Mcodist Conference.---We learti ota !be diiqg :Qreen (Ky.) Gazett -ibag this 15d,. after a session ofeiglitdas m that .plae, brouglitis labors to a loseot Thursday evening lusttlhe 19th uIndThe coursi ofthe delegates in referende -to the qiuestion .of slavery, in: the case ofBiihop Andrev qod Mr Harding, ofhe Baltirore Cofarceo, bee ie General Conference in Maylast, kvas byresolution- unanimd us- ly apprved of eacm, wai-heard befbre-te'adoptop ofhis resolution was in refer'ence to the diffiilties to the Church groIing out af the Slavery question. His addresshicivas writtern occupied about foug:hours in the reading, and is said to.be eloquenr, resistless overwhelming. A series of resolutions based upon the Aboli- tionaction ofthe General Conference, ivas adopted, in-which was reccommending a general Convention of the Southern portion of the Methodist church at Louisville in May' -next.-The fUlowing gentlemen were oeeed'deligates to thai Convention vj:-Mgessrs. Stevenson, Kavanaugh, Bascomn, Crouch, Gunt, Brush, Geo. Tay- 1or, 'Harrison, McCrown, Ralston, J King,,H ams, We some weeks since, re-published a teast once given by Gen.. Thompson. in this district as follows; "'TleUacquisition of jTexas.-The most effactual, if not the only-meas of settliig the slste question." If.the ex-miniater has, in any df his te- dent sieects In favur of M -. C., assign- e& a reason for his e of ipinion, we hae not heard of it. His letter against annexation, alies the grouna that Mexico shona,. MIa- e'vesias, -be consutted. In A8E7, _the General% then a member of Con-. gress, introduced the following amend. meats to thalipriiriation bill: "For the salary and outffof-a dimlomatic agent to b6 sent-forthwith to the independant gov- erninent. of Texas, .-thousand dollars." And, "For the eiipense of running a boun- dary line between the United States and the independant government of Texas, thousand dollars.'!-Pendleton Messenger. Whigs' and Abolitionists.--We have already published enough toinform our readers of the effiorts made by .the Whigs t D'.irop.their sinking cause by gaiing over the ultra-abolition party. The latter have rejected the overtures and in their recent Convention have put.forth their o vn.can- didaies foi the ?resideney and Vice Pres- idency; giving as their main reason for it, Clay's lat letter. on Texas. Poor Clay! If there were any end to his last letters, we should say be ad got to the bottorn of the lade.-- Charleston MSaiiiy. For Coniiiese in this State, we have as yet heard ofno opposition to Messrs. Black Woodward, sBur-Rhett and Holmes, now representatives 1n Col Canipbell's district. (he haviontailned a re-election.) Gen. Joii.Acueeif ad A. D Sims Eaq ar. can4idates, both democrais . In our district the present ejireseitiviie. Hon. R. F. Simpson, is opposed by Dr. builer, whig. We have no doubt l Simpson's election by a large majority.-Pendleton Messenger. Propects ofthe Democrats of Old Pen- dLeon--In conversation witlh an intelli- ~gent citizen of Anderson, wre were gratifi- ed to learn that tiie.democratic Ticket for State Legislature will succeed in spite of the efforts of sihe es-Minister Tompson, did ex M. C. Butler, and the other small ijotatde politicians about Anderson, by a majority of from twvoto four hundred, and the Congressional Ticket by 1,500.-Ab- beville Bannier. New WhlgAies.-Gen.. Apathy, G~en. Dismay, Gea..Disappointmnent, and Gen.. Defeat bave embraced!Whiggery. and are now stumping it all over the Union, for the great military chieibain, Gep.,JHenry Clay, of the revolutionary. wr- St. Jo. Corn. Bulletin- Frost.-The Atugusta Chronicle and Sentinel says: -.The cool'weather of the lastfew days resuilted ira someiLievere fr-ost yesterday morning heavier" ded, than has been experienced he6e. y'id years at this season, and much earli9au is within the recollection of ou ~3~ st residents. Its effects were-quite iiiile upon tender- vegetation. The Weather-On last Fridlay andl ra urday-we had a good prospect fdrrtb u oin Sunday morniog it cleared 'off'eodad dry; and we had a sii frost on. Monidiy morning. Otir: river is lower thanist has 1ieen for five 'years, and is tunnavigablefodt either pole boats or steam boats. Hamburg Joinrnal 25th it. Prost.-On Saturday last we were'yis- ited with a cold'storm of rai'fromn th North East, whicli cotdtinued nearly all 1da. At night it elea-ed off,'and thoeret-and two succeeding mornings there were: light; frusts-not sunficient,- however, to-injure, vegetation. Since that time the weather has contined cool clear and pleasant.- GJreenhille Moutain~eer-October 4.- The Crops.-Since the, favorabsle etate of the weather 'which now prevails first set in, we understand the picking :has 'pro- gressed'. finely; 'and we are also :rmuich gratified to learn that rmany'-plantations from which, some threez-er four weeks sincet~y did Met exet to :realize moi-e than bait rop iln.-yt abiasu hinefa- -vorable ebangoeb oisiftep~de0s fair average. crop. -Marin (Az) } Tel. Loss of Colton by the Oserjpo.-T he -Concordia Intelligencer, after diligent in- quiry .for, corrset dats,estimaIes thb lasai cotton by- the,.tate floods in-Louisiana, Mississippi and Arkansasi tobe.139.105 bales! -:2. - Appointment.-Th~itdsoniao of Sa- turday afternoon, es~--We understand that appotntment hiav&hen niade by. the President to .6I1 tha- vacancf ~caqsed by the death of the AmnericaCotsulsaLLi- verpooLand also to061 the vacancies saca- sioned by the death; of wd Phrsers in the Navy . ...-.:- The New-YorkMer-ald of Saturdi, sayst-We understand that Mlr.^Wiggar- manr-nephew of President Tyler-whoG was a short time sine appointed. Purse in theU.-S1Navy, in place ofMr.1Upebla deasedn, -nephewofrthn late Setaany-.. Medical Collage of the State of South- --aoA.-The catalogi of this scientif- nd:fiotirishing ingslion- issued ' in Tune last, contains tlieniames of 224 stu- dents, viz: from S. Carolina. 152.Alabarra 32, Georgia 20, N. Carolioa l,Mississip pi 5, Tennessee 2; Florida 2, The num- bar of graduate at the laa .commencemetl was eighty- two. The Museum of-the .L'berary:oad Phil osophiral Society liabeii'transferrdd to the College,. and.it has bein newly arran- gad and enlarged--contributations of-the minerals of this State are solicited, and it suggested ihey can be sent by the stu- dents who visit the city. Opportunities for clinical instruction will be affbrded at the Marine Hospital; and the Faculty have established a hospitality on the Col- lege lot for, the reception of cases requiring surgical interference. Candidate for thq diploma of the College must have attained the age 21years, heat a good moral character, have studied medicine 3 years with some respectable practitioner, have attended twb full cour- ses of Lectures, the last id this Institution, and one coursie of bemonstrations in the respectable thesis or dissertation in the Dissecting. odm of ihe College, and ofer a medical subject. Acidiiodations for b'ard and lodging are eseadily improving and are cow brought to a degree of economy and com- fort, not surpassed in any atlantic cities- 84 to $5 per week. The session *ill begin on the 2d Mon- day of each November, and close on the Ist Saturday of March illowing. N. B.-Gentletnen desiring further in- formation will address letters postpaid to H. R. Frost, M. D.-Charleston Courier. As an act justice to' all concerned, we this week publish the imes ofthe allthecandidatei in alphabetical order.-- For Congress. H0n, A. BURT. For the Senate. F. W. PICKENS. F. H. WARDLAW;. hdr the Representatives. 4 B.USKETT, P. S. BROOKS, H. DENNY, 5. S. GUIGNIARD; M. GRAY. Esq., J. HOLMES, D. HOLL ANDI, A. 'r. TRAYLOR,, JAS. TOMPKINS, 3AS. POPE, T. WATSON, B. Y. YANCEY.. Por Tax Collector. S. BROADWATER, WWMFOY, A. F. GOUEDY, E. W. PERkY. C. J. QUATTLEBUM, 0. TOWLES. Mt. Editor:-The Board ofthe Commission- ers of the Poor have the pleasure to announce to the Public, that they have prevailed on Mr. Robert Bryan, Sen., to serve again. You.will pleace publish the followiny nomination, as fi and proper persons as Commissioners of the Poor. ROBERT BRYAN, Sen. JOHN HUIET, LITTLETON BROOKS, SETH BUTLER, GEORGE BOSWELL. MARRIED. On the 12th ult. by the Rev, M .M.Abney Dr. .Jntas A. Davoaa to 'Miss IR. '.t. Piass corr, daughter of Daniel Prescott, Esq..all o this District.. On the 25th nlt, by Colin Rhodes, Esq., Mr MIDDLTz-ON Koon to Miss ErazaBs-ru.BUsBEE all of t.iis District. -OBITUARY. *Died, at her residence in Edgefleld Distrm Oct 4th, Mrs. Niarcr Wzu.zs, in thme 73d yeaa of her age. The deceased had been for several yearsn consistent member ofthe Salem' Baptist Church She~had'been the subject of protracted illness which she elidured with calm -resignation and christian fortitude, looking forward in' joyfo anticipation when shie should be released fron all her earthly troubles. She is gon6-and Jel a' vacuum amongr her friends 'and relativem which cannot be filled. But their loss, we are confidently assured; is hersternal gain. H. Commercial. *- HAUswo, Oct.2. Coreon-We stated last Tuzebday that the 'miskae for Cotton' was 'matah depresoed, and dsiterirdisposed to hold 'of for awhils. The same. lhellng' still piervadeheiur' buyers, and pracee are~consequentif.abonat the 'same, unlesm at is' hen a prime planter's lot is ozn'ale,-wviti an:indacement of a good deal of trade ; therl 'pe'rhapsiwill be advancede The rcceipts, fom thelitmnontlst'mny ~i9I8 .bales,'mostly nesn V.oton, &a large. :portion 'or ia stbrad on pattaont. Our quotations to-dayjare prmepal ales54 to 55 cents -acco a)iy. sales - .~i :. ~..October 3.' Cottsd.'-The market has been rather dull fot the last wessk, 'sing to the limIted demand foi shipp'ngfaadiih.dull state of the; Savannal and harleiti markets, as these markets have 'aa yetf tiyers, on accourit of. bu'inesm commencingsidtier than usual. Our'quoti- "inat{a irorOld 4,j to '6 cents, and fom New &toL6jabe'ordina to quality. Graoceus.-Oii merchants -are daily recei ving-their Est l goods; their stocksare now: eaJly iner'eased-by fresiE ~awrlv~~ti~t ~ e co .sof a week or two. 'Th rie ~ y low, but is now grad un ex di~eiayapot lage quan. tity om -T Celgmmn.~ e i little lower tha:1 it was li.~ t~ that declin. is so sligh1 ato b~i 'a5 dl'icitd 'by, fgure. We quo V esztremes of'the mar -Whd"i~atltelyu otas raw As we daW lidi iot ihbne muc in thiu-vihid . 'Fhsriis again" low b there b inp~two? awsls 'in it'ltel 'v1.idl have. been of est servie to the navigation Baiv....W havis had 'a brisk demandfq this h iliaetlpimkis'iweli P havrellifsbjplyog their wants freely", his1 jwillbe consdrb ir e han...~e ce 'tan they anticipated.Pridesa r weitS ~-Thero wsna fair demand fo 'sincepunr Jast,'ai bothithsidraa a rchased freely iat out present que -'' ctober 3 Cotton.-Cur-aarket exhibits -very little ac- tivity, pri.ipaly owin no doubt to the low state ofoeuriver, thoXg7 our planters are iot disposed-to offer much oftheir'cottonat present prices A fair demand prevailsit our quota- 4tions, which are an eighth of a ceiit below last week's prices. The market ranges at from 4 to6 cents, requiring a choice article to bring the laitter rate. The 'receipts for the week. have been fair, and it-.will be observed in our table of stock, that, the receipts of the mouth have been unusually large-Const. CorKnzarA, Oct. 3. Cotton.-There is considerable doing in this article, at prices ranging from 4J to 6J for old, and from 5J to 6J for 'new. Very little now- selling below 6 and out little over 61. The re- ceipts from the 26th to 'the 1st. inclusive, have been 2,417 bales, 683of which have been stored; and the shipments by the- Rail Road, during the itame pefidd, have been 2,500 bales. Groceries.-The market is well supplied.- No material change in prices since-last week. CANDEx, Oct. 2. Cotton.--This article is beiining to come in freely, but.from all the.planters we-hear complaints, the crops- having. sustained considerable injury, from a seve-e storm, which passed over. this section some five or six weeks since. The article now brought to market may be classed "fair," but we learn there will be very little fine cotton made this season .. Prices'range from 5 to.6 1--A.-Camden Journal. [Correspondnce of South&tarolhian.1 Can~LEs-roi,-Oct, 1 Since my last respe'dts,-on Weinesda the 25th uIt., our cott-njp iket-hiir lIpiovhd can- siderably, in regrli to a mord seiady deiiand. Several new'tpurchasers have .made their ap- pearadeb, and imparted firmness to prices; but without tny aathal iniprovedrent. The sales sincst Wednesday up tu last evening have ave- raged upward of 650 bales per day ; amount- ing in all to 3.279 bales. Frdi iesent appearancesit seems to be the general opinion he e thatthe market will maintain its present- position for some time to come; with only an occasional fluctuation ac- cording to the accounts which may be received from abroad. The receipts as yet, are but mod- erate..particularly tihoe by water. During the last seven days, they have amounted to 4,066 bales, viz by Rail Road 3,240, by *afer 544, and by wagons 382. Exported in same time 252 bales coas:wise, leaving on lauibd a ship- ping stock of 14,042 bales exclusive of2,080 on shipboard not cleared. Present quotations of Liverpool classification stand as follow: infe- rior to ordinary 41a 5J; rdiddling to middling fair 5 a 61: fair to fully fair 6J a 6. For Groceries of all descriptions, the past week lies been an exceedingly dull one-nei- ther in Sugar. Cofee or Mfeis. have there been any wholesale transactions. and although there is a considerable stock of either of these articles in the market, holders show no dispo- sition to push sales, and conseqtiently remain stationary. I quote Sugars-Musicovado-ex- tremes, $61 a $81-Coffee, 61 a 71. CuAitusTo. , Oct. 4. Couon.-Received since oi -last, by Rail Road 5270 bales, by Water527, and by Wag- ons 403-makitig a total of 202 bale. Ex- ported in same time to Havre 1326 bales Up lands. and coastwise 992 bales, makinga total of 2318 bales, and leaving on harid a shipping stock of 17.280 bales, exclusive of 2768 bales on shipboard not cleared. The somewhat better enqui-y for Uplands which we noted in oma last weekly review to wards the'latter part. of that week, esntinued on the first day of the past, Saturday last, when 729 bales were disposed of. On Monday.how- ever, some .purchasersiappnaied to' have With- drawn, and the tnairket altogether since then has borne a rather. heavy appearance. The ihortlyexpected foreign adbounts by the Cale- donia, whose regular day 'of departure from Liverpool was on the 19th -lt., may perhaps have been the cause of this falling off in the de- mand. The sales since Monday have amount ed to 1721 bales, making the total sales of the week '2450bales.-Mercury,. NEw Yoax, Oct. 3. Cofes.--The market generally .ii very dull, and prices of Brazil may be said to have a downward tendency Tlhe siales are 1000 bags Brazil. at 6 a 7 cerns; 300 Laguayra,7 a74 ; 300 Sumatra 6;100 Cuba,6j;50 Green Java. 8?, usual time; 30St. Domingo, 51 a 55 cents cash; anid 200 Augostura, on terms we did not learn.- . Couen.-Sinice our last, the coion .tharkcY has been very quiet. blit we hiave no changie to notice in priced. . The sales are but 1200 bales; -say 1000 Upland rid Florida, or'dinary.tojnmid- ding at 5 a 7 ce'nt, mtiddlinig fair to fair 61a 65-. and 0gMobile.tnd New Orleans, nrdinary -to middling 5ji6, idmiddling fair tofi 6a 7.There afe' very little'doing in theE bet~er. grades, and shtive heardofio trailsactions in. new crop. State of South -Carolina. E1UGENTELD DISTRICT. BY JOHN HILL, Esquire; Ordidfary ofEdgefield Dist'rict. Whereas 'Wade S. Cothrdn, hath u'p- plied to me for L-etters.of-Administration on all and singalar the goods. an~d chattrs, rights and credits oTChas. Ellenmberg, late of'tiilDistrict aforesaid, d'eceased,tbese are therefore to'ci ;e grdl ad-'rronish all and sin- gular the kindred anmiFditorsof the said -deceased,; to be uadd'appear befofe me,jit 'our next Ordinary's ourt for the said Dis- 'trict to be holden ar Edgefield'Courn House, on ihe' t'wity'-irst day of October next, to show cause, if adp, whyf the said admnintit- tration should not be -granted. .., Given under my hand atndmeal, :fhik 8th day of, October,- mn the-year of dur Lord- one thousand eight huudred and foriy-fodr, and in the 69th year of Americadfddepedi- dence. -' -JOHN HIL,. 6: .p. Brought 10 the' Jai1 F this Di-trict, a negro man who callis .Jhimself JOE, end says he belongs to George Neal, of Newberry District, living within one and a hralf'miles.of the C.-H., and says tre-has beenunaway'about one month. He has lost one of the toes* o n hig left-foot, with eeeha meats on his fore- head, between 35 and,40 -years 6f age, lighr'biiiplected- aout five feet seven and a half inches high.' 1he r owner as- requesied to come for- ward, prove .property, pay charges and tahigm sway,.otherwise he will be~ dealt vtbahelaw directs, -- - 'an VH. GOtbDMAN, Jailer, t " -if-- - 37 - Pubfle ivotice. persponsirdebtd . Tinblit'dcased e - to dem stsud' sat~' irthem Read Quarters. 2zw REGIMENT CAVALRY, S. C. M.,. October 5. 1844. A Court Martial will be held in the Edge- BX. field uadron of Cavalry. on the first Monday i ovember next, at Edgefield C. H., to try defaulters of the 2nd Regiment of Cav- aIry for their non-attendance at the Regimental musterat longmire's. on the 24th September The Court will consist of Major J.C. Sniy' ley, President-Capts. Harrison .and Sentell, L:eutenana Lanham and Glover. Cornet Har- rison and- Lieutenant Deen 'upernumeraries. Cornet Mays, Judge Advocate. By orde; of Col. J. C..SPROULL. J.. J. F. SPROULL, Adjutant. Oct 9, 3t 377 dew FAll.and Winter Goods, FOR' GENTLEMEN. HE Subscribers respectfully inform their friends and customers, that they are now receiving.f0iom News York, a new and general nasortuient of GOODS', for Gentlemen's wear, onsisting ip part of Cloths, Casimres, Sattinets, Vestings. Hats, s. s, Scarfes. Craitates, Gloves,. S k Merino and Cotton Shirts and Draers, he ,.&c with many tier articles too numeious to men tion. Their Goods have been selected with great care by one of the firm, and will be made up in the most fashionable manner. Grateful ror past favors, they will-spare no effort in en- leavoring to please, all who may favor them with a call. MEIGS & COLGHAN. Oct.9, . tf 37 New Fall and Winter Goods, HE Sihacribers have received their new stock'of FAL AND WINTER GOODS, embracinj a general assortment of desirable and -handsome Staple and Fancy Goods, suited to the season.. Groceries, Hats, Shoes. Hardware, Saddlery, : School Books and -Stationery,. all of which .they.will sell on accommodating terms. G. L. & E. PENN. .Oc.9,. :1f 37 FrerskFall & Winter Goods, TI.1E2 Subscribers beg -leave to announce -.M. toftheir customers and the public gen- erall; that they have just received from No York, their stock of .. FALL AND WINTER GOODS, embracing almost every variety of Fancy and Staple Goods, 'usually 'kipt in our market, ampaget them a good stoek of Kerseys, Blankets. Negro Shoes, Hats, Caps and Saddlery, Hardwcare and Cutlery. Crockery. 8c., 8.c- they invite the attention of the public generally. to call and.examine their stock, and they will TRY to givp satisfattion. *PRE&'EY & lIPRAN. ct9 sf 37~ CHEAP CASH. 'fORE z ..AT ED'GFIELD C. 'E., (Opposite the Planter's Hotel.f To all who look to their own .inter,es't,'and bear iri mind that a pionny saved is a penny made. AV cGtceived and are still receiving a IIsplendid assortment of Falln Wn ter Goods, which wre will sell at a small advance, for CASH, we hope that our friends and the public in general will give us a call and examine forthemnselves, and they will allow that our establishment has justly merited the appellation of the "Cheap Cdsh Store !'' The following are a few of the articles, viz: 1Q4StnShawls, at 8 00, worth $15. 10 4 Thibet, " "-2 50, worth $5- *10.4 Damacins " 2 00. worth $4 .For Ladies' Dresses.. O~asameres, Popplincs, Muslinsade Laines. All acksd Merinoes, French, -English anid .. ercan'Prints, from 64 upwards.~ Black, Slafe add White Hoseries, fromn 125 cents a pair, upwards. Ladies and Children's Mitt., from6 Oje'h~ts, up wards/ Also, a large assortnient, fGentlemen's Cloth- ing, conszs ng.of- Blanket C'oats, Frock and Over Coats, Pants, rets,.Caps, Hals,and Negro Clothing, 4-c,. at Chaileston Prices. . - -ArLso,- D~omestics, Shoes, Hardware, Crockery, Sad- dlery, Groceries, Medicines, Tin-Ware, and many otherarticles too numrerousto mentiop. We assure oiur customers- and the public, to wihom we are thankful for past patronage, that we 'will always endeavor to sell at .the lowoest p'nces, and continuance of their patronage is ulspectfullj solicited. .. . 1. COHIN &.- ei 9,tf.- GReC ERY S T ORE. f BEVER$ h.ROGEitS, AS a 16lcaeil' himself in this place, Z orho purpose of transacting a OE E AL, GROCERY BUSINESS.' He ietoiiifoim' his old custoiers and the n~Tegenerally that be'ie ,io-w dpening, in th tore formel occupied by H. .'JEv- FEas & Co., a largeond well'aelect~d'diock of GOODS, whidh Jib Vllisell oi'tlio id ost rea- sonable terms. *B. M. R is . ' eared td' make liberal advan- ces on dottn. supped to lIis ffiends in Char- leston or Savdimnahi. HJamburg, Oct.2 (Repi.) 4t 37 ALLUBuitorsand othei-s interested, are hersby .notified that~ai art of Cliacery to hear all caise" not disoa, f -at the. regulaid Jube Term of said. p Iriul bi held at E dl Couirt [louse on testMondayfia Noyohr dezt.- PBy order of Chaiucellr'HARRa -'.5TO PKINS,caR~. Sept.t2 ft$ 7 35 $ L Fat~? n.7 :ST.TE OFS. CAROLINA, EDGEFIELD DISTRICT. IN EQUIY. George Banks, yir. 'Gharles Banks and others. -Parton. OTICE is hereby givei. that by virtue of an order from Chancellor Harper I shall of'er for sale, at the late aesidence- of Amos Banks, deceased, on the Second. Monday in November next, the Real Estate ofthe. said: Amos Banks, consisting of the following trabt. of lands; viz 1. The Home tract, containing four iindrid. and ninetyi'oe and a half (491)*acires. more or less, situate in Edgedeld and Lexington Dis. tricts, adjoining lands of Capt. Jacob Lr-ng, George Banks and others. 2. The Hughes tract coatiiming iwo hundred (200) acres, moie or less. situate in Edgefield and Lexington Districts, adjoining lands ofJa- cob Long, H. 11. Spaun and other.. 3. To Mitchell tract, containing two hun dred and sevagnty two and three-fourths (2731) acres, more or lesi,. situate i i Edgefield 'Div trict, adjoining lands of Abram Jones, Michael Long and others. 4. The Roberts tract, containing ope thou- sand (1000) acres, more or es. granted to Absalom Roberts, situate in Lexington Dis- trict, betveen Lightwood. Creek and. Blaic Creek, waters of North l .disto River. 5. The Spillers tract, containirngiig la dred 'and filtj.six (756)' acres, moL6FA situate in Lexington District,-on T1 eMils Creek, watess of Saluda River. adjoininig liids of Emanuel Taylor's, George Chaps and- oth ere. Said lands to be sold on;.afprediiof one and two years, in equal ananains~lent.except so.much as will pay the ceotiis itiit, which must be paid in cash. Purchasers to give bidid appiroved sure- ties'aud mortgage oftl ieanisds to secure the purchase money.m. S. S. TOIPKINS, c. a. z. E. Oct.5 5t - 37 State of 8WId afoLi EDGEFIELI" DISTRICT.- ZN EQUITY James Blickwelland Wife, Bill for - Partition. Win. Harman and others. OTICE is herebygiven. it by virtue of an order from Chancellor Johnson, Ishall offer for sale to the.highest bjddersiEdgefield Court House. on Mnday fi Nosember iet, the.rei esit'e 'or'Luke Harman,d'ceas-' ed,consisting of th fal ukgtract of land. viz: *- One tract of land, coptaiing three hundred ind sixty-three acres, more .or less, situate. in the District and State aforesaid, on Bennylield Creek, waters of Savantnah:River, and adjoin- ing landsof-Charles Freeman..Pleasant Searles, Littleberry Freeman and others. Said land.to be sold on a credit of one and two years in equal instalments, except so much as wll pay th'e cost of-this case, whicfh must be paid in cash. The puichasers giving bond and approved suretids and mortgage of thepremi- ses to secure the purchase money. S. S. TOMPKINS, c. E.... D. October9:.....441.. 379 Statoif' South Carolina, EDGEFIELD DISTRICT. B Y JOHN HILL. Esquire, Ordinary of Edgefield District. Whereas James Bean, Jun. bath applied t6 me for Letters. of Administration, de bonis non with the will annexed. on all andsingular the goods, and chattels, rights and credits of James Bean. Sen. late of the District aforesaid, deceasedthese are there- fore to-cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and-creditors of the said de ceased, to be atd appear before rn.e. if our next Ordinary's Courtfor the said District, to be liolindat Edgeteld Court. House, on the' fourteenib day of October, next, to show caume, f( jiny, why the said adminis tration shoul4 tjot be granted. Gives' tid'der rhy hand and spal, this 13th day of October. in the year of our Llord one thous'arid eight. hundred. and forty-four, and its the 69th year of Kmeri can fndependence. - JOHIN HILL, o. E. D. Oct. 2 2t ..-36 Fall and Winter G'oods. WM. KETCHAM & CO., HAMBURG, S. C. SRE now receiving their FAL AND WiN TER stoCk of FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, Naoa CLoTus, B:.sawars, BOL.TING CLOTHs alteCARPETING, BONNETs, and alluSe and fashiohable articles for Ladies aid Gentlemen's car. We have completed suich arrangemnents as will put us in the receipt -of uets Goods sedkdy, during rte busmness season, so that all the new styles of faishionable goods can befounad at-ous Store, as gooid asdthebest, andricap asthedcheap, est, as fast as they shall appear in the New York market. THE MNERCHANT. TAILOR SHOP, will- still he conducted By Mr. 0. W .DCKINSON. *A flne assortment of Cloths. Casimeres, Ves tings and Tailor's Trimmings constantly on hand. w . -W .KETCHAM &' CO. September 11, . f BOOTs MAI SEOES. TlHE Soaibcriberivould respectfully info?nm U.the citizens of Edigelield District, that iis has .on hand a aqiod assortment of home made BOOTS aind S HOES, wigech he iljl sell c~hea1 for cask, abd on a ieasonablb antI approved credit. Also,.small. lot pf Northern PEGoui Boomis,. Br farticle, at the low price of $3 pr Arm, hundra ts~g lot do. Wrnmade PLANTATION SHOES,.6f the vefy~fifst quality,.which will be- sold in lots tosui.pur chasers. Personsin wantof Negroit Shoes will fid its to their interest tocalland examine thess before pe rchasing elsewvhere. E. C.REMER. Sept.25 tf 35 Notice. T HE Subscribers are now receiving ain ..opening at their. Store~ a large assort nisent of DRY.GOODS, of the Iatest an. most fashionable styles. ," - - -ALso-- .... . SHOES, HATS AND CAPS; HARDWARE,COCRTaR, SaDn.ERT, &c., &c. o.which tiey respictfully inviie' the' ttentior of thp comimunity:. .'.. Give-us a call, for we.got ourGoodsdo sel BLAN& BTL~i. e~t.2. ~ - ,tf 36' - H. ARDLAW, e W -. 5ORAGNE. Sheriith Sales. Y vir'ne of sundry wri s of-eFieri Fa- cias to m-directed, I wilt priceed to sell at Edgefield Court House oa the First -Monday and Tuesday in November next. the following property- J:BHarrison andp oers. vs.Beve Burton, a tract of lari know n as the Wil born tract. coutining rourhundred acres,.-: more or less 'adjoining of linds of L.'H Mundy, Jacob Siibley and others- . Terms, casb. - H. BOULVAREi. ca.9 4Q 37 ERBCANT"TAILOR T JHE- Subscriber hus -just recel New York his FALLSUP .WERCHANNT TAtLOft'S GOODS ing in part of- Sup.Sup. WoolyeI ter e.~WD Stipd - -dy4 heckedl Tweee. 4nd plain Tweedi (loth for Sacks, aa~n edi~lleletVestingsj~ .' - '. Sup.Gup. .Block-Sgiz Buck gloves -U toatin; "a A~Wollek- d 'e auci an.d-Figured fsad Cravats Suspenders;Stqfes; CollarandHatsidte: All of which he.ofers fqr..sale at-eusotall@ prices, and begs these wishing,to buy.Clthwg tog ive hima call. ..a HeOisprepared to make;Clothinig poit ie- latest style. and in the best manner, and flattep himself that by. his long experience in.usines he will be able to please those .wio may .fator him with their patronage. - JOHN -LYON. Octf 26, NEW YORK CASH STORE LEHMA IEt & BROTNER,&3. HAMSiRO, S. . - AVE received und are opening at "their H Store; a laige and extensive stock of STAPLE ANU FANCYDRY GOODS, suitable for the approndliir Seasdu.direct froaE the Importers and Manufacturersiand -a geo assortment of --. BOOTS.. SHOES, HATS, CAPS, and Ready' Made Clothingo purchased in New )York and:Boston Ourfacilities beingr such as toenable us to sell on the. most reasonable terms, purchasers from the country will find it much to thiir ad. vantage to call at the Nrzw Yoa Casu STOR, opposite Howard & Garmapy. LEHMAIER & BROTHERS, take this opportunity to inform their friends. customers, and the public in general, that they- have lately moved one of their Stoies to: ibe' Store-House of Mr. J B. Smith; MOUs-T WIL- L.so, and that they still continue.their otheri, estiblishment at Park's Store, DARKCCOaNR, where they are receiving a large supply of FALL AND WINTER'TRA-DE and'will be happy to wait on-their old friends and new customers. - Hamburg, Sept. 12 4t .. 33 Stafkf. South Carolina, EDGEFf9L VD'STICT. James Blackwell and, 4i)ers " B ikj orh Lucretia Blackwell. OTICE is hereby given that bystue of N an order fMoi Chancellor Harper,.hall offer for Sale to the hialiest bidder, at Rocxas Old Stand;dnd.neaiti16 prui-niseeon Saturday the 26th October instant. ite Real. Estate of John Blackidell,'lheeaded'. s6nising of thie'fo!- lowing tracts of land. vig.'"- One tract containing inNII:undred and 'eighty- one acres'tioteor less, whei'eon ttte said John Blaclavell resided st the ine M-his death,iru- at" in the District and Stato aforesaid. on Plum Branch and Hickory Creek, waters of-Big Stephen'si Creeli; adjointing lands of Martin N. Mimns,1Pr.. .G TIearue, Chesley Wells,.At- ticus'JTucker atadottisrs. Also, onesther tract knowui as the 311:n's tract, contatnining one hundred and twenty- nine acres, more or less, uitnale in the District and State aforesaid,on Pluan Branch and.Hick- ry Creeks., waters of Big Stephen's Creek,ad- joining the Above tract- of two hundred and eighty-one acres. on-~ei Sii'd lands to he sold n 'edtof one and two years in equal annual insialmenits, excepst- so much as will pay the Cost of the suit, which, imut be paid in cash.! Purchasers to give bond with approved sureties mnd mortgage f-rthe premises for tI a purchase money. -C. 'Plats of re-survey of saia~]ands iR hbeedb- ited on the day of Sale.>. S. S. TOP NS.c E . La nd foQI ale. HATI'Well knowir Plantatiordfoinre 1y owned by Nlowie,- d::easedidoritaim-- ing four kodndld anid'-fortf-.thne(443);acres, on Turkey Creekinmmediely on the t8Sage road leading from ;Edgefield &H to:A)lbe-. villa C..H..- Any ontwishing'to'pn iass-ii do well io-exanme fbrtdrmselyes. , Ajpply~to tii subseribers - D D2 BRU~O~ House and LtgnI~ IL- he si f-Edgtfel !~,on WV SATUAYi the 19th of Oeto iet :10 o'clecin k.,ibypuablie-otery-th oaaed' ,and Liotin the Villags'of.Edsrefeld,.bdloug to the uttate of George.Poped'ecs-~ -.. A 'credit of one and two ye ilbT11 ,~ the last.. inzstalmfet.baig.~-fate--- - -end of the. firstyear. -.. ~ept.25. 4r -.35 The. Etna-nsuranace Con y -. HARTPORD, CONN - - c.,mguaa $200,@O@.% ThHE Subiscriber is :prepafred tui~e a- - .Egainst loss or damage by.Ezrgi 1nd Navigation, at the usual rates of premtu- Habr,**H.L JEFFERS 4g. --- .am rAugusi.3 l44.~ f~q UNION HIBLE SOCIE'I;~ 0?*The lixecutive' Coiuniit'' oia.- Abbeville andfgefiektUnog'~BI b. 08 ceeiywilT meet at thin iitheris floos'e la Grenwood, on Tuslisi 5tOtiibo neirai11 o'clock, A&M -Afoll ttend aei o the (.omaitee-is prticngarty ras queeted ~ -.P- HIL Catial Lefr4s'obs hiivin& an et dsugz t the estate-of Willikn Roete 6r d--- Sea~sed aetrequested' to-y '25th'December, as the-eta 21 iimesediatel tlfereafer)f.- -GER R R ,R eitttor

Edgefield advertiser (Edgefield, S.C.).(Edgefield, S.C ...€¦ · Mcodist Conference.---We learti ota!be diiqg:Qreen (Ky.) Gazett-ibag this 15d,. after a session ofeiglitdasm that.plae,brouglitislabors

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Page 1: Edgefield advertiser (Edgefield, S.C.).(Edgefield, S.C ...€¦ · Mcodist Conference.---We learti ota!be diiqg:Qreen (Ky.) Gazett-ibag this 15d,. after a session ofeiglitdasm that.plae,brouglitislabors

Mcodist Conference.---We learti ota!be diiqg :Qreen (Ky.) Gazett -ibagthis 15d,. after a session ofeiglitdas m

that .plae, brouglitis labors to a loseotThursday evening lusttlhe 19th uIndThecoursi ofthe delegates in referende-to theqiuestion .of slavery, in:the case ofBiihopAndrev qod Mr Harding, ofhe BaltiroreCofarceo, bee ie General Conferencein Maylast, kvas byresolution- unanimdus-ly apprved of eacm, wai-heardbefbre-te'adoptop ofhis resolution wasin refer'ence to the diffiilties to the ChurchgroIing out af the Slavery question. Hisaddresshicivas writtern occupied aboutfoug:hours in the reading, and is said to.beeloquenr, resistless overwhelming. Aseries of resolutions based upon the Aboli-tionaction ofthe General Conference, ivasadopted, in-which was reccommending a

general Convention of the Southern portionof the Methodist church at Louisville inMay' -next.-The fUlowing gentlemenwere oeeed'deligates to thai Conventionvj:-Mgessrs. Stevenson, Kavanaugh,Bascomn, Crouch, Gunt, Brush, Geo. Tay-1or, 'Harrison, McCrown, Ralston, JKing,,H ams,

We some weeks since, re-published ateast once given by Gen.. Thompson. inthis district as follows;

"'TleUacquisition ofjTexas.-The mosteffactual, if not the only-meas of settliigthe slste question."

If.the ex-miniater has, in any df his te-dent sieects In favur ofM -. C., assign-e& a reason for his e ofipinion, wehae not heard of it. His letter againstannexation, alies the grouna that Mexicoshona,. MIa- e'vesias, -be consutted. InA8E7, _the General% then a member of Con-.gress, introduced the following amend.meats to thalipriiriation bill: "For thesalary and outffof-a dimlomatic agent tob6 sent-forthwith to the independant gov-erninent. of Texas, .-thousand dollars."And, "For the eiipense of running a boun-dary line between the United States andthe independant government of Texas,thousand dollars.'!-Pendleton Messenger.

Whigs' and Abolitionists.--We havealready published enough toinform ourreaders of the effiorts made by .the WhigstD'.irop.their sinking cause by gaiing overthe ultra-abolition party. The latter haverejected the overtures and in their recentConvention have put.forth their o vn.can-didaies foi the ?resideney and Vice Pres-idency; giving as their main reason for it,Clay's lat letter.on Texas. Poor Clay!If there were any end to his last letters, weshould say be ad got to the bottorn of thelade.-- Charleston MSaiiiy.For Coniiiese in this State, we have as

yet heard ofno opposition to Messrs. BlackWoodward, sBur-Rhett and Holmes,now representatives 1n Col Canipbell'sdistrict. (he haviontailned a re-election.)Gen. Joii.Acueeif ad A. D Sims Eaqar. can4idates, both democrais . In ourdistrict the present ejireseitiviie. Hon.R. F. Simpson, is opposed by Dr. builer,whig. We have no doubt l Simpson'selection by a large majority.-PendletonMessenger.

Propects ofthe Democrats of Old Pen-dLeon--In conversation witlh an intelli-~gent citizen of Anderson, wre were gratifi-ed to learn that tiie.democratic Ticket forState Legislature will succeed in spite ofthe efforts of sihe es-Minister Tompson,did ex M. C. Butler, and the other smallijotatde politicians about Anderson, by a

majority of from twvoto four hundred, andthe Congressional Ticket by 1,500.-Ab-beville Bannier.

New WhlgAies.-Gen.. Apathy, G~en.Dismay, Gea..Disappointmnent, and Gen..Defeat bave embraced!Whiggery. and arenow stumping it all overthe Union, for thegreat military chieibain,Gep.,JHenry Clay,of the revolutionary. wr- St. Jo. Corn.Bulletin-Frost.-The Atugusta Chronicle and

Sentinel says: -.The cool'weatherof thelastfew days resuilted ira someiLieverefr-ost yesterday morning heavier" ded,than has been experienced he6e. y'idyears at this season, and much earli9auis within the recollection of ou ~3~ stresidents. Its effects were-quite iiiileupon tender- vegetation.

The Weather-On last Fridlay andl raurday-we had a good prospect fdrrtb uoin Sunday morniog it cleared 'off'eodaddry; and we had a sii frost on. Monidiymorning. Otir: river is lower thanist has1ieen for five 'years, and is tunnavigablefodteither pole boats or steam boats.

Hamburg Joinrnal 25th it.

Prost.-On Saturday last we were'yis-ited with a cold'storm of rai'fromn thNorth East, whicli cotdtinued nearly all 1da.At night it elea-ed off,'and thoeret-andtwo succeeding mornings there were: light;frusts-not sunficient,- however, to-injure,vegetation. Since that time the weatherhas contined cool clear and pleasant.-GJreenhille Moutain~eer-October 4.-The Crops.-Since the, favorabsle etate

of the weather 'which now prevails first setin, we understand the picking :has 'pro-gressed'. finely; 'and we are also :rmuichgratified to learn that rmany'-plantationsfrom which, some threez-er four weekssincet~y did Met exet to :realize moi-ethan bait ropiln.-yt abiasuhinefa--vorable ebangoeb oisiftep~de0sfair average. crop.-Marin (Az)} Tel.

Loss of Colton by the Oserjpo.-The-Concordia Intelligencer, after diligent in-quiry .for, corrset dats,estimaIes thb lasaicotton by- the,.tate floods in-Louisiana,Mississippi and Arkansasitobe.139.105bales! -:2. -

Appointment.-Th~itdsoniao of Sa-turday afternoon, es~--We understandthat appotntment hiav&hen niade by. thePresident to .6I1 tha- vacancf ~caqsed bythe death of the AmnericaCotsulsaLLi-verpooLand also to061 the vacancies saca-sioned by the death; of wd Phrsers in theNavy . ...-.:-

The New-YorkMer-ald of Saturdi,sayst-We understand that Mlr.^Wiggar-manr-nephew of President Tyler-whoGwas a short time sine appointed. Pursein theU.-S1Navy, in place ofMr.1Upebladeasedn, -nephewofrthn late Setaany-..

Medical Collage of the State of South---aoA.-The catalogi of this scientif-

nd:fiotirishing ingslion- issued ' inTune last, contains tlieniames of 224 stu-dents, viz: from S. Carolina. 152.Alabarra32, Georgia 20, N. Carolioa l,Mississippi 5, Tennessee 2; Florida 2, The num-

bar ofgraduate at the laa .commencemetlwas eighty- two.The Museum of-the .L'berary:oad Phil

osophiral Society liabeii'transferrdd tothe College,. and.it has bein newly arran-gad and enlarged--contributations of-theminerals of this State are solicited, andit suggested ihey can be sent by the stu-dents who visit the city. Opportunitiesfor clinical instruction will be affbrded atthe Marine Hospital; and the Facultyhave established a hospitality on the Col-lege lot for, the reception of cases requiringsurgical interference.Candidate for thq diploma of the College

must have attained the age 21years, heata good moral character, have studiedmedicine 3 years with some respectablepractitioner, have attended twb full cour-ses of Lectures, the last id this Institution,and one coursie of bemonstrations in therespectable thesis or dissertation in theDissecting. odm of ihe College, and ofer amedical subject.Acidiiodations for b'ard and lodging

are eseadily improving and are cowbrought to a degree of economy and com-fort, not surpassed in any atlantic cities-84 to $5 per week.The session *ill begin on the 2d Mon-

day of each November, and close on theIst Saturday of March illowing.N. B.-Gentletnen desiring further in-

formation will address letters postpaid toH. R. Frost, M. D.-Charleston Courier.

As an act justice to' all concerned, we thisweek publish the imes ofthe allthecandidateiin alphabetical order.--

For Congress.H0n, A. BURT.For the Senate.



Mt. Editor:-The Board ofthe Commission-ers of the Poor have the pleasure to announce

to the Public, that they have prevailed on Mr.Robert Bryan, Sen., to serve again. You.willpleace publish the followiny nomination, as fiand proper persons as


MARRIED.On the 12th ult. by the Rev,M .M.Abney

Dr. .Jntas A. Davoaa to 'Miss IR. '.t. Piasscorr, daughter of Daniel Prescott, Esq..all othis District..On the 25th nlt, by Colin Rhodes, Esq., Mr

MIDDLTz-ON Koon to Miss ErazaBs-ru.BUsBEEall of t.iis District.

-OBITUARY.*Died, at her residence in Edgefleld Distrm

Oct 4th, Mrs. Niarcr Wzu.zs, in thme 73d yeaaof her age.The deceased had been for several yearsn

consistent member ofthe Salem' Baptist ChurchShe~had'been the subject of protracted illnesswhich she elidured with calm -resignation andchristian fortitude, looking forward in' joyfoanticipation when shie should be released fronall her earthly troubles. She is gon6-and Jela' vacuum amongr her friends 'and relativemwhich cannot be filled. But their loss, we areconfidently assured; is hersternal gain.


Commercial.* - HAUswo, Oct.2.

Coreon-We stated last Tuzebday that the'miskae for Cotton' was 'matah depresoed, anddsiterirdisposed to hold 'of for awhils. Thesame. lhellng' still piervadeheiur' buyers, andpracee are~consequentif.abonat the 'same, unlesmat is' hen a prime planter's lot is ozn'ale,-wvitian:indacement of a good deal of trade ; therl'pe'rhapsiwill be advancede The rcceipts, fomthelitmnontlst'mny ~i9I8 .bales,'mostly nesnV.oton, &a large. :portion 'or ia stbrad on

pattaont. Our quotations to-dayjareprmepal ales54 to 55 cents

-acco a)iy. sales- .~i :. ~..October 3.'

Cottsd.'-The market hasbeen ratherdull fotthe last wessk, 'sing to the limIted demand foishipp'ngfaadiih.dull state of the; Savannaland harleiti markets, as these markets have'aa yetf tiyers, on accourit of. bu'inesmcommencingsidtier than usual. Our'quoti-

"inat{a irorOld 4,j to '6 cents, and fomNew &toL6jabe'ordina to quality.Graoceus.-Oii merchants -are daily receiving-their Est l goods; their stocksare

now: eaJly iner'eased-by fresiE~awrlv~~ti~t ~ eco .sof a week or two.'Th rie ~ y low, but is now gradun exdi~eiayapot lage quan.

tityom -T

Celgmmn.~ e i little lower tha:1it was li.~ t~ that declin. is so sligh1ato b~i 'a5 dl'icitd 'by, fgure.We quo V esztremes of'the mar

-Whd"i~atltelyu otas raw AswedaW lidi iot ihbnemucinthiu-vihid . 'Fhsriis again" low bthere b inp~two? awsls 'in it'ltel 'v1.idlhave. been of est servie to the navigationBaiv....W havis had 'a brisk demandfqthis h iliaetlpimkis'iweli Phavrellifsbjplyog their wants freely", his1jwillbe consdrb ir e han...~e ce

'tan they anticipated.Pridesar weitS~-Thero wsna fair demand fo'sincepunr Jast,'ai bothithsidraa

a rchased freely iat out present que

-'' ctober 3Cotton.-Cur-aarket exhibits -very little ac-

tivity, pri.ipaly owin no doubt to the lowstate ofoeuriver, thoXg7 our planters are iotdisposed-to offer much oftheir'cottonat presentprices A fair demand prevailsit our quota-

4tions, which are an eighth of a ceiit below lastweek's prices. The market ranges at from 4to6 cents, requiring a choice article to bring thelaitter rate. The 'receipts for the week. havebeen fair, and it-.will be observed in our tableof stock, that, the receipts of the mouth havebeen unusually large-Const.

CorKnzarA, Oct. 3.Cotton.-There is considerable doing in this

article, at prices ranging from 4J to 6J for old,and from 5J to 6J for 'new. Very little now-

selling below 6 and out little over 61. The re-

ceipts from the 26th to 'the 1st. inclusive, havebeen 2,417 bales, 683of which have been stored;and the shipments by the- Rail Road, duringthe itame pefidd, have been 2,500 bales.

Groceries.-The market is well supplied.-No material change in prices since-last week.

CANDEx, Oct. 2.Cotton.--This article is beiining to come

in freely, but.from all the.planters we-hearcomplaints, the crops- having. sustainedconsiderable injury, from a seve-e storm,which passed over. this section some fiveor six weeks since. The article now

brought to market may be classed "fair,"but we learn there will be very little finecotton made this season .. Prices'rangefrom 5 to.6 1--A.-Camden Journal.

[Correspondnce of South&tarolhian.1Can~LEs-roi,-Oct, 1Since my last respe'dts,-on Weinesda the

25th uIt., our cott-njp iket-hiir lIpiovhd can-siderably, in regrli to a mord seiady deiiand.Several new'tpurchasers have .made their ap-pearadeb, and imparted firmness to prices; butwithout tny aathal iniprovedrent. The salessincst Wednesday up tu last evening have ave-

raged upward of 650 bales per day ; amount-ing in all to 3.279 bales.Frdi iesent appearancesit seems to be the

general opinion he e thatthe market willmaintain its present- position for some time tocome; with only an occasional fluctuation ac-

cording to the accounts which may be receivedfrom abroad. The receipts as yet, are but mod-erate..particularly tihoe by water. During thelast seven days, they have amounted to 4,066bales, viz by Rail Road 3,240, by *afer 544,and by wagons 382. Exported in same time252 bales coas:wise, leaving on lauibd a ship-ping stock of 14,042 bales exclusive of2,080 on

shipboard not cleared. Present quotations ofLiverpool classification stand as follow: infe-rior to ordinary 41a 5J; rdiddling to middlingfair 5 a 61: fair to fully fair 6J a6.For Groceries of all descriptions, the past

week lies been an exceedingly dull one-nei-ther in Sugar. Cofee or Mfeis. have therebeen any wholesale transactions. and althoughthere is a considerable stock of either of thesearticles in the market, holders show no dispo-sition to push sales, and conseqtiently remainstationary. I quote Sugars-Musicovado-ex-tremes, $61 a $81-Coffee, 61 a 71.

CuAitusTo. , Oct. 4.Couon.-Received since oi -last, by Rail

Road 5270 bales, by Water527, and by Wag-ons 403-makitig a total of 202 bale. Ex-ported in same time to Havre 1326 bales Uplands. and coastwise 992 bales, makinga totalof 2318 bales, and leaving on harid a shippingstock of 17.280 bales, exclusive of 2768 baleson shipboard not cleared.The somewhat better enqui-y for Uplands

which we noted in oma last weekly review towards the'latter part. of that week, esntinuedon the first day ofthe past, Saturday last, when729 bales were disposed of. On Monday.how-ever, some .purchasersiappnaied to' have With-drawn, and the tnairket altogether since thenhas borne a rather. heavy appearance. Theihortlyexpected foreign adbounts by the Cale-donia, whose regular day 'of departure fromLiverpool was on the 19th -lt., may perhapshave been the cause of this falling off in the de-mand. The sales since Monday have amounted to 1721 bales, making the total sales of theweek '2450bales.-Mercury,.

NEw Yoax, Oct. 3.Cofes.--The market generally .ii very dull,

and prices of Brazil may be said to have adownward tendency Tlhe siales are 1000 bagsBrazil. at 6 a7cerns; 300 Laguayra,7 a74 ;300 Sumatra 6;100 Cuba,6j;50 Green Java.8?, usual time; 30St. Domingo, 51 a 55 centscash; anid 200 Augostura, on terms we did notlearn.- .

Couen.-Sinice our last, the coion .tharkcYhas been very quiet. blit we hiave no changie tonotice in priced. .

The sales are but 1200 bales;-say 1000 Upland rid Florida, or'dinary.tojnmid-ding at 5 a 7 ce'nt, mtiddlinig fair to fair 61a 65-.and 0gMobile.tnd New Orleans, nrdinary -tomiddling 5ji6, idmiddling fair tofi 6a

7.There afe' very little'doing in theE bet~er.grades, and shtive heardofio trailsactions in.new crop.

State of South -Carolina.E1UGENTELD DISTRICT.

BY JOHN HILL, Esquire; OrdidfaryofEdgefield Dist'rict.

Whereas 'Wade S. Cothrdn, hath u'p-plied to me for L-etters.of-Administrationon all and singalar the goods. an~d chattrs,rights and credits oTChas. Ellenmberg, lateof'tiilDistrict aforesaid, d'eceased,tbese aretherefore to'ci ;e grdl ad-'rronish all and sin-gular the kindred anmiFditorsofthe said-deceased,; to be uadd'appear befofe me,jit'our next Ordinary's ourt for the said Dis-'trict to be holden ar Edgefield'Courn House,on ihe' t'wity'-irst day ofOctober next, toshow cause, if adp, whyf the said admnintit-tration should not be -granted. ..,Given under my hand atndmeal, :fhik8th

day of, October,- mn the-year of dur Lord-one thousand eight huudred and foriy-fodr,and in the 69th year ofAmericadfddepedi-dence. -'

-JOHN HIL,. 6: .p.

Brought 10 the' Jai1F this Di-trict, a negro man who callis

.Jhimself JOE, end says he belongs toGeorge Neal, of Newberry District, livingwithin one and a hralf'miles.of the C.-H.,and says tre-has beenunaway'about onemonth. He has lost oneof the toes* onhig left-foot, with eeeha meats on his fore-head, between 35 and,40 -years 6f age,lighr'biiiplected- aout five feet seven anda half inches high.'

1he rowner as- requesied to come for-ward, prove .property, pay charges and

tahigm sway,.otherwise he will be~dealtvtbahelaw directs, -- -

'an VH. GOtbDMAN, Jailer,t " -if-- - 37

- Pubfle ivotice.persponsirdebtd

.Tinblit'dcased e - to

dem stsud' sat~' irthem

Read Quarters.

2zw REGIMENT CAVALRY, S. C. M.,.October 5. 1844.

A Court Martial will be held in the Edge-BX.field uadron of Cavalry. on the first

Monday i ovember next, at Edgefield C. H.,to try defaulters ofthe 2nd Regiment of Cav-aIry for their non-attendance at the Regimentalmusterat longmire's. on the 24th SeptemberThe Court will consist of Major J.C. Sniy'

ley, President-Capts. Harrison .and Sentell,L:eutenana Lanham and Glover. Cornet Har-rison and- Lieutenant Deen 'upernumeraries.Cornet Mays, Judge Advocate.

By orde; of Col.J. C..SPROULL.J..J. F. SPROULL, Adjutant.

Oct 9, 3t 377dew FAll.and Winter Goods,

FOR'GENTLEMEN.HE Subscribers respectfully inform their

friends and customers, that they are nowreceiving.f0iom News York, a new and generalnasortuient of GOODS', for Gentlemen's wear,onsisting ip part of

Cloths, Casimres, Sattinets, Vestings. Hats,s. s, Scarfes. Craitates, Gloves,.S k Merino and Cotton Shirts

and Draers, he ,.&cwith many tier articles too numeious to mention. Their Goods have been selected withgreat care by one of the firm, and will be madeup in the most fashionable manner. Gratefulror past favors, they will-spare no effort in en-leavoring to please, all who may favor themwith a call.

MEIGS & COLGHAN.Oct.9, . tf 37

New Fall and Winter Goods,HE Sihacribers have received their newstock'ofFAL AND WINTER GOODS,

embracinj a general assortment of desirableand -handsome Staple and Fancy Goods, suitedto the season..

Groceries, Hats, Shoes. Hardware, Saddlery,: School Books and -Stationery,.

all of which .they.will sell on accommodatingterms.

G. L. & E. PENN..Oc.9,. :1f 37

FrerskFall & Winter Goods,TI.1E2 Subscribers beg -leave to announce-.M. toftheir customers and the public gen-erall; that they have just received from NoYork, their stock of ..

FALL AND WINTER GOODS,embracing almost every variety of Fancy andStaple Goods, 'usually 'kipt in our market,

ampaget them a good stoek ofKerseys, Blankets. Negro Shoes, Hats,

Caps and Saddlery, Hardwcare andCutlery. Crockery. 8c., 8.c-

they invite the attention of the public generally.to call and.examine their stock, and they willTRY to givp satisfattion.

*PRE&'EY & lIPRAN.ct9 sf 37~

CHEAP CASH. 'fOREz..AT ED'GFIELD C. 'E.,(Opposite the Planter's Hotel.f

To all who look to their own .inter,es't,'andbear iri mind that a pionny saved is a pennymade.

AVcGtceived and are still receiving aIIsplendid assortment ofFalln Wnter Goods, which wre will sell at a smalladvance, for CASH, we hope that our friendsand the public in general will give us a calland examine forthemnselves, and they will allowthat our establishment has justly merited theappellation of the "Cheap Cdsh Store !''The following are a few of the articles, viz:

1Q4StnShawls, at 8 00, worth $15.104 Thibet, " "-2 50, worth $5-*10.4 Damacins " 2 00. worth $4

.For Ladies' Dresses..O~asameres, Popplincs, Muslinsade Laines.All acksd Merinoes, French, -English anid

.. ercan'Prints, from 64 upwards.~Black, Slafe add White Hoseries, fromn 125

cents a pair, upwards.Ladies and Children's Mitt., from6Oje'h~ts,up wards/

Also, a large assortnient, fGentlemen's Cloth-ing, conszs ng.of-

Blanket C'oats, Frock and Over Coats, Pants,rets,.Caps, Hals,and Negro Clothing, 4-c,.

at Chaileston Prices. . -

-ArLso,-D~omestics, Shoes, Hardware, Crockery, Sad-dlery, Groceries, Medicines, Tin-Ware, andmany otherarticles too numrerousto mentiop.We assure oiur customers- and the public, to

wihom we are thankful for past patronage, thatwe 'will always endeavor to sell at .the lowoestp'nces, and continuance of their patronage isulspectfullj solicited.

.. . 1. COHIN &.-ei 9,tf.-

GReCERY STORE.f BEVER$ h.ROGEitS,AS a 16lcaeil' himself in this place,

Zorho purpose of transacting aOE E AL, GROCERY BUSINESS.'

He ietoiiifoim' his old custoiers andthe n~Tegenerally that be'ie ,io-w dpening,in th tore formel occupied by H. .'JEv-FEas & Co., a largeond well'aelect~d'diock ofGOODS, whidhJib Vllisell oi'tlio id ost rea-sonable terms.

*B. M. R is .' eared td' make liberal advan-

ces on dottn. supped to lIis ffiends in Char-leston or Savdimnahi.

HJamburg, Oct.2 (Repi.) 4t 37

ALLUBuitorsand othei-s interested, are hersby.notified that~ai art of Cliacery to hear

all caise" not disoa, f -at the. regulaidJubeTerm of said. p Iriul bi held at E dlCouirt [louse on testMondayfia Noyohrdezt.-PBy order of Chaiucellr'HARRa

-'.5TO PKINS,caR~.Sept.t2 ft$7 35

$ L Fat~?n.7


IN EQUIY.George Banks,

yir.'Gharles Banks and others. -Parton.

OTICE is hereby givei. that by virtue ofan order from Chancellor Harper I shall

of'er for sale, at the late aesidence- ofAmosBanks, deceased, on the Second. Monday inNovember next, the Real Estate ofthe. said:Amos Banks, consisting of the following trabt.of lands; viz

1. The Home tract, containing four iindrid.and ninetyi'oe and a half(491)*acires. more or

less, situate in Edgedeld and Lexington Dis.tricts, adjoining lands of Capt. Jacob Lr-ng,George Banks and others.

2. The Hughes tract coatiiming iwo hundred(200) acres, moie or less. situate in Edgefieldand Lexington Districts, adjoining lands ofJa-cob Long, H. 11. Spaun and other..

3. To Mitchell tract, containing two hundred and sevagnty two and three-fourths (2731)acres, more or lesi,. situate i i Edgefield 'Divtrict, adjoining lands ofAbram Jones, MichaelLong and others.

4. The Roberts tract, containing ope thou-sand (1000) acres, more or es. granted toAbsalom Roberts, situate in Lexington Dis-trict, betveen Lightwood. Creek and. BlaicCreek, waters of North l .disto River.

5. The Spillers tract, containirngiig ladred 'and filtj.six (756)' acres, moL6FAsituate in Lexington District,-on T1 eMilsCreek, watess of Saluda River. adjoininig liidsof Emanuel Taylor's, George Chaps and- othere.

Said lands to be sold on;.afprediiof one andtwo years, in equal ananains~lent.exceptso.much as will pay the ceotiis itiit, whichmust be paid in cash.

Purchasers to give bidid appiroved sure-

ties'aud mortgage oftl ieanisds to securethe purchase money.m.

S. S. TOIPKINS, c.a.z. E.

Oct.5 5t - 37


ZN EQUITYJames Blickwelland Wife, Bill for- Partition.Win. Harman and others.

OTICE is herebygiven. it by virtue ofan order from Chancellor Johnson, Ishall

offer for sale to the.highest bjddersiEdgefieldCourt House. on Mnday fi Nosemberiet, the.rei esit'e 'or'Luke Harman,d'ceas-'ed,consisting of th fal ukgtract of land.viz: *-

One tract of land, coptaiing three hundredind sixty-three acres, more .or less, situate. inthe District and State aforesaid, on BennylieldCreek, waters of Savantnah:River, and adjoin-ing landsof-Charles Freeman..Pleasant Searles,Littleberry Freeman and others.

Said land.to be sold on a credit ofone andtwo years in equal instalments, except so muchas wll pay th'e cost of-this case, whicfh must bepaid in cash. The puichasers giving bond andapproved suretids and mortgage of thepremi-ses to secure the purchase money.

S. S. TOMPKINS, c. E.... D.

October9:.....441.. 379

Statoif' South Carolina,EDGEFIELD DISTRICT.

BY JOHN HILL. Esquire, Ordinaryof Edgefield District.

WhereasJames Bean, Jun. bath appliedt6 me for Letters. of Administration, debonis non with the will annexed. on allandsingular the goods, and chattels, rightsand credits ofJames Bean. Sen. late of theDistrict aforesaid, deceasedthese are there-fore to-cite and admonish all and singular,the kindred and-creditors of the said deceased, to be atd appear before rn.e. if our

next Ordinary's Courtfor the said District,to be liolindat Edgeteld Court. House, on

the' fourteenib day of October, next, toshow caume, f( jiny, why the said administration shoul4 tjot be granted.Gives' tid'der rhy hand and spal, this

13th day of October. in the year of ourLlord one thous'arid eight. hundred. and

forty-four, and its the 69th year of Kmerican fndependence. -

JOHIN HILL, o. E. D.Oct. 2 2t ..-36

Fall and Winter G'oods.WM. KETCHAM & CO.,

HAMBURG, S. C.SRE now receiving their FAL AND WiNTER stoCk of


alteCARPETING, BONNETs, andalluSe and fashiohable articles for Ladies

aid Gentlemen's car.We have completed suich arrangemnents as

will put us in the receipt -of uets Goods sedkdy,during rte busmness season, so that all the newstyles of faishionable goods can befounad at-ousStore, as gooid asdthebest,andricapasthedcheap,est, as fast as they shall appear in the New Yorkmarket.

THE MNERCHANT. TAILOR SHOP,will- still he conducted

By Mr. 0. W .DCKINSON.*A flne assortment of Cloths. Casimeres, Ves

tings and Tailor's Trimmings constantly onhand. w .

-W .KETCHAM &' CO.September 11, . f


TlHE Soaibcriberivould respectfully info?nmU.the citizens of Edigelield District, that iis

has .on hand a aqiod assortment of home madeBOOTS aind SHOES, wigech he iljl sell c~hea1for cask, abd on a ieasonablb antI approvedcredit. Also,.small. lot pf Northern PEGouiBoomis,.Br farticle, at the low price of $3pr Arm, hundra ts~g lot do. WrnmadePLANTATION SHOES,.6f the vefy~fifstquality,.which will be- sold in lots tosui.purchasers. Personsin wantofNegroit Shoes will

fid its to their interest tocalland examine thessbefore pe rchasing elsewvhere.

E.C.REMER.Sept.25 tf 35

Notice.THE Subscribers are now receiving ain..opening at their. Store~ a large assort

nisent of DRY.GOODS, of the Iatest an. mostfashionable styles. ,"

- - -ALso--.... . SHOES, HATS AND CAPS;HARDWARE,COCRTaR, SaDn.ERT, &c., &c.o.which tiey respictfully inviie' the' ttentior

ofthp comimunity:. .'..Give-us a call, for we.got ourGoodsdo sel

BLAN& BTL~i.e~t.2. ~ - ,tf 36'


Sheriith Sales.Y vir'ne of sundry wri s of-eFieri Fa-cias to m-directed, I wilt priceed to

sell at Edgefield Court House oa the First-Monday and Tuesday in November next.the following property-J:BHarrison andpoers. vs.Beve

Burton, a tract of lari know nas the Wilborn tract. coutining rourhundred acres,.-:more or less 'adjoining of linds of L.'HMundy, Jacob Siibley and others- .

Terms, casb. -

H. BOULVAREi.ca.9 4Q 37

ERBCANT"TAILORTJHE- Subscriber hus -just recelNew York his FALLSUP

.WERCHANNT TAtLOft'S GOODSing in part of-

Sup.Sup. WoolyeI

ter e.~WDStipd -

-dy4 heckedl Tweee.4nd plainTweedi (loth for Sacks,

aa~nedi~lleletVestingsj~ .' -

'. Sup.Gup. .Block-SgizBuck gloves-Utoatin;

"a A~Wollek- d 'eauci an.d-Figured fsad Cravats

Suspenders;Stqfes;CollarandHatsidte:All of which he.ofers fqr..sale at-eusotall@prices, and begs these wishing,to buy.Clthwgtogive hima call. ..a

HeOisprepared to make;Clothinig poit ie-latest style. and in the best manner, and flattephimself that by. his long experience in.usineshe will be able to please those .wio may .fatorhim with their patronage.

- JOHN -LYON.Octf 26,


HAMSiRO, S. . -

AVE received und are opening at "theirH Store; a laige and extensive stock ofSTAPLE ANU FANCYDRY GOODS,

suitable for the approndliir Seasdu.direct froaEthe Importers and Manufacturersiand -a geoassortment of --.

BOOTS.. SHOES, HATS, CAPS,and Ready' Made Clothingopurchased in New )York and:Boston

Ourfacilities beingr such as toenable us tosell on the. most reasonable terms, purchasersfrom the country will find it much to thiir ad.vantage to call at the Nrzw Yoa Casu STOR,opposite Howard & Garmapy.

LEHMAIER & BROTHERS,take this opportunity to inform their friends.customers, and the public in general, that they-have lately moved one of their Stoies to: ibe'Store-House of Mr. J B. Smith; MOUs-T WIL-L.so, and that they still continue.their otheri,estiblishment at Park's Store, DARKCCOaNR,where they are receiving a large supply ofFALL AND WINTER'TRA-DE

and'will be happy to wait on-their old friendsand new customers. -

Hamburg, Sept. 12 4t .. 33

Stafkf. South Carolina,EDGEFf9LVD'STICT.James Blackwell and, 4i)ers" Bikjorh

Lucretia Blackwell.OTICE is hereby given that bystue ofN an order fMoi Chancellor Harper,.hall

offer for Sale to the hialiest bidder, at RocxasOld Stand;dnd.neaiti16 prui-niseeon Saturdaythe 26th October instant. ite Real. Estate ofJohn Blackidell,'lheeaded'. s6nising of thie'fo!-lowing tracts of land. vig.'"-One tract containing inNII:undred and 'eighty-

one acres'tioteor less, whei'eon ttte said JohnBlaclavell resided st the ine M-his death,iru-at" in the District and Stato aforesaid. on PlumBranch and Hickory Creek, waters of-BigStephen'si Creeli; adjointing lands of Martin N.Mimns,1Pr.. .G TIearue, Chesley Wells,.At-ticus'JTucker atadottisrs.

Also, onesther tract knowui as the 311:n'stract, contatnining one hundred and twenty-nine acres, more or less, uitnale in the Districtand State aforesaid,on Pluan Branch and.Hick-ry Creeks., waters of Big Stephen's Creek,ad-joining the Above tract- of two hundred andeighty-one acres. on-~ei

Sii'd lands to he sold n 'edtof one andtwo years in equal annual insialmenits, excepst-so much as will pay the Cost of the suit, which,imut be paid in cash.! Purchasers to give bondwith approved sureties mnd mortgage f-rthepremises for tI a purchase money. -C.

'Plats of re-survey of saia~]ands iRhbeedb-ited on the day of Sale.>.

S. S. TOP NS.c E .

La nd foQI ale.HATI'Well knowir Plantatiordfoinre1yowned by Nlowie,- d::easedidoritaim--

ing four kodndld anid'-fortf-.thne(443);acres,on Turkey Creekinmmediely on the t8Sageroad leading from ;Edgefield &H to:A)lbe-.villa C..H..- Any ontwishing'to'pn iass-iido well io-exanme fbrtdrmselyes. ,

Ajpply~to tii subseribers -


House and LtgnI~IL- he si f-Edgtfel !~,on

WV SATUAYi the 19th of Oeto iet:10 o'clecin k.,ibypuablie-otery-th oaaed',and Liotin the Villags'of.Edsrefeld,.bdlougto the uttateof George.Poped'ecs-~ -..

A 'credit of one and two ye ilbT11 ,~the last.. inzstalmfet.baig.~-fate--- -

-end of the. firstyear. -..

~ept.25. 4r -.35

The. Etna-nsuranace Con y-. HARTPORD, CONN - -

c.,mguaa $200,@O@.%ThHE Subiscriber is :prepafred tui~e a- -

.Egainst loss or damage by.Ezrgi1ndNavigation, at the usual rates ofpremtu-

Habr,**H.L JEFFERS 4g.

---.amrAugusi.3 l44.~ f~q

UNION HIBLE SOCIE'I;~0?*The lixecutive' Coiuniit'' oia.-Abbeville andfgefiektUnog'~BIb.08ceeiywilTmeet at thiniitheris floos'e laGrenwood, on Tuslisi 5tOtiiboneirai11 o'clock, A&M -Afoll ttendaei o the (.omaitee-is prticngarty rasqueeted ~ -.P- HIL Catial

Lefr4s'obs hiivin& an et dsugz tthe estate-of Willikn Roete 6rd---

Sea~sed aetrequested' to-y'25th'December, as the-eta 21iimesediatel tlfereafer)f.--GER R R ,R eitttor