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EDUfest 2013 - Nova Scotia Department of Education

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ContentsA Restorative Approach in Schools—Building School Attachment by Making Room for Everybody .................................................................................................................3

Advanced Food Safety Training .............................................................................................................3

An Introduction to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)...............................................................4

Autism and the Elementary Years .........................................................................................................4

Autism at the Secondary Level ..............................................................................................................5

Breathe, Stretch, Write—With Everything You’ve Got!........................................................................5

Creating a Positive School Climate and a Sense of Community .........................................................6

Dance—Salsa Hot, Choreo Cool! ...........................................................................................................6

Digital Photography for Communications Technology 11 and 12 .......................................................7

Drama—Quiet on the Set! Recording and Editing Sound in Drama Class..........................................7

Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Leader—Online Record Book Training ...................................................8

EDUfest KIDS! .........................................................................................................................................8

Finding Our Voice: Advocacy and Social Change through Health and Safety ....................................9

Food for Thought—Fostering Young Children’s Delight with Food through Cooking .......................9

Food Science 12: Question, Investigate, Discover ..............................................................................10

How Can We Teach Our Students Better? (Grades 7–12)...................................................................10

Implementing the New Mathematics Curriculum—Grades Primary–3.............................................11

Implementing the New Mathematics Curriculum—Grade 10............................................................11

Information Technology Integration ...................................................................................................12

It’s All about Comprehension! Grades Primary–6 ..............................................................................12

Leading Youth through Challenge to Achievement: The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Leader Training .........................................................................................................................13

Learning Strategies 10–12: Curriculum Introduction .........................................................................13

Music—Halifax Summer Choral Conducting Symposium...................................................................14

Music—Once upon a Tuning Fork: From Do-Re-Mi to A-B-C! .............................................................14

Music—Recording and Editing Sound in the Music Room .................................................................15

Music—The Creative Conductor ..........................................................................................................15

Online Resources to Support the Curriculum—There Are Lots of Them P–12! ................................16

Options and Opportunities (O2): New Teacher Workshop..................................................................16

Playing with Persona Dolls: A Tool for Teaching and Engaging Young Children in Social Emotional Learning and Social Justice Issues......................................................................17

Quoi de neuf en français langue seconde? Beaucoup! (Niveau 1) ....................................................17

Quoi de neuf en français langue seconde? Beaucoup! (Niveau 2) ...................................................18

Removing the Mask—Facilitating Conversations around Healthy Living with Boys .......................18

Responding to the Needs of All Learners—Differentiation ..............................................................19

Science 7: Question, Investigate, Discover..........................................................................................19

Science 8: Question, Investigate, Discover..........................................................................................20

Science 9: Question, Investigate, Discover..........................................................................................20

Science 10: Question, Investigate, Discover........................................................................................21

Sexualization of Children and Youth: A Workshop for Educators P–12.............................................21

SolidWorks 101 .....................................................................................................................................22

The Reflective Diversity Practitioner ..................................................................................................22

Technology Education 9 Teacher Workshop ........................................................................................23

Understanding Bullying/Cyberbullying and Responding Effectively ................................................23

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) ...................................................................................................24

Using Technology to Enhance Learning: An Introduction to FLARE and FUNDAMENTALS, ORIGO Videos, and the Primary–3 Learning Commons (Moodle) ......................................................24

Video Production and Digitization for Technology Education...........................................................25

Visual Arts—Mosaicmania: A Collaborative Mosaic Workshop .........................................................25

What Is Bullying? Creating a Safe and Secure Learning Environment..............................................26

Wood Production Technology: Basic Safety and Operating Procedures—Intermediate Level .......26

Wood Production Technology: Basic Safety and Operating Procedures—Introductory Level ........27


Autism Atlantic Summer Institute 2013 ..............................................................................................28

EDUfest KIDS! .......................................................................................................................................29

EDUfest 2013 Mail-in Registration Form .............................................................................................30

2013 EDUfest Formulaire d’inscription à envoyer par la poste .........................................................31

Registration Forms


A Restorative Approach in Schools—Building School Attachment by MakingRoom for EverybodyWhat if all aspects of a school’s day were considered througha relational lens? This perspective creates a greater potentialfor every student to feel like they belong, and, that teacherscare about them, promoting school attachment.

How schools function has an impact on relationships, sopaying close attention to what we do is important.

This workshop looks at the “day to day” from a relationalperspective, and helps educators look at their schools from aperspective that seeks to make room for everybody.

Intended audience: Classroom teachers and school-basedadministrators (P–12) who are familiar with a RestorativeApproach in Schools.

Leader: Richard Derible, Project Lead RestorativeApproaches in Schools Project, Department of Justice

Date: August 21, 2013

Time: 9:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m.

Location: Nova Scotia Community CollegeWaterfront Campus80 Mawiomi Place, Dartmouth, NS

Professional Development Hours: 5

Fee: $30 Student/Substitute teacher fee: $25

Maximum Participants: 26

Minimum Participants: 12

Registration Deadline: August 14, 2013

Session Information • Tara MooreContact: [email protected]

• Richard [email protected]

Registration information is available athttps://edapps.ednet.ns.ca/SummerSession/ or phone Leigh Daniels at (902) 424-7454.

Advanced Food Safety TrainingParticipants in this two-day workshop will receive a Certificatein Advanced Food Safety upon successful completion of thecourse exam. A background in food handling and/or science isrecommended. Resources will be sent to participants prior tothe course. Teachers who achieve 90% or better on this coursemay train and certify their students in a Food Hygiene coursethat is recognized by the province. This certification isrecommended for teachers of Food Studies/Hospitality 12.

Leaders: Sonya Locke, Colin Van Vulpen, Food SafetyEducators, Food Protection and Enforcement Division,Department of Agriculture

Dates: August 20–21, 2013

Time: 9:00 a.m.–4:30 p.m.

Location: Nova Scotia Community CollegeWaterfront Campus80 Mawiomi Place, Dartmouth, NS

Professional Development Hours: 15

Fee: $90 to cover resources

This course is currently sponsored by the Department ofEducation and Early Childhood Development and the NovaScotia Department of Agriculture.

Maximum Participants: 25

Minimum Participants: 18

Registration Deadline: June 23, 2013If registration is insufficient participants will be notified and course fee reimbursed.

Session Information Sheila MunroContact: [email protected]

Registration information is available athttps://edapps.ednet.ns.ca/SummerSession/ or by phone at (902) 424-5996.

Note: Participants will receive course material sent to mailingaddress provided by the participant in early July. It is criticalthat participants provide their summer mailing address whenregistering.

Summer Learning Opportunities

An Introduction to Fetal AlcoholSpectrum Disorder (FASD)FASD is the most under-diagnosed physical disability. Althoughan often invisible disability, the implications for the learnerand the teacher are very visible. Diane Malbin, a guru in thefield, encapsulates the response required to address this issue“Trying Differently Rather than Harder.” This introductory levelworkshop will explore the characteristics of learners withFASD and the main challenges they face in our P–12 schools.

Intended audience: Teachers, substitute teachers,administrators, counsellors, learning centre and resourceteachers are welcome. This workshop is relevant for all gradelevels and curriculum areas.

Leader: Daniel Demers, Special Education (French) Consultant, Department of Education and Early Childhood Development

Date: August 21, 2013

Time: 9:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m.

Location: Nova Scotia Community CollegeWaterfront Campus80 Mawiomi Place, Dartmouth, NS

Professional Development Hours: 5

Fee: $45 Student/Substitute teacher fee: $30

Maximum Participants: 30

Minimum Participants: 10

Registration Deadline: August 14, 2013

Session Information Daniel DemersContact: [email protected]

Registration information is available athttps://edapps.ednet.ns.ca/SummerSession/ or phone Leigh Daniels at (902) 424-7454.

Special Session Information / Notes:Will include Alberta binder on FASD.

Autism and the Elementary YearsGain an understanding of Autism Spectrum Disorders and howthis disorder impacts your student’s learning and behaviour inthe classroom and on the playground. Learn the fundamentalsof program planning for students with Autism SpectrumDisorders, with a focus on how to structure your classroom forsuccess. Discover how to use environmental structure andvisual supports to enhance student learning, receive trainingin methods that support positive behavioural change andmake materials that you can use for your student.

Intended audience: Classroom teachers, learning centre andresource teachers, substitute teachers, administrators. It willbe of particular interest, but not limited, to teachers who arerelatively new to teaching students with ASD. This workshop isrelevant for grade level(s) primary to 6 in all curriculum areas.

Leaders: Kym Hume, MEd, and Yvonne Rafuse, MEd Retiredteachers, administrators and autism consultants, with theirrespective school boards; Kym and Yvonne have many years’experience working and presenting in the area of Autism andSpecial Education. They have both spent time as the AutismConsultant with the Department of Education, and werecontributing authors to the new resource guide Developingand Implementing Programming for Students with AutismSpectrum Disorder. For more information please visithttps://sites.google.com/site/autismatlanticconsulting/home

Dates: August 19–23, 2013

Time: 9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.

Location: Nova Scotia Community CollegeWaterfront Campus80 Mawiomi Place, Dartmouth, NS

Professional Development Hours: 30

Fee: $550 Student/Substitute teacher fee: $450

Maximum Participants: 25

Minimum Participants: 15

Registration Deadline: Registration by June 30, 2013.Payment in full by July 15, 2013, to guarantee your space.Cheque payable to Autism Atlantic Consulting Services.

Session Information Kym HumeContact: [email protected]

(902) 825-0559

Registration information is available athttps://edapps.ednet.ns.ca/SummerSession/ or phone Leigh Daniels at (902) 424-7454.

Special Session Information / Notes: Please bring scissors,markers and glue with you.



Autism at the Secondary LevelMiddle level and high school are filled with new experiences,course expectations and transitions for students with autism.Teachers at this level have a critical role to play in preparingthese students for life in the community. This three-dayinstitute will focus on the following areas:• Understanding adolescence and autism• Structuring the environment and teaching organizationalskills to adolescents with autism

• Life skills at the high school level for students with autism• Developing independence and transition to community

Intended audience: Classroom teachers, learning centre andresource teachers, substitute teachers, administrators,counsellors, and education students are welcome. Thisworkshop is relevant for grade levels 6–12 curriculum areas—general curriculum.

Leaders: Kym Hume, MEd, and Yvonne Rafuse, M.Ed. Retiredteachers, administrators, and autism consultants, with theirrespective school boards; Kym and Yvonne have many years’experience working and presenting in the area of Autism andSpecial Education. They have both spent time as the AutismConsultant with the Department of Education, and werecontributing authors to the new resource guide Developingand Implementing Programming for Students with AutismSpectrum Disorder. For more information please visithttps://sites.google.com/site/autismatlanticconsulting/home

Dates: August 27–29, 2013

Time: 9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.

Location: CSAP Regional Office250 Brownlow Avenue, Suite 7Dartmouth, NS

Professional Development Hours: 18

Fee: $330 Student/Substitute teacher fee: $270

Maximum Participants: 25

Minimum Participants: 15

Registration Deadline: Registration by June 30, 2013.Payment in full by July 15, 2013, to guarantee your space.Cheque payable to Autism Atlantic Consulting Services

Session Information Yvonne RafuseContact: [email protected]

(902) 543-2204

Registration information is available athttps://edapps.ednet.ns.ca/SummerSession/ or by phone at (902) 424-7454

Breathe, Stretch, Write—With Everything You've Got! We often connect writing with intellect and emotion—thehead and the heart. But let's get physical, too! Over the yearsauthor Sheree Fitch has offered different versions of thiswriting workshop to all ages. Through a series of guidedexercises that focus on the senses, the body and breathing wewill write from that cleared space—and see what authenticvoices and visions come forth.

Come prepared to write and laugh and get the seat of yourpants out of the seat of the chair. Dress comfortably. Bringyoga mats if you wish. None of the exercises will be overlystrenuous and all can be adapted for any grade level.Registration includes a copy of the professional resourceBreathe, Stretch, Write as well as other titles written by Sheree Fitch.

Leader: Sheree Fitch is the author of many children's books,several plays and various works for adults. Sheree is therecipient of honorary doctorates from Saint Mary's University,Acadia University and St. Thomas University for hercontribution to children's literature. Sheree currently lives inNova Scotia, and is a certified yoga instructor from which thisbook was inspired. For more information on Sheree Fitch visitwww.shereefitch.com.

Date: August 19, 2013

Time: 9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.

Location: Nova Scotia Community CollegeWaterfront Campus 80 Mawiomi Place, Dartmouth, NS

Professional Development Hours: 6

Fee: $40

Maximum Participants: 30

Registration Deadline: July 19, 2013

Session Information Natalie FlinnContact: [email protected]

(902) 424-6134

Registration information is available athttps://edapps.ednet.ns.ca/SummerSession/ or by phone at (902) 424-5996.

Creating a Positive School Climate and a Sense of CommunityThis full-day workshop will be developed and deliveredcollaboratively by author Barbara Kaiser and Kathleen Richard,the Anti-Bullying / NS Youth Advisory Council Coordinator.

This will focus on how to create a sense of communityessential to bullying prevention through relationships, culturalproficiency, social and emotional skills and social justice.

Intended audience: Teachers, substitute teachers,administrators, guidance counsellors, learning centre andresource teachers are welcome. This workshop is relevant forall grade levels.

Leaders: Kathleen Richard, Anti-bullying/Nova Scotia YouthAdvisory Council Coordinator, Department of Education andEarly Childhood Development, Barbara Kaiser, Author,Challenging Behaviour in Elementary and Middle School:Understanding, Preventing and Responding Effectively.

Date: August 21, 2013

Time: 9:30 a.m.–3:00 p.m.

Location: Nova Scotia Community CollegeWaterfront Campus80 Mawiomi Place, Dartmouth, NS

Professional Development Hours: 5.5

Fee: $40 Student/Substitute Teacher fee: $20

Maximum Participants: 30

Minimum Participants: 10

Registration Deadline: August 13, 2013

Session Information Kathleen RichardContact: [email protected]

Registration information is available athttps://edapps.ednet.ns.ca/SummerSession/ or phone Leigh Daniels at (902) 424-7454.

Dance—Salsa Hot, Choreo Cool!Day 1: Salsa is the folk dance of Latin America with roots inAfrica and Spain. This institute will touch on the history andsignificance of salsa and we will dance! Beginning with anintroduction to the music and then learning the basic movesfor the most common dances, participants will learn a varietyof strategies for breaking down the movements for differentstyles of learners. At the end of the day, we will build a lessonplan ready to use in the new school year.

Day 2: Choreography is more than just putting steps to music.There is design, arc, intention and most importantly, what youwant the dance to say. From moving large groups of studentsthrough patterns on the stage, to concepts of cannon,syncopation and building relationship structures there are ahost of tools you can have at your command. This workshopwill help you build your own choreographic tool kit, includingtips and tricks when you are faced with creative block!

Intended audience: Dance, drama, physical educationteachers

Leader, Day 1: Growing up, Brigitte Aucoin was steeped intraditional Acadian music and dance. While studying for herMFA in Visual Arts at the University of Provence, shediscovered and fell in love with Salsa. Since then she hasstudied Cuban Salsa, Porto Rican Salsa, Rueda de Casino, Son,Merengue, Bachata and Cha-Cha technique in France andHalifax with various generous Latin Americans.Leader, Day 2: Andrea LeBlanc is the Owner and ArtisticDirector of East Coast Dance Academy in Tantallon NS and is aRegistered Teacher and Associate with the Royal Academy ofDance (Adv. 2 Certificate). Andrea has been instructingthroughout the HRM and Western Canada for the last 12years.

Dates: August 22–23, 2013

Time: 9:00 a.m.–3:30 p.m.

Location: Nova Scotia Community CollegeWaterfront Campus80 Mawiomi Place, Dartmouth, NS

Professional Development Hours: 12

Fee: $50 Student/Substitute teacher fee: $20

Maximum Participants: 25

Minimum Participants: 5

Registration Deadline: July 31, 2013

Session Information Ardith HaleyContact: [email protected]

(902) 424-8894

Registration information is available athttps://edapps.ednet.ns.ca/SummerSession/ or by phone at (902) 424-5996.6


Digital Photography forCommunications Technology 11 and 12Schools offering Communications Technology 11 andCommunications Technology 12 have been provided withdigital SLR cameras, lighting kits and tripods to support themandatory photography module for these courses. The peoplefrom Carsand-Mosher Photographic are committed toproviding further training on the Canon Rebel and will be withus to deliver two full days of practise and learning using thecameras, light kits and tripods. This is a great opportunity todevelop skills that will transfer directly to the classroom.Participants will practise and receive classroom-readyphotography activities for students as well as some othermuch-needed equipment.

Participants must bring one Canon Rebel camera kit and atripod from their school to this workshop.

Leader: Karla Hames, Carsand-Mosher Photographic

Dates: August 19–20, 2013

Time: 9:00 a.m.–3:30 p.m.

Location: Nova Scotia Community CollegeWaterfront Campus 80 Mawiomi Place, Dartmouth, NS

Professional Development Hours: 12

Fee: $25

Maximum Participants: 20

Registration Deadline: August 10, 2013

Session Information Kilah Hayden Contact: [email protected]

(902) 896-2459

Registration information is available athttps://edapps.ednet.ns.ca/SummerSession/ or by phone at (902) 424-5996.

Drama—Quiet on the Set! Recordingand Editing Sound in Drama ClassFrom War of the Worlds to YouTube, this two-day, hands-onsession will explore how to effectively use sound in theteaching and learning of theatre arts. Andrew Mercer willcarefully walk participants through a step-by-step process ofhow to record and edit sound with the FREE softwareAudacity. Once participants have solid grasp on how to useAudacity to work with sound they will explore a variety oflearning strategies and activities such as creating radio plays,soundscapes, Foley sound effects, microphone and recordingtechniques, interviews, music soundtracks and much more.

Intended audience: Drama teachers

Leader: Andrew Mercer is a music teacher in Newfoundlandand Labrador where he teaches music to students in rural andisolated areas via the Internet. Starting in the early 1990s asboth an entrepreneur and public school music teacher, Andrewhas explored the limits of technology in education. Andrew’swork in tech and arts education has been featured innumerous publications, media sources, conferences andsymposia such as Canadian Music Educator, Popular Science,The Wall Street Journal, CNN, Nippon TV, ISME Conference,TEDx, MTNA National Conference, NAMM and NAfME.

Dates: August 20–21, 2013

Time: 9:00 a.m.–3:30 p.m.

Location: Nova Scotia Community CollegeWaterfront Campus 80 Mawiomi Place, Dartmouth, NS

Professional Development Hours: 12

Fee: $50 Student/Substitute teacher fee: $20

Maximum Participants: 60

Minimum Participants: 8

Registration Deadline: July 31, 2013

Session Information Ardith HaleyContact: [email protected]

(902) 424-8894

Registration information is available athttps://edapps.ednet.ns.ca/SummerSession/ or by phone at (902) 424-5996.

Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Leader—Online Record Book TrainingThis workshop is designed to introduce leaders andprospective leaders to the online Record Book. Starting inSeptember, all new groups and participants will be using thissystem so it is imperative that Duke Leaders become familiarwith the system. This is a nine-hour workshop (one afternoonand a full day) and will allow for group and one-on-oneassistance. The online Record Book incorporates the newlyadopted international standards, and it is recommended thatall leaders participating in this workshop also attend themorning session on leader training.

Record Keeping for Duke participants and leaders will bemoving to the online Record Book and incorporatinginternational standards starting in September 2013. It isimportant that all our leaders (current and new) becomefamiliar with the system.

Intended audience: Substitute teachers, administrators,counsellors, learning centre and resource teachers arewelcome. This workshop is relevant for grade level 9 andabove.

Leader: Connie Miller, Executive Director, The Duke ofEdinburgh’s Award, Nova Scotia Division

Dates: August 19–20, 2013

Time: 1:00 p.m.–4:00 p.m. (August 19)9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. (August 20)

Location: Nova Scotia Community CollegeWaterfront Campus80 Mawiomi Place, Dartmouth, NS

Professional Development Hours: 9

Fee: Free

Maximum Participants: 20

Minimum Participants: 5

Registration Deadline: August 2, 2013

Session Information Connie MillerContact: (902) 425-5454 [extension 329]

Registration information is available athttps://edapps.ednet.ns.ca/SummerSession/ or by phone (902) 424-5996.

Note: Record Keeping for Duke participants and leaders willbe moving to the online Record Book and incorporatinginternational standards starting in September 2013. It isimportant that all our leaders (current and new) becomefamiliar with the system.

EDUfest KIDS! Ages 5–7 and/or Ages 8–11

Parents attending summer institutes as part of EDUfest areinvited to register their children in the EDUfest KIDS program!Children will take part in all-day events on site involvinghands-on, minds-on integrated activities in science,technology, engineering, physical education and the arts. Kidsshould come prepared to be active and get dirty!

All workshop materials, lunch and snacks will be provided.Children will have the opportunity to enjoy lunch on-site withtheir parents.

Leaders: Brian Hayden, Kevin Hayden and otherprofessionals

Dates: August 19–23, 2013 (see registration form in Appendix for selection of dates)

Time: 8:45 a.m.–4:00 p.m.

Location: Nova Scotia Community CollegeWaterfront Campus80 Mawiomi Place, Dartmouth, NS

Fee: $20 per child, per day

Maximum Participants: 20 per age group

Registration Deadline: August 10, 2013 (Please use the EDUfest KIDS registration form to register your children for this exciting opportunity).

Session Information Sheila MunroContact: [email protected]

Registration information is available athttps://edapps.ednet.ns.ca/SummerSession/ or by phone at (902) 424-5996.



Finding Our Voice: Advocacy and SocialChange through Health and Safety Advocating for positive change is at the root of so many socialmovements that students care deeply about. Learningeffective advocacy skills is also at the heart of making positivechange in workplace health and safety. PPE, safe work rulesand legislation are important, but real and sustained changecomes out of the relationships and the stories between peopleat work. Come find out how self-advocacy, social change,story-telling and health and safety can be integrated to yourcourses!

Intended audience: Any teacher; however teachers deliveringCo-op, Healthy Living, Career Development, community-basedlearning activities, technology education, courses withinOptions and Opportunities, guidance counsellors and evenCanadian and Atlantic history may find it especially relevant.

Leader: Tracey Leary, Education and Research, Workers'Compensation Board of Nova Scotia. Tracey is an Educationand Research, Consultant with the Workers’ CompensationBoard of Nova Scotia. Supporting teaching and research aboutworkplace health, safety and injury prevention, she works witha wide variety of learning communities, including the NovaScotia Department of Education, divisions of Nova ScotiaDepartment of Labour and Advanced Education and inindustry-based continuing education and conferences. Prior tocoming to the WCB in 2004 Tracey worked for 15 years as apublic school teacher and as adult educator in health care. Shehas a BA from Mount Saint Vincent University, a BEd fromAcadia University and an MEd from Mount Saint VincentUniversity.

Date: August 21, 2013

Time: 1:00 p.m.– 4:00 pm

Location: Nova Scotia Community CollegeWaterfront Campus 80 Mawiomi Place, Dartmouth, NS

Professional Development Hours: 3

Fee: Free

Maximum Participants: 50

Minimum Participants: 10

Registration Deadline: June 28, 2013

Session Information Tracey LearyContact: [email protected]

(902) 491-8109

Registration information is available athttps://edapps.ednet.ns.ca/SummerSession/ or by phone at (902) 424-5996.

Food for Thought—Fostering YoungChildren’s Delight with Food throughCookingCome ready to engage your senses as we jump two feet firstinto all things food literacy. In this day long class, participantswill explore age and developmentally appropriate basiccooking techniques to introduce during the instructional dayas a way to address multiple curriculum outcomes in healtheducation and across subject areas. Aspects such as safetyconsiderations, how to set up cooking experiences within aclassroom setting, ways to engage families, cross-curricularconnections and using recipes with young children will beexplored. Participants will leave inspired to begin cooking inthe classroom when school starts in September. Leave with acomprehensive professional resource designed for youngchildren and their teachers and a selection of read aloudpicture books that will engage your students as you learnabout food and eating well.

Intended audience: Classroom teachers, substitute teachers,new graduates, learning centre and resource teachers arewelcome. This workshop is relevant for teachers of gradesprimary, grade 2 and grade 3, and is designed to addresslearning and teaching in health education with rich cross-curricular connections.

Leader: Natalie Flinn, Active Healthy Living Consultant,Department of Education and Early Childhood Development

Date: August 19, 2013

Time: 9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.

Location: Nova Scotia Community CollegeWaterfront Campus 80 Mawiomi Place, Dartmouth, NS

Professional Development Hours: 6

Fee: $40 Student/Substitute teacher fee: $25

Maximum Participants: 25

Minimum Participants: 12

Registration Deadline: August 1, 2013

Session Information Natalie FlinnContact: [email protected]

(902) 424-6134

Registration information is available athttps://edapps.ednet.ns.ca/SummerSession/ or by phone at (902) 424-5996.

Food Science 12: Question, Investigate, DiscoverThis workshop will address outcomes for Food Science 12.Participants will engage and explore scientific literacy (inquiry,problem solving and decision making) through investigationsrelevant to the units. Hands-on, minds-on activities andassessment will be part of the day. Participants will receive theinvestigations and some materials.

Intended audience: Teachers, substitute teachers,administrators, counsellors, learning centre and resourceteachers are welcome.

Leaders: Marilyn Webster, Science Consultant, Departmentof Education and Early Childhood Development and others

Date: August 23, 2013

Time: 9:00 a.m.–3:30 p.m.

Location: Nova Scotia Community CollegeWaterfront Campus80 Mawiomi Place, Dartmouth, NS

Professional Development Hours: 6

Fee: $15Student/Substitute teacher fee: $15

Maximum Participants: 30

Minimum Participants: 10

Registration Deadline: August 15, 2013

Session Information Marilyn WebsterContact: [email protected]

Registration information is available at https://edapps.ednet.ns.ca/SummerSession/ or by phone at (902) 424-5996.

How Can We Teach Our Students Better? (Grades 7–12)Jim Burke is the author of numerous best-selling Heinemanntitles, including the English Teacher's Companion FourthEdition, Reading Reminders and Writing Reminders andWhat's the Big Idea? Jim Burke has taught high school English(as well as variations such as reading classes) for 23 years. Thequestion he's always tried to answer is "How can we teachour students better?" In this interactive workshop for teachersof grades 7–12, Jim will share his creative solutions abouthow to improve instructional techniques to help high schoolteachers be more effective in the areas of reading, writing andteaching the academic essentials all students need to not justsurvive but thrive in school.

Leader: Jim Burke, Educator, Author, Presenter

Dates: July 23–24, 2013

Time: 9:00 a.m.– 4:00 p.m. (maybe earlier on second day) [lunch on your own]

Location: Old Orchard Inn153 Greenwich Road SouthGreenwich, NS

Professional Development Hours: 14

Fee: $100Student/Substitute teacher fee: $50

Maximum Participants: 80

Registration Deadline: July 15, 2013

Session Information Daniel GervaisContact: [email protected]

(902) 424-5996

Registration Information is available athttps://edapps.ednet.ns.ca/SummerSession/ or by phone at (902) 424-5996.



Implementing the New MathematicsCurriculum—Grades Primary–3Teachers new to teaching grades primary to 3 will engage inprofessional learning related to the implementation of thenew mathematics curriculum. Teachers will • learn about the changes in the mathematics curriculum • become familiar with the curriculum document, outcomesand performance indicators for their grade

• explore the mathematical processes• focus on understanding and teaching the big ideas aboutnumber

• explore ways to develop young mathematicians in theclassroom

• be introduced to the new core resources and the primary to3 learning commons (Moodle)

Intended audience: This professional learning opportunitywill mirror the two days of professional learning provided tograde primary to 3 teachers during the 2012–2013 schoolyear. These days are intended for those teachers who will benew to teaching grades primary to 3 in the coming schoolyear.

Leaders: Robin Harris, Mathematics Curriculum Services,Department of Education and Early Childhood Development,Fred Sullivan, Math Mentor P–8, Strait Regional School Board

Dates: August 21–22, 2013

Time: 9:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m.

Location: Dr. J. H. Gillis Regional High School105 Braemore AvenueAntigonish, NS

Professional Development Hours: 10

Fee: $65 per day; $130 for both days (Nutrition break and lunch are included in registration fee)

Maximum Participants: 60

Minimum Participants: 10

Registration Deadline: June 3

Information Contact: Mark [email protected] Strait Regional School Board

Registration information—Please contact Beryl Hadley [email protected] or by phone at (902) 747-3670 [ext. 2221] for information on the registration and feepayment process.

Implementing the New MathematicsCurriculum—Grade 10Teachers who will be new to teaching Mathematics 10 andMathematics at Work 10 in September 2013 will engage inprofessional learning related to the implementation of thenew courses. Teachers will • become familiar with the curriculum outcomes, curriculumdocuments and new core resources

• explore teaching through problem solving • explore the use of technology in the new mathematicscurriculum for grade 10

Intended audience: This professional learning opportunitywill mirror the first day of professional learning provided tograde 10 mathematics teachers during the 2012–2013 schoolyear. These days are intended for those teachers who will benew to teaching Mathematics 10 and Mathematics at Work 10in the coming school year.

Leaders: Sharon McCready, Mathematics Consultant,Department of Education and Early Childhood Development,Linda Wheadon, Senior High Mathematics Teacher (Retired),Annapolis Valley Regional School Board

Dates: August 22–23, 2013

Time: 9:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m.

Location: Dr. J. H. Gillis Regional High School105 Braemore AvenueAntigonish, NS

Professional Development Hours: 10

Fee: $ 65 per day; $130 for both days (Nutrition break and lunch are included in registration fee.)

Maximum Participants: 30

Minimum Participants: 10

Registration Deadline: June 30, 2013

Session Information Mark PettipasContact: [email protected]

Strait Regional School Board

Registration information—Please contact Beryl Hadley [email protected] or by phone at (902) 747-3670 [ext. 2221] for information on the registration and feepayment process.

Information Technology Integration This is a residential summer institute for public school teacherswho are interested in exploring ways of integratingtechnology in their classrooms. Sessions will help you toexplore topics such as blended learning and integrating digitalresources connected to the curriculum. Select from a variety ofmini Tech Sessions including: video editing, podcasting,creating websites, using Moodle (advanced and novice),productivity tools (word processing, presentation tools,spreadsheets etc.,) as well as curriculum-focused sessions. Youwill have time to work on topics of interest to you, participatein discussions about the ins and outs of using technology as atransformative force in your teaching and in student learning.Engage your students through the effective use of Informationand Communications Technology (ICT). Explore thepossibilities that technology can have in your teaching. Thisvery popular summer ‘camp’ experience has provided learningopportunities for all levels and abilities in a relaxed andsupportive setting to over 1000 teachers since its inception.Plan to join us this summer as we move the camp to St.Francis Xavier University for the first time.

Intended audience: Public school teachers, all curriculumareas, P–12

Leaders: Learning Resources and Technology Services / SchoolBoard Technology Integration Staff

Dates: August 7–9, 2013

Registration/check-in(if applicable) August 6 starting at 3 p.m.

Time: 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. (optional evening events also provided)

Location: St. Francis Xavier UniversityAntigonish, NS

Professional Development Hours: 21

Fee: $40—includes meals andaccommodations if required

Maximum Participants: 80

Minimum Participants: 50

Registration Deadline: June 3, 2013

Session Information Ray Fernandes, Education MediaContact: Librarian Learning Resources and

Technology Services [email protected](902) 424-2439

Registration information—By application only via yourschool board Technology Integration Coordinator. Registrationis NOT available through the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development.

It’s All about Comprehension!Grades Primary–6This interactive workshop for teachers of grades primary–6will focus on the workshop model and look at what really liesat the heart of comprehension and specifically how to balancea solid developmentally appropriate program so that teachingpractice in reading ultimately works for students. It willinclude a spotlight on Time to Read, Time to Write and Time toTalk, as well at explore ways to refine teaching in betterunderstanding the principles and practices of accurate fluentreading, background knowledge, oral language,reading/writing connections, as well as the repertoire ofstrategies to teach in a simplified and sensible way.

Leader: Sharon Taberski, Educator, Author, Presenter

Dates: July 23–24, 2013

Time: 9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. (maybe earlier on second day) [lunch on your own]

Location: Old Orchard Inn153 Greenwich Road SouthGreenwich, NS

Professional Development Hours: 14

Fee: $100Student/Substitute teacher fee: $50

Maximum Participants: 120

Registration Deadline: July 15, 2013

Session Information Daniel GervaisContact: [email protected]

(902) 424-5996

Registration information is available athttps://edapps.ednet.ns.ca/SummerSession/ or by phone at (902) 424-5996.



Leading Youth through Challenge toAchievement: The Duke of Edinburgh’sAward Leader Training This workshop is designed to provide leaders and prospectiveleaders with an overview of the Duke of Edinburgh’s AwardProgramme and to help leaders establish their groups. Canadahas adopted the new International Standards and thesechanges will be introduced in this morning workshop. We willcover topics such as Programme requirements, youth benefits,planning an expedition, guiding youth in activity selection andassessment. The session includes group work and games.Materials provided include a Leader’s Manual and everythingneeded to start a group in your school. This workshop isrecommended for all current and prospective Duke leaders.

Intended audience: Substitute teachers, administrators,counsellors, learning centre and resource teachers arewelcome. This workshop is relevant for grade level 9 andabove.

Leader: Connie Miller, Executive Director, The Duke ofEdinburgh’s Award, Nova Scotia Division

Date: August 19, 2013

Time: 9:00 a.m.–12:00 pm

Location: Nova Scotia Community CollegeWaterfront Campus 80 Mawiomi Place, Dartmouth, NS

Professional Development Hours: 3

Fee: Free

Maximum Participants: 20

Minimum Participants: 5

Registration Deadline: August 2, 2013

Session Information Connie MillerContact: (902) 425-5454 [extension 329]

Registration information is available athttps://edapps.ednet.ns.ca/SummerSession/ or by phone at (902) 424-5996.

Special Session Information / Notes:With Canada adoptingthe new International Standards, this workshop should beattended by both new leaders and existing leaders as they willall find the information relevant.

Learning Strategies 10–12: Curriculum Introduction“Learning Strategies” has been a course option for more thana decade as a Locally Developed Course, designed to assiststudents requiring additional support. In 2011, theDepartment of Education, in collaboration with school boards,came together to move it into the Public School Programs,beginning in September, 2013.

Through Learning Strategies 10–12, students will gaintransferable skills and strategies to enhance and increase theirschool engagement and support their efforts towards furthercredit acquisition.

Participants of this institute will gain an understanding ofLearning Strategies 10–12 general/specific curriculumoutcomes, related instructional and assessment/evaluationstrategies.

Intended audience: High school learning strategies teachers,resource teachers, learning disabilities specialists, substituteteachers

Leader: Trudy Johnson, Former Director of Programs andStudent Services, South Shore Regional School Board andLearning Strategies Course Development Committee Chair

Date: August 20, 2013

Time: 9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.

Location: Nova Scotia Community CollegeWaterfront Campus 80 Mawiomi Place, Dartmouth, NS

Professional Development Hours: 6

Fee: $50Student/Substitute teacher fee: $35

Maximum Participants: 20

Minimum Participants: 10

Registration Deadline: July 31, 2013

Session Information Annie BaertContact: [email protected]

Registration information is available athttps://edapps.ednet.ns.ca/SummerSession/ or phone Leigh Daniels at (902) 424-7454.

Special Session Information / Notes: Participants will receivea copy of the Learning Strategies Curriculum Guide andhelpful links to reference materials/resources.

Complimentary institute Universal Design for Learning (UDL),being offered August 21.

Music—Halifax Summer ChoralConducting SymposiumThe Halifax Summer Choral Conducting Symposium exists tobring quality summer choral conducting instruction to theMaritimes. Designed for music educators and professionals ofall levels, this four-day intensive workshop offers practicalinstruction in choral and vocal pedagogy, conductingtechnique, choral repertoire and rehearsal technique. Join usfor a variety of master classes, interest sessions, jointrehearsals and private instruction.

Intended audience: Choral music educators

Leaders: The 2013 HSCCS faculty brings a breadth ofexperience to the programme. Artistic Director, Caron Daley(Trinity Western University), Christianne Rushton (AcadiaUniversity), Claire Mallin (Acadia University), Shawn Whynot(Halifax Grammar School, Bethany United Church) andLynette Wahlstrom (Dalhousie University, First BaptistChurch) will present the conductor, teacher, singer, churchmusician and collaborative piano perspectives. Visitwww.halifaxsummerchoral.com for complete facultybiographies.

Dates: July 10–13, 2013

Time: 9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.

Location: Bethany United ChurchFellowship Hall2669 Joseph Howe Drive, Halifax, NS

Professional Development Hours: 30

Fee: Consult www.halifaxsummerchoral.comfor information and fee options

Registration Deadline: May 15, 2013

Session Information Caron DaleyContact: [email protected]

Register by contacting Caron Daley [email protected]

Music—Once upon a Tuning Fork: From Do-Re-Mi to A-B-C!This two-day session will provide grades P–6 music teachers,both new and experienced, with tips and refreshers in runninga music program. Topics included will be the development of asong repertoire for each grade level, the skill concepts neededfor each grade and ways of teaching them. Need a structurefor an efficient P–6 music class? Want to explore more of ourMaritime folk music and the Helen Creighton Collection andsee how to use it in your music class? Class managementstrategies, songs, dances and teaching tips—all of these willbe covered. A great way to prepare for September!

Intended audience: Elementary music teachers

Leader: Martha Healy has been teaching P–6 music in theHRSB for 33 years. During that time, she has been a masterteacher and has been invited to bring her classes and choirs toperform at music festivals, folk festivals, shopping centres,community events, art gallery openings, the Maritime Museumof the Atlantic, television broadcasts, CBC interviews, schoolopenings and even a wedding! She has served as president ofthe Nova Scotia Music Educators’ Association, president of theKodály Society of Nova Scotia and vice-chair of the HelenCreighton Folklore Society. She is currently the Music FestivalsLiaison with the Helen Creighton Folklore Society and is on theBoard of Directors for the Kodály Society of Canada. She isalso the director of the Children’s Chorus of the Royal NovaScotia International Tattoo.

Dates: August 20–21, 2013

Time: 9:00 a.m.–3:30 p.m.

Location: Nova Scotia Community CollegeWaterfront Campus80 Mawiomi Place, Dartmouth, NS

Professional Development Hours: 12

Fee: $50Student/Substitute teacher fee:, $20

Maximum Participants: 25

Minimum Participants: 5

Registration Deadline: July 31, 2013

Session Information Ardith HaleyContact: [email protected]

(902) 424-8894

Registration information is available athttps://edapps.ednet.ns.ca/SummerSession/ or by phone at (902) 424-5996.


Music—Recording and Editing Soundin the Music RoomRecording and editing sound has never been easier and thistwo-day, hands-on session will show you why. Andrew Mercerwill carefully walk you through a step-by-step process of howto record and edit sound with the FREE software Audacity.Once you are comfortable with how to use Audacity you willexplore a variety of learning strategies and activities you canuse with your music students, such as digital sound portfolios,individual and collaborative composition, multi-trackrecording, how to record ensembles, using Audacity forevaluation, microphone and recording techniques, music andfilm, sharing music online and much more.

Intended audience: Teachers of music in all grade levels

Leader: Andrew Mercer is a music teacher in Newfoundlandand Labrador where he teaches music to students in rural andisolated students via the Internet. Starting in the early 1990sas both an entrepreneur and public school music teacher,Andrew has explored the limits of technology in education.Andrew’s work in tech and arts education has been featuredin numerous publications, media sources, conferences andsymposia such as Canadian Music Educator, Popular Science,The Wall Street Journal, CNN, Nippon TV, ISME Conference,TEDx, MTNA National Conference, NAMM and NAfME.

Dates: August 22–23, 2013

Time: 9:00 a.m.–3:30 p.m.

Location: Nova Scotia Community CollegeWaterfront Campus 80 Mawiomi Place, Dartmouth, NS

Professional Development Hours: 12

Fee: $50Student/Substitute teacher fee: $20

Maximum Participants: 60

Minimum Participants: 8

Registration Deadline: July 31, 2013

Session Information Ardith HaleyContact: [email protected]

(902) 424-8894

Registration information is available athttps://edapps.ednet.ns.ca/SummerSession/ or by phone at (902) 424-5996.

Music—The Creative ConductorWith a series of visual and aural musical cues, The CreativeConductor develops a dialogue with musicians in a unique and free-flowing, in the moment composition. These cues provide the basisfor the group's repertoire; they offer a wide variety of compositionaland orchestral possibilities and help each new combination ofmusicians explore and establish their identity, collectively. Once thecues are taught and understood, the conductor and musicians cannow spontaneously compose a piece of music, together. This requiresquick and decisive thinking on behalf of each musician, whereas themulti-faceted nature of each cue also allows for a great deal ofcreative interpretation and group improvisation. Creative conductionaddresses many problems associated with ensemble playing bydeveloping; listening skills, applying musical terminology, repertoirecomprehension, co-operation and team play, concentration andfocus, group dynamics and balance.

Intended audience: Music teachers grades primary to twelve

Leaders: Joel LeBlanc has toured North America and Europe from1997–2009 with the roots trio Hot Toddy. Composition andimprovised music are his current pursuit. Locally, he directs theOvertime Community Improv Choir, co-curates a creative musicseries (Surgery Series) and is a CIRCUIT presenter/ performer—anational organization dedicated to developing venues for touringimprovisers. Evan Shaw has been performing, composing andteaching music for over 20 years and holds a Master of Musicdegree from The New England Conservatory of Music in Boston.Evan spent several years residing in Toronto, where he became anactive member of the city's burgeoning improvised musiccommunity.

Dates: August 19–20, 2013

Time: 9:00 a.m.–3:30 p.m.

Location: Nova Scotia Community CollegeWaterfront Campus 80 Mawiomi Place, Dartmouth, NS

Professional Development Hours: 12

Fee: $50Student/Substitute teacher fee: $20

Maximum Participants: 25

Minimum Participants: 10

Registration Deadline: July 31, 2013

Session Information Ardith HaleyContact: [email protected]

(902) 424-8894

Registration information is available athttps://edapps.ednet.ns.ca/SummerSession/ or by phone at (902) 424-5996.

Special Session Information / Notes: Bring an instrument (or several) and/or any other sound-making device. Feel free to bring a toy instrument—anything unusual.


Online Resources to Support theCurriculum—There Are Lots of Them P–12! At this session we will explore some of the resources and giveyou links to even more. Some that we will touch on includethe EduPortal, safer searching for students, professional onlineresources for teachers, copyright-free images, lesson ideas,blended learning options, digital video library, Nova Scotiacloud resources through EDnet, math item bank, creatingteacher webpages with easy to use templates and many more.Find out what is available to you as a Nova Scotia educator.

Intended audience: All levels of Nova Scotia educators arewelcome (educators must bring their employee identificationnumber [40001234] to get access to the EduPortal).

Leaders: Peter Oldreive, ICT Consultant, Eric Therrien, ICTConsultant, Department of Education and Early ChildhoodDevelopment

Dates: August 19, 2013

Time: 9:00 a.m.–3:30 p.m.

Location: Nova Scotia Community CollegeWaterfront Campus80 Mawiomi Place, Dartmouth, NS

Professional Development Hours: 6

Fee: Free

Maximum Participants: 25–30

Registration Deadline: August 12, 2013

Session Information Sherri DodgeContact: (902) 424-2462

Registration information is available athttps://edapps.ednet.ns.ca/SummerSession/ or by phone at (902) 424-5996.

Special Session Information / Notes: Educators must bringtheir employee identification number (40001234) to getaccess to the EduPortal

Options and Opportunities (O2): New Teacher WorkshopThis two-day workshop is by invitation only through theCommunity Based Learning Consultant in each school board.Participants will attend a series of workshops over the courseof the two days that will address program philosophy,guidelines and procedures. Suggestions for engaging studentsthrough dynamic curriculum delivery and program supportswill be highlighted.

Intended audience: Teachers, administrators, counsellors whoare new to working with the Options and OpportunitiesProgram.

Leaders: Peter Smith, Youth Pathways and TransitionsCoordinator, John Cochrane, Community-Based LearningCoordinator, Department of Education and Early ChildhoodDevelopment

Dates: August 22–23, 2013

Time: 9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.

Location: Halifax / Dartmouth area

Professional Development Hours: 15

Fee: Free

Registration Deadline: Not applicable

Session Information Kellie GrahamContact: [email protected]

(902) 424-5431

Registration information—All participants must registerthrough the Community-Based Learning Consultant in theirschool board



Playing with Persona Dolls:A Tool for Teaching and Engaging Young Children inSocial Emotional Learning and Social Justice Issues

A persona doll is the teacher’s doll. Rather than being used bychildren for dramatic play whose name, age, identity, familyand gender can change at any time, a persona doll’s personaland social identity is developed by the teacher and remainsconsistent throughout the year. Teachers use persona dolls tointroduce stories related to the children’s lives and to broadentheir awareness of various aspects of diversity. During this day,teachers will have the opportunity to develop a persona fortheir very own doll and craft stories to use when school beginsin September while exploring curriculum outcomes and cross-curricular learning experiences that bring the dolls to life andpurpose in the classroom environment. Participants of the daywill leave with a persona doll and accompanying professionalresources applicable to their grade levels taught.

Intended audience: This workshop will be of interest toclassroom teachers of grades P–2, substitute teachers,administrators, counsellors, learning centre and resourceteachers. It is designed to address learning and teachingwithin Health Education Primary, 1 and, 2 but has rich cross-curricular connections with English language arts and socialstudies.

Leader: Natalie Flinn, Active Healthy Living Consultant,Department of Education and Early Childhood Development

Date: August 20, 2013

Time: 9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.

Location: Nova Scotia Community CollegeWaterfront Campus 80 Mawiomi Place, Dartmouth, NS

Professional Development Hours: 7

Fee: $40Student/Substitute teacher fee: $25

Maximum Participants: 25

Minimum Participants: 12

Registration Deadline: August 1, 2013

Session Information Natalie FlinnContact: [email protected]

(902) 424-6134

Registration information is available athttps://edapps.ednet.ns.ca/SummerSession/ or by phone at (902) 424-5996.

Special Session Information / Notes: If you have a personadoll and have taught using persona dolls, please bring alongyour doll (you will get a new one, too) and any relevantmaterials that you have used in your teaching to share withthe group.

Quoi de neuf en français langueseconde? Beaucoup! (Niveau 1)Cet institut est une reprise de celui offert chaque été depuis2009.

Cette session interactive présente les éléments clés del’approche neurolinguistique de littératie qui a porté tant desuccès aux élèves en français langue seconde depuis quelquesannées. Les stratégies d’enseignement et d’apprentissage decette approche visent l’amélioration des compétencesd’expression orale, de lecture et d’écriture chez nos élèves.

Les participants observeront la modélisation de ces stratégieset, par la suite, auront l’occasion d’en pratiquer leur emploilors en ateliers. Ils recevront aussi des activités conformes àl’approche à utiliser dans leurs salles de classe dès la rentrée.

Destiné à : Cet institut d’été s’adresse surtout auxenseignants et aux enseignantes des programmes de françaisde base 4e à 12e année, de français intégré 7e année etd’immersion tardive 7e année.

Facilitateur(s) / trice(s) : Équipe d’enseignants/d’enseignantsde français langue seconde, Élaine Melanson, conseillère enFLS

Dates : l’après-midi du 14 aout, les 15 et 16 aout 2013

Heures : Le 14 aout : 13 h à 16 hLes 15 et 16 aout : 9 h à 15 h 30

Lieu : Édifice Brunswick Place, Salle A, 2021, rue BrunswickHalifax N-É

Nombre d’heures du développement professionnel : 16

Frais : 50$

Nombre maximum de participants : 25

Nombre minimal de participants : 10

Date limite d’inscription : Le 30 juin 2013

Personne contacte : Christal BoutilierProgrammes de français langue [email protected](902) 424-6646

Pour s’inscrire : https://edapps.ednet.ns.ca/SummerSession/ou au (902) 424-6646.

Quoi de neuf en français langueseconde? Beaucoup! (Niveau 2)Le niveau 2 de l’institut d’été Quoi de neuf en FLS? Beaucoup!propose un suivi à celui offert en 2009 et en 2010. Il présenteun retour aux stratégies d’enseignement axées sur la littératie,ainsi qu’un approfondissement des connaissances des liensétroits entre la communication orale, la lecture et l’écriture enfrançais langue seconde.

Lors de cette session, les participants et participantessélectionneront un thème pertinent à leur propre domained’enseignement en français langue seconde afin dedévelopper un plan de travail qui intègre les stratégies del’approche neurolinguistique en littératie dans leur salle declasse. Ils profiteront également de l’occasion d’examiner unevariété d’autres ressources de littératie présentementdisponible en français.

Destiné à : Cette session s’offre seulement à ceux et à cellesayant déjà participé à une session antérieure de Quoi de neufen FLS? Beaucoup! (Niveau 1) OU à ceux et à celles ayant déjàparticipé à une formation officielle de cohorte en français debase.

Facilitateur(s) / trice(s) : Équipe d’enseignants/d’enseignantsde français langue seconde, Elaine Melanson, conseillère enFLS

Dates : Les 12 et 13 aout 2013

Heures : 9 h à 15 h30

Lieu : Édifice Brunswick Place, Salle A, 2021, rue BrunswickHalifax N-É

Nombre d’heures du développement professionnel : 13

Frais : 50$

Nombre maximum de participants : 25

Nombre minimal de participants : 10

Date limite d’inscription : Le 30 juin 2013

Personne contacte : Christal BoutilierProgrammes de français langue [email protected](902) 424-6646

Pour s’inscrire : https://edapps.ednet.ns.ca/SummerSession/ ou au (902) 424-6646.

Removing the Mask—FacilitatingConversations around Healthy Livingwith Boys A pilot project experimented with a gender segregatedHealthy Living 9 class this past year with a focus on boys.Classes were held in circle with an emphasis on interactiveexercises and conversation. An overarching theme wasmasculinity and present-day expectations around what itmeans to be a man, and how those expectations impact thehealth of guys as well as the health of other genders. The non-traditional environment created a unique space for safe toexplore issues that guys rarely discuss with their peers.Participants will leave with an understanding of what youthengagement looks like and with a toolkit of ideas to makeHealthy Living class truly a relevant and meaningfulexperience for youth.

Intended audience: Teachers of Healthy Living 7–9, substituteteachers, administrators, counsellors, youth health centrefacilitators.

Leader: Moe Green, Coordinator of Youth Health,Department of Health and Wellness

Date: August 21, 2013

Time: 9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.

Location: Nova Scotia Community CollegeWaterfront Campus80 Mawiomi Place, Dartmouth, NS

Professional Development Hours: 7

Fee: $25Student/Substitute teacher fee: $15

Maximum Participants: 30

Minimum Participants: 12

Registration Deadline: August 1, 2013

Session Information Natalie FlinnContact: [email protected]

(902) 424-6134

Registration information is available athttps://edapps.ednet.ns.ca/SummerSession/ or by phone at (902) 424-5996.



Responding to the Needs of AllLearners—DifferentiationIntroduction and practical application of the concept ofDifferentiation. This session will be interactive and askparticipants to construct an understanding of differentiationand how to establish routines in one’s classroom in order tobetter respond to the strengths and challenges of all students.

Session can be tailored to include all school levels ofparticipants (given in English but can include Frenchcurriculum). Participants should bring a unit or a specificcurriculum outcome they would like to consider throughdifferentiation.

Intended audience: Teachers, substitute teachers,administrators, counsellors, learning centre and resourceteachers are welcome. This workshop is relevant for all gradelevels and curriculum areas.

Leader: Daniel Demers, Special Education (French)Consultant, Department of Education and Early ChildhoodDevelopment

Date: August 22, 2013

Time: 9:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m.

Location: Nova Scotia Community CollegeWaterfront Campus 80 Mawiomi Place, Dartmouth, NS

Professional Development Hours: 5

Fee: $30Student/Substitute teacher fee: $20

Maximum Participants: 25

Minimum Participants: 10

Registration Deadline: August 15, 2013

Session Information Daniel DemersContact: [email protected]

Registration information is available athttps://edapps.ednet.ns.ca/SummerSession/ or phone Leigh Daniels at (902) 424-7454.

Science 7: Question, Investigate, DiscoverThis workshop will address outcomes for Science 7.Participants will engage and explore scientific literacy (inquiry,problem solving and decision making) through investigationsrelevant to the units. Hands-on, minds-on activities andassessment will be part of the day. Participants will receive theinvestigations and some materials.

Intended audience: Teachers, substitute teachers,administrators, counsellors, learning centre and resourceteachers are welcome.

Leaders: Marilyn Webster, Science Consultant, Departmentof Education and Early Childhood Development and others

Date: August 19, 2013

Time: 9:00 a.m.–3:30 p.m.

Location: Nova Scotia Community CollegeWaterfront Campus 80 Mawiomi Place, Dartmouth, NS

Professional Development Hours: 6

Fee: $15Student/Substitute teacher fee: $15

Maximum Participants: 30

Minimum Participants: 10

Registration Deadline: August 12, 2013

Session Information Marilyn WebsterContact: [email protected]

Registration information is available athttps://edapps.ednet.ns.ca/SummerSession/ or by phone at (902) 424-5996.

Science 8: Question, Investigate, DiscoverThis workshop will address outcomes for Science 8.Participants will engage and explore scientific literacy (inquiry,problem solving and decision making) through investigationsrelevant to the units. Hands-on, minds-on activities andassessment will be part of the day. Participants will receive theinvestigations and some materials.

Intended audience: Teachers, substitute teachers,administrators, counsellors, learning centre and resourceteachers are welcome.

Leaders: Marilyn Webster, Science Consultant, Departmentof Education and Early Childhood Education and others

Date: August 20, 2013

Time: 9:00 a.m.–3:30 p.m.

Location: Nova Scotia Community CollegeWaterfront Campus80 Mawiomi Place, Dartmouth, NS

Professional Development Hours: 6

Fee: $15Student/Substitute teacher fee: $15

Maximum Participants: 30

Minimum Participants: 10

Registration Deadline: August 13, 2013

Session Information Marilyn WebsterContact: [email protected]

Registration information is available athttps://edapps.ednet.ns.ca/SummerSession/ or by phone at (902) 424-5996.

Science 9: Question, Investigate, DiscoverThis workshop will address outcomes for Science 9.Participants will engage and explore scientific literacy (inquiry,problem solving and decision making) through investigationsrelevant to the units. Hands-on, minds-on activities andassessment will be part of the day. Participants will receive theinvestigations and some materials.

Intended audience: Teachers, substitute teachers,administrators, counsellors, learning centre and resourceteachers are welcome.

Leaders: Marilyn Webster, Science Consultant, Departmentof Education and Early Childhood Development and others

Date: August 21, 2013

Time: 9:00 a.m.–3:30 p.m.

Location: Nova Scotia Community CollegeWaterfront Campus80 Mawiomi Place, Dartmouth, NS

Professional Development Hours: 6

Fee: $15Student/Substitute teacher fee: $15

Maximum Participants: 30

Minimum Participants: 10

Registration Deadline: August 14, 2013

Session Information Marilyn WebsterContact: [email protected]

Registration information is available athttps://edapps.ednet.ns.ca/SummerSession/ or by phone at (902) 424-5996.



Science 10: Question, Investigate, DiscoverThis workshop will address outcomes for Science 10.Participants will engage and explore scientific literacy (inquiry,problem solving and decision making) through investigationsrelevant to the units. Hands-on, minds-on activities andassessment will be part of the day. Participants will receive theinvestigations and some materials.

Intended audience: Teachers, substitute teachers,administrators, counsellors, learning centre and resourceteachers are welcome.

Leaders: Marilyn Webster, Science Consultant, Departmentof Education and Early Childhood Development and others

Date: August 22, 2013

Time: 9:00 a.m.–3:30 p.m.

Location: Nova Scotia Community CollegeWaterfront Campus 80 Mawiomi Place, Dartmouth, NS

Professional Development Hours: 6

Fee: $15Student/Substitute teacher fee: $15

Maximum Participants: 30

Minimum Participants: 10

Registration Deadline: August 12, 2013

Session Information Marilyn WebsterContact: [email protected]

Registration information is available athttps://edapps.ednet.ns.ca/SummerSession/ or by phone at (902) 424-5996.

Sexualization of Children and Youth: A Workshop for Educators P–12Children and youth today are growing up in a hypersexualizedenvironment. This interactive workshop will look at the healthand education-related impacts that this environment is havingon young people. Discussion will focus on the role thateducators can play in countering the negative effects ofsexualization, including the supporting role thatcomprehensive sexual health education plays in schools.Participants will leave with a professional resource or two tosupport learning, teaching and communication with familieson the topic(s) of sexualization and sexual health education.

Intended audience: Classroom teachers of all grade levelsand subject areas, substitute teachers, guidance counsellors,administrators, youth health centre coordinators and boardconsultants.

Leader: Lisa Tobin, Sexual Health Coordinator, Department ofHealth and Wellness

Date: August 22, 2013

Time: 9:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m.

Location: Nova Scotia Community CollegeWaterfront Campus 80 Mawiomi Place, Dartmouth, NS

Professional Development Hours: 6

Fee: $30Student/Substitute teacher fee: $20

Maximum Participants: 30

Minimum Participants: 12

Registration Deadline: August 1, 2013

Session Information Natalie FlinnContact: [email protected]

(902) 424-6134

Registration information is available athttps://edapps.ednet.ns.ca/SummerSession/ or by phone at (902) 424-5996.

SolidWorks 101This institute involves two days of hands-on learning with theSolidWorks solid modelling software that was implemented tosupport Communications Technology 11, CommunicationsTechnology 12 and Exploring Technology 10. All high schoolsin the province have a lifetime 30-seat license for thissoftware. Beginner and intermediate learners will beaddressed throughout these sessions. No prior knowledgenecessary.

Participants may bring a school laptop with SolidWorksinstalled. Computers with SolidWorks will also be provided.

Leader: Janie Lumsden, Communications Technology Teacher

Dates: August 22–23, 2013

Time: 9:00 a.m.–3:30 p.m.

Locations: Nova Scotia Community CollegeWaterfront Campus80 Mawiomi Place, Dartmouth, NS

Professional Development Hours: 12

Fee: $25

Maximum Participants: 20

Registration Deadline: August 10, 2013

Session Information Kilah HaydenContact: [email protected]

(902) 896-2459

Registration information is available athttps://edapps.ednet.ns.ca/SummerSession/ or by phone at (902) 424-5996.

The Reflective Diversity PractitionerThis three-day course offers an opportunity for teachers andprincipals to examine their vocation and roles from anintegrated approach of reflection through creative expression.

As educational leaders, participants will be invited to criticallyexamine and make-meaning of diversity issues in educationalpractice. By examining individual beliefs, attitudes and values,participants will learn how to “read” the affect/effect of theirpractice on their students.

Participants will be engaged and encouraged to share bestpractices, which could be used as tools to build peaceful andsocially just schools.

Intended audience: All teachers, soon-to-be teachers, oreducators / practitioners are welcome.

Leader: Sherida Sherry Hassanali, Multicultural EducationConsultant, Department of Education and Early ChildhoodDevelopment

Dates: August 20–22, 2013

Time: 9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.

Location: Nova Scotia Community CollegeWaterfront Campus 80 Mawiomi Place, Dartmouth, NS

Professional Development Hours: 18

Fee: $120Student/Substitute teacher: $60

Maximum Participants: 30

Minimum Participants: 10

Registration Deadline: August 5, 2013

Session Information Sherry HassanaliContact: [email protected]

Registration information is available athttps://edapps.ednet.ns.ca/SummerSession/ or phone Leigh Daniels at (902) 424-7454.

Special Session Information / Notes: Participants are askedto wear comfortable clothing as these will be interactivesessions.



Technology Education 9 Teacher WorkshopThis institute is an extension of the professional developmentimplementation workshop for Technology Education 7–9curriculum that was offered May 3–4, 2012, and June 6–7,2013. Participants will take part in hands-on, minds-onlearning activities and design challenges in all modules of theTechnology Education curriculum, Grade 9: CommunicationsTechnology, Energy Engineering, Inventions and Innovations,Production Technology. The workshop will be flexible to meetthe needs of individuals.

Leader: Rob MacIlreith, Teacher, Halifax Regional School Board

Dates: August 22–23, 2013

Time: 9:00 a.m.–3:30 p.m.

Location: Leslie Thomas Junior High School,100 Metropolitan AvenueLower Sackville, NS

Professional Development Hours: 12

Fee: $25

Maximum Participants: 20

Registration Deadline: August 10, 2013

Session Information Kilah HaydenContact: [email protected]

(902) 896-2459

Registration information is available athttps://edapps.ednet.ns.ca/SummerSession/ or by phone at (902) 424-5996.

Understanding Bullying/Cyberbullyingand Responding EffectivelyThis full-day workshop will be developed and deliveredcollaboratively with author Barbara Kaiser and KathleenRichard, the Anti-Bullying / NS Youth Advisory CouncilCoordinator.

This workshop will provide more information aboutunderstanding and responding to bullying and cyberbullying.

Intended audience: Teachers, substitute teachers,administrators, guidance counsellors, learning centre andresource teachers are welcome. This workshop is relevant forall grade levels.

Leaders: Kathleen Richard, Anti-bullying/Nova Scotia YouthAdvisory Council Coordinator, Department of Education andEarly Childhood Development, Barbara Kaiser, Author,Challenging Behaviour in Elementary and Middle School:Understanding, Preventing and Responding Effectively

Date: August 22, 2013

Time: 9:30 a.m.–3:00 p.m.

Location: Nova Scotia Community CollegeWaterfront Campus 80 Mawiomi Place, Dartmouth, NS

Professional Development Hours: 5.5

Fee: $40Student/Substitute teacher fee: $20

Maximum Participants: 30

Minimum Participants: 10

Registration Deadline: August 13, 2013

Session Information Kathleen RichardContact: [email protected]

Registration information is available athttps://edapps.ednet.ns.ca/SummerSession/ or phone Leigh Daniels at (902) 424-7454.

Universal Design for Learning (UDL)Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a framework forcurriculum and lesson design to increase access to learning forall students recognizing the range of learning styles andabilities. In today’s classroom, individual variability is the normrather than the exception, and UDL can help teachers to meetdiverse learning needs and reduce barriers to learning in waysthat benefit all students. This introductory workshop willexplore the concept of Universal Design for Learning, andintroduce three primary principles based on research, thatprovide a blueprint for creating instructional goals, methods,materials and assessments, that can be customized to fitindividual student learner profiles.

Intended audience: Classroom/subject teachers, learningcentre and resource teachers, program and student servicesconsultants / facilitators—this workshop is intended forteachers and others working at the grade 7–12 level(s).

Leaders: Alex Bruce, Special Education ConsultantJanet Porter, Literacy Support Consultant, Department ofEducation and Early Childhood Development

Date: August 21, 2013

Time: 9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.

Location: Nova Scotia Community CollegeWaterfront Campus 80 Mawiomi Place, Dartmouth, NS

Professional Development Hours: 6

Fee: $40Student/Substitute teacher fee: $25

Maximum Participants: 25

Minimum Participants: 15

Registration Deadline: July 30, 2013

Session Information Alex BruceContact: [email protected]

Janet [email protected]

Registration information is available athttps://edapps.ednet.ns.ca/SummerSession/ or phone Leigh Daniels at (902) 424-7454.

Using Technology to Enhance Learning:An Introduction to FLARE and FUNDAMENTALS,ORIGO Videos and the Primary–3 Learning Commons (Moodle)

Teachers will be introduced to three new electronic resources,FLARE, FUNDAMENTALS and ORIGO Videos, which are housedin the P–3 Learning Commons on Moodle.

Intended audience: This session is appropriate to all grade P–3 teachers interested in using technology to support learningin the mathematics classroom.

Leaders: Jamie Fraser, Bound2Learn, Robin Harris,Mathematics Curriculum Services, Department of Educationand Early Childhood Development

Dates: August 23, 2013

Time: 9:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m.

Location: Dr. J. H. Gillis Regional High School105 Braemore AvenueAntigonish, NS

Professional Development Hours: 5

Fee: $65 (Nutrition break and lunch are included in registration fee).

Maximum Participants: 60

Minimum Participants: 10

Registration Deadline: June 30, 2013

Session Information Mark PettipasContact: [email protected]

Strait Regional School Board

Registration information— Please contact Beryl Hadley [email protected] or by phone at (902) 747-3670 [ext. 2221] for information on the registration and feepayment process.



Video Production and Digitization forTechnology EducationThis workshop will be a learning opportunity for technologyeducation teachers to expand their knowledge about videoproduction and distribution using basic software available inmost schools. Participants will take part in video productionand photography activities related to digitizing images, soundand microphone techniques, editorializing and production tipsand tricks. Teachers of Technology Education 7, 8, or 9,Communications Technology 11 or 12, Film and VideoProduction 12 and Multimedia 12 are encouraged to attend.

Leader: Matt Corkum, NSCC Instructor

Date: August 21–22, 2013

Time: 9:00 a.m.–3:30 p.m.

Location: Nova Scotia Community CollegeWaterfront Campus 80 Mawiomi Place, Dartmouth, NS

Professional Development Hours: 12

Fee: $25

Maximum Participants: 20

Registration Deadline: August 10, 2013

Session Information Kilah HaydenContact: [email protected]

(902) 896-2459

Registration information is available athttps://edapps.ednet.ns.ca/SummerSession/ or by phone at (902) 424-5996.

Visual Arts—Mosaicmania: ACollaborative Mosaic WorkshopThis two-day workshop is an exploration through a series ofmosaic processes and techniques. While collaborating, we willcreate a glass mosaic, becoming inspired by this mindful andmeditative art experience. Side by side we will explore thisancient surface art form, creating patterns and imagery out ofmixed materials. We will also explore animal, fish and reptileskin through beaded patterns on 3-D forms. Finally we willdesign and create signage made up of recycled objects andtreasures. Come and learn this beautiful art form, bringing thecontagious mosaic back with you into your classroom. Theprocesses we learn can be shared with student’s ages 5–100years old.

Intended audience: Visual arts specialists, classroom teachersgrades P–12.

Leader: Halifax artist, Miro Davis, is well-known for hercollaborative community-based projects of sculptural murals.Her work underscores the importance of creativity to our day-to-day lives and to society as a whole.

Dates: August 19–20, 2013

Time: 9:00-a.m.–3:30 p.m.

Location: Nova Scotia Community CollegeWaterfront Campus 80 Mawiomi Place, Dartmouth, NS

Professional Development Hours: 12

Fee: $50Student/Substitute teacher fee: $20

Maximum Participants: 25

Minimum Participants: 5

Registration Deadline: July 31, 2013

Session Information Ardith HaleyContact: [email protected]

(902) 424-8894

Registration information is available athttps://edapps.ednet.ns.ca/SummerSession/ or by phone at (902) 424-5996.

Special Session Information / Notes: Please bring in anexample of the skin (outer texture-pattern) from the creatureof your choice—animal, reptile, or fish. Please wear non-precious clothes, as we will be getting messy!


What Is Bullying? Creating a Safe and Secure Learning EnvironmentThis full-day workshop will be developed and deliveredcollaboratively with author Barbara Kaiser and KathleenRichard, the Anti-Bullying / NS Youth Advisory CouncilCoordinator.

This workshop will focus on defining bullying andcyberbullying behaviours and how to address them and pointout what educators and schools are already doing.

Intended audience: Teachers, substitute teachers,administrators, guidance counsellors, learning centre andresource teachers are welcome. This workshop is relevant forall grade levels.

Leaders: Kathleen Richard, Anti-bullying/Nova Scotia YouthAdvisory Council Coordinator, Department of Education andEarly Childhood Development, Barbara Kaiser, Author,Challenging Behaviour in Elementary and Middle School:Understanding, Preventing and Responding Effectively.

Date: August 20, 2013

Time: 9:30 a.m.–3:00 p.m.

Location: Nova Scotia Community CollegeWaterfront Campus80 Mawiomi Place, Dartmouth, NS

Professional Development Hours: 5.5

Fee: $40Student/Substitute teacher fee: $20

Maximum Participants: 30

Minimum Participants: 10

Registration Deadline: August 13, 2013

Session Information Kathleen RichardContact: [email protected]

Registration information is available athttps://edapps.ednet.ns.ca/SummerSession/ or phone Leigh Daniels at (902) 424-7454.

Wood Production Technology: BasicSafety and Operating Procedures—Intermediate LevelTeachers who participate in this two-day, hands-on sessionwill learn the basic skills required to operate and teach in aproduction technology facility. Lab and machine safety andoperation will be covered in detail and practised by allparticipants. This session will include safety testing proceduresfor students, basic lab safety and safe and practical operationof machines such as the band saw, drill press, table saw,jointer, thickness planer and hand power tools. This workshopwill also focus on manufacturing processes, including jigs andfixtures. This institute can serve as a refresher for veterantechnology educators or as a part two of the WoodProduction: Beginner Level Institute. (Some prior knowledgerequired.)

Leader: Craig Thornton, Technology Education Teacher,Halifax Regional School Board

Dates: August 21–22, 2013

Time: 9:00 a.m.–3:30 p.m.

Location: Halifax West High School283 Thomas Raddall DriveHalifax, NS

Professional Development Hours: 12

Fee: $25

Maximum Participants: 14

Registration Deadline: August 10, 2013

Session Information Kilah HaydenContact: [email protected]

(902) 896-2459

Registration information is available athttps://edapps.ednet.ns.ca/SummerSession/ or by phone at (902) 424-5996.


Wood Production Technology: BasicSafety and Operating Procedures—Introductory LevelTeachers who participate in this two-day, hands-on sessionwill learn the basic skills required to operate and teach in aproduction technology facility. Lab and machine safety andoperation will be covered in detail and practiced by allparticipants. This session will include safety testing proceduresfor students, basic lab safety and safe and practical operationof machines such as the band saw, drill press, table saw,jointer, thickness planer and hand power tools. This institutecan serve as a refresher for veteran technology educators or asan introduction for teachers new to the field. (No priorknowledge required.)

Leader: Craig Thornton, Technology Education Teacher,Halifax Regional School Board

Dates: August 19–20, 2013

Time: 9:00 a.m.–3:30 p.m.

Location: Halifax West High School283 Thomas Raddall DriveHalifax, NS

Professional Development Hours: 14

Fee: $25

Maximum Participants: 14

Registration Deadline: August 10, 2013

Session Information Kilah HaydenContact: [email protected]

(902) 896-2459

Registration information is available athttps://edapps.ednet.ns.ca/SummerSession/ or by phone at (902) 424-5996.

Appendices• Autism Atlantic Registration form (see pages 4 and 5 forinstitute descriptions)

• EDUfest Kids! Registration form (see page 8 for institutedescription)

• Mail-in registration form (English and French) for all othersummer institutes

Autism Atlantic Summer Institute 2013Deadline: June 30, 2013

• Please make cheque or money order payable to Autism Atlantic Consulting Services.• Please forward completed registration form by email to [email protected] or by mail to the specific address below.


School: School Board:


Phone: (h) (c) Email:

Affiliation: • Classroom Teacher • Resource/Learning Centre Teacher

• Other Professional (please specify)

Grade Level: Subject(s) Taught:

How long have you been in your present position?

Do you have prior training in Autism? (Please specify)

If you require any special assistance or havefood allergies, please specify your needs.

I would like to attend:Autism and the Elementary Years• Date: August 19–23, 2013• Location: NSCC, Waterfront Campus,Dartmouth

• Registration Fee: $550• Student/Substitute Teacher Fee: $450

Please forward payment for this session toKym HumeRR 3, Middleton, NS B0S 1P0

Autism at the Secondary Level• Date: August 27–29, 2013• Location: CSAP Regional Office250 Brownlow Avenue, Dartmouth

• Registration Fee: $330• Student Substitute Teacher Fee: $270

Please forward payment for this session toYvonne Rafuse78 Rafuse Point RoadPleasantville, NS B0R 1G0

You will receive email confirmationthat there is a space being held foryou. To guarantee your space,payment in full must be sent nolater than July 16, 2013.

Your receipt will be included inyour participant’s package.

Cancellation Policy: Refunds willbe processed only if cancellation isreceived by July 30, 2013. A $25cancellation fee per registrant willbe deducted from the refund. Afterthat date, you will receive 50% ofyour fee, unless the seat can befilled.


EDUfest KIDS! (Ages 5–7 and/or 8–11)Deadline: August 10, 2013 Payment: Cheque or money order made out to Minister of Finance

Contact: Sheila Munro at [email protected]

Participant(s) Information

First Name: Last Name: Age: Health Card #:

Please indicate food allergies / medical conditions, or special needs for the participant:

Sibling(s) Information

First Name: Last Name: Age: Health Card #:

Please indicate food allergies / medical conditions, or special needs for the participant:

First Name: Last Name: Age: Health Card #:

Please indicate food allergies / medical conditions, or special needs for the participant:

Parent/Guardian Information

First Name: Last Name: Phone #: Email #:

Workshop(s) parent/guardian will be attending:

Alternative Emergency Contact Name: Phone #: Relationship to child(ren):

Please check all dates you wish your child(ren) to attend EDUfest KIDS:

� Check Date Cost (per child) Name of child(ren) attending: Age 5–7 Age 8–11

August 19 $20

August 20 $20

August 21 $20

August 22 $20

August 23 $20


Important Information about Mail-in Registrations:This is not a confirmation of registration; you have notofficially registered for this Institute.

• When your registration form and payment have beenreceived a confirmation will be sent to you by email.

• There is no guarantee that there will be an availability of seats in this Institute by the time your registrationreaches us.

Please mail form(s) complete with cheque or money order to:Department of Education and Early Childhood DevelopmentEnglish Program Services Attention: Daniel GervaisBrunswick Place2021 Brunswick Street, PO Box 578Halifax, NS B3J 2S9

Note: Faxes are not accepted


EDUfest 2013 Mail-in Registration Form

Title of Institute:

Date(s) of Institute:


Participant Name: Professional I.D. #:

Teacher Yes / No OR Substitute Teacher Yes / No Other

Pre-service teacher Yes / No University

School Board: School:

School Address: Postal Code:

Home Address: Postal Code:

Summer Address (if different than above): Postal Code:

School Telephone Number: Home/Summer Telephone Number:

Email Address:

Payment: Cheque or money order made out to Minister of Finance

Informations importantes sur les inscriptionsenvoyées par la poste :• Ceci n’est pas une confirmation de l’inscription. Vous n’êtespas encore officiellement inscrit(e) à cet institut.

• Une fois que votre formulaire d’inscription et votrepaiement nous seront parvenus, vous recevrez uneconfirmation par courriel.

• Nous ne pouvons pas garantir qu’il restera encore desplaces disponibles pour l’institut au moment où nousrecevrons votre demande d’inscription.

Détails concernant le paiement :• Vous devez accompagner votre formulaire d’inscriptiond’un chèque ou mandat-poste libellé à l’ordre du «Ministre des Finances ».

• Nous n’accepterons pas les formulaires envoyés partélécopie.

Veuillez envoyer votre (vos) formulaire(s) avecchèque ou mandat-poste à l’adresse suivante :

Department of Education and Early Childhood DevelopmentEnglish Program Services Attention: Daniel GervaisBrunswick Place2021 Brunswick Street, PO Box 578Halifax, NS B3J 2S9

2013 EDUfest Formulaire d’inscription à envoyer par la posteNom de l’institut :

Date(s) de l’institut :

Lieu :

Nom du (de la) participant(e) : Numéro d’identité professionnelle :

Conseil scolaire : École :

Adresse de l’école : Code postal :

Adresse du domicile : Code postal :

Adresse d’été (si différent que ci-dessus) : Code postal :

Numéro de téléphone de l’école :

Numéro de téléphone à domicile ou pendant l’été :

Adresse de courriel :

