姓名 N AME : ___________________ 靈修日記 DAILY DEVOTION J OURNAL 2017 奧馬哈華人基督教會 Omaha Chinese Christian Church 4618 S 139 St, Omaha, NE 68137 (402) 399-8760

靈修日記 - omahaccc.org · 姓名 _____NAME: 靈修日記 DAILY DEVOTION JOURNAL 2017 奧馬哈華人基督教會 Omaha Chinese Christian Church 4618 S 139 St, Omaha, NE 68137

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姓名 N A M E : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _



奧馬哈華人基督教會 Omaha Chinese Christian Church

4618 S 139 St, Omaha, NE 68137

(402) 399-8760

1:3 願頌讚歸與我們主耶穌基督的父神!他曾照自己的大



1:4 可以得著不能朽壞、不能玷污、不能衰殘、為你們存


彼得前書 1:3-4

3 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus

Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into

a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ

from the dead,

4 and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or

fade. This inheritance is kept in heaven for you.

1 Peter 1:3-4


目錄 Table of Contents

2017 年度主題: “要存盼望住在基督裡” ................................................................................................................... 3

2017 ANNUAL THEME: "TO LIVE IN CHRIST BY HOPE" ............................................................................................ 3

OCCC 教會使命宣言 ................................................................................................................................................ 4

OCCC MISSION STATEMENT ................................................................................................................................... 4

成全聖徒:TO EQUIP THE SAINTS: .................................................................................................................................. 4

鞏固家庭: TO STRENGTHEN THE FAMILY ......................................................................................................................... 4

宣揚基督:TO PROCLAIM JESUS CHRIST .......................................................................................................................... 5

使徒信經 ................................................................................................................................................................ 7

THE APOSTLES CREED ............................................................................................................................................ 7

使徒信經簡明概述 ..................................................................................................................................................... 8

OVERVIEW OF THE APOSTLE’S CREED ................................................................................................................................. 9

主禱文 (太 6:9-13) ................................................................................................................................................ 10

THE LORD'S PRAYER (MATT. 6:9-13) .................................................................................................................... 10

家庭敬拜 .............................................................................................................................................................. 10

FAMILY WORSHIP ................................................................................................................................................ 11

家庭敬拜步驟 .......................................................................................................................................................... 11

THE STEPS OF FAMILY WORSHIP ..................................................................................................................................... 11

靈修五步驟 ........................................................................................................................................................... 13

THE FIVE STEPS OF DEVOTION ............................................................................................................................. 13

2017 讀經計劃 ...................................................................................................................................................... 16

禱告篇 PRAYERS ................................................................................................................................................... 28

禱讀訓練 .................................................................................................................................................................. 28

PRAYER-READING TRAINING .......................................................................................................................................... 29

用主禱文禱告........................................................................................................................................................ 30

PRAY WITH THE LORD’S PRAYER .......................................................................................................................... 30

讚美敬拜神的名 PRAISE AND WORSHIP THE LORD’S NAME .............................................................................................. 30

神的國 THE KINGDOM OF GOD ..................................................................................................................................... 30

神的旨意 THE WILL OF GOD ......................................................................................................................................... 31

每天所用 DAILY PROVISION ......................................................................................................................................... 31

赦免寬恕 FORGIVE ..................................................................................................................................................... 31

應許保守 PROMISE PROTECTION................................................................................................................................... 32

榮耀歸神 GIVE GLORY TO THE LORD .............................................................................................................................. 32

我們在天上的父願人都尊祢的名為聖 ...................................................................................................................... 32


OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN, HALLOWED BE YOUR NAME .......................................................................................................... 32

願祢的旨意行在地上, 如同行在天上 ........................................................................................................................ 33 YOUR WILL BE DONE, ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN............................................................................................................. 33

我們日用的飲食, 今日賜給我們 ............................................................................................................................... 33

GIVE US TODAY OUR DAILY BREAD. .................................................................................................................................. 33

免我們的債, 如同我們免了人的債 ............................................................................................................................ 34

AND FORGIVE US OUR DEBTS, AS WE ALSO HAVE FORGIVEN OUR DEBTORS. .............................................................................. 34

不叫我們遇見(陷入)試探, 就我們脫離兇惡............................................................................................................... 34

AND LEAD US NOT INTO TEMPTATION, BUT DELIVER US FROM THE EVIL ONE. ............................................................................ 34

因為國度, 權柄, 榮耀, 全是祢的, 直到永遠. .............................................................................................................. 34

FOR YOURS IS THE KINGDOM, THE POWER, AND THE GLORY, NOW AND FOREVER. AMEN. .......................................................... 34

禁食禱告須知........................................................................................................................................................ 35

GUIDELINE TO FASTING PRAYER .......................................................................................................................... 35

為個人作屬靈認養的禱告 ...................................................................................................................................... 36

反覆用以下禱告來為人代禱 ..................................................................................................................................... 36

禱告後生命得改變的名字有 : ................................................................................................................................... 36

PRAY FOR INDIVIDUAL’S SPIRITUAL ADOPTION ................................................................................................... 37

PRAY FOR OTHERS REPEATEDLY WITH THE FOLLOWING PRAYERS ............................................................................................ 37 THE NAMES OF THOSE WHOSE LIVES HAVE BEEN CHANGED AFTER THE PRAYER: ......................................................................... 37

為親朋好友五祝福的代禱方式與內容 ...................................................................................................................... 38

用 BLESS 五方面祝福禱告: ....................................................................................................................................... 38

THE “FIVE BLESSINGS” INTERCESSION PRAYER FOR RELATIVES AND FRIENDS ............................................................................ 40 BLESSING PRAYER IN FIVE AREAS: ................................................................................................................................... 40

為人代禱的紀錄表格 ................................................................................................................................................ 41

RECORDS OF INTERCESSION PRAYERS FOR OTHERS .............................................................................................................. 41

多結果子 .............................................................................................................................................................. 42

從經文中我們可以看到葡萄樹的枝子有四種程度的果子: ........................................................................................ 42

什麼是果子? .......................................................................................................................................................... 43

結果子 ..................................................................................................................................................................... 43

四種果子 .................................................................................................................................................................. 43

2017 周历家庭祭坛 ............................................................................................................................................... 46

讀經筆記 .............................................................................................................................................................. 50


2017 年度主題: “要存盼望住在基督裡”

2017 annual theme: "To live in Christ by Hope"

經文: 彼得前書 1:3-4. 1 Peter 1:3-4.

1:3 願頌讚歸與我們主耶穌基督的父神!他曾照自己的大憐憫,藉耶穌基督從死裡復活,重生了我


1:4 可以得著不能朽壞、不能玷污、不能衰殘、為你們存留在天上的基業。

3 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 4 and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. This inheritance is kept in heaven for you.


OCCC 教會使命宣言

OCCC Mission Statement


Our mission is to equip the saints, strengthen the family and proclaim Jesus Christ.

成全聖徒:To equip the saints:






This means to humbly equip ourselves, connect with and help each other. We are to live out a life of Jesus Christ and be committed disciples. We fight the battle with God till the end and live in faith, and become a warrior of faith. Our life becomes the testimony of Jesus Christ. In this way, we edify one another and grow together. Therefore, our church will offer various Sunday school courses and training on serving. We hope each brother or sister can set aside time to take advantage of the opportunities to know more about our faith and about God’s promises through the Bible and learn about the rules of putting God’s words into practice in our everyday life.

鞏固家庭: To strengthen the family








This means that brothers and sisters handle various relationships honestly, and sincerely forgive one another. We need to embrace our heavenly father, practice family alter worship, remain united with God, live in hope, and become an eagle of hope, ensuring each family member close to God. Then our families will be strengthened. Therefore, our church may hold a marriage retreat or set aside a period of time during the year to focus on teachings on family relationships. It is our hope to help brothers and sisters to lead a family alter worship life. We hope our brothers and sisters foster and nurture our family


relationships seriously, pondering on our connection with God, being restored, being renewed and growing, so that our family will become a healthy and hopeful Christian family.

宣揚基督:To Proclaim Jesus Christ


活且能活在主愛裡,成為有主愛的火把,去彰顯愛的大能與影響力; 使自己成為見證就能有效地宣





This requires brothers and sisters to lead a holy life, love one another, experience the Holy Spirit, and witness God’s love. At the end we live with God completely and live in his love. We become a torch of God’s love to manifest the power and impact of God’s love. Being the testimony of God’s is to proclaim Jesus Christ effectively. Our church encourages brothers and sisters to witness God’s love in various occasions and locations, including but not limited to workplaces, short term mission trips, and other campus gospel fellowships. We need to be determined to live a holy life, share God’s love and become his testimony. The purpose of our church’s gospel mission is to proclaim Jesus Christ, work with the Holy Spirit, and bring forth the power of transformation in various areas.



1. 如謙卑的信心戰士,去活出基督 ,實踐成全聖徒 (成全有裝備與使彼此聯合)

2. 如正直的希望飛鷹,去擁抱天父,實踐鞏固家庭 (鞏固貴於真實與抓住天父)

3. 如聖潔的主愛火把,去經歷聖靈,實踐宣揚基督 (宣揚有傳講與見證的意思)

讓我們一同完成一個使命宣言: 成全聖徒,鞏固家庭,宣揚基督

With the influence of Jesus Christ and the teachings based on the Bible, I would like to remind

brothers and sisters of working towards our mission in according with the following three


1. Like a humble and faithful warrior, we live out a life of Jesus Christ and practice equipping the


2. Like a righteous and hopeful eagle, we embrace the heavenly father and practice strengthening

the family.

3. Like a holy torch of God’s love, we experience the Holy Spirit and practice proclaiming Jesus



Let us work together towards our mission: to equip the saints, strengthen the family and

proclaim Jesus Christ.

盼望我們教會人人都有(敬拜, 讀經, 禱告; 簡稱 W. B. P.)的生活,在“生活, 家庭, 職場”上成為

能改變世界, 榮耀見證基督的喜樂群體。

May every member at our church keep a life of Worshiping, Bible studying, and Praying. All of us become a joyful group to transform the world, glorify and witness Christ in our daily lives, families, and work places.

敬拜生活:(Worshiping life)/約 4:24 John 4:24


“God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in Spirit and in truth.”

讀經生活:(Bible studying life)/提後 3:15-17 2 Timothy 3:15-17

這聖經能使你因信基督耶穌,有得救的智慧. 聖經都是神所默示的,於教訓、督責、使人歸正、

教導人學義都是有益的, 叫屬神的人得以完全,預備行各樣的善事。

“and how from infancy you have known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”

禱告生活: (Praying life)/腓 4:6 Philippians 4:6

應當一無掛慮, 只要凡事藉著禱告, 祈求, 和感謝, 將你們所要的告訴神。

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”





I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth.




I believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried; He descended into hell. The third day He rose again from the dead. He ascended to heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the Father Almighty. From there He will come to judge the living and the dead.



I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.







是全知全能全善的主宰, 沒有一件事物或人或靈界不服在祂權柄之下















我們相信聖靈使教會成為聖潔, 並在真理下使成為神所喜悅共同相通的普世教會;






Overview of the Apostle’s Creed

Within the framework of believing in the one only God, our faith in the true God of trinity can be described as below: We believe that God is omnipotent,

He is our Father who loves us forever, He is the One that created the world, you and me, He is the ruler who is omniscient, omnipotent, omnibenevolent, and no person or thing or spirit is above His sovereign.

We believe that Jesus Christ was, is and will be the King,

He is the anointed One, the priest who offers for us, is the only offering (redeemed lamb) that can accomplish the soothing of God’s wrath, He is the Prophet who understands and teaches us, is the perfect manifestation of God’s word becoming flesh, He is the only begotten son who is yet an independent person; and, the Holy Father, the Holy Son and the Holy Spirit are three independent persons but also One God, He was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, which is by God’s special means and not through the rational cognition of humans, He willingly and humbly descended via birth into a manger, becoming the only sinless person. Therefore Jesus Christ is a perfect human and the perfect God. As a matter of fact in history, He was wronged under Pontius Pilate, obeying God’s will and was crucified on the cross. With certainty he died and buried, descending to the lowest realm of death below. Later Jesus Christ defeated the power of death and grave, and resurrected, ascending to the right of the heavenly Father, interceding for us ceaselessly, making preparations for us. He sent the Holy Spirit to us to be our comforter. He will advent from the Father and judge all mankind including the living and the dead.

We believe that the Holy Spirit is the third Person, of the Trinity. He is an independent person, yet is the only God, being one with the Holy Father and Holy Son.

Up till this day, the Spirit, given to us as a deposit, , has been working in our hearts so that we can profess our faith and witness God. He makes it certain that we believe in one God, yet the Holy Father, the Holy Son and the Holy Spirit being in Trinity and that they are glorified and exalted, He is the One that is still working in the Church, We believe that the Holy Spirit makes the church holy and in truth He makes it a universal church in fellowship pleasing to God, He is the One working to help brothers and sisters in Christ love and support one another, He is the One enabling us to exalt Christ and to have the assurance of Jesus Christ’s grace of salvation, He is the One ensuring us that we will have resurrection of the body in the future after our death to face the judgment, He is the one that gives us an abundant life which is connected to God, and gives us assurance of an ever-lasting life in God’s kingdom.


主禱文 (太 6:9-13)




The Lord's Prayer (Matt. 6:9-13) Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.



Family Worship

申命記 6:4-9 記載神的心意要人全心全意去愛祂;且要將神的話存記在心上,不只如此,還要殷勤教訓兒女,做

討論,作紀念,並記憶與遵行.其中最重要的是在家中的教導, 學習對神的崇拜與敬畏,及對於神話語的領會,遵



The will of God was recorded in Deuteronomy 6:4-9 that People shall love God with all their

hearts and souls. People have to keep the commandments from God on your hearts. In

addition, people have to impress His commandments on their children, talk about, remember,

memorize and act on the commandments. Most importantly, teach children at home to fear

and worship God, understand and obey the Word of God. The purpose of family worship is to

carry forward such a spirit at home. We shall not only attend Sunday worship at church but

also establish family altars to foster an environment which loves God, follows God’s Word, and

promotes the spiritual growth of children and parents together.


The Steps of Family Worship

1. 每周至少安排一個晚上(天天更好),如週日晚上,全家成員都參與;並事先有計畫,預備聖經,詩歌,及安排地


All family members shall participate in the family worship held at least one night a week such as Sunday night (If you can hold it daily, it is even better). The worship should be planned in advance, including Bible and Hymns preparation, location arrangement, and questions and answers of the Scripture to be discussed. (You may share the application of the Sunday sermon or the reflection from the Sunday school.)

2. 先由父親或母親或兄姊以禱告開始;再由選詩歌的家人領唱(本周敬拜結束前請預定下次負責詩歌的人);


First of all, start with the prayer from father, mother, elder brother or sister. Secondly, whoever picks the hymns will lead the singspiration. (Before the worship is over, please assign a family member to be in charge of the singspiration for next week.) The key is not singing but to lead the whole family to focus on spiritual worship. Lastly, conclude this session with thanksgiving prayers.

3. 由家長(父親或因丈夫未信兼職帶領的母親)帶領讀經;然後眾人簡單一兩個主題或彼此問答與查經;或是

講經教導. 並讓大家有時間發問與回應或討論與分享應用.(討論主日信息也可以)


A parent (father or mother if father is not yet a believer) leads the scripture reading first. All participants discuss 1 or 2 topics, have a Q & A session and bible study, or perform bible teaching. Please allow time for questions and answers, discussion, and sharing application.

4. 最後有彼此認罪,分享彼此需要並直接代禱,也為教會禱告事項,福音事工代禱.

At the end, confess to each other, share needs of each other, and intercede for individuals, church prayer requests, and evangelical ministries.

5. 結束前交代下周聚會之各項負責人.

Please assign responsibilities of tasks for the next meeting.


家庭祭壇貴在有恆,並且力求簡潔有力,每次聚會可預設 20 分鐘即可;且每次此都有唱詩敬拜,讀



Perseverance is the key success factor of family altars. Please keep the meeting concise and powerful. Each meeting shall last 20 minutes or so. Singspiration, scripture reading, teaching, sharing and praying should be included in each family prayer’s meeting.



The Five Steps of Devotion

1. 禱告開始(半分鐘) Begin praying (30 seconds)

求聖靈帶領我進入真理裡面,真認識基督耶穌,明白父神的心意.靠著聖靈的能力, 使我成為父所


May Holy Spirit lead me into the truth, to know Jesus Christ truthfully, to understand the will of God, to rely on the power of the Holy Spirit, and to make me a son (or daughter) pleasing to our Father God. We pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

2. 恭讀經文(1 分鐘) Read scriptures respectfully (1 minute)


Please read aloud, highlight scriptures with circles, or underline it to enhance concentration.

3. 默想經文(2 分鐘) Meditate Scripture (2 minutes)


Ask Holy Spirit to calm my thoughts, focus on Lord Jesus Christ, and ask God to speak to my heart.

A. 理出經文中,神藉作者帶出的想法與思路 Organize God’s thoughts and ideas within the Scriptures

brought out by the authors.

B. 將經文化為動感影像,自己跳入取得”設身處地”的感受,融會進入當時的文化歷史背景裡 Transform

the Scriptures into an imaginary video. Put yourself in the cultural and historical context.

C. 反覆問為什麼,藉此激發對經文裡深度的透視與讀經感動和亮光. Ask repeatedly the question

“why” to understand the depth of the scripture, and to be moved and enlightened by the

scripture reading.

D. 將神的話語個人化,加以記憶 Individualize the Word of God for easier memorization.

E. 逐字,逐段重複神的話,每次留意不同的重點,並思想不同字詞的意義(禱讀式)

F. Repeat the Word of God word for word and paragraph by paragraph. Every time you read it,

please pay attention to different key points and ponder the meaning of different words. (praying

scripture method)

G. 以所讀的經文,引申到個人應用 Extend the Scripture you read to personal application:

i. 那些啟示,神的屬性,作為,是我可以讚美與感恩?

What revelations and the attributes of God should I praise and give thanks?

ii. 那些知識及價值觀念上有新的領受,或我該做改變的?

Do I gain new knowledge and values, or what should I do differently?

iii. 那些提醒,警惕,應許,勸勉,榜樣貨源則是我要順從?

What reminders, vigilance, promises, exhortation, and examples should I submit to?

iv. 我該產生什麼行動?

What actions should I take?


綜合以上想一想:(對神,對人, 對自己的更認識與提醒)

Summarize item 3f and reflect on: (further understanding and awareness of God and yourself)

1. 有什麼關於三一神的啟示我要認識?.....................向神敬拜

What additional revelation of Trinity I need to

know?..................................................................Worship God

2. 有什麼提醒了神的恩典,我要感恩?........................向主感恩

What reminds me of God’s grace that I need to give

thanks?......................................................Give thanks to God

3. 有什麼罪過,錯誤,我要承認與改過?.......................求神赦免

What sins and mistakes that I need to confess and

repent?..............................................Ask God for forgiveness

4. 有什麼更新的觀念和態度,我要活出?....................求神更正

What renewing attitude and ideas that I have to live

out?.....................................................Ask God for correction

5. 有什麼命令,勸戒,我要警醒順服?...........................向神順服

What commands and admonishments that I have to watch

and obey?.................................................................Obey God

6. 有什麼勸勉安慰應許,我可以支取?........................求神幫助

What exhortation, comfort, and promises I can draw from

God?..............................................................Ask God for help


4. 禱告回應 (2 分鐘) Respond with prayers (2 minutes)


Conclude today’s meditation with prayers in response to the moving from God: Thank the

Holy Spirit leading me into God’s heart, and making me to truly know Christ.

5. G.P.S. 靈修心得記錄 (2 分鐘) Record devotion experience (2 minutes)

神對我說什麼?(God) What does God speak to me?

我對神說什麼?(Pray) What do I pray to God?

我要順服什麼?(Submit) What do I submit to God?

向神敬拜: 我讚美你………

Worship God: I praise you……

向主感恩: 為著你在我生命中所做的……感謝你

Thank God: For what you have done in my life…….Thank you.

求神赦免: 主,求你赦免………

Ask for forgiveness: Lord, please forgive……

求神更正: 我如今悔改,求聖靈引導我,修正我….

Ask God for correction” I repent now and ask Holy Spirit to lead and correct me…….

向神順服: 我願意順服…...因這是你的心意

Submit to God: I am willing to submit….. for it is your will.

向神求助: 求你按著你的應許來幫助…..

Ask God for help: Please help me according to your promises…….


2017 讀經計劃

日期 舊約 新約 詩篇 箴言

1/10/2017 王下 2Ki 21.1-22.2 徒 Ac 21.27-36 詩 Ps 1:1-5 箴 Pr 1:1-6

1/11/2017 王下 2Ki 22.3-23.7 徒 Ac 21.37-40 詩 Ps 1.6 箴 Pr 1:7-9

1/12/2017 王下 2Ki 23.8-30 徒 Ac 22.1-16 詩 Ps 2:1-6 箴 Pr 1:10-19

1/13/2017 王下 2Ki 23.31-25.7 徒 Ac 22.17-30 詩 Ps 2:7-12 箴 Pr 1:20-23

1/14/2017 王下 2Ki 25.8-30 徒 Ac 23.1-10 詩 Ps 3:1-5 箴 Pr 1:24-28

1/15/2017 代上 1Ch 1.1-33 徒 Ac 23.11-15 詩 Ps 3:6-8 箴 Pr 1:29-33

1/16/2017 代上 1Ch 1.34-2.17 徒 Ac 23.16-35 詩 Ps 4:1-3 箴 Pr 2:1-5

1/17/2017 代上 1Ch 2.18-55 徒 Ac 24.1-23 詩 Ps 4:4-8 箴 Pr 2:6-15

1/18/2017 代上 1Ch 3.1-4.4 徒 Ac 24.24-27 詩 Ps 5:1-6 箴 Pr 2:16-22

1/19/2017 代上 1Ch 4.5-37 徒 Ac 25.1-13 詩 Ps 5:7-12 箴 Pr 3:1-6

1/20/2017 代上 1Ch 4.38-5.17 徒 Ac 25.14-27 詩 Ps 6:1-5 箴 Pr 3:7-8

1/21/2017 代上 1Ch 5.18-6.30 徒 Ac 26.1-8 詩 Ps 6:6-10 箴 Pr 3:9-10

1/22/2017 代上 1Ch 6.31-81 徒 Ac 26.9-32 詩 Ps 7:1-9 箴 Pr 3:11-12

1/23/2017 代上 1Ch 7.1-40 徒 Ac 27.1-6 詩 Ps 7:10-17 箴 Pr 3:13-15

1/24/2017 代上 1Ch 8.1-40 徒 Ac 27.7-20 詩 Ps 8.1 箴 Pr 3:16-18

1/25/2017 代上 1Ch 9.1-16 徒 Ac 27.21-32 詩 Ps 8:2-9 箴 Pr 3:19-20

1/26/2017 代上 1Ch 9.17-10.14 徒 Ac 27.33-44 詩 Ps 9:1-8 箴 Pr 3:21-26

1/27/2017 代上 1Ch 11.1-25 徒 Ac 28.1-16 詩 Ps 9.9-12 箴 Pr 3.27-32

1/28/2017 代上 1Ch 11.26-12.18 徒 Ac 28.17-31 詩 Ps 9.13-18 箴 Pr 3.33-35

1/29/2017 代上 1Ch 12.19-40 羅 Ro 1.1-9 詩 Ps 9.19-20 箴 Pr 4.1-6

1/30/2017 代上 1Ch 13.1-14.17 羅 Ro 1.10-17 詩 Ps 10.1-6 箴 Pr 4.7-10

1/31/2017 代上 1Ch 15.1-29 羅 Ro 1.18-20 詩 Ps 10.7-15 箴 Pr 4.11-13

2/1/2017 代上 1Ch 16.1-36 羅 Ro 1.21-32 詩 Ps 10.16 箴 Pr 4.14-19

2/2/2017 代上 1Ch 16.37-17.15 羅 Ro 2.1-11 詩 Ps 10.17-18 箴 Pr 4.20-27

2/3/2017 代上 1Ch 17.16-18.17 羅 Ro 2.12-24 詩 Ps 11.1-6 箴 Pr 5.1-6

2/4/2017 代上 1Ch 19.1-20.8 羅 Ro 2.25-29 詩 Ps 11.7 箴 Pr 5.7-14

2/5/2017 代上 1Ch 21.1-30 羅 Ro 3.1-8 詩 Ps 12.1-5 箴 Pr 5.15-21

2/6/2017 代上 1Ch 22.1-19 羅 Ro 3.9-22 詩 Ps 12.6-8 箴 Pr 5.22-23

2/7/2017 代上 1Ch 23.1-32 羅 Ro 3.23-31 詩 Ps 13.1-4 箴 Pr 6.1-5

2/8/2017 代上 1Ch 24.1-31 羅 Ro 4.1-10 詩 Ps 13.5-6 箴 Pr 6.6-11

2/9/2017 代上 1Ch 25.1-26.11 羅 Ro 4.11-12 詩 Ps 14.1-6 箴 Pr 6.12-15


日期 舊約 新約 詩篇 箴言

2/10/2017 代上 1Ch 26.12-32 羅 Ro 4.13-17 詩 Ps 14.7 箴 Pr 6.16-19

2/11/2017 代上 1Ch 27.1-34 羅 Ro 4.18-5.5 詩 Ps 15.1-5 箴 Pr 6.20-26

2/12/2017 代上 1Ch 28.1-21 羅 Ro 5.6-11 詩 Ps 16.1-4 箴 Pr 6.27-35

2/13/2017 代上 1Ch 29.1-30 羅 Ro 5.12-21 詩 Ps 16.5-8 箴 Pr 7.1-5

2/14/2017 代下 2Ch 1.1-2.10 羅 Ro 6.1-14 詩 Ps 16.9-11 箴 Pr 7.6-23

2/15/2017 代下 2Ch 2.11-3.17 羅 Ro 6.15-23 詩 Ps 17.1-5 箴 Pr 7.24-27

2/16/2017 代下 2Ch 4.1-22 羅 Ro 7.1-4 詩 Ps 17.6-15 箴 Pr 8.1-11

2/17/2017 代下 2Ch 5.1-6.11 羅 Ro 7.5-13 詩 Ps 18.1-3 箴 Pr 8.12-13

2/18/2017 代下 2Ch 6.12-42 羅 Ro 7.14-25 詩 Ps 18.4-15 箴 Pr 8.14-26

2/19/2017 代下 2Ch 7.1-8.10 羅 Ro 8.1-8 詩 Ps 18.16-24 箴 Pr 8.27-32

2/20/2017 代下 2Ch 8.11-9.12 羅 Ro 8.9-11 詩 Ps 18.25-36 箴 Pr 8.33-36

2/21/2017 代下 2Ch 9.13-10.19 羅 Ro 8.12-25 詩 Ps 18.37-45 箴 Pr 9.1-6

2/22/2017 代下 2Ch 11.1-12.16 羅 Ro 8.26-34 詩 Ps 18.46-50 箴 Pr 9.7-8

2/23/2017 代下 2Ch 13.1-22 羅 Ro 8.35-39 詩 Ps 19.1-6 箴 Pr 9.9-10

2/24/2017 代下 2Ch 14.1-15.8 羅 Ro 9.1-10 詩 Ps 19.7-14 箴 Pr 9.11-12

2/25/2017 代下 2Ch 15.9-16.14 羅 Ro 9.10-24 詩 Ps 20.1-6 箴 Pr 9.13-18

2/26/2017 代下 2Ch 17.1-19 羅 Ro 9.25-33 詩 Ps 20.7-9 箴 Pr 10.1-2

2/27/2017 代下 2Ch 18.1-34 羅 Ro 10.1-13 詩 Ps 21.1-7 箴 Pr 10.3-4

2/28/2017 代下 2Ch 19.1-11 羅 Ro 10.14-21 詩 Ps 21.8-13 箴 Pr 10.5

3/1/2017 代下 2Ch 20.1-37 羅 Ro 11.1-12 詩 Ps 22.1-18 箴 Pr 10.6-7

3/2/2017 代下 2Ch 21.1-20 羅 Ro 11.13-21 詩 Ps 22.19-24 箴 Pr 10.8-9

3/3/2017 代下 2Ch 22.1-23.21 羅 Ro 11.22-36 詩 Ps 22.25-26 箴 Pr 10;10

3/4/2017 代下 2Ch 24.1-27 羅 Ro 12.1-8 詩 Ps 22.27-31 箴 Pr 10.11-12

3/5/2017 代下 2Ch 25.1-28 羅 Ro 12.9-21 詩 Ps 23.1-6 箴 Pr 10.13-14

3/6/2017 代下 2Ch 26.1-27.9 羅 Ro 13.1-7 詩 Ps 24.1-2 箴 Pr 10.15-16

3/7/2017 代下 2Ch 28.1-27 羅 Ro 13.8-14 詩 Ps 24.3-6 箴 Pr 10.17

3/8/2017 代下 2Ch 29.1-17 羅 Ro 14.1-9 詩 Ps 24.7-10 箴 Pr 10.18

3/9/2017 代下 2Ch 29.18-36 羅 Ro 14.10-15.4 詩 Ps 25.1-7 箴 Pr 10.19

3/10/2017 代下 2Ch 30.1-20 羅 Ro 15.5-13 詩 Ps 25.8-15 箴 Pr 10.20-21

3/11/2017 代下 2Ch 30.21-31.21 羅 Ro 15.14-22 詩 Ps 25.16-22 箴 Pr 10.22

3/12/2017 代下 2Ch 32.1-23 羅 Ro 15.23-33 詩 Ps 26.1-8 箴 Pr 10.23

3/13/2017 代下 2Ch 32.24-33.13 羅 Ro 16.1-9 詩 Ps 26.9-12 箴 Pr 10.24-25

3/14/2017 代下 2Ch 33.14-34.13 羅 Ro 16.10-20 詩 Ps 27.1 箴 Pr 10.26


日期 舊約 新約 詩篇 箴言

3/15/2017 代下 2Ch 34.14-33 羅 Ro 16.21-27 詩 Ps 27.2-3 箴 Pr 10.27-28

3/16/2017 代下 2Ch 35.1-27 林前 1Co 1.1-9 詩 Ps 27.4-6 箴 Pr 10.29-30

3/17/2017 代下 2Ch 36.1-23 林前 1Co 1.10-17 詩 Ps 27.7-10 箴 Pr 10.31-32

3/18/2017 拉 Ezr 1.1-2.35 林前 1Co 1.18-25 詩 Ps 27.11-14 箴 Pr 11.1-3

3/19/2017 拉 Ezr 2.36-70 林前 1Co 1.26-2.5 詩 Ps 28.1-5 箴 Pr 11.4

3/20/2017 拉 Ezr 3.1-13 林前 1Co 2.6-16 詩 Ps 28.6-9 箴 Pr 11.5-6

3/21/2017 拉 Ezr 4.1-24 林前 1Co 3.1-4 詩 Ps 29.1-2 箴 Pr 11.7

3/22/2017 拉 Ezr 5.1-6.1 林前 1Co 3.5-15 詩 Ps 29.3-11 箴 Pr 11.8

3/23/2017 拉 Ezr 6.2-22 林前 1Co 3.16-23 詩 Ps 30.1-3 箴 Pr 11.9-11

3/24/2017 拉 Ezr 7.1-26 林前 1Co 4.1-9 詩 Ps 30.4-12 箴 Pr 11.12-13

3/25/2017 拉 Ezr 7.27-8.20 林前 1Co 4.10-21 詩 Ps 31.1-2 箴 Pr 11.14

3/26/2017 拉 Ezr 8.21-36 林前 1Co 5.1-8 詩 Ps 31.3-8 箴 Pr 11.15

3/27/2017 拉 Ezr 9.1-15 林前 1Co 5.9-13 詩 Ps 31.9-18 箴 Pr 11.16-17

3/28/2017 拉 Ezr 10.1-17 林前 1Co 6.1-8 詩 Ps 31.19-20 箴 Pr 11.18-19

3/29/2017 拉 Ezr 10.18-44 林前 1Co 6.9-20 詩 Ps 31.21-22 箴 Pr 11.20-21

3/30/2017 尼 Nu 1.1-2.8 林前 1Co 7.1-16 詩 Ps 31.23-24 箴 Pr 11.22

3/31/2017 尼 Nu 2.9-3.14 林前 1Co 7.17-24 詩 Ps 32.1-7 箴 Pr 11.23

4/1/2017 尼 Nu 3.15-4.5 林前 1Co 7.25-32 詩 Ps 32.8-11 箴 Pr 11.24-26

4/2/2017 尼 Nu 4.6-5.13 林前 1Co 7.32-40 詩 Ps 33.1-5 箴 Pr 11.27

4/3/2017 尼 Nu 5.14-6.19 林前 1Co 8.1-3 詩 Ps 33.6-11 箴 Pr 11.28

4/4/2017 尼 Nu 7.1-60 林前 1Co 8.4-13 詩 Ps 33.12-19 箴 Pr 11.29-31

4/5/2017 尼 Nu 7.61-8.18 林前 1Co 9.1-10 詩 Ps 33.20-22 箴 Pr 12.1

4/6/2017 尼 Nu 9.1-21 林前 1Co 9.11-18 詩 Ps 34.1-3 箴 Pr 12.2-3

4/7/2017 尼 Nu 9.22-10.27 林前 1Co 9.19-27 詩 Ps 34.4-10 箴 Pr 12.4

4/8/2017 尼 Nu 10.28-39 林前 1Co 10.1-13 詩 Ps 34.11-14 箴 Pr 12.5-7

4/9/2017 尼 Nu 11.1-36 林前 1Co 10.14-24 詩 Ps 34.15-22 箴 Pr 12.8-9

4/10/2017 尼 Nu 12.1-26 林前 1Co 10.25-33 詩 Ps 35.1-9 箴 Pr 12;10

4/11/2017 尼 Nu 12.27-13.14 林前 1Co 11.1-12 詩 Ps 35.10-18 箴 Pr 12.11

4/12/2017 尼 Nu 13.15-31 林前 1Co 11.13-16 詩 Ps 35.19-28 箴 Pr 12.12-14

4/13/2017 斯 Es 1.1-2.4 林前 1Co 11.17-22 詩 Ps 36.1-5 箴 Pr 12.15-17

4/14/2017 斯 Es 2.5-3.15 林前 1Co 11.23-34 詩 Ps 36.6-9 箴 Pr 12.18

4/15/2017 斯 Es 4.1-5.14 林前 1Co 12.1-7 詩 Ps 36.10-12 箴 Pr 12.19-20

4/16/2017 斯 Es 6.1-7.10 林前 1Co 12.8-26 詩 Ps 37.1-6 箴 Pr 12.21-23


日期 舊約 新約 詩篇 箴言

4/17/2017 斯 Es 8.1-9.15 林前 1Co 12.27-31 詩 Ps 37.7-11 箴 Pr 12.24

4/18/2017 斯 Es 9.16-10.3 林前 1Co 13.1-13 詩 Ps 37.12-20 箴 Pr 12.25

4/19/2017 伯 Job 1.1-22 林前 1Co 14.1-9 詩 Ps 37.21-29 箴 Pr 12.26

4/20/2017 伯 Job 2.1-3.26 林前 1Co 14.10-17 詩 Ps 37.30-33 箴 Pr 12.27-28

4/21/2017 伯 Job 4.1-5.27 林前 1Co 14.18-25 詩 Ps 37.34-40 箴 Pr 13.1

4/22/2017 伯 Job 6.1-7.21 林前 1Co 14.26-40 詩 Ps 38.1-18 箴 Pr 13.2-3

4/23/2017 伯 Job 8.1-9.24 林前 1Co 15.1-11 詩 Ps 38.19-22 箴 Pr 13.4

4/24/2017 伯 Job 9.25-11.20 林前 1Co 15.12-28 詩 Ps 39.1-5 箴 Pr 13.5-6

4/25/2017 伯 Job 12.1-13.28 林前 1Co 15.29-44 詩 Ps 39.6-13 箴 Pr 13.7-8

4/26/2017 伯 Job 14.1-15.35 林前 1Co 15.45-58 詩 Ps 40.1-3 箴 Pr 13.9-10

4/27/2017 伯 Job 16.1-18.4 林前 1Co 16.1-9 詩 Ps 40.4-10 箴 Pr 13.11

4/28/2017 伯 Job 18.5-19.29 林前 1Co 16.10-24 詩 Ps 40.11-13 箴 Pr 13.12-14

4/29/2017 伯 Job 20.1-21.21 林後 2Co 1.1-7 詩 Ps 40.14-17 箴 Pr 13.15-16

4/30/2017 伯 Job 21.22-22.30 林後 2Co 1.8-11 詩 Ps 41.1-3 箴 Pr 13.17-19

5/1/2017 伯 Job 23.1-24.25 林後 2Co 1.12-22 詩 Ps 41.4-13 箴 Pr 13.20-23

5/2/2017 伯 Job 25.1-27.23 林後 2Co 1.23-2.11 詩 Ps 42.1-8 箴 Pr 13.24-25

5/3/2017 伯 Job 28.1-29.17 林後 2Co 2.12-14 詩 Ps 42.9-11 箴 Pr 14.1-2

5/4/2017 伯 Job 29.18-30.31 林後 2Co 2.15-17 詩 Ps 43.1-4 箴 Pr 14.3-4

5/5/2017 伯 Job 31.1-32.1 林後 2Co 3.1-11 詩 Ps 43.5 箴 Pr 14.5-6

5/6/2017 伯 Job 32.2-33.33 林後 2Co 3.12-18 詩 Ps 44.1-3 箴 Pr 14.7-8

5/7/2017 伯 Job 34.1-37 林後 2Co 4.1-4 詩 Ps 44.4-8 箴 Pr 14.9-10

5/8/2017 伯 Job 35.1-36.33 林後 2Co 4.5-12 詩 Ps 44.9-22 箴 Pr 14.11-12

5/9/2017 伯 Job 37.1-24 林後 2Co 4.13-18 詩 Ps 44.23-26 箴 Pr 14.13-14

5/10/2017 伯 Job 38.1-39.30 林後 2Co 5.1-10 詩 Ps 45.1-6 箴 Pr 14.15-16

5/11/2017 伯 Job 40.1-41.34 林後 2Co 5.11-14 詩 Ps 45.7-17 箴 Pr 14.17-19

5/12/2017 伯 Job 42.1-17 林後 2Co 5.15-21 詩 Ps 46.1-7 箴 Pr 14.20-21

5/13/2017 傳 Ec 1.1-2.23 林後 2Co 6.1-2 詩 Ps 46.8-11 箴 Pr 14.22-24

5/14/2017 傳 Ec 2.24-3.22 林後 2Co 6.3-13 詩 Ps 47.1-7 箴 Pr 14.25

5/15/2017 傳 Ec 4.1-5.9 林後 2Co 6.14-7.1 詩 Ps 47.8-9 箴 Pr 14.26-27

5/16/2017 傳 Ec 5.10-6.12 林後 2Co 7.2-7 詩 Ps 48.1-8 箴 Pr 14.28-29

5/17/2017 傳 Ec 7.1-8.8 林後 2Co 7.8-10 詩 Ps 48.9-14 箴 Pr 14.30-31

5/18/2017 傳 Ec 8.9-9.18 林後 2Co 7.11-16 詩 Ps 49.1-9 箴 Pr 14.32-33

5/19/2017 傳 Ec 10.1-11.10 林後 2Co 8.1-9 詩 Ps 49.10-20 箴 Pr 14.34-35


日期 舊約 新約 詩篇 箴言

5/20/2017 傳 Ec 12.1-14 林後 2Co 8.10-15 詩 Ps 50.1-6 箴 Pr 15.1-3

5/21/2017 歌 So 1.1-2.17 林後 2Co 8.16-20 詩 Ps 50.7-23 箴 Pr 15.4

5/22/2017 歌 So 3.1-4.16 林後 2Co 8.21-24 詩 Ps 51.1-9 箴 Pr 15.5-7

5/23/2017 歌 So 5.1-6.13 林後 2Co 9.1-8 詩 Ps 51.10-19 箴 Pr 15.8-10

5/24/2017 歌 So 7.1-8.14 林後 2Co 9.9-15 詩 Ps 52.1-7 箴 Pr 15.11

5/25/2017 賽 Isa 1.1-31 林後 2Co 10.1-12 詩 Ps 52.8-9 箴 Pr 15.12-14

5/26/2017 賽 Isa 2.1-22 林後 2Co 10.13-18 詩 Ps 53.1-5 箴 Pr 15.15-17

5/27/2017 賽 Isa 3.1-4.6 林後 2Co 11.1-6 詩 Ps 53.6 箴 Pr 15.18-19

5/28/2017 賽 Isa 5.1-30 林後 2Co 11.7-15 詩 Ps 54.1-4 箴 Pr 15.20-21

5/29/2017 賽 Isa 6.1-7.9 林後 2Co 11.16-21 詩 Ps 54.5-7 箴 Pr 15.22-23

5/30/2017 賽 Isa 7.10-25 林後 2Co 11.21-33 詩 Ps 55.1-11 箴 Pr 15.24-26

5/31/2017 賽 Isa 8.1-22 林後 2Co 12.1-7 詩 Ps 55.12-23 箴 Pr 15.27-28

6/1/2017 賽 Isa 9.1-21 林後 2Co 12.7-10 詩 Ps 56.1-9 箴 Pr 15.29-30

6/2/2017 賽 Isa 10.1-23 林後 2Co 12.11-15 詩 Ps 56.10-13 箴 Pr 15.31-32

6/3/2017 賽 Isa 10.24-11.16 林後 2Co 12.16-21 詩 Ps 57.1-3 箴 Pr 15.33

6/4/2017 賽 Isa 12.1-14.2 林後 2Co 13.1-6 詩 Ps 57.4-11 箴 Pr 16.1-3

6/5/2017 賽 Isa 14.3-32 林後 2Co 13.7-13 詩 Ps 58.1-9 箴 Pr 16.4-5

6/6/2017 賽 Isa 15.1-16.14 加 Ga 1.1-10 詩 Ps 58.10-11 箴 Pr 16.6-7

6/7/2017 賽 Isa 17.1-18.7 加 Ga 1.11-24 詩 Ps 59.1-13 箴 Pr 16.8-9

6/8/2017 賽 Isa 19.1-25 加 Ga 2.1-10 詩 Ps 59.14-17 箴 Pr 16.10-11

6/9/2017 賽 Isa 20.1-21.17 加 Ga 2.11-16 詩 Ps 60.1-5 箴 Pr 16.12-13

6/10/2017 賽 Isa 22.1-25 加 Ga 2.17-21 詩 Ps 60.6-12 箴 Pr 16.14-15

6/11/2017 賽 Isa 23.1-24.23 加 Ga 3.1-9 詩 Ps 61.1-3 箴 Pr 16.16-17

6/12/2017 賽 Isa 25.1-26.21 加 Ga 3.10-14 詩 Ps 61.4-8 箴 Pr 16.18

6/13/2017 賽 Isa 27.1-28.13 加 Ga 3.15-22 詩 Ps 62.1-8 箴 Pr 16.19-20

6/14/2017 賽 Isa 28.14-29.14 加 Ga 3.23-4.20 詩 Ps 62.9-12 箴 Pr 16.21-23

6/15/2017 賽 Isa 29.15-30.11 加 Ga 4.21-31 詩 Ps 63.1-5 箴 Pr 16.24

6/16/2017 賽 Isa 30.12-31.9 加 Ga 5.1-6 詩 Ps 63.6-11 箴 Pr 16.25

6/17/2017 賽 Isa 32.1-33.9 加 Ga 5.7-12 詩 Ps 64.1-9 箴 Pr 16.26-27

6/18/2017 賽 Isa 33.10-35.10 加 Ga 5.13-18 詩 Ps 64.1 箴 Pr 16.28-30

6/19/2017 賽 Isa 36.1-22 加 Ga 5.19-26 詩 Ps 65.1-4 箴 Pr 16.31-33

6/20/2017 賽 Isa 37.1-29 加 Ga 6.1-10 詩 Ps 65.5-13 箴 Pr 17.1

6/21/2017 賽 Isa 37.30-38-22 加 Ga 6.11-18 詩 Ps 66.1-7 箴 Pr 17.2-3


日期 舊約 新約 詩篇 箴言

6/22/2017 賽 Isa 39.1-40.17 弗 Eph 1.1-14 詩 Ps 66.8-20 箴 Pr 17.4-5

6/23/2017 賽 Isa 40.18-41.16 弗 Eph 1.15-23 詩 Ps 67.1-3 箴 Pr 17.6

6/24/2017 賽 Isa 41.17-42.9 弗 Eph 2.1-10 詩 Ps 67.4-7 箴 Pr 17.7-8

6/25/2017 賽 Isa 42.10-43.13 弗 Eph 2.11-22 詩 Ps 68.1-6 箴 Pr 17.9-11

6/26/2017 賽 Isa 43.14-44.8 弗 Eph 3.1-11 詩 Ps 68.7-18 箴 Pr 17.12-13

6/27/2017 賽 Isa 44.9-45.10 弗 Eph 3.12-21 詩 Ps 68.19-31 箴 Pr 17.14-15

6/28/2017 賽 Isa 45.11-46.13 弗 Eph 4.1-8 詩 Ps 68.32-35 箴 Pr 17.16

6/29/2017 賽 Isa 47.1-48.11 弗 Eph 4.9-16 詩 Ps 69.1-13 箴 Pr 17.17-18

6/30/2017 賽 Isa 48.12-49.12 弗 Eph 4.17-24 詩 Ps 69.14-18 箴 Pr 17.19-21

7/1/2017 賽 Isa 49.13-50.11 弗 Eph 4.25-32 詩 Ps 69.19-31 箴 Pr 17.22

7/2/2017 賽 Isa 51.1-23 弗 Eph 5.1-9 詩 Ps 69.32-36 箴 Pr 17.23

7/3/2017 賽 Isa 52.1-53.12 弗 Eph 5.10-33 詩 Ps 70.1-5 箴 Pr 17.24-25

7/4/2017 賽 Isa 54.1-55.13 弗 Eph 6.1-9 詩 Ps 71.1-6 箴 Pr 17.26

7/5/2017 賽 Isa 56.1-57.14 弗 Eph 6.10-24 詩 Ps 71.7-16 箴 Pr 17.27-28

7/6/2017 賽 Isa 57.15-58.14 腓 Php 1.1-11 詩 Ps 71.17-24 箴 Pr 18.1

7/7/2017 賽 Isa 59.1-21 腓 Php 1.12-26 詩 Ps 72.1-14 箴 Pr 18.2-3

7/8/2017 賽 Isa 60.1-22 腓 Php 1.27-2.2 詩 Ps 72.15-20 箴 Pr 18.4-5

7/9/2017 賽 Isa 61.1-62.5 腓 Php 2.3-18 詩 Ps 73.1-20 箴 Pr 18.6-7

7/10/2017 賽 Isa 62.6-64.12 腓 Php 2.19-30 詩 Ps 73.21-28 箴 Pr 18.8

7/11/2017 賽 Isa 65.1-25 腓 Php 3.1-3 詩 Ps 74.1-11 箴 Pr 18.9-10

7/12/2017 賽 Isa 66.1-9 腓 Php 3.4-12 詩 Ps 74.12-23 箴 Pr 18.11-12

7/13/2017 賽 Isa 66.10-24 腓 Php 3.13-21 詩 Ps 75.1-5 箴 Pr 18.13

7/14/2017 耶 Jer 1.1-19 腓 Php 4.1-7 詩 Ps 75.6-10 箴 Pr 18.14-15

7/15/2017 耶 Jer 2.1-30 腓 Php 4.8-23 詩 Ps 76.1-7 箴 Pr 18.16-18

7/16/2017 耶 Jer 2.31-3.20 西 Col 1.1-10 詩 Ps 76.8-12 箴 Pr 18.19

7/17/2017 耶 Jer 3.21-4.18 西 Col 1.11-17 詩 Ps 77.1-14 箴 Pr 18.20-21

7/18/2017 耶 Jer 4.19-5.19 西 Col 1.18-27 詩 Ps 77.15-20 箴 Pr 18.22

7/19/2017 耶 Jer 5.20-6.15 西 Col 1.28-2.7 詩 Ps 78.1-22 箴 Pr 18.23-24

7/20/2017 耶 Jer 6.16-7.20 西 Col 2.8-12 詩 Ps 78.23-31 箴 Pr 19.1-3

7/21/2017 耶 Jer 7.21-8.7 西 Col 2.13-23 詩 Ps 78.32-39 箴 Pr 19.4-5

7/22/2017 耶 Jer 8.8-22 西 Col 3.1-11 詩 Ps 78.40-55 箴 Pr 19.6-7

7/23/2017 耶 Jer 9.1-26 西 Col 3.12-17 詩 Ps 78.56-59 箴 Pr 19.8-9

7/24/2017 耶 Jer 10.1-25 西 Col 3.18-4.6 詩 Ps 78.60-64 箴 Pr 19.10-12


日期 舊約 新約 詩篇 箴言

7/25/2017 耶 Jer 11.1-23 西 Col 4.7-18 詩 Ps 78.65-69 箴 Pr 19.13-14

7/26/2017 耶 Jer 12.1-13.7 帖前 1Th 1.1-10 詩 Ps 78.70-72 箴 Pr 19.15-16

7/27/2017 耶 Jer 13.8-14.10 帖前 1Th 2.1-8 詩 Ps 79.1-8 箴 Pr 19.17

7/28/2017 耶 Jer 14.11-15.9 帖前 1Th 2.9-16 詩 Ps 79.9-13 箴 Pr 19.18-19

7/29/2017 耶 Jer 15.10-16.15 帖前 1Th 2.17-3.13 詩 Ps 80.1-13 箴 Pr 19.20-21

7/30/2017 耶 Jer 16.16-17.27 帖前 1Th 4.1-12 詩 Ps 80.14-19 箴 Pr 19.22-23

7/31/2017 耶 Jer 18.1-23 帖前 1Th 4.13-5.3 詩 Ps 81.1-7 箴 Pr 19.24-25

8/1/2017 耶 Jer 19.1-20.6 帖前 1Th 5.4-11 詩 Ps 81.8-16 箴 Pr 19.26

8/2/2017 耶 Jer 20.7-21.14 帖前 1Th 5.12-28 詩 Ps 82.1-5 箴 Pr 19.27-29

8/3/2017 耶 Jer 22.1-30 帖後 2Th 1.1-6 詩 Ps 82.6-8 箴 Pr 20.1

8/4/2017 耶 Jer 23.1-20 帖後 2Th 1.7-12 詩 Ps 83.1-8 箴 Pr 20.2-3

8/5/2017 耶 Jer 23.21-24.10 帖後 2Th 2.1-12 詩 Ps 83.9-18 箴 Pr 20.4-6

8/6/2017 耶 Jer 25.1-38 帖後 2Th 2.13-17 詩 Ps 84.1-4 箴 Pr 20.7

8/7/2017 耶 Jer 26.1-24 帖後 2Th 3.1-5 詩 Ps 84.5-12 箴 Pr 20.8-10

8/8/2017 耶 Jer 27.1-22 帖後 2Th 3.6-18 詩 Ps 85.1-7 箴 Pr 20.11

8/9/2017 耶 Jer 28.1-7 提前 1Ti 1.1-11 詩 Ps 85.8-13 箴 Pr 20.12

8/10/2017 耶 Jer 29.1-32 提前 1Ti 1.12-20 詩 Ps 86.1-7 箴 Pr 20.13-15

8/11/2017 耶 Jer 30.1-24 提前 1Ti 2.1-7 詩 Ps 86.8-17 箴 Pr 20.16-18

8/12/2017 耶 Jer 31.1-26 提前 1Ti 2.8-15 詩 Ps 87.1-3 箴 Pr 20.19

8/13/2017 耶 Jer 31.27-32.5 提前 1Ti 3.1-5 詩 Ps 87.4-7 箴 Pr 20.20-21

8/14/2017 耶 Jer 32.6-44 提前 1Ti 3.6-16 詩 Ps 88.1-12 箴 Pr 20.22-23

8/15/2017 耶 Jer 33.1-22 提前 1Ti 4.1-6 詩 Ps 88.13-18 箴 Pr 20.24-25

8/16/2017 耶 Jer 33.23-34.22 提前 1Ti 4.7-16 詩 Ps 89.1-6 箴 Pr 20.26-27

8/17/2017 耶 Jer 35.1-19 提前 1Ti 5.1-16 詩 Ps 89.7-13 箴 Pr 20.28-30

8/18/2017 耶 Jer 36.1-32 提前 1Ti 5.17-25 詩 Ps 89.14-18 箴 Pr 21.1-2

8/19/2017 耶 Jer 37.1-21 提前 1Ti 6.1-11 詩 Ps 89.19-37 箴 Pr 21.3

8/20/2017 耶 Jer 38.1-28 提前 1Ti 6.11-21 詩 Ps 89.38-45 箴 Pr 21.4

8/21/2017 耶 Jer 39.1-40.6 提後 2Ti 1.1-8 詩 Ps 89.46-52 箴 Pr 21.5-7

8/22/2017 耶 Jer 40.7-41.18 提後 2Ti 1.9-18 詩 Ps 90.1-17 箴 Pr 21.8-10

8/23/2017 耶 Jer 42.1-43.13 提後 2Ti 2.1-7 詩 Ps 91.1-16 箴 Pr 21.11-12

8/24/2017 耶 Jer 44.1-23 提後 2Ti 2.8-21 詩 Ps 92.1-15 箴 Pr 21.13

8/25/2017 耶 Jer 44.24-46.12 提後 2Ti 2.22-26 詩 Ps 93.1-5 箴 Pr 21.14-16

8/26/2017 耶 Jer 46.13-47.7 提後 2Ti 3.1-17 詩 Ps 94.1-13 箴 Pr 21.17-18


日期 舊約 新約 詩篇 箴言

8/27/2017 耶 Jer 48.1-47 提後 2Ti 4.1-5 詩 Ps 94.14-23 箴 Pr 21.19-20

8/28/2017 耶 Jer 49.1-22 提後 2Ti 4.6-22 詩 Ps 95.1-11 箴 Pr 21.21-22

8/29/2017 耶 Jer 49.23-50.20 多 Tit 1.1-3 詩 Ps 96.1-13 箴 Pr 21.23-24

8/30/2017 耶 Jer 50.21-46 多 Tit 1.4-16 詩 Ps 97.1-12 箴 Pr 21.25-26

8/31/2017 耶 Jer 51.1-26 多 Tit 2.1-8 詩 Ps 98.1-9 箴 Pr 21.27

9/1/2017 耶 Jer 51.27-53 多 Tit 2.9-15 詩 Ps 99.1-4 箴 Pr 21.28-29

9/2/2017 耶 Jer 51.54-52.11 多 Tit 3.1-8 詩 Ps 99.5-9 箴 Pr 21.30-31

9/3/2017 耶 Jer 52.12-34 多 Tit 3.9-15 詩 Ps 100.1-2 箴 Pr 22.1

9/4/2017 哀 La 1.1-22 門 Phm 1.1-3 詩 Ps 100.3-5 箴 Pr 22.2-4

9/5/2017 哀 La 2.1-19 門 Phm 1.4-25 詩 Ps 101.1-3 箴 Pr 22.5-6

9/6/2017 哀 La 2.20-3.24 來 Heb 1.1-8 詩 Ps 101.4-8 箴 Pr 22.7

9/7/2017 哀 La 3.25-66 來 Heb 1.9-14 詩 Ps 102.1-17 箴 Pr 22.8-9

9/8/2017 哀 La 4.1-22 來 Heb 2.1-13 詩 Ps 102.18-22 箴 Pr 22.10-12

9/9/2017 哀 La 5.1-22 來 Heb 2.14-18 詩 Ps 102.23-28 箴 Pr 22.13

9/10/2017 結 Eze 1.1-28 來 Heb 3.1-12 詩 Ps 103.1-12 箴 Pr 22.14

9/11/2017 結 Eze 2.1-3.15 來 Heb 3.13-19 詩 Ps 103.13-22 箴 Pr 22.15

9/12/2017 結 Eze 3.16-4.17 來 Heb 4.1-11 詩 Ps 104.1-7 箴 Pr 22.16

9/13/2017 結 Eze 5.1-6.14 來 Heb 4.12-16 詩 Ps 104.8-23 箴 Pr 22.17-19

9/14/2017 結 Eze 7.1-27 來 Heb 5.1-11 詩 Ps 104.24-30 箴 Pr 22.20-21

9/15/2017 結 Eze 8.1-9.11 來 Heb 5.12-14 詩 Ps 104.31-35 箴 Pr 22.22-23

9/16/2017 結 Eze 10.1-22 來 Heb 6.1-10 詩 Ps 105.1-7 箴 Pr 22.24-25

9/17/2017 結 Eze 11.1-25 來 Heb 6.11-20 詩 Ps 105.8-15 箴 Pr 22.26-27

9/18/2017 結 Eze 12.1-28 來 Heb 7.1-10 詩 Ps 105.16-26 箴 Pr 22.28-29

9/19/2017 結 Eze 13.1-14.11 來 Heb 7.11-17 詩 Ps 105.27-36 箴 Pr 23.1-3

9/20/2017 結 Eze 14.12-15.8 來 Heb 7.18-25 詩 Ps 105.37-45 箴 Pr 23.4-5

9/21/2017 結 Eze 16.1-41 來 Heb 7.26-28 詩 Ps 106.1-2 箴 Pr 23.6-8

9/22/2017 結 Eze 16.42-63 來 Heb 8.1-6 詩 Ps 106.3-5 箴 Pr 23.9-11

9/23/2017 結 Eze 17.1-24 來 Heb 8.7-13 詩 Ps 106.6-12 箴 Pr 23.12

9/24/2017 結 Eze 18.1-32 來 Heb 9.1-5 詩 Ps 106.13-23 箴 Pr 23.13-14

9/25/2017 結 Eze 19.1-14 來 Heb 9.6-10 詩 Ps 106.24-31 箴 Pr 23.15-16

9/26/2017 結 Eze 20.1-26 來 Heb 9.11-23 詩 Ps 106.32-46 箴 Pr 23.17-18

9/27/2017 結 Eze 20.27-49 來 Heb 9.24-28 詩 Ps 106.47-48 箴 Pr 23.19-21

9/28/2017 結 Eze 21.1-32 來 Heb 10.1-7 詩 Ps 107.1-3 箴 Pr 23.22


日期 舊約 新約 詩篇 箴言

9/29/2017 結 Eze 22.1-31 來 Heb 10.8-17 詩 Ps 107.4-32 箴 Pr 23.23

9/30/2017 結 Eze 23.1-27 來 Heb 10.18-23 詩 Ps 107.33-43 箴 Pr 23.24

10/1/2017 結 Eze 23.28-49 來 Heb 10.24-36 詩 Ps 108.1-4 箴 Pr 23.25-28

10/2/2017 結 Eze 24.1-25.11 來 Heb 11.1-7 詩 Ps 108.5-13 箴 Pr 23.29-35

10/3/2017 結 Eze 25.12-26.21 來 Heb 11.8-16 詩 Ps 109.1-21 箴 Pr 24.1-2

10/4/2017 結 Eze 27.1-36 來 Heb 11.17-23 詩 Ps 109.21-31 箴 Pr 24.3-4

10/5/2017 結 Eze 28.1-26 來 Heb 11.24-31 詩 Ps 110.1-3 箴 Pr 24.5-6

10/6/2017 結 Eze 29.1-21 來 Heb 11.32-40 詩 Ps 110.4-7 箴 Pr 24.7

10/7/2017 結 Eze 30.1-26 來 Heb 12.1-13 詩 Ps 111.1-4 箴 Pr 24.8

10/8/2017 結 Eze 31.1-18 來 Heb 12.14-24 詩 Ps 111.4-10 箴 Pr 24.9-10

10/9/2017 結 Eze 32.1-32 來 Heb 12.25-29 詩 Ps 112.1-3 箴 Pr 24.11-12

10/10/2017 結 Eze 33.1-33 來 Heb 13.1-16 詩 Ps 112.4-10 箴 Pr 24.13-14

10/11/2017 結 Eze 34.1-31 來 Heb 13.17-25 詩 Ps 113.1-9 箴 Pr 24.15-16

10/12/2017 結 Eze 35.1-36.15 雅 Jas 1.1-8 詩 Ps 114.1-8 箴 Pr 24.17-20

10/13/2017 結 Eze 36.16-38 雅 Jas 1.9-18 詩 Ps 115.1-10 箴 Pr 24.21-22

10/14/2017 結 Eze 37.1-28 雅 Jas 1.19-27 詩 Ps 115.11-18 箴 Pr 24.23-25

10/15/2017 結 Eze 38.1-23 雅 Jas 2.1-17 詩 Ps 116.1-5 箴 Pr 24.26

10/16/2017 結 Eze 39.1-29 雅 Jas 2.18-3.6 詩 Ps 116.6-14 箴 Pr 24.27

10/17/2017 結 Eze 40.1-27 雅 Jas 3.7-18 詩 Ps 116.15-

117.2 箴 Pr 24.28-29

10/18/2017 結 Eze 40.28-49 雅 Jas 4.1-10 詩 Ps 118.1-7 箴 Pr 24.30-34

10/19/2017 結 Eze 41.1.26 雅 Jas 4.11-17 詩 Ps 118.8-18 箴 Pr 25.1-5

10/20/2017 結 Eze 42.1-43.4 雅 Jas 5.1-8 詩 Ps 118.19-26 箴 Pr 25.6-8

10/21/2017 結 Eze 43.5-27 彼前 1Pe 5.9-20 詩 Ps 118.27-29 箴 Pr 25.9-10

10/22/2017 結 Eze 44.1-31 彼前 1Pe 1.1-6 詩 Ps 119.1-8 箴 Pr 25.11-14

10/23/2017 結 Eze 45.1-12 彼前 1Pe 1.6-12 詩 Ps 119.9-16 箴 Pr 25.15

10/24/2017 結 Eze 45.13-46.3 彼前 1Pe 1.13-25 詩 Ps 119.17-24 箴 Pr 25.16

10/25/2017 結 Eze 46.4-24 彼前 1Pe 2.1-10 詩 Ps 119.25-32 箴 Pr 25.17

10/26/2017 結 Eze 47.1-23 彼前 1Pe 2.11-25 詩 Ps 119.33-40 箴 Pr 25.18-19

10/27/2017 結 Eze 48.1-35 彼前 1Pe 3.1-7 詩 Ps 119.41-48 箴 Pr 25.20-22

10/28/2017 但 Da 1.1-21 彼前 1Pe 3.8-22 詩 Ps 119.49-58 箴 Pr 25.23-24

10/29/2017 但 Da 2.1-23 彼前 1Pe 4.1-6 詩 Ps 119.59-64 箴 Pr 25.25-27

10/30/2017 但 Da 2.24-49 彼前 1Pe 4.7-19 詩 Ps 119.65-72 箴 Pr 25.28

10/31/2017 但 Da 3.1-30 彼前 1Pe 5.1-14 詩 Ps 119.73-80 箴 Pr 26.1-2


日期 舊約 新約 詩篇 箴言

11/1/2017 但 Da 4.1-27 彼後 2Pe 1.1-9 詩 Ps 119.81-88 箴 Pr 26.3-5

11/2/2017 但 Da 4.28-37 彼後 2Pe 1.10-21 詩 Ps 119.89-96 箴 Pr 26.6-8

11/3/2017 但 Da 5.1-12 彼後 2Pe 2.1-11 詩 Ps 119.97-

104 箴 Pr 26.9-12

11/4/2017 但 Da 5.13-31 彼後 2Pe 2.12-22 詩 Ps 119.105-

112 箴 Pr 26.13-16

11/5/2017 但 Da 6.1-18 彼後 2Pe 3.1-11 詩 Ps 119.113-

120 箴 Pr 26.17

11/6/2017 但 Da 6.19-28 彼後 2Pe 3.12-18 詩 Ps 119.121-

128 箴 Pr 26.18-19

11/7/2017 但 Da 7.1-14 約一 1Joh 1.1-4 詩 Ps 119.129-

136 箴 Pr 26.2

11/8/2017 但 Da 7.15-28 約一 1Joh 1.5-10 詩 Ps 119.137-

152 箴 Pr 26.21-22

11/9/2017 但 Da 8.1-14 約一 1Joh 2.1-6 詩 Ps 119.153-

159 箴 Pr 26.23

11/10/2017 但 Da 8.15-27 約一 1Joh 2.7-17 詩 Ps 119.160-

168 箴 Pr 26.24-26

11/11/2017 但 Da 9.1-27 約一 1Joh 2.18-29 詩 Ps 119.169-

176 箴 Pr 26.27

11/12/2017 但 Da 10.1-11.1 約一 1Joh 3.1-6 詩 Ps 120.1-7 箴 Pr 26.28

11/13/2017 但 Da 11.2-12 約一 1Joh 3.7-13 詩 Ps 121.1-4 箴 Pr 27.1-2

11/14/2017 但 Da 11.13-35 約一 1Joh 3.14-24 詩 Ps 121.5-8 箴 Pr 27.3

11/15/2017 但 Da 11.36-45 約一 1Joh 4.1-6 詩 Ps 122.1-5 箴 Pr 27.4-6

11/16/2017 但 Da 12.1-13 約一 1Joh 4.7-21 詩 Ps 122.6-9 箴 Pr 27.7-9

11/17/2017 何 Ho 1.1-2.1 約一 1Joh 5.1-12 詩 Ps 123.1-2 箴 Pr 27;10

11/18/2017 何 Ho 2.2-3.5 約一 1Joh 5.13-21 詩 Ps 123.3-4 箴 Pr 27.11

11/19/2017 何 Ho 4.1-19 約二 2Joh 1.1-6 詩 Ps 124.1-6 箴 Pr 27.12

11/20/2017 何 Ho 5.1-15 約二 2Joh 1.7-13 詩 Ps 124.7-8 箴 Pr 27.13

11/21/2017 何 Ho 6.1-7.16 約三 3Joh 1.1-4 詩 Ps 125.1-3 箴 Pr 27.14

11/22/2017 何 Ho 8.1-9.17 約三 3Joh 1.5-15 詩 Ps 125.4-5 箴 Pr 27.15-16

11/23/2017 何 Ho 10.1-11.12 猶 Jud 1.1-19 詩 Ps 126.1-3 箴 Pr 27.17

11/24/2017 何 Ho 12.1-14.9 猶 Jud 1.20-25 詩 Ps 126.4-6 箴 Pr 27.18-20

11/25/2017 珥 Joe 1.1-2.32 啟 Re 1.1-8 詩 Ps 127.1-2 箴 Pr 27.21-22

11/26/2017 珥 Joe 3.1-21 啟 Re 1.9-20 詩 Ps 127.3-5 箴 Pr 27.23-27

11/27/2017 摩 Am 1.1-15 啟 Re 2.1-7 詩 Ps 128.1-4 箴 Pr 28.1


日期 舊約 新約 詩篇 箴言

11/28/2017 摩 Am 2.1-3.15 啟 Re 2.8-17 詩 Ps 128.5-6 箴 Pr 28.2

11/29/2017 摩 Am 4.1-5.9 啟 Re 2.18-29 詩 Ps 129.1-4 箴 Pr 28.3-5

11/30/2017 摩 Am 5.10-6.14 啟 Re 3.1-6 詩 Ps 129.5-8 箴 Pr 28.6-7

12/1/2017 摩 Am 7.1-8.3 啟 Re 3.7-13 詩 Ps 130.1-5 箴 Pr 28.8-10

12/2/2017 摩 Am 8.4-9.15 啟 Re 3.14-22 詩 Ps 130.6-8 箴 Pr 28.11

12/3/2017 俄 Ob 1.1-14 啟 Re 4.1-6 詩 Ps 131.1-

132.9 箴 Pr 28.12-13

12/4/2017 俄 Ob 1.15-21 啟 Re 4.6-11 詩 Ps 132.10-12 箴 Pr 28.14

12/5/2017 拿 Jon 1.1-2.10 啟 Re 5.1-8 詩 Ps 132.13-18 箴 Pr 28.15-16

12/6/2017 拿 Jon 3.1-4.11 啟 Re 5.9-14 詩 Ps 133.1-2 箴 Pr 28.17-18

12/7/2017 弥 Mic 1.1-2.13 啟 Re 6.1-8 詩 Ps 133.3 箴 Pr 28.19-20

12/8/2017 弥 Mic 3.1-4.13 啟 Re 6.9-17 詩 Ps 134.1-

135.4 箴 Pr 28.21-22

12/9/2017 弥 Mic 5.1-6.8 啟 Re 7.1-8 詩 Ps 135.5-12 箴 Pr 28.23-24

12/10/2017 弥 Mic 6.9-7.20 啟 Re 7.9-17 詩 Ps 135.13-21 箴 Pr 28.25-26

12/11/2017 鴻 Na 1.1-2.13 啟 Re 8.1-5 詩 Ps 136.1-12 箴 Pr 28.27-28

12/12/2017 鴻 Na 3.1-19 啟 Re 8.6-13 詩 Ps 136.13-26 箴 Pr 29.1

12/13/2017 哈 Hab 1.1-2.11 啟 Re 9.1-12 詩 Ps 137.1-4 箴 Pr 29.2-4

12/14/2017 哈 Hab 2.12-3.19 啟 Re 9.13-21 詩 Ps 137.5-9 箴 Pr 29.5-8

12/15/2017 番 Zep 1.1-2.15 啟 Re 10.1-7 詩 Ps 138.1-6 箴 Pr 29.9-11

12/16/2017 番 Zep 3.1-20 啟 Re 10.8-11 詩 Ps 138.7-8 箴 Pr 29.12-14

12/17/2017 該 Hag 1.1-15 啟 Re 11.1-14 詩 Ps 139.1-12 箴 Pr 29.15-17

12/18/2017 該 Hag 2.1-23 啟 Re 11.15-19 詩 Ps 139.13-24 箴 Pr 29.18

12/19/2017 亞 Zec 1.1-13 啟 Re 12.1-9 詩 Ps 140.1-8 箴 Pr 29.19-20

12/20/2017 亞 Zec 1.14-21 啟 Re 12.10-17 詩 Ps 140.9-13 箴 Pr 29.21-22

12/21/2017 亞 Zec 2.1-13 啟 Re 12.18-13.10 詩 Ps 141.1-2 箴 Pr 29.23

12/22/2017 亞 Zec 3.1-10 啟 Re 13.11-18 詩 Ps 141.3-10 箴 Pr 29.24-25

12/23/2017 亞 Zec 4.1-14 啟 Re 14.1-12 詩 Ps 142.1-3 箴 Pr 29.26-27

12/24/2017 亞 Zec 5.1-11 啟 Re 14.13-20 詩 Ps 142.3-7 箴 Pr 30.1-4

12/25/2017 亞 Zec 6.1-15 啟 Re 15.1-4 詩 Ps 143.1-6 箴 Pr 30.5-6

12/26/2017 亞 Zec 7.1-14 啟 Re 15.5-8 詩 Ps 143.7-12 箴 Pr 30.7-9

12/27/2017 亞 Zec 8.1-13 啟 Re 16.1-11 詩 Ps 144.1-8 箴 Pr 30;10

12/28/2017 亞 Zec 8.14-23 啟 Re 16.12-21 詩 Ps 144.9-15 箴 Pr 30.11-14

12/29/2017 亞 Zec 9.1-8 啟 Re 17.1-8 詩 Ps 145.1-7 箴 Pr 30.15-16


日期 舊約 新約 詩篇 箴言

12/30/2017 亞 Zec 9.9-17 啟 Re 17.9-18 詩 Ps 145.8-21 箴 Pr 30.17

12/31/2017 亞 Zec 10.1-12 啟 Re 18.1-10 詩 Ps 146.1-2 箴 Pr 30.18-20

1/1/2018 亞 Zec 11.1-17 啟 Re 18.11-24 詩 Ps 146.3-10 箴 Pr 30.21-23

1/2/2018 亞 Zec 12.1-14 啟 Re 19.1-10 詩 Ps 147.1-11 箴 Pr 30.24-28

1/3/2018 亞 Zec 13.1-9 啟 Re 19.11-21 詩 Ps 147.12-20 箴 Pr 30.29-31

1/4/2018 亞 Zec 14.1-11 啟 Re 20.1-10 詩 Ps 148.1-4 箴 Pr 30.32

1/5/2018 亞 Zec 14.12-21 啟 Re 20.11-15 詩 Ps 148.5-14 箴 Pr 30.33

1/6/2018 瑪 Mal 1.1-14 啟 Re 21.1-14 詩 Ps 149.1 箴 Pr 31.1-7

1/7/2018 瑪 Mal 2.1-17 啟 Re 21.15-27 詩 Ps 149.2-9 箴 Pr 31.8-9

1/8/2018 瑪 Mal 3.1-18 啟 Re 22.1-7 詩 Ps 150.1-5 箴 Pr 31.10-24

1/9/2018 瑪 Mal 4.1-6 啟 Re 22.8-21 詩 Ps 150.6 箴 Pr 31.25-31


禱告篇 Prayers



不是只有知識;而是可以當作食物慢慢咀嚼 (耶 15:16)

“禱讀”就是要享受神的話; 每天禱讀一節,一年 365 節;十年 3650 節;最好



一.先讀再禱 ; 讀讀禱禱: 把一節經文讀熟讀爛讀到有感覺才禱.

二.要直讀直禱: 不是專注去想要禱告什麼;而是直接把讀的經文感覺反應,


三.要重讀重禱: 加重語氣的讀一些重要的詞或字或名詞,動詞,形容詞;加重語氣的讀.

四.可以重讀重禱: 可以返回前面經句或別人禱告有感覺時,可回頭重來

五要短(每次禱告 3-5 句就好):在 團體禱告不要長,要短,因為只是我們的直覺的思想,所以

每一個人禱告不需要長. 如果一長,一定多半加入太多自己的想法,而且一長了之後,禱告就容易沉悶.

六要接: 接著別人的思想去禱告,或接著別人的意思繼續去禱告;讓那個思想可以更活,更深,更高;因為



七要真: 不是逼自己硬想出來禱詞,而是真的自己的感覺,是將自己心中的話語禱告出來;所以先鼓勵



八要快: 團契或小組學習禱讀時,要接得快,不要等,不要停,等了就悶(三秒左右沒人反應就接,但也不



九要新: 試著學習及時安靜,並讓神說新的思想與話語在我們裏頭





祷讀口訣:讀 直 重 重 短 接 真 快 新 開

Ps 以上原則做法可按實際執行需要而有所調整;經文選擇也可以是一段經文,彼此有分享有感受就



Prayer-Reading Training

When reading the Bible, we can practice a method called “prayer-reading”. Doing so allows the Word of God to not only be our head knowledge but also our daily bread, which can be chewed and digested (Jeremiah 15:16).

“Prayer-Reading” is one way to enjoy God’s Word. Read one verse a day, and you will have 365 verses a year, and 3650 verses in 10 years.

This method is preferably used in fellowship or family bible study. You may select a verse or a short passage from the OCCC daily devotion plan to practice “prayer-reading”.

1. Read the verse multiple times until you are touched by the verse, and then pray.

2. Read the verse and reflect it right on your prayer. Do not focus on what you want or plan to pray,

rather pray out the verse you just read.

3. In your reading and prayers, emphasize your tone on important words (e.g. nouns, verbs,


4. You may repeat the previous verse/passage in the context and pray on it, especially when you are

touched by someone’s prayer.

5. Prayer should be short. Three to five sentences are sufficient. Focus on your instant reflection.

Keep it short in a group setting. Lengthy prayer tends to bear too many personal interpretations.

6. Keep the flow: Relate your prayer to the previous person’s reflection. Seek to add depth and life to

the reflection. Together, you experience God and edify one another in the group.

7. Be truthful: do not force yourself to sound a certain way, rather, reflect on your true feelings in

response to the verse. Pray what is on your heart. Express your true feelings toward God.

8. Keep the prayer going without gaps: do not stop. Wait 3 seconds or so, if no one responds, then you

may start to pray. However, do not rush or scramble for it.

9. Refreshed by God: learn to wait upon the Lord in quiet time. Let God shed new light in our hearts.

10. Be open: Open your mouth, your heart, and your spirit

Open your mouth: Respond with “Amen” after your partners pray. Show your participation, your support, and endorsement for team building.

Open your heart: Let God touch our hearts.

Open your spirit: Let God inspire our spirits.

Prayer-Reading Method Keywords: Read, direct, emphasize, repeat, short, follow, true, fast, new, open

Note: The above principles can be adjusted according to the group’s present needs. You may read a verse or a short passage. You may begin to pray when you are touched by God’s Word.


用主禱文禱告 Pray with the Lord’s Prayer


The Lord Jesus Christ teaches us to pray with the Lord’s Prayer. Based on the content and order of the Lord’s Prayer, let’s learn to pray in a way that is after God’s heart.

讚美敬拜神的名 Praise and Worship the Lord’s Name

我們在天上的父, 願人(我)都尊祢的名為聖

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name

1. 認定天上的爸爸, 我現在來親近祢 Recognize our Heavenly Father and come to Thee.

2. 用讚美, 敬拜, 歌唱開始 Begin with praise, worship, and singspiration

3. 宣告神的名在我生命中成為真實: 如耶和華以勒-必有預備, 耶和華尼西-必勝的主 Proclaim the name of

God becoming real in my life: For example, JEHOVAH - JIREH: I am the One Who provides, and


4. 宣告神的屬性: 慈愛, 公義, 大能… Proclaim the characteristics of God: love, righteousness,


5. 宣告神的作為, 凡事謝恩 Proclaim God's works and give thanks in all circumstances.

6. 宣告萬人要尊主的名為聖 Proclaim all men to keep the name of the Lord holy.

神的國 The Kingdom of God


Your kingdom come

1. 神國王權臨到美國與中國,等所處的國家 May the kingdom of God rule over the United States, .China,

and other countries we are in.

2. 神的國有公義, 和平, 喜樂, 健康及大能 There is righteousness, peace, joy, health and power in the

Kingdom of God.

3. 為在位執政的禱告 Pray for the rulers and authorities.

4. 為教會合一, 尊主為大 We are for the unity of the church and to glorify the Lord.

5. 綑綁惡者的作為, 領受主的大能 Bind the works of the evil ones and receive the power of God.


神的旨意 The will of God

願祢的旨意行在地上, 如同行在天上

Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

1. 主的旨意成就在我生命中, 放下己意(工作, 時間, 金錢, 興趣) The will of the Lord rather than mine is

done in my life (career, time, money, interests).

2. 主的旨意在我家中(兒女, 父母, , 夫婦, 工人等等) The will of the Lord is done in my family (children,

parents, husbands and wives, workers, and so on).

3. 主的旨意成就在教會增長, 與人同在, 明顯的恩賜 The will of the Lord is done in the growth of the

church, in His presence among people, and in revealing obvious gifts.

4. 主的旨意成就在團契小組(代禱, 同心, 保護, 事奉) The will of the Lord is done in fellowships and small

groups (intercession, in unity, protection, service).

每天所用 Daily Provision

我們日用的飲食, 今日賜給我們

Give us today our daily bread.

1. 為自己的需要禱告(屬靈, 異象, 生活, 身體) Pray for our own needs (spirituality, vision, daily lives, and

physical needs).

2. 為家庭, 工作, 事奉所需禱告(要具體, 有恆心) Pray for the needs of family, career, and service (be

specific and with perseverance).

3. 每天經歷主, 傳福音禱告 Experience God every day, share Gospel, and pray.

赦免寬恕 Forgive

免我們的債, 如同我們免了人的債

And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.

1. 承認所犯的罪, 求主赦免, 悔改 Confess sins, ask our Lord for forgiveness, and repent.

2. 寬恕他人, (無條件)祝福愛你的對頭或曾傷害你的人 Forgive others, (unconditionally) bless and love

your opponents and those who have hurt you.

3. 靠主處理你心中所有的不安及各樣負面情緒 Rely on God to manage any uneasy and negative feelings

that you may have.

4. 求主保守我處理各樣的人際關係 Ask God to watch over all of your relationships.

5. 去領受天父完全的愛在我們心中 Receive the perfect love of the Heavenly Father into our hearts.


應許保守 Promise Protection

不叫我們遇見試探, 救我們脫離兇惡

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

1. 請主用屬靈的保護環繞, 並差天使來保護我們,去行公義與正直 May God surround us with spiritual

protection and send angles to protect us, so that we can do what is just and right.

2. 請主的寶血覆蓋, 使我們不陷入且脫離試探, 遠離兇惡 May the precious blood of the Lord cover us so

that we will not fall in temptation and stay away from the evil one.

3. 求主救我脫離自然所帶來的困境,或惡人陷害及自我自由意志濫用並撒旦惡者所帶來的困境 May God

deliver me from natural disasters, any frame-up from the wicked, the abuse of my personal free will,

and difficult circumstances brought by Satan.

4. 求主保守我不陷入或沉迷在眼目的情慾,肉體的私慾及今生的驕傲中 May God protect me from the lust

of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the boastful pride of life.

5. 求主保守我繼續要住在主裡 May God watch over me to live in the Lord continuously.

6. 並為自己穿上全副軍裝禱告(弗 6:13-20) Put on the full armor of God (Eph 6:13-20).

榮耀歸神 Give Glory to the Lord

國度, 權柄, 榮耀, 全是祢的, 直到永遠. 阿們!

For yours is the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory, now and forever. Amen.

1. 開聲將榮耀歸給神 Open your mouth to give glory to the Lord.

2. 感謝主垂聽禱告 Give thanks to the Lord for listening to our prayers.

3. 宣告神的國度, 並樂意參與神家中的事 Proclaim the kingdom of God and willingly participate in the

ministries of the house of the Lord.


Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name

父神, 祢是至高, 公義, 慈愛, 善良, 信實, 全能, 全知, 全在的獨一真神, 願我每天的生活都尊祢的名為

聖, 也願我們教會附近社區的百姓都要來認識祢. 因為祢的名是美好, 可畏的, 是我們的牧者, 是醫治

者, 是賜平安者, 是供應者, 是得勝者, 是保護者, 是宇宙萬有的主宰, 阿們.

Father, you are the most high, righteous, loving, good, faithful, omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, and the only true God. Hallowed be thy name in my daily lives. May the neighborhoods around our church know you because your name is good and awesome. You


are our shepherd, healer, peace giver, provider, the victorious one, protector, and the ruler of the universe, Amen.

主啊, 祢的國度是全然正直, 光明的, 願祢的國度降臨在我的生命中, 使我能夠尊主為大, 以神為樂.

也降臨在我們教會附近社區的每一個角落, 讓這地的許多百姓能夠從黑暗歸向光明, 從撒但的權下

歸向真神, 阿們.

Oh Lord, Your Kingdom is completely bright and righteous. May your Kingdom come into my life so that I can glorify you and rejoice in the Lord. May your kingdom come into every corner of the communities around our church and enable people to turn away from darkness to light, and away from the dominion of the Satan unto the true God. Amen.

願祢的旨意行在地上, 如同行在天上

Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

願主祢一切美善的旨意, 行在我的身上, 如同行在天上, 使我每天能靠著聖靈過聖潔, 敬虔, 得勝, 剛

強, 正常, 合神心意, 討主喜悅的基督徒生活, 也行在我們教會附近的社區,並 Omaha 和美國這片土

地和許多百姓的身上. 使萬民能夠因信稱義, 得著救恩, 因祢的旨意是願萬人得救, 明白真理, 不願有

一人沉淪, 乃願人人都悔改. 阿門!

Lord, may your good will be done on me as it is in heaven. Enable me to live a Christian life that is holy faithful, victorious, strong, normal, according to God’s will, and pleasing to God. May your will be done in the neighborhoods around our church, in the city of Omaha, in the United States, and in many others. Make all people justified by faith and receive salvation. The will of the Lord is for everyone to be saved and to know the truth, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. Amen.

我們日用的飲食, 今日賜給我們

Give us today our daily bread.

求祢將我每天生活所需要的一切賞賜給我, 包括物質和身體方面, 就是食, 衣, 住, 行的需要, 更求祢

供應我心靈的需要, 使我的心靈每天都被聖靈充滿, 能夠得到飽足, 滿有愛心, 信心, 喜樂, 平安, 盼

望, 也願祢帶領 Omaha 的華人中那些在身體, 心靈, 精神, 家庭, 婚姻, 工作各方面受苦難, 無所依靠

的百姓, 能夠有機會來尋求祢的恩典, 得著祢的幫助, 阿們!

Please provide me with both physical needs (food, clothing, housing and transportation) and spiritual needs daily. May my heart be satisfied, filled with the Holy Spirit, and full of love, faith, joy, peace and hope. May God lead the helpless who suffer with issues in health, mind, spirit, family, marriage and career to seek your grace and receive favor from you. Amen!


免我們的債, 如同我們免了人的債

And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.

天父, 謝謝祢這樣愛我, 藉著耶穌基督在十字架上所流的寶血, 洗淨, 赦免我一切的罪債. 願主賜給我

一顆樂意饒恕, 赦免人的心, 使我能從心裡去饒恕那些曾傷害, 得罪我的人, 因為主耶穌說, 我們若不

饒恕人的過犯. 天父那完全的愛就無法完全進入我心;我們渴望領受那完全的愛;並求祢也將悔改的

心與赦罪的恩, 賜給 Omaha 的百姓, 使他們為罪, 為義, 自己責備自己, 好得著主耶穌的救恩, 阿們!

Heavenly Father, I give you thanks for loving me so much, through the blood of Jesus Christ shed on the cross washing away and forgiving all my sins. May the Lord give me a willing heart to forgive, so that I can forgive those who have hurt and offended me. Jesus said if we do not forgive others, the perfect love of our Heavenly Father cannot enter our hearts. We are eager to receive the perfect love. Please grant Omaha residents the hearts of repentance and the grace of forgiveness. Enable Omaha residents to convict themselves concerning sins and righteousness and receive salvation. Amen!

不叫我們遇見(陷入)試探, 就我們脫離兇惡

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

主耶穌, 祢在世上的時候, 也曾遭遇那惡者撒但魔鬼的試探, 但祢勝過了他, 求祢也幫助我靠著祢的

寶血和你話語及聖靈的能力, 勝過他的詭計, 作為, 並使我不致落入試探中. 求祢救我脫離那惡者一

切的攻擊和攪擾, 阿們!

Our Lord Jesus, you were tempted by Satan while on earth. Yet, you did not sin. Please help me to overcome Satan’s scheme by your precious blood andWord, and the power of the Holy Spirit. Lead me not into the temptation but deliver me from the attacks and disturbance of the evil one. Amen!

因為國度, 權柄, 榮耀, 全是祢的, 直到永遠.

For yours is the Kingdom, the Power, and the Glory, now and forever. Amen.

天父, 我為著祢的國度興奮, 因為祢的國是永恆的, 美好的, 且滿有福樂. 沒有任何權能在祢面前站立

的住, 因祢的權柄高過諸天, 萬有都要伏在祢的腳下. 所以至高的榮耀該歸給祢, 單單屬祢, 且全是祢

的. 不但在天上, 祢的榮耀也要彰顯在天地之上. 我奉主耶穌的名讚美祢, 稱頌祢. 阿們!

Heavenly Father, I am excited for your Kingdom because your Kingdom is everlasting, beautiful, and full of joy and blessings. No other authorities can stand before you because your power is greater than the


heavens, and everything is under your feet. Therefore, the highest glory belongs to you and you only. Your glory is not only in heaven but also manifested above the heaven and earth. I praise and exalt you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!


Guideline to fasting prayer

1. 目標 : 禁食動機要純正,不是為了屬靈驕傲,而是尋求神啟示禁食的目標,要有具體且重大的目標.

Objectives: The motivation for fasting prayer should be pure and right, not for spiritual pride, but to seek the goal of God's revelation. Goals should be specific and significant.

2. 思想 : 不是為了忍受飢餓,乃是為著神的國喜樂地進行.

Thoughts: Not to endure hunger, but to rejoice in the kingdom of God.

3. 日記 : 寫屬靈日記, 紀錄身體及靈性歷程,禱告得應許情形,或四周的神蹟奇事及所見的異象…等

Diary: Write a devotional journal, record physical and spiritual experiences, prayers that are

answered, signs and wonders around, as well as personal visions and so on.

4. 禱告同伴 : 讓有些人知道, 可以與你一同爭戰,扶持你,特別在你身體軟弱時或受到仇敵攻擊時,找人


Prayer partners: Let some people know that you are in fasting prayer, so that they can fight

with you and support you. Especially when your body is weak or you are spiritually under

attack by enemies, it is very helpful to have someone praying with you.

5. 敬拜讚美 : 多讚美,唱敬拜詩歌,多禱告,身體的力量會復原,容易得勝.

Worship and praise: praise more, sing worship hymns, pray more, and then the power of the

body will be restored and it is easy to prevail.

6. 喝水與果汁 : 多喝水與果菜汁,要用新鮮蔬菜與水果榨汁; 若排便有問題,可吃點水果增加 Fiber.

Drink water and fruit juice: drink plenty of water as well as fruit and vegetable juice, use the

juice from fresh vegetables and fruits; if there are defecation problems, you can eat a little

fruits to increase fiber.

7. 照常作息 : 生活照常, 不可過度運動,勞力或閱讀 ; 而散步,讀經,輕鬆工作都是好的,不影響開車,睡眠足.

Follow usual schedule: life can be as regular, do not exercise, work or read excessively; and

it is good to walk, read the Bible, and work moderately, which does not affect driving and

will let you sleep sufficiently.

8. 分段進行 : 禁食前有兩天的預備,採三天, 七天,十天,二十一天, 三十天, 四十天的禁食漸進法.

Proceed by phases: prepare for two days before fasting; use progressive method in fasting for

three days, seven days, ten days, twenty-one days, thirty days, and then forty days.


9. 禁食後:學習節制的功課,並領受祝福,剛開始時不吃固體,不吃油膩,避免吃過多.

After fasting: learn the lessons of self-discipline, and receive blessings; immediately after

fasting, do not eat solid or greasy foods, and avoid overeating.






親愛的聖靈 ! 我求祢不斷在___________的生命中動工,開啟並醫治他的心靈,拿去一切黑暗權





無所不在的主! 我求祢在他的環境中向他說話,讓他無法拒絕你的邀請,也讓他的心漸漸向祢開



主阿 ! 我也求祢膏抹我的生命,恩待我和_______________之間正在建立的友誼關係,求主幫助


領他,求主賜給我傳福音的恩賜,使我能把握住合適的機會帶領__________ 信主。


求,阿們 !

禱告後生命得改變的名字有 :


Pray for Individual’s Spiritual Adoption

Pray for others repeatedly with the following prayers

Dear Savior, thank you for your redemptive sacrifice on the cross. I believe you are not only my savior, but the savior of many as well. Lord, you do not want anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. Thus, in the name of our LORD Jesus Christ, I proclaim __________ has been redeemed with your precious blood and no longer belongs to Satan. His/her life belongs to you in the beginning and he/she shall belong to you alone, shall worship and serve you. Dear Holy Spirit! I pray that you ceaselessly work in the life of ______________, awake and bring healing to his/her soul, take away all the obstacles and deception of the dark power, remove all the worldly burdens in his life, and let him/her believe that Jesus is his/her Savior. In the name of Jesus Christ, I am rebuking and binding the evil spirit that enslaves __________ under the bondage of vanity, deceit and control. Do not allow any dark power to continue their scheme to destroy the life of _________. Now the true light of Christ is coming upon _______, and give him/her peace and freedom in the Lord. The omnipresent Lord! I call on you that you speak to him/her, make him/her refuse not your invitation, and let him/her open his/her heart to you, to brothers and sisters in the church, and to the truth of God. We ask you to soften his/her heart, remove from him/her the heart of stone and give him/her a new heart, so that he/she may come to know soon the mystery of the Gospel in Christ. Oh Lord! I also ask you to anoint my life, have grace and mercy on the establishing of the relationship between me and __________ . May the Lord constantly allow me to bear witness to you before him/her and encourage him/her to come to know you. Please give me your love, and teach me how to lead him/her. I pray that the Lord give me the gift to preach, so that I may take advantage of an opportunity to lead him to God. I am coming to your throne of grace, bringing along _______. May you listen to the prayer of your child! In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen!

The names of those whose lives have been changed after the prayer:



認領 5 個人:

連續 5 週:

每週 5 天:

每天 5 分鐘:

為 5 方面祝福禱告:參閱以下五方面

用 BLESS 五方面祝福禱告:

身體狀況 / Body

工作情況 / Labor

內心世界 / Emotional

人際關係 / Social

屬靈方面 / Spiritual

姓名 1 2 3 4 5 五祝福 備註

週數 Mon. Tue. Wed. Thur. Fri. BLESS

1st B: 身體狀況 2nd L: 工作情況 3rd E: 內心世界 4th S: 人際關係 5th S: 屬靈方面

B=Body 身體

1. 求主賜他(她)健康的身體

2. 求主醫治他的疾病

3. 求主供應他日用的需要

4. 宣告神是他在危難中的保障

L=Labor 工作(為他/她能…)

1. 忠心勤奮的工作,敬重雇主

2. 成為工作的主人,善用時間

3. 為主在工作地方作光作鹽,做見證


4. 成全別人,顧念他人的需要

E=Emotional 情緒(為他/她能…)

1. 有一個知足常樂的心

2. 不憂慮,凡事交託給神

3. 不存惡念,卻樂於作美善的事

4. 常饒恕人,不以怒氣成就神的義

S=Spiritual 靈性

1. 求主使他/她對神對人有信心和愛心

2. 求主的恩慈常引領他回到主面前

3. 求聖靈開他的眼耳心,常倚靠神

4. 求聖靈教導他一切所行的事

S=Social 關係

1. 求主祝福他和神及各種人際關係

2. 求主為他預備屬靈同伴一起禱讀

3. 求主醫治他在破裂關係中的傷害

4. 求主使他成為一個使人和好的器皿


The “Five Blessings” intercession prayer for Relatives and Friends

”Adopt” five individuals: Continuously doing so for five weeks: Five days a week: Five minutes per day: Pray in the following five areas (refer to five areas below)

BLESSing prayer in five areas:

Body (Physical health) Labor (Career) Emotional (Inner being) Social Spiritual

Name 1 2 3 4 5 Five Blessings


Week Mon. Tue. Wed. Thur. Fri. BLESS 1st Body 2nd Labor 3rd Emotion 4th Social 5th Spiritual

B=Body 1. Ask the Lord to give him/her a healthy body

2. Ask the Lord to heal him/her

3. Ask the Lord to provide for him/her

4. Proclaim that God is his/her refuge in time of trouble

L=Labor (Pray that he/she can …) 1. Work diligently and loyally, and respect the employer.

2. Be the master of his/her work and use time wisely

3. Be the salt and light in his/her workplace and give testimony

4. Edify others and take care of the need of others

E=Emotional (Pray that he/she can …) 1. Have a heart of contentment

2. Do not worry and live up to the Lord in everything and all things

3. Have not an evil desire, instead enjoy in doing good deeds

4. Forgive others often and know that anger does not produce the righteousness of God


S=Spiritual 1. Ask the Lord to give him/her the faithfulness and love toward God and man

2. Ask the Grace of the Lord to lead him/her to the Lord

3. Ask the Holy Spirit to open his/her eyes, ears, and hearts so that he/she can trust in the

Lord always.

4. Ask the Holy Spirit to teach him/her in all that he/she does

S=Social 1. Ask the Lord to bless him/her in the relationships with God and with man

2. Ask the Lord to prepare a spiritual mate to pray and read together

3. Ask the Lord to heal the wounds that might exist in a broken relationship

4. Ask the Lord to make him/her a vessel of reconciliation.


Records of intercession prayers for others


Beginning Time of Intercession


Names of Intercession Target


Items of Intercession


Date of Prayers being answered


多結果子 摘錄於林哲三弟兄信息分享

一個蒙恩得救的基督徒, 生命必會成長, 必會多結果子。

在約翰福音 15:7~8 說道:你們若常在我裏面、我的話也常在你們裏面、凡你們所願意的、祈求就




路 22:14~23 逾越節的筵席,設立聖餐

路 22:24~30 門徒爭論誰為大

約 13 耶穌為門徒洗腳 要彼此相愛

約 14 耶穌要離去,安慰門徒

約 15 我是真葡萄樹

約 16 應許聖靈降臨 禱告的應許

約 17 耶穌分離的禱告

在約翰福音 15:1-8 當中:

凡屬我不結果子的枝子、他就剪去. 凡結果子的、他就修理乾淨、 使枝子結果子更多。 4 你們

要常在我裏面、我也常在你們裏面。 枝子若不常在葡萄樹上、自己就不能結果子.你們若不常在

我裏面、也是這樣。5 我是葡萄樹、你們是枝子.常在我裏面的、我也常在他裏面、這人就多結



1. 不結果子(no fruit)

2. 結果子(fruit)

3. 結果子更多(more fruit)

4. 多結果子(much fruit)

約翰福音 15:7~8:





羅 6:22「成聖的果子」/加 5:22「聖靈所結的果子」/來 12:11「結出平安的果子、就是義。」

來 13:15「嘴唇的果子。」

雅 3:17~18「惟獨從上頭來的智慧、先是清潔、後是和平、溫良柔順、滿有憐憫、多結善果、沒



就是「活出基督 基督的活出。」


① 不結果子(no fruit)

「凡屬我不結果子的枝子、他就剪去.」 剪去:希臘文為 airo。

分別出現在以下經文中:約 1:29「除去〔或作背負〕世人罪孽的。」/太 14:20「收拾起來」

太 27:32「背着耶穌的十字架。」




如果持續不結果子,神就會介入來管教。 神的用意是要潔淨我們,使我們脫罪活出更豐盛的

生命榮耀主 。


來 12:5~6.11「我兒、你不可輕看主的管教、被他責備的時候、也不可灰心.因為主所愛的他







第二階段:管教(懲戒 chastening)





② 結果子→多結果子

約 15:2「凡結果子的、他就修理乾淨、使枝子結果子更多。」

生命不結果子的,神就「管教(扶起)」── 「責備」「管教」「鞭打」





管教 修剪

如何知道? 痛苦 痛苦

為何發生? 作錯事 作對事

要棄絕的? 罪 自我

應有感覺? 罪疚感 心安

正確回應?悔改、停止犯罪 放手、讓神來做; 要順服.

③ 結果子更多(more fruit) → ④ 多結果子




「管教」與「修剪」是神主動的出擊; 我們要做出回應


「要常在我裏面」 與主同在



「常在主裡」的挑戰 : 突破責任式的外在活動,與神建立一種活潑、有力的關係不再只是讀經



原則一:提高獻給神的時間素質「聖潔」 , 分別出來,獻給神。


詩 1:2~3「惟喜愛耶和華的律法、晝夜思想、這人便為有福。他要像一棵樹栽在溪水旁、按時








2017 周历家庭祭坛




Theme/Bible Reading




Recite the verse





1 創造天地/創 1 章

Creation of Heaven and Earth/Gen 1


Fear of God

箴 9:10

Prov 9:10

2 亞當和夏娃/創 2:18-24

Adam and Eve /Gen 2:18-24



創 2:18

Gen 2:18

3 犯罪墮落/創 3 章

Sin and the Fall /Gen 3



申 5:32

Deut 5:32

4 挪亞方舟/創 6:13-7:24

Noah’s Ark /Gen 6:13-7:24



箴 11:19

Prov 11:19

5 巴別塔/創 11:1-9

The Tower of Babel/Gen 11:1-9



箴 29:23

Prov 29:23

6 以撒出生/創 21:1-7

The Birth of Isaac /Gen 21:1-7



創 22:17a

Gen 22:17a

7 獻以撒/創 22:1-19

Isaac Offered /Gen 22:1-19



創 22:12b

Gen 22:12b

8 雅各騙人/創 25:27-34/27:1-35

Jacob Cheated Gen 25:27-34/27:1-35



箴 12:22

Prov 12:22

9 約瑟彩衣/創 37:1-33

Joseph’s Colorful Coat Gen 37:1-33



箴 14:30

Prov 14:30

10 約瑟饒恕/創 41:46;43:1-34,45:1-15

Joseph’s forgiveness /Gen 41:46;43:1-34,45:1-15



箴 19:11b

Prov 19:11b

11 摩西使命/出 1-3 章

Moses’ Mission/Gen1-3



代下 19:9b


12 埃及神蹟/出 5:14-10:29,12:29-

36,14:5-31 Miracles in Egypt/ Exo5:14-10:29, 12:29-36,14:5-31



申 7:9a

Deut 7:9a





Theme/Bible Reading




Recite the verse





13 十誡/出 20:1-17

The Ten Commandments /Exo 20:1-17



申 13:4a


14 征耶利哥城/書 2:1-21, 10:1, 16:12-13

Conquest of the City of Jericho/ Josh2:1-21, 10:1, 16:12-13



傳 4:12

Eccles 4:12

16 大衛勝歌利亞/撒上 17 章

David triumphed over Goliath/1 Sam 17



詩 20:7

Pslm 20:7

17 所羅門智慧/王上 3:16-28

King Solomon’s Wisdom/ 1 Kgs 3:16-28



詩 37:30

Pslm 37:30

18 以利亞戰勝/王上 18:20-40

Elijah Prevailed/ 1 Kgs18:20-40



書 1:7a

Josh 1:7a

19 重新得力/王上 19 章

Renewal of Strength/ 1Kgs 19



伯 16:5

Job 16:5

20 以利沙與書念婦人/王下 4:8-37

Elisha and the Shunammite/ 2 Kgs 4:8-37



箴 3:27

Prov 3:27

21 乃縵得醫治/王下 5:1-14

Naaman healed/ 2 Kgs 5:1-14



詩 18:27

Pslm 18:27

22 王后以斯帖/斯 1-8 章

Queen Esther/ Esth 1-8


Loving kindness

申 10:19

Deut 10:19

23 堅忍的約伯/伯 1:1-2:10

The Perseverance of Job/ Job 1:1-2:10



傳 7:8

Eccles 7:8

24 少年但以理/但 1 章

Young Daniel/ Dan 1



詩 51:10

Pslm 51:10

25 不拜金象/但 3 章

Refusal of Worshipping the Image of Gold/ Dan 3


Adhesion to principle

賽 56:2

Isa 56:2

26 先知約拿/拿 1-4 章

The Prophet Jonah/Jnh 1-4



拿 4:11

Jnh 4:11

27 約瑟馬利亞/路 1:26-38,2:1-7

Joseph and Mary/ Luke 1:26-38,2:1-7



路 1:38a

Luke 1:38a





Theme/Bible Reading




Recite the verse





28 天使報佳音/路 2:8-20

Angels Brought Good Tidings of Great Joy/ Luke 2:8-20



路 2:13-14

Luke 2:13-14

29 少年耶穌/路 2:41-52

Young Jesus/Luke 2:41-52



路 2:46

Luke 2:46

30 水變酒/約 2:1-11

Turning Water to Wine /John 2:1-11



徒 20:35b

Acts 20:35b

31 醫大臣之子/約 4:46-54

Healing the Official’s Son/ John 4:46-54



約 4:53

John 4:53

32 得人漁夫/路 5:1-11

Fishers of Men/ Luke 5:1-11



雅 4:7a

James 4:7a

33 癱子與朋友/可 2:1-12

The Paralytic and His Friends/ Mark 2:1-12



林前 1:10b

1 Cor 1:10b

34 寡婦之子復活/路 7:11-17

Raising of the Widow’s Son /Luke 7:11-17



路 7:13

Luke 7:13

36 魚嘴的錢/太 17:24-27

A Shekel in the Fish’s Mouth/ Matt 17:24-27



彼前 2:13a

1 Pet 2:13a

37 平息風浪/可 6:45-52

Calming the Storm/ Mark 6:45-52



可 6:50b

Mark 6:50b

38 浪子回頭/路 15:11-24

The Prodigal Son / Luke 15:11-24


Confession and Repentance

約壹 1:9

1 John 1:9

39 拉撒路與財主/路 16:19-31

Lazarus and the Rich Man/ Luke 16:19-31



太 5:7

Matt 5:7

40 撒該被接納/路 19:1-10

Zacchaeus the Tax Collector/ Luke 19:1-10



林前 13:7

1 Cor 13:7

41 拉撒路復活/約 11:1-6,17-44

Raising Lazarus from the Dead/ John 11:1-6,17-44



太 24:13

Matt 24:13





Theme/Bible Reading




Recite the verse





42 十個大痲瘋/路 17:11-19

The Ten Lepers/ Luke 17:11-19



路 17:15-

16a Luke 17:15-16a

43 抹香膏的人/可 14:3-9

The Woman Who Anointed Jesus with Perfume/ Mark 14:3-9



太 26:13

Matt 26:13

44 耶穌被釘十架/太 27:27-54

Jesus Nailed on the Cross /Matt 27:27-54



約 3:16

John 3:16

45 耶穌復活/路 24:1-9,36-43

The Resurrection of Jesus/ Luke 24:1-9,36-43



羅 10:11

Rom 10:11

46 要傳福音/徒 1:6-11 The

Commandment to Spread the Gospel/Acts 1:6-11



徒 1:8

Acts 1:8

47 聖靈降臨/徒 2:1-4,37-42

Coming of the Holy Spirit Acts 2:1-4,37-42



弗 6:10

Eph 6:10

48 得人如得魚/徒 2:44-3:10

Fishers of Men/ Acts 2:44-3:10



太 7:9-10

Matt 7:9-10

49 掃羅奇遇/徒 9:1-19

Saul’s Miraculous Encounter/ Acts 9:1-19


Confession and Repentance

路 3:8a

Luke 3:8a

50 天使救彼得/徒 12:1-18

Peter Being Rescued by an Angel/ Acts 12:1-18



弗 2:8

Eph 2:8

51 保羅的神蹟/徒 16:25-34,28:1-6

Paul’s Miracles/ Acts 16:25-34,28:1-6



來 10:38

Heb 10:38

52 耶穌基督的啟示/啟 1:9-11,21:1-4

The Revelation of Jesus Christ/ Rev 1:9-11,21:1-4



啟 21:4

Rev 21:4








What does God speak to me? (God’s words)


What do I pray to God? (Pray)


What do I submit to God today? (Submit)


Other notes (thanksgiving testimonies)





盼望我們教會人人都有 (敬拜 ,讀經 ,禱告 ;簡稱

W.B.P.)的生活; 並在”生活,家庭,職場”上成為能改

變世界,榮耀見證基督的喜樂群體。 May every member at our church keep a life of

Worshiping, Bible studying, and Praying. All of us

become a joyful group to transform the world, glorify

and witness Christ in our daily lives, families, and

work places.


奧馬哈華人基督教會 Omaha Chinese Christian Church


Pray for the children everyday

1 2 3 4


Saved by Grace


Being strong in mind, body and soul


Protecting wall


Fear of God

5 6 7 8


Understanding God’s love


Earnestly love God


Obey God’s words



9 10 11 12


Self-disciplined and self-controlled


A servant’s heart


Prayer of faith


Hope and endurance

13 14 15 16


Joy and thanksgiving




The ability of expression


A brave heart

17 18 19 20


A pure heart




A heart of humbleness and



A loving and merciful heart

21 22 23 24


Peace making


Being filled with the holy spirit


A spirit of revelation and



A discerning spirit

25 26 27 28


Love for righteousness


Self-respect and respect others


Maintaining a correct self-image


Being honest and righteous

29 30 31


Making dedicated friends


Growing in grace


Accomplish God’s calling