Effective Communication Strategies

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  • 8/13/2019 Effective Communication Strategies


    Effective Communication Strategies

    Florina Olaru, lect. univ. drd. UEB

    Abstract Effective communication strategies ensure positive relationships. In negotiation and conflict

    resolution, mindfulness prevents breakdown in communication and enables tactical choices. Coachingthrough conflict implies using mindfulness in communication skills for a win-win resolution of conflicts.

    Key words: communication, strategies, mindfulness, negotiation, interpersonal relationships, coaching

    Effective dealing with conflict goes a long way in determining the success of an endeavor. n internal

    conflict in your team impacts on team dynamics and cohesion. !or as a leader or coach, learning how to

    deal with these conflicts can become a ma"or part of her#his everyday "ob. $nproductive ways such as

    avoiding the conflict %&It's not a big problem, why worry()*, forcing it %&I will win this argument no

    matter what)*, or accommodating to it %&I'll give up whatever it takes to end the conflict)*.

    +ne of the ways you can help alleviate team conflict is to learn and use effective mediation strategies. sa coach, you are in a powerful position to display positive conflict management in the way you

    communicate with athletes, parents, referees, and the media. here are four principles to keep in mind

    when trying to resolve conflict:

    . ctive istening. /isplaying a willingness to listen can help alleviate conflict.

    o Encourage the speaker by asking 0uestions and showing interest.

    o 1alidate the speaker. 2ou can still show interest in the person while not necessarily

    agreeing with her#his point of view.

    o 3estate the speaker's message by paraphrasing main points.

    o Center the conflict by trying to find the key points of the message.

    4. 5on-verbal Communication. cold shoulder, eye roll, or clenched "aw can go a long way in

    communicating a point without even saying a word. In fact, 678 of our communication is non-

    verbal in nature. 9e open and consistent in your body language, helping to defuse emotion.

    . $sing &I) ;tatements. his is centered in the belief that if the speaker takes responsibility for

    her#his statements others will be less likely to simply react and put up a defense. &)

    o /iagnosing> &2our problem is that you>)

    o /iscounting> &Cheer up, it'll work out>)

  • 8/13/2019 Effective Communication Strategies


    o ecturing> &?ow many times do I have to tell you>)

    o hreatening> &his is the last time I will>)

    o @reaching> &2ou ought to know better than to>)

    hereto are some practical ways to avoid building up conflict:

    . Convey the value of your relationship with the person.4. Ao slowly with what you want to communicate.

    . ry to understand the other person's position.

    =. isten to what the other person is trying to communicate.

    B. Confront the situation, not the person.If the previous actions fail, the breakdown in communication follows, the opponents

    display the following:

    . Communicate the solution they do not focus on the problem.

    4. ;top communicating.

    . $se put-downs or sarcasm.

    =. 3ely on nonverbal hints to communicate, in a direct and forthcoming way.

    B. /iscuss the problem with others not associated with the conflict.

  • 8/13/2019 Effective Communication Strategies


    t first, it may appear that face-to-face communication consists of taking it in turns to speak.

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    the other's anger G and you do this by simply agreeing ith the person .

  • 8/13/2019 Effective Communication Strategies


    come up or some aspect of the problem may have been overlooked. 2our decisions should be seen as

    open to revision, as long as the revisions are agreed upon mutually.


    Aross, 9., Jimmerman, A. %6*.Mediating interpersonal conflict. 5orth Hanchester, I5: Educationfor Conflict 3esolution.

    !isher, 3., $ry,