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Efficient Data Protection from Fujitsu offers

products and services with future-leading

technologies to attain the best and most efficient way

of keeping data protected. Taking a number of

industry trends into consideration results in perfect

interplay of all components. It entails making an

assessment of the customer environment to

consolidate data protection of isolated applications

and the use of appropriate technologies and media

mix according to the value of the application.

Fujitsu has its own market-leading solutions, services and

products as our Efficient E-Mail, Storage Services and

ETERNUS LT, DX and CS series and adds best-of-class

offerings from our partner Symantec. The portfolio is

completed with individualized delivery model providing

Dynamic Infrastructures.


1.1 Key trends that change data protection 3

1.2 Five key characteristics of future Data Protection architec tures 3

1.2.1 A Backup is not an archive, but an archive needs to be backed up 3

1.2.2 High Availability does not replace a backup, you need both. 4

1.2.3 It’s all about recovery 5

1.2.4 Enable a higher number of backups with application consistency 6

1.2.5 Not all data need the same data protection 7

1.3 Implementation by using 5 steps: 8

1.3.1 Assessment Services 8

1.3.2 Consolidation of Data Protection 8

1.3.3 Implement a cost efficient media mix of Disk and Tape 8

1.3.4 Prepare yourself for potential disaster scenarios 9

1.3.5 Use snapshots and disks for challenging SLAs 9


2.1 Storage Software 12

2.1.1 Professional backup software - NetBackup 12

2.1.2 Deduplication at source - PureDisk 13

2.1.3 Reliable backup and recovery - Backup Exec 14

2.1.4 Bare-metal backup and recovery - Backup Exec System Recovery 15

2.2 Storage Hardware 16

2.2.1 Data Protection Appliances - ETERNUS CS 16

2.2.2 Disk Storage Systems - ETERNUS DX 18

2.2.3 Automated Tape Libraries - ETERNUS LT 19

2.3 Efficient E-Mail 20

2.3.1 Intelligent archiving platform - Enterprise Vault 21

2.4 Product and solution-oriented Services 22

2.5 Anything’s Possible with Managed Services 23






1.1 Key trends that change data protection

More and more data is produced and more applications

are business critical for companies. Therefore data has

to be restored faster and data loss is less acceptable, as

the availability of applications is more critical. Service

Level Agreements »SLAs« become more challenging.

To reduce the cost of data protection, companies want

to eliminate point products and to consolidate and

centralize their data protection. This leads to easier and

more cost effective management and implementation of

different service levels. Data protection infrastructures

are experiencing constraints in terms of space, power

and cooling, so companies are looking for the right mix

of media. While the requirements for data protection

get tougher, companies don’t want to spend money on

it. So this needs to be implemented more efficiently.

1.2 Five key characteristics of future Data

Protection architectures

1.2.1 A backup is not an archive, but an archive needs to

be backed up

In recent years it has become obvious that a backup is

not the same as an archive, as shown in figure 1. While

backup is a secondary copy of information used for

recovery operations, an archive is a primary copy of

information. A backup allows for data restore to a

specific point in time, while moving operational data

into an archive, making the application run more

efficiently and also supporting an optimized media

usage. While backups typically address a rather recent

period of time, such as - for example recent weeks or

months, archives can span decades. Archives help to

fulfill compliance requirements, backups typically do

not. As an archive contains a primary copy of

information, the archive itself also needs to be backed

up. So we see four sets of data, the primary active data,

protected by a back up and the primary inactive data or

primary archive, also requiring protection via backup.

Figure 1: Comparison of backup and archiving



1.2.2 High Availability does not replace a backup,

you need both.

The overall target of any Data Protection architecture is

to guarantee business continuity. Business goes on, so

long as the service, e.g. Accounting, is still available. To

guarantee this the hardware infrastructure must work

»achieved via high availability« and the data must be

available and not corrupted. This is achieved by

leveraging backup. Unavailability of a service can be

caused by planned downtime, e.g. the hardware must be

upgraded or a backup has to be performed. This is the

70% case. Or it can be caused by unplanned downtime.

Though this is only the case in 30% of all downtimes,

these are by far more dangerous, as they come as a

surprise and come hand-in-hand with data corruption.

While high availability can help against downtime as

such, it cannot help against data corruption. If data is

corrupted, e.g. because of a patch that doesn’t work or

because of a user error, the data has to be brought back

to a state when it was still consistent. This is only

possible with a copy of the data of that time point; we

call it a backup. High Availability cannot replace a

backup, because high availability does not address data

corruption. While High Availability concepts typically

only provide a copy of the current data set, backups also

provide this data at the state it had at certain points of

time in the past. To achieve sound business continuity,

you need high availability and backup.

Figure 2: High availability with replication replic ates also corrupted data



1.2.3 It’s all about recovery

If you want to understand how efficient your data

protection solution is you need to understand how

efficient it carries out recovery. For this, you need to

focus on two factors: RTO and RPO. Your recovery-

time objective »RTO« is the time it takes for you to

restart a failed application service. Your recovery-point

objective »RPO« is the period of time you cope with

data loss - the point in time that your recovery will


The recovery time consists of three phases:

1) The system has stopped. Now you need to analyze

why and understand whether any hardware is defect or

whether your data itself is corrupted. It depends on this

what actions you take.

Regardless of all the fancy new technology, the duration

of phase 1 typically doesn’t change. You also have to

find out, when the data corruption occurred and which

backup is the most suitable for the restore.

2) The physical restore of data. You can only start, if

you have a working hardware infrastructure at hand,

either because the hardware was not the issue or

because you have a redundancy concept or even a

second data center for such cases. The speed of restore

depends for example on the type of backup and the

media you use.

3) The recovery. Even after you have restored the data

your application might still not be ready to work again.

For example, you have restarted the application and

restored the last good image of your data base, but there

are still transactions missing. Using its log files, the

database now has to bring the data up to the latest

status. This too can take time, regardless of the restore

technology used.

An unpleasant truth: between the occurrence of data

corruption and the moment you notice that it has

happened there is a time, which can be pretty long.

Figure 3: Image presentation about Recovery Time Ob jective and Recovery Point Objective



1.2.4 Enable a higher number of backups with applica-

tion consistency

To reduce data loss it is important to have a copy of the

uncorrupted data as close to the incident as possible. As

you don’t know when the incident will happen the only

way to do that is to make copies as often as possible -

ideally all the time. This is what is called »Continuous

data protection«. So if something goes wrong, you

theoretically don’t lose any data at all. But applications

cannot work with any state of data, it must be

consistent. So in practice, it only makes sense to make

backups of such versions of the data.

Another factor: The more copies of data you make, the

more expensive your data protection solution becomes.

The answer: use snapshots, to be able to make fast and

less space consuming backups, only making them at

»significant points in time«. These are time points,

when the data is consistent and the probability of data

corruption occurrence is higher, for example because

you are about to install a patch. By applying this

practical CDP approach, enabling multiple Point-in-

Time »PIT« recovery points with application consis-

tency, you achieve tremendously improved service

levels with only moderate investments.

Figure 4: With snapshots at significant points less data gets lost compared to a backup only made dail y



1.2.5 Not all data needs the same data protection

By using the latest technology such as snapshots, CDP

and virtual tape, we can achieve very fast recovery with

almost no data loss. But such high service levels are

costly and some services can live with somewhat slower

recoveries but real time. Data Protection becomes much

more efficient, if you use the latest and greatest

technology only for those applications that require it

and employ more cost-optimized technologies for the


For example, a tier one application would benefit very

much from snapshot based, pragmatically CDP back up

and replication services, while a tier four application

can easily be protected with a classical incremental back

up to tape. However, applying different SLAs must not

lead to a mixture of point solution. To not lose savings

because of complicated management of a heterogene-

ous back up scenario, this must be implemented in a

centralized, consolidated back up with one central

instance to manage the SLA, such as in the Fujitsu


Figure 5: Tiered recovery services



1.3 Implementation by using 5 steps:

1.3.1 Assessment Services

Every Data Protection solution in a data center is

unique. So to optimize it, it has to be analyzed carefully.

Any »one size fits all« approach will fail. Fujitsu is

offering Data Protection Assessment services to identify

the area in your data center, where you can make a real

difference and save the most money. We use assessment

tools that guarantee a high efficiency and quality of the

service. Making sure, we don’t leave anything out. Such

assessment is not a singular effort; data protection is a

living thing, as data is growing and the service

requirements are changing. Using these assessment

tools, Fujitsu can deliver measurement of efficiency on

an ongoing basis so that you can react quickly to

changed requirements and guarantee the continued

efficiency of your environment.

1.3.2 Consolidation of Data Protection

Consolidating all data protection and centralizing it

brings great savings. Though this also brings a set of

requirements; the central system that adopts this

function must interoperate with a huge variety of

backup software, servers and systems. It must be very

scalable and it must allow the implementation and

management of various service levels. It should only

require the management of one system. ETERNUS CS

is such a system that has been created to enable back up

consolidation even in the largest environments. To

achieve the highest savings, backup consolidation

should also embrace decentralized systems, e.g. in

branch offices, and bring backup back to the data center.

1.3.3 Implement a cost efficient media mix of Disk and


Undoubtedly there is a trend to use more disk in back

up as it helps to fulfill demanding SLAs - but to

implement a cost efficient data protection environment,

a mix of disk and tape is the best answer. Tape is still

cheaper than disk, it consumes less power, can easily be

moved around and a tape cartridge has a lifetime of 30

years. On the other hand disk is fast with low latency

and enables services such as data de-duplication,

replication and snapshots.

So each medium has its strength and only by combining

both can you get the best out of it. But, this

combination only makes sense, if it does not lead to

high management costs. Therefore the use of disk or

tape has to be automated. This can be done with

intelligent Virtual Tape solutions such as ETERNUS CS.

»The total solution with a consolidated e-mail server infrastructure

and uniform data protection meets our requirements in terms of

availability and economy. It also became obvious that dynamic IT

solutions create significant potential for synergistic effects.«

Frank Plaster, IT Manager, Dexia Hypothekenbank Berlin AG, Ber



1.3.4 Prepare yourself for potential disaster scenarios

Even the best high availability and backup solutions will

fail if a complete data center is destroyed, e.g. in a fire or

an earthquake. Taking this into consideration, more

and more large organizations protect themselves with

redundant, active-active data centers. Your Data

Protection strategy must include this type of disaster

resilience strategy. Products such as ETERNUS DX,

ETERNUS LT and ETERNUS CS can span data centers

and provide data protection in more than one location,

but still requiring management by just one system.

1.3.5 Use snapshots and disks for challenging SLAs

Challenging SLAs with very fast RTOs can only be met

using the latest snapshot technology and capabilities

typically provided by the storage systems. But beware of

point solutions. We recommend using enterprise

backup software such NetBackup to consolidate all your

backup approaches and combine them with ETERNUS

range of products on the back end. The storage system

capabilities need to be embraced and integrated by the

software, to make management easy and efficient. This

is especially true for virtualized environments. Though

they create new requirements, we believe it is

mandatory to make them part of an overall data

protection solution.

Figure 6: How snapshots work





A business that wants to stay flexible and dynamically

respond to changing conditions and requirements

requires Dynamic Infrastructures. They enable you to

assign system resources dynamically to applications and

services as needed. We deliver a comprehensive offering

which enables you to retain your agility and business

advantage. Products and services are designed for

building Dynamic Infrastructures, pre-integrated and

proven infrastructure solutions and managed services

for efficient operation and infrastructure management -

where you retain the level of control you choose. We

will also develop new offerings for »Infrastructure-as-a-

Service« to bring IT flexibility and efficiency to the next


� Infrastructure Products & Services are the base of

our portfolio offerings. With a complete offering of

Fujitsu and partners products, we can help you

create the best IT environment for the successes of

your business.

� Infrastructure solutions are offered for complex

environments and applications which already

combine best in class products and services for an

integrated solution.

� Managed Infrastructure will help you push IT

beyond your IT organization without having to the

downsides of outsourcing.

� Infrastructure-as-a-service will further increase IT

flexibility and efficiency.

Figure 7: Dynamic Infrastructures and the offerings for Data Protection



Fujitsu delivers products, solutions and services for data

protection, but also builds and manages complete

customized data protection environments for you and

in the near future providing »Data Protection as-a-

service« offerings. These approaches can be combined

for the different aspects of data protection bringing

perfect customized infrastructures with individualized

delivery models to you.

In this whitepaper we focus on

� Infrastructure Products & Services

� Infrastructure Solutions

� Managed Infrastructure

for Efficient Data Protection, as shown in figure 8.

We describe how our offering can be tailored to your

Data Protection needs. The figure below shows different

usage scenarios and our respective portfolio at a glance.

Please find further information regarding our solution

portfolio on our website.

» fujitsu.com/global/services/computing/storage

Figure 8: Overview of Storage Portfolio for Efficie nt Data Protection



2.1 Storage Software

2.1.1 Professional backup software - NetBackup

NetBackup is a world-class backup and recovery soft-

ware solution for enterprise customers. It delivers high-

performance data protection that scales to meet the

protection needs of even the largest UNIX®, Microsoft®

Windows®, Linux®, and Novell® NetWare®

environments. Offering comprehensive protection from

desktop to data center to vault, NetBackup software

offers a single management tool to consolidate all

backup and recovery operations while providing

cutting-edge management, alerting, reporting, and

troubleshooting capabilities.

NetBackup helps organizations take advantage of both

tape and disk storage with its advances in disk- and

snapshot-based protection, offsite media management,

and automated disaster recovery. For the ultimate in

data protection, NetBackup offers data encryption that

transmits and stores data using the latest encryption

technologies on the market today. To reduce the impact

on business critical systems, NetBackup software

provides online database and application-aware backup

and recovery solutions for all leading databases and

applications to deliver data availability for Utility


Key Features Benefits

� Centralized and simplified management of data protection technologies

� Reducing backup windows � Reducing data recovery time � Reducing operating costs � Simplifying data management

� Support for the broadest range of operating environments and storage infrastructures

� Reducing operating costs � Reducing the data footprint for backup operations

� Complete system recovery from server to application to data

� High time saving (Shortening data recovery time)

� Data protection from desktop to remote office to data centre

� Reducing data loss � Reducing operating costs

� Granular recovery from a single email or file to a complete data centre

� Shortening data recovery time



2.1.2 Deduplication at source - PureDisk

PureDisk offers customers a software-based data

deduplication solution that integrates with NetBackup

and provides customers with the critical features

required to protect all their data- from remote office to

virtual environments to data center. It reduces the size

of backups with a deduplication engine that can be

deployed for storage reduction, using integration with

NetBackup » Target Deduplication «, or for bandwidth

reduction using PureDisk clients » Source Deduplica-

tion «.

This approach reduces the amount of data moved and

stored; enabling daily full backups via existing LAN /

WAN bandwidth. The solution particularly suits branch

office backup and VMware environments. An open

architecture allows customers to easily deploy and scale

NetBackup PureDisk using standard storage systems

and servers.

Usage scenarios:

Key Features Benefits

� Data deduplication

� Reduces the necessary storage capacity

� Deduplication at source � Less data to be transferred across the network

� Allows backups with low bandwidths � Virtual environments � Central backup of branch offices � Low bandwidth within a data centre

� Granular recovery from a single email or file to a complete data centre

� Shortening data recovery time

Figure 9: How deduplication works

Figure 10: Usage scenarios with data deduplication at source



2.1.3 Reliable Backup and recovery - Backup Exec

Backup Exec for Windows® Servers is the gold standard

in Windows data protection for physical and virtual

systems, providing comprehensive disk and tape

backup and recovery support for Windows-based

environments. Continuous data protection and patent-

pending granular recovery technology delivers reliable

point in time recovery for critical Microsoft

applications and helps to ensure individual Exchange

emails, SharePoint documents and Active Directory

user profiles can be restored in seconds.

Critical business data is easily secured, backed up, and

archived through cross-platform integration with other

market-leading Symantec products. Scalable manage-

ment and heterogeneous storage protection is delivered

through a single Backup Exec console.

Key Features Benefits

� Comprehensive protection of both virtual and physical systems

� High time saving � Reducing storage costs � Simplifying data management

� Scalable heterogeneous support through remote Agents and Options

� Reducing operating costs � High flexibility � Reducing bandwidth requirements � Increasing backup performance

� Enhanced centralized Management � Backup Exec Infrastructure Manager easy upgrade from

older product versions

� Reduce total costs of ownership � Simplified management

� Expanded Granular Recovery benefits for SharePoint Server

� High flexibility � Reducing data loss � Shortening data recovery time

Figure 11: Backup Exec architecture



2.1.4 Bare-metal backup and recovery - Backup Exec

System Recovery

Backup Exec System Recovery from Symantec is a

simple, cost-effective backup and recovery solution for

small businesses that helps minimize downtime and

avoid disaster by easily recovering data files or complete

systems in minutes, not hours or days, even to

dissimilar hardware and virtual environments. It is the

perfect standalone solution for small business

customers with 1- 4 Windows servers and can scale to

larger Windows environments as well, working in

conjunction with Backup Exec.

2.1.4 Bare-metal backup and recovery - Backup Exec System


Backup Exec System Recovery delivers a rapid, reliable

approach to bare-metal recovery of critical systems,

whether the problem is caused by operating system

corruption, catastrophic failures, viruses, worms, user

error, or a complete hardware failure. It can store

recovery points on almost any type of disk medium.

Key Features Benefits

� Powerful Windows recovery capabilities

� Capture and protect the entire Windows system � Perform full system recovery within minutes � Save recovery points to any disk storage device � VSS integration to enable online capture of recovery points

� Flexible restore option � Granular restore option

� Quick and easy restore to dissimilar hardware � Recover documents or files and folders � Recovery Exchange mailboxes, folders or message quickly

� Enables offsite Backup Copy

� Backup to FTP location or secondary disk drive for disaster recovery

� Enhanced virtual support � Seamless physical-to-virtual (P2V) and virtual-to-physical (V2P)



2.2 Storage Hardware

2.2.1 Data Protection Appliances - ETERNUS CS

ETERNUS CS800 is a turnkey data protection appliance

with deduplication and provides a simple and

affordable solution for midrange customers which

follow a disk backup strategy. The advanced

deduplication technology reduces typical capacity

requirements for disk to disk backup by up to 90% to

reduce costs. ETERNUS CS800 replicates backup data

between sites using global deduplication to reduce

typical network bandwidth needs by a factor of 20 or

more. ETERNUS CS800 is also supporting the

Symantec OpenStorage for replication and Direct Tape


Key Features Benefits

� High backup and recovery performance while reducing costs

� Provides disk to disk performance for data protection � Uses data deduplication technology to reduce typical disk usage � Simple NAS interface makes system easy to deploy and operate

� Improved and automated disaster recovery protection

� Remote encrypted replication with reduced network bandwidth � Reduced media handling and easy administration � Full support for Symantec OpenStorage (OST)

� Integration into dynamic infrastructures

� Turnkey solution for easy and economical employment � Multi-site support for consolidated disaster recovery requirements � Disaster resilience for ETERNUS CS800 as operational service

Figure 12: ETERNUS CS800 with NAS interface



The ETERNUS CS1000 - CS5000 data protection

appliances for large enterprise environments » the

successor of the formerly CentricStor virtual tape

solution « provide intelligent data protection across

your entire heterogeneous infrastructure. This unique

dual target storage solution exploits the best of tape,

disk and deduplication in a seamless manner by storing

all protected data policy-based and autonomously on

various storage media. ETERNUS CS shortens backup

windows to a minimum with disk performance and

fulfills all recovery time objectives for each business

critical environment. Thus making tape fit for ILM

»Information Lifecycle Management«, enterprise data

protection can be flexibly aligned at different service

level agreements.

ETERNUS CS offers superior connectivity with True

Tape Virtualization which supports the widest range of

mainframes, open systems, NAS devices and industry-

leading backup applications. Such consolidation data

centers simplify companies’ administration efforts and

lower the total cost of storage through enabling efficient

use of the most cost effective technologies and

increasing energy efficiency. The powerful ETERNUS

CS Grid Architecture features unmatched scalability

and leverages unmatched disaster resiliency for

protection against site outages. Its high level of

redundancy is also the basis for non-disruptive

upgrades and provides superior data availability to

ensure business continuity for each class of data center.

Key Features Benefits

� ETERNUS CS makes tape fit for ILM (Information Lifecycle Management)

� Backup windows are minimized � Dual target with disk and tape storage option � Alignment at different service level agreements (SLA) � Data compression and optional encryption

� True tape virtualization

� Superior connectivity � Workload adaptive provisioning of tape storage resources � Consolidation of physical backup storage devices � Outstanding TCO reductions

� ETERNUS CS Grid Architecture

� Unmatched scalability � Unmatched disaster resiliency � Non-disruptive upgrades � Live monitoring and health check

Figure 13: How Enterprise Vault works



2.2.2 Disk Storage Systems - ETERNUS DX

The ETERNUS DX400 and DX8000 series disk storage

systems continue the Fujitsu success story in mid-range

and enterprise segment respectively. These series of

RAID systems offers a high degree of data storage

reliability. In combination with proven software

delivering, ETERNUS DX400 and DX8000 series offer

the sturdiness you need in dynamic infrastructures. A

rapid increase in storage capacity will be no problem,

since controller power, cache and host interfaces can be

easily increased. ETERNUS DX400 and DX8000 series

are suitable for a large range of applications. With their

Eco-mode which uses the MAID technology,

ETERNUS DX400 and DX8000 series disk storage

systems are some of the most energy efficient storage

systems in their class.

The ETERNUS DX60 / DX80 / DX90 entry level RAID

storage systems are a new generation of storage systems

with enterprise class reliability. Especially designed for

small and medium-sized enterprises, the ETERNUS

DX60 / DX80 / DX90 offers highly sophisticated

reliability, are easy to managed, and provide an

affordable entry into network storage. This entry series

integrate well with multi-vendor infrastructures and

backup solutions, supported by a rich set of enterprise-

class features. The storage management software

ETERNUS SF Express simplifies operation and


Key Features Benefits

� Eco-friendly design

� MAID-based Eco-mode further reduces power consumption � Low-power, high performance and reliable SSD support � Resource use efficiency with Thin Provisioning capacity virtualization

(DX400 - DX8000)

� Scalability and business continuity

� World largest storage capacity with over 2 petabyte (DX8000) � Flexible management with LUN concatenation, expansion and migration � RAID6 (double parity) support. Enhanced reliability even if simultaneous

HDD failures occur

� Data integrity and security

� Data Encryption function (128bit AES) for both online and offline security � Automatic addition of check codes ensures integrity of stored data � Global and dedicated hot-spare for increased integrity � High-speed internal copy functions for instant data replication � Remote Advanced Copy function support for disaster recovery � (DX90-DX8000)

“Within our technological innovation program, to consolidate business-critical data

warehousing services, we choose the ETERNUS DX from Fujitsu, for its reliability,

flexibility and the high-performing technology. Using Fujitsu technology allowed

the Italian Ministry of Labor to introduce advanced processing solutions, and to

gain more availability and better performance from our IT systems.”

Andreas Angiolini, Technical Manager IT Systems, Italian Ministry of Labor and Welfare



2.2.3 Automated Tape Libraries - ETERNUS LT

The ETERNUS LT tape storage systems are based on

the proven LTO technology, which unites large

capacities, high speed and very low media costs. The

drives are offered with FC and SAS interfaces, full-

height as well as half-height size. ETERNUS LT is

designed for high investment protection leveraging the

existing drives in preparation for an upgrade to a larger


The ETERNUS LT250 can accommodate a maximum

capacity of 91 tape cartridges. It can be equipped with a

maximum of six LTO drives and occupying up to 18

height units. The ETERNUS LT270 is the largest tape

library in the series. It supports a maximum capacity of

709 tape cartridges and up to a total of 20 tape drives.

For greater reliability, the ETERNUS LT270 offers

redundant cartridge carrier robots among the other

standard redundancy features.

The ETERNUS LT60 with 4 height units and 48

cartridges slots is a very compact tape storage system

for small and midsized businesses. It can be equipped

with a maximum of four LTO drives. The ETERNUS

LT40 halves the ETERNUS LT60. It offers a maximum

of 24 cartridges slots and up to two LTO drives on two

height units.

The ETERNUS LT20 is a compact and extremely

reliable tape library for small businesses and branch

offices. The system occupies just one height unit, can

accommodate up to eight cartridges.

Other than ETERNUS LT20, additional slots can be

upgraded very easily with a software license key. When

using more than one drive, they also support

partitioning for independent use by two applications as

well as media cloning which is needed for storing data

at one or more secure locations.

Key Features Benefits

� Based on LTO technology

� Easy upgrade of the needed storage capacity � High investment protection

� Remote management utility and user friendly operator panel

� Easy administration, enables configuration and diagnostic � Automatism helps to decrease the error rate of backup process � Ethernet network for Firmware upgrades

� HH drives also with Fibre Channel interface available (LT20 - LT60)

� Future-proof, fault-tolerant, robust � High data throughput � Less expensive than full height drives



2.3 Efficient E-Mail

» Efficient E-Mail « represents the complete offer from

Fujitsu for an ideal e-mail infrastructure. With »

Efficient E-Mail «, Fujitsu offers modular products and

services for the setting up and completion of an ideal

infrastructure in e-mail environments. This infrastruc-

ture consists of three key building-blocks: productive

usage together with optional enhancement for high

availability, backup and recovery, and the archiving of


For e-mail environments, Fujitsu can provide the

necessary infrastructure solution with servers, storage

and accompanying software. And, of course, the

solution offers services for integration and running

operation to support business processes. Fujitsu has

been working on this for years with various partners

and can offer you a best in-class infrastructure solution.

Key Features Benefits

� Move data from the e-mail server to archive

� Reduce the burden on the e-mail server � Reduces the daily backup window � Increases employees efficiency with no mailbox quota

� Single-instancing in an archive

� Reduce the necessary storage capacity

� Central archive

� No local pst-files anymore

� Indexing � Information can be found for litigation purposes

Figure 14: The most important products for an Effic ient E-Mail environment



2.3.1 Intelligent Archiving Platform - Enterprise Vault

Enterprise Vault provides a software-based intelligent

archiving platform that stores, manages, and enables

discovery of corporate data from e-mail systems, file

server environments, instant messaging platforms, and

content management and collaboration systems.

Because not all data is created equally, Enterprise Vault

utilizes intelligent classification and retention

technologies to capture, categorize, index, and store

target data in order to enforce policies and protect

corporate assets while reducing storage costs and

simplifying management. Enterprise Vault also

provides specialized applications, such as Discovery

Accelerator and Compliance Accelerator that mine

archived data to support legal discovery, content

compliance, knowledge management, and information

security initiatives.

Key Features Benefits

� Policy-based archiving: Automates migration, storage and retention of unstructured information

� Performance improvement � Cost reduction � Simplified management

� PST/NSF-Migration: Archives unmanaged e-mails, eradicate the use of PST files

� Reduce storage cost � High data protection � Reduce administration effort

� Electronic Discovery and Search with Guided Review: Powerful end-user, legal and administrator search capabilities

� High time saving � Simplified data management � Cost reduction

� Granular Legal Hold: Automatically suspend the deletion of archived data

� Data protection � Fulfil legal and regulatory compliance requirements

� Simplified Administration/Management and very user-friendly: Common Tasks - Dashboard, data access via mobile devices

� Access to archive information anytime, anywhere � High time saving � Simplifying management

Figure 15: How Enterprise Vault works



2.4 Products and solution-oriented Services

Product, Solutions and Services out-of-one hand:

Fujitsu offers you the exact level of services and support

you need to run your infrastructure smoothly and


� Consulting Services

Consulting Services help you to quickly obtain

assessment results and recommendations from Fujitsu's

experience and standardized methods. As a result, it

accelerates the decision making process and makes the

implementation of IT optimizations much faster.

The Optimization Services offer consultation packages

for IT infrastructure environments at a fixed price. The

solution methods used in a large number of successful

consultation projects have been standardized and

combined with the experience of the comprehensive

product and solution skills provided by the Fujitsu


� Integration Services

Integration Services help you to assess different tech-

nology strategies and align them with your business

processes. Our offering focuses on IT technology and

process consulting and the configuration and

integration of new components in existing IT

infrastructure »such as server, storage and network

products and solutions«.

� Maintenance and Support Services

Maintenance and Support Services offer basic services

for installing and maintaining IT. Depending on the

best fit for your situation, defined response or recover

times will meet the demands of your business critical

hardware. Maintenance contract is the perfect extension

to products’ standard warranty, while Installation Pack

ensures trouble-free operation right from the start.

� Solution Contracts

Solution Contract is Fujitsu’s standard maintenance

and support service for solution infrastructures. In

addition to classic reactive services, it encompasses

proactive services that identify critical system

conditions at an early stage. Thus preventive measures

can be taken before serious problems occur.

� Financial Services

Fujitsu Financial Services helps you acquire tomorrow’s

technology today. With our unique and tailor made

financial solutions we address shrinking budgets,

transfer technology risk, and disperse financial risk. The

freedom to spread costs over time helps improve

liquidity and allows you to maneuver within your

budget, enabling you to acquire a bigger solution than

you could afford with an outright purchase.



2.5 Anything’s Possible with Managed Services

Fujitsu offers a comprehensive range of Managed

Services to support both the multi-vendor desktop

environment and the data centre. These services help

you to optimize the overall TCO of your companies’

infrastructure while improving service quality at the

same time. These offerings can be fully tailored to meet

your specific needs - including per-seat pricing options

and complete life-cycle solutions.

� Managed Facility

Our Managed Facility Services has wide capabilities to

serve all kinds of customer requirements; ranging from

server co-location, managed server and network

operations, avail-ability and performance monitoring,

capacity planning and a disaster recovery site.

Our facilities are built to be the best-in-class to ensure

that your mission-critical operations will always run

regardless of any critical situation. All critical facility

operations are constantly monitored through our

sophisticated monitoring system to ensure the highest

standards of reliability and availability.

� IT Service Desk

Fundamentally guided and audited by ISO 9001:2000

and Cobit standards, our IT Service Desk services have

gained worldwide recognition to be able to deliver

amongst the best quality of services, always staying

customer focused, and covering a wide range of

comprehensive IT support services for you. Currently,

we have comprehensive IT Service Desks located across

the Asia Pacific region.

� Desktop Management Services

Our brand of Desktop Management Services stands

among the best in the world. We deliver world class

quality end-user IT desktop support to many Forbes

Fortune 500 companies through our highly evolved

standards of IT process methodology driven by Infor-

mation Technology Infrastructure Library »ITIL«.

� Managed System / Server

We can manage your server infrastructure on your

behalf, freeing you from day to day operational issues

and devastating server down-time. With our services,

you can focus more on aligning your IT infrastructure

with your business goals.

All the service types available for your business

organization’s deployment are available, catering to

your service configuration type or management models.

You will be able to manage, maintain and monitor

every managed server hosted within your server room

or at your specific Data Centre.

� Managed Storage

Fujitsu provide managed services for a range of storage

platforms and storage resource management » SRM «

tools from 3rd party vendors. It is characterized by

incorporating the management, maintenance and

monitoring of storage systems no matter if Fujitsu

manages it remotely or locally or where it is physically


� Network Management Services

With our network management services, your

organization’s critical voice and data communication

facilities are ensured of high availability and security to

protect the very essence of the business heartbeat that

sustains your continual business growth.




Due to relentless data growth, data protection has

become even more challenging and so innovations

required. Efficient Data Protection from Fujitsu offers

products and services with future-leading technologies

to attain the best and most efficient way of keeping data


There are five topics, which Fujitsu sees as key trends:

To increase efficiency, data can be archived, reducing

the amount of data backed up daily. High availability

helps to cut downtime, but crucially cannot prevent

data corruption, meaning the right combination of high

availability and backup is needed. To optimize recovery,

it is important to know the processes behind it and to

understand the implications of data corruption. The use

of state of the art snapshot and replication technology

increases backup points in time, speeding up recovery

and reducing data loss in the event of an incident. All

data should be protected according to its value.

Efficient Data Protection can be implemented in five

easy steps: An assessment shows where there is room

for improvement. Isolated data protection can be


All parts of the suitable media mix are selected and

supplied for an optimized combination of disk, tape

and virtual tape. Infrastructures must be prepared for

disaster scenarios. Appropriate technology should be

utilized for respective applications with individual

service level agreements.

To be able to offer Efficient Data Protection, Fujitsu has

its own market-leading services and products, such as

ETERNUS CS, and completes its portfolio with best-of-

breed offerings from our partner Symantec.

Fujitsu offers Dynamic Infrastructures to its customers

meaning that data protection environments are built

and managed tailored to customers’ demands whilst

developing »Data Protection as-a-service« offerings.



“The effective protection and subsequent recovery of business-critical data is too important to be

left to chance. You only realize what you have when you lose it. The Fujitsu Efficient Data

Protection initiative is designed to make it easier for customers of all sizes to understand what

needs to be done, what it involves, and where to begin with their data protection strategy.”

Sastra Kurniadi, Deputy Director, Regional Platform Products, Fujitsu Asia



Fujitsu and Symantec - a strong partnership

Fujitsu and Symantec announced that they intend to

expand their global strategic partnership and better serve

their customers in the areas of data protection, storage

management, and information security.

Under this arrangement, Fujitsu plans to combine its

high-performance and highly reliable ETERNUS storage

systems and PRIMERGY servers with Symantec’s

industry-leading data management and storage

management software products including NetBackup,

Backup Exec, Back Exec System Recovery and Storage

Foundation, and its global de facto security solution,

Symantec Endpoint Protection. Fujitsu and Symantec

will jointly identify and provide solutions integrating

both companies’ products and services to help

customers streamline datacenter management and fully

utilize their existing IT investments. Both companies

aim to help a wide range of customers - from medium-

sized companies to large enterprises - reduce their costs,

and better meet their diverse information and risk

management needs.

Currently, nearly all Symantec products are certified for

use with Fujitsu products. First and foremost, the

Veritas Storage Foundation products are strategic for

Fujitsu solutions. NetBackup, Backup Exec and

Enterprise Vault are strategic integral components of

Fujitsu’s Storage Data Protection business portfolio. In

addition, the Fujitsu ETERNUS CS was optimized

through additional functions for using NetBackup

products. Symantec Enterprise Vault, the market leading

E-Mail archiving solution completes the Storage

Business Efficient E-Mail solution.



About Fujitsu

Fujitsu is a leading provider of IT-based business

solutions for the global marketplace. With appro-

ximately 175,000 employees supporting customers in 70

countries, Fujitsu combines a worldwide corps of

systems and services experts with highly reliable

computing and communications products and

advanced microelectronics to deliver added value to


Headquarted in Tokyo, Fujitsu Limited (TSE:6702)

reported consolidated revenues of 4.6 trillion yen

(US$47 billion) for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2009.

For more information, please see:

About Fujitsu Asia

Fujitsu Asia was established in Singapore in 1997 to

provide leadership in business development, technology

innovation and customer support as regional

headquarters for the Fujitsu group of companies in

ASEAN. Building on Fujitsu’s three decades of

experiences in the ASEAN region and with a pool of

highly skilled engineering talent, Fujitsu Asia is

dedicated to providing comprehensive integrated IT-

based business solutions that deliver tangible business

value and enable customers to meet the challenges of

the new global economy.

Fujitsu Asia is a wholly owned subsidiary of Tokyo-

based Fujitsu Limited (TSE:6702), a leading provider of

IT-based business solutions for the global marketplace.

For more information, please see:

» fujitsu.com/global/

» fujitsu.com/sg


Published by

Fujitsu Asia Pte Ltd 20 Science Park Road #03-37, TeleTech Park

Singapore Science Park II, Singapore 117674

Copyright: © 2010 Fujitsu Asia Pte Ltd

Printed in Singapore

Creation: Regional Platform Products

Contact: sg.fujitsu.com/contact

All rights reserved, including rights created by patent grant or registration of a utility

model. All designations used in this document may be trademarks, the use of which by

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