EDS Response on Proposed Developmental Drilling of additional 37 no.s of onshore wells in Tanot, Dandewala & Bagitibba Mining Lease block of 250 sq.km area at village Tanot, Tehsil Ramgarh in Jaisalmer District of Rajasthan by M/s Oil India Ltd. Point Wise Reply of the Essential Details Sought against Proposal No. IA/RJ/IND2/67524/2017 1 Copy of earlier EC in SNo. 6 of Form 2 has not been uploaded.. Response: Copy of earlier Environmental Clearance uploaded in Form 2 and also attached herewith as Annexure-1 2 In S No. 27 of Form 2, details of Rehabilitation and Resettlement (R&R) completed, however the details are mentioned “O”. Response: The block is situated in desert area under Jaisalmer District. Within the block area and proposed developmental well locations no villages or human settlement present. The nearest Village is Tanot which is situated about 9 Km from the block boundary towards eastern direction. Hence, R&R is not required. The entry in sl.no. 27 updated accordingly. 3 Details of Raw material linkage and its mitigation measure during transportation need to be submitted. Response: During developmental drilling water & HSD will be required and agreement between Indira Gandhi Nahar Pariyojna and Oil India Ltd. has been uploaded in Form 2 (Sl.No.13.1). No other raw material will be required. Details of raw material linkage uploaded and mitigation measures during transportation attached herewith as Annexure-2. 4 Details of Consent to Operate not uploaded Response: Copy of earlier Consent to Operate uploaded in Form 2 and also attached herewith as Annexure-3. 5 Proposed Green belt development programe along-with time line and budgetary allocation needs to be provided Response: Proposed green belt plan with timeline and budget uploaded in Form 2 and attached herewith as Annexure-4 6 S No. 39 of Form 2 uploaded the covering letter of PP, however there is no date mentioned in the letter. Response: The cover letter uploaded dated 13 th January 2020 and attached herewith as Annexure 5. 7 In view of the above, PP/Consultant are requested to revise the application for grant of EC and accordingly revise the Form 2 along with EIA/EMP Report. Response: The Form 2 has been updated and revised as per the directions alongwith the EIA report.

EDS Response on Proposed Developmental Drilling of ...environmentclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/online/...Response: The block is situated in desert area under Jaisalmer District. Within

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Page 1: EDS Response on Proposed Developmental Drilling of ...environmentclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/online/...Response: The block is situated in desert area under Jaisalmer District. Within

EDS Response on Proposed Developmental Drilling of additional 37 no.s of onshore wells in Tanot, Dandewala & Bagitibba Mining Lease block of 250 sq.km area at village Tanot, Tehsil Ramgarh in Jaisalmer District of Rajasthan by M/s Oil India Ltd.

Point Wise Reply of the Essential Details Sought against Proposal No.


1 Copy of earlier EC in SNo. 6 of Form 2 has not been uploaded..

Response: Copy of earlier Environmental Clearance uploaded in Form 2 and also attached

herewith as Annexure-1

2 In S No. 27 of Form 2, details of Rehabilitation and Resettlement (R&R)

completed, however the details are mentioned “O”.

Response: The block is situated in desert area under Jaisalmer District. Within the block area

and proposed developmental well locations no villages or human settlement

present. The nearest Village is Tanot which is situated about 9 Km from the block

boundary towards eastern direction. Hence, R&R is not required. The entry in

sl.no. 27 updated accordingly.

3 Details of Raw material linkage and its mitigation measure during

transportation need to be submitted.

Response: During developmental drilling water & HSD will be required and agreement

between Indira Gandhi Nahar Pariyojna and Oil India Ltd. has been uploaded in

Form 2 (Sl.No.13.1). No other raw material will be required.

Details of raw material linkage uploaded and mitigation measures during

transportation attached herewith as Annexure-2.

4 Details of Consent to Operate not uploaded


Copy of earlier Consent to Operate uploaded in Form 2 and also attached herewith

as Annexure-3.

5 Proposed Green belt development programe along-with time line and

budgetary allocation needs to be provided

Response: Proposed green belt plan with timeline and budget uploaded in Form 2 and

attached herewith as Annexure-4

6 S No. 39 of Form 2 uploaded the covering letter of PP, however there is no

date mentioned in the letter.

Response: The cover letter uploaded dated 13th January 2020 and attached herewith as

Annexure 5.

7 In view of the above, PP/Consultant are requested to revise the application

for grant of EC and accordingly revise the Form 2 along with EIA/EMP


Response: The Form 2 has been updated and revised as per the directions alongwith the EIA


Page 2: EDS Response on Proposed Developmental Drilling of ...environmentclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/online/...Response: The block is situated in desert area under Jaisalmer District. Within

EDS Response on Proposed Developmental Drilling of additional 37 no.s of onshore wells in Tanot, Dandewala & Bagitibba Mining Lease block of 250 sq.km area at village Tanot, Tehsil Ramgarh in Jaisalmer District of Rajasthan by M/s Oil India Ltd.


Copy of Earlier Environmental Clearance letter

Page 3: EDS Response on Proposed Developmental Drilling of ...environmentclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/online/...Response: The block is situated in desert area under Jaisalmer District. Within

EDS Response on Proposed Developmental Drilling of additional 37 no.s of onshore wells in Tanot, Dandewala & Bagitibba Mining Lease block of 250 sq.km area at village Tanot, Tehsil Ramgarh in Jaisalmer District of Rajasthan by M/s Oil India Ltd.

Page 4: EDS Response on Proposed Developmental Drilling of ...environmentclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/online/...Response: The block is situated in desert area under Jaisalmer District. Within

EDS Response on Proposed Developmental Drilling of additional 37 no.s of onshore wells in Tanot, Dandewala & Bagitibba Mining Lease block of 250 sq.km area at village Tanot, Tehsil Ramgarh in Jaisalmer District of Rajasthan by M/s Oil India Ltd.

Page 5: EDS Response on Proposed Developmental Drilling of ...environmentclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/online/...Response: The block is situated in desert area under Jaisalmer District. Within

EDS Response on Proposed Developmental Drilling of additional 37 no.s of onshore wells in Tanot, Dandewala & Bagitibba Mining Lease block of 250 sq.km area at village Tanot, Tehsil Ramgarh in Jaisalmer District of Rajasthan by M/s Oil India Ltd.

Page 6: EDS Response on Proposed Developmental Drilling of ...environmentclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/online/...Response: The block is situated in desert area under Jaisalmer District. Within

EDS Response on Proposed Developmental Drilling of additional 37 no.s of onshore wells in Tanot, Dandewala & Bagitibba Mining Lease block of 250 sq.km area at village Tanot, Tehsil Ramgarh in Jaisalmer District of Rajasthan by M/s Oil India Ltd.

Page 7: EDS Response on Proposed Developmental Drilling of ...environmentclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/online/...Response: The block is situated in desert area under Jaisalmer District. Within

EDS Response on Proposed Developmental Drilling of additional 37 no.s of onshore wells in Tanot, Dandewala & Bagitibba Mining Lease block of 250 sq.km area at village Tanot, Tehsil Ramgarh in Jaisalmer District of Rajasthan by M/s Oil India Ltd.

Page 8: EDS Response on Proposed Developmental Drilling of ...environmentclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/online/...Response: The block is situated in desert area under Jaisalmer District. Within

EDS Response on Proposed Developmental Drilling of additional 37 no.s of onshore wells in Tanot, Dandewala & Bagitibba Mining Lease block of 250 sq.km area at village Tanot, Tehsil Ramgarh in Jaisalmer District of Rajasthan by M/s Oil India Ltd.


Mitigation measures during transportation

Air pollution during construction would be primarily due to fugitive emissions from

vehicular movement, site preparation activities and material handling. Weathering of

soil would take place as a result of clearing of vegetation, excavation and movement of

heavy vehicles. The weathered soil generates dust due to re-entrainment during

vehicular movement and equipment mobilization. Such dust emissions as experienced

in other similar construction activities are of larger than 10µ (more than respirable

range) and propagates to short distances.

Considering the construction phase activities to be of temporary in nature, limited daily

movement of project vehicles (4-6 nos. vehicle for transportation of personnel and 9-10

nos. for material transport) and adopting specific mitigation measures like spraying of

water, management of vehicle loadings, using covered trucks for transportation etc. No

significant impact is envisaged.

The block area doesn’t have any villages or any kind of human settlement and entirely

within desert area. Hence, no disturbance or impacts envisaged within the project area.

Mitigation Measures

Water spraying will be done on the access roads to control re-entrained dust

during dry season;

All vehicles used for transportation of loose and friable materials will not be

loaded over the freeboard limit and will be covered.

All the vehicles should be PUC certified

Engines and exhaust systems of all vehicles and equipment used for the project

will be maintained so that exhaust emissions are low and do not breach statutory

limits set for that vehicle/equipment type.

Equipment, machinery and vehicles having in built pollution control devices will

be considered as a measure for prevention of air pollution at source

DG set with appropriate stack height will be used.


The Road Safety & Traffic Management Plan is applicable to all operation pertaining to

OIL and contractor vehicular movement viz. vehicle involved in the transportation of

raw materials, project and contractor personnel, drilling rig and other heavy equipment

transportation to well site and decommissioning.

Project vehicular movement involved in transportation of construction material,

machineries and equipment for developmental drilling will be restricted to defined

access routes to be identified in consultation with locals and concerned authorities

Page 9: EDS Response on Proposed Developmental Drilling of ...environmentclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/online/...Response: The block is situated in desert area under Jaisalmer District. Within

EDS Response on Proposed Developmental Drilling of additional 37 no.s of onshore wells in Tanot, Dandewala & Bagitibba Mining Lease block of 250 sq.km area at village Tanot, Tehsil Ramgarh in Jaisalmer District of Rajasthan by M/s Oil India Ltd.

The condition of roads and bridges identified for movement of vehicles and drilling

rig will be assessed by OIL/Contractors to ensure their safe movement

Precautions will be taken by the contractor to avoid damage to the public access

routes including highways during vehicular movement

Provide safe and convenient passage for vehicles, pedestrians and livestock to and

from side roads and property accesses along defined project routes

Traffic flows will be scheduled wherever practicable during period of increased

commuter movement

Movement of vehicles during night time will be restricted. Speed limits will be

maintained by vehicles involved in transportation of construction material and

segregated waste.

Proper signage will be displayed at important traffic junctions along the predefined

access routes to be used by construction and operational phase traffic. The signage

will serve to prevent any diversion from designated routes and ensure proper speed

limits are maintained near village residential areas

Adequate training on traffic and road safety operations will be imparted to the

drivers of project vehicles. Road safety awareness programs will be organized in

coordination with concerned authorities to sensitize target groups.

Regular supervision will be carried out control vehicular traffic movement along

defined traffic routes particularly near identified sensitive receptors

Page 10: EDS Response on Proposed Developmental Drilling of ...environmentclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/online/...Response: The block is situated in desert area under Jaisalmer District. Within

EDS Response on Proposed Developmental Drilling of additional 37 no.s of onshore wells in Tanot, Dandewala & Bagitibba Mining Lease block of 250 sq.km area at village Tanot, Tehsil Ramgarh in Jaisalmer District of Rajasthan by M/s Oil India Ltd.


Copy of Earlier Consent to Operate

Page 11: EDS Response on Proposed Developmental Drilling of ...environmentclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/online/...Response: The block is situated in desert area under Jaisalmer District. Within

EDS Response on Proposed Developmental Drilling of additional 37 no.s of onshore wells in Tanot, Dandewala & Bagitibba Mining Lease block of 250 sq.km area at village Tanot, Tehsil Ramgarh in Jaisalmer District of Rajasthan by M/s Oil India Ltd.

Page 12: EDS Response on Proposed Developmental Drilling of ...environmentclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/online/...Response: The block is situated in desert area under Jaisalmer District. Within

EDS Response on Proposed Developmental Drilling of additional 37 no.s of onshore wells in Tanot, Dandewala & Bagitibba Mining Lease block of 250 sq.km area at village Tanot, Tehsil Ramgarh in Jaisalmer District of Rajasthan by M/s Oil India Ltd.

Page 13: EDS Response on Proposed Developmental Drilling of ...environmentclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/online/...Response: The block is situated in desert area under Jaisalmer District. Within

EDS Response on Proposed Developmental Drilling of additional 37 no.s of onshore wells in Tanot, Dandewala & Bagitibba Mining Lease block of 250 sq.km area at village Tanot, Tehsil Ramgarh in Jaisalmer District of Rajasthan by M/s Oil India Ltd.

Page 14: EDS Response on Proposed Developmental Drilling of ...environmentclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/online/...Response: The block is situated in desert area under Jaisalmer District. Within

EDS Response on Proposed Developmental Drilling of additional 37 no.s of onshore wells in Tanot, Dandewala & Bagitibba Mining Lease block of 250 sq.km area at village Tanot, Tehsil Ramgarh in Jaisalmer District of Rajasthan by M/s Oil India Ltd.

Page 15: EDS Response on Proposed Developmental Drilling of ...environmentclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/online/...Response: The block is situated in desert area under Jaisalmer District. Within

EDS Response on Proposed Developmental Drilling of additional 37 no.s of onshore wells in Tanot, Dandewala & Bagitibba Mining Lease block of 250 sq.km area at village Tanot, Tehsil Ramgarh in Jaisalmer District of Rajasthan by M/s Oil India Ltd.


Proposed green belt plan with timeline and budget

OIL already has plantations around its Tanot Gas processing plant. Peripheral greenbelt

will be developed in a phase-wise manner by undertaking Source & Receptor Approach

Based Plantation around the facilities to mitigate the impact of fugitive emission.

The selection of species and plantation are carried out based on CPCB guidelines and

the recommendations. Most common species are Accacia nilotica, Azardirachta indica,

Pongamia pinnata, Ziziphus nimmularia, Punica granatum, Parkinsonia aculeata, Phoenix

sylvestris, Tamarix aphylla and Ziziphus jujube etc. The green belt will also be serving as

wind abatement system to prevent any generation of wind blow dust onsite.

Objective of the Greenbelt Development

The main objectives of creating a green belt around a reservoir are to:

For absorption of gaseous pollutant (CO2)

For removal of suspended particulate matter

Attenuation of noise generated from facility

To minimize the soil erosion

To reduce surface evaporation

To develop natural barrier from sand storm

Develop the habitat for desert specific avi-fauna.

Provide alternative habitat/shelter for local reptiles, mammals etc in hot

summer time.

General Consideration for Greenbelt Development

The general consideration involved while developing the greenbelt are-

Trees growing up to 10 m or above in height with perennial foliage should be

planted around well pad with the early production unit.

Planting of trees should be undertaken in appropriate encircling rows around

the well site and early production facility.

Generally fast-growing species should be planted.

Since, the tree trunk is normally devoid of foliage up to a height of 3 m, it may be Useful

to have shrubbery in front of the trees so as to give coverage to this portion.


The tree plantation will be done at a spacing of 2.5 x 2.5 m. About 1500 trees per ha will

be planted. The maintenance of the plantation area will also be done by the project

proponent. The treated waste water and the manure generated by composting of

Page 16: EDS Response on Proposed Developmental Drilling of ...environmentclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/online/...Response: The block is situated in desert area under Jaisalmer District. Within

EDS Response on Proposed Developmental Drilling of additional 37 no.s of onshore wells in Tanot, Dandewala & Bagitibba Mining Lease block of 250 sq.km area at village Tanot, Tehsil Ramgarh in Jaisalmer District of Rajasthan by M/s Oil India Ltd.

municipal solid waste generated for Worker camp and office premises will be used for

the greenbelt development. The species recommended for greenbelt development are

given in Table below.

Table 10.3: Species recommended for greenbelt development

Sl. No

Scientific Name Local Name

1 Accacia nilotica Babul

2 Azardirachta indica Neem

3 Pongamia pinnata Karanj

4 Ziziphus nimmularia Jhar Beri

5 Punica granatum Anar

6 Parkinsonia aculeata Ram babul

7 Phoenix sylvestris Khejur

8 Tamarix aphylla Lal Jhar

9 Ziziphus jujube Ber

Irrigation Arrangements:

Water is a very scarce within the block area and which is also necessary for survival of

the plantations. With a commitment to optimize fresh water use, arrangement will

made to reuse treated water, produced water for irrigation in greenbelt areas. To

further optimize water requirement, drip irrigation networks will also be installed.

Surface evaporation contribute significant amount of water loss that has reduced by

using unique method of drip irrigation by putting half cut pet bottles at the end of drip

pipe for direct irrigation in plant root zone. Surface mulching with locally available

under-shrubs or grasses will be used in greenbelts. Mulching is known to reduce

evaporative loss of soil moisture, moderate root zone temperature and improve

microbial activities and nutrient availability.

Greenbelt Maintenance

The development and maintenance of greenbelt in desert region requires care and

maintenance manpower. Dedicated greenbelt maintenance contracts will also be

awarded to local contractors for maintaining the greenbelt areas in and around the

facilities as well as development of new greenbelt areas.

Timeline and Budget for Green belt development

OIL proposed to increase the existing green belt cover by plantation of more trees.

About 200 additional trees will be planted with a total allocated budget of INR 50000

within a span of next 1 year after commencement of project activities.

Page 17: EDS Response on Proposed Developmental Drilling of ...environmentclearance.nic.in/writereaddata/online/...Response: The block is situated in desert area under Jaisalmer District. Within

EDS Response on Proposed Developmental Drilling of additional 37 no.s of onshore wells in Tanot, Dandewala & Bagitibba Mining Lease block of 250 sq.km area at village Tanot, Tehsil Ramgarh in Jaisalmer District of Rajasthan by M/s Oil India Ltd.


Uploaded Cover letter