tc itRI 4 t J JANUARY 29 1904 = Published every Friday by EDGAR S ALmJGHfl P f t tt SSCRIPTI6N N1i fff R r ioo s ft 2i < Jv Yli tlcttM jlf4i1ctiiiliJ olli j I d1PlpJflOlz < I < ryT I r r = 4 c llN D JJsiOOR og Mereci cmintyi n rilllt iol Oo- nzressia tliS Eighth district to succeed Horii G + GIH > efi t gaiii6jC to flVe actibn of the Democratic pnrty your support is earncst Ir solpjted n McCREzkR S1tNVlOR cot 1tTI ilt j ing on the coming Presidential eec ton sat I 4 < If ar JJ1aVC a nyI success in fhe coining pre MCtij4jthe democratic party > mus Makeup the questions that- us oiyjrbu today and in addition we musi l have both conservatism and Kar mon3 I feel quite sure that the democrats of my state whp redeem- ed themselves in the last national I election would much prefer 1 this year to go into the fight on live is sues With a strong earnest and conservative candidate who will harmonize the party and a plat ¬ form covering the questions upper ¬ most in thepuhlic mind today tiie democracy can redeem itself in the I nation j j Orall tfe in en mentioned to lead the party in the coming I campaign it seems to me that Sen- ator I Gorman of Maryland and lnOttjthan quired standard As for isssues 11 iLlthe ment among our put lIC servants Our tariff today i i I higher than any other on earth and the p plewill demand that it be reducedSince entered congress six Teen y years ago > thewi expenditures tfor carinidg on tbisgo ermefIij have nearly trebled Th as it should be The expense can be reduced and the public service will not suffer The complete elimination < of corruption amdnf government officials by investiga tion and the punishment rthe 1I guilty should be die i democratic 1prolD1se THE murder of Miss Sarah Schaefj I er tfce Latin teacher at Bedford t adds another Black page to riidi i anas history If the Hoosier state continues in the same path that it has been traveling for setneI time in the past many will blackened pages The bloodthirs- ty ¬ mountaineers desperadoes ndI assassins ofel1 tuckS as the i Indianians delight tocal1 them have never to their credit hvo1illful lespie by her own brother about two months ago and that oQ Miss t Schaefer only last week which proud Indiana now has to his dis- credit OUR Representative W A 13 6 = If 0 I 124Ylh introduce 4 a bill in the c v T itnpgsi g a fine pfro on all persons wlip aStend theaters and other similar plfbKc places anc3 fail to reinioVe their bats or bph nets We trust tow sqtl this will 9 j become a law fpr higji chats and big bonnets ae the uauseSbf maiiy a long neck < r V i jg Whether Senator sritoj Republican ol t3jial1 retain his seat is bei i acgjied befra Sell ate committee at Washington TberosecutiojQ charges that Sin obt knew ol and connived at1 the poly gamy of gapostjes He says t he though the had Bible authority for knpi i4 J 9n ving William Jennings Bryan is slated for SenatotcfrQmNebraskato sue 4 y ceed eH Detrich Republican c c nsnrarryjjioth of these trritries will sead delegates to Chlcagr Filipino and Porto i can will now stiadup and readthe constitution + Prohibitionists and socialists win hold nominating conventions with tiiepurpose of enterirjg their vy dark horse hl the Presidential cam < paien Theinorethe merrier c = r J flf Tuft editors qf the Somersel journal and the Sonier jLepub iIican hate 3ssed 14 fiuade ip Vpnc1r how J got et liail ne loclo 9r q 111 q u pnYTe 1aJi ny hieft3in says < tlwS Js 0emi5i ratic year and Ctev landrw6nid be elected if ndm- iiated So he1iipk wpiiidtP v era others r- I i FIanu knQ hovto shuffle the cardsaud ggt the iwsTt i i < r > 2 not a bd cteal by a good deil fit iri CIAISo rii ir BY JET j Two things that are never much good unless they are full of hole area porus plaster anda Swi a cheese t He put his arm around her waist TJie blbr left her cheek > But upon the shoulder of his coat It showed upforT ekr > v < Blessings of ten come disguisefdy Said the man with troubles harryiri 2 t Poverty though never pn 7 dj j Often keeps a man from uiarryiug Hes a meic6uarY wretch What makes you think so 1He married Miss Goldie Rox and was4ringto get her niyseli > What makes y ou think Na 1 has a savitgieiise of humoi 1 lft Bec Me she laughs So heart ih proI > Parody on Jack HudJiil Jack and Jill wen up thehill To get a pail of water What sack aidvhen he fell dowi fill said he 1i chit oughter Harvey Vhathas become 01 that pretty Miss Wellesley ho I you saw home the othiniIii have you calley since Clarence Nofbut I haye sent the old man a box of footeas and if it does him any godi may call next week hoprI that young fellow Xlo d is thrift as every young man should be save a quarter of his salary each week OhI weeks he saves halfa dollar r 4 Yes said Henpeck the thing that impressed e Dipst in Kgypt was the mummy of onec of the an J cient queens < aboutAhatJ f t The fact that they could make her dry upand stay that way Girls x Have you proposed < yet What was the answer l- iIfOfe powders have lost their grip Try tue keap Y arptanr Remember there is ho rule pro hibitirigrfpaating a proposal hlorofornirnay be used in mpd eration upon the proposee s Uncle Joe Cannon usually Wears spectacles but one day he put on eyeglasses They bothered him and he lidthern on the Spea- kers stand Then he promptly for 4t where thwere and banged with his gavel smashing 11 into saaaH pieces a That was a fine thing to doJ said Speaker Cannon to Aslier Iiistthe patiiamentary expert H Qut tfrlg j3t I Jinds replied i wif hotit batting aneye r X c t3 mother sight has fan9so thatvteadjn a needle is a task almost beyon4 ner After an ab- sence ¬ frmh tar young friend having seen her difg W r ciples deiluiiciated bv Lincoln Lunaannflfufy adopted by Grit scriultiized by McKinJey anclN i stamped ou every uiggerlbV Rdoe- elt > i I i An O Ida horn < paper prints this Utpry She was from Bb toir Le- i >J 11nm S Ok1ahtnn < dYO tl > ha ti 4 v ja good leal i ir tire West have iriOFLMS Bicci3 k C5h ve s indeedj ijlrCalifornifv l and l rzpnan t even iu New I Mexico 5 S ys I > JiJ you ever see fli Cherokee S ripvV t There was a painful silence but gbssesI 4 Hiilv 4iidtf anclnn thesecpnd ypu l glt have been nirerefined in four IS nonage by Asking pie if I Jtdetet1 iLeQherokeedisrob- eiIiN rlibs OF1HOM- E whi heaven J ihe The place wliere orcis Jreaiea kJ stand itflml1eS most Iiointa casket containing the most precioui Qiajl jdneti- c Happiness v A little hollow scpo ped out o ftlH vindy > lull of thevrldas a shel vT v er from its caies jJ s ThlQtl1y glace ipn earth whert he Faults and failings lof huijianity ire hidden beneath a mantle c- fciirty t 4 V The central leegraph dIThei human love into which luns innu ¬ merable wires of affection iiauy of thear extending thousands qfvmiles I but never disconnected froiiV the > ne great terminus v I Boys lelSplay ajoieon Auui i Cindy I vAuut Cindy had rinsedBob hOld beei with his family during his 1outhnd npw that he had grown I a young doctor she1 considered Iit herd n I y to clean phi office every ruorrigJrFhe effice eon > tainttl a human skeleton be YOU d whicb it was arranged that one ol I the boys secret himself and when Aunt Cindy entered the room he WaS to shake the skeleton ane frgItn the > V itS out of the i > u > A regress TIle m r n i ii g was pr u pi lious darksiindnifaty AniitOindy c + iiacl just gdtt iWoAvu oiwHei knee r aul besrUii ioSiruftr Wei were al I i a nViiri n g J laudk c rIifit oti i I mouilis to keep back the laughter I I The fellow chosen for the i b rat- tled the friuewofkvio1tI3 AtitJ Cindy lookecVquickly iivthe clirVc- tiori whence the noise came shcl j could just see the skeleton pmlme c diniiy innhe r dark corner v But shej did n t friglften She sitnph said Go oii wnyj u rn ere rviisah B < > b I knows yuh wheer vuh gcvi yo cl o s on ur not And Bb iuUht k the cigars for the erowcll 7J i v > r The choosing ofa successor To Bishop Dudley will begin in May at the annual meeting of the Dib Ices n Council when some one wijl be placed innomination but two- wonthsor more may elapse before the consecratioii of the new bisjiop As the oriice is the most i important in the Episcopal Church j a careful safeguard is thrown about it andj the selection of a bishop must of I necessity be after mature delibera I ti on iii which uotonly one diocese- but the eiiuredliurcliwithe United States Iris an equal voice The honor of tills important QjbCeIS be laityI and the bishopric have concurred f la the selection and the ithodsoIt- he church in making the selection isc6nunenced wheira nauie js se t lect dbya majority of tiie vqtfes of laity nd clergy composing the Diocesair Council When an o m > dnatiqil has heerr made by tliecou I 4 cil the secretary of the diocese so notifies the standing ct > iiim it tees al overtthe dibces4wl h f rpft e the no m In at Ion before the geiLLral f S > v T church and the persaTpn iliajtS must then receive a majority of the votes of the standing comixijtteesL- YIiAC1l are com posed equaflyoFiaity Le4cn in fiLe jfntcinntionul Scries 10 lnuutut 81 9 lJ04 f Uu to1n Dseiple < nI b C jjLESSON TEXT Luke 5111 GiXJ DFJN 9ixrI ye eolitinue InI tiistpLeJi r OUTLINE OF SCRIPTUBE SECTION I LGXlemyal of four dscIpie Matt 41822 llC20vCaJTin E llrriE iifttrreclidatclejy following the last 1 Icssoi and Before the events of 43143 J Place Shore of the Sea Of Galilee near I Qapernaum j r xKQTES AND COMMENTS t The multitude Not mentioned in fetfcliew and Mike The three accounts t should be read as they supplement each j ether Jesus was now a prominent fig thoughl preceded Him and and crowds- Lfol1cwedRim everywhere The word Gqd Word from Got Jesus j Jirc1tght word good nvsa communi t cation from God The lake of Genne t SartT n More commonfy called the Sea I 01 SaiiIee It is4 13 miles long and at one point eight miles wide When Je- ho11Iti1en gus driven from Naza reti Descended to iLitlies 680 feet lJe 1 cw the lev l of thoseaitwas one of flie most beautiful spots in the world rChe upper hills were covered with fine withst except for clumps of thorn bushes and thickets pf oleander Few of the palm trees havev survived In the time of Christ there were nine cities on the lakI averaging15000 inlmbitanfs each Only one remains the misearable fever i stricken town of Tiberias The lake isi r no longer covered with the sails of fish I ing fleets though it is still full of fish I Washing their nets The nets worr 1101Such I dirt waterlogged sticks and the weeds I thefm j always sat down to teach This is ont of the fascinating pictures of Christ He I did not wait for them to come to His t church but He went to them He joined the fishermen at their work and j tim while they worked from t3Ugbtl j and it was so that He won His i cp1es I theserStl j was not high logic nor did it seek to win them through their emotions He simply entered their sphere of life and i made Himself one of them For the mc r meni tQ w asa fisherman and a master i fishermanijnd under His quiet direction j these nn who had followed the sea all I their lives accomplished what they bad 1 notbee1i able to ddin a whole nignts toilwere amazed impressed I won Nothing wins its way into the heart of the able and honest working- man I like the discovery that one who is commonlyI far above hIm intellectually and spsrit ually does not consider himself made i of a bejtrkhid of cjay but knows liki ft maatfthe work in v hich he is himself Il engage Jesus showed the fishermen a- c mastery of the sea which no man had J ever Ijefore approached and this in ad ¬ I dition j8o 12 marvelous Gospel othe j Fat l lichHe preacheil They werA tblr I Pjeter t- seeins to have made the attempt more in eferericc to Jesus than because fof great hop of success At the same j time he Jladseen enough qf Jesus to Helgpqke real faith j Simon Peter when he saw it His theI cn anew career in which the new nam I is 1etter Impawn = Prof Riddle De part ficni me FtC St Peter < M not onlyj t Searcher of 11artsI am utterly un j wcrthdbeneai Thee yt let m- sta3Fariar James and John f The elder would probably be named first James was the first of the discv t pies to be martyred John we knows Ithe belpyed disciple and author of the I Gospel of Tohn Andrew whowas prpb I dbly witli Peter is not mentioned by Luke Partners with Simon The I first then Jesus took to work with Him I werejBeii who had learned towork to gethr Fron henceforth thou shalt catch f men The aainouncement to Peter notis1 ion ApdPerb1ieved Jets lie iaiscer too much of Him to doubj 15lieyTci all and followed Him An Grtf W Jamtsand John were called as w lasPEter They Were completely won aid castjn their lots With Him for- t life Now it was unbounded personal de Volioni Later there was add d to it de vvpton tOt the cause TJt vas a serious time for them hey could not look far IntoDthe iiturB andlt js a mercy they I tiqvild not In less th in three years their tater was to go to the gallowVor its I oriental equjvalentf and few j then Ayefa to filc nafeiimluleathsbu iOr all that no men in t eYorJq lilsidr yexer iall a mCrex blefesetr life timntiiiey iud thcn nmestbdKy a e amoithoschede- ied n Y6J yOhtisti Iavd I a rft 4- Oi11jJ1PateZUt 1f rill l JtfJ tlJ j tll t heartgro s nitune ctgooIrs r < Sinners b4me the ijjw ± qr the fruits of their Tis Better be ndlcippet1 bt God than paced ty Tthe devitv j rc i r rcccc c Tc S1TSTV1 F i r rri iirrvrrui 1 > OurFjsfAynu1 Ce < i a I thkingWliifor T I I All winter goods must be dspo P g We have marked them down to I pe il to ev elY one Wo ment I o r the many terns that we are o cI ton Flannel 6c to A Mens heavy Undcrvvecir at Jst IvCen I Cost Ladles Underwear at Cot Jot tleCottonI at cost I I have a few dress skits left th s Y1EfHI1 dated prices Now dont fail = oj onc for these goods must for tire Summer tock that is or WE have a full line of Spring and Mens Clohing asoan immense sto and children Clothing at reduced pri- cJ C HOCKKK CO Li W I t rl 1lt L ii tt i i li tll11 ltl1i1iillll11tLl1il1l11111J Qo se e 5- A MDICAL CHANGE I Famous Training Quarters for Alhi 1 letes to become a Convent limflv Muleloon the vnJiuOYH- urmcl Vrestler Presents His- Estttc rOle Etlucittionul and C Is jri table Purposes Billy 1IuldoOllJthe famoiis vrestler has presented his extensive and beauti iui estate knownas Muldoons Farm previously used as a training school of his art to St Patricks Roman Catholic church of Belfast New York to bc con ¬ propI ¬ ii Burfalo who was formerly pastor ot St Stephens Roman Catholic church in low York The Muldoon Farm is well known throughout the United SU s as the place where many famous athletes have been trained into condition ror cham ¬ pionship contests and where J8O many prominent members of lTw YorLs 400 have studied phYS CfJ culture The only condition which the formeij owner has attached to the transfer oi the buildings and grounds to Bishop Colton is that it should always rEmain tlie property of the church and that the mansion should be used exclusively as a convent while the other buildings should be utilized for educational and charitable purposes Bishop Colton will set about at once to convert the build ¬ jugs iivto the uses for which they were given by the generous donor HI desired to give my property said Muldocn lio some church or organiza ¬ tion where it could be converted into worthy charitable purposes and in looking Oer the field in New York I have finally decided to present it as a tree gift to the Roman Catholic church which I feel confident will carry out my wishes and desires It was at Muldoon Farm that John JL Sullivan the famous pugilist of his day was re babil Rated Hundreds of influen ¬ tial and prominent men of New York including lading representatives of the financial and social world of the Empire state have been visitors and temporary residents qf VI111doOll Farm in years gone by aiuT gratefully admit that the unique trcatmeiit they then received coupled1wUh the compulsory parjicipa tioii in novel exercises in physical cul ¬ ture that were enforced under the rcof of the 1arm was the chief factor in re- gaining ¬ for them health and happiness TIDE PERFORMS HUGE TASK IF UNWELL Try a 500 bottle of Herbine no ice the i m prove merit spdilef fected in your appetite energy strength ana vigor Watch how it Brightens the spirits gives freedom from indigestion and debiJitv Isaac Story Aaio wriie v o Sept 10 1900 CI was in bad healibrl had stomach trouble for 12 nidnthsIsodumb chills Dr J W Mory prescribed Herbine it cured uie in two weeks I cannot rccoiiijiftd JE too highly it will do i 3 ou claim fur Jt Sold by Chas A f avis druggist > ASTORJA A For Iniants and Children Ilia Kinf You Have Always Bought Bears the iun tuteof s w w I L j i IfTc I tQJry qJOds Qiothintr- f L j BEST GO Phone No 83 o 1 J m t Jf T I Jl i i l

efi s t ihechroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86069561/1904-01-29/ed-1/seq-2.pdftc itRI 4 tJ JANUARY 29 1904 = Published every Friday by EDGAR S ALmJGHfl P f t tt SSCRIPTI6N N1i fff

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tcitRI 4 tJ

JANUARY 29 1904

=Published every Friday by


f t ttSSCRIPTI6N N1i fff Rr ioos ft 2i <

Jv Yli tlcttM jlf4i1ctiiiliJ ollijI

d1PlpJflOlz <

I<ryT I

r r =

4 c

llN D JJsiOORog Mereci cmintyi n rilllt iol Oo-nzressia tliS Eighth district to succeed HoriiG + GIH > efit gaiii6jC to flVe actibn of theDemocratic pnrty your support is earncstIr solpjted


McCREzkRS1tNVlOR cot1tTI iltj

ing on the coming Presidential eecton sat I

4 < If ar JJ1aVC anyIsuccess in fhe coining preMCtij4jthe democratic party

> musMakeup the questions that-us


today and in addition we musilhave both conservatism and Kar

mon3 I feel quite sure that thedemocrats of my state whp redeem-ed themselves in the last national


election would much prefer 1 thisyear to go into the fight on live issues With a strong earnest andconservative candidate who will

harmonize the party and a plat ¬

form covering the questions upper ¬

most in thepuhlic mind today tiiedemocracy can redeem itself in the I

nation j j

Orall tfe in en mentionedto lead the party in the coming I

campaign it seems to me that Sen-



Gorman of Maryland and

lnOttjthanquired standard As for isssues 11

iLlthement among our putlIC servants Our tariff today i

i I

higher than any other on earthand the p plewill demand that itbe


entered congress sixTeeny

years ago > thewi expenditures

tfor carinidg on tbisgo ermefIijhave nearly trebled Thas it should be The expense canbe reduced and the public servicewill not suffer The completeelimination


of corruption amdnfgovernment officials by investigation and the punishment rthe 1I

guilty should be die i

democratic1prolD1seTHE murder of Miss Sarah Schaefj I

er tfce Latin teacher at Bedford t

adds another Black page to riidi i

anas history If the Hoosierstate continues in the same paththat it has been traveling for setneItime in the past many willblackened pages The bloodthirs-ty


mountaineers desperadoes ndIassassins ofel1 tuckS as the

iIndianians delight tocal1 themhave never to their credit

hvo1illfullespie by her own brother abouttwo months ago and that oQ Miss


Schaefer only last week whichproud Indiana now has to his dis-


OUR Representative W A 136 = If 0 I

124Ylh introduce4 a bill in thec v

T itnpgsi g a fine pfroon all persons wlip aStend theatersand other similar plfbKc places anc3

fail to reinioVe their bats or bphnets We trust tow sqtl this will

9 j

become a law fpr higji chats andbig bonnets ae the uauseSbf maiiya long neck < r


i jgWhether Senator sritoj

Republican ol t3jial1 retain hisseat is beii acgjied befra Sellate committee at WashingtonTberosecutiojQ charges that Sin obt

knew ol and connived at1 thepoly gamy of gapostjes He says

t he though the had Bible authorityfor knpi i4 J 9n ving

William Jennings Bryan is slatedfor SenatotcfrQmNebraskato sue

4 yceed eH Detrich Republican

c c

nsnrarryjjioth of these trritrieswill sead delegates to ChlcagrFilipino and Porto ican will nowstiadup and readthe constitution


Prohibitionists and socialists winhold nominating conventions withtiiepurpose of enterirjg their vydark horse hl the Presidential cam <

paien Theinorethe merrierc = r J flf

Tuft editors qf the Somersel

journal and the Sonier jLepubiIican hate 3ssed 14 fiuade ip

Vpnc1r how J gotet liailne loclo 9r q 111


u pnYTe 1aJi ny hieft3insays <tlwS Js 0emi5i ratic year andCtev landrw6nid be elected if ndm-

iiated So he1iipk wpiiidtP v

era others r-

I i

FIanu knQ hovto shuffle thecardsaud ggt the iwsTt i

i < r > 2not a bd cteal by a good deil

fit iriCIAISo riiir


Two things that are never muchgood unless they are full of holearea porus plaster anda Swi



He put his arm around her waistTJie blbr left her cheek >

But upon the shoulder of his coatIt showed upforT ekr > v

< Blessings of ten come disguisefdySaid the man with troubles harryiri 2t Poverty though never pn 7 dj jOften keeps a man from uiarryiug

Hes a meic6uarY wretchWhat makes you think so

1He married Miss Goldie Roxand was4ringto get her niyseli >

What makes you think Na 1

has a savitgieiise of humoi 1lft

Bec Me she laughs So heart ihproI >

Parody on Jack HudJiilJack and Jill wen up thehill

To get a pail of waterWhat sack aidvhen he fell dowi

fill said he 1i chit oughter

Harvey Vhathas become 01

that pretty Miss Wellesley hoI

you saw home the othiniIiihave you calley since

Clarence Nofbut I haye sentthe old man a box of footeas andif it does him any godi may callnext weekhoprIthat young fellow Xlo d is thriftas every young man should besave a quarter of his salary eachweekOhIweeks he saves halfa dollar r

4 Yes said Henpeck the thingthat impressed e Dipst in Kgyptwas the mummy of onec of the an J

cient queens<

aboutAhatJf tThe fact that they could make

her dry upand stay that way


Have you proposed <yet Whatwas the answer l-

iIfOfe powders have lost theirgrip Try tue keap Y arptanr

Remember there is ho rule prohibitirigrfpaating a proposal

hlorofornirnay be used in mpderation upon the proposee s

Uncle Joe Cannon usuallyWears spectacles but one day heput on eyeglasses They botheredhim and he lidthern on the Spea-kers stand Then he promptly for

4t where thwere and bangedwith his gavel smashing

11 into saaaH pieces a

That was a fine thing to doJsaid Speaker Cannon to AslierIiistthe patiiamentary expert

H Qut tfrlgj3t I Jinds repliedi

wifhotit batting aneye r Xc

t3 mother sight has fan9sothatvteadjn a needle is a taskalmost beyon4 ner After an ab-


frmhtaryoung friend having seen her difg

W r

ciples deiluiiciated bv LincolnLunaannflfufy adopted by Gritscriultiized by McKinJey anclN


stamped ou every uiggerlbV Rdoe-elt

> i


i An O Ida horn <paper prints thisUtpry She was from Bb toir Le-

i> J


Ok1ahtnn< dYO tl


ha ti 4vja good leal i ir tire West have

iriOFLMS Bicci3k C5h ve s indeedjijlrCalifornifv

l and l rzpnan t even iu NewI Mexico 5 S ysI > JiJ you ever see fli CherokeeS ripvV

tTherewas a painful silence but


Hiilv 4iidtf anclnn thesecpnd ypu

l glt have been nirerefined in

four IS nonage by Asking pie if I

Jtdetet1 iLeQherokeedisrob-

eiIiN rlibs OF1HOM-


whi heavenJiheThe place wliere orcis JreaieakJ stand itflml1eS most

Iiointa casket containing themost precioui Qiajl jdneti-c Happiness v

A little hollow scpo ped out o ftlHvindy > lull of thevrldas a shelvT ver from its caies jJs ThlQtl1y glace ipn earth wherthe Faults and failings lof huijianityire hidden beneath a mantle c-

fciirty t4


The central leegraph dITheihuman love into which luns innu ¬

merable wires of affection iiauy ofthear extending thousands qfvmiles


but never disconnected froiiV the> ne great terminusv I

Boys lelSplay ajoieon AuuiiCindy

I vAuut Cindy had rinsedBobhOld beei with his family during his

1outhnd npw that he had grownI a young doctor she1 consideredIit herd n I y to clean phi officeevery ruorrigJrFhe effice eon


tainttl a human skeleton be YOU d

whicb it was arranged that one olI the boys secret himself and whenAunt Cindy entered the room he

WaS to shake the skeleton anefrgItn the> V itS out of the i > u


regress TIle m r n i ii g was p ru pi

lious darksiindnifaty AniitOindyc +

iiacl just gdtt iWoAvu oiwHei knee r

aul besrUii ioSiruftr Wei were al

I i a nViiri n gJ

laudk c rIifit oti i

I mouilis to keep back the laughterI

I The fellow chosen for the i b rat-

tled the friuewofkvio1tI3 AtitJCindy lookecVquickly iivthe clirVc-

tiori whence the noise came shclj

could just see the skeleton pmlme c

diniiy innher dark cornerv

But shejdid n t friglften She sitnph saidGo oii wnyj u rn ere rviisah B < > b

I knows yuh wheer vuh gcvi yocl o s on ur not And Bb iuUht


the cigars for the erowcll7J i

v > r

The choosing ofa successor To

Bishop Dudley will begin in Mayat the annual meeting of the Dib

Ices n Council when some one wijlbe placed innomination but two-

wonthsor more may elapse beforethe consecratioii of the new bisjiopAs the oriice is the most i importantin the Episcopal Church j a carefulsafeguard is thrown about it andjthe selection of a bishop must of


necessity be after mature deliberaI

ti on iii which uotonly one diocese-but the eiiuredliurcliwithe UnitedStates Iris an equal voice Thehonor of tills important QjbCeIS belaityIand the bishopric have concurred


la the selection and the ithodsoIt-he church in making the selectionisc6nunenced wheira nauie js se


lect dbya majority of tiie vqtfes oflaity nd clergy composing theDiocesairCouncil When an o m>

dnatiqil has heerr made by tliecou I


cil the secretary of the diocese sonotifies the standing ct > iiim it tees al

overtthe dibces4wl h f rpft e

the no m In at Ion before the geiLLralfS > v T

church and the persaTpn iliajtSmust then receive a majority of thevotes of the standing comixijtteesL-

YIiAC1l are com posed equaflyoFiaity

Le4cn in fiLe jfntcinntionul Scries10 lnuutut 81 9 lJ04 f

Uu to1n Dseiple < nIbC

jjLESSON TEXT Luke 5111GiXJ DFJN 9ixrI ye eolitinue InItiistpLeJi r

OUTLINE OF SCRIPTUBE SECTION ILGXlemyalof four dscIpie Matt 41822llC20vCaJTinE llrriE iifttrreclidatclejy following the last 1

Icssoi and Before the events of 43143 J

Place Shore of the Sea Of Galilee nearI Qapernaum jr xKQTES AND COMMENTSt The multitude Not mentioned in

fetfcliew and Mike The three accountst should be read as they supplement eachj ether Jesus was now a prominent figthoughlpreceded Him and and crowds-Lfol1cwedRim everywhere The word

Gqd Word from Got Jesusj Jirc1tght word good nvsa communit cation from God The lake of Genne


SartT n More commonfy called the SeaI

01 SaiiIee It is4 13 miles long and atone point eight miles wide When Je-

ho11Iti1engus driven from Nazareti Descended to iLitlies 680 feet lJe1 cw the lev l of thoseaitwas one offlie most beautiful spots in the worldrChe upper hills were covered with finewithstexcept for clumps of thorn bushes andthickets pf oleander Few of the palmtrees havev survived In the time ofChrist there were nine cities on the lakIaveraging15000 inlmbitanfs each Onlyone remains the misearable fever

i stricken town of Tiberias The lake isir no longer covered with the sails of fish I

ing fleets though it is still full of fishI

Washing their nets The nets worr

1101SuchI dirt waterlogged sticks and the weeds Ithefm j

always sat down to teach This is ontof the fascinating pictures of Christ He

I did not wait for them to come to Hist church but He went to them He joined

the fishermen at their work andj tim while they worked from t3Ugbtlj and it was so that He won Hisi cp1esI

theserStljwas not high logic nor did it seek towin them through their emotions Hesimply entered their sphere of life and

i made Himself one of them For the mcr meni tQ w asa fisherman and a master

i fishermanijnd under His quiet directionj these nn who had followed the sea allI their lives accomplished what they bad1 notbee1i able to ddin a whole nigntstoilwere amazed impressed

I won Nothing wins its way into theheart of the able and honest working-manI

like the discovery that one who iscommonlyIfar above hIm intellectually and spsritually does not consider himself made

i of a bejtrkhid of cjay but knows likift maatfthe work in v hich he is himselfIl engage Jesus showed the fishermen a-

c mastery of the sea which no man hadJ ever Ijefore approached and this in ad ¬I dition j8o 12 marvelous Gospel othej Fatl lichHe preacheil They werAtblrI

Pjetert- seeins to have made the attempt

more in eferericc to Jesus than becausefof great hop of success At the samej time he Jladseen enough qf Jesus toHelgpqke

real faithj

Simon Peter when he saw it HistheIcn anew career in which the new namI is 1etter Impawn =Prof Riddle De

part ficni me FtC St Peter < M notonlyjt Searcher of 11artsI am utterly unj wcrthdbeneai Thee yt let m-

sta3Fariar James and Johnf The elder would probably be named

first James was the first of the discvt pies to be martyred John we knowsIthe belpyed disciple and author of theI Gospel of Tohn Andrew whowas prpbI dbly witli Peter is not mentioned by

Luke Partners with Simon The I

first then Jesus took to work with Him I

werejBeii who had learned towork togethr

Fron henceforth thou shalt catchf

men The aainouncement to Peternotis1ion ApdPerb1ieved Jets lieiaiscer too much of Him to doubj

15lieyTci all and followed Him AnGrtf W Jamtsand John were called asw lasPEter They Were completelywon aid castjn their lots With Him for-

t life Now it was unbounded personal deVolioni Later there was add d to it de

vvpton tOt the cause TJt vas a serioustime for them hey could not look farIntoDthe iiturB andlt js a mercy they

I tiqvild not In less th in three years theirtater was to go to the gallowVor its


oriental equjvalentf and few j thenAyefa to filc nafeiimluleathsbu iOr allthat no men in t eYorJq lilsidr yexeriall a mCrex blefesetr life timntiiiey iudthcn nmestbdKy a e amoithoschede-

ied n Y6J yOhtisti IavdI


rft 4-

Oi11jJ1PateZUt1f rill l JtfJ tlJ j tll t

heartgro s nitunectgooIrs r


Sinners b4me theijjw ± qr the fruitsof their Tis

Better be ndlcippet1 bt God thanpaced ty Tthe devitv


rc i r rcccc c Tc S1TSTV1 F i r rri iirrvrrui1


OurFjsfAynu1 Ce <

i aI thkingWliifor T

I I All winter goods must be dspoP g We have marked them down to

I pe il to ev elY one Wo mentI o r the many terns that we are ocIton Flannel 6c to


Mens heavy Undcrvvecir at Jst IvCen

I Cost Ladles Underwear at Cot Jot

tleCottonIat cost II

have a few dress skits left ths Y1EfHI1 dated prices Now dont fail

= oj onc for these goods mustfor tire Summer tock that is

or WE have a full line of Spring andMens Clohing asoan immense stoand children Clothing at reduced pri-cJ C HOCKKK CO Li


trl1lt L ii t t i i li tll11 ltl1i1iillll11tLl1il1l11111JQo se e 5-


Famous Training Quarters for Alhi1 letes to become a Convent

limflv Muleloon the vnJiuOYH-urmcl Vrestler Presents His-Estttc rOle Etlucittionul and

C Is jri table Purposes

Billy 1IuldoOllJthe famoiis vrestlerhas presented his extensive and beautiiui estate knownas Muldoons Farmpreviously used as a training school ofhis art to St Patricks Roman Catholicchurch of Belfast New York to bc con ¬propI ¬

iiBurfalo who was formerly pastor ot StStephens Roman Catholic church inlow York

The Muldoon Farm is well knownthroughout the United SU s as theplace where many famous athletes havebeen trained into condition ror cham ¬

pionship contests and where J8O manyprominent members of lTw YorLs

400 have studied phYS CfJ cultureThe only condition which the formeijowner has attached to the transfer oithe buildings and grounds to BishopColton is that it should always rEmaintlie property of the church and that themansion should be used exclusively asa convent while the other buildingsshould be utilized for educational andcharitable purposes Bishop Colton willset about at once to convert the build ¬

jugs iivto the uses for which they weregiven by the generous donor

HI desired to give my property saidMuldocn lio some church or organiza ¬

tion where it could be converted intoworthy charitable purposes and inlooking Oer the field in New York Ihave finally decided to present it as atree gift to the Roman Catholic churchwhich I feel confident will carry outmy wishes and desires

It was at Muldoon Farm that John JL

Sullivan the famous pugilist of his daywas re babil Rated Hundreds of influen ¬

tial and prominent men of New Yorkincluding lading representatives of thefinancial and social world of the Empirestate have been visitors and temporaryresidents qf VI111doOll Farm in yearsgone by aiuT gratefully admit that theunique trcatmeiit they then receivedcoupled1wUh the compulsory parjicipatioii in novel exercises in physical cul ¬

ture that were enforced under the rcofof the 1arm was the chief factor in re-


for them health and happiness


IF UNWELLTry a 500 bottle of Herbine no

ice the i m prove merit spdileffected in your appetite energystrength ana vigor Watch how itBrightens the spirits gives freedomfrom indigestion and debiJitvIsaac Story Aaio wriie



Sept 10 1900 CI was in badhealibrl had stomach trouble for12 nidnthsIsodumb chills DrJ W Mory prescribed Herbine itcured uie in two weeks I cannotrccoiiijiftd JE too highly it will do

i 3 ou claim furJt Sold by ChasA f avis druggist >


For Iniants and ChildrenIlia Kinf You Have Always Bought

Bears theiun tuteof

s w w


L j i


tQJry qJOds Qiothintr-



j BEST GOPhone No 83

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