Efficient Packet Classification with Digest Caches Francis Chang Wu-chang Feng Wu-chi Feng Kang Li

Efficient Packet Classification with Digest Caches

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Francis Chang Wu-chang Feng Wu-chi Feng Kang Li. Efficient Packet Classification with Digest Caches. Packet classification. Essential in all network devices Routers, firewalls, NATs, Diffserv/QoS markers, etc. But, complexity increasing Number of rules Number of fields to classify - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Efficient Packet Classification with  Digest Caches

Efficient Packet Classification with Digest Caches

Francis ChangWu-chang Feng

Wu-chi FengKang Li

Page 2: Efficient Packet Classification with  Digest Caches

Packet classificationEssential in all network devices

Routers, firewalls, NATs, Diffserv/QoS markers, etc.

But, complexity increasingNumber of rulesNumber of fields to classifySize of header (IPv6)Number of flows

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Packet classificationPerformance-bound by memory

Must store and access large headers and many rules quicklyLookup algorithms perform better when given more memory

Classic space-time trade-off in performance

Supporting line speeds requires a large amount of fast memoryFast memory expensiveLarge memory slow

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Probabilistic NetworkingGoal of work

Throw a wrench into space-time trade-offExamine a third axis: accuracy

Reduce memory requirements by relaxing the accuracy of packet classification function

What are the quantifiable benefits of sacrificing accuracy on the packet classification function?

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What? Willingly make mistakes?Sure

Packet errors and lack of reliability are a fact of lifeMasked by application layer or ignoredLots of packets are bad, some are undetectably bad [Stone00]

TCP1 in 1100 to 32000 TCP packets fail checksum1 in 16 million to 10 billion TCP packets are UNDECTABLY bad

UDPUDP packets are not required to have valid cksumEven if the cksum is bad, OS will give the packet to the application (Linux)

Routing problems occur frequentlyTransient loops [Hengartner02]Outages

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Several places to apply idea…Full classification

Exact multi-dimensional solutions still too costly [Baboescu03]Inaccuracy may help

Work in progress…

Classification cachesSpace requirements grow linearly with number of flows and fields Use lossy recall in remembering previous classification decisions to reduce cache size

Our current work..

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Initial approachBloom filter

Approximate data structure to store flows matching a binary predicate

Spell checkersBrowser and web caches

How it worksL х N array of memory

Addressed by L independent hash functionsEach function addresses N buckets

Storing new flowsSet bits corresponding to the results of L hash functions on header

Looking up flowsCheck bits corresponding to the results of L hash functions on header

Collisions in filter cause inaccurate classifications

Francis Chang, Wu-chang Feng, Kang Li, “Approximate Caches for Packet Classification”, in Proceedings of INFOCOM ’04, March 2004.

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Bloom filter


Flow insertion




Unknown flow0







NL virtual bins out of L*N actual bins

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The value of making mistakesInitial results promising

Small, high-performance caches with 1 in a billion error rateStorage capacity invariant to header size and fields

Size of approximate cache determined by number of flows to store and desired accuracySize of exact cache determined by number of flows to store and header size and fields

IPv4-based connection identifier = 13 bytesIPv6-based connection identifier = 37 bytes

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But…Some glaring disadvantages

Large number of levels and memory lookups requiredNot amenable to most NP architectures

Requires hardware support and parallel, bit-level memory addressing

Aging propertiesCan not gracefully age cacheNo selective replacement policies possible (i.e. LRU)Must periodically expunge entire cache

Results in large variance in full classifications required

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New approachDigest caches

Use a traditional cache architectureStore and use a digest of classification fields instead of full header(s)

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Digest cachesHow it works

Upon full classification of packet header fields (P)Calculate h1(P) and h2(P)

Use h1(P) to select cache line

Insert h2(P) and classification result into cache line

Subsequent packetsCalculate h1(P) and h2(P)

Use h1(P) to select cache line

Lookup h2(P) in cache lineIf match, follow cached resultIf no match, perform full classification

Misclassification caused by hash-signature collisionsIncreases as the number of bits in digest decreases (c)Increases as the associativity of cache increases (d)




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Digest cachesFixes all of the problems of Bloom filter caches

Less memory accessesNP-friendly

Does not require parallel, bit-addressable memory accessCan alleviate need for associative hardware (more later)

Gracefully agesCan smoothly remove old entries

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Storage comparison between approaches





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EvaluationTrace-driven simulation

PCCS simulator (http://pccs.sourceforge.net)Packet traces

Bell Labs traceOne hour trace at Bell Labs Research in May 2002

OGI traceOne hour trace of OGI’s OC-3c link on July 26, 2002

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Choosing associativityExperiment

Fixed misclassification probability of 10–9

Variable bit digest based on associativity

Results similar to previous studiesSmall amount of associativity ideal for performance

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Comparing approachesDigest cache

32-bit digests4-way associativity

Bloom filter cache Optimal, 30-level filter

Exact caches IPv4 and IPv6 flow caches



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Hit rates vs. cache size

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Miss-rate variance vs. cache size

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NP implementationIXP1200, L3Forwarder

4-way associative digest cache803Mbs

Bloom filter cache1 level = 990 Mbs4 levels = 652 Mbs

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A final note to those who hate being wrong Can be used to accelerate exact caches

ConsiderExact cache where where associativity is emulatedEntire cache line must be read sequentially to find match

Digest cache accelerationUse smaller, digest cache stored in fastest (possibly associative) memory to mirror entries in exact cacheLookup in digest cache gives exact location of relevant entry in exact cache

Good for implementing associative caches on NPs that do not have hardware support

Speed-up analysis in paper

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Extra slides

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Misclassification rates for digest caches

4-way associative digest cache

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Cache misses over time