ECZEMA, PSORIASIS & Skin Disorders - Health and Lifestyle Solutions - Have You Tried All Eczema & Psoriasis Creams With No Results

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  • 7/31/2019 ECZEMA, PSORIASIS & Skin Disorders - Health and Lifestyle Solutions - Have You Tried All Eczema & Psoriasis Crea




    Before we go any further we need to clear a few things up!

    Will this document lead you to a product sales page?

    YES, of course it will! If you are currently wasting money on things which clearly dont work,then you need to start putting it into things which do, just as I did. Please read on.

    Do you have to buy the product to find out the information of which

    you wanted with this download?

    NO! You can read all the information (facts & my views) within this document with noobligation to purchase!



    If you are reading this then I guess you or somebody you know suffers from a skin disorder of some

    sort. You will also know then that medication and creams prescribed from GPs dont work and also

    come with many side effects.

  • 7/31/2019 ECZEMA, PSORIASIS & Skin Disorders - Health and Lifestyle Solutions - Have You Tried All Eczema & Psoriasis Crea


  • 7/31/2019 ECZEMA, PSORIASIS & Skin Disorders - Health and Lifestyle Solutions - Have You Tried All Eczema & Psoriasis Crea


    The European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) published a

    position paper in 2001 which simplifies the nomenclature of allergy-related diseases

    including atopic and allergic contact eczemas. Non-allergic eczemas are not affected by this


    Types of common eczemas

    Atopic eczema (aka infantile e., flexural e., atopic dermatitis) is an allergic diseasebelieved to have a hereditary component, and often runs in families whose members

    also have hay fever and asthma. Itchy rash is particularly noticeable on head and

    scalp, neck, inside of elbows, behind knees, and buttocks. Experts are urging doctors

    to be more vigilant in weeding out cases that are, in actuality, irritant contact

    dermatitis. It is very common in developed countries, and rising.

    Contact dermatitis is of two types: allergic (resulting from a delayed reaction to someallergen, such as poison ivy or nickel), and irritant (resulting from direct reaction to a

    detergent, such as sodium lauryl sulfate, for example). Some substances act both as

    allergen and irritant (wet cement, for example). Other substances cause a problem

    after sunlight exposure, bringing on phototoxic dermatitis. About three quarters of

    cases of contact eczema are of the irritant type, which is the most common

    occupational skin disease. Contact eczema is curable provided the offending

    substance can be avoided, and its traces removed from ones environment.

    Xerotic eczema (aka asteatotic e., e. craquele or craquelatum, winter itch, pruritushiemalis) is dry skin that becomes so serious it turns into eczema. It worsens in dry

    winter weather, and limbs and trunk are most often affected. The itchy, tender skin

    resembles a dry, cracked, river bed. This disorder is very common among the older

    population. Ichthyosis is a related disorder.

    Seborrhoeic dermatitis or Seborrheicdermatitis ("cradle cap" in infants) is a conditionsometimes classified as a form of eczema which is closely related to dandruff. It

    causes dry or greasy peeling of the scalp, eyebrows, and face, and sometimes trunk.

    The condition is harmless except in severe cases of cradle cap. In newborns it causes a

    thick, yellow crusty scalp rash called cradle cap which seems related to lack of biotin,and is often curable.

    Less common eczemas

    Dyshidrosis (aka dyshidrotic e., pompholyx, vesicular palmoplantar dermatitis,housewifes eczema) only occurs on palms, soles, and sides of fingers and toes. Tiny

  • 7/31/2019 ECZEMA, PSORIASIS & Skin Disorders - Health and Lifestyle Solutions - Have You Tried All Eczema & Psoriasis Crea


    opaque bumps called vesicles, thickening, and cracks are accompanied by itching

    which gets worse at night. A common type of hand eczema, it worsens in warm


    Discoid eczema (aka nummular e., exudative e., microbial e.) is characterized byround spots of oozing or dry rash, with clear boundaries, often on lower legs. It is

    usually worse in winter. Cause is unknown, and the condition tends to come and go.

    Venous eczema (aka gravitational e., stasis dermatitis, varicose e.) occurs in peoplewith impaired circulation, varicose veins and edema, and is particularly common in

    the ankle area of people over 50. There is redness, scaling, darkening of the skin and

    itching. The disorder predisposes to leg ulcers

    Dermatitis herpetiformis (aka Duhrings Disease) causes intensely itchy and typicallysymmetrical rash on arms, thighs, knees, and back. It is directly related to celiac

    disease and can often be put into remission with appropriate diet.

    Neurodermatitis (aka lichen simplex chronicus, localized scratch dermatitis) is anitchy area of thickened, pigmented eczema patch that results from habitual rubbing

    and scratching. Usually there is only one spot. Often curable through behavior

    modification and anti-inflammatory medication. Prurigo nodularis is a related disorder

    showing multiple lumps.

    Autoeczematization (aka id reaction, autosensitization) is an eczematous reaction toan infection with parasites, fungi, bacteria or viruses. It is completely curable with the

    clearance of the original infection that caused it. The appearance varies depending on

    the cause. It always occurs some distance away from the original infection.

    There are also eczemas overlaid by viral infections (e. herpeticum, e. vaccinatum),and eczemas resulting from underlying disease (e.g. lymphoma). Eczemas originatingfrom ingestion of medications, foods, and chemicals, have not yet been clearly

    systematized. Other rare eczematous disorders exist in addition to those listed here.

    The information above was the sort of stuff I use to read over and over trying to find a solution to

    my problem. I didnt want to give up hope and I just knew there was something I could do. I simply

    couldnt give up hope. In my search I discovered information on my skin disease Psoriasis and found

  • 7/31/2019 ECZEMA, PSORIASIS & Skin Disorders - Health and Lifestyle Solutions - Have You Tried All Eczema & Psoriasis Crea


    that this too was treated in the same manner as my Eczema. I will just show you a sample of facts I

    found and then we can move on to the important factor here. A result!

    PSORIASISPsoriasis is probably one of the longest known illnesses of humans and simultaneously one of

    the most misunderstood. Some scholars believe psoriasis to have been included among the

    skin conditions called tzaraat in the Bible. In more recent times psoriasis was frequently

    described as a variety of leprosy. The Greeks used the term lepra () for scaly skin

    conditions. They used the term psora to describe itchy skin conditions. It became known as

    Willan's lepra in the late 18th century when English dermatologists Robert Willan and

    Thomas Bateman differentiated it from other skin diseases. They assigned names to the

    condition based on the appearance of lesions. Willan identified two categories: leprosa

    graecorum andpsora leprosa.

    While it may have been visually, and later semantically, confused with leprosy, it was not

    until 1841 that the condition was finally given the namepsoriasis by the Viennese

    dermatologist Ferdinand von Hebra. The name is derived from the Greek wordpsora which

    means to itch.

    It was during the 20th century that psoriasis was further differentiated into specific types.

    An arm covered with plaque psoriasis

    The symptoms of psoriasis can manifest in a variety of forms. Variants include plaque,pustular, guttate and flexural psoriasis.

  • 7/31/2019 ECZEMA, PSORIASIS & Skin Disorders - Health and Lifestyle Solutions - Have You Tried All Eczema & Psoriasis Crea


    Plaque psoriasis (psoriasis vulgaris) is the most common form of psoriasis. It affects 80 to

    90% of people with psoriasis. Plaque psoriasis typically appears as raised areas of inflamed

    skin covered with silvery white scaly skin. These areas are called plaques.

    Flexural psoriasis (inverse psoriasis) appears as smooth inflamed patches of skin. It occurs

    in skin folds, particularly around the genitals (between the thigh and groin), the armpits,

    under an overweight stomach (pannus), and under the breasts (inframammary fold). It isaggravated by friction and sweat, and is vulnerable to fungal infections.

    Guttate psoriasis is characterized by numerous small round spots (differential diagnosis

    pityriasis roseaoval shape lesion). These numerous spots of psoriasis appear over large

    areas of the body, such as the trunk, limbs, and scalp. Guttate psoriasis is associated with

    streptococcal throat infection.

    Pustular psoriasis appears as raised bumps that are filled with non-infectious pus (pustules).

    The skin under and surrounding the pustules is red and tender. Pustular psoriasis can be

    localised, commonly to the hands and feet (palmoplantar pustulosis), or generalised with

    widespread patches occurring randomly on any part of the body.

    Psoriasis of a fingernail

    Nail psoriasis produces a variety of changes in the appearance of finger and toe nails. These

    changes include discoloring under the nail plate, pitting of the nails, lines going across the

    nails, thickening of the skin under the nail, and the loosening (onycholysis) and crumbling of

    the nail.

    Psoriatic arthritis involves joint and connective tissue inflammation. Psoriatic arthritis can

    affect any joint but is most common in the joints of the fingers and toes. This can result in a

    sausage-shaped swelling of the fingers and toes known as dactylitis. Psoriatic arthritis can

    also affect the hips, knees and spine (spondylitis). About 10-15% of people who have

    psoriasis also have psoriatic arthritis.

    Erythrodermic psoriasis involves the widespread inflammation and exfoliation of the skin

    over most of the body surface. It may be accompanied by severe itching, swelling and pain. It

    is often the result of an exacerbation of unstable plaque psoriasis, particularly following the

    abrupt withdrawal of systemic treatment. This form of psoriasis can be fatal, as the extreme

    inflammation and exfoliation disrupt the body's ability to regulate temperature and for the

    skin to perform barrier functions.

  • 7/31/2019 ECZEMA, PSORIASIS & Skin Disorders - Health and Lifestyle Solutions - Have You Tried All Eczema & Psoriasis Crea


    As you can see, Psoriasis sufferers have a rough ride.

    I dont know about you, but I began to feel a bit lost. I had my skin condition which only got worse, I

    was using harmful medication and creams from my GP with no results, my social life was taking a

    knock because of it and I was really depressed.

    However, a friend of mine introduced me to a product he claimed would clear up my disorder. At

    this point I had given up and took what he said with a pinch of salt. I dismissed his advice totally and

    waited a whole year before I tried it. Thats right; I had the answer I was looking for in my medicine

    cabinet for a whole year.

    I remember the day I give it a go. I had just finished my bath and dried myself off. It was painful, and

    I remember looking in the mirror. I paused for a second and then burst into tears. I went over the

    conversation I had with my friend in regards to this cream. Without a second thought I went to my

    cabinet and got the cream. The rest as they say is history!

    Within weeks of using it I saw results of which I had never come close to over the years of trying to

    treat my problem using other medication.

    I was on a journey of getting my life back.

    I feel fantastic and apart from a couple extra pounds around the mid section I look great. Cant have

    it all ways I suppose. However, I now feel a million dollars. I am confident, I wear what I like without

    a worry and I now have my social life back.

    Ever since then I have endorsed this product and shared it with hundreds of others. I have

    seen nothing but fantastic results which have empowered my belief in this truly amazing


    I hope this information was useful, and if you are a sufferer of the

    above then my heart goes out to you. I truly do know how you may

    be feeling. You need to try this product.

    Please dont give up hope as I once did.

    Further details can be found on my site. Follow the link below.

    From here you can view further information and an option to try the cream for yourself.

    James Galloway