EDUCATION. I.IGIIT SI'KKKT INSTITUTE, f:V Lltlll I' t'HF. Urijiimn- the M f. Church , JOHN' II K A*)|| I ELL, A. M., I'ltl.N' II'AT.. rBVIB A EXT SESSION! of this t- ti<>.>l will .8 COUIIII-'IR'C Hi- FI KS I' (IF .SEPI KM HEK. Tin' l'iiik ropiests his scholars to bu punctual in their ntinudanen on tint day. {??*' "I IOAU.'-*. iviih MI ?I - of patrons, referenc-, teriii.'. K.- , enn be obtained of tliu I'tint ipa!. (i'J.'l-iul'rbt EAST ISAi.TI.MORE FEM \LE SEMEVA- KV, No. HI) EAS'l' BALTIMORE ST., OFT'OSLTK ALSTJCITH. FgIUE EVJ.i. TKBSI of tins 1 natitution will \u25ba J9 imiiiiii MOO on MONDAY'. Hie first of Sept.-iu ber, umlur Hi ? .'irueif'in of A. I!. ATKINS, 11. A.. Frio cipal; 1,. I. KOOT, Assistant; Mono. THOMAS .1. lit SOOAKD, Prof, of French; Mrs. CHARLOTTK SCIIKT TER, Teachur upon tin- Piano Forte. Tne desianed .Object is to make this Institution second to none in Ftiie tlta e. The plan pursued is to induce indepen Wei cc of thought on the part of the pupils, and lo Live a thorough knowledge of the hrunclies taught. ASo far as those objects are attained encouragement is solicited. The course of study embraces three departments- Junior, Middle and Senior. There are two examina- tions in the Academical year, one lit the elsoe of the ! second term, the other at the end of the year. Each term there will he a leview of the studies of the term, j No pupil can he advanced into the nex; higfier depart- * i-'iit antil she has passe J a satisfactory examination n all the studies of the previous department. Fie- I unsure awarded annually to the three best scholars in a'h department?they are also awarded far Com- tinus to the two best of each of the two higher 'rtinents. j'-A limited number of Boarders accommodated . Ji'.e .Seminary building. TERMS: Bri Senior Department, sll (i 0 ' Middle do. 1 ' Oil Rt Junior do. 10 no /? Music, Drawing. Painting and the Ornamental \u25a0 " lii's at Professors' prices. ? -In;Principal would particularly refer to: 'l' Rev. Along! Potter, 11. 11. L. 1,. D., l'enn. Ju< Eljphah't IVott, D, 11. 1,. 1,. I)., Schenectady, -y Cyrus Mason, D. II , Prof. N. Y. University. R* M. V. It. Johns, D. ii., Baltimore. John C. Backus, <' JjD.'i's James Uarivoml, n23-ll i I;v, .I E. HUM iNSTi ruTE FOK LA- DIES, No. 3U7 VY. PRATT STRVKT ,Wi 11 be opened on MONDAY, the Ist of September next. I |, reasonable. [,J AIJ II" | 10 01 .HE. A. T. HU.J AC'S 1 FKENCIL AN'I ENGLISH ACADEMY FOR I LJ YOUNG LADIES. -S.JwfußA street, Jormertij McEldcrry't Mansion, BALTIMORE. US}l IIK, dttiies of the Academy will he resumed on SL the FIRST MONDAY' in September, all) e2w : A CAIID. MRS. SARAH VV. ALLEN would j I-f respectfully infoim llie ladies of Baltimore that j I She wishes to take a Glass of YOUNG L ADIES, to teach Ike following Ornamental Work, vi/.: lirst. i PAIVT|\G, Landscape and Flowers; second, WAX W()M(, Fruit and Flowers; third, WORSTED EM- i BROIDERY. Those who wish to enter the class are ; respcaful y requested to call at her residence (Rcv'd I E. E.M.LEN'S,) Ne. 823 Ninth GAY ST., 3 rtoors East < Alsqiiitli street, and examine some of herspe- I cinieit. She will commence the Ist of September. ] TluDmtiibuses run from the door to the corner of Howltl and Madison sis. al!)-eo3t | CI INTRAL CObI.ERIATK INSTITUTE,! /No. 90 FAYETTE STREET. Parents who desil to furnish their children with a liberal and com plct/Glassicnl, Scientific nad Metheinatical Educa- j tiotjire respectfully invited to examine lite system of j insliietinn adopted in litis institution. / few vacancies yet remain to be filled for the e I su'ig scholastic year, which commences on the Ist t t September next. WILLIAM 11. SMITH, Jy2s-tf Principal of Classical Department, j MEUPIEI.D BOARDING! SCHOOL. FOR | BOYS. Mr. .TOIIN PRKNTISS has the pleasure ol j . informing his friends and pair out? that, having ? ecovercd from his recent indisposition, he proposes ; to resume the duties of his school, ni his residence on i the Falls Turnpike Koad, miles from the city of I Baltimore, on MONDAY, the Ist of September. To persons desirous of having their sons educated j in the country this school presents the advantages of! hfcing situated in ft district of country remarkable for its Ueulthftilness and easy of access from the city of] Baltimore; of being limited in the number of its pu- pils, so as to b under the immediate and exclusive I instruction of the principal; of embincing an exlemivc ! and thorough course of instruction both English and Classical, and of being essentially domestic and pa- I rental in its mode of discipline, so that every possible j attention i< paid to the comfort, the manners and the . morals of the pupils. Mr. I 'UENTISS having been for twenty years Known in thi* coHiuiunity as a teacher, and for a consider- able portion of that time as the President of the Col- legiate Department of the University of Maryland, deems a reference to individuals unnecessary; but will furnish, if it be desired, testimonials of capacity and fidelity which cannot fail to be satisfactory. A j few vacancies remain to he filled. Persons desirous i of communicating with Mr. Prentiss willfind him at! his residence, or may address liitn at Baltimore thro' j e post office. A prospectus of the School may be j ?rained at the book store of Mr. Colb irn, 171 Haiti i re street, or it will be forwarded to the address of i.iose who desire it. Mi:nm u>, Aug. is, 1-1"). &91-eo9w PUBLIC SCHOOLS. rjmiE DUTIES of the Pub.ic Schools will be) H resumed on MONDAY, Sept. Ist, by the several Principals in charge. Tuition one dollar per quarter, j .payable in advance. t MALE HIGH SCHOOL, corner of Fayette and J 'tlliday streets?N. C. llimoKs. AM. Principal, v, ypSTKKN FEMALE HIGH SCHOOL, Paca St., F Lexington?ROßT KKIIR, Piinetpal. TERN FEMALE HIGH SCHOOL, corner of J Front streets?E. A. SICKER, Principal, f , ",E AND FEMALE SCHOOLS, No. 1, corner 'ilte and Green streets?M. Connolly and M. \u25a0jtey, Principals. AND FEMALE SCHOOLS, No. 2, corner r dway and Bunk sts. F. P. Dr. F. L. Gram- M. Mcllermott, Principals. SCHOOL, No. 3, Aisquilh near Pitt streets, * lly, Piiacipil. _y ,E SCHOOL, No. 3, cor. of Pitt and Front , '. It Ross, Principal. 1 . AND FEMALE SCHOOLS, No. 4, corner , ® ;ger and Lee stieets?J. 11. Falcuner and 11. v-, gioipala. . <v wAND FEMALE SCHOOLS, No. 5, Monu . >sr Fotest streets?T. II Robinson and E. v > , - riitcipnls. t ' <I,E ANDFEMALE SCHOOLS, No. O.lloss-st. a G'Riddle?E. Y. Rtese and E. Adams, Principals. ; \u25a0 .'1 ALE AND FEMALE SCHOOLS, No. 7,Canton. *1 . Rice. Principal. tl MALE AND FEMALE SCHOOLS, No. 8, Cove ftiear Pratt st ?H.Johnson and 11. E. King, Principals, a. MALE SCHOOL, N0.9, cornea: of Fayette aad 110 l siidav streets?J. Harshaw. P incipal. f MALE AND FEMALE SCHOOLS, No. 10, Light If<treet, F. 11. t* Admission to the Schools will be given by any trif the following COMMISSIONERS: ? J. B. EMERY, corner of Penn and Pratt sts. 8 M. TONER, corner of Perry anj Eutaw sts. lb I). lannis, corner of Market and Howard sts. ,k C. M. KKYSKR, Howard, near Market street, b Dr. J R. W. IIIINDAK, Lombard, near Hanover-at. F] W. F. FRICIC, Jr., Law Buildings. ?j 11. S. SANDERSON, Second st., near Town Clock. W *D. KIRKLAND, Smith's wharf. )?. V.. PUCER, Custom House. J It. BOWIE, No 9 E. Monument street. h ' Titos. WKEDEN, Broadway, near Bank street. VA J. W. RANDOLPH, Braadway and Wilk-st. .for tßev. J. N. MeJih-roN, Hanover, near Conway-st. tjotiN WILSON, Market-st., near the Bridge. - ? By order, 6, -i a2l emit J. W. TII.YARD, Clerk of Coat. I'.S. HF. FREDERICK FEMALE SEMINARY. ..-IHIE NEW and splendid Building and Out- uo I grounds for this arc so fat completed, that the N ehool. in all its departments, will be opened for the eception of Students on MtJNDAY. the first ofSep- ... ; ember next. This Institution consists of three separate and dts- "inct departments, namely: The Juvenile, the Pre t.ufatorv, aad the Collegiate?embracing a lull and ot xteusivn course of Instruction, liom the incipient , atages of no education to the completion of the colic fo' >iate course. r TERMS OF BOARD ANI) TUITION: no) For Hoard and Tuition, in ail the branches re- i i)ot!" ir,,<l '"r " Oiploina, including furnished rooms, fuel, i sights, washing, Sic., per scholastic year, £2O0 ?pitia- ble half yearly in advance. I>ol EXPENSE tip DAY SCHOOL: Lair. For the Juvenile Department, per session, sl9 p., For the Prepnintory Depot tincnt, do. 15 \u25a0/T For the Collegiate Department, do. 29 Ol?" Circulars may bo had by calling nt the Semi- andnary. Parents nnd guardians am invited to call and tjveexainine the Institution. By or'der, ?u'ti _ V. P. BRUNNER, Pec'y. GUARD, FOB AND VEST CHAIN'S. TtJT Finger Rings, Breastpins, Bracelets, Silver ] Je Butter Knives; silver plated Cake Baskets; Castors; Candlesticks; Dixon's best Britannia 6 pieces to tbe svt, new patterns; gold and silver Spectacles at low prices, by GABRIEL D.CLARK, ail Water struct, stuoud itbot irotu wbivark PLEASURE EXCURSIONS. Jv HUA.VU PIILITAKY k\- J} UURsID.Vic t;i)TILMO\ I'AU'I'V MUST U.M/MMORi: i" wmii 11 "ii "ii \ V API'ERNO N -. v J ? oh b'l I'd lhf> ui'll tfi .1 :? illi;-r "ROL'A!IO.\ I*.\S.' ' <ji nn nd. j 'H '?!< lr it. H .MILITARY BAND ?itl:ichrl to the i Inilt'pi inhmt UliK's, ami rrof. >rlES' O )'i'| LI.ION , HAND bei-ii ?ng ; .. 1 lor the occufiiou, 1 A lull >U|{ily iif<,'>ii|:v*ttin'r\, Fruit, lee UPEIIW, ' will be pruviih d a? tuoderatu i>ri< 08. j I'he <>' j ?> t of this Excursion is to aid in raising , lunds or h,Hiding an Arm try,ami tiii'i. li'ilovvsoldiers and citizens are resprctfuilv called upon to lend their as-isiaucc in the accoaipii-iiineiit <>: tin! utuh Halving. Evciy ari.ing' nient will he uiadc to render the Ex cur.-io;: an RgiceHhie one. The h at \ ill leave Light Plreet wh irf at o'clock, j I'. M. touching at the Uoumy wharf going ami return iug, ami proceed down the hay to Annapolis, when: ! an hour or so will In: spent in viewing the ancient j city, Fort Severn, &e. % QIJ" Tickets 50 cents?to he had at the Three Tuns Tavern, Heckrotte's; UoJ. Hickman's; Capt. A. Hol- land's, (Jay st.; Clipper, Sun and Argus oHi es; l'enn svlvauia House, llowaid .street; McMurray's, Falls Road, and at the boat on tlie day of the excursion, tnki stuJt CHERRY POINT CAMP MEETING, DOUGH ESTER COUNTY. The last and commodious Hteam- \]\nf Jthif-r£ boat .SA DNEY, Capt. MOFFITT, will . ~t ave 1,10 intersection of i.ijit and MwHOwSHWlPrntl six. on SATURDAY NIGHT, nl !lu'. i.jck, lb,- t;.c above place mid arrive there on .s.u:<! ly moruiiig early, and land passengers iuinic- dialely at Tie spiit. The Camp has gieatcr facilities lor landing pussuigers than anyone Hint has been held tins season. Persons going down may rely oil none of the inconveniences usually attendant on such occasions. Meals will lie piovided on board at 2o rents?Cnrifi'iiionery at moderate prices. The Boat will leave the Camp at 6 o'clock, P. At. on Sunday. (If?-For tin: round trip Jjil. Tickets can he had al the Clipper ami rum otlires; at David Grieves', and White and CI iss, Fell's Point; at Stephens \ Cuck- rill's, anil of .1. T. Travels, Light street whirl'; also, at tlm who if. {tt/Thfi Boat will stop at the County wharf. F. P., going and returning. N. B. There will be no BAr on board. a2l 3l* CAr E MA Y. V CJTIZESS' UNION J.INK. Jjp>^Mjd^UC[BPasseiige r s for this gelt btated wuter- -i? iug place, by taking the Steam Boat t'ONSTIT'U'FHTN, Capt. Chnvtor. from Baltimore, on Vll l\DAys. WEDNESDAYS, ami FRIDAYS, al .1 o'clock 1 , F. M., will be asoircd of a passage to Cape Mai the next morning, by the superb Steam Boat ROBERT MORRIS, Captain Douglass or the i>ll Ifl, t,amain Davis, wtiich leaves Fhilailelphia on TUESDAYS, THURSDAY'S, and SATURDAYS, touching at Newcastl ? 'or Baliimore passengers. FAIt E from Baltimore to Cape May. including Meals on the Delaware and Hack liire at Cape Island . $3.00. jyl L-tf JPR] CRAWFORD, Agent. IMSHIVfJ KXCUKSIONS 1 TO GUNTOU-Uf.lt -T.Y/T 11USI1 It Iff US. _____ I'ariit-s and individuals can leave ttic Di'iiot, l'rati street, in the passenger train .VryffrE? ihe I'tiiladeipliia, Wilmington and llal . Railroad Company DAILY, (ex efpt Sundays) at HoVlnck. A M., with the privilege of returning the same day by either of the trains, both of which will stop at the liridites for that purpose, (y-Fare for lite lontitl trip FIFTY CENTS. Special tickets are prepared and must he procured at the office before starting, otherwise full rates will he required by the conductors, both going and return- ing. [jyldj A. ORAVVFORI), Agent. IIOOK BlNDlNG?Executed in every style all with expedition and on reasonable terms, at LYCEI'T'B, No. 122 Baltimore street over the Pat- riot office, inVelv-'t, Morocco, Russia, or Calf, Music and Periodicals neatly hound. mti-wsiy AtYKIV OLD MAN ABOUT TOWN, who savs, in all of his travels through the United Stales he lias never bought BOOKS eo clump at lie hu- nt HUMI'll It IIY MOORE'S Book Stand, at the cor net of Pratt and Eight sts. Who has a "few more left ol the same kiad"und at the same price. Just re ceived a fresh supply of the celebrated nc plus ultra Writing Inks. N H. Those who may tender the above stand Willi a call may rest assured to be pleased with their bat- gains. [al9-s2t] IIUMI'HERY MOORE. KENTUCKY JEANS, NOI7ECMT(A£ . sorted colors and quality) Kentucky Jeans; su- per do. for gentlemen'- Coats; wool black Cassimercs, good and cheap. OH and see. B. H. RICHARDSON fc CO., No. 923 Baltimore struct, a2b TAK] 3doors below Charles. tOST. v\ as lost on board the steam bo \ < oiunt- J bin, on the occasion #f the National Blues' ex- cursion tu Annapolis on Thursday afternoon, a Cold BRACELET, with five red sets. *ltli.n| the initials of G. VV. Z. toM. B.J. engraved on the locket, ft was either lost on board the boat or in Annapolis. A liberal reward will be paid to the tindci bv returning it at No. 87 BALTIMORE ST. " jy.'ki tf FOR PIII LA DELPIIIA DA 1L Y, AT 2$ O'CLOCK. Baltimore and Philadelphia Stermboat Company via Chesapeake ami Delaware ('anal. £ One of the Boats of this Line will jfcrtsh'avf the wharf, No. 3 Light st. every A FTBft N< M)\, (Sundays excepted) lit ?2J o'clock, and arrive in Philad. early next morning. Freights on Dry Goods, 25 els. per 100 lbs. Course Goods taken at less rates. Passage $1.50. Meals 25 cents. For freight or passage, apply at the office. E G. IIAKRIS, Agent, alo if No. 3 Light-st. wharf. NEW FALL GOODS. CUIKAP! CHEAP! CHEAP! Just received / a superior lot of blue black ALPACCA ME- TRES, at very low price. Those in want should call without delay and they will get a bargain. Also?A lot of beautiful and fashionable FALL CASSIMKRES, all wool, at prices that astonish all wiio see them; with a general assort no nt of DRY GOODS, wholesale and retail, cheap for cash. EDVV. J. RICHARDSON, a2l No. 87 Baltimore st. UPHOLSTERY & PAPEKHANGINGS. IOI'IS MULL* K offers for sale a large hit of J Paperhangitigs, Borders and Fire Screens, to suit purchasers, at very reduced prices, lie will hang paper ie the neatest manner nt toe lowest rates. He makes to order Mattrasses; Beds; Cushions; Carpets au.t Curtains. Lays Oil Cloths, Carpets, Matting, tic. He has in store, a lot of cheap gill-end Ornaments, Table Oil Cloths, Door Matts, VViNdow Shades, Vetti lian and Slat Blinds, Cord and Tassels, nnd Haircloth. He does every variety of Upholstery work at the lowest rates: willing a!wave to labor low, so as lo pro- cure the more of it. To those wishing anything done in the above line he respectfully solicits their patron- age, Call at No. 1 LIBERTY STREET, one door not lit of Baltimore at. s!6 tf BOOTS, SHOES, IIATS, CAPS, DTO. 1800 caees, received per recent arrivals, direct from manufacturers , on consignment, and for eale by the case only, on manufacturers account, at nnprece dentedly low prices, al 3m E. H. MERRILL, 17 and 19 Hanover st. -i VffTmjiiui '")e subscriber keeps always on hand an assortment of C. Mever's II I II Premium PIANO FORTES, Rose wood and mahogany cuses,war ranted to atuad any climate, cheap for rash. J. E. BOS WELL, Masic Dealer, m23 ly No. 141 Baltimais street. FlXo THE READING COMMUNITYI A LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST!! Just received, a lot of new and second bund Books. Also, cheap NOVELS, bound and in pamphlet form, by HUMPHREY MOORE, Corner of Light and Pratt streets. N, R. Highest prices paid for SECOND HAND BOOKS. nl2-eotU HA NUK'S CANIJY Ftll COCOHsTand COLDS HOARSENESS, Sic., contains Hoar- hound, Wild Cherry, S'ippery Eltn, Elecampane and other iagredienls, amounting to twenty-seven. Cease ftom coughing?cure your colds? From your lungs remove each pain; Do not wait llieir action longer, If you'd peace and health regain. Why continue to be inflicted with pains at the lungs, a constant Cough,and want of shinp, when a packu >e of S, S [MXCE'S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF HO*IRIIOUXD will nt. once restore you? A few packages will Item lit you in the way of cure, when all other remedies fail, SETH S. DANCE, General Agent, auo corner of Pratt and Charles sts. rfIBNT CO A'Ell FOR SALE. A large Linen £L Awning Cloth, suitable far a tent caver. Fur sale lew at alii No. 85 N. HOWARD STREET. fJIOYS, TOY S. TOYS'. A large ijunntity of H Toys selling off at oust, at al No. 58 N. HOWARD STREET. E W STYLE CAP K Til BON ST An Assort- AN ment just received by Mrs. P. A. Nickorson. al No. 5J HOWARD STREET. TOMBS AND HOOKS AND EYES7~A complete. J usortnunt, for sale at niannfaeturers ptices, by FREDERICK FICKEY & BoNS, J)TJ 290 Baltimore strt et. AMUSEMENTS. ii ALTIMOR.E MUSEUM AM> C,\ LLKRY HP Till; FINE AUTS, con nth of hjh.timoue .v r.u.rxHT-srs. 1157111*. F.V SONI.IHJ, A>lß. Hl.i, will 111- per !? . ,nu| MV WIPE'S DE VFI--T, liiok Hazard. .Mr. \V \l,i :nT. David. Mr. t ? WENS. 1,-tilv I<l-;III villi*. .Mr.--. t.UssKLL. C.pi li, Mix F. IW|':. AHi-r which, Mi.-s I',. INI T, ntirl Mis-C v\,N( >\ will dance I'II- Polka. Hong* bv Miss P. INCH. 'I'D conclude Willi LADIES' MAN. Rinks, Mr. i WA 1.1 (IT. Kill'inn in i lis, Mr. (1W EN'S. Jcck Ro- binson, .11 >fl vs'l'll\. Mr**. Kiiiintiiiis, Mrs. WAL- CI IT. Mary MI*BL*S. Miss (!\NVUN. Ailniiiiaiioi- 85 ct*., children untliir 10 years ol'i nge, I'-'i ii nis. Sal.urn performance to commence at r n'l'lm-k precisely. H RKMOV V 1.. 'l'ln* subscriber In us lump to in form Ins friends anil tli public in general, that I he lias rPmnvi'd his II.YIRKELLA, PAItA-l *e. r y.S>l. auil SUN SHAKE STOKE and FAC i I'liliV from No. Tib Baltimore street, to No.;JK NORTH IIOWAKD HTKHKT, UI li;w doors below Lexington, east si le. Rersons in i want of good articles in tliv above line would Ho well ; to call before purcbastiit; els- where. (t(j~ Umbrellas I and Parasols COVERED and REPAIRED at short I notice and on reasonable terms. Recollect the mini- | her, 38 North Howard street. Sign of the Lady withi the Parasol. THOMAS L. EVNIS, i JyM tl PracticafUmbrella Manufacturer. FURNISHING WAREHOUSE REMOVED, C. JE. WKTMOHK (O. y AVE REMOVE!) their HOUSE FUR- . NISHING \V r ARER()OMS from their old stand | to No. 1() N. CHARLES ST., where tliey will be, happy to w it on tkeir pations aad the. public gen-1 erally. All kinds of FAMILY IIARDWARK, TAULK CUTLKRY, SILVER I'I.ATKD AND BRITANNIA VVARK, HUH K TIN WARK, SOLAR ANU HALL LAMPS, (*IRONDOI.ES, TFA TRAYS AND WAITERS, KITCHEN FURNITURE, COOK INO UTENSILS, fscc. Sec., including every variety of l I lottsr keeping Articles constantly on hand at the low- est cash prices, iyid-lm | NOTICE. CIIIAKIJKS n. BARRV respectfully informs J his friends and the public that lie has returned to Hidtiinore, after having passed the last ? iglit years in the D ug business in Plii'adelpliia, and taken the store recently occupied by James \v. Scott, No. I*'*4 UAL TIMoRE STREET, where lie intend* keeping con- stantly on hand a general assortment of DRUGS, MEDICI NES AND PERFU.MERV,and hopes by tin remitted attention to bu>iuess to merit a share of pa- tronage. He takes great pleasure in referring to the following eminent and distinguished physicians of Philadelphia: Naihau'l Chapman, M. I). I J. Randolph, M. D. Thoa. Harris, U.S.N. " |J. R. Paul, " Win. E. Horner, 4< I George McUlellan, u Hugh L. Hodge, " W. S. W. Ruschenbergtr," Henry N ill, " | William Harris, u Isaac Hays, " IJ. M.Paul, " i Thomas I). Mutter, " | Paul Reck Goddard, " Jy94 eolm J. W. Wallace, M. D. CIHLOHINE TOOTII POWDBR. This is J\\ most Hxcellent article for cleansing and whiten- ing the teeth, healing spongy and diseased gums, and purifying the breath. Try a box?it needs no oilier j recommendation. Price i? 5 cents. G. K. TYLF.R, je3 p -eotf corner E. Rnltirnore and High sts. /}Q\ .STOJCKN, 011 the iitglit of the ill 7*2*'"' Zsi lnßt ' ,r "rn n'V stable, at VVood- -4 ViMiui.it M berry Factory, about :ij miles from Baltimore, a dark bay IIORSIC, about ?.liyiJawsql,r HI hands high; he has a good deal of -aSv-*®*-pirit, and his head is very handsome- ly formed, and would be likely to attract attention; tin other marks recollected, except that he lias a scar on bis rump, aboutß inches fmm the root of his tail. He is about 8 years old. At the same time a SADDLE and BRI DEE was taken, made by Messrs. Jenkins fc Lilly, South si., Baltimore, whose names are upon the Saddle. !flj-Twenty-dive dollars reward will he paid for the recovery of the Horse, or lifiy dollars for the horse and ingiie, on application to ine at Wood- berry Factory, or to WILLIAM MASON, Esq., No ?<T Spear's wharf. a22d4t 11. N. GAMRIIILL. PItINTKD LINENS AND MARSEILLES QUILTS, it. McF.I.DOWNEY St. CO. have just opened, I ease Printed Linens, warranted all flax, suitable for gentlemen's shirts, which will lie sold low. Also, a qitauiityof French MARSEILLES QUILTS, of the very best quality. Those wishing to purchase such Goods, would do well to call and examine Iheni, as they are the finest article of the kind that has been til this city for years. No. 103 BALTIMORE STREET, alfi between Calvett and Light streets. OANCK'S AIKOICATKD CANUV. FOR . COLDS, COUGHS AND HOARSENESS. "It has long been the elfi it of man To save fellow mortals from death, To cure them of Coughs and of Colds, Consumption and Shortness of Breath. The way, then, at length has been found For man to obtain quick relief; Its virtues will surely astound, And make him the same of belief. Would you live, then, ill joy and in health, Feel hale when old age shall advance? Ifso, by far better than wealth, If the Candy, made only by Hance." Pricegf)cents per package, or live for sl. For sale by SETII S. HANCE, corner of Charles j and Pratt sts. aus i FALL ANIJ WINTER DRY GOODS. JEDWAIIII BIRD, ? No. 80!) BALTIMORE STREET, between Light and Charles sts. j Has just received from latest importations and will continue to add to his stock, as they arrive, the most) desirable Goods imported. Also, I OMESTIC GOODS of j evety description?so that persons wishing to hayi willfind, by calling at 2: 9 Baltimore strr et, one of the best assorted stocks of / amy and Staple Dry Goods in this city. and at the lowest prices, wholesale and retail. \u25a0 JUST OPnNED. New style Cashmere B'ECOSSE, all prices French Mouseliiiede Laities, extra quality 1 bale super CLOAKINGS Super black and col'd ALPACAS, very cheap Super black and blue black SILKS , Fancy Silks; black and white Crapes. SHAWLS! SHAWLS! SHAWLS! Extra rich embroidered Crape Shawls do. Cashmere Shawls With a varietv of other Shawls, all prices. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS. Just opened super hla"k French CLOTHS, t .villed bodies, of supetiorquality and cheaper than ever. Also, west of England and Domestic CLOTHS Fancy Cassimercs, all prices. LINEN GOODS. Linen Cambric Ildkfs; Cambrics Irish Linen and Sheetings: Barnsley do. Extra rich Table DAMASK Damask Table Cloths; Napkins Huckaback Towels; Russia Diaper A full assortment ef WHI TE GOODS Also?Silk, coiton and cashmere HOSIERY Ladies' and gentlemen's silk and kid GLOVES DOMESTIC GOODS, all kinds Blankets, Flannels and Fulled Linsey. All of which I will sell on the best terms. J. EDWAKI) BIRD, als No. 209 Baltimore street. \u25a0 OUR NKW BOOKS just received nt the IT! New and Cheap Book Establishment of OWEN. KURTZ & CO., No. 140 Baltimore-el., 3d doar East of Calvert st. Remains of the Rev. ASAIIEI, NETTLESON, D. D., consisting of Sermons, Outlines and Plans of Ser moils, Brief Observations on Texts of Sciiptnre, nnd Miscellaneous Remarks, compiled and prepared for the Press b Bcnnct Tyler, D. I)., President nnd Pro- fessor of Christian Theology in the Theological Insti- tute of Connecticut. GOSPEL PROMISES, bv the Rev. Jos. Allcine, author of an "Alarm lo the Unconverted," &c. PROFESSION IS NOT PRINCIPLE, or the Name of Christian is not Christianity, by Grace Kennedy, author of the "Decision," "Anna Ross," "Jessy Al- lan," ke., from the Sixth Edinburgh edition. LIFE IN EARNEST, being Six Lectures on Chris- tian Activity and Ardor, by Rev. Jas. Hamilton, au- thor of "llarp on the Willow," &c. A full and complete assortment of School, Sundav School. Theological, and Miscellaneous HOOKS and STATIONARY, constantly for sale at unprecedented low pciccs. Just come and examine our books and prices. We are determined to sell very ehr up. aid IJIIONZR TAVRKDS? Received this dayone 5* cased 4 Bronze 'I weeds. Silk Warp. Also, just received super 12 4 COTl'tj.V SHEET ING, superior to any ever offered before in this mar ket, together with a general nsamtment of Cotton Sheetings and SHIRTINGS, to which we invite the attention of dealt rs and lauiilii s. HAMILTON EASTER & CO , a22 293 Baltimore street. J UST RECEIVED, bjr J EDWARD BIRD, 209 Baltimore st. new style French GINGHAM, the most beautiful article yet offered in this market. J. EDWARD BIRD, a22 209 Ftnhimore st. PRRSKUVING KETTLES AND FUR- NACES. Another supply of Cast Iron and j Earthen Furnaces; also, a large lot of Enamelled Pre | serving Kettles, of superior quality, just received and ' for sale low for cash, at.the original Furnirhiug VVare- | house, bv ALFRED H. UF.IP, No. 335 Baltimare-st.. a>2 dtf and Tin Store nb.ve ID ward st. : FOR SALE & RENT. M.ioii SALE One upright BA\V, n.r stimght 01 a. circular sawing, Willi ouriiiice complete. Also, I three Circular btw s, Uuiiclk s and bows,-0111,11. te; 'j I \u25a0! 01 'Drums, bin. I'ls ami Ho.v s iir Hie saint'. One , "I'llrnj iik Lathe, complete. Also, a lot 01' batin wood; Vein 1 rs, liall'mol I in -h |of ilio same; Bnal eye anil Culled Maple Veneers; | K(i. e-ivi)Oil do.; Lakiivrnid do. 1111411 ii>; 111 Jyiß eotf No. 5 CONCORD STREET. ii X C. \ V .vi'JIEKT i'ItOPUKTY FOB S\l.l-',. 'l'lie mi .'ser lie-r ' Hers I'or sale, on Usilifl Pi" 'si"lt 1 'ins, (In- lares slory lirill-e In- now )Cl,upies, iii C.l V rI'I'HKIII'. near the bridge. [ Any person warning a good siainl lor business, Willia J good dwelling, would do well to r ail and examine j the house, win 11 tin; terms or further particulars I will he made known, I alii-wslt 4 JAMES lIOUHE. I £££** STABLE FOB RENT. A Brick I 'ajLo'"d STABLE and CAItitIACE HOUSE, in John ffifj'J alley, \orlli of Franklin street, with an un j JihilL!*-improved LOT adjoining. The Lot is well I suited for the erection of Stables, bounding 33 feet on I tlie alley, and running hack 18 feet 9 inches, and will | lie leased separately, for terms, w hicli will be mode- | line, inquire at No. Idl Eulaw street, cast side, fourth I door above Franklin. jv19-tf Mh'Oll HUNT OR SA I.E. A very gen- teel and comfortable new two and a half slory Dwelling, with back building and hy- -1 rlranl in the yard, situated in south Exeter st. i near Fawn. Kent 5 175, anil possession given imme- diately. Apply to 11 RoNll?or UEOKISK HELBACII, . a - J I (*] No.-I!) beeond street. MFOU MA BE \ FARM of about 1(10 acres, about 7 miles from the city, situated between the Harford and Bel-Air Turnpike, about 20 or HO acres of which are in good wood land, principally hickory, oak and chesniil; and I all under good fencing The iinpmvements me a ! comfortable dwelling, barn, cow nud stone milk |lt ruse, arid every other tieces.-nry out building. Also, ; an orchard of choicest fntits, and line meadows with i good stream of water running through them. Title j iudisputulileand will lie sold a great bnigaiii. Apply at SCOT'J'I'S I ntelligenoe (Hliee, ?M No. 10 Exchange Place. CHEAP REAL ESTATE. | AjafVL FOK HALM. A liaiolsnrne three slory ?reyyd® Dwelling, east side of Aisquith-st., near Law, irjjJjz! al 5160U; one i{story on Fawn st. near Exe ~ ter, rented at 151.70 per year, at o111y #9(JO; one in High st. near (.'ay, 0-; fei t front, 51700; a large gra nite front store with dwelling, on South st. near Pratt, j cheap; two handsome 3 story Dwellings, with brick stables and carriage houses, centrally located, at only 5H.7U each; one in 1 /uridine st. near East Baltimore, : and one at 5-100; one on east Baltimore street at ,? 1.70(1: one splendid dwelling with every convenience, on east Pratl-st. near Hough, 5.7801'; one in A'ans- | heck-st. near 11 otlitis, 5750, two In VVushing'on-st , , F. P. .S7OO each; one in Saratoga st. near Pine, 5.750; besid-s 50 oihers cheap and desirable. GBOUND BENTS in different amounts, for sale. Apply B. BOND, orOEO. UELBACII, I a9 Property Agents, 49 Second street. SAVOY SPINACH SUED. Jtist received, (growth 1835,) 80 lbs. SAVOY I Z£? SPINACH SEED, of superior quality. It. SI NCI, A! It. JR. & CO. [ al2 lus4t [s] No. tvJ Light street. CtO.VSTA ISLE'S SALE. By virtue of two J writs of fieri facias, issued by John Showacre, Esq , one of the Justices of the Peace of the State of Maryland, in and for the city of Bnltimote, at the suit t Randall H. Moale, against the goods and chattels, I lands and tenements of Charles Pen gov, Nicholas ! Peregoy, Nathan Warfield, John W. Watkins ami Ed- , ward Thompson, to me directed, I have seized and tak> n in execution, all the estate, right, title, interest, ! property, claim and demand, at law and in i quity, of j lite said Charles Peregoy, Nicholas Peregnv, Nathan Warfield, John \V. Welkins and P.dward Thompson, | in and to one Brick House on the east side of Pearl street, near Lexington si. And I hereby give notice, that on the I'd day of Sep temher, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, I will offer fur sale the said Property, so seized and taken in execu tion, by Public Auction, to the highest bidder for cash, mi the premises, ain-rits DA VI I) WllIT.-'OV, Constable. /lO.VS'I'ABI.E'S SALE. Ity virtue of two twiits of fieri facias, issued by John Showacre, I Esq., one of the Justices of the Peace of tile State of i Maryland, in and tor Baltimore city, at the suit of j Francis Humes, against the goods and chattels, lauds and tenements of James Wheeler, to ate directed, 1 I have seized and taken, in execution, all the esuie, I right, title, interest, property, claim and demand at i law and in cipii'y, of ilie said Jam's Wheeler, in and j lo one Brick House, North Calvert street, near WTit ' ( l,ii. And I hereby give notice. That on the . Ijrui .'kith day of August, 1815, at I* o'clock in the morning, I will offer for sale Hie said Properly, so seized and taken in execution, by Public Auction, to the highest bidder for cash, on the premises. DAVID VVHITSOX, Constable. August 9th, 1845. n'JO-ills PARASOLS, CANES, WHIPS, AC. ALL THE WAV FROM PARIS. FRJIKCIS HKKHLER, No. Ilitt HAL- TIMORE STREfcT, a lew doors below the Clipper oliiee, begs leave to inform bis iiu- melons friends and customers, as well as country merchaiilsgenerally, that lie has just imported direct ftDm Paris, one of lite most extensive, varied and beautiful assortments af PARASOLS, CANES and CAME HEADS, WHIPS, he., that have ever been utl'ered for sale in Baltimore, and being deter milted to si II as' cheap as any other establishment in the country, whether in New Yotk, Philadelphia, or in this city, he with confidence ri quests purchasers to give him a call. His assortment, lie is warranted in saying, cannot be surpassed. nltMf UMBRELLAS, PA HASHES, AND SUN SHADES! The subscriber, having purchased Ilie ex tensive Philadelphia Manufactory, recently established in this city, corner of Little Sharp anil Italtiinorc-sts., begs leave to in form country merchants and city nenlers, as well as the public generally, that lib is prepared to accommo- date t hi*!ii on terms fully as cheap as they can be pur- chased in Philadelphia nr New York. His stock of UMBRELLAS, PARASOLS and SUN SHADES, is of the best and most substantial manufacture, and will be found as extensive and varied as any other in the country. Determined to sell at the very lowest Philadelphia and New York prices, he respectfully invites the public to give bint a call. mhll-tf FRANCIS BEEHLER. PIANO FOK'JKS (i. J.OON'HADT lias removed fßsSaS' ,, J>to N. il l BALTIMORE STREET, iTl a '" w ,' oor * west of t Itarles, where he I | ( f I offer* for sal a large assortment of PIANOS, received by late arrivals, consisting of 13 Inslrunietits, English, German and Fiench action, and of varios exterior finish. They are manufactured by Rosenkrauz, f cltainbaeh anj Meihaui, and oilier eel ebraled makers of Germany. The assortment is con- stantly kept up by the receipt of from 8 to 111 fresh instruments per mouth. Mr. OONRAIIT devotes bis time and attention ex- clusively to the Piano trade: it in bin whole aid only business, and he is determined in have always the best Instruments that can be procured, and io sell them on accommodating terms. SECOND HANI) PIANOS. An elegant London made upright, and two square Pianos, 6 octaves, in excellent order, for eale low. all-ddw FOR PORT DEPBSITK-TWICE A DAY. Passengers leave the depot, Pratt street, iSfXSfo in the cars of the Philadelphia, VVilaiing- TtttTTU ,(in am ' Baltimore Railroad Company, - D 4ftP&P u EVEKV MORNING, (except Sondays) at II o'clock, and EVERY AFTERNOON, nt 3J o'clock, except Sundays, which will he at 8, P. M. On arrival at Havre de Grace, pinceed to Port De- posits bv steamboat Gosport, Cnpt. Siurieon. Returning, the cars leave Havre de Grace at 12 o' clock, (noon) and at 8 o'clock, P.M. Fare to Pott Deposite 75 cents. (ttj- By taking the morning train it will allow per- sons who have business at Port Deposite to remain several hours at that place and return to Baltimore the ame evening, f Kf' Tickets must be procured at the office before entering the ears. a-JI-tf A CRAWFORD, Agent. KNIGHT'S WEEKLY VOLUME. A cheap series of weekly publications, of which the follow ing volumes have been published, viz.: biography of Win. Caxton, 1 vol. Mim! among the Spindles, 1 Vol. The Englishwoman in Egypt, 2 vols. Lamb's Tali >' Iron) Shakspeare, 2 vols. T"xlile Manufiietares of Great Britain The < Ihinese. 4 vols. Feats ON the Fiord, I v.,1. Tasso's Jerusalem I) livered, 2 vols, gird Architecture, 1 vol. The Elephant, 1 vol.; Rambles by Rivers, 1 vol. j History of literature and learning in England,4 vols, j Dialogues on Instinct, 1 vol. ' History of British Commerce 3 vols, A volume of varieties, I vol. i The Camp of Refuge, *2 vols. I Chemical manufactures of Great Britain, 1 vol. I j Civil War of Rome, 1 vol. ] The Life of Sir Thomas Gresham, 1 vol. Pursuit of Knowledge, 3 vols. Pictures of FnehsU Life?Chaucer; 1 vol. Memoirs of a Workman, 1 vo.; The Cid, I vol. Any of the above works sold separately. Just re ceivetf and for sale by F. LUCAS, JR., I jy24 No. 170 Baltimore street. g tCMPOUND SYRUP GUM ARABIC?- 'A ' For Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Sore Tnroat, Asthma, ilitlicult breathing and Soreness in the I'reaet. This is a pleasant preparation of Gum Atabic combined Willi oilier remedies which renders it one of the most i iHcient medicines for the above named complaints ever offered for the relief of suf- fering humanity . It lias maintained a high standing Tor eight years, and needs only a fair ttial to prove the truth of the above statement. Prepari d only by G. K. TYLER, ap'-M corner East Haiti mure ami High sis. TEAS! TEAS'.! TEAS!!! B am ' l |a "* chests low Ww 8 xk priced fine ami extra fine UREEN and BI.ACK TEAS, consisting w mSL a '"' Youtig llyson, Gunpowder, xje-vge"lmperial, Souchong, l'wuehong and Cnu- lan Pouehong, All of which are warranted fresh. Also, a large assortment of COFFEES?such as Rio, Lagiiayrn, I'ntfang, St. Domingo, .Manilla and Old Government Java, as low as I*2l cts. The diffeieni qualities of Coffee arc roasted fresli every day at 10, I2j and lti cts. per lb. CANTON TEA COMPANY, ml3-tf Corner of Baltimore and Frederick sts. IJEW WORK. HOWLING ON ROMAN FN ISM. The History of Romanism trout the ear- liest corruptions of Christianity to tie present time, withu lull chronological table, analytical and alpha- betical indexes, he. Illustrated by numerous keen rate and highly finished engravings of its ceremonies, supeistitions, persecutions and historical incidents, in one large octavo vol. For sale by PARSONS & PRESTON, Booksellers, Stationers, Blank Book manufacturers and Paper Dealers, No, 151 Pratt street, adjoining the Railroad Depot. u4 H OJHi CLOTHS FLANNELS, .fcc. Otc. \u25a0u A R. McELDOWNEY St CO have this day open ed several eases 7-8 and 4-4 Shilling Long Cloths; do ti 1 and 12 4 Shading do. do. Also, 3 4 and 4-4 super and medium White Flannel; 7-8 Gauze do. do.; with a large assortment of 10-4 and 12 4 Linen Sheeting; Pidow Case Linen; Irish Shirting Linen; Damask and Diaper Table Cloths and Napkins; Huckaback, bird eye and Russia Diapers, See. kc., which will be sold low at No. 163 BALTIMORE STREET, j)"26 between Calvert and Light streets. III KGAINSt BARGAINS! jjSa Another very Cheap Store in NORTH GAY opposite Fayette-st., where may be found a beautiful assortment of the most fashionable BONNETS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, SHAWLS, SCARFS, LACE GOODS, antl a general assortment of Fancy articles. Also, Calicoes, Minis lin de Laines; Laxvns; Linen lltlkfs.; gentlemen's Stocks and Collars; Suspenders and a great variety of Goods too tedious to enumerate. The public are re- spectfully invited io call at this New and Cheap Store, where they will he accommodated with fresh goods and at the lowest prices, {gf- Don't forget?No. 3 GAY STREET, opposite Fayette. apld if BONNETS SELLING - OFF. ' The CHEAP BONNET STORE has com- fcjbptnenced selling off at reduced prices as the rr:\son is passing, and now'offer Florence Braids, Rutland Braids, Brilliants, Neapoli- tans, plain and Lace. Gimps, Modenas, Bird's Eye Shell, Pedal, Dcven, Gluted Lawn and Fancy BON- NETS, at very low prices. Children's Bonnets in great variety, very cheap. Also, Leghorn and Braid Hate; Palm Leaf Hals; Gintp do. fco. tee., at HAY WARD'S Cheap Store, JeJO No. 25 Howard st., 3d door from Fayette st. MANGE'S NAKsiPARIiXA OR BLOOD I'ILLS cure Dyspepsia, Costiveness,Singing in the Lars, Dizziness, Inflammation of Stomach and Liver, Dropsy, Ktraumatism, Weak Nerves. Sick Headache, and all dioausea arising from an impure atate and circulation of the Blood. Price 25 cents per box. For rile by BETH B. HANCE, corner of Charles and I'ratKis. nu s BO*SRTS! HOtIIVKIK! CI.OSI\<; OCT! LOOK. AT THE PRICES! In order to close our stock of Bnnsets with the present mo.ith, the prites have been greatly reduced, and we now offer Florence Rraids, worth $1 SO and .;! lor $2; Fine Chain (SIMPS worth &2 50 for 81.7 ft; white face NE- APOLITANS worth $2 50 for ft 5n and $1 7.1; Trans- j parent NEAPOLITANS s:<\u25a0, Iteaiihful MOOINAS M; Common do. 50 cm.; Ila von Braids ifi-ity.and 75cts; Fancy Bonnet* 25 anil 37| cts.; $1 5.0 Fluted Bonnets only s'l; ,$l 05 Children*' Limps only 75 cts. Also, Children's Bonnets of Rutland, Medina. Flor- ence, Sic. Ike , very low. Also, Closing lint PARA- SOLS and Sit V s|| AOI3S. aatd a general a-sortment i of Summer UK V GOOIM. at a great reduction, to I make room,for Fail Stock, at HAYVVARR'S Cheap store, all No. 85 How-aid *t , 3d door from Fevciie, Seaied ptpposals will I L he reccivud hv the Commissioners of Public I School*, until TUBODAV, 96th instant, (br furnish-1 ins the Schools with Hooks and Stationery for the cur- I rent your. I i-ts of the Hook- to he used in the Schools can he obtained from the Clerk of the Hoard, No (ii 1 F.yilte street opposite the ( ninn Hunk of Maryland with whom proposals mat he Jell. J. W. TILYARD, Clerk ? a of the Com. of P. S. THAME GREAT POPULARITY OF HANCR'S * COMPOCNO SVRCP OP IHIARHOCNH and the length of time it has stood in the favor of mid con- fidence of the public, Is the greatest proof of its deei- j ,I<,d [>'"' tty over every other ptepapration for the j cure of all forms of COUGHS and : INFLAMMATION OF TUB LUNGS. One bottle is a sufficient test of its efficacy. Trice 51) cents per bottle. Fur sale by BETH 8. HANCE, j . ?oricr Charlta and Pratt Ft*., a and 168 Halumorc st. 1 BUSINESS GAUDS, &c. ? iij? BliOM i\;, iMNtOVED " I -.? FATENT RE Fill If Eli A TOR A\|> BUTTER lin\ maker. No. 13 (.'OMJUEKCE SlHCC'l', :l1 " _ __ near Pratt. I'KINTING INK, or I.Yi: V <1 ALIT YAMi (; M):, y Can always be li d at n ntiulnctd ? s low >i juices, at O i;\, KIJk I Z & ( 1i (ik>#? 11 ? \u25a0 r ? a (I Sta 'iojuTs, No. I4f Ha. timor l Mrces, Jyg4-6in 3d door east of Cnlvnt I '?(l O.VIMiimA.V V 11. IMtltiO: ' I 1 B TRAO'J ICAE WATCH MAKER, inbß4-tf 60 8. CibyiiT ITRRRT. ISS s,\ It AII M. I'E.U.B, I'UKTItAIT -,** PAINTER, has removed to No. 5 FRONT >I 11f.i*. P. Exhibition Room open during the day for visiters. {cje-oid Paintings handsomely cleaned and " I""" ''- nlB-ly ' ACOK WEAVER,Cabinetmaker, 80S.sharp si., Undertaker of Funerals at short notice. jaß3 AUJTTM W. WATTS, HOUSE CARPENTER, FAYETTt-BT., adjoining Assembly Rooms, jal-ly y AMES NINDKI r CHRONOMETER U. WATCH MAKER, n '°**y No. 11 Sol "I I! CAY saKieT. WILUA M VV. I.ICE. F AsnioaAßi.it lIAI* '"1 UK Sod SHAVER, No. *1 N. <>'A Y-ST 'irnth mo. s Razors at at the shortest unties. al6 y fjliyo THBI PLIIbIC. Whereas in the roans .ni social ini.i coinnifici.il events, it becomes ne- <nsiary loi n.sr.il utter losing one situation, to apply ?or another, and to assume amongst th'l citizens of tin. tity an.l eisewlieie, tli: staiion in life,.to which ay art and cducalaiii we an: entitled, a decent respect lor tin: Opinions ol the public, requires that we should in.ike known the utilises winch imp. lus to advertise- no lit: We hoi.' these truths to he self-evident, that all inert are created free and erpial?Hint tu secure luera- tiv" and comfortable summons to us nil, an Intelli- gence otlice has been opened in Exchange I'lace, de- 'i.vi'i- confidence and sii|i|iorl front all who have been kind enough in patronize it?and to patronize one which will secure lo Ihcin safely and happinesss. V\ e submit I tie Pillowing. advcrliseuc nts to a can- did world: UN KEEIFTRY. Feveral negro (firls and Boys of excellent character, for a term of y ears AHENCY, lor the purchasing of Fluxes, on a rea- sonable, com miss ion. CR?-Translations correctly made from Spanish and French. Families supplied with domestics at the shortest notice. As "nnw's lite day and riow's the hour," Fur.- iille times mii-l all l.e ower, | for those now in want of situations, Need but hand in their recommendations, Employment sure lo find. WANTED DAILY, Porters, Waiters, Ostlerg, La- borers Goatlinn-n, Cli rks, liar-keepers, Chiimber- (Hiiitlri. Cooks, wot and dry Nurses, !kc. (IT/- This < st;111]i ~111111\u25a0 ni was founded in the city of Baltimore, in the vi or IH3O, and is exclusively n stnei- ed in Commission and Agency transactions, embrac- ing the recovery of delds, claims and iulicritane.es, buving efficient and responsible sub-,agents in the prin- eipal cities of the United States, and Co-respondents at the chief ports jind capitals of Foreign Governments in commercial relations therewith. This agency pos- sesses peculiar advantages and facilities for the safe and speedy transaction of such business as may be confided thereto, subject to the usual commission. Orders for purchases or investments, must he ac- companied eiiln-r willia remittance of funds, or con- signment of produce, kc. to the amount required, ad- dressed to the tindetsigned. LEWIS F. BCOTTI, Exchange Place, A few doors from the corner of South* | _ a22 Neatly opposite t lie Exchange. PHOTOGRAPHIC LIKK.NESSES. ; fJI AKEBi on an Improved principle, by JL K Ell FOOT & KING. A favorable opportunity is now offered to the La- dies and Gentlemen of ilalliniore, to obtaih MINIA- TURE PORTRAITS in the most perfect style of execution, which for life like hcauty, distinctness and accuracy, are acknowledged to be unsurpassed. Chil- dren taken at all ages, in front four to ten seconds. Adults in,from fifteen seconds lo one minute* Fami- lies taken in groups; also invalids and deceased per- sons taken at their residence on the shortest notice. Likenesses taken in all kinds of weather and satis- faction guaranteed in all cases. Original Paintings ate likewise correctly copied. {try-Rooms lP7j and o|u s( ,uth side of HALTIMORE STREET, between Charles and Light streets, where persona are respectfully inviti d to call and examine | specimens and judge lor themselves. Miniatures co- lored inthe most beautiful manner. fcfi-tf CO I) Id ;\ CHANGE!) OK THJE VVKATH- irs ER. We scarcely meet a petson who is not more I or los< troubled with a cough or cold. Old and young, I liie prudent and the imprudent, stem alike to com- ! plain. Many think it a temporary cold, which will pass off In a day or lwo. This is not always the case, as it will, in all probability, terminate in consumption if not attended to in season. Our advice is, use llanoe's COMPOUND SYRUP OF HOARHOUND, which will cure you in two or three davs. Price SO cents per bottle. For sale by SETII S. "IIANUE, 10 s Haiti- more si., and at his old stand comer of Charles and Pratt sts. . m 5 sLbbKits' GREAT REMEDY For Liver Complaint. A Remarkable Case. VTf RNTiO\ is asked to the following state- ment of Sam'l McCord, Esq. of VV'ellsburg, Va: Wklisbusc, Va., May 2t>lh, 1845. 1 hereby certify iliat I xvas afflicted with the Liver t oniplaint and Plitliisicfor a long time, bring more than a year under the caie of a Physician, tiiat the disease instead ol being relieved by the medicine I ?ook, kept gradually getting worse: my body swelled so thai I was unable to stoop low ensugh to tie tny shoe. When the disease was at the worst; I was re- commended to tiy Sellers' Liver Pills. I did so. and was relieved greatly by the use of the first box, and completely cured by ihe second. SAMUEL McCORD. Of?" To be had of J. P. Williamson, corner of Gay ami High streets; G. K.Tyler, corner of Ihgli and llaltimorr-sts.; Cooper, corner of Orleans and Eden streets; Wiseman St Wroth, Light St., opposite Uix & Fogg's; J. A. Sawyer, corner of Pratt and Pima-sts.; L. Perkins, corner of Baltimore and Green steets; S. Kramer, Pratt street; A. Fischer, Pennsylvania Ave- nue; or ot Hie General Agent, W. K. ORRICK, Druggistand Apothecary, aft-if Corner Eumw and Lexingion-sts. Bait. Bffl A Y\\nr> NOV ES' HLACK'tVIUT- -t"\u25a0 I N'G INK. This Ink has stood the test of liO yrars' experience, and during that time has been con- stantly increasing in public favor and pationagc, and became long since, and still continues to be the lend- ing article of the kind in the country. It flows xvith freedom, is permanently black, and will not mould under any circumstances, and is adapted to both steel and quill pns. Dealers and consumers can be Air- mailed with it as low as they generally pay for inferior Inks. For salp hv TURNER, WHEELWRIGHT & MUDGE, a3 2 south Charles street. J UST RKCEI VKli, no invoice of YATES 4s SONS'GERMAN SILVER TABLE and TEA SPOONS, warranted of the very beit quality? none of voar trash that's not worth the trouble of carrying home wiih von. Also, an asso tmeut of fine bc.it iiL- ver PLJITKD SPOObiS and POHKS. with n gene- ral assortment of BRITANNIA WAKE, for sale at the FURNISHING WAREHOUSE of C. E. WETMORE 4t CO., No. 10 North Charles street, \u25a09-lm opposite the Uuion Bank. RF.MOVF.D. GEORGE E. COOPER respect" fully informs Ilia friends nnd the putdjo gene I rally, that he has removed from his old stand to the spacious building No. !if> LOMBARD STREET, be- tween Frederick street and Market Space, where he is prepared to supply metchants and builders with HOISTING MACHINES, on the best plan of any in the I nited States, lor hoisting easv,'cheapness and durability. Also, SADDLE HtESSES on an improv- ed pi an, which will press with one-loin th the power of any other in use. All kinds of IRON for house builders?such as Vault Doors; Poors, Shutters kc. Allkinds of Wrought and Cast BAILING?a variety of beautiful patterns on hand for enclosing grave lots All the above work will be done in the best slvle and on reasonable terms. Thankful for past patronage, so liberally oxtciiiliMi to him, ho solicits a continuance of the same. All kinds of Ulackuniithim; iicutlv eve- cuted at the shortest notice. iiiliß-eo6ni VGi I E ANI) FHVKIi K.I II(M MhV CURED BY TYLER'S AGUE AVP FEVER I'ILLS. Numerousruconinieud item- mdcertificates oi iwiMlltt cures are in the possession of the pro- | prietor, but these nre of 1,0 avail lo the sufferer. A ; peimaiieut cine is what he wauls, and it is what he ; will have, if he takes the Fills according to the direc- tions. Prepared onlv hy Dr. G K. TYLER, corner East Raltiiuore and High streets, llalliinore. I'riec $1 j per hot. j\7-eotf aNS'.L\" Kvr P tPr.HS MADE HI T, . mill all information given eit reasonable terms, hy ? a6 L. F. SCOTTI, HI Exchange Place. I " C. I'. ROGEttV BALSAMIC VEGETABLE EMBROCATION. m For Ihe cure oi Sprains, Bruises' j Fresh and Old wounds, Rheumatism' fßnPjSa " stilibers and swelling of the Joints, * either for man or horse; alsofor Cuts, \*V-H|lgi Rums. Galls, stings or bites of insects Bf*s''v4JUJ l , r reptiles, frosted feet, kc.. For sale only by C. P. ROGERS, Druggist, Corner of Howard and Marion, and 1 JaSLeoly Howard and Madiaon-sts., Bait. WANTS. W' ANTED. as man 1, lor a LAD, J3years f age. Apply at this office. a-J3 lw ii ATlOi W.Wi all. ||v voting limn C* limn \ i.gioi.i, who ,# l!i.ji..nj|i' va. ,|.i ,n,led -. nil tii" Lrneery limn 1- ?a eituuii in g,, cm (illusion, 01 Imnlwan houi. 110 cut hiiugo ri itlrrn b.e Virginia custom to In. . mplm.'-s', and c.in'po, dace the most sau-Mclory as capability, itmral cbnruel. r, See, Addles* ".M." ~t this iff,.;,." jWITPATION AVA3 TW). By a young man v.-7 111 a grocery, 11 lur, eommlssion, or in a dry grinds st .re, having a general knowledge >.(\u25a0 11, \ ltl a eoiinlry store?he can produi 1 ihe v. iv n lof r"- lerences a-- to (lunar nr. Le. Apply quickli ai L.F.SCOI I'l'S Intelligence 1 hi'tre No. in Exchange Place, WCfANTBD? A young man to act as Sules .un v v illaV\ holesale and Retail Dry Hoods store Address C., lit this Olliee, in ilte lintidwrittng of the applicant, naming relerenees for charnetei. Ike. aPj IyA.VTED?A Youth about hi years of age, tn v f attend in a Wholesale and Retail Dry Hoods store. Address 11.. at this Olliee, with references, all) I TI A'ITON~\V ANTED. Ity a colored Bo) , k. y as a Porter in a store ?he can cotne well recom- mended. Apply at SCO'J'TI 'S, "'J No. 10 Exchange Place. SITUATION WANTED, by a middle aged mail as an overseer 011 a farm?lie is tliorouglih 'acquainted with tin- nbove hu.-incss 111 nil its brain lie. and can produce the vt ry best of references its regards character, qualifications, Ate., or he would accept a situation ill a grocery, tlour or commission store, or to sup* lint* ml a livery stable. Apply at SCOTTI'S Intelligence Office, No. 11l Exchange Place. E JJ ANCE'S COM P< it' \ 1111EDIOATED KOBE, bI -H HOUND CANDY. For Coughs, Col!,. Syiltinj of Hit,ml, Ji,thma, Con- sumption. Sore Throat. Clearing the ' Voice. Hionchitis, Croup. A*c. Invented, Prepared nml Sold tni HETII S. HANCB. CORNER OK CIURI.ES AND PRATT STS. lieittimore. I iiis celebrated C.A.\ I) Vh a scientific and medical eoiiipotind; therefore in uvoidall appearance ofquack cry, and at the same lime remove an nlgi etion that some persons have to take n tnedieiti", of which the iugiedients arc held a secret Irnin them, it has been thought proper to mention the principal medicines which enter into its composition. THIS VEGETABLE I'AMIVIS COMPOSED. Of the following Ingredients: llorehoiind, I Gum Arahie, | Squills. Wild Cherry, I Balsam Tolu, Coltsfoot, Senega Root, I i.'iiniBenzoin, | Flaxseed, Hmieset, I l.ivertvoit, Slippery Elm, Irish Moss, Iceland Moss, Paracolic, Comlrey lloot, [ Elecainpaine, | Baisum of Honey, .'lnn other ingredient* amounting to TVVENT Y-SEVEN. Can any donht its cliiciency after the mention of Hie above ingredients, any one of them being inesti- mable. n j |ldß CAXVII MEETINGS. The Camp Mect- H in 2 Chorister, or a Collection of Hymns and Spi- litunl Songs, for the pious of all denominations, i! 5 els. 'J'lie WES LEY AN PSALMIST, or Songs of Canaan, a collection of Hymns and Times, designed to be used at Camp Meetings, Prayer Meetings, and nth*r occasions of social worship?2s cts. PIOUS SONUS?Social, Prayer, Closet and Camp Meeting Hymns anil Chortisses?37J cents. MUSICAL GEMS?A collection of Hymns and Tunes, adapted to all occasions of social worship?go cents. For sale bv PARSONS & PRESTON, Booksellers, Stationers ami Blank Book Manufac- turers, 151 Pratt st., adjoining Railroad Depot. ad

chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83009567/1845-08... · EDUCATION. I.IGIIT SI'KKKT INSTITUTE, f:V LltlllI' t'HF. Urijiimn- the M f. Church , JOHN' II K

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Page 1: chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83009567/1845-08... · EDUCATION. I.IGIIT SI'KKKT INSTITUTE, f:V LltlllI' t'HF. Urijiimn- the M f. Church , JOHN' II K


f:V LltlllI' t'HF. Urijiimn- the M f. Church ,JOHN' II K A*)|| I ELL, A. M., I'ltl.N' II'AT..

rBVIB A EXT SESSION! of this t- ti<>.>l will.8 COUIIII-'IR'C Hi- FI KS I' (IF .SEPI KM HEK.Tin' l'iiik ropiests his scholars to bu punctual

in their ntinudanen on tint day.{??*' "IIOAU.'-*. iviih MI?I - of patrons, referenc-,

teriii.'.K.- , enn be obtained of tliu I'tint ipa!.(i'J.'l-iul'rbt


OFT'OSLTK ALSTJCITH.FgIUE EVJ.i. TKBSI of tins 1natitution will

\u25ba J9 imiiiiii MOO on MONDAY'. Hie first of Sept.-iuber, umlur Hi ? .'irueif'in of A. I!. ATKINS, 11. A.. Friocipal; 1,. I. KOOT, Assistant; Mono. THOMAS .1. litSOOAKD, Prof, of French; Mrs. CHARLOTTK SCIIKTTER, Teachur upon tin- Piano Forte. Tne desianed.Object is to make this Institution second to none inFtiie tlta e. The plan pursued is to induce indepenWei cc of thought on the part of the pupils, and lo

Live a thorough knowledge of the hrunclies taught.ASo far as those objects are attained encouragement issolicited.

The course of study embraces three departments-Junior, Middle and Senior. There are two examina-tions in the Academical year, one lit the elsoe of the !second term, the other at the end of the year. Eachterm there willhe a leview of the studies of the term, jNo pupil can he advanced into the nex; higfier depart-* i-'iit antil she has passe J a satisfactory examinationn all the studies of the previous department. Fie- I

unsure awarded annually to the three best scholarsin a'h department?they are also awarded far Com-

tinus to the two best of each of the two higher'rtinents.j'-A limited number of Boarders accommodated

. Ji'.e .Seminary building.TERMS:

Bri Senior Department, sll (i 0' Middle do. 1 ' OilRt Junior do. 10 no

/? Music, Drawing. Painting and the Ornamental\u25a0 " lii's at Professors' prices.

? -In;Principal would particularly refer to:'l' Rev. Along!Potter, 11. 11. L. 1,. D., l'enn.

Ju< Eljphah't IVott, D, 11. 1,. 1,. I)., Schenectady,-y Cyrus Mason, D. II , Prof. N. Y. University.R* M. V. It. Johns, D. ii., Baltimore.

John C. Backus, <'

JjD.'i's James Uarivoml, n23-ll iI;v,.I E. HUM iNSTi ruTE FOK LA-DIES, No. 3U7 VY. PRATT STRVKT ,Wi 11 be

opened on MONDAY,the Ist of September next. I|,


LJ YOUNG LADIES.-S.JwfußA street, Jormertij McEldcrry't Mansion,

BALTIMORE.US}lIIK,dttiies of the Academy will he resumed on

SL the FIRST MONDAY' in September, all) e2w :

A CAIID. MRS. SARAH VV. ALLEN would jI-f respectfully infoim llie ladies of Baltimore that jI She wishes to take a Glass of YOUNG L ADIES, toteach Ike following Ornamental Work, vi/.: lirst. iPAIVT|\G, Landscape and Flowers; second, WAXW()M(, Fruit and Flowers; third, WORSTED EM- iBROIDERY. Those who wish to enter the class are ;respcaful y requested to call at her residence (Rcv'd IE. E.M.LEN'S,) Ne. 823 Ninth GAY ST., 3 rtoorsEast < Alsqiiitlistreet, and examine some of herspe- Icinieit. She willcommence the Ist of September. ]

TluDmtiibuses run from the door to the corner ofHowltl and Madison sis. al!)-eo3t |

CI INTRAL CObI.ERIATK INSTITUTE,!/No. 90 FAYETTE STREET. Parents whodesil to furnish their children with a liberal and complct/Glassicnl, Scientific nad Metheinatical Educa- jtiotjire respectfully invited to examine lite system of jinsliietinn adopted in litis institution.

/ few vacancies yet remain to be filled for the e Isu'ig scholastic year, which commences on the Ist t tSeptember next. WILLIAM 11. SMITH,

Jy2s-tf Principal of Classical Department, j


Mr. .TOIIN PRKNTISS has the pleasure ol j. informing his friends and pair out? that, having ?ecovercd from his recent indisposition, he proposes ;

to resume the duties of his school, nihis residence on ithe Falls Turnpike Koad, miles from the city of IBaltimore, on MONDAY,the Ist of September.

To persons desirous of having their sons educated jin the country this school presents the advantages of!hfcing situated in ft district of country remarkable forits Ueulthftilness and easy of access from the city of]Baltimore; of being limited in the number of its pu-pils, so as to b under the immediate and exclusive Iinstruction of the principal; of embincing an exlemivc !and thorough course of instruction both English andClassical, and of being essentially domestic and pa- Irental in its mode of discipline, so that every possible jattention i< paid to the comfort, the manners and the .morals of the pupils.

Mr. I 'UENTISS having been for twenty years Knownin thi* coHiuiunity as a teacher, and for a consider-able portion of that time as the President of the Col-legiate Department of the University of Maryland,deems a reference to individuals unnecessary; butwill furnish, if it be desired, testimonials of capacityand fidelity which cannot fail to be satisfactory. A jfew vacancies remain to he filled. Persons desirous iof communicating with Mr. Prentiss willfind him at!

his residence, or may address liitn at Baltimore thro' je post office. A prospectus of the School may be j?rained at the book store of Mr. Colb irn, 171 Haiti ire street, or it will be forwarded to the address of

i.iose who desire it.Mi:nm u>, Aug. is, 1-1"). &91-eo9w

PUBLIC SCHOOLS.rjmiE DUTIES of the Pub.ic Schools will be)

H resumed on MONDAY,Sept. Ist, by the severalPrincipals in charge. Tuition one dollar per quarter, j

.payable in advance.t MALE HIGH SCHOOL, corner of Fayette and J'tlliday streets?N. C. llimoKs. AM. Principal,v, ypSTKKN FEMALE HIGH SCHOOL, Paca St.,F Lexington?ROßT KKIIR, Piinetpal.

TERN FEMALE HIGH SCHOOL, corner ofJ Front streets?E. A. SICKER, Principal,

f , ",E AND FEMALE SCHOOLS, No. 1, corner'ilte and Green streets?M. Connolly and M.\u25a0jtey, Principals.

AND FEMALE SCHOOLS, No. 2, cornerr dway and Bunk sts. F. P. Dr. F. L. Gram-

M. Mcllermott, Principals.SCHOOL, No. 3, Aisquilh near Pitt streets,

* lly,Piiacipil._y ,E SCHOOL, No. 3, cor. of Pitt and Front, '. It Ross, Principal.

1 . AND FEMALE SCHOOLS, No. 4, corner,

® ;ger and Lee stieets?J. 11. Falcuner and 11.v-, gioipala.

. <v wAND FEMALE SCHOOLS, No. 5, Monu. >sr Fotest streets?T. II Robinson and E.

v> , - riitcipnls.

t ' <I,E ANDFEMALE SCHOOLS, No. O.lloss-st.a G'Riddle?E. Y. Rtese and E. Adams, Principals. ;\u25a0

.'1 ALE ANDFEMALE SCHOOLS, No. 7,Canton.*1 . Rice. Principal.tl MALE AND FEMALE SCHOOLS, No. 8, Cove

ftiear Pratt st ?H.Johnson and 11. E. King, Principals,a. MALE SCHOOL, N0.9, cornea: of Fayette aad 110 lsiidav streets?J. Harshaw. P incipal.

f MALE AND FEMALE SCHOOLS, No. 10, LightIf<treet, F. 11.t* Admission to the Schools will be given by any

trif the followingCOMMISSIONERS:

? J. B. EMERY, corner of Penn and Pratt sts.

8 M. TONER, corner of Perry anj Eutaw sts.lb I). lannis, corner of Market and Howard sts.

,k C. M. KKYSKR, Howard, near Market street,

b Dr. J R. W. IIIINDAK,Lombard, near Hanover-at.F] W. F. FRICIC, Jr., Law Buildings.?j 11. S. SANDERSON, Second st., near Town Clock.W *D. KIRKLAND, Smith's wharf.)?. V.. PUCER, Custom House.

J It. BOWIE, No 9 E. Monument street.h ' Titos. WKEDEN, Broadway, near Bank street.

VA J. W. RANDOLPH, Braadway and Wilk-st..for tßev. J. N. MeJih-roN, Hanover, near Conway-st.

tjotiN WILSON, Market-st., near the Bridge.- ? By order,6,-i a2l emit J. W. TII.YARD, Clerk of Coat. I'.S.

HF. FREDERICK FEMALE SEMINARY...-IHIE NEW and splendid Building and Out-uo I grounds for this arc so fat completed, that the

N ehool. in all its departments, will be opened for theeception of Students on MtJNDAY. the first ofSep-

... ; ember next.This Institution consists of three separate and dts-

"inct departments, namely: The Juvenile, the Pret.ufatorv, aad the Collegiate?embracing a lulland

ot xteusivn course of Instruction, liom the incipient, atages of no education to the completion of the colic

fo' >iate course.r TERMS OF BOARD ANI) TUITION:

no) For Hoard and Tuition, in ail the branches re-

i i)ot!" ir,,<l '"r " Oiploina, including furnished rooms, fuel,i sights, washing, Sic., per scholastic year, £2O0 ?pitia-

ble half yearly in advance.I>ol EXPENSE tip DAY SCHOOL:

Lair. For the Juvenile Department, per session, sl9p., For the Prepnintory Depot tincnt, do. 15\u25a0/T For the Collegiate Department, do. 29

Ol?" Circulars may bo had by calling nt the Semi-andnary. Parents nnd guardians am invited to call andtjveexainine the Institution. By or'der,?u'ti _

V. P. BRUNNER, Pec'y.

GUARD, FOB AND VEST CHAIN'S.TtJT Finger Rings, Breastpins, Bracelets, Silver

]Je Butter Knives; silver plated Cake Baskets;Castors; Candlesticks; Dixon's best Britannia 6 piecesto tbe svt, new patterns; gold and silver Spectacles atlow prices, by GABRIEL D.CLARK,

ail Water struct, stuoud itbot irotu wbivark



i" wmii 11 "ii "ii \ V API'ERNO N-. v J ?oh b'l I'd lhf> ui'll tfi .1 :? illi;-r "ROL'A!IO.\ I*.\S.'' <ji nn nd.

j 'H '?!< lr it. H .MILITARY BAND ?itl:ichrl to thei Inilt'pi inhmt UliK's, ami rrof. >rlES' O )'i'| LI.ION

, HAND bei-ii ?ng ; .. 1 lor the occufiiou,1 A lull >U|{ily iif<,'>ii|:v*ttin'r\, Fruit, lee UPEIIW, '

will be pruviih d a? tuoderatu i>ri< 08.

j I'he <>' j?> t of this Excursion is to aid in raising, lunds or h,Hiding an Arm try,ami tiii'i. li'ilovvsoldiersand citizens are resprctfuilv called upon to lend theiras-isiaucc in the accoaipii-iiineiit <>: tin!utuh Halving.

Evciy ari.ing' nient will he uiadc to render the Excur.-io;: an RgiceHhie one.

The h at \ ill leave Light Plreet wh irf at o'clock, jI'. M. touching at the Uoumy wharf going ami returniug, ami proceed down the hay to Annapolis, when: !an hour or so will In: spent in viewing the ancient jcity, Fort Severn, &e.


QIJ" Tickets 50 cents?to he had at the Three TunsTavern, Heckrotte's; UoJ. Hickman's; Capt. A. Hol-land's, (Jay st.; Clipper, Sun and Argus oHi es; l'ennsvlvauia House, llowaid .street; McMurray's, FallsRoad, and at the boat on tlie day of the excursion,

tnki stuJt


The last and commodious Hteam-\]\nf Jthif-r£ boat .SA DNEY, Capt. MOFFITT, will

. ~t ave 1,10 intersection of i.ijitandMwHOwSHWlPrntl six. on SATURDAY NIGHT,nl !lu'. i.jck, lb,- t;.c above place mid arrive there on.s.u:<! ly moruiiig early, and land passengers iuinic-dialely at Tie spiit. The Camp has gieatcr facilitieslor landing pussuigers than anyone Hint has beenheld tins season. Persons going down may rely oilnone of the inconveniences usually attendant on suchoccasions. Meals will lie piovided on board at 2orents?Cnrifi'iiionery at moderate prices. The Boatwill leave the Camp at 6 o'clock, P. At. on Sunday.

(If?-For tin: round trip Jjil. Tickets can he had althe Clipper ami rum otlires; at David Grieves', andWhite and CI iss, Fell's Point; at Stephens \ Cuck-rill's, anil of .1. T. Travels, Light street whirl'; also,at tlm who if. {tt/ThfiBoat will stop at the Countywharf. F. P., going and returning.

N. B. There will be no BAr on board. a2l 3l*


Jjp>^Mjd^UC[BPasseiige rs for this gelt btated wuter--i? iug place, by taking the Steam Boatt'ONSTIT'U'FHTN, Capt. Chnvtor. from Baltimore,on Vll l\DAys. WEDNESDAYS, ami FRIDAYS,al .1 o'clock 1 , F. M., will be asoircd of a passage toCape Mai the next morning, by the superb SteamBoat ROBERT MORRIS, Captain Douglass or thei>ll Ifl, t,amain Davis, wtiich leaves Fhilailelphia onTUESDAYS, THURSDAY'S, and SATURDAYS,touching at Newcastl ? 'or Baliimore passengers.

FAIt E from Baltimore to Cape May. includingMeals on the Delaware and Hack liire at CapeIsland .

$3.00.jylL-tf JPR] CRAWFORD, Agent.


_____I'ariit-s and individuals can leave tticDi'iiot, l'rati street, in the passenger train

.VryffrE? ihe I'tiiladeipliia, Wilmington and llal. Railroad Company DAILY, (exefpt Sundays) at HoVlnck. A M., with the privilegeof returning the same day by either of the trains, bothof which willstop at the liridites for that purpose,

(y-Fare for lite lontitl trip FIFTY CENTS.Special tickets are prepared and must he procured

at the office before starting, otherwise full rates willhe required by the conductors, both going and return-ing. [jyldj A. ORAVVFORI), Agent.

IIOOK BlNDlNG?Executed in every styleall with expedition and on reasonable terms, at

LYCEI'T'B, No. 122 Baltimore street over the Pat-riot office, inVelv-'t, Morocco, Russia, or Calf, Musicand Periodicals neatly hound. mti-wsiy

AtYKIVOLD MAN ABOUT TOWN, whosavs, in all of his travels through the UnitedStales he lias never bought BOOKS eo clump at lie hu-

nt HUMI'llItIIY MOORE'S Book Stand, at the cornet of Pratt and Eight sts. Who has a "few more leftol the same kiad"und at the same price. Just received a fresh supply of the celebrated nc plus ultraWriting Inks.

N H. Those who may tender the above stand Willia call may rest assured to be pleased with their bat-gains. [al9-s2t] IIUMI'HERYMOORE.

KENTUCKY JEANS, NOI7ECMT(A£. sorted colors and quality) Kentucky Jeans; su-

per do. for gentlemen'- Coats; wool black Cassimercs,good and cheap. OH and see.

B. H. RICHARDSON fc CO.,No. 923 Baltimore struct,

a2b TAK] 3doors below Charles.

tOST. v\ as lost on board the steam bo \ < oiunt-J bin, on the occasion #f the National Blues' ex-

cursion tu Annapolis on Thursday afternoon, a ColdBRACELET, with five red sets. *ltli.n| the initialsof G. VV. Z. toM. B.J. engraved on the locket, ftwas either lost on board the boat or in Annapolis. Aliberal reward will be paid to the tindci bv returningit at No. 87 BALTIMORE ST. " jy.'ki tf


Baltimore and Philadelphia Stermboat Company viaChesapeake ami Delaware ('anal.

£ One of the Boats of this Line willjfcrtsh'avf the wharf, No. 3 Light st. every

A FTBft N< M)\, (Sundays excepted) lit?2J o'clock, and arrive in Philad. early next morning.

Freights on Dry Goods, 25 els. per 100 lbs.Course Goods taken at less rates.Passage $1.50. Meals 25 cents.

For freight or passage, apply at the office.E G. IIAKRIS, Agent,

alo if No. 3 Light-st. wharf.


CUIKAP! CHEAP! CHEAP! Just received/ a superior lot of blue black ALPACCA ME-

TRES, at very low price. Those in want should callwithout delay and they will get a bargain.

Also?A lot of beautiful and fashionable FALLCASSIMKRES, all wool, at prices that astonish allwiio see them; with a general assort no nt of DRYGOODS, wholesale and retail, cheap for cash.

EDVV. J. RICHARDSON,a2l No. 87 Baltimore st.

UPHOLSTERY & PAPEKHANGINGS.IOI'IS MULL*K offers for sale a large hit of

J Paperhangitigs, Borders and Fire Screens, tosuit purchasers, at very reduced prices, lie willhangpaper ie the neatest manner nt toe lowest rates. Hemakes to order Mattrasses; Beds; Cushions; Carpetsau.t Curtains. Lays Oil Cloths, Carpets, Matting, tic.

He has in store, a lot of cheap gill-end Ornaments,Table Oil Cloths, Door Matts, VViNdow Shades, Vettilian and Slat Blinds, Cord and Tassels, nnd Haircloth.

He does every variety of Upholstery work at thelowest rates: willinga!wave to labor low, so as lo pro-cure the more of it. To those wishing anything donein the above line he respectfully solicits their patron-age, Call at No. 1 LIBERTY STREET, one doornot lit of Baltimore at. s!6 tf

BOOTS, SHOES, IIATS, CAPS, DTO.1800 caees, received per recent arrivals, direct

from manufacturers , on consignment, and for eale bythe case only, on manufacturers account, at nnprecedentedly low prices,

al 3m E. H. MERRILL, 17 and 19 Hanover st.

-i VffTmjiiui '")e subscriber keeps always onhand an assortment of C. Mever's

II I II Premium PIANO FORTES,Rose wood and mahogany cuses,war

ranted to atuad any climate, cheap for rash.J. E. BOS WELL, Masic Dealer,


Just received, a lot of new and second bund Books.Also, cheap NOVELS, bound and in pamphlet form,by HUMPHREY MOORE,

Corner of Light and Pratt streets.N, R. Highest prices paid for SECOND HAND

BOOKS. nl2-eotU


hound, Wild Cherry, S'ippery Eltn, Elecampane andother iagredienls, amounting to twenty-seven.

Cease ftom coughing?cure your colds?From your lungs remove each pain;

Do not wait llieiraction longer,Ifyou'd peace and health regain.

Why continue to be inflicted with pains at the lungs,a constant Cough,and want ofshinp, when a packu >eof S, S [MXCE'S COMPOUND EXTRACT OFHO*IRIIOUXD will nt. once restore you? A fewpackages will Item lit you in the way of cure, whenall other remedies fail,

SETH S. DANCE, General Agent,auo corner of Pratt and Charles sts.

rfIBNT CO A'Ell FOR SALE. A large Linen£L Awning Cloth, suitable far a tent caver.Fur sale lew at

alii No. 85 N. HOWARD STREET.

fJIOYS, TOY S. TOYS'. A large ijunntity ofH Toys selling off at oust, at


E W STYLE CAP KTilBON ST An Assort-AN ment just received by Mrs. P. A. Nickorson.


TOMBS AND HOOKS AND EYES7~A complete.J usortnunt, for sale at niannfaeturers ptices, by

FREDERICK FICKEY & BoNS,J)TJ 290 Baltimore strt et.


AM> C,\ LLKRY HP Till;FINE AUTS,con nth of hjh.timoue .v r.u.rxHT-srs.1157111*. F.V SONI.IHJ, A>lß. Hl.i, will 111- per

!? . ,nu| MV WIPE'S DE VFI--T, liiok Hazard..Mr. \V \l,i :nT. David. Mr. t ? WENS. 1,-tilv I<l-;IIIvilli*. .Mr.--. t.UssKLL. C.pi li, Mix F. IW|':.

AHi-r which, Mi.-s I',. INI T, ntirl Mis-C v\,N( >\ willdance I'II-Polka. Hong* bv Miss P. INCH.

'I'D conclude Willi LADIES' MAN. Rinks, Mr. iW A 1.1 (IT. Kill'innin i lis, Mr. (1W EN'S. Jcck Ro-binson, .11 >fl vs'l'll\. Mr**.Kiiiintiiiis, Mrs. WAL-CI IT. Mary MI*BL*S. Miss (!\NVUN.

Ailniiiiaiioi-85 ct*., children untliir 10 years ol'inge, I'-'i i i nis. Sal.urn performance to commence atr n'l'lm-k precisely. H

RKMOV V 1.. 'l'ln* subscriber In us lump to inform Ins friends anil tli public in general, that I

he lias rPmnvi'd his II.YIRKELLA, PAItA-l*e.r y.S>l. auil SUN SHAKE STOKE and FAC iI'liliV from No. Tib Baltimore street, to

No.;JK NORTH IIOWAKD HTKHKT, UIli;w doors below Lexington, east si le. Rersons in iwant of good articles in tlivabove line would Ho well ;to call before purcbastiit; els- where. (t(j~ Umbrellas Iand Parasols COVERED and REPAIRED at short Inotice and on reasonable terms. Recollect the mini- |her, 38 North Howard street. Sign of the Lady withithe Parasol. THOMAS L. EVNIS, iJyM tl PracticafUmbrella Manufacturer.


y AVE REMOVE!) their HOUSE FUR-. NISHING \Vr ARER()OMS from their old stand |

to No. 1() N. CHARLES ST., where tliey will be,happy to w it on tkeir pations aad the. public gen-1erally.

Allkinds of FAMILY IIARDWARK, TAULK CUTLKRY,SILVER I'I.ATKD AND BRITANNIA VVARK, HUH K TINWARK, SOLAR ANU HALL LAMPS, (*IRONDOI.ES, TFATRAYS AND WAITERS, KITCHEN FURNITURE, COOKINO UTENSILS, fscc. Sec., including every variety of lI lottsr keeping Articles constantly on hand at the low-est cash prices, iyid-lm |

NOTICE.CIIIAKIJKS n. BARRV respectfully informs

J his friends and the public that lie has returned toHidtiinore, after having passed the last ? iglit years inthe D ug business in Plii'adelpliia, and taken the storerecently occupied by James \v. Scott, No. I*'*4 UALTIMoRE STREET, where lie intend* keeping con-stantly on hand a general assortment of DRUGS,MEDICI NES AND PERFU.MERV,and hopes by tinremitted attention to bu>iuess to merit a share of pa-tronage. He takes great pleasure in referring to thefollowing eminent and distinguished physicians ofPhiladelphia:Naihau'l Chapman, M. I). I J. Randolph, M.D.Thoa. Harris, U.S.N. " |J. R. Paul, "

Win. E. Horner, 4< I George McUlellan, u

Hugh L. Hodge, " W. S. W. Ruschenbergtr,"Henry N ill, " | William Harris, uIsaac Hays, " IJ. M.Paul, " iThomas I). Mutter, " | Paul Reck Goddard, "

Jy94 eolm J. W. Wallace, M. D.

CIHLOHINE TOOTII POWDBR. This isJ\\ most Hxcellent article for cleansing and whiten-

ing the teeth, healing spongy and diseased gums, andpurifying the breath. Try a box?it needs no oilier jrecommendation. Price i? 5 cents.

G. K. TYLF.R,je3p-eotf corner E. Rnltirnore and High sts.

/}Q\ .STOJCKN, 011 the iitglit of theill7*2*'"' Zsi

lnßt ' ,r"rn n'V stable, at VVood--4 ViMiui.itM berry Factory, about :ij miles from

Baltimore, a dark bay IIORSIC, about?.liyiJawsql,r HI hands high; he has a good deal of-aSv-*®*-pirit,and his head is very handsome-

ly formed, and would be likely to attract attention; tinother marks recollected, except that he lias a scar onbis rump, aboutß inches fmm the root of his tail. Heis about 8 years old. At the same time a SADDLEand BRI DEE was taken, made by Messrs. Jenkins fcLilly,South si., Baltimore, whose names are uponthe Saddle. !flj-Twenty-dive dollars reward will hepaid for the recovery of the Horse, or lifiy dollars forthe horse and ingiie, on application to ine at Wood-berry Factory, or to WILLIAM MASON, Esq., No ?<TSpear's wharf.

a22d4t 11. N. GAMRIIILL.


just opened, I ease Printed Linens, warranted all flax,suitable for gentlemen's shirts, which will lie sold low.Also, a qitauiityof French MARSEILLES QUILTS,of the very best quality. Those wishing to purchasesuch Goods, would do well to call and examine Iheni,as they are the finest article of the kind that has beentil this city for years.

No. 103 BALTIMORE STREET,alfi between Calvett and Light streets.


To save fellow mortals from death,To cure them of Coughs and of Colds,

Consumption and Shortness of Breath.The way, then, at length has been found

For man to obtain quick relief;Its virtues willsurely astound,

And make him the same of belief.Would you live, then, ill joy and in health,

Feel hale when old age shall advance?Ifso, by far better than wealth,

Ifthe Candy, made only by Hance."Pricegf)cents per package, or live for sl.For sale by SETII S. HANCE, corner of Charles j

and Pratt sts. aus i



between Light and Charles sts. jHas just received from latest importations and willcontinue to add to his stock, as they arrive, the most)desirable Goods imported. Also, I OMESTIC GOODS of jevety description?so that persons wishing to hayiwillfind, by calling at 2: 9 Baltimore strr et, one of thebest assorted stocks of / amy and Staple Dry Goods inthis city. and at the lowest prices, wholesale and retail. \u25a0

JUST OPnNED.New style Cashmere B'ECOSSE, all pricesFrench Mouseliiiede Laities, extra quality1 bale super CLOAKINGSSuper black and col'd ALPACAS, very cheapSuper black and blue black SILKS


Fancy Silks; black and white Crapes.SHAWLS! SHAWLS! SHAWLS!

Extra rich embroidered Crape Shawlsdo. Cashmere Shawls

With a varietv of other Shawls, all prices.CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND VESTINGS.

Just opened super hla"k French CLOTHS, t .villedbodies, of supetiorquality and cheaper than ever.

Also, west of England and Domestic CLOTHSFancy Cassimercs, all prices.

LINEN GOODS.Linen Cambric Ildkfs; CambricsIrish Linen and Sheetings: Barnsley do.Extra rich Table DAMASKDamask Table Cloths; NapkinsHuckaback Towels; Russia DiaperA full assortment ef WHI TE GOODSAlso?Silk, coiton and cashmere HOSIERYLadies' and gentlemen's silk and kid GLOVESDOMESTIC GOODS, all kindsBlankets, Flannels and Fulled Linsey.Allof which I willsell on the best terms.

J. EDWAKI) BIRD,als No. 209 Baltimore street.

\u25a0 OUR NKW BOOKS just received nt theIT! New and Cheap Book Establishment of OWEN.

KURTZ & CO., No. 140 Baltimore-el., 3d doar Eastof Calvert st.

Remains of the Rev. ASAIIEI,NETTLESON, D.D., consisting of Sermons, Outlines and Plans of Sermoils, Brief Observations on Texts of Sciiptnre, nndMiscellaneous Remarks, compiled and prepared forthe Press b Bcnnct Tyler, D. I)., President nnd Pro-fessor of Christian Theology in the Theological Insti-tute of Connecticut.

GOSPEL PROMISES, bv the Rev. Jos. Allcine,author of an "Alarm lo the Unconverted," &c.

PROFESSION IS NOT PRINCIPLE, or the Nameof Christian is not Christianity, by Grace Kennedy,author of the "Decision," "Anna Ross," "Jessy Al-lan," ke., from the Sixth Edinburgh edition.

LIFE IN EARNEST, being Six Lectures on Chris-tian Activity and Ardor, by Rev. Jas. Hamilton, au-thor of "llarp on the Willow,"&c.

A full and complete assortment of School, SundavSchool. Theological, and Miscellaneous HOOKS andSTATIONARY, constantly for sale at unprecedentedlow pciccs. Just come and examine our books andprices. We are determined to sell very ehr up. aid

IJIIONZR TAVRKDS? Received this dayone5* cased 4 Bronze 'I weeds. Silk Warp.Also, just received super 12 4 COTl'tj.V SHEET

ING, superior to any ever offered before in this market, together with a general nsamtment of CottonSheetings and SHIRTINGS, to which we invite theattention of dealt rs and lauiiliis.


a22 293 Baltimore street.

J UST RECEIVED, bjr J EDWARD BIRD,209 Baltimore st. new style French GINGHAM,

the most beautiful article yet offered in this market.J. EDWARD BIRD,

a22 209 Ftnhimore st.

PRRSKUVING KETTLES AND FUR-NACES. Another supply of Cast Iron and

jEarthen Furnaces; also, a large lot of Enamelled Pre| serving Kettles, of superior quality, just received and' for sale low for cash, at.the original Furnirhiug VVare-| house, bv

ALFRED H. UF.IP, No. 335 Baltimare-st..a>2 dtf and Tin Store nb.ve ID ward st.

: FOR SALE & RENT.M.ioii SALE One upright BA\V, n.r stimght 01a. circular sawing, Williouriiiice complete. Also,

I three Circular btw s, Uuiiclk s and bows,-0111,11. te;'j I \u25a0! 01 'Drums, bin. I'ls ami Ho.v s iirHie saint'. One, "I'llrnjiik Lathe, complete.

Also, a lot 01' batin wood; Vein 1 rs, liall'mol I in -h|of ilio same; Bnal eye anil Culled Maple Veneers;| K(i. e-ivi)Oil do.; Lakiivrnid do. 1111411 ii>; 111

Jyiß eotf No. 5 CONCORD STREET.ii X C. \ V .vi'JIEKT i'ItOPUKTY FOB

S\l.l-',. 'l'lie mi .'ser lie-r ' Hers I'or sale, onUsiliflPi" 'si"lt 1 'ins, (In- lares slory lirill-e In- now

)Cl,upies, iii C.l V rI'I'HKIII'. near the bridge.

[ Any person warning a good siainl lor business, Willia

J good dwelling, would do well to r ail and examinej the house, win 11 tin; terms or further particularsI will he made known,

I alii-wslt4 JAMES lIOUHE.

I £££** STABLE FOB RENT. A BrickI 'ajLo'"d STABLE and CAItitIACE HOUSE, in Johnffifj'J alley, \orlli of Franklin street, with an un

j JihilL!*-improved LOT adjoining. The Lot is wellI suited for the erection of Stables, bounding 33 feet onI tlie alley, and running hack 18 feet 9 inches, and will| lie leased separately, for terms, w hicli willbe mode-| line, inquire at No. Idl Eulaw street, cast side, fourthI door above Franklin. jv19-tf

Mh'OllHUNT OR SA I.E. A very gen-teel and comfortable new two and a halfslory Dwelling, with back building and hy-

-1 rlranl in the yard, situated in south Exeter st.

i near Fawn. Kent 5 175, anil possession given imme-diately. Apply to 11 RoNll?or

UEOKISK HELBACII,. a - J I (*] No.-I!) beeond street.

MFOUMA BE \ FARM of about 1(10

acres, about 7 miles from the city, situatedbetween the Harford and Bel-Air Turnpike,about 20 or HO acres of which are in good

wood land, principally hickory, oak and chesniil; andI all under good fencing The iinpmvements me a! comfortable dwelling, barn, cow nud stone milk|lt ruse, arid every other tieces.-nry out building. Also,

; an orchard of choicest fntits, and line meadows withi good stream of water running through them. Titlej iudisputulileand will lie sold a great bnigaiii. Apply at

SCOT'J'I'S Intelligenoe (Hliee,?M No. 10 Exchange Place.

CHEAP REAL ESTATE.| AjafVL FOK HALM. A liaiolsnrne three slory

?reyyd® Dwelling, east side of Aisquith-st., near Law,irjjJjz! al 5160U; one i{story on Fawn st. near Exe~

ter, rented at 151.70 per year, at o111y #9(JO; onein High st. near (.'ay, 0-; fei t front, 51700; a large granite front store with dwelling, on South st. near Pratt,

j cheap; two handsome 3 story Dwellings, with brickstables and carriage houses, centrally located, at only5H.7U each; one in 1/uridine st. near East Baltimore,

: and one at 5-100; one on east Baltimore street at,? 1.70(1: one splendid dwelling with every convenience,on east Pratl-st. near Hough, 5.7801'; one in A'ans-

| heck-st. near 11 otlitis, 5750, two In VVushing'on-st ,, F. P. .S7OO each; one in Saratoga st. near Pine, 5.750;besid-s 50 oihers cheap and desirable.

GBOUND BENTS in different amounts, for sale.Apply B. BOND, orOEO. UELBACII,

I a9 Property Agents, 49 Second street.

SAVOY SPINACH SUED.Jtist received, (growth 1835,) 80 lbs. SAVOY

I Z£? SPINACH SEED, of superior quality.It. SI NCI,A! It. JR. & CO.

[ al2 lus4t [s] No. tvJ Light street.

CtO.VSTA ISLE'S SALE. By virtue of twoJ writs of fieri facias, issued by John Showacre,

Esq , one of the Justices of the Peace of the State ofMaryland, in and for the city of Bnltimote, at the suitt Randall H. Moale, against the goods and chattels,

I lands and tenements of Charles Pen gov, Nicholas! Peregoy, Nathan Warfield, John W. Watkins ami Ed-

, ward Thompson, to me directed, I have seized andtak> n in execution, all the estate, right, title, interest,

! property, claim and demand, at law and in i quity, ofj litesaid Charles Peregoy, Nicholas Peregnv, NathanWarfield, John \V. Welkins and P.dward Thompson,

| in and to one Brick House on the east side of Pearlstreet, near Lexington si.

And I hereby give notice, that on the I'd day of Septemher, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, I willoffer fursale the said Property, so seized and taken in execution, by Public Auction, to the highest bidder for cash,mi the premises,

ain-rits DA VI I) WllIT.-'OV, Constable.

/lO.VS'I'ABI.E'S SALE. Ity virtue of twotwiits of fieri facias, issued by John Showacre,

I Esq., one of the Justices of the Peace of tile State ofi Maryland, in and tor Baltimore city, at the suit of

j Francis Humes, against the goods and chattels, laudsand tenements of James Wheeler, to ate directed, 1

I have seized and taken, in execution, all the esuie,I right, title, interest, property, claim and demand ati law and in cipii'y, of ilie said Jam's Wheeler, in and

j lo one Brick House, North Calvert street, near

WTit ' ( l,ii. And I hereby give notice. That on the. Ijrui .'kith day of August, 1815, at I*o'clock in the

morning, I will offer for sale Hie said Properly, soseized and taken in execution, by Public Auction, to

the highest bidder for cash, on the premises.DAVID VVHITSOX,Constable.

August 9th, 1845. n'JO-ills


FRJIKCIS HKKHLER, No. Ilitt HAL-TIMORE STREfcT, a lew doors below theClipper oliiee, begs leave to inform bis iiu-

melons friends and customers, as well ascountry merchaiilsgenerally, that lie has just importeddirect ftDm Paris, one of lite most extensive, variedand beautiful assortments af PARASOLS, CANESand CAME HEADS, WHIPS, he., that have everbeen utl'ered for sale in Baltimore, and being determilted to si II as' cheap as any other establishment inthe country, whether in New Yotk, Philadelphia, orin this city, he with confidence ri quests purchasersto give him a call. His assortment, lie is warrantedin saying, cannot be surpassed. nltMf


The subscriber, having purchased Ilie extensive Philadelphia Manufactory, recentlyestablished in this city, corner of LittleSharp anil Italtiinorc-sts., begs leave to in

form country merchants and city nenlers, as well asthe public generally, that lib is prepared to accommo-date t hi*!iion terms fully as cheap as they can be pur-chased in Philadelphia nr New York. His stock ofUMBRELLAS, PARASOLS and SUN SHADES, isof the best and most substantial manufacture, andwill be found as extensive and varied as any other inthe country. Determined to sell at the very lowestPhiladelphia and New York prices, he respectfullyinvites the public to give bint a call.


PIANO FOK'JKS(i. J.OON'HADT lias removed

fßsSaS' ,,J>to N. ill BALTIMORE STREET,iTl a '" w ,' oor* west of t Itarles, where he

I | ( f I offer* for sal a large assortment ofPIANOS, received by late arrivals, consisting of 13Inslrunietits, English, German and Fiench action, andof varios exterior finish. They are manufactured byRosenkrauz, fcltainbaeh anj Meihaui, and oilier eelebraled makers of Germany. The assortment is con-stantly kept up by the receipt of from 8 to 111 freshinstruments per mouth.

Mr. OONRAIIT devotes bis time and attention ex-clusively to the Piano trade: it in bin whole aid onlybusiness, and he is determined in have always thebest Instruments that can be procured, and io sellthem on accommodating terms.

SECOND HANI) PIANOS. An elegant Londonmade upright, and two square Pianos, 6 octaves, inexcellent order, for eale low. all-ddw

FOR PORT DEPBSITK-TWICE A DAY.Passengers leave the depot, Pratt street,

iSfXSfo in the cars of the Philadelphia, VVilaiing-TtttTTU ,(in am ' Baltimore Railroad Company,-D4ftP&Pu EVEKV MORNING, (except Sondays) at

II o'clock, and EVERY AFTERNOON, nt 3J o'clock,except Sundays, which will he at 8, P. M.

On arrival at Havre de Grace, pinceed to Port De-posits bv steamboat Gosport, Cnpt. Siurieon.

Returning, the cars leave Havre de Grace at 12 o'clock, (noon) and at 8 o'clock, P.M.

Fare to Pott Deposite 75 cents.

(ttj- By taking the morning train itwill allow per-sons who have business at Port Deposite to remainseveral hours at that place and return to Baltimore theame evening, f Kf' Tickets must be procured at theoffice before entering the ears.

a-JI-tf A CRAWFORD, Agent.

KNIGHT'S WEEKLY VOLUME. Acheap series of weekly publications, of which

the follow ing volumes have been published, viz.:biography of Win. Caxton, 1 vol.Mim! among the Spindles, 1 Vol.The Englishwoman in Egypt, 2 vols.Lamb's Tali >' Iron) Shakspeare, 2 vols.T"xlile Manufiietares of Great BritainThe < Ihinese. 4 vols.Feats ON the Fiord, I v.,1.

Tasso's Jerusalem I) livered, 2 vols,

gird Architecture, 1 vol.The Elephant, 1 vol.; Rambles by Rivers, 1 vol. jHistory of literature and learning in England,4 vols,

j Dialogues on Instinct, 1 vol.' History of British Commerce 3 vols,

A volume of varieties, I vol.i The Camp of Refuge, *2 vols.I Chemical manufactures of Great Britain, 1 vol. I

j Civil War of Rome, 1 vol.] The Life of Sir Thomas Gresham, 1 vol.

Pursuit of Knowledge, 3 vols.Pictures of FnehsU Life?Chaucer; 1 vol.Memoirs of a Workman, 1 vo.; The Cid, I vol.Any of the above works sold separately. Just re

ceivetf and for sale by F. LUCAS, JR.,I jy24 No. 170 Baltimore street.

g tCMPOUND SYRUP GUM ARABIC?-'A ' For Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, SoreTnroat, Asthma, ilitlicult breathing and Soreness inthe I'reaet. This is a pleasant preparation of GumAtabic combined Willi oilier remedies which rendersit one of the most i iHcient medicines for the abovenamed complaints ever offered for the relief of suf-fering humanity . It lias maintained a high standingTor eight years, and needs only a fair ttial to prove thetruth of the above statement. Prepari d only by

G. K. TYLER,ap'-M corner East Haitimure ami High sis.

TEAS! TEAS'.! TEAS!!!B am ' l|a "* chests low

Ww 8 xk priced fine ami extra fineUREEN and BI.ACK TEAS, consisting

w mSL a '"' Youtig llyson, Gunpowder,xje-vge"lmperial, Souchong, l'wuehong and Cnu-

lan Pouehong, Allof which are warranted fresh.Also, a large assortment of COFFEES?such as

Rio, Lagiiayrn, I'ntfang, St. Domingo, .Manilla and OldGovernment Java, as low as I*2l cts. The diffeieniqualities of Coffee arc roasted fresli every day at 10,I2j and lticts. per lb.

CANTON TEA COMPANY,ml3-tf Corner of Baltimore and Frederick sts.

IJEW WORK. HOWLING ON ROMANFN ISM. The History of Romanism trout the ear-liest corruptions of Christianity to tie present time,withu lull chronological table, analytical and alpha-betical indexes, he. Illustrated by numerous keenrate and highly finished engravings of its ceremonies,supeistitions, persecutions and historical incidents,in one large octavo vol. For sale by

PARSONS & PRESTON,Booksellers, Stationers, Blank Book manufacturersand Paper Dealers, No, 151 Pratt street, adjoining theRailroad Depot. u4H OJHi CLOTHS FLANNELS, .fcc. Otc.

\u25a0u A R. McELDOWNEY St CO have this day opened several eases 7-8 and 4-4 Shilling Long Cloths; doti 1 and 12 4 Shading do. do. Also, 3 4and 4-4 superand medium White Flannel; 7-8 Gauze do. do.; witha large assortment of 10-4 and 12 4 Linen Sheeting;Pidow Case Linen; Irish Shirting Linen; Damaskand Diaper Table Cloths and Napkins; Huckaback,bird eye and Russia Diapers, See. kc., which will besold low at No. 163 BALTIMORE STREET,

j)"26 between Calvert and Light streets.

IIIKGAINSt BARGAINS!jjSa Another very Cheap Store in NORTH GAY

opposite Fayette-st., where maybe found a beautiful assortment of the most

fashionable BONNETS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS,SHAWLS, SCARFS, LACE GOODS, antl a generalassortment of Fancy articles. Also, Calicoes, Minislin de Laines; Laxvns; Linen lltlkfs.; gentlemen'sStocks and Collars; Suspenders and a great variety ofGoods too tedious to enumerate. The public are re-spectfully invited io call at this New and Cheap Store,where they will he accommodated with fresh goodsand at the lowest prices, {gf- Don't forget?No. 3GAY STREET, opposite Fayette. apld if



The CHEAP BONNET STORE has com-fcjbptnenced selling off at reduced prices as the

rr:\son is passing, and now'offer FlorenceBraids, Rutland Braids, Brilliants, Neapoli-

tans, plain and Lace. Gimps, Modenas, Bird's EyeShell, Pedal, Dcven, Gluted Lawn and Fancy BON-NETS, at very low prices. Children's Bonnets ingreat variety, very cheap. Also, Leghorn and BraidHate; Palm Leaf Hals; Gintp do. fco. tee., at

HAY WARD'S Cheap Store,JeJO No. 25 Howard st., 3d door from Fayette st.

MANGE'S NAKsiPARIiXA OR BLOODI'ILLS cure Dyspepsia, Costiveness,Singing in

the Lars, Dizziness, Inflammation of Stomach andLiver, Dropsy, Ktraumatism, Weak Nerves. SickHeadache, and all dioausea arising from an impureatate and circulation of the Blood. Price 25 centsper box.

For rile by BETH B. HANCE, corner of Charlesand I'ratKis. nu s


our stock of Bnnsets with the present mo.ith, theprites have been greatly reduced, and we now offer

Florence Rraids, worth $1 SO and .;! lor $2; FineChain (SIMPS worth &2 50 for 81.7 ft; white face NE-APOLITANS worth $2 50 for ft 5n and $1 7.1; Trans- jparent NEAPOLITANS s:<\u25a0, Iteaiihful MOOINASM; Common do. 50 cm.; Ila von Braids ifi-ity.and75cts; Fancy Bonnet* 25 anil 37| cts.; $1 5.0 FlutedBonnets only s'l; ,$l 05 Children*' Limps only 75 cts.Also, Children's Bonnets of Rutland, Medina. Flor-ence, Sic. Ike , very low. Also, Closing lint PARA-SOLS and Sit V s|| AOI3S. aatd a general a-sortment iof Summer UK V GOOIM. at a great reduction, to Imake room,for Fail Stock, at

HAYVVARR'S Cheap store,all No. 85 How-aid *t , 3d door from Fevciie,

Seaied ptpposals will IL he reccivud hv the Commissioners of Public ISchool*, until TUBODAV, 96th instant, (br furnish-1ins the Schools with Hooks and Stationery for the cur- Irent your. I i-ts of the Hook- to he used in the Schoolscan he obtained from the Clerk of the Hoard, No (ii 1F.yilte street opposite the ( ninn Hunk of Marylandwith whom proposals mat he Jell.

J. W. TILYARD, Clerk?

a of the Com. of P. S.THAME GREAT POPULARITY OF HANCR'S* COMPOCNO SVRCP OP IHIARHOCNH andthe length of time it has stood in the favor of mid con-fidence of the public, Is the greatest proof of its deei-j ,I<,d [>'"' tty over every other ptepapration for thej cure of all forms of COUGHS and

: INFLAMMATIONOF TUB LUNGS.One bottle is a sufficient test of its efficacy. Trice51) cents per bottle. Fur sale byBETH 8. HANCE,

j .

?oricr Charlta and Pratt Ft*.,a and 168 Halumorc st.


? iij? BliOM i\;, iMNtOVED"

I -.? FATENT RE FillIf EliATOR A\|>BUTTER lin\ maker.No. 13 (.'OMJUEKCE SlHCC'l',

:l1 "_


near Pratt.

I'KINTING INK,or I.Yi: V <1 ALITYAMi(; M):, yCan always be lid at n ntiulnctd ? s low >i juices, at

O i;\, KIJk I Z & (

1i (ik>#? 11 ? \u25a0r ? a (I Sta 'iojuTs,No. I4f Ha. timor l Mrces,Jyg4-6in 3d door east of Cnlvnt

I '?(l O.VIMiimA.V V 11. IMtltiO: 'I 1 B TRAO'J ICAE WATCH MAKER,

inbß4-tf 60 8. CibyiiT ITRRRT.ISS s,\ ItAII M. I'E.U.B, I'UKTItAIT

-,** PAINTER, has removed to No. 5 FRONT>I 11f.i*.P. Exhibition Room open during the day forvisiters. {cje-oid Paintings handsomely cleaned and"I"""''- nlB-ly' ACOK WEAVER,Cabinetmaker, 80S.sharp

si., Undertaker of Funerals at short notice. jaß3AUJTTM W. WATTS, HOUSE CARPENTER,*°FAYETTt-BT., adjoining Assembly Rooms, jal-lyy AMES NINDKIr CHRONOMETER U. WATCH MAKER,n '°**y No. 11 Sol "I I! CAY saKieT.

WILUAM VV. I.ICE. F AsnioaAßi.it lIAI*'"1 UK Sod SHAVER, No. *1 N. <>'A Y-ST

'irnth mo. s Razors at at the shortest unties. al6 y

fjliyo THBI PLIIbIC. Whereas in the roans.ni social ini.i coinnifici.il events, it becomes ne-<nsiary loi n.sr.il utter losing one situation, to apply?or another, and to assume amongst th'l citizens oftin. tity an.l eisewlieie, tli: staiion in life,.to whichay art and cducalaiii we an: entitled, a decent respectlor tin: Opinions ol the public, requires that we shouldin.ike known the utilises winch imp. lus to advertise-no lit:

We hoi.' these truths to he self-evident, that allinert are created free and erpial?Hint tu secure luera-tiv" and comfortable summons to us nil, an Intelli-gence otlice has been opened in Exchange I'lace, de-'i.vi'i- confidence and sii|i|iorlfront all who have beenkind enough in patronize it?and to patronize onewhich will secure lo Ihcin safely and happinesss.

V\ e submit Itie Pillowing. advcrliseuc nts to a can-did world:UN KEEIFTRY. Feveral negro (firls and Boys ofexcellent character, for a term of y earsAHENCY, lor the purchasing of Fluxes, on a rea-sonable, com miss ion.CR?-Translations correctly made from Spanish andFrench. Families supplied with domestics at theshortest notice.

As "nnw's lite day and riow's the hour,"Fur.- iille times mii-l all l.e ower,

| for those now in want of situations,Need but hand in their recommendations,Employment sure lo find.

WANTED DAILY, Porters, Waiters, Ostlerg, La-borers Goatlinn-n, Clirks, liar-keepers, Chiimber-(Hiiitlri.Cooks, wot and dry Nurses, !kc.

(IT/- This < st;111]i ~111111\u25a0 ni was founded in the city ofBaltimore, in the vior IH3O, and is exclusively n stnei-ed in Commission and Agency transactions, embrac-ing the recovery of delds, claims and iulicritane.es,buving efficient and responsible sub-,agents in the prin-eipal cities of the United States, and Co-respondentsat the chief ports jind capitals of Foreign Governmentsin commercial relations therewith. This agency pos-sesses peculiar advantages and facilities for the safeand speedy transaction of such business as may beconfided thereto, subject to the usual commission.

Orders for purchases or investments, must he ac-companied eiiln-r willia remittance of funds, or con-signment of produce, kc. to the amount required, ad-dressed to the tindetsigned.

LEWIS F. BCOTTI, Exchange Place,A few doors from the corner of South*


a22 Neatly opposite t lie Exchange.

PHOTOGRAPHIC LIKK.NESSES.; fJI AKEBion an Improved principle, by

JL KEll FOOT & KING.A favorable opportunity is now offered to the La-

dies and Gentlemen of ilalliniore, to obtaih MINIA-TURE PORTRAITS in the most perfect style ofexecution, which for life like hcauty, distinctness andaccuracy, are acknowledged to be unsurpassed. Chil-dren taken at all ages, in front four to ten seconds.Adults in,from fifteen seconds lo one minute* Fami-lies taken in groups; also invalids and deceased per-sons taken at their residence on the shortest notice.Likenesses taken in all kinds of weather and satis-faction guaranteed in all cases. Original Paintingsate likewise correctly copied.

{try-Rooms lP7j and o|u s( ,uth side of HALTIMORESTREET, between Charles and Light streets, wherepersona are respectfully inviti d to call and examine

| specimens and judge lor themselves. Miniatures co-lored inthe most beautiful manner. fcfi-tf

CO I)Id ;\ CHANGE!) OK THJE VVKATH-irs ER. We scarcely meet a petson who is not more

I or los< troubled with a cough or cold. Old and young,I liie prudent and the imprudent, stem alike to com-! plain.

Many think ita temporary cold, which will pass offIn a day or lwo. This is not always the case, as itwill, in all probability, terminate in consumption ifnotattended to in season. Our advice is, use llanoe'sCOMPOUND SYRUP OF HOARHOUND, whichwill cure you in two or three davs. Price SO centsper bottle. For sale by SETII S. "IIANUE, 10s Haiti-more si., and at his old stand comer of Charles andPratt sts. . m 5

sLbbKits' GREAT REMEDYFor Liver Complaint. A Remarkable Case.

VTfRNTiO\ is asked to the following state-ment of Sam'l McCord, Esq. of VV'ellsburg, Va:

Wklisbusc, Va., May 2t>lh, 1845.1 hereby certify iliat I xvas afflicted with the Liver

t oniplaint and Plitliisicfor a long time, bring morethan a year under the caie of a Physician, tiiat thedisease instead ol being relieved by the medicine I?ook, kept gradually getting worse: my body swelledso thai I was unable to stoop low ensugh to tie tnyshoe. When the disease was at the worst; I was re-commended to tiy Sellers' Liver Pills. I did so. andwas relieved greatly by the use of the first box, andcompletely cured by ihe second.

SAMUEL McCORD.Of?" To be had of J. P. Williamson, corner of Gay

ami High streets; G. K.Tyler, corner of Ihgliandllaltimorr-sts.; Cooper, corner of Orleans and Edenstreets; Wiseman St Wroth, Light St., opposite Uix &Fogg's; J. A. Sawyer, corner of Pratt and Pima-sts.;L. Perkins, corner of Baltimore and Green steets; S.Kramer, Pratt street; A. Fischer, Pennsylvania Ave-nue; or ot Hie General Agent,

W. K. ORRICK, Druggistand Apothecary,aft-if Corner Eumw and Lexingion-sts. Bait.

Bffl AY\\nr> NOVES' HLACK'tVIUT--t"\u25a0 IN'G INK. This Ink has stood the test of liOyrars' experience, and during that time has been con-stantly increasing in public favor and pationagc, andbecame long since, and still continues to be the lend-ing article of the kind in the country. It flows xvithfreedom, is permanently black, and will not mouldunder any circumstances, and is adapted to both steeland quillpns. Dealers and consumers can be Air-mailed with it as low as they generally pay for inferiorInks. For salp hv

TURNER, WHEELWRIGHT & MUDGE,a3 2 south Charles street.


SPOONS, warranted of the very beit quality? none ofvoar trash that's not worth the trouble of carryinghome wiih von. Also, an asso tmeut of fine bc.it iiL-ver PLJITKD SPOObiS and POHKS. with n gene-ral assortment of BRITANNIA WAKE, for sale atthe FURNISHING WAREHOUSE of

C. E. WETMORE 4t CO.,No. 10 North Charles street,

\u25a09-lm opposite the Uuion Bank.

RF.MOVF.D. GEORGE E. COOPER respect"fully informs Ilia friends nnd the putdjo gene

I rally, that he has removed from his old stand to thespacious building No. !if> LOMBARD STREET, be-tween Frederick street and Market Space, where heis prepared to supply metchants and builders withHOISTING MACHINES, on the best plan of any inthe I nited States, lor hoisting easv,'cheapness anddurability. Also, SADDLE HtESSES on an improv-ed pian, which will press with one-loin th the powerof any other in use. All kinds of IRON for housebuilders?such as Vault Doors; Poors, Shutters kc.Allkinds of Wrought and Cast BAILING?a varietyof beautiful patterns on hand for enclosing grave lotsAllthe above work will be done in the best slvle andon reasonable terms. Thankful for past patronage,so liberally oxtciiiliMi to him, ho solicits a continuanceof the same. All kinds of Ulackuniithim; iicutlv eve-cuted at the shortest notice. iiiliß-eo6ni


I'ILLS. Numerousruconinieud item- mdcertificatesoi iwiMlltt cures are in the possession of the pro-

| prietor, but these nre of 1,0 avail lo the sufferer. A; peimaiieut cine is what he wauls, and it is what he

; willhave, if he takes the Fills according to the direc-tions. Prepared onlv hy Dr. G K. TYLER, cornerEast Raltiiuore and High streets, llalliinore. I'riec $1

j per hot. j\7-eotf

aNS'.L\" Kvr P tPr.HS MADE HI T,. mill all information given eit reasonable terms, hy

? a6 L. F. SCOTTI, HI Exchange Place.I



m For Ihe cure oi Sprains, Bruises'j Fresh and Old wounds, Rheumatism'

fßnPjSa " stilibers and swelling of the Joints,* either for man or horse; alsofor Cuts,\*V-H|lgi Rums. Galls, stings or bites of insects

Bf*s''v4JUJ l ,r reptiles, frosted feet, kc..For sale only by C. P. ROGERS, Druggist,

Corner of Howard and Marion, and1 JaSLeoly Howard and Madiaon-sts., Bait.

WANTS.W' ANTED. as man 1, lor a LAD, J3years fage. Apply at this office. a-J3 lw

iiATlOi W.Wi all. ||v voting limnC* limn \ i.gioi.i, who ,# l!i.ji..nj|i'va. ,|.i ,n,led -. niltii" Lrneery limn 1- ?a eituuii in g,, cm(illusion, 01 Imnlwan houi. 110 cut hiiugo ri itlrrnb.e Virginia custom to In. . mplm.'-s', and c.in'po,dace the most sau-Mclory as capability,itmral cbnruel. r, See, Addles* ".M." ~t this iff,.;,."

jWITPATION AVA3 TW). By a young manv.-7 111 a grocery, 11 lur, eommlssion, or in a dry grinds

st .re, having a general knowledge >.(\u25a0 11, \ ltla eoiinlry store?he can produi 1 ihe v. iv n lof r"-lerences a-- to (lunar nr. Le. Apply quickli aiL.F.SCOI I'l'S Intelligence 1 hi'tre

No. in Exchange Place,WCfANTBD? A young man to act as Sules .unv v illaV\ holesale and Retail Dry Hoods store

Address C., lit this Olliee, in ilte lintidwrittngof theapplicant, naming relerenees for charnetei. Ike. aPj

IyA.VTED?A Youth about hi years of age, tnv f attend in a Wholesale and Retail Dry Hoodsstore. Address 11.. at this Olliee, with references,all)

ITI A'ITON~\V ANTED. Ity a colored Bo) ,k. y as a Porter in a store ?he can cotne well recom-mended. Apply at SCO'J'TI 'S,"'J No. 10 Exchange Place.

SITUATION WANTED, by a middle agedmail as an overseer 011 a farm?lie is tliorouglih

'acquainted with tin- nbove hu.-incss 111 nil its brain lie.and can produce the vt ry best of references its regardscharacter, qualifications, Ate., or he would accept asituation ill a grocery, tlour or commission store, or tosup* lint*ml a livery stable.

Apply at SCOTTI'S Intelligence Office,No. 11l Exchange Place.

E JJ ANCE'S COM P< it' \ 1111EDIOATED KOBE,bI -H HOUND CANDY.For Coughs, Col!,. Syiltinj of Hit,ml, Ji,thma, Con-

sumption. Sore Throat. Clearing the 'Voice. Hionchitis, Croup. A*c.

Invented, Prepared nml Sold tniHETII S. HANCB.

CORNER OK CIURI.ES AND PRATT STS.lieittimore.I iiis celebrated C.A.\ I) Vh a scientific and medical

eoiiipotind; therefore in uvoidall appearance ofquackcry, and at the same lime remove an nlgi etion thatsome persons have to take n tnedieiti", of which theiugiedients arc held a secret Irnin them, it has beenthought proper to mention the principal medicineswhich enter into its composition.

THIS VEGETABLE I'AMIVIS COMPOSED.Of the following Ingredients:

llorehoiind, I Gum Arahie, | Squills.Wild Cherry, I Balsam Tolu, Coltsfoot,Senega Root, I i.'iiniBenzoin, | Flaxseed,Hmieset, I l.ivertvoit, Slippery Elm,Irish Moss, Iceland Moss, Paracolic,Comlrey lloot, [ Elecainpaine, | Baisum of Honey,

.'lnn other ingredient* amounting toTVVENTY-SEVEN.

Can any donht its cliiciency after the mention ofHie above ingredients, any one of them being inesti-mable. nj

|ldß CAXVII MEETINGS. The Camp Mect-H in 2 Chorister, or a Collection of Hymns and Spi-

litunl Songs, for the pious of all denominations, i!5els. 'J'lie WES LEY AN PSALMIST, or Songs ofCanaan, a collection of Hymns and Times, designedto be used at Camp Meetings, Prayer Meetings, andnth*r occasions of social worship?2s cts.

PIOUS SONUS?Social, Prayer, Closet and CampMeeting Hymns anil Chortisses?37J cents.

MUSICAL GEMS?A collection of Hymns andTunes, adapted to all occasions of social worship?gocents. For sale bv

PARSONS & PRESTON,Booksellers, Stationers ami Blank Book Manufac-

turers, 151 Pratt st., adjoining Railroad Depot. ad