Effects and Application of Laws

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  • 8/20/2019 Effects and Application of Laws




    D E C I S I O N

    A!STRIA)#ARTINE', J.On August 4, 2003, an afdavit-cop!aint "as #!ed "it$ t$eDepartent o% &ustice 'DO&( )* respondent CID+-N DirectorEduardo ati!!ano. It reads in part/

    2. A%ter a t$oroug$ investigation, I %ound t$at a crie o%coup d1etat "as indeed coitted )* i!itar* personne!"$o occupied Oa"ood on t$e 2t$ da* o% &u!* 2003 andSenator +regorio +ringo5onasan, II 3.

    4. 6$e said crie "as coitted as %o!!o"s/4.7 On &une 4, 2003, at on or a)out 77 p.., in a $ouse!ocated in San &uan, etro ani!a, a eeting "as $e!d andpresided )* Senator 5onasan. A//+- + A B i/ +6-+i/ o8 Perfecto Ragil and made an integral

     part of this complaint .

    4.8 In t$e ear!* orning o% &u!* 2, 2003, Capt.+erardo +a)a!a, %or and in )e$a!% o% t$e i!itar*re)e!s occup*ing Oa"ood, ade a pu)!ic stateentaired on nation te!evision, stating t$eir "it$dra"a! o%support to t$e c$ain o% coand o% t$e A9 and t$e

    +overnent o% resident +!oria acapaga! Arro*oand t$e* are "i!!ing to ris t$eir !ives in order toac$ieve t$e Nationa! :ecover* Agenda o% Sen.5onasan, "$ic$ t$e* )e!ieve is t$e on!* progra t$at"ou!d so!ve t$e i!!s o% societ*. . . . 'Ep$asissupp!ied(.

     6$e S"orn Stateent o% A9 a;or er%ecto :agi! re%erred to )*N Director ati!!ano is

    2. 6$at I et a certain Captain +ar* A!e;ano o% t$eresidentia! Securit* +uard 'S+( during our ?er* Iportanterson '?I( rotection Course soetie in !ast "ee o%arc$ 2003>3. 6$at soetie in a* 2003, Captain A!e;ano gave e acop* o% t$e pap$!et o% t$e Nationa! :ecover* rogra'N:( and to!d e t$at/ @ai!angan ng ansa ng taongaga*a o na "a!ang )a$id ng corruption a*a )asa$in o

    ito 're%erring to N:( pap$!et. I too t$e pap$!et )utnever $ad t$e tie to read it>4. 6$at soetie in t$e a%ternoon o% &une 4, 2003, CaptainA!e;ano invited e to ;oin $i in a eeting "$ere t$e N:"ou!d )e discussed and t$at t$ere "ou!d )e a specia! guest>B. 6$at Capt. A!e;ano and I arrived at t$e eeting at past o1c!oc in t$e evening o% &une 4, 2003 in a $ouse !ocatedsoe"$ere in San &uan, etro ani!a>. 6$at upon arriva! "e "ere given a docuent consisting o% a)out 3-4 pages containing discussion o% issues andconcerns "it$in t$e %rae"or o% N: and "e "ere !ie"iseserved "it$ dinner>

    . 6$at "$i!e "e "ere sti!! $aving dinner at a)out past 77o1c!oc in t$e evening, Sen. +regorio +ringo 5onasanarrived toget$er "it$ anot$er %e!!o" "$o "as !aterintroduced as Capt. 6uringan>8. 6$at a%ter Sen. 5onasan $ad taen $is dinner, t$eeeting proper started presided )* Sen. 5onasan>. 6$at Sen. 5onasan discussed t$e N:, t$e gra%t andcorruption in t$e governent inc!uding t$e i!itar*institution, t$e ;udiciar*, t$e eecutive )ranc$ and t$e !ie>70. 6$at t$e discussion conc!uded t$at "e ust use %orce,vio!ence and ared strugg!e to ac$ieve t$e vision o% N:. Att$is point, I raised t$e arguent t$at it is * )e!ie% t$at

    re%ors "i!! )e ac$ieved t$roug$ t$e deocratic processesand not t$ru %orce and vio!ence andor ared strugg!e. Sen.5onasan countered t$at "e "i!! never ac$ieve re%orst$roug$ t$e deocratic processes )ecause t$e peop!e "$oare in po"er "i!! not give up t$eir positions as t$e* $avet$eir vested interests to protect. A%ter a %e" oreec$anges o% vie"s, Sen. 5onasan appeared irritated andased e direct!* t$ree '3( ties/ In a )a o outF I t$enased "$et$er a!! t$ose present nu)ering 30 peop!e, oreor !ess, are rea!!* coitted, Sen. 5onasan rep!ied/ @unga*a nating puata* sa ating ga a!a)an, a*a din nating


  • 8/20/2019 Effects and Application of Laws


    puata* sa ga asaa$ang agtatasi!. I decided not topursue %urt$er 77. 6$at in t$e course o% t$e eeting, $e presented t$e p!ano% action to ac$ieve t$e goa!s o% N:, i.e., overt$ro" o% t$egovernent under t$e present !eaders$ip t$ru aredrevo!ution and a%ter "$ic$, a ;unta "i!! )e constituted andt$at ;unta "i!! run t$e ne" governent. 5e %urt$er said t$atsoe o% us "i!! resign %ro t$e i!itar* service and occup*

    civi!ian positions in t$e ne" governent. 5e a!so said t$att$ere is urgenc* t$at "e ip!eent t$is p!an and t$at "e"ou!d )e noti#ed o% t$e net activities.72. 6$at a%ter t$e discussion and $is presentation, $eep!ained t$e rites t$at "e "ere to undergo-soe sort o%)!ood copact. 5e read a pra*er t$at sounded ore !ie ap!edge and "e a!! recited it "it$ raised ars and c!enc$ed#sts. 5e t$en too a ni%e and deonstrated $o" to ae acut on t$e !e%t upper inner ar unti! it )!eeds. 6$e cut "as in%or o% t$e !etter I in t$e o!d a!p$a)et )ut "as done in a"a* t$at it actua!!* !ooed !ie !etter 5. 6$en, $e pressed$is rig$t t$u) against t$e )!ood and pressed t$e t$u) on

    t$e !o"er idd!e portion o% t$e cop* o% t$e ra*er. 5e t$encovered $is t$u) ar in )!ood "it$ tape. 5e t$en pressedt$e cut on $is !e%t ar against t$e N: Gag and !e%t ar o%!etter I on it. Ever*)od* e!se %o!!o"ed>73. 6$at "$en * turn cae, I s!ig$t!* ade a cut on *upper inner ar and priced a portion o% it to !et it )!eed andI %o!!o"ed "$at Senator 5ONASAN did>74. 6$at I did not !ie to participate in t$e rites )ut I $ad t$e%ear %or * !i%e "it$ "$at Senator 5ONASAN said t$at a*a nating puata* ng asaa$an>7B. 6$at a%ter t$e rites, t$e eeting "as ad;ourned and "e!e%t t$e p!ace>

    7. 6$at I avoided Captain A!e;ano a%ter t$at eeting )ut I"as etra cautious t$at $e "ou!d not notice it %or %ear o% *!i%e due to t$e t$reat ade )* Senator 5ONASAN during t$eeeting on &une 4, 2003 and t$e in%oration re!a*ed to e)* Captain A!e;ano t$at t$eir group $ad a!read* deep!*esta)!is$ed t$eir net"or inside t$e inte!!igence counit*>7. 6$at soetie in t$e #rst "ee o% &u!* 2003, CaptainA!e;ano cae to see e to return t$e riGe t$at $e )orro"edand to!d e t$at "$en t$e group arrives at t$e a!acaHangCopound %or D-DA, * tas is to s"itc$ oJ t$ete!ep$one AK t$at serves t$e a!acaHang cop!e. I to!d

    $i t$at I cou!d not do it. No %urt$er conversation ensuedand $e !e%t>78. 6$at on Sunda*, &u!* 2, 2003, "$i!e "atc$ing t$ete!evision, I sa" Gas$ed on t$e screen Lieutenant Antonio 6ri!!anes, Captain +erardo +a)a!a, Captain A!e;ano andsoe ot$ers "$o "ere present during t$e &une 4t$ eetingt$at I attended, $aving a press con%erence a)out t$eiroccupation o% t$e Oa"ood 5ote!. I a!so sa" t$at t$e !etter

    I on t$e ar )ands and t$e )anner is t$e sae !etter I int$e )anner "$ic$ "as disp!a*ed and on "$ic$ "e pressedour "ound to !eave t$e iprint o% t$e !etter I>7. 6$at t$is Afdavit is )eing eecuted in order to attestt$e veracit* o% t$e %oregoing and in order to c$argeSENA6O: +:E+O:IO +:IN+O 5ONASAN, Capt. 9ELIK 6M:IN+AN, Capt. +A: ALE&ANO, Lt. AN6ONIO 6:ILLANES,Capt. +E:A:DO +AALA and ot$ers %or vio!ation o% Artic!e734-A o% t$e :evised ena! Code %or t$e oJense o% coupd'etat . 'Ep$asis supp!ied(

     6$e afdavit-cop!aint is doceted as I.S. No. 2003-7720 and t$eane! o% Investigating rosecutors o% t$e Departent o% &ustice 'DO&

    ane! %or )revit*( sent a su)poena to petitioner %or pre!iinar*investigation.On August 2, 2003, petitioner, toget$er "it$ $is counse!, appearedat t$e DO&. 5e #!ed a otion %or C!ari#cation and pra*ingt$at t$e proceedings )e suspended unti! #na! reso!ution o% $is

    otion.:espondent ati!!ano su)itted $is coentopposition t$eretoand petitioner #!ed a rep!*.On Septe)er 70, 2003, t$e DO& ane! issued an Order, to "it/

    On August 2, 2003, Senator +regorio . 5onasan II #!edt$roug$ counse! a otion to C!ari%* &urisdiction. OnSepte)er 7, 2003, cop!ainant #!ed aCoentOpposition to t$e said otion. 6$e otion and coentopposition are $ere)* du!* notedand s$a!! )e passed upon in t$e reso!ution o% t$is case.In t$e eantie, in vie" o% t$e su)ission )* cop!ainanto% additiona! afdavitsevidence and to aJord respondents


  • 8/20/2019 Effects and Application of Laws


    ap!e opportunit* to controvert t$e sae, respondents,t$ru counse! are $ere)* directed to #!e t$eir respectivecounter-afdavits and controverting evidence on or )e%oreSepte)er 23, 2003.7

    5ence, Senator +regorio . 5onasan II #!ed t$e $erein petition%or certiorari under :u!e B o% t$e :u!es o% Court against t$e DO&ane! and its e)ers, CID+-N-Director Eduardo ati!!ano andO)udsan Sieon ?. arce!o, attri)uting grave a)use o%

    discretion on t$e part o% t$e DO& ane! in issuing t$e a%ore

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    7. 6$e DO& ane! $as %u!! aut$orit* and ;urisdiction toconduct pre!iinar* investigation over t$e petitioner %or t$ereason t$at t$e crie o% coup d'etat  under Artic!e No. 734-Ao% t$e :evised ena! Code ':C( a* %a!! under t$e ;urisdiction o% t$e Sandigan)a*an on!* i% t$e sae iscoitted in re!ation to ofce o% petitioner, pursuant toSection 4, .D. No. 70, as aended )* :.A. No. B and:.A. No. 824.

    2. etitioner1s preise t$at t$e DO& ane! derives itsaut$orit* to conduct pre!iinar* investigation over casesinvo!ving pu)!ic ofcers so!e!* %ro t$e O-DO& &ointCircu!ar No. B-007 is isp!aced )ecause t$e DO&1sconcurrent aut$orit* "it$ t$e O to conduct pre!iinar*investigation o% cases invo!ving pu)!ic ofcia!s $as )eenrecognied in Sanchez vs. Demetriou (227 SCRA 627[1!"# and incorporated in Section 4, :u!e 772 o% t$e:evised :u!es o% Criina! rocedure.3. etitioner1s assertion t$at t$e &oint Circu!ar is ultravires and t$e DO& cannot )e deputied )* t$e O)udsanen asse )ut ust )e given in re%erence to speci#c cases

    $as no %actua! or !ega! )asis. 6$ere is no ru!e or !a" "$ic$re Sec. 3. o"ers and 9unctions - 6o accop!is$ its andate,t$e Departent s$a!! $ave t$e %o!!o"ing po"ers and%unctions/%2( I/i+/ / o;;iio o8 ri;, pro:/

    o/;? %E;p+i :ppli-(and Section 7 o% .D. 72B, eJective Apri! 77, 78, to "it/

    SEC6ION 7. Creation o$ the %ational &rosecution ServiceSupervision and Control o$ the Secretar o$ )ustice.  = 6$ereis $ere)* created and esta)!is$ed a Nationa! rosecutionService under t$e supervision and contro! o% t$e Secretar* o%  &ustice, to )e coposed o% t$e rosecution StaJ in t$e Ofceo% t$e Secretar* o% &ustice and suc$ nu)er o% :egiona!State rosecution Ofces, and rovincia! and Cit* 9isca!1sOfces as are $ereina%ter provided, "$ic$ +ll =pri;+ril> rpoi=l 8or / i/i+/io +-

    pro:/io o8 +ll + ioli iol+/io o8 p+ll+@. 'Ep$asis supp!ied(etitioner c!ais t$at it is t$e O)udsan, not t$e DO&, t$at $ast$e ;urisdiction to conduct t$e pre!iinar* investigation underparagrap$ '7(, Section 73, Artic!e KI o% t$e 78 Constitution, "$ic$con%ers upon t$e Ofce o% t$e O)udsan t$e po"erto investi*ate on its o+n, or on complaint - an person, an act or omission o$ an pu-lic ocial, emploee, oce or a*enc, +hensuch act or omission appears to -e ille*al, un/ust, improper, orinecient . etitioner rationa!ies t$at t$e 78 Adinistrative Codeand t$e O)udsan Act o% 78 cannot prevai! over t$eConstitution, pursuant to Artic!e o% t$e Civi! Code, "$ic$ provides/

    Artic!e . La"s are repea!ed on!* )* su)se

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    SEC. 73. 3he 4ce o$ the 4m-udsman shall have the$ollo+in* po+ers, $unctions, and duties/7. Investigate on its o"n, or on cop!aint )* an* person,an* act or oission o% an* pu)!ic ofcia!, ep!o*ee, ofce oragenc*, "$en suc$ act or oission appears to )e i!!ega!,un;ust, iproper, or inefcient.

    does not ec!ude ot$er governent agencies tased )* !a" toinvestigate and prosecute cases invo!ving pu)!ic ofcia!s. I% it "ere

    t$e intention o% t$e %raers o% t$e 78 Constitution, t$e* "ou!d$ave epress!* dec!ared t$e ec!usive con%erent o% t$e po"er tot$e O)udsan. Instead, paragrap$ '8( o% t$e sae Section 73 o%t$e Constitution provides/

    '8( rou!gate its ru!es o% procedure and eercise suc$ot$er po"ers or per%or suc$ %unctions or duties as a* )eprovided )* !a".

    According!*, Congress enacted :.A. 0, ot$er"ise no"n as 6$eO)udsan Act o% 78. Section 7B t$ereo% provides/

    Sec. 7B. o"ers, 9unctions and Duties. - 6$e Ofce o% t$eO)udsan s$a!! $ave t$e %o!!o"ing po"ers, %unctions andduties/

    '7( Investigate and prosecute on its o"n or on cop!aint )*an* person, an* act or oission o% an* pu)!ic ofcer orep!o*ee, ofce or agenc*, "$en suc$ act or oissionappears to )e i!!ega!, un;ust, iproper or inefcient. I/ +pri;+r> :ri-i/io or + oi+=l => /S+-i+=+>+ +-, i / ri o8 /i pri;+r>

     :ri-i/io, i/ ;+> /+C or, +/ +> /+, 8ro; +>i/i+/or> +> o8 / or;/, /i/i+/io o8 : +.. 'Ep$asis supp!ied(

    ursuant to t$e aut$orit* given to t$e O)udsan )* t$eConstitution and t$e O)udsan Act o% 78 to !a* do"n its o"n

    ru!es and procedure, t$e Ofce o% t$e O)udsan prou!gatedAdinistrative Order No. 8, dated Nove)er 8, 70,entit!ed, Clari$in* and 0odi$in* Certain Rules o$ &rocedure o$ the4m-udsman, to "it/

    A cop!aint #!ed in or taen cogniance o% )* t$e Ofce o%t$e O)udsan c$arging an* pu)!ic ofcer or ep!o*eeinc!uding t$ose in governent-o"ned or contro!!edcorporations, "it$ an act or oission a!!eged to )e i!!ega!,un;ust, iproper or inefcient is an O)udsan case. Suc$a cop!aint a* )e t$e su);ect o% criina! or adinistrativeproceedings, or )ot$.

    For p:rpo o8 i/i+/io +- pro:/io,O;=:-;+ + ioli ri;i+l o =:=-ii-- i/o /@o l+, /o @i/ %1( /ooi+=l => / S+-i+=+>+, +- %2( /o8+lli :-r / :ri-i/io o8 / r:l+r o:r/.T -i o8 / o:r/ @ri /> +r Dl-, i o/ +:/ori/> /o i/i+/ + -i/i:i- 8ro; /

    +:/ori/> /o pro:/, : +.T po@r /o i/i+/ or o-:/ + prli;i+r>i/i+/io o +> O;=:-;+ + ;+> =ri- => + i/i+/or or pro:/or o8 /O6 o8 / O;=:-;+, or => +> Proii+l or i/>Pro:/or or /ir +i/+, i/r i /ir r:l+r+p+i/i or + -p:/i- O;=:-;+ pro:/or.T pro:/io o8 + oi+=l => /S+-i+=+>+ +ll = :-r / -ir/ l:io/rol +- :priio o8 / O6 o8 /O;=:-;+. I + oi+=l => / r:l+ro:r/, / o/rol +- :priio => / O6 o8

    / O;=:-;+ i ol> i O;=:-;+ + i / -D- +=o. T l+@ roi +o:rr o8 :ri-i/io =/@ / O6 o8 /O;=:-;+ +- o/r i/i+/i +i o8 /or;/ i / pro:/io o8 + oi+=l =>r:l+r o:r/. 'Ep$asis supp!ied(

    It is note"ort$* t$at as ear!* as 70, t$e O)udsan $adproper!* diJerentiated t$e aut$orit* to investigate cases %ro t$eaut$orit* to prosecute cases. It is on t$is note t$at t$e Court "i!!#rst d"e!! on t$e nature or etent o% t$e aut$orit* o% t$eO)udsan to investigate cases. $ence, %ocus is directed to t$esecond sentence o% paragrap$ '7(, Section 7B o% t$e O)udsan

    Act "$ic$ speci#ca!!* provides t$at t$e O)udsan $as priar* ;urisdiction over cases cognia)!e )* t$e Sandigan)a*an, and, int$e eercise o% t$is priar* ;urisdiction, it a* tae over, at an*stage, %ro an* investigating agenc* o% t$e governent, t$einvestigation o% suc$ cases. 6$at t$e po"er o% t$e O)udsan to investigate oJenses invo!vingpu)!ic ofcers or ep!o*ees is not ec!usive )ut is concurrent "it$ot$er sii!ar!* aut$oried agencies o% t$e governent suc$ as t$eprovincia!, cit* and state prosecutors $as !ong )een sett!ed insevera! decisions o% t$e Court.In Co/uan*co, )r. vs. &residential Commission on 5ood5overnment, decided in 70, t$e Court epress!* dec!ared/


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    A reading o% t$e %oregoing provision o% t$e Constitution doesnot s$o" t$at t$e po"er o% investigation inc!udingpre!iinar* investigation vested on t$e O)udsan isec!usive.3

    Interpreting t$e priar* ;urisdiction o% t$e O)udsan underSection 7B '7( o% t$e O)udsan Act, t$e Court $e!d in said case/

    Mnder Section 7B '7( o% :epu)!ic Act No. 0 a%orecited,t$e O)udsan $as priar* ;urisdiction over cases

    cognia)!e )* t$e Sandigan)a*an so t$at it a* tae over atan* stage %ro an* investigator* agenc* o% t$e governent,t$e investigation o% suc$ cases. T +:/ori/> o8 /O;=:-;+ /o i/i+/ o i o/ l:i =:/ io:rr/ @i/ o/r i;il+rl> +:/ori- +io8 / or;/. S: i/i+/or> +ir8rr- /o il:- / PGG +- / proii+l +-i/> pro:/or +- /ir +i/+/, / /+/pro:/or +- / :- o8 / ;:iip+l /ri+lo:r/ +- ;:iip+l ir:i/ /ri+l o:r/.I o/r @or- / proiio o8 / l+@ + op-

    :p / +:/ori/> /o o-:/ prli;i+r> i/i+/ioo8 o / S+-i+=+>+ /o +lli/i+/or> +i o8 / or;/ -:l>+:/ori- /o o-:/ + prli;i+r> i/i+/io:-r S/io 2, R:l 112 o8 / 195 R:l o8ri;i+l Pro-:r @i/ / ol> :+liD+/io /+// O;=:-;+ ;+> /+C or +/ +> /+ o8 :i/i+/io i / ri o8 i pri;+r>

     :ri-i/io.4 'Ep$asis supp!ied(A !itt!e over a ont$ !ater, t$e Court, in Deloso vs.Domin*o,B pronounced t$at t$e O)udsan, under t$e aut$orit* o% Section 73 '7( o% t$e 78 Constitution, $as ;urisdiction to

    investigate an* crie coitted )* a pu)!ic ofcia!, e!ucidatingt$us/As protector o% t$e peop!e, t$e ofce o% t$e O)udsan $ast$e po"er, %unction and dut* to act propt!* on cop!aints#!ed in an* %or or anner against pu)!ic ofcia!s 'Sec. 72(and to investigate an* act or oission o% an* pu)!icofcia! "$en suc$ act or oission appears to )e i!!ega!,un;ust, iproper or inefcient. 'Sec. 73P7Q.( 6$eO)udsan is a!so epo"ered to direct t$e ofcerconcerned, in t$is case t$e Specia! rosecutor, to taeappropriate action against a pu)!ic ofcia! and torecoend $is prosecution 'Sec. 73P3Q(.

     6$e c!ause an* Pi!!ega!Q act or oission o% an* pu)!icofcia! is )road enoug$ to e)race an* crie coitted)* a pu)!ic ofcia!. 6$e !a" does not

  • 8/20/2019 Effects and Application of Laws


    prosecute an* i!!ega! act or oission o% an* pu)!ic ofcia!, t$eaut$orit* o% t$e O)udsan to investigate is ere!* a priar* andnot an ec!usive aut$orit*, t$us/

     6$e O)udsan is indeed epo"ered under Section 7B,paragrap$ '7( o% :A 0 to investigate and prosecute an*i!!ega! act or oission o% an* pu)!ic ofcia!. 5o"ever as "e$e!d on!* t"o *ears ago in t$e case o% Aguina!do vs.Doagas,8 t$is aut$orit* is not an ec!usive aut$orit* )ut

    rat$er a s$ared or concurrent aut$orit* in respect o% t$eoJense c$arged.etitioners #na!!* assert t$at t$e in%oration and aendedin%oration #!ed in t$is case needed t$e approva! o% t$eO)udsan. It is not disputed t$at t$e in%oration andaended in%oration $ere did not $ave t$e approva! o% t$eO)udsan. 5o"ever, "e do not )e!ieve t$at suc$approva! "as necessar* at a!!. In De!oso v. Doingo, 77SC:A B4B '70(, t$e Court $e!d t$at t$e O)udsan $asaut$orit* to investigate c$arges o% i!!ega! acts or oissionson t$e part o% an* pu)!ic ofcia!, i.e., an* crie iputed to apu)!ic ofcia!. I/ ;:/, o@r, = poi/- o:/ /+/

    / +:/ori/> o8 / O;=:-;+ /o i/i+/ +>ill+l +/ or o;iio o8 +> p:=li o6i+l %191SRA 550( i o/ + l:i +:/ori/> =:/ r+/r ++r- or o:rr/ +:/ori/> i rp/ o8 /o ')( res. Decree No. 70 "$ic$ epress!*

    repea!ed res. Decree No. 748> 'c( Section 20 o% atasa)ansa !g. 72> 'd( res. Decree No. 780> and 'e( res.Decree No. 787. 6$e !atest !a" on t$e Sandigan)a*an, Sec. 7 o% res. DecreeNo. 787 reads as %o!!o"s/

    SEC6ION 7. Section 4 o% residentia! Decree No.70 is $ere)* aended to read as %o!!o"s/1SEC. 4. )urisdiction. = 6$e Sandigan)a*an s$a!!eercise/

    1'a( Ec!usive origina! ;urisdiction in a!! casesinvo!ving/. . .

    '2( Ot$er oJenses or %e!onies coitted )*pu)!ic ofcers and ep!o*ees in relation totheir oce, inc!uding t$ose ep!o*ed ingovernent-o"ned or contro!!ed corporation,"$et$er sip!e or cop!eed "it$ ot$ercries, "$ere t$e pena!t* prescri)ed )* !a" is$ig$er t$at prision correccional oriprisonent %or si '( *ears, or a #neo% ,000/ :O?IDED, 5OE?E:, t$atoJenses or %e!onies entioned in t$isparagrap$ "$ere t$e pena!t* prescri)ed )*!a" does not eceed prision correccional or

    iprisonent %or si '( *ears or a #neo% ,000 s$a!! )e tried )* t$e proper :egiona! 6ria! Court, etropo!itan 6ria! Court, unicipa! 6ria! Court and unicipa! Circuit 6ria! Court.

    A perusa! o% t$e a%orecited !a" s$o"s t$at t"o re

  • 8/20/2019 Effects and Application of Laws


    App!*ing t$e !a" to t$e case at )enc$, "e #nd t$at a!t$oug$t$e second re pr rp+lor +;-;/, / 197 o/i/:/io +- /O;=:-;+ A/ o8 199 +r -;- i +or- @i/i/i /+/:/, piD+ll>, Pr. "r No.11.72 'Ep$asis supp!ied(

    :.A. No. 824 "$ic$ aended Section 4, paragrap$ ')( o% t$eSandigan)a*an La" '.D. 787( !ie"ise provides t$at %or ot$eroJenses, aside %ro t$ose enuerated under paragrap$s 'a( and'c(, to %a!! under t$e ec!usive ;urisdiction o% t$e Sandigan)a*an,

    t$e* ust $ave )een coitted )* pu)!ic ofcers or ep!o*ees inre!ation to t$eir ofce.In suation, t$e Constitution, Section 7B o% t$e O)udsan Acto% 78 and Section 4 o% t$e Sandigan)a*an La", as aended, donot give to t$e O)udsan ec!usive ;urisdiction to investigateoJenses coitted )* pu)!ic ofcers or ep!o*ees. 6$e aut$orit*o% t$e O)udsan to investigate oJenses invo!ving pu)!ic ofcersor ep!o*ees is concurrent "it$ ot$er governent investigating

    agencies suc$ as provincia!, cit* and state prosecutors. 5o"ever,t$e O)udsan, in t$e eercise o% its priar* ;urisdiction overcases cognia)!e )* t$e Sandigan)a*an, a* tae over, at an*stage, %ro an* investigating agenc* o% t$e governent, t$einvestigation o% suc$ cases.In ot$er "ords, respondent DO& ane! is not prec!uded %roconducting an* investigation o% cases against pu)!ic ofcersinvo!ving vio!ations o% pena! !a"s )ut i% t$e cases %a!! under t$eec!usive ;urisdiction o% t$e Sandigan)a*an, t$en respondentO)udsan a*, in t$e eercise o% its priar* ;urisdiction taeover at an* stage. 6$us, "it$ t$e ;urisprudentia! dec!arations t$at t$e O)udsan

    and t$e DO& $ave concurrent ;urisdiction to conduct pre!iinar*investigation, t$e respective $eads o% said ofces cae up "it$O-DO& &oint Circu!ar No. B-007 %or t$e proper guide!ines o% t$eirrespective prosecutors in t$e conduct o% t$eir investigations, to "it/


    SM&EC6/ 5ANDLIN+ COLAIN6S 9ILED A+AINS6 MLICO99ICE:S AND ELOEES, 65E CONDMC6 O9 :ELIINA:IN?ES6I+A6ION, :EA:A6ION O9 :ESOLM6IONS ANDIN9O:A6IONS AND :OSECM6ION O9 CASES :O?INCIAL AND CI6 :OSECM6O:S AND 65EI:ASSIS6AN6S.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In a recent dia!ogue )et"een t$e O99ICE O9 65EOMDSAN and t$e DEA:6EN6 O9 &MS6ICE, discussioncentered around t$e !atest pronounceent o% t$e supreecourt on t$e etent to "$ic$ t$e o)udsan a* ca!! upon



  • 8/20/2019 Effects and Application of Laws


    t$e governent prosecutors %or assistance in t$einvestigation and prosecution o% criina! cases cognia)!e)* $is ofce and t$e conditions under "$ic$ $e a* do so.A!so discussed "as :epu)!ic Act No. B ot$er"ise no"nas an act to strengt$en t$e %unctiona! and structura!organiation o% t$e sandigan)a*an, aending %or t$epurpose presidentia! decree no. 70, as aended and itsip!ications on t$e ;urisdiction o% t$e ofce o% t$e

    O)udsan on criina! oJenses coitted )* pu)!icofcers and ep!o*ees.Concerns "ere epressed on unnecessar* de!a*s t$at cou!d)e caused )* discussions on ;urisdiction )et"een t$e O99ICEO9 65E OMDSAN and t$e departent o% ;ustice, and )*procedura! conGicts in t$e #!ing o% cop!aints against pu)!icofcers and ep!o*ees, t$e conduct o% pre!iinar*investigations, t$e preparation o% reso!utions andin%orations, and t$e prosecution o% cases )* provincia! andcit* prosecutors and t$eir assistants as deputiedprosecutors o% t$e o)udsan.:ecogniing t$e concerns, t$e ofce o% t$e o)udsan and

    t$e departent o% ;ustice, in a series o% consu!tations, $aveagreed on t$e %o!!o"ing guide!ines to )e o)served in t$einvestigation and prosecution o% cases against pu)!ic ofcersand ep!o*ees/7. re!iinar* investigation and prosecution o% oJensescoitted )* pu)!ic ofcers and ep!o*ees in re!ation toofce "$et$er cognia)!e )* t$e sandigan)a*an or t$eregu!ar courts, and "$et$er #!ed "it$ t$e ofce o% t$eo)udsan or "it$ t$e ofce o% t$e provincia!cit*prosecutor s$a!! )e under t$e contro! and supervision o% t$eofce o% t$e o)udsan.2. Mn!ess t$e O)udsan under its Constitutiona! andate

    #nds reason to )e!ieve ot$er"ise, oJenses not in re!ation toofce and cognia)!e )* t$e regu!ar courts s$a!! )einvestigated and prosecuted )* t$e ofce o% t$eprovincia!cit* prosecutor, "$ic$ s$a!! ru!e t$ereon "it$#na!it*.3. reparation o% criina! in%oration s$a!! )e t$eresponsi)i!it* o% t$e investigating ofcer "$o conducted t$epre!iinar* investigation. :eso!utions recoendingprosecution toget$er "it$ t$e du!* accop!is$ed criina!in%orations s$a!! )e %or"arded to t$e appropriateapproving aut$orit*.

    4. Considering t$at t$e ofce o% t$e o)udsan $as ;urisdiction over pu)!ic ofcers and ep!o*ees and %oreJective onitoring o% a!! investigations and prosecutions o% cases invo!ving pu)!ic ofcers and ep!o*ees, t$e ofce o%t$e provincia!cit* prosecutor s$a!! su)it to t$e ofce o%t$e o)udsan a ont$!* !ist o% cop!aints #!ed "it$ t$eirrespective ofces against pu)!ic ofcers and ep!o*ees.ani!a, $i!ippines, Octo)er B, 7B.

    'signed( 6EO9IS6O 6. +MIN+ONA, &:.Secretar*Departent o% &ustice

    'signed(ANIANO A. DESIE:6OO)udsanOfce o% t$e O)udsan

    A c!ose eaination o% t$e circu!ar supports t$e vie" o% t$erespondent O)udsan t$at it is ;ust an interna! agreeent)et"een t$e O)udsan and t$e DO&.Sections 2 and 4, :u!e 772 o% t$e :evised :u!es on Criina!rocedure on re!iinar* Investigation, eJective Dece)er 7,2000, to "it/

    SEC. 2. Ofcers aut$oried to conduct pre!iinar*investigations- 6$e %o!!o"ing a* conduct pre!iinar* investigations/

    'a( rovincia! or Cit* rosecutors and t$eir assistants>')( &udges o% t$e unicipa! 6ria! Courts and unicipa!Circuit 6ria! Courts>'c( Nationa! and :egiona! State rosecutors> and'd( Ot$er ofcers as a* )e aut$oried )* !a".

    Tir +:/ori/> /o o-:/ prli;i+r> i/i+/io+ll il:- +ll ri; oi+=l => / propro:r/ i /ir rp/i /rri/ori+l :ri-i/io.SEC. 4. :eso!ution o% investigating prosecutor and its revie".- I% t$e investigating prosecutor #nds cause to $o!d t$e

    respondent %or tria!, $e s$a!! prepare t$e reso!ution andin%oration, 5e s$a!! certi%* under oat$ in t$e in%orationt$at $e, or as s$o"n )* t$e record, an aut$oried ofcer,$as persona!!* eained t$e cop!ainant and $is "itnesses>t$at t$ere is reasona)!e ground to )e!ieve t$at a crie $as)een coitted and t$at t$e accused is pro)a)!* gui!t*t$ereo%> t$at t$e accused "as in%ored o% t$e cop!aint ando% t$e evidence su)itted against $i> and t$at $e "asgiven an opportunit* to su)it controverting evidence.Ot$er"ise, $e s$a!! recoend t$e disissa! o% t$ecop!aint.

  • 8/20/2019 Effects and Application of Laws


    it$in #ve 'B( da*s %ro $is reso!ution, $e s$a!! %or"ard t$erecord o% t$e case to t$e provincia! or cit* prosecutor orc$ie% state prosecutor, or /o / O;=:-;+ or i-p:/> i + o8 o /S+-i+=+>+ i / ri o8 i/ orii+l

     :ri-i/io. 6$e* s$a!! act on t$e reso!ution "it$in ten '70(da*s %ro t$eir receipt t$ereo% and s$a!! iediate!* in%ort$e parties o% suc$ action.

    No o;pl+i/ or i8or;+/io ;+> = Dl- or-i;i- => + i/i+/i pro:/or @i/o:/ /prior @ri// +:/ori/> or +ppro+l o8 / proii+lor i/> pro:/or or i8 /+/ pro:/or or /O;=:-;+ or i -p:/>.$ere t$e investigating prosecutor recoends t$edisissa! o% t$e cop!aint )ut $is recoendation isdisapproved )* t$e provincia! or cit* prosecutor or c$ie%state prosecutor or t$e O)udsan or $is deput* on t$eground t$at a pro)a)!e cause eists, t$e !atter a*, )*$ise!% #!e t$e in%oration against t$e respondent, or directanot$er assistant prosecutor or state prosecutor to do so

    "it$out conducting anot$er pre!iinar* investigation.I% upon petition )* a proper part* under suc$ ru!es as t$eDepartent o% &ustice a* prescri)e or motu proprio, t$eSecretar* o% &ustice reverses or odi#es t$e reso!ution o%t$e provincia! or cit* prosecutor or c$ie% state prosecutor, $es$a!! direct t$e prosecutor concerned eit$er to #!e t$ecorresponding in%oration "it$out conducting anot$erpre!iinar* investigation, or to disiss or ove %or disissa!o% t$e cop!aint or in%oration "it$ notice to t$e parties. 6$e sae :u!e s$a!! app!* in pre!iinar* investigationsconducted )* t$e ofcers o% t$e Ofce o% t$e O)udsan.'Ep$asis supp!ied(

    con#r t$e aut$orit* o% t$e DO& prosecutors to conduct pre!iinar*investigation o% criina! cop!aints #!ed "it$ t$e %or oJensescognia)!e )* t$e proper court "it$in t$eir respective territoria! ;urisdictions, inc!uding t$ose oJenses "$ic$ coe "it$in t$eorigina! ;urisdiction o% t$e Sandigan)a*an> )ut "it$ t$e

  • 8/20/2019 Effects and Application of Laws


    )ecoing eJective, t$is, on t$e genera! princip!e and t$eor*t$at )e%ore t$e pu)!ic is )ound )* its contents, especia!!* itspena! provision, a !a", regu!ation or circu!ar ust #rst )epu)!is$ed and t$e peop!e ofcia!!* and speci#ca!!* in%oredo% said contents and its pena!ties/ said precedent, to date,$as not *et )een odi#ed or reversed. O-DO& &ointCircu!ar No. B-007 DOES NO6 contain an* pena! provisionor prescri)e a andator* act or pro$i)it an*, under pain or

    pena!t*.$at is ore, in t$e case o% 6anada v. 6uvera, 74 SC:A 4B3'78(, t$e 5onora)!e Court ru!ed t$at/Interpretative regu!ations and t$ose ere!* interna! innature, t$at is, regu!ating on!* t$e personne! o% t$eadinistrative agenc* and not t$e pu)!ic, need not )epu)!is$ed. Neit$er is pu)!ication re

  • 8/20/2019 Effects and Application of Laws



    7. $et$er apuas :u!es and :egu!ations is eJective as o% &anuar* 77, 7 "$en it "as pu)!is$ed on!* on 9e)ruar* 23,7 'persons(

    2. N t$ere is a va!id ;usti#cation %or t$e 30-da* preventivesuspension under t$e La)or Code '!a)or(

    3. $et$er daages s$ou!d )e a"arded

    5e!d/ etition is partia!!* granted. CA, NL:C set aside and La)orsAr)iter reinstated

    7. NOR :.A. No. 8 iposed t$e dut* on educationa! or training

    institutions to prou!gate ru!es and regu!ations in consu!tation"it$ and ;oint!* approved )* t$e ep!o*ees or students or trainees,t$roug$ t$eir du!* designated representatives, prescri)ing t$e

    procedures %or t$e investigation o% seua! $arassent cases andt$e adinistrative sanctions t$ere%or

    R 6aUada vs. 6uvera/o a!! statutes, inc!uding t$ose o% !oca! app!ication and private !a"s

    s$a!! )e pu)!is$ed as a condition %or t$eir eJectivit* is #ed )* t$e!egis!ative.'especia!!* pena! !a"s(

    o Covered )* t$is ru!e are presidentia! decrees and eecutive ordersprou!gated )* t$e resident in t$e eercise o% !egis!ative po"ers"$enever t$e sae are va!id!* de!egated )* t$e !egis!ature or, atpresent, direct!* con%erred )* t$e Constitution. Adinistrative ru!esand regu!ations ust a!so )e pu)!is$ed i% t$eir purpose is to

    en%orce or ip!eent eisting !a" pursuant a!so to a va!idde!egation.

    R pu)!ication ust )e in %u!! or it is no pu)!ication at a!! since itspurpose is to in%or t$e pu)!ic o% t$e contents o% t$e !a"s

    R apua :u!es is one o% t$ose issuances t$at s$ou!d )e pu)!is$ed%or its eJectivit*, since its purpose is to en%orce and ip!eent :.A.No. 8, "$ic$ is a !a" o% genera! app!ication

    o apua :u!es Section 3 :u!e I? 'Adinistrative rovisions( statest$at it s$a!! tae eJect 7B da*s a%ter pu)!ication )* t$e coittee.

    2. NO.R reventive suspension is a discip!inar* easure %or t$e

    protection o% t$e copan*s propert* pending investigation o% an*a!!eged a!%easance or is%easance coitted )* t$e ep!o*ee. 6$e ep!o*er a* p!ace t$e "orer concerned under preventivesuspension i% $is continued ep!o*ent poses a serious andiinent t$reat to t$e !i%e or propert* o% t$e ep!o*er or o% $is co-"orers. 5o"ever, "$en it is deterined t$at t$ere is no sufcient

    )asis to ;usti%* an ep!o*ees preventive suspension, t$e !atter isentit!ed to t$e pa*ent o% sa!aries during t$e tie o% preventivesuspension

    R Section 8, :u!e KKIII, oo ? o% t$e Oini)us :u!es, t$ere is nova!id ;usti#cation

    o does not s$o" t$at evidence o% petitioners gui!t is strong and t$att$e sc$oo! $ead is ora!!* convinced t$at petitioners continuedsta* during t$e period o% investigation constitutes a distraction tot$e nora! operations o% t$e institution> or t$at petitioner poses aris or danger to t$e !i%e or propert* o% t$e ot$er e)ers o% t$eeducationa! counit*

    3. No.

    R $i!e petitioners preventive suspension a* $ave )eenun;usti#ed, t$is does not autoatica!!* ean t$at $e is entit!ed to

    ora! or ot$er daageso No s$o"ing o% )ad %ait$ or in a "anton or %raudu!ent anner in

    preventive!* suspending petitioner

    #+ro . $:- Fr+-o Vil. P+;i/:+

    A.. :6&-0-202, &an 78, 2077

    Lessons App!ica)!e/ Ignorance o% t$e La"


    R &udge :e*es in an order on a* 30, 7 disissed Civi! CaseNo. 3383-: due to %oru s$opping and ordered t$at t$at t$e

    udd$a statuette in t$e custod* o% t$is Court )e iediate!*re!eased to t$e c$i!dren o% t$e !ate :oge!io :oas in trust %or t$e

    estate o% t$e !ate :oge!io :oasR :6C/ Denied t$e separate otions %or reconsideration )* t$e




  • 8/20/2019 Effects and Application of Laws


    R &udge aintuan in an order dated a* , 200 set t$e case %or$earing on &une 2, 200 purported!* to %ora!!* and #na!!* re!easet$e +o!den udd$a to its rig$t%u! o"ner.

    o arcos "as one o% t$e su)poenaed parties, )eing a person "it$interest in t$e case

    o udd$a Statuette or udd$a rep!ica is a"arded to t$e estate o%:oge!io :oas. 5o"ever, t$e udd$a Statuette or udd$a rep!icas$a!! )e under custodia !egis unti! t$e #na! sett!eent o% t$e estate

    o% t$e !ate :oge!io :oas, or upon t$e appointent o% $is estatesadinistrator

    o A!so ru!ed t$at t$e +o!den udd$a in its custod* is a %ae oneR Nove)er 7B, 200/ arcos #!ed a cop!aint-afdavit c$arging

     &udge aintuan "it$ +ross Ignorance o% t$e La" %or reversingotu proprio t$e #na! and eecutor* order o% t$en Acting residing &udge Antonio :e*es in Civi! Case No. 3383-:, entit!ed TA!)ert D.Ma!i, in $is capacit* as t$e ec!usive adinistrator and asresident o% t$e 6reasure 5unters Association o% t$e $i!ippines v. &ose D. :oas, et a!.

    o aintuan Coented t$at arcos s$ou!d $ave #!ed a otion %or

    reconsideration instead o% #!ing an adinistrative cop!aint.o arcos, in $er :ep!*-Afdavit, cited Section 7 o% :u!e 3 "$ic$

    provides t$at on!* t$e aggrieved part* a* #!e a otion %orreconsideration "it$in t$e period %or taing an appea!

    R Ofce o% t$e Court Adinistrator 'OCA( recoended t$at &udgeaintuan )e disissed %ro t$e service "it$ t$e additiona!

    pena!t* o% %or%eiture o% a!! $is retireent )ene#ts anddis

  • 8/20/2019 Effects and Application of Laws


    F+/ Appe!!ant :o)erto Wuiac$on "as c$arged "it$ t$e crie o% 

  • 8/20/2019 Effects and Application of Laws


    arriage "it$ Eanue! E)ora Santos M* "$ic$

    arriage "as on!* discovered on &anuar* 72, 7.


    Contrar* to !a".


    On &u!* 74, 2000, petitioner p!eaded not gui!t* during

    arraignent and, t$erea%ter, tria! proceeded. 

     6$e undisputed %acts, as accurate!* suaried )* t$e CA, are as


     On a* 24, 74, ?ictoria &ari!!o and :a%ae! A!oci!!o

    "ere arried in a civi! "edding cereon* so!enied

    )* 5on. onico C. 6an*ag, t$en unicipa! a*or o% 

     6aguig, :ia! 'E$s. A, A-7, 5, 5-7, 5-2, O, O-7, pp.

    20-27, 6SN dated Nove)er 7, 2000(.


    On a* 4, 7B, ?ictoria &ari!!o and :a%ae! A!oci!!o

    again ce!e)rated arriage in a c$urc$ "edding

    cereon* )e%ore :ev. Ange! :esu!ta* in San

    Car!os Cit*, angasinan 'pp. 2B-2, 6SN dated

    Nove)er 7, 2000(. Out o% t$e arita! union,

    appe!!ant )egot a daug$ter, :ac$e!!e &. A!oci!!o on

    Octo)er 2, 7B 'E$s. 9, :, :-7(.


    Appe!!ant ?ictoria &ari!!o t$erea%ter contracted a


  • 8/20/2019 Effects and Application of Laws


    Costs against t$e accused.


     6$e otion %or reconsideration "as !ie"ise

    denied )* t$e sae court in t$at assai!ed Order dated

    2 August 2007.P3Q


    9or $er de%ense, petitioner insisted t$at '7( $er 74 and

    7B arriages to A!oci!!o "ere nu!! and void )ecause A!oci!!o "asa!!eged!* sti!! arried to a certain Loretta 6i!!an at t$e tie o% t$e

    ce!e)ration o% t$eir arriage> '2( $er arriages to )ot$ A!oci!!o and

    M* "ere nu!! and void %or !ac o% a va!id arriage !icense> and '3(

    t$e action $ad prescri)ed, since M* ne" a)out $er arriage to

    A!oci!!o as %ar )ac as 78.

    On appea! to t$e CA, petitioners conviction "as afred in

    toto. In its Decision dated &u!* 27, 2003, t$e CA $e!d t$at petitioner

    coitted )iga* "$en s$e contracted arriage "it$ Eanue!

    Santos M* )ecause, at t$at tie, $er arriage to :a%ae! A!oci!!o $ad

    not *et )een dec!ared nu!! and void )* t$e court. 6$is )eing so, t$epresuption is, $er previous arriage to A!oci!!o "as sti!! eisting

    at t$e tie o% $er arriage to M*. 6$e CA a!so struc do"n, %or !ac

    o% sufcient evidence, petitioners contentions t$at $er arriages

    "ere ce!e)rated "it$out a arriage !icense, and t$at M* $ad notice

    o% $er previous arriage as %ar )ac as 78.

    In t$e eantie, t$e :6C o% aati Cit*, ranc$ 740,

    rendered a Decision dated arc$ 28, 2003, dec!aring petitioners

    74 and 7B arriages to A!oci!!o nu!! and void a- initio on t$e

    ground o% A!oci!!os ps*c$o!ogica! incapacit*. Said decision )ecae

    #na! and eecutor* on &u!* , 2003. In $er otion %or

    reconsideration, petitioner invoed said dec!aration o% nu!!it* as a

    ground %or t$e reversa! o% $er conviction. 5o"ever, in its :eso!ution

    dated &u!* 8, 2004, t$e CA, citing 3ene-ro v. Court o$ Appeals,P4Q denied reconsideration and ru!ed t$at PtQ$e su)se

  • 8/20/2019 Effects and Application of Laws





     6$e #rst, second, t$ird and #%t$ issues, )eing c!ose!* re!ated,

    s$a!! )e discussed ;oint!*. It is true t$at rig$t a%ter t$e presentation

    o% t$e prosecution evidence, petitioner oved %or suspension o% t$e

    proceedings on t$e ground o% t$e pendenc* o% t$e petition %ordec!aration o% nu!!it* o% petitioners arriages to A!oci!!o, "$ic$,

    petitioner c!aied invo!ved a pre;udicia! o/ = :p-- o /

    ro:- o8 / p-> o8 + iil + 8or

    -l+r+/io o8 :lli/>.



    6$e reason is t$at, @i/o:/ + :-ii+l

    -l+r+/io o8 i/ :lli/>, / Dr/ ;+rri+ i

    pr:;- /o = :=i/i. In t$e case at )ar,respondent "as %or a!! !ega! intents and purposes

    regarded as a arried an at t$e tie $e contracted

    $is second arriage "it$ petitioner. Against t$is !ega!

    )acdrop, +> -iio i / iil +/io 8or

    :lli/> @o:l- o/ r+ / 8+/ /+/ rpo-/

    /r- i/o + o- ;+rri+ -:ri /

    :=i/ o8 + Dr/ ;+rri+. 6$us, + -iio

    i / iil + i o/ /i+l /o /

    -/r;i+/io o8 / ri;i+l +r. I/ i,

    /r8or, o/ + pr:-ii+l :/io. PQ

     6$e %oregoing ru!ing $ad )een reiterated in A-unado v. &eople,P8Q "$ere it "as $e!d t$us/ 

    T :=:/ :-ii+l -l+r+/io o8 /

    :lli/> o8 / Dr/ ;+rri+ @+ i;;+/ri+l

    =+: prior /o / -l+r+/io o8 :lli/>, /ri; +- +lr+-> = o:;;+/-. oreover,

    petitioners assertion "ou!d on!* de!a* t$e prosecution

    o% )iga* cases considering t$at an accused cou!d

    sip!* #!e a petition to dec!are $is previous arriage

    void and invoe t$e pendenc* o% t$at action as a


  • 8/20/2019 Effects and Application of Laws


    arriage "it$out t$e previous one $aving )een ;udicia!!* dec!ared

    nu!! and void, t$e crie o% )iga* "as a!read* consuated

    )ecause at t$e tie o% t$e ce!e)ration o% t$e second arriage,

    petitioners arriage to A!oci!!o, "$ic$ $ad not *et )een dec!ared

    nu!! and void )* a court o% copetent ;urisdiction, "as deeed

    va!id and su)sisting. Neit$er "ou!d a ;udicia! dec!aration o% t$e

    nu!!it* o% petitioners arriage to M* ae an* diJerence.P70Q As $e!d

    in 3ene-ro, PsQince a arriage contracted during t$e su)sistence o% a va!id arriage is autoatica!!* void, t$e nu!!it* o% t$is second

    arriage is not per se an arguent %or t$e avoidance o% criina!

    !ia)i!it* %or )iga*. A p!ain reading o% PArtic!e 34 o% t$e

    :evised ena! CodeQ, t$ere%ore, "ou!d indicate t$at t$e provision

    pena!ies the mere act o$ contractin* a second or su-se:uent 

    marria*e durin* the su-sistence o$ a valid marria*e .P77Q


    etitioners de%ense o% prescription is !ie"ise dooed to %ai!.

    Mnder Artic!e 34 o% t$e :evised ena! Code, )iga* is

    punis$a)!e )* prision maor, "$ic$ is c!assi#ed under Artic!e 2B o% said Code as an aYictive pena!t*. Artic!e 0 t$ereo% provides t$at

    PcQries punis$a)!e )* ot$er aYictive pena!ties +ll prri= i

    D8/ >+r, "$i!e Artic!e 7 states t$at PtQ$e period o% 

    prescription s$a!! coence to run %ro t$e da* on "$ic$ t$e

    crie is discovered )* t$e oJended part*, t$e aut$orities, or t$eir

    agents .


    etitioner asserts t$at M* $ad no"n o% $er previous

    arriage as %ar )ac as 78> $ence, prescription )egan to run

    %ro t$at tie. Note t$at t$e part* "$o raises a %act as a attero% de%ense $as t$e )urden o% proving it. 6$e de%endant or accused

    is o)!iged to produce evidence in support o% its de%ense> ot$er"ise,

    %ai!ing to esta)!is$ t$e sae, it reains se!%-serving. P72Q  6$us, %or

    petitioners de%ense o% prescription to prosper, it "as incu)ent

    upon $er to adduce evidence t$at as ear!* as t$e *ear 78, M*

    a!read* o)tained no"!edge o% $er previous arriage.


    A c!ose eaination o% t$e records o% t$e case revea!s t$at

    petitioner utter!* %ai!ed to present sufcient evidence to support

    $er a!!egation. etitioners testion* t$at $er o"n ot$er to!d M* in

    78 t$at s$e 'petitioner( is a!read* arried to A!oci!!o does not

    inspire )e!ie%, as it is tota!!* unsupported )* an* corro)orating

    evidence. 6$e tria! court correct!* o)served t$at/ 

    S$e did not ca!! to t$e "itness stand $er ot$er

    t$e person "$o a!!eged!* actua!!* to!d M* a)out $erprevious arriage to A!oci!!o. It ust )e o)vious t$at

    "it$out t$e con#rator* testion* o% $er ot$er, t$e

    attri)ution o% t$e !atter o% an* act "$ic$ s$e a!!eged!*

    did is $earsa*.P73Q


    As ru!ed in Sermonia v. Court o$ Appeals,P74Q t$e prescriptive

    period %or t$e crie o% )iga* s$ou!d )e o:/- ol> 8ro; /

    -+> o @i / +i- ri; @+ -ior- )* t$e oJended

    part*, t$e aut$orities or t$eir PagentsQ, as opposed to )eing

    counted %ro t$e date o% registration o% t$e )igaous arriage.P7BQ Since petitioner %ai!ed to prove "it$ certaint* t$at t$e period o% 

    prescription )egan to run as o% 78, $er de%ense is, t$ere%ore,



    9ina!!*, petitioner avers t$at t$e :6C and t$e CA iposed an

    erroneous pena!t* under t$e :evised ena! Code. Again, petitioner

    is istaen.


     6$e Indeterinate Sentence La" provides t$at t$e accused

    s$a!! )e sentenced to an indeterinate pena!t*, t$e aiu tero% "$ic$ s$a!! )e t$at "$ic$, in vie" o% t$e attending

    circustances, cou!d )e proper!* iposed under t$e :evised ena!

    Code, and t$e iniu o% "$ic$ s$a!! )e "it$in t$e range o% t$e

    pena!t* net !o"er t$an t$at prescri)ed )* t$e Code %or t$e

    oJense, "it$out #rst considering an* odi%*ing circustance

    attendant to t$e coission o% t$e crie. 6$e Indeterinate

    Sentence La" !eaves it entire!* "it$in t$e sound discretion o% t$e

    court to deterine t$e iniu pena!t*, as !ong as it is an*"$ere

    "it$in t$e range o% t$e pena!t* net !o"er "it$out an* re%erence to



  • 8/20/2019 Effects and Application of Laws


    t$e periods into "$ic$ it ig$t )e su)divided. 6$e odi%*ing

    circustances are considered on!* in t$e iposition o% t$e

    aiu ter o% t$e indeterinate sentence.P7Q


    App!*ing t$e %oregoing ru!e, it is c!ear t$at t$e pena!t*

    iposed on petitioner is proper. Mnder Artic!e 34 o% t$e :evised

    ena! Code, t$e iposa)!e pena!t* %or )iga* is prision maor . 6$e

    pena!t* net !o"er is prision correccional, "$ic$ ranges %ro ont$s and 7 da* to *ears. 6$e iniu pena!t* o% si *ears

    iposed )* t$e tria! court is, t$ere%ore, correct as it is sti!! "it$in

    t$e duration o% prision correccional. 6$ere )eing no itigating or

    aggravating circustances proven in t$is case, t$e prescri)ed

    pena!t* o% prision maor  s$ou!d )e iposed in its ediu period,

    "$ic$ is %ro 8 *ears and 7 da* to 70 *ears. Again, t$e tria! court

    correct!* iposed a aiu pena!t* o% 70 *ears.

    5o"ever, %or $uanitarian purposes, and considering t$at

    petitioners arriage to A!oci!!o $as a%ter a!! )een dec!ared )* #na!


     to )e void a- initio on account o% t$e !attersps*c$o!ogica! incapacit*, )* reason o% "$ic$, petitioner "as

    su);ected to anipu!ative a)use, t$e Court dees it proper to

    reduce t$e pena!t* iposed )* t$e !o"er courts. 6$us, petitioner

    s$ou!d )e sentenced to suJer an indeterinate pena!t* o% 

    iprisonent %ro 6"o '2( *ears, 9our '4( ont$s and One '7( da*

    o% prision correccional, as iniu, to 8 *ears and 7 da* o%  prision

    maor , as aiu.


    IN VIE OF THE FOREGOING, t$e petition is PARTL& 

    GRANTE". 6$e Decision o% t$e Court o% Appea!s dated &u!* 27,2003, and its :eso!ution dated &u!* 8, 2004 are

    $ere)* #O"IFIE" as to t$e pena!t* iposed, )ut AFFIR#E" in a!!

    ot$er respects. etitioner is sentenced to suJer an indeterinate

    pena!t* o% iprisonent %ro 6"o '2( *ears, 9our '4( ont$s and

    One '7( da* o% prision correccional, as iniu, to Eig$t '8( *ears

    and One '7( da* o% prision maor , as aiu.


    SO OR"ERE".

    ATT&. FERRER . SPS. "IA'

     6$e )asic

  • 8/20/2019 Effects and Application of Laws



    etitioner %urt$er c!aied t$at prior to t$is or on a* 2, 78,Coandante, %or a va!ua)!e consideration o% 00,000.00, "$ic$ aount

    %ored part o% t$e a)oveentioned secured !oan, eecuted in $is %avoran instruent entit!ed aiver o% 5ereditar* :ig$ts and Interests Over a

    :ea! ropert* 'Sti!! Mndivided(,P77Q t$e pertinent portions o% "$ic$ read/

    I, :EINA D. COANDAN6E, o% !ega! age, 9i!ipino,arried, "it$ residence and posta! address at No. , :oad

    20, ro;ect 8, Wueon Cit*, etro ani!a, $i!ippines, %or a

    va!ua)!e consideration o% SIK 5MND:ED 65OMSAND

    ESOS '00,000.00( "$ic$ constitutes * !ega!

    o)!igation!oan to edro . 9errer, !ie"ise o% !ega! age,

    9i!ipino, arried to Er!inda . 9errer, "it$ residence and

    posta! address at No. , Lot 4, uerto :ico Street, Lo*o!a

    +rand ?i!!as, Wueon Cit*, etro ani!a, $i!ippines, )*

    virtue o% t$ese presents, do $ere)* AI?E, andor

    :EMDIA6E a!! * $ereditar* rig$ts and interests as a!egitiate $eirdaug$ter o% Sps. A!%redo 6. Dia and

    Ie!da +. Dia in %avor o% said edro . 9errer, $is $eirs

    and assigns over a certain parce! o% !and toget$er "it$ a!!

    t$e iproveents %ound t$ereon and "$ic$ propert* is

    ore particu!ar!* descri)ed as %o!!o"s/


     6:ANS9E: CE:6I9ICA6E O9 6I6LE

    NO. :6-04 '82020( :-7888



    and "$ic$ propert* is tit!ed and registered in t$e nae o% 

    * parents A!%redo 6. Dia and Ie!da +. Dia, as

    evidenced )* 6rans%er Certi#cate o% 6it!e No. :6 04

    '82020( :-7888.






    On t$e )asis o% said "aiver, petitioner eecuted an Afdavit o% Adverse C!aiP72Q "$ic$ $e caused to )e annotated at t$e )ac o% 6C6 No.:6-04 on a* 2, 7.


     6$e Diaes, $o"ever, reneged on t$eir o)!igation as t$e c$ecs

    issued )* Coandante "ere dis$onored upon presentent. Despiterepeated deands, said respondents sti!! %ai!ed and re%used to sett!e t$e!oan. 6$us, petitioner #!ed onSepte)er 2, 7 a Cop!aintP73Q %orCo!!ection o% Su o% one* Secured )* :ea! Estate ortgage Contract

    against t$e Diaes and Coandante doceted as Civi! Case No. W--388 and raYed to ranc$ 224 o% :6C, Wueon Cit*.


    etitioner t"ice aended $is cop!aint. 9irst, )* inc!uding as ana!ternative re!ie% t$e &udicia! 9orec!osure o% ortgage P74Q and, second, )*ip!eading as additiona! de%endants t$e angans as t$e ortgaged

    propert* covered )* 6C6 No. :6-04 "as a!read* trans%erred under t$eirnaes in 6C6 No. N-2004. etitioner pra*ed in $is second aended



  • 8/20/2019 Effects and Application of Laws


    cop!aint t$at a!! t$e respondents )e ordered to ;oint!* and so!idari!* pa*$i t$e su o% 7,778,228.00, ec!usive o% interests, andor %or t$e ;udicia! %orec!osure o% t$e propert* pursuant to t$e :ea! Estate ortgageContract.


    Version of the Respondents


    In $er Ans"erP7BQ to petitioners origina! cop!aint, Coandantea!!eged t$at petitioner and $is "i%e "ere $er %e!!o" e)ers in t$eCoup!es %or C$rist oveent. Soetie in 78, s$e soug$t t$e $e!p o% petitioner "it$ regard to t$e ortgage "it$ a )an o% $er parents !ot!ocated at No. , :d. 20, ro;ect 8, Wueon Cit* and covered )* 6C6 No.:6-04. S$e a!so soug$t #nancia! accoodations %ro t$e coup!e onsevera! occasions "$ic$ tota!ed B00,000.00.Coandante, $o"ever,

    c!aied t$at t$ese !oans "ere secured )* c$atte! ortgages over $ertai units in addition to severa! postdated c$ecs s$e issued in %avor o% petitioner.


    As s$e cou!d not practica!!* cop!* "it$ $er o)!igation, petitionerand $is "i%e, presented to Coandante soetie in a* 78 adocuent denoinated as aiver o% 5ereditar* :ig$ts and InterestsOver a :ea! ropert* 'Sti!! Mndivided( pertaining to a "aiver o% $er$ereditar* s$are over $er parents a)oveentioned propert*. urported!*,

    t$e eecution o% said "aiver "as to secure Coandantes !oan "it$ t$ecoup!e "$ic$ at t$at tie $ad a!read* )a!!ooned to00,000.00 due tointerests.


    A *ear !ater, t$e coup!e again re t$at t$e aiver o% 5ereditar* :ig$ts and Interests Over a :ea! ropert* 'Sti!! Mndivided( is ause!ess docuent as its eecution is pro$i)ited )* Artic!e 734 o% t$eCivi! Code,P78Q $ence, it cannot )e t$e source o% an* rig$t or o)!igation inpetitioners %avor> t$at t$e :ea! Estate ortgage "as o% dou)t%u! va!idit*



  • 8/20/2019 Effects and Application of Laws


    as s$e eecuted t$e sae "it$out va!id aut$orit* %ro $er parents> and,t$at t$e pra*er %or co!!ection andor ;udicia! %orec!osure "as irregu!ar aspetitioner cannot see said reedies at t$e sae tie.


    Apart %ro eecuting t$e afdavit o% repudiation, Coandante

    a!so #!ed on Octo)er 4, 7 a etition %or Cance!!ation o% Adverse C!ai

    '.E. 248( Mnder 6$e eorandu o% Encu)rances o% 6C6 No. :6-04 '82020( :-7888P7Q doceted as L:C Case No. W-7200 '( andraYed to ranc$ 220 o% :6C, Wueon Cit*. etitioner "$o "as ip!eaded

    as respondent t$erein oved %or t$e conso!idation o% said caseP20Q "it$Civi! Case No. W--388. On&une 24, 2000, ranc$ 220 o% :6C, Wueon

    Cit* ordered t$e conso!idation o% L:C Case No. W-7200 '( "it$ Civi!Case No. W--388. According!*, t$e records o% t$e %orer case "as

    %or"arded to ranc$ 224.


    9or t$eir part, t$e Diaes asserted t$at petitioner $as no cause o% action against t$e. 6$e* c!aied t$at t$e* do not even no" petitionerand t$at t$e* did not eecute an* SA in %avor o% Coandanteaut$oriing $er to ortgage %or t$e second tie t$e su);ectpropert*. 6$e* a!so contested t$e due eecution o% t$e SA as it "asneit$er aut$enticated )e%ore t$e $i!ippine Consu!ate in t$e Mnited

    States nor notaried )e%ore a notar* pu)!ic in t$e State o% Ne" or "$ere t$e Diaes $ave )een residing %or 7 *ears. 6$e* c!aied

    t$at t$e* do not o"e petitioner an*t$ing. 6$e Diaes a!so pointed outt$at t$e cop!aint ere!* re%ers to Coandantes persona! o)!igation to

    petitioner "it$ "$ic$ t$e* $ad not$ing to do. 6$e* t$us pra*ed t$at t$ecop!aint against t$e )e disissed.P27Q

    At t$e angans end, t$e* a!!eged t$at t$e* ac

  • 8/20/2019 Effects and Application of Laws



    A%ter t$e parties $ave su)itted t$eir respective pre-tria! )rie%s,t$e Diaes #!ed on arc$ 2, 2007 a otion %or Suar*

     &udgentP24Q a!!eging t$at/ ?rst , since t$e docuents a!!uded to )*petitioner in $is cop!aint "ere de%ective, $e "as not entit!ed to an*

    !ega! rig$t or re!ie%> and, second, it "as c!ear %ro t$e p!eadings t$at it isCoandante "$o $as an outstanding o)!igation "it$ petitioner "$ic$ t$e

    !atter never denied. it$ t$ese, t$e Diaes )e!ieved t$at t$ere is nogenuine issue as to an* ateria! %act against t$e and, $ence, t$e* "ereentit!ed to suar* ;udgent.


    On a* , 2007, petitioner a!so #!ed a otion %or Suar* &udgent,P2BQ c!aiing t$at $is suit against t$e respondents is eritorious

    and "e!!-%ounded and t$at sae is docuented and supported )* !a"and ;urisprudence. 5e averred t$at $is adverse c!ai annotated at t$e

    )ac o% 6C6 No. :6-04, "$ic$ "as carried over in 6C6 No. 2004under t$e naes o% t$e angans, is not ere!* anc$ored on t$e aiver

    o% 5ereditar* :ig$ts and Interests Over a :ea! ropert* 'Sti!! Mndivided(eecuted )* Coandante, )ut a!so on t$e :ea! Estate ortgage !ie"ise

    eecuted )* $er in representation o% $er parents and in %avor o% petitioner. etitioner insisted t$at said adverse c!ai is not %rivo!ous and

    inva!id and is registra)!e under Section 0 o% residentia! Decree 'D( No.7B2. In %act, t$e :egistrar o% Deeds o% Wueon Cit* $ad a!read*deterined t$e sufcienc* andor va!idit* o% suc$ registration )*annotating said c!ai, and t$is, respondents %ai!ed to

  • 8/20/2019 Effects and Application of Laws



     6$e angans, t$e Diaes, and Coandante appea!ed to t$e CA.P2Q 6$eangans %au!ted t$e tria! court in $o!ding t$e ;oint!* and severa!!* !ia)!e"it$ t$e Diaes and Coandante %or t$e satis%action o% t$e !atterspersona! o)!igation to petitioner in t$e tota! aounto% 7,778,228.00. 6$e Diaes and Coandante, on t$e ot$er $and,

    iputed error upon t$e tria! court in rendering suar* ;udgent in%avor o% petitioner. 6$e* averred t$at assuing t$e suar* ;udgent

    "as proper, t$e tria! court s$ou!d not $ave considered t$e :ea! Estateortgage Contract and t$e roissor* Note as t$e* "ere de%ective, as

    "e!! as petitioners %rivo!ous and non-registra)!e adverse c!ai.


    In its DecisionP30Q dated Dece)er 72, 2003, t$e CA dec!ared

    Coandantes "aiver o% $ereditar* rig$ts nu!! and void. 5o"ever, it %oundt$e :ea! Estate ortgage eecuted )* Coandante on )e$a!% o% $erparents as )inding )et"een t$e parties t$ereto.


    As regards t$e angans, t$e CA ru!ed t$at t$e ortgage contract "as not)inding upon t$e as t$e* "ere purc$asers in good %ait$ and %orva!ue. 6$e propert* "as %ree %ro t$e ortgage encu)rance o% petitioner "$en t$e* ac

  • 8/20/2019 Effects and Application of Laws



    O:r R:li


     6$e petition !acs erit.


    etitioner ere!* reiterates $is contentions in t$e otion %orSuar* &udgent $e #!ed )e%ore t$e tria! court. 5e insists t$at $is

    Adverse C!ai annotated at t$e )ac o% 6C6 No. :6-04 is not ere!*anc$ored on Coandantesaiver o% 5ereditar* :ig$ts and Interests Over

    A :ea! ropert* 'Sti!! Mndivided( )ut a!so on $er )eing t$e attorne*-in-%acto% t$e Diaes "$en s$e eecuted t$e ortgage contract in %avor o% petitioner. 5e avers t$at $is adverse c!ai is not %rivo!ous or inva!id and isregistra)!e as t$e :egistrar o% Deeds o% Wueon Cit* even a!!o"ed its

    annotation. 5e a!so c!ais t$at even prior to t$e sa!e o% su);ect propert*to t$e angans, t$e !atter a!read* ne" o% $is va!id and eisting adversec!ai t$ereon and are, t$ere%ore, not purc$asers in good %ait$. 6$us,petitioner aintains t$at t$e angans s$ou!d )e $e!d, toget$er "it$ t$eDiaes and Coandante, ;oint!* and severa!!* !ia)!e to $i in t$e tota!aount o% 7,778,228.00.


    etitioners contentions are untena)!e.

     6$e Afdavit o% Adverse C!ai eecuted )* petitioner reads inpart/



    7. That I am the Recipient!enefactor of 

    compulsory heirs share over an undivided certain

     parcel of land together "ith all the improvements

    found therein  +s evidenced by #aiver of 

    $ereditary Rights and Interests %ver & Real 

    Property' e(ecuted by R)I*& +. C%,&*+&*T) -a

    compulsorylegitimate heir of ps. &lfredo T. +ia/

    and Imelda 0. +ia/1, .


    2. That in order to protect my interest over 

    said property as a Recipient!enefactor , %or t$e

    registered o"nersparents ig$t dispose 'o%( andor

    encu)er t$e sae in a %raudu!ent anner "it$out *

    no"!edge and consent, %or t$e o"ners dup!icate tit!e

    "as not surrendered to e, it is petitioned t$at t$is

    Afdavit o% Adverse C!ai )e ANNO6A6ED at t$e )ac o% 

    t$e said tit!e particu!ar!* on t$e origina! cop* o% 6rans%erCerti#cate o% 6it!e No. :6-04 '82020( :-7888 "$ic$ is

    on #!e "it$ t$e :egister o% Deeds o% Wueon Cit*.


    3. 6$at I a eecuting t$is Afdavit in order to

    attest 'to( t$e trut$ o% t$e %oregoing %acts and to petition

    t$e 5onora)!e :egistrar o% Deeds, Wueon Cit*, to

    annotate t$is Afdavit o% Adverse C!ai at t$e )ac o% t$e

    said tit!e particu!ar!* t$e origina! cop* o% 6rans%erCerti#cate o% 6it!e No. :6-04 '82020( :-7888 "$ic$ is

    on #!e "it$ t$e said ofce, so that my interest as

    Recipient!enefactor of the said property  "i!! )e

    protected especia!!* t$e registered o"nerparents, in a

    %raudu!ent anner ig$t dispose 'o%( andor encu)er

    t$e sae "it$out * no"!edge and consent. 'Ep$asis




  • 8/20/2019 Effects and Application of Laws



    C!ear!*, petitioners Afdavit o% Adverse C!ai "as)ased solel  on t$e "aiver o% $ereditar* interest eecuted )*

    Coandante. 6$is %act cannot )e an* c!earer especia!!* so "$en t$einscription o% $is adverse c!ai at t$e )ac o% 6C6 No. :6-04 reads as



    .E. 2486-'82020(:6-04 - - A99IDA?I6 O9

    AD?E:SE CLAI - - Eecuted under oat$ )* ED:O .

    9E::E:, arried to Er!inda . 9errer, claiming among

    others that they have a claim' the interest over 

    said property as Recipient!enefactor' by virtue of 

    a "aiver of $ereditary Rights and Interest over a

    real property   P34Q 'Ep$asis ours(


     6$ere%ore, t$ere is no )asis %or petitioners assertion t$at t$e adverse

    c!ai "as a!so anc$ored on t$e ortgage contract a!!eged!* eecuted )*Coandante on )e$a!% o% $er parents.



  • 8/20/2019 Effects and Application of Laws


    registration thereof shall be ordered cancelled . I%,

    in an* case, t$e court, a%ter notice and $earing, s$a!! #nd

    t$at t$e adverse c!ai t$us registered "as %rivo!ous, it

    a* #ne t$e c!aiant in an aount not !ess t$an one

    t$ousand pesos nor ore t$an #ve t$ousand pesos, in its

    discretion. e%ore t$e !apse o% t$irt* da*s, t$e c!aiant

    a* "it$dra" $is adverse c!ai )* #!ing "it$ t$e

    :egister o% Deeds a s"orn petition to t$at eJect.

    'Ep$asis ours(


    ursuant to t$e t$ird paragrap$ o% t$e a%ore-

  • 8/20/2019 Effects and Application of Laws


    e agree "it$ t$e respondents.


    ursuant to t$e second paragrap$ o% Artic!e 734 o% t$e Civi! Code, nocontract a* )e entered into upon a %uture in$eritance ecept in casesepress!* aut$oried )* !a". 9or t$e in$eritance to )e considered %uture,

    t$e succession ust not $ave )een opened at t$e tie o% t$e contract. A

    contract a* )e c!assi#ed as a contract upon %uture in$eritance,pro$i)ited under t$e second paragrap$ o% Artic!e 734, "$ere t$e%o!!o"ing re and,


    '3( 6$at t$e proissor $as, "it$ respect to t$e

    o);ect, an epectanc* o% a rig$t "$ic$ is pure!*

    $ereditar* in nature.P38Q

    In t$is case, t$ere is no

  • 8/20/2019 Effects and Application of Laws


    A!)eit "e $ave a!read* reso!ved t$e issues raised )* petitioner, "e s$a!!not stop $ere as t$e Diaes and Coandante in t$eir Coent P40Q ca!!our attention to t$e %ai!ure o% t$e CA to pass upon t$e issue o% t$epropriet* o% t$e issuance )* t$e tria! court o% t$e Suar* &udgent in%avor o% petitioner despite t$e %act t$at t$e* $ave raised t$is issue )e%oret$e appe!!ate court. 6$e* argue t$at suar* ;udgent is proper on!*"$en t$ere is c!ear!* no genuine issue as to an* ateria! %act in t$eaction. 6$us, "$ere t$e de%endant presented de%enses tendering %actua!

    issue "$ic$ ca!! %or presentation o% evidence, as "$en $e speci#ca!!*denies t$e ateria! a!!egations in t$e cop!aint, suar* ;udgentcannot )e rendered.


     6$e Diaes and Coandante t$en enuerate t$e genuine issues

    in t$e case "$ic$ t$e* c!ai s$ou!d $ave prec!uded t$e tria! court %roissuing a suar* ;udgent in petitioners %avor. 8irst , t$e eecution o% t$e SA in %avor o% Coandante re%erred to )* petitioner in $is cop!aint"as never aditted )* t$e Diaes. 6$e* assert t$at as suc$ %act is

    disputed, tria! s$ou!d $ave )een conducted to deterine t$e trut$ o% t$eatter, sae )eing a genuine issue. Despite t$is, t$e tria! court ere!*too t$e "ord o% t$e p!aintiJ and assued t$at said docuent "asindeed eecuted )* t$e. Second, a!t$oug$ Coandante acno"!edgest$at s$e $as a persona! o)!igation "it$ petitioner, s$e nevert$e!ess, didnot adit t$at it "as in t$e aount o% 7,778,228.00. Instead, s$ec!ais on!* t$e aount o% B00,000.00 or 00,000.00 'i% inc!usive o% interest( as $er o)!igation. oreover, t$e Diaes den* )orro"ing an*one* %ro petitioner and neit$er did t$e angans o"e $i a sing!ecentavo. 6$us, t$e true aount o% t$e o)!igation due t$e petitioner and$o" eac$ o% t$e respondents are responsi)!e %or suc$ aount are

    genuine issues "$ic$ need %ora! presentation o% evidence. astl , t$e*aver t$at t$e tria! court ignored %actua! and ateria! issues suc$ as t$e!ac o% pro)ative va!ue o% Coandantes "aiver o% $ereditar* rig$ts as"e!! as o% t$e SA> t$e %act t$at Coandante signed t$e ortgagecontract and proissor* note in $er persona! capacit*> and, t$at a!! suc$docuents "ere prepared )* petitioner "$o acted as a !a"*er and t$ecreditor o% Coandante at t$e sae tie.


    :u!e 3B o% t$e :u!es o% Court provides %or suar* ;udgent, t$epertinent provisions o% "$ic$ are t$e %o!!o"ing/


    Section 7. Summar )ud*ment $or claimant. A

    part* seeing to recover upon a c!ai, counterc!ai, or

    cross-c!ai or to o)tain a dec!arator* re!ie% a*, at an*

    tie a%ter t$e p!eading in ans"er t$ereto $as )een

    served, ove "it$ supporting afdavits, depositions or

    adissions %or a suar* ;udgent in $is %avor upon a!!

    or an* part t$ereo%.


    Section 2. Summar )ud*ment $or the de$endin*

     part. A part* against "$o a c!ai, counterc!ai or

    cross-c!ai is asserted or a dec!arator* re!ie% is soug$t

    a*, at an* tie, ove "it$ supporting afdavits,depositions or adissions %or a suar* ;udgent in $is

    %avor as to a!! or an* part t$ereo%.


    Section 3. 0otion and proceedin*s thereon. 6$e otion

    s$a!! )e served at !east ten '70( da*s )e%ore t$e tie

    speci#ed %or t$e $earing. 6$e adverse part* a* serve

    opposing afdavits, depositions, or adissions at !east

    t$ree '3( da*s )e%ore t$e $earing. A%ter t$e $earing, t$e ;udgent soug$t s$a!! )e rendered %ort$"it$ i% t$e

    p!eadings, supporting afdavits, depositions and

    adissions on #!e, s$o" t$at, ecept as to t$e aount o% 

    daages, t$ere is no genuine issue as to an* ateria!

    %act and t$at t$e oving part* is entit!ed to a ;udgent

    as a atter o% !a".




  • 8/20/2019 Effects and Application of Laws


    As can )e deduced %ro t$e a)ove provisions, suar* ;udgent is a procedura! devise resorted to in order to avoid !ong dra"nout !itigations and use!ess de!a*s. $en t$e p!eadings on #!e s$o" t$att$ere are no genuine issues o% %acts to )e tried, t$e :u!es o% Court a!!o"sa part* to o)tain iediate re!ie% )* "a* o% suar* ;udgent. 6$at is,"$en t$e %acts are not in dispute, t$e court is a!!o"ed to decide t$e casesuari!* )* app!*ing t$e !a" to t$e ateria! %acts. Converse!*, "$eret$e p!eadings tender a genuine issue, suar* ;udgent is not

    proper. A genuine issue is suc$ %act "$ic$ re and, '3( a roissor* Note.


    Coandante, in $er Ans"er to petitioners Aended Cop!aint,assai!ed t$e va!idit* and due eecution o% t$e a)oveentioneddocuents. S$e asserted t$at t$e sae "ere not du!*, no"ing!* andva!id!* eecuted )* $er and t$at it "as petitioner "$o prepared a!! o% t$e. A!so, a!t$oug$ s$e aditted o"ing petitioner, sae "as not ana)so!ute adission as s$e !iited $erse!% to an o)!igation aounting on!*to 00,000.00 inc!usive o% c$arges and interests. S$e !ie"ise c!aiedt$at suc$ o)!igation is $er persona! o)!igation and not o% $er parents.


     6$e Diaes, %or t$eir part, a!so denied t$at t$e* eecuted t$e SAaut$oriing t$eir daug$ter to ortgage t$eir propert* to petitioner as

    "e!! as $aving an* o)!igation to t$e !atter.


    C!ear!*, t$ere are genuine issues in t$is case "$ic$ re

  • 8/20/2019 Effects and Application of Laws


    edro . 9errer on 6.C.6. No. N-2004 is $ere)*ordered ANELLE". Inso%ar as its ot$er aspects are concerned, t$eassai!ed Decision is SET ASI"E +- VAATE". 6$e case

    is RE#AN"E" to t$e :egiona! 6ria! Court o% Wueon Cit*, ranc$ 224 %or%urt$er proceedings in accordance "it$ t$is Decision.
