Community spotlight Spruce Grove What the experts say 2012 in review FEBRUARY 2013

Edmonton Home & Condo Living February 2013

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Community spotlight

Spruce Grove

What the experts say2012 in review


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COVer FeaTure

9 Thenumberssayitall 2012 was a bumper year for

Edmonton’s housing industry

COndO PrOFile

12 Townhometreasures Homes by Avi goes multi-family

with The Villas in Creekwood Chappelle

ShOw hOme PrOFile

15 LovingLincolnbergliving

Semi-detached homes offer comfortable affordability

CiTy COnneCTiOn

18 Sprucingthingsup New communities add to enviable

lifestyle in Spruce Grove

F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 3 n V O l u m e 5 i S S u e 3 6



25 Familiarfacelandstopjob

Sharon Copithrone announced as new CEO of CHBA – Edmonton Region

markeT View

30 Buynow—pricesexpectedtorisein2013!


6 Editor’sMessage24 AroundTown26 Maps27 AdIndex





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The final numbers are in from Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation for 2012 and, as expected, there’s good news and bad news for the housing industry.

The good news is, 2012 housing start numbers are up significantly from 2011. Single-family starts increased 13 per cent to 5,658 units, while multi-family starts were up from 4,315 units in 2011 to 7,179 in 2012, an increase of more than 66 per cent.

The bad news? That’s a pace of growth that is not sustainable and we can expect a moderation in 2013. Closer to a balanced market, really, where inventory, demand and prices all remain relatively stable.

In addition to a healthy market, there’s more good news this month from the world of the Canadian Home Builders’ Association – Edmonton Region, as Sharon Copithorne was named Chief Executive Officer of CHBA – Edmonton, a role she’s held twice previously.

We talk to Sharon on page 25.And, just to officially make this our ‘good

news edition’ we interviewed five prominent members of the local home building industry and asked for their views on the years past and future. And although they all say it in a slightly different way, all agree on the bottom line: Edmonton’s still going to be a pretty good place to be in 2013.

As for home features this edition, we visited Homes By Avi’s Villas at Creekwood Chappelle, townhomes that feature many of the advantages of a condo lifestyle; plus Lincolnberg Master Builder’s semi-detached homes in Walker Lakes. Both these new developments offer affordable options for both the starter home and down-sizing markets.

Meanwhile, out in Spruce Grove, our mobile reporter, Rusti Lehay, takes us on a tour of her home town. With more than a dozen new communities underway, Spruce Grove is fast becoming a favourite with young families looking for a comfortable mix of small town lifestyle and city conveniences.

And wrapping things up, Mr. Positive himself, Wes Gunderson, lends his voice to the choir singing the praises of building and buying homes in the Edmonton area. I’d lend mine too, but, if you’ve ever heard me sing (ask someone in our office), you’ll be glad I didn’t. Let’s just say I agree with the experts, and leave it at that.

Canadian Home Builders’ Association

P u b l i S h e r

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Aaliya Essa [email protected]

e d i T O r i a l Wesley Gunderson, Kate Hamilton,

Rusti Lehay, Michelle Lindstrom, Heather McIntyre

P h O T O g r a P h y Brock Kryton, Rusti Lehay, Merle Prosofsky

d i r e C T O r O F S a l e S

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The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation’s fourth quarter Housing Market Outlook, released November 5, estimated housing starts in the Edmonton metropolitan area increased a massive 26 per cent in 2012 from 2011, while MLS sales snuck back

to almost pre-recession highs. Forecasts based on a mountain of statistics and emerging market trends suggest things will slow down a bit in 2013, but the province will continue to enjoy a strong demand for housing.

Edmonton Home & Condo Living has interviewed a few of the industry’s key players to get a take on 2012 and some predictions for the year to come.

By Kate Hamilton

The numbers say it all 2012 was a bumper year for Edmonton’s housing industry

»Artwork illustrated by Ainsley Ashby-Snyder

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david lansenior Market Analyst for Edmonton, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation

Single-family starts rose 11.6 per cent to 5,600 in 2012 from 5,017 in 2011. The increase on the multi-family front is even more impressive, with new starts increasing 48.3 per cent to 6,400.

“Supported by low mortgage rates, robust job growth, and continued gains in net migrations, new home starts will increase in 2012,” says Lan. “In 2013, however, modestly higher mortgage rates and reductions in the pace of job growth will slow demand.”

A healthy economy and high employment rates drove up demand for existing homes in 2012, with MLS residential sales up 6.1 per cent. It is expected the resale market will continue to grow moderately in 2013, however the number of new home sales is expected to decrease — new single-family homes by just 1.8 per cent, but multi-unit activity is expected to drop 17 per cent as developers adjust production to avoid excess inventory.

“In 2013, demand for new single-detached homes will moderate,” says Lan. “While higher levels of employment will continue to bring more potential buyers, competition from the resale market will impact the traffic to builders’ sales offices, contributing to lower single-detached starts.”

The average price for a new home in the Edmonton region rose 2.6 per cent to $334,000 in 2012, from $325,595 in 2011. Lan said balanced market conditions are expected to persist into 2013, and the average house price is projected to reach $341,000 by the end of the year.

alphonse PilonPresident, Edmonton Home Builders Association

With around 4,600 permits issued in Greater Edmonton at the end of November, sales and starts are definitely on the up, but Pilon believes 2012 was a year of preparing for an even better 2013.

“We feel like we’re on the cusp of quite an exciting year for 2013,” says Pilon, who is also founder and president of


Edmonton’s Marcson Homes. “In 2012, we’ve been purchasing land, building infrastructure and we’re ready for what we believe is going to be a very positive year.”

Although it’s difficult to compare Edmonton to other markets across the country, Pilon said the industry here is strong, helped along by good relationships with all levels of government.

“The country talks about Alberta being a hub. Generally speaking, Ontario leads the country, but in the last year in Ontario they’ve been speaking very highly of Alberta and what’s been happening in Alberta,” he says. “Greater growth and more migration into Alberta means more excitement.”

2012 hasn’t been without its challenges though. One hurdle was the introduction of tighter mortgage and lending rules by the federal government in July, which saw the maximum amortization rate for government insured homes cut from 30 years to 25, while the amount homeowners can borrow on their homes was lowered from 85 per cent to 80.

“It affected us in a big way, especially in the starter market, around the $300,000 mark and lower,” says Pilon. “Affordability went down so it’s very challeng-ing for the industry. We think everybody should be able to own a home and we don’t need tighter mort-gage laws at this stage in our economy.”

kendra milneMarketing Manager, Walton Development and Management L.P.

For community developers, 2012 presented tremendous opportunities for growth, thanks to the strong market for new home inventory.

“We were able to deliver our lot inventories to the market and maintain a competitive pricing structure in each of our projects,” says Milne.

But it wasn’t all rosy; Milne says hurdles included delays and timing of municipal approvals, but 2012 was still a year of huge growth and positioning for the future.

Walton has had a presence in the city for years. In 2011, the company’s McConachie neighbourhood in northwest Edmonton was rated one of the top 10 communities in the city based on building permits. And the company is poised to increase its E-town

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Balanced market conditions are expected to persist into 2013, and the average house price is projected to reach $341,000 by the end of the year.

footprint over the coming years.“In terms of development in 2012, we saw the

launch of our newest community, Hawks Ridge at Big Lake, and the construction start on three additional communities in Edmonton with projected openings in 2013,” says Milne.

Lot sales will commence in Woodhaven at Edgemont, Henley Heights at Secord and VITA at Crystallina Nera later this year, bringing an additional 1,500 single-family lots to Edmonton’s inventory.

“We are projecting continued steady growth in the Edmonton residential market in 2013,” says Milne, adding that Walton is basing sales and lot delivery projections on many economic indicators, including employment rates and migration. “We are also optimistic with our role in the marketplace.”

Clay hamdonPresident, Cove Properties Ltd.

Cove Properties has been building condo-miniums for more than a decade. They may not be the biggest player when it comes to condo development, but they can boast a solid presence in our city.

According to Hamdon, Cove unit sales hit approxi-mately 400 in Edmonton and Calgary in 2012, which more than doubled 2011 numbers.

“In 2012 there was a combination of less overall condo units on the market and we had more ready to go or almost completed units,” he says.

Cove’s Edmonton projects include Essence at Winder-mere, with 225 adult units located in southwest Edmon-ton, Sanctuary at Edgemont, with 95 adult condo units located in the West End, Estates of Upper Windermere with 62 townhouse units, and Palisades Estates, a townhome project in Sherwood Park.

Hamdon said pricing is the biggest challenge the company faces since delivering top quality at a competitive price is not an easy task. Cove’s most affordable project, Essence at Windermere South, has units priced from the $160,000s.

“We have reduced our margins in order to be able to deliver a very affordable home,” he says. “This has allowed us to remain busy through these times and deliver first rate homes to our customers at great prices.”

And projections for 2013 are positive.“We’re anticipating a very good year in 2013,” says Hamdon,

adding that several of Cove’s current properties will complete this coming year so the company will be busy looking for new land and projects to replace them. “Alberta looks to remain in a very competitive but robust housing market, and we at Cove are well positioned… to be able to participate aggressively in the continued growth of our province.”

Sandra youngVice President and General Manager, Homes by Avi Edmonton

In 2012 Homes by Avi sales reached approximately 350 units across a variety of housing products, from in-fill and multi-family to single-family dwellings, in 12 communities across Edmonton.

“Overall 2012 was a stronger year for the company than 2011,” says Young, adding that 2013 will be the company’s 35th year selling homes in Alberta. “We certainly saw the market respond to our product offering with strong interest.”

A highlight of the year for Avi was the launch of the new StreetTown product (a townhome without condo fees) in Creekwood Chappelle on Edmonton’s south side — the re-sponse from local homebuyers was overwhelming, with Phase 1 selling out in just a couple of months.

“We also launched our new duplex homes with a front attached garage in Trumpeter by Big Lake in northwest Edmonton and Southfork in Leduc,” says Young. “These stylish homes meet the unique needs of many, and come at an affordable price.”

The company is also optimistic about 2013, with projections for sales and construction similar to 2012.

“We feel the market is presenting itself with similar strength as the past year, as purchasers demand a high quality housing products,” says Young.

And her advice for homebuyers over the coming year?“Ensure your purchase a home that meets your unique needs.

No matter the building type, ensure the home and your builder provides you the flexibility to allow you to meet your needs.” n

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Townhome TreasuresStory by Michelle Lindstrom | Photos by Merle Prosofsky Photography Ltd.

Homes by Avi goes multi-family with The Villas in Creekwood Chappelle

Pictures on these pages are of the Lance Khan show suite


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Townhome TreasuresHomes by Avi goes multi-family with The Villas in Creekwood Chappelle

If a community can look this good in the middle of winter, one can only imagine what spring and summer will bring! Indeed, just driving through the southwest Edmonton neighbourhood of Creekwood Chappelle, this up-and-coming community’s wetlands, trees and pathways envelope you

to make sure their presence is acknowledged and appreciated — snow or no snow.

As you meander along Chappelle Drive, the blue siding of Homes by Avi’s Craftsman townhome show suite for The Villas grabs your attention at the end of the road. Three of the builder’s townhomes sit along the street side-by-side, two groups of three attached units and one of four, displaying contemporary features of tall roof lines, exposed beams and brackets. About a block away, over on Chappelle Road, sit the remaining four buildings, each containing four separate units, totalling 22 units for Phase One.

The first phase of The Villas opened in Creekwood Chappelle roughly a year ago and caught the immediate attention of buyers. Fully 82 per cent of Phase One sold in the first six months, leaving two units available for immediate possession. The two show suites will be available in six months time. But don’t fret. The new year rang in with the release of Phase Two, meaning 16 additional units for those on the hunt for high quality, well-priced housing options.

The Villas is a contemporary project that includes large windows and thoughtful layouts that appeal to many: those wanting to downsize from large, single-dwelling homes, all the way to young professionals simply too busy for a home in need of a lot of maintenance, explains Nancy Reardon, Homes by Avi’s Area Sales Manager for The Villas in Creekwood Chappelle.

“The price point is perfect, too,” she says. The four units remaining in Phase One range from 1,118 square-feet at $299,999 (including GST) to 1,305 square-feet at $329,900 (including GST).

The corner show suite at 638 Chappelle Drive exemplifies well-planned use of square-footage. The townhome’s wooden front porch welcomes visitors through the front door into a spacious tiled foyer. The great room’s views are just that — great — with broad sightlines through large windows and no structure across »

The Villas is a contemporary project that includes large windows and thoughtful layouts.


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“Buyers like the large kitchens and how the cabinets go to the ceiling.”

Lance Mair show suite

Nikolai Chipman show suite

the street. A table for four fits nicely between the great room and kitchen, adding another eating area option to the flush granite eating bar that the kitchen island offers. Wide-plank engineered hardwood in varied shades of dark brown makes the space feel inviting while blending nicely with the kitchen’s light ceramic floor tile, which matches the foyer.

“Buyers like the large kitchens and the ceiling-height cabinets,” Reardon says, adding that customers also notice and appreciate an extra closet or bathroom shelving that could easily have just been left as wasted space.

The carpeted stairs (shag or Berber options available) lead up to a large master bedroom and two secondary bedrooms — all with plentiful closet space and enviable window sizes. The stairs also lead down to an unfinished basement with roughed in plumbing for a future bathroom and space that could add more than 600 square-feet to the home, when finished. Sharing the unfinished space is a 95 per cent high efficiency furnace, electric hot water tank and drip humidifier.

Phase Two has four different pre-designed layouts with two- and three-bedroom options ranging from 1,200 to 1,300 square-feet. The units also have pre-selected colour palettes for new homeowners to choose from for their interior finishes.

Layout standards include 2.5 baths, stainless steel appliances, raised sinks in the bathrooms, rear wooden decks, knock-down ceiling texture, energy efficient ECO 5 windows, central vacuum rough-in and a 20 by 20-foot detached two-car garage.

Creekwood Chappelle currently has express bus service to and from Century Park LRT until the community’s own LRT station is built. By car, Anthony Henday Drive is minutes away, and Edmonton International Airport is roughly a 15-mintue drive. And, while the community itself continues to develop, the various surrounding neighbourhoods with established shopping centres are also accessible within minutes.

Homes by Avi has more than 35 years of home building experience, so it’s no surprise they know what their customers want. And, judging by sales, they want The Villas. n

Fast FactsBuilder: Homes by AviArea: Creekwood ChappelleStyle: Two-storey townhomesPrice: $299,900 -$329,999 (incl GST)Show Suite Address: 636/638 Chappelle Dr. S.W.Hours: Monday to Thursday, 2 to 8 p.m.;

Saturday, Sunday and holidays, noon to 5 p.m.; closed Fridays.

Web: www.homesbyavi.com


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Nestled in south central Edmonton, the community of Walker Lakes is the place to be.

And it is where Lincolnberg Communities has been building duplex style homes for the last four years.

“I think the access from this specific location, south central Edmonton here and Walker Lakes, is probably second to none in the city,” says Stephen Anderson, area manager for Lincolnberg Communities. “Simply because of the infrastructure that has been put in place over the last three or four years.”

Loving LincoLnberg LivingSemi-detached homes offer comfortable affordability

By Heather McIntyre



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“I think it’s important that people see that both style and design have to meld together in order to create a functional home.”


The area is close to Anthony Henday Drive, Calgary Trail, Gateway Boulevard, South Edmonton Common, Mill Woods Town Centre, Grey Nuns Community Hospital, and more. And there is a bus station slated for the community, which will allow for a quick ride into Mill Woods or to Century Park Station.

There is also a park and trail system, as well as ponds.

“It’s definitely a nice change from being cooped up in an apartment,” says Anderson.

And the people making that move are the targets for Lincolnberg Communities when it comes to their show homes, The Banff and The Jasper, on display at 64 Street and 16 Avenue south of Ellerslie Road.

“People are doing one of two things today,” says Anderson. “They’re either moving out of an apartment or out of mom and dad’s basement, and they’re starting their life on their own or their family is growing.

“On the flip side, the boomers turn 65 this year, and lots of them are fortunate enough that their kids are now out of the house … So I get lots of empty nesters who are coming in and they’re downsizing, but they don’t want to downsize too small and they want something that’s new.”

The duplexes come with an oversized single garage (with a double garage option), a front veranda and rear deck made of a composite material to better withstand weather, as well as stone detailing. Front landscaping is included, as are five appliances in white or black, a gas fireplace and mantel, and two-and-a-half baths.

Both The Jasper, starting at 1,317 square-feet and $311,900, and The Banff, starting at 1,398 square-feet and $321,900, feature an open, functional main floor.

A working triangle makes for a spacious kitchen, which opens to the back of the

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Fast FactsBuilder: Lincolnberg Master BuilderArea: Walker LakesDeveloper: Lincolnberg CommunitiesModel: The BanffStyle: Semi-detachedSize: 1,398 sq. ft.Price: From $321,900Address: 6408 16 Ave. S.W.Directions: Elleslie Rd. west to 62 St., turn south on Watt Blvd., west

on Welsh Dr. and then south on 64 St. until 16 Ave.Hours: Monday to Thursday 3 to 8 p.m., Saturday, Sunday and

holidays noon to 5 p.m.Web: www.lincolnberg.com


home, featuring living and eating quarters — and a lot of natural light. The real difference between the two is upstairs. Both models have

two smaller rooms, which could be used as spare rooms, kids’ rooms or office space — or turned into a second master suite. The master bedrooms and ensuite are “the same size master bedroom or bigger you would get in a beautiful 2,200-square-foot single family home,” says Anderson.

The addition in The Banff is a loft at the top of the staircase, which tends to evolve as a family grows and changes, says Anderson.

“This is a really, really neat space,” he says. “Right now you’re a couple waiting for kids, it’s a home office. You have the kids — bam,

it’s a playroom! Kids get a bit older, it’s back to a home office or a study area for the kids. Kids move out, and now it becomes that place you put the treadmill you may or may not use or it becomes the home office again.

“This becomes the living area for a family.”The draws to the models, says Anderson, include the size, amount

of natural light and the fact they’re designed for function.“I think it’s important that people see that both style and design

have to meld together in order to create a functional home,” he says. “When you get into a more compact environment, utilizing that space to the best of your ability is an art. And it’s something we strive to do.” n

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C i T y C o N N E C T i o N : S P R u C E G R o v E

Story and photos by Rusti Lehay

Sprucing things upNew communities add to enviable lifestyle in spruce Grove

You can take the girl out of the country but you can’t take the country out of the girl. Spruce Grove echoes this delightful combination, mixing in a healthy dose of new homes and communities with the country charm that remains at its core.

One of the region’s busiest land developers, Melcor Developments Ltd., has been building vibrant Spruce Grove communities for 35 years, including three current developments. History is important to Melcor, and nowhere is that more evident than in the new community of McLaugh-lin. There, says, Mark Tanasichuk, Development

Manager for Melcor Developments Ltd., “We are working with a family

that homesteaded the whole site to create a back-to-the-land feel and a heritage piece that outlines the history of the land.”

Meanwhile, Stoneshire, another Melcor

community, surrounds a golf course where lots back onto the greens in summer and cross country trails in winter. Each neigh-bourhood has a theme, says Tanasichuk. Stoneshire is all about golf while Jesperdale has Dog Creek running through the commu-nity. Melcor focused on this natural attribute and tucked a nifty trail system into this neighbourhood.

Spruce Grove is all about connections, community and a city of firsts. “It’s not just the neighbourhoods that create community,” says Tanasichuk. “The entire city contrib-

Show homes in McLaughlin

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utes. Partly it’s the city’s small town feel in that you can roam from one side to the other in 10 minutes.” This ease of movement allows people to connect and create relationships across the entire city.

Residents enjoy more than 40 kilometres of tree-lined paved trails, outdoor soccer fields, baseball diamonds, the amazing TransAlta Tri-Leisure Centre with two NHL sized rinks, public ice rink, two indoor soccer fields, a water park and, if you live in the award-winning Windsor Estates, watch horses galloping outside your window. Nearing completion is the $36 million Tri-Village Common development, which will include a 130 room Holiday Inn Express, restaurant, commercial retail, and medical centre.

And, when the kids aren’t busy playing, there are nine (six public and three separate) schools, including a new K-9 school. The city has budgeted to extend Grove Drive east to Pioneer Road and, says Mayor Stuart Houston, “We’re adding a $3.1 million dollar sanitary sewer hook-up on the Pioneer lands to serve the new school and area.” With eight per cent of the popula-tion being preschoolers under four, the school comes just in time.

Spruce Grove, Tanasichuk says, “is an incredible place. We are pleased to be part of Spruce Grove’s history.”

“It’s not just the neighbourhoods that create community, the entire city contributes.”

No arguments there from Mayor Houston, whose every word shows his pride in this “dynamic, vibrant, sustainable community” which, he says, boasts an average of 520 new home starts per year. The city’s development permits average $365,000 every day and $831 million in building permits since 2006.

One of those developments is the environ-mentally friendly Greenbury community, which uses low-impact development techniques such as bioswales, constructed wetlands, and special vegetation plantings to manage storm water. In addition, Greenbury is the first neighbourhood in the Capital Region to introduce wind power to a residential subdivision. Three Windspires®, residential sized wind turbines, greet you at the entrance and harvest wind energy to power the neighbourhood’s entrance lighting and feed the local power grid.

Ready to launch into its bright future, this diversified city is supported by a range of industrial and commercial businesses. With world-class features and amenities, it is an island set apart from the big city’s hustle and bustle. Everything a resident could want is right at their doorsteps. With Edmonton, the Interna-tional Airport, the Peace River region and Alaska Highway gateway all minutes away, it’s easy to get anywhere from Spruce Grove.

Of course, with all the housing, education, recreation and job possibilities available right in town, other than a trip to West Edmonton Mall, an Oilers game or a big holiday, there’s really no need to go anywhere else.  n

Greenbury show home

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Just the facts

C i T y C o N N E C T i o N : S P R u C E G R o v E

new Community

Deer Park Estates

East Campsite Industrial Park


Kenton Village

The Woods at Kenton


Legacy Park


spring Gate at spruce Ridge

spruce Village


Vanderbuilt Common

Heron Point


Broadview Developments

Melcor Developments

Beaverbrook Developments

Beaverbrook Developments

Beaverbrook Developments

Beaverbrook Developments

Gilbert Cook. Imperial Land Development

Melcor Developments

Qualico Communities

Beaverbrook Developments

Melcor Developments

sG Developments

Lamont Developments


Evani showhomes


Western Living Homes

Cami Comfort Homes

McLachlan & Mitchell Homes


Alquinn Homes

Allquinn HomesUrbanage Homes

Hillview Master BuilderAlquinn Homes

Averton HomesMcLachlan & Mitchell Homes

Masterpiece Custom Homes

Look Homes


sterling Homes

Alquin Homes

Alquin HomesCelico BuildersEvani Homes Inc

Canyon spring Master Builder

Western Living Homes

McLachlan & Mitchel Homes


Size range

2,315 sq. ft.—

starts at 3,600 sq. ft.

1.640 – 2,188 sq. ft.


1,423 – 1.438 sq. ft.

1,315 – 1,728+ sq. ft.

1,348 – 1,577 sq. ft.




1,882 sq. ft.

1,449 sq. ft.

1,400 – 2,500 sq. ft.

1,546 – 2,503 sq. ft.

1,428 – 1,746 sq. ft

1,504 – 2,507 sq ft.

1,456 – 3,500 sq. ft.1,315 sq. ft.2,356 sq. ft.

1,531 – 1,965 sq. ft.2,300 – 3,000 sq. ft.2,432 sq. ft.

1,264 – 1,274 sq. ft.

1,472 sq. ft.

Price range

$609,00 – $689,000


$344,500 – $459,000



$290,000 – $400,000







383,100+ – 506,100+

$270,000 – $360,000

$320,000 – $600,000+

$500,000 – $800,000+$389,000+$580,000+




$270,000 – $450,000


Two-storey triple garageBi-level triple garage

Industrial Lots, Condo Bays, Mezzanine Options

single Detached, single Detached - double garage, single Detached - single garage, Three-storey rear lanesingle Detached - rear lane


Rear - detached garage

Townhomes, single Detached - single garage

Phase 1 will feature single-family homes with rear lane access Estate lots will back onto protected tree stand


Two-storey Opening April 2013

single-family attached garage duplexessingle-family double attached garage

Two-storey front attached double garage

Duplex & front attached

Two-storey from attached double garage

Bungalow front attachedTwo-storey attachedTwo-storey front double attached

Bungalow front attachedTwo storeysingle-family two-storey

Duplexes, front attached garage


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By Jim Zang


STATISTICS FROM CANADA Mortgage and Housing Cor-poration (CMHC) for the most recent month available at time of writing, November, show single-detached starts increased by 19 per cent to 505 units, which is up from 423 units from the previous year. Single detached starts reached 5,246 units, which compared to the year before is a healthy 13 per cent rise from 2011.

“An elevated level of multi-family home starts contributed to the strong housing activity in November. However some mod-eration is expected in the coming months given the heightened pace of multi-family starts thus far this year,” says David Lan,

one stop shop

BCM DEVELOPMENTS’ NEW Station Pointe Village condo project, convenient-ly located just one block from Belvedere Station, is currently undergoing con-struction of the first of three phases.

The first phase starts off with the two buildings called the Landing, which will both have 56 units in each building. The Manor building is set to be built in the second phase of this project, there will be 84 units in this building, which will also have ground-floor apartment-style town-homes, that will include front entrances and terraces. The Garden tower will be built in the third phase of this project, with 96 units in this tower, this building is for seniors and will come equipped with suites that can accommodate those buyers.

“People can live in the same communi-ty, with their families living close by, and still have their own space,” says Alessan-dra Lozzo, BCM Developments sales and marketing co-ordinator.

The Landing is currently pre-selling suites starting at $199,900. There are

So far so good

CMHC’s Senior Market Analystfor Edmonton.

Multi-family starts, including semi-detached units, rows, and apartments, have been calculated to 1,229 units, that in comparison to this time last year was only 258 units. There were a total of 6,802 multi-family units that broke ground by the end of No-vember, which compared to 2011 was only 3,993.

All of which means good selection , good prices, and good value is still out there for new home buyers.

eight layouts to choose from, with either one or two bedrooms and ranging in size from 629 to 975 square-feet. All suites come with an underground parking stall. Possession is set for summer 2014 and buyers that get in early can enjoy a year with no condo fees courtesy of BCM Developments.

The Manor will have both townhomes

and suites with one bedroom, two ‘true’ bedrooms as a California split-style design, and three bedroom layouts. These units will start at $220,000 ranging in size from 650 to 1,200 square-feet.

The Garden will have specialty suites ranging in size from 550 to 1,400 square-feet that cater to people with accessibility requirements starting at $220,000.

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Cadenza is a splash hit in Lake SummersideBROOKFIELD HOMES INTRODUCES their new front attached garage duplex series of homes in Lake Summerside. These homes start at 1,400 square-feet and range up to 1,700 square-feet, with prices starting in the $290,000s. The new Cadenza show home ranges from 1,612 to 1,651 square-feet in size, with three bedrooms and two and half bathrooms.

“Designed with the customer in mind, the split-level Caden-za model provides shared family space and private, personal sanctuary with the master bedroom on its’ own level, separate from the two bedrooms and flex space on the upper floor,” says Jennifer Smith Brookfield Homes’ marketing manager.

With a starting price of $320,900, the Cadenza has been re-ceiving great reviews from homeowners in Lake Summerside, Chappelle Gardens and The Orchards, “people are definitely loving these homes,” says Smith.

And the community of Lake Summerside makes for a picturesque backdrop for residents here, as “it’s the only Ed-monton community with a recreational lake,” says Smith. The 32-acres of freshwater lake makes it ideal for ice-fishing and skating during the winter months, and swimming and paddle boarding in the summer months, adds Smith.

Visiting hours for this show home are Monday to Thursday from 2 till 8 p.m., Friday to Sunday from noon till 5 p.m., the Caden-za show home is located at 7205 22 Avenue S.W. in Lake Summerside. n

Sharon Copithorne, the new Chief Executive Officer of the Canadian Home Builders Association – Edmonton Region, is no stranger to the Edmonton home building industry or the CHBA, having held

the position twice previously. She first served as Executive Director from 1989-1997, and again from 2001-2007; a total of more than 15 years.

Sharon has been on the local home building scene for more than 36 years since she first started out at NuWest Development Corporation. Recent-ly, she has worked with the Landmark Group of Builders team as Human Resource Manager, and most recently, as Executive Officer for Built Green Canada.

“In a way,” she says of her third term at the helm of the CHBA – Edmonton Region team, “it feels like I’m coming home.”

The CHBA – Edmonton Region represents the associa-tion’s membership, liaising with all levels of government and industry associations, and promoting them to potential customers.

“I look forward to working with the Association’s internal and external stakeholders,” says Sharon, “to ensure that all issues affecting the industry are addressed, and all Associa-tion initiatives and programs are delivered effectively and efficiently.”

Sharon’s expert tip for new home buyers is simple: “get everything in writing. This gives the home buyer and builder a solid foundation on which to build their relationship.”

Sounds like good advice to me. n

Familiar face lands top jobSharon Copithrone announced as new CEo of CHBA – Edmonton Region Story by Jim Zang | Photo by Brock Kryton


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CoNDo PRoPERTiES1. Aurora2. serenity3. Axio Parkland4. Mosaic Meadows Parkland5. Windermere Village6. Macewan Gardens7. sandstone at Walkers Lake station8. Aspen Meadows9. Meridian Plaza10. The Corners11. Griesbach Wood II12. Griesbach Wood III13. Carlton Villas on the Lake14. Trails of Millcreek15. The University Brownstones16. Century Park17. Hollick Kenyon Pointe18. Evergreen Community19. Maple/Oak Ridge Community20. The Esates of Upper Windermere21. The Ion22. Grand scala23. Heritage Landing24. 12th street station25. Mosaic Town square26. Mosaic summerside27. Axio in Parkland28. stone Pointe29. Aspen Meadows30. Walker Lake Landing31. Rutherford Landing 32. Fox One33. Fuzion

NEW HoME LiSTiNGS1. Walker Lake Estates2. Lewis Estates3. secord4. Parkland5 The Hamptons6 Copperwood7 south Hamptons8. The Properties of Donsdale9. Cameron Heights10. Terwillegar Towne11. south Terwillegar12. Palisades13. Upper Windermere14. Windermere Ridge15. Ambleside in Windermere16 Rutherford17. Callaghan18. Walker Lakes station19. Lake summerside20. Ellerslie Heights21. Tamarack22. Griesbach23. Fields of summerside24. Allard in Heritage Valley25. Tuscany Hills26. McConachie Landing27. McConachie28. Laurel29. Ravines of Richford30. Trumpeter at Big Lake31. Axio summerside32. Touchmark33. Hawks Ridge at Big Lake34. Woodhaven – Edgemont



shopping Centre

Points ofInterest

Hospitals Colleges/Universities

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ADvERTiSERS iNDEXCarlisle Group Page 31


Lincolnberg Homes Page 2-3


Marketplace Page 7

Edmonton Home + Garden Show


Melcor Page 23



Melcor Page 21



Melcor Page 20



Walton Development Page 8



Walton Development Page 4



Walton Development Page 32



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CoNDoS1. Lakeview Estates2. sierras of Inglewood3. Grande- Mission Hill4. Tenor

NEW HoMES1. Northern Lights Estates2. Erin Ridge3. North Ridge4. Tuscany Hills5. The Crossing at River’s Edge6. The Manors of Oakmont7. Regency Heights Estates8. Kingswood9. Greystone Manor10. Pinnacle Ridge Estates11. Riverstone Pointe12. The Banks of sturgeon Valley

CoNDoS1. Laredo On The Park2. station 333. stony Village4. Graywood Terrace5. Cedar Brae6. Urbia Place

NEW HoMES1. stony Village2. Brookview3. Graybriar4. The Fairways5. Willow Park6. Lake Westerra7. stellar Homes

CoNDoS1. Parkland Village2. Fairway Eight3. Harvest Ridge4. Nova Ridge Villas5. spruce Ridge Manor6. The Pointe7. Kingstreet on Park

NEW HoMES1. Jesperdale2. stoneshire3. Harvest Ridge4. Deer Park Estates5. Hilldowns6. spruce Village7. spruce Ridge8. Hawthorne at Heatherglen9. springate at spruce Ridge10. Legacy Park11. Lakewood

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NEW HoMES1. Deer Valley2. West Haven3. Bridgeport4. Aspen Creek5. suntree6. Windrose7. southfork8. Tribute9. Meadowiew Park

CoNDoS1. Brooklands at Bridgeport2. Ravine Villas3. Urbia Manor4. Urbia Green5. The springs at Bridgeport

CoNDoS1. Village Champlain2. Maple Brooks Villas3. La Rose

NEW HoMES1. Village Champlain2. La Rose3. Grandin Park Close4. Notre Dame Estates5. The Lakes

CoNDoS1. Riverview Estates2. Fort Gardens3. Walnut Grove

NEW HoMES1. Valley Pointe Estates2. Forest Ridge in West Park3. Westwood Trails4. West Woodlands5. southfort6. southpointe7. sienna

CoNDoS1. Pallisades on the Ravine2. strathcona Village3. Crystal Estates4. Axxess5. summerwood Greens6. Maple Ridge & Oak Ridge

NEW HoMES1. strathcona Village2. Aspen Trail3. summerwood4. Lakeland Ridge5. Clarkdale Park6. Foxboro7. Willow Ridge/The Ridge8. sherwood Hill Estates9. Balmoral Heights10. Fountain Creek Estates11. sherwood Golf & Country

Club Estates

CoNDoS1. Coventry Homes2. The Village at Beaumont3. Beausjour4. Montrose View5. Giselle Valley Manor

NEW HoMES1. Coloniale Estates2. Montalet3. Citadel Ridge4. Eaglemont Heights5. Montrose Estates6. Westbrook7. Four seasons Estates8. Goudreau Terrace9. Triomphe Estates10. Beaumont Lakes11. Place Chaleureuse12. Beau Val

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LoW iNvENToRiES REDuCE SuPPLyEdmonton’s active listings on MLS are very low. At the end of December there were just 4,354 active single family listing in Edmonton. This is almost 19 per cent lower than December 2011 and almost 24 per cent lower than December 2010.

On the new construction side, lot inventories are down because of a poor development season. A rainy spring and an early winter meant less lots were ser-viced than developers planned.

LoW iNTEREST RATES CREATE BuyiNG oPPoRTuNiTyWhile there is much debate among economists about when rates will go up, there is a belief that they will go up. In Canada, interest rates are expected to be raised either in the second half of 2013 or early 2014. Locking in today’s rates can save you lots of money. Buyers would save over $4,700 over the term of a five year mortgage for every one per cent increase in rates on every $100,000 in mortgage. For a typical home

at $350,000 this saving would be over $16,500 if a one per cent rate

increase were to occur.

CoNCLuSioNHome buyers have a unique opportunity to lock in incredible interest rates and get the home they want before prices go up, in one of the best economies in the world. All of which means now is a great time to buy a new home. n

RIGHT NOW IS a great time to buy a new home. This is more than our opinion. Housing price growth is expected to be around two per cent for Edmonton in 2013, and possibly as high as three per cent. Many economists and housing experts are pointing to Alber-ta and Edmonton’s outlook for continued economic, population and employment growth and low interest rates as evidence of a buying opportunity.

PoPuLATioN GRoWTH AND STRoNGEMPLoyMENT iNCREASE DEMAND“Over 95,000 people came to Alberta” in 2012 ac-cording to a recent speech by Premier Alison Red-ford, and “the province’s population is growing at its fastest since 1980.” That is incredible considering our province is growing faster than the large population increase that precipitated the boom of the mid 2000s.

The largest component of this increase is inter-national migrants. What’s more astonishing is that according to a longitudinal study by Immigration Canada, over 35 per cent of immigrants buy a home within two years of moving here and over 50 per cent by year four. These are averages, some groups exceed the national average of around 65 per cent within four years of immigration.

More than just a growing population, though, Albertan’s have jobs. Accord-ing to the City of Edmonton’s Chief Economist, John Rose, Edmonton’s unemployment is the lowest of any metropolitan centre in Canada at 4.3 per cent. This strong employment is another factor creating housing demand.

MARKET viEWby Wesley Gunderson

Wesley Gunderson is Vice President of Finance for Growth Marketing an Edmonton based real estate consultancy firm providing integrated marketing services to its valued clients. Mr. Gunderson has been with the firm since 1997 and actively involved in economic and market research, marketing and product strategy as well as advertising and sales promotion.

Buy now — prices expected to rise in 2013!

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