JANUARY | 2018 EDITION NUMBER #16 BONUS: Cooking Recipes, Sudoku, Ask Ben How Sleep Deprivation Effects Life Longevity - By Dr Eric Wood 2) How To Upgrade Your Mouth Health - Dr Donna Schwontkowski 3) Low Fat Diet - Truth & Myth - Ben Ong & Benrie Cadiz 4) New Injections Could Stop Incontinence & Impotence - Benrie Cadiz 5) Scientists Discover How To Stop Prostate Cancer Returning - Benrie Cadiz

EDITION NUMBER #16 - Improve Prostate Health · • A 2013 study reported that men who slept too little had a sperm count 29% lower than those who regularly get a full and restful

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Page 1: EDITION NUMBER #16 - Improve Prostate Health · • A 2013 study reported that men who slept too little had a sperm count 29% lower than those who regularly get a full and restful


BONUS: Cooking Recipes, Sudoku, Ask Ben

How Sleep Deprivation Effects Life Longevity - By Dr Eric Wood

2) How To Upgrade Your Mouth Health - Dr Donna Schwontkowski

3) Low Fat Diet - Truth & Myth - Ben Ong & Benrie Cadiz

4) New Injections Could Stop Incontinence & Impotence - Benrie Cadiz

5) Scientists Discover How To Stop Prostate Cancer Returning - Benrie Cadiz

Page 2: EDITION NUMBER #16 - Improve Prostate Health · • A 2013 study reported that men who slept too little had a sperm count 29% lower than those who regularly get a full and restful

www.bensprostate.com ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’2

Page 3: EDITION NUMBER #16 - Improve Prostate Health · • A 2013 study reported that men who slept too little had a sperm count 29% lower than those who regularly get a full and restful

www.bensprostate.com ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’3

As Americans, we are a sleep deprived nation. Since 1900, our average night of sleep

has dwindled from approximately 9 hours a night to 6.3 hours. This represents a 30% drop in just over 100 years! Why this has happened is complicated but it stems from a number of reasons related to pace of life, not understanding the importance of sleep, poor ‘sleep hygiene habits’ and more. In today’s article, I’m going to discuss in greater detail why you need to be making sleep a very high priority if you want to improve your health and reduce disease risk and some simple places to start when working on your sleep!

Not Enough Sleep= Shortened Life Span, Increased Disease IncidenceI find it is still news to many that if you don’t sleep enough, your likelihood of just about every major degenerative illness increases considerably! Also, 7 hours or less nightly is linked to shortened life span and declining levels of executive cognitive function! Recent research has uncovered some of the following startling facts about sleep deprivation, insomnia and health:

• Two-thirds of adults in developed nations fail to obtain the nightly eight hours of sleep recommended by the World Health Organisation.

Dr Eric Wood, ND, MA

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www.bensprostate.com ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’4

• An adult sleeping only 6.75 hours a night would be predicted to live only to their early 60s without medical intervention.

• A 2013 study reported that men who slept too little had a sperm count 29% lower than those who regularly get a full and restful night’s sleep.

• If you drive a car when you have had less than five hours’ sleep, you are 4.3 times more likely to be involved in a crash. If you drive having had four hours, you are 11.5 times more likely to be involved in an accident.

• The time taken to reach physical exhaustion by athletes who obtain anything less than eight hours of sleep, and especially less than six hours, drops by 10-30%.

• There are now more than 100 diagnosed sleep disorders, of which insomnia is the most common.

• A hot bath aids sleep not because it makes you warm, but because your dilated blood vessels radiate inner heat, and your core body temperature drops. To successfully initiate sleep, your core temperature needs to drop about 1C.

With additional links to heightened risks for Alzheimer’s, obesity, heart disease, diabetes and more, any man who serious about his health HAS to take sleeping seriously. Even for younger men, we see lack of sleep affecting fertility, so for men of all ages this has to be a life priority.

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www.bensprostate.com ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’5

Discussing Sleep ‘Hygiene’ and simple tips to improve your sleeping experience

Reviewing sleep habits and hygiene is a crucial ‘baseline’ practice I find I do with the majority of new patients in our office. This is largely because as simple as this information is, so few people seem to know it and even more so, practice it!

Tip One:Make your room as dark as possible. Our bodies, including our skin and eyes are extremely sensitive to light input, which in turn activates parts of our brain and hormone systems that can contribute to wakefulness. Studies have shown that even a pinprick size of light shining onto the bare skin can cause cortisol, the stress hormone, to elevate in the body. Many people have city lights, glowing devices, etc. in their bedrooms causing the level of light in the room to raise, which can interfere with deep, restful sleep. Consider turning off all glowing lights, devices, etc. and getting a set of blackout shades for the bedroom to make it as DARK AS POSSIBLE. Tip Two: When you sleep matters as much as how much you sleep! Our bodies are still very linked to the cycles of the sun and dark and historically, we typically went to bed not long after sundown. With this, our bodies evolved to do a lot of important metabolic processing and detoxification, hormone production, appetite regulation and more in the hours of especially 10pm-2am. So for those night owls out

Page 6: EDITION NUMBER #16 - Improve Prostate Health · • A 2013 study reported that men who slept too little had a sperm count 29% lower than those who regularly get a full and restful

www.bensprostate.com ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’6

there, staying up until midnight and beyond deprives you of many of these functions which don’t work at the same degree later in the evening and early morning. Simply put, if you’re up then, you miss out!

A suggested sleep schedule to keep would typically be to aim for 10pm-6/7am Tip Three: Keep your schedule regularOur bodies like rhythm—keep your sleep/wake times routine! Studies have also shown that those who frequently change their schedules, such as flight attendants, shift workers, etc. have poorer quality of sleep and often suffer a higher degree of sleep disorders which can increase various risks of illnesses including cancer. Many people don’t realize that our bodies are constantly regulating thousands of processes at any given time that happen quite like clockwork and when we ‘change the time’ on our bodies, it yanks them out of rhythm and it is hard for them to reestablish balance or ‘homeostasis.’ Any of us that have traveled and have experienced jet lag have acutely felt this feeling when the body is having trouble resetting to a new time and sun/dark cycle!

Tip Four: Avoid or change your artificial light stimulationThis applies to anyone watching TV, looking at devices at night, etc.: such devices act in a way as ‘artificial suns’ which can keep the brain awake at night, contributing to various sleep difficulties. I suggest frequently to patients to turn their phones onto ‘nightshift’, download programs such as f.lux to their computers to change the hues on the screen to make them less visually stimulating, and wear blue-blocking glasses if watching TV, etc. Conclusion:Sleep is an ESSENTIAL contributor to good health. It’s imperative we treat it more seriously and stop treating as a dispensable part of our days, as the research suggests. Consider some of these initial simple yet profound tips to start working on your sleep for a multitude of health benefits!

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www.bensprostate.com ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’7

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If you were motivated to improve your mouth health from reading our last article, Is Your Mouth Contributing to Your Illnesses, this article will be a good follow-up. In it, you’ll learn a step-by-step approach about what to do.

11 Recommendations To Affect Your Oral Health Significantly – Fast

Here’s a list of steps to take, based on recommendations from top dentists, researchers and oral surgeons that appeared at the Oral Airways and Mouth Health Online Conference in September 2017:

1. New Advancements are EverywhereDentistry has evolved – but your dentist may not have. The latest advancements in dentistry far surpass dental implant technology and gum transplants. Knowing this, you can start to look for new advancements.

2. Fire Your Lazy Dentist If you still have active pockets along your gumline (greater than a depth of 4 mm), then it’s obvious that what you and your dentist have been doing is not working. You’ll have to step up your

By Dr Donna Schwontkowski

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protocols. Fire him; he never kept up with the latest protocols – and it’s harming your health.

3. Even If You Love Your Dentist, Upgrade Find a biological dentist. This is the type of dentist that does not believe in using toxic products in your mouth, including mercury amalgams and silver fillings. He tests your body for compatibility of the latest composite materials so he won’t cause immune system reactions in your body.

4. Use Ozone TherapyAsk your new biological dentist for ozone therapy. After a dental cleaning, he can use ozone in your mouth to remove any last remaining bacteria.

According to one dentist, Dr. Eric Zaremski in the Marin county, California area, once the bacteria ‘notice’ that metal dental instruments are coming near them to remove them, they scramble to get into the surrounding tissues as fast as they can. They then stay there for a good six weeks. Ozone therapy flushes them out, as they can’t dive into the tissues deep enough to survive the ozone.

Dr. Zaremski teaches dentists worldwide how to use ozone therapy.

5. Upgrade Your Daily ProtocolsChange your oral hygiene in between dental appointments. Use a SoniCare toothbrush, as it has been proven to be effective and improve gum health. Then use a water flosser. These also add the next level of oral care and hygiene, and improve gum health. Next, check out ozonated essential oils which can be used regularly and will provide a third upgrade on the oral tissue health in your mouth.

6. Do Some Soul-SearchingReconsider why you are staying loyal to your dentist who is not using the latest developments in functional medicine, oral hygiene, mouth flora rejuvenation, and dentistry. Is it because your dentist has been the family dentist for decades? Would you continue to wear the same clothes just because they have been hand-me-downs for generations? Then change your dentist to a biological dentist!

7. Take Care of Loved Ones in Nursing Homes If you have family members that are in nursing homes or Alzheimer care facilities, take extra

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action to get a skilled oral hygienist into the home at least weekly to care for the mouth of your loved one.

Angie Stone, author of Dying from Dirty Teeth – the Dental Care Crisis in Nursing Homes, discovered that not only do homes and residential facilities for the elderly NOT even have a dental chair (Dental procedures are done in the beauty chair for haircuts.), but dentists seem to have the idea that the only thing they can do for the residents in these homes is to pull a tooth that hurts.

Her own mother had perfect teeth before she moved into a nursing home, and within three years, had 60% of her teeth removed because of poor oral hygiene.

Dental infections are linked with aspiration pneumonia, since it’s relatively easy for elderly residents to swallow a mouthful of pathogenic bacteria the wrong way – and then end up dying from the infection in the lungs that results.

Contact Angie at HyLife, LLC in Wisconsin to find out how you can bring a hygienist to the bedside of your loved one. Her website is www.hylifeoha.com

8. Get Rid of Your Dry MouthDry mouth is the #1 side effect from medications, and it’s contributing to ill health in ways that are incalculable. Antihistamines, decongestants, alka seltzer, antibiotics, muscle

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relaxants, anti-depressants, breathe-easy medications, pain medications, cough syrups, GERD medications, sleep medications, blood pressure medications, heart pain medications, PMS drugs, prostate medications, Viagra, and others you wouldn’t expect are causing a decline in your mouth health.

Click on the complete list of medications that cause dry mouth: http://wsdha.com/clientuploads/pdfs/Public%20Info/Seniors/DryMouthMedications.pdf

Healthy bacteria can’t live in your mouth when there’s not enough moisture.

9. Use an Interim Solution for Dry MouthWhile you’re waiting for your doctor to switch your medications that are causing dry mouth, utilize xylitol sprays and candies. These will lower the number of harmful pathogenic bacteria in your mouth. They can be found online.

10. Know that Your Teeth Can Heal Themselves of Small CavitiesJust because there’s a pinpoint cavity in your teeth, it doesn’t mean that you should rush and fill them. Teeth do remineralize themselves, as long as you are providing the good nutrition they need to do so.

Foods such as liver, grassfed meats, butter, and other high-density foods supply your body with all the factors it needs to feed and nourish your teeth. Once the nutrients are extracted from the foods you eat, they get into the bloodstream.

From there, the roots of your teeth act as tree roots and suck up as much of the nutrients they can get. These nutrients are then pumped into the pulp of the tooth in the first hour after you eat. In the next hour, the nutrients come out of the dental tubules in the teeth that are like little sweat pores in your skin and fall gently over the tooth like a waterfall. This is when teeth are remineralized.

If you want to change the strength of your teeth, start with diet.

11. Ask Your Dentist for a Bacterial Test of What’s in Your MouthYou can find out what harmful bacteria are in your mouth right now with a simple test your dentist can run from www.OralDNA.com . This test is a saliva test that detects the DNA of the harmful bacteria living in your mouth. It also tests to see if you happen to have the genes for gum disease. (Just because you do doesn’t have to mean that you will SURELY get gum disease, however. By changing your routines, you can keep it at bay.)

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Many of us are conscious of what we are eating because we want to stay healthy and fit. Some are even counting calories so that they won’t get fat. Today, there are many suggested diet plans that we can follow. However, along with these options, there are also myths. Unfortunately, many of us have been victims of these myths for a long time.

Debunking 10 Myths about Low-Fat Diet

The Low-Fat Diet: Truth or Myth?

Myth #1: Eggs Aren’t Good For Your HealthEggs are one of the most nutrition and low-cost foods available in the market. It is also easy to prepare, and there are lots of dishes you can make out of an egg. Despite the benefits we can get from eggs, the common perception is that too many eggs lead to heart disease because of high cholesterol. But the truth is that eggs are rich in good cholesterol. They are a healthy source of good fats, protein, and should most certainly be considered as part of your daily diet.

Myth #2: Saturated Fats Consumptions Lead To Heart DiseasesJust like eggs, saturated fats are often linked to heart disease. It is this very myth which led to the low-fat diet craze which has contributed to the widespread obesity, diabetes and epidemics of other chronic diseases we see today. However, there is no evidence that this is true. In fact, the medical consensus today is that saturated fats are in fact good for you - and can even help you to lose weight!

By Ben Ong & Benrie Cadiz

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Myth #3: Processed, Low-fat Foods Are Great OptionsFollowing on from the above myth, although low-fat foods seem perfect for a low-fat diet, they are actually very harmful to your health. Removing fats from food leaves it flavorless. As a result, sugar is then added to compensate for the lack of taste. These type of foods are deceiving: they look healthy, but the truth is they are very rich in sugar, which may lead to diabetes or many other sugar-related complications.

Myth #4: Eating Fat Will Make You FatMost people think that low fat diets will keep them from getting fat. But look around...child and adult obesity is at unprecedented levels. The alarming and difficult to swallow truth is that, far making you fat, fats actually help you lose it!

Eggs, nuts, oily fishes, avocados, seeds and plant oils like extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil are all excellent choices that will radically improve your overall health.

Myth #5: Vegetable Oils Are HealthyOils such as soybean oil and corn oil have been widely available in the market, and people are choosing them because of the thought that vegetable oils are healthy. They are often recommended because they can reduce heart disease. But the truth is that they can be dangerous when used regularly over the long-term because they contain very high levels of polyunsaturated fats. These types of fats are highly unstable. They oxidize easily, causing inflammation, which can lead to all sorts of problems later in life, like cancer or heart disease.

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Myth #6: Juices Are Good Meal ReplacementsWhile juice has some vitamins and in some cases even a small amount of protein, research shows that the best ways to get nutrients is to eat a balanced diet full of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. More importantly, juicing fruit removes most of the fibre, which is the key ingredient that keeps you feeling full until your next meal. This is one of the reasons calories from sweetened beverages are often referred to as ‘empty calories’, since they can increase hunger pangs and mood swings and leave you with low energy levels.

Myth #7: Cleanses and Detoxes are Good When DietingTruth: No one needs to detox. Unless you’ve been poisoned, you have a built-in, super-efficient system for filtering out most of the harmful substances you eat. It’s made up of two toxin-bashing organs: the liver and the kidneys. Our kidneys filter our blood and remove any waste from our diet, and our livers process medications and detoxify any chemicals we ingest. Paired together, these organs make our bodies natural cleansing powerhouses.

Myth #8: It’s All About Calories: All Calories Are The Same, They Make You FatNot all calories are equal. Different foods and combination have different metabolic pathways. Eating a chocolate bar, for example, is not the same as eating a salmon and avocado salad. Yes, the amount of calories will be approximately the same (around 500 kcal). But whereas one is full of refined, nutritionless carbs and sugar, whereas the other is full of protein, natural carbohydrates, fibres and healthy fats. I know which one I’d choose.

Myth #9: Low-Carb Diet Is DangerousOur bodies need carbs for energy, therefore low-carb diets are dangerous. Wrong. The truth is that our bodies and brains actually use fat far more efficiently as a fuel. And there are countless health benefits of turning your body into a fat-burning machine by following a low-carb diet. Lose weight easily, boost your immune system, have more energy, feel sharper and smarter, and reduce your risk of nearly every major chronic disease. Following a popular low-carb diet like the ketogenic diet could help you achieve all of these things.

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Prostate cancer treatment comes with many side effects that impact a man’s well-being. And some of the side effects that men would surely not want to experience are impotence and incontinence. However, experts have recently uncovered a new injection that can spare us from such.

The new drug is called topsalysin, and it is considered as a groundbreaking treatment for prostate cancer. It is injected into tumors and kills prostate cancer cells. The big difference is that it leaves the surrounding nerves and healthy tissue intact. A team of British scientists is currently doing extensive clinical trials of the drug.

How It Works?Topsalysin is a modified recombinant protein. It’s active only when triggered and used as a treatment for the symptoms of an enlarged prostate (BPH) and localized prostate cancer.

By Contributing Author Benrie Cadiz

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www.bensprostate.com ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’18

The drug is injected into the prostate through the area between the back passage and the genitals. Patients are given general and local anesthetic with sedation for the 30-minute procedure.

To ensure that the drug is injected into the right part of the prostate, doctors use MRI images and biopsy samples. Ultrasound images are also used and relayed via a probe into the rectum.

The drug is then delivered using 2 or 3 long needles into the prostate. Doctors recognize that the prostate is located in a delicate location. But if delivered correctly, the drug works really great. It’s because it is active only when it is injected in the prostate gland.

Other prostate cancer drugs carry a high risk of damaging the healthy cells around the tumor. On the other hand, the drug becomes active only by the presence of the prostate-specific antigen (PSA). The research team said that the drug is really a breakthrough and a massive step forward in reducing side effects, such as erection problems and urine leakage.

Tim Dudderidge, a consultant uro-surgeon who treated the first UK patients with the drug, says that it is very exciting news. “Now here’s a drug that won’t damage the rectum, bladder and nerves. It’s only active in the prostate. This drug could help a lot of men without the crippling side effects”, he said.

The Impact of Impotence and Incontinence

Prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer in men worldwide. In the UK alone, more than 46,000 men are diagnosed each year. The disease is often treated with surgery of radiotherapy. However, such treatments can damage muscles, nerves and rectal tissue.

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As a result, more than 50% of men receiving treatment end up with erection problems and urine leakage. Although both problems can settle down within 18 months, they still impact a man’s overall well-being.

There are less radical treatments like brachytherapy (uses small implanted radioactive seeds), cryosurgery (freezing the tumor) or high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU). HIFU uses a beam of high-energy sound waves to kill cancer cells. However, these targeted treatments can also have serious side effects if not done properly. If you would like to know more details about these procedures they can be found in our book “The Prostate Cancer Report - Analysis Of Long Term Quality of Life, Outcomes For Prostate Cancer Treatments Over 10 Years.”

Although further studies are needed, this breakthrough drug is a welcome development in prostate cancer treatment. By reducing erection problems and urine leakage, it can be a major step forward that we all can look forward to.

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www.bensprostate.com ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’21

Prostate cancer is one of the most prevalent diseases in the world. In the UK alone, there are about 40,000 men who are diagnosed with prostate cancer each year.

And while it is curable, prostate cancer can recur at any time. But here’s some great news: experts have uncovered a drug that stops prostate cancer from returning.

A recent study found that a drug known as a poly ADP-ribose polymerase (PARP) inhibitor, when used in combination with androgen deprivation therapy (ADT), can treat high-risk prostate cancer.

In addition, this combination can prevent the cancer from recurring. This study was published in the Journal of Nature Communications.

The drug was commonly used in breast cancer patients. Along with anti-hormone therapy, it was able to reduce the risk of breast cancer coming back. These findings drew the interest of the research team, so they examined the impact of the same drug on prostate cancer patients.

How the Drug Combo WorksADT is helpful because it lowers the levels of male hormones that stimulate cancer growth. However, ADT has a drawback: it activates the DNA repair enzyme PARP.

This makes the cancer cells withstand the effects of ADT, causing them to multiply and

By Contributing Author Benrie Cadiz

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www.bensprostate.com ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’22

develop into a more aggressive form.

The research team thought that if a PARP inhibitor was used along with ADT, it will reduce the recurrence of prostate cancer. PARP inhibitors will prevent cancer cells from repairing their DNA, causing them to die.

Lead author Mohammad Asim felt excited with the results of their study. Prostate cancer is a serious illness with a high death rate. In the UK, about 25 percent of cases result in deaths.

PARP inhibitors along with ADT will help cure the disease. The combo therapy will also increase the chances of survival for thousands of men who develop the disease each year.

Recurrence is a ProblemMany prostate cancer patients experience a recurrence of the disease. Men with recurring low- to intermediate-grade prostate cancer (the most common types) can expect to live at least five years after the initial diagnosis.

According to the American Cancer Society, about 9 in 10 men with recurring prostate cancer will survive 10 years. And since many men who get prostate cancer are already old, they are more likely to die along with the disease.

The outcome of treatment also depends on how early the cancer was discovered and treated. About 1 in 10 of men have cancer that has already spread to distant parts of the body at the time of diagnosis. And about 62% of them will likely die at least five years.

Dr. Catherine Pickworth from Cancer Research UK said, “One in eight men get prostate cancer in their lifetime. This study, even at its early stage, adds to the growing evidence that men with prostate cancer could benefit from PARP inhibitors.”

This breakthrough is certainly exciting and offers a renewed hope to men with prostate cancer. Of course, any new medication is welcome news. With this, the next step will be to conduct more clinical trials. Only then will we determine for sure that the treatment combo is effective and safe.

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www.bensprostate.com ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’24

Serves 4

20 mins

Difficulty: Easy

INGREDIENTS1. Turkey breast, pre cooked

(5.3 oz)2. Rocket lettuce (3.5 oz)3. Spring Onion (1)4. Olives (8pcs)

5. Bacon (2)6. Eggs (2)7. Olive Oil (2tbsp)8. Avocado (1/2)9. Cucumber (1/4)

10. Parsley11. Chilli Flakes12. Goat Cheese (2oz)


1. Place eggs in a saucepan and cover with water.

2. Bring to boil, remove from heat and let eggs stand in hot water for 15 minutes.

3. Remove eggs from hot water, cool under cold runnning water and peel.

4. Chop eggs and transfer to a salad bowl.

5. Add your pre-cooked slices of turkey

and finally add the rest of your salad ingredients.

6. Top with 2 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil, salt, pepper and chilli flakes (optional).

7. Cook bacon till crispy and crumble over salad or alternatively crumble some nuts on top.


This salad is filled with protein rich ingredients, so your body will be fuelled with energy all afternoon. Oh and let’s not forget the added crunch in the salad from the spring onions, alongside with a slight sense of heat from the chili flakes. The turkey breast is a rich source of vitamin b6 and niacin, both essential for energy production. Treat yourself to this delicious snack that’s good to your body.




Ultimate Turkey Salad

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www.bensprostate.com ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’25

Serves 6/8

1 Hour +

Difficulty: Hard

INGREDIENTS1. Chicken Thighs (3lbs)2. Paneer (7oz South Asian

Cheese)3. Butter (4 tbsp)4. Crushed Tomatoes (1 cup)

5. Red Chilli Powder (1/2 tbsp)6. Olive Oil (1 tbsp)7. Coconut Oil (2 tbsp)8. Garlic Paste (1.5 tsp)9. Ginger Paste (1.5tsp)

10. Coriander Powder (1 tsp)11. Garam Masala (1tsp)12. Paprika (1/2 tsp)13. Cilantro (5 sprigs)


1. Preheat oven to 375F2. Rub chicken thighs down with olive oil, salt

and pepper to taste3. Put the chicken on a cookie sheet and roast

for 25 minutes.4. Cut the paneer into small pieces and set

aside for later5. Heat a pan to medium heat and add the

butter and coconut oil. Let the butter start to brown

6. When the butter has browned, add ginger and garlic paste. Sauteé for 2 mins.

7. Add the crushed tomato, then add coriander,

garam masala, paprika, chilli powder and salt. Mix well and allow to simmer until oil shows at the top. Gently mix the paneer into the sauce

8. Pour in water and allow to simmer for 5 mins9. Turn the heat to medium low, add cream. Stir

to mix.10. Simmer until it comes to a boil again. Take

out your chicken and separate from the bone (it should not be fully cooked)

11. Add chicken to the sauce and mix well. Simmer for 5 more minutes & garnsh with cilantro!


Who doesn’t love a curry? Skip the local takeaway and try your hand at this chicken tikka masala recipe, suitable for the keto diet. Chicken is a fail-safe ingredient that works in a number of recipes, including this. It’s healthy, tasty, and filling, so let’s get cooking!




Keto Curry

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www.bensprostate.com ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’28


In case this is your first issue of our monthly journal The Natural Choice, Ask Ben is a recurring segment in every issue in which Ben responds to questions from you, the reader.

Many of our readers love engaging with us and asking a multitude of deep questions regarding their lifestyle. We provide feedback that inspires and equips our customers on exactly what they need to do for themselves in order to be victorious in their battle with health problems.

We believe all of your questions are valuable and choose some of the best to include in our monthly Natural Choice Articles. This is so that others going through similar experiences can learn how they can also live a more fulfilling life with the contribution of you and the community.

We are empowered by your feedback and this propels us to do more to provide the best service we can.

If you would like to have your prostate health or supplement related question, no matter the nature, answered by Ben in an upcoming issue of The Natural Choice then please feel confident to email your question to [email protected] or alternatively click the button below.

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Page 29: EDITION NUMBER #16 - Improve Prostate Health · • A 2013 study reported that men who slept too little had a sperm count 29% lower than those who regularly get a full and restful

www.bensprostate.com ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’29

Hi Ben,

Does cannabis help with prostate? Ken

Hi Charles,

Laboratory studies have shown that the active ingredient called CBD is able to fight against cancer cells. It is far from a guaranteed cure but it may help with the management of prostate cancer. You may wish to opt for CBD oil made from hemp as this does not contain the psychoactive ingredient THC, which is also found in cannabis.Hope that helps.

I wish you good health,




Page 30: EDITION NUMBER #16 - Improve Prostate Health · • A 2013 study reported that men who slept too little had a sperm count 29% lower than those who regularly get a full and restful

www.bensprostate.com ‘Our mission to end prostate disease for good.’30

Hi Ben,

I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in May 2017, PSA is 8.5. My age 71, type 2 Diabetic since since 1973. Glucose A1C 8.5, vasectomy in 1982. What should I do at this time?


Hi Kenneth,

Thanks for getting in touch with me. If one wishes to lower their PSA I always strongly recommend getting the right balance between diet, exercise, and supplement use. I have found in my 20 years of research into the subject that maintaining an active lifestyle and having a ketogenic diet are the most effective measures in combating high PSA levels. However equally important is using the right supplements to allow your body to naturally fight the causes of prostate disease. Given your diagnosis, I would recommend our Advanced Prostate Health Program. This consists of three supplements, the first of which is Total Health Advanced which is designed to lower your PSA levels whilst at the same time slow down the speed of cancer cell growth. The second, Prostate Power, is a urinary symptom alleviator. The third, Prostate Healer, is designed to improve your prostate health more generally. If you need any more information please do not hesitate to get in contact with my customer service team at [email protected].


