Economic Systems

Economic Systems

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Economic Systems. Capitalism F ree Enterprise M arket E conomy. Definition An economic system based on private ownership of property and means of distribution “Private “= people or individuals Goal Maximum profit for owners. How is the goal of Capitalism achieved?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Economic Systems

Economic Systems

Page 2: Economic Systems

CapitalismFree Enterprise

Market Economy

Definition An economic system based on private

ownership of property and means of distribution

“Private “= people or individuals

Goal Maximum profit for owners

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How is the goal of Capitalism achieved?

Private control of resources, production, distribution

Laissez Faire Theory Government should play little to NO part in the economy

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How is the goal of Capitalism achieved?

Law of Supply and Demand High demand and low supply= high price High supply and low demand = low price

Role of Consumer


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Karl Marx’s ideas in response to the Industrial Revolution gave rise to 2 types of economies Socialism Communism

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Definition An economic system in which the

major industries resources, and services are owned by the government

Goal To provide all citizens with basic

economic needs

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How is the goal of Socialism achieved?

Government owns main industries, resources, and distribution methods

Some private ownership (small business)

The creation of a welfare state

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How is the goal of Socialism achieved?

Creation of a welfare state What you get

Housing, schooling, health care, retirement pension, unemployment insurance, guaranteed vacation time, maternity / paternity leave

What you give Everyone pays really high taxes

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Definition Government controls all parts of the


Goal To create a classless society replacing

competition with cooperation to ultimately meet the needs of everyone.

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How is the goal of Communism achieved?

Government controlseverything!!!!!!!!!!

Production Distribution Resources Land Consumption

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Mixed Economy

An economic system that is shaped by a variety of factors

private ownership government involvement culture/ tradition

Most economies today are mixed!

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Shanghai, China 1990

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Shanghai, China 2010

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In what ways is the US economy mixed?

What is controlled by the government?

What is privately controlled?

What is influenced by culture and tradition?