1 附件一:英語聽講(II)課程綱要進度表 課程進度、內容、主題 1 (A) Course Orientation課程簡介與評分方式) (B) Ice-breaker: KWL(暖身活動:回憶先備知識並設定師生對本課程的期待) 2 Speech construction for Prepared Speech (如何架構一個演講) 3 Individual Public Speech: I Have a Dream (個人公眾演講實作:「我有一個夢」) 4 Unit 1 Where can work, education, and fun overlap? (如何讓工作、教育和樂趣三合一?) 5 Issue 1-1 Voluntourism (公益旅行) 6 Issue 1-2 Science Fairs and Natural Reserves (科學園遊會與自然生態保留區) 7 Unit 2 What does it mean to be a global citizen? (地球公民代表什麼意義?) 8 Issue 2-1 The Campaign to Humanize the Coffee Trade (咖啡公平交易的人道運動) 9 Issue 2-2 The UN Global Compact (聯合國全球盟約) 10 Five-day English Camp Presentation Part One (小組百萬英語營企畫徵選簡報之一) 11 Five-day English Camp Presentation Part Two (小組百萬英語營企畫徵選簡報之二) 12 Unit 3 How does language affect who we are? (語言是如何影響我們的) 13 Issue 3-1 My Stroke of Insight: A Brain Scientists Personal Journey (腦中風的靈光乍現:一位腦神經科學家的自身體驗旅程) 14 Issue 3-2 The Story of My Life: Helen Kellers Autobiography (海倫凱勒的生平故事自述) 15 Pronunciation Seminar: Emphatic Word Stress& Linking (發音專題討論會一:加強語氣重音與連音) 16 CALL Seminar: Playposit in usean online interactive video lesson editing website (電腦輔助英語教學專題討論會:Playposit 影音網站運用) 17 Celebrity Speech Impersonation Part One (名人演說模仿之一) 18 Celebrity Speech Impersonation Part Two (名人演說模仿之二)

附件一:英語聽講 II 課程綱要進度表 週 次 課程進度、內容、主題 (A) Course Orientation (B) Ice-breaker: KWL …tpr.site.nthu.edu.tw/var/file/150/1150/img/3193/955428818.pdf ·

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附 1


週 次 課程進度、內容、主題

1 (A) Course Orientation(課程簡介與評分方式)

(B) Ice-breaker: KWL(暖身活動:回憶先備知識並設定師生對本課程的期待)

2 Speech construction for Prepared Speech


3 Individual Public Speech: I Have a Dream


4 Unit 1 Where can work, education, and fun overlap?


5 Issue 1-1 Voluntourism (公益旅行)

6 Issue 1-2 Science Fairs and Natural Reserves


7 Unit 2 What does it mean to be a global citizen?


8 Issue 2-1 The Campaign to Humanize the Coffee Trade


9 Issue 2-2 The UN Global Compact


10 Five-day English Camp Presentation Part One


11 Five-day English Camp Presentation Part Two


12 Unit 3 How does language affect who we are?


13 Issue 3-1 My Stroke of Insight: A Brain Scientist’s Personal Journey


14 Issue 3-2 The Story of My Life: Helen Keller’s Autobiography


15 Pronunciation Seminar: Emphatic Word Stress& Linking


16 CALL Seminar: Playposit in use—an online interactive video lesson editing website (電腦輔助英語教學專題討論會:Playposit 影音網站運用)

17 Celebrity Speech Impersonation Part One (名人演說模仿之一)

18 Celebrity Speech Impersonation Part Two (名人演說模仿之二)

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週 次 課程進度、內容、主題

1 Orientation and warm-up activity (課程簡介與暖身活動)

CALL Seminar: Podcast as a Listening Enhancement Tool (電腦輔助英語教學專題討論會:使用播客作為自我增進聽力的工具)

2 Pronunciation Seminar 1: Sentence Rhythm, Thought Group


CALL Seminar: Multifunctional Media Converter Software


3 Issue 4-1 Wild Survivor(大自然的倖存者)

4 Issue 4-2 Caught Off Guard (Micro-teaching Team A)

(歷史兵家出奇制勝的欺敵戰術—英語微型教學 A 組)

5 CALL Seminar: Phonetics Analysis Software—Praat

(電腦輔助英語教學專題討論會:語音分析軟體 Praat 的應用)

6 Issue 5-1 Environmental Psychology (Micro-teaching Team B)

(環境心理學—英語微型教學 B 組)

7 Issue 5-2 What Your Stuff Says about You (Micro-teaching Team C)

(你的個人空間所透露出來的小祕密—英語微型教學 C 組)

8 Issue 6-1 Alternative Ideas in Medicine(醫學中的新觀點)

CALL Seminar: Online Survey Design


9 Issue 6-2 Boulder Bike-to-School Program (Microteaching Team D)

(「騎車去上學」計畫的行銷—英語微型教學 D 組)

10 CALL Seminar: Digital Audio Editor Software—Audacity

(電腦輔助英語教學專題討論會:數位錄音與編輯軟體 Audacity 的應用)

11 Unit 7 Where should the world’s energy come from?


12 Issue 7-1 Energy: What’s the Least Worst Option? (Microteaching Team E)

(核能還是替代能源:哪個才是較不差的選項?—英語微型教學 E 組)

13 Issue 7-2 Tapping the Energy of the Tides (Microteaching Team F)

(潮汐發電初探—英語微型教學 F 組)

14 Unit 8 How do people react to change?(人們是如何因應改變的)

15 Issue 8-1 The Reindeer People (Microteaching Team G)

(飼養馴鹿的外蒙古人—英語微型教學 G 組)

16 Issue 8-2 High-Tech Nomads (高科技遊牧民族)

17 News Anchor Broadcast Editing Report PART 1 (w/ i-Voting)


18 News Anchor Broadcast Editing Report PART 2 (w/ i-Voting)


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Scoring Rubric for Featured Speech: I Have a Dream


Student ID: Name:

Evaluation Criteria 1 2 3 4 Comments

Overall Performance

1 Clarity 1 2 3

2 Coherence 1 2 3 4

3 Appropriacy (grammar, vocabulary, language) 1 2 3

4 Intelligibility 1 2 3

Topic Development

5 Introduction 1 2 3

6 Body 1 2 3 4

7 Conclusion 1 2 3

8 Connection & Transition 1 2


9 Pronunciation 1 2 3 4

10 Intonation 1 2 3 4

11 Fluency (Expression fluidity) 1 2 3 4

12 Time Management 1 2



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Donald Trump’s Victory Speech on November 9th, 2016


TRUMP: Thank you. Thank you very much, everyone.


Sorry to keep you waiting; complicated business; complicated.


Thank you very much.


TRUMP: I’ve just received a call from Secretary Clinton.


She congratulated us — it’s about us — on our victory, and I congratulated her and her family on a very, very hard-fought campaign. I mean, she — she fought very hard.


Hillary has worked very long and very hard over a long period of time, and we owe her a major debt of gratitude for her service to our country.


I mean that very sincerely.


Now it’s time for America to bind the wounds of division; have to get together. To all Republicans and Democrats and independents across this nation, I say it is time for us to come together as one united people.


It’s time. I pledge to every citizen of our land that I will be president for all Americans, and this is so important to me.


For those who have chosen not to support me in the past, of which there were a few people. . .


. . . I’m reaching out to you for your guidance and your help so that we can work together

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and unify our great country.


As I’ve said from the beginning, ours was not a campaign, but rather an incredible and great movement made up of millions of hard-working men and women who love their country and want a better, brighter future for themselves and for their families.


It’s a movement comprised of Americans from all races, religions, backgrounds and beliefs who want and expect our government to serve the people, and serve the people it will.


Working together, we will begin the urgent task of rebuilding our nation and renewing the American dream. I’ve spent my entire life and business looking at the untapped potential in projects and in people all over the world. That is now what I want to do for our country.


Tremendous potential. I’ve gotten to know our country so well — tremendous potential. It’s going to be a beautiful thing. Every single American will have the opportunity to realize his or her fullest potential. The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer.


We are going to fix our inner cities and rebuild our highways, bridges, tunnels, airports, schools, hospitals. We’re going to rebuild our infrastructure, which will become, by the way, second to none. And we will put millions of our people to work as we rebuild it.

We will also finally take care of our great veterans.


They’ve been so loyal, and I’ve gotten to know so many over this 18-month journey. The time I’ve spent with them during this campaign has been among my greatest honors. Our veterans are incredible people. We will embark upon a project of national growth and renewal. I will harness the creative talents of our people and we will call upon the best and brightest to leverage their tremendous talent for the benefit of all. It’s going to happen.


We have a great economic plan. We will double our growth and have the strongest economy anywhere in the world. At the same time, we will get along with all other nations willing to get along with us. We will be.

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We’ll have great relationships. We expect to have great, great relationships. No dream is too big, no challenge is too great.

TRUMP: Nothing we want for our future is beyond our reach.

America will no longer settle for anything less than the best.


We must reclaim our country’s destiny and dream big and bold and daring. We have to do that. We’re going to dream of things for our country and beautiful things and successful things once again.

I want to tell the world community that while we will always put America’s interests first, we will deal fairly with everyone, with everyone — all people and all other nations. We will seek common ground, not hostility; partnership, not conflict.

And now I’d like to take this moment to thank some of the people who really helped me with this, what they are calling tonight, very, very historic victory.

First, I want to thank my parents, who I know are looking down on me right now.


Great people. I’ve learned so much from them. They were wonderful in every regard. I had truly great parents.

I also want to thank my sisters, Maryanne and Elizabeth, who are here with us tonight. And, where are they? They’re here someplace. They’re very shy, actually. And my brother Robert — my great friend. Where is Robert? Where is Robert?


My brother Robert. And they should all be on this stage, but that’s OK. They’re great. And also my late brother, Fred. Great guy. Fantastic guy.


Fantastic family. I was very lucky. Great brothers, sisters; great, unbelievable parents.

To Melania and Don. . .

(APPLAUSE) . . . and Ivanka. . .


. . . and Eric and Tiffany and Baron, I love you and I thank you, and especially for putting

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up with all of those hours. This was tough.


This was tough. This political stuff is nasty and it’s tough. So I want to thank my family very much. Really fantastic. Thank you all. Thank you all.

And Lara, unbelievable job, unbelievable.

Vanessa, thank you. Thank you very much.

What a great group. You’ve all given me such incredible support, and I will tell you that we have a large group of people. You know, they kept saying we have a small staff. Not so small. Look at all the people that we have. Look at all of these people.

And Kellyanne and Chris and Rudy and Steve and David. We have got — we have got tremendously talented people up here. And I want to tell you, it’s been — it’s been very, very special. I want to give a very special thanks to our former mayor, Rudy Giuliani.


Unbelievable. Unbelievable. He traveled with us and he went through meetings. That Rudy never changes. Where’s Rudy? Where is he? Rudy.

Governor Chris Christie, folks, was unbelievable.


Thank you, Chris.

The first man, first senator, first major, major politician, and let me tell you, he is highly respected in Washington because he’s as smart as you get: Senator Jeff Sessions. Where is Jeff?


Great man.

Another great man, very tough competitor. He was not easy. He was not easy. Who is that? Is that the mayor that showed up?


Is that Rudy? Oh, Rudy got up here.

Another great man who has been really a friend to me. But I’ll tell you, I got to know him as a competitor because he was one of the folks that was negotiating to go against those Democrats: Dr. Ben Carson. Where is Ben?

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Where is Ben?

TRUMP: And by the way, Mike Huckabee is here someplace, and he is fantastic. Mike and his family, Sarah — thank you very much.

General Mike Flynn. Where is Mike?


And General Kellogg. We have over 200 generals and admirals that have endorsed our campaign. And they’re special people and it’s really an honor. We have 22 congressional Medal of Honor recipients. We have just tremendous people.

A very special person who believed me and, you know, I’d read reports that I wasn’t getting along with him. I never had a bad second with him. He’s an unbelievable star. He is. . .


TRUMP: That’s right. How did you possibly guess? So let me tell you about Reince, and I’ve said this. I said, Reince — and I know it, I know. Look at all those people over there. I know it. Reince is a superstar. But I said, “They can’t call you a superstar, Reince, unless we win,” because you can’t be called a superstar — like Secretariat — if Secretariat came in second, Secretariat would not have that big, beautiful bronze bust at the track at Belmont.

But I’ll tell you, Reince is really a star. And he is the hardest-working guy. And in a certain way, I did this — Reince, come up here. Where is Reince? Get over here, Reince.


Boy oh boy oh boy. It’s about time you did this, Reince. My God.


Say a few words. No, come on, say something.

RNC CHAIRMAN REINCE PRIEBUS: Ladies and gentlemen, the next president of the United States, Donald Trump.


Thank you. It’s been an honor. God bless. Thank God.

TRUMP: Amazing guy.

Our partnership with the RNC was so important to the success and what we’ve done.

So I also have to say I’ve gotten to know some incredible people — the Secret Service

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They’re tough and they’re smart and they’re sharp, and I don’t want to mess around with them, I can tell you. And when I want to go and wave to a big group of people and they rip me down and put me back down on the seat. But they are fantastic people, so I want to thank the Secret Service.


And law enforcement in New York City. They’re here tonight.


These are spectacular people, sometimes underappreciated unfortunately, but we appreciate them. We know what they go through.

So, it’s been what they call a historic event, but to be really historic, we have to do a great job. And I promise you that I will not let you down. We will do a great job. We will do a great job.


I look very much forward to being your president, and hopefully at the end of two years or three years or four years, or maybe even eight years. . .


. . . you will say, so many of you worked so hard for us, but you will say that — you will say that that was something that you really were very proud to do and I can. . .


TRUMP: Thank you very much.

And I can only say that while the campaign is over, our work on this movement is now really just beginning.


We’re going to get to work immediately for the American people. And we’re going to be doing a job that hopefully you will be so proud of your president. You’ll be so proud. Again, it’s my honor. It was an amazing evening. It’s been an amazing two-year period. And I love this country.

(APPLAUSE) Thank you. Thank you very much.

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Hillary Clinton’s Concession Speech on November 9th, 2016


Thank you. Thank you all.

Thank you. Thank you all have much.


Thank you. Thank you all very much. Thank you so much. A very rowdy group. Thank

you, my friends. Thank you. Thank you.

Thank you so very much for being here. I love you all, too. Last night I congratulated

Donald Trump and offered to work with him on behalf of our country.

I hope that he will be a successful president for all Americans. This is not the outcome we

wanted or we worked so hard for, and I'm sorry we did not win this election for the values

we share and the vision we hold for our country.

But I feel pride and gratitude for this wonderful campaign that we built together. This vast,

diverse, creative, unruly, energized campaign. You represent the best of America, and

being your candidate has been one of the greatest honors of my life.

I know how disappointed you feel, because I feel it too. And so do tens of millions of

Americans who invested their hopes and dreams in this effort. This is painful, and it will

be for a long time. But I want you to remember this.

Our campaign was never about one person, or even one election. It was about the

country we love and building an America that is hopeful, inclusive, and big-hearted. We

have seen that our nation is more deeply divided than we thought. But I still believe in

America, and I always will. And if you do, then we must accept this result and then look to

the future. Donald Trump is going to be our president. We owe him an open mind and the

chance to lead. Our constitutional democracy enshrines the peaceful transfer of power.

We don't just respect that. We cherish it. It also enshrines the rule of law; the principle we

are all equal in rights and dignity; freedom of worship and expression. We respect and

cherish these values, too, and we must defend them.


Let me add: Our constitutional democracy demands our participation, not just every four

years, but all the time. So let's do all we can to keep advancing the causes and values we

all hold dear. Making our economy work for everyone, not just those at the top, protecting

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our country and protecting our planet.

And breaking down all the barriers that hold any American back from achieving their

dreams. We spent a year and a half bringing together millions of people from every

corner of our country to say with one voice that we believe that the American dream is big

enough for everyone.

For people of all races, and religions, for men and women, for immigrants, for LGBT

people, and people with disabilities. For everyone.

I am so grateful to stand with all of you. I want to thank Tim Kaine and Anne Holton for

being our partners on this journey. [Cheers and applause]

It has been a joy get to go know them better and gives me great hope and comfort to

know that Tim will remain on the front lines of our democracy representing Virginia in the

Senate. [Cheers and applause]

To Barack and Michelle Obama, our country owes you an enormous debt of gratitude.

We thank you for your graceful, determined leadership that has meant so much to so

many Americans and people across the world. And to Bill and Chelsea, Mark, Charlotte,

Aidan, our brothers and our entire family, my love for you means more than I can ever


You crisscrossed this country, even 4-month-old Aidan, who traveled with his mom. I will

always be grateful to the talented, dedicated men and women at our headquarters in

Brooklyn and across our country.

You poured your hearts into this campaign. To some of you who are veterans, it was a

campaign after you had done other campaigns. Some of you, it was your first campaign. I

want each of you to know that you were the best campaign anybody could have ever

expected or wanted.

And to the millions of volunteers, community leaders, activists and union organizers who

knocked on doors, talked to their neighbors, posted on Facebook — even in secret

private Facebook sites.

I want everybody coming out from behind that and make sure your voices are heard

going forward. [Cheers and applause]

This loss hurts, but please never stop believing that fighting for what's right is worth it.

It is, it is worth it. [Cheers and applause]

And so we need — we need you to keep up these fights now and for the rest of your lives.

To anyone that sent contributions, even as small as $5, that kept us going, thank you. To

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all of us, and to the young people in particular, I hope you will hear this — I have, as Tim

said, I have spent my entire life fighting for what I believe in.

I've had successes and setbacks and sometimes painful ones. Many of you are at the

beginning of your professional, public, and political careers — you will have successes

and setbacks too.

And to all the women, and especially the young women, who put their faith in this

campaign and in me: I want you to know that nothing has made me prouder than to be

your champion.

Now, I know we have still not shattered that highest and hardest glass ceiling, but

someday someone will — and hopefully sooner than we might think right now. [Cheers

and applause]

And to all of the little girls who are watching this, never doubt that you are valuable and

powerful and deserving of every chance and opportunity in the world to pursue and

achieve your own dreams. [Cheers and applause]

Finally, finally, I am so grateful for our country and for all it has given to me.

I count my blessings every single day that I am an American, and I still believe, as deeply

as I ever have, that if we stand together and work together with respect for our

differences, strengthen our convictions, and love for this nation, our best days are still

ahead of us.

Because, you know, I believe we are stronger together and we will go forward together.

And you should never, ever regret fighting for that. You know, scripture tells us, let us not

grow weary of doing good, for in good season we shall reap. My friends, let us have faith

in each other, let us not grow weary and lose heart, for there are more seasons to come

and there is more work to do.

I am incredibly honored and grateful to have had this chance to represent all of you in this consequential election. May God bless you and may God bless the United States of America.

Barack Obama’s White House speech on Trump’s presidential victory


Good afternoon, everybody. Yesterday, before votes were tallied, I shot a video that

some of you may have seen in which I said to the American people, regardless of

which side you were on in the election, regardless of whether your candidate won or

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lost, the sun would come up in the morning.

And that is one bit of prognosticating that actually came true. The sun is up. And I

know everybody had a long night. I did as well. I had a chance to talk to

President-elect Trump last night about 3:30 in the morning, I think it was, to

congratulate him on winning the election and I had a chance to invite him to come to

the White House tomorrow to talk about making sure that there is a successful

transition between our presidencies.

Now, it is no secret that the president-elect and I have some pretty significant

differences. But remember, eight years ago President Bush and I had some pretty

significant differences. But President Bush's team could not have been more

professional or more gracious in making sure we had a smooth transition so that we

could hit the ground running.

And one thing you realize quickly in this job is that the presidency and the vice

presidency is bigger than any of us. So I have instructed my team to follow the

example that President Bush's team set eight years ago, and work as hard as we can

to make sure that this is a successful transition for the president-elect.

Because we are now all rooting for his success in uniting and leading the country. The

peaceful transition of power is one of the hallmarks of our democracy. And over the

next few months, we are going to show that to the world.

I also had a chance last night to speak with Secretary Clinton and I just had the

chance to hear her remarks. I could not be prouder of her. She has lived an

extraordinary life of public service. She was a great first lady. She was an outstanding

senator for the state of New York. And she could not have been a better secretary of


I'm proud of her. A lot of Americans look up to her. Her candidacy and nomination was

historic and sends a message to our daughters all across the country that they can

achieve at the highest levels of politics. And I'm absolutely confident that she and

President Clinton will continue to do great work for people here in the United States

and all around the world.

Now, everybody is sad when their side loses an election, but the day after we have to

remember that we're actually all on one team. This is an intramural scrimmage. We're

not Democrats first. We're not Republicans first. We are Americans first. We're patriots


We all want what's best for this country. That's what I heard in Mr. Trump's remarks

last night. That's what I heard when I spoke to him directly. And I was heartened by

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that. That's what the country needs -- a sense of unity, a sense of inclusion, a respect

for our institutions, our way of life, rule of law, and respect for each other.

I hope that he maintains that spirit throughout this transition. And I certainly hope that's

how his presidency has a chance to begin.

I also told my team today to keep their heads up, because the remarkable work that

they have done day in, day out, often without a lot of fanfare, often with (ph) a lot of --

a lot of attention -- work in agencies, work in obscure areas of policy that make

government run better and make it more responsive and make it more efficient, and

make it more service-friendly so that it's actually helping more people. That

remarkable work has left the next president with a stronger, better country than the

one that existed eight years ago.

So win or lose in this election, that was always our mission. That was our mission from

day one. And everyone on my team should be extraordinarily proud of everything that

they have done and so should all of the Americans that I've had a chance to meet all

across this country who do the hard work of building on that progress every single day.

Teachers in schools, doctors in E.R. clinic, small businesses putting their all into

starting something up, making sure they're treating their employees well, all the

important work that's done by moms and dads and families and congregations in

every state, the work of perfecting this union.

So this was a long and hard fought campaign. A lot of our fellow Americans are

exalted today, a lot of Americans are less so, but that's the nature of campaigns, that's

the nature of democracy. It is hard and sometimes contentious and noisy and it's not

always inspiring.

But to the young people who got into politics for the first time and may be disappointed

by the results, I just want you to know, you have to stay encouraged. Don't get cynical,

don't ever think you can't make a difference. As Secretary Clinton said this morning,

fighting for what is right is worth it. Sometimes you lose an argument, sometimes you

lose an election.

You know, the path that this country has taken has never been a straight line. We zig

and zag and sometimes we move in ways that some people think is forward and

others think is moving back, and that's OK. I've lost elections before. Joe hasn't, but...


You know. So I've been sort of sure...

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BIDEN: But (ph) you beat me badly.


OBAMA: That's the way politics works sometimes. We try really hard to persuade

people that we're right and then people vote. And then if we lose, we learn from our

mistakes, we do some reflection, we lick our wounds, we brush ourselves off, we get

back in the arena, we go at it. We try even harder the next time.

The point though is is that we all go forward with a presumption of good faith in our

fellow citizens, because that presumption of good faith is essential to a vibrant and

functioning democracy. That's how this country has moved forward for 240 years. It's

how we've pushed boundaries and promoted freedom around the world. That's how

we've expanded the rights of our founding to reach all of our citizens. It's how we have

come this far.

And that's why I'm confident that this incredible journey that we're on, as Americans,

will go on. And I'm looking forward to doing everything that I can to make sure that the

next president is successful in that.

I've said before, I think of this job as being a relay runner. You take the baton, you run

your best race and hopefully by the time you hand it off, you're a little further ahead,

you've made a little progress. And I can say that we've done that and I want to make

sure that handoff is well executed because ultimately we're all on the same team.

All right. Thank you very much, everybody.

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附件七:ICRT 新聞播報逐字稿語料庫(提供聲音檔與文字檔,部份節錄)

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附件八:ICRT 報導過問卷調查結果的新聞稿(節錄)

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附 20

附件九:學生透過 Google Form 表單製作線上英語聽力測驗示例
