Economic Regulation of Business Faye Jones [email protected] 2/26/2008

Economic Regulation Business

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8/8/2019 Economic Regulation Business

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Economic Regulation of Business

Faye Jones

[email protected]/26/2008

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Research Examples Issue #1: Government Regu-

lation of Schooling in the U.S.and Abroad

Research Goals:

If foreign countries haveswitched to vouchers as ameans of school regulation,find economic studies fromthose countries

If not, find other systems that

may have reduced governmentcontrol over schools

Challenges: (1) Requires mainlyeconomics, not legal, research(2) Need to develop researchvocabulary ± ³vouchers´ may

not be used internationally.

Issue #2: Impact of Sports onLocal Communities

Research Goals:

Define what impact means ±Economic impact of buildingnew sports stadiums? Moregeneral economic impact(benefit or not) to havingmajor sports franchises in thecommunity? Focus on the

impact of a particular sport or compare the impact of sportson a community (NFL footballvs. pro soccer)?

Challenges: Similar to Issue#1

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More Research Examples Issue #3: Wine Regulation

Systems in the U.S. and Abroad

Research Goals:

Discover what motivatesregulation of wine distribution

Find both legal and economicanalysis of wine regulation inthe U.S. and internationally

Challenges: (1) Large topic:Wine is a highly competitive

worldwide industry with aglobal distribution system(2) Hot topic: Currentresearch is vital.

Issue #4: Ethanol Regulation(in the context of regulatinggasoline)

Research Goals:

Examine both economic andscientific literature on ethanolregulation.

Find relevant sources onethanol regulation in thecontext of gasolineregulation.

Challenges: (1) Hot topic:Some resources may beadvocacy. Critically evaluatethe resources found. (2)Current research is vital.

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Research Challenge: Unfamiliarity with

economics research

Research Strategy in General:

(1) Search known sources first

(2) Search for a variety of sources Journal articles, news stories, books,

dissertations, newly available unpublishedscholarly papers, blogs, etc.

(3) Schedule a research consultation with alibrarian

For help in developing research strategy,creating research vocabulary, and findingresources that you may have missed.

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Searching Known Sources (and beyond) Strategy:

1. Make a quick first pass in familiar researchsources

2. Find potentially useful material 3. Evaluate relevance, review sources used then

discard material that is not helpful Through the process of steps 1-3 develop research


By discovering the terms used by experts develop your own expertise

4. Keep a research log of where you have searchedand print out successful searches

5. Find a ³flashlight´ to help you look in the dark,wild places

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Searching Strategy: Finding the Flashlights (1) Search Law & Economics sources at the FSU University

Library You can do this research Off-campus!

(2) Search using FSU¶s Economics on the Web research guide

(3) Review and compare FSU Law Research Center Law &Economics links

(4) Search other databases and gray literature

(5) Search Google Scholar and Book Search

(6) Search FSU Libraries Online Catalog for print and e-books

(7) Look for influential or scholarly blogs

(8) For the broadest web search use a variety of search engines --They don¶t all cover the same web pages! Altavista www.altavista.com

alltheweb www.alltheweb.com

Yahoo! http://search.yahoo.com

Yahoo! News! http://news.yahoo.com

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Good starting points: Journal of Economic 

Literature and Journal of Economic Perspectives Available only up to 2005 on JSTOR


Includes journals not in JSTOR; often up tothe current issue

Also books and books in series

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Research Tip: Check Coverage in the


Compare Lexis coverage with JSTOR

Lexis search in combined past 2 years news

and magazine articles:atleast25(wine) /5 regulat! /5 economic

American Journal of Agricultural Economics 2005


Would not find this article. Why?

 Alphabetical Browse by Journal Title

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Lexis News & Magazine Story Search

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News Articles Tip: Check coverage!

Lexis ± Superior to WL for news and magazine stories WSJ: Full-text from January 02, 1984 through current. Same

day; Stories are available by 4 am est.

Specific industry magazines covered: Ethanol & BiodieselNews

WL: All News contains newspapers, magazines, journals,

newsletters, government press releases, transcripts of 

television and radio shows and congressional testimony. --Coverage varies by publication.

WSJ Abstracts only

Newspaper and magazine web sites (NYT,Washington Post (policy), LA Times (sports,

entertainment), The Economist, BBC News)

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Westlaw News Sources

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Working papers & More Research Papers in Economics: (also

has links to published journal articles)

Social Science Research Network

National Bureau of Economic Research

Resources for Economists

Internet Resources for Economists

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Blogs Check the credential of the blogger 

Look for blogs by scholars

For empirical research, see Legal Scholarship Blog

Use Google to search blogs

The Sports Economist.com

 About Us

Essays Sign up for RSS feeds to catch news and


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Handbooks in Economics Most are available at the FSU University Library.

General Resources for Writing in Economics Thomas L. Wyrick, The economist's handbook : a researc h 

and writing guide, STROZIER LIBRARY Reference, HB74.5.W97 1994 -- In-Library Use Only

William Thomson, A Guide for t he Young Economist , 2001.(Ebook -- most helpful for writing tips.)

On Order: Steven A. Greenlaw Doing Economics: A Guide to

Understanding and Carrying Out Economic Researc h.

2006. Deirdre N. McCloskey Economical Writing . 2d. Ed., 1999.

Robert H. Neugeboren The Student¶s Guide to Writing Economics. 2005.

Online Catalog