Social Learning in the Classroom Michelle Cowell My paper was about using the social learning network tool Edmodo as the classroom rather than just in the classroom. The paper gives some background on Edmodo and discusses the layout and how it func=ons and then moves on to how I used to create my classroom environment.

Edmodo for 505

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Social Learning in the Classroom

Michelle Cowell

My  paper  was  about  using  the  social  learning  network  tool  Edmodo  as  the  classroom  rather  than  just  in  the  classroom.    The  paper  gives  some  background  on  Edmodo  and  discusses  the  layout  and  how  it  func=ons  and  then  moves  on  to  how  I  used  to  create  my  classroom  environment.  

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Edmodo  is  a  social  learning  network  –  it  was  created  by  educators  for  educators    -­‐-­‐  no  adap9ng  of  social  or  business  sites  for  educa9on  use.    You  can  operate  in  a  secure  and  private  environment  or  you  can  make  it  public.  Edmodo  is  o=en  referred  to  as  a  social  network  or  microblogging  site.  But  the  kids  called  it  Facebook  for  school.  

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Where did I come from? Edmodo  was  created  in  2008  by  Nic  Borg  and  Jeff  O’Hara,  both  from  districts  outside  of  Chicago.  According  to  the  website,  they  are  the  fastest    growing  social  network  in  the  world.  Of  course  these  numbers  sound  good  un=l  you  realize  that  for  every  1  person  who  joins  at  least  25  other  people  join  because  they  were  told  too.    But  this  does  say  something    for  how  quickly  it  is  catching  on  in  educa=on.      

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Edmodo  is  designed  just  like  Facebook,  same  layout,  same  color  scheme,  everything.  Groups  on  leR  –  messages  in  the  middle  –  spotlight  (what’s  new)  and  sugges=ons  on  right  –  on  right  there  are  also  choices  for  specific  types  of  messages  to  view  separate  from  the  others.  

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The Notes You  can  post  general  notes  to  one  or  all  of  your  groups.  I  haven’t  found  the  limit  on  the  length  of  these  yet  like  I  have  on  Facebook.    Edmodo  allows  for  direct  messaging    between  teacher  and  student.    These  are  private  messages  that  can’t  be  seen  by  others.    And  there  is  no  private  messaging  between  students.  

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You  can  post  general  notes  to  one  or  all  of  your  groups.  I  haven’t  found  the  limit  on  the  length  of  these  yet  like  I  have  on  Facebook.    Edmodo  allows  for  direct  messaging    between  teacher  and student.    These  are  private  messages  that  can’t  be  seen  by  others.    And  there  is  no  private  messaging  between  students.  

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Teachers  have  been  using  Edmodo  for  things  from  basic  assignment  turn-­‐in,  secure  blogging,  and  microblogging,  to  conduc9ng  en9re  classes  there  like  I  have.  I  conducted  my  Media  Literacy  class  through  Edmodo.    I  had  an  experimental  class  with  daily  access  to  computers.    And  wanted  to  try  something  different  while  also  reinforcing  my  daily  use  of  the  computers.  

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I  chose  Edomodo  because  of  the  low  learning  curve,  for  myself  and  the  students.    Since  it  looks  just  like  Facebook  almost  everyone  is  already  familiar  with  the  format.    Like  Facebook,  there  isn’t  a  lot  of  freedom  to  personalize  your  page,  keeping  the  focus  on  the  learning.  

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6th Period Log-in wqt26u


I  did  have  to  show  the  students  how  to  turn  in  assignments  and  show  them  how  I  wanted  the  site  to  be  organized  when  it  came  to  their  pos=ngs.    This  wasn’t  so  much  training  them  on  the  tool  as  it  was  training  them  to  use  the  tool  in  this  seZng.    This  was  not  only  our  way  to  communicate  as  a  class  but  it  was  my  way  to  stay  organized.  

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The  first  =me  the  students  sign  up  for  Edmodo  they  are  asked  for  the  group  code.    This  is  a  code  specific  to  the  group  or  class  set  up  by  the  teacher.    The  students  enter  the  code,  their  name  and  if  they  want,  their  email.    The  email  isn’t  required  but  students  can  enter  it  and  have  Edmodo  send  them  alerts  when  new  items  are  entered  on  the  page.      

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Teacher Controlled

ARer  students  set  up  their  account,  they  are  automa=cally  directed  to  the  page  the  matches  their  code.    And  only  that  code.  Students  can’t  set  up  an  account  without  a  code  and  they  can’t  set  up  their  own  areas  in  the  site.    Everything  is  set  up  by  the  teacher.  

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 Edmodo    was  my  primary  communica9on  with  the  students  in  and  out  of  the  classroom.    I’m  not  in  the  building  when  they  have  free  9me  so    they  needed  an  alternate  method  to  reach  me.    Next  trimester  I’m  going  to  set  it  up  so  that  it  will  send  me  texts  when  students  post  an  alert  and  I’ll  have  them  post  alerts  when  they  need  assistance,  then  I  can  help  them  immediately  (before  10  pm).  

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What are we doing today?

I  would  post  our  plan  for  the  day  and  any  resources  we  would  be  using  during  the  lessons,  videos,  Powerpoints,  images,  etc.  The  students  would  have  access  to  all  of  the  informa=on  if  they  were  gone  or  wanted  to  go  back  and  improve  their  understanding.  When  I  was  gone  I  could  s=ll  post  the  lessons  for  class  from  wherever  I  was.    This  made  the  subs  job  much  easier.  

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 Students  would  take  their  notes  in  the  reply  box  under  that  days  post.    This  would  allow  the  students  access  to  everyone’s  notes.    I  wanted  public  notes  because  different  people  key  in  on  different  things.    The  other  benefit  of  this  is  that  it  allowed  the  special  educa=on  students  placed  in  my  room  an  added  advantage.    They  may  not  be  able  to  take  notes  like  the  other  students  but  they  now  had  access  to  notes  like  the  other  students.  

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Hey! What about…?

Some9mes  students  would  want  to  con9nue  discussions  even  though  it  was  9me  for  us  to  move  on.    In  order  to  keep  us  on  a  schedule,  students  would  be  able  to  con9nue  their  discussions  on  Edmodo  while  we  moved  ahead  with  other  informa9on.    If  they  missed  informa9on  because  of  this,  they  could  go  back  and  check  others  notes.    

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I  also  set  up  small  groups  inside  of  my  classes.    These  groups  were  designed  for  students  to  collaborate  with  others  in  a  smaller  seZng  to  explore  specific  topics,  kind  of  like  an  Intro  to  Blogging.    These  smaller  groups  allowed  students  to  focus  on  the  informa=on  to  be  shared  instead  focusing  on  how  it  would  be    shared.  

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 I  also  had  the  students  complete  assignments  designed  for  the  format.    One  of  these  assignments  had  students  working  in  pairs  to  find  literary  terms  to  study.    The  students  had  to  find  the  terms  and  defini=ons  and  share  their  lists  on  Edmodo.    We  chose  the  most  common  terms  and    the  students  were  then  given  5  terms  to  find  video  examples  of  and  share  with  the  class.  

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Maybe we shouldn’t …

Whenever  you  use  a  new  tool  in  the  classroom,  people  want  to  know  what  the  drawbacks  are.    ORen  people  will  focus  so  much  on  the  possible  drawbacks  that  they  won’t  try  something  new.  To  be  honest,  there  were  a  couple  of  drawbacks.    One  day  the  site  was  down  for  maintenance.    Another  day  our  internet  was  down.    

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 But  really  the  one  thing  I  would  like  to  see  changed  is  that  under  a  student’s  profile  you  can  see  all  of  their  posts,  but  you  can’t  see  their  replies  to  other  posts.    I  would  like  to  be  able  to  see  both  without  having  to  shiR  back  through  the  posts  and  looking  at  all  of  the  replies.      

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My  students  were  very  excited  about  the  class.  Not  only  was  using  the  computers  every  day  a  novel  concept  for  them  but  they  really  liked  the  Facebook  feel  of  the  class,  and  they  were  very  happy  to  be  going  paperless.    An  advantage  I  hadn’t  even  thought  of.      At  one  point,  I  did  give  the  students  the  choice  of    going  back  to  old  school.    They  don’t  want  to  go  back  to  old  school.    The  students  are  done  with  old  school  and  we  need  to  be  too.