EDAD 5200

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  • 8/2/2019 EDAD 5200


    EDAD 5200: Issues & Trends in Curriculum, Instruction, & Supervision

    Course Description

    This course examines contextual issues, current trends, and promising practices in education that school

    leaders should consider when embarking on curricular and instructional design changes. Curriculum

    development will be examined by evaluating the structure and content of the curriculum, the

    effectiveness of the delivery system, and its overall alignment with the school systems learning

    priorities. Effective instructional design that supports differentiation, the relationship to learning theory

    and child development, and proven best practices will be emphasized. It will also examine the

    alignment of curricular priorities with teacher professional development and various supervisory

    approaches. The course seeks to instill the mindset that effective instructional leaders must come from

    a base of teaching excellence.

    Required Texts

    Jensen, E. (1998). Teaching with the brain in mind. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

    Payne, R. K. (1998).A framework for understanding poverty. Highlands, TX: RFT


    Tomlinson, C.A., & Allan, S. D. (2000). Leadership for differentiated schools. Alexandria, VA:


    Wiggins, G., & McTighe, J. (2005, 2nd edition). Understanding by design. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

    Supplemental Texts

    American Psychological Association (2001). Publication Manual of the AmericanPsychological Association. (5

    thed.). Washington D.C.: Author.

    Glickman, C. D., Gordon, S. P., & Ross-Gordon, J. M. (2004). Supervision and

    instructional leadership: A developmental approach. (6th ed.). Boston: Allyn

    & Bacon. [Selected chapters will be posted on Blackboard.com]

    Marzano, R. J. (2003). What works in schools: Translating research into action. Alexandria,VA: ASCD

    Marzano, R. J., Pickering, D. J., & Pollock, J. E. (2001). Classroom instruction that

    works: Research-based strategies for increasing student achievement. Alexandria, VA: ASCD

    Zemelman, S., Daniels, H., Hyde, A.(1998). Bestpractice: New standards for teaching and learning in

    Americas schools. Portsmouth, N.H.: Heinmann

    Recommended Professional Organizations:

    Association of Curriculum & Staff Development (ASCD)

    Content Specific Professional Organizations (such as National Reading Association)

    National Staff Development Council (NSDC)

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    Phi Delta Kappa

    Course Goal

    Participants will examine issues related to curriculum and instruction from the perspective of Leaders in

    Learning Organizations and acquire the knowledge and skills to identify and address effective curricular,

    instructional, and supervisory practices.

    Course Essential Questions

    What contextual issues impact and influence curriculum and instruction?

    What are we preparing students to do?

    How are we utilizing information about students background and school culture to support teaching

    and learning?

    What is the relationship between the teaching and learning vision, curriculum and instruction,

    assessment, and faculty development?

    What constitutes an effective curriculum development process?

    What proven best practices and learning theories should guide curriculum development and

    instructional programs?How can school leaders more effectively use research and assessment to guide curriculum development

    and instructional design?

    How can school leaders support differentiated instruction?

    What does differentiated instruction and differentiated supervision look like in a learning organization?

    Summary of Course Instructional Focus & Assessment

    (aligned to the national leadership standards (ELCC) and

    the New York leadership standards)

    Objectives (Standard #) Primary Learning Activities Performance


    1. Identify important

    contextual issues that

    impact and influence

    curriculum and instruction.

    (ELCC 6.1a, 6.1b, 6.1c, 6.1f)

    1) Teams do online research, create

    issues & trends posters ( related to

    future workforce needs, role of

    technology, time, and resources), and

    facilitate discussion

    2)Individual journal quick write

    1) Poster represents

    collective understanding

    of key issues

    2) Quick Write response

    focuses on target


    2. Formulate a vision of

    teaching and learning.

    [ELCC 1.1a, 1.2a, 1.2b;

    NY (a), (g)]

    1) Class exercise: identify guiding

    beliefs about teaching and learning

    2) Class exercise: compare and

    contrast school vision statements

    3) Develop Supervisory Platform

    4) Research and present school

    demographic report

    5) Team online research: time, global

    workforce needs, role of technology,

    and resources

    1) Indiv./team belief


    2) Teams identify critical

    elements in vision


    3) Platform statement

    responds to guiding

    questions about leaders

    role in supporting

    teaching and learning

    4) Demographic data

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    sources protocol; and


    5) Presentations that

    respond to session

    guiding questions and

    highlight implications for

    teaching and learning

    3. Access multiple data

    sources to identify the

    school community culture

    and demographic profile.

    [ELCC 2.1a; NY (d)]

    Demographic report & presentation

    that addresses teaching and learning


    Demographic data

    sources protocol and


    4. Identify the impact and

    implications of poverty on

    students learning. [ELCC

    6.1c, 4.2c; NY (d)]

    1)Class discussions and reactions to

    cases representing generational

    poverty (Ruby Payne)

    2) Research and present schooldemographic report


    understanding of

    scenarios based on

    resource list

    2) Demographic data

    sources protocol; and


    5. Identify impact of

    accountability environment

    on teaching and learning.

    [ELCC 6.1 d; NY (f), (i)]

    Online (Blackboard) team discussion

    of federal/state mandates

    Individual student

    responses and

    contributions to

    targeted questions

    6. Develop an understanding

    of an effective curriculum

    development process. [ELCC2.2b; NY (d)]

    Conduct field research, analyze, and

    present curriculum developmentprocess in school system.

    Class exercise: Curriculum

    development needs assessment

    survey; implications for school


    Curriculum report:

    response to curriculum

    interview questionprotocol & rubric

    7. Apply understanding of

    how to promote proven best

    practices and the integration

    of learning theories into

    curriculum development and

    instructional programs.

    [ELCC 1.3b, 2.2a, 2.2c, 2.3a,

    2.3b, 2.3c; NY (d), (h), (i) ]

    1) Curriculum mini project: unit

    outline using Backward Design

    2) Culminating Curriculum &

    Instruction Project report

    3) Best Practices Mini Project

    research and presentation

    4) Class discussion of school best

    practices based on interview with

    building administrator

    1) Backward Design

    Unit outline rubric

    2) Culminating project


    3) Best Practices rubric

    4) Use of best practices


  • 8/2/2019 EDAD 5200


    8. Demonstrate

    understanding of how to

    identify and bring together

    diverse elements of the

    school community to

    enhance teaching and

    learning. [ELCC 4.1a, 4.1d;

    NY (a), (d), (g), (i)]

    1) Demographic report &

    presentation that addresses teaching

    and learning implications

    2) Curriculum unit outline using

    Backward Design

    3) Class discussions of poverty case

    studies (Payne)

    1) Demographic data

    sources protocol and


    2) Backward

    DesignUnit outline


    3) Self-assessment using

    resource checklist


    9. Identify how school

    leaders should support

    diverse student learning

    needs through

    differentiated instruction

    [ELCC 4.2c; NY (a),(d), (h), (i)]

    1)Discussion and role play

    (supervisor-supervisee) based on

    differentiated instruction case


    2) Class discussions and reactions to

    cases (Ruby Payne); individual

    reflections of implications in own


    1) Peer assessment

    based on developmental

    approach to supervision

    2) Individual responses

    to guiding questions for

    schools (Payne)

    10. Demonstrate effective

    use of research and

    assessment to inform

    curriculum development and

    instruction. [ELCC 2.3c, 4.2

    b, 6.1a; NY (d), (f), (h), (i)]

    1)Research data sources for

    Demographic Report & make

    presentation that addresses teaching

    and learning implications

    2) Team online research: time, global

    workforce needs, role of technology,

    and resources

    3) Best Practices research and


    4) Culminating Curriculum &Instruction Project report

    1) Demographic data

    sources protocol and


    2) Team presentations

    that respond to session

    guiding questions and

    highlight implications for

    teaching and learning

    3) Best Practices rubric

    4) Culminating projectprotocol and rubric

    Course Requirements

    (Refer to Attachment section for specific detail of assignments and expectations)

    Attendance and Participation in Class: 15%

    Individual Project(Demographic): 15%

    Paper Response (Curriculum Development Process): 15%

    Individual or Team Project: 10%

    Curriculum unit backward design outline

    Curriculum & Instruction Best Practices Project: 30%

    Part 1: Best Practices Research Presentation (10%)

    Part 2: Final Project Paper (20%)

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    [CF standards 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 1e, 2a, 2d, 2e, 3a, 3b, 3d, 4a, 5c, 5d, 5e]

    Supervisory Platform Statement: 5%

    [CF standards 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 1e, 2a, 2d, 2e, 3a, 3b, 3d, 4a, 5c, 5d, 5e]

    Online Discussion: 10%

    Field-based Experiences: All assignments should be linked to the context of your school. It is

    expected that the various assignments will require approximately 15 hours, including observations,

    interviews, and data collection. At the end of the semester you will need to complete a summary field

    log form to document the field-based experiences.


    Grading in this course will be guided by mastery learning, ongoing self assessment, and peer

    assessment. Rubrics and protocols will establish the expectations for each assignment. Students will be

    given an opportunity to revise assignments that are below expectations. Anything below a B is not

    acceptable for graduate work. The grading scale is as follows:

    Late Assignments: Due dates for various assignments are indicated in the course outline. Assignments

    which are turned in late will lose credit at the rate of one point value for each day past the due date.

    Academic Honesty (excerpt from School of Education catalog):

    All forms of academic dishonesty, unfair advantage, and plagiarism will have consequences, from failure

    of the assignment or failure of the course, up to and including expulsion from the School of Education.In all cases where academic dishonesty is suspected, both faculty members and students have the

    obligation to bring the matter to the attention of the Associate Dean for Graduate Advising.

    ADA STATEMENT : Students needing accommodations for a documented disability should notify the

    instructor at the beginning of the semester.

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    1a. Learning and Teaching Combines a depth of knowledge of academic disciplines with

    understanding of pedagogical theory and research

    1b. Learning and Teaching Demonstrates knowledge and use of multiple assessments and

    appropriate diagnostic techniques1c. Learning and Teaching Demonstrates teaching driven by reflective practice within the

    context of a community of learners

    1d. Learning and Teaching Develops developmentally appropriate strategies based on structure

    and method of the discipline

    1e. Learning and Teaching Applies educational theory to classroom practice

    2a. Diverse Learners Demonstrates respect for and values all children

    2b. Diverse Learners Demonstrates knowledge of child development

    2c. Diverse Learners Demonstrates understanding of how to foster self-esteem,

    motivation, character and civic responsibility

    2d. Diverse Learners Considers the challenges likely to be encountered by diverse learners

    and strategies to help diverse learners meet those challenges.2e. Diverse Learners Demonstrates a belief that all children can learn. Provides a

    supportive environment for diverse learners and treats all students


    3a. Liberal Arts Models a strong speaking, writing, reading and listening skills

    3b. Liberal Arts Demonstrates sound knowledge of educational technology in

    planning, designing, delivering, and evaluating effective learning


    3c. Liberal Arts Demonstrates a broad knowledge of the liberal arts

    3d. Liberal Arts Demonstrates a deep understanding of the content appropriate to

    the teaching specialty and relevant applications of that content.

    3e. Liberal Arts Demonstrates a commitment to motivate and enable all students toattain high standards of academic achievement

    4a. Family, School and


    Understand that the involvement of the home enhances the work of

    the school

    4b. Family, School and


    Promotes child-focused collaboration with parents, staff and

    community organizations

    5a. Professionalism Is committed to a life-long pursuit of learning and professional


    5b. Professionalism Utilizes reflection as a tool for self-growth, program assessment, and

    instructional effectiveness

    5c. Professionalism Assumes a professional role within the organizational system of the


    5d. Professionalism Is responsive to research and best professional practices

    5e. Professionalism Interprets and implements regulatory, professional, and ethical
