Project Implementation Plan (PIP) EFE-Peru Page 1 Peru Education for Employment Program (EFE) EDUCATION FOR EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM (EFE) ANDEAN REGION BOLIVIA, COLOMBIA, PERU PERU Sections: Detailed Logic Model and Performance Measurement Framework Translation to English


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Project Implementation Plan (PIP) EFE-Peru Page 1

Peru Education for Employment Program (EFE)





Detailed Logic Model and Performance Measurement Framework

Translation to English

Project Implementation Plan (PIP) EFE-Peru Page 2

Peru Education for Employment Program (EFE)

PERU EFE: Detailed Logic Model



(Rf) Improved sustainable socio-economic opportunities have been created for vulnerable youth of the population (males and females) in La Libertad, Lambayeque, Moquegua & San Martín regions.



(Rm-1) Enhanced quality of the training delivered by the TVET’s institutions, Programs & Services selected to make part of the EFE’s Program in La Libertad, Lambayeque, Moquegua & San Martín regions addressed to vulnerable youth (males & females) under an equal opportunities’ and environmentally friendly approach.

Note: The following icons will be used with the following meanings = environment = gender = governance = technology =

Dissemination = culture = alternative learning styles

IMMEDIATE Outcomes Outputs Activities Sub-Activities Levels Synergy

(Ri-1.1) Strengthened the TVET’s inter-sectorial management and articulation capacity at the national and regional levels under a gender equality and environmentally friendly approach.

(P-1.1.1) MINEDU, MTPE’s as well as regional government managers have received training on policy, programs and technical-professional and job-driven training Design & Management.

(A-1.1.1) Train MINEDU, MTPE and Regional Governments managers on Policy, Programs, and Technical-Professional and Employment Design & Management

(SA- Provide technical assistance to the ministries in the preparation of a diagnosis of the TVETs and Employment policies, programs and services.

Level A (ministries)

(SA- Design and make available a training program addressed to the managerial staff of both ministries (top management, directorates general and line directorates) on TVET’s and Employment’s Policies, Programs and services design, implementation and assessment.

Level A

(SA- Provide technical assistance to ministries in regard to the implementation and assessment of the TVETs and Employment policies, programs and services in the regional governments of Moquegua, Lambayeque, La Libertad & San Martín jointly with MINEDU and MTPE.

Level A

(SA- Provide technical assistance to the ministries for the systematization of successful good management practices in the TVET’s institutions of the Andean countries and Canada.

Level A

Ciudadanos al Día1

ProGobernabilidad2 (in Lambayeque and La Libertad)

1 Ciudadanos al Día (Up to Date Citizens) (CAD) is a not for profit private agency created in 2002 for purposes of contributing tools aimed at enhancing the Public Sector’s management practices and

as a reliable information source on topics of interest for citizens. Today, CAD is a social audit benchmark by reason of its research work and of its own methodology which offers indexes of excellence that contribute to the public agencies’ capacity building processes and hence, raise the quality level of public administration standards. Internet Site: http://www.ciudadanosaldia.org

2 ProGobernabilidad (Pro-Governance) is a project (funded by the Canadian Government) created for purposes of strengthening local governments in northern Peru and fostering equitable and

sustainable economic and social development with a view to bridge the existing gaps/inequalities in the Libertad, Lambayeque, Piura, Tumbes regions. The project seeks to implement regional

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IMMEDIATE Outcomes Outputs Activities Sub-Activities Levels Synergy

SA- Facilitate closer ties between MINEDU y MTPE (national level) and SENA Colombia with the aim to promote an exchange of SENA’s Integrated Management System good practices

Level C

SENA Colombia

(SA- Facilitate closer ties between MINEDU & MTPE (national level) with the Bolivian MdE through good practices in regard to the streamlining of a crosscutting gender approach.

Level C

Bolivian Ministry of the Environment (MdE)

(P-1.1.2) Inter-sectorial developed articulation & complementarity mechanisms for the implementation of services and programs in favour of TVET.

(A-1.1.2) Strengthen inter-sectorial articulation & complementarity mechanisms for the implementation of services & programs in favour of TVET.

SA- Foster use of el inter-sectorial dialogue and coordination processes and spaces between MINEDU and the MTPE in favour of TVETs.

Level A

National Competitiveness Council

(SA- Provide technical assistance for the inter-sectorial harmonization of the new TVET Platform for 138 beneficiaries, articulating, integrating and potentiating information and opportunities created by MINEDU, MTPE and other stakeholders involved in Peru’s TVET.

Level A

(SA- Provide technical assistance to MINEDU in coordination with the Ministry of the Environment for purposes of setting a scaled system of national “green stamps” tailored to the existing higher education supply and certifying that TVET Institutions incorporate an environmental management culture linked to Eco efficiency, environmental education and good safety practices at the work place.

Level A

MINAM (Ministry of the Environment)

DIECA (Community and Environmental Education)

(Ri-1.2) Strengthened the technical and standardization capacities of the various related sectors of the national and regional

(P-1.2.1) Instruments & updated prospective information on the labour demand that drives TVET’s training delivery have been developed and are

(A-1.2.1) Provide technical assistance to MINEDU & MTPE for purposes of improving and updating information tools and

(SA- Provide technical assistance jointly addressed to the Professional training and EFE Directorate General staff and DISEL (Labour Socio Economic Information Directorate) staff on the Review and Use of Geo-referenced Econometric Techniques for the processing of information and their ability to produce prospective studies of labour demand enabling to set an anticipated direction for the pertinent training supply.

Level A

ILO (model)

INEI (Geo-referenced data

Re. MTPE: - Blanca Nùnez

development approaches sensitive to the vulnerable brackets of the population and endeavours to have these groups benefit from efficient, transparent and inclusive governmental practices. Internet site: http://www.progobernabilidad.org.pe/

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IMMEDIATE Outcomes Outputs Activities Sub-Activities Levels Synergy

governments used in setting a direction for the TVET’s training delivery and adjusting it to the labour needs and productive potential have been built ..

available. prospects on the labour demand that dictates TVET’s training supply.

(SA- Provide technical assistance to the Directorate General for Professional Education and Education for Employment of the MTPE and also to the Directorate General for Higher and Technical-Professional Education of MINEDU on the Assessment of the current validity and relevance of the existing profiles and careers included in the Catalogue of Diplomas/titles and certifications as per the market and labour demand studies and, local and national development trends, and incorporate emerging careers.

Level A Eurosocial (National Professional Qualifications System)

SA- Provide technical assistance and accompaniment to national experts from Directorate General for Professional Education and Education for Employment of the MTPE concerning some Canadian methodologies for the functional analysis of the 8 productive benchmarks selected (Occupational and professional profiles), with the contribution of TVET Institution’s technical experts whether Canadian or Peruvian.

Level A Eurosocial (National Professional Qualifications System)

(SA- Facilitate closer ties between MINEDU and MTPE (national level) with SENA Colombia aiming to promote the transfer of the good practices of SENA’s Sectorial Tables and the Observatory of The Public Agency for Employment.

Level C

SENA Colombia

(P-1.2.2) MINEDU, MTPE y GORE’s experts have received training on Program Design pertaining labour demand.

(A-1.2.2) Train MINEDU, MTPE and GORE’s experts on the design of labour demand based training programs.

SA- Provide gender sensitive and sustainable skills and program based training on the Preparation of Profiles, Professional Modules and Curriculum Programming addressed to MTPE, MINEDU and regional team experts.

Level A CNC (National Competitiveness Council)

(SA- Design a specialized module on entrepreneurship /self-employed along with a bank of good pedagogical strategies that involve a streamlining of crosscutting “entrepreneurship” in the EFE students.

Level A Eurosocial ((National Professional Qualifications System)

Re. MTPE: Rafael Cotrina y Christian Zegarra

(SA- provide gender sensitive and environmentally sustainable Train the trainers training (pedagogical advisers), on skills and program based training processes for the TVET

Level A

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IMMEDIATE Outcomes Outputs Activities Sub-Activities Levels Synergy

(P-1.2.3) Standards and procedures have been improved facilitating reintegration to the educational system.

(A-1.2.3) Encourage enhancement processes for MINEDU & MTPE standards and procedural conditions that favour reintegration into the educational system.

(SA- Advice the ministries on the systematization of good practices for reintegration in the Educational system at the technical-professional levels tailored to the needs of vulnerable youth brackets in some instances native or rural and under a gender equality/equal opportunities approach.

Level A

SA- Provide technical assistance for defining an equivalency matrix of the “employable skills” (MTPE) with the “professional skills” (MINEDU), linked to the careers selected to make part of the EFE.

Level A Eurosocial ((National Professional Qualifications System)


(SA- Provide technical assistance for the development of standards and administrative procedures aimed at facilitating youth reintegration to the educational system – both males and females – w/ emphasis on those in the vulnerable population brackets and recognizing their work experience at the corresponding capacity building level.

Level A

Eurosocial (National Professional Qualifications System)

(SA- Launch awareness campaigns addressed to communities in the selected regions (w/ emphasis on vulnerable youth brackets) on the existing facilitation for reintegration into the higher education system.

Level B

(P-1.2.4) Experts from the Program Setting Units of DESTP/MINEDU & GORE have received technical training and the

(A-1.2.4) Provide Advisory services to the Formulating Units of DESTP/MINEDU and GOREs for the

(SA- Advice the DESTP Formulating Unit regarding the National public investment Projects Development Guide for addressed to TVET institutions.

Level A

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IMMEDIATE Outcomes Outputs Activities Sub-Activities Levels Synergy

relevant tools for preparing and assessing investment programs as part of a strategy aimed at improving TVET institutions’ infrastructure, equipment and sustainability.

preparation and assessment of Investment Programs as a strategy aimed at improving the TVET institutions’ infrastructure, equipment and sustainability.

(SA- Provide technical assistance to the DSTP Formulating Unit regarding the appropriate use of the National Public Investment Projects Development Guide with the Regional Formulating Units and the TVET institutions

Level A MEF (Ministry of the Economy and Finances)

(Ri-1.3) Strengthened the institutional capacity of TVET institutions to deliver training services as required in order to meet the labour market needs under a gender equality approach

(P-1.3.1) TVET institutions’ managerial & administrative staff has received training on the design & implementation of environmentally sustainable, gender sensitive, transparent and inclusive educational

(A-1.3.1) Train TVET institutions’ managerial and administrative staff on the design and implementation of gender sensitive & environmentally sustainable, transparent and

(SA- Hold training workshops for managerial and administrative staff of the TVET’s institutions, programs and services, on the new management model: Human capital and planning management, budgeting and oversight & information systems.

Level B (Institutions,

programs and




(SA- Provide technical assistance to TVET institutions directorates in the development of operational, managerial and human capital related institutional procedures of TVET’s institutions, programs and services.

Level B

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IMMEDIATE Outcomes Outputs Activities Sub-Activities Levels Synergy

managerial models. inclusive of the educational community management models

(SA- Provide technical assistance to TVET institutions’ directorates in the selection and development of a national or international “green stamp” certifying that TVET institutions incorporate an environmental management culture linked to eco-efficiency, environmental education and good safety practices at the work place.

Level B

MINAM (Ministry of the Environment)

DIECA (Community and Environmental Education) Directorate

(SA- Provide technical assistance to TVET institutions’ directorates on the implementation of good accompaniment practices for youth in regard to the recognition of their work experience in order to facilitate their integration in the educational system..

Level B

(SA- To provide technical assistance to TVET institutions’ directorates for the implementation of gender services and good practices favouring women’s success in the TVET.

Level B

MIMP (Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Population)

(SA-1.3.1. 6) Complementary to the public investment studies directed by the Formulating Units (DESTP-GORE), accompany the TVET institutions that make part of EFE Program in their international, national and company level fund raising efforts aimed at improving both the infrastructure and the equipment linked to the selected training programs.

Level B Formulating Units (DESTP-GORE)

(P-1.3.2) TVET’s staff has received training on training processes involving a focus on specific skills and programs under environmentally sustainable and equal gender opportunities approaches.

(A-1.3.2) Train TVET’s staff on skills and programs based environmentally sustainable and gender equality training processes11

(SA- To train teachers on skills and program based planning, implementation and assessment of TVET’s curriculum under a gender sensitive, environmentally sustainable and entrepreneurship fostering approach.

Level B

(SA- Contribute to the development of an Andean-Canadian Education for Employment Platform (PACEPE) that promotes knowledge exchange among local, national, regional and international participants linked to the TVET and the private sector.

Levels B & C

(SA- Provide opportunities to participate in international conferences. Levels B & C

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IMMEDIATE Outcomes Outputs Activities Sub-Activities Levels Synergy

(SA- Accompany each pedagogical team of the selected CTPs in the conceptualization of their micro-laboratory of good environmental practices as alternatives to a series of poor environmental practices carried by the productive sector related to the chosen career.

Level B



(P-1.3.3) Updated and newly created modules and training programs based on competencies approach based on the labour market demands & in compliance w/ international environmental & technological standards.

(A-1.3.3) Update or develop skills driven training modules and programs as per the labour market demand and in compliance with international environmental and technological standards.

(SA- Update or prepare skills based educational benchmarks/baseline; the expected level of development of each specific skill at the completion of the training program; the in-house resources (knowledge, attitudes and behaviours) to engage per skill; Scaling up of specific skills within the entire training set.

Level B Use MTPE’s profiles (SA-

National and Regional l Experts who have already received training (SA- y

(SA- Integrate crosscutting technologies, good environmental practices and safety at the workplace practices in each module.

Level B

(SA- Integrate crosscutting specialized entrepreneurship-self-employment related topics to the training program and modules.

Level B Use Outputs (SA- y

(SA- Formulate the pedagogical modalities; the assessment tools used to assess the skills taught during the training and after its completion; the organization structure of the teachers and students for the various learning activities; the different types of learning accompaniment; the pedagogical materials and the organizational guide.

Level B

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IMMEDIATE Outcomes Outputs Activities Sub-Activities Levels Synergy

(SA- Validate the training program with the productive sector. Level B

(SA- Count on the approval of the training program by the regional (DRE or UGEL) and national (CONEACES & DESTP) authorities.

Level B

(P-1.3.4) TVET institution’s staff in the EFE Program have received training on the design and sustainable implementation of academic extension services & technology transfer addressed to the industry and economically productive sectors within their scope of their influence

(A-1.3.4) Provide training on the Design and Sustainable Implementation of Academic Extension and Technology Transfer Services to TVET Institutions’ staff within the EFE’s scope

SA- Train TVET institutions on the conceptualization and design of training and technology transfer services addressed to the local enterprises.

Level B

(SA- Provide technical assistance to TVET institutions in regard to the creation, implementation of and funding for the provision of Training and Technology Transfer to companies.

Level B

UCN’s efforts aimed at fostering the creation of a seed capital fund by the Peruvian government.

(SA- Provide the TVET institutions with accompaniment in the proactive strengthening of ties with the companies for purposes of identifying the technological & labour challenges in order to propose training or technology transfer solutions.

Level B

(SA- Facilitate closer ties between MINEDU and MTPE (national level) with SENA Colombia aiming to promote the transfer of the good practices of SENA’s management of Knowledge networks, Applied Research Seed Nursery Sennova, Techno Parks y Moving Classrooms.

Level C

SENA Colombia

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Mid Term Outcome

(Rm-2) Improved integration opportunities to the formal labour market for youth who have received a diploma from MINEDU’s TVET Institutions and also for the recipients of the MTPE VUPE’s Training for Employment Programs within the EFE’s scope

IMMEDIATE Outcomes Outputs Activities Sub-Activities Levels Synergy

(Ri-2.1) Enhanced and strengthened MTPE’s VUPE employment services with MINEDU’s TVET institutions & the local governments improving integration to the labour market

(P-2.1.1) Vocational and Information Guidance & Counselling Service (SOVIO) has been strengthened and linked to the TVET Institutions under an environmentally sustainable and gender equality approach for youth

(A-2.1.1) Strengthen and link the Vocational and Information Guidance & Counselling Service (SOVIO) to the TVET Institutions under an environmentally sustainable and gender equality approach for youth

(SA- Hold training workshops addressed to those responsible at the national level for the Vocational and Occupational Guidance and Counselling Service (SOVIO), on the use of IT tools and methodologies tailored to vulnerable youth brackets of the population, some of which are aboriginals or of rural origin w/ a focus on sustainable and equal opportunities for men and women.

Level A

(SA- Provide the Professional Training and Education for Employment Directorate of the MTPE with assistance on the implementation (at the local government level and linked to the TVET institutions) of the Vocational and Occupational Guidance and Counselling Service (SOVIO), w/ a focus on sustainable and equal opportunities for men and women.

Level B

(SA- Hold training workshops for the TVET institutions teachers for follow up and accompaniment of youth by the Vocational Guidance/Counselling Service using methodologies tailored to the specific needs of vulnerable youth brackets, ethnic or rural realities, based on sustainable gender equality/equal opportunities approaches.

Level B

(P-2.1.2) MTPE’s, DRTPE’s and TVET institutions’ staff has been empowered to provide Employment services and Employment Search Assistance y (ABE) All in One Single Stop Employment Promotion Window (VUPE).

(A-2.1.2) Empower MTPE’s, DRTPE’s and TVET institutions’ staff to provide Job Bank & Job Hunting Services’ (ABE) in the All in one single Employment Promotion Window (VUPE).

SA- Provide technical assistance to MTPE’s National Employment Directorate regarding gender capacity building and information technology tools for the labour intermediation processes (Job Bank, Labour market Information Services and Job Hunting Counselling Services) keeping in mind that the sustainability of the services must be secured.

Level A

ILO (Occupational Code)

(SA- Provide technical assistance to the All in One Single Employment Window (VUPE) for the subscription of Agreements for the sustainable Provision of Decentralized Job Bank, Labour Market Information and Job Hunting Counselling Services linked to the TVET institutions.

Level B

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IMMEDIATE Outcomes Outputs Activities Sub-Activities Levels Synergy

(SA- Hold training workshops for the TVET institutions managers for purposes of linking them with the labour intermediation services and follow up of alumni who have registered in the Job Bank decentralized services of the All in One Single Employment Promotion Window (VUPE), counting on the technical assistance of the National Employment Service Directorate General.

Level B

(SA- Provide MTPE’s experts with the opportunity to partake in international conferences.

Level C

(P-2.1.3) MTPE and TVET institutions’ staff empowered to provide support for entrepreneurship and self-employment.

(A-2.1.3) Empower MTPE & TVET institutions staff to provide the support services to entrepreneurship & self-employment

(SA- Provide technical assistance to MTPE’s National Employment Directorate concerning the optimization and sustainability of its support services to entrepreneurship efforts w/ a gender equality and environmentally friendly approach.

Level A

(SA- Accompany the MTPE’s Employment and Self-Employment Directorate and the regional governments involved in the development of mechanisms aimed at fostering partnering up among young entrepreneurs, according priority to green entrepreneurship initiatives with a gender equality focus.

Level A (national y regional)

Re. MTPE: - Rafael Cotrina - Christian Zegarra

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IMMEDIATE Outcomes Outputs Activities Sub-Activities Levels Synergy

(SA- Collaborate with the ministries, the regional governments and the private sector for purposes of generating (in an articulated fashion) a reimbursable fund (microcredits) or seed capital fund in order to provide support to entrepreneurship among recipients, particularly green entrepreneurship initiatives.

Level A (national & regional)



(SA- Strengthen within TVET institutions, the promotion of funding opportunities linked to technical-professional entrepreneurship as the Start Up Peru Contest (PRODUCE for technological entrepreneurs) or other youth entrepreneurship contests.

Level A (national & regional)




(SA- Provide support to the Employment and Self-employment Promotion Directorate of MTPE for the holding of workshops for their staff and also for alumni of the TVET institutions for purposes of raising awareness in regard to the support services they offer for entrepreneurship under gender equality/ equal opportunities and environmentally sustainable approaches.

Level B Re. MTPE: - Rafael Cotrina - Christian Zegarra

(SA- Facilitate closer ties between MINEDU and MTPE (national level) with SENA Colombia for the transfer of SENA’s good practices concerning Entrepreneurship.

Level C

SENA Colombia

(Ri-2.2) Strengthened MTPE’s capacity for the certification of employable skills has in order to improve the youth’s work history and training

(P-2.2.1) Enhanced MTPE’s Employable Skills Certification Service thanks to the EFE’s scope of intervention.

(A-2.2.1) Provide technical support to enhance the MTPE’s Employable Skills Certification Service thanks to the EFE’s scope of intervention.

(SA- Provide support to MTPE concerning a high impact communications strategy for purposes of disseminating the services offered in regard to the employable skills linked to the occupational profiles identified in the EFE Program.

Level A

(SA- Hold awareness raising workshops addressed to local firms and associations on the Employable Skills Certification Processes.

Level B

(SA- In coordination w/ the MTPE’s Employable Skills Standardization and Certification Directorate, foster the implementation of sectorial skills based technical committees within EFE’s scope of intervention.

Level B Eurosocial (National Professional Qualifications System)

3 COFIDE: Corporación Financiera de Desarrollo (Financial Development Corporation) 4 S0-S: Superintendencia de Banca y Seguros del Perú (Banking & Insurance Superintendence of Peru)

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IMMEDIATE Outcomes Outputs Activities Sub-Activities Levels Synergy

(SA- Facilitate closer ties between MINEDU and MTPE (national level) with SENA Colombia for the transfer of SENA’s good practices concerning its Methodology for the standardization and Certification of Employable Skills.

Level C

SENA Colombia

(Ri-2.3) Improved recognition of the TVET institutions’ in the community and abroad for youth and their potential impact on the regional economies by

(P-2.3.1) EFE’s regional

instances5 implemented

with the participation of

stakeholders from the

productive sector and the


(A-2.3.1) Implement EFE’s regional instances with the participation of stakeholders from the productive sector and the State.

(SA- Identify the stakeholders linked to priority sectors in the selected regions w/ a focus on the productive chain.

Level A (regional)

(SA- Provide the ministries with technical assistance on the implementation of Regional Instances (such as spaces for dialogue on CTP in the EFE regions) that foster the participation of the productive sector, the state and civil society under a gender equality and environmentally sustainable framework.

Level A (regional)

5 EFE’s regional instances (also referred to as “Regional technical Committee” or “Regional Technical Commission”, (depending on the region where they operate), are made up by representatives

from the Regional Managements of Education & Employment, training centres, firms and producers, Associations advocating women rights and environmental protection that seek to streamline the educational supply articulated to the labour market demands. For purposes of securing the sustainability of this group, these instances may be included in the existing Regional Multi-sectorial Professional Training Council of each region, which groups together the same stakeholders and shares the same roles.

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IMMEDIATE Outcomes Outputs Activities Sub-Activities Levels Synergy

reason of enhanced education for employment programs that have built on past achievements.

(P-2.3.2) Strategic alliances aimed at fostering the community’s level of social commitment and disseminate the TVET’s quality and significance.

(A-2.3.2) Build and diversify strategic alliances in order to promote social commitment and disseminate the TVET’s quality and significance.

(SA- Provide technical assistance on the strengthening of the National Technological Innovation Fair through an exchange of good practices such as the “Canada Skills Competition” the Bolivia TVET competition.

Level A y C

CONCYTEC SIN Chambers of Commerce

Canada Skills Competition

Bolivia TVET’s competition

(SA- Provide MINEDU with technical assistance on the identification of international mobility teaching opportunities within the framework of the National Contest of Good Teaching Practices.

Level A

(SA- Provide technical assistance on the signing of Social Commitment Agreements intended to provide support for youth concerning their studies or training for employment, furthering their entrepreneurial aspirations or their integration to the labour market.

Level B

(SA- Provide CTPs with technical assistance on the implementation of TVET’s promotion partnerships and strategies during MTPE’s Employment Week

Level B


(SA- Facilitate closer ties between MINEDU and MTPE (national level) with SENA Colombia seeking to promote the transfer of the good practices of SENA’s Integrated Management System.

Level C

SENA Colombia

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Peru EFE: Performance Measurement Framework

Program’s Name

Education for Employment Program for the Andean Region No. Team Leader MINEDU / MTPE

Country Peru Budget Time frame Five (5) Years

Note: The following icons will be used with the following meanings = environment = gender = governance = technology =

Dissemination = culture = alternative learning styles

Expected Results/Outcomes Indicators Baseline Targets Data sources Data Collection Methods


Who is responsible

(Rf) Improved sustainable socio-economic opportunities have been created for vulnerable youth of the population (males and females) in La Libertad, Lambayeque, Moquegua & San Martín regions & San Martín regions.

(IRfa) Formal employment rates in strata 1 and 2 in the EFE Program intervention area.




(TDB once the DB has been



(Disaggregated per gender, region, age, type of training received, productive sector and occupational category: employed or self-employed)

Documents’ review 3 years after the EFE Program ends


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Expected Results/Outcomes Indicators Baseline Targets Data sources Data Collection Methods


Who is responsible

(Rm-1) Enhanced quality of the training delivered by the TVET’s institutions, Programs & Services selected to make part of the EFE’s Program in La Libertad, Lambayeque, Moquegua & San Martín regions addressed to vulnerable youth (males & females) under an equal opportunities’ and environmentally friendly approach.

(IRm-1a) Graduates rate6 of the youth that have received the courses offered by CETPRO and EFE’s IPE. (m/f)




With m/f ≥ -10% gap

CETPRO e IEST Records (disaggregated per gender y age, type of training w/ a diploma or complementary training and region).

Analysis of records Annually TVET Institutions



(IRm-1b) youth’s school dropout rate from the EFE’s TPE Programs & Services. (m/f)




With m/f ≥ -10% gap

MINEDU’s records (disaggregated per institutes, programs, gender, age)

Review of Records Six monthly TVET Institutions

(IRm-1c) Number of TVET institutions selected in the EFE of which the quality has been accredited by a nationally or internationally recognized entity (one career as a minimum).

0 4

Assessment and Certification Process of IPEBA and CONEACES

Review of Records At the conclusion of the Program

UGEL (in CETPRO case)

DRE IEST’s case)

(Ri-1.1) Strengthened the TVET’s inter-sectorial management and articulation capacity at the national and regional levels under a gender equality and environmentally friendly approach.

(IRi-1.1a) Number of Technical Standardization Tools for TVET’s management w/ inter-sectorial implementation, at the national and regional levels under the EFE’s Program framework.

0 8

Management document for

Sectorial plans

Inter sectorial and inter-governmental agreements

National and regional management

Review of Records Annually MINEDU



6 “(Graduates)”, shall refer to alumni who have successfully completed the entire study process up to the last stage and therefore have complied with all requirements set by the Ministry of Education –

MINEDU – and hold the relevant accreditation document. In the case of IESTs, as per Supreme Decree 004-2010-ED, in order for students to be granted an accrediting diploma, they must have successfully completed all academic credits foreseen in the Study Plan of a given career, program or professional discipline. Nonetheless, if training courses are taken in a CETPRO, no accrediting diploma is required since their alumni, being certified graduates, are considered as Diploma holders in the context of this indicator. According to the MINEDU experts’ opinion TVET in Peru has a high percentage of alumni who do not obtain a Diploma and therefore have lower remuneration than those who do. Since there are no statistical data available on this issue, the EFE Program will

work with the chosen TVET institutions for purposes of mapping a baseline and hence accompany those who enrol (enrolled) not only toward a successful completion or graduation (alumni) but

beyond, toward the attainment of a Diploma. In the case of MTPE, within the context of this indicator, account will be taken of the recipients of training programs who not only have successfully completed their training but have also received the corresponding “certification” of the course or module where they enrolled.

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Expected Results/Outcomes Indicators Baseline Targets Data sources Data Collection Methods


Who is responsible

(P-1.1.1) MINEDU, MTPE’s as well as regional government managers have received training on policy, programs and technical-professional and job-driven training Design & Management.

(IP-1.1.1a) Number of managers and experts of MINEDU and MTPE (national and regional levels) who have received the training (and have successfully completed the training) on TVET’s Policy, Programs and Services Design and Management.7 (m/f)

0 40 at the conclusion of the Program

(w/ a minimum of

16 females: gap ≥ -20%)

Workshops’ Reports

Attendance Lists.

Documents’ review. Annually ACCC

Canadian Institutes


(P-1.1.2) Inter-sectorial developed articulation & complementarity mechanisms for the implementation of services and programs in favour of TVET.

(IP-1.1.2a) Number of state and private entities that furnish updated data for TVET’s ministerial platform8.

N/A 8 entities at the conclusion of the Program

The Platform itself

Information Reports prepared by each entity

Review of Records Annually MINEDU (DESTP) MTPE (DGFPCL)

(IP-1.1.2b) Number of visits to TVET’s platform.

N/A 4000 visits at the conclusion of the Program

“PageRank” of the Platform’s Internet page

Web site reports Annually DESTP


(IP-1.1.2c) Number of inter-sectorial entities9 (at the regional or national level), that EFE fosters based on a viable make up for the long term and with an effective action plan favouring TVET’s articulation and coordination.

0 3 inter-sectorial entities (aside from MINEDU

and MTPE), that include gender,

environment, youth and industry


Make Up Minute

Meeting Minutes

Attendance Lists

Review of Records At the Program’s conclusion

EFE GORE’s Coordinating Unit

(IP-1.1.2d) Number of inter-ministerial good practices implementation

0 1 inter-ministerial

Minutes Review of Records At the Program’s


7 The management model includes the following: human capital management and planning, budgeting and oversight and information systems.

8 This is a platform that delivers information on the training supply and the labour market demand. It is a virtual space that links the MPTE, MINEDU and other information systems. With the inter-ministerial harmonization provided by this platform, the foundations for the implementation of MINEDU’s SIET will be set, as provided by Law N° 28340-2004-ED, and the SIMT of MTPE along with its OSEL Network established under N°29381-2009-TR, will be strengthened.

9 Regional and national inter-sectorial “entities” refers to “technical committees” and depending on the region, they may be referred to as “commissions”, “councils” or “committees”. Their make up must include representatives from MTPE,

MINEDU, TVET institutions, VUPE, the productive sector, youth and experts on gender and environment related subjects.

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Who is responsible

mechanism at the TVET institutions level (eco efficiency, environmental education and occupational safety).

mechanism (with all CTPs as recipients)

conclusion DIECA


Ri-1.2) Strengthened the technical and standardization capacities of the various related sectors of the national and regional governments used in setting a direction for the TVET’s training delivery and adjusting it to the labour needs and productive potential have been built .

(IRi-1.2a) Average processing time10 for the approval of new or updated training programs requested by the TVET institutions.

20 months 12 months at the conclusion of the Program

Follow up/Monitoring Sheet (disaggregated per TVET Institutions, regions and approval stages)

Review of Records Six monthly

EFE’s Coordinating Unit

(P-1.2.1) Instruments & updated prospective information on the labour demand that drives TVET’s training delivery have been developed and are available.

(IP-1.2.1a) Number of occupational profiles11 articulated in the agro- industrial productive chain in the selected regions.

0 6 at the

conclusion of the Program

National Catalogue of Professional Profiles12

Review and Consultation

At the conclusion of the Program EPE



(P-1.2.2) MINEDU, MTPE y GORE’s experts have received training on Program Design pertaining labour demand.

(IP-1.2.2a) Number of MINUDE & MTPE experts (national & regional) who received training on Design of skills based, gender sensitive, environmentally viable and education for employment professional modules, curriculum programming and training (m/f)

0 30 (w/ a minimum

of 12 females:

≥ -20% gap)

Workshops’ Reports

Attendance Lists.

Documents’ review. Annually ACCC

Canadian Institutes

10 The approval process of training programs initiated by TVET institutions involves three approval levels each being a prerequisite of the next level: (1) DRE/UGEL; (2) CONEACES; (3) DESTP.

11 “Occupational” profiles refers to the profiles formulated with the participation of the productive sector and involving both sectors: MINEDU (professional profile) and MTPE (occupational profile). To this date, the role of formulating (preparing) the profiles is met by both ministries, as follows: MTPE Levels 1-2 and MINEDU Levels 3-4. Here onwards, it is expected that this role will be led by MTPE, under the understanding that the formulation process groups together the productive sector while MINEDU will focus on the formulation of the training modules.

12 To this date, there are two (2) tools available that contain the description of profiles: the National Catalogue of Occupational Profiles (MTPE) and the National Catalogue of Diplomas and Certifications (MINEDU). The intent is to produce a single catalogue of profiles (productive benchmark) and a single catalogue of professional modules (training benchmark)

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Who is responsible

(IP-1.2.2b) Number of pedagogical advisers of MINEDU and MTPE (national and regional levels) who received training on pedagogical processes, skills based teaching strategies w/ a focus on gender equality and environmentally sound approaches. (m/f)

0 30 (w/ a minimum

of 12 females: ≥ -20% gap)

Workshops’ Reports

Attendance Lists.

Documents’ review. Annually ACCC

Canadian Institutes

(P-1.2.3) Standards and procedures have been improved facilitating reintegration to the educational system.

(IP-1.2.3a) Number of training areas that have an equivalency matrix of the employable skills levels vs. the professional skills levels.

0 4 at the

conclusion of the Program

MINEDU’s logs/files Review of Records Annually MINEDU

(IP-1.2.3b) Number of EFE’s TVET institutions that implement a technical/or regulatory proposal that reduces the barriers to the youth’s integration to the educational system and to the recognition of their work experience.

0 4 at the

conclusion of the Program

Institutional Resolution


Review of Records

Direct observation

Annually DRE-UGEL


(P-1.2.4) Experts from the Program Setting Units of DESTP/MINEDU & GORE have received technical training and the relevant tools for preparing and assessing investment programs as part of a strategy aimed at improving TVET institutions’ infrastructure, equipment and sustainability.

(IP-1.2.4a) Number of documents dealing w/ Methodological Guidance for the Formulation of PIPs in Higher Technical-Professional Education which have been prepared collectively and approved as per SNIP’s regulatory framework and under the conceptual framework of the TVET promoted by the DESTP.

0 1 OPI’s Files

Ministerial Resolution



Documents’ review Only once UF-DESTP

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Who is responsible

(Ri-1.3) Strengthened the

institutional capacity of TVET

institutions to deliver training

services as required in order to meet

the labour market needs under a

gender equality approach

(IRi-1.3a) Number of TVET institutions of the EFE that apply good institutional management practices (on a 4/5 scale as per CONEACES and ¾ as per 3 IPEBA).

0 4

CONEACES and IPEBA’s institutional assessment reports

Documents’ review Annually CONEACES

(P-1.3.1) TVET institutions’

managerial & administrative staff has

received training on the design &

implementation of environmentally

sustainable, gender sensitive,

transparent and inclusive

educational managerial models.

(IP-1.3.1a) Number of TVET institutions’ managerial and administrative staff who have received training on the design and implementation of transparent, environmentally sustainable and inclusive of the educational community management models (m/f).

0 16

(w/ a minimum of

7 females: gap ≥ -20%)

Final Report on the Training Programs implemented on the subject.

Log of diplomas & certificates delivered under the training program

Documents’ Check Up list Review

Annually ACCC

Canadian Institutes

(IP-1.3.1b) Number of institutions approved via a national or international “green stamp” certifying that they implement an environmental culture linked to eco efficiency, environmental education and good occupational practices.13

0 4 at the conclusion of the Program

TVET Institutions’ Annual Report

Ad hoc Log/Register

Institutional Site in the Internet

Documents’ review

Direct observation

Annually Ministry of the Environment

TVET Institutions’ Directorates

Regional Directorates

13 Peruvian Guide on Educational Ecoefficiency (http://www.regionica.go0-.pe/pdf/transparencia%202010/otros/ecoeficiencia/Guia%20de%20Ecoeficiencia%20Educacional.pdf ); Cégep Vert du Québ-ec (http://www.recyc-que0-

ec.gouv.qc.ca/Client/fr/gerer/ecole/cegep-vert.asp); Law Nº 29783 on heatlh and safety at the work place – Supreme Decree Nº 005-2012-TR (a0-ril 2012).

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Who is responsible

(IP-1.3.1c) Number of CTFPs of the EFE that implement and render visible procedures and services aimed at facilitating the reintegration and permanence of vulnerable youth in the training programs (For example: work experience; babysitting during the day; flexible scheduling; prerequisite courses, etc.)

2 4 TVET Institutions all of

which implement

gender strategies

TVET Institutions’ Manual of Administrative Procedures

Inter-institutional Agreement for the Provision of Complementary Services.

Promotional triptych.

Documents’ review

Direct observation

Annually DRE / UGEL



(P-1.3.2) TVET’s staff has received

training on training processes

involving a focus on specific skills

and programs under environmentally

sustainable and equal gender

opportunities approaches.

(IP-1.3.2a) Number of teachers (TVET institutions) and MINEDU experts (regional) who have received training under the EFE’s scope, on gender sensitive and environmentally sustainable TVET level Training processes w/ a focus on skills and program 14 based approaches (m/f).

0 45 at the

conclusion of the Program,

(w/ a minimum of

18 females: ≥ -20% gap)

Training Plan & Attendance List

Certificates & Diplomas delivered

Assessment tools and sheets/files made by the Canadian trainer (disaggregated per gender & per work place )

Documents’ review

Direct observation

Six monthly

ACCC and Canadian Colleges

TVET Institutions’ Academic Director

DRE & DESTP experts

(IP-1.3.2b) Number of selected careers in the EFE Program that have a good environmental practices 15

0 4 at the

conclusion of the Program

TVET Institutions’ annual reports and photos confirming the creation of said micro-laboratories

Curricular programs confirming use of the teaching micro-lab

Documents’ review

Direct observation

Annually DRE Training Centres

14 The program focuses on concienciously integrating in the teaching/learning process of a course/module the skills required for a specific occupational option, field of expertise or career where other the courses/modules are developed. The

program based approach also has a “Program Committee” made up by all those involved in the program under the direction TVET institution’s deputy directors who meet periodically in order to ensure the harmonization,

complementarity and cohesion of the teaching/learning processes aimed at optimizing the obtention of the required skills being taught in the courses/modules of the Program in all its dimensions: know-be, know-where, know-what and know-do.

15 These Good Practices Microlabs may be in the form of a show or exhibition aimed at raisin awareness among students and entrepreneurs in regard to the potential environmentl damage that poor environmental practices in the program;s field of study may cause and the good and economically sustainable alternative practices available in Peru.

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Who is responsible

(IP-1.3.2c) Number of MINEDU’s staff (national, regional & TVET institutions) involved in the EFE Program who periodically interact16 in networks, exchanges information & strategies through the Andean-Canadian Education for Employment Platform (PACEPE by its Spanish acronym)17. (m/f)

0 40 at the

conclusion of the Program,

(w/ a minimum of

16 females: ≥ -20% gap)

Register of users of the Andean-Canadian Education for Employment Platform (PACEPE by its Spanish acronym)

(disaggregated per gender, institution and country)

Documents’ review Six monthly


(P-1.3.3) Updated and newly created

modules and training programs

based on competencies approach

based on the labour market

demands & in compliance w/

international environmental &

technological standards.

(IP-1.3.3a) Number of updated modules18, linked to the agro-industrial productive chain.

3 12 at the

conclusion of the Program

Logs of modules

National Catalogue of Professional Modules

Review and consultation

Six monthly

TVET institutions DRE-UGEL DESTP

(IP-1.3.3b) Number of skill based training programs19 offered by EFE’s TVET institutions, which are tailored to the regional labour market needs & under international environmental and technological standards.

0 (However,

only 4 of the selected

IEST Programs

still need to be


8 at the

conclusion of the Program

Log of DESTP-MINEDU’s Training Programs. (disaggregated per TVET institutions & per program)

Interviews/Discussion Groups, Documents’ review (Criteria & Standards)


TVET institutions

(P-1.3.4) TVET institution’s staff in

the EFE Program have received

training on the design and

sustainable implementation of

(IP-1.3.4a) Number of TVET institutions managerial and administrative staff who have received training on the Design and Implementation of Academic Extension & Technology Transfer Services (m/f)

0 16 at the

conclusion of the Program

(w/ a minimum

Workshops’ Reports

Attendance Lists.

Certifications and Diplomas delivered

Documents’ review Annually ACCC

Canadian Institutes

16 “Periodically” refers to a monthly frequency.

17 The PACEPE Platform shal be one of the deliverables/outputs of dimension C of the Andean EFE Program that requires that networks be developed in order to facilitate access to good technological, pedagogical and socio-economic practices , linked to the TVET.

18 The Prepared Modules are the training benchmark of the productive benchmark (occupational profile).

19 Includes careers, specializations & occupational options (MINEDU), modules and courses (MTPE).

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Who is responsible

academic extension services &

technology transfer addressed to the

industry and economically productive

sectors within their scope of their


of 7 females:

gap ≥ -20%)

(IP-1.3.4b) Number of TVET institutions that have an academic extension and technology transfer service addressed to the productive sector.

0 2 TVET institutions

TVET institution’s reports on academic extension services

TVET institution’s information platforms.

Documents’ review At the conclusion of the Program



(Rm-2) Improved integration opportunities to the formal labour market20 for youth who have received a diploma from MINEDU’s TVET Institutions and also for the recipients of the MTPE VUPE’s Training for Employment Programs within the EFE’s scope

(IRm-2a) “Pertinent”21 Insertion Rate to the Labour market by trained youth (MTPE) and youth who received a diploma (MINEDU) under the EFE Program. (m/f)






50% at the conclusion of the Program,



with m/f ≥ -20% gap

Academic performance results

Labour Intermediation Service Logs

Follow up system to alumni who received a diploma (ad hoc survey among those who received a diploma)

(disaggregated per gender, age, sector, income, type of employment: employed o self-employed22)

Analysis of the academic records

Analysis of logs on labour intermediation

Same follow up (telephone) of those who received a diploma as above.

Documents’ review

1 year after completion of the training

At the program’s conclusion

TVET institutions (MINEDU)

Regional government DRE & DRTPE / Programs

20 Integration to the labour market refers to a “formal” job that meets the Peruvian labour laws requirements and may be employed or self-employed

21 “Pertinent” integration refers to a job related to the youth’s field and level of studies.

22 Alumni who are self employed to be considered as having truly integrated to the labour market, he/she must receive as net income an amount siimilar to the minimum wage established by the state .

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Who is responsible

(IRm-2b) Employers’ level of satisfaction on the quality of the training received and its impact on the work performance of youth who have completed the EFE program. (m/f)



112 employers (75%) of those linked to EFE

are highly satisfied

(with m/f ≥ -20% gap as

concerns jobs for female students)

Ad hoc survey among entrepreneurs23 (survey) and focal groups (disaggregated per gender, region, age, productive sector and type of remuneration)

Follow up of alumni using a control group & data treatment

At the conclusion of the hands-on practice (at the end of the training)

TVET institutions DRE

DRTPE / Programs

(Ri-2.1) Enhanced and strengthened MTPE’s VUPE employment services with MINEDU’s TVET institutions & the local governments improving integration to the labour market24

(IRi-2.1a) Number of recipients of the EFE program who have received vocational and occupational guidance counselling services (SOVIO)25, Job-hunting Counselling Services (ABE) or Job Bank Services. (m/f)

N/A 900 youth (75%) at the program’s conclusion:

(w/ a minimum of 360 females: ≥ -20% gap)

Log of the TVET institutions in the EFE

Log sheet of the services provided (disaggregated per gender, age, career and region)

Document Analysis Annually CETPRO y IEST


(IRi-2.1b) Number of EFE’s TVET institutions that have implemented a follow up system of recipients which is articulated at the ministry’s level and is capable of providing services such as statistical monitoring.

0x 4 at the

conclusion of the Program

Database & Follow up file of alumni (disaggregated per gender, age, career, type of occupation, salary range, and type of contracts, economic sector and region).

Review of the check lists


23 The “entrepreneurs survey” mentioned in this paper refers to a one time survey that will help collect data on multiple indicators.

24 Integration to the labour market refers to a “formal” job that meets the Peruvian labour laws requirements and may be employed or self-employed

25 In secondary level institutions and VUPEs.

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Who is responsible

(P-2.1.1) Vocational and Information Guidance & Counselling Service (SOVIO) has been strengthened and linked to the TVET institutions under an environmentally sustainable and gender equality approach for youth

(IP-2.1.1a) Number of individuals responsible at the national level for the Vocational and Occupational Guidance/ Counselling Service (SOVIO) who have received training on TVET institutions and local governments articulated service management (m/f)

N/A 16 (w/ a minimum

of 7 females:

≥ -20% gap)

Final Report of the training programs implemented by EFE on the subject.

Log of certifications & diplomas delivered under the training program

Use of Documents review check lists

Six monthly

Canadian Institutes


(IP-2.1.1b) Number of TVET institutions’ teachers and managers who have received training on the provision of guidance and accompaniment to TVET’s potential applicants in articulation w/ VUPE. (m/f)

N/A 32 (w/ a minimum

of 13 females:

≥ -20% gap)

Final Report on the training programs implemented by EFE on the subject.

Log of certifications & diplomas delivered under the training program

Use of Documents & records review checklists).

Six monthly

Canadian Institutes


(IP-2.1.1c) Number of selected TVET institutions that have a signed Service Agreement w/ SOVIO

0 4 TVET institutions and/or SOVIO’s agreements Log.

Use of Documents review check lists

Annually TVET institutions

(P-2.1.2) MTPE’s, DRTPE’s and TVET institutions’ staff has been empowered to provide Employment services and Employment Search Assistance y (ABE) All in One Single Stop Employment Promotion Window (VUPE).

(IP-2.1.2a) Number of MTPE (national) and DRTPE (regional) experts who have received training on the implementation of Job Bank and Job Hunting Counselling Services. (m/f)

N/A 20 (w/ a minimum

of 8 females:

≥ -20% gap)

Training’s Final Report

Attendance List

Use of Documents review check lists)

Six monthly


(IP-2.1.2b) Number of CTFP’s teaching and managerial staff who received training on Job Bank and Job Hunting Counselling Services. (m/f)

N/A 32 (w/ a minimum

of 13 females: ≥ -20% gap)

Final Report on the training.

Attendance List.

Use of Documents review check lists)

Six monthly


(P-2.1.3) MTPE and TVET institutions’ staff empowered to provide support for entrepreneurship and self-employment.

(IP-2.1.3a) Number of MTPE experts (at the national and regional levels) and TVET institutions teaching/administrative staff who received training on the implementation of support services to

N/A 50 (w/ a minimum

of 20 females:

≥ -20% gap)

Final Report on the training

Log Sheets of the services provided (disaggregated per gender)

Use of Documents review check lists)

Six monthly CCC (Canadian Institutes)

MTPE (entrepeneursh

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Who is responsible

entrepreneurship.(m/f) ip)

(IP-2.1.3b) Number of community stakeholders (ministries, regional governments, TVET institutions, private firms among others) that have started implementing administrative measures aimed at raising reimbursable, part of a contest funds and/or working capital in support of the recipients’ entrepreneurship initiatives.

N/A 2 community

stakeholders start

implementing administrative


Log of the administrative files containing records of the fundraising administrative acts

Use of Documents review check lists

Annually MTPE (entrepreneurship)

EFE’s Coordinating Unit

(Ri-2.2) Strengthened MTPE’s

capacity for the certification of

employable skills has in order to

improve the youth’s work history and


(IRi-2.2a) Number of local companies made aware of the Employable Skills Assessment and Certification Processes.

0 150 at the

conclusion of the Program

Records of the industry and associations’ representatives that have participated in the awareness raising workshops

Review of the records

Annually MTPE

(IRi-2.2b) Number of youth who have their employable skills assessed (m/f)

0 in the priority sectors

100 at the

conclusion of the Program

(w/ a minimum of

40 females: gap ≥ -20%)

Assessment Register

National Home Survey (ENAHO)

(disaggregated per gender)

Data Analysis At the conclusion of the Program EPE


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Who is responsible

(P-2.2.1) Enhanced MTPE’s Employable Skills Certification Service thanks to the EFE’s scope of intervention.

(IP-2.2.1a) Number of sectorial committees on skills26 created within EFE’s intervention scope

0 4 at the

conclusion of the Program

Minutes of the opening of Sectorial Sills Based Technical Committees.

Signed agreements.

Documents’ review Annually MTPE

(Ri-2.3) Improved recognition of the TVET institutions’ in the community and abroad for youth and their potential impact on the regional economies by reason of enhanced education for employment programs that have built on past achievements.

(IRi-2.3a) Compliance level of the support plans to the EFE Regional Technical Committees’ TVET. 27.

N/A 75% at the

conclusion of the Program

TVET’s plans of the EFE’s Regional bodies, implementation and monitoring reports

Documents’ review Annually Regional government and DRE & DRTPE

26 The “Sills based Sectorial Committees ” are instances led by the MTPE with the participation of the private sector stakeholders of the relevant productive activity branch, per region, that are bound through agreements that secure their

participation in the medium term, in a minimum of 4 annual meetings where professional profiles are prepared.

27 EFE’s Regional Commissions must draw up supporter plan forth enhancement of technical-professional training based on the EFE project outcomes and the follow up of some indicators and risks detailed in the General Operations Plan (GOP). As previously mentioned membership of the EFE Regional Commissions must include by representatives of the Regional Education & Labour Management, education centres, firms and producers, business associations, Pro Women (Pro Mujer) and Pro Environment (Pro Medio Ambiente), etc. Which seek to update the educational supply articulated to the labour market demand. In order to insure the sustainability of this group, the Commission will be sponsored by the existing Regional Multi Sectorial Professional Committee of Each Region that groups the same stakeholders and shares the same roles.

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Who is responsible

(P-2.3.1) EFE’s regional instances28 implemented with the participation of stakeholders from the productive sector and the State.

(IP-2.3.1a) Number of institutionalized EFE regional bodies that count on a support plan to TVETs and are made up by multi-sectorial members

0 4 (1 per region)

All of which have a gender expert and

are made up by 40% females as a


Minutes Log Book of the EFE Regional Committees.

Documents’ review Schedule

Annually EFE’s coordinating Unit

(P-2.3.2) Strategic alliances aimed at fostering the community’s level of social commitment and disseminate the TVET’s quality and significance.

(IP-2.3.2a) Number of agreements between TVET institutions and Public and Private Agencies in support of technological-professional training for vulnerable youth brackets.

30 60 at the

conclusion of the Program

Signed agreements, follow up reports compliance by the parties

See the Committed Peru Program ( Programa Perú Responsable) which contains a list of companies classified per economic line and sector

Documents’ review At the conclusion of the EFE Program

TVET institutions

28 The EFE’s regional instances make up must include representatives of the Regional Education & Labour Management, education centres, firms and producers, business associations, Pro Women (Pro Mujer) and Pro Environment (Pro Medio

Ambiente), etc. Which seek to update the educational supply articulated to the labour market demand. In order to insure the sustainability of this group, the Commission will be sponsored by the existing Regional Multi Sectorial Professional Committee of Each Region that group the same stakeholders and shares the same roles.

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