Egypt Research 2014

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  • 8/21/2019 Egypt Research 2014


    EGYPTBilady, Bilady, Bilady

    My Country, My Country, My Country

    Source: of Sphinx and Pyramids)

    Country Report

    By: Chris GlennonApril 6, 2014

    Global Business

    BCOR 306-1E 6:00-7:20

    Dr. Gary Mahan
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    The purpose of this report is to ease the process of the readers transition into beginning to do

    business with either an Egyptian firm or to do business within the Country itself. Egypt is the 15th

    most populous country in the world and it has the 38th

    largest economy in the globe. This makesEgypt a huge potential market for people and companies who can successfully transact business

    in Egypt. The people of Egypt are a very religious and cultural people. This can make doing

    business difficult for someone who is not familiar with their culture and religious. This reportshould be used as a guide to help you along your path to business in Egypt.

    Table of Contents1. Geography....41.1. Geography..41.2. Location..41.3. Detailed Topography..5

    1.4. Climate...51.5. Maps...51.6. Capital City and Other Major Cities..61.7. Land Size....61.8. Coordinates.61.9. Neighboring Countries...6

    1.10. Natural Resources..71.11. National Flag..7

    2. Political Environment...8

    2.1. Political System..82.2. Current Ruling Party..82.3. Egypts Interim President...82.4. Egypts Interim Prime Minister..92.5. Egypts Freedom Ranking..92.6. Egypts Civil Liberties...92.7. Egypts Political Rights..93. Legal Environment.103.1. Legal System103.2. IP Rights...10

    3.3. Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property..113.4. United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods


    3.5. WTO TRIPS Agreement..113.6. Transparency International...11

    4. Economic System.12

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    4.1. Economic System.124.2. Wall Street Journal/ Heritage Ranking.124.3. Implications of Ranking...135. Economic Development.135.1. Classification by World Bank..135.2. Economic Data.13

    5.2.1.Gross Domestic Product (GDP)..135.2.2.GDP Per Capita...145.2.3.Current Annual Percentage Rate of Real Growth of Real GDP.145.2.4.Average Annual Rate of Real GDP Growth Over Part 20 years145.2.5.Forecast of Future GDP Growth Rate.145.2.6.Personal Income per Capita145.2.7.Personal Income Per Household.145.2.8.Distribution of Income14

    5.2.9.Unemployment Rate145.2.10.Current and Past Inflation rates.145.2.11.Interest Rates.145.2.12.Population.145.2.13.Population Growth Rate145.2.14.Future Annual Population Growth Rate Estimate.155.2.15.Age Distribution of Population.155.2.16.Percent of GDP Spent on Education.165.2.17.Literacy Rate.165.2.18.Education Level Average..165.2.19.Life Expectancy at Birth...165.2.20.Ranking on UNs Human Development Index.....16

    5.3. Infrastructure....165.3.1.Highways.165.3.2.Waterways...175.3.3.Railroads.175.3.4.Air Transportation...185.3.5.Communication...18

    6. Culture19

    6.1. Brief History of Egypt Since World War 2..196.2. 5 Historically Significant Events..196.3. Official Language.206.4. Percent of Population That Speaks English.206.5. Useful Phrases Translated into Arabic.206.6. Website for Translation to Arabic206.7. Arabic Dictionaries..20

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    6.8. Translation of Document..206.9. Ethnicities in Egypt..21

    6.10. Dominate Religion in Egypt.216.11. Egyptian Food..216.12. Egyptian Holidays226.13. Souvenirs of Egypt...226.14. Tipping Practices..236.15. Differences in Business Customs.246.16. Recommended Business Dress.246.17. Time Flexibility in Egypt.246.18. Work Versus Family246.19. Gift Giving Practices256.20. Gestures to Avoid.25

    7. Practical Information Useful for a Business Trip...26

    7.1. Travel Documents Require to Enter Egypt..267.2. Current State Department Travel Warnings.267.3. Medical Advice267.4. Crime Level..277.5. Other Useful Information Regarding Travel27

    7.5.1.Information on US Embassy Cairo.277.5.2.Medical Emergency Contact Number.27

    7.6. Time Difference...277.7. Future Flight from Erie, PA to Cairo, Egypt277.8. Current Weather for Next 10 Days in Cairo297.9. Procedure for Making a Phone Call to Egypt from the US and Vice Versa30

    7.10. Acceptability of Credit Cards in Egypt307.11. Cost of Travel in Egypt30

    8. Trade and Investment.318.1. Trade.31 Leading Categories of Export (US Dollars)...318.1.2.10 Leading Categories of Import (US Dollars)...318.1.3.10 Leading Export Countries (US Dollars).318.1.4.10 Leading Import Countries (US Dollars).32

    8.2. Investment328.2.1.FDI Inflow 2012..328.2.2.FDI Outflow 2012...328.2.3.Total Stock of FDI Inflow...328.2.4.Total Stock of FDI Outflow32

    8.3. Competitiveness...32

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    8.3.1.International Institute of Management Developments WorldCompetitiveness Yearbook Ranking32

    8.3.2.World Economic Forum Ranking.......32 8.4. Doing Business Survey328.5. Government Foreign Trade and Investment Policies...33

    8.5.1.Tariff Rate.......33 8.6. Key Industries/Sectors..338.7. Economic Integration...339. Foreign Exchange...349.1. Current Currency Name and Symbol...349.2. Egyptian Coins.349.3. Egyptian Pound Notes..349.4. Current Spot FX Rates.369.5. $50,000 converted to EGP...36

    9.6. Forward Exchange Rates..369.7. Direction of Change is FX Rate with USD..3610.Current Events and Analysis..37

    10.1. Current Event #1..3710.2. Current Event #2..3710.3. Current Event #3..38

    11.Other Information3911.1. List of Notable Companies Based in Egypt.3911.2. Pictures of Egypt..41

    Reference List.46

    Appendix A50

    Appendix B.52

    Appendix C.53

    1. Geography1.1. Country name- Egypt

    Full name- The Arab Republic of Egypt

    Local country name- MisrLocal Full country name- Jumhuriyat Misr al-ArabiyahPrevious Names- United Arab Republic

    1.2. Location:Egypt is located in the Northeastern part of Africa. Egypt is bordered by Sudan to thesouth, Libya to the west, Israel, the Gaza Strip and the Red Sea to the East and it has one

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    large sea border with the Mediterranean Sea to the north. Egypt also is in control of twokey locations, the Suez Canal and the Sinai Peninsula.

    1.3. Detailed Topography:Egypt is largely a desert plateau. A very sizable portion of Egypt is non farmable and

    infertile desert sand. The highest point in Egypt is Mount Catherine, which reaches 2629meters or 8625 ft. above sea level. The lowest point is the Qattara Depression which islocated 133 meters or 436 ft. below sea level.Egypt is geographically broken up into four parts, the Nile Valley and Delta region, TheWestern Desert, the Eastern Desert and The Sinai Peninsula. The Nile Valley is the mostimportant of these regions. The Nile Valley is the most extensive oasis on all of earthwhich is made possible by the worlds longest river. If it wasnt for the Nile River Egyptwould be comprised of 100% desert. The western desert accounts for 2/3rds of Egyptstotal land area. Besides its northern coast is nothing but a desert. The eastern desert is amuch smaller area of Egypt that is mostly a mountainous region. The Sinai Peninsula isalso a largely mountainous region of Egypt, it lays hold to Egypts largest mountain.

    This area is important due to the fact that it is Africas only land bridge to the rest of theglobe.

    1.4. Climate:Egypt is classified as having a hot desert climate. They are known to only have twoseasons, summer and winter. Their summers are very hot and dry while the winters aretypically a more mild temperature. Since Egypt is largely a flat and desert area theirnights typically see a substantial drop in temperature compared to their days. The mostpleasant region of Egypt climate wise is the northern coast where temperatures areusually slightly cooler. During the hottest months Egypt usually has an averagetemperature of 81 degrees Fahrenheit and an average precipitation of 0 per month. In thewinter the average temperature drops to roughly 58 degrees with and averageprecipitation of 5 inches per month.

    1.5. Maps:1.5.1. Map of Egypt wit points of interest
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    1.5.2. Map of Egypt relative to the Globe

    1.6. Capital City and other major cities:Cairo isboth Egypts largest city and its capital City. With a 2011 population of 11.169million residents or 12.85% of Egypts 86,895,099 residents. Cairo is also the largestcity in all of both Africa and the Middle East. Founded back in CE 969 it is locateddirectly on the Nile River. This makes it a huge trading hub for not only Egypt but for alarge amount of Africa. Alexandria is Egypts second largest city with a population of

    4.378 million people. Alexandria is located right on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea,because of this it is Egypts largest seaport. Approximately 80% of Egypts exports andimports go through Alexandria. Giza is Egypts 3rdlargest city. Giza is significant due tothe fact that is the location of two of Egypts largest tourist attractions, the Pyramids ofGiza and the Sphinx.

    1.7. Land Size:Egypt has a total land mass area of 1,001,450 sq. km or 386,662 sq. miles. This makesEgypt the 30thlargest country on the planet. Comparatively this makes Egypt about halfas big as Alaska. Only .5% of Egypt is water.

    1.8. Coordinates:27 00 N, 30 00 E

    1.9. Neighboring counties:Egypt has 4 counties in which it shares a border with. It shares an 11km (6.8 mile)border with the Gaze Strip. It shares a 266 km (165 m) border with Israel. Egypt has a1,115 km (695 m) border with Libya and finally there is a border with Sudan of 1,273km (791 m). In total Egypt has 2,665 km (1655 m) of borders with other nations.

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    1.10. Natural Resources:Egypts national resources mostly consist of petroleum, natural gas, iron ore,phosphates,manganese, limestone, gypsum, talc, asbestos, lead, zinc and other rare earth elements.

    1.11. National Flag:Egypts flag consists of a tricolor of red, white and black with an image Egypts coat ofarms in the center. This flag was adopted in 1984 with the revolution of 1952 in mind.The red stands for the period before the revolution, a time of struggle. The white bandsymbolizes the bloodless nature of the revolution. The black band symbolizes the end ofthe oppression. The Coat of arms is an image used to represent the Eagle of Saladin.

    Sources for Geography section
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    2.Political Environment

    2.1. Political System:

    Egypt gained its independence from Great Britain in 1922. They used a parliamentary

    system until 1952 when Egypt had its first revolution. This Revolution brought in the

    system of Republicanism which is still in use today in Egypt. They use a similar systemto America with a President and a Legislative Branch. The Legislative does not hold the

    same level of power as the President in Egypt. All positions are elected positions. The

    President is the main leader, he has the most control and can make the most decisions.

    The Legislative branch consists of a parliament that has 40 main ministers and numerous

    smaller positions such as ministers of state or chairmen of departments. Out of the 40

    ministers one is elected to the position of Prime Minister where they hold of position of

    Head of the Egyptian Government. While the Prime Minister is head of government the

    President is Head of Egypt which gives him more control.

    2.2. Current Ruling Party:Egypt currently has no ruling party. As of this moment Egypt has no official elected

    Government Officials. In 2011 there was another Egyptian Revolution. This revolution

    forced the resignation of then President Hosni Mubarak. During the time the Parliament

    was dissolved and the Constitution was suspended. An election was held in 2012 that

    placed Mohamed Morsi into office. After another round of Protest in 2013 Morsi was

    ousted from the Presidency. After the second outing in 3 years there was a need for a

    change. Positions such as the Presidency, Prime minister and the cabinet were filled

    temporarily until a new constitution could be formed and new elections could be held.

    2.3. Egypts interim President:Egypts Current interim President is Adly Mansour. Born in 1945, Mansour was an

    Egyptian judge who was previously he Head of the Supreme Constitutional Court

    (SCC). In 2013 when Egypts previous president was ousted, Mansour was put into the

    position due to his position on the SCC. Mansour will only hold this position until

    elections can be held under Egypts new constitution. These elections are planned to take

    place in Mid-May of 2014. After then Mansour will return to his position as head of the

    SCC. Mansour currently has no affiliation was any political parties.

    (Adly Mansour)

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    2.4. EgyptsInterim Prime Minister:

    Egypts current Prime Minister is Ibrahim Mahlab. Mahlab is in the same situation as

    Egypts president. Born in 1945, Mahlab was the Housing Minister of Egypt until he

    was put in the position as interim Prime Minister on March 1, 2014. He will hold this

    position until there is an election for Parliament for all of its members including the

    Prime Minister. Mahlab is a member of the National Democratic Party until it wasdissolved in 2011 during Egypts second revolution.

    (Ibrahim Mahlab)

    2.5. Egypts Freedom rating:

    Freedom House gave Egypt a 5.5/7 on its freedom rating up to this point in 2014. On this

    scale it goes from 1 (the best) to 7 (the worst). The score of 5.5 puts Egypt in the not free

    category. In 2013 Egypt was rated as somewhat free but that score dropped due to theoverthrow of President Mohamed Morsi. There were violent crackdowns on Islamist

    political groups and civil society. This lead to an increase in military presence

    throughout the political processes.

    2.6. Egypts Civil Liberties:

    On a scale of 1-7 where 1 is the best and 7 is the worst Egypt scored a 5. Compared to

    last year this score did not change as Egypt scored a 5 in 2013 as well. A score of 5 says

    that on civil liberties Egypt is somewhat free.

    2.7. Egypts Political Rights:

    On a scale of 1-7 where 1 is the best and 7 is the worst Egypt scored a 7. Compared to

    their 2013 score Egypt went down on their rating. Last year Egypt scored a 5 on their

    political rights score. This puts Egypt in the not free category for political rights.

    Sources for Political Environment
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    ei=MXtFU53IGc722QX-jYHYCg&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAQ&biw=784&bih=704(shortened to


    3.Legal Environment3.1. Legal System:

    Egypts courts follow civil law. Their inspiration for their structure comes from French

    civil law. This form of law has been in effect since it was written in 1949. Its formal

    name is the Egyptian Civil Code. The code follows the French civil law model due to the

    fact that its writer received council from the dean of the French law school, the

    University of Lille. The code mostly focuses on the regulation of business and

    commerce. A key part of the code is written in with the first article of the code. It states

    that when no applicable legislation is written for any type of dispute the judge has

    precedence to make a decision based off of customs or Islamic law. The Judicial system

    in Egypt follows a three-tiered system, there is the Courts of the first degree, courts ofappeal, and the court of Cassation. The courts of the first degree take care of

    misdemeanors and civil disputes. The courts of Appeal serve as courts of first instance

    for capital crimes. The court of Cassation is Egypts main court which is located in the

    capital. It has both a criminal and civil section. The court says its main objective is to

    provide a comprehensive and uniform interpretation of the law.

    3.2. IP Rights:

    Egypt joined into the World intellectual property organization (WIPO) in 1975. Egypts

    first form of IP protection came in the form on theLaw 354 of 1954. The most current

    form of IP protection is the Law on theProtection of Intellectual Property Rights 82 of2002 which was put into force on June 3rd, 2002. This Law covered terms of copyright,

    patents and trademarks. Copyright law in Egypt covers works of literature for 50 years

    after the authors death. For works of photography and audiovisual works there is

    coverage for 15 years after publication. Patents in Egypt are covered for 15 years starting

    from the date of filing for the patent. Egypt also offers a potential for an expansion to a

    20 year patent if the invention is of particular importance. Trademarks in Egypt are

    granted to a person who can show that they have made use of it for a period of 5 years or
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    more. The requested trademark must be recognizable by sight and there must be no

    challenges from any type of third party on the use of the trademark. If there is a

    challenge as to who owns the mark the courts shall decide who the rightful owner of the

    mark is.

    3.3. Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property:The Paris convention was one of the first intellectual property rights treaties to come into

    existence. It was first signed on March 20th, 1883. Egypt became a member with their

    signing in 1951. There are numerous benefits of joining this global intellectual property

    treaty. The biggest advantage is that if your home country is a member of the treaty, than

    any resident of said country will receive protection of their industrial property rights in

    any other country of the union. Basically what this means is that if you are granted a

    patent or any other type of IP claim, they you are also protected in any one of the 175

    other counties who are members. Another benefit of this treaty is that one can file a

    patent in a visited country and it shall be sent to your home country for approval there.

    The filing date will still occur on the original date but it still allows for earlierapplications for a patent or other IP.

    3.4. United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods


    Egypt is a full member of CISG. Egypt signed into the agreement on January 1, 1988.

    This agreement puts a standard set of rules that the signing party has to agree upon.

    These rules are set to regulate contracts between buyers and sellers and their contractual

    agreements set between them.

    3.5. WTO Trips Agreement:

    Egypt signed into the WTO on June 30th, 2013. The Trips agreement covered copyright,

    trademarks and patents of all kinds. The goal of this agreement was to set standards for

    IP protection to all signed members. There were 3 main features of the TRIPS

    agreement. The first was to set standards that clearly defined minimum standards of

    protection for all members. The agreement also clearly showed the expectations for

    enforcement of these standards. The last aspect of the agreement was over Dispute


    3.6. Transparency International:

    Transparency International is a Berlin based company that does research to measure the

    levels of corruption in counties across the globe. The main measurement is the

    Corruption Perceptions Index. This measurement ranks counties based on how corrupt a

    countries public sector is perceived to be. Their information is compiled from expert and

    business surveys taken from reputable institutions. The scale goes from 0 (highly

    corrupt) to 100 (very clean). Egypt scored a 32/100 which labels the country as slightly

    corrupt. This score puts Egypt ranked global as the 114thmost corrupt country for the

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    year 2013. Transparency International also rates countries on how much their country

    pays bribes. For Egypt there was no listed data under this category.

    Sources for Legal Environment

    4.Economic System

    4.1. Economic System:Egypts economy is classified as a capitalistic economy. Egypts economy has become

    more open over time due to changes in power. Their economy as a whole has been going

    downhill. In the past there has been aggressive intervention from the government in the

    economy but after the revolution in 2011 that has slowed considerably.

    4.2. Wall Street Journal/ Heritage ranking:

    The Heritage Index of Economic Freedom ranks countries on 10 different factors to

    determine their level of economic freedom. All 10 of the factors can be seen in the

    picture below.
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    Egypts overall score came out to 52.9 out of 100. On this scale 0 is the least free

    economy and 100 is the most free economy. This score puts Egypt at number 135 out of

    178 ranked countries for the year 2014. This ranks Egypt as mostly unfree. As a whole

    Egypts ranking went down 1.9 points from last year and it had a decrease in 5 out of 10

    of the rankings listed. Over the past 5 years Egypts ranking has steadily been going


    4.3. Implications of the Ranking:Egypts high ranking is largy due to their economy stalling in recent years. The area that

    has seen the biggest fall is in the rule of law. This stems from Egypts revolution in 2011

    and the constantly changing and unstable government they have had over the past couple

    of years. There has been attempted government reform in the economy but it has been

    inconsistant at best. Reform has been uneven and it is what has sent Egypt on the decline

    over the past few years. Large parts of Egypts population have been trapped in poverty

    because of this stalling in Egypts econonomy. That combined with an unemployment

    rate of 12.3% has strongly hurt Egypts economy on the whole.

    Sources for Economic System

    5.Economic Development

    5.1. Classification by World Bank:

    As of 2012 Egypt was national average income level was listed at $2,980. This level putsEgypt at the rank of lower middle income. Egypt is also listed as a developing country.

    This amount was found by finding the GNI per capita for the residents of Egypt.

    5.2. Economic Data (Estimations as of 2013):

    5.2.1. Gross Domestic Product (GDP)- $262 Billion
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    5.2.2. GDP Per Capita- $6,600

    5.2.3. Current Annual Percentage Rate of Real Growth of Real GDP- 1.8%

    5.2.4. Average Annual Rate of Real GDP Growth Over Past 20 Years- 3.8% (1993-


    5.2.5. Forcast of Future GDP Growth Rate-2.3% (2014) 4.1% (2015)

    5.2.6. Personal Income per Capita-$3,000

    5.2.7. Personal Income Per Household- Not Found

    5.2.8. Distribution of Income-Lowest 20% hold 9.2% of income, fourth 20% hold

    21%, third 20% hold 16.4%, second 20% hold 13% and the highest 20% hold 40.3%

    of the income.

    5.2.9. Unemployment Rate-13.4%

    5.2.10.Current and Past Imflation Rates-9% (current) 7.1% (2012)

    5.2.11.Interest Rates-Current rate 8.25%


    5.2.13.Population Growth Rate- current rate is roughly 1.7% annually, rate of growth

    over past years can be seen in chart below.

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    5.2.14.Future Annual population Growth Rate Estimate-

    5.2.15.Age Distribution of Population-

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    5.2.16.Percent of GDP Spent on Education- 3.8% (2008)

    5.2.17.Literacy Rate-73.9%

    5.2.18.Education Level Average-13 years

    5.2.19.Life Expectancy at Birth-73.45 years (total population, 70.82 years (male), 76.2

    years (female)

    5.2.20.Ranking on UNs Human Development Index:

    The Human Development Index is a listed measurement taken by the UN ranking

    countries on how well developed they are on 11 different factors. These factors are

    the countries levels of health, education, income, inequality, poverty, gender,

    sustainability, demography, composite indices, innovation and technology, and

    lastly trade and the economy. Egypt comes in ranked as the 112 most developed

    country. The score Egypt received was .662. That score is based out of 0-1 where 1is the best score one can receive.

    5.3. Infrastructure:

    Most Transportation throughout Egypt is centered in Cairo. Roadways of

    Egypt cover roughly 21,000 miles of land, Egypt is well known for providingvery minimal maintenance on these networks of roadways. Egypt has one of

    the highest incidence of road fatalities per miles driven in the world. Roads in

    Egypt often have very few road markings and very few traffic lights work

    properly. There is not a strong enough police presence on the roads to enforce

    any type of traffic laws which leads to chaos on the roads of Egypt. Inner city

    roads are generally kept in better condition that the inter-city roads. Egypt only

    has 2 highways systems, one is the Trans-African Highway Network and the
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    other is the Arab Mashreq International Road Network. The Trans-African

    Highway has two routes that flow through Egypt and can take you all over the

    continent of Africa. The Arab Mashreq Road Network allows for direct road

    travel from Egypt to highway links to parts of Asia. Waterways:Waterways are the key form of transportation throughout Egypt. The most

    popular form of transportation up and down Egypts terrain is to travel by boat.

    There are 3,500 km (2174 miles) of waterways used for transportation and

    travel, the biggest of which is the Nile River. Other bodies used include Lake

    Nasser, Alexandria-Cairo Waterway, the numerous canals in the Nile Delta

    and the Suez Canal. The Nile River is the most commonly used route for inter-

    country trade. The Suez Canal is a key point due to it being the only

    connecting between the Red Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. Egypt has up to

    10 key marine ports that are all located in various parts of the country. Railroads:

    Travel by train is widely considered the safest means of travel between cities

    across Egypt. Throughout Egypt there is a total of 5,083 km (2158 miles) of

    railways that span across most of Egypt, especially up and down the Nile River

    and across the Nile Delta. The Railway system in Egypt is by far the second

    oldest railway in the world. It has been around since the first line out of

    Alexandria was opened in 1854. The name of the national railway company is

    the Egyptian National Railways. On a yearly average the system carries about

    800 million passengers and 12 million tons of freight. In recent years the

    railway has started to deteriorate, because of this Egypt started a campaign to

    overhaul the railway system and modernize it. They wish to raise the safety

    standards of the trains and to just generally improve the travel across the


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    P a g e | 18 Transportation:

    Air Travel has grown significantly in the past 20 years in Egypt. As of now

    Egypt has a total of 83 airports across their country, with only 11 of them

    being unpaved runways. Along with that Egypt also has 7 heliports which areavailable for use. Of the 83 airports only 9 of them are international airports.

    The biggest of Egypts airports is Cairo International Airport in Cairo. This

    airport is the second largest airport in Africa servicing up to 13 million

    passengers a year. There are 3 terminals currently with another one in

    construction. A few of the other major airports include, Hurghada International

    Airport in Hurghada, Egypt, and Sharm El-Sheikh International Airport in

    Sharm El-Sheikh, Egpyt. Communications:

    In the last 20 years Egypt has substantially increased their level ofcommunication throughout the country. Even though they are not fully up to

    date on technology compared to fully developed countries they are ahead of

    less developed countries. Egypt has 8.5 million land lines in use and 96.8

    million cell phones in use as of 2012. For the domestic market Egypt has the

    largest fixed-line system in the region; as of 2011 there were multiple mobile-

    cellular networks with a total of roughly 83 million subscribers. On the

    international side of things Egypts international code is 20. Broadcast media

    has a mix of state-run and private broadcast media. There are 2 national and 6

    regional networks as well as a decent amount of satellite channels. As for radio

    Egypt has roughly 70 stations which belong to 8 networks and 2 privately

    owned radio stations. As for internet use there are an estimated 20.1 million

    users throughout Egypt.

    Sourcesfor Economic Development,,contentMDK:22634969~menuPK:64701637~pagePK:64709096~piPK:64709108~theSitePK:502184,00.html,,contentMDK:22634969~menuPK:64701637~pagePK:64709096~piPK:64709108~theSitePK:502184,00.html,,contentMDK:22634969~menuPK:64701637~pagePK:64709096~piPK:64709108~theSitePK:502184,00.html,,contentMDK:22634969~menuPK:64701637~pagePK:64709096~piPK:64709108~theSitePK:502184,00.html,,contentMDK:22634969~menuPK:64701637~pagePK:64709096~piPK:64709108~theSitePK:502184,00.html,,contentMDK:22634969~menuPK:64701637~pagePK:64709096~piPK:64709108~theSitePK:502184,00.html
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    6.Culture6.1. Brief History of Egypt Since World War 2:

    During the time of World War 2 and for the next 8 years Egypt was ruled by a king. In

    1952 Egypt had its first revolution. This revolution lead to Egypt turning into a republic.

    With this Muhammad Najib became the first president of Egypt. Egypt used to be

    controlled by Great Britain. Even after Egypt became free Britain has had a presence in

    Egypt. It wasnt until 1954 that Egypt became completely free of British influence. In

    1958 Egypt joined into a union with Syria to form the United Arab Republic. This was

    done as an attempt for Arab unity, it only lasted until 1961. Egypts first official

    Constitution came into effect not until 1971. In 1981 Egypt had its first presidential

    assassination with the killing of Anwar Al-Sadat. In the 1990s Egypt went on acampaign to try and commit to public reform and expanding the private sector of Egypt.

    The Economy flourished in the 90s and early 2000s. In 2011 Egypt had its second

    Revolution. This uprising was caused by things such as police brutality, the low

    minimum wage, and just general poor living conditions in Egypt. A big push was made

    for the ousting of President Hosni Mubarak who had been in office since 1981. After

    Mubarak stepped down the Egyptian military took control of the country, which led to

    the dissolving of the constitution and parliament. Elections were held and Mohamed

    Morsi won the new spot as Egyptian President. Morsi let the power go to his head quick

    as he tried to drastically increase the power of the President. After another round of

    protests in June of 2013 Morsi was ousted from his position. As of now Egypt only has

    an interim government in place. As of March Egypt finally ratified a new constitution

    and they are planning on holding Presidential elections this summer.

    6.2. Five Historically Significant Events:

    1952- Egypt has its first major revolution leading to the forming of a republic

    1975- Suez Canal is reopened after its closing from the six year war

    1989- Egypt rejoins the Arab League
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    2011- Egypts second revolution, 5 term president Mubarak ousted, Constitution

    and Parliament dissolved

    2014- Egypt Finally has an official new constitution ratified

    6.3. Official Language:

    Arabic is the official language of Egypt. English and French are other frequentlyunderstood languages. 68% of the population speaks Egyptian Arabic. These are mostly

    known by the more educated classes of Egypt. German is also widely spoken and is

    often used in business circles.

    6.4. Percentage of Population that Speaks English:

    As of 2011 35% of the Egyptian population speaks at least a beginner level of English.

    In the Business world of Egypt it is a very wise decision for employees of Egyptian

    companies to know English. In Egypt there is usually a 70-80% salary gap for people

    who speak English over someone who cannot.

    6.5. Useful Phrases Translated into Arabic:


    Pleased to meet you- tasharafna

    Goodbye- maasalama

    What is your name?Ma ismak (male) ma ismik (female)

    I dont understand la afham

    Please speak slowlyakalam bibut min fadlak

    Can you speak English?hal tatakallum al-lughah al-engleezia


    Yes- naamThank you- Shukran

    Youre welcome- Afwan

    How much is that?bi kam hatha

    6.6. Website for Translation to Arabic:

    6.7. Arabic Dictionaries:

    6.8. Translation of Document:English Version

    Egypt is a country in North Africa that borders the Red Sea and Mediterranean Sea.

    Neighboring countries include Libya, the Gaza Strip, and Sudan. Egypt includes parts of

    the Sahara Desert, Libyan Desert, and the Nile River, which runs from south to north.

    The government system is a republic. The chief of state is the President and the head of
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    government is the Prime Minister. Egypt has a mixed economic system in which the

    economy includes a variety of private freedom, combined with centralized economic

    planning and government regulation. Egypt is a member of the African Union (AU),

    African Economic Community (AEC), Council of Arab Economic Unity (CAEU) and

    Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA).

    Arabic Version

    . .


    . .


    (AU) (AEC) (

    ) ( ).

    6.9. Ethnicities in Egypt:

    Egypt is renowned for its near 100% Egyptian population. The most recent estimations

    mark Egypts population as 98% Egyptians.1% of the population is a mix of Berber,

    Nubian, Bedouin and Beja. The final 1% is a mixture of Greek, Armenian, and other

    European ethnicities.

    6.10. Dominate Religion in Egypt:

    Islam is by far the predominant religion in Egypt. Roughly 90% of the population

    follows the Muslin religion. Christianity for the most part rounds out the last 10% of the

    population. This large number of Muslims has a very strong impact on the proceedingsof business in Egypt. People who follow Islam are almost always very devote followers.

    Someone who has accepted Islam as their religion lives their entire life according to the

    teaching of Islam. If any type of business or if the person who the Muslim is doing

    business with in any way goes against the beliefs of the Islam way the business

    transaction could be heavily affected.

    6.11. Egyptian Foods:

    Egyptian food is typically not very fancy. It doesnt rely on massive amounts of spices

    and is usually lighter than most of your typical Arabic food. The menu usually relies

    heavily on vegetable and legumes rather than meats. This is usually because vegetablesare typically cheaper, especially in this part of the world. Typically the foods of Egypt

    stay consistent regardless of where you are in Egypt. Here are a few more popular


    Fava Beans and Falafel- Often called the original Egyptian fast food, this dish is

    made of fava beans that are set to simmer in a pan overnight. The beans are then

    crushed into a paste and eaten with a falafel made out of hummus.

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    Kushari- made with rice, black lentils, spaghetti, pasta rings, whole hummus,

    onions and tomato sauce. Comes out as a delicious bowl of goodness.

    Egyptian meat pie- Spiced ground beef cooked in a whole loaf of baladi bread,

    comes out crispy and spicy.

    Baladi bread- the staple of Egypt, Baladi bread is one of the most important parts

    of all of Egypts diet. In fact during the 70s Egypt when to lower subsidies onthis bread. This caused riots all over Egypt. That shows how serious Egyptians

    are over their bread.

    6.12. Egyptian Holidays:

    Egypt has 12 national holidays each year. They are as follows:

    Christmas- January 7th

    Mohameds Birthday- Jan 13th

    Revolution of 2011 day- January 25th

    Easter Sunday- April 20th

    Spring Festival- April 21st

    Sinai Liberation Day- April 25th

    Labor Day- May 1st

    Revolution Day- January 23rd

    End of Ramadan- July 28th-30th

    Feast of Sacrifice- October 4th-7th

    Armed Forces Day- October 6th

    Muharram- October 25th

    Even though some of the Holidays are the same as in the United States their dates are

    drastically important which could be important in business dealings. Some of theseholidays are more important than others in the eyes of the people. For instance the entire

    weekend of Easter, Including Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday are

    immensely important to Egyptians. Both of Egypts Revolution Days are also an

    important part of every year. The one in January celebrates the more recent revolution

    while the one in July celebrates the Egyptian revolution of 1952. With Egypt being a

    predominantly Islamic country there are a lot of religious holidays that are observed by

    the majority of the population.

    6.13. Souvenirs of Egypt:

    Some Typical souvenirs that people get when they visit are miniature pyramids, mini

    Shisha, stuffed camels, papyrus scrolls, vases/sculptures, belly dancing outfits, jewelry,scarabs, and Khartouche.

    Mini Shisha- These are miniature size versions of popular water pipes often called

    hookah pipes


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    Scarab- often considered a telltale symbol of ancient Egypt these little dung beetles are

    a frequent pick up for tourists. In Ancient Egypt these beetles were seen as a heavenly

    process of the sun being rolled across the sky by the god Ra. This has passed down

    through time to the buyer.

    Khartouche- The pharaohs often wrote words and names in the form of a Khartouche.When in Egypt, you can easily have gold or silver vendors create a khartouche for you to

    take home.

    (Mini shisha) (Scarab) (Khartouche)

    6.14. Tipping Practices:

    Tipping is a very common idea throughout Egypt, it is seen as polite to tip nearly anyone

    who has aided in you in some way. Always tip as discreet as possible. It may not seem

    so, but very few are proud about the fact that they need your tips. On the other hand, few

    will make you feel guilty about what you gave. Remember that a tip is given of yourown volition. Your pocket, circumstances, outlook towards "outstanding" service and

    feelings of "charity" all play non-trivial roles. Here is a list of suggested tipping amounts

    that could be helpful on a trip to Egypt, keep in mind that the amounts are listed in

    Egyptian currency.

    Driver taking you to hotel from airport upon arrival: 10 - 30 LE

    Luggage man at hotel: 3-5 LE pr. bag both in and out

    Housekeeping: 5-10 LE pr. night

    Waiter/waitress at breakfast restaurant at hotel: 5-10 LE pr. meal

    Boat staff on Nile: 10 LE pr. person

    Men or women at restrooms handing out toilet paper: 50 PT - 1 LE.

    General tipping in restaurants (if service and food was good): around 10 %. Most

    customers will find a service charge on their receipt, but please note that this

    goes to the restaurant and not to the waiter.

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    6.15. Differences in Business Customs:

    Business in Egypt is much less direct than it is in American business practices. Business

    and Personal are deeply intertwined in Egyptian business practices. When two people

    meet the most common greeting is the handshake. If it an already made acquaintance a

    kiss on the cheek is also welcomed. It is important that due to cultural differences not all

    women will be open to shaking a mans hand. If one offers a lady a handshake and shedenies, it is polite to just give her a nod of your head and to move on.

    The presence of titles is important to many an Egyptian Businessman, whenever

    applicable call the person by their full title. If one plans on bringing a gift make sure it is

    not alcohol as alcohol is forbidden in Islam.

    When it comes to business meetings it is best to arrange the meeting only a few weeks in

    advance. Also you should confirm the meeting both before you leave for Egypt and as

    you land. As for the meeting itself it is best to not dive right into business. Egyptian men

    like to get to know people who they may be working with. Be sure to ask personal

    questions and to get to know the person on a personal level, it is polite to wait for the

    opposite party to start talking about business first. Be prepared to a long and drawn outprocess in talking business as the conversations constantly go back and forth between

    personal chit chat and business. Other things to note that are rude in Egyptian culture is

    that it is rude to shake hands, pass things or eat with your left hand. It is also seen as

    rude to point and it is ruse to show the soles of your shoes or sitting with your legs wide


    6.16. Recommended Business Dress:

    Your standard business attire is seen most acceptable in business situations. A jacket and

    tie is required for any formal business meetings. It is also seen professional to always

    keep your shirt buttoned up to the collarbone. Egyptians follow standards of modesty so

    regardless of the hot weather it is best to cover most of the body. This is extra pertinent

    with women traveling to Egypt. It would also be smart to refrain from traditional native

    clothing. Egyptians would find it offensive to see a foreigner dressed in their traditional


    6.17. Time Flexibility in Egypt:

    In general time is seen as very elastic in Egyptian meetings and gatherings. Beginning

    times are usually seen as important but meetings could go on for as long as it is deemed

    necessary. Since meeting often focus on the two parties getting to know each other there

    is never a set time for a meeting to end.

    6.18. Work Versus Family:

    Family is often seen as on large group in Egyptian culture. Family members often all

    live together, only leaving to work abroad, study abroad or if they are getting married.

    As the world of Egypt is evolving things are changing at a rapid pace. Women are

    becoming much more frequent in the work force. Often these women are single as

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    traditionally it is the womans placethe stay at home with the family. Slowly the

    younger group of Egyptians are adopting more of a western idea of work and family.

    6.19. Gift Giving Practices:

    Gift giving is not a common practice seen in the Egyptian business world. When gifts

    are given they are often seen as incidental and not necessary. It is a good note to add apersonalized touch to any gift you may give, have it engraved if possible. A very

    appropriate gift is something like a compass, as Muslims must face the east as they say

    their daily prayer. This kind of gift shows that you understand your business partner on

    more of a personal level. Things to avoid are giving gifts that have anything to do with

    alcohol, pork or any type of artwork or photography. These gifts are all forbidden by


    6.20. Gestures to Avoid:

    Any type of motion or interaction with your left hand is seen as rude in Egypt. The left

    hand is seen as unclean. Any type of pointing can also be seen as rude. In Egypt it isrude to show the soles of your shoes towards the person you are talking to. It is also rude

    to sit with your legs spread far apart. Displays of public affection are also seen as rude

    an unnecessary throughout Egypt.

    Sources for Culture

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    7.Practical Information Useful for a Business Trip

    7.1. Travel Documents Required to Enter Country:A valid passport and a visa is required to gain entry into Egypt. A visa can be obtained

    from Egyptian diplomatic bodies located abroad or one can be obtained from the Entry

    Visa Department at the Travel Documents, Immigration and Nationality Administration

    (TDINA). At some major airports and entry ports it is possible for visitors to gain an

    entry visa at the airport or entry port. For a Business Visa you are required to provide a

    letter from the company indicating the detailed purpose of the trip and financial

    guarantee of the company. A regular visa will cost you a fee of $15 while a business visa

    will cost you a fee of $25.

    7.2. Current State Department Travel Warnings:Currently the US State Department has issued a travel alert for US citizens wishing to

    travel to Egypt. This alert is because of the recent political unrest that has been going on

    in Egypt since 2013. The current alert was issued on November 6th, 2013 and it set toexpire on June 18th, 2014. The political unrest has caused many protests, some of which

    turn violent. It is highly advised that US citizens avoid all demonstrations because of this

    reason. On June 28th, 2013 a US citizen was killed during a demonstration in Alexandria.

    There have also been US citizens arrested and deported for their proximity to these


    7.3. Medical Advice:Currently there are no specific medical warnings or any special vaccines required to gain

    entry to Egypt. Egypt is a developing country so it is smart to have all of your medical

    necessities taken care of before you enter Egypt. Medical care in Egypt falls short of USstandards. There are few reliable hospitals and even fewer that may have doctors who

    speak English. Some of these hospitals may also employ staff with less than reputable

    qualifications. It is best to contact the US embassy to get a list of approved hospitals.

    Although Egypt does have an Ambulance Service it is often unreliable. It is

    recommended to not drink tap water but to drink bottled water. It is also advisable to

    make sure that the seal is not broken before you drink the water.
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    7.4. Crime Level:In General you are for the most part safe from crime in Egypt. The thing you should be

    most worried about if you are a visitor to Egypt is your typical petty crimes such as theft

    or assault. Since the revolution crime has nearly tripled. The murder rate has also almosttripled. This is due to the large amount of unemployment and the economic crisis that

    took place. In general the crime rate is slowly going down as Egypt becomes more stable

    in its government. It is best to just follow common sense to protect yourself and you

    should be fine visiting Egypt.

    7.5. Other Useful Information Regarding Travel:7.5.1. Information on US Embassy Cairo

    Address- Consular Section 5 Tawfik Diab Street, Garden City, Cairo Egypt

    Telephone number- (20)2-2797-2301After hours emergency telephone number- (20)2-2797-3300

    Fax Number- (20)2-2797-2472

    [email protected]

    7.5.2. Medical Emergency Contact Number123

    7.6. Time Difference:

    Egypt is in the Eastern European Time Zone. This zone is 6 hours ahead of our East

    Coast Time Zone. This means that if it was noon in Erie, PA it would be 6 P.M in Egypt.

    7.7. Future Flight from Erie, PA to Cairo, Egypt:

    Flight planned for May 17th, 2014

    US Airways: Flight 4306/ De Havilland Dash 8 (TurboProp)operated by US Express/Piedmont Airlines

    From:Erie, PA (ERI)7:00 amTo:Philadelphia, PA (PHL)8:27 am

    Travel Time:1h 27mEconomy/Coach Class

    Layover Time: 1h 58m

    Qatar Airways: Flight 728/ Boeing 777-200LR (Jet)From:Philadelphia, PA (PHL)10:25 amTo:Doha, Qatar (DOH)5:55 am

    Travel Time:12h 30mEconomy/Coach Class

    Layover Time: 3h 5m

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]
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    Qatar Airways: Flight 1303/ Boeing 777-300ER (Jet)From:Doha, Qatar (DOH)9:00 amTo:Cairo, Egypt (CAI)11:30 am

    Travel Time:3h 30mEconomy/Coach Class

    Total number of stops: 2Total layover Time: 5 hours and 3 minutesTotal flight time: 22 hours and 30 minutesTotal cost of one-way ticket: $1,124

    Return Flight planned for May 24th, 2014, allowing for one week in Egypt

    Lufthansa: Flight 585/ Airbus A320 (Jet)From:Cairo, Egypt (CAI)3:40 amTo:Frankfurt, Germany (FRA)8:05 am

    Travel Time:4h 25mEconomy/Coach Class

    Layover Time: 5h 5m

    Lufthansa: Flight 426/ Airbus A340-300 (Jet)From:Frankfurt, Germany (FRA)1:10 pmTo:Philadelphia, PA (PHL)4:00 pm

    Travel Time:8h 50mEconomy/Coach Class

    Layover Time: 2h 5m

    US Airways: Flight 4154/ De Havilland Dash 8 (TurboProp)

    operated by US Express/Piedmont AirlinesFrom:Philadelphia, PA (PHL)6:05 pmTo:Erie, PA (ERI)7:41 pm

    Travel Time:1h 36mEconomy/Coach Class

    Total number of Stops: 2

    Total layover time: 7 hours and 10 minutes

    Total Flight time: 22 hours and 1 minute

    Total cost: $984
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    7.8. Current Weather for Next 10 Days in Cairo:

    Thursday04/17 10%

    Partly cloudy skies. High 84F. Winds NW at 10 to 15 mph.

    Friday04/18 0%

    A mainly sunny sky. High around 95F. Winds SW at 10 to 15 mph.

    Saturday04/19 0%

    Partly cloudy skies. High 88F. Winds NNE at 10 to 20 mph.

    Sunday04/20 10%

    Mainly sunny. High 84F. Winds NNE at 10 to 20 mph.

    Monday04/21 10%

    Sunshine along with some cloudy intervals. High 83F. Winds NNE at 10 to 20 mph.

    Tuesday04/22 10%

    Partly cloudy skies. High 86F. Winds NNE at 10 to 15 mph.

    Wednesday04/23 0%

    Generally sunny despite a few afternoon clouds. High 93F. Winds NE at 10 to 20 mph.

    Thursday04/24 0%

    A mainly sunny sky. High 98F. Winds ENE at 5 to 10 mph.

    Friday04/25 0%

    Sunny. High 96F. Winds NNW at 5 to 10 mph.

    Saturday04/26 0%

    Mainly sunny. High around 90F. Winds N at 10 to 15 mph.

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    7.9. Procedure for Making a Phone Call to Egypt from the US and Vice Versa:

    To make a phone call to Egypt from the United States first you must dial the US exitcode (011). Then you must dial Egypts country code (20). Finally you must just dial the

    phone number you are looking to call, but the number must not begin with 0. A fixednumber in Egypt may have 8 or nine digits. A cell phone in Egypt will have 10 digits,and the first number will always be 1.To call from Egypt to the United States first you must dial 00. Then you must dial a 1followed by the phone number you are looking to reach.

    7.10. Acceptability of Credit Cards in Egypt:

    Credit cards are not really widely accepted throughout Egypt. A lot of large hotels andhigher end restaurants will accept most credit cards. Visa and Master Card are the most

    widely accepted types of cards. American Express is less accepted and Diners Club Isvery rarely accepted. Discover does not operate in Egypt at all. Credit cards arefrequently accepted in tourist locations but you can expect to mostly use cash fortransactions outside of your hotel.

    7.11. Costs of Travel in Egypt:By most international standards Egypt is considered pretty cheap. Depending on howluxurious you play on making your stay be you can get by on as little as $20 per day oras much as $200 per day. If you go by a middle route and stay in your standard hotel itwill cost you anywhere from $30-50 per night. That is rather cheap and very competitivewith most prices in the United States. As for food a higher end restaurant will set youback around $20 per person. If you go for more touristy and local food choices it will bemuch cheaper. It will cost you significantly less to eat in Egypt then it would cost you inthe US. Traveling in Egypt can be very cheap as well. A train ride between major citiescan run you only as much as $10. Most domestic flights in Egypt will only run you aslittle as $35 per ticket. That is amazingly cheap compared to US rates. If you avoid mosttourist locations you will find most everything to be relatively cheap.

    Sources for Practical Information Useful for a Business Trip

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    8.Trade and Investments

    8.1. Trade8.1.1. 10 Leading Categories of Export (US Dollars):

    Crude Petroleum ($6,690,217,838)

    Petroleum Gas ($3,404,536,644) Refined Petroleum ($3,295,392,161)

    Gold ($2,088,501,768)

    Nitrogenous Fertilizers ($1,463,161,046)

    Insulated Wire ($1,051,504,915)

    Citrus ($640,384,912)

    Non-Knit Mens Suits ($576,945,723)

    Hot-Rolled Iron ($521,097,343)

    Copper Plating ($488,920,344)

    8.1.2. 10 Leading Categories of Import (US Dollars): Refined Petroleum ($6,610,076,941)

    Petroleum Gas ($3,226,174,261)

    Wheat ($1,831,843,535)

    Gold ($1,655,321,705)

    Crude Petroleum ($1,533,952,113)

    Raw Sugar ($1,053,256,806)

    Corn ($1,032,214,600)

    Refined Copper ($922,080,043)

    Insulated Wire ($890,477,529)

    Soybeans ($827,466,451)

    8.1.3. 10 Leading Export Countries (US Dollars):

    Italy ($3,612,199,354)

    India ($2,598,559,009)

    Germany ($2,367,083,830)

    United States ($2,254,935,867)

    Saudi Arabia ($1,974,762,659)