Edited By: Jatin Sharma

Edited By: Jatin Sharma It also has two mountain ranges called Madre Oriental Sierra Madre Occidental Location! Mexico is located 19° N, 99.13° W

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Edited By: Jatin Sharma

It a

lso has two mountain ranges called Madre Oriental Sierra Madre




Mexico is located 19° N, 99.13° W

Estimated to be 122 300 000 in 2013

Spanish, Latin American Spanish, 62 Indigenous languages and English


Warm throughout the year in most areas

Occasionally can drop below the 0o Mark in the plateau

Mexicans are warm and inviting

Be respectful of local custom

When invited into someone's house you should bring a gift

Some Mexicans still believe in the Mayans

Mexico’s currency is the peso U.S. dollar is widely used in Mexico also

1 US Dollar equals 15.03 Mexican Peso

“Gracias por su tiempo”- “Thank you for your time”

"A mal tiempo, buena cara”- “To bad times, good times face”

"No hay más tiempo que la vida" - “There is more time than life”