لعامةت اقا ادارة الع- لقابضة لمصر الشركة الطيران للعامةت اقا ادارة الع- لطيرانلقابضة لمصر ل الشركة العامةت اقا ادارة الع- لطيرانلقابضة لمصر ل الشركة العامةت اقا ادارة الع- لطيرانلقابضة لمصر ل الشركة اع تقع ةد - ص ضق كش لعامةت اقا ادارة الع- لعامةت اقا ادارة الع-


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This is The most important daily news about civil aviation and airports .. Published by PUBLIC RELATIONS Of EGYPTAIR Holding CO.

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الشركة القابضة لمصر -ادارة العالقات العامة


الشركة القابضة لمصر للطيران -ادارة العالقات العامة الشركة القابضة لمصر للطيران -ادارة العالقات العامة

الشركة القابضة لمصر للطيران -ادارة العالقات العامة ش ك ق ض ص - د ة عالق ت ع

ة ام

لع ات


لع ارة



ت العامة القا

رة العادا


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ع ى أع ى ست ى تأ ت : ز

ن ف 28فى م 01:49 - 2014ن ف 25 ثالث ء،

أكد حس م ك ل ز دنى، أ كل ت ص ؤ ن

ت هن ك أ ن ع ى أع ى ست ى، جه أى ظ ئ تتع ض

ه ت، أش ز فى تص ح ت صحف إ ى أ هن ك إج ء ت أ ن

ك ة ت ت ص ، جه أى ج ع أ فى ظل

.ن ف 28 دع ت تى تدع تظ ه م ج ع ق ل فق

أنه ع كل ق د ت أل ن س ت ع ت " ك ل" أض

ع ى الستعد د ت أل ن تى س تم ت ذه د ل ت جه ،

ق ل إ ت نى ك ب أح ن فذ ه آال ك ب ال ك

ق ع ل ف ه ، أش إ ى أ حالت أل قم ئ ة تع ل فق جد ل

. حالت عدة ق ل م حدث أى تغ

جه أ ى أش ز دنى إ ى أ نى ك ب جد د

غ دق د ى تم النته ء نه ت ج ى تشغ ل تج ى نى، ت ه د

.الفتت حه نتص شه ق ل


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« ص » أله ي سل ب شك ـ

م 05:50:1٧ - 2014ن ف 25 ثالث ء

ق ج س إد ة ن دي أله ي، في جت عه، س ء

الثن ، ئ س ح د ه ، ت ج ه ب شك س ي

.« ص »إ ى ش ك

ج ء ق ج س عد جه د ك ذي ذ ته ش ك

ع ن دي، أجل تسه ل ح ف ق أل ل إ ى ك ت

.د ف

فًق ئل ج ع ، د ك ة، فقد قد ت ش ك د ت

ه ن دي ع ى ت ح ته ، أه ه تق ل فت ة ت نز ت

دق ق ، حتى 45س ع ت إ ى 4في د ن أك غ ن ،

.ال تع ض الع إل ه ق

الل ح ع دة أ ًض فق »: «ج ع » أض

سؤ ص ع ى ب ن دي تأ عد إقالع

ئ ة س دس س ء إ ى س ع ، حتى تت ك عث

.« ح ق ه

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/465987http://www.argaam.com/article/articledetail/preview/ تك - ن فض- -تق ق- ك ت -أسع

تق ق ن فض تك « ك ت »أسع

الوطن الكويتية - 26/11/2014

ابدى مراقبون دهشتهم من لجوء احدى شركات الطيران منخفض التكلفة الى الجهات المعنية تشكو وتتذمر من تداعيات

الحملة الترويجية للخطوط الجوية الكويتية بأسعار تشجيعية خالل الفترة من اول نوفمبر الجاري وحتى منتصف ديسمبر،

.وانها تشعر بالقلق من التأثير السلبي لتلك الحملة على نتائج اعمالها

واعرب المراقبون عن استيائهم من هكذا تصرف، ملمحين الى ان شركات الطيران االقتصادي تلجأ في اغلب االحيان

الى تطبيق اسعار على تذاكرها بأعلى من اسعار الطيران التقليدي ومع ذلك لم يلجأوا الى الشكوى أو التذمر في حين انه

يفترض ان تكون اسعار الطيران منخفض التكلفة اقل بكثير من الطيران التقليدي، باالضافة الى ان الضرائب والرسوم

.للطيران المنخفض ازيد بكثير من ضرائب ورسوم الطيران العادي

وقال المراقبون ان اقتصاديات السوق ومبدأ العرض والطلب هما اللذان يحددان االسعار، وال توجد رقابة حاليا لتحديد

.الحد االدنى واالعلى لالسعار تاركين شركات الطيران هي التي تحدد اسعارها طبقا لمقتضيات السوق الحر المفتوح

« ك ت » ق ق

وفي السياق ذاته ابدت بعض شركات الطيران العاملة في السوق المحلي تخوفها وقلقها من استعادة الخطوط الجوية

بعد استكمال استالم اسطولها من الطائرات 2015الكويتية لحصتها السابقة من الحركة في سوقها الرئيسي بحلول صيف

.2017طائرات بوينج قبل صيف 10طائرة جديدة، باالضافة الى استالم 12المستأجرة من ايرباص وعددها

ان بعض شركات الطيران التي تستحوذ على حصة مؤثرة من الحركة في السوق المحلي كانت في « الوطن»وعلمت

السابق توفر بعض المقاعد لوكاالت السياحة والسفر التي تعمل في مجال المجموعات السياحية في الموسم النشط بالصيف

مقدما من سعر تلك التذاكر على ان يستكمل الباقي قبل موعد سفر المجموعات السياحية، بينما حاليا 25%مقابل دفع

فقط بعد استشعارها بعودة الخطوط الكويتية الى مكانتها والتوقع 5%تراجعت عن هذا النهج وخفضت القيمة المقدمة الى

باستحواذها على حصة االغلبية من سوقها الرئيسي بعد استالم طائراتها الجديدة ورفع ادائها التشغيلي وزيادة رحالتها

االفقية والرأسية، نتيجة لتطعيم اسطولها بطائرات جديدة سوف تزيد من طاقتها االستيعابية وزيادة المقاعد المطروحة

للبيع في السوق المحلي يجعلها قادرة على استيعاب زيادة الطلب ورفع حصتها السوقية، وامكانية تشغيل رحالت

للمحطات الموسمية الصيفية التي يشتد الطلب عليها، لتوفر الطائرات، وزيادة السعة المقعدية، باالضافة الى جودة

.الخدمات المقدمة للمسافرين

ن فس ع د

القوية واستخدام مفهوم المنافسة العادلة للحد من المنافسة وتقييد الدخول الى « الكويتية»وتوقع المراقبون ان تؤدي عودة

.السوق ونضج االسواق سوف يؤدي الى انخفاض اسعار تذاكر الطيران لصالح المسافرين

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Remarks of Tony Tyler at the CEIV Pharma Brussels Airport

Event, Belgium

BRUCargo Event

I am a big fan of the air cargo industry. I spent many years at

Cathay Pacific, where cargo plays a hugely important role. I have

retained a keen eye on the cargo industry in my time at IATA. And

I am very pleased to be here in Brussels today to mark the

opening of the first Center of Excellence for Independent

Validators (CEIV) Pharma community in Europe. There is a very

simple reason behind the development of the CEIV Pharma. Cold

chain transportation, particularly of pharmaceutical products, is a

growing business opportunity for air cargo. But this sector is

facing increasing regulatory burdens which are adding cost and

complexity. The CEIV Pharma offers a solution to this issue.

Air cargo is one of the great unsung forces of the global

economy. Each year, the industry carries 50 million tonnes of

cargo worth $6.8 trillion. That’s equal to around one-third of the

value of all traded goods. Without the speed and efficiency of air

cargo, global supply chains would seize up, perishable goods

wouldn’t be able to reach distant markets, and vital medication or

emergency aid would not make it to the most vulnerable.

The pharmaceutical sector transports goods which are highly

temperature-sensitive and a single mistake can destroy an entire

batch. Mishandling is rare, but it is an unfortunate fact that more

than 50% of all temperature excursions occur while the package

is in the hands of airlines and airports. It is therefore essential to

establish harmonized handling procedures and strong

accountability and cooperation between all the partners in the

cold chain.

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The expansion in both usage and production of biotechnology-

derived drugs and other cold-chain products in emerging

markets has drawn increased regulatory interest in recent years.

Both governments and industry have put forward practical

guidance for qualifying cold-chain transportation processes,

sensors and packaging in much the same way as manufacturing

processes are qualified as part of Good Manufacturing Practices.

IATA is very active in this area. Many of the standards that

already govern the way the industry handles time- and

temperature-sensitive products have been created by IATA with

the help of our industry partners. The work of the Live Animals

and Perishables Board, the development of the Dangerous Goods

Regulations, and the Temperature Control Regulations are just

some examples. In 2012 the Time and Temperature Task Force

created a Time and Temperature label which is now standard

across the industry, helping ensure that the temperature range

for sensitive products is known and followed. This has already

gone a long way towards eliminating errors in transit.

A growing number of countries are issuing their own regulations

and guidance. New EU guidelines came into effect a year ago,

and in the last few years Australia, Canada, China, Indonesia,

Ireland, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia and United States have all

updated cold chain rules.

While the industry welcomes the focus on higher standards, the

increasing number of regulations around the world is becoming a

problem to manage. Implementation and compliance is complex

and airlines, GHAs and forwarders are subjected to multiple

audits for handling and transportation. Crucially, there is no

global certification for the handling and transportation of

pharmaceutical products.

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Our customers are demanding a better service. Shippers want to

see compliance, standardization, accountability and transparency

across the supply chain. They want the confidence that facilities

are adequately equipped and operated by properly-trained people

familiar with the latest regulations, standards and best practices.

They want global certification, and a common audit format to

maximize efficiency. Finally, they want to easily identify the

stakeholders that meet all these requirements.

The CEIV Pharma offers all this and more.

In concept it is similar to our highly successful CEIV Cargo

Security, which helped prepare the industry to meet the European

ACC3 regulation on secure cargo shipments. A group of

independent validators were trained by IATA on an approved

course. This gave the air cargo industry as well as the regulators

confidence in the quality and consistency of the validations being

carried out. Now we are applying the same principles to the cool

chain. By validating the quality of the chain from end-to-end,

pharmaceutical companies can be confident that their goods will

be handled correctly.

The CEIV Pharma is a standardized global certification program

that trains and conducts consistent onsite assessments to

provide the expertise needed adequately to transport cold chain

pharmaceutical products across the world. In partnership with

industry stakeholders, IATA has designed a program that:

Has one internationally recognized standard that harmonizes,

simplifies and, where possible, reduces the number of audits;

Improves compliance with standards and regulations by

assessing operations against a standard check list;

Trains independent validators on these standards and

regulations for them to work consistently, and

Identifies and recognizes the best suppliers by certifying and

then registering them on a public website.

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Our aim is to improve the quality of the service offered to pharmaceutical

companies by reducing the losses from mishandled goods. At present annual

damages to the pharma industry from spoiled goods can be up to $12 billion a

year. That is an unacceptably high percentage of a $300 billion-a-year market.

Moreover, in the coming years much of the growth in temperature-sensitive

pharma such as vaccines and blood plasma is expected to be in markets

outside North America and Europe. This in turn creates a need for investment

in up-to-date cold chain facilities. By 2018 spending on cold chain logistics is

likely to be over $10 billion a year. The value of this precious investment must

be maximized.

Over the past decade, the shipping of pharmaceutical products has developed

to become the fastest growing market segment in the air freight industry. Air

carriers, handlers and freight forwarders have responded with branded

products and services to grab a share of this lucrative niche market. There is

tremendous momentum behind this segment of the industry, and I am sure

that is why the response to the development of the CEIV Pharma has been so


So that brings us to today. We are here because Brussels Airport has taken the

initiative to invite a group of eleven local stakeholders to undergo the CEIV

Pharma training. This will bring the entire local cargo community together for

the common goal of becoming certified. Only after successfully undergoing a

rigorous training and assessment against national and international

standards, in particular IATA’s Temperature Control Regulations, as well as

best practices, will we certify these eleven companies . But once officially

recognized, these Brussels-based stakeholders will be able to offer

pharmaceutical companies the competitive advantage of assuring cold chain

integrity to their clients. And they will be the first in Europe to achieve this.

In exchange, I have a request to make of you all. The more stakeholders

participate in the CEIV Pharma, the stronger and more effective it will be. I

therefore call on you all to promote the CEIV and engage with your business

partners wherever you operate in the world. Ultimately we all want to see a

network of CEIV trade lanes with participants certified at origin, destination

and in transit.

I know that Brussels Airport intend to take a leading role in this promotion – I

hope all of you will join us.

I congratulate Brussels Airport and all the stakeholders in Europe’s first CEIV

Pharma. I trust that your success will lead to a stronger, more competitive and

enhanced air cargo service for this vital sector of the global economy, and our

modern way of life.

Thank you.

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Airlines Announce New Customer Protection Agreement: No Passenger Left


Brussels - The International Air Transport Association (IATA) announced a new

arrangement to help passengers impacted by airline bankruptcy. A voluntary

agreement on behalf of its members flying to, from and within Europe will

cover the repatriation of passengers unable to return home due to an airline

ceasing operations as a result of financial failure.

“I am delighted to say that passengers left stranded in the rare and

unfortunate event of an airline bankruptcy will be offered ‘rescue fares’ from

airlines to ensure they can get home, “ said Tony Tyler, IATA’s Director General

and CEO, speaking at a round-table meeting with journalists in Brussels on

Tuesday. The agreement formalizes a long-standing custom that many airlines

have traditionally offered in these rare instances.

Under the agreement, in the event of an airline bankruptcy, IATA member

airlines flying to and from the EU will make their best efforts to offer

repatriation to passengers stranded away from home. These passengers will

be provided access to discounted transport to return home, subject to

available capacity. The ‘rescue fares’ of a nominal amount will be available for

purchase up to a maximum of two weeks after the event to anyone flying to

and from or within Europe who does not already possess insurance covering

this eventuality. States responsible for the licensing of the insolvent airline

should also play their role in communicating to stranded passengers the

possibility of this rescue service.

“This agreement on rescue fares shows that the airline industry is more

determined than ever to ensure reliable and consistently excellent customer

service. Airlines have formalized a unique cooperation agreement that puts

passenger needs first,” said Tyler.

The European Commission has estimated that between 2011 and 2020, only

0.07% of all passengers could be affected by airline bankruptcy, and of them,

only 12% would require assistance in getting home. A permanent statutory

fund to aid passengers in such situations has been a topic of considerable

discussion. The airline industry has opposed such a fund as financially

prudent airlines would be subsidizing riskier airlines. More importantly,

estimates of the bureaucracy needed to run the fund suggest that up to 85% of

the money would be eaten up in administration.

“A compulsory levy on airlines to deal with repatriation would not serve

anybody’s interest. We commend the European Commission for resisting this

and for encouraging airlines to adopt this coordinated and customer-focused

approach,” said Tyler.

For more information, please contact:

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Tel: +41 22 770 2967

Email: [email protected]

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الشركة القابضة -ادارة العالقات العامة

لمصر للطيران