ETHIKA - Ethics Educa Dadd Topic: Se Age Group: 5- s and Values Education in Scho Kindergartens ational Resource dy is a superhero elf esteem -7 years old ools and es o!

Educational Resources Daddy is a superhero! - Ethika · Ethics and Values Education 6 Game Each child is given a sheet with star to be colo write their name and the three things s/he

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ETHIKA - Ethics and Values Education in Schools and

Educational ResourcesDaddy is a superhero!

Topic: Self esteemAge Group: 5-

Ethics and Values Education in Schools and Kindergartens

Educational ResourcesDaddy is a superhero!

Self esteem -7 years old

Ethics and Values Education in Schools and

Educational Resources Daddy is a superhero!

Ethics and Values Education - Educational Materials and Tools



Eduardo Linares and M. Begoña Arenas.


We would like to thank the all teachers and educators that participated at the Ethics and Vales Education training events in Ljubljana (23-27 March 2015) and Zadar (11-16 April 2016) and all other teachers and educators that are involved in the Ethika project for providing valuable feedback on the contents of these materials and tools.


© 2015 iStockpicture


Materials can be used according to the:

Creative Commons Non Commercial Share Alike license


This project has been funded with the support of the European Union and the Slovenian National Agency for the Erasmus+ Programme. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the European Union and the Slovenian National Agency for the Erasmus+ Programme cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Ethics and Values Education - Educational Materials and Tools


Table of contents

Daddy is a superhero! .......................................................................................................... 5

Description of workshop ................................................................................................... 5

Did you know?.................................................................................................................. 6

Ideas for additional activities ............................................................................................ 7


The ETHIKA educational materials:

Conflict resolution

Ethical action




Who's faster?






Sign Choosing






We all like our

logo Civic action


1 y


Making Peace Code of ethics for






Listening and

Communication Skills

Charity club for a

better world

Ethika advocates for moral education in pre

We hope this material will bring a new dimension to fostering tolerance, understanding and respect for diversity among young people.

The following educational material was designed within the context of the projectEthics and Values Education in Schools and Kwith teachers and parents coming from Croatia, Slovenia, Spain, Italy, Germany and Austria through focus groups and questionnaires are: Conflict resolutionJustice, Respect, Responsibility, Self es

Each material is accompanied by key learning points as well as several interesting facts or pieces of information which are intended to be used to provoke further discussion. The most appropriate age group and related emotional intelligence are indic

Wherever possible we have included a short interactive activity that can bestudents or a series of suggested questions to ask, in order to introduce the topic of each material. Should you wish to explore certain topics or themes further, each material includes a link to other related one. A general list of additrelated to the topics is also provided.

The material and accompanying text are designed as standalone educational aids. In this respect, the manual is intended to provide an overall framework from which you can pick and choose the issues most relevant to your activities. The manual can be used within any country or context as it deals with issues, which are cross

Ethics and Values Education - Educational Materials and Tools

The ETHIKA educational materials:

Ethical action Justice Respect Responsibility



Tomato’s feelings

The speeches

round Pumpkin


Sad Broccoli

Elf’s Box

Story about


Civic action

Unfair rain

Why do we need to respect others?

A Girl Dog

Code of ethics for


What is justice?

Step forward Superheroes

Charity club for a better world

The Mathe-matics exam

The Debate and

the Jury A poem for a better world

Ethika advocates for moral education in pre-primary, primary and secondary schools:www.ethics

We hope this material will bring a new dimension to your work and inspire you to use it for fostering tolerance, understanding and respect for diversity among young people.

The following educational material was designed within the context of the projectEthics and Values Education in Schools and Kindergartens. The topics chosen together with teachers and parents coming from Croatia, Slovenia, Spain, Italy, Germany and Austria through focus groups and questionnaires are: Conflict resolutionJustice, Respect, Responsibility, Self esteem.

Each material is accompanied by key learning points as well as several interesting facts or pieces of information which are intended to be used to provoke further discussion. The most appropriate age group and related emotional intelligence are indic

Wherever possible we have included a short interactive activity that can bestudents or a series of suggested questions to ask, in order to introduce the topic of each material. Should you wish to explore certain topics or themes further, each material includes a link to other related one. A general list of additional educational resources related to the topics is also provided.

The material and accompanying text are designed as standalone educational aids. In this respect, the manual is intended to provide an overall framework from which you can pick

the issues most relevant to your activities. The manual can be used within any country or context as it deals with issues, which are cross-border and universal.

Educational Materials and Tools


Self esteem

Pumpkin Signs

Puppet’s problems

Story about


Daddy is a superhero!

A Girl and a


Try to find positive


Just be you!

A poem for a better world



primary, primary and secondary schools: www.ethics-education.eu

your work and inspire you to use it for fostering tolerance, understanding and respect for diversity among young people.

The following educational material was designed within the context of the project ETHIKA - The topics chosen together

with teachers and parents coming from Croatia, Slovenia, Spain, Italy, Germany and Austria through focus groups and questionnaires are: Conflict resolution , Ethical action,

Each material is accompanied by key learning points as well as several interesting facts or pieces of information which are intended to be used to provoke further discussion. The most appropriate age group and related emotional intelligence are indicated.

Wherever possible we have included a short interactive activity that can be carried out with students or a series of suggested questions to ask, in order to introduce the topic of each material. Should you wish to explore certain topics or themes further, each material

ional educational resources

The material and accompanying text are designed as standalone educational aids. In this respect, the manual is intended to provide an overall framework from which you can pick

the issues most relevant to your activities. The manual can be used within any border and universal.

Ethics and Values Education - Educational Materials and Tools


Daddy is a superhero!

Topic: Self esteem

Age range: 5-7 years old

Time: 30 – 40 minutes

Materials and tools: tale: Daddy is a superhero, pieces of blank sheets and pencils, cardboard box or plastic bag

Educational methods: 2: Philosophy for and with children; 5: Holistic ethical learning; 7: Stories and biographical learning; 11: Virtue and ethics education - the MELARETE model

Ethical values, arguments and themes: self-esteem, emotions, empathy, dialogue

Key learning points: Encourage children to:

• think about esteem and self-esteem (adapted to their age)

• understand what esteem is and the importance of give and receive affection and encouraging words

The main aim is to develop moral virtues, habits and other aspects of character, which then can be translated into morally correct actions.

Description of workshop

Make all children sit in a circle and make sure as workshop leader that they are relaxed. . Now read to the children the tale: Daddy is a superhero:

Violet is always happy because her father is a super hero and has incredible superpowers! One of such powers is to make people happy but, how? Violet knows very well the secret: Every morning before going to school, he tells her super-words. Her classmates have parents who devote them advices such as "be careful”, “hurry up or you will be late ","do not forget to brush your teeth ", etc. But they would like to find out about the super-words Violet's father is telling her. One morning they spy and find out about the words: “Violet, my super girl, have a super day”

Once the tale is finished, you can pose the following question: “What makes Violet feel happy?“ The assumption is that the children will answer because of the super-words.

Then the workshop leader asks a second question: “Why does the super-words makes Violet feel happy?“ leading a short discussion about the answers to the question. The workshop leader can guide the discussion by asking new questions like: “Do we like to hear nice words from friends or family?”, “How do we feel when we hear those words?”, “Are we able to make others feel good with our words?”, “Do we have superpowers?”, “Can we be a superhero as Violet’s Dad is?”

Once the children have shortly discussed about it, it is time to play a short game, just to give them a break.



Each child is given a sheet with star to be colowrite their name and the three things s/he likes to do. Once they have all finished, stars are exchanged with the children on their right. 2 children will say out loud what is written and then the teacher will ask whoabout what you most enjoy doing. The act of reading out loud the likes of another classmate, favours the integration of their preferences with others).

After the game make the children sit in their uand introduce the next exercise called “Let’s use our superpowers creating superFirstly, the workshop leader reads the introduction to the game: “Invent superyour parents, your teacher, or the etc.). When they finish (3-4 minutes), ask for volunteers to read their super

The second part of the exercise consists in asking the children to write super-words for their partners in a smapiece of paper, to bend it several times and put them in a cardboard box or plastic bag. Once all the superare in the box or plastic bag, the workshop leader has to mix all the pieces of paper and make the children pick out one paper from it. The children will read the superwords written down in their papers and are invited to react by raising their hands in order to vote the phrases they best like.

The three or four super-words more voted, will be written in a visible place (board or similar).

After the voting round, the workshop leader should read each sentence, pick out a child and ask him or her: “Why would you like to hear that phrase from a class mate?”. It is necessary to ask them to express their feelings (e.g. “how the sentence makes you “would like to hear such supergood, do you think can make feel the same to other?”, “If we have the power/ability to make others feel good, should we use it?”, “What is esteem and/or selfuse to express your esteem for your parents or friends?”, “Does your family/parents use to express esteem to you?”)

Go through all the sentences. The aim is to make a first approach to the terms of esteem and self-esteem, help them show therefore the power they have to make others feel good: words are valuable gifts we all need to give generously.

Did you know?

• The word "superhero" dates to at least 1917. Antecedents of the archetype includesuch folkloric heroes as Robin Hood, who adventured in distinctive clothing.

• Some examples/quotes from the history of ethics: “I can control my passions and emotions if I can understand their nature”, Baruch Spinoza

• “Interesting” facts: Middle-and elderly people. Studies show that the evolution of human empathy throughout adult life describes the shape of a "U" inverted; reaching the maximum in people aged around fifty.

Ethics and Values Education - Educational Materials and Tools

Each child is given a sheet with star to be coloured with their preferred colour, they must write their name and the three things s/he likes to do. Once they have all finished, stars are exchanged with the children on their right. 2 children will say out loud what is written and then the teacher will ask who wrote them. (This activity requires the child to think about what you most enjoy doing. The act of reading out loud the likes of another classmate, favours the integration of their preferences with others).

After the game make the children sit in their usual places, gives them paper and pencils and introduce the next exercise called “Let’s use our superpowers creating superFirstly, the workshop leader reads the introduction to the game: “Invent superyour parents, your teacher, or the school staff (bus driver, concierge, cleaners, gardeners,

4 minutes), ask for volunteers to read their super

The second part of the exercise consists in asking the words for their partners in a small

piece of paper, to bend it several times and put them in a cardboard box or plastic bag. Once all the super-words are in the box or plastic bag, the workshop leader has to mix all the pieces of paper and make the children pick

children will read the super-words written down in their papers and are invited to react by raising their hands in order to vote the phrases

words more voted, will be written in a visible place (board or

fter the voting round, the workshop leader should read each sentence, pick out a child and ask him or her: “Why would you like to hear that phrase from a class mate?”. It is necessary to ask them to express their feelings (e.g. “how the sentence makes you “would like to hear such super-words from a partner?”, “If the sentence makes you feel good, do you think can make feel the same to other?”, “If we have the power/ability to make others feel good, should we use it?”, “What is esteem and/or selfuse to express your esteem for your parents or friends?”, “Does your family/parents use to

Go through all the sentences. The aim is to make a first approach to the terms of esteem esteem, help them show their feelings when they receive nice words and

therefore the power they have to make others feel good: words are valuable gifts we all

The word "superhero" dates to at least 1917. Antecedents of the archetype includeRobin Hood, who adventured in distinctive clothing.

Some examples/quotes from the history of ethics: “I can control my passions and emotions if I can understand their nature”, Baruch Spinoza

-aged population are more able to feel empathy than young and elderly people. Studies show that the evolution of human empathy throughout adult life describes the shape of a "U" inverted; reaching the maximum in people aged

Educational Materials and Tools

with their preferred colour, they must write their name and the three things s/he likes to do. Once they have all finished, stars are exchanged with the children on their right. 2 children will say out loud what is written

wrote them. (This activity requires the child to think about what you most enjoy doing. The act of reading out loud the likes of another

sual places, gives them paper and pencils and introduce the next exercise called “Let’s use our superpowers creating super-words!“. Firstly, the workshop leader reads the introduction to the game: “Invent super-words for

school staff (bus driver, concierge, cleaners, gardeners, 4 minutes), ask for volunteers to read their super-words.

words more voted, will be written in a visible place (board or

fter the voting round, the workshop leader should read each sentence, pick out a child and ask him or her: “Why would you like to hear that phrase from a class mate?”. It is necessary to ask them to express their feelings (e.g. “how the sentence makes you feel?”,

words from a partner?”, “If the sentence makes you feel good, do you think can make feel the same to other?”, “If we have the power/ability to make others feel good, should we use it?”, “What is esteem and/or self-esteem?”, “Do you use to express your esteem for your parents or friends?”, “Does your family/parents use to

Go through all the sentences. The aim is to make a first approach to the terms of esteem their feelings when they receive nice words and

therefore the power they have to make others feel good: words are valuable gifts we all

The word "superhero" dates to at least 1917. Antecedents of the archetype include Robin Hood, who adventured in distinctive clothing.

Some examples/quotes from the history of ethics: “I can control my passions and

tion are more able to feel empathy than young and elderly people. Studies show that the evolution of human empathy throughout adult life describes the shape of a "U" inverted; reaching the maximum in people aged

Ethics and Values Education - Educational Materials and Tools


Ideas for additional activities

A weekly/monthly price can be given to the best super-words said by a classmate.