Project : Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Ganga River Front Development at Patna EIA-Ver2.1 Page | i Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ....................................................................................................................................... iii 1. INTRODUCTION & BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................. 1 1.1 PORTFOLIO OF INVESTMENTS UNDER NGRBA .............................................................................. 2 1.2 Patna River Front Development ................................................................................................................ 2 1.2.1 Proposed Developments in Patna RFD ................................................................................................... 3 1.3 PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF EIA.............................................................................................................. 3 1.4 PROPOJECT PROPONENT ..................................................................................................................... 4 1.5 TECHNICAL CONSULTANT AND ARCHITECT .................................................................................... 4 1.6 EIA CONSULTANT ..................................................................................................................................... 4 1.7 STRUCTURE OF EIA ................................................................................................................................. 4 2. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................................. 6 2.1 EXISTING GHAT CONDITIONS ............................................................................................................... 7 2.2 NEED FOR PATNA RFD ......................................................................................................................... 12 2.3 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENTS ............................................................................................................. 13 2.3.1 Development of Ghats .............................................................................................................................. 13 2.3.2 Promenades including kiosks (connecting some of the ghats together) ........................................... 14 2.3.3 Community cum cultural centres ............................................................................................................. 17 2.3.4 Landscape work at Precinct Zones: ........................................................................................................ 18 2.3.5 City level parks: ......................................................................................................................................... 19 2.3.6 Improvement of approach roads to the precincts ................................................................................. 19 2.3.7 Development of Electric Crematoria at Gulbi Ghat ............................................................................... 20 2.3.8 Development of Toilet Complex .............................................................................................................. 20 2.3.9 Development of Interceptor Drain ........................................................................................................... 20 2.3.10 Environmental Awareness ....................................................................................................................... 20 2.4 PROJECT LOCATION.............................................................................................................................. 21 2.5 ADDITIONAL BENEFIT ............................................................................................................................ 24 2.6 PROJECT COST ....................................................................................................................................... 24 3. ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY, LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE FRAMEWORK......................................... 25 3.1 POLICIES AND REGULATORY FRAMEWORK OF GOVERNMENT OF INDIA (GOI) ................. 25 3.2 Environment and Social Management Framework (ESMF) of NGRBA ............................................ 30 4. DESCRIPTION OF ENVIRONMENT ........................................................................................................... 34 4.1 PROJECT INFLUENCE AREA................................................................................................................ 34 4.2 ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIAL SCREENING: ..................................................................................... 36 4.3 Project Area................................................................................................................................................ 41 4.4 Baseline Environmental Profile................................................................................................................ 41 4.4.1 Meteorological environment ..................................................................................................................... 41 4.4.2 Physical environment ................................................................................................................................ 43

EIA-Ver2 - National Mission for Clean Ganga › ... › 40_Draft_Final_PATNA_RFD_ESIA.pdfProject : Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Ganga River Front Development at Patna

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  • Project : Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Ganga River Front Development at



    P a g e | i

    Table of Contents

    EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ....................................................................................................................................... iii

    1. INTRODUCTION & BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................. 1

    1.1 PORTFOLIO OF INVESTMENTS UNDER NGRBA .............................................................................. 2

    1.2 Patna River Front Development ................................................................................................................ 2

    1.2.1 Proposed Developments in Patna RFD ................................................................................................... 3

    1.3 PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF EIA .............................................................................................................. 3

    1.4 PROPOJECT PROPONENT ..................................................................................................................... 4

    1.5 TECHNICAL CONSULTANT AND ARCHITECT .................................................................................... 4

    1.6 EIA CONSULTANT ..................................................................................................................................... 4

    1.7 STRUCTURE OF EIA ................................................................................................................................. 4

    2. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ............................................................................................................................. 6

    2.1 EXISTING GHAT CONDITIONS ............................................................................................................... 7

    2.2 NEED FOR PATNA RFD ......................................................................................................................... 12

    2.3 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENTS ............................................................................................................. 13

    2.3.1 Development of Ghats .............................................................................................................................. 13

    2.3.2 Promenades including kiosks (connecting some of the ghats together) ........................................... 14

    2.3.3 Community cum cultural centres ............................................................................................................. 17

    2.3.4 Landscape work at Precinct Zones: ........................................................................................................ 18

    2.3.5 City level parks: ......................................................................................................................................... 19

    2.3.6 Improvement of approach roads to the precincts ................................................................................. 19

    2.3.7 Development of Electric Crematoria at Gulbi Ghat ............................................................................... 20

    2.3.8 Development of Toilet Complex .............................................................................................................. 20

    2.3.9 Development of Interceptor Drain ........................................................................................................... 20

    2.3.10 Environmental Awareness ....................................................................................................................... 20

    2.4 PROJECT LOCATION .............................................................................................................................. 21

    2.5 ADDITIONAL BENEFIT ............................................................................................................................ 24

    2.6 PROJECT COST ....................................................................................................................................... 24

    3. ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY, LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE FRAMEWORK......................................... 25


    3.2 Environment and Social Management Framework (ESMF) of NGRBA ............................................ 30

    4. DESCRIPTION OF ENVIRONMENT ........................................................................................................... 34

    4.1 PROJECT INFLUENCE AREA ................................................................................................................ 34

    4.2 ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIAL SCREENING: ..................................................................................... 36

    4.3 Project Area ................................................................................................................................................ 41

    4.4 Baseline Environmental Profile ................................................................................................................ 41

    4.4.1 Meteorological environment ..................................................................................................................... 41

    4.4.2 Physical environment ................................................................................................................................ 43

  • Project : Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Ganga River Front Development at



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    4.4.3 ECOLOGY AND BIODIVERSITY ............................................................................................................ 56

    4.4.4 CULTURAL RESOURCES ...................................................................................................................... 75

    4.4.5 SOCIO-ECONOMIC STATUS ................................................................................................................. 80

    4.5 Conclusion .................................................................................................................................................. 81

    5. ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVES ................................................................................................................. 82

    5.1 With or Without Project Alternatives ....................................................................................................... 83

    5.2 Good design aspects ................................................................................................................................ 86

    5.3 Technology Benefits.................................................................................................................................. 91

    6. PUBLIC CONSULTATION & STAKEHOLDER PARTICIPATION .............................................................. 92

    6.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 92

    6.2 Methods of Public Consultation ............................................................................................................... 92

    6.3 Focus Group Discussion with local communities .................................................................................. 93

    6.4 Public Consultation with Stakeholders ................................................................................................. 105


    7.1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................... 109

    7.2 ENVIRONMENTAL and SOCIAL FACTORS: ..................................................................................... 109

    7.2.1 Environmental Factors: ........................................................................................................................... 109

    7.2.2 Social Factors: ......................................................................................................................................... 109


    7.3.1 Quarries and Crushers ........................................................................................................................... 109

    7.3.2 Cultural and Heritage Resources: ......................................................................................................... 110

    7.3.3 Loss of Structures.................................................................................................................................... 112

    7.3.4 Generation of Dust: ................................................................................................................................. 113

    7.3.5 Noise and Vibration: ................................................................................................................................ 113

    7.3.6 Sanitation and Waste Generation: ........................................................................................................ 114

    7.3.7 Impact on Utilities: ................................................................................................................................... 115

    7.3.8 Integration of Drainage with Patna RFD: ............................................................................................. 115

    7.3.9 Loss of vegetation and tree cutting: ...................................................................................................... 116

    7.3.10 Impacts on Dolphin: ................................................................................................................................ 116

    7.3.11 Clearing of Existing Solid Waste humps: ............................................................................................. 118


    7.4.1 Physiography and Drainage: ................................................................................................................. 120

    7.4.2 River Water Quality: ................................................................................................................................ 120

    7.4.3 Solid Waste Generation : ....................................................................................................................... 124

    7.4.4 RISK ASSESSMENT AND SAFETY MEASURES: ............................................................................ 127

    8. ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN ................................................................................................... 131

    8.1 Specific activities by BUIDCo ................................................................................................................ 131

    8.2 Specific activities by Contractor ............................................................................................................ 131

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    8.3 Implementation of EMP .......................................................................................................................... 132

    8.4 Environmental Monitoring Program ...................................................................................................... 144

    8.4.1 Monitoring of Concessionaire / Contractor's Facilities, Plant and Equipment ............................... 144

    8.5 Integration of Other NGRBA Programs with Patna RFD ................................................................... 144

    8.6 Environmental Budget ............................................................................................................................ 145

    8.7 Reporting System .................................................................................................................................... 151

    9. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION .............................................................................................. 158

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    List of Tables

    Table 2-1 : Proposed Ghats for development ....................................................................................................... 14

    Table 2-2 : Proposed Project Cost ........................................................................................................................ 24

    Table 3-1 : Environmental Regulations and Legislations ...................................................................................... 26

    Table 3-2 : Environmental Regulations and Legislations ...................................................................................... 27

    Table 4-1 : Environment and Social Screening for River Front Development ....................................................... 36

    Table 4-2: Proposed Ghats for Developments along river Ganga in Ganga Ghats ............................................... 41

    Table 4-3 :Rainfall and Temperature at Patna in Ganga Basin ............................................................................. 42

    Table 4-4: Soil Quality Analysis of Proposed Project Site ..................................................................................... 50

    Table 4-5: Ambient Air Quality within study area................................................................................................... 52

    Table 4-6: Ambient Noise Level within study area ................................................................................................ 53

    Table 4-7:Water Quality Sample Analysis and Results ......................................................................................... 54

    Table 4-8: List of trees reported in the project affected area ................................................................................. 61

    Table 4-9: List of Avifauna reported in inner buffer zone ....................................................................................... 64

    Table 4-10:Fish Species reported in the study area .............................................................................................. 73

    Table 4-11List of Heritage Buildings within DPIA and IPIA ................................................................................... 76

    Table 4-12: List of Indigenous Building along Ghats ............................................................................................. 75

    Table 4-13: Component wise Project Affected Famililies ...................................................................................... 80

    Table 4-14: Details of Possession of Material in PAFs .......................................................................................... 81

    Table 5-1: With and Without Project Scenario ...................................................................................................... 84

    Table 6-1: Level of Consultations .......................................................................................................................... 92

    Table 6-2: Outcome of Stakeholder Participation Meeting as Held on 30th August 2013. ................................... 106

    Table 7-1: RAP Budget ....................................................................................................................................... 112

    Table 7-2: Budget for Solid Waste Management................................................................................................. 125

    Table 7-3: Carrying Capacity Calculation for each of project ghats ..................................................................... 127

    Table 8-1: Environment Management Plan ......................................................................................................... 133

    Table 8-2: Environmental Monitoring Plan .......................................................................................................... 146

    Table 8-3: Environmental Budget ........................................................................................................................ 148

    Table 8-4: Summary Details of Reporting ........................................................................................................... 151

    Table 8-5: Clearance Requirements from Government of Bihar ......................................................................... 152

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    List of Figures

    Figure 2.1: Artists view of Golaghar Patna .............................................................................................................. 6

    Figure 2.2: Sanitation issues along the ghats ......................................................................................................... 8

    Figure 2.3: Slums at edge of river Ganga ............................................................................................................... 9

    Figure 2.4:Gandhi Ghat (the only developed ghat at moment) ............................................................................... 9

    Figure 2.5:Adalat Ghat Edge Condition Analysis (Boulder pitching at the edges) ................................................. 10

    Figure 2.6:Edge condition Analysis in Krishna Ghat ............................................................................................. 11

    Figure 2.7 Potential of ghat as a public Space ...................................................................................................... 14

    Figure 2.8: Urban Precincts proposed ................................................................................................................... 15

    Figure 2.9: Design of Urban Precinct (3D-View) ................................................................................................... 16

    Figure 2.10:View of ghats after the proposed development of urban precinct ...................................................... 16

    Figure 2.11:Proposed Community cum Eco-centre at Gai ghat ............................................................................ 17

    Figure 2.12:Restoring the riparian edge and landscaping ..................................................................................... 19

    Figure 2.13:Proposed approach road development of Gai ghat ............................................................................ 20

    Figure 2.14:Project Location ................................................................................................................................. 22

    Figure 2.15: Landuse along project ghats ............................................................................................................. 23

    Figure 4.1:Direct Project Influence Area (DPIA) .................................................................................................... 34

    Figure 4.2: Colour coded aspect map for direction of the terrain along the RFD, Patna ....................................... 44

    Figure 4.3: DEM Map along the project section in Ganga ghat section in Patna .................................................. 45

    Figure 4.4: Land Use along the stretch of river bank to be developed under RFD project in Patna ...................... 46

    Figure 4.5: Physiographic map of Bihar along the river Ganga ............................................................................. 47

    Figure 4.6: Seismic Hazard Map showing the Project Area (Ganga Ghats) .......................................................... 48

    Figure 4.7:Seismic Zonation Map of India ............................................................................................................. 48

    Figure 4.8:Sub-Basin maps of Ganga Basin ......................................................................................................... 49

    Figure 4.9:Discharge of Raw Sewage in Ganga river from Anta Ghat (left) and Krishna Ghat (Right) .................. 56

    Figure 4.10: Forest cover map of Bihar ................................................................................................................. 57

    Figure 4.11: Photograph of Flora reported in Riparian Habitat .............................................................................. 60

    Figure 4.12: Photographs of Trees Reported at Ghat Area ................................................................................... 63

    Figure 4.13: Photograph of Animal Reported in study area .................................................................................. 66

    Figure 4.14: Dolphins Movement in Project Study Area ........................................................................................ 69

    Figure 4.15: Location were Dolphins are reported ................................................................................................ 71

    Figure 4.16: Location of Vikramshila Gangetic Dolphins Sanctuary with respect to project site ........................... 72

    Figure 4.17: Photographs of Species of Fishes reported during primary survey ................................................... 74

    Figure 4.18: Locations of Heritage/Important Buildings within DPIA and IPIA ...................................................... 78

    Figure 4.19: Locations of Indigenous Buildings within Project Ghats .................................................................... 79

    Figure 7.1: Dolphins Movement .......................................................................................................................... 116

    Figure 7.2: Open disposal of Solid Waste near to Ganga Ghats ......................................................................... 119


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    Figure 7.4 : Toilet Block as Proposed in the Project............................................................................................ 122

    Figure 7.5 : Proposed toilet Blocks (WC) ............................................................................................................ 123

    Figure 7.6: Open disposal of Solid Waste near to Ganga Ghats ......................................................................... 126

  • Project : Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Ganga River Front Development at



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    List of Annexure

    Annexure 1.1: Guidelines for Existing Quarry Management

    Annexure 1.2: Guidelines for Siting and Layout of Construction Camp

    Annexure 1.3: Specific R&R Measures

    Annexure 1.4: Drawings for Safety Measures

    Annexure 1.5: Professor Sinha’s Report on Gangetic Dolphin in Context of Patna RFD

    Annexure 1.6: INTACH’s Report on Cultural Heritage

  • Project : Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Ganga River Front Development at



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    B.C. Before Christ

    BUIDCo Bihar Urban Infrastructure Development Corporation

    CPCB Central Pollution Control Board

    EP Environment Protection

    ESIA Environment and Social Impact Assessment

    ESMF Environment and Social Management Framework

    ESMP Environment and Social Management Plan

    FGD Focus Group Discussion

    GAP Ganga Action Plan

    GoI Government of India

    GoB Government of Bihar

    INTACH Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage

    MoEF Ministry of Environment and Forests

    NGRBA National Ganga River Basin Authority

    NGO Non- Government Organization

    NMCG National Mission for Clean Ganga

    NPRR National Policy on Resettlement and Rehabilitation

    NP National Park

    OP Operational Policy

    PAFs Project Affected Families

    PAPs Project Affected Person

    PMG Program Management Group

    R&R Resettlement and Rehabilitation Framework

    RAP Resettlement Action Plan

    RFD River Front Development

    SC Supervision Consultant

    SPMG Special Program Management Group

    SPV Special Purpose Vehicles

    ULB Urban Local Body

    VSPL Voyants Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

    WB World Bank

    WLPA Wild Life Protection Act

    WLS Wild Life Sanctuary

    ZSI Zoological Survey of India

  • Project : Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Ganga River Front Development at



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    River Ganga has a significant economic, environmental and cultural value in India. Rising in the

    Himalayas and flowing into the Bay of Bengal, the river traverses through a course of more than

    2500km in the plains of north and eastern India. Increasing population in the basin and haphazard

    urbanization and industrial growth has significantly impacted the water quality of river Ganga,

    particularly during the dry season. The primary sources of pollution are untreated sewage and

    industrial wastewater, also non-point pollution sources from agriculture and livestock, religious

    activities and poor solid waste management also contribute significantly to the pollution.

    The previous attempts to clean the river, such as Ganga Action Plan (GAP) launched in 1985 have

    provided some gains in arresting rate of water quality degradation, but lot more needs to be done.

    As a major first step in this direction, Government of India (GoI) has established the National Ganga

    River Basin Authority (NGRBA) for comprehensive management of the river.


    The NGRBA program will adopt a river basin approach and has been given multi-sectoral mandate to

    address both water quantity and quality aspects. To achieve this objective, NGRBA is implementing a

    project with financial assistance from The World Bank. The portfolio of investments supported by

    NGRBA under this project includes the following:

    Sewerage and sanitation systems/sewage treatment plants (new/up gradation)

    Solid Waste Management

    Industrial Pollution Control Initiatives

    River front Management initiatives

    These investments in the first phase of the program are spread across several cities / towns within

    Ganga main stem states of Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand and West Bengal.


    Government of Bihar through Bihar Urban Infrastructure Development Corporation (BUIDCo) intends

    to implement improvements to the Ganga River Front in Patna through NGRBA Program.

    The River Ganga in Patna is an intrinsic part of life of Patna. Some of the most important Hindu

    festivals and religious congregations are celebrated on the banks of the river Ganga such as the

    Kumbh Mela and the Chhathh puja and large numbers of devotees gather during these festivals.

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    At present the existing facilities at the Ghats for these activities are poor. The Ghats are neither big

    enough to accommodate thousands of devotees during Chhath festival nor there is any facility like

    changing rooms.

    River water fronts have potential to become the recreational and cultural hubs of city and have

    emerged as lively urban face. River water front development also has potential to create

    Environmental Awareness for cleanliness of river and generating Ecological Awareness and

    tourism for the river edge and thus prevent disposal of untreated sewage into the river,

    Considering these aspects, the proposed Patna RFD project, proposes the following improvements.

    Development of 20 ghats (from Anta ghat to Naujarghat);

    Promenades including kiosks (connecting some of the ghats together); Promenade will have

    long walkways along the river ganga

    Community cum cultural centres including places for cafeteria, reading room, Dolphin

    Information centre.

    Landscape work in the precinct zones;

    City level parks; and,

    Improvement of approach roads to the precincts

    Development of Crematoria in Gulbi Ghat to an electric crematoria

    Development of interceptor drains (total 8 nos.)

    Toilet Complex

    The total cost of the project is INR 24327.00 Lakhs. The cost break up is shown in table1.

    Table 1: Proposed Project Cost

    S.No Description of Item Cost (INR Lakh)

    1 Development of 20 ghats (from Anta ghat to Naujar ghat including

    change room)


    2 Promenades including kiosks (connecting ghats together) 8751.07

    3 Community cum cultural centres 1,660.04

    4 Landscape work in the precinct zones 425.60

    5 City level parks 833.14

    6 Improvement of approach roads to the precincts 262.11

    7 Development of Gulbi ghat 750.77

    8 Interceptor Drain 326.97

    9 Toilet Complex 36.96

    10 Information Education and communication campaign 75.00

    11 ESMP Cost (including R&R Cost) 511.89

    12 Add contingency (8%) 1764.08

    Total 24327.00

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    The following laws and regulations are applicable to the proposed activities of Patna RFD:

    Policy and regulatory framework of Govt. of India;

    Environmental Policy of the respective State Governments;

    Legislations applicable to the construction activities;

    Environment and Social Management Framework of NGRBA

    The Project is seeking financing from World Bank and hence their environmental and social

    safeguards are also applicable to this Project.

    Since, the total built up area of the project is about 2700sq.m which is less than 20,000 sq.m and the

    total construction area is about 69,500 which is less than 1,50,000 sq.m, the project does not attract

    requirement of Environmental Clearance requirements of EIA Notification, 2006 of GoI.

    Similarly, the Wildlife Protection Act 1972 is not applicable to the project, despite the presence of

    Gangetic Dolphin in the river, as the project area is not located within 10 km radius of a wildlife

    sanctuary area.

    Other Applicable important regulations are:

    The The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 and Water Prevention and Control

    of (Pollution) act, 1974 will be applicable;

    The Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules, 2000 will be applicable;

    The Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act, 1958, as the project

    area is located however some old building are there along the ghats which will be protected;

    Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) of NGRBA:

    In addition to the above regulations, NGRBA has developed an ESMF to address various

    environmental and social issues related to investments. According to this framework, any project

    supported by NGRBA shall carry out an Environment and Social Screening to understand magnitude

    of impacts. In general, based on screening exercise, projects are categorized either as High Impact or

    Low Impact category in which high impact projects require detailed ESIA study along with preparation

    of an EMP. The Patna RFD has been categorized as High impact category due to presence of

    schedule-I animal, i.e. Dolphin and resettlement requirement of 229 Project Affected Families (PAFs).

    Therefore a detailed EIA and EMP study has been carried out.

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    In general 200m lateral distance from the right bank side has been considered as Direct Project

    Influence Area (DPIA) and 500 m lateral distance from the right bank side has been considered as

    Indirect Project Influence Area (IPIA) to access the baseline environmental conditions around the

    project area.

    The area within this DPIA and IPIA mostly consists of built up area which also includes some old and

    important buildings. Very few open spaces are present within the IPIA, the prominent one being

    Gandhi maidan. No sensitive areas like wildlife sanctuary, national park, etc. are observed within the

    DPIA or IPIA. However institutions such as Patna Medical College, Patna College, B.N. College,

    Patna Law College, temples along the ghats, some old buildings and few schools are located in the


    Meteorology: The climate in Patna is characterized by quite hot summers to moderately cold winters.

    In the Ganga basin the mean maximum and mean minimum temperature as recorded in Patna is

    respectively 31.9°C and 20.8°C. The relative humidity ranges between 80-93%. The mean annual

    rainfall is 1003.4mm. The maximum Wind speed is 177 km/h while the average wind speed during the

    year is 5 km/h. The wind direction near the river area varies from NE during the summer season to

    SW during the winter season.

    Topography: .The topography near the Ganga Ghats in Patna City is like a saucer and city has

    drainage issues during monsoon season. This core area of Ganga Ghats in Patna faces problems of

    ofver crowding (e.g. Collectorate ghat, Anta ghat, B.N College ghat, Gulbi ghat etc.) which has lead to

    enormous pressure on the physical infrastructure and traffic congestion.

    Geology: Ganga ghats are part of the Indo-Gangetic alluvium, one of the three main physiographic

    divisions of India, which separates Extra-Peninsular regions on the north from the peninsular region

    on the south. The quaternary sediments are deposited unconformable on the Achaean basement.

    Physiography and Soil: The project area of Patna RFD falls under active alluvial plain and the soil of

    the Patna river basin area is characterized by Calcareous alluvial (UstochreptsHaplaquepts) i.e. it is

    slightly alkaline. This shows that the alluvium deposit in this region is old alluvium deposit.

    Seismicity: The DPIA and IPIA fall under Seismic Zone-IV i.e. in low hazard zone.

    Drainage: The project area falls under the river basin of Ganga and sub basins of Punpun, Gandhak

    and Burhi-Gandak-Bagmati river basins. As per the local observation, Ganga river near the project

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    Ghats are meandering to the left and during the summer season, lean flow is observed between

    Collectorate Ghat to Adalat Ghat at the right bank of river Ganga.

    Air Quality: Baseline Ambient air quality was monitored during September 2012 at 3 locations to

    understand the air quality of the DPIA for 24 hours in each location as per CPCB standards for the

    parameters like PM10, PM2.5, SOx, NOx, HC and CO. The air quality data are given in table 2.

    Table 2 : Ambient Air Quality within study area


    PM 10


    PM 2.5








    Collector ghat 88 47 5.4 26.7 363

    Dr. T.N.Banerjeeghat 54 29 4.3 21.4 275

    Gulbighat 69 36 4.0 19.0 175

    CPCB Standards 100 60 80 80 2000

    Source: Baseline Environmental Monitoring done at project site during September 2012

    Noise Quality: Noise quality monitoring has been undertaken for the duration of 24 hrs at 3 selected

    locations. The monitoring data is given in table 3.

    Table 3: Noise monitoring result in the study area

    Location Leq day dB(A) Leq Night


    L Max dB(A) L Min dB(A)

    Collectorate ghat 46.60 33.70 51.30 30.20

    Gulbi ghat 43.80 31.90 48.30 25.60

    Dr. T.N.Banerjee ghat 35.60 33.20 49.80 29.50

    CPCB Standards 55.00 45.00

    Source: Baseline Environmental Monitoring done at project site during September 2012

    Soil Quality: The soil quality has been carried out in 3 locations and it has been observed that the

    soil quality is slightly alkaline which also support the presence of Calcareous Alluvium. The texture of

    soil is mostly silty loam and loamy.

    Water Quality: Water quality samples were collected from 7 locations including upstream and

    downstream of Ganga at Anta Ghat where a major sewage outfall has been seen. In general the DO

    content of water is quite good ranging more than 7mg/l. The BOD content at the downstream of Anta

    ghat shows the impact of Sewage on Ganga as the noted BOD was observed as 12.9 mg/l. In other

    locations the BOD content has been seen in the range of 2-3.3 mg/l. Overall the water quality of

    Ganga at the project locations are still well within the bathing water quality.

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    Flora and Fauna: The proposed project partly comprises of Riparian Habitat and partly terrestrial

    Habitat. The floristic survey of the proposed site witnesses scattered growth of grasses (mainly

    weeds), rooted hydrophytes, emerging hydrophytes and shrubs. Commonly reported weeds species

    are Congress grass (Partheniumhysterophorus), Lantana (Lantana Camara), Eipatoriumtrilpineve,

    Solanumxanthiocarpum and Datura (Dathurastromonium). The species of grasses reported along the

    banks are Cyanodondactylon, Achyranthesaspera, Saccharumarundinaceum, Vetiveriazizanoides,

    Ludwigiaparviflora, Rungiarepens, etc. Rooted hydrophytes are reported along the banks, where

    water level is less than a foot or water has recedes after flooding. The commonly reported

    hydrophytes are Ipomoea carnea, Argeratumconyzoides, Azollapinnata, Eichhorniacrassipes,

    Lemnaperpusilla, Spirodelapolyrhiza, etc. Ipomoea aquatic,etc.

    The fauna reported in the area are mainly avifauna (highest diversity) followed by mammals and

    reptiles. The commonly reported avifauna in the study area are Common crow, Myna, Eagle,

    Sparrow, Babbler, Pigeon, Cattle Egrets, Red Vented bulbul, Drongo, Sparrow, Indian Roller etc.

    Aquatic mammals like Gangetic Dolphins (PlatanistaGangeticagangetica) have been reported in the

    study area.

    The fish species reported in the project area include Mrigal (Cirrhinamrigala), Catla (CatlaCatla), Rohu

    (Labeorohita), Calbasu (Labeocalbasu), Bata (Labeobata), Kalabans (Labeodero), Tengara

    (Mystustengara), Singhi (Heyeropneustusfossilis), Palwa (Mystuscavasius), Pothia (Puntiussophore),

    Phasia (Setipinnabrevifilis).

    Cultural and Heritage Resources: A detailed survey of cultural and heritage buildings in and around

    the project area was carried out by INTACH as part of preparation of Cultual Impact Assessment

    (CIA) Reort and has identified 26 structures in the DPIA. While none of them physically affected, care

    shall be taken during construction to avoid damages to these structures. These structures are not

    included either in the list of Archeological Survey of India or Government of Bihar.


    The anticipated environmental impact both during the construction and operation sages are

    summarized in table 4.

    Table 4: Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures

    S.No Potential Environmental Impacts Mitigation Measures

    Design and Pre-Construction Stage

    1 Vegetation Clearance and Tree Cutting Trees are required to be saved as per the designs and

    drawings of promenade and ghat development. Vegetaion are

    to be removed before commencement of construction

    2 Resettlement of PAP Nearly 229 PAFs are to be resettled as per the RAP report and

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    S.No Potential Environmental Impacts Mitigation Measures

    summary given in Annexure 1.3.

    3 Prcument of plant and machinery Specifications to comply with the relevant national standard

    norms of emission control.

    4 Set up of construction camp (For 25-30


    The construction camps will be located at least 200m away

    from Ganga ghats and there must be basic living standard as

    per the guidelines given in annexure 1.2.

    Construction Stage

    5 Procurement of construction materials from

    existing quarry sites and thus consumption

    of resources.

    About 10,000-15,000m3 of quarry material to be procured from

    existing and approved quarry sites. For new quarries if

    Environmental Clearance is applicable to be obtained.

    Adequate safety pre-cautions to be ensured during

    transporation of quarry material from quarries to the

    construction site. Vehicles transporting the material shall be

    covered to prevent spillage.

    6 Generation of Debris Debris generated due to the dismantling of the existing ghats,

    structures shall be stored at a place sufficiently away from the

    main channel of Ganga.

    The debris generated from the structures shall be reused as far

    as possible and the left over material shall be disposed at a

    suitable location with following local rules and regulations along

    with approval from the ‘Engineer’ and the ‘Environmental

    Specialist’ on the project. In no case, no debris shall be

    disposed into the river Ganga.

    7 Noise and vibration impact to cultural and

    old buildings and safety to devotees

    coming to temples along ghat during


    For any kind of piling work during construction vibro hammer to

    be used instead of sheet piling to minimize vibration. Noise

    barriers shall be put at locations like Patna Medical College,

    B.N College, Patna Law College and schools to avoid noise.

    8 Discharge from existing sewer drains at

    Anta Ghat and Krishna Ghat

    Route of these discharge point to be diverted before the start of

    ghat construction at these 2 locations;

    Route to be diverted through the existing trunk sewer line to the

    existing STP at Saidpur.

    This needs to be taken up by BUIDCO as a separate project.

    9 Waste Water from construction camp Adequate sanitation and waste management facility to be provided in construction camp as per Annexure 1.2 of EIA

    report and it is to be ensured that no liquid or solid waste get

    disposed into river Ganga during the construction period.

    Monitoring of water quality during construction period as per the monitoring plan

    10 Impact on structures during construction As part of the project no heritage building/indigenous buildings/temples/mosques shall be demolished;

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    S.No Potential Environmental Impacts Mitigation Measures

    For heritage buildings within 25 m from ghat adequate care shall be taken to minimize vibration impact. Overall piling

    work to be used with Vibro Piling rather than normal sheet


    Chance find of any heritage structure / remnants during construction shall be immediately reported to the

    authorities and shall comply with Ancient Monuments and

    Archeological Sites and Remains Act 1958

    11 Noise from Vehicles, Plants and Equipment Construction activities shall be avoided during evening and

    night time hours (7 p.m. to 6 a.m.)

    All jackhammers and pavement breakers used on the

    construction site shall be fitted with manufacturer’s approved

    exhaust muffler.

    Use of pneumatic impact equipment shall be restricted 100m

    from noise sensitive locations,. Instead of pneumatic

    hammers electric, hydraulic hammers could be used.

    Temporary Noise Barrier at important locations of Schools

    and Health centres.

    12 Dust Generation and Equipment Selection,

    Maintenance and Operation

    Vehicles carrying construction materials shall be covered;

    Regular water sprinkling at areas of dust generation;

    Regular pollution under check for construction vehicles shall

    be made;

    13 Loss of flora and Fauna Fuel provision shall be made available in camp like LPG so

    that no tree cutting is involved for fuel wood.

    Construction workers must protect natural resources and

    wild animals especially Dolphin

    Fishing is strictly prohibited.

    14 Risk and Safety Adequate precautions will be taken to prevent danger from

    electrical equipment.

    Precautions shall be made to provide proper access route to

    the devotees;

    The safety of workers shall be taken care as per the

    prevailing norms;

    No material or any of the sites will be so stacked or placed

    as to cause danger.

    All necessary fencing and lights will be provided.

    Protective footwear and protective goggles to all workers.

    Protective eye-shields to workers engaged in welding works

    Earplugs to workers exposed to loud noise (above 75dB

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    S.No Potential Environmental Impacts Mitigation Measures


    The Contractor shall comply with all regulations regarding

    safe scaffolding, ladders, working platforms, etc.

    The Contractor shall ensure that no paint containing lead or

    lead products is used.

    Operation Stage

    15 Sewage generation from Project and Water


    Toilet complexes along with 24 other toilets will be provided in the project;

    Approximately 30 KLD of sewage expected;

    Septic Tank and soak pit shall be provided for the sewage; Water quality to be monitored as per monitoring plan


    Surface Run-off

    Interceptor drain has been proposed to cater surface run-off

    from promenade and pathways and will be ultimately be linked

    with the drains along access roads

    17 Increase of speed of water at Ghat section

    and chances of Soil Erosion

    As part of the project necessary green areas along the

    banks will be protected as well as new green areas in terms

    of city parks shall be created. This will provide necessary

    bank stability.

    Further, riparian edge restoration program will be

    undertaken to maintain natural habitat.

    At the bottom of the ghat boulder pitching shall be made so

    that uniform speed is maintained.

    18 Solid Waste Management Bins along Ganga ghats @4 bins in each ghat for 20kg


    254 litterbins along promenade and pathways of 1kg


    Masonry bins at 6 locations to facilitate communities to

    dispose their waste at these bins;

    Providing 2 no. of 4.5m3 bins at Anta Ghat Vegetable


    1 dumper placer, 2 auto tripper and 1 JCB hooper type

    vehicle shall be provided to collect the dispose the waste

    generated from the proposed project.


    Dolphin Conservation

    The mess size of the iron wire to be used to fix the boulders

    below the steps at ghats close to the water line or river edge

    should be four inches instead of eight inches.

    No indigenous grasses should be planted in the landscape

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    P a g e | xii

    S.No Potential Environmental Impacts Mitigation Measures

    terraces between two ghats as in the spaces natural

    amphibious/aquatic grasses of riparian zone of the river grow

    There should be minimum or no noise under the water during

    implementation of the project. If any mechanized boat is used

    during implementation of the project, the same may be propeller



    Safety Measures

    The load bearing capacity of each ghat has been calculated to

    indicate the safe number of people to accomdae the ghat and

    promenade with a carrying capacity approach. The other health

    and safety measures being proposed in the project are:

    Belts all along the ghats;

    PPE use;

    Inaccessibility to children; (Construction Netting);

    4 ambulances (for 2 years of project construction

    period) shall be provided for any type of medical


    Chaat festival will be restricted to these ghats during

    construction period;

    Side Access for pedestrian movements at


    Refuge access;

    Increase of access to the promenade through

    pedestrian streets;

    One way traffic to ghat where accessibility is less than


    Crowd management during festivals


    Local people were extensively consulted while carrying out the EA study. A total of 8 FGDs were

    conducted in the project area in the project influence area. Further, municipal ward councilors, MLAs

    were consulted on 3rd

    August 2013. In addition to the above, a city level public consultation was

    carried out on 30th August 2013 to obtain the views of local people. While most of the people

    welcomed the project and views and suggestion are incorporated in the project and EMP, wherever



    In order to implement the proposed Environmental Mitigation measures a detailed Environmental

    Management Plan has been prepared. To implement the plan there will be a Supervision Consultant

    who will oversee the work of contractor. The Supervision consultant will further report the progress of

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    work to BUIDCo. The final implementation monitoring for the same shall be carried out by NMCG. The

    total EMP budget has been considered is about INR 84.5 Lakhs. The detail about environmental

    budget is presented below in Table-5

    Table-5 Environmental Budget

    S. No Description of Item Cost (INR Lakhs) Primary




    1 Environmental Awareness program towards minimizing the pollution problem for solid waste management, water pollution prevention and minimizing impact on Dolphin etc. through preparing of IEC materials, media advertisement, clippings in cinema hall etc.

    13.00 BUIDCo BUIDCo

    2 Environmental Awareness during the construction stage

    7.00 Contractors BUIDCo

    3 Soil Erosion restoration work like retaining wall, edge restoration work, turfing and vegetative cover,

    Covered in

    Engineering Cost

    (BOQ item 2.1.3)

    Contractor BUIDCo

    4 Establishing of Construction Camp including facilities for drinking water, waste water treatment and solid waste disposal facilities

    Covered in

    Engineering Cost

    (Incidental Items)

    Contractor BUIDCo

    5 Facilities towards solid waste management for the project (Civil Cost from Table 7.3 of EIA report)

    Covered in

    Engineering Cost

    (Incidental Items)

    Contractor BUIDCo

    6 Procurement of Vehicles for solid waste management and 2 dumper bins (O&M Cost from Table 7.3)

    32.64 BUIDCo BUIDCo

    7 Small mesh barrier to screen the pious refuse preferably iron mesh with 1’’x1’’seize

    8.10 Contractor BUIDCo

    8 Construction of interceptor drains (3000 m) to collect storm water from project area and raw sewage from the building lines along the ghats, connect to a suitable manhole for ultimate treatment in a STP

    Covered in

    Engineering Cost

    (BOQ item 2.5)

    Contractor BUIDCo

    9 Construction of toilets along the promenade

    Covered in

    engineering cost

    (Items 2.2.3,

    2.2.4, 2.3 of BOQ)

    Contractor BUIDCo

    10 Provision of boulder pitching with 4incher iron wire;

    No indigenous grass

    Covered in

    engineering cost

    (Items 2.1.3,of

    Contractor BUIDCo

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    P a g e | xiv

    S. No Description of Item Cost (INR Lakhs) Primary




    species to be introduced BOQ)

    Total Environmental Enhancement Cost


    Environmental Monitoring-Construction Stage

    11 Air Quality Moniutoring 0.96 Contractor BUIDCo

    12 Water Quality Monitoring 3.84 Contractor BUIDCo

    13 Noise Quality Monitoring 0.54 Contractor BUIDCo

    14 Soil Quality Monitoring 0.72 Contractor BUIDCo

    15 Travel and Transportation of

    Laboratory Personnel

    2.0 Contractor BUIDCo

    Total Environmental Monitoring Cost

    (Construction Stage)

    8.06 Contractor BUIDCo

    Environmental Monitoring-Operation Stage

    16 Air Quality Moniutoring 1.2 BUIDCo BUIDCo

    17 Water Quality Monitoring 6.4 BUIDCo BUIDCo

    18 Noise Quality Monitoring 0.75 BUIDCo BUIDCo

    19 Soil Quality Monitoring 9.75 BUIDCo BUIDCo

    20 Travel and Transportation of

    Laboratory Personnel for 5


    5.00 BUIDCo BUIDCo

    Total Monitoring Cost-Operation Stage 14.10

    Total EMP-Cost 82.86

    Contingency (2%) 1.66

    Total EMP with contingency 84.52

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    P a g e | 1

    1. INTRODUCTION & BACKGROUND River Ganga has a significant economic, environmental and cultural value in India. Rising from the

    Himalayas and flowing into the Bay of Bengal, the river traverses through a course of more than 2500

    km in the plains of north and eastern India. Increasing population in the basin and haphazard

    urbanization and industrial growth has significantly impacted the water quality of river Ganga,

    particularly during the dry season. The primary sources of pollution are untreated sewage and

    industrial wastewater, also non-point pollution sources from agriculture and livestock, religious

    activities and poor solid waste management also contribute significantly to the pollution.

    Figure 1. 1The Ganga and its spirituality

    The previous attempts to clean the river, such as Ganga Action Plan (GAP) launched in 1985 have

    provided some gains in arresting rate of water quality degradation, but lot more needs to be done.

    As a major first step in this direction, the Government of India (GoI) has established the National

    Ganga River Basin Authority (NGRBA) for comprehensive management of the river. The NGRBA

    program will adopt a river basin approach and has been given multi-sectoral mandate to address both

    water quantity and quality aspects.

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    The NGRBA program will adopt a river basin approach and has been given multi-sectoral mandate to

    address both water quantity and quality aspects. To achieve this objective, NGRBA is implementing a

    project with financial assistance from The World Bank. The portfolio of investments supported by

    NGRBA under this project includes the following:

    Sewerage and sanitation systems/sewage treatment plants (new/up gradation);

    Solid Waste Management;

    Industrial Pollution Control Initiatives; and,

    River front Management initiatives

    These investments in the first phase of the program is spread across several cities and/or towns

    within Ganga main stem states of Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand and West Bengal.

    1.2 Patna River Front Development

    The River Ganga in Patna is an intrinsic part of life of Patna. Being a historical city1, the settlements

    started right along river’s bank edge and consequently the river’s edge remained unattended. Some of

    the most important Hindu festivals and religious congregations are celebrated on the banks of the

    river Ganga such as the Kumbh Mela and the Chhath puja and large numbers of devotees gather

    during these festivals.

    At present the existing facilities at the Ghats are quite poor. There is no change room or toilet facility

    on the Ghats. The Ghats are neither big enough to accommodate thousands of Devotees during

    Chhath festival nor there is any facility like changing rooms. There is hardly any Ghat where Visitors

    of Patna can go for an enjoyable glimpse of river Ganges. The entire river bank is hard surface, they

    are either Ghats or stone pitched and there is virtually very little landscaping or soft surface along the

    river edge. There are also no city level parks.

    River water fronts have potential to become the recreational and cultural hubs of city and have

    emerged as lively urban face. This can transform the water front areas from marginal use and connect

    to the main stream; public activity etc. The great potential of river front development eluded the people

    of Patna.

    River water front development also has potential to create Environmental Awareness for cleanliness

    of river and generating Ecological Awareness and tourism for the river edge and thus prevent

    disposal of untreated sewage into the river, and also prevent solid waste dumping on the river banks.

    1 The history of Patna spans three millennia and has the distinction of being associated with two most ancient

    religions of the world, namely Buddhism and Jainism. Patna was originally known as Patliputra in the Mauryan

    empire. The mighty river Ganges is an intrinsic part of life of Patna.

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    Now with this decision of Govt. of Bihar to develop the Ganga river front, a great opportunity for urban

    transformation of city has emerged. The proposed Patna RFD will be developed under the portfolio of

    investment under NGRBA.

    1.2.1 Proposed Developments in Patna RFD

    The proposed Patna river front development project is spread over 6.6 km from Collectorate Ghat to

    Naujar Ghat and would involve the following activities:

    Development of 20 ghats (from Collectorate ghat to Naujar ghat including change room);

    Promenades including kiosks (connecting some of the ghats together);

    Community cum cultural centers;

    Landscape work in the precinct zones;

    City level parks;

    Improvement of approach roads to the precincts

    Development of Crematoria in Gulbi ghat with provision of electric crematoria

    Development of interceptor drain;

    Toilet Complex

    Details of the developments are presented in Chapter-2. The total project cost proposed for Patna

    RFD is INR 24327.00 Lakhs.


    The present Patna RFD project will be implemented under NGRBA program being implemented with

    the financial assistance from the World Bank. As per the Environmental and Social Management

    Framework of NGRBA, the project has been screened (given in details in chapter-4) for its impacts

    and has been identified as high impact category and hence an EIA study has been carried along with

    specific EMP.

    The scope of the EIA study has been finalized based upon the project screening and categorization

    and is given below:

    Project screening and scoping;

    Project categorization considering as per the NGRBA ESMF ;

    Detailed assessment of natural habitats in the river and its riparian areas;

    Assessment of water quality along the river stretch both through secondary and primary data


    Preparation of study area maps for an immediate vicinity of 200m-500m from either side of

    the river through satellite imagery to understand the details of vegetation and potential of


    Aquatic Ecological assessment of the river stretch of ghat development program;

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    Assessment of existing sewage disposal and proposed improvement mechanism for

    restricting sewage and other trade effluent disposal (if any) in to the ghat development


    Assessment of proposed Solid Waste Management System as part of the proposed


    Assessment of possible impact on river bed due to the proposed engineering measures for

    ghat development and possible management measures (if any);

    Assessment of physical and cultural Resources along the project stretch and assessment of

    potential beneficial and adverse impact on such resources from the project;

    Assessment of possible Environmental Quality measures and monitoring mechanism;

    Assessment of possible Environment Management measures and cost;


    Bihar Urban Infrastructure Development Corporation, Government of Bihar.


    M/s Sen and Lall Consultants Pvt. Ltd. is the technical consultant for this project and M/s NilaA

    Architecture and Urban Design is the architect consultant for this project for the proposed river front

    development in Patna including development of 20 ghats, promenade including kiosks, community

    cum cultural centre, landscape work in the precinct zones, city level parks and development of

    approach road to the ghats.


    M/s Voyants Solutions Pvt. Ltd. is the EIA consultant for the project.


    The present EIA report is organised in following chapters.

    Chapter- 1 Introduction

    This chapter describes briefly describes the project, NGRBA

    Portfolios of Investments, the ESMF and need of EIA study.

    Chapter- 2 Project Description

    In this, chapter the existing conditions of the project area and

    proposed developments taken under the projects are described along

    with the cost summary of total investment under Patna RFD

    Chapter- 3 Policy, Legal and Administrative Framework

    This Chapter captures the policy and legal framework of government

    of India as well the safeguard policies of World Bank that are

    applicable to the project.

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    Chapter-4 Description of Environment

    Description of the baseline environmental condition including the

    baseline conditions of river water quality, terrestrial and aquatic

    ecology, air, noise and soil quality are described in this chapter.

    Chapter-5 Analysis of Alternatives

    This chapter describes the alternatives considered in the project

    towards improving the project.

    Chapter-6 Public Consultation

    This chapter briefly describes the consultation measures carried out

    with the various sections of common public in and around the project

    area and the suggestions provided under the consultation are


    Chapter-7 Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures

    This chapter provides details of the potential impacts from the project

    on various environmental factors and mitigation measures proposed

    for the construction and operation stage

    Chapter-8 Environmental Management Plan

    This chapter envisages the requirement of Environmental

    Management Plan including the monitoring and supervision

    framework for the implementation of EMP along with the budget for

    implementing EMP.

    Chapter-9 Conclusion and Recommendation

    This chapter provides the conclusion about the implementation of the

    project and provides necessary recommendations.

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    P a g e | 6

    2. PROJECT DESCRIPTION A detailed project report on riverfront revitalization has been prepared to enhance the potential of

    Patna’s river edge infrastructure and future decade. This is an unprecedented opportunity to create

    new public realm facing towards the river that is strongly connected to the city’s urban fabric. The

    report outlines a set of urban strategies that form the larger civic vision to the water front in the city

    and illustrates the detail proposal in ghat precincts.

    The main aim of the project is to attempt with a proposal that works collaboratively with Architecture

    and Engineering, Urban design and Ecology and Landscape Design. The project area is spread over

    a length of 6.6 km of the water front starting at Collectorate ghat and down the river till Ganga Setu

    and beyond upto Naujar ghat.

    Figure 2.1: Artists view of Golaghar Patna

    The history of Patna spans three millennia and has the distinction of being associated with two most

    ancient religions of the world, namely, Buddhism and Jainism. The state has seen the rise and fall of

    mighty empires of the Mauryas and the Guptas. The Patna was originally known as Patliputra in the

    Mauryan empire. From this city the famed emperor Chandragupta ruled a vast empire from Bay of

    Bengal to Afghanistan.

    This state has also produced several eminent world class scholars namely:

    Aryabhatt-Famous mathematician and astronomers

    Chanakya-Master of State Craft and Guru of Chandragupta Maurya

    It is believed that Patliputra was among the largest cities of the world between 300 and 195B.C.

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    P a g e | 7


    During the visit of the project team of the environmental consultants to assess the existing conditions of

    the ghats the following point emerges:

    Sanitation: At present the existing facilities at the ghats are quite poor. Practically there is no

    infrastructure in the ghats. Disposal of raw sewage from settlement and slums is very common

    including open defecation along the edge. Further there are dairy units along the ghat the

    waste is directly disposed to river Ganga (Refer Figure 2.2).

    The mighty river Ganges is an intrinsic part of life of Patna. This being an historical city, the

    settlements started right after river’s bank edge and consequently the river’s edge remained unattended.

    The great potential of riverfront development eluded the people of Patna.

    The famous Chhathh Puja of Eastern India is celebrated in Patna with great gaiety on river Ganga’s

    banks. More than five lakhs devotees offer Puja to Sun God on the occasion of Chhathh Puja in the

    month of October. On this occasion lakhs of people trek to Ganges and after holy dip in the Ganges

    worship Sun God.

    Recently Ganga Aarti has started at 2 nos. ghats, namely Gandhi ghat and Bhadra ghat. The Tourism

    Department conducts these activities on weekly basis and this already has emerged an attractive

    weekly event of city. Such programs can create enormous awareness for cleanliness of river Ganges.

    Now with the decision of Bihar Govt. to develop the Ganga river front, a great opportunity for Urban

    transformation of city has emerged.

    The spread of Patna along river Ganga The spread of Patna city in and around Gandhi


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    P a g e | 8

    Disposal of sewage from building lines along

    ghat to river ganga

    Domesticated animal and dairy units along ghat,

    disposal of animal waste to river Ganga

    Open Defecation along edges of river Ganga Direct disposal of solid waste from the

    slum/colonies along the river bank into river Ganga

    Figure 2.2: Sanitation issues along the ghats

    Festivals and Safety: The ghats are neither big enough to accommodate thousands of

    Devotees during Chhath festival. There are high chances of accident if any mishap happens

    with the devotees.

    Encroachments: Illegal colonies, slums and encroachment are observed along the ghat

    especially at Bhadra ghat high density of slum observed. The colonies are developed so close

    to the bank that during monsoon, there are chances of drowning and unsafe conditions. (Refer

    figure 2.3).

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    P a g e | 9

    Figure 2.3: Slums at edge of river Ganga

    Safety issues during Night time: There is no lighting along the ghats making it really

    unsafe to women and general public as well. On the contrary at Gandhi Ghat has been

    developed well for recreational purposes.

    Figure 2.4:Gandhi Ghat (the only developed ghat at moment)

    Edge Restoration:. Stone pitching has been observed along the river bank. This is a practice

    being done to protect the banks from erosion but this does not sustain for more than 2-3

    years and every time such types of edge restoration work is done without any kind of

    landscaping or green area, reduces the ecological activities in the river edges and impacts the

    food chain (Figure 2.5).

    Unsafe Ghats-No clear entry exit route: At present the ghats are very narrow and the steps

    are very steep especially at Mishri ghat. Almost all the ghats have some temple and devotees

    go for puja and making it difficult for children, women and aged persons.

    Further, there is no demarked entry or exit route to the ghats from the banks which also

    creates unsafe conditions during mass gatherings like Chatth festival etc.

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    P a g e | 10

    Figure 2.5:Adalat Ghat Edge Condition Analysis (Boulder pitching at the edges)

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    P a g e | 11

    Figure 2.6:Edge condition Analysis in Krishna Ghat

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    P a g e | 12


    Patna being an historical city2, the settlements started right along river’s bank edge and consequently

    the river’s edge remained unattended. Some of the most important Hindu festivals and religious

    congregations are celebrated on the banks of the river Ganga such as the Kumbh Mela and the

    Chhath puja and large numbers of devotees gather during these festivals.

    At present the existing facilities at the Ghats are quite poor. There is no change room or toilet facility

    on the Ghats. The Ghats are neither big enough to accommodate thousands of Devotees during

    Chhath festival nor there is any facility like changing rooms. There is hardly any Ghat where Visitors

    of Patna can go for an enjoyable glimpse of river Ganges. The entire river bank is hard surface, there

    are either Ghats or stone pitched or there is virtually very little landscaping or soft surface along the

    river edge. There are also no city level parks.

    River water fronts have potential to become the recreational and cultural hubs of city and have

    emerged as lively urban face. This can transform the water front areas from marginal use and connect

    to the main stream, public activity etc. The great potential of river front development eluded the people

    of Patna.

    River water front development also has potential to create Environmental Awareness for cleanliness

    of river and generating Ecological Awareness and tourism for the river edge and thus prevent disposal

    of untreated sewage into the river, and also prevent solid waste dumping on the river banks.

    Now with this decision of Bihar Govt. to develop the Ganga river front, a great opportunity for urban

    transformation of city has emerged. The proposed Patna RFD will be developed under the portfolio of

    investment under NGRBA.

    After several discussions with the government agencies and NGRBA the need for the river front

    development in Patna along river Ganga was taken in to consideration mainly for the following


    Upgradation of Ghats:

    At present the existing facilities at the ghats are quite poor. Practically there is no change room or

    toilet facility in the ghats. The ghats are also not big enough to accommodate thousands of Devotees

    during Chhath festival. There is hardly any ghat where Visitors to Patna can go for an enjoyable

    glimpse of river Ganges.

    2 The history of Patna spans three millennia and has the distinction of being associated with two most ancient

    religions of the world, namely Buddhism and Jainism. Patna was originally known as Patliputra in the Mauryan

    Empire. The mighty river Ganges is an intrinsic part of life of Patna.

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    Environmental Awareness:

    The proposed river front development has potential to become one of the recreational and cultural

    hubs of the city and can emerge as lively urban face. This can transform the water front areas from

    marginal use and connect to main stream, public activity etc. Once such public place is being

    developed then the necessary environmental awareness and citizen’s responsibility towards the

    cleanliness of river Ganga is expected to be developed along with increase of tourism. It is expected

    that the proposed river front development in Patna would enhance the environmental awareness

    specifically addressing (i) sanitation issues, (ii) prevent disposal of untreated sewage from the houses

    adjoin the ghats, (iii) prevent uncontrolled disposal of solid waste in the river, (iv) ecological

    awareness among people and among the fishermen specifically regarding Ganga Dolphin and (v)

    Open Defecation. The Project also expected to generate awareness among the pilgrims as well as

    with the line department regarding the health, safety and environmental issues during mass gathering

    of people during famous chatt festival and ?Ganga A arti? along Ganga ghats.

    Ghat Landscaping:

    At present only stone pitching work has been observed along the banks which are generally need to

    be repeated for every 2-3 years of time. This generally reduces the ecological activities along the


    The proposed project is proposed with ecological edge restoration work along the banks.


    The proposed Patna river front development project would involve the following projects:

    Development of 20ghats (from Collectorate ghat to Naujar ghat including change room);

    Promenades including kiosks (connecting some of the ghats together);

    Community cum cultural centres;

    Landscape work in the precinct zones;

    City level parks; and,

    Improvement of approach roads to the precincts

    Development of Crematoria in Gulbi Ghat to an electric crematoria

    Development of interceptor drains (total 8 nos.)

    Toilet Complex

    Details of the developments are given below:

    2.3.1 Development of Ghats

    The proposed 20 ghats considered to be developed under this project given in table 2.1 and shown in

    figure 2.2 respectively.

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    Table 2-1 : Proposed Ghats for development

    Figure 2.7 Potential of ghat as a public Space

    2.3.2 Promenades including kiosks (connecting some of the ghats together)

    The proposed development of promenades are given below and shown in figure 2.8 and 2.9:

    Name of


    Connected Ghats

    Precinct-I Collectorate ghat Anta ghat B.N.College ghat Mahendru ghat

    till Adalat ghat

    Precinct-II Adalat ghat To Gandhi ghat

    Precinct-III Gandhi ghat to Rani ghat

    Ghat Names

    Anta ghat B.N. College ghat

    Adalat ghat Mishri ghat

    T.N. Banerjee ghat Krishna ghat

    Baharwa ghat Rani ghat

    Ghagha ghat Raushan ghat

    Choudharytola ghat Pathri ghat

    Alamgaunj ghat Naurwa ghat

    Hanuman ghat Raja ghat

    Gai ghat Bhadra ghat

    Mahavir ghat Naujar ghat

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    Name of


    Connected Ghats

    Precinct-IIIA Gulbi Ghat to Gai Ghat

    Precinct-IV Bhadra ghat Mahavir ghat Naujar ghat

    Figure 2.8: Urban Precincts proposed

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    Name of


    Connected Ghats

    Figure 2.9: Design of Urban Precinct (3D-View)

    After the development of the urban precincts the view of a ghat is shown in figure 2.10.

    Figure 2.10:View of ghats after the proposed development of urban precinct

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    2.3.3 Community cum cultural centres

    Three number of community cum culture centres are proposed as given below and shown in figure


    Community cum Eco Centre at Collectorate ghat: This centre is facilitated with community

    landscape court with sit out, eco-centre cum meeting hall, café sitting in the second floor. The

    total built up area would be 2014 sq.m.

    Community cum cultural Centre at Bhadra ghat: This centre will be facilitated with food

    court and community hall and children centre, multi purpose hall for dance and performance

    and a promenade view café. The total built up area would be 1273 sq.m.

    Dolphin Information Centre at Gai ghat: The total built up area would be 950 sq.m

    Café at Patna College: This centre will be facilitated with café in the ground floor, Reading

    room and kids reading area in the 1st floor and Amphitheatre and viewing deck in the 2

    nd floor.

    The proposed built up area is 381 sq.m

    Audio-Visual theatre at Gandhi ghat: This centre is facilitated with café in the ground floor,

    audio-visual hall in the 1st floor, amphitheater and viewing deck in the 2

    nd floor. Total built up

    area 381 sq.m.

    Figure 2.11:Proposed Community cum Eco-centre at Gai ghat

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    2.3.4 Landscape work at Precinct Zones:

    The proposal has also put forward a framework to integrate landscape in to the existing river edge

    design. The landscape design has listed criteria like edge restoration, bio-diversity for wildlife,

    methods for carbon reduction , providing Larger open space for people for rituals, activity and

    exercise, walks, workshops, seminars, shade areas for people, concepts of bio-degradable garbage,

    flood control through landscape engineering and environmental education.

    The development on the river edge has to be of a kind that doesn’t harm the river ecology. The design

    solution is a sustainable process. Steps have been taken to put in place on the promenade network of

    waste disposal. The textures and use of material be such that it would be green and environment


    Landscape work has been proposed in four (4) number of precinct zones as given below and shown

    in figure 2.12:

    Precinct Landscape Work Landscape Work Landscape Work

    Precinct-I Collectorate ghat to Anta ghat Anta ghat to B.N

    college ghat

    B.N College ghat to

    Mahendru ghat

    Precinct-II Mishri ghat to T.N Banerjee ghat T.N Banerjee ghat to

    Kali ghat


    and Precinct-


    Gandhi ghat to Bharva ghat Bharva ghat to Law

    college ghat

    Rani ghat to Gulbi ghat

    Precinct-IV Gai ghat to Naujar ghat

    The proposal under the landscape works at the precinct zones will include the following aspects:

    Riparian edge restoration, planting long edge for biodiversity of wild life, carbon reduction,

    nutrient exchange along edge

    Large open space to facilitate people for rituals, activity and exercise, walks, workshops,

    seminars, shade areas for people

    Flood control through landscape engineering permanent and temporary

    Environmental education

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    Figure 2.12:Restoring the riparian edge and landscaping

    2.3.5 City level parks:

    Two (2) city level parks are proposed respectively at Patna College ghat and Gai ghat

    2.3.6 Improvement of approach roads to the precincts

    Following approach roads are proposed for improvement, which are connected through main road of

    Gandhi Maidan- Patna City. These approach roads varies in length (100 to 500 m) and width (5 to 20

    m) according to existing accessibility.

    Approach road to precinct-I

    Approach road to precinct-II

    Approach road to precinct-III and IIIA

    Approach road to precinct-IV

    Approach road to Krishna ghat

    Approach road to Choudurytola ghat

    Approach road to Pathri ghat

    Approach road to Gai ghat

    Approach road to Raja ghat

    A schematic view of proposed development of approach road is given in figure 2.13.

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    Figure 2.13:Proposed approach road development of Gai ghat

    2.3.7 Development of Electric Crematoria at Gulbi Ghat

    At present the present crematoria uses wood as burning material. This electric crematorium will help

    in reducing the wood consumption and next it would give more burning facilities. These electric

    crematoria would help in burning 30 dead bodies in a day.

    2.3.8 Development of Toilet Complex

    Toilet complexes are proposed at 3 locations as part of the project namely at Collectorate Ghat, Anta

    Ghat and Bhadra Ghat. Nearly 600 people are expected to use each of these toilets in a day.

    2.3.9 Development of Interceptor Drain

    The project also envisages towards improving interceptor drains to capture the sewage getting

    directly disposed to Ganga from the building along the ghat and run-off and then finally disposing

    them off at a main drain line. A total of 8 such interceptor drains are being proposed.

    2.3.10 Environmental Awareness

    The proposed river front development has potential to become one of the recreational and cultural

    hubs of the city and can emerge as lively urban face. This can transform the water front areas from

    marginal use and connect to main stream, public activity etc. Once such public place is being

    developed then the necessary environmental awareness and citizen’s responsibility towards the

    cleanliness of river Ganga is expected to be developed along with increase of tourism. It is expected

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    that the proposed river front development in Patna would enhance the environmental awareness

    specifically addressing (i) sanitation issues, (ii) prevent disposal of untreated sewage from the houses

    adjoining the ghats, (iii) prevent uncontrolled disposal of solid waste in the river, (iv) ecological

    awareness among people and among the fishermen specifically regarding Ganga Dolphin and (v)

    Open Defecation. The Project also expected to generate awareness among the pilgrims along with

    various line department health, safety and environmental issues during festivals like “Chatth Puja?

    and ?Ganga A arti?.


    The proposed project site is located along the river Ganga starting from Collectorate ghat and spread

    beyond the Ganga setu. Few of the ghats are proposed to be connected through promenade and

    would also involve landscape work.

    The location map of the proposed project site is provided in Figure 2.14 and existing landuse along

    the ghats is presented in Figure 2.15.

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    Figure 2.14:Project Location

  • Project : Environmental Impact Ass