate synthase, a soluble enzyme inthe mitochondrial matrix (29). Total CI activity wassignificantly lower in HF compared with nonfailingsamples (Figure 3A), whereas CIV activity in sub-sarcolemmal mitochondria showed a trend toward adecrease in HF (Figure 3B). No difference in citratesynthase activity was observed between HF and thenonfailing group (Figure 3C). In nonfailing sub-sarcolemmal mitochondria, activities of these 3enzyme complexes were unaffected by elamipretidetreatment (Figures 3D to 3F). However, in failingsubsarcolemmal mitochondria, both CI and CIV ac-tivities exhibited a trend for increase by elamipretidetreatment (Figures 3G and 3H), while citrate synthaseactivity was unchanged (Figure 3I). None of theenzyme activities was altered in the elamipretide-treated interfibrillar mitochondria (data not shown).



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FIGURE 4 In-gel Activities of Supercomplex-associated and Free Electron Transport Complexes in Subsarcolemmal Mitochondria

(A) Representative lanes from blue native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis gels from failing hearts with in-gel activity stains for electron transport complexes CIV, CI,

CV, and CII either free or in the supercomplex with arrows/brackets showing quantifiable bands on each gel. The 4 lanes represent 2 samples with untreated or

elamipretide-treated mitochondria. (B and C) Supercomplex CIV activity is unchanged in untreated failing samples, but free CIV is decreased. (D to G) Elamipretide

treatment of nonfailing samples had no effect on CIV activity (D, E) but in failing hearts improves (F) supercomplex-associated CIV but (G) not free CIV. Untreated

hearts in (D to G) are shown with closed circles and treated hearts with open circles. NF, n ¼ 19; HF, n¼ 21. AUC ¼ area under the curve; Elam ¼ elamipretide treated;

Untr ¼ untreated; other abbreviations as in Figure 1.

J A C C : B A S I C T O T R A N S L A T I O N A L S C I E N C E V O L . 4 , N O . 2 , 2 0 1 9 Chatfield et al.A P R I L 2 0 1 9 : 1 4 7 – 5 7 Elamipretide Improves Mitochondrial Function in Human HF


activity was used to separate supercomplex from freeCIV. Figure 4A shows representative gels for CI, CII,CIV, and CV activities. CIV activity is present in a freestate, within the supercomplex, and in intermediatemolecular weight forms not analyzed in this study. CIis only present in its supercomplex form. When thesebands were quantified, the quantity of CIV in thesupercomplex was not altered in HF (Figure 4B),whereas the free CIV activity was significantly lower(Figure 4C). In nonfailing samples, elamipretidetreatment had no effect on CIV regardless of whetherit is bound or free (Figures 4D and 4E). By contrast, inHF, the activity of CIV in the supercomplex wassignificantly higher after elamipretide treatment,whereas activity of free CIV was unchanged(Figures 4F and 4G). There were no significant changesdetected in the activities of CI, CII, or CV in HF or with

elamipretide treatment according to this assay (datanot shown).CARDIOLIPIN COMPOSITION IS NOT ALTERED WITH

ELAMIPRETIDE TREATMENT. Tetralinoleoyl car-diolipin, the predominant cardiac cardiolipin species,with 4 linoleic acids and a mass-to-charge ratio of1448, is shown as a percentage of the total (11 majorspecies were used for total) cardiolipin content. Thepercentage of tetralinoleoyl cardiolipin was signifi-cantly lower in HF, consistent with our previouslyreported findings (Figure 5A), but elamipretide treat-ment had no effect on tetralinoleoyl cardiolipin innonfailing or HF samples (Figures 5B and 5C) (7,30).Cardiolipin absolute amounts, percent totals of 8major cardiolipin species, monolysocardiolipin, or thesum of all cardiolipin species were unaltered afterelamipretide treatment (data not shown).

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FIGURE 5 Tetralinoleoyl Cardiolipin With Elamipretide Treatment

(A) The effect of HF on tetralinoleoyl cardiolipin (mass-to-charge ratio, 1,448) in untreated samples is expressed as a percentage of total cardiolipin. Elamipretide-

treated (B) NF hearts or (C) HF hearts showed no changes in tetralinoleoyl cardiolipin. Untreated hearts in B and C are shown with closed circles and treated hearts

with open circles. NF, n ¼ 5; HF, n ¼ 10. Abbreviations as in Figure 1.

Chatfield et al. J A C C : B A S I C T O T R A N S L A T I O N A L S C I E N C E V O L . 4 , N O . 2 , 2 0 1 9

Elamipretide Improves Mitochondrial Function in Human HF A P R I L 2 0 1 9 : 1 4 7 – 5 7



OVERVIEW OF NOVEL FINDINGS. To the best of ourknowledge, this study is the first to investigate theeffect of elamipretide on mitochondrial respiration inexplanted human heart tissue. Elamipretide treat-ment improves left ventricular volumes in adults withHF (12), suggesting a potentially new avenue fortherapeutic agents in HF (31). We extended theseclinical trial data by showing that impaired mito-chondrial function in the failing pediatric and adulthuman heart can be improved with elamipretidetreatment. Elamipretide treatment improved thefunction of components of the electron transportchain when they were associated with the super-complex in human cardiac mitochondria from thefailing ventricle. Finally, acute elamipretide treat-ment of human cardiac tissue improved mitochon-drial and supercomplex function even though thetreatment was too rapid to allow remodeling of car-diolipin. This comprehensive analysis in human hearttissue provides additional insight into the mechanismby which elamipretide treatment improves the func-tion of the respiratory chain in human cardiac mito-chondria. These findings support the use ofsupercomplex stabilizing compounds for the treat-ment of human disease (16,32).

ELAMIPRETIDE IN HUMAN DISEASE. Clinical trialshave used elamipretide to address renal, cardiac, andskeletal muscle disease, but this study is the first toshow reversal of mitochondrial dysfunction in HF.Elamipretide improved 6-min walk test distances inpatients with mitochondrial myopathy (33) andimproved left ventricular volumes in patients with HFand left ventricular dysfunction (12). Similarly,

elamipretide was associated with improved kidneyfunction after renal angioplasty (34). To our knowl-edge, there is only 1 other study exploring theinfluence of elamipretide directly on human mito-chondria. Wijermars et al. (35) examined the influ-ence of SS-31 on mitochondrial function in normalrenal biopsy samples subjected to ischemic stress. Animportant difference between their protocol and ourswas that the biopsy specimens were pretreated withthe compound during the ischemic stress followed bya demonstration of attenuation of mitochondrialdysfunction in the ex vivo study. Similar to ourfindings in the heart, there was no effect of elami-pretide on mitochondrial function in the control renalbiopsy specimen. Importantly, our study is the first toreport the ability to improve mitochondrial dysfunc-tion in human disease with acute treatment withelamipretide.



SUPERCOMPLEX. Results of high-resolution respi-rometry showed that elamipretide improves humancardiac mitochondrial function through improvedcoupling of the supercomplex-associated enzymecomplexes CI, CIII, and CIV. Oxygen flux after theaddition of supercomplex-specific substrates, pyru-vate malate, ADP, and glutamate was impaired in thefailing heart. Elamipretide improved oxygen flux infailing samples under these conditions, indicatingdirect activity on the supercomplex. Succinate, thenext substrate added in our experimental protocol,forces the majority of electron flow through CII, acomponent of the respiratory chain not associatedwith the supercomplex (36,37). CII-mediated oxygenflux was not influenced by HF, nor was it altered by

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elamipretide treatment. Furthermore, addition ofrotenone, which inhibits CI and blocks allsupercomplex-mediated respiration, permitted CII-mediated oxygen flux that cannot be augmented byelamipretide treatment of tissues (SupplementalFigure 3). These data show that the effect of elami-pretide treatment occurs via its effect on CI/CIII/CIVsupercomplex activity.

In the complementary spectrophotometry studies,total mitochondrial enzymatic activities of complexesCI and CIV were increased with elamipretide in thefailing heart, with no effect on citrate synthase, asoluble enzyme not in the membrane that serves as amarker of mitochondrial content and nonmembrane-associated mitochondrial activity. Enzyme activitiesof CI and CIV assayed by using BN-PAGE analysisrevealed increased supercomplex-associated CIV ac-tivity but not CI activity with elamipretide treatment.This result may indicate a stronger effect of elami-pretide on recruitment of CIV to the supercomplex.Alternatively, BN-PAGE may not have the sensitivityto detect improvement in CI activity recorded withthe enzymatic assay. Taken together, these datasuggest that elamipretide improves mitochondrialfunction by directly affecting respiratory complexesspecifically associated with the mitochondrial super-complex, perhaps by recruiting free CIV into thesupercomplex.IMPROVEMENT OF MITOCHONDRIAL FUNCTION BY


REMODELING. Elamipretide reportedly rapidly tar-gets mitochondria through the attraction between thepositively charged residues of the peptide with thenegatively charged cardiolipin head group, which isbelieved to improve phospholipid-dependent bio-energetics (13). Indeed, long-term treatment withelamipretide in animal models has been associatedwith increased mitochondrial cardiolipin remodelingto its tetralinoleoyl form (16,38). To date, however, it isunclear if cardiolipin remodeling after chronic treat-ment is a cause or a consequence of elamipretide’smechanism of action. We would not anticipate thatelamipretide could acutely alter cardiolipin isoformsin an ex vivo system, and in fact we report here thatdrug treatment can improve mitochondrial function inthe absence of any change in cardiolipin species.

We instead hypothesize that elamipretide mayelicit its acute effects by improving the stabilizationof cardiolipin–protein interactions, allowing themaintenance of the mitochondrial supercomplex.IMPROVEMENT OF MITOCHONDRIAL FUNCTION IS

INDEPENDENT OF AGE AND HF ETIOLOGY. There is agrowing body of literature characterizing the uniqueadaptations that exist between the failing pediatric

heart and the adult heart (39–45). These studies,combined with the differential response of children toadult-based HF therapies and limited improvement inpediatric HF outcomes over the past decade, suggestthat investigations of pediatric-specific HF treatmentsare needed (46–48). Importantly, the present studyincluded both pediatric and adult failing hearts andshowed that elamipretide improves mitochondrialfunction across a number of different pathologic phe-notypes on current evidence-based therapy. Thisfinding is unique and provides encouraging evidencethat the mitochondria may represent one final com-mon pathway in HF and that mitochondrial-targetedtherapies may have more generalizable efficacy com-plementary to existing HF therapies.

STUDY LIMITATIONS. First, this study was unable toelucidate the mechanisms underlying chronic expo-sure to elamipretide. Although this study concludedthat elamipretide does have a positive effect on mito-chondrial function via the enzymes of the super-complex, and this mechanism does not involvechanges in quantity or quality of cardiolipin, theexposure time to elamipretide was limited to a fewhours. Future studies are needed to determine theinfluence of chronic treatment on human mitochon-drial function. Second, this study was performed withall hearts that were sequentially collected by our tissuebank over the course of several years. Additionalresearch in larger populations will be necessary todetermine if specific disease phenotypes derivegreater benefit than others. Third, systemic adminis-tration of elamipretide could affect all othermitochondrial-containing tissues and could cause off-target effects not measured by these assays. Fourth,because the experiments were performed in heart tis-sue in isolation, concentrations of elamipretide in theex vivo experiments cannot be extrapolated to in vivotreatment. Lastly, because elamipretide binds to themitochondrial membrane, other membrane-dependent processes such as cross-talk with theendoplasmic reticulum and calcium signaling could beinvolved; however, this study was limited in scope tothe effect of elamipretide on the supercomplex andelectron transport system. Any additional effects ofelamipretide on human mitochondrial calcium trans-port and endoplasmic reticulum–mitochondria in-teractions would need to be analyzed in future studies.


A new class of mitochondrial-targeted drugs, whichincludes elamipretide, represents a promising newstrategy for the treatment of HF (49). A central

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mipretide, a premier member of a new class of

mitochondrial-targeted compounds, improves mito-

chondrial function in failing myocardium via increased

activity of respiratory CI and IV, and efficiency of

these complexes in a respiratory supercomplex,

improving overall mitochondrial oxygen flux. These

data support the use of mitochondrial-targeted ther-

apies to augment oxidative phosphorylation and pro-

vide a novel approach to the treatment of human HF.


targeted drugs such as elamipretide show promise as

novel therapies that improve efficiency of mitochon-

drial energy production in HF caused by structural or

myocardial disease.

Chatfield et al. J A C C : B A S I C T O T R A N S L A T I O N A L S C I E N C E V O L . 4 , N O . 2 , 2 0 1 9

Elamipretide Improves Mitochondrial Function in Human HF A P R I L 2 0 1 9 : 1 4 7 – 5 7


problem in HF is the inability of the heart toadequately meet its own metabolic demands due toaltered mitochondrial function and metabolism.These drugs offer targeted benefits throughimprovement of mitochondrial function and energyproduction. The present study is the first to assess theimpact of a member of this new class of compoundsdirectly on human heart tissue. The findings of thecurrent study are the first to report rapid improve-ment in mitochondrial function in the human heart,likely through improved coupling of the mitochon-drial supercomplex. These data support the use ofmitochondrial-targeted pharmaceutical agents toimprove energetics and mitochondrial function in thefailing heart.

ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE: Dr. Brian L.Stauffer, University of Colorado Anschutz MedicalCampus, 12700 East 19th Avenue, B139, Aurora, Col-orado 80045. E-mail: [email protected].


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KEY WORDS heart failure, high-resolutionrespirometry, mitochondrial-targetedcompounds, supercomplex

APPENDIX For supplemental tables and fig-ures, please see the online version of this paper.