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Edisi 08 September 2010 | International Bali Post

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Headline : Indonesia volcano erupts ahain; strongest one yet

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Price: Rp 3.000,-

Beatles-inspiredbands from worldover feeling fabin US

Agence France Presse

ISLAMABAD – Hollywoodstar Angelina Jolie Tuesday visitedPakistan to draw world attentiontowards the plight of 21 millionpeople affected by the country’sworst-ever floods, the UN refugeeagency said. “UNHCR GoodwillAmbassador Angelina Jolie arrivedin Pakistan today to meet peopleaffected by the floods and to high-light the continued urgent need forhelp,” the agency said in a statement.

Jolie, the 34-year-old actressand roving envoy for the UN HighCommissioner for Refugees,

“It was really terrifying,” saidAnissa Siregar, 30, as she and hertwo children arrived by truck at anemergency shelter near the base,adding the mountain shook vio-


A handout photo provided by the UN High Commission for Refu-gees (UNHCR) on September 7, 2010 shows Hollywood star andUNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Angelina Jolie (L) visiting peopledisplaced by the floods in northwest Pakistan at the Kandaro IICamp in Nowshera, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.

Angelina Jolie in Pakistanto meet flood victims

would be travelling to affectedcommunities in the northwest andwould meet those involved in therelief efforts, it said. This is thefourth visit by Jolie to Pakistansince she became a UNHCR good-will ambassador in 2001.

Last week Jolie released a videomessage appealing for greater pub-lic support for Pakistan’s relief ef-forts, and she has herself donated100,000 dollars to the flood appeal.

The UNHCR is providing reliefaid including shelter materials tothose displaced by the disaster,which has killed 1,760 people bythe official toll.

AP Photo/Binsar Bakkara

Indonesian volcano eruptsagain; strongest one yet

Associated Press Writer

TANAH KARO, Indonesia – An Indonesian volcano shot a towering cloud of black ash highinto the air Tuesday, dusting villages 15 miles (25 kilometers) away in its most powerful erup-tion since awakening last week from four centuries of dormancy. Some witnesses at the foot ofMount Sinabung reported seeing an orange glow — presumably magma — in cracks alongthe volcano’s slopes for the first time.

lently for at least three minutes. “Itjust keeps getting worse.”

Mount Sinabung’s first eruptionlast week caught many scientists offguard. With more than 129 active

volcanoes to watch, local vulcanolo-gists had failed to monitor the long-quiet mountain for rising magma,slight uplifts in land and other signsof seismic activity. Continued on page 6

Mount Sinabung spews volcanic smoke as seen fromTanah Karo, North Sumatra, Indonesia, Tuesday, Sept. 7,

2010. The volcano shot volcanic ash high into the airTuesday, dusting villages 15 miles (25 kilometers) away

in its most powerful eruption since awakening lastweek from four centuries of dormancy.

There are fears that current ac-tivity could foreshadow a muchmore destructive explosion in thecoming weeks or months, thoughit is possible, too, that Singabungwill go back to sleep after lettingoff steam.

More than 30,000 people livingalong the volcano’s fertile slopeshave been relocated to crampedrefugee camps, mosques andchurches in nearby villages.

Balinese womendeliver average of2.1 children

Lawyer: Iranwoman could bestoned to deathsoon

Page 2: Edisi 08 September 2010 | International Bali Post

InternationalWednesday, September 8, 20102

Bali News

Founder : K.Nadha, General Manager :Palgunadi Chief Editor: Diah Dewi Juniarti Editors: Gugiek Savindra,Alit Susrini, Alit Sumertha, Daniel Fajry, Mawa, Sri Hartini, Suana, Sueca, Sugiartha, Wirya, Yudi

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They also agreed to make antici-pation by checking the identity ofevery homecomer going in and outof Gilimanuk-Ketapang Harbor.Later, the identity of homecomerswould get special attention. Thiswould not only be done in the con-text of this Idul Fitri, but also in thefuture. Monitoring of homecomingpassengers on that occasion was dif-ferent from the previous years as itwas inspected in person by the twoChief Police of the adjacent regions.

Chief Hadiatmoko said the iden-tity check at the entrance was veryimportant. He asked the residentswishing to enter Bali to bring alongtheir identity document, either IDcards or seasonal identity document(Kipem). Otherwise, his party wouldnot allow them to enter Bali. “If theiridentity is clear, please come to Bali.Conversely, if theirs is unclear ... theymay not enter Bali,” he asserted.

The Police Chief explained that

Denpasar (Bali Post)—The Indonesian Hotel and Restau-

rant Association (PHRI) of BaliChapter will perform an assessmentrelated to the number of hotels inBali. This assessment is conductedfollowing the initiative of Bali Pro-vincial Government to include thehotel business in the investmentnegative list (DNI).

“We are currently in the processof assessment to determine whetheror not hotel is proper to be includedin DNI. There is possibility that otherregencies remain to require additionalaccommodations, because the hoteldevelopment is currently focused onthe region of Badung Regency andDenpasar,” explained Ferry Markus,Secretary of PHRI of Bali Chapter inDenpasar, last Monday (Sep 6).

According to him, the initiativeof Bali Provincial Government to in-clude the hotel in DNI would ben-efit the entrepreneurs. Such a policywould ease the hotel management tocompete so as to create a healthy andfair competition.

”DNI will ease us to compete be-cause the number of hotels is lim-ited. However, when a hotel prop-erty attempts to develop such as in-creasing the number of hotel rooms,

Semarapura (Bali Post) –Stolen pratimas are happening

again in klngkung and this time it’svictim is Sanggah Paibon Waris/Pura Keluarga Dukuh, BanjarKanginan, Paksebali, Dawan. Itcaused the people lost two statuesmade from sandal wood and 1.200of flat holy coins. And until now,the actor behind it is still notknown.

The case was known first by aresident, Ni Ketut Sudiarti (35),when she was going to get a tray.When going in the paibon areal,she saw the pratima (ceremonialstatues) saving place was in a messstate so she informed it to the otherresidents and asked the leaders tocheck what happened. Afterchacked, the two Dewa Hyangpratima made from sandal woodand 800 flat coins saved in DewaHyang Kompiyang shrine were

(AP Photo/Firdia Lisnawati)

Indonesians on their motorcycles form a long queue to catch a ferry boat to go across to East Javaat Gilimanuk port, west Bali, Indonesia, Tuesday, Sept. 7, 2010. The mass exodus out of Bali islandand other major cities in the country is underway as thousands are preparing to head homes tocelebrate Eid al-Fitr holiday. The holiday marks the end of the holy fasting month of Ramadan.

On monitoring the homecoming streams of Gilimanuk-Ketapang

Two Chief Police agree toTwo Chief Police agree toTwo Chief Police agree toTwo Chief Police agree toTwo Chief Police agree tocheck identity of homecomerscheck identity of homecomerscheck identity of homecomerscheck identity of homecomerscheck identity of homecomersDenpasar (Bali Post)—

Chief of Bali Police Inspector General of Police Hadiatmoko performed a monitoring of home-coming passengers to Gilimanuk-Ketapang Harbor, last Monday (Sep 6). He also met and madecoordination with the Chief of East Java Police Inspector General of Police Badrodin Haiti atKetapang Harbor. Both generals mutually described about the security pattern of homecomingpassengers in their respective region.

his party was ready to secure thehomecoming passengers until the endof celebration. For this purpose, BaliPolice deployed at least 1,700 person-nel and of course, they were assignedat some points. “I saw the securityposts have been ready, either moni-toring posts, health posts or otherposts,” said Chief Hadiatmoko whenasked for his confirmation on thesidelines of his monitoring.

From the monitoring carried outlast Monday, the stream of homecom-ing passengers did not show signifi-cant increase. Traffic streams in theharbor stayed quiet and smooth. Itwas estimated most passengers woulddepart on one day before Idul Fitri.In the meantime, homecomers wereexpected to be careful during theirjourney. Chief Hadiatmoko also ap-pealed if there were people finding atrouble on the way home they wereinvited to report it promptly to thenearest security post.

Meanwhile, Chief of East JavaPolice Badrodin stated that home-coming passengers in East Java hadnot indicated an increase. However,a number of homecomers fromJakarta had departed gradually. Hisparty would take quick action to re-duce long queues at the Gilimanuk-Ketapang Harbor. “We keep onwatching the northern coastal route(Pantura). Likewise, we are ready toanticipate the long queues,” he as-serted.

Related to the identity check ofhomecomers, Chief Badrodin wouldalways perform the checks to everyresident that would like to go to Bali.He estimated there would be addi-tional people coming to Bali on thereverse stream. “At Ketapang Harbor,the identity of homecomers enteringBali will be definitely checked. Ifthey do not bring along their iden-tity, we will surely return them,” heexplained. (kmb21)

PHRI to performan assessment onhotels in Bali

this regulation will result in newproblems. On that account, it is nec-essary to make an in-depth assess-ment in advance,” he said.

In the assessment process to de-termine the carrying capacity of ho-tels in Bali, PHRI would involvestakeholders like Bali Tourism Board(BTB), tourism high school in Baliand hoteliers of the internal PHRI.“We must assess all regencies be-cause many hotels or other accom-modations existing in the regencieshave not been registered,” he said.Although this process might take along time, but PHRI would promptlyreport the results of the assessmentto the governor as a reference.

Meanwhile, related to the level ofhotel occupancy in Bali prior to IdulFitri holiday, Ferry Markus ex-plained it would reach 90 percent.Bali was said to be flooded with do-mestic tourists. Even, most hotelsboth star-rated and jasmine hotels inthe Badung tourism region had al-ready been booked by tourists.

”I observed that some of hotelrooms have been fully occupied bydomestic and foreign tourists. Even,for the time being until Idul Fitri, allhotels averagely have been fullybooked by tourists,” he said. (par)

Pratima Stealers Attacks KlungkungPura Dadia’s Two Statuesand 1.200 Holy Coins Gone

gone from its place. Also with theother 400 coins and two bokor(praying equipment) saved there aswell were gone too. The lossreached around IDR 4.8 Millionand then reported to Dawan Police.

Head of Dawan Police Sector,Adjunct Police Commissioner, IB.Syiwa and Head of Criminal De-partment Klungkung, Adjunct Po-lice Commissioner, IB. Putra, whenconfirmed last Monday (6/9) admit-ted have received the report of thiscrime act. They were still deepen-ing the investigation and asked wit-nesses’ statement, “The case is stillin investigation process. We workhard to reveal who has done it.”

It was mentioned, the motifused was by digging the key holeto the saving place. Is the actorpart of a network or an individualone? It was asked so as no oneknows it yet. (kmb20)

Page 3: Edisi 08 September 2010 | International Bali Post

3International Bali News Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Denpasar (Bali Post) -Entering Lebaran H-4, Monday

(6 / 9) yesterday, the number of pas-sengers through Ubung terminal,began to be seen increase. In fact,predicted peak flow behind the larg-est terminal in Bali this will happentoday. Even was increased, the con-ditions in the terminal it still lookssmooth.

Ubung Terminal Unit headNyoman Sutika met on the sidelinessupervision of passengers admittedthe increase was not significant.Section, the travelers who use a bi-cycle more than motor or personalvehicles. In fact, for the number ofpassengers Ubung depart from theterminal, since the H-7 and then hadfluctuated.

From the existing data in the postof mudik Ubung Terminal, showsthe H-7, Friday (3 / 9) and the totalvehicle fleet and passengers reaches86 with 2863 passenger numbers ofpeople. While the vehicles that ar-rive at terminals achieve 66 units ofpassenger vehicles with a total 1076people. H-6 Entering the number ofpassengers has increased comparedto day previously. The number ofvehicles and passengers at the time,

According to information, those 22illegal immigrants were captured intwo different places. First, 10 werecaptured in Darmadi Hotel, Raya KutaStreet at 11.30, then one hour later, ina flat owned by Yuniku Susiati on thesame road.

Those immigrants were said tohave owned a refugee letter from theUN refugee board alias UNHCR(United Nation High Commissionerfor Refugees). “The 22 illegal immi-grants have been chased by the po-

Kuala Lumpur (Bali Post) –

The tension between Indonesiaand Malaysia affected the numberof Malaysian tourists who are go-ing to Indonesia. “I received an in-formation that 370 Malaysian tour-ists have changed their tourist des-tination to Thailand,” Tourism andCulture Agency Domestic Promo-tion General Director Fathul Bahriin Kuala Lumpur on Monday (6/9).

The temporarty reason was becauseof the media coverage they saw causedworries. At this time, the Agency ischecking which tourists have canceledtheir visitation and he have clarifiedthrough Malaysian media that thedemo that happened was just a small

DISPUTES in the Indonesia-Ma-laysia relations did not discourage theinterest of the neighboring country’scitizens to visit Indonesia. Such a real-ity could be seen from their enthusi-asm to visit the Indonesian booth at theMalaysian Association of Tour andTravel Agents (MATTA) Fair 2010 inKuala Lumpur taking place on Septem-ber 3-5, 2010. What and how is thehope of Government of Indonesia, par-ticularly the Ministry of Culture andTourism in the most grandiose ASEANtourism event?

Occupying a land area of 180square meters held at the Putra WorldTrade Centre (PWTC), Kuala Lumpur,booth of Indonesia was the largest inthe arena of MATTA Fair 2010. It wasso striking compared to booth of othercountries. This reflected the seriousdesire of Ministry of Culture and Tour-ism to attract more tourists of Malay-sia and other ASEAN countries to In-donesia.

All destinations and various sup-porting elements of tourism in Indo-nesia were brought in the most grandi-ose tourism exhibition in ASEAN. Thearena becoming the rendezvous of buy-ers and sellers was so crowded withabundant people being thirsty for tour-ism and entertainment.

Director of Domestic Tourism Pro-motion, Directorate General of Mar-keting, Ministry of Culture and Tour-ism, Fath Bahri, said that participationin the MATTA Fair 2010 certainly hada strategic value. Currently, in the midstof Malaysian concerns related to thetension of both countries the opportu-


Heavy rain which falls on Tuesday, September 7th 2010 made several areas in Denpasar flooded.Two people are staying outside their house which is flooded.

Special Troops CapturedSpecial Troops CapturedSpecial Troops CapturedSpecial Troops CapturedSpecial Troops Captured22 Illegal Immigrants22 Illegal Immigrants22 Illegal Immigrants22 Illegal Immigrants22 Illegal ImmigrantsDenpasar (Bali Post) –

The joint team of special fast attack troops from Indonesian Republic Police and Bali Policecaptured 22 illegal immigrants in Kuta area last Monday (6/9). The immigrants from Afghani-stan and Iran now placed at Denpasar Immigration Detention House.

lice. So as there’s information they’rein Bali, the special fast attack troopsfrom Indonesian Republic Police co-ordinated with the Bali Police,” aworker explained last Monday (6/9).

Head of Bali Police Public Rela-tions, Great Police CommissionerGede Sugianyar DP stated the 22 im-migrants captured were part of peoplesmuggling by a syndicate member,“There are indications that the immi-grants were facilitated by a syndicatemember.”

The reason was these immigrantsnever got out of their flats. They hidinside the room and they receivedfood, “The involved person who’s sus-pected a syndicate member is still be-ing investigated.”

Meanwhile, the immigrants havebeen placed in the Detention House inDenpasar and for its process it was handover to International Organisation forMigration (IOM) and UN boardUNHCR (United Nation High Com-missioner for Refugees) (jep).

Indonesia-Malaysia Tension370 Malaysian Tourists Change Destination

part done by Indonesian people.Fathul also clarified, Indonesia has

lots of destinations and they can choosewherever and all destinations are insuitable and safe condition to be vis-ited. Any safety officials will respondto anarchic acts, “Indonesia is a safeand comfortable place to be visited.”

Even there are cancellation, theMalaysians enthusiasts to come to In-donesia is quite high. He gave exampleson the number of visitors coming toIndonesia’s boot in Malaysian Associa-tion of Tour and Travel Agent(MATTA) Fair 2010 in Kuala Lumpursince 3rd September 2010.

So far, the demos in different areasare not significantly affecting Malay-sian tourists’ plans. It was seen from

the Table Top and Gala Dinner held thesame time as MATTA Fair, where buy-ers came reaching 94 Malaysian travelbureau did not at all made the demo asa reason to halt promotions of destina-tions in Indonesia.

Fathul hoped the commitment oftwo leaders of the countries willkeep a good relation for Malaysia-Indonesia and will increase the num-ber of tourists from Malaysia. At thistime, Malaysia is on first place tobecome tourists going to Indonesiafrom the ASEAN countries, beforewas Singapore, “We hoped, the con-ducive condition will increase Ma-laysian tourists, so it will fulfill ourtarget to be visited by 7 million for-eign tourists.” (010)

Homecoming Flow IncreaseAt Terminal Ubung

reaching 128 units by 4888 the num-ber of passengers. The same thinghappened the increasing number ofpassengers who arrived at the termi-nal, ie with 100 units of passengervehicles by 1473 people.

Sutika said on H-5 back down, ie,vehicles leaving as many as 118units of the fleet by 4523 the num-ber of passengers.

Vehicles arriving with a totalfleet of 92 passenger 1.347orangpassengers. Data ‘today (yesterday,red) can be ascertained only tomor-row (today, red),’’Sutika said yes-terday. Sutika predict the most pas-sengers in the terminal Ubung willoccur in H-3 today. Because asusual, on the H-3 the number oftravelers prefer in the days ap-proaching Idul Fitri.

Compared to last year’s overallnumber of travelers this year, thereis small increase in TerminalUbung. Last year the number of H-7 passengers to reach 2398 peoplewith 88 units of vehicles. Followedby the H- 6 the number of passengerstransported in 3011 reached 100 ve-hicles. On H-5 last year the numberof passengers reached 4664 peoplewith 125 AKAP vehicle. (Kmb12)

MATTA Fair 2010Maintain the image ofIndonesian destinations

nity definitely provided warranty anda real picture about Indonesia that theexisting destination would remain safeand comfortable to visit.

Such commercial travel exchanges,explained Fath, was arranged in such away as to give opportunity to the sell-ers from ASEAN countries in particu-lar and the world in general. Each par-ticipant offered their products both ho-tel rooms and travel package to buyersselected through a scheduled agree-ment.

Surely the moment would, Fath said,provide a picture or image that Indone-sia was rich in natural and cultural di-versity that were very safe, comfortableand attractive place to visit.

For the region as well as stakehold-ers, Fath added, it was an arena to pro-mote destinations, resorts and tourismfacilities owned, while the industry wasexpected to gain new contacts in addi-tion to permanent cooperation with thebuyers, to maintain the existing mar-kets as well as to study the trends aboutthe latest tourism products and servicesin each ASEAN country in particularand the world in general.

The event was also utilized as a war-ranty for Malaysian tourists so theywould not hesitate to come. In addition,this even was also intended to maintainand increase the number of Malaysiantourist visits that since the past two yearscontinued to increase significantly. Even,the increase reached more than 26 per-cent compared to the last year’s achieve-ment and became the highest in ASEANthat previously was dominated bySingaporean tourists. (son)

Page 4: Edisi 08 September 2010 | International Bali Post

International4 Wednesday, September 8, 2010 News

Australia’s first woman primeminister promised that her govern-ment will be stable over the nextthree years, although the defectionof a single lawmaker would bringdown the Labor administration.

“Labor is prepared to deliverstable, effective and secure govern-ment for the next three years,” shetold reporters.

The independents’ support meansGillard can continue with her plansto introduce a 30 percent tax on ironore and coal miners’ burgeoning prof-its and make Australia’s biggest pol-luters pay for carbon gas emissions.

Labor gained the ability to forma government for a second term af-ter two independent lawmakers TonyWindsor and Rob Oakeshott joinedher coalition more than two weeksafter elections failed to deliver aclear winner for the first time since1940.

Tuesday’s decision by Windsorand Oakeshott gives Gillard’s partycontrol of 76 seats in the 150-seatHouse or Representatives and avoidsthe need for another round of polls.

Gillard has rewarded the two ru-ral-based lawmakers by promising10 billion Australian dollars ($9 bil-lion) in new investment on ruralschools and hospitals.

She also announced that she hadoffered Oakeshott a Cabinet post,


SEOUL, South Korea – NorthKorea requested a shipment of rice,cement and heavy equipment daysafter rival South Korea offered re-lief aid to its communist neighborto help it recover from recent flood-ing, the South’s Unification Minis-try said Tuesday.

Word of the communication be-tween the two Koreas on aid came aday after the North announced itwould release the crew of a seizedSouth Korean fishing boat, in a signthat the divided countries may be talk-ing behind the scenes in what couldlead to a resumption of formal talks.

An overflowing river last monthswamped farmland, houses andpublic buildings in the North’snorthwestern city of Sinuiju andadjacent areas. State media reportedthat the region was “severely af-fected” by the flooding, though de-tails of the damage remain un-known. North Korea observers fearthe flooding has worsened thecountry’s chronic food shortages.

Last week, South Korea’s Red


JERUSALEM – A dovishU.S. Jewish group says morethan 150 film and theater artistshave signed a letter of supportfor Israeli actors who refused toperform in a West Bank settle-ment.

The names on the letter in-clude Oscar-winning actressVanessa Redgrave, CynthiaNixon of “Sex and the City” andplaywright Tony Kushner. It wasorganized by the Jewish Voicefor Peace.

A group of Israeli actorssparked a vocal debate in Israellast month when they said theywould refuse to perform at a newtheater in the settlement of Ariel.They aimed to protest Israelicontrol of the West Bank.

The actors’ boycott drew sup-port from a group of 150 Israeliacademics and dozens of au-thors, including well-knownwriters Amos Oz and DavidGrossman.


Australian Federal Independent Lawmaker Bob Katter

Australian Labor Party wins enough support to ruleAustralian Labor Party wins enough support to ruleAustralian Labor Party wins enough support to ruleAustralian Labor Party wins enough support to ruleAustralian Labor Party wins enough support to ruleAP

CANBERRA, Australia – Prime Minister Julia Gillard will leadAustralia’s first minority government in 67 years after two indepen-dent lawmakers threw their support behind her center-left Labor Partyon Tuesday, ending two weeks of uncertainty left by national electionsthat ended on a knife-edge.

which he had yet to accept. Windsorhad said he did not want such a jobin the government.

Gillard also said she would keepher promise to make her predeces-sor, Kevin Rudd, a senior cabinetminister.

Party powerbrokers dumpedRudd for Gillard in an internal mu-tiny in June in a bid to improveLabor’s standing in opinion polls.

Rudd loyalists were suspected tobe behind a series of damaging leaksto the media against Gillard duringher election campaign.

Labor lost 11 seats in the elec-tion, many of them in Rudd’s homestate of Queensland.

Bob Katter, an independent whosided with opposition leader TonyAbbott’s conservative Liberal Party,said on Tuesday that he would havesupported Labor if Rudd were stillprime minister.

Gillard said voters sent her amessage by almost making her gov-ernment the first to lose power aftera single term since 1931.

“What they are asking us to do isnot to become waylaid in partisanbickering but to build for the future,”she said.

Abbott’s coalition won 73 seatsand with Katter’s support com-manded 74 seats. Abbott said onTuesday that he was disappointed by

the result and said the governmentshould be brought down if it provesto be incompetent.

Aug. 21 elections were the firstsince 1940 to fail to deliver a clearwinner. That parliament initiallychose a conservative minority gov-ernment, which was brought downwhen two independents switchedtheir allegiances to Labor.

Windsor and Oakeshott, whohave both championed better com-

munications infrastructure for ruralareas, said Labor’s plan to introducea AU$43 billion high-speed opticalfiber national broadband networkwas a major factor in their decision.

Abbott’s Liberal Party had prom-ised a smaller, slower AU$6 billionnetwork with a range of technolo-gies including optical fiber, wirelessand DSL.

“What this is, is a hard decision,”Oakeshott told reporters in announc-

ing his decision. “There’s no ques-tion about that. And on my end, ithas been an absolute line-ball, pointsdecision, judgment call, six of one,half dozen of the other. This couldnot get any closer,” he added.

Windsor said he believed thatGillard was more likely than Abbottto work constructively with the in-dependents and govern for a fullthree-year term rather than call anearly election.

US artists support Israelis’settlement protest


Cynthia Nixon


A South Korean soldier walks bya huge poster depicting NorthKorea’s food crisis at the KoreaWar Memorial

South Korea: North Korea asks forflood aid despite tension

Cross sent a message to its NorthKorean counterpart and proposedsending medicines, daily necessitiesand emergency food worth 10 bil-lion won ($8.5 million).

The North’s Red Cross replied onSaturday that it would prefer rice,cement and heavy equipment —items it said were necessary forflood recovery efforts, according toSeoul’s Unification Ministry andRed Cross.

South Korea was reviewing theNorth’s request, the UnificationMinistry said in a statement Tues-day. North Korea’s secretive com-munist regime has not confirmedmaking the request and its state-runmedia have not mentioned it.

Red Cross official Kim Sung-keun said the bulk of the aid, if sent,would be financed by the SouthKorean government.

The aid offer came despite con-tinuing tension over March’s deadlysinking of a South Korean warshipblamed on Pyongyang, an attack thatthe North flatly denies. In retalia-tion, South Korea cut off nearly alltrade with North Korea but has con-

tinued shipping humanitarian aid forthe vulnerable, including infants andpregnant women.

On Monday, North Korea alsoannounced it would free a seven-mancrew of a South Korean fishing boatseized a month ago in its waters, call-ing it a “humanitarian” gesture.

Page 5: Edisi 08 September 2010 | International Bali Post

Hotel Activities Wednesday, September 8, 2010 5International

Temple Ceremony

4h – “Tumpek Wayang”, day devoted to“Sanghyang Iswara”, the lord of puppeteers, whenblessing ceremony is given to shadow – puppet playsets for proper function and magical power.

Temple Festival at:- Pr.aspahit, Jembrana.- Pr. Panti Gelgel, Ds. Pangembungan, Sesetan,

Badung.- Pedharman Dalem Sri Aji Kresna Kepakisan,

Besakih.- Pedharman Dalem Sukawati, Besaih.- Pedharman Kaba-Kaba , Besakih.- Pedharman Dalem Bakas, Besakih.- Pr. Pedharman Mengwi, Besakih.- Pr. Penataran Giri Purwa, Ds. Kutarejo, Tegal

Dalimo, Banyuwangi.

5th _ Temple Festival at:- Pr. Maospahit, Ds. Gerenceng Denpasar.

8th _ Temple Festival at:- Pr. Ulun Kulkul, Besakih.- Pr. Melanting, Ds. Camenggaon, Sukawati.- Pr. Penataran Agung, Teluk Padang,Karangasem.- Pr. Pasek Gelgel, Ds. Pangembungan,Bongkasa, abiansemal.- Pr. Pasek Bandesa, Ds. Riyang Gede, Penebel

Tabanan.- Pr. Pasek Banjar Jawa, Buleleng.- Pr. Gaduhan Jagat, Ds. Singakerta, Ubud.- Pr. Masceti Tengah, Ds. Mancawarna,

Tampaksiring.- Pr. Penataran Batulepang, Ds. Kamasan,

Klungkung.- Pr. Paibon Pasek Gobleg, Ds. Kedonganan,

Kuta- Pr. Pasek Gelgel, Ds. Songan, Batur,

Calendar of Event (Sep 3- 23 2010)Kintamani.- Pr. Pasanggerahan Agung, Ds. Bebandem,

Karangasem.- Pr. Penataran Dalem Peed, Nusa Penida.- Mr.Pasek Perateka, Ds. Pekandelan,Sidemen, Karangasem.- Mr.Pasek Perateka Taman Sari, Sukasada.- Pr. Kawitan Jero Wenayu, Ds. Wenayu,

Bedulu, Gianyar.- Pr. Jati, Ubud.- Pr. Gua, Besakih.10th _ Temple Festival at:

- Merajan Geriya Kebon – Tabanan.- Pr. Candi Gora, Ds. Tianyar, Karangasem.

14th _ Temple Festival at:- Pr. Puseh Jagat Dalem Dukut, Nusa Penida.- Pr. Dalem, Ds. Batuyang, Batubulan.- Pr. Pasek Magending, Kediri, Tabanan.- Pr. Pasek Undagi, Ds. Timpag, Kerambitan,

Tabanan.- Pr. Desa + Pura Pucak, Br. Taman Bedulu,

Gianyar.- Mr.Pasek Tangkas Kori Agung, Ds. Sulahan.- Mr.Pasek Padang Rata, Ds. Padang,

Karangasem.- Pr. Telaga Sakti/Dalem Tarukan, Ds.Ambengan, Nusa Penida.- Pr. Dalem, Ds. Padangan, Pupuan, Tabanan.- Pr. Yogha, Br. Teba Jero, Kaba-Kaba, Kediri

Tabanan.- Pr. Dalem Purwa, Br. Kawan, Bangli.

15th _ Temple Festival at:- Pr. Agung Pasek Gelgel, Ds. Sibang Kaja,

abiansemal.- Pr. Dalem Samprangan, Gianyar.- Pr. Ds. Galiran, Bhakti Seraga, Buleleng.

EVERY Temple and Shrine has a special date for it annualCeremony, or “ Odalan “, every 210 days according to Ba-linese calendar, including the smaller ancestral shrine whicheach family possesses. Because of this practically every fewdays a ceremony of festival of some kind takes place in someVillage in Bali. There are also times when the entire islandcelebrated the same Holiday, such as at Galungan, Kuningan,Nyepi day, Saraswati day, Tumpek Landep day, Pagerwesi day,Tumpek Wayang day etc.

The dedication or inauguration day of a Temple is consid-ered its birth day and celebration always takes place on thesame day if the wuku or 210 day calendar is used. When newmoon is used then the celebration always happens on new moonor full moon. The day of course can differ the religious cel-ebration of a temple lasts at least one full day with some templecelebrating for three days while the celebration of Besakihtemple, the Mother Temple, is never less than 7 days and mostof the time it lasts for 11 days, depending on the importanceof the occasion.

The celebration is very colorful. The shrine are dressed withpieces of cloths and sometimes with brocade, sailings, deco-rations of carved wood and sometimes painted with gold andChinese coins, very beautifully arranged, are hung in the fourcorners of the shrine. In front of shrine are placed red, whiteor black umbrellas depending which Gods are worshipped inthe shrines.

In front of important shrine one sees, besides these umbrel-las soars, tridents and other weapons, the “umbul-umbul”, longflags, all these are prerogatives or attributes of Holiness. Infront of the Temple gate put up “Penjor”, long bamboo poles,decorated beautifully ornaments of young coconut leaves, riceand other products of the land. Most beautiful to see are thegirls in their colorful attire, carrying offerings, arrangementsof all kinds fruits and colored cakes, to the Temple. Everyvisitor admires the grace with which the carry their load ontheir heads.

Balinese TempleCeremony


Seminyak, Bali – Celebrating Indonesia’s65th Independence, guests of bvilla enjoyedplaying folk games on Tuesday, August 17.There was no reason to hold back. Indonesiansand foreigners had the ultimate fun in bvilla.

Guests, including from the neighboringvilla complex, bvilla+pool and bvilla+seaside,gathered at the +spa lounge of the bvilla+spato participate with villa staff on this celebra-tion of freedom. Guests from England, Aus-tralia, and France were snacking on Indone-sian traditional snack “jajanan pasar”, whilelistening to the Indonesian independence his-tory being told.

Various Indonesian folk games such as run-ning with spoon and marbles, plugging a nailin a bottle and many more were played by theforeign guests teamed up with bvilla employ-ees. Sixteen guests and tens of staff sharedgood laughs throughout the day. “I can’t be-lieve you guys have such fun traditions forcelebrating national day!” said one guest be-fore she bit the spoon and ran from the lobbydown to the +spa.

Prizes to win included a romantic dinner in


Bali – The Private Spa Wellness Center(TPSWC) proudly hosted the monthly BaliSpa and Wellness Association (BSWA)gathering July 30, 2010. As the foundingmember of BSWA, Erika Dewi, Directorof Operations TPSWC, welcomed spamanagers and industry partners for the firsttime since The Private Spa Corporationbuilt the two-storey wellness centre. Thisspa is one of the first spas in the world thatis devoted to balancing the body’s vibra-tional frequencies. Ritual therapies fromancient times have been recreated to man-age stress related illnesses. The rituals in-clude the hydrothermal biotherapy treat-ments, chakra balancing treatments, andmore.

BSWA members toured the seven ex-clusive treatment rooms and high-end spafacilities such as vitality pool, steam roomand far sauna, lead by TPWSC Spa Man-ager, Ririn Widarsih. It was a stimulatingjourney for the spa managers to see the TajMahal inspired Indian room, Arabian prin-cess inspired Moroccan room, as well asthe well-equipped Victorian room withVichy shower, European room with pulse

Hosted Bali Spa and WellnessAssociation gathering

light and LED machine, and Thai room withhandle bars for the bare foot Thai massage.

The spa menu is tailored by experts, with50 years of combined experience in the in-dustry to create a spa ritual beyond pam-pering. The Recovery and refreshmentlounges are designed for guests to linger inthe spa in between and after treatment.Healthy, fresh food and beverages are alsoserved on demand for those who wish tospend the day in the spa.

This environmentally friendly spa strivesto become “The” vibrational frequencyritual treatment spa in Bali and beyond. Thisspa is a turnkey project of The Private SpaCorporation, a global hub of expertise cov-ering all aspects of a spa development, fromthe initial conceptualizing until the finaldelivery of specially crafted spa treatmentsand equipments. The Wellness Centre willdisplay the Corporation’s visions of a de-finitive spa journey to ensure every treat-ment has a positive impact on the guest’swellbeing.

“We take great pride in welcoming fel-low spa professionals in Bali to show ourspa even before it’s open. We are very ex-cited to bring Bali as the world’s spa capitalto the next level,” says Erika.

bvilla went folk, celebratingIndonesia’s Independence Day

the villa, couple’s massage, and bottle of wine.All guests received a unique wooden statue asa momento. The day was concluded with Ba-linese buffet lunch. The grilled pork “BabiGuling” and coconut-string bean salad “lawar”were the climax of the day’s delight. This isthe way to be.


The guests and bvilla employees enjoyinggames

Page 6: Edisi 08 September 2010 | International Bali Post

Wednesday, September 8, 20106 News

In an unusual turn in the case, the lawyer also con-firmed that Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani was lashed99 times last week in a separate punishment metedout because a British newspaper ran a picture of anunveiled woman mistakenly identified as her. UnderIran’s clerical rule, women must cover their hair inpublic. The newspaper later apologized for the error.

With the end of Ramadan this week, the mother oftwo could be executed “any moment,” said her law-yer, Javid Houtan Kian.

The sentence was put on hold in July after an in-ternational outcry over the brutality of the punish-ment, and it is now being reviewed by Iran’s supremecourt.

Ashtiani was convicted in 2006 of having an “il-licit relationship” with two men after the murder ofher husband the year before and was sentenced at thattime to 99 lashes. Later that year, she was also con-victed of adultery and sentenced to be stoned, eventhough she retracted a confession that she says wasmade under duress.

“The possibility of stoning still exists, any mo-ment,” Kian told The Associated Press. “Her stoningsentence was only delayed; it has not been lifted yet.”

Italy is among several countries pressing for Iranto show flexibility in the case. The country’s foreignminister, Franco Frattini, said the Italian ambassa-dor in Iran met with authorities in Tehran who “con-firmed to us that no decision has been made” aboutthe stoning sentence.

“I interpret that in the sense that the stoning, fornow, won’t take place,” Frattini said in an interviewon Italian state TV.

After putting the stoning sentence on hold, Iransuddenly announced that the woman had also beenbrought to trial and convicted of playing a role in herhusband’s 2005 murder. Her lawyer disputes that,saying no charges against her in the killing have everbeen part of her case file.

In early August, Iranian authorities broadcast apurported confession from Ashtiani on state-run tele-vision. In it, a woman identified as Ashtiani admitsto being an unwitting accomplice in her husband’skilling.

Kian says he believes she was tortured into con-fessing.

In the latest twist, authorities are said to haveflogged her for the publication of a photo of a womanwithout her hair covered in the Times of Londonnewspaper. The woman in the photo was misidentifiedas Ashtiani.

She was lashed on Thursday, Kian said, citing in-formation from a fellow prisoner who was releasedlast week. Kian has been allowed no direct contactwith his client since last month.

“We have no access to Ashtiani, but there is noreason for the released prisoner to lie” about the flog-ging, he said.

There was no official Iranian confirmation of thenew punishment.

The woman’s son, 22-year-old Sajjad Qaderzadeh,said he did not know whether the new lashing sen-tence had been carried out yet, but that he also heardabout the sentence from a prisoner who recently leftthe Tabriz prison where his mother is being held.


WANGARATTA, Australia –Rising flood waters threatened hun-dreds of Australian homes Tuesday,after scores were inundated by week-end storms which caused millions ofdollars of damage, officials said.

Water police and emergency he-licopters were on standby to rescuestranded residents in the southeast-ern state of Victoria, and the govern-ment announced the formation of aspecial advisory body to help directrecovery efforts.

Residents in Wangaratta, in thestate’s northeast, sandbagged homesin fears that a levee would burst,while officials worried that 500 prop-erties downstream in Sheppartoncould be cut off by rising waters.

The State Emergency Service said300 homes and businesses had al-ready been damaged to some extentby the flooding in Shepparton andtowards Horsham in the state’s westafter the weekend deluge.

“We’ve potentially got another290 properties that are potentially atrisk of being flooded,” a spokes-

Lawyer: Iran womanLawyer: Iran womanLawyer: Iran womanLawyer: Iran womanLawyer: Iran womancould be stoned tocould be stoned tocould be stoned tocould be stoned tocould be stoned todeath soondeath soondeath soondeath soondeath soon

AP –

FILE - This undated file image made available byAmnesty International in London on Thursday,July 8, 2010, shows Sakineh MohammadiAshtiani, a mother of two who was sentenced todeath by stoning in Iran on charges of adultery.


TEHRAN, Iran – The lawyer for an Iranian woman sentenced to be stoned on an adulteryconviction said Monday that he and her children are worried the delayed execution couldbe carried out soon with the end of a moratorium on death sentences for the Muslim holymonth of Ramadan.

“Publishing the photo provided a judge an excuseto sentence my poor mother to 99 lashes on the chargeof taking a picture unveiled,” Qaderzadeh told the AP.

The Times apologized in its Monday edition butadded that the lashing “is simply a pretext.”

“The regime’s purpose is to make Ms. Ashtiani suf-fer for an international campaign to save her that hasexposed so much iniquity,” the newspaper said.

Another lawyer who once represented Ashtiani,Mohammad Mostafaei, said in a news conference inParis that it was not certain if there really had been anew conviction and sentence over the photograph.

“I have contacted my former colleagues at the courtwho told me nothing was clear on this situation,” hesaid at the news conference with French Foreign Min-ister Bernard Kouchner. “There isn’t any punishmentfor this act in our law.”

Kouchner called the stoning sentence “the heightof barbarism” and said her case has become a “per-sonal cause” and he was “ready to do anything to saveher. If I must go to Tehran to save her, I’ll go toTehran.”

Ashtiani’s two children remain in Iran and her sonis a ticket seller for a bus company in the northernIranian city of Tabriz. He said he and his younger sis-ter, Farideh, 18, have not seen their mother since earlyAugust.

“We have really missed her,” he said. “We expectall influential bodies to help to save her.”

The Vatican on Sunday raised the possibility of us-ing behind-the-scenes diplomacy to try to save her lifeas well.


Cattle are stranded by flood waters on the outskirts ofWangaratta after floods hit the northern Victoria

Floods threaten hundredsmore Australian homes

woman told AFP.“Our main area of concern at the

moment is Shepparton. TheGoulburn River is still rising. It’sexpected to peak later today or intotomorrow.”

Victorian Premier John Brumbysaid the floods had caused “signifi-cant damage” and there would be amulti-million-dollar clean-up bill.

“I’ve said that I think there willbe tens of millions of dollars of dam-age,” Brumby told reporters.

“There will be roads, there willbe bridges, there will be communityinfrastructure which is damaged dueto inundation.”

But Brumby also said that ben-efits from the rains in the predomi-nantly farming regions, which havespent the best part of a decade indrought, “far outweighs the damagethat’s occurred”.

“But that equation may justchange a little over the next weekto two weeks,” he said, adding thatfurther minor to moderate floodingwas likely later this month in thestate’s north.

But some — such as Siregar, themother who fled with her children— have insisted on returning to thedanger zone to check on their homesand their dust-covered crops.

The government sent dozens oftrucks to the mountain to help carrythem back before Tuesday’s eruption,which sent ash and debris shooting 3miles (5,000 meters) into the air, saidSurono, who heads the nation’s vol-cano alert center. Local media said ashhad reached as far as Berastagi, a dis-trict 15 miles (25 kilometers) from thebase of the mountain.

Surono said activity was defi-nitely on the rise: There were morethan 80 volcanic earthquakes in the24-hour lead up to the blast, com-pared to 50 on Friday, when ash anddebris shot nearly 2 miles (3,000meters).

The eruption early Tuesday oc-curred just after midnight during atorrential downpour. Witnesses said

Indonesian...From page 1

volcanic ash and mud oozed downthe mountain’s slopes, flooding intoabandoned homes. Others said sawbursts of fire and hot ash. The forceof the explosion could be felt 5 miles(8 kilometers) away.

Indonesia is a seismicallycharged region because of its loca-tion on the so-called “Ring of Fire”— a series of fault lines stretchingfrom the Western Hemispherethrough Japan and Southeast Asia.It has recorded some of the largesteruptions in history.

The 1815 explosion of MountTambora buried the inhabitants ofSumbawa Island under searing ash,gas and rock, killing an estimated88,000 people.

The 1883 eruption of Krakatoacould be heard 2,000 miles (3,200 ki-lometers) away and blackened skiesregion-wide for months. At least36,000 people were killed in the blastand the tsunami that followed.

Page 7: Edisi 08 September 2010 | International Bali Post

Wednesday, September 8, 2010 7Indonesia TodayInternational

Agence France-Presse

KOTA KINABALU - Malaysiaand Indonesia Monday moved tocalm a maritime border dispute thathas sparked angry protests, with theirforeign ministers agreeing to takeaction to prevent a repeat incident.

Malaysian Foreign MinisterAnifah Aman met his Indonesiancounterpart Marty Natalegawa ineastern Sabah state after last month’sflare-up triggered by the detentionof Malaysian fishermen and Indo-nesian officials in disputed waters.

In the ensuing protest, humanfaeces were flung at the Malaysianembassy in Jakarta, forcing secu-rity at the Malaysian mission to bestepped up.

“Both nations agreed that preven-tive measures will be required toprevent a recurrence of the August13 incident, and appropriate actionwill be taken to resolve various mari-time border issues,” the two minis-ters said.

“Two technical meetings will beheld before the end of the year,” theysaid in a joint statement after themeeting held in Sabah in the Ma-laysian part of Borneo, a vast islandshared with Indonesia.

In an initial step, fishing vesselsfrom both countries will be requiredto install a tracking system whichwill enable enforcement authoritiesto monitor their positions and issuewarning notices in the case of en-croachment.

Seven Malaysian fishermen weredetained in disputed waters offsouthern Malaysia last month, by


Hundreds of people line up to board a passanger ship headed for Sumatra island, in Tanjung Priok port,Jakarta on September 7, 2010.

According to Sunarto, a trafficofficial here on Tuesday, the num-ber of motor vehicles passing thehighway at Indramayu continued toincrease since early in the morning.

He said that as of Tuesday morn-ing the number of passenger buses,private cars, and motorbikes in-creased dramatically, although theroad was rather slippery followingan incessant heavy rains the previ-ous days.

“The north coastal highway here,leading to central and eastern partsof Java island, since Sunday untilMonday evening was drenched by


JAKARTA - The Indonesianeconomy could record a growth rateof over six percent in the third quar-ter of 2010 on the back of govern-ment and household spending, thenational statistics agency said.

“It could be over six percentstimulated by government and thepublic’s expenditures,” RusmanHeriawan, head of the Central Bu-reau of Statistics (BPS), said hereMonday evening.

The Ramadhan fasting month andIdul Fitri Islamic festivity would besignificantly contributing to eco-


BANDUNG - Four motoristswere killed in various traffic acci-dents in West Java province overthe past four days, a police spokes-man said here Tuesday.

The victims were part of theIdul Fitri exodus which had begunfilling highways across Java sevendays before the end of theRamadan fasting month, chief in-formation officer at the West Javapolice headquarters, Senior Com-missioner Agus Riayanto, said.

Besides the four fatalities, traf-fic accidents also left 16 otherpeople seriously injured, he said.

“The total amount of materiallosses caused by the traffic acci-dents is estimated at Rp133.4 mil-lion,” Riayanto said.

He said the West Java provin-cial police had recorded 58 trafficaccidents 45 of which occurred onIdul Fitri exodus routes.

Meanwhile, the chief of theGarut district police, Adjunct Se-nior Commissioner Yayat, said a“Budiman” passenger bus slippedinto a two-meter deep ditch in the

Four motorists killed inWest Java traffic accidents

Lewo area on Monday.On Sunday, another passenger

bus hit a pick-up truck onMalambang street in Garut districtbecause the bus driver was drunk,he said.

“The bus driver sustained minorinjuries to his head,” Yayat said.

According to the Jakarta metro-politan police, 3.6 millionJakartans would return to theirhometowns for the Idul Fitri fes-tivity on motorcycles.

“The total number of Idul Fitritravelers riding on motorbikes totheir hometowns from Jakarta willincrease,” Jakarta Police spokes-man Senior Commissioner BoyRafli Amar said recently

Last year, some 3.1 millionmotorcyclists from Jakarta wentupcountry in Java and Sumatra tocelebrate the Idul Fitri festivity intheir hometowns or villages, hesaid.

These Idul Fitri travelers haveactually been strongly advised notto use motorcycles for the sake oftheir own safety. “Riding motor-cycles on long distances out oftown is quite risky,” he said.

Malaysia, Indonesia bid to easetensions after maritime spat

Indonesian authorities who accusedthem of straying into their territory.

Three of the Indonesian officialswere detained by Malaysian mari-time authorities who interceptedthe group as they were being takenback to Indonesia.

All those involved have been re-leased but the spat saw both coun-tries send protest notes to the other.

Anifah said the whole incidentwas regrettable but insisted that thedetention of the Indonesian fisher-ies enforcement officials was inline with Malaysian standard op-erating procedure.

“However, in the aftermath of theincident, Malaysian enforcementofficials will no longer handcuff In-donesian enforcement officials normake them wear ‘detainee uni-forms’, if and when they are de-tained,” he said.

Natalegawa said both sidesagreed that intensifying negotia-tions — which have alreadydragged on for 16 rounds with noresolution — was the best way toavoid a recurrence of the problem.

The meetings aimed at resolv-ing the maritime border issue willbe held in Kuala Lumpur in Octo-ber 11 and 12 and in Jakarta on No-vember 23-24.

Anifah said discussions wouldcover zones in the Sulawesi Sea, thesouthernmost part of the Straits ofMalacca, the South China Sea, andpossibly the Singapore Straits.

Malaysia said last week that ifthere was no resolution, the borderdispute could end up in the Interna-tional Court of Justice in The Hague.

RI’s economic growth may exceeds 6 percentnomic growth as household con-sumption would rise significantlyduring the season.

Government expenditures in thefirst and second quarters usuallycontribute negatively to growth butin the third and fourth quarters itwould be different.

He said the 2010 budget was big-ger than the previous year’s. Al-though government expenditures inthe first and second quarters werelow, they were expected to increasein the third and fourth quarters,Rusman said.

The country’s exports would alsocontribute to growth, despite a slow-

ing down in July 2010. August’s ex-port figure was expected to be an-other big boost.

Meanwhile, Finance MinisterAgus Martowardojo said the govern-ment had not yet revised the eco-nomic growth target in the 2010State Budget.

The economic growth target in the2010 State Budget was set at 5.8percent but in the second quarteractual growth was recorded at 6.2percent and in the first quarter at 5.9percent.

Agus said he was optimistic na-tional economic growth this yearwould exceed 5.9 percent.

Holiday travelers packHoliday travelers packHoliday travelers packHoliday travelers packHoliday travelers packnorth coastal highwaynorth coastal highwaynorth coastal highwaynorth coastal highwaynorth coastal highwayAntara

INDRAMAYU - On Tuesday, only three days ahead of Idul Fitrifestivity, a multitude of holiday travelers on buses, private cars, andmotorbikes were streaming along the north coastal highway of Java atIndramayu district.

incessant heavy rains, but it luckilyturned to clear up on Tuesday morn-ing and that the traveler could con-tinue their trip,” Sunatro said.

On Sunday and Monday the trav-elers on motorbikes along that high-way were hampered by the heavyrain. The rain which started on Sun-day evening and continued untilearly Monday evening forced themto take shelter at a number of gasstations and casual markets alongthe way in Indramayu, West Java.

After performing their morningprayers and the rain had subsided,they continued their trips to their

respective home villages to observethe Idul Fitri festivity with relatives.

Sutrisno, one of the travelers fromJakarta who was going to his homevillage in Tegal, said rain fromKarawang until Indramayu districtshampered his trip and would causehim to arrive late at his destination.

“The heavy rain forced us to slowdown to avoid accidents that fre-quently happen on the northerncoastal highway,” Sutrisno said, add-ing that he would arrive late in Tegal.

Meanwhile, another motorbikerider, Ridwan, said the rain made theroad slippery and dangerous so theyhad to ride extra carefully to avoidaccident.

“Better late than never. Heavyrain forced us to drive slowly andcarefully in order to arrive safely atour home towns to observe Idul Fitrywith relatives,” Ridwan said.

Page 8: Edisi 08 September 2010 | International Bali Post

8 InternationaWednesday, September 8, 2010

Bali Today

“Bali is five months early in real-izing balanced population growth andprosperous happy small families,” hesaid.

Wayan noted Bali had successfullydecreased its total fertility rate from5.6 children in 1970 to 2.1 children in2000. The number was smaller thantargeted.

He explained the ability to main-tain the average number of children at2.1 was due to the husbands’ encour-agement and the widespread use ofsafe contraception methods with eightout of ten reproductive age couplesnow being acceptors.

Wayan said besides improving its


DENPASAR - Thailand has askedIndonesia to help explain its policieson Muslim minority in that country tothe Organization of Islamic Conference(OIC).

Its foreign minister, Kasit Piromya,said it was one of the two issued beingemphasized at the two countries’ sev-enth foreign ministerial meeting hereon Thursday.

Indonesian foreign minister MartyNatalegawa led the country’s delega-tion to the meeting to discuss variousissues aimed in principle at increasingand widening the spectrum of the twocountries’ cooperation. The two minis-ters in the meeting had also paid atten-tion to the two countries’ cooperationin the development efforts in a thirdcountry of the Association of SoutheastAsian Nations (ASEAN) as well as incountries around the region. They alsosought to promote cooperation betweenthe two countries’ private sectors.

“We thank the government andpeople of Indonesia for having dem-onstrated real deep understanding andpatience with regard to our domesticpolitical problems recently. Finally theproblem has passed. We appreciateIndonesia’s stance and understandingof not showing worries overly,”Piromya said.

Indonesia has given support andencouragement to Thailand so that thepolitical turbulance in that country

In Bali, the mountains have a spe-cial significance in the Hindu Phi-losophy. To the Balinese themoun\tains are holy or sacred areasand for this reason many temples andshrines will be found among the loftypeaks.

Certain curtiousies should be fol-lowed by all mountain walkers whichto the outsider may appear odd orstrange. For example woman shouldnot visit mountain regions duringtheir menstrual cycle, beef, in theform of meat should not be eaten orcarried there. Also whilst in themountain, bad language or behaviormust be avoided.

Leko is an ancient Joged dance hav-ing its own particularity of motion andsince 1930s has grown at SibanggedeVillage, Abiansemal subdistrict,Badung. However, this art developmenthad ups and downs and almost cometo extinction.

The dance resembling the LegongKraton is categorized to be rare, becausein Bali the dance only exists in threeregencies namely at Sibang Gede Vil-lage (Badung), Tunjuk Village(Tabanan), and Pendem Village(Jembrana).

Director of Leko Cempaka Sari,Parekan Hamlet, Sibang Gede, who isalso professor at the Indonesia Instituteof Arts (ISI) Denpasar, AA KusumaAyu Arini, told Bali Travel News thatLeko of Sibang Gede originated fromPerang Kurubaya Hamlet, Mengwi,Badung. Unfortunately, Leko Dance ofPerang Kurubaya could not grow well.On the contrary, it was then preservedand developed in the village ofSibanggede. “Leko Dance is almost thesame as Legong Kraton, so the title ofthe dance is also the same. For example,there are dances entitled Condong,Kupu-Kupu Tarum, Gwak Manjus and

Balinese women deliveraverage of 2.1 children

The Balinesewomenpreparing forreligiousfestival.MarriedBalinesewomen havean average of2.1 childrenin accor-dance withthe nationaltarget for2015, head ofthe BaliNationalFamilyPlanningCoordinatingAgency IWayanSundra said.http://upload.wikimedia.org


DENPASAR - Married Balinese women have an average of 2.1 children in accordance withthe national target for 2015, head of the Bali National Family Planning Coordinating Agency IWayan Sundra said.

total fertility rate, Bali was also deter-mined to reduce the rate of unservedfamily planning needs from 9.1 percentto five percent of the total number ofreproductive age couples.

The other strategic program was toraise the average marrying age ofwomen from 19.8 to 21 years old. Itwas expected to result in more womenmarrying at a more mature age in thefuture.

Bali’s age specific fertility rate in the15 - 19 year group was also to be de-creased from 35 percent to 30 percentper thousand women and the rate ofunwanted pregnancies from 19.7 per-cent to as little as possible.

Poor families were targeted to par-ticipate in family planning programsthrough the development of economi-cally productive groups, Wayan said.

Bali’s performance in implementingfamily planning was remarkable evenat the national level because it had asmany as 555,277 acceptors or 84 per-cent of 648,242 reproductive agecouples at the end of July 2010.

The acceptors using safe contracep-tive methods numbered 32,155 includ-ing new family planning practitioners.

Most of them are housewives 47.57percent of whom use intra uterine de-vices (IUDs) and the rest other effec-tive contraceptive methods.

MountaineeringThe mountains of Bali form part of

a chain stretching from East to West andtwo of these mountains are in fact ac-tive volcanos. One being Mount Agung(2152 m) the highest mountain in Baliwhich last erupted in 1963, the otherMount Batur (1717 m) currently active.There are three other lesser mountainsmount Abang (2152 m), Mount Batuaru(2276 m) and Mount lempuyang (1058m), and several other mountains, butmany f these can be “climbed” by mo-tor cycles or cars.

Mountain climbing in Bali is some-thing much closer to mountain walk-ing since most of Blai’s mountains havegentle slopes with few difficult or steep

climbs, so the equipment required isminimal. Recommended climbinggear being a hat, for sun/rain protec-tion, stout boots, gloves (ther are manythorn bushes and plants), warm cloth-ing, rain coat and rucksack. It is alsoadvisable to take along a small firstaid kit. Many of the mountain foothills have quite a number of leechesin particular Mount Batukaru so it isrecommended to take along cigarettes(to burn the leeches off) and to tuckyour trousers into your socks.

There is in Bali an active studentsmountaineering clubs in Bali. EveryUniversities in Bali has their ownclub, one of them “MapalaWanaprastha Dharma” situated in thecampus of the Udayana University onJalan P.B Sudirman Denpasar.

Leko classical dance preservedat Sibang Gede village

so forth,” she said.Its attires are almost the same, while

the difference only lies in a white shirtof Leko dance. The Legong Kratonsleeve has three basic colors namelyblue, green and red decorated withgolden yellow ornaments.

Its gamelan music has no difference.Leko dance uses gamelan of bambooxylophone called tingklik being simi-lar to gamelan of Joged Bumbung.Meanwhile, the gamelan of LegongKraton is made of metal (bronze). Otherdifference, Leko Dance invited the au-dience to go on stage, called ngibingwhere the audience dances together.

In the 32nd Bali Arts Festival(BAF) 2010 recently, Leko Dancewas performed by Sibang Gedetroupe at Wantilan Hall of DenpasarArt Center. Viewers also consistingof many foreign guests wereamazed by the appearance of theLeko dancers comprising pretty girls.On that occasion, foreign visitors weregiven an opportunity to dance to-gether or ngibing of which their dancemovement looked funny triggeringthe applause and laughter of otherspectators. (BTN/Yan Beryas)

Thailand asks Indonesia toexplain its policies to OIC

could be overcome, he said.Regarding Thailand’s wish for Indo-

nesia in connection with the situation inSouth Thailand particularly in the Pattaniprovince where Muslims comprise themajority of the population in the regionPiromya said “Indonesia is a centralcountry that could explain about it. Weappreciate Indonesia’ position with re-gard to it,” he said.

He said Indonesia could be seen fromvarious perspectives from being the larg-est Muslim country in the world, an im-portant member of the OIC, one of thefounders of ASEAN and to being amember of Group of 20 developed anddeveloping countries (G20) and others.

In response to it Minister MartyNatalegawa said “improving the frame-work of cooperation between the twocountries in the midst of the 60th anni-versary of the two countries’ diplomaticrelations constitutes a form of diplo-macy that prioritizes soft power.”

Indonesia, he said, is appreciatingThailand’s capability very much withregard to the settlement of various prob-lems happening in that country. “Po-litical storms” have hit that countrymany times and many times that coun-try had also been able to show theircapability in solving them, he said.

Marty said in terms of ASEAN In-donesia has decided that it would neverbecome part of the problem. “Wewould not be like that. We will be aproblem solver and this has alreadybeen recognized,” he said.

Page 9: Edisi 08 September 2010 | International Bali Post

Balinese Culture

Wednesday, September 8, 2010 9al

C.045 ibp

OVERVIEW:If there’s just one dish that people remember after a

visit to Bali, it’s this famous delicacy, usually known byits Indonesian name, Babi Guling.

INGREDIENTS:1 suckling pig, weighing about 6-8kg1½ tbsp salt200 shallots, peeled and sliced100 gr cloves garlic, peeled and sliced50 gr ginger, peeled & chopped300 gr candlenuts, chopped350 gr fresh turmeric, peeled &chopped3 tbsp coriander seeds, crushed80 gr laos, finely chopped120 gr bird’s-eye chilies, sliced10 stalks lemon grass, finely sliced1 tbsp black peppercorns, crushed1 tsp dried shrimp paste, roasted5 fragrant lime leaves, finely shredded2 salam leaves2½ tbsp oil4 tbsp turmeric water

PREPARATION:Ensure inside of suckling pig is completely cleaned

out. Season inside and outside with salt. Combine allother ingredients, except turmeric water, and mixthoroughly. Fill inside of suckling with mixture, closebelly with string or thin satay skewer. Rub the outside ofthe pig with turmeric water until the skin is shiny yellow.

Place suckling pig on roasting rack and roast in hotoven (220°C / 425°F) for approximately 1 hour. Rest for10 minutes in warm place before serving. When serving,first remove the crisp skin with a strong carving knife,then loosen meat from the bones and cut into even diceor slices. Place a heaped tablespoon of stuffing on eachserving plate, and then top with meat and skin.Traditionally this dish is eaten with Jukut NangkaMekuah and steamed rice.

Helpful hint: If you have a large barbeque with rotisserie or

constantly turning spit, you can cook the pig overcharcoal for an authentic Balinese flavor.(www.baliguide.com/balifood)

Bali Post

BANGLI - The dirty conditionand the booming number of tradersto be relocated to 24 kiosks that ison the west side of Batur VolcanoMuseum will happen. Bangli Re-gent, I Made Gianyar, Sh., M.Hum.,last Monday (6/9) looked over thecondition of traders selling inPenelokan tourist object which allthis time tourists and residentsthought it’s gone dirty.

Regent Made Gianyar, throughHead of Public Relation and Proto-col of Bangli Regence Governmentmentioned, all the traders this timehave been staying in Penelokan area


View of Penelokan, Bangli. The dirty condition and the booming number of traders to be relo-cated to 24 kiosks that is on the west side of Batur Volcano Museum will happen.

Dirty, Traders inPenelokan Soon Relocated

will be soon relocated to a new kiosk.From the dialog held by Regent withtraders in that area, all the traders areready to be relocated. With a note,this relocation will not be picky. Ifall will be moved, Bangli RegionGovernment will do an arrangementalso for the tourists’ routes. All thebusses will be parked in the museumafter they enjoyed the Volcano andLake Batur’s scenery then directedthrough the forest near the museumwhich then continued to find Bangliunique souvenirs in the kiosk. By thatthere’ll be no worries for the tradersbecause visitors will come.

In the walking path around theforest, Bangli Region Government

will place some rare faunas so itgives more tourism attractions. Alsofor the tourists’ safety, there will bea join work with the police, also put-ting special units from Civil ServicePolice (SatPol PP) who will secureKintamani area.

The Regent also planned a spe-cial place for Bangli tourism infor-mation, especially in Kintamani. Allthe uniqueness of all the villages inKintamani will have its informationgiven in that place. Although to man-age and maximizing Kintamani tour-ism, there should be a Region Com-pany (Perusda) so there is a profes-sional maintenance for Kintamanitourism. (kmb17) Guling Celeng

(Suckling Pig)

Page 10: Edisi 08 September 2010 | International Bali Post

Wednesday, September 8, 201010 InternationalDestinations

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The village of Trunyan is squeezed tightly between the lake and the outer crater rim ofBatur, an almighty volcano in Kintamani. This is a Bali Aga village, inhabited by descen-dants of the original Balinese, the people who predate the arrival of the Hindu Majapahitkingdom in the 16th century.

It is famous for the Pura Pancering Jagat temple, but unfortunately visitors are notallowed inside. There are also a couple of traditional Bali Aga-style dwellings, and alarge banyan tree, which is said to be more than 1,100 years old. At Kuban sub-villageclose to Trunyan is a mysterious cemetery that is separated by the lake and accessibleonly by boat - there is no path along the steep walls of the crater rim.

The village of Trunyan itself is situated at the edge of Batur Lake. This location isinaccessible except by boat, and it takes around half an hour across the calm waters.Getting to Lake Batur takes around two hours drive to the northeast of Denpasar alongthe main road to Buleleng and through Bangli Regency.

Unlike the Balinese people, the people of Trunyan do not cremate or bury their dead,but just lay them out in bamboo cages to decompose, although strangely there is nostench. A macabre collection of skulls and bones lies on the stone platform and the sur-rounding areas.

The dead bodies don’t produce bad smells because of the perfumed scents from ahuge Taru Menyan tree growing nearby. Taru means ‘tree’ and Menyan means ‘nice smell’.The name of Terunyan was also derived from these two words.

The women from Trunyan are prohibited from going to the cemetery when a deadbody is carried there. This follows the deeply rooted belief that if a woman comes to thecemetery while a corpse is being carried there, there will be a disaster in the village, forexample a landslide or a volcanic eruption. Such events have been frequent in the village’shistory, but whether women had anything to do with it is a matter of opinion...

You can visit both the village of Trunyan and the Kuban cemetery by chartered boatfrom Kedisan. Sadly, nowadays the boat trips are now blatant tourist traps, as touts andguides strongly urge you to donate your cash to the temple project or leave a donation forthe dead. These touts ruin an otherwise fascinating experience.http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com


Page 11: Edisi 08 September 2010 | International Bali Post

Wednesday, September 8, 2010 11


Agence France-Presse

TOKYO - Suicides and depressioncost the Japanese economy almost 32billion dollars last year on top of theirhuman toll, the government said Tues-day, the first time it released such an es-timate.

Welfare payments and medical costsfor the depressed, the lost incomes ofthose in care and those who killed them-selves and other factors came to 2.68trillion yen (31.8 billion dollars) lastyear, the government said.

The figure included an estimate of 1.9trillion yen worth of income that couldhave been earned by the 26,500 peopleaged 15 to 69 who killed themselves in2009, had they chosen to live and workone more year.

Japan, a country of about 127 million

The BoE’s Monetary Policy Committeeis also set to resist pumping billions of extrapounds (dollars) into the economy by buyingup commercial bonds, they added.

In a move aimed at reviving Britain’seconomy amid the financial crisis, the Bankof England decided 19 months ago to slashinterest rates to their current record low levelof 0.50 percent.

It also pumped the economy with 200 bil-lion pounds (239 billion euros, 308 billiondollars) of new money under its bond pur-chasing programme or quantitative easing, apolicy it put on hold in February.

“We expect interest rates and the assetpurchase programme to be left unchangedagain at the forthcoming meeting,” CapitalEconomics analyst Vicky Redwood saidahead of the BoE’s latest two-day meetingstarting on Wednesday.

Britain’s economy grew at its fastest pacefor nine years in the second quarter as con-struction soared, recent official data showed,but it faces a difficult future as the new gov-ernment slashes spending and hikes sales tax.

Recent softer activity data “have againraised fears of a double-dip recession andstrengthened the case for additional policysupport,” said Barclays Capital analystSimon Hayes.

Agence France-Presse

WASHINGTON - US President BarackObama unveiled plans Monday to spend at least50 billion dollars to expand and renew US roads,railways and airports, in a fresh bid to fire up slug-gish economic growth.

Obama, under intense pressure over a sputter-ing economy ahead of November’s mid-term con-gressional elections, in which his Democrats fearheavy losses, was set to formally announce thenew funding in a speech in Wisconsin.

The event, marking Labor Day, the traditionalkick-off for US election campaigns, heralds aweek in which Obama also travels to anotherstruggling state, Ohio, and holds a press confer-ence in a bid to ease his political woes.

The White House hopes to win quick passageof the 50 billion dollar measure, which would bethe “front-loaded” first part of a broader measureto reauthorize transportation funding over thecoming six years.

“We’d like to pass this as quickly as possible,”a senior administration official told journalistsahead of the president’s announcement.

“The economy needs additional investment asquickly as possible, but we want to do somethingthat will help the economy over the next sixyears.”

The official said the new projects would befunded, without increasing the deficit, by endingvarious tax breaks for oil and gas companies.

This would close “some of the tax loopholesfor oil and gas companies that get subsidies fromtaxpayers that they don’t need,” the official said,while noting that the president was open to otherfunding proposals.

The 50 billion-dollar plan, to be announced atthe Milwaukee Laborfest, a union gathering, alsotargets improvements to the US air traffic con-trol system, an acceleration of high-speed railprojects, and establishes an “Infrastructure Bank”to coordinate federal funding and planning forprojects.

It calls for the rebuilding or restoring of150,000 miles (240,000 kilometers) of roads;adding 4,000 miles (6,400 kilometers) of rail andrenewing 150 miles (240 kilometers) of runway.

Critics have long complained that the US high-way system is crumbling and suffers from

Bank of EnglandBank of EnglandBank of EnglandBank of EnglandBank of Englandto sit tight asto sit tight asto sit tight asto sit tight asto sit tight asrecovery slowsrecovery slowsrecovery slowsrecovery slowsrecovery slowsAgence France-Presse

LONDON - The Bank of England is widely expected to keep its key inter-est rate at a record low 0.50 percent at a meeting on Thursday amid signsthat Britain’s economic recovery is slowing, analysts said.

“However, we do not believe such a movewill take place this week, and our central ex-pectation remains that policy will be on holdfor the rest of the year,” he added.

British gross domestic product (GDP) grewby 1.2 percent between April and June torecord the fastest quarter-on-quarter growthsince 2001, according to the latest official data.

The BoE’s main task is to keep British an-nual inflation close to a rate of 2.0 percent.Currently however it stands at 3.1 percent,while some analysts said it could spike in thenew year once the government hikes the rateof VAT sales tax to 20 percent from 17.5.

“The planned VAT rise in January is ex-pected to keep inflation above target for longerthan expected,” said Redwood.

“However, the MPC seems genuinely stillto believe that inflation will fall sharply inresponse to the large amount of spare capac-ity in the economy.”

Britain emerged from a record recessionin the fourth quarter of 2009, a few monthsbefore a general election saw a Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition take power fol-lowing defeat for the ruling Labour party.

The new government, led by Prime MinisterDavid Cameron, has meanwhile moved swiftlyto cut billions of pounds from public spendingas it seeks to slash a huge pubic deficit.

Suicides, depression costJapan 32 billion dollars

people, has one of the world’s highestsuicide rates, with 32,845 people killingthemselves last year, the 12th year in arow when the number was over 30,000.

The World Health Organisation saysthe annual suicide rate per 100,000 is35.8 for men, the more at-risk gender,compared with 10.1 in Britain. Sevencountries have a higher rate, includingBelarus at 63.3 per 100,000 men.

Prime Minister Naoto Kan, a formergrassroots activist, has pointed to the sui-cide numbers as proof of what he be-lieves is wrong with the country, with toomany people suffering economically andemotionally.

“There are many causes of suicides.Decreasing them would be one way tobuild ‘a society with a minimum levelof unhappiness’,” he said Tuesday, refer-ring to one of his political slogans.

Obama unveils new50-billion-dollar infrastructure plan

underinvestment, so Obama will target modern-izations that could quickly employ jobless work-ers while improving the US transportation back-bone.

The plan also envisages an overhaul of tech-nology used in the crowded US air traffic controlsystem, including the use of satellite surveillance,which it said could reduce travel delays and air-port noise.

Over the long term, Obama wants to make “asustained and effective commitment to high-speedrail,” the official added.

It appeared unlikely however that Obamacould get the plan passed through Congress be-fore the mid-term elections, which are effectivelya referendum on Democratic economic manage-ment and a 9.6 percent unemployment rate.

Opposition Republicans who slammedObama’s 800-billion-dollar stimulus plan as afailure are also likely to hammer the proposednew investment as another example of the gov-ernment doling out taxpayer dollars to little ef-fect.

On Wednesday, Obama heads to another strug-gling state, Ohio, where he is expected to unveilanother plank of his revised economic strategy: aseries of tax breaks for small businesses worth100 billion dollars.

On Saturday, he vowed to expand a prosper-ous middle class and help his compatriots achievethe American Dream.

“This Labor Day, we should recommit our-selves to our time-honored values and to this fun-damental truth: to heal our economy, we needmore than a healthy stock market; we need bus-tling main streets and a growing, thriving middleclass,” he said in his weekly radio address.

The comments came after a new Labor De-partment report released Friday showed theeconomy lost 54,000 jobs last month and the un-employment rate edged up to 9.6 percent.

Although the job losses were much less thanthe 120,000 slump expected by Wall Street econo-mists, hiring was not substantial enough to helpmillions of crisis-hit Americans to return to work.

The government last month slashed second-quarter growth figures to 1.6 percent from 3.7percent in the first quarter, stoking fears of slug-gish future expansion and even a double diprecession.

In this Sept. 1,2010 photo,visitors wait toboard a cable carin San Francisco’sUnion Square. USPresident BarackObama unveiledplans Monday tospend at least 50billion dollars toexpand and renewUS roads, railwaysand airports, in afresh bid to fire upsluggish economicgrowth.AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez

Page 12: Edisi 08 September 2010 | International Bali Post

Entertainment InternationalWednesday, September 8, 201012

And it wasn’t Liverpool’s CavernClub. This was a festival for Beatles-inspired music lovers on the banksof the Potomac River outside Wash-ington. And these crowd-pleaserswere not British but Puerto Rican.

“The Jukebox,” a cover bandsteeped in the magic of the Beatles,was among some 50 groups who tookturns making fans scream and shoutat the Abbey Road on the River festi-val this Labor Day holiday weekend.

The event, billed as the “theworld’s largest Beatles-inspiredmusic festival,” drew groups fromaround the globe like Germany’s“Lucy in the Sky” and “The Norwe-gian Beatles,” who boast being“probably the northernmost Beatlestribute band in the world.”

Associated Press Writer

LOS ANGELES – Bravo iscleaning house. The network an-nounced Monday that DanielleStaub, the firestarter on “The RealHousewives of New Jersey,” wouldnot be returning to the show.Throughout the tumultuous secondseason, Staub enraged CarolineManzo, her sister-in-law JacquelineLaurita and family friend TeresaGiudice, though Staub seemed tomake amends at the end ofMonday’s reunion episode.

“The reunion was Danielle’s lastappearance on “The Real House-wives of New Jersey,” said AndyCohen, Bravo’s senior vice presi-dent of original programming anddevelopment who also hosts “TheReal Housewives” reunion shows.“We thought the hugs were a greatway to end two seasons of bitter-ness between the women.”

It’s the latest in a series of “RealHousewives” departures. Sarcasticchef Bethenny Frankel, whostarred earlier this year in the spin-off “Bethenny Getting Married?”about her nuptials and pregnancy,told Us Weekly magazine last weekthat she did not want to return forthe New York edition’s fourth out-ing because last season was “scaryand painful.”

“Do I expect her to be holdingan apple at the beginning of theshow? Probably not,” said Cohen.“She’s had great success with herown show. On the flip side, I dohope to see her in the ‘Housewives’universe in some way.”

Last month, energetic entrepre-neur Lisa Wu Hartwell was also of-ficially revealed to not be amongthe Atlanta ladies’ third season,premiering Oct. 4. Cohen said it’sbecause she “moved far, far, faroutside of Atlanta.” NeNe Lekes,Kim Zolciak, Sheree Whitfield andKandi Burruss will instead bejoined by model Cynthia Baileyand lawyer Phaedra Parks.

“This is a fairly smooth transi-

Agence France Presse

SEOUL - One of Asia’s mostprestigious film festivals will fea-ture a record number of world pre-mieres when it gets under way nextmonth for a 15th year, organiserssaid Tuesday. The Pusan Interna-tional Film Festival, to be held inSouth Korea’s southern city ofBusan from October 7-15, will fea-ture 308 movies from 67 countries.

Organisers said 103 films wouldhave their first public screening atthe festival, which focuses on dis-covering new movies and first-timedirectors from across Asia.

Another 52 films which wereonly previously screened in theircountries of origin would maketheir international debut in Busan.


Kim Dong-Ho, director of the Pusan International Film Festival, un-veils programmes and events planned for one of Asia’s most presti-gious film festivals at a news conference in Seoul on September 7.The festival from October 7-15 in the southern city of Busan will fea-ture a record number of world premieres.

Pusan film festival to offer record number of premieres“Under the Hawthorn Tree”, a Chi-

nese film directed by Zhang Yimou,who also directed the opening cer-emony of the 2008 Beijing Olympics,will open the festival.

It will close with “Camellia”, anomnibus film of three separate shortpieces about the city of Busan directedby Wisit Sasanatieng of Thailand, IsaoYukisada of Japan and Jang Jun-Hwanof South Korea. “This year is for dis-covering new directors who will leadthe future of the film industry. Thiswill provide an opportunity for thefilms to become more contemporaryand more revolutionary,” organiserssaid in a statement.

The Iranian director AbbasKiarostami will lead an educationprogramme for young aspiring film-makers from 16 countries. His “Certi-

fied Copy” earned its lead actressJuliette Binoche the Best Actressaward at this year’s Cannes FilmFestival.

Invited guests include French ac-tress Binoche, British actress JaneMarch, Tang Wei of China, Japaneseactress Miyazaki Aoi and directorssuch as Oliver Stone of the UnitedStates, Spain’s Carlos Saura and AnnHui of Hong Kong.

The festival will also include aforum on the illegal distribution ofmovies over the Internet, which isseverely damaging the industry.

Taiwanese director Tsai MingLiang has been chosen as AsianFilmmaker of the Year for his workin pioneering unexplored areas thatovercome the limitations of the artfilm industry.

Members of “TheJukebox”perform during atribute concert toThe Beatles onSeptember 6,2010 in Washing-ton, DC. Theillusion isperfect: four boysin identical suitswith matchingboots, evenhairstyle, thesame guitars,and of course thesame songswhich electrifythe crowd.

AFP PHOTO / M2-Maximum Media / Andrew Raitz

Beatles-inspired bands fromBeatles-inspired bands fromBeatles-inspired bands fromBeatles-inspired bands fromBeatles-inspired bands fromworld over feeling fab in USworld over feeling fab in USworld over feeling fab in USworld over feeling fab in USworld over feeling fab in USAgence France Presse

WASHINGTON - The resemblance was striking: four young men in suits and skinny black ties, allsporting an early-Beatles bowl haircut, with the same guitars, and of course, the songs that still makecrowds go wild. Except for one difference: instead of John, Paul, George and Ringo, this Fab Four featuredDiego, Juan Carlos, Francisco and Heriberto.

Half a century after they firststepped up to the mic, the Beatlescontinue to inspire new generationsof followers. But apart from the mu-sic that brings them together, tributebands use a broad variety of formats.There is everything from Jimmy Pou,a one-man orchestra specializing inGeorge Harrison’s repertoire, to the“Newbees,” a big band with violin-ists, cellists and a solo singer.

Not all of them dress like the cud-dly mop tops or limit themselves tomusic from their favorite Liverpoolband. Up close, the four PuertoRican “Beatles,” who are nearingtheir forties, may lack the youth oftheir heroes at the height ofBeatlemania, even though they werenot even born when the legendary

band finally split.But they still manage to wow their

audiences with their perfect English,playing hit after hit before a greyingcrowd that delights in the nostalgia.

“We try to look like them, but wedon’t pretend to be them,” said Fran-cisco Cairol, Jukebox’s solo guitaristwho plays the role of George Harrisonon stage. The group hopes to simplyshare a good time with their audience.

“People are happy and dancing,that’s the greatest feeling ever,” hetold AFP. The 38-year-old said heand his colleagues make a living byimitating their idols, playing in sev-eral countries, including at the leg-endary Cavern Club and even open-ing a Paul McCartney concert inPuerto Rico in April.

Danielle Staub leaving‘Real Housewives’

tion,” said Cohen, “though I can’tsay Phaedra is NeNe’s favoritefrom the get-go.” Lynne Curtain,the spacy mother of two rowdyteenage daughters introduced at thebeginning of Orange County’sfourth season, posted on herFacebook profile last month thatshe would not be returning to theshow. Cohen wouldn’t comment onthe most recent cast changes withthe Orange County entourage be-cause the sixth season is currentlyin production.

It’s a hefty amount of turnoverfor the Bravo franchise. Only brashoriginal housewife Vicki Gunvalsonremains on the Orange County edi-tion, while the New York, Atlantaand New Jersey chapters have all ex-perienced cast changes. (“The RealHousewives of D.C.,” starring al-leged White House partycrasherMichaele Salahi, is currently airingits first season.)

AP Photo/ Louis Lanzano/file

FILE - In an Aug. 2, 2010 file photo“Real Housewives of New Jersey”star Danielle Staub arrives for the“Casio Shock the World 2010”event in New York. The Bravo net-work announced Monday, Sept. 6,2010 that Staub would not be re-turning to the show.

Page 13: Edisi 08 September 2010 | International Bali Post

International Wednesday, September 8, 2010 13Life Style

Every week at the WorkingPeople’s Cultural Palace, a park adja-cent to the famed Forbidden City pal-ace complex, instructors teach themoves that people are expected to per-form to music broadcast twice a dayon state radio.

“Young people snack a lot and sitin front of their computers all day. Theydon’t want to exercise,” said Liu, 28, aproperty manager whose employerassigned him to learn the routine so hecould in turn teach his colleagues.

“So this type of activity is good forthe body and the mind,” he adds, be-fore returning to a line of people per-forming the moves as their instructorcalls out a beat of “One! Two! Three!Four!” Launched in 1951 by Mao,

Agence France Presse

ISTANBUL - A favourite of roy-als seeking luxury, writers lookingfor the muse, and spies, Pera Palace— Istanbul’s hotel of mysteries andpomp — has reopened after a majorfacelift to revive its past grandeur.

Built in the late 19th century forthe passengers of the legendaryOrient Express, the 115-room ho-tel has hosted generations of illus-trious guests, from King EdwardVIII and Queen Elizabeth II of Brit-ain or the Austro-Hungarian Em-peror Franz Joseph I, to the likes ofAlfred Hitchcock or Greta Garbo.

It was the place where crimewriter Agatha Christie, one of thehotel’s most ardent visitors, crafted“Murder on the Orient Express”,and where Ernest Hemingway issaid to have sipped at a whisky,watching the sunlight play on thewaters of the Golden Horn.

Other, more discreet visitors alsotook up residence in the hotel. KimPhilby, British double agent in thepay of the KGB, is believed to havebeen among the guests at the endof World War II. He was precededshortly by Elyesa Bazna, betterknown by his codename Cicero, inthe service of Nazi Germany, sayshistorian Jak Deleon in his book “A


CHICAGO – The hallucinogen psilocybin — known by the streetname magic mushrooms — may help ease the anxiety that oftenaccompanies late-stage cancer, U.S. researchers said on Monday.

Cancer patients given a moderate dose of psilocybin — a hallu-cinogen with effects similar to LSD — were measurably less de-pressed six months after a single dose compared with a placebo.Patients seemed somewhat less anxious, they reported in the Ar-chives of General Psychiatry.

The pilot study of 12 cancer patients was designed to prove thathallucinogenic drugs could be studied safely as a way to relieve thedistress of advanced cancer.

It revives a promising field of study lasting from the 1950s to theearly 1970s that suggested some patients experienced powerful and

Magic mushrooms may easeanxiety of cancer: study

sustained improvement in mood and anxiety from hallucinogens.Researchers said the studies were abandoned in the early 1970s

when hallucinogenic drugs such as LSD — lysergic acid diethyla-mide — became widely used on the streets, leading to strict fed-eral laws regulating their use.

“Forty to 45 years ago, the culture was going through tremen-dous upheaval. These compounds were associated with a very po-litically active counterculture,” said Dr. Charles Grob of Harbor-University of California Los Angeles Medical Center and the LosAngeles Biomedical Research Institute. “It was something of apublic health crisis. Everything had to be shut down,” Grob said ina telephone interview. Federal law prohibits the use of the magicmushroom compound for any purpose. If it proves effective amonglate-stage cancer patients, U.S. regulators would need to make spe-cial accommodation for its use, Grob said.


In a picture taken on August 24, 2010, people perform exercises at the Working People’s Cultural Palace onAugust 24, 2010.

All together now! BeijingAll together now! BeijingAll together now! BeijingAll together now! BeijingAll together now! Beijingrevives mass exercisesrevives mass exercisesrevives mass exercisesrevives mass exercisesrevives mass exercisesAgence France Presse

BEIJING- Liu Tao grimaces as he leaps up and down doing jumping jacks, one of the exercises he sweatsthrough under a revived daily calisthenics routine that authorities in Beijing want all workers to perform.Suspended three years ago due to low interest, the mass calisthenics routines favoured by late Communistleader Mao Zedong have been reinstated in the Chinese capital under a new government health push.

group calisthenics evolved over the de-cades, combining traditional Chinesepursuits like kung fu with moves takenfrom more modern activities like aero-bics and even bowling.

They were suspended in Beijing inthe lead-up to the 2008 Olympics asofficials focused on Games prepara-tions and due to a lack of interest, ac-cording to state media reports. Butthey’ve been brought back amid grow-ing official concern over public health.

China’s recent prosperity has led toits citizens living more sedentarylifestyles and eating larger quantities ofricher food. Associated health threatssuch as diabetes and heart disease havebeen on the rise. The Beijing Federa-tion of Trade Unions wants the eight-

minute routine to be mandatory for allstate-owned companies in the capitalby 2011, and for 60 percent of workersacross the city to participate.

Authorities plan to train around5,000 instructors to teach employeeshow to perform the routines. ZhangZhenying, 64, a fitness expert whoteaches the exercises near the Forbid-den City twice a week, hopes the rou-tine will catch on with Beijingers.

“When they retire, before school, onholiday, travelling, they can do them,it’s so beneficial — you don’t just haveto do them in the office.”

Some companies in Beijing had al-ready established mandatory calisthen-ics even before authorities in the capi-tal reinstated them.


A picture taken on August 20, 2010 shows the main hall of the his-torical Pera Palace after restoration. When it opened in 1895, it wasthe most luxurious hotel in Istanbul and the first to have electricityand hot water. It was closed for extensive renovation in 2006 after111 years of operation.

Landmark Istanbul hotelbids to revive glorious past

taste of old Istanbul”.A stay by iconic dancer and spy

Mata Hari, registered among Ori-ent Express passengers in 1897, isalso very likely, according toDeleon. The histories of the ex-press, inaugurated in 1883, and thehotel are closely linked.

Carrying travelers of a new kind— businessmen attracted by thegrowing Western hold on Ottomaneconomy, artists and wealthy adven-turers in search of the exotic — theOrient Express needed a place tomeet the expectations of its passen-gers. Construction started in 1892and the Pera Palace opened its doorsin 1895, becoming Istanbul’s mostluxurious establishment.

It was the city’s first building,barring the Ottoman palace, tohave electricity, and the only oneto provide hot running water to itsguests. The hotel’s electric eleva-tor was unprecedented in Turkey.

But after 111 years of service, thebuilding needed a serious renovation.It was closed in 2006 for an inven-tory before renovation work startedin April 2008. “It is the first renova-tion on such a scale in the history ofthe Pera Palace. Anything you canthink of — every pipe, every cable— has been changed,” hotel managerPinar Kartal Timer told AFP.

Page 14: Edisi 08 September 2010 | International Bali Post

Wednesday, September 8, 201014 InternationalSport

Coming on the heels of their Euro2008 victory, it “has become one ofthe milestones of Spanish sport in-ternationally,” the Prince of Asturiasjury said in a statement.

“Their exemplary way of under-standing football, based on sports-manship, fair play and fellowship hasbrought together millions of peoplearound a team that has made history,”it said.

The 23-man squad, including Ar-senal midfielder Cesc Fabregas andLiverpool striker Fernando Torres,beat 17 other candidates. The awardincludes a stipend of 50,000 euros(64,000 dollars) and a sculpture byJoan Miro.

Eight Prince of Asturias awardsare granted each year in categoriesincluding arts, literature, communi-cations, sports and scientific research.

Agence France Presse

LONDON – With John Toshackset to soon announce he will be step-ping down as Wales coach, RyanGiggs has admitted that taking onthe job would be something thatwould interest him. After six yearsin charge, Toshack has come underpressure to resign, notably after anopening 1-0 Euro 2012 qualifierloss to Montenegro, although hewill remain at the helm until a suc-cessor is found.

A number of names have alreadybeen linked with the role and reportssuggest the Football Association ofWales could approach Giggs togauge his interest.

But the Manchester Unitedmidfielder, who retired from inter-national football in 2007, admits itwould be hard to take up the posi-tion at the current time. The 36-year-old’s playing career may be draw-ing towards a conclusion but Giggshas continued to play a key role atOld Trafford in recent seasons andmay not want to hang up his bootsfor a while yet.

He nevertheless concedes that itwould be a dream to manage hiscountry one day and knows fromhistory that such appointments canbe made very suddenly.

“If you go into management, thebig job is to be in charge of yourcountry. And I’m no different interms of thinking like that,” Giggs,who has already taken UEFA coach-

Agence France Presse

BERLIN - Having alreadybrought two German World Cupstars, Sami Khedira and Mesut Ozil,to Real Madrid, coach JoseMourinho now has his sights on athird: Bastian Schweinsteiger, Bildreported on Tuesday.

Mourinho, who took over at theSantiago Bernabeu this season, madea beeline for the Bayern Munichmidfielder after a tribute match toGermany legend Franz Beckenbauerin Germany on August 13, the dailysaid.

Shaking the 26-year-old by thehand and looking him in the eye, ac-cording to Bild, which didn’t cite itssources, Mourinho told him: “Iwanted to get you last year, but itdidn’t happen. “Next year you be-long to me.” Schweinsteiger, a keyplaymaker in Germany’s World Cup— Joachim Loew’s side lit up thechampionship with demolition jobsof Australia, England and Argentina,finishing third — could indeed go toReal next year, Bild believes.

His contract at the German giants,who finished runners-up toMourinho’s Inter Milan in lastseason’s Champions League, runsuntil 2012, and if “Schweini” doesn’textend, 2011 would be Bayern’s lastchance to cash in, the paper said.

Schweinsteiger, whom Bild be-lieves is worth more than 30 mil-lion euros (38.4 million dollars),said previously: “I can’t and don’twant to say whether I am marriedto Bayern. “That wouldn’t be fair,including to the fans.” Real paid 18million euros to get Ozil fromWerder Bremem and 14 million forKhedira from Stuttgart.

Spain’s World Cup-winningSpain’s World Cup-winningSpain’s World Cup-winningSpain’s World Cup-winningSpain’s World Cup-winningsquad wins top sports prizesquad wins top sports prizesquad wins top sports prizesquad wins top sports prizesquad wins top sports prize


(FILES) This file picture dated July 11, 2010 shows Spain’s goalkeeper Iker Casillas (C) raisingthe trophy handed to him by FIFA President Sepp Blatter (4thR) and South Africa’s PresidentJacob Zuma (3rdR) as Spain’s national football team players celebrate winning the 2010

Agence France Presse

MADRID - Spain’s World Cup-winning football squad wonthe prestigious Prince of Asturias prize for sport Tuesday for avictory that “made history”, the jury announced. The teamdelivered Spain’s first ever World Cup win, overcoming theNetherlands 1-0 in the July 11 final with a goal just four min-utes before the end of extra time by Barcelona midfielderAndres Iniesta.

Named after Spain’s Crown PrinceFelipe, they are presented each Octo-ber in the northern Spanish city ofOviedo in a ceremony broadcast livein Spanish television.

The Prince of Asturias prize for sportwas awarded last year to Russian polevault queen Yelena Isinbayeva. Pastwinners have also included Spanish ten-nis ace Rafael Nadal, Germany’s seven-time Formula One champion MichaelSchumacher, retired US athletics leg-end Carl Lewis and US naturalisedCzech-born tennis ace MartinaNavratilova.

Nearly 14 million people — out ofSpain’s population of about some 47million — watched the match on tele-vision, according to ratings firmBarlovento Comunicacion. Spain faceArgentina later on Tuesday in a friendlyin Buenos Aires.

Mourinho wants Bayern’s ‘Schweini’, Bild says

Wales job interests Giggsing badges, said in the Daily Telegraph.

“At the moment it is difficult, be-cause I still have commitments as aplayer. “But I always use the Sparky(Mark Hughes) situation.

“One minute he is playing for Walesand in the Premier League withBlackburn, then the next thing youknow, he is managing hiscountry.”Sparky never really plannedfor that.” Eric Harrison, who was re-sponsible for bringing Giggs and the‘Class of 92’ through at Old Trafford,has warned him if he ends up beinginstalled as new Wales manager hewould have to end his stellar career atUnited.

He told the Manchester EveningNews: “It is not a cushy little numberand it is not a part-time post. “You areat the sharp end of things and thesedays I don’t believe you could com-bine playing for a club at United’s leveland managing an international team.

“When I was with Mark (Hughes)we’d be jetting off all over the placewatching future opponents. Then youwould be going up and down the coun-try checking on your players. “Youcouldn’t be playing for United at theweekend and be wondering and wor-rying about how the Welsh players aredoing.

“If the vacancy does come up andRyan is approached then he has a mas-sive decision to make.” Harrison hasno doubts Giggs is mentally toughenough to make a success of the man-agement game and will become Walesboss eventually.


FILES - Picture taken on May 22, 2010 shows then Inter Milan’sPortuguese coach Jose Mourinho (R) shaking hands with BayernMunich’s midfielder Bastian Schweinsteiger (L) after the UEFAChampions League final football match Inter Milan againstBayern Munich at the Santiago Bernabeu stadium in Madrid.

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Wednesday, September 8, 2010 15International Sport

“You couldn’t be more luckyin a tie-breaker than he was in thistie-breaker,” Melzer said. Federertook leads and 2-1 and 5-4 withthe net-cord winners, the lattersetting up two points on his serve.He won the first when Melzersent a lob long and the last with aforehand winner to claim the set.

“I know I got really lucky,”Federer said. “Maybe I wouldhave won the tie-breaker anyhow.That’s the way it goes. I could seehe had big frustration over thetwo net cords. It was a good 10minutes for me.”

That was no consolation forMelzer. “I wasn’t happy with myfortune,” he said. It wasn’t all luck.Federer fired 10 aces and 41 win-ners at Melzer, who missed on twobreak chances in the second gameof the second set. Neither manmanaged another in the set, settingup Federer’s charmed tie-breaker.

Agence France Presse

MADRID - Barcelona star midfielder AndresIniesta says he has watched his World Cup-win-ning goal “a thousand times” on television, but itnever feels as good as it did on the pitch. “I watchall my matches many times,” the 26-year-oldBarcelona playmaker told the Spanish daily ElPais.

“It helps me to improve. Also, they repeat it alot. So whether I like it or not, I have seen the goala thousand times,” said Iniesta, favourite for the2010 Golden Ball. “But the sensation on the pitchis unrepeatable,” he added. “Watching it is not thesame as scoring it.”

Iniesta swept Spain to a thrilling 1-0 World Cupvictory over the Netherlands on July 11 with anunstoppable strike past the goalkeeper from insidethe box four minutes from the end of extra-time.

“There is a goal in that final which is personal,very much mine. What bothers me is that I don’tscore that many goals and now none of the goals Iscore will be valued as much as that one.” Iniestasaid he knew the ball was going in the moment hestruck it.

“I know the defence won’t get to it, that thegoalkeeper won’t get to it... I just have to wait forit to fall, for it to obey Newton’s Law,” he added.“This time the apple was the ball and Newton’shead was my foot.” It was the first World Cup winfor Spain, the winners of the 2008 European Cham-pionships.

The television audience in Spain when Iniestascored was 15.6 million people for a 85.9 percentaudience share, making it the most watched tele-vision broadcast in Spanish history.

Agence France Presse

TOKYO - Towering Frenchjudoka Teddy Riner is aiming to be-come the first man to win five goldmedals when the world champion-ships return to their roots in Tokyothis week for the first time in half acentury. But his Japanese rivals areout to settle scores with the French-man in the over-100kg class Thurs-day on the first day of the event andpace their country’s comeback froman unprecedented title drought in2009.

At last year’s championships,Japanese men failed to win any goldbut grabbed one silver medal and onebronze. Japanese women saved someof the country’s pride in their nativesport by winning three golds and twobronzes.

The Guadeloupe-born 21-year-old Riner is hoping to win the heavy-weight title for a third straight timeand also retain the unlimited open-class title on the final day on Mon-day, adding to three world crowns hehas won since 2007. Three Japanese— Shozo Fujii, Yasuhiro Yamashitaand Naoya Ogawa — and DavidDouillet, one of the best French

(AP Photo/Mike Groll)

Roger Federer of Switzerland looks to return a shot during amatch against Jurgen Melzer of Austria at the U.S. Open tennistournament in New York, Monday, Sept. 6, 2010.

Apologetic Federer advances to USApologetic Federer advances to USApologetic Federer advances to USApologetic Federer advances to USApologetic Federer advances to USOpen quarter-finalsOpen quarter-finalsOpen quarter-finalsOpen quarter-finalsOpen quarter-finalsAgence France Presse

NEW YORK - Even Roger Federer had to say he was sorry for the way he won the pivotalsecond-set tie-breaker over pal Jurgen Melzer and advanced to the US Open quarter-finals onMonday. The Swiss second seed won two points off forehands that hit the net cord and droppedover the net in a 6-3, 7-6 (7/4), 6-3 triumph over Austrian 13th seed Melzer that put the 16-timeGrand Slam champion into the quarter-finals.

“It’s a pity I didn’t win at leastone set,” Melzer said. “I think Ideserved the second set. I think Iwas the more dangerous player. Ihad break points. He didn’t haveany.” After an early exchange ofbreaks in the third set, Federerdenied Melzer on four breakpoints in the fifth game to hold,then broke for a 4-2 edge, savedthree more break points to hold fora 5-2 edge and held again to winthe match.

“He’s a great shotmaker. Hewas always going to hit somegood stuff,” said Federer. “He wasgoing to come up with some goodreturns that caught me on my backfoot.” At the net after the match,Federer apologized to Melzer.

“He was sorry for the second-set tie-breaker,” Melzer said.Federer, a 16-time Grand Slamchampion seeking his sixth USOpen title and seventh final in a

row, will next face Swedish fifthseed Robin Soderling, who dis-patched Spanish 21st seed AlbertMontanes 4-6, 6-3, 6-2, 6-3.

“It’s not going to be easy,”Federer said. “He’s a great player.He’s having a great last couple ofyears. He has always been a dan-gerous player but now he has beenable to do it consistently.” Federerreached his 26th consecutiveGrand Slam quarter-final, one shyof tying the all-time record streakbelonging to Jimmy Connors. Thelast time Federer failed to reach aGrand Slam quarter-final was the2004 French Open.

Federer’s five-year US Openreign and 40-match FlushingMeadows win streak was ended inlast year’s final by Juan MartinDel Potro. If Federer does reach aseventh US Open final in a row,he will face his seventh differentopponent.

‘Teddy Bear’ Rineron verge of makinghistory

judokas of all time, won four men’sworld titles each before they retired.

Douillet also has two Olympicgolds to his name. “It’s not for beat-ing David but for opening a new erain judo, for going forward,” saidRiner, a 204cm and 129kg giant nick-named “Teddy Bear,” whose arsenalincludes “uchimata” and “osoto-gari”leg throws.

He settled for a bronze in hisOlympic debut at the 2008 BeijingGames. Japan’s Ryoko Tani is themost decorated woman. She haswon the -48kg world title seventimes in addition to two Olympicgolds.

Japan have hosted the world judochampionships four times with thefirst two editions in Tokyo in 1956and 1958. The event has become anannual affair after being held everyother year until 2009.

“The men will try to clear them-selves of last year’s disgrace. You canexpect the women to win more goldmedals,” said Japanese team direc-tor Kazuro Yoshimura. Riner, whohas already made history by becom-ing the youngest world judo cham-pion at 18, is well aware of the stiffJapanese challenge.

Iniesta sees WCup goal ‘a thousandtimes’ on TV

(AP Photo/Natacha Pisarenko)

Spain’s David Villa, left, and teammate Andres Iniestafight for the ball during training in Buenos Aires,Argentina, Monday Sept. 6, 2010. Spain will play afriendly soccer match with Argentina on Sept. 7.

Page 16: Edisi 08 September 2010 | International Bali Post

Wednesday, September 8, 201016 SportI N T E R N A T I O N A L

Spearing into the side of the McLaren-Mercedes, the 23-year-old re-moved his rival from contention on the spot and did a great deal of damageto his own chances of clinching the crown into the bargain, with what wasthe latest in a series of impetuous, high-profile errors this season.

A resultant puncture, drive-through penalty for his indiscretion and sub-sequent coming-together with Force India’s Vitantonio Liuzzi at the samepart of the circuit saw to it that the young German would leave the Ardenneswith no points in his pocket and having slipped to some 31 markers adriftof new F1 2010 World Championship leader Lewis Hamilton – but theman who has set pole position for more than half of the 13 grands prix to-date this year remains adamant that he will not ultimately be denied theprize he clearly believes he deserves.

“I know how good we are,” asserted the Heppenheim native in an inter-view with Auto Motor und Sport. “I will take the title. Someone who hasthe most pole positions must think that way. These 13 races have not runcompletely smoothly, but I’m only 31 points behind. Assuming we main-tain our speed, we can catch up quickly. In the end, it makes you a betterdriver – but I’m also someone who can put things in the past and lookahead when the next morning comes.”

ALEX de Angelis said he was“totally devastated” after being in-volved in the accident that killedShoya Tomizawa during the SanMarino GP. De Angelis and ScottRedding hit Tomizawa after the

AP Photo/Bela Szandelszky

FILE - In this July 31, 2010, file photo, Red Bull Formula One driver Sebastian Vettel, left, ofGermany, left, and his teammate Mark Webber, of Australia, wave after the qualification for theHungarian Formula One Grand Prix at the Hungaroring in Budapest, Hungary. Red Bull cameout of the Belgian Grand Prix with Webber on the heels of Formula One leader Lewis Hamilton,but the time is fast approaching for the Austrian team to back either the veteran Australiandriver or the promise of Vettel.

SebastianVettel: I willtake the title!

A defiant Sebastian Vettel has responded to his detractorsin the wake of his calamitous performance in the BelgianGrand Prix just over a week ago, by vowing to fight backstronger than ever before and insisting: “I will take the title!”Whilst running in third position at Spa-Francorchamps, Vettellost control of his Red Bull Racing RB6 as he lined himselfup for a move on defending F1 World Champion Jenson But-ton directly ahead of him heading into the Bus-Stop Chicaneon lap 16.

De Angelis devastated over TomizawaJapanese fell in the early part of therace.

“I’m totally devastated by whathas happened to Shoya,” de Angelissaid in a statement. “I feel for hisfamily and for everyone who loved

him,” added de Angelis, who saidthe post-race quotes issued by histeam were published beforeTomizawa’s death was confirmed.

“As for the race, I gave myquotes immediately after the crash,when I didn’t yet know the serious-ness of the consequences, and at themoment I don’t intend to say any-more; at times like this, everythingis overshadowed.” The Suter Rac-ing team said there was nothing deAngelis or Redding could havedone to avoid the crash.

“I also feel sorry for de Angelisand our rider Scott Redding,” SuterRacing’s CEO Eskil Suter said.“After the initial suspicion of a frac-tured pelvis, Scott was cleared ofserious injuries.

“But mentally he is completelyshattered even though nothing thathappened was his fault. Today wasa sad reminder that racing remainsdangerous despite all improvementsin track safety.” Suter admitted histeam was also devastated.

“Shoya was more than a friend.He was like a family member,” saidSuter. “He was loved by everybodyin the paddock and I am terriblysorry for his family and his teamwho suffered this tragic loss.”


Alex de Angelis