1 Edition 4 6/15 Find us on www.gfsworld.org From the President Greetings to GFS members and friends around the world. I am writing this letter on the first day of June which in Australia is the first day of winter. Not that it gets very cold in Rockhampton where I live but in our large country we experience so many variations of our seasons. You will see in this newsletter an article from Australia regarding our severe drought and how GFS members in my own diocese are reaching out to those affected. We have all celebrated Pentecost and Trinity Sunday. It is always so interesting to see Facebook photos of these celebrations in the parishes of GFS members around the world. These are such special celebrations. If you have photos you would like posted to the World GFS page please let me know as it is a great way to promote GFS. I thank you for the many messages of support that my husband and I have received as he begins the walk on the cancer road - as do so many. It has been so uplifting to know that so many are praying for my husband’s return to full health. Delores from the USA spoke to so many people about GFS at the United Nations Conference on the Status of Women. I have contacted all those who were interested in commencing GFS in their countries. Honduras is a country that is very keen to commence GFS and we are now in email communication. Find out about this country and please pray that our communication may be fruitful. We have been able to send $AUD11,000 to GFS Japan for their world project and hopefully they can now purchase further industrial sewing machines. Plans for the trial of the Youth Exchange Program which was approved in Wales, are progressing well under the leadership of our World Youth Officer, Tegan Hudson. Tegan, and hopefully some other junior delegates from the last World Council will travel with Tegan to Sri Lanka later in the year – as Sri Lanka will be our trial country. In the northern hemisphere GFS is winding down for the summer holidays and University students have completed another year. I read of the successes of some of our GFS members on Facebook and congratulate you on your achievements. I trust you all have a refreshing break and return with vigour to serve through GFS. As I finish this letter I have received news of the death of Olein Gyles, a Past President of GFS Ireland. There is a photo and tribute in this newsletter. A person of great compassion, a fine leader and an example to all of us on how to live out our GFS motto. May we all work on “Serving Through GFS” and may Our Lord walk with us on our journey. Val GFS WORLD NEWSLETTER The World Team plus Treasurer Ros Lumsden

Edition 4 GFS WORLD NEWSLETTER 6/15 Edition 4 6/15 Find us on From the President Greetings to GFS members and friends around the world. I am writing this letter on the first day of

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Edition 4


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From the President Greetings to GFS members and friends around the world. I am writing this letter on the first day of June which in Australia is the first day of winter. Not that it gets very cold in Rockhampton where I live but in our large country we experience so many variations of our seasons. You will see in this newsletter an article from Australia regarding our severe drought and how GFS members in my own diocese are reaching out to those affected. We have all celebrated Pentecost and Trinity Sunday. It is always so interesting to see Facebook photos of these celebrations in the parishes of GFS members around the world. These are such special celebrations. If you have photos you would like posted to the World GFS page please let me know as it is a great way to promote GFS. I thank you for the many messages of support that my husband and I have received as he begins the walk on the cancer road - as do so many. It has been so uplifting to know that so many are praying for my husband’s return to full health. Delores from the USA spoke to so many people about GFS at the United Nations Conference on the Status of Women. I have contacted all those who were interested in commencing GFS in their countries. Honduras is a country that is very keen to commence GFS and we are now in email communication. Find out about this country and please pray that our communication may be fruitful. We have been able to send $AUD11,000 to GFS Japan for their world project and hopefully they can now purchase further industrial sewing machines. Plans for the trial of the Youth Exchange Program which was approved in Wales, are progressing well under the leadership of our World Youth Officer, Tegan Hudson. Tegan, and hopefully some other junior delegates from the last World Council will travel with Tegan to Sri Lanka later in the year – as Sri Lanka will be our trial country. In the northern hemisphere GFS is winding down for the summer holidays and University students have completed another year. I read of the successes of some of our GFS members on Facebook and congratulate you on your achievements. I trust you all have a refreshing break and return with vigour to serve through GFS. As I finish this letter I have received news of the death of Olein Gyles, a Past President of GFS Ireland. There is a photo and tribute in this newsletter. A person of great compassion, a fine leader and an example to all of us on how to live out our GFS motto. May we all work on “Serving Through GFS” and may Our Lord walk with us on our journey.



The World Team plus Treasurer Ros Lumsden

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Message from our Assistant World



The Revd Cheryl writes from Australia

From Easter to Trinity and beyond….

I have just spent the weekend with some 20 of our GFS Leaders from Brisbane Diocese

Queensland, Australia and together we have explored and considered what it is to be and how we

invite and welcome. It is a timely reminder to us all of the great invitation we have accepted as

well as the awesome joy we have to then share that same invitation and welcome to others. This

is, after all our baptismal call.

On Trinity Sunday we are invited into the oneness of God, the unity of God. We have again

experienced the wonderful season of Easter, the journey from triumphal entry to searing loss on

the cross. From shocking empty tomb to unbelievable re awakening of Christ with us, only to be

plummeted again into confusing loss and then the Spirit, Advocate and guide comes in a rush, as

Holy Spirit, at Pentecost. The Holy Spirit comes to invite us into the unity of God. So that in all

things, the Unity in Trinity, and the Trinity in Unity, is to be worshipped.

The Trinity can be so difficult to understand and I have heard, and probably contributed myself to

some fairly strange explanations, from eggs, to rainbow cakes and water in three forms. The

Trinity can often be seen as confusing and mystical. Like other things it may well be something for

us that may become one of the mysteries of faith. As such we have to be prepared to leave space

for Christ to work in our life, to be strong enough to be vulnerable, to be open to that change and

most of all courageous enough to allow the Spirit to unite and complete us into that which God is

inviting us.

Will you leave space in your life for the Holy Spirit to unit you with God, Father Son and Holy Spirit,

so that you might serve the Lord your God, bringing Glory to His name?

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GFS USA Junior Delegate

Name: Autumn Elizabeth Buck Age: 20

1. What do you do with yourself?

I am currently a sophomore at Mount Holyoke

College in Massachusetts. While I am not away at school I

work at both an ice cream business, and skating rink. If I am

not at school or working you can find me outdoors either

enjoying a leisurely hike or fishing with friends.

2. How did you first become involved with GFS?

I first started attending GFS meetings at the age of five at my church in

Clementon, NJ. I was introduced to GFS by my mom who thought getting her two

daughters involved in an organization that aims to empower women through

religion would be a great way to spend our Monday nights. Little did she know it

would impact her daughters tremendously, and that they would love it so much! I

have been an active member ever since.

3. What is your current involvement with GFS?

I am currently the youth representative, and youth coordinate for GFS USA, also known as the Jr. Delegate of GFS USA.

4. What does GFS mean to you and why are you still so involved?

GFS meetings have always been a place where I feel comfortable and enjoy

expressing my religion with peers. That in its self has allowed me to grow and learn

how to be confident in who I am. The leaders and older members of GFS are

empowering the younger girls in the organization with their confidence and

wisdom. I was that young girl that was highly influenced and empowered by the

older members, and I am still involved today because I want to have the same

positive influence on the younger members of GFS.

5. How did World Council in Wales impact you?

I learned a great deal about the business aspect of GFS at the world level. I

was inspired by many of my peers who openly stated their feelings in a time of high


6. If you could give one piece of encouragement to other GFS members across the world, what would it be?

I would encourage all members to attend as many GFS meetings as possible and to

try to experience GFS on the world level at our next World Council in Australia.

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I am of the generation whose privilege it was to know Jean, and to share GFS activities through the years.

Her administration skills, her words of wisdom, her total dedication to nurturing young women and girls to

become not just GFS leaders but to become confident young faith-filled women, her great writing skills as

she worked in a team to produce training documents for GFS, and above all her deep Christian

commitment to service to others - shine out in the words of our minutes.

Jean was always part of the Melbourne GFS family, a leader, an executive member, a wonderful example in

living out our motto. In 1972 at the end of Jean’s three year term as Australian Commonwealth Chairman

of GFS she and Frank gave the current National Chair’s badge to GFS Australia, a beautiful reminder of her

time amongst us and her leadership which those of us who have held this office have tried to emulate.

Jean was elected as World Chairman (as it was known in those days) in 1969. Again Jean was an

outstanding World Chairman with a great passion to spread the ministry of GFS and to support all GFS

countries is still remembered and valued. Many of us still have the bookmarks and prayer cards which Jean

continued to prepare for following World Councils and also for Australian Council , always she was there

with us in spirit if not in person.

Beside my computer is the beautifully bound leather Minute Book given by Jean in 1975 which was the

year GFS worldwide celebrated 100 years of service. Jean wrote the following words in the book.

“Presented to the World Council of the Girls Friendly Society on the occasion of the Centenary Celebrations

as a thank offering to God for the opportunity of serving as World Chairman 1969-1972.”

And Jean wrote an introduction inside the book and I quote some of the words

“As I write this introduction and explanation I am mindful of the countless people, beginning with our

beloved foundress, Mary Elizabeth Townsend, who have devoted an immeasurable part of their lives to the

care and concern of girls and women, thus living out the Society’s

motto: ‘Bear ye one another’s burdens and so fulfil the law of


I think Jean could well be describing herself in those words.

Jean we farewell you with deep thanksgiving to God for all you

have given to us, your friendship, your leadership, your

inspiration, your example.

(From Val Gribble, World President)

Jean Cheshire OAM

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At the request of a number of countries here is a description of each of the funds held under GFS World

Council and to which countries or individuals can contribute. The banking details for donations can be

found on the last page of this newsletter.

World Project: A World Project is chosen at each World Council. Countries are encouraged to raise funds

and send as soon as possible so that the project can commence and grow. The current project is for GFS in

Japan to further their support for Tsunami victims who are unable to return to their homes or have no

homes to return to. They are providing them with sewing machines and materials to set up income

bearing projects and to help them in the marketing of their items. GFS Japan also provides regular

gatherings for the children of Tsunami victims. Traditionally the offertory from any World Day of Prayer

Service is given to the World Project.

World Emergency Fund: This project is to enable the World President to provide funds to any GFS

country which suffers an emergency situation. There are strict guidelines for the use of the funds and the

application must be approved by the Archbishop of the country. It has been used once for GFS in Japan

during the aftermath of the 2011 Tsunami.

World Development Fund: A World Development Fund has been established to provide funds for the

administration expenses of the world team, excluding the costs relating to the hosting of World Council


A capital fund established.

All countries set a target for a gift to this fund each three year term.

Authorisation for the management of the account to rest with the World team.

A budget prepared by the World Team within the first three months of their term and provided to

the President/Chairman of each GFS country.

The account to be audited at the end of each three year term under the same requirements as for

all World Council funds.

World Travel Fund: This fund allows the World President to assist one delegate from countries without

adequate funds to attend World Council. It is only for travel costs and is only granted after the council fee

is paid in full by the applicant or country. The growth of GFS is in developing countries and this places

further pressure on the World Travel Fund. It is becoming increasingly difficult to fund all the developing


World President’s Travel Fund: As yet this is not an official fund of World GFS but this year there has been

discussion amongst countries regarding the setting up of this fund. The majority of countries have agreed

to the fund and already donations have been forwarded. This fund will be formalised at the 2017 World

Council. The general opinion is that visits by the World President, particularly to developing countries, is

valuable and that World Presidents should not be expected to pay their own travel costs but that each

visited country, where possible, should provide the accommodation.

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What happens in your country to follow up with those who leave GFS, move to another part of the

country or the world or retire from leadership? Do you refer people to new branches, do you

follow up with reunions or occasional gatherings? Are there groups for adults who wish to retain

their GFS interest or for new adult members?

I am interested to know what happens in other countries. I know that in the western world we

still have many Townsend Groups, named, of course, after our founder, Mary Townsend, and

mainly for older women who wish to retain their interest in GFS and for retired leaders. Certainly

in Australia we have a number of very active Townsend Groups who are our prayer support, raise

considerable funds for GFS and other causes, and where possible offer practical support to branch

leaders. Australia’s constitution

allows adult financial

members so that our

Townsend groups and other

adult member’s groups are

fully covered by our

insurance. These groups are

open to male and female

members and you will see an

article in this newsletter

where adults are playing an

important role in a new GFS


In my travels outside GFS or when I am speaking to various organisations, I meet so many people

who say they belonged to GFS when they were children or young women – some say “Is GFS still

operating?” That always reminds me that we are not always good about promoting our own

organisation. So I encourage countries to look at ways of gathering adults who are interested in

retaining members or taking out new membership of GFS as a wonderful support opportunity. It

may mean looking at the rules or constitution of your country to enable this to happen.

And what about reunions? In April I was invited as World President to a parish in North

Queensland whose members were celebrating 40 years of children’s ministry. They invited back

all who had belonged to GFS and CEBS (Anglican Boys Society) as they were known in the earlier

days and as Kids Link members, today’s name, but still under the GFS umbrella. Jennifer Buckby,

who many will remember was our National chair when the last Australian World Council was held

in Cairns and Townsville, joined GFS to commence this ministry those 40 years ago and this

gathering, organised by Jennifer and her team, was such a huge success.

World President with past and present GFS leaders, St Peter’s

parish, Townsville, North Qland

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So many came back,

so many of those

who lives have

been moulded

through their

membership of GFS

(and CEBS) and one

of those was our

World Project

Officer, Christine

Rooney. Those

who spoke at the


Eucharist talked about the influence GFS and CEBS had played in their lives. I encourage branches

to look at reunions of past GFS members as a way of inspiring others to continue the GFS journey

and look forward to your stories!

(Val Gribble)


It is with great sadness that we learn of the death of Olein who

was known to so many GFS members around the world. Olein

lived in the beautiful village of Clara in Ireland and was the

President of GFS Ireland for two terms, attending a number of

World Councils including Sierra Leone in 1990 and the 1993

Council New Zealand as the Senior Delegate for Ireland.

Olein was a compassionate, loving person, who truly lived out

the GFS motto. She had a deep faith and willingly shared this

with others. Olein was a prominent and very active member of

her parish and was always supported by her loving husband, Robert.

For many years Olein has suffered from Parkinson’s disease and her strength and determination to

live life amidst this crippling disease was an example to many others.

Olein and I were good friends and I have had the privilege of visiting Olein and Robert on two

occasions and experienced their wonderful hospitality. Over many years we shared our joys and

concerns and our GFS lives. We say farewell, Olein, we thank you for your service to GFS and

may your soul rest in peace with Our Lord whom you have so faithfully served. (Val Gribble)

Some of the past members of GFS and CEBS

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What is happening around our GFS World?


Greetings from Wales! As I write spring has arrived – the sun is shining and everywhere looks green. There are many sheep farms where I live in mid Wales and the lambs are really enjoying the good weather. As many of you will have seen on Facebook Welsh Council along with the junior delegates from England, Ireland & Wales plus the other young people who helped at World Council met for a weekend. Rachel, our Welsh Development Worker joined us too. We stayed at Llangasty, an Anglican Retreat House on the edge of Llangorse Lake near Brecon. The scenery is outstanding with views across the lake to the hills behind and we were lucky to have good weather. The house is very comfortable and we decided it was like holding a house party – with someone else doing the cooking! There was time to talk and share as well as time to enjoy the area. The young people sampled the high lights of nearby Hay-on-Wye guided by my daughters as we were on home territory. On Sunday we worshiped at one of my husband's churches before finishing with lunch together. It was a great weekend – over all too soon! We are remarkably blessed by our young people who are enthusiastic, open and thoughtful. Our branches are still meeting though most will finish at beginning of July for the summer holidays. We continue to pray that new branches will open and that people will come forward to help lead them as we know there is a great need for GFS in many places. Hannah Charlesworth has now become branch leader in Brecon and I know she would value your prayers as she settles into this new post. She has gained so much from being a member of GFS and now wants to give something back. Please remember Glenys in your prayers as she prepares for her ordination to the priesthood at the end of June. She will be ordained in St. David's Cathedral - a beautiful, holy place on the west coast of Wales. With love & best wishes from all in Wales. Catriona Charlesworth

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Having suffered another national catastrophe of health pandemic, considered as the world’s deadliest outbreak and disease, the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD), which disintegrated the entire population thereby hampering the stability of the state, and following intense fight against this virus, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the nation free of the virus on Saturday, May 9, 2015. GFS Liberia likes to begin this article with a word of gratitude to Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ for His timely intervention. We could have been among those that died but for His grace, we are alive.

As GFS resumes its normal activities, the St. Augustine G.F.S started off by decorating the

church edifice for Easter Sunday Service. They did pastry for one of the Bible studies refreshments. They also have ongoing Saturday classes from which they are being taught how to bake and sew; ethics and etiquettes as well as being given health tips. The St. Thomas G F S organized a back to

school retreat. They had speakers from the

church, the Ministry of Health and the

community. Topics deliberated on were: Ebola

Prevention at schools, what is expected of a

Christian at school. Their praise dance team performed on Easter Sunday during the regular worship

services thus added more flavor to the Easter celebration. Some of their members were blessed to

obtained scholarships from members of the parish while others assisted in placing them on other

scholarships. We praise God for the donors and it is our prayers that other members will be assisted in

similar manners.

The St. Stephen G F S got full financial and moral support from their Parish, the Ministry of Gender and Development and others to host a back to school program for 75 young people of their Parish and their community. The program was held on Saturday, March 7, 2015 from at 12: 00 Noon to 4: 00 P.M. on the Church’s Compound. They gave out packages containing school materials. The topics for the day were: “What Positive Role(s) should I play in this Whole SGBV Issue confronting me?” “Tips on Motivation and Self- Esteem,” and the Psycho-social aspect of the Ebola Virus. Lunch was served. There was dancing, fun all the way. The girls gave a praise dance treat to Mothers on Mothering Sunday. They also decorated the Church on Saturday for a wedding. They said that they want to move with a 4G speed to recover the days the locust have eaten with Jesus Christ been the Head and Center of their planning process. As I bring this article to a close, I like to thank the World Team, particularly the President for keeping in touch. I pray for God’s intervention in her husband’s health. We offer our prayers for Sierra Leone and Guinea so that they become Ebola free as well. We also like to remember our sister (GFS) countries that are affected by natural and man-made disasters. Having said all of these, we like to wish you a Blessed Pentecost in advance. Georgiana T. Williams On behalf of GFS Liberia

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Greetings from GFS Korea!

Many different activities and events happened and the

highlight was the GFS Korea’s annual bazaar held in the front

yard of Ss Mary and Nicholas’ Seoul Anglican Cathedral on

Sunday 26 April 2015. Our members from 12 branches

volunteered and participated in this event. Also, Society of the

Holy Cross and Sungkonghoe Foodbank were invited to set up

their tables selling various items, including homemade jams

and marmalade etc. All money raised will be used to help local

churches struggling to become self-supporting.

Members of Ss Mary & Nicholas’ Seoul Anglican Cathedral branch went to St Matthew’s Church in

Nupsung-ri, Ganghwa Island for a day retreat with The Revd Francis Lim on 21 March.

OPENED OUR FACEBOOK ACCOUNT!! – 31 March 2015. A piece of good news - We now have a Facebook

page “Girls’ Friendly Society, Korea” (https://www.facebook.com/gfskor?ref=hl).

GFS KOREA’S U-MUL-GA NEWSLETTER (ISSUE 12, SPRING 2015) - Was published in April and distributed

to our branches.

GFS KOREA’S HEAD OFFICE MOVED - into Cecil building, next to Ss Mary and Nicholas’ Seoul Anglican

Cathedral in Seoul, on 29 April 2015.

THE GFS BOOK CLUB - organized by members in Ss Mary & Nicholas’ Seoul Anglican Cathedral branch,

held its first meeting on Sunday 10 May at GFS’s room in the Seoul Anglican Cathedral. The first book was

“A STUNNINGLY ATTRACTIVE MAN: JESUS”, written by The Revd John Park. A small but dedicated group of

women attended and enjoyed a talk presented by The Revd John Park, the author of the book. They were

very pleased with their first meeting and grateful to him for giving a wonderful talk. The book club will be

held on the first and second Sunday of every month from 3:00pm to 4:30pm. We hope for our spiritual

growth through this book club.


will be held on Saturday 19 September 2015. We’ve confirmed our plan for this momentous occasion and

invited GFS World President, Val Gribble, as well as presidents of GFS member countries in Asia: Asako

Yonamine (President of GFS Japan), May Y Tanhaunco (President of GFS Philippines) and Jeanne

Withanage (President of GFS Sri Lanka). We hope

that they will find the time in their busy schedule

to be with us.

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Diocese of Ndola

Girls Friendly Society – Banner

An enrolment at Cathedral of the Holy Nativity

GFS girls Cathedral of at the Holy Nativity

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In February, the members of GFS-Los Angeles, California bagged hundreds of pounds of pet food for The Sixth Day Foundation, a ministry in California which provides pet food to individuals and families that are struggling to support their pets. This was a wonderful opportunity for the girls to learn about another organization that is doing good in the Diocese of Los Angeles. Although the girls had arrived dressed for a princess-themed fashion show and tea, they first rolled up their sleeves and set to work measuring, bagging and labeling bags full of food for beloved pets. (see attached photos) After their work was complete, they enjoyed tea and participated in a lighthearted fashion show

The diocese of Connecticut again held their

Camp Weekend at the Episcopal Camp and Conference Center where they celebrate natures' beauty and its splendor and have time to reflect on Gods beauty all around them. In the girls own words about their camp experience. “Camp is a blast” 'I have a chance to make new friends and be with my old friends' 'At least I didn't fall out of the top bunk this year' 'It's real cool and we get to stay up real late' 'I just love camp and to led the worship service”. The girls had an opportunity also, to talk with and see the work of the Block By Block Quilting Group making magnificent colorful quilts and to sew on an electronic sewing machine. The quilts are donated to camps for children with cancer and woman's shelters. The next morning, at breakfast the women surprised the girls by presenting each one with a homemade pillow case. Everyone knows that girls want to have fun—but that's not all they want! Girls are also eager to build their confidence, try new things, and make a difference in the world. Through activities like earning badges in California and awards for achievements on the East Coast of the United States, participating in outdoor activities and organizing community service girls develop important life skills and attitudes, such as a positive sense of self, critical thinking skills, and resourceful problem solving. When GFS activities are girl-led, cooperative, and hands-on, girls show even greater benefits. GFS enables girls and young women to develop their fullest potential as responsible citizens of the world. All of this is possible by having phenomenal GFS leaders that are caring, dedicated and assist each girl to reach their full potential. Giving service in the community has been a core value of GFS/USA for over 100 years. Girls in GFS have always learned to “lend a hand” and “do something good every day”. “Together they can make Changes in our World”. Our National Month of Service gives them a chance to serve their communities and share their experiences with one another. The Month of Caring gives our girls a chance of giving themselves to others and they truly begin to understand how lucky they are because they have so much and others have so little. GFS Sponsors’ Weekend held at the only operating Holiday House in the US in Cape May, New Jersey, was something special. It was a celebratory time full of wonder, working together and enjoying the company of friends. So many special Sponsors give of themselves to GFS branches continue in making a difference in someone life. It’s what GFS is all about. We are called for a purpose ~which is to share God’s love to other people, so dear GFS members, let’s continue to share our time, talents and treasures.

We continue to prayer for all our GFS sister and families that might be in the paths of floods, hurricanes, tornados and so many other disasters that are happening around the world. We ask the Lord to provide shelter and protect them from harm Delores Alleyne

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Much of Rockhampton diocese (in the state of Queensland, and the diocese of the World President) is in

the grip of drought. In fact the state of Queensland is 80% in drought it is a huge diocese and the large

western part of the diocese is sheep and cattle country. Rockhampton is known as the Beef capital of

Australia. Many of the properties have not had any useful rain for more than three years. The wet season

has finished and there is little hope of good rains for many months, most have sold all their stock as they

can no longer afford to buy feed and their water stocks are failing. Many people are so heavily in debt

that families who have owned and worked these properties for many generations are walking off the

properties. Businesses in the smaller towns that service these properties are also failing because of lack of

business. There has been an alarming increase in male suicide related to the situation. None of the

parishes in this area can afford a full time priest and mainly lay people are keeping the parishes going with

visits from the Bishop and other clergy.

GFS Australia has the opportunity for adult membership and Rockhampton has a large group of both male

and female adult members. The Bishop has accepted a proposal of GFS adult members to offer a support

service to parishioners in the western area. Members are being trained in the correct protocols and will

make regular phone calls to parishioners who wish to be a part of the program, be a listening ear and an

encourager, offer accommodation or time for a coffee and chat if they come to the city at any time, and to

accept any request they are able to fill. At the recent Diocesan Synod, the GFS Chaplain, The Revd Narelle

Kidson, presented the offer and five parishes have already asked to be part of the program. As well as

individual support, GFS is also able to offer resources, particularly for children’s ministry.

There are many ways GFS can serve and often they are outside the box opportunities

The Revd Narelle Kidson

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GFS SRI LANKA What’s been Happening

Christian / Fellowship “Richer than Rubies”, the second in our Series on Bible-based Seminars for Women was held on

March 11 with 50 participants - our members as well as invitees from the Mother Union and YWCA. Fund Raising “March Market” (small table sale) held on March 27 in our Hall. Community/Children Visit to St John’s Home, Moratuwa on April 23. This is a children’s home run by the Anglican Society of St Margaret. We spent some time playing, singing and dancing with the girls and served refreshments and gave them a gift each. An Australian friend from Brisbane joined us and added extra interest to the programme by speaking about Australia and giving gifts to the children.

Christian /Fun & Fellowship Easter Programme and Avurudhu Games on April 25 A Service was held in our Hall and the speaker was a young attorney-at-law who spoke on the theme “Easter People”, challenging us to be Easter People and tell others about the risen Christ. After traditional Avurudhu breakfast of kiri bath (milk rice), we all participated in traditional games - bun eating, hitting the pot etc. Note : Aluth Avuruddha /Pudu Varsham - traditional Sinhalese and Tamil new year festival.

Fund Raiser / Publicity “May Breeze” coffee morning/variety entertainment held on May 23 in the GFS Hall This is our most ambitious public event and fund raiser so far, and by the grace of God it was a great success. The chief guest was Gwendoline Kuhatheva, a beautician of repute and it was a fitting choice as she is a past GFS hosteller and this show was organized to raise funds for the development of the GFS Hostel. We had cookery and beauty demos and entertainment, but the highlight was the fashion show with our own GFS hostellers as models. The event and the GFS received publicity in the local press. (Please see our Facebook Page for lots of pictures). Ongoing Programmes Aerobic classes for ladies and Ballet classes for children. Kraft Korner - Free classes in Jewellery Making and in Tatting.

Future A Medical Camp in a less privileged area Our thanks to God for His guidance that has made all things possible. God bless the GFS around the world! Jeanne Withanage

A Model at May Breeze

Avurudhu fun - See how they run! The bun eating race begins. Also note the pot hanging above.

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Warmest greetings from PNG to all GFS members worldwide. We are holding quarterly meetings and combing training sessions for the branch leaders. We are also visiting parishes to conduct training for members. So far we have visited Eroro, Sangara, Togaho and Barevoturu. The parish priests, parish Chairmen, Evangelists, MU representatives and clergy wives were very supportive during our visits. We thank everyone for their prayer support and our love and prayers are with you all. Mary Bagu In March I was invited to Port Moresby in PNG to address the meeting of the House of Bishops regarding recognition of GFS as a provincial ministry. I was thrilled when the Bishops moved a motion to formalise this recognition and they have now appointed Ms Wilma Moi from Port Moresby as the Provincial Coordinator of GFS. Wilma and Mary will work together (with funding from Australia where possible) to visit other dioceses in PNG to provide information and training for GFS and for Children’s Ministry. We are so thrilled with this decision. Val Gribble

A NEW BISHOP FOR PORT MORESBY On Pentecost Sunday, Father Denny Gray Buka was

consecrated as the new Bishop of Port Moresby. Father Denny is a great friend of GFS. We have used his

parish hall for many years for our training visits and his hospitality and interest in GFS has always been so

encouraging. Bishops from Australia, New Zealand and Tonga attended the wonderful celebration.

Bishop Denny is originally from the Diocese of Popondota. We congratulate him and look forward to

working with him

Photos of consecration of Bishop Denny are taken by Mr Nic Ramsden from the UK who is the son of the previous Bishop of Port Moresby, Bishop Peter Ramsden. We thank him for allowing us to use them.

GFS leaders being welcomes at Eroro – Training Day

GFS leaders in training at GFS Haus

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The Consecration

Bringing forward gifts and vestments

Procession into St Martin's Boroko Fr Denny is brought forward

Father Denny and his family

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The Solomon Islands

The Solomon Islands: We have received an email from Mrs Mary Vunagi, Provincial President of MU in The Solomon Islands to advise us that GFS has a new Coordinator. It is Mrs Gwen Masuguria. Gwen used to work with young girls when she was the co-ordinators of HIV/Aids support. Please note that you can contact Gwen and welcome her to this position through the MU email - [email protected]


Thembeka has been very busy promoting GFS to the other countries in her Province and under her responsibility. GFS has now commenced in Swaziland. There are two branches operating already. Thembeka promoted GFS to the Bishop and he appointed Mirriam Ngwenya who will be representing Swaziland on the provincial council. They are in the process of formally writing to be accepted as a GFS country and their request will be considered at the next World Council. In the meantime please contact Mirriam at [email protected] and welcome her to GFS. How exciting to see GFS in two new African countries, Uganda and Swaziland and now the likelihood of Honduras. Please pray for Mirriam and also for Thembeka with thanks for the wonderful work she is doing in growing GFS.

Thembeka and a branch in Johannesburg

GFS World Logo Competition

Don’t forget the World logo competition. Entries must

be with the World President by 30 June. If you need

further information or a copy of the requirements please

contact Val or Tania

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Prayer thoughts for June 2015

Week beginning 1st June

We pray for those who are unwell – particularly thinking of Val and her husband as he faced

some time in hospital. We give thanks for good outcomes and for God’s peace as they journey on

with the healing. We pray for all who are spending time in hospital, for those who provide care

for them, for the wisdom of doctors and nurses. We pray especially for anyone in palliative care

right now and their families and friends who wait with them. We pray for peace in their hearts.

Week beginning 8th June

We pray for our world as we watch in horror of the wars between countries, within countries and

within our own communities. We pray for God’s peace to rule in every aspect of our life – our

relationship with friends and family, at Government level and with nations. Make us all a channel

of Your peace. We pray that we can be united in one common cause and not divided by small


Week beginning 15th June

We pray for our Youth delegates who are planning to travel to Sri Lanka to meet together as one

group to experience and learn from others. We pray for their hosts as they enable this time

together and for God’s blessings on their time together. We pray for Tegan (Youth Officer) as she

leads these delightful young women.

Week beginning 22nd June

We pray especially for Glenys Payne as she takes the next step in her journey serving God and is

priested on June 27th. We send her our love and pray for God’s blessings in her new role. We

pray for all GFS members who also are ordained and bring their talents and love of God into GFS.

Week beginning 29th June

We think of the World Project and our responses to raising awareness and funds. We ask for

flourishing funds to allow for an abundance of resources to be available. We give thanks for those

leaders in Japan who help to carry out the plans, providing the comforts to the lives of many who

still suffer.

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Prayer thoughts for July, 2015

Week beginning 6th July

We pray for countries that have been subject to the forces of nature – wind, rain, fire, earth movements. We pray for those who have been displaced from their homes, had essential services disrupted and are suffering in many others ways. We pray for those who are helping to restore dignity to their normal lives. We pray for those of us who can dig deep into our own resources to help out in many ways – finances, prayer, and resources.

We give thanks for our own independence and freedom found only by living in Jesus’ abiding love. We pray for those not able to freely express their faith, bound by fear of their lives, fear of ridicule or fear of admitting their need of God’s saving grace.

Week beginning 13th July

In the northern hemisphere we pray for schools as they break for a long summer break. We give thanks for the ending of programs, for a time of reflection to look back over the year and see God’s hand upon the girls in our care. We pray for a time of refreshment to prepare again for the next year. We pray for those many seeds lovingly planted in the lives of girls to be nurtured by God to bring them to a fulfilled life in Christ. We pray for the countries of the southern hemisphere bracing for their winter time. We pray that we can keep going on, with our eyes always on the end – on Jesus our redeemer.

Week beginning 20th July

We pray for the many ways we can be called to serve through GFS. We pray for those who reach out to others in their local community – to help with less fortunate people by donations of time, goods, prayer and kind works to make their lives easier. We pray for a spirit of thinking of others more than ourselves in all that we do.

Week beginning 27th July

We pray for the World President and all with duties within the world team. We pray Val and for strength as she supports her husband, for time and energy to give to GFS matters and to keep reaching out to those who love GFS around the world. We pray for the treasurer, Roslyn, as she manages funds with overseas currencies, for the secretary, Tania, who prepares the newsletter, for Tegan, Youth representative, organising the Youth Exchange trip, for the Chaplains Fr Isaiah and Reverend Cheryl, as they cover all our works in prayer, for the project officers Chris and Julie, and Kate who are assisting Val and preparing ideas to support the theme, for the Vice President Glenys as she prepares for ordination and for her guidance of the world project.

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Prayer thoughts for August, 2015

Week beginning 3rd August

We pray for the region with the countries of Sri Lanka, Philippines, South Korea and Japan.

We pray for the links between countries to be strengthened and for awareness of each other’s

needs. We pray for Ruth as she mourns the loss of her mother, and for comfort in the time ahead.

Week beginning 10th August

We pray for the south pacific region with Australia, New Zealand, Solomon Islands and PNG. For

the diversity of GFS as each country reaches out to women and girls to share the gospel, we give

you thanks. We give you thanks for the strong links already made and for these to continue to


Week beginning 17th August

We pray for the United Kingdom and their link country of Ghana. We also remember our sisters

in the USA. We pray for the work begun in the United Nations conference to be continued as it

seeks to empower women to reach their full potential in God. We pray for continued times to

serve our communities in using our GFS talents to bless others through donations of gifts to the

needy, time to be with the lonely or special projects. We give thanks for the life of Mrs Olein

Gyles and her witness as a GFS Chairman in Ireland. We pray for her husband Robert and family

as they mourn. We rejoice with all the Saints as she is now with her Lord in heaven, a good and

faithful servant.

Week beginning 24th August

We pray for the African countries of South Africa, Liberia, Lesotho, Kenya, Tanzania, Sierra Leone

and Uganda, Zambia. As the momentum grows for the hosting in 2020 for the GFS world council

we ask for guidance on the plans and a drawing in of those with talents to share to make all the

dreams a reality. We pray for those who work with new branches and especially for the new girls

as they are welcomed into GFS, that they will grow in love and friendship and find a safe place to

worship. We pray for Thembeka as she continues to share the plans and to make connections

thinking especially of those new recruits into GFS in Swaziland We pray for her strength and

continued witness.

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World theme



Gracious Lord, guide our

footsteps of faith that we

might walk in your grace

and wisdom as we act to

serve you. Rekindle

afresh in us our spiritual

gifts that we might

transform ourselves and

others, serving the whole

body of Christ through

GFS. Make us worthy of

our calling to service,

through Jesus Christ our

Lord. AMEN

World Contacts

World President: Canon Val Gribble ML 32 Angela Road, Rockyview, Queensland

Australia, 4701

Mobile: +61 419792671 –

Email: [email protected]

World Vice-President:

The Revd Glenys Payne

Email: [email protected]

Deputy World President:

Kate Brewer:

Email: [email protected]

World Chaplain:

Father Isaiah Masida

PO Box 133, Popondetta, Papua New Guinea

Mobile: +675 72122319

Please note this is a different address and


number to the information handed out at World Council.

Email: [email protected]

Assistant World Chaplain

The Revd Cheryl Selvage

Email: [email protected]

World Secretary and Webmaster

Tania Brown

Email: [email protected]

World Treasurer

Roslyn Lumsden

Email: [email protected]

World Youth Officer

Tegan Hudson

Email: [email protected]

World Project Officer

Julie Smith

Email: [email protected]

World Project Officer

Christine Rooney

Email: [email protected]

Donations, Gifts or payment of fees, etc., can be made by telegraphic transfer to: Account Name: GFS World Account ANZ Bank, Shop 67 Whitfords City Cnr Marmion & Whitford Aves Hillarys WA 6025 BSB 016 494 Account Number 392526836 Swift Number: ANBAU3M

Email Roslyn with the details:

<[email protected]>




15 AUGUST 2015