Edward scissor hands analysis

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Page 2: Edward scissor hands analysis

Genre and AudienceBy this title sequence the film is portrayed as quite a mysterious horror film. This is because of the dark dull colors used such as black and white, which make the film seem really dark and secretive as everything blends in with each other as they are the same colors. Also because of the haunted house style setting this makes the film seem like a horror, which also makes it then seem like a film aimed at young adults. I think it is aimed at young adults as it doesn’t look like a graphic horror, more just too creepy and dark for children. Images shown such as the dead man and the black statue of the bird also indicates the film being a horror as it seems really depressing and haunting.

Page 3: Edward scissor hands analysis

Indication of placeFrom the start of this title sequence the audience can clearly see that the film is set around the winter time due to snow and darkness. We can also see that it may be filmed in some form of factory due to the machinery that is shown mainly throughout. At the beginning of this title sequence it shows the camera entering a door which may also indicate entering some form of factory, warehouse or home. Another thing that may indicate this film is set in a some what homely environment is the shot of the festive cookies that is shown, but this is contradicted by the dark dull background which makes it seem the opposite of homely. And at the end of the title sequence the camera focuses on a dark house on top of a hill which indicates that the setting of the film is going to be very secretive and hidden away from other people, It also looks really dark and quite scary which shows that it may be filmed in a scary/ depressing environment. The setting overall seems quite haunting and dull due to the darkness of the environment and the cobwebs that are shown over the stairs and on the walls, this also shows that It may be set in an old abandoned environment.

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TypographyThe style of the text used is done quite sharp and simple. All the text is written in capitals which makes it stand out much more and emphasizes it over the background. It makes it seem really bold and over the top. The text fades in and out of certain shots which makes it seem really mysterious and makes it seem ghost like. This indicates the film may be scary. They also fall in and out of shots which also makes it seem really mysterious and almost secretive like they are hiding.

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Cinematography (Shot angles)

A lot of different shot angles are used in this title sequence which may confuse the audience as it is unclear as to where the film is shot and what is going on. A lot of close ups are used which allow the audience to see close detail of the machinery that is being shown and the different objects such as scissors and hands. Because these are shown as a close up this may indicate that the objects shown play a key part in the film. The camera follows up the stairs through the house which shows that the house also plays an important part in the film as it shows widely throughout.

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The music used in this title sequence is quite fantasy like and almost child like. This contradicts with the images used as they are not child like at all but dark and creepy unlike the music. The music also sounds quite eerie which makes it seems almost mysterious and secretive indicating further the genre of the film and what it may really be about. It isn't very upbeat but it isn't as dark and dull as the images In the background so over all the music goes against the images in this title sequence which may confuse the audience on things such as the genre of the film and what it is about. The only thing that matches up with the music and the Images is that the music sounds quite Christmassy and the setting of the title sequence is in the snow which may indicate Christmas time.