Effects of Advertising on Consumer Buying Behaviour-With Reference to Demand for Cosmetic Products in Bangalore, India

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  • 8/11/2019 Effects of Advertising on Consumer Buying Behaviour-With Reference to Demand for Cosmetic Products in Bangalore, India


    New Media and Mass Communication www.iiste.org

    ISSN 2224-3267 (Paper) ISSN 2224-327 (!n"ine)

    #o".27$ 2%&4


    Effects of Advertising on Consumer Buying Behaviour: With

    Reference to Demand for Cosmetic Products in Bangalore, India

    wasi mpo*o+ni,ersit o* Madras$ Cepau$ Cennai 6%%%%. /mai"0 aampo*o1gmai".com


    e stud sees to eamine te e**ects o* ad,ertising on consumer uing ea,iour considering demand *orcosmetic products residents in and around Nagaraa,i$ 5anga"ore. +sing a samp"e o* &%% respondents o*most" te oung$ we ran regressions and *ound tat ad,ertising does in*"uence epenses incurred on cosmetics

    products ut muc in*"uence on te purcase o* cosmetic products resu"ts *rom ones income or pocet monea,ai"a"e$ and oter *actors "ie price o* te product$ te rand and oter peop"es recommendation concerningte product.e conc"uded tat$ ad,ertising satis*ies te needs o* te *irm and te wises o* consumers. Its ro"e cannot erep"aced an oter means. ere*ore *irms must strategi8e and now wen and were te sou"d ad,ertise.e consumers need to e in*ormed aout products and unti" tat is done$ te products o* *irms wi"" sti"" e instores wit no demand *or tem.9/: C"assi*ication0 M37$ ;&2ey!ords0 d,ertising--impact$ Consumer ea,iour--5anga"ore$ Cosmetic products

  • 8/11/2019 Effects of Advertising on Consumer Buying Behaviour-With Reference to Demand for Cosmetic Products in Bangalore, India


    New Media and Mass Communication www.iiste.org

    ISSN 2224-3267 (Paper) ISSN 2224-327 (!n"ine)

    #o".27$ 2%&4


    ad,ertising is to create awareness o* a product. is as e**ect on current and *uture sa"es o* *irms as consumerstend to respond to te ad,ertisement in te "ong run. is dnamic e**ect o* ad,ertising ep"ains tat *irmsusua"" ad,ertise a product te most at te entr. (Sarma and Sarma$ 2%%D)Producers o*ten ad,ertise teir product wit te intention o* increasing teir sa"es wic a""ows te *irms to gaineconomies o* sca"e and eep prices down. It a"so maes teir products we"" nown on te maret. "so$

    ad,ertising is necessar wen introducing new products on te maret. itout it$ *irms wou"d *ind itdi**icu"t to rea into maret in wic tere are esta"ised rands.(S"oman and ride$ 2%%7)d,ertising increases output$ ut increased output in turn increases production cost and tis must e taen intoconsideration wen comparing te cost and ene*it o* etra mone o* ad,ertisement. e correct decision is toincrease ad,ertising unti" te margina" re,enue *rom an additiona" mone *rom ad,ertisement$ is ust e@ua" tote *u"" margina" cost o* tat ad,ertisement. at *u"" margina" cost is te sum o* te mone spent direct" onte ad,ertisement and te margina" production cost tat resu"ts *rom te increased sa"es tat ad,ertisement ringsaout. us te *irm sou"d ad,ertise were M?AMC. (Pindc and ?uin*ie"d$ &DD)Indian consumer maret is one o* te *astest growing marets in te wor"d wit a ,er ig increase in tedemand *or "uur goods and persona" care products. ccording to reports 5eaut Mart$ te persona" care

    products speci*ica""$ te eaut industr in India$ is growing at a rate twice tat o* te +S and /urope. ecosmetics maret a"one is growing aout &F to 2%F annua""$ maing it te rigt p"ace *or in,estors to canne"teir resources. e cosmetic products maret a,e seen a 6%F growt o,er te past *i,e ears. (5eaut Mart$

    2%&3)e @uest o* tis researc was to *ind i* tis massi,e growt in te cosmetic maret is as a resu"ts o* tead,ertisement made on te cosmetic products or oter *actors.s stated pre,ious"$ ad,ertising a**ect products tat are e"ie,ed to a,e an intrinsic @ua"it tat is not nown atte time o* purcase. !ne o* suc products is cosmetics# It is*or tis reason tat we a,e cosen tis product as acase stud.1.1 Statement of the problem

    d,ertising is essentia"" to *u"*i" te traditiona" desire o* *irms to reac te e,er increasing popu"ation so tatteir products ma recei,e optimum eposure. e ro"e o* ad,ertisementB to increase sa"es re,enue and pro*itso* te "oca" *irms and increase te demand *or goods$ as een *a""ing apart. (Sundarsan$ 2%%7). Mostincrease in product sa"es$ especia""$ cosmetic products a,e een attriuted to oter *actors "ie tasteB "ong termuse o* a product and users unwi""ingness to switc products. is as raised numerous @uestions as to wcosmetic *irms sti"" do ad,ertise teir products.d,ertising as een a suect *or deate eiter on one pretet or anoter *or decades at te eginning o* te&Dt centur. Peop"e sowed "itt"e interest ut it "ater ecame a *erti"e topic *or researc at te turn o* te &Dtcentur. (Sarma and Sarma$ 2%%D).is stud tere*ore sees to *ind out te ro"e ad,ertising p"a in te consumer uing ea,iour o* cosmetic

    products wit empasis to its users in and around Nagaraa,i$ 5anga"ore.e are considering cosmetic product ecause we e"ie,e it satis*ies te conditions o* commodities on wic it ise**ecti,e to ad,ertise. ere are a "ot o* cosmetic products wic are di**erentiated ut ser,e te same purpose.gain tese products are e"ie,ed to a,e intrinsic @ua"ities wic can on" e nown a*ter it as een used and"ast"$ some consumers attac strong emotions to te end products o* tese good and use it to impro,e teirsocia" status.1.2 Objectives

    e genera" oecti,e o* te stud was to *ind out i* tere is an e**ect o* ad,ertising on consumer uingea,iour o* cosmetic products in 5anga"ore.In our @uest to acie,e te genera" oecti,e$ te *o""owing speci*ic oecti,es were set and *ormu"atedto guide in data co""ection and ana"sis0

    i. o now te etent to wic purcases o* consumers are ased on ad,ertisement.ii. o *ind te age and socia" group tat is in*"uenced ad,ertised cosmetic products.iii. o *ind out te moti,es and reasons o* consumers *or demanding ad,ertised cosmetic products.i,. o now te oter *actors in*"uencing consumer purcase esides ad,ertisements

    e stud continued wit re,iew o* "iterature on ad,ertising and te consumer uing ea,iour. It ten*o""owed wit te metodo"og emp"oed in te stud. e *indings and resu"ts were ten presented wic was*o""owed conc"usion and recommendations *or cosmetic *irms.

    %#$ &iterature Revie!

    In re,iewing pre,ious wors on te suect matter$ so man ,iews cropped up wit oters adding newnow"edge to te suect.2.1 Isse of !dvertisin" in #conomics$ %he Overvie&

    d,ertising as een a suect discussed o,er centuries ago$ ut prior to te 2%t

    Centur$ tis suect was not as

  • 8/11/2019 Effects of Advertising on Consumer Buying Behaviour-With Reference to Demand for Cosmetic Products in Bangalore, India


    New Media and Mass Communication www.iiste.org

    ISSN 2224-3267 (Paper) ISSN 2224-327 (!n"ine)

    #o".27$ 2%&4


    important as it seems now. e reason een tat$ in te &D tcentur$ economist were us tring to de,e"op teteor o* per*ect competiti,e marets$ tis teor assumed tat$ tere was per*ect in*ormation in te maret andtat$ consumers ad *ied pre*erence *or teir products wic were omogenous in nature. It was ten tougt o*as a waste o* resource and an increase in cost o* production *or one to ad,ertise on products ecause consumerswere not in an wa going to respond to tat. (5agwe""$ 2%%&)

    "so$ tere was no "arge sca"e production unti" te "ate &D tcentur wen numerous in,entions cropped up. ead,ancement in transportation and tecno"og$ made producers retin teir decision to impro,e teir capacitand tus$ ensure pu"icit o* teir products. (5agwe""$ 2%&&)*ter tese appenings$ ad,ertising ten ecame an important area *or economist to researc into. n ear"re*"ection was gi,en "*red Marsa"" (&'D%$ &D&D). In is wors$ GPrincip"es o* /conomicsH and GIndustrand radeH. >e mars out two ro"es p"aed ad,ertising. o im$ ad,ertising migt e use*u" in pro,idingin*ormation to consumers wic wi"" e"p tem satis* teir wants. >e termed tis as a constructi,e ro"e p"aed

    ad,ertising. e second ro"e e ca""s a comati,e ro"e p"aed ad,ertising ma pro,ide "ess in*ormation toconsumers "eading tem to si*t among products. Marsa"" ga,e an insigt to te ro"e o* ad,ertising ut "ess can

    e said o* its *usion to microeconomics. (5agwe""$ 2%&&)Camer"in in is wor 'e eor o* Monopo"istic CompetitionH came up wit new was o* "ooing atad,ertising. >e mode""ed te ependiture o* a *irm as a Gse""ing costH tat epands a *irms demand *or adi**erentiated product. In is wor$ e descries a maret structure in wic tere are man *irms producing and

    se""ing simi"ar ut not identica" products. In tis maret$ Camer"in e"ie,es tat ad,ertising ma pro,ideconsumers wit in*ormation aout teir wants ut a"so adds tat$ it can e persuasi,e and a"ter ones demand *oranoter. d,ertising wen in*ormati,e maes consumers responsi,e to price canges and tus increases tedemand e"asticit *or te product ut a persuasi,e ad,ert wi"" create rand "oa"t maing te demand *or a goodine"astic(5agwe""$ 2%&&).Sca"e economies p"a a centra" ro"e in Camer"ins wor and e e"ie,es tat$ suc economies ma eist in

    production and ad,ertising as we"".Camer"in ten conc"uded tat$ te e**ects o* ad,ertising cannot e determined teor a"one$ tus were a*irms demand cur,e is tangentia" to its +-saped a,erage cost o* production and se""ing$ ut a"so consideringte etent to wic ad,ertising is weter in*ormati,e or persuasi,e and a"so weter sca"e economies eist.(5agwe""$ 2%&&)*ter tis insigt Camer"in$ tere came into eistence tree ,iews o* ad,ertisingB persuasi,e$ in*ormati,eand comp"ementar.e persuasi,e ,iew de,e"oped ?oinson and "ater ad,anced 5raitwaite (&D2') and a"dor (&D%)$ andempirica"" supported 5ain (&D6) and Comanor and i"son (&D67) o"ds tat$ ad,ertising a**ects onesdemand and it is capa"e o* ensuring rand "oa"t. is ,iew adds tat$ ad,ertising maes demand *or a productine"astic and tus ensures increase in te price o* te product and tis e**ect migt "essen as a resu"t o* sca"eeconomies. e ,iew a"so adds tat$ consumers are unwi""ing to tr new products especia"" tose o* unnown@ua"it and tis ma deter entr o* new producers. ese sco"ars agree tat$ tis ,iew o* ad,ertising wi"" on"wor in te presence o* sca"e economies in production.e in*ormati,e ,iew o* ad,ertising$ propagated !8ga (&D6%) and Stig"er (&D6&) o"ds tat$ ad,ertising ser,eto in*orm consumers aout a product. e add tat$ ad,ertising increases te demand e"asticit *or a productand tis appens ecause$ it is e"ie,e tese sco"ars tat$ as in*ormation o* a product is gi,en$ it is assumedte product is o* ig @ua"it and tis can e,en increase te demand *or products wic is o* "ow @ua"it ingenera".ere is te comp"ementar ,iew o* ad,ertising wic is de,e"oped Stig"er and 5ecer (&D77) and toroug"de*ended Stig"er and Murp (&D'D). is ,iew e"ie,es tat$ ad,ertising in*"uences consumers attacing aGcomp"ementar in*"uence in te consumers uti"it *unctionH (5agwe"" 2%%&). It migt e tat$ a consumerwou"d "ie to attain some status in societ and using a certain product is capa"e o* acie,ing tis. at tis,iew means is tat$ te consumer$ in is @uest to acie,e tis socia" status wi"" e in*"uenced tis ad,ertising.ese ,iews mae us understand te di**erent pases troug wic ad,ertising as gone and we now now teareas troug wic ad,ertising wors per*ect".2.2 !dvertisin" and onsmer Behavior

    *irm=s primar mission is to reac prospecti,e customers and in*"uence teir awareness$ attitudes and uingea,iour. e spend a "ot o* mone to eep indi,idua"s (marets) interested in teir products. o succeed$te need to understand wat maes potentia" customers ea,e te wa te do. e *irm=s goa" is to getenoug re"e,ant maret data to de,e"op accurate pro*i"es o* uers to *ind te common group *orcommunications. is in,o",es te stud o* consumer ea,iour (rens$ &DD6).Proctor et a". (&D'2) noted tat te principa" aim o* consumer ea,iour ana"sis is to ep"ain w consumers actin particu"ar wa under certain circumstances. e stud tries to determine te *actors tat in*"uence consumer

    ea,iour$ especia"" te economic$ socia" and psco"ogica" aspects wic can indicate te most *a,oured

  • 8/11/2019 Effects of Advertising on Consumer Buying Behaviour-With Reference to Demand for Cosmetic Products in Bangalore, India


    New Media and Mass Communication www.iiste.org

    ISSN 2224-3267 (Paper) ISSN 2224-327 (!n"ine)

    #o".27$ 2%&4


    mareting mi tat management sou"d se"ect.Consumer ea,iour ana"sis e"ps to determine te direction tat a consumers ea,iour is "ie" to tae andto gi,e pre*erred trends in product de,e"opment$ attriutes o* te a"ternati,e communication metod etc.Consumer ea,iour ana"sis ,iews te consumer as anoter *actor o* production$ a *actor tat producerscannot contro" and tis *actor interprets te product or ser,ice not on" in psica" terms$ ut a"so according to

    teir socia" and psco"ogica" maeup.Incorporation o* tis now"edge in an *irms decision wi"" ensure a greater satis*action o* te *irms oecti,e.Most ,iews a,e cropped up as to maintaining a sustained pro*it and it is wen *irms adopt to te new order o*maing consumers a part o* teir dai" decision$ oter tan ust se""ing products to tem$ wi"" *irms acie,e tistarget. Eirms in acie,ing tis state a,e a greater gain in ad,ertising teir products.2. %he Indian B*in" Behavior

    e Indian consumer uing ea,iour as seen tremendous growt o,er te past ears. is can e attriuted tote ig growt in te midd"e c"ass in te countr. is increase in te midd"e c"ass as resu"ted in increaseddemand *or "uur and persona" care products. Man *oreign *irms and entrepreneurs a,e noted te increase inte demand *or goods and a,e ensured increasing supp" o* tese goods to consumers. "ot o* *oreigncompanies mo,ed into te Indian maret a*ter te "iera"isation o* trade and tere a,e een massi,e increase in

    o opportunities and income resu"ting in ig demand *or goods and ser,ices.e rise o* companies a*ter trade and "iera"isation in te &DD%s$ saw most cosmetic *irms enter India wit "oca"

    ones gaining grounds *rom partnersips. Consumers a,e since ten increase teir demand *or products o* tesecosmetic *irms. It is in tis stead growt tat te ssociated Camers o* Commerce and Industr in India$SS!C>M (2%&3) estimated te Indian cosmetic maret to e J% i""ion. e ig demand in cosmetic

    products as een a great dea" *or *irms and te Indian maret as a"so ene*itted *rom te products pro,ided tese *irms.SS!C>M as a"so *ound out tat$ tere is increase in te uing ea,iour among te out in Indiaespecia"" wit regard to persona" care products. e attriuted te increase in te *ema"e spending on cosmetic

    products to an increase in *ema"e emp"oai"it and *ema"es eing read winners in teir *ami"ies. e a"so*ound out tat$ men on a,erage spend more on cosmetic products tan women$ wit te men spending a,erage"aout ?s.&%%% - ?s.%%% on cosmetic products mont". is$ te attriuted to mens demand *or decent aircare$ deodorants and ra8or "ades. e ig increase in te spending on cosmetic products is as a resu"t o* teout in India eing conscious o* teir odies and "ooing *or products to enance teir psica" appearance.it an increase in te "e,e" o* "iterac and te in*"uence o* te media$ tere as een a greater in*"uence on tespending o* ma"es in particu"ar (SS!C>M$ 2%&3)is ig growt in demand *or cosmetic products maes it wortwi"e researcing tis area to now temoti,es eind consumers purcase and *actors associated wit teir purcase.2.4 #mpirical +evie&

    Einding te re"ationsip etween ad,ertising and uing ea,iour empirica""$ /e"und and Kramm (&D6D) instuding G ?econsideration o* d,ertising /penditures$ ggregate ;emand and Stai"i8ationH conc"uded tat$tere is no positi,e re"ationsip etween ad,ertising and aggregate consumption.a"or and eisers (&D72) in studing te re"ationsip etween ad,ertising ependiture and aggregateconsumption using >outaer-a"or mode" re,ea"ed tat$ tere is a simu"taneous re"ationsip etweenad,ertising and consumption ut not a unidirectiona". us$ ad,ertising and consumption seem to wor on eacoter.;r. e P. Pi"ip (2%%7) in is stud o* Ge ?e"ationsip etween d,ertising and Consumption in India0 nna"sis o* Causa"itH made use o* unit root test$ cointegration and error correction mode" and *ound out tat$*"uctuations in ad,ertising ependiture positi,e" impacts consumption ependiture.Sarma and Sarma (2%%D)$ using Eied /**ect Mode" o* Pane" ;ata na"sis *or &34 companies$ *ound in teirstud tat$ esides ad,ertising$ *actors "ie compans rand$ @ua"it o* te product and compans reputationa**ect te sa"es o* a compan.;r. Na,een umar et a". (2%&&)$ using mean and standard de,iation$ in teir stud o* ad,ertising and consumer

    uing ea,iour wit specia" re*erence to Nest"e :imited$ India *ound tat$ ad,ertising and sa"es promotiontogeter wit te image o* a compan in*"uence te consumer uing decision. e added tat$ te @ua"it and

    price o* a product a"so in*"uences a consumers purcase o* a good.5aneree et a" (2%&2) *ound e,idence o* cointegration etween mareting communication and sa"es in te

    persona" care industr in India.5in 9unaid . et a" (2%&3) *ound in teir stud o* *ema"e uing ea,iour o* cosmetic products in New ;e"iand NC? tat$ as income o* *ema"es increase$ teir purcase o* cosmetic products a"so increase. e a"so$added tat$ tis increase in epenses on cosmetic product is made possi"e te ad,ertisement made on tem.SS!C>M (2%&3) in a sur,e o* 2%%% out in maor cities in India *ound tat$ tere is a ig increase in teconsumption o* cosmetic goods among te out. e added tat$ men on a,erage spend more on cosmetic

  • 8/11/2019 Effects of Advertising on Consumer Buying Behaviour-With Reference to Demand for Cosmetic Products in Bangalore, India


    New Media and Mass Communication www.iiste.org

    ISSN 2224-3267 (Paper) ISSN 2224-327 (!n"ine)

    #o".27$ 2%&4


    products tan teir *ema"e counterparts and attriuted tis increase to te awareness created on te products.2. +esearch -apErom "iteratures re,iewed$ we can sa tat$ indeed ad,ertising as a positi,e e**ect on te purcase o* consumersand it positi,e" in*"uences te sa"es o* companies.e *ound tat most wor done in te suect$ *ound out te e**ects o* ad,ertising on companies sa"es using

    ,arious econometric too"s. :itt"e can e said o* wor done on te consumers side using econometric ana"sis."so$ most re,iewed "iterature made use o* descripti,e statistics tus$ measures o* centra" tendenc anddispersion wic didnt gi,e an empirica" e,idence as to ow muc e**ects ad,ertising as on consumer uing

    ea,iour. It is tere*ore a necessit to a,e tis researc done.

    '#$ (ethodology

    e stud was to *ind te e**ects o* ad,ertising on consumer uing ea,iour o* oung men and women wit aspecia" case o* users o* cosmetic products in and around Nagaraa,i$ 5anga"ore.e metodo"og used to e"p us wit te researc$ sows ow te researc was carried out taing intoconsideration a,ai"a"e resources and "imitations.3.& Stud reae stud area *or te researc was 5anga"ore$ wic is te capita" cit o* arnataa State. It is in te Soutern

    part o* India. Most respondents were peop"e in and around Nagaraa,i$ wic is a suur o* 5anga"ore.

    3.2 Samp"e Si8ee samp"e si8e *or te stud was &%%out respondents wo reside in and around Nagaraa,i$ 5anga"ore.Erom pre,ious studies it is re,ea"ed tat most consumers o* cosmetic products are oung men and women inIndia (SS!C>M$ 2%&3) and ased on tis re,e"ation$ we se"ected tis group to a,e our oecti,e acie,ed.3.3 Samp"ing ecni@uee samp"e tecni@ues se"ected in administering te @uestionnaire were purposi,e samp"ing$ and snowa""samp"ing. Purposi,e samp"ing was used considering most" te out in te area as *ound in pre,ious studies$te snowa"" samp"ing was used to get eas access to cosmetic product users and ensured *aster gatering o*in*ormation.is samp"e was cosen earing in mind te constraints and te "imited resources. +sing te snowa"" samp"ingtecni@ue$ an on"ine @uestionnaire$ created wit Koog"e Eorms was administered to some peop"e in and around

    Nagaraa,i. is was to get responses *rom most" *ema"es. It was di**icu"t *or ma"es and especia"" a *oreignerto a,e *ema"es respond to te @uestionnaire.3.4 Source and pe o* ;atae sources o* data were primar data$ co""ected *rom respondents in te stud area$ oser,ations and inter,iewsconducted wit respondents and sa"es managers.ere were unstructured inter,iew wit sa"e managers o* cosmetic products at 2 di**erent ma""s in and around

    Nagaraa,i$ 5anga"ore. e *ound out *rom te managers$ ow consumers reacted to goods ad,ertised$ *actorste considered e*ore maing purcase and te reasons eind teir purcase o* tese goods.Sa"es managers a"so ga,e us in*ormation on te rands most patronised consumers o* cosmetic products.e a"so ga,e us te proportion o* rands tat mae up most o* teir mont" sa"es.!ser,ations o* te consumers were made at tese two Ma""s as te purcased cosmetic products. einteracted wit tem wen te were done *i""ing te @uestionnaire.e in*ormation co""ected troug te issued @uestionnaire$ inter,iews and oser,ation ga,e us a c"earunderstanding o* te uing ea,iour o* te out on cosmetic products and wic *actors te considered inteir purcase.3. ?esearc instrumentLuestionnaire was te main de,ice used in te co""ection o* data. Primar data were used. Primar data are te

    pieces o* in*ormation e"icited *rom respondents wic were direct" re"ated to te researc topic.e @uestionnaires contained structured @uestions wit te main aim o* e"iciting in*ormation on te e**ects o*ad,ertising on consumer=s purcase. e @uestionnaire was structured wit c"osed ended @uestions and openended @uestions. e c"osed ended @uestions made it easier to compare te ,iews o* te respondents. It a"so

    pro,ided standardi8ed responses and made coding eas. e open ended @uestions ga,e te respondents moreroom to epress teir ,iews and opinions$ answer @uestions in teir own wa and gi,e suggestions werenecessar. It a"so ga,e us di**erent ,iews *rom te respondents and @uantitati,e in*ormation on te mont"income or pocet mone and epenses made on cosmetics. +sing te data *rom te consumers assisted us to

    process te in*ormation needed and to test te in*ormation empirica"".e @uestionnaires were made up o* "ist o* @uestions re"ating to te oecti,es o* te stud. e@uestionnaire was made up o* two sectionsB demograpic data and tose re"ating to te stud. /ac o* tesesections *ocused on speci*ic issues tat re"ate to te researc @uestion. e @uestionnaires were administeredwit greater assurance o* con*identia"it$ anonmit and con,enience.

  • 8/11/2019 Effects of Advertising on Consumer Buying Behaviour-With Reference to Demand for Cosmetic Products in Bangalore, India


    New Media and Mass Communication www.iiste.org

    ISSN 2224-3267 (Paper) ISSN 2224-327 (!n"ine)

    #o".27$ 2%&4


    . /ata ollatin"0rocessin"

    e co""ected data was ten co""ated and ana"sed using SPSS and S. ese are statistica" pacage too"sused *or presenting and ana"sing data. +sing SPSS$ we *ound te descripti,e statistics o* te data and presentedtem in graps. e cross tau"ated some ,aria"es "ie age and se$ ad,ertising e**ect and se among oters.is was to *ind out wic group ad ad,ertising in*"uencing teir purcase o* cosmetic products.

    +sing S$ we ran a regression o* epenses on cosmetic products on income o* consumers$ ad,ertising$ price$rand$ and recommendation in*"uence on consumers.+sing @ua"itati,e data made it easier to now and oser,e te ea,iour o* consumers o* cosmetic products. oacie,e our oecti,es$ tis data e"ped us now wic among te socia" groups are in*"uenced most ad,ertising in teir purcase o* cosmetic products and a"so to wat etent teir purcases are a**ected ad,ertsas we"". "so$ te data ga,e us most o* te @ua"ities consumers "oo out *or e*ore maing purcases "ie te

    price$ income and oters recommendation.. +e"ression 3odel

    e regression mode" tat was ran using S was# 5 1 6 2ln7I8O3#6 /a6 4/b 6/p6 /r 6 ere#A /penses on cosmetic products and wic is te dependent ,aria"e.

    lnI8O3#is te "og o* income o* consumers$ wic is te co,ariate o* te mode"/ais te dumm *or tose in*"uenced ad,ertising./a51$ wen respondents are in*"uenced ad,ertising$/a5:$ i* oterwise/bis te dumm *or tose considering te rand o* cosmetic products./b51wen one considers rand o* cosmetics products$/b5:$ i* oterwise/pis te dumm *or tose considering te price o* a cosmetic product./p51wen one considers price$/p5:$ i* oterwise./ris te dumm *or tose in*"uenced oters recommendation in teir purcase./r51$ wen one considers oters recommendation$/r5:$ i* oterwise.1is te intercept or encmar *or tose wo arent in*"uenced ad,ertising$ price$ rand and

    recommendation *rom oters in teir purcase.2is te s"ope coe**icient o* income sowing te aso"ute cange in income on epenses made.$ 4, $ are te di**erentia" intercept coe**icients o* tose in*"uenced ad,ertising$ rand$ price

    and oters recommendation.; is te error term *actoring oter *actors tat a**ects te purcase o* cosmetic products ut are not

    considered in te mode"e "og o* income or pocet mone was used to correct an iasness in te data and mae it easier to ep"ainand understand.It wou"d a,e een appropriate to estimate te price e"asticit *or cosmetic products$ owe,er it was not possi"eto inc"ude te actua" prices in te mode" since in*ormation on tat was not pro,ided *or in te @uestionnaireence introducing a dumm *or ow price in*"uences customers purcase was te est option. is was ecause$consumers purcase di**erent products e,en witin te same rand$ ence using te prices o* di**erent productswou"d e di**icu"t *or te stud.e dummies were used to now ow consumers rate tese *actors e*ore maing a purcase. Since te stud ison consumers ea,iour in purcasing cosmetic goods$ *actoring tese @ua"itati,e ,aria"es was essentia"..< =*pothesis testin"

    e poteses o* te regression mode" were ten tested to now empirica""$ te e**ects o* ad,ertising onconsumer purcase o* cosmetic products. !ter ,aria"es in te mode" were a"so tested. e nu"" and a"ternatepoteses *ormed wereB>o0 advertisin" has noinflence on the consmer>s prchase of cosmetic prodcts>&0advertisin" has inflence on the consmer>s prchase of cosmetic prodcts >o0 income of consmers has noinflence on the consmer>s prchase of cosmetic prodcts.>&0 income of consmers has inflence on the consmer>s prchase of cosmetic prodcts.>o0price of a prodct has noinflence on the consmer>s prchase of cosmetic prodcts>&0price of a prodct has inflence on the consmer>s prchase of cosmetic prodcts>o0 Others> recommendation has noinflence on the consmer>s prchase of cosmetic prodcts>&0other>s recommendation has inflence on the consmer>s prchase of cosmetic prodcts >o0 osmetic brand has noinflence on the consmer>s prchase of cosmetic prodcts>&0 osmetic brand has inflence on the consmer>s prchase of cosmetic prodcts

    )#$ Data *indings and Analysis*ter co""ating te @uestionnaires administered and te oser,ation and inter,iew conducted$ te *o""owing werete *indings.

  • 8/11/2019 Effects of Advertising on Consumer Buying Behaviour-With Reference to Demand for Cosmetic Products in Bangalore, India


    New Media and Mass Communication www.iiste.org

    ISSN 2224-3267 (Paper) ISSN 2224-327 (!n"ine)

    #o".27$ 2%&4


    4.1 Observation and Intervie&.


    Consumers ales (anagers +otal

    (en Women

    +otal -umber of


    &% & - 2

    +otal no of Intervie!s


    ' &% 2 2%

    Erom 2 oser,ations on consumers$ we came to understand tat$ men and women go in *or cosmetic products*or ,arious reasons and are in*"uenced ad,ertising troug ,arious means.e oser,ed and interacted wit &% *ema"es wo use cosmetic products and te stated tat teir reason *orusing tem were to e con*ident and e"egant. ccording to tem$ te mere tougt o* oters recognising teir

    psica" "oos oost teir mora"e and maes tem gi,e teir est. e added tat$ te are "oa" to a rand o*cosmetic product te a,e een introduced to it teir *ami"$ particu"ar" teir moters and do not considercanging tose rands *or an oter$ irrespecti,e o* te ad,erts made on tose products. Some are price sensiti,eto cosmetic products and do not consider an rand or ad,erts made on tem tat muc. us$ te purcase te

    products tat is witin teir udget. !ters a"so added tat$ te depended on te recommendation *rom oters.e e"ie,ed tat$ te words *rom teir *riends aout a product rea"" is wort purcasing.d,ertisements on cosmetic products$ according to tese women$ in*orm tem on te essence o* using te

    product and create awareness o* te cosmetic products ut teir purcase o* tese products is ig" in*"uenced oter *actors "ie te @ua"it$ rand$ oters recommendation and price.Interaction wit 2 oter *ema"es a*ter te are done *i""ing te @uestionnaire re,ea"ed tat$ te were emotiona""attaced to te !ri*"ame rand. eir reason was tat$ te ad,erts on te products c"aimed$ te *ina" products arenot tested on anima"s$ and to tese women$ tis appea"s to tem maing tem patronise te product.' men we interacted wit were most" concern aout ow te wanted to e seen among teir peers. Most o*tese wo were sing"e wanted to appear presenta"e. Most men "ie to go wit a rand te are *ami"iar wit$depending most" on recommendations *rom teir *riends e,en wen te a,e seen an ad,ert o* te product onte"e,ision and te internet. Some men$ "ie te women$ were price sensiti,eB te considered te price at timeswen purcasing a product.Some respondents a"so added tat$ te admire ce"erities promoting cosmetic products. e e"ie,e$ te mere

    *act tat a =Superstar was using te product means$ it is o* ,a"ue and wort purcasing. is in a wa in*"uencesteir purcase o* te cosmetic products. ese ce"erities create a certain "e,e" o* rand "oa"t *or consumersand some are unwi""ing to switc rands irrespecti,e o* te ad,erts te see o* oter products.Erom our interaction wit two (2) sa"es managers o* cosmetic products at Kopa"an rcade and Karuda Ma"" a""in 5anga"ore$ te re,ea"ed tat$ most customers come wit a particu"ar product rand in mind. e purcasetose products and do not consider an oter. !ters a"so come descriing an ad,ert te saw on te"e,ision.ese ad,erts are most" o* ce"erities associating wit a rand. Most customers owe,er$ were price sensiti,eand compared prices to now wic product is ceaper and o* good @ua"it. Some o* tese customers$ temanagers added$ re" sometimes on te recommendation o* sa"es attendants and te managers temse",es.e managers a"so re,ea"ed tat$ most *ema"e costumers patronise rands "ie :am *rom >industan +ni"e,er:imited$ ?e,"on and Ni,ea. e added tat$ tese rands mae up most o* teir sa"es e,er mont. ccordingto tem$ te a,e promotiona" sa"es in arri,a" o* new products on te maret and te reception te get isa"was o,erwe"ming.

    it te men$ te managers re,ea"ed tat$ te patronise products "ie Karnier and :!rea". Some men$according to te managers$ use unise products *rom :am as we"".ttempts made to contact te >ead o* Sa"es ;epartment at >industan +ni"e,er :imited were unsuccess*u" a*ternumerous emai"s sent and ca""s made. is was to *ind out ow te compan monitor its ad,ertisement oncosmetic products and ow te e,a"uate te impact o* ad,ertisement made on teir cosmetic products.4.2 ?indin"s from @estionnaire

    e &%% @uestionnaires were administered and ,arious responses were gatered and processed.4.2.1 Income and eApenditre distribtion of respondents

    Erom te data gatered$ ma"es made up %F wit *ema"es taing te oter %F. Men spent on a,erage$ 4.26F o*teir mont" pocet mone on cosmetic products$ wi"e te *ema"es spend 4.7'F.!ne remara"e ting noticed in te ta"e is tat$ te standard de,iations o* income is more tan te mean ,a"ue.is is as a resu"t o* te ig out"iers in te income wit te minimum eing ?s. &$%%% and igest eing ?s.&%%$%%%.It can a"so e seen tat$ most respondents recorded ?s. $%%% as teir mont" pocet mone. is can

    e attriuted to most o* te respondents eing students and a,ing e"ow te mean ,a"ue as pocet mone.

  • 8/11/2019 Effects of Advertising on Consumer Buying Behaviour-With Reference to Demand for Cosmetic Products in Bangalore, India


    New Media and Mass Communication www.iiste.org

    ISSN 2224-3267 (Paper) ISSN 2224-327 (!n"ine)

    #o".27$ 2%&4

    +able II# Descri/tive tatistics

    (en Women +otal

    Income E0/enses Income E0/enses Income E0/enses

    +otal no# obs % % % % &%% &%%

    (ean1Rs#2 &D6 66 &46'2 7%2 &&3D 6'3.

    (edian1Rs#2 &%%% %% %%% %% &%%%% %%

    (ode 1Rs#2 &%%%% &%%% %%% %% %%% %%

    tandard Dev# &6'44. 4'2.7D%6 &7'&2.'4 4D4.3&' &723.77 4'6.4'46

    (inimum1Rs#2 &%% &%% &%%% &%% &%%% &%%

    (a0imum1Rs#2 &%%%%% 2%%% '%%%% 2%%% &%%%%% 2%%%

    4.2.2 !dvertisin" inflence on cosmetic prodcts

    !ut o* 3DF pre*erences *or >industan +ni"e,er products$ 2DF o* te respondents are in*"uenced ad,ertisingwen maing purcase.&F out o* 2%F o* users o* te Karnier rand are in*"uenced ad,ertising in teir

    purcase. Ni,ea as &&F out o* &7F o* users$ eing in*"uenced ad,ertising. In a""$ 7%F o* te responses a,ead,ertising in*"uencing teir purcase o* cosmetic products. is percentage is ig" remara"e as *irms getreturns *or in,estment made in pu"icising teir products. Surprising"$ te same numer o* men and women arein*"uenced ad,ertising on cosmetic products. Erom te stud$ 3F o* ma"es and 3F o* *ema"es a,e

    ad,ertising in*"uencing teir purcase o* cosmetic product$ representing 7%F o* tota" samp"e sur,eed.d,ertising in*"uence reac a "ot o* peop"e troug di**erent media. !ut o* te 7%F o* respondents in*"uenced ad,ertising$ 4'F encounter ad,ertising messages on te"e,ision$&4F *rom te internet and 'F troug te printmedia. /**ecti,e use o* tese media wi"" ensure increase in te sa"es re,enue o* *irms.en we consider te age group o* te respondents$ ad,ertising as a stronger in*"uence on te purcase o* teworing groupB tose witin te range o* 2-3 ears. us$ %F o* respondents wo are in*"uenced ad,ertising *a"" in tis group$ wit 4'.6F *rom te age range &-2 ears. is sows tat$ most peop"e in teworing group are responsi"e *or most purcase o* cosmetic products. 5ut it sou"d a"so e noted tat$ tosewitin te age range &-2 ears sou"d a"so e *actored in te manu*acturing o* cosmetic products andad,ertising on tem.s to weter te respondents were satis*ied using te product te purcased or not$ 6&F out o* te 7%F o*tose in*"uenced ad,ertising on a cosmetic products asserted tat$ te were satis*ied wit tem wit teremaining DF not satis*ied using te product. Most o* tose wo were satis*ied a*ter using te product added tat$

    teir epectations on te products were met and te ad,ertising did rea"" in*orm tem aout te product. eremaining DF wo were not satis*ied a*ter purcasing te product ,ia te ad,erts on tem added tat$ tead,ertisement eaggerated and te products did not meet teir epectations as was in*ormed ,ia te ad,erts. isa**irms Marsa"" and Camer"ins ,iew on te ro"es o* ad,ertising as eing constructi,e and comati,e.4.2. +e"ression OtptSe,era" regression mode"s were ran to now te est *unctiona" *orm in re"ation to our stud. e mostappropriate *unctiona" *orm we got was te "in-"og mode"$ wit te epenses on cosmetic product eing tedependent ,aria"e and te "og o* income or pocet mone togeter wit oter @ua"itati,e ,aria"es eing teindependent ,aria"es. In estimating tis$ te *o""owing regression was ran using S.

    # 5 1 6 2ln7I8O3#6 /a6 4/b 6/p6 /r 6 *ter running te regression$ upon cecs$ we rea"ised tat$ tere eisted une@ua" ,ariance tere resu"ting inte insigni*icance o* income.e Coo-eiserg test *or eterosedasticit was conducted and it re,ea"ed tat$ te ci-s@uare test *or te

    residua"s was '.24 wit a p-,a"ue o* %.%%4&$ wic means reecting te nu"" >potesis$ tus$ ,ariance isconstant. o correct tis error so as to mae te mode"5:+/$ we ran a roust regression and te outcome sowed tat$ te test statistic *or income was now signi*icantat F.

  • 8/11/2019 Effects of Advertising on Consumer Buying Behaviour-With Reference to Demand for Cosmetic Products in Bangalore, India


    New Media and Mass Communication www.iiste.org

    ISSN 2224-3267 (Paper) ISSN 2224-327 (!n"ine)

    #o".27$ 2%&4


    .ut/ut )#"

    .ut/ut )#%

    +est of heteros3edasticity

    .ut/ut )#'

    Eitting te regression sowed tat$ a consumers income was positi,e" re"ated to te epenses made on cosmeticproducts. e s"ope coe**icient o* income means tat$ an increase in income &F wi"" increase te epenses on

    cosmetic products ?s. %.77(2:.:1). is sows tat a consumer wi"" increase is or er epenses on

    cosmetic products ?s. %.(2

    ) *or a ?s. &%% increase in income. is sows a re"ati,e"

    sma""er increase in epenses on cosmetic products *or a "arger increase in income. us a &F cange in incomewi"" increase ependiture on cosmetic products %.&&F. Notwitstanding tis$ te s"ope coe**icient o* income

    was statistica"" signi*icant at F and it tere*ore p"as an important ro"e wen one considers spending oncosmetic products.

    _cons -592.2451 444.6135 -1.33 0.186 -1475.036 290.5453

    Dr 224.1852 111.7674 2.01 0.048 2.268537 446.1019

    Dp 205.5358 137.7003 1.49 0.139 -67.87151 478.943

    Db -118.1303 217.0312 -0.54 0.588 -549.0509 312.7904

    Da 409.7348 117.7648 3.48 0.001 175.9099 643.5596

    lnincome 77.12331 41.99456 1.84 0.069 -6.257877 160.5045

    Expense Coef. !". Err. ! #$%!% &95' Conf. (n!er)al*

    +o!al 23430275 99 236669.444 ,oo! E 445.49

    /" ,-sare" 0.1614

    ,esi"al 18655458.6 94 198462.325 ,-sare" 0.2038

    o"el 4774816.42 5 954963.285 #rob $ 0.0006

    5 94 4.81

    orce "f mber of obs 100

    . re Expense lnincome Da Db Dp Dr

    #rob $ ci2 0.0041

    ci21 8.24

    :ariables; resi"

    Coo?-@eisber !es! for e!eros?e"as!ici!A

    . e!!es! resi"

    _cons -592.2451 373.8965 -1.58 0.117 -1334.625 150.1351

    Dr 224.1852 103.7664 2.16 0.033 18.15466 430.2158

    Db -118.1303 111.9414 -1.06 0.294 -340.3926 104.1321

    Dp 205.5358 114.3759 1.80 0.076 -21.5603 432.6318 Da 409.7348 82.48144 4.97 0.000 245.9659 573.5036

    lnincome 77.12331 38.35454 2.01 0.047 .9694786 153.2771

    Expense Coef. !". Err. ! #$%!% &95' Conf. (n!er)al*


    ,oo! E 445.49

    ,-sare" 0.2038

    #rob $ 0.0000

    5 94 7.43

    Binear reression mber of obs 100

  • 8/11/2019 Effects of Advertising on Consumer Buying Behaviour-With Reference to Demand for Cosmetic Products in Bangalore, India


    New Media and Mass Communication www.iiste.org

    ISSN 2224-3267 (Paper) ISSN 2224-327 (!n"ine)

    #o".27$ 2%&4


    d,ertising in*"uence as a positi,e e**ect on epenses made on cosmetic products. !ne wo is in*"uenced ad,ertising wi"" spend on a,erage$ ?s. 4%D.73 more on cosmetic products tan tose not in*"uenced it. issows a greater in*"uence o* ad,ertising on te purcase o* cosmetic products as indicated 7%F o* terespondents wo purcase cosmetic products. e coe**icient o* ad,ertising in*"uence is statistica"" signi*icantat F indicating te important ro"e ad,ertising p"as on te purcase o* cosmetic products.

    e recommendation *rom oters a"so positi,e" in*"uence te epenses on cosmetic products. !ne wo *o""owste ad,ice o* oters spend ?s.224.&D more tan tose wo do not. Statistica""$ tis coe**icient is signi*icant atF and sows tat$ wat oter peop"e sa o* a product positi,e" in*"uences te ependiture made on it.e in*"uence o* price as positi,e e**ect on ow muc is spent on cosmetic products. is sows tat$ someonewo is cautious o* price di**erences wi"" spend ?s.2%.%4 on cosmetic products. is coe**icient is notstatistica"" signi*icant at F indicating tat$ tere is no di**erence etween tose wo *actor price wen

    purcasing a cosmetic product and tose wo dont. It can e added tat$ consumers do not consider te price o*cosmetic products tat muc i* it wi"" ser,e te purpose te want it to *rom in*ormation gatered trougad,ertising and *rom oters ,iew.5rand coice interesting"$ is negati,e" re"ated to te amount spent on cosmetic products. ose wo considers

    rand spend ?s. &&'.&3 "ess. e coe**icient o* tis ,aria"e is statistica"" insigni*icant at F indicating tat$tere is no di**erence on ow muc is spent on cosmetic products etween tose wo consider a rand o* acosmetic product and tose wo dont.

    "" tese ,aria"es$ as sown$ a,e a ro"e to p"a in te purcase o* cosmetic products. e are 2%F responsi"e*or te ,ariations in te amount o* mone spent on tem and wit an E ,a"ue o* 7.43$ a"" te s"ope coe**icientsare statistica"" signi*icant at F. is indicates tat$ toug one migt not consider te rand o* a product aswe"" as ow muc is carged on te product$ one wi"" e in*"uenced tem togeter wit te ad,erts seen ontem and te ad,ice *rom oters on a product. It can e added tat$ one wi"" spend on a product i* oters te"" imor er o* its @ua"it. is can e seen *rom our sur,e tat$ DDF o* te respondents go out *or te est productstat address teir needs and wou"dnt worr aout te rand or te ig cost on te product.is "ast mode" is cosen ecause it ep"ained te pro"em etter. e ,ariation in income was reduced taingits natura" "og and tis made te income or pocet mone o* te respondents statistica"" signi*icant. "so$ mosto* te ,aria"es considered in te regression are signi*icant wit a iger ?


    4#$ Recommendations and Conclusion

    It can e seen *rom te stud tat$ on a,erage$ ad,ertising does a,e in*"uence on te purcase o* cosmeticproducts and it is a must *or cosmetic *irms to continue ad,ertising on teir products i* te re@uire maimumsa"es. "so$ we *ound out tat$ toug ad,ertising does in*"uence te purcase o* consumers$ oter *actors "ieincome and oters recommendation do p"a a ro"e in ones purcase.In our stud$ we ad wanted to estimate te e**ect o* ad,ertising on *irms sa"es as we""$ ut no access to datawas te reason w tis was not acie,ed.gain$ we were constraint time and te resources at our disposa". e wi"" suggest to oters to increase tesamp"e si8e and te stud area to now te e**ect o* ad,ertising on consumers uing ea,iour.Erom te stud$ te *o""owing recommendations were suggested.

    i.) d,ertising wors and a**ects consumers purcase in te "ong run. It is re@uired o* *irms to increaseteir ad,ertising udget and mae ad,ertising "i,e" *or consumers to associate wit. is wi""de*inite" a,e an impact on te sa"es o* cosmetic *irms. d,ertising in te "ong run tend to maedemand *or cosmetic goods ine"astic and tis according to ?oinson (&D33) and Camer"in (&D33)wi"" persuade consumers to e attaced to a particu"ar rand.


    e comp"ementar ,iew o* ad,ertising was *ound not to e so strong *or cosmetic products. erespondents stated tat$ te prestige attaced to a rand was not a"" te "oo out *or wen

    purcasing a product. it as ig as 4%F o* respondents stating tis as a wea reason *orpurcasing a product$ it *a""s on cosmetic *irms to concentrate on te @ua"it wic DDF o* terespondents e"ie,e te "oo out *or in a product.

    iii.)it aout &F to 2%F growt in te demand *or cosmetic products annua""$ it is re@uired o* *irms topa attention to te re@uired needs o* consumers and canne" tis into teir ad,ertising contents.Maing use o* te most patronised mediaB te"e,ision internet and prints$ to increase teir sa"es.

    i,.) !ne ting a"so *ound in te stud was tat$ consumers "ie to *actor in discounted prices wenpurcasing cosmetic products. It is tere*ore re@uired o* *irms to mae teir prices a**orda"e *orconsumers.

    d,ertising satis*ies te needs o* te *irm as we"" as te wises o* consumers. Its ro"e can ne,er e rep"aced an oter means in tis dnamic wor"d o* ours. It is tere*ore a must *or *irms to strategi8e and now wen andwere te sou"d ad,ertise to gain maimum returns. e consumers sou"d e considered as a *actor o*

    production$ te need to e in*ormed aout products and unti" tat is done$ te products o* *irms wi"" sti"" e in

  • 8/11/2019 Effects of Advertising on Consumer Buying Behaviour-With Reference to Demand for Cosmetic Products in Bangalore, India


    New Media and Mass Communication www.iiste.org

    ISSN 2224-3267 (Paper) ISSN 2224-327 (!n"ine)

    #o".27$ 2%&4


    stores wit no demand *or tem.


    ssociated Camers o* Commerce and Industr in India$ SS!C>M (2%&3)$ttp0OOwww.assocam.orgOpre"sOsownewsarci,e.ppidA4&2'

    (ccessed on &3O%O&4)Ba"&ell C. (2::1),D%he economic anal*sis of advertisin", IntrodctionD, !merican #conomic +evie& Eolme 2,

    ar,ard +ni,ersit Press.5in 9unaid . et a". (2%&3)$ H Stud on te Purcase 5ea,ior and Cosmetic Consumption Pattern amongQoung Eema"es in ;e"i and NC?H$ 9ourna" o* Socia" and ;e,e"opment Sciences$ #o". 4$ No. $ pp. 2%-2&&$Ma 2%&3 (ISSN 222&-&&2)

    Borden 8. = (&D42)$ Ge /conomic /**ects o*!dvertisin"DEirst /dition$ ?icard ;. Irwin$ Inc.5eaut Mart ?eport$ (2%&3) ttp0OOwww.eautmart.co.inOindustr-scenario-india.pp (ccessed on 27O%O&4)Camer"in$ /. (&D33)$ Ge eor o* Monopo"istic CompetitionH$ Camridge$ M0 >ar,ard +ni,ersitPress.&D4'.Coen ;.(&D'')$ Gd,ertisingH$ :ongman >iger /ducation

    Comanor$ i""iam. S. and omas. . i"son (&D67)$ Gd,ertising$ Maret Structure and Per*ormance$H e?e,iew o* /conomics and Statistics$ 4D$ 423-4%.Comanor$ i""iam S. and omas . i"son (&D74)$ Gd,ertising and Maret PowerH$ Camridge$ M0>ar,ard +ni,ersit Press.;o"e P. (No,.$ &D6')$ Gd,ertising /penditure and Consumer ;emandH !*ord /conomic Papers$ New Series$#o". 2%$ No. 3 (No,.$ &D6')$ pp. 3D4-4&6$ !*ord +ni,ersit Press./e"und$ ?. 5.$ 9r. and Saurman ;. S. (&D'')$ Gd,ertising and te Maret Process0 Modern /conomic#iewH$ San Erancisco$ C0 Paci*ic ?esearc Institute *or Pu"ic Po"ic.Kurati$ ;amodar N. (2%%3)$H5asic /conometricsH$ Mc-Kraw- >i"" Companies$ Inc.0 New Qor>ors ;. and Simon :.S. (&D'3)$ Gd,ertising and te ;i**usion o* New ProductsH$ Mareting Science$ 2 (&)$

    pp. &-&7risnan #.. and 9ain;.C. (2%%6)$ G!ptima" ;namic d,ertising Po"ic *or New ProductsH $ManagementScience$ 2 (&2)$ &D7-&D6Dumar . et a" (2%&&) Gd,ertising and Consumer 5uing 5ea,iour0 Stud wit specia" re*erence to Nest"e"td.H$ #o"ume No. 2 (2%&&)$ issue No. &% (!ctoer$ 2%&&)$ Internationa" 9ourna" o* ?esearc in Commerce RManagement.Marsa""$ . (&'D%)$ HPrincip"es o* /conomicsH$ :ondon0 MacMi""an and Co.Marsa""$ . (&D&D)$ GIndustr and radeH$ :ondon0 MacMi""an and Co!8ga$ S. . (&D6%)$ GImper*ect Marets roug :ac o* now"edge$H Luarter" 9ourna" o* /conomics$ 74.&$2D-2.Pindc ?. S. and ?uin*ie"d$ ;. :. (&DD)$ GMicroeconomicsH$ Prentice >a"" Internationa"$ Inc. pp. 3D?oinson$ 9oan (&D33)$ G/conomics o* Imper*ect CompetitionH$ :ondon0 MacMi""an and CoSarma 9$ Sarma S.$ GSa"es and d,ertisement ?e"ationsip *or Se"ected Companies !perating in IndiaH (2%%D)$Scoo" o* ;octora" Studies (/uropean +nion) 9ourna" 9u"$ 2%%D$ No. &S"oman 9. and ride . (2%%7)$ G/conomicsH Se,ent /dition$ Prentice >a"" Einancia" imesStig"er$ Keorge 9. and Kar S. 5ecer (&D77)$ G;e Kustius Non /st ;isputandum$Hmerican /conomic ?e,iew$67$ 76-D%.Sundarsan$ P.. (2%%7)$ G/,a"uating /**ecti,eness o* d,ertising on Sa"esB Stud +sing Eirm :e,e" ;ataH$ICEI 9ourna" o* Manageria" /conomics$ #o". # (&)$ pp.4-62a"or$ :ester ;. and ;anie"$ eisers (&D72)$ Gd,ertising and ggregate Consumption EunctionH$merican /conomic ?e,iew$ #o". :T&& (4)$ pp.642-

  • 8/11/2019 Effects of Advertising on Consumer Buying Behaviour-With Reference to Demand for Cosmetic Products in Bangalore, India


  • 8/11/2019 Effects of Advertising on Consumer Buying Behaviour-With Reference to Demand for Cosmetic Products in Bangalore, India


    New Media and Mass Communication www.iiste.org

    ISSN 2224-3267 (Paper) ISSN 2224-327 (!n"ine)

    #o".27$ 2%&4


    Brand of Cosmetic Products

    Ere@uenc Percent #a"id PercentCumu"ati,e


    #a"id >+: 3D 3D.% 3D.% 3D.%

    /mami ' '.% '.% 47.%

    ?e,"on 3 3.% 3.% %.%

    :U!rea" && &&.% &&.% 6&.%

    Ni,ea &7 &7.% &7.% 7'.%

    Karnier 2% 2%.% 2%.% D'.%

    !ter 2 2.% 2.% &%%.%

    ota" &%% &%%.% &%%.%


    Ere@uenc Percent #a"id Percent Cumu"ati,e Percent

    #a"id No 3% 3%.% 3%.% 3%.%

    Qes7% 7%.% 7%.% &%%.%

    ota" &%% &%%.% &%%.%

    (edium of Encountering Advertising

    Ere@uenc Percent #a"id PercentCumu"ati,e


    #a"id None 3% 3%.% 3%.% 3%.%

    .# 4' 4'.% 4'.% 7'.%

    Papers ' '.% '.% '6.%

    Internet &4 &4.% &4.% &%%.%

    ota" &%% &%%.% &%%.%

  • 8/11/2019 Effects of Advertising on Consumer Buying Behaviour-With Reference to Demand for Cosmetic Products in Bangalore, India


    New Media and Mass Communication www.iiste.org

    ISSN 2224-3267 (Paper) ISSN 2224-327 (!n"ine)

    #o".27$ 2%&4


    Place of Purchase

    Ere@uenc Percent #a"id PercentCumu"ati,e


    #a"id Ma""s 33 33.% 33.% 33.%

    Internet D D.% D.% 42.%

    Supermaret 42 42.% 42.% '4.%

    Parmac &3 &3.% &3.% D7.%

    :oca" Sop 3 3.% 3.% &%%.%

    ota" &%% &%%.% &%%.%

    Pur/ose of Adverts

    Ere@uenc Percent #a"id PercentCumu"ati,e


    #a"id In*orm o* Product ' '.% '.6 '.6

    Create perception &D &D.% &D.2 77.'

    Create Pre*erence && &&.% &&.& ''.D

    Create awareness && &&.% &&.& &%%.%

    ota" DD DD.% &%%.%

    Missing Sstem & &.%

    ota" &%% &%%.%

    Advertising Influence

    Ere@uenc Percent #a"id Percent Cumu"ati,e Percent

    #a"id Strong 26 26.% 26.% 26.%

    Moderate .% .% '&.%

    ea &D &D.% &D.% &%%.%

    ota" &%% &%%.% &%%.%

    Brand of Product

    Ere@uenc Percent #a"id Percent Cumu"ati,e Percent

    #a"id strong 63 63.% 63.% 63.%

    Moderate 32 32.% 32.% D.%

    ea .% .% &%%.%

    ota" &%% &%%.% &%%.%

  • 8/11/2019 Effects of Advertising on Consumer Buying Behaviour-With Reference to Demand for Cosmetic Products in Bangalore, India


    New Media and Mass Communication www.iiste.org

    ISSN 2224-3267 (Paper) ISSN 2224-327 (!n"ine)

    #o".27$ 2%&4



    Ere@uenc Percent #a"id Percent Cumu"ati,e Percent

    #a"id Strong % %.% %.% %.%

    Moderate 3' 3'.% 3'.% ''.%

    ea &2 &2.% &2.% &%%.%

    ota" &%% &%%.% &%%.%


    Ere@uenc Percent #a"id Percent Cumu"ati,e Percent

    #a"id Strong 26 26.% 26.% 26.%Moderate 2 2.% 2.% 7'.%

    ea 22 22.% 22.% &%%.%

    ota" &%% &%%.% &%%.%

    8uality of Product

    Ere@uenc Percent #a"id Percent Cumu"ati,e Percent

    #a"id Strong 7& 7&.% 7&.% 7&.%

    Moderate 2' 2'.% 2'.% DD.%

    ea & &.% &.% &%%.%

    ota" &%% &%%.% &%%.%

    Prestige attached to Product

    Ere@uenc Percent #a"id Percent Cumu"ati,e Percent

    #a"id Strong 22 22.% 22.% 22.%

    Moderate 3' 3'.% 3'.% 6%.%

    ea 4% 4%.% 4%.% &%%.%

    ota" &%% &%%.% &%%.%

  • 8/11/2019 Effects of Advertising on Consumer Buying Behaviour-With Reference to Demand for Cosmetic Products in Bangalore, India


  • 8/11/2019 Effects of Advertising on Consumer Buying Behaviour-With Reference to Demand for Cosmetic Products in Bangalore, India


    New Media and Mass Communication www.iiste.org

    ISSN 2224-3267 (Paper) ISSN 2224-327 (!n"ine)

    #o".27$ 2%&4


    atisfied !ith the Product

    Ere@uenc Percent #a"id Percent Cumu"ati,e Percent

    #a"id % && &&.% &&.% &&.%

    Qes 'D 'D.% 'D.% &%%.%

    ota" &%% &%%.% &%%.%

    Cross +abulations

    ge$ Se and 5rand Cross tau"ation

    Ad7Effect 9 Consumers atisfaction of ProductCrosstabulation

    Satis*iedota"% Qes

    d/**ect No Count 2 2' 3%

    F witin d/**ect 6.7F D3.3F &%%.%F

    F witin Satis*ied &'.2F 3&.F 3%.%F

    F o* ota" 2.%F 2'.%F 3%.%F

    Qes Count D 6& 7%

    F witin d/**ect &2.DF '7.&F &%%.%F

    F witin Satis*ied '&.'F 6'.F 7%.%F

    F o* ota" D.%F 6&.%F 7%.%F

    ota" Count && 'D &%%

    F witin d/**ect &&.%F 'D.%F &%%.%F

    F witin Satis*ied &%%.%F &%%.%F &%%.%F

    F o* ota" &&.%F 'D.%F &%%.%F

    e0 Age

    (ale *emale +otal "4;%4








    % % &%% & 46 3

    ? 22F &7F '>?

    Emami 7F &F @? %F 'F @?

    Revlon &F 2F '? &F 2F '?

    &.real 3F 'F ""? 'F 2F &F ""?

    -ivea &&F 6F "? 'F DF "?

    arnier &6F 4F %$? &&F 7F 2F %$?

    .riflame &F &F %? &F &F %?

  • 8/11/2019 Effects of Advertising on Consumer Buying Behaviour-With Reference to Demand for Cosmetic Products in Bangalore, India


    New Media and Mass Communication www.iiste.org

    ISSN 2224-3267 (Paper) ISSN 2224-327 (!n"ine)

    #o".27$ 2%&4


    Ad7Effect 9 Brand7of7CosCrosstabulation

    5rando*Cos ota"

    >+: /mami ?e,"on :U!rea" Ni,ea Karnier !ter

    d/**ect No Count &% 2 & 6 & 3%

    F witind/**ect

    33.3F 6.7F 3.3F &6.7F 2%.%F &6.7F 3.3F &%%.%F

    F witin5rando*Cos

    2.6F 2.%F 33.3F 4.F 3.3F 2.%F %.%F 3%.%F

    F o* ota" &%.%F 2.%F &.%F .%F 6.%F .%F &.%F 3%.%F

    Qes Count 2D 6 2 6 && & & 7%

    F witind/**ect

    4&.4F '.6F 2.DF '.6F &.7F 2&.4F &.4F &%%.%F

    F witin5rando*Cos 74.4F 7.%F 66.7F 4.F 64.7F 7.%F %.%F 7%.%F

    F o* ota" 2D.%F 6.%F 2.%F 6.%F &&.%F &.%F &.%F 7%.%F

    ota" Count 3D ' 3 && &7 2% 2 &%%

    F witind/**ect

    3D.%F '.%F 3.%F &&.%F &7.%F 2%.%F 2.%F &%%.%F

    F witin5rando*Cos

    &%%.%F &%%.%F &%%.%F &%%.%F &%%.%F &%%.%F &%%.%F &%%.%F

    F o* ota" 3D.%F '.%F 3.%F &&.%F &7.%F 2%.%F 2.%F &%%.%F

    Ad7Effect 9 e0 Crosstabulation


    ota"Eema"e Ma"e

    d/**ect No Count & & 3%

    F witin d/**ect %.%F %.%F &%%.%F

    F witin Se 3%.%F 3%.%F 3%.%F

    F o* ota" &.%F &.%F 3%.%F

    Qes Count 3 3 7%

    F witin d/**ect %.%F %.%F &%%.%F

    F witin Se 7%.%F 7%.%F 7%.%F

    F o* ota" 3.%F 3.%F 7%.%Fota" Count % % &%%

    F witin d/**ect %.%F %.%F &%%.%F

    F witin Se &%%.%F &%%.%F &%%.%F

    F o* ota" %.%F %.%F &%%.%F

  • 8/11/2019 Effects of Advertising on Consumer Buying Behaviour-With Reference to Demand for Cosmetic Products in Bangalore, India


    New Media and Mass Communication www.iiste.org

    ISSN 2224-3267 (Paper) ISSN 2224-327 (!n"ine)

    #o".27$ 2%&4



    Intercept(t ,a"ue)

    Independent #aria"es ?

    (d)E P

    Income(t ,a"ue)

    "nIncome(t ,a"ue)

    ;a(t ,a"ue)

    ;(t ,a"ue)




    ,a"ue)/p 3%6.%627




    7.26 %.%%

    :n/p 4.22&(7.&D)




    D.62 %.%%

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    Exp ;4>%#%)












    $#%$ #)' $#$$

    ln7#Ap 4.42(6.4')V






    %.22 6.&' %.%%

    Regression (odels

    Ita"icised indicates a roust regression$ meant to correct eterosedasticitVindicates statistica"" signi*icant ,a"ues

    I-+I+=+E *.R .CIA& A-D EC.-.(IC C

  • 8/11/2019 Effects of Advertising on Consumer Buying Behaviour-With Reference to Demand for Cosmetic Products in Bangalore, India


    New Media and Mass Communication www.iiste.org

    ISSN 2224-3267 (Paper) ISSN 2224-327 (!n"ine)

    #o".27$ 2%&4


    D. ere do ou most purcase te ao,e cosmetic product rand

    Ma""s Internet(on"ine) Supermaret Parmac

    :oca" sops !terWWWWWW..

    &%.at purpose do ad,erts on te cosmetic product ser,e ouIn*orm ou o* te *eatures and ene*its o* te product

    Create te desired perceptions o* te product

    Create a pre*erence *or te product

    Create awareness o* a new product

    &&. >ow muc do ou spend on te cosmetic products mont" ?s. ................................&2. ?ante*actors wic most in*"uence our purcase o*tecosmetic products

    Strong In*"uence ModerateIn*"uence

    ea In*"uence



    ?ecommendation *rom oters





    &3. do ou purcase te cosmetic products

    Strong ?eason Moderate ?eason ea ?eason

    o "oo eauti*u"

    o e attracted to te opposite se

    o e socia"" accepta"e


    &4. re ou satis*ied using te product Qes No. I* QesONo$ WWWWWWWW.WWWWWW..WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW.P"ease add our comments.W>N Q!+..nline survey


  • 8/11/2019 Effects of Advertising on Consumer Buying Behaviour-With Reference to Demand for Cosmetic Products in Bangalore, India


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