Edward William Lane's lexicon - Volume 4 - page 401 to 481

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  • 7/28/2019 Edward William Lane's lexicon - Volume 4 - page 401 to 481


    inf. n. as above, means t He abstained,refrained, - And The act of scattering,or dispersing. (El- leaving, relinquishing, or forsaking, it. (M.)or ~sited,from the thing; [as though he became I1ilee, TA.) WAnd A.:. said of barley and of See 1. ~ See also -4nd see ~jol.l- 4cold with respect to it;] he lkft, relinquished, or wheat, It put forth its awn, but not its ears, applied to a horse, 1 Galled in this place of thefor,sook, it : (M :) and , t :A- ; t.y tho~h almot doing the latter. (El-Hejeree, M.) .i,d& (15,TA:) or, (L,) as also *;;.a, (A,eart refrainedfrom he thing; k.fi, relinquished, TA,)aving a white place, or white places, on hiL.'..JI (?. M, L, .K,) nd .a jr forsook, it: (.,A,O,1g:) like as one says, I;(;,ck, p oluced by galls, (L, TA,) or iaving u,,: (TA:) the [lizard called] 2 an d ; (M, L, .;) tIe made the a,row, h,is back wiiteilaccsermded 1., [p1. of---an d the spear, or a part thereof, to pass throuh -is spoken ofea saying, (~,M) the animal at which it was shot [o r woduced by hair growing in the place of galbLA.1 * thrown]: (~:) or to so that its [or, (A.) [Auid app. applied in a similar sense to a" I,~ Jl ~ ~' bj.s,!5 ' thrown]: (.8 ) or toenetrate - - ca l: ace.e.O.]

    tremity passed throynqh. (M, L, K..) [See cam[t My heart has become cold, 'or indjferent, andtMnnd . .] ~ See also 1, latter part. >P- A certain bird, (q , M, 1,,) above the si:e(meaning dislosed to abstinence,) no t desirous of of the sparrow, (M) having a large head, (15,)coming to drink]. (O.) ~,.s , (M , L, ]5,) or 7. *" is said to mean The expcriecwing of whiich pr'eys upon sparronis: (T,] :) a certain!0AL; a ~, () or h 1~ (A,) said of an cowd. (Meyd. [Mentioned by him, with the ex- bird, black and white, or parycloured,;r;, ~ ~ C prnon ofaAdoub astahnremenn,adaarrow, (., M, A, 1K,) and of a spear, (M, L, ) aor. pression ofa doubt as to the true meaning, and as with a while belly: (A:) a certain bird of theas above, (L,) and so the inf. n., (M, A, L, ) It only occurring, to his knowledge, in a prov., which -passed through, or tranpiereed, or a part of it se in Freytag's "Arab. Prov." i. 3a7: but,,,abl used to regard its cry, (L, M.Sh, and thie bipassed throuhi,.(., M,) the animal at which it there, should beAbi.]) i t sed to regar it cry, (L , M~b,) and thedbirwas sho [or t~trown], by reawnof 0 J. itself, (L,) as of evil omen, (L, Mqb,) and used towasshotor thrown], by reason of its sharpness; ** - .. . -kill it; and they are forbidden to kill it, in orderexpl. by 3..~,. J,: (.:) or it penetrated o that A.. (~ , M,L, 1.) an d I/;j.., (M, L,) the to dispel the idea ofa thing's being of evil omen:is tr t p former a simvle subst. and the latter an inf. n., (M.b:) there are too species thereof; one slpeiesit ia .through;xpl. by?u.i.. j ; (Lth,) and t . , (TA,) Cobl, or coldness: (Sp is called by the people of E!-'Irdk14:?-. [a liame(L, 1 ;) or .1 . j,.; and o ,aor.'. M, L,:) or i cold: (M,L:),coru pica]; the(A . [See ;L,: and see an ex. in a verse cited Pers. word, [originally , arabicized: (S, K:) othlr species, called .A"I.4H ./all, [so in the L,voce tX.1)_.-And , (.,) inf.. and,, or , a'cord- to a number of authors, it is an Arabic but in my copy of the M.lb .W%J1,] is the w.il,l(M , L,) [the latter ink n. suggesting that one says word a, opted by the Persians. (MF.) One says sort, w/tich isfound in Nejd, upon tith trees calledalso .;,, said of an arrow, (M, ]5,) an d of a ? "'& and * [A day of col: or of. intese *. ; it is never seen butt upon the ground, [snspear and the like, (M,) It aissed the object of co,d]. (A.). For the former, : also , in in the L, bu t in my copy of the M.b, it is wrve,aim: thus hIaving two contr. significations: (M, two plaes. - Also, the former, A high place in seen upml the grmnd,] prin~gng from tree toL, 1] ) and V.,.jl also has the latter of these tw mountains; (AA, L, 15;) being the coldest part. tree: (Sukeyn En-Numeyrec, L, M.sb:) whe,,significatioiis. (L.) j,. said of a hiors, aor. 9, (AA, L.)in,. signifies also Pure, unmi'ed, chased, and hard pr~me, it is overtaken, andI- -~~~~~~~~~~~~~31[inf. n. iy.i,] t lie became galled in the place of unadulterated, r genuine; (., M,L, K;) applied utters a crj lile that of the hawk: it preys uponthe sad,ile: (.K, TA:) [or he had a white llare, to beverage, (L,) such as is termed ,.", (. , L,) sparrows: (Msb:) it is described by AlUtt as aor white !la'e., on his back, prodced,by gaUl, and to wine, (L,) and to anything. (M, 15.) bird black and white, or party-coloured, ( tl,)or by hai,r yrowing in the places of galls: (see One says >.c.. ,.s'.k%tAn unmied lie. (., L.) with a white belly, and a back of a dark, or an; andnd :)] and, said of a camel, he had ., - - Andre, ..aith, dust-colour , [or, is said in the L,white fuir gron'i,g in the plface of a gall #moduced eni half hite and half black, found in tree,] largeIgemuin, or m/~.re, 1^ (AZ, S, L. ) - [Hence,]by the sadtile, after its healing. (AO.) ~See .o, in the head and betrl, htaing a talon with whichalso 4. ) Q t An army composd only of the w it preys upon sparrowsand other small birds, aof one father or ancestor: (L:) or an army lair2. oe.~a, (., M, 15,) in the giving to drink, l altogetherconsisting of sons qf one'spaterl uncle largeas the point of a spear: (Mgh, Mlb:) some(.8, .5,) is The giring to dri~nk less than satixfies I [meaning of one's relations]: (AO:) or, (M, A, add to this that it is called tJyh.J, because of th,ethirst. (.8? M, }$.) One says, 6.e. lie gave L, 15,) an d V . ~ (M , A, L) an d ., whiteness of its belly; an d ,,.a.',J because ofhim to drink less than sat;~Jied his thirst. (M.) (11,) t A gret army; (15;) ! an army that the dark, or ashy, dust-colour of its back; am dit ,.a- appears, romn the lownes of its motion, by reason Jse.'19 [a nanie now applied to the rceen 'roud-Arid #"tJ ~ ~.t~ZJt '~.0 I stopped sthort the of its great nmber, to be inanimate. (M, A, L.) lpecher, picus viridila],because of its diversity ofdrinker from drinking the water. (A.) And ~ See also ., near colour; that it is neer sen d.t upon a brauck-%0~L "'[regare, to drinka uat*. ,nrthed. "'0'.3jg J04 J9..l[egaetria ..nit *, . ** (Lac. and so in the L,) or a tree, (Mghi,,sot lme than satisfied thiist]. (A.) An d .l.i j.o: see .y., in three places: and see >j. ' ~, andan re l e,) oree, btkh,10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Myth,nu i ca n .~"l'~ly erer , o r t/&*l'r, be ta~elet,~ Jl .lie tol,ppd short the giving to drink before near the end. (Mib,) or can nerer be taken: (Mgh, L:) it ;xsiatisfying . . . l- . *, - c, ,egarded as of evil omen: (Mgh:) .gh says thatshort, or put a sto.p to, his drinking. (TA.) AndA nd it is called 1 , [perhaps a mistranseriptio,n for4tl~ 4;.& lie ,aide is beverage to be little in an intensely-cold night: (M, L:) [or] * . L.,, because black and white,] in the dim. form:quantity. (A.). An d accord. to the T, . a cold day: (.:) an d j .[pl. oft' (Mb:) [it is said that] it was the first bird thatsignifies Th e drinking les than satif.ies thirst. V b13 ] cold winds.. (.Ham p. WO9G.) And w.j! 1listed for the sake of God: (15:) the pi. is(TA.) -Also, (., 15,) in giving, (.,) 1The V.. A coil anI: pl. ::) thg latter Cj.Ly.: (. , M, Myb, 15:) and the female is caUlledmaking to be little, or small, in quantity or ,. (--pnumber. (.8,1,TA.) One says, ;L[allI .1 I,le (i. C. he pI.) contr. '. .) 3 )-.o. (M.b.)_-Also :.A white place, (', M,nL, g,) pro,dced ly ga.lls, (.,.,L5,) or by thcmade tie grl to be little, or small, (M, A, TA,) A cold, or an intensely-cold, mnan: and .tlie; (M;) or b. signifies ahited, cCA to him. (A, TA.) And it is said in a trad., *l.D a cold, or an intensel.-cold, cotm,pany 'f l,nsluced. by hairowing n tellarf aall;[app. relating to a particular class of persons,] men. (M, L.) 8o also apple. lprik ed byhi gr oi the place of a alled:t.If- ~*5 'il4,1R.M l.#' '*,meaning [i. e. to milk, in a state ofddecomposition, (0, ]K, TA,) (A:) Ibl. IJt;.0. (M, A.) And t A ,white placeTThey will tot eater Paradise sate in small by reason of cold. (TA.) - ,. on the hump of a camel: (M:) or white fit,number]. (TA.) [Also, app., An arrow's t Abstaining, refraininhitting the object of aim: see its part. n.. . A .thaing,[shoghcg , or desisting, froto a; ro]idd in the tas e of pall prlo dcedsb eh ehit~~~~~~~~~~~tingfh beto:BOiBpr .n lIjt' [as thouagh cold with respect to it;] readale s after its /twaling: (AO :) pi. us abov'e.

    BooK I.] 1677

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    ym-t.(AO, M.) - And t A certain rein (Ag, M) be-eath tho tongue, (AQ,) or in the lower part ofthe tongue, (M,) of the horse. (AR, M.) And

    c -two win, (Lth, Ks, $, M, L, l,) of adark, or as ahy, dust-colour, ( i, Lth, Ks,M, L,) in the lower partof the tongue, by meansof which tits tongue moves about, (Lth, Ks, L,)or penetratingwithin (Q :.) the tongue: (S.,M, g :) or two veins, on the right and left of thetongue: (L:) or, as some say, two bones, whicherect ( 1 A.. ) the tongue. (M.) Yczeed Ibn-E4-a,'i1 in his saying

    meanc 1A [i. e. l+, for QLthough he said ,L J lie hasa long, or anunbridled, tongue; the phrase that he uses beingpleonastic], ($.). Also, (M , L,) or t' , (soin the 1],) and t ;, which is the more known,(TA,) A nail in a spear-head, (M, L, ]1,) bymeans of hich tie shaft is fastened to it. (L,].*)-- Accord. to 8h, Oj* e means Hewpened his mind, so as to reealhis screts. (TA.[But this is perhaps a mistranscription, for,Jte: see .])

    iS ' [pl. of sp; and, agreeably with ana-logy, of ' e , an d ;l

    sese .. - Also lHoar-frost, or rime;syn. e... (TA.) - See also >,.

    3.' [app. a subst.; for if it were an epithet,having the meaning of a pass. part. n. of the fern.gender, it should by rule be without J;] Afemaleanimal, (M,) or a ew , (g,) injured, (M, g,)and enmaciated, (M,) by cold: pl. j3ty : (M,

    :) on the authority of IAr. (15.)Z1. Cold and humid clouds in which is no

    rater: (AV:) or cold and humid clouds whichthe nind carriesaway; as also 't ^ an d ' .:(M:) or thin clou in which is no water; (8,

    ;) as also * i () and * -. (L, TA.).N"s : see what next precedes, in two places.

    G: see its fern., with 3, voce ~Also,(., A, L, VJ,) and t l, (. , L, 1,) and 'P ,(A,) An arrow that haspassed, orof which apartlus passed, through the animal at which it hasben shot; syn. .1 : (S , L, :) or of wohich theextremity only ha;passed through: when part ofthe arrow has passed through, it is termed 1i;and when the whole has passed through, jjL.(A.) And ` 1 . j34 Arrows of which the ex-tremities have passed through the animals atwhich they have been shot. (A.)

    ,jl Afore [and most] cold; or more [andmost] affected by cold: and Alore [and most]tranpiercing. (Meyd, in explanations of provs.commencing with this word. [See Freytag's"Arab. Provey." pp . 743-4.])

    ~j.~~: see what next follows.. ,, (8tr,L,) or ;'P, (so accord. to the1], [the former agreeable with its verb, the latterapp. a mistake,]) An arrow missing tho object of

    aim. (1.tr, L, 1.) [See also .a.].a. Beverage, (S,) or drink, (A,) made

    little in quantity. (S, A.) -And Given littleto drink: or tgiven a small giSt. (S.) - Seealso ;Y..;, ,An arrow hitting the object of aim.(gtr, L.) [See also ;.r.]

    ;~. A wind (h) cold; or intensdy cold:or accompaniedby cold andl humid clouds. (IAsr,M.) - Also, and t T, ,T , ,, ,) A manquickly snsible of cold; (S;) weah in enduringcold; (1;) impatient of cold. (T, M.) -An d the fonner, Strong in enduring cokl. (g.)- An d A land writlout trees, and without any-thing (1, TA) of herbage. (TA.) See also

    ;J.. A ma n vehemently angered or enraged:( :) and sojia, without . (TA.)

    AAoag snord: a dial. var. of ;- [q. v.].(.)

    1! , :A road, or way; as also ;., (. , g,)which is the original; (TA;) and W1,j:S:)[see the second of these three words:] Akh saysthat the people of El-jlijaz make it fern., andTemeem make it masc. (S and Mgb voce 1Bj,q. v.)_ LI.I, also written with ,o, is likewise[The ntame of] a bridge extended over the midstof 1Iell, (., TA,) sharlper than a sword, andthiner than a hair, otver which the creatureswill pass, the people of Paradie as~sing over itwith their orks, some like the blinding lightning,and some like the wind sent forth, and some likecoursers, and some running, and some walking,and some dragging hemselves along; and a crier,vill cryJ, om the loner parts of theempyrean," Lower your eyes until Fdtimeh, the daujhterof [ouhammad,(may God blass alnd amve him, andmnay God be nwell pleased with her and her twotons,) passm over;" and the fire will say to thebeliever, "Pass thou over, 0 believer, for thylight hath extinguished my flame;" and there-upon, the feet of the people of the fire will slip.(TA.)

    ;;; and : see .

    1. -0, aor. , inf. n. ( .( , O,' sb , ]V)and 5 .,S, 0,' 1,) the former inf. n. of thedial. of Temeem and the latter of I~cys, ($, 0,)an d .~, which is also a n. of place, [and,accord. to rule, of time also,] ($, 0, g1,) said of aman, (S, Mqb,) He threw him down, or pros-trated him, on the ground; (0, L, ], TA;)namely, a man. (T, TA.) And y . is also

    said of a beast, [the pronoun referring to therider,] meaning It threr him don. (TA in art.a.3.) Hence the saying, C's)%- , A3 ;jt [Death prostrate the animal]. (TA.) And

    -. -,.-., efS^l lJ e ,>i i. e. [7ie simiitude of the

    believer is as the fresh, or juicyJ, plant of sd-produce,] which the wind bends at one time,throwing it from side to side, [and straigten atanother.] (TA, from a trad.) And jq..l,1 iThe trees wre cut and thrown down. (TA.)-See also 3. - [Hence also,]. . He wa s affectedI-t-with the disease termed j.o [expl. below].(Msb.) And lie (a man) was affected witOe .diabolicalpossession, or madness; inf. u s.(TA.) See also 2, ix two places.

    2. ' , [inf. n. 'j3,] HIe threr hikn downor prostrated hnim, on the ground, vwhemently;namely, a man. (K.) _ 4u .e, (K,) inf. n.as above, (TA,) He made the door-way to hamwhiat are termed el~ [i. e. a pair of fod~igdoors]; as also t 4. ,. (K,TA.)...And [hence,]~.J? , U He made the poetry to have atare termed jt&l~; as also , : (4, TA:)

    oror HJI ^ , (. o:-JI, (TA,) is the making the first 'e[meaning hemistich] to rhyme [like the send]( ;) [i. e.] the making the last foot of the Jirtkemistich like the last of the sconul [in rhyme]:(TA:) derived fiom the . of the door-way.(S, TA.)

    3. 'V i L. ;, (S, Msb, TA,) inf. n. of4;AJ -3 I -&the former "[4a. and bl, (Msb, TA,) Ire~led with him, each of us endmavourig tothrow down tthe other, [and I overcate him indoing so, or and I threm him down.] (TA.)

    5. d ,je Hte became lowly, humble, orabased, and abasd, to him; as also CZ:(Az, TS, TA:) or t he lowered,humbled, or abasedhimself to him: one says, 3 l .Jj andt [I ceaed not to lower, humble, or abas, myelfto him] tli L . [until he answered wme, orgave mehis assnt]. (Z , TA.)

    6. 1j1s J7th wrestled, o0 w with anotherendeavouring to throw down one atother; an d[t 192 J1 .t signifies the same; or] t Ij.l theytwro wrestled, each endeavouring to throro dowthe otwher. (TA.)

    7. 7 la[He, or it, became thrown down, orprostrated, on the ground]. (Occurring in theg in art. t.4.)

    8: see 6, in two places... an in n. of L ($, Msh, 1..) - Also, [as

    a subst., Epilepnsy, orfaUing sichne.: and sometimes, app., ecstatic catalelmy; a sort of trancinto which a person fals:] a certain disease, (?0, Msb, g,) well known, (S, 0,) remadness, or diabolicalpossesion, (Msb,) accordI



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    1679BooK I.]to the Raees [Ibn-Seen, whom we call " Avi-cenna"], (TA,) preventing, bu t no t completely,the ,ital organs from performing their actions[orfrnction]; the caum of wrhich is an obstru,-tion that occurs in one or more of the venters(' ) of the brain and in the ducts of the,.,La. [here meaning nerves] by which themetbers are moved, [arising] rom an abundantthick or vicow JL [or humour], whereby the

    [by which is here meant, as in many otherinstances, the vital spirit, or nervous fluid,] isprevented from pervading them in the naturalmanner, and consequently the members become[smodically] contracted. (15, TA.) m Also Asort, or speciaes: and a state,condition, or mannerof being: syn. &. and C : (g, V,:) of a thing:(1 :) and so and likewise "h nd ,~:(TA:) [see also i :] pl. [of mulLti.] ,1) an d [of pauc.] 1. (15.) On e says, j3

    t,p,', meaning .1 . [i. e.. Ie, or it, hastw o sorts, or species: or two distinctive qualitiesor ropertaes]. (Ibn-'Abbad, Z, O, K.) And*gy b;w3 I lcft them changing from state0 *8' elmto state. (Ibn-'Abbid, O, 1.) And ;.~..,..l,meaning 1lji [i. e. There are two ways of per-forming the affair, either of hvAich may bechow~]. (TA.)- See also pt,n three places.._ ;, Tw o camels of which one comes to thewater when the other returns f.om it, by reasonof their [the camels'] multitude. (S , O, g(.) -And [hence, perhaps,] i ttJ1 signifies TIeniglt and the day; (J ;) [and] so t t) l $,with kesr, like LU* l: (TA in art. J~ :) oithe forenoon a;d the afternoon; from the firsipart of day to midday and from midday to sunset; each of these being termed i : (S , O,V :,or the morning, between daybreak and snrise,and the vemning, between sunset and nightfall; malso J1;=li-; (~ an d 15 in explanation of~lj8l;and some assert that it is formed by transpositiofrom Qlj_-ld: (TA:) or the two extremities othe day. (A , TA.) And one says, .y0.o _-4l;JI ame to him in the morning and eveningor between ,daybreak and sunris and beotweesunset and nightfaL. (S, O, V.) And ;c ij1l I me t him at the two extremities of the daj(A, TA.) Dhu-r-Rummeh says,

    * ct>c4; 6--

    meaning As though I were one, i. e. a cameyearning towards his place of abode, tvhich aeening and a morning, in evening a binding tthe fore shank to the arm and in the mornira shackling of the legs, turn [or kheep] anwfrom a sttled abiding-place: or, as Aboo-'Alirelates it, [1;,as a partial substitute f,

    s; .,] meaning, an ~ ng, when there isbinding of the fore shank to the arm, andmorning, when there is a ~/ackding of the legfor they bind the camerl's fore shank to his arin the evening when he is lying down, and thi

    shackle his legs in the morning so that he maypasture [but no t stray]: another reading is 4.[h i morning and evening]. (TA.) - On e saysalso, Ci . . i. e. 0sU [app. meaning Itis over against, or corresponding to, such athing]. (0,1 .)

    an inf. n. of 1. (, K.) An d i. q., . .1].) See the latter in two places.

    See also i, former half. - [Also Either oftwo opposite conditions in which one is or stands&c. in respect of an affair or case.] On e says,

    , 8i[I soug, nor an, Odfn .such a one, an object of want, and t/en turnedaway, and I know not in rwhich of the two oppo-site conditions he was in respect of his affair, orcase]; i. e., his affair, or case, did not becomeapparent, or clear, or known, to me. (S, O, ].')And a poet says,

    ci; s -! 8 5 - u[And I went, and bade not farewell to LcylA, rand she hnew not in which of the two opposite (conditions in respect of her affair, or case, I wasgoing]; i.e., whether I went from her presenceretaining attachment, or forsaking; ($, TA;) or , eas Z says, in a condition of success or of disap- Ipointment. (TA.) - See also *, in the middleof the paragraph.- Also A like; a similarperson or thing; and so V - . (O, g1.) Onesays, ,, (S,O) an d :t .. (O) lweytw,o are likce: (S,O:) and so ' 8c. ($.)And .oo.kl and , Th2us is the like of him, ior it: and so ,.h and .,, &c. (IA,r, TA.)_And A strand of a rope: (0,1g:) and so : (0:) pl. (0, 15) an d b. (0.)a.0 A single act of throwing down, or pros-trating, on the ground; or a single .su~erin ofprostration. (1, TA.) See also a,. - AndA state, or condition: (0, ] :) so in the saying,i;s'y e 3 4) [He does it in evystate, or condition]: (0:) [see also ey :] or ,accord. to the " Mufradat " [of Er-R6ghib], thestate, or condition, of him who is thrown down,or prostrated. (TA.)

    J .,o On e who is often thrown down, or pros-trated,by men. (1:)

    ac,. A mode, or manner, of throring donn,or prostrating; or of being thrown down, orprostrated: (S, K,TA:) a word similar to 4L,band LJ.q. (8.) Hence, (g,) one says, ye"

    Ya ye -- . F JI; . 1LThe badmannere of holding fast upon one's bcast is better than ther good manner of being thrown down, or pro~a tratedn : (S, 1 :) i.e., when one holds fast, thougha he ride not well, it is better than one's being; thrown down, or prostrated, in a manner thata does not hurt him; because he who holds fastr sometimes overtakes, but he who is thrown down











    ill not attain: (TA:) a prov.: or , as some relate,J Ca -, which means the good manner

    the single sugering of prostration (K,*TA.See also Freytag's Arab. Prov. i. 023.])B.ys One who throws down, or prostrate,

    hers; (, o,O, ;) as also t and,i , :.o:)r one wh o throws down, or prostrates,i antagonists much, or ofen; (TA;) and sorp, (S,O,) and tY1P, with 4amm and

    shdecd, mentioned by Ks: (0:) or tgnifies one who throws down, or prostrat.,xhenently, though he be not wel hknorn for doinjp; as also t ?t,r and t &, the latter liko e:in measure, bu t this I think doubtful, probablydded from finding `. mistranscribed]: or

    accord. to the T, one whoe occupation,ohereby he is knovn, is the throwing down, orprostrating,otltrs [as a wrestr]. (TA.) It isaid in a trad. that the Prophet asked, Whom do'e reckon the ;L among you? they said,lim whon men wiiU not throw down: and heaid, He is no t such, bu t is the who goernsiimself on the occasion of anger: or , as someelate it, t theforbearingon the occasion of anger,O, TA.*)

    ,j On e who wrestles much with others,endeavouring to throw them down: (T, 1K, TA :)pl. , . (1)

    d,FCi. q.t ',, [meaning Thrown down,or prostrated,on thl ground]: pl. o. (0,

    -g.) [And i. q. t .J~ meaning (as the latteris expl. in the Mb ) Affectod with the diseaeterned o, q. v.] - And [i. q. t mean-ing] A .fcetedith diabolicalyosion, or madness. (TA.) - On e says also, .,wAlI t. e1: [He passed the night prostratedby the influencof the wrine-cup]. (TA.) -And ,'.4 ;

    -. an d ' 4..i I saw their trees cut down[and laid prostrate]. (TA.) And ; ~A plant, or plants, or herbage, grow'iny u,po

    the surface of the earth, no t erect. (TA.) And*t. - . A branch falling dowrn to thground: (TA:) or a branch broken clown anfalen to the ground: (Mab:) and [in like manner] one says t ; ~; and ,k is saito occur in a verse of Lebeed as pl. of the latteword, the reg. pl. of which is j : but in thaverse some read t . [which has a similameaning. (TA. [See EM p. 157.]) -_also signifies t Slain: from the same word aapplied to a branch and expl. above: pl. y.e(Mob.) - An d SA twig, or rod, droopijg, ohanging down, to the ground, falling upon ibut with its base upon the tree, so that it remaifalling in the shade, the sun not reaching it, antherefore becomes more soft, or supple, than tbranch [from which it depends], and more swein odour; and it is usedfor rubbing and cleanithe teeth [i. e. JjL, are made of it]: pl. j,.:(1., TA: [the pl. is thus in the L; but in somcopies of the 15 , :]) or, accord. to the T, t


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    1080 E" - J-'sing. signifies a tmig, or rod, that falls from ttree ealldal [q. v.]; and the pl. is *.s1.: tlformner pl. occurs in a trad., in which it is sathat the Prophet was pleased to rub and clean hteeth with t

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    BooK I.]mostly of a biteh, (IAnr, TA,) signifies She lu.sted 4. ~1/'.}1 ,.j ol: ace 1, lattcr half.fortetne male: (Lth,L., Aqr,S, M,O, K:)and the 5. .,a [quasi-pass. of 2: thus,] said of aepithet applied to such un animal is t iJe,. (Lh, man's hfaee, It turned about; or tras, or becanme,IAvr, ., M,(),l.) I t,rned about; syn. i,. . (Jel in ii. 139.)_And It (a thing) nas, or became, cmployed in2. ~.;q.-JIl [in its primary acceptation is like other [i. c. more] thtan one way; as though itJaJI in the primary neacceptation of the latter, were turned from one way to another way. (M.)but generalily relates to several ol;iects, or is used _- [lenee,] p', 5 J , (.,) or L.P 1.,in an intensive sense]: see 1, first sentence: it ,so0 , ,signifies The turnipng of the winds (Lth, ,0K, ) quasi- s. of , (,* O, K,) thusTA)from one statc or condition, to af,thaer; (0, syn. with %.- [ncalting lie acteOdl in vhatsoverTA ;) orfrom one di,'ertioh, or course,, or r,ty, to vway he pleanfl, accord(liny to his own judgmenet oranother; (Lthi, O, , TA;) an d so of tihe toirents, di.sv'tion or fiee 7will, or as a free agent, in thean d t,l the hiorse, and of eaffiirs, an d offthe verses dissl, or ma'uule,n.t, qf the a.fair, or myof thio ]ur-il ; (l.th, TA ;) the nw/ldiy of the affair; or he ka.x, or beamLe, employed to do so]:winds to txry, or d;f/f]r; and s( of thile elou(lds; (K :) or it is from ~.iJl assignifying .J;(M ;) the cehaniy;ny of the windis to south andnl (R.,M, TA;) i. e. it means t [he practised Cersa-north [&c.] and ho t and cold [&c.]; (Jel in ii. tility, or] he used art or art;Jicc or cunningl, in150, an d xlv. 4;) or the mnaking otf tIle winds to be thie afair, or in my affair; syn. Jl.. (TAsouth and north, and east and Pret, anil to lie I [and in like manner B1 d in xxv. 20: but thevariotus sorts in their kiiulb: (TA:) or e .iormer meaning is ilthe more common: acsee also;.,~)1 signifies [the var!.li,q, or licersfy;ig, tf 8].) [It is also used as meaning simply lIe em -the ter. 'f tiw Kr-dn, b!l repeating them in ibied hkied,eor as employefd, in the managingdfi,r'entf,r'ms; or] the mnakid;!J ! thte wr.sqf !Jt/Uw a.flu, or may af.lar ; because the manage-the Knr.-dn distinwt [in their be,'isinrby t- micit of afliirs generally requires the practice ofing and vary;ing the,m, as explI. by nimallny of tilhe versatility, or Llie isc of art or artifice or cunniaing.]exlsitors in the instances oceurrilng in vi. 40 and [lienee also, said of a horse, Ie wvas exer-65 andml 10.5, and xlvi. 2']. (0, K.)_ It signifies .. ]also Thle derii;lg one word firom another [b Y 7. J,..a, (S, M, O, K, ) inf n. h.2!,0,)1nodi4icatioN ff the form foJr the lp--tose of and y . is also sometimcs an inf. n. tiereof astnoett)ln!lhe Ineamtng; nmludm~zllb what we term I. . . . . ..s-oying te meanz1ing; inclding whalt WC term |well as a n. of place, (B,) quIasi-pass. of j.o, (,the declining of nouns (like .4.aWl) an d te on- M,) said of a thing, (M,) or of a man; ( ;) asjugating of verbs]. (O , K.) [Tlihe science of such signifying It [or he] turned, or nent, away,.~;1 in language is commonly termed,c or back,from its [or hii] way, or course; or was,* J,kl.] _ In relation to property, or money, or becanme, turned, or sent, or put, away, or bacl.,see l, near theile of e ari.-And in tlerefrom; or averted, or repelled, therefrom:reation to see, see 1, near the middle ofheranph. And in (M :) [or sidfted from one state, or condition, torelation to specceh, see 1, near the middle of theparagraph.no says also, (M,) another: (see 1, first sentence:)] or i. q. ~l;aragraph._ On e says also, #,r:JI J..~ (,i(f. n. as above, (TA,) meaning IIe employed the so in the copies of the ]g; but [this is an inade-thing in otier [i. e. *nore] tihan one way; as quate explanation;] the right [or better] explana-thoughlihe turned it from one way to another way. tion is 1t/l. [i. e. he, or it, reverted, or returned;(M, TA.)_ Anad [henee,] 14, t (],) or aw, or became, turned away or back]; agree-

    or j,FI p speaking of a man, (S, 0,) i. q. ably with what is said in the O. (TA.) 1, ,.n,. in the ]u r [ix. 128] means Then they return, or.4 [meaning I employed. im to act in whatso- go back, from the place in which they have lis-ever way he pleased, according to his on jud- tened: or then they turn arway from doing augihtmat or disceretion or free willi or I made kin, a of that which they have heard. (M.) - [Accord.fiw agent, in the disposal, or manage~t, of the to Golius, it signifies also It ran in a smnallaffair, or oyaffair: or t I made him, or em- stream; or the like; for he explains it as meaningployed him, to practis veratility, or to use art " manavit:" but for this he names no authority.or artitice or cunning, in the affair, or in my _- Said of a noun, it means It was iljected, oraffair; for the quasi-pasi., J.3", is said to be declined, mth tenmween.]from J.1l as signifying '4. JI, and is expl. as 8. J,J.~l He sought, sought after, or soughtsyn. with j,.ll: but the former meaning is the to gain, sustenance or the lie, (M , TA,) and usedmore common and it is also used as meaning art or artifice or cunning [in so doing]; (M ;)simply I enployed him in the managing of the for his family, or household; (M , TA;) as alsosimply 1nployed ~ ~im . tn. . j~anagin yofuh s a, ls' ,..j [ahogaffair,ornyaffair). (g.)...[Henceawo, v j .'o, aor.;; you say, "ii J- [as thoughu.oA1 He exercised the hors.] - .A j u4,.: meaning 4 J ] and J) 1: (M:) orand j.JI J..u . see 1, latter half, he used art or artifice or cunning (.4J) in theseemking of gain: (0, Y, TA:) or [meaning thus]3: see 1, third sentence._. Th e inf .. ;t. you say, ".'.l1 ,.b .Ja.l. ($.).mItissignifies abo t The dealing, or buying and seUing, also trans.: you say, .j JJm.l: see 1, first/th an one ?. [app. meaning rcith art or quarter._ And .~lf;l 1a procured thetnth any ores ~~ ~~qure.nu*1.41 m..l He procured theartifice or cunintg, or it may perhaps mean in die i change for other] dir or for

    tAe c s of mdirher in exchangeforoer dirk~ oMgh.t/e .uehnmging of mo n e: s.j,~], (KL.) denars. (Mgh.)Bk . I.

    10. ;/c,;1,,1 Zi &j(s, 0, ) I bgeGod to avertfrom me tthe things, or events, thaare objects of dislike or hatred. (0, .). [as an inf. n.: see 1]. _ Used as a subst.Th e evil accidents, mishaps, or calamities, otime, or fortune; [thus expl. as having a pl. sig

    nification ;] meaning (8, M0, K,) and l (S,0, ,) or ,ls.; (Meh ;beause it [i.c. time, or tortune,] turns thlingsfrom their way, or course: (MI :) [but it seemsto be more properly rendered the shjfling ofortuine, or its.dhfitbin about; an d to be nit inf. nsometimes used as a simple suilbst., an d thereforehaving a pl., for] its pl. is jj.~. (M , M.b.)Ill tiehrae a. a-c-, -In the l)ilt.se lhly Jy - A, in a versoof Saklhr-el-Glici, [ISd says,] lie has made itfern. because of its dependance upon U5i.l [whichis fern.; as thoughl the meaning werm Th e af.flictionrs that are the conseqience of tlt courstakwen by her in her journey hare exceeded thbounds of moderation] : (M:) [or it is hero madefern. beeause having the signification of a brokenpl., which is fem.:] or the meaning is, ,.D, ,

    ' 0 Jsj, . i..$i j.103 [i. e. the sJfliingabout of Aer courts tAtat dthe las taken has beconmefar-extendling; J*j. being thuis used as aninif. n.; for the Arabs sometimes make the inf. nfen., saying aU well ijaiy; (see EM p. 157;) and this I thiink themost preferable explanation]. (Skr in his Exposof the P'oems of the Hudhalees, p. 14 of the vol.edited by Kosegarten.) - Also Relentance. ($M, 0, Msh, .K.) [See a phrase below, in whichthis an d other meanings are assigned to it.] -And t Art, artifice, or cunning. (Yoo, S, M, O],TA.) Hence, in the lsur [xxv. 20], L;~4 r th~.. - OagiaLj t [Adl they are no t ablto ?mut in practice art or artiiceor cunning, noraid]: (S, TA:) or this means au l they are noable to atcrt, or repel, fromin thiemselves punishmerit, (O, I(, TA,) nor to aid themselves. (OTA.) - And Exclence, or nsuperiority, of adirhem, ($.,M, Mgh, 0, Myb, ]K,) and of a deenir,(M,) over another, (S, M, &c.,) in goodlne., (?Mgh, Mqb,) or in value; (M, Mghi, 0, 1 ;) asin the saying, J ..' ,s l [Between thtwo dirhetn iJ a differenc of excsellence], becauseof the [superior] goodness of the silver of one othem: ( :) an d in like manner, of speech ; (0,1 ;) as in the saying !: j.~j. J";. 0Salh a one knows no t the excelence of sip~ch overother speech: (0:) an d [in like rimmner] one says,.e l a 1I,JJ There is , or p.'tains, to thixan exces, and an excellence, over this; for whenone is judged to excel, it, or he, is turned nsidefrom its, or his, likes, or fellows. (0, K.*)And The night; and the day: (1K:) [because otheir interchanging:] .j.titI signifies the nigJhand the day; (, 0, a;)s also * ;l; (g;)the latter accord, to Ibn-'Abbhd; (0;) likeQIl;aul, with kesr also [ns well as with fet-h].(TA.) - In the saying (;, M, 0, Msb) of theArmbs, (M,) or of the Prophet, (0, Mb,) in a

    a.0. -- 9a. je iacertain trad., (g,) J~ ;5 t - 212212


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    1I8 J.,[Ndeither ,;.. nor J sitall be acceptedfromAim], (, M,* O, M.b,") by J;.o is meantrepentance; ($ , M, O, Myb, ] ;) and by Jjs,ransom: (M, Mob, ] :) or by the former, art, orartifice,or cunning; (Yoo, s, M, O, ];) and bythe latter, ransom: (M:) or by the former,acquisition of gain; and by tie latter, ransom:(]:) or by the former, a sul)ereroatory act;(A'Obeyd, M, O, l] ;) and by the latter, an obli-gatory act: (A'Obeyd, M, ]g:) or vice versa:( :) or by the former, neoight; and by the latter,measur,: (M, 0, 1 :) or by the former, deviation;an d by the latter, a right, or direct, course:(IA;r, M :) or by the former, AJ . C [app.meaning an evasive art'gice];and by the latter,a like: (Th, M:) or by the former, value, orprice; and by the latter, a like; the sayingoriginally relating to the bloodwit (4J9I): onesays, iJ) i ,.^ 1 ,i, i. e. They didnot accept ftwm them a bloodwit, nor did theylay one man for him, of their people, who hadbeen lain; but they required from them morethan that; for the Arabs used [often] to slay twomen, and tbree, for one man; when they slew ama n for a man, that wa s J, "l with them; an dwhen they took a bloodwit, having turned fromthe blood to another thing, that was Jy., i. e.the value, or price, was J.: then the sayingwas applied in relation to anything, so as to beproverbially used in the case of him who was torender more than was incumbent on him: it hasalso been said that by b.4 is meant [in thesayinlg cited above] something additional, or inexcess; but this is nought. (M.)

    _j;O: see its dual in the next preceding para-graph, near the middle. _ Also Pure, unmixed,or fr e pfio, admixture; (, M, Mgh, O, Mqb,;) applied to wine, ($, M,O, Mob, !r,) orbevcrge, as meaning unmnixed, (P, M, 0, M1,h,)and jo (0,,,) and to other things,(I,) to blood, and to phlegm, (TA,) an d to any-thing (M, Mob) as meaning freefom turbidfoulncsnu: (Mgh,* Mb :) an d I*Jt, likewisesignifies anytlling having in it no admixture.(TA.)- An d A certaindye, (Mgb,) a red dye,(0, O, (,) with which the thongs, or straps, ofsandal are dyed, ($, 0,) or with which th hideis dyed: (MNb:) or a certain rwd thing ithwhich the hide iJ tanned (C [perhap a mis-transeription for aiD]). (So in a copy of the M.)

    fiJI On e of the Mansion of the Moon; [the7~Teflh Mansion;] a tinglb ery bright star,[p of Leo,] ($, 0, ], and l]zw in his Descr.of the Mansions of the Moon,) by which aresomesmall eoantecent stars; (]zw ;) omr against,(.iif, so in my copies of the C,) or folloVing,(0, V and 1szw ubi supri,) ptjI; (Q, O, ,]zw;) [i. o.] it is a singb starbehind theof the Lion; (M;) it is on th hinder part of hestail ( ,1) of the Lion; [wherefore it is calledby our astronomers D~eb;]and is ablso called the1J, which means the eat of the penis, of theLion: ( tzwn his Descr. of Leo: [in the g an d0, erroneously, "the ,he of the Lion:"]) [it

    rose aurorally, in Central Arabia, about thecommencement of the era of tue F'light, on the8th of Sept., 0. S.; and set aurorally on the9th of March:] Ibn-Kunaseh says, (M,) it iscalled ij l 11 ecause of the turning away of thecold (C,M, O, 15) from the heat, (M,) and thecoming of theheat, (S, 0,) accord. to the [O and]IC at its rising, but [as] 13 says, correctly be-cause of the turning' away of the heat [a t itsrising], and the coming of the cold: (TA :) [i. c.,correctly,] it is thus called because of the turningaway of the cold at its setting in the early morn-ings, and the turning away of the heat at itsrising from beneath the rays of the sun in theearly mornings: (lzw in his Deser. of Leo:)when it rises before the dawn, that is the be -ginning of autumn; and when it sets with therising of the dawn, that is the beginning of spring.(M.) [Hence,] i'jI is [called] L1.$ 1 J .l;4, (Ibn-'Abbad, O,,) or A LSi I i

    e [Tlhe dog-tooth of time, orfortune, rehich itshows smiling]: for when U jl rises, [a mistakefor "sets, aurorally,"] the blossoms come forthan d the herbage attains its full height: (M1 nd} in art. J:) in the T it is said that Uj..JI iscalled by the Arabs 1 .,A [tibe dog-tooth oftime, orfortune,] 1 j ,! JI " , J. '0i#.tJl [i.e. because it smiles revealing (tiheadvent of) the cold and (that of) the heat, in itstwo states (of auroral rising and setting)]. (TA.)

    -. *o also signifies A certain kindl of bead(j,); (Lh, $, M, O, ]5;) mentioned amongthose by means of wvhich men are captivated, orfascinated, or restrained by nwomen from oterwomen; (S, 0, V ;') or by means of which menare conciliated, so as to be turnd thereby fromntheir ways of acting or co0uuct or the lile. (Lh,M.) And A bow havingupon it a black mark orspot (i,.- L*,), the arro7v of nwhirh, when tei!

    are shot, wil not hit the object of aim. (0, 1g.)-And one says, :j.JI 4 , meaning Imilked tte shecamel in the early morning, be-

    teen dawn and sunri, and then lkft her untilthe like time of the morrow. (0, I*);sbjwJ Death; (M, V;) a name of death.

    (IAyr, O.) _And Co. signifies Lead; syn..,-;: (e;, Mob, g :) or j? eL,; [q. v.]:

    (M:) and () accord. to Ibn-'Abbid, (0,)co~pper; syn. .al. (O, ])- And A sortofdataes; (S, M, O, Mb ;) a heavy sort of dates:( :) n. un . with ;: (M:) AHn says, (M , 0,) onthe authority of certain of the Arabs, (O,) thatthe t,J is a red date, like the s, (M, O,M9b,) but (M, O) hard to be chewed, (M, O, K,)tough, (M, 0,) and the heaviest of aU dates: (M,O, Mb :) prsonsu having households and slavesand hired me n provide it, because of its satisfyitgquality, (0, ], [but for 'j. in the 0, referringto the n. un., and lj,in copies of thc Ig, andtk*ljq? in the C j, I read t;jSJ, which is evi-dently the right reading, and agrees with whathere follows,]) and it standing in great stead:(0, :) or it is the [ort of dates caled] il

    [BooK I[q . v.]: (s1:) AHIi says, En-Nowshajanee toldme that the ZU;6 is [called] t1 .l1 in El-.Hij4z, and in like manner its palm-tree. (0.)

    t~Jieis; ;- l- ' ~Ip.y. >is oneof their provcrlbs [expl. in art. Cp]. (Al;n,O, .. )uil.o A camel of a certain excellent sort; (M,

    O, . ;) a rel. n.: (O, K :) or it is correctly with; (O,* ;) i. c. r. [q. v.]: (O :) some saythat it is with }; and tiis is tihe right. (M.)Jj.s A she-camel thtat makes a grating, orcreahkig, sound with hler tushcs, or canine teeth

    (S,o,.)*.~I. inf. n. of 1 in the senses expl. in the

    last sentence but one of the first paragraph [q. v.](S, M, &c.) - See also oy - Applied tomilk, (S , M, O, IK,) Just mnilked; (.1 ;) broughaiwfjireom the ulider lchile hot, (S, M, 0,) ,c,hen,nilkel. (f1,O.).-Also Dr,y i, [or pal,nbranach,s]: n. un. with ;: (AIIn, M:) [i. e.]t i.,. signifies a dry ai.. ((i.) An d AHILsays, (M, O,) in one place, (M,) I.Al ignifies(M , O, IC,) as some assert, (0,) ]V/ut has become dry, of trees; (M, O,;) like 1 1;(M;) called in Pcrs. ' , . (so in copies othe ], in the C.K .Ji-, and in the O,.A 1, [all app. mistranscriptions, for I findnothing like them in Pers. except partially, i. eb,,)s mcaning "dry," like "] ) and alsocalled [in Arabic] i11 [the tree that has beconmedry]. (O.) [See also ` t , with the unpiointed

    oe.]~Also Silcer: so in a verse cited vocois! (page 107, third col.): (ISk, S, 0 :) or pursilver. (K.) ~ See also the next paragraph.

    a4,- see the next preceding pnmgrnlh.Also A thin, round eake of rnead; syn. ;jUl: plJ and and tcoll. gen. n.] (1,.

    a ... WTine of .S, 0, O,)place, (S, O,) i. e. a town, (O,) in El-'Iralk, (CO,) in the SawAd of El-'Irai near 'Okbar&; (OTA;) not, as it is implied in the I, from anotheof the same name in W6sit: (TA:) or , as somsay, wine jwttaen o the ; [orjar]; lik[as one says] J ;j. (0, I.)

    see ,hg.: - and ee also J1 L.: see the next paragraph.

    Jt.o [act. part. n. of 1: as such having, amongother meanings, the meaning of Grating, ocreakinq; or mnaking a grating, or creakingsound: and so t Jl , bu t properly in an intensive sense; for] the dual of Jllt is used by thpoet Aboo-Khiraish as meaning two thong.s ofsandalthat mahe a creaking sound: (M:) [and' a..~ikewise means makhing a creakig wounwith the teeth: so accord. to Freytag, from Joereer.] One says, aLe . ) L, meaningHe has no t in his mouth a canine tooth [lit.

    l 1

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    BOOK I.] 1683J.- -A,y-grater or creaker; for Ls; . e a tooth that free will in the disposal, or management, of anmakes a grating, or creaking, sound]. (M.) affir.]- hi

    atiL@>: pl . _)1 :see hJG&,elow.-Jj. On e wh o practices art or artifice orcunning, in the disposal, or management, (ef

    affairs; (C, M, O, ];) as also 9 1 j, o; (S, O,1I ;) wihich latter is applied by the poet SuweydIbn-Al,ee-Khllil El-Yeshkurec [in the like sense]as an epitllet to a tonglu, in his saying,

    *: ' oi[And a cunning, sdlarp tongue, like the edge oLf thesw'ord, Awhat it touchtes it cuts]. (S, O.)- Seealso what next follows.

    i. q. M;, M( 0, M, b,) or ,l...1;;, (1K,) and so (Mf.,M, Mb, V,) i. c.

    Ax money-chan#er; (M , Msh, TA;) except thatJir Ieas an intensive signification [app. asmeaning a shilful ,onnJy-hanecr, and hence it isoften used in the lresent day as meaning a banker]:(My,lb:) all are applied to him wnio knons anddistinyuisles the rclatireexcellence, or superiority,lf pieces if money: (Mgh:) these appellationsare from i;jLl, (t, 0,) or from J ;JI, (M,)or from .Jy meaning " excellence," or "supe-riority," of one dirhem [or deenar] over another,(Mgll, and Msb on the authority of IF in relationto the first,) because such as excels, or is superior,is turned aside from the deficient: (Mgh:) thepi. is i, (., M, O, 1) and o i (M) andJ,Al., this last occurring in poetry, (g, M, O,

    K,) by poetic license, for the sake of the measure.(S , O.)_ See abo ,-i,,.

    ;ga'1 IAdjL.[and Q l pl. of a] 77wsvarieties, or vicissitudes, of affairs or mevnts.(M , TA.)

    j4 A place of turnfng away or back: [seealso J..:] hence, in the lu r [xviii. 51], .Ub~ tv; I~, (TA,) meaning [And they shallnot find] a place to which to turn arvay, or back,from it: (Bl, Jel:) or , a turningaway, or back,from it: (Bd:) pl. JjL. (TA.)

    J. ,II1paw. part. n. of 1: see its verb:.and] see Jj : see also

    .fJ.aZ i. q. ".U [as meaning Place, orscope, or room, for fee action]. (A, voce ,[q. v.]; and so in the Ftik.)Ji ~ '- is an epithet applied to a verb [as

    meaning That is perfect(y inflectd~, opposed to[q.v.]. (TA,voce;i.);

    and ?_ - L signify the same, respec-tively, as J;i an d j J : seeart. C>C.. _ . J,b; means A factor, anagent, or a deputy, ho acts according o his own

    i.~ is a n. of place, [meaning A place ofturning away or bach, like J4 .,] as well as aninf. n. [of 7]. (S.)

    4 and jy' " ' denote the two differentsorts of nouns, (0, .,) meaning, respectively,[like 1 - and js u ,] InJfected, ordeclined, with ten[weca, and not so inflcted ordeclined. (0, TA.)

    A.ew1. .1, (S, M, Mgh, Msb, V,) aor. , (,M,Msb, 1B,) inf. n. 'ye (S, M, M 9b, K) an d 'ey,

    (M, K,) or the latter is a simple subst., (M,Msb,) nle cu t it, syn. Mi,8, M, Mgh, M9b,)in any manner: [i. e. it signifies also he cu t itthrough; or he cut it of, or severed it; for thusthe meaning of "Ji is generally explained:](M:) or it signifies [only] he cut it (j) so asto separate t: (M , R1 :) namely, a thing, ($,) suchas a rope, an d a raceme of dates. (TA.) On esays, S1j1 J." i. q. [i. e. His ear wascut off, entirely]. (TA.) And J I , (M, Msb, R,) and 1 , (M , V,) and I , aor.as above, inf. n. > , (M,) He cu t off the fruit,or inoduce, of the palm-trees, (S, M, Mqb, ,)an d the tre, (M, ]g,) and tae corn, or the ie;(M ;) as also 9 .J.1. (S, M, g.) - [Hence,]

    j. , (8, M, MA, K-,) [aor. as above,] inf. n.A.-.. (8, MA,) or !..s., (M, MA,) or the latteris a simple subst., (S,) t He cu t him (i. e. anotherman); meaning he ceased to spah to him, or toassociatewith him; he cut him off Jfromfriendly,or loving, communion or intercoure; orsok him,or abandoned him; syn. MJ; (iM, R ;)and .: (A and Mgh an d V in art. ~,:) orAhe cu t himtnself off, or separated himeMlf, fromhim, nainely, his friend; he cut off [o r rwithdrew]his friendship from him. (MA.) [See an ex. ina verse cited voce 1.] And 4j.., -A , aor. asabove, inf. n..,o. andA*.., t [He cut, or sevred,his bond of union,] as indicative of resemblance[to the act of cutting, or severing, properly thustermed]. (M.) - And j1 . .. t[He decidedhisaffair]. (0 voce 1, q. v. [See also;, and

    4)w.); -is also intrans., as s ith,JI, q. v. (M, ].) And [hence] one says,4, . 4O. i.e. t [Worldly good departed]

    by becoming cut off, or by ceaing, and coming toan end (TA.) - On e says also, &meaning t He stopped, stayed, or tarried, withus a month: (R , TA:) mentioned by EI.Mufad-4dal, on the authority of his father. (TA.)-A*-, (Mqb,) [aor. ,] inf. n.. and L,(M,) It (a sword) was, or became, sharp, (M ,Msb,) and did no t bend. (M.).-And [hence,]l. in n. LIy, zsaid of a man, ($,M, Msb,JR, TA,) as being likened to a sword, (TA,) X ewas, or became, courageous; (Msb;) or hardy,strong, or sturdy, (S, TA,) or sharp,penetrating,

    or vigorous and qffective, (M , V, TA,) andcourageous. (S, M, , TA.)2. a.0. [lIe cu t it; cu t it through; or cu t i

    off, or severed it; namely, a number of thingconsidered collectively; or a single thing muchor in severalplaces]: (M:) J I.' ?M signifie

    vi;'*' [i. e. tt wcrering of the ropes]: the verbbeing with teshdeed to denote muchness [of theaction], or multiplicity [of the objects]. (.,TA.) [Hence, ~'-ITte cutting off ofthe teats of camels: a phrase mentioned in thTA.]

    3. .,jto, (MA,) inf. n. tL , (KL, TA,t He effected a disunion with him: (MA:) ohe cut him off from himslf, being in like mannecut off by him: (KL:) or he cut him of riomfrndy, or loving, communion or intercoursbeing so cut off by him: forsook him, or abadoned him, beingforsaken, or abandoned,by himcu t him, i. e. ceased to ~peak to him, being in likmanner cu t by him: for .;;La,ll ignifies ^---WJand,il ~.i. (TA.)

    4. LJ*1.,J l Thepalm-treesattained,or mernear, to th time, or season, for the cutting ofof their fruit. (., M, Mqb, ]C, TA.) - An[hence perhaps,]..#yl said of a man, ($, ], TAinf.n. ,,, (TA,) t He was, or became, ~poo(.8, ,) having a numnrous family, or househAol(1 :) or in a ewvil condition, though havinghim intei~ (A1): [it is said that] thoriginal meaning is he had a ;.., i. e. portioofproperty remaining o him. (TA.)

    5. .. quasi-pas. of . ; (M ;) i. q. ;[i. e. It became cut; cut through; or cu t o.#;sevred; said of number of things considelrecollectively; or of a single thing as meaning it bcame cut, &c., much, or in many places, or inmany piecel]. (S, ].) -See also 7, in thrplaces. _ Also t He affected hardines, strengsturdines, and endurance, or patience; or costrained himsef to behave with hardiness, &(8, V.)

    6. I *jI.m t Ti7y cut, forsook, or abandonone another; (MA;) they separated thenmselvonefrom another; (KL, in whichl only the inf.is mentioned;) they severed the bond of union,communion, that was between tAem; disunited,dissociated, themselva, one from another; syI4ti; . (S,*MA, in the former of which onthe inf. n. is mentioned.)

    .7.o.1 It became cut; cu t through; or coff, or severed; (, M, , TA;) quasi-pass. .; (M, TA;) said of a rope [&c.]; and?.o. (M , j, TA.) - [Hence,] ,J I X ye[or t.t/] t He paratedhimselffrom mankind; said of the wolf and of the crow [&c(S1k, , M.*) And JtUI .' tThenightweaway, or departed; as also f.o3: (Mb:) a=ll;l:JIy tThe winter ended; and t ,..L'J! t The year ended: (TA:) an d jiJ.l 4.t The fighting ended, or cas~d. (Mghl.)


    1OC U MADV, DAUBL 1\ri

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    16848. ,sm 1: see 1, third sentence.;.,o Skin: [or leather:] (S, Mgh, Mqb, IC:)Pers. word (8, Mqb) arabicized, (S , Mgh, Msl,) o.riginally.0 # [correctly ... ]. (Mgh, Mg tTA.)OiJ... is an inf. n. like .. ~' , (M , l,) or a simplsulst.: (M, Myb:) [see the first paragraph, i:three places: in one of its senses, there expl.,] iis syn. with i) and 'Ae: (TA:) an ,'a* o [likewiseJ signifies t &parationfrom i

    firiend: pl.. . (MA. [This pl. is app. thermentioned as of .; but it is more probabl;ofa;.]) _ j1,&, : see 4 .I-

    ;t Tens (tI), (S , M, ) of men, (S,) collectedl together, (., M,) separate rom [those ojother] men: (M:) or i. q. , (0 in art. ,,which means a fce tents ( [in the 0, erroneously, Zse]) of ttre weak sort of the Arabs ofthe desert: (IAar, O, 1g , TA; all in art. ,. :)and hence, (M,) a company (M, M.b, T~, TA) oJmen, (Mgb, TA,) no t many; or simply a compan3(TA) alightingand abiding with their camels b3thc side of the water: (Myb, TA:) pl. ;1 [ap1. of pauc.] (., M, M9b, I) an d ;i , (8,) or-.- Ll1, (M,) or both, (1J,) bu t accord. to IB thelatter of these two is the right, [being a pl. pL,i. e. pl. of.;ll,] (TA,) an d Ct;, (8b, M, 1,)with liamm. (g.)._And i. q. ~.. . (]. [80,app., in all the copies; accord. to the T1] as mean-ing A sort, or species: but I think it most pro-bable tihat this is a mistranscription for ., ., withwhich, as has been stated above, *j.e. s syn.accord. to the 0.]) Also i. q. . (M)*a-, h,or Jal' J. (I) [i. e. A soled boot: that j.here means a boot, not a camel's foot, is indicatedby its being immediately added by SM that];. si,,nificc A lcUcr thereof. (TA.)

    I".. [an epithet applied to a man, bu t used assuest., and therefore having for its pl. W1~].e says, A!MII C .4 1, [the last wordto be thus (3aw..) n the TA, bu t in the(in which as well as in my MS. copy of theC. is omitted) written tJ,,] meaninglie is [a etrson] slom to revert from his anger.TA.) Also, [if not a mistranscription forL,] A portion of silver, melted, and clearedits dross, and pouted forth into a mould.

    3 p~ A herd, or ldetached number, of camels,M, Mgli, Myb, g,) consisting of about thirty:orfrom tw,enty to thirt!/: (M, ]g:) orfromto five and for,ty: (M:) or to fifty, and(T;) ifamounting to sixty, termed a,.:[but see this latter word :j) or from ten to(M, M.b, g:) or from ten to some num-r between thlat and twenty: (M,]J:) or morea i [which is at least two or three] up 'to(T voco *.1 or about forty: (lIam p.

    or less than a ,a, which is a hundred or

    nearly a hundred: (Id. p. 637:) pl.;. (S,aM,' Msb.) - A portion ofproerty. (TA.)And A detached portion of clous: (S, M, Msb:)pl. as above. (S,M.) - Scc also 4 -_An d seeLo.

    eI ;+ and f;1; The cutting off (f the fruit on palm-trees: (S,*Msb, and L voce ;1a:) anmit (L voce ;Ix,) the time, or sea.on, tilwreof: (ad L:) or the time, or season, *f tle ripeniug of tit,aI fruit of palm-trees. (M, I.)= .ly: see thie next paragraph, in two places.Y ;.a: see; Gl. Also Th e last milk [remain.ing in the uddi.] after wnhat is termned JI[which is variously explained (see 2 in art. jj), inthe CG and in one of my copies of the S erro-neously written i vll,I]hich a man dranws vw n

    in need of t. (S, .*) Bishr says,

    [Now deliver thou to Bcnoo-Saad a message, andto their chief, that the last miUl in the ud(lerhas been dran]: (S:) the last two words [thelatter of which is written in the C( 1>< are aprov., meaning t the exwuse has reaclhd its utter-most: ($, ]:) thus says AO: (S:) IB says that) j1 in the saying of Bishr means the she-camelthat is termed IL. JI that has no milk; [i. e.that the phrase means the ise-camel that has nowno milk hasbeen milked;] and that he makes it aproper name; and that he [also] means therebythe latter of the two senses here following. (TA.)

    A..pAtJls also one of the names for War, orbattle; (AV, S, ;) an d so V-o, [indecl.,] like,AIs: (g:) and one of the names for calamity,or mi!fortune. (As, S, . [See also],e.]).r e..see:ce-.,.-Sometimes it is applied tosignify Palm-trees themselves; because the fruitis cu t off: so in a trad. (TA.)-4 : see .;,, in two places. - Also a she-camel that trill no t come to tie nrate1riiqptroulghto drink until it is left to lher unoccupied; (1,TA;) cutting crsclf off friom tle other camels.(TA.)

    ir.l.q. th,; (M, Msb,) Cut; cutthrough; or cu t off, or sevre7d: (S, Msb,:)an d having tlefruit cut off; syn. ;j (Q,,;) applied to palm-trees (J.i). (M.) Andthe former, A heap poto of corn or the likethat has been cut, or of nhichl the pyodure hasbeen cut off; syn. . (M, TA.) An dWhos sar has been cut off entirely (~I 1): pl.apn,. (TA. [See also the fern., with ,voce , where the pl. is said to e ;u.]) _[Applied to the lungs, it means properly Burstasunder. Hence the saying,] t ! *, [so

    in copies of the t, accord. the TA , butcorrectly either e or q. v., in the Cl. si

    * an d , which last word is obviously wrong,]- meaning :tHe came disalpointed of attaining, twhat he desired, or sought, and in a state of- depair. (IS, TA.) And L" i.L4

    iSl [i. e. . or ] He is weariedfand eager for this thling, or affair. (TA.)_Also t An affair deidled, determined, or resolved,upon. (M, TA.)_ Used as a subst., see i Qo,' in two places. _ Also t Th e daybreak, or dawn;e ( ', M, ];) because cut off from the night; (M;)as also t.f: (8:) and the night; (ISk, M,;) because cu t off from the day; (M;) or thedark night: (S:) thus having two contr. mean-ings: (S , K :) an d a por'tion tireof; (Tl, M,g;) i. e. , of tle night; (TA;) as also t4.:(M , :) and thers and lastpartsor beginning and end, of tli night. (TA.) Thophrase in the lIur [Ixviii. 20] .f.j -S..imeans [And it becane in the morning] burnt upand black like the night: (S, M, Bd, TA:) orlile tlwe dark night, being burnt up: (Er-Righib,TA:) or like the black nilght: (gatidehl, TA:) orlilh tlw day, by its whiteness from excessivedryness: (Bd.:) or like that garden of which thefruits have been cut off: (B( , TA :*) or like thesands [that are termed_, (see q )]: (B(! :)or the meaning of.4.j., in this instaneo is thatwhich here next follows. (TA.)_ Black land,thiat does no t gie growth to anything. (..)_-And A piece of wood, or stick, which is placedacross upon tih mouth of a kid, (M, K,) or of ayoung weanwd canimel, and then tied to his head,(M,) in order thitat he nmayto t such. (M , ]g.)

    See also..L.A man (TA) who followrs his ownopinion, cutting hitnmself off from consdtationwith others: (M, TA:) or nwho acts with lpene-tratire enerjy, or vigorousnes andl efctitenes,in the pefor'miig of his affairs: an inf. n. usedas an eplithet. (TA.)

    1 . 117itat is cut off [of tthe fiutit] of Imlm-trees. (Lh, M.)4 .I.o Land (,.;l) of nwhich thite ed-,ro,tucehAs been reapled: (8, K:) of the mcasure ai inthe sense of the measure aJ . (TA.) . AndA portion, (S , M, .,) or large portion, (TA,)detachlwdl fiom the nmain ag.regate, of sanul; (S,M, ]K;) as also ,: (M, C:) [or the latteris a coil. g6cn. n., being used in a pl. sense:] ono

    says Lo I (S) or t_. . (K) [A viper ofa detached sanl-heap or of detaced sand-hleas];like as one says . :.-.. (S in art. J.)And A group, or an assemblugye, (8,) or a do.tachednumber, (M,) of the trees called L!, and- ,,S, M,) and ., and of palm-trees; an dlikewise TL.y, of .;, and of ,. (M.) -See also ... , in two places. ~ Also t Decision,or determination,($, M, 9, TA,) Lr, ., [todo a thing]: ($, TA:) an d the deciding of anaffair, (M , 1., TA,) and the firm, or ~ound,execution thereof: (TA:) or an object of wantupom accomplishment of wich one A dcid~

    [Boon I.

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    BO - L$7Sor determined; as also ij c: (AHeyth, TA:)pl-. -. (TA.) One says, 11 uel e pand .SlJl [He is effective of decision &c. an dof decisions &ec.]. (TA.)_ See also.p.y.

    iy. A detached number [or a small detaclednumber, for it is app. dim. of s.j,] of camels.(TA.)

    ;..: see;. - Also A pre~arer, or seler,of..~, MA,) whence it is derived, (Mgh,) i. o.skin, or leather: (MA:) or it signifies as expl.vooee..ry, last sentence. (TA.)

    ;.LG Cutting; cutting througlh; or cutting of,or severing; an d Sb says that V e is used inthe same sense, like as S, in the phrase

    ,1 is used in the sense of 3g1.. (M.)j~ L.-- OI , in the 1ur [lxviii. 22], meansIfye be deciding, or determining, upon the cuttingoff of the fruit of the paln-trees. (TA.) - Andt A ma n cutting, or severing, Ais bond of union;or one who cuts, or scvert, that bond; an d so [butin an intensive sense] ;lr- an d .~ .; (M ;)or this last signifies, (M, 1,) as also t;l., (15,)having strn,gtA to cut, or sewer, (M, 1,) thebond of his union. (M.)-Also, applied to asword, (S, M, M9h, 1],) and [in an intensivesense] 9..j ., (M, 1,) Siarp,, (S, M, Msb, 1,)and not bendling: (M:) pl. of the former,*l; .(TA.) - An d the former, (S, M, 15,TA,) appliedto a man, (P, M, TA,) as being likened to aswordl, (TA,) t lIirtl/, trong, or sturdy, (l ,TA,) or slhar,, penetrating, or rigorous an leffectire, (M, 1, TA,) a,wl cou.ageous. (, M,1, TA.) - And 'Jit : The lion. (K, TA.).e A caliitnit;ty (1, TA) that extirpates

    ererythling. (TA. [See nlso.tbo, last sentence.])Also Firm,, or so,n,l, ,fjit 5 n,,,nt. (1.)And i. q. a', (S, M, K,) like,., (TA,) i. e.An eating onre in thle d,y: (M, 15,* TA :*) or,accord. to Yno1oob, an eating at the tine [cmorning] ctlled L$ 1 M, TA) [and tnot again]to the like time of the morrow : (TA:) one says,.. l ~> v') (S, M, 15*) i.e. [Such a oneeats] onee (1, TA) in the day: bu t AlFit says,I asked EI-Asma'ee respecting the l and theA.to, and hlie said, I know it not: this is thelanguage of the devil. (TA.).~.i l A man having the extremity of his earcu t qf. (Mgh.)_. ee also ,. Asothe

    feem.] its A she-camel Aaving little milk; (M,15;) because he r abundance of milk has becomecut off: (M:) pl.5U. (.) See also;Su . [Inthe Y~am, p. 230, it is implied that it signifies Ashe-camel msuch as is termed VL.* a~ as meaning

    Ao~e .Jm.lor teats) have been cu t off: for itis there said that the poet 'Orweh has applied theterm X.L. to t a cooking.pot, likening it to theshe-camel termed &!pt* eaning as expl. above.]

    Also, (., ]g,) or W.~ ;k-, (M,) A dert in

    rwhich it no water. (S, M, g. [See also one-ofthe explanations of the dual, here following.])-tL.ye3l1 signifies The tvof and the crow; (ISk,8, M, g ;) because of their separating themselves(ISk, S, M) from mankind: (ISk, :) and the

    [birdcalled] ' and he crowr: an d the nightandthe day; (15, TA;) because each is cu t off fromthe other. (TA.) El-Marrr says,.-t, * -

    L " 1 1 I C

    [Upon a waterless desert, in rwhich are its wolfand crorw, and in which tihe skifil guide of thedesert is burned by the sun]. (18k, S, M.) And.A-s.. X'3 is a saying mentioned byLb , but not expl. by him: (M, TA:) ISd says,(TA,) in my opinion it means, [I eft him in] thedesert, or raterlesr dcert: (M, TA:) or, accord.to Z, in a desert, or wyater.les desert, in whichtvas nothing but the wolf anl hk cromt. (TA.)

    .y; t tnarron, place, tiat qnic,ly flows ,aitlnrter: (15, TA:) so aliled because the flow ofwater is quickly cut off fiom it. (TA.)

    ;. ,1Aossessor of a of camel. (TA.)-And [hence], as also t. ,l, (M , 1f,) laringlittle property: (M:) or poor, [and] having anumnerous loustold, or family. (1K.) On e says,of which the liver of him wlo hlas little propertyispained]; i. e., abundant, so that when he wholas little property sees it, he grieves that he hasnot many camels which he may lmsture upon it.(M.)

    a. Th e curved knife of the parer of spidulcs.(8, MA, g.)

    a-ra, A she-camel whose [fore or lind] pairof teats have been cut off, (., M, 1,) in orderthat tihe -~ [or orflce th rough ,vlich the,milk passes forth fiom the ulder of each teat]may dry up and the milk not issue, for theurpoe of giving greater strength to Ier: and(AA used to say, O) this is snetinmes in cons-quewne of the stollppage of the mrilk, somethinghaving happened to the udder, for which it iscauterized, and her millk stops, (, KI,) no milkever iswin, from the ul.er: (.:) see also ;6ys,voce .,,: or .jsl a...means a she-cameltreated (-.J,a) so that her nilk has stopped.(Mgh.),Wj~: see ~ , first and second sentences.

    1. f;,8 , M, b,) aor. -, (Msb,) inf. n.S, J (M, Msob,) said of water, It remained, orstagnated, long: or it remained long, and becamealtered [for the worse]: (?, MCb:) or, said ofwater and of milk, it remained so thlut its flavourbecame altered[for the norse]: (M:) or , said of

    milk, it remained undrawnfrom the udder, sothat its flavour became bad, or corrupt. (TA.)

    And :.l & The tears collected [in the eyeanddid no t run. (TA.) [Hence,] OJUl, ,(Fr, M, M9 b, TA,) aor. as above, (Mqb,) an d sthe inf. n.; (M , M9 b, TA;) bu t Ibn-Buzurj sayZ;y-, aor. ,; (TA;) The shcamets milk becamcollected in her udder; (M, Mb, TA;) as als,;& . (M, TA.)__And .,. . S, (,M, IItt, TA,) with kesr; ($, TA;) or o!.* ;) (thus accord. to the k;) He (a man) rornained in his hand, a pledge, ($ , M, If, TA,held in custody. ($ , I,TA.) - And U,o thuwritten without any syll. sign, app. L q. qIl! [It, or he, became cut off, cut short, ostopped; &c.: quui-pass. of in one of thsenses of the latter]: from IApr. (TA.)- ,'.r(Ilgtt, M?b, TA,) aor. =, (Mgb,) in. n. J$.,(I~tt, MNb, TA,) HIe confiNed it, namely, waterin a reating-placeor a tesel; and in like mannermilk, and tears: (Itt,, TA:) or he collatedinamely, water, and it remained long anl becamaltered[for the worse], or remained or stagnatlong; and in like manner, but in an intensivsense, t 510o. (M9b.) On e says also of cow[and the like], -. j 1J]l *SE Theucoljneo and collect the milk in their uddem(TA.) And [of a man] one says, s 11 5.j*,J ) Heo retained tle .t [i. e. srmeain his back a long time, (., M, f,'0) by abstainyiwfiomn sCual intercours. (M , ]..)- [IHence,t, -, (M, MI)b,) aor. , inf. n. LSj.; (M{b;an d Mt(S, M, M9b,) inf. n. ,.m 3, (8M9b,) but the latter verb has an intensive mcaning; (Mgb;) and t,1;; (M;) namely,ewe or she-goat, (v,) or a she-camel, (M, Msband any other milch animal, (M,) I cauled thmilk to collect in her u/der, ($ , M, M.b,) babstaining rom milking hedfor some dRys. (dM.)I Also, i. e. ;, (M, V,) aor. ,, (I,)inf. n. *j, (M,) i. q. ,j [IHe cu t it off, cuit short, or stopped it; &c.]; (M , 15 ;) namely,thing. (M.) You say, j* j., inf. n. as abovmeaning !j [He, or it, cu t short, or stoplyIis urine]. (S.) And Owil j. e [app. I cudho,t, or stopped, the drawingof the water; foris expl. as said] Li. i 1li. (S.) AnL e Sl e Ji* , occurring in a tradmeans IWhat cuts short (j)'thine askingMe [0 my servant]? (TA.) And i. q. -[He repeled it]. (M , If.) ne says, iii*. .;s i. e. eS [God repelledl, or may Gorepel, from hin his, or its, evil, or milscief($.)- And i. q.

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    cited as an ex. of I,;. in the sense of ~j]) _ the worse]: an d long retainedby him in hist back.Said of God, (M,) He protected, defended, (M. [This is also mentioned in the S, app. in theguarded, or preserved, him: (M, J :) or (M ) ie latter of these senses; the meaning being theresared him (M , ll) from destruction, or perdition: only indicated by the context.]) - For the fem.,(g:) or (M) lle sufficed him: (M , :) or lIe i ' seealso laidedhim. (TA. I, (4r,) or L., . 0

    L, ($ M,) .Ie decided [between them, or S,-: see tS.f, first sentence: - and seethe case between them]; ($, I ;) namely, persons also ;1~.who had applied to him as a judge: ( :) or he .rectified, or adjusted, the case between tlhem. .qo: see o, first sentence. - In relation(M.A)-LI,) also signifies %... [life ibent, or to a she-camel it is Her being pregnant twvelve(IM.)I- t.. also signifies montsl, and bringing forth, and then yielding herinclined]: (], TA:) [app. intrans., or trans. by montls, and brtng forth, and then yielding hermeans of ,p, for] a poet uses the phrase -. biestings, or having her biestings milked: men-mens of for] a poet uses the phrase tioned by Az. (TA. [But what is meant by thisltUly [TIhy bent, or inclined, rwith the necks]. is, to me, doubtful; for sometimes an inf. n., and(TA.) [But it is said in the Tg that *1.o means sometimes an epithet, and sometimes a subst., is'U lie bent, or inclined, it.] Accord. to Ibn- expl. in this manner.])Buzuj, 1;," UWI zo" means The she-camel~Buzurj,eo of' he eaines othee [part. n. of L$),]: see g,. _ Also Arai.ed her neck by reoen of the heavine of the she-camel vlwhose milk has collected in her udder.burden. (TA.)_ Also lie preceded, or went als ,before; syn. ... . (IAIr, l.) [Accord. to theTJ$, one says j;MI meaning i HAUHe a Milk collected [in the udder]: a poet says,precedd, or went before, the people, or party.] * A A -

    And [the contr., i. e.] le receded, or re-treated; or became, or remained, or lagged, [And whatever udder has milk must be milted].behind; syn. .t.;. (IApr, ].) [Accord. to the (TA.)TI , one say. . .L$., meaning lIe receded, -or retreated, from them; &c.].J Also lie, or e.eit, ta, or became, high; syn. '.. (IAr, g.)__ Xb ., applied to a ma n and to a beast, WhoeAnd the contr., i. e. He, or it, was, or became, ol. [i. e. sperma] has collected in his back. (TA.)low; syn. JL . (IAr, ].) - Also Th e [birdcalled] Ltd [n. un . of. ,

    2: see 1, former half, in tw o placeL4: see 1, former half, in two places.. g lalso signifies He sold a ew or slhegoat, (IS, TA,)or a she-camel, (TA,) whos milk had been causedto collect in her dder in consequence of her no t

    having boen milked for some days; such as isterned 3l,,~. (~, TA.)8. I;oj~ i. q. :1j31 [the j in each being sub-stituted for ;.]: see the latter, in art. tJJ.LS ,, (8 , M, Mob, ]g,) an inf. n. used as anepithet, (Myb,) an d t 5. ., (S, M, ],) [and

    Freytag adds ? $, as from the Ii, in which Ido not find it,] Water remaining, or stagnating,long, accord. to Fr; ( ;) or t/hat has remained, orstagnated, long: (Myb :) or water remaining ong,(Is,) or that has remained long, and becomealtered [for the worse], (S, M, Msb,) accord. toAA. (S.) And the first, (M, K,) an inf. n. usedas an epithet, (TA,) Milk that uuas remained (M,]O) long (18) so that its flavour has becomealtered [for the worse]; (M , Js;) as also T,which is in like manner applied to water: (M:)or milk left [long] in the udder of the camel, notdrawn, so that it becomes salt an u windy: (IApr,TA:) or milk drawn in the night from a camelabounding therewith, having a bad and burningflavour. (Az, TA.) And, (M, K,) some say,(M,) [used as a subst.,] A porntion remaininy(M, 1) of milk (M) in the udder, (H.am p. 661U,)an d of tater. (TA.) And Tears (;) thathave become coltcted: and the sing. [or epithetapplied to a single tear (~i)] is 3!,.. (M.)And l. . AL' [Sperma of a man] altered [for

    q. v.]: and the [bird called] IAl;t [n. un. of. -,, q. v.]. (TA.)

    fi, Colocynths (., M, K, in the C.K [erro-neously] :1-. [expresdly said in the TA to be withfet-h and medd,]) when they become yelow; (S,M ;) as also .AL,: (so in one of my copies ofthe $ [in which it is shown to be correct by anex. in a verse of Suleyk there cited: in the M andTA Ql;S;, which I think a mistranscription]: inthe other of my copies of the $ omitted:) onethercof is termed *t!~. (S,M,g.*) [In theM an d IC,* is termed pl. of L.l; bu t it isproperly speaking a coll. gen. n., originally 5lj..]_ l,d also signifies Th e water in whichcolocynths haIt been steeped. (M, K.)

    L-5d On e who acts with boldness towvards thewife of his father: (K, TA:) such was Ibn-Mul5bil. (TA.)

    : see i,, in two places.s:ee ;S!,, below.

    jl [act. part. n. of k.o: as such signifying]Guarding or preserving [&c.], or a guarder orpi.&ert.er [&c.]. (TA.) - [Hence,] A sailor:(S , M, . :) because he guards, or preserves, theship: (TA:) pl. fi. (, M, g) and (M, K) pl.pl. (M ) 5t. and 5.b" (M , K. [But seepj.o in art. j..]). Also [said to signify] Th etran.vvcrse piece of wood in the middle of the ship:

    (M , g :) [but] IAth says that it is the J. [i. e.ma.t] of the skip, which is set up in the middlethereof, and upon which is the [l, [or sail: it

    is now commonly called t 0L; and .L.,: bothof which are also sometimes applied to a column]:pL .t. (TA.)

    )t.L A well ((;i ) of which the vwater is old,altered or the norsc, and overspread with [thegreen substance termed] ,,t: (K,* TA:) men-tioned by Az. (TA.) See also GiL, last sen-tence.

    ;1~a. A ewe, or she-goat, vhose milkl ha beencaused to collect in her u&ler by her no t havingbeen milked for some days; (S, 11;) as alsot, like j;; (so in copies of the C;butthis, if correct, should be mentioned in art. %.,in which the former is also mentioned; accord. to

    thdie TA, however, it seems to be t k,, withoutteshldeed, for it is there said to be like j;;]) bothlikewise applied to a she-camel, an d to a cow;(TA ;) an d Vt l. ; signifies the same, (K,) appliedto a she-camel and to a ewe or she-goat; (TA;)and so, applied to a she-camel, t [l.;, of whichthe pl. is 1;, (M, K,) an irreg. pl. (M.) [Seealso ?o.]._ Aboo-'Alee, in the Bhri', makes itsyn. with ;ji~e; an d so says theo ImAm Esh-ShMfi'ce; as though originally jj.~: but Subh,in tile R, disallows this. (TA.)

    ~l,~l ' is the pl., and ;1 ; s is the dim., of*Ji-l' ,. v. (TA in art. J 1l.).ael- [i q. iea.I, q. v. ;] Ton; i. e. what

    fall from flax in the plrocess of combing.(M, g.)a 0 [app. a mistranscription for tVt;or L~-:J;, like *LE , q. v.,] A blacksmith's

    anvil: so in the T, on the authority of IAar.(TA.);:,lf. (so in copies of the K) [and :i;l;, like

    .; ;l], or LJ-a, (so accord. to the TA, withteshdeed to the , [but the word is of frequentoccurrence an d commonly written without tesh-deed,]) A place where people assemble, (AHeyth,TA,) like a X tLb, [i. e. a kind of wide bench, ofstone or brick 4.c., generally built againsta waU,]for the purpose of sitting upon it: (AHeyth,K, TA:) Az heard an Arab of the desert, of thetribe of Fezarah, apply this word to a square,flat-topped pile of earth, raised or the purposeof passing the night upon it: (TA:) also, [some-times, app. in late ages,] a Iwroice for strangers;or a place in which the poor and the beggarsassemble: (MA, and Har p. 375:) not [origin-ally, or properly,] an Arabic word: ([ar' ubisupr :) [see more in art. a, for it is a dial.var. of i~,] of the dial. of Baghd&d: (MA:)[the pl. is -S.e.]See also the next preced-ing paragraph.

    1. ', (S, A, MA, Msb, V,) aor. (,A, ,)inf. n. 4a ; (8,MA , Msb,l;) and1

    o1w [Boox I.

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    1088commencedajourney, or the like, in any directioran d ,,Jl signifies "he returned, from aitown or country." (Ibn-'Arafeh.) An d .lJ.), 5i, (Akl, 8, 1,) or 1 , (Alaccord. to the T,) .lie wvent away, an d journeyetlhroulk the land, (Akh, 8, g,) or through tlcountries, (Akh, T,) in any direction. (L.) Ar1 . 1, inf. n. L11; (L;) or(A;) Tlhe ship spread her sail, and nwas bor;along by the wvind, (A, L,) upwards [app. meanirvl) a river or the lihe]. (L.) - .L sJ t a.l(Akh, S,L;/;) and h to.., inf.n.(Akh,., MOb, ;) and ~1 (Lth,) but thlast is disapproved by Az; (TA;) l.Ie descendeor went donmn, into the valley, (Akh, S, L, Mb i];,) fronm ti a part wrlwnce the torrent comes; ncgoing to t/w bottomn of the valley: and in likmanner, 9l u ,,),~l .le descended, or wen,ohn,, into the land: (L:) and .; . ',.l i descended the mountain; as well as he aseended it. (IB, L.) Akh cites the followin Iwords of 'Abd-Allah Ibn-Hemmam Es-Saloolee

    A J 0 , J,*(., L,) as meaning I descendinwj, or going downat one time., througlh the countices, and [anotheitinme] ascending, or going u/): tlthis, says IB, ihwhat indutced Akh to explain . -ns he has done;hItt it presents no proof, because ~ l has twocontr. significations, that of b"t and that ol,1 !: and accord. to AZ , by I the poetmenis I ascending, or going u/p, to ligh places;and by ,1, the contrary. (L.)- ,.1 also

    lie advanced towards another. (L.) -And Hra went far; syn. ^.1. (yam p. 2.) _And )al ~ o.~l He exerted himsef velhe-iently in running. (L.) ~.1l as trans.: seein two lplaces. - .~1 She (a camel) became

    as is ter;'wd i_a- [q. v.]. (S, L, g.)nd ._ , ($, L, 1,) tnd t ,imperfectly transcribed for t .,]I made the sloe-camel to be, or become, suchis termedS.. (IA9r, ., L, J.)5. ,_.a, and its var. 1a.l: see 1, in two-and see also 4. ,.A-a - Thepamed forth with di.fficulty. (L.) -(., A, g) and "~t,s (A, g) It (a., g, or an affair, A) vas, or became,

    or distresing, to himn; it distresued, orh,n: (A'Obeyd, $, A, 1] ) from 's.,signifying "'amountain-road difficult ofascent:":) or from 11., as the name of "amountain in llell." (TA.)6. .~W, nd its var. , at: see 1: andalso 5.8. aI.,a and its var. .. : see 1, in two10. ;;.1al: see 2.. . 1joil -a.-lieor gathered, the fruit of thle .01; to eat.in art.,.)

    ';. s ....,~: ace Jo.

    a: ,.~ : see ._o.,n two places._,. .1.sny A vehemnent, severe,igorous, or grievous,punish-*l ment; (S,A,g;) i. c. . j: (TA:) or akh distressing,or an afflicting, punial,ent, (B(! andd, Jel in lxxii. 17,) that shall overcome the stf-hFe erer thereof, thile latter word being an inf. n. usedid as an epithet. (TA.)n' ~ an inf. n of . [q. v.]. (Ham p. 407.)nf nig [Hence,] 1t ,. .JI ,4A [Tle arronw went.;upNards]. (A.) And l ..:jwl L.,;d

    This plant increases in light. (S.) An d ,i l~ : see i.a.o. And V .- [used bypoetic license for o O ], said of a tlhingfalling, i. e. From above; from a higler place.bt (Ham p. 34o.) - Also a pl. of ao:nd ofe ,t'Y?. (8, L, 8.) -., thus, with two dam-a meils, is also the name of A certain tree firomwhich pitch is meltedforth. (L.)

    a .. A high, or an elevatel, piece of land orground; contr. of L4. (Mgh in art. . )An d -..~ is said to be a proper name for TheeaQth. (Ham p. 22.) -_ An d A she-a.m: (L,:) or a long-backed she-aU: (L:) or long [inthe back], applied to a she-ass as an epithet, andr therefore the pl. is j,o.~, with the t quiescent.; (Ham p. 385.) And . , $ 4Wilt asss: (S, 1] :) said to be so called from ;'.~ meaning asexpl. above; and if this be correct, it is like theappcllationyll .1s,: (.Ham p. 22:) or as beingt likened to tilhe women [or rather woman (as willbe shown in what follows)] termed Lam.o; and in llike manner, SOm ... )l: (.Har p. 471:) the irel. n. [applied to a single wild am] is V1bvl,, ,(S, L, K,) irregularly formed: tlms in tlhe saying aof Aboo-Dhu-eyb,

    [And ie shot, and made a far-Jfying arrow toreach a wild as in tle fJlnh, and the ribs encl l 9git]. (.s, L.) _- And A pear, or spear-shaf; t)syn. ;WJ: (L :) a spear-shaft (;W) straightby its Pgrowth, (S, L, ],) not requiring to be st'aight- (Eened: (?, L:) an d a kind of It [or boad-hwaded adart], which is smaller than a (..: (L:) or[simply] an al: (1, TA:) [in the C aiJi: and] Ain some copies of the I 4: l, which is a mis-transcription: (TA:) pl. ;a. an d .!$.'~I; (L;) tnAthe latter with fet-t to the because it is a aisubst. (yam p. 385.) On e says, 1.a.l,. 1;jU p?i. e. [Thcy thrust, or pierced, one another] wvith vothe sipars. (A.) - [Hence,] + .A oPgirl, or young aomnan, straight in figure, (A, L,) blike a spear,orstear./aft : (L :) pl. ;.l'.. (', b,the latter word with the , quiescent, (A, L,) yobecause it is an epithet. (L.)$,~ : Wsee7, last sentence bu t one. bjJl_~: see .jad;, n two places.0t7 A sigh, or sighing; a breathingwith an is

    expresAion of pain, grief, or so'r'o;v: or withdjiffculty: (L:) a long brecathing: (g:) or aprolonged breathing: ($:) or a lond breathing(A:) accord. to some, a breathing emittedupsardls. (L.) You say, J....Al I3, (L,)or .1~. ,, (A,) an d t 1 .o ,.j, (L,) 11e.siyhed; uttereda sig/ or sighing; or breathed withan expression of pain, grief, or sorrowv: (L:)[or uttered a prolonged brealthing:] or breathedloudly. (A.)_ [Hence,] od'. ' .,(A,) or o:' , (L, [in which the noun isevidently mistranscribed,]) t Such a on e raies hislewad, and does no t stoop it, by ,reaonof lpride:(A:) or does no t ,ai.se hii head nor stool ) it. (L.[The former explanation seems to be the right.])- See also j.a, in four places.

    ;e.sac: see the next paragraph.;y.o An acclivity; contr. of J, (S , L, I,)

    or of VS; (Masb;) and t . is [sy,n. there-with, being] contr. of ,.: (L:) pl. ~t" andia... (., J.) An ascending road: of the fem.gender: pl. [of pauc.] .~j and [of mult.] .(L.) A mountain-roaddfficult of ascent; ($, A,L,g;) as also t.Lj, (L, K,) an d tI.a.:(L in art. tb :) a difficult place of ascent. (L inthat art.) [Hcne,] 1 A ertain mountainin ellU,L, g, MF,) consitting of fire, Mwhichte / unbelierer ti;ll ascnd dturing a er,.iod ofsecenty year., after nmich w w;ll f.all down it,and thus he t-ill do)ojr erere: (MF :) it is *f one'irecoal; the unbelierr'mill be corn,elled to ascendit,and will be beaten weith A . [pl. of a ,q.v.]; and whlenerer he pntits his le upon it, itnilU dissolve as higlh as the lower mpart of his hip,

    andl will then become replacedl whole and sound.L.) _- [Ience also,] t D.fficnlty, grievousnes,!istress, afliction, or trouble; (A, L, Mb ;) .a sIso t. . (L) an d t*l& , (;,) or t/ ,L,) and * Z;. (K.) Yo u say, Isa.~ &; 1lI made hin, or costrainedhin, to dlo a d.ifficult,rievous, distresing, qfflicting, or troublesome,hting: (A :) or I imlposed upon hin sch aunih~,ment. (L.) And t l.. -_ ;;b10-J [or t 11?se c above)] t T77were is a dffi!ult, or distressing,wcent to lordstip,or mnastery. (A.) An d z:-,tl.~ J13 A hill diffic,lt to ascend (L.) -ilso A lshe-camel that brings forth a young onenpelfrfctly foned~, (An,S, .g) afjer six or srenwontlhs, (As,) an l s muade to take an affcwtion to/W oung one of the preceding year, (A., 8,) orul takes an afection to the young one of therecedingyear: (s :) or a she-camel rthose youngne dlies,and which returns to her former youngte, alnd yilds it mill: when she does this, herilk is the sweeter: (Lth:) or a she-camel thatiangs forth her young one after its hair has.own, and then takes an affection to her formerwung one, or to the young one of another: pl.Stb an d ; bu t this latter pl. is disapproved

    Sb . (L.),.o. IIigh, or elerated, land or ground: or/ah, r elevated, laind or ground, above sue aslow, or depresed: or even land or ground:

    oA,oo [Boox I

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    BooK I.](L:) or ven land or ground, tvithout any trees:(Lth, L :) or a [desert such as is termed] *o.1).~:(A:) or the surface of the earth; (Th, Zj, ., A,Mpb, g ;) wiether it be dust or earth, or other-wise: Zj says, I know not any difference ofopinion among the lexicologists on this point:(M b :) [such is said to be its meaning in the ]u riv. 46 and v. 9; and therefore in performing theact termed *.,;Jl,] man should strike his handsupon the surface of hdie earth, and not care whetherthere be in that place dust or not: (Zj:) [hence]one says, U*;; , )J l . U .Ja. l [Thy fame has flown through the near andthe distant regions, and reached the extremity ofthe surface of ht earth]: (A:) or ,-!- signifiesthe earth,or ground, itself; (IAar, A, L;) as inthe saying ;1. 1;U;, meaning Sit thou uponthe earth,or ground: (A:) or good earth or land:or earth,or land, no t mixed with sand nor with saltoil: (L:) or dust, or carth, (Fr, 8, L, MQb, K,)such as is pure, tpon the surface of the ground orthat has come forth from nithin it; thus accord.to Az in thle Jlur iv. 46 and v. 9, in the opinionof most of the learned: (Mb :) or only earth con-taining dust; no t applied to a coarse, nor to afine, ;;; nor to a coarse ,:&; althoulgh itbe mixed with dust: (Esh-ShAlfi'cc, L:) pl. ,~and 1.,!0~", (;, L, 1],) the hltter a pl. pl. (Msb,TA.). An d A wide, or an ample, place. (L.)-And A road,(L, Mob, Ii,) whether wide ornarrow: (L:) pis. as above (L, MHb) and itsf%a(L.) It issaid in a trad-. :-lele -;ji L.. ;S* i. c. Bevare ye of sittivJ in, orby, the roads, sahe who perfo,mus ti dty roe-latingthereto: [respecting which duty seeer. :].1 1 is here the pl. of wihich is pl. ofJ,...: or , as some say, it is pl. of t oL~ whichsignifies A court, or an open space, blfore thedoor of a house, an d the place througlh which menpass infront of it. (L.) - Also A gr,ave. (AA,Mlr, L, IL)

    Wt' .'g ~ toi $ Verily she (a camel) isnear to cutting her two teeth called the 0j.(L, TA.)

    1O : see SLskztZ, applied to a she-camel, Tall, or long;

    syn. ;.R (1.)0JI JI o;; ; On e who climbs the mountainmuch or ofen. (TA in art. Li.).oL [As,endig, Ic.]._tHence,] / -G

    t A talnc. (A, L.)_And &eL;-. [HghAnobilit. (A.) - [Hence also,] one says, l1;t,d I IIt reached such an amount and

    upward#: (V, TA:) and ljc . ; .,J$Igot itfor a dirAem andupwards; an ellipticalphrase, for 1iM 0 ii;pg ;i Igotit for a dirlhe and the price increased upnrrds,or I. 4.ij ent upwards: you may not sayI,jk, because you do not mean to tell that theBk. I.

    dirhem with something more made the price, aswhen yo u say ;~tj but you mention thelowest price that you offered, and mean that youthen offered more and more. (Sb, L.) AndI,t.i ~ &1 5- t lIIe read the openingchapter of the Book [i. e. of the s]ur-.n] andmore is a phrase of the same kind. (L.)

    kS,.G rel. n. of I.' , q. v.'. [A place of ascent: pl. .d;].. On e

    says .Jla1 #i. 34; and .cjl t [meaningA station, or post of hionour, to which tlhe ascentan d ascents (lit. the place and places of ascent) is,and are, distant]. (A.).,-~ A high, mountain. (L.) And

    *'' -, or j . ~, A high, orprominent, pubes.(L.)~Also Beverage, or wine, (],) and vinegar,(TA,) prqaread nith pains by mneans of fire, orrell boiled, (l' J, , p1, TA,) until it becomesalteaedinflarourand colour. (TA.)

    j,~: see the next preceding paragraph.;1 " Th e [role called] J ;, [made in the

    fo.rm f a hoolp,] by means of which a manascemls palm-trem. (I,* TA.) _ [And A scal-ing-ladder. And, accord. to Freytag, A chainirith which the feet of captices are shackled, toirevent thchi taking wide stelp:- an d ,A clainupon th fiwet of rcomen, serving as an ornament:in relation to which he rtfcrs to Schrader devestitu mulicrum lIcbr. p. 123.]

    1. J. , aor. , (Myb, X~,) inf. n. o; ($, A,Mgh, Msb, ] ;) and tj;-3; (A, K ;) lie had awtr,yess, or distortion, in the cl,eeh, (?,) or in tiwface, (A , X1,) or in either side [thereof], (6,)or in the neckc, (Lth, A, Mgll, Mob,) by reason ofinide, (A,) witl a turningof the face on one sile:(Lth, Mgh, Msb :) [see also 5:] or he (a camel)had a disorider by reason of rwhich Athtnistedhisneck, (',) and distorted it. (TA.) You say,is *-'' .aLs; In Ahis neck, and in his ce/eA,is a wryness, or distortion, arising riom pride.(A.) And 3. ' ^..1 [I will assuredlystraighten thy mnyJness, or distortion,of the neck,or cheeh]. (A.) An d ~.. lJI'.; A diseaserwhic made him to twist his neck befell the camel.(Mgh, TA.) - [See also '.. below.] _ Also;d, (TX,) in. n. ';, ((, Ti,) lie (a man,TO)ate ,;I.a, [pl. of'j ' , q. v.], ([,* T.K,)i. e., gum. (TA.)

    2. .. lHe caused him to hare a rytjness, ordistortion, in the neck, and a turning of the faceon one side, by sotnething smiting or befalling him.(Msb.) .-. , (inf. n. J, g,) and

    tt, (B, A, Myb, ].,) an d t a~l, (1,) lceturned away his cheek (S, A, Mqb) from thepeople, (Myb,) by reason of pride (, A, MBb)and dislike; ($, Msb;) he turned away his chleekfrom looking toward. the people, by reason ofcontemplt a,iting rom pride. (_.) It is said in

    168the Bur [xsxi. 17], I - i 'S, (MghTA,) and accord. to one reading, ,t L , (TAmeaning, And turn thou no t aray rom peopthrough pride. (Fr, Aboo-Is-b]k, Mgh.) [Sealso 5.]

    3 and 4: see 2; the former in two places.5. -;3 and R,3e distortedAis chek breason of~prid. (Sgh, TA.) See also 1.6: see what next precedes.9. 0j1 ;,.1l Th e canwels wnt a vehemen

    pace: or became disrsd. (TA.)R. Q. 1. o..,a (. , ,) inf. n. oaja, (TA,

    He madeit round: ($, :) hA rolled it. (TA.[See in.]

    R. Q. 2 . j It became round: ($, g:)rolled. (TA.)R. Q. 3. ~a!, and Ol!' (1g,) in whichlatter the Ci is incorporated into the j, (TA,) HI(being beaten or struck) writhed, (TA,) an

    turned round by reason of pain, in his place, anbecame contracted. :(I, TA.)Ja inf. n. of lq . v.]. - Th o saying .st )J11 is expl. as meaning In [the case of] thdistortingof the face [the whole bloodwit shall b

    exacted: as though the verb of which e is thinf. n. were trans.; but this is obviously a loosrendering]. (Mgh.) -,e also signifies Pride(Mgh :) or the being proud. (TA.)- AnSmallness of the head: (s :) or the being smalsaid of a man's head: (g,* TA:) one say, ,&J., inf.n. ,e, meaning his lhad wat smal(Tg.)

    0;p~ (s, ], &c.) and t*s (?gh, O)Longslender, twisted gum: (IC:) or a piece of gumharing a long and tmisted form: (AZ, $:) an[gum of the hind called] 1)i that has become concrete: (s:) or this is the signification of 4ta,(;, ]~,) which is the pl. [ofjas~ , (TA,) accordto AA: (S:) or the pl. signifies concrete gumresembling fingeos: and .j,j is aid to signifa piece of gum: accord. to Aboo-Nayr, it is lila reed-en, and t~ising like a horn: and A.nsays that O. , with J, signifies a small rounpiece of gum: (TA:) and the fruit, (I,) or anfr.uit, (TA,) of a tree that is like (that of, TAthe Jwl, and iike pepper, and what resembrbtlsis, of such as are hard: (8, TA:) or such theterm ,tz.: (TA:) or gum in general: pi, ;.r (I.)_- Also, (s,) or ; [only](TA,) t A certain substance, yellow, [in the Ck...ol is pu t forA.al,] thick, tough with [somewhaof] softness and moisture, that comes forth fromthe teat: (J:) so called by way of comparison(TA:) or what is first milked, of biestings: ( :)ormilk that is gummy (t~..), in biestings, beforit becomes clear. (TA.) _ ;3 a Th e little bawhichl is rolled along by the [kind of beetcalled] J4.. (g, TA.)_b. C t Longinger..(TA.) 213

    o.-- po

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    1600jae: see the next preceding paragraph.i, Proud, or haughty: because he declineswith his check, and turns away his face frompeople: occurring in a trad.: or the word as theree~/ e~~.1used is ;j , or ;iLa, accord. to different relaters.(TA.)

    applied to a camel's hump, Great, orln,pe, (l, TA,) and round. (TA.) - And .''"a . Intensely red. (C.)

    ~ Obliquity in going or march or course:(S , 1C:) from.'~ [inf. n. of ']. (S.) ~AlsoA mnark made with a ho t iron uplon the neck of acamel: (?:) or of a slw-camel (O ) only: (TA:)a mark of the people of EI-Yemen, only madeuplon a/-camels: (Tedhkirehl of Aboo-'Alee:)not ulon a camel whet/ier male or emnale, (1,) sit is said to be by A'Obeyd [and J]. (TA.) Jwas lcd into error by a verse of EI-Museiyab (1)Ibn Alas; wherein he uses the phrase ; ~Iip ., [lf'ith a swjft he-camel marked with theJj..]; (TA;) on hearing which, Tarafeh (O )Ibn-EI-'Abd (TA) said, ;J.31 j [Themale camel has assumed the characteristic of thefemale camel]. (g, TA.) EI-Bedr El-]arifeenrges that the term s,sed by J, includes thefemale; and that the mase. epithet [E.] is used[by the poet] because the male is the more hon-ourahle, being more hardy, and stronger than thefemale: bu t this demands consideration. (TA.)

    ~ alaving a ~n, or distortion, in thec//ek, (S,) or in theface,(A, V,) or in either aide[thei.eof], (1,) or in the neck, (A, Myb,) byre~aon of pride, (A,) with a turning of the faceon one ide: (M b :) or a eamel having a disorderb/ reasn of which he twits his neck, (I,) anddistorts it: (TA:) sometimes tlheo being so isnatural (., A, Myb, O) in a man (S, Myb) and inan ostrich; (., A, Mgh;) an d sometimes it isaccidental: (Myb :) pl.ja~. (TA.) -It occursin a trmd. as signifying Such as withdraws him-se.. [from others, through prie]; syn. 1t 7;: (, TA: [thought by Ibr D to be amistake for & .J lj: but this seems to meimprobable :]) or sach as turnsaway hisface, byreason of pride: (IAth:) an d in another trad. assignifying such as turm awayfrom tle truth, andisfaulty. (TA.)j' , (.,) n the 1 , said to be like s*j,but the former is the right, as is shown by theex. below, (TA,) applied to a night-journey towater, HIard,or svere. (., (.) A poet says,


    [And they had peiformed a hard night-journeyto nater]. (., TA.)pja- [Made round: and simply, round]. ArAjiz savs,

    [Black, like the roundgrains of pepper]. (S.)0

    [Boox I.

    1. o,or. - and ,, (K,) inf. n. L andL,A, (TA,) a dial. var. of 'La,d ; an d so is*