Effect of Segmentation Variation on ECG Imaging Jess D. Tate 1 , Nejib Zemzemi 2 , Wilson W. Good 1 , Peter van Dam 3 , Dana H. Brooks 4 , Rob S. MacLeod 1 1 University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA 2 Inria Bordeaux Sud Ouest, France 3 Radboud Nijmegen University, The Netherlands 4 Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA Abstract ECG imaging (ECGI) is the process of calculating elec- trical cardiac activity from body surface recordings from the geometry and conductivity of the torso volume. A key first step to create geometric models for ECGI and a possi- ble source of considerable variability is to segment the sur- face of the heart. We hypothesize that this variation in car- diac segmentation will produce variation in the computed ventricular surface potentials from ECGI. To evaluate this hypothesis, we leveraged the resources of the Consortium for ECG Imaging (CEI) to carry out a comparison of ECGI results from the same body surface potentials and multiple ventricular segmentations. We found that using the dif- ferent segmentations produced variability in the computed ventricular surface potentials. Not surprisingly, locations of greater variance in the computed potential correlated to locations of greater variance in the segmentations, for example near the pulmonary artery and basal anterior left ventricular wall. Our results indicate that ECGI may be more sensitive to segmentation errors on the anterior epi- cardial surface than on other areas of the heart. 1. Introduction Electrocardiographic imaging (ECGI) is a technique al- ready used to noninvasively diagnose and guide treatment of cardiac arrhythmias. ECGI involves the numerical in- version of a forward model that predicts the cardiac elec- trical activity through the torso [1, 2]. Although many ad- vancements have been made in ECGI techniques, the un- certainty of these pipelines to variations that inevitably oc- cur in their clinical use is not well quantified. Uncertainty in ECGI could arise in many of the stages performed in ECGI pipelines. A frequently overlooked source of uncertainty relates to the forward model gen- eration within the ECGI pipelines, particularly the seg- mentation of the geometric model, which is typically cus- tomized for each patient. This segmentation step often re- quires manual input and user judgment, providing a po- tential origin of error and uncertainty. We have previously shown that segmentations of the same patient geometry, es- pecially of the cardiac surface, can vary widely with each operator [3]. However, we do not evaluate how this vari- ability might affect the end result of the ECGI pipeline. In this study, we analyzed the effect of segmentation variability on the resulting ECGI solutions. Our hypothe- sis was that variation in cardiac segmentation will produce meaningful error in the computed ventricular surface po- tentials using ECGI. We used the collaborative framework of the Consortium on ECG Imaging (CEI) to perform mul- tiple segmentations of the same patient to provide the data necessary to analyze the effect on the results of ECGI. We found that both the degree and location of variation in the ECGI solution corresponded to variation of the segmented cardiac surfaces. 2. Methods To analyze the effect of cardiac segmentation variabil- ity on ECGI, we computed cardiac surface potentials us- ing multiple segmented ventricular geometries in the ECGI pipeline. A single patient CT scan was segmented by five research groups within the CEI and collected using the COVALIC platform (https://challenge.kitware.com). From the five segmented myocardial volumes, an aggregate seg- mentation was created using the STAPLE algorithm [4]. Surface meshes were made from each of the segmenta- tions, which were then registered to an existing torso sur- face mesh using a modified iterative closest point tech- nique. Variations of the segmentations were computed compared to the aggregate segmentation using the DICE coefficient. Regional variation of the segmentation was further quantified by calculating the variance of the min- imum distance from each point on the aggregate cardiac surface to each segmented cardiac surface. ECGI was performed with the same body surface po- Computing in Cardiology 2018; Vol 45 Page 1 ISSN: 2325-887X DOI: 10.22489/CinC.2018.374

Effect of Segmentation Variation on ECG Imaging - cinc.org · Effect of Segmentation Variation on ECG Imaging Jess D. Tate 1, Nejib Zemzemi2, Wilson W. Good , Peter van Dam3, Dana

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Effect of Segmentation Variation on ECG Imaging

Jess D. Tate1, Nejib Zemzemi2, Wilson W. Good1, Peter van Dam3,Dana H. Brooks4, Rob S. MacLeod1

1University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA2Inria Bordeaux Sud Ouest, France

3Radboud Nijmegen University, The Netherlands4Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA


ECG imaging (ECGI) is the process of calculating elec-trical cardiac activity from body surface recordings fromthe geometry and conductivity of the torso volume. A keyfirst step to create geometric models for ECGI and a possi-ble source of considerable variability is to segment the sur-face of the heart. We hypothesize that this variation in car-diac segmentation will produce variation in the computedventricular surface potentials from ECGI. To evaluate thishypothesis, we leveraged the resources of the Consortiumfor ECG Imaging (CEI) to carry out a comparison of ECGIresults from the same body surface potentials and multipleventricular segmentations. We found that using the dif-ferent segmentations produced variability in the computedventricular surface potentials. Not surprisingly, locationsof greater variance in the computed potential correlatedto locations of greater variance in the segmentations, forexample near the pulmonary artery and basal anterior leftventricular wall. Our results indicate that ECGI may bemore sensitive to segmentation errors on the anterior epi-cardial surface than on other areas of the heart.

1. Introduction

Electrocardiographic imaging (ECGI) is a technique al-ready used to noninvasively diagnose and guide treatmentof cardiac arrhythmias. ECGI involves the numerical in-version of a forward model that predicts the cardiac elec-trical activity through the torso [1, 2]. Although many ad-vancements have been made in ECGI techniques, the un-certainty of these pipelines to variations that inevitably oc-cur in their clinical use is not well quantified.

Uncertainty in ECGI could arise in many of the stagesperformed in ECGI pipelines. A frequently overlookedsource of uncertainty relates to the forward model gen-eration within the ECGI pipelines, particularly the seg-mentation of the geometric model, which is typically cus-

tomized for each patient. This segmentation step often re-quires manual input and user judgment, providing a po-tential origin of error and uncertainty. We have previouslyshown that segmentations of the same patient geometry, es-pecially of the cardiac surface, can vary widely with eachoperator [3]. However, we do not evaluate how this vari-ability might affect the end result of the ECGI pipeline.

In this study, we analyzed the effect of segmentationvariability on the resulting ECGI solutions. Our hypothe-sis was that variation in cardiac segmentation will producemeaningful error in the computed ventricular surface po-tentials using ECGI. We used the collaborative frameworkof the Consortium on ECG Imaging (CEI) to perform mul-tiple segmentations of the same patient to provide the datanecessary to analyze the effect on the results of ECGI. Wefound that both the degree and location of variation in theECGI solution corresponded to variation of the segmentedcardiac surfaces.

2. Methods

To analyze the effect of cardiac segmentation variabil-ity on ECGI, we computed cardiac surface potentials us-ing multiple segmented ventricular geometries in the ECGIpipeline. A single patient CT scan was segmented by fiveresearch groups within the CEI and collected using theCOVALIC platform (https://challenge.kitware.com). Fromthe five segmented myocardial volumes, an aggregate seg-mentation was created using the STAPLE algorithm [4].Surface meshes were made from each of the segmenta-tions, which were then registered to an existing torso sur-face mesh using a modified iterative closest point tech-nique. Variations of the segmentations were computedcompared to the aggregate segmentation using the DICEcoefficient. Regional variation of the segmentation wasfurther quantified by calculating the variance of the min-imum distance from each point on the aggregate cardiacsurface to each segmented cardiac surface.

ECGI was performed with the same body surface po-

Computing in Cardiology 2018; Vol 45 Page 1 ISSN: 2325-887X DOI: 10.22489/CinC.2018.374

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5time (s)












aggregatesegmentation 1segmentation 2segmentation 3segmentation 4segmentation 5

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5time (ms)







0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5time (ms)







Figure 1. Error over time of the ECGI potentials with various segmentations compared to the aggregate solution.


1 2 3 4 5Segmentation






1 B

1 2 3 4 5Segmentation




1.5 C

1 2 3 4 5Segmentation





Figure 2. Mean error of the ECGI potentials with various segmentations compared to the aggregate solution.

tential maps (BSPM) and each of geometries generatedwith the segmentations, including the aggregate segmen-tation. Epicardial and endocardial surface potentials werecomputed with the boundary element method (BEM)and Tikhonov regularization as implemented in the For-ward/Inverse toolkit in SCIRun (scirun.org) [5–7]. ALaplacian matrix which accounts for volumetric distanceswas included as a regularizer to enable computed solutionsalso over the endocardial surfaces. Computed source po-tentials were mapped onto the aggregate heart geometryfor point-wise comparison. We compared the computedpotentials from each segmentations to the potentials fromthe aggregate segmentation using the correlation coeffi-cient (ρ), relative root mean squared error (rRMSE), andrelative error (RE). We also computed the variance at eachpoint over the surface of the heart and through the recordedbeats.

The patient data used in this study were collected bySapp et al. [8] and is available for open use on the EDGARdatabase (http://edgar.sci.utah.edu) [9] a shared resource ofthe CEI.

3. Results

Comparing computed endocardial and epicardial po-tentials from each of the segmentations to the aggre-gate potentials showed variation in the computed solution.The variance of the computed solutions changed over thecourse of the cardiac cycle and was similar in morphologyto the amplitude of the RMS voltage over the surface of theheart. Each metric also varied over time and with differing

segmentations, as shown in Figure 1. The mean correla-tion of the computed potentials compared to the aggregatepotentials is shown in Figure 2 and had mean values of ρ= 0.85, a rRMSE = 0.71, and RE = 0.54 for all segmen-tations. The mean error metrics of the cardiac potentialscompared to the solution from the aggregate solution gen-erally correlated to the accuracy of the segmentations, inthat solutions that had a lower mean rRMSE andRE andhigher ρ corresponded to segmentations that agreed moreclosely with the aggregate segmentation (Figure 3).

seg 1 seg 2 seg 3 seg 4 seg 50







Figure 3. Variation of the individual cardiac segmenta-tions compared to the aggregate segmentation. Sensitivityand specificity were calculated using the STAPLE algo-rithm.

Comparing the variance of computed endocardial andepicardial potentials over the surface of the heart revealedconsistent areas of higher variation. As shown in Fig-ure 4, the anterior surface generally had higher mean vari-

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LV Stim RV Stim

1.0 mV2

0.5 mV2

0.0 mV2

Figure 4. Mean variance by location for example beats of the cardiac surface potential due to the differing segmentations.

ance in the computed potentials than did the posterior sur-face. The epicardial surface also generally had a highervariance than the endocardial surface, yet there were re-gions of high variance on the anterior endocardial surfacewhich corresponded spatially to regions of high varianceon the epicardial surface. Not surprisingly, locations ofhigh variance in the potential corresponded to locations ofgreater variability of the segmentations (Figure 5), for ex-ample near the pulmonary valve and the basal, anterior,left ventricular wall. However, some locations, such as thebasal, posterior wall and the endocardial, right ventricularapex, showed lower variance of the computed potentialsdespite showing high variation in the segmentation. Addi-tionally, regions on the endocardial surface in the anteriorregion showed higher variance in the computed potentials,yet demonstrated low variance in the minimum distance toeach geometry.

4. Discussion and Conclusions

Our results indicate that the cardiac potentials computedusing ECGI may be sensitive to variability in the cardiacsegmentations. However, some regions of the heart aremore sensitive to perturbations in the cardiac segmenta-tion than others, e.g. the anterior surface of the heart.These findings also suggest that more analysis of the modelgeneration pipeline is needed to ensure that the invertedforward models, upon which ECGI is based, are as accu-rate and robust as possible and that unavoidable errors arequantified and characterized.

Errors in ECGI solutions due to segmentation varia-tion were not uniformly distributed over the surface of theheart. The posterior regions of the heart were less sensi-tive to these changes than the anterior regions, likely be-cause the distance between the heart and torso surfaces ismuch smaller on the anterior cardiac surface than on otherlocations in the heart. The anterior endocardial regionsthat showed high variance in the computed solution despitelow variance in the distance to the mesh reveal a source ofvariance that were not capturing in our geometry variationmetrics. Since the distance to each mesh to the aggregatewas not correspondence based, the mesh variance on theendocardial may have included distances to the epicardialsurfaces, masking the variance in the region.

These findings also support a growing concern re-garding the need to quantify the uncertainty of simula-tions and, in this case, segmentation steps. More robustquantification of the segmentation variation could providemore insight into the relationship between better segme-nations and more accurate ECGI solutions. For instance,correspondence-based shape statistics [10] would providea more consistent comparison of the variation in each re-gion. A more complete analysis of the uncertainty, suchas with the generalize polynomial chaos theory [11], couldalso provide a more complete understanding of how suchsegmentation variation affects forward models of ECG andECGI.

Although only the effect of segmentation variation wasaddressed in this study, other sources of variation in themodel generation process should be expected to also cause

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80 mm2

40 mm2

0 mm2

Figure 5. Variance of the minimum distance to the meshesgenerated from the various segmentations.

variation in the computed cardiac activity. For example,the inclusion of the inhomogeneity of the torso and the seg-mentation of the various tissue regions are likely to affectthe ECGI solutions. Mesh generation, quality, and resolu-tion could provide some different ECGI solutions depend-ing on the techniques of the various groups.


This project was supported by the National Instituteof General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes ofHealth under grant number P41GM103545. Data usedin this study was made available by Drs. John Sapp andMilan Horacek and their research collaboration with Dal-housie University. Thanks to Sophie Giffard-Roisin andEric Perez-Alday for providing segmentations.


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Address for correspondence:

Jess TateScientific Computing and Imaging InstituteWEB, 72 South Campus Drive, Rm 3750Salt Lake City, UT [email protected]

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