Economic History Answers to exam questions : 1 - 52 by Global SGH

Economic History Notes 1 - 50

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Page 1: Economic History Notes 1 - 50



Answers to exam questions : 1 - 52


Global SGH

Page 2: Economic History Notes 1 - 50


Table of content: 1. Agriculture in Middle Ages. The concepts of manoralism and feudalism. .......................................... 4

2.The revival of the cities ........................................................................................................................ 5

3.Guilds .................................................................................................................................................... 6

4.Trade in middle ages.Hansa. ................................................................................................................ 7

5. Black Death .......................................................................................................................................... 8

6. Great geographical discoveries and first colonial empires. ................................................................ 9

7. 16th-century demographic expansion and the price revolution. ..................................................... 10

8. Agriculture in Eastern and Western Europe in 16th and 17th centuries .......................................... 11

9. Baltic Trade in Early Modernity, ........................................................................................................ 13

10. Social structure of Poland & Lithuania before 1795 ....................................................................... 14

11. Mercantilism. ................................................................................................................................... 17

12. Struggle for colonies in 18th century ............................................................................................... 19

13.Industrial Revolution in England ...................................................................................................... 20

14.French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars (1789-1815) .................................................................... 24

15. Laissez-faire and free trade ............................................................................................................. 25

16. Industrialization of continental Europe: .......................................................................................... 27

17. Industrialization of continental Europe - latecomers. ..................................................................... 28

18. United States in 19th century. Economic consequences of civil war. .............................................. 30

19. Latin America in 19th century. ......................................................................................................... 31

20. China & India in 19th century. .......................................................................................................... 33

21. Second Industrial Revolution........................................................................................................... 34

22. Revival of colonialism after 1870. ................................................................................................... 35

23. Protectionism .................................................................................................................................. 36

24. Gold Standard and bimetallism. ...................................................................................................... 37

25. Banking 19th century: ..................................................................................................................... 37

26. Business cycles in 19th century : ...................................................................................................... 39

27. The industrial working class and labour movements of the 19th century ...................................... 43

28. Land reforms in Central and Eastern Europe in the 19th century .................................................... 47

29. Polish lands and their industrialization before 1914 ....................................................................... 49

30.Modernization attempts and backwardness in 19th century .......................................................... 52

31.World War I ...................................................................................................................................... 53

32. Polish hyperinflation and stabilisation: ....................................................................................... 58

33. World finances in the interwar period. ........................................................................................ 59

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34. Soviet Union and the centrally planned economy before World War II ......................................... 61

35.The Great Depression ....................................................................................................................... 63

36.The Great Depression in Poland ....................................................................................................... 67

37. The new states of central and eastern Europe before World War II ......................................... 69

38.Franklin Delano Roosevelt and New Deal ........................................................................................ 70

39. Totalitarian and democratic economic policies in 1930’s. ......................................................... 71

39. Polish economic policy in 1930’s ..................................................................................................... 75

41. Japanese economy from Meiji to WW II. ........................................................................................ 77

42. Land reforms in Central & Eastern Europe (1918 – 1939) ........................................................ 80

43. World Agriculture 1918-1939 .......................................................................................................... 84

44. World industry after 1918-1939 ...................................................................................................... 86

45. World War II and it’s consequences ................................................................................................ 88

46. Keynesian economic polices ......................................................................................................... 92

47. Bretton Woods System .................................................................................................................... 92

48. Marshall Plan ................................................................................................................................... 94

49. European integration after World War II. ....................................................................................... 97

50. Soviet Union after 1945. .................................................................................................................. 99

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1. Agriculture in Middle Ages. The

concepts of manoralism and

feudalism. (Rolnictwo w Średniowieczu. Koncepcje "panowania" i

feudalizmu) Agriculture: (1) Lord-peasant as dominant relation. Both sides have limited (although asymmetrical) right to the same property. (2) Open fields divided into lord's land, peasants' fields and commons (usually pastures and woods). (3) Peasants worked their own land (fief) and that of the lord. Peasant owned labour service to the lord, additionally possessing police and judical rights over the peasants in exchange for military protection. Feudalism: (1) Term was coined by French lawyers of 17th century. Used, usually inappropriately, to non-Western countries, like Japan, to underline similarities in society situation. It lasted until bourgeoisie revolution. (16th century- Nederlands, 1640's- England, 1789- France, Napoleonic time- rest of Europe, 1860's- Eastern Europe). (2) Feudalism described relation between lords and vassals. It helped restore public order and strengthen royal power. Karol Marx found feudalism as "stage in history that preceded capitalism; the entire social and economic structure of medieval Europe; oppressive and hierarchical". Manorialism: (1) characterised by the vesting of legal and economic power in a lord, supported economically from his own direct landholding and from the obligatory contributions of a legally subject part of the peasant population under his jurisdiction. These obligations could be payable in several ways, in labor (the French term corvee is conventionally applied), in kind, or, on rare occasions, in coin. (2) Manors each consisted of up to three classes of land: (a) demesne, the part directly controlled by the lord and used for the benefit of his household and dependents; (b) dependent (serf or villein) holdings carrying the obligation that the peasant household supply the lord with specified labour services or a part of its output (or cash in lieu thereof), subject to the custom attached to the holding; (c) free peasant land, without such obligation but otherwise

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subject to manorial jurisdiction and custom, and owing money rent fixed at the time of the lease. Difficult words: fief- lenno, feudum in kind- w naturze demesne- majątek, właśnośd serf- chłop paoszczyźniany, sługa, kmied villein- paoszczyzna

2.The revival of the cities (odrodzenie miast w Średniowieczu)

-disputable continuity with both Roman towns in Western Europe and tribal centers in Central and Eastern Europe -continuity in the Bizantine Empire and its former lands but different path of development -11th century- beginning of revival fueled by trade and crafts -municipal self-government (commune) as revival's distinctive feature -fast political emancipation of the cities (Legnano 1176) The Craft Guilds were formed in a similar way to the Merchant Guilds. A group of tradesmen or craftsmen engaged in the same occupation joined together. There were Craft Guilds for every trade or craft performed within a Medieval city or town. These are the most important trades or crafts: Masons, Carpenters, Painters, Cloth Makers, Tanners, Bakers, Shoemakers (Cobblers), Apothecaries, Candle Makers Here is a link to the more detailed list: http://www.middle-ages.org.uk/medieval-


The Battle of Legnano was fought on May 29, 1176, between the forces of the Holy Roman Empire, led by emperor Frederick Barbarossa, and the Lombard League. Result: Decisive Lombard League victory. Importance: Free Italian Cities defeated the Holy Roman Empire, what allowed them to retain the sovereignty and accelerated economic development

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The biggest Middle Ages Cities (I don't add number of population, cuz it was changing really fast, cuz of invasions and epidemics): Constantinople, Paris, Florence, Venice, Ghent (Belgium), Norwich. The biggest Polish city was Cracow. Difficult words: municipal- miejski, komunalny to retain the sovereignty- zachowad suwerennośd Tanner- garbarz Cobbler- szewc Apothecary- aptekarz


The guilds in the Middle Ages were an important part of Medieval life. A higher social status could be achieved through membership to Merchant guilds. There were two main kinds of Medieval guilds - Merchant Guilds and Craft Guilds. The word “guild” is from the Saxon “gilden” meaning "to pay" and refers to the subscription paid to the Guilds by their members. 1-Merchant guilds

The system of Feudalism during the Middle Ages allowed the lords and owners of the land to tax the people and their trades. As trade increased in the Middle Ages the taxes became excessive. A single person had no chance of making any objections to the rate and amount of tax that the lord demanded. The idea of Merchant Guilds was born. A Merchant Guild was an association of trades interested in international commerce.

● most merchant guilds confine membership to inhabitants of one city, usual high entrance fee give them an exclusive character

● the urban social upheavals of the late 13th and 14th centuries, the Zunftrevolution (“guild revolution”) transfer all or part of the political and economic powers of the participate to the craft guilds

● 15th century - most European merchant guilds disappear or survive as attenuated bodies, sometimes as kind of social clubs

2-Craft guilds

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● The Craft Guilds were formed in a similar way to the Merchant Guilds. A group of tradesmen or craftsmen engaged in the same occupation joined together. There were Craft Guilds for every trade or craft performed within a Medieval city or town. These trades or crafts included all artisans from specific branch of industry or commerce. hierarchical body, divided into the three categories of masters, journeymen, and apprentices

● proof of technical competence (masterpiece) demanded from journeyman before awarding the status of master

● greatest expansion after 1250 ● besides economic importance, significant social, religious, military and

political duties to perform ● primary economic objective: establishment of complete monopoly in the

common profession, hence focus on obligatory membership ● despite frequent attempts at price-fixing, usually not efficient due to

other guilds’ competition or the breach of the monopoly by craftsmen working beyond city limits.

● municipal supervision and interference in craft policy common at all stages of guild history

● from the 15th century onward additional intervention of national governments

● the need of avoiding guild regulations was the primary motive behind the putting-out system

● drift of industrial activity from the towns into the countryside left the guilds isolated from the main currents of economic power

● guilds as obstacles to free competition were the basic feature of feudalism in industry and hence their abolishment after the French Revolution

● revival of guilds under the rule of communist party – obligatory membership in Poland since 1948, its abolishment in 1988

4.Trade in middle ages.Hansa.

The Middle Ages saw the rapid expansion of Medieval trade. The most important factor in the expansion of trade and commerce were the Crusades. The Crusades, which had facilitated the relations with Eastern countries,

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developed a taste in the West for their indigenous productions, gave a fresh vigour to this foreign commerce and trade, and rendered it more productive by removing the stumbling blocks which had arrested its progress - Dark ages is a term referring to the precieved period of cultural and economic deterioration and disruption that occurred in Europe following the decline of the Roman Empire 476 - Growth of medieval society – 11th-13th centuries. The Crusades and the Levantine trade. Venice and Genoa, decline of Byzantine and Muslim trade. Champagne fairs as a meeting point of Northern and Southern European trade - Mongol incursions, Pax Mongolica - The black death was one of the deadliest pandemics in human history. Thought to have started in China, it travelled along Silk Road and had reached the Crimea by 1346. From there, probably carried by Oriental rat flears residing on the black rats that were regular passengers on merchant ships, it spread throughout the Mediterranean and Europe. - 14th century crisis of feudalism in the west are crisis resulting from a maladjustment of the factors of production. A demographic collapse, followed by an agricultural depression characterized by low grain prices. - 15th-century growth and preconditions for agrarian dualism. Bruges as leading trade centre between North and South, growth of Antwerp The Middle Ages was a period of European history from the 5th century to the 15th century which finished by the Italian early start of modernity.

5. Black Death The Black Death was one of the deadliest pandemics in human history, peaking in Europe between 1348 and 1350. It is widely thought to have been an outbreak of bubonic plague. Thought to have started in China, it travelled along the Silk Road and had reached the Crimea by 1346. From there, probably carried by Oriental rat fleas residing on the black rats that were regular passengers on merchant ships, it spread throughout the Mediterranean and Europe. The plague is thought to have returned at intervals with varying virulence and mortality until the 18th century. Europeans were smitten by the Black Death a third or more of the people died; a half when you count the losses inflicted by psequellae. The 14th century eruption of the Black Death had a drastic effect on Europe's population, irrevocably changing the social structure. It was, arguably, a serious

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blow to the Catholic Church, and resulted in widespread persecution of minorities such as Jews, foreigners, beggars, and lepers. Medieval people called the catastrophe of the 14th century either the "Great Pestilence"' or the "Great Plague". Several pre-existing conditions such as wars, famine, and weather contributed to the spread and severity of the Black Death. The great population loss brought economic changes based on increased social mobility, as depopulation further eroded the peasants' already weakened obligations to remain on their traditional holdings. In Western Europe, the sudden shortage of cheap labour provided an incentive for landlords to compete for peasants with wages and freedoms, an innovation that, some argue, represents the roots of capitalism. In many ways the Black Death and its aftermath improved the situation of surviving peasants, notably by the end of the 15th century. In Western Europe, labourers gained more power and were more in demand because of the shortage of labour. Sources: Mainly Internet, as Lecture 1 mentions Black Death in one line (slide 11) and Landes mentions it briefly (page 40).

6. Great geographical discoveries

and first colonial empires. Great geographical discoveries

● 1492 – first voyage of Columbus (Spain), discovery of America

● 1498 – Da Gama (Portugal), passage to India

● 1517-1519 – Magellan & Elcano (Spain) - first encirclement of the globe

● 1519-1521 – Cortés (Spain) conquers the Aztec Empire

● 1532-1533 – Pizarro (Spain) conquers most of the Inca Empire

● 1577-1580 - Drake (England) – second circumnavigation of the World,

contesting Spanish-Portuguese duopoly

First generation of colonial empires

● Treaties of Tordesillas (1494) and Saragossa (1529). Most of Americas -

Spain. Indian Ocean – Portugal. Philippines - Spain, Moluccas (Spice

Islands) – Portugal.

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● Portuguese colonial empire: Brazil, Spice Islands, Hormuz, Goa, Melaka,

Macao, African possessions, trade with Japan. Pursuit of trade monopoly

on Indian Ocean (failure in Aden)

● Spanish colonial empire: American viceroyalties (white settlement, big

estates), Caribbean Islands, Philippines (Manila galleon – result of

Portuguese monopoly on Indian Ocean)

● 1503 – Casa de Contratación (House of Trade) set up in Seville in order to

manage American colonial trade (monopoly until 1713)

● separation of colonies during Spanish-Portuguese union (1580-1640) –

inability of policy coordination, the Dutch and the English expel the

Portuguese from most of the outposts, after ca. 1630 – Portuguese ally

with England

● breakup of Spanish empire after Napoleonic Wars (resistance of Creoles

against authorities sent from Madrid, US Monroe doctrine of 1823

supported by Britain) and war against USA (1898, loss of islands)

Read more in: Slides 1-5 from Lecture 4, Landes pages: 422-441, 163-164


7. 16th-century demographic

expansion and the price


Demographic expansion: After the wars (Hundred years war 1337 to 1453), the Great Famine in 1315, and plagues (Black Death-bubonic plague-1348-50) in the Late Middle ages, when the population diminished by 2/3 in the West (less in the East), the

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population of Europe only started to rise again in the16th century do to developments in agriculture (described in the next question) and trade. Price revolution- A high rise in inflation (in XV-XVII century in Western Europe.) Caused by: ● a large inflow of gold and silver from the New World brought by the Spanish (too much money) (the classic explanation, now questioned if it was that important) ● the demographic expansion (too many people, increase in global demand) ● increase in the circulation of money due to an intensification of trade and an increase in the number of transactions ● debasement of coins (Debasement was often done by the issuing body, where less than the officially specified amount of precious metal was contained in an issue of coinage, usually by alloying it with a base metal.) ● the monopolization of trade of many important things (prices higher in a monopoly) Too much money, too many people => increase in demand (agriculture was having a hard time keeping up, prices of food were rising faster than the prices of industrial products=> dualism in agriculture) => inflation of prices

8. Agriculture in Eastern and Western Europe in 16th and 17th centuries

New in agriculture in general: ● Crop rotation (after a while it was impossible to get more land by

cutting down forests etc, and the three-field system (trójpolówka) was a waste because it did not use all the land)

● New technology which increased productivity per person (which in turn caused people to be less needed on the farms=>could/had to work in industries=> industrial rev/urbanization) It was needed because in Europe in general there was more land than labo

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● Reclamation, irrigation (melioracje) and fertilizers became common (intensification of agriculture)

● New plants (from colonies such as the potato which became a basic food source in many parts of Europe, corn), improving the existing varieties (selecting the best grains, thinking about what you’re planting)

Dualism in agriculture: the West went toward industrialization and the East


● beginning from 14th century specialization of Central&Eastern Europe in primary exports (metals, wood, linen, hemp, grain, cattle) (comparative advantage) The East couldn’t get into the colonial trade because it was far from the ocean and wasn’t developed enough to compete with the West.

● together with 15th-century population growth rising demand for agricultural products all over Europe

● the answer: refeudalisation of agriculture in the East ● Elbe as a border between two areas (in present day Germany) ● domination of Amsterdam in the Baltic trade – source of future Dutch

supremacy (new trade routes as a result of the great expansion), later surpassed by the English, London

● no access to the Baltic – specialization in cattle Results:

● Fall of Eastern European cities due to absence of internal market (no point o city)

● General economic backwardness in the East ● Dominance of nobility in politics because they owned the land, and got

the money from selling the crops ● Enlightened absolutism policies in 18th century (At its core was a critical

questioning of traditional institutions, customs, and morals, and a strong belief in rationality and science.)

● In case of Poland: partitions (rozbiory, jakby ktoś nie wiedział) 1772,1793,1795!

● Need of land-enfranchisement reforms in 19th century (uwłaszczenia) ● Delayed or uneven start to capitalism because of prolonged feudalism

Crisis in 17th century due to the Thirty Year War =>stagnation in trade, money was being used up by war=>crisis in Eastern Europe because it could not sell to the West => revolutions and serf revolutions

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9. Baltic Trade in Early Modernity1, from “God’s playground” N. Davies, chapter 8: HANDEL: The Polish Grain Trade.

*Baltic Trade in Poland as the main index of the economy from 1450 for about

3 centuries.

Why it started from II half of the XV century? External demand (Western

Europe) for Polish corn (rye, (buck)wheat, barley, hemp) was nicely matched by

favorable prospects of increased internal supply (Poland)

*Danzig (Gdansk) very essential in Polish trade from 1466 to 1648 (Chmielnicki


Exported grain through Gdansk: 1490 – 12k t, 1540- 23k t, 1560 – 152k t, 1620

– 271k t2

Trade with Gdansk was predominated by Dutch people and Englishmen. 500

local merchants served the operations of foreign firms, mainly German

Danzigers (Gdanszczanie).

Polish producer: great magnates, smaller landowners (had 2/3 villages) , casual

producers (i.e. minor nobility, tenant farmers)

Cycle of the trade: Polish producer Danzig merchant Foreign firm

Gdansk: in 1600 5 times larger than Warsaw and 3 times larger than

Cracow/Poznan. Had self-government, own militia, raised its own finances, and

minted its own money. Very high standard of life. Cosmopolitan. During the

best times, Danzig handled ¾ of the Polish total foreign trade!

Grain trade not the best to fund a solid state. The Grain Trade did not develop

many skills, techniques, or forms of organization. It did not require

manufacturing process, nor any special raw materials from abroad. It

contributed nothing to the Polish treasury, as there was little tax on the grain


1 Early modernity – 1500-1800

2 k- one thousand, t - ton

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Spectacular growth of the export trade in grain & spectacular growth of the

conditions of serfdom (panszczyzna)

Until 1650, grain prices in Amsterdam twice as high as in Danzig, and prices in

Danzig twice as high as from polish producer.

The annual trip down the Vistula soon became a prominent institution of Polish

social life. Together with war, it provided one of the few occasions when

provincial noblemen could see the world at large, offering excitement and

adventure to generations of men whose experience was otherwise confined by

the bounds of their estates. It was a major cultural stimulus, spawning a rich

new vocabulary for the Polish language, and inspiring numerous works of prose

and verse.

10. Social structure of Poland &

Lithuania before 1795 from “God’s playground” N. Davies, chapter 8: SZLACHTA: The Nobleman’s


Privileged estates: the Nobility, the Clergy, the Burghers, the Jews & the 5th

state: the Peasantry which was largely subordinated to all estates but the Jews.

Estates cannot be confused with socio-economic status! i.e. a landless noble

family could be poorer than their peasant neighbor.

The Nobility: had legislative supremacy, many privileges, and immunities.

Monopolies in landed property, in government, administration & central policy.

(Sadly) organized the states in its own interest. Why so many privileges? : they

provided military service, but the nobility actually fought little for the state.

The Clergy: Churches extended their jurisdiction over all their members in holy

orders & over their lands and properties

The Burghers: control of municipal self-government; their commercial activities

governed by the guilds and confraternities.

The Jews: craftsmen, tradesmen, money-lenders, innkeepers, fences, brokers.

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The Peasantry: the most numerous estate (60% in 1569), worked for all and for


The Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth (or Union) was a kingdom of Poland and

Lithuania, and the largest and one of the most populous countries of 16th- and

17th-century Europe with some 400,000 square miles (1,000,000 km2) and a

multi-ethnic population of 11 million at its peak in the early 1600s. It was

established at the Union of Lublin in July 1569, and was destroyed by the 3rd

partition of Poland in 1795.

The Union possessed features unique among contemporary states: its political

system was characterized by strict checks upon monarchical power. These

checks were enacted by a legislature (Sejm) controlled by the nobility

(szlachta). This idiosyncratic system was a precursor to modern concepts of

democracy, constitutional monarchy and federation. The two component

states of the Commonwealth were formally equal, yet Poland was the

dominant partner in the union.

The Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth was marked by high levels of ethnic

diversity and by relative religious tolerance,

though the degree of religious tolerance varied over

time. The population of the Commonwealth was

never overwhelmingly either Roman Catholic or

Polish. The Commonwealth comprised primarily

four nations: Lithuanians, Poles, Belarusians and

Ukrainians; the latter two usually referred to as the


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11. Mercantilism.

Mercantilism- a form of nacionalism, that holds that the prosperity of a nation is dependent upon its supply of capital, and that the global volume of international trade is "unchangeable" Reasons:

● increasing professionalization and technification of the wars of the era- need of funds

● need to increase fiscal income, and amount of gold and silver among borders (trade decreased this amount leading to deflation- european countries paid for commodities form asia, africa in gold and silver)

● loss of political importance of feudal lords ● Reformation; spread of protestant values (hard work, saving money,

reasonable expenses, possessing precious commodities: silver, gold) (Weber)

● increase of political conflicts (internal and international) Basic features:

● increasing military potential ● increase the quantity of precious metals inside the borders (bullionism) ● determination to achieve trade surplus ● support of domestic industries, development of the navy ● protectionist tariffs, monopolist trade companies for exchange with

particular regions ● usually open immigration policies favoring qualified artisans but also

merchants and agricultural settlers (exception – religious matters - France expelling Huguenots 1685)

● in absolutist countries additional prestigious projects with no profit possibilities

Forms: ● England- system of trade companies, abandonment of some monopolies

as a source of political corruption after 1640, Navigation Acts, wars for trade

● Netherlands- free-trade attitude, dominating world trade ca.1650, exception – Dutch East Indies – extremely exploitative and monopolist policies

● France (colbertism-initially anti-dutch charcter, later also anti-english) - trade protectionism, bullionism, economic integration of the state (abandonment of internal duties, development of roads and canals),

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successful as for production of luxuries (mirrors, furniture, textils), fiscal drainage due to numerous wars - impossibility of financing both the strongest navy and the strongest land army together with general overregulation of the economy - crisis of the French model during the War of the Spanish Succession (1701-1714)

4. Germany (later Austria, Russia Prussia)-cameralism- high fiscalism (especially in Prussia) and anti-import stance, concentration on unification of separate lands and overcoming their feudal autonomy, lack of colonies

5. Poland- low fiscalism and complete military disability Opposition to mercantilism:

1. role of Enlightment’s critique of absolutism, the political basis of mercantilism

2. American Revolution (famous Boston Tea Party) 3. physiocratism- source of the wealth is in agricultural production, not in

precious metals 4. laissez faire, laissez passer- government does not intervene, no

protectionism 5. failure of physiocratic ministers (Turgot) to balance French crown’s

budget 6. English liberalism (Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations, 1776):

-human labour is the source of wealth -free competition on the internal market and free trade in external relations are the best ways to full use of human potential to create wealth (overregulation and trade monopolies are obstacles, trade is a positive-sum game)

7. Smithian economic growth through increased division of labour and trade

8. Call for limited role of government (defence, police, public works and institutions not profitable to a single entrepreneur)

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12. Struggle for colonies in 18th

century ● English primacy in 18th century heyday of slave trade ● Anglo-French maritime rivalry, (Second Hundred Years’ War,

1688-1783 or 1815) ● Glorious Revolution (1688) and War of Grand Alliance (Nine

Years’ War 1689-1697, no territorial gains or losses on the English side) (war between France and a coalition of European powers, known as the League of Augsburg (and, after 1689, as the Grand Alliance). Louis XIV of France took advantage of the absence of Emperor Leopold I on a campaign against the Turks and of the promised support of James II of England to invade the empire and devastate (1689) the Palatinate)* Creation of Bank of England, public debt separated from royal debt

● War of Spanish Succession (1701-1713, Gibraltar, Asiento privilege for England, Anglo-Portuguese Methuen Treaty - 1703) (Spanish loyal to Archduke Charles+the Holy Roman Empire+Great Britain+the Dutch Republic+Portugal+Duchy of Savoy vs. Spanish loyal to Philip V+France+the Electorate of Bavaria, over a possible unification of the Kingdoms of Spain and France under one Bourbon monarch)*

● Asiento abuse and War for Austrian Succession (Jenkins’ Ear War, 1740-1748, war in colonies started in 1739) (“involved nearly all the powers of Europe, The war began under the pretext that Maria Theresa of Austria was ineligible to succeed to the Habsburg thrones of her father, Charles VI, because Salic Law precluded royal inheritance by a woman, reality this was a convenient excuse put forward by Prussia and France to challenge Habsburg power)*

● superiority of English financial system during war periods (1740-1748, 1756-1763, 1776-1783).

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● paradox of rate of taxation, paradox of faster development of French colonial trade (eightfold nominal growth in colonial trade between 1714 and 1789) – catching-up effect

Seven Years War (1756-1763) and destruction of first French colonial empire:

● losses in the Caribbean and Western Africa (Senegal, Gambia) ● defeat in India (French possessions limited to Pondicherry and

Chandernagore, East India Company control over Bengal, Plassey 1757, expansionary policy opposite to that of 17th century)

● loss of Canada and cession of Louisiana to Spain in order to compensate loss of Florida

● state intervention in East India Company: 1773, Regulating Act ● War for American Independence (1776-1783), fiscal causes of

French Revolution ● gradual British expansion in India (final victory over Maratha

Confederacy - 1818)

*Blue- additional comment, to understand what those wars were about

13.Industrial Revolution in

England By the early eighteenth century, Britain was well ahead—in cottage

manufacture (putting-out), seedbed of growth; in recourse to fossil fuel; in the

technology of those crucial branches that would make the core of the Industrial

Revolution: textiles, iron, energy and power. To these should be added the

efficiency of British commercial agriculture and transport. British were making

major gains in land and water transport. New turnpike roads and canals,

intended primarily to serve industry and mining, opened the way to valuable

resources, linked production to markets, facilitated the division of labor.

European countries were trying to do the same, but nowhere were these

improvements so widespread and effective as in Britain. For a simple reason:

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nowhere else were roads and canals typically the work of private enterprise,

hence responsive to need (rather than to prestige and military concerns) and

profitable to users.

The early technological superiority of Britain in these key branches was itself an

achievement—not God-given, not happenstance, but the result of work,

ingenuity, imagination, and enterprise. Britain had the early advantage of being

a nation. By that I mean not simply the realm of a ruler, not simply a state or

political entity, but a self-conscious, self-aware unit characterized by common

identity and loyalty and by equality of civil status.

One key area of change: the increasing freedom and security of the people.

Visitors exclaimed about the high standard of living of the English countryman:

brick cottages, tile roofs, woolen clothing, leather shoes, white bread (one can

follow the rising incomes of industrializing Europe by the white bread frontier).

They saw women in cotton prints and wearing hats; servant girls who so

resembled their mistresses that the foreign caller wondered how to address

the person answering the door. They saw poor people, they tell us, but no

misérables; no starved, pinched faces; beggars, but no beggar "without both a

shirt, and shoes and stockings.

The contribution of high consumption to technological progress struck

contemporaries, and more of them as the British advance grew. Without taking

a course in Keynesian economics, French merchants understood that

mechanization made for high wages, that high wages made for increased

demand for manufactures, and that effective demand made for increased

prosperity. English have grown rich by consuming. One result was a

manufacture that aimed at a large national and international market and

focused on standardized goods of moderate price—just the kind that lent

themselves to machine production. This custom has recentiy attracted much

attention, not only for its own sake but as a window on technological change

and on larger social changes, in particular the growing importance of women as


What these studies show is a lively market for all manner of fabrics, clothing,

clocks and watches, hardware, pins and needles, and above all notions—a

catchall term for those personal accessories (combs, buckles, buttons,

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adornments) that go beyond the necessities and cater to appearance and

vanity. Many of these were semidurables and were passed on in wills and as

gifts. Their increased volume reflected not just rising incomes, but quicker

distribution and new techniques of manufacture (division of labor, repetitious

machines, superior files) that yielded lower costs and prices. This production,

needless to say, though largely directed to home demand, also sold to

plantations and colonies and kingdoms abroad.

Britain was largely free of the irrational constraints on entry that dogged most

Continental societies. The stupidest of these were religious:* the persecution

and expulsion of Protestants from France (revocation in 1685 of the Edict of

Toleration of Henri IV); and the widespread exclusion of Jews from all manner

of trades, pardy (psychologically) out of fear and hatred, partly (institutionally)

by virtue of the Christian character of craft guilds and the lingering effects of

earlier expulsions. Religion, moreover, was not the sole criterion of admission

to craft and trade guilds. The Britain of the Industrial Revolution had preserved

the structures and institutions of an older time—the monarchy, the guilds, the

ceremonies, the costumes but over a long period had sidetracked these and

reduced them to vanities and appearances. Insofar as they retained influence

and prestige, they were a drag

I would stress here the importance it gave to time and to saving time, because

nothing better sums up the priorities. Two pieces of "unobtrusive" evidence:

(1) the passionate interest in knowing the time; and (2) the emphasis on speed

of transport. The British were in the eighteenth century the world's leading

producers and consumers of timekeepers, in the country as in the city (very

different here from other European societies). They made them well and

pricey; they also batch-produced them and sold them cheap, if necessary on

the installment plan. They stole them and resold them: if you couldn't afford a

new watch, you could buy an old one from a fence.

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Not until the defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo in 1815 brought a definitive end

to the fighting could Europe get on with the process of catch-up.

One knows how the "first industrial nation" did it. Slow and easy. Britain

trained a factory labor force and accumulated capital as it went. In those early

days, machines were typically small and cheap. Scale was small. Older buildings

could be converted to industrial use. In short, threshold requirements were

modest. So British enterprise could grow by plowing back earnings, by pooling

personal resources, by borrowing from relatives, by renting facilities. Financial

intermediaries, except for such loan brokers as attorney/solicitors, played a

very small role. Banks confined themselves to supplying short-term or demand

loans to facilitate real transactions. Some of this took the form of lines of

credit, renewed as paid down. In good times, such lines were the equivalent of

medium- or even long-term credit. In good times. In bad, they could be called

in, or maturities could be shortened. With the passing years, all of this

changed: machines got bigger and heavier, required buildings to their measure.

Scale economies and throughput grew as transport facilities improved. Still,

British enterprise was rich enough to finance these outlays from within; if

internal funds fell short, one typically brought in additional partners.

Because the Bubble Act of 1720, passed in the wake of the notorious South Sea

speculation and crash, prevented the creation of a joint stock with freely

transferable shares, big projects typically went to large partnerships with assets

vested in trustees. In the nineteenth century, when things got cosdier and risks

greater, the most effective device for mobilizing capital was the chartered

jointstock company with limited liability—chartered because limited liability

could be conferred only by the crown or Parliament. These large, semipublic

enterprises never made much use of long-term bank financing, because no

bank was big enough. The charter of the Bank of England provided that no

other bank could have more than six partners. Not until 1826, and then only

outside a sixty-five-mile radius from London, were joint-stock banks permitted;

and only in 1833 were non-note-issuing joint-stock banks permitted inside that

radius. Yet these new banks were litde different in size and policy from their

private counterparts, and even the railway builders didn't need their help.

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Twenty-five years of revolution and war from 1789 to 1815 diverted

Continental resources from building to destruction, played havoc with

enterprise and trade, generated some invention but delayed

much application, inspired projects but then inhibited them—in

effect, delayed industrial emulation of Britain an extra generation. Why wait

fifty years to catch up with 1815? They needed more capital than Britain had

needed, and they wanted it now. They wanted up-to-date factories, machines,

engines. From about 1830 on, they wanted railways, canals, roads, and bridges.

Where would they get the money? Four places: (1) personal investment; (2)

financial intermediaries and private credit; (3) government assistance; (4)

international capital flows. First, the Continent had its share of rich people.

Unfortunately, most of these were landowners who scorned the ungenteel

activities of trade and industry. Indeed, many of them had a distaste even for

agriculture (they preferred to feel the earth through horses' hoofs) and hired

stewards to manage their estates. The owners lived on rents and produce;

sometimes on capital. The stewards got rich.

14.French Revolution and

Napoleonic Wars (1789-1815)

● 1786 Anglo-French trade treaty – free trade without revolution ● Abandonment of feudalism in French legal system during first

revolutionary years ● Le Chapelier law (1791) against guilds and trade associations (workers as

also employers)– future weapon against trade unions ● egalitarian policies under Jacobins’ terror ● Anglo-French trade war (1793) develops into full armed conflict, return

to protectionism, Continental Blockade (1806) and embargoes

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● Napoleonic codifications and their spread all over occupied Europe; decisive unification of French law and administration (goal not achieved under absolutist rule)

● destruction of part of the privileged trade companies (Holland) ● Prussian reforms after 1806 Jena defeat

Napoleonic codifications

● Code Civile 1804 (freedom of contract, force of law granted to the valid contracts; inviolability of private property), main influence in the civil codes of most continental Europe and Latin America

● Code de commerce 1807 (forms of business enterprise – simple partnerships, sociétés en commandité, sociétés anonymes – limited liability of all owners but required charter by the government)

● correction of Code de commerce in II Empire – limited liability and incorporation in 1863 (under 20 million franc of capital) and in 1867 (all companies) – all the countries follow French example before 1900 (exceptions – Russia and Turkey)

15. Laissez-faire and free trade One can say that free trade was a result of the opposition to

mercantilism (a theory that dominated Western European economic policies

from the 16th to the late-18th century), where the ruling government played a

protectionist role in the economy by encouraging exports and discouraging

imports, notably through the use of subsidies, tariffs, taxes, and non-tariff

barriers. The Enlightenment played a role in the beginning of free trade,

criticizing absolutism, the political basis of mercantilism. Also, the American

Revolution was partly a response to the mercantilist policies – which can be

illustrated by the Boston Tea Party which was as a direct action by colonists

in Boston against the British government and the monopolistic East India

Company that controlled all the tea coming into the colonies. There was also a

French economic theory dominated by François Quesnay in the 1760’s called

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physiocracy that emphasized productive work and agricultural production as

the source of national wealth in contrast to the accumulation of gold or ruler’s

wealth. Physiocracy believed in laissez-faire – concept in which the government

shouldn’t intervene in the economy. Unfortunately the French physiocratic

ministers (Turgot) failed to balance the French crown’s budget and physiocracy

was closely followed by the concept of free trade or laissez-faire from French

which literally means "let do", but it broadly implies "let it be", or "leave it


These was the basis for the development of free trade:

Free trade, first observed and documented by Adam Smith in the Wealth of

Nations 1776, is a system of trade policy that allows traders to act and or

transact without interference from the government. This policy permits trading

partners mutual gains from trade of goods and services. Under a free trade

policy, prices are a reflection of true supply and demand, and are the sole

determinant of resource allocation rather than the supply and demand altered

by government intervention in mercantilism. Adam Smith also argued that

human labour (not only in agriculture) is the source of wealth and that free

competition on the internal market and free trade in external relations are the

best ways to fully use the human potential and to create wealth. The role of

the government was not to limit the economy, but to take care of the national

defense, police, public works and institutions that would not be profitable for a

private entrepreneur.

Free trade implies the following features:

● trade of goods without taxes (including tariffs) or other trade

barriers (e.g., quotas on imports or subsidies for producers)

● trade in services without taxes or other trade barriers

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● The absence of "trade-distorting" policies (such

as taxes, subsidies, regulations, or laws) that give some firms,

households, or factors of production an advantage over others

● Free access to markets

● Free access to market information

● Inability of firms to distort markets through government-

imposed monopoly or oligopoly power

● The free movement of labor between and within countries

● The free movement of capital between and within countries

I used mostly wikipedia (unfortunately) because the script of Morawski had

only about a sentence about this topic and the information from the

presentation was not very clear, but I think that this should suffice.

16. Industrialization of continental

Europe: The industrial revolution first started in Britain in 1760 and then spread to

continental Europe, mainly Belgium, France and Germany.

Wallonia, the southern region of Belgium, is considered the birthplace of

the industrial revolution in continental Europe thanks to its rich coal and steel

resources that have been the source of Belgium’s industrial growth since the

middle ages. From the middle of the 1820’s, numerous works comprising blast

furnaces (owens) as well as rolling mills were built in the coal mining areas

around Liège and Charleroi, the centers for heavy industry in Belgium. John

Cockerill, a British industrialist, integrated all stages of production, from

engineering to the supply of raw materials, in factories at Seraing as early as

1825. Verviers, another Belgian town, was home to a thriving wool

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and textile industry that was renowned for its quality. The industrialization

continued into the 1830’s, but the development of chemical industry came later

– Solvay was a Belgian chemist and industrialist who in 1860’s came up with

the ammonia-soda process.

In France, the industrial revolution came in the 1830’s after the July

Revolution, during which the king of France, Charles X was overthrown. The

centers of heavy industry were Saint Etienne and Lille, where numerous textile

industries were also prominent. Unfortunately France had problems due to

insufficient coal supply, and had to import it from Belgium. Agriculture and

small & medium firms were important in the industrial revolution in France,

which was a deviation form the pattern that was happening in the other

European countries. France experiences the fastest growth in the 1850’s –


Germany started the industrial revolution in the 1940’s. Because it was

not yet united the strong leading position of Prussia was important. The

Ruhrgebiet or the Rhur region was where the industrialization began with the

establishment of several iron works in the late 18th century. Development of the

Ruhr's coal deposits fueled further expansion of its iron and steel industry.

Another region important to the development of industry was Upper Silesia that

took advantage of its plentiful coal and iron ore, but also zinc deposits. (In

Germany feudal aristocracy also played a big role in the industrial revolution. In

Saxony and Prussian Silesia the traditional weaving declined.) Also, in Germany

there were strong ties between banking and the industry.

17. Industrialization of continental

Europe - latecomers.

Problem of central Europe:

still guild system(until 2nd half o XIXc.)

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lack of bourgeois capital a) Kingdom of Poland = Congress Kingdom -development of coal deposits (Sosnowiec, Częstochowa, Świętokrzyskie Mountains, Dabrowa Górnicza) -since 1817 Stanisław Sztaszic -since 1824 Ksawery Drucki-Lubecki --- restrictive fiscal measures, protectionism: to minimize import – high duty for products from Prussia- effect: trade-war 1823-1825 to develop export- lower export tarifs for Russia- effect: good relations until November Uprising-1830 1828- Bank of Poland – took oversome economic functions, gave capital for sugar beet refineries and ironworks(huty żelaza), coalmines in Zagłębie Dąbrowskie -main textile industry, mechanisation since 1840 – Łódź, Żyrardów -Warsaw : infrastructure development, metallurgy,machines,food,textile industries pro-export- problems after 1833(conflict with Russia) b) Prussia -land reforms: feudal obligations exchanged by cash&land -merchants,bankers,previous peasants became the new potentats -since 1840- development of Ruhra Basin and Rehn area- which became the biggest world center of ironworks, coalmines and factories. c) Austria, Galicia

-worse situation in Galicia: -lack of : materials, capitals and markets for export

● -poverty of local society and boundary made by Carpathians mountains

● - mainly rural indusrty -Wide autonomy after 1867 reform of Habsburg monarchy as one of the lands belonging to Austrian part of empire. -1848 Spring of Nations- land reform including all peasants in Austria

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Sillesia -the earliest changes: steam engines in coalmines, coke in metallurgy at the end on XVIIIc.! -in Upper Sillesia- arsenal for Prussia e) Wielkopolska, Pomerania -agro-industry, cooperating, alcochool production, food industry(Poznao as an industry centre) -1848 Polish uprising in Poznao -Gdaosk-germanized and marginalized as port city, mostly because of dominance of North Sea ports, important as centre of shipping industry ( shipyard), as Elbląg (Elbing) diverging from rest of formerly Polish lands f) Eastern Europe

a. in western Russia- slow development becouse of general use of cheap serfdom work(praca paoszczyźniana)

b. big competitors France& Germany(cheap and relatively good products), forced Russia to change something

c. 1861 enfranchisement of peasant(uwłaszczenie chłopów)- begening of development

g) Southern Europe much slower becouse of lack of natural resources big social differences ex.: in Italy sauth always behind the north.

18. United States in 19th century.

Economic consequences of civil war. Until 19th cent.they've beeen producing cotton, exporting it to UK, where they've been buying ready products. -----since 1800- started textile industry(mainly in Baltimore area) -export to China&South America

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-problem: lack of workers; effect: beside slavery work, need of mechanisation of work -since half of XIXc. US- agricultural country(80% of all exported products-from rural ind.; only 25% of society live in cities) US devided: a) agricultural South, with general support of Negros slaves work and conservatism b) 'modern' North, against slavery, supporting idea of tarrif barrier for european products civil war 1861-1865 (very expensive) 1863 Abraham Lincoln abolished slavery factors which stimulated to economic development: -strong protectionism until 1913-The Underwood tarrif- reduction of duties for imported products; effect:lower costs of living -immigration from Canada and Europe -import of foreign capital -dev. of railways let create new industrial areas, widespread urbanisation process -utilization of biggest oil deposits in Pennsylvania enlargement of chain of commercial banks-strong competitions-1913- Woodrow Wilson created Federal Reserve System Historia gosp. XIX i XX w.: str 43-55; 87-89 slajdy: lecture 6 all, lecture 2/3 slides: 11,12,18

19. Latin America in 19th century.

By 1824, most of the countries of present-day Latin America had gained their independence. Their first years as republics were marked by severe growing pains, as the people of the region learned to govern themselves. It was a time of experimentation: Argentina and Paraguay were ruled for a time by maniacal dictators, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador and Panama were one nation for a while, and Mexico even brought in an unfortunate Austrian nobleman to serve as Emperor. There were many wars, both civil and foreign, as the young nations struggled for stability and prosperity.

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Independence destroyed the old common market that existed under the Spanish Empire after the Bourbon Reforms and created an increased dependence on the financial investment provided by nations which had already begun to industrialize; therefore, Western European powers, in particular Great Britain and France, and the United States began to play major roles, since the region became economically dependent on these nations.

The export of natural resources provided the basis of most Latin American economies in the nineteenth century, which allowed for the development of wealthy elite. The restructuring of colonial economic and political realities resulted in a sizable gap between rich and poor, with landed elites controlling the vast majority of land and resources. In Brazil, for instance, by 1910 85% of the land belonged to 1% of the population. Gold mining and fruit growing, in particular, were monopolized by these wealthy landowners. These "Great Owners" completely controlled local activity and, furthermore, were the principal employers and the main source of wages. This led to a society of peasants whose connection to larger political realities remained in thrall to farming and mining magnates. In many areas the borders were unstable, since the new states fought wars with each other to gain access to resources, especially in the second half of the nineteenth century. The more important conflicts were the War of the Triple Alliance 1864–1870 and the War of the Pacific 1879–1884.* By mid-century the region also confronted a growing United States, seeking to expand on the North American continent and extend its influence in the hemisphere. In Mexican–American War 1846–1848, Mexico lost over half of its territory to the United States. In the 1860s France attempted to indirectly control Mexico. In South America, Brazil consolidated its control of large swaths of the Amazon Basin at the expense of its neighbors. In the 1880s the United States implemented an aggressive policy to defend and expand its political and economic interests in all of Latin America, which culminated in the creation of the Pan-American Conference, the successful completion of the Panama Canal and the United States intervention in the final Cuban war of independence. *The War of the Triple Alliance pitted Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay against Paraguay, which was utterly defeated. As a result Paraguay suffered a demographic collapse: the population went from an estimated 525,000 persons in 1864 to 221,000 in 1871 and out of this last population, only around 28,000 were men. In the War of the Pacific, Chile defeated the combined forces of

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Bolivia and Peru. Chile gained control of saltpeter-rich areas, previously controlled by Peru and Bolivia, and Bolivia became a land-locked nation. In the Landes book it is the 20th chapter.

20. China & India in 19th century. Nineteenth century China—a fabric of social revolutions, halting industrialization, and questionable "Westernization"—was troubled. China was a huge area, populous and not modernized in a Western-World sense. Famine was common in the countryside, corruption frequent in government.

Military force and occasional diplomacy by the British and French and diplomacy and occasional military force by the United States and Russia caused much unrest in the complex of lands and governments the Europeans called "China." In parts of the country, Chinese economy was stagnant, and, by Western standards, governments were untrustworthy and the society "backward" and "primitive."

Many upper-class Chinese, naturally, did not agree with such evaluation of their civilization and wanted to remain independent of outside influence and control. The main goal of the Western World was to "open" China to profitable trade—profitable for Europe and the United States. "Opium Wars," largely instigated by the British, soon forced Indian opium into China as a step in trade relations involving, among many things, deals in silk and porcelain, silver and tea.

Upper-class and ruling Chinese considered Europeans, and most North Americans, "drug lords" and, simply put, "barbarians." But, for the most part, the Chinese could not oppose Western weapons. The Chinese lost control of major ports and tariff protection, foreigners were largely exempt from local law, and Christianity was forced on the country in the form of a guarantee of missionary entry and safety. Many economically and socially lower-class Chinese were delighted by the simple promises of Christian beliefs (which they combined with their native religions) and the changing economic times (for some, tomorrow could only be better).

Inside China the power of local government weakened. Internal problems included everything from economic depression to civil war. Confucian-Taoist-Buddhist-Islamic-Christian conflicts paralleled ethnic and cultural frictions. Periods of relative peace alternated with street gang fights and organized warfare.

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The India was under the raj of Britain, controlled by the British East India Company. India was a major player in the world export market for textiles in the early 18th century, but by the middle of the 19th century it had lost all of its export market and much of its domestic market, primarily to Britain. British rule led to the de-industrialization of India. India was an exporter of cotton manufacture and this was how the Company started its trade but gradually India became an importer of cotton manufacture and thus Indian artisans, craftsmen and important trading centers collapsed and whatever manufacturing activity existed was destroyed under the impact of imports of cotton manufacture almost exclusively from Britain. As a result, India witnessed, from the early 19th century onwards, a steady decline in population dependent on indigenous industries and a consequent over-burdening of agriculture.

21. Second Industrial Revolution The Industrial Revolution occurs when the greater part of the economy starts to operate on the industrial principles (reducing the importance of human muscle) , the share of agriculture in national product and the proportion of people not living from agriculture are falling. Necessary conditions to begin the process: 1. capital 2. free labor 3. markets Industrial revolutions are not a matter of technological knowledge. but the conditions of using this knowledge. It is hard to exactly define a starting date of Second Industrial Revolution, it is said that it started around 1850, although a method for mass manufacture of steel was not invented until the 1860s. An alternate starting date of the Second Industrial Revolution is the beginning of electrification in the 1880s. Logically, the end date should include mass production around the time of WW I. The Second Industrial Revolution, also known as the Technological Revolution:

● second wave of huge industrial expansion in XIX century, associated with commercialization of inventions in electricity physics and chemistry (electrical and chemical industries)

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● rising role of machine & heavy industry (Bessemer steel, 1856- invention of new furnace which could make wrought iron and steel in large quantities- steel mass-production), lowering of textile industry

● steel was commonly used to build railways, bridges, ships and in defense industry

● Lukasiewicz (polish pharmacist from Lvow) invented oil distillation, with invention of engine (by Daimler, Benz, Siemens) a huge development of oil mining and petroleum refining occured

● increased role of patent laws and (in Germany) universities, ● new countries as leading industrial powers in new branches – USA,

unified Germany ● beginning of decentralization of power sources (electrical & combustion

engines) – declining role of the economies of scale ● first assembly lines The savings from mass production methods allowed

the price of Ford’s Model T to decline from $780 in 1910 to $360 in 1916), scientific management (taylorism)- increase productivity by clarifying the steps and time needed to produce an element

22. Revival of colonialism after 1870.

● New colonies: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Colonial_Africa_1914_map.png

● -technical possibility of European penetration of Africa – ca. 1880 ● -colonization of Pacific islands (commercially unimportant but potentially

strategic outposts – France, UK, USA, Germany) ● -new players (Germany, Italy, Belgium, Japan – first extra-European

country to have colonies, USA)

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● -Fashoda Incident- France was colonizing Africa W-E, UK N-S, they collided in Fashoda village(Sudan), Fashoda Incident (1898) was the climax of imperial territorial disputes between the United Kingdom and France in Eastern Africa. It brought the United Kingdom and France to the verge of war, but ended in a diplomatic victory for the UK.

● -Liberia and Ethiopia - only independent African states in 1914 ● -Italian defeat at Adwa (1896) ● -Open-door policy in China ● -Russo–Japanese War 1904-1905 ● -Japanese control over Korea 1910

23. Protectionism Protectionism – a policy, which:

● protect businesses and workers within a country by restricting or regulating trade with foreign nations.

Methods used: ● tariffs on imported goods (increase the price of imported goods) ● restrictive import quotas (reduce the quantity imported) ● International patent systems

objective: discourage imports and prevent foreign take-over of domestic markets and companies. Protectionism: free trade example: USA in XIX century protectionism-nothern part free trade-southern part differences in trade between those two contributed to the Civil War (1861–1865) Since the end of World War II tendency to eliminate protectionism through free trade policies enforced by international treaties and organizations such as the World Trade Organization Neomercantilism - a policy, which:

● encourages exports= positive ● discourages imports= trade balance ● controls capital movement

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● currency decisions made by a central government objective: increase the level of foreign reserves held by the government example: USA and Germany in XIX century Neomercantilism allowed both powers to continue their dominance in world economics (in 1880 USA passed the British Empire (<=free trade) in economic strength)

24. Gold Standard and bimetallism. Gold standard is a monetary system in which the standard economic unit of account is a fixed weight of gold (ex. $100 an ounce of Gold)

● banknotes are freely converted into gold at the fixed price (both sides) bimetallism is a monetary system in which the standard economic unit of account is a fixed weight of gold and silver ( in other words a combination of the gold and silver standard is known as bimetallism.) During most of the 1800s the United States had a bimetallic system of money, however it was essentially on a gold standard as very little silver was traded. A true gold standard came to fruition in 1900 with the passage of the Gold Standard Act. The gold standard effectively came to an end in 1933 when President Franklin D. Roosevelt outlawed private gold ownership (except for the purposes of jewelery). The Gold Standard Act of the United States established gold as the only standard to buy back paper money, stopping bimetallism. It was signed by President William McKinley. The Act fixed the value of the dollar at 1.5046 grams of pure gold.

25. Banking 19th century: In 19th century Banks confined themselves to supplying short-term or demand loans to facilitate real transactions, but the need for long-term investment, led to the invention of a new financial intermediary, the joint-stock investment bank. The first inspiration for such institutions came from bureaucrats as well as business interests: even before 1820, officials and merchants in Bavaria were

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calling for a special bank to promote industry. The earliest working examples were quasi-public institutions—the Société Générale in Brussels and the Seehandlung in Berlin. The rise of the commercial banking sector coincided with the growth of early factories, since entrepreneurs had to rely on commercial banks in order to fund their own projects. Because of this need for capital, many banks began to arise by the late 19th Century. The Bank of England became the biggest British bank and its discount rate came to be recognised as the minimum short-term interest rate in the money market and the Bank Charter Act of 1844 established it as the only institution in England with note-issuing powers. The lifting of restrictions on joint-stock banking in 1858 led to the emergence of major commercial banks including Barclays, Lloyds and National Provincial and investment banks including Barings and Overend Gurney. There were banking crises in 1847, 1857 and 1866 in the last of which the Gurney-Overend bank collapsed, causing a panic in which large numbers of people tried to withdraw deposits from their banks; leading to the collapse of over 200 companies. On that occasion the Bank of England had refused to help.

In 1890 the Barings bank, then the world's largest investment bank, failed and a rescue was organised by the Bank of England signalling its acceptance of responsibility for the stability of the banking system, and from then on it gradually assumed in full, the role of a modern central bank.

Elsewhere in Europe, the nineteenth century saw the emergence of major investment banks in Belgium (Société Générale), France (the Crédit Mobilier) and Germany (the Damstädter bank), and, as in Britain, deposit taking was concentrated in a few large private companies. European and other industrial economies except the United States followed the British example and created monopolistic central banks. The Banque de France was established in 1800, the German Reichsbank in 1875, and the Bank of Japan in 1882.

In the United States the 1864 National Bank Act encouraged the creation of privately-owned banks, capital requirements were set low by European standards, and there began a rapid expansion of an effectively unregulated banking system and a long period of intermittent financial instability. A large number of small banks sprang up at the state level, but few of them survived for more than five years and there were also major failures at the national level. There was strong Congressional opposition to the establishment of a central bank on European lines and runs on the banks became a regular feature of American economic life.

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26. Business cycles in 19th century : major crises of the 19th century:

-1815 – post-war crisis because of evaporation of army demand (England)

Afters years of war and high military spending, England’s victory in the wars that followed the French Revolution led to a sudden and considerable fall of military spending. Factories that had been manufacturing arms and uniforms suddenly found themselves without orders.

-1825 – crisis due to speculation on the prospects of trade with liberated South America (England), next year crisis in continental Europe (Prussia, Saxony)

The Panic of 1825 was a stock market crash that started in the Bank of England arising in part out of speculative investments in Latin America

The crisis was felt most acutely in England where it precipitated the closing of six London banks including Henry Thornton's bank and sixty country banks in England, but was also manifest in the markets ofEurope, Latin America, and the United States

The panic has been referred to as the first modern economic crisis not attributable to an external event, such as a war, and thus the start of modern economic cycles

-1836-1837 – oversupply in textile industry, end of hand-weaving in English countryside; England, USA

● The Panic of 1836/7 was triggered by a combination of factors including the failure of a wheat crop, a collapse in cotton prices, economic problems in Britain, rapid speculation in land, and problems resulting from the variety of currency in circulation. It was the second-longest American depression, with effects lasting roughly six years, until 1843. The panic had a devastating impact. A number of brokerage firms in New York failed, and at least one New York City bank president committed suicide. As the effect rippled across the nation, a number of state-chartered banks also failed. The nascent labor union movement was effectively stopped, as the price of labor plummeted.

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The depression caused the collapse of real estate prices. The price of food also collapsed, which was ruinous to farmers and planters who couldn’t get a decent price for their crops.

-1847-1848 – crisis preceding the Spring of Nations, over investment in British railroads, potato blight famine (started in 1845), spread of crisis in continental Europe (France, Germany)

Was started as a collapse of British financial markets associated with the end of the 1840s railroad boom. The Bank of England had to request a suspension of the Bank Charter Actto end the crisis. It was caused by excessive monetary inflation due to the Bank of England and fractional reserve banking. “As of 1840 credit expansion resumed in the United Kingdom and spread throughout France and the United States. Thousands of miles of railroad track were built and the stock market entered upon a period of relentless growth which mostly favored railroad stock. Thus began a speculative movement which lasted until 1846, when economic crisis hit in Great Britain.” Potato blight famine (1845) : In Ireland nder British rule, the Great Famine was a period of mass starvation, disease and emigration between 1845 and 1852. It is also known, mostly outside of Ireland, as the Irish Potato Famine.. During the Famine, Ireland's population fell by between 20 and 25 percent. Approximately 1 million people died and a million more emigrated from Ireland. The proximate cause of famine was a potato disease commonly known as potato blight The Spring of Nations (1848) : The European Revolutions of 1848, known in some countries as the Spring of Nations were a series of political upheavals throughout Europe. Described by some historians as a revolutionary wave, the period of unrest began in France and then, further propelled by the French Revolution of 1848, soon spread to the rest of Europe. Although most of the revolutions were quickly put down, there was a significant amount of violence in many areas, with tens of thousands of people tortured and/or killed. While the immediate political effects of the revolutions were largely reversed, the long-term reverberations of the events were far-reaching.

-1857 – crisis after Crimean War, although start in USA (basis for republican victory in 1860), first of truly worldwide character

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● The Panic of 1857 was triggered by the failure of the Ohio Life Insurance and

Trust Company, which actually did much of its business as a bank headquartered in New York City. Reckless speculation in railroads led the company into trouble, and the company’s collapse led to a literal panic in the financial district, as crowds of frantic investors clogged the streets around Wall Street.

● Many United banks failed and there was a run on Bank of England. ● One victim of the Panic of 1857 was a future Civil War hero and US president,

Ulysses S. Grant, who was bankrupted. ● The crisis of 1857 has been called the first world wide crisis and the first that

was purely economic. ● Recovery from the depression began in early 1859.

-1866-1867 – relatively mild, perceived as the last crisis of laissez-faire economy, fall of Crédit Mobilier in France

The Panic of 1866 was an international financial downturn that accompanied the failure of Overend, Gurney and Company in London, and the corso forzoso abandonment of the silver standard in Italy

-crisis of 1873 - speculation in Germany and Austria, financed by French war-reparations

The Panic of 1873 surrounded a severe international economic depression in both Europe and the United States that lasted until 1879, and even longer in some countries. It is nowadays referred to as the Depression of 1873 by historians. It was triggered by the fall in demand for silver internationally, which followed Germany's decision to abandon the silver standard in the wake of the Franco-Prussian war. In 1871Bismarck extracted a large indeminity in gold from France and ceased minting silver thaler coins. The first symptoms of the crisis were financial failures in the Austro-Hungarian capital, Vienna, which spread to most of Europe and North America by 1873. It was one of a series of economic crises in the 19th and early 20th centuries. In Britain, the result was two decades of stagnation known as the "Long Depression", which weakened Britain's economic leadership in the world. In U.S. literature this global event is usually known as "Panic of 1873", while in Europe it is known as Long Depression or Great Depression.

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-1873 - Relative stagnation, deepened by European agricultural crisis (trans-oceanic flow of commodities), return to protectionism, mainly in agriculture (1877- Russia, 1878 – Germany), first wave of labour unrest in USA -1882 – Union Générale bankruptcy in France, end of railroad speculation in USA (1884), first crisis in Japan, effects: social legislation in Germany (1883-1884), legalization of trade-unions in France (1884), recovery thanks to boom in electrical industry -1890 – fall of Baring’s due to engagement in Argentina, new wave of investment in Latin America and colonies followed recovery, further instability in world economy in 1893-1894 (Panama affair in France, crashes in Australia and USA) - 1893 – The Panic of 1893 : The depression set off by the Panic of 1893 was the greatest depression America had known, and was only surpassed by the Great Depression of the 1930s. In early May 1893 the New York stock market dropped sharply, and in late June panic selling caused the stock market to crash. A severe credit crisis resulted, and more than 16,000 businesses had failed by the end of 1893. Included in the failed businesses were 156 railroads and nearly 500 banks. Unemployment spread until one in six American men lost their jobs. The depression inspired "Coxey's Army," a march on Washington of unemployed men. The protesters demanded that the government provide public works jobs. Their leader, Jacob Coxey, was imprisoned for 20 days. The depression caused by the Panic of 1893 lasted for about four years, ending in 1897. -1900 – Russian crisis after boom financed by French capital, development of international commodity cartels – next stage of monopolization process, recovery fueled (among others) by car industry and aluminium production sources :

-slides from the lecture & wikipedia

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27. The industrial working class

and labour movements of the 19th

century Lecture 3 page 19 General Labour Unions as association of wage earners for the purpose of maintaining or improving the conditions of their employment. This includes: Wages, working conditions, security of employment (=rules on firing employees), health and social securities, working hours. Their origin varies depending on the country (discussed below), but goes back to far beyond the industrialization. In the Kingdom of England trade Unions were for example forbidden since 1349 (Ordinance of Labour). But their rise is associated with the Industrial Revolution. Why:

● Lack of skills necessary to perform a job ● Therefore large pool of workers. This created wage pressure,

Which again created pressure on families and made it necessary for the whole family to work, including women and children.

● This enlarged pool of unskilled workers once again increased pressure on wages, job conditions, job security etc.

In the process the entire bargaining power was shifted to employers. This gave rise to the need of workers to organise themselves. The primary function of Unions was to provide securities to members – against illness, unemployment, old-age. This also created pressure on other workers to join the Labour Union. Collective bargaining power, collective instruments (especially strikes) and later political organisation are further functions assumed by Unions. Sometimes associated to guilds. But large difference: Guilds have the aim to protect their members from outside competition – whereas unions’ aim is to protect their members from the abusive working conditions. The reasoning behind prohibiting forbidding workers associations was that fixing wages distorts the market and the market efficiency. Wages are one of the input factors that define prices of products. By fixing them and not letting the market decide on it, the price is influenced and distorts demand (and hence supply) causing the market to not work at its efficiency level. Obviously NOT fixing minimal wages may have equally negative consequences - cause large costs to either the individual or the social institutions. This reasoning is found by Adam Smith (who was also against employers’ unions!) and continuous nowadays in economic theory.

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An important role has to be attributed to the Catholic church. In his Magna Charta “Rerum Novarum” 1891 the Pope Leo XIII expressed concern for the living standard of the working class. He discussed the relation between work and capital as well as between government and its citizens. He rejected as well communism as well as unlimited capitalism, but affirmed the right to private ownership. He also made himself strong for the rights of workers to form labour unions. Individual regions or Countries Britain: History: Organisation of workers was prohibited since 1349 in the Ordinance of Labourers. The reason was that the plague left a starkly reduced numbers of workers in the agricultural sector (as an estimated 30-40% of the population deceased because of the plague). This left owners of land to fight for the remaining workforce which and resulted in inflation, as costs of production rose. In the beginning of the industrial revolution there was a violent clash between government and workers. Movements of workers were persecuted, sometimes executed. But also violence from the workers’ side: e.g Luddites (1811): a social movement in the textile industry. It judged that modern mechanisation of the textile industry as a threat to workplaces of skilled workforce and destroyed therefore machinery. In 1812 it came even to clashes with the British army. Finally in 1871 the Trade-Union Act legalised the labour-unions in the United Kingdom. (Note that this was before the Magna Charta of Pope Leo XIII). The act had three major provisions. 1) The purpose of an Union should not neither be a restraint to trade nor unlawful. 2) But the restraint of trade doctrine should not make any trade union’s agreement or trust void or voidable. 3) Any trade union’s agreement are not directly enforceable or subject to claims for damages for breach. This should prevent to interfere in Union’s activities. Political Activity: In the United Kingdom the trade unions can be viewed as the base for the Labour Party (officially created the February 15th 1906 ). There are two major developments that led to its creation. First, there was an increasing urban proletariat, which interests were not represented in politics. And second they gain the suffrage – civil right to vote (also franchise) in 1867 and further extensions were made in 1885. It became a politically interesting group and some leaders of trade unions decided to enter in politics. First, some members run for the Liberal Party and some small other left parties were created. But due to a lack of success and an increased pressure from government (a law was passed that allowed employers to recuperate losses from strikes from the

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employees) led to the unification of major leftist groups, to officially create the Labour Party. Continental Europe: History: In continental Europe, trade unions were not merely a spontaneous organising of workers but socialist and social-democratic parties had a major role in founding Labour Unions. This also lead to the fact that they had a better organisational structure from the beginning on. But also the leftist parties were better organised. In France of course their history strongly roots in the French Revolution and later uprising of the workers that lead for example to the “Commune de Paris”. Political activity: Germany was behind in the development of liberal workers’ rights, but this lead to the development of strong parties such as the Allgemeiner Deutscher Arbeiterverein (ADAV, General German Workers' Association) in 1963 and Sozialdemokratische Arbeiterpartei (SDAP, Social Democratic Workers' Party of Germany) in 1869. They merged to the Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands in 1875. Also communist forces were represented in the party, which in general was very radical. There was a double approach by the official politics towards the social party, that was perceived as a threat: Bismarck prohibited the party and its activities – subsequently many actors fled abroad (e.g Lenin to Zurich ). But at the same time Bismarck introduced a social legislation. It introduced social welfare systems (such as social insurances) and forced employers to either increase security measures in their fabrics or paying elevated contributions to the social security. The system is actually the base of the social welfare system we have today – and also responsible for the welfare problems we face today, as it was obviously designed for the people of the time – a growing population number and a live expectancy of about 43 to 48. The idea behind the system was to appease the wishes of the workers without having to grant them political power. America: In the USA trade-unions faced less opposition from the state, anti-union measures were gradually abolished by court verdicts. There are many different organisations that appeared and disappeared during the beginning of the 19th century. The reason were shifts in the economy (boom actually helped the unions, while cohesion was weaker during bust periods) and the civil war. The first of those organisations were based on skilled workforces. Soon after nationwide organisation appeared – and disappeared again. Worth mentioning is the Knights of Labour was one of the largest and most important labour organisations in the 1880s. It rejected socialism and radicalism but promoted workers’ rights, such as the 8-hour day. It partially allowed black people and women to the organisation but was completely exclusive to Asians, as they

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were perceived as a threat to workplaces. Although acting as a labour union in some cases – negotiating with employers on working contracts – it was NOT a trade union and not strongly organised. After a strong increase in importance and members in the 1880s it suddenly lost its power, becoming a small organisation once again. One of the strong moments in the history of labour movements in the Stats is the Haymarket Massacre of the fourth May, 1886. During a demonstration in Chicago to show solidarity with a strike of workers that started 3 day earlier on the first of May, somebody threw a dynamite bomb in the ranks of the guarding policemen. They opened fired – the result of which was 8 dead police officers (mainly due to friendly fire) and an unknown number of civilians. In the subsequent trial eight anarchists were convicted. The Haymarket Massacre was a major setback to the 8-hour workday – as sympathies towards labour parties shivered. Only several years later, in 1888 the American Federation of Labour (AFL) decided to campaign the 8-hour workday again. A nationwide strike on the 1st May was planned and communicated to the “Second International” which subsequently decided to hold international strikes for an 8-hour workday on that day. And so the Haymarket Massacre became the origin of the May Day. The American Federation of Labour was actually founded in 1886. As the power of the Knights of Labour faded away the power of the AFL steadily grew. It was nationwide (although in practise just important in the industrial cities) and unified several craft unions. The idea was to increase the power of the workers by a solidarity of different crafts – and to increase the power of the Union by special benefits. This meant that strikes of one craft were followed by strikes of other crafts. And that strikes were made to assure that the government employs only union members in its projects. Hence an organisational infrastructure was needed – and Union offices set up all over the country. The Union supported the World War I. But the organisation was based on craft unions – hence the grouping of (skilled) workers of one profession only. Those unions were against the organising on an industry level, i.e independently of the profession but based on the fact that as a large number it is easier to force rights. During the Great Depression in the 1930s, the Unions lost a large amount of members. Some members came to the conclusion it was necessary to organise in an industrial manner. Some violent but victorious protests in the industrial sector and the inability of the AFL to ensure advantages for its members in the crafts, leaded to a dispute in 1936, which lead to the creation of a subgroup Convention of Industrial Organisations. But as it was treated as an enemy by the AFL, it came to a break-up. Only in 1955 the two groups united again to from the AFL-CIO.

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28. Land reforms in Central and

Eastern Europe in the 19th century Land reform may be understood here as the transfer of land from one owner or group of owners to another for political, social, or ideological purposes. It happened most of the time due to change in power or because it was thought that land reform could solve social problems – such as change of patterns of ethnicity, prevention of emigration from rural areas, economic support of poor people, and settlements for refugees or homecoming soldiers- or political problems – such as in an attempt to keep power by the reigning forces or as a measure to strengthen power of parties that just gained political leadership. Land reform always included other measures, such as the establishment of rural settlements and the extension of agricultural land, which generally meant forest clearances or other changes to the landscape. Sometimes the previous owners were compensated, but quite often they were simply dispossessed. Intellectual reasoning: The intellectual discussion about reforms in ownership in the 19th century started actually in the United Kingdom. One important thinker was James O'Brien (1805–1864), who called for total socialization of private property. The argument was that unequal distribution of land was the root of many social problems. These claims became influential within the rising socialist movement in Europe. Authors, politicians, and philosophers such as Karl Marx (1818–1883), Karl Kautsky (1854–1938), and Eduard Bernstein (1850–1932) were critical of private landownership, and many called for the nationalization of land. Henry George (1839–1897) was another influential thinker. He didn’t argue against private ownership of land –as for example Marx did- but he argued that the ownership of land should be taxed and thus build the economic bases of the society and not only some individual. His book Progress and Property (1877) was translated in several languages and influenced many other intellectuals to bring up ideas on limits of land possession and protection against misuse, speculation and monopoly of land. As a consequence of his ideas many tax systems have been developed. In Germany Oppenheimer – one of the strongest promoters of a system between communism and capitalism – published a book in 1894 called Freedom in Germany. It gained some recognition in Europe but proved to be especially influential for Zionism. Actual Land Reform Actual Land reforms can be divided into such with a social background – dividing the property and distribute it to increase the overall amount of people participating in ownership- and such with a communist

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background – to abolish ownership altogether. In the 19th centuries land reforms ownership was never abolished but only the proprietor changed. Ownership changes in southern eastern Europe were greatly the in response to the withdrawing Ottoman empire – that left a vacuum in ownership. Bulgaria: Upon independence in 1878 the overwhelmingly ottoman estates were redistributed to peasant smallholdings. Further reforms took part. (Further reforms were implemented in 1920-23 and a maximum ownership 30 hectares was fixed.) Greece: At independence in 1835 the ottoman estates were redistributed as peasant smallholdings Montenegro and Serbia: At independence in 1830 the ottoman estates were divided up among peasant smallholdings In north-eastern Europe almost all of the important land reforms took but place after 1900 and were either in view to joining the Soviet Union or at the hand of communist idealists. Although it has to be stated that most of these reforms still respected the private ownership but handed it over to people from the proletariat. Also former landowners were rarely compensated. E.g Lithuania: the major land reform was initiated in 1919 and launched in 1922. Land was taken from the major landowners, mostly aristocracy, and redistributed among new landowners, primarily soldiers, or small landowners. Central Europe: The reforms in France go back to the French Revolution (1789). In Germany a powerful land reforming organisation was established in 1888. It based on the ideas of George Henry (see above) and hence wanted a reform without abolition in private property. Land should be ownd by the state but no redistribution should take place. The previous owners should keep the right of using the land but pay a fee for it. Those ideas formed the basis for the reform in 1920, but were soon after changed by the Nazis that were swept to power. Northern Europe. Ireland: after the Irish Famine, land reform became the dominant issue in Ireland, where almost all of the land was owned by the Protestant Ascendancy. The Irish Parliamentary Party pressed for reform in a largely indifferent British House of Commons. Reform began tentatively in 1870 and continued for fifty years during which a number of Irish Land Acts were passed. Denmark: In 1849 a section in the constitution had forbidden the creation of new fiefs (latifundi in the medieval system) and promised the abolition of existing fiefs. However fiefholders dominated the government and it was not until 1919 that the necessary legislation could be passed. This legislation transferred the fiefs to ordinary property that could be bought, sold and inherited like all other property. The landholders had to pay a tax on the land if they didn’t sell and repurchase it. The tax rose each year so the fiefs quickly

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disappeared. As part of the reform the state was entitled to take over one third of the land for a compensation that has since been criticised for being too small. This land was later handed over to smallholders. The tax levied on the estates as well as the division of land by inheritance meant that the large estates as well as the estate holder class disappeared from Danish society and politics. Finland: In the general reparcelling out of land, begun in 1757, the medieval model of all fields consisting of numerous strips, each belonging to a farm, was replaced by a model of fields and forest areas each belonging to a single farm. In the further reparcellings which started to take place in 1848, the idea of concentrating all the land in a farm to a single piece of real estate was reinforced. In these reparcelling processes, the land is redistributed in direct proportion to earlier prescription. Both the general reparcelling and the further reparcelling processes are still active in some parts of the country. In 1918, Finland fought a civil war resulting in a series of land reforms. These included the compensated transfer of lease-holdings to the leasers and prohibition of forestry companies to acquire land.

29. Polish lands and their

industrialization before 1914

Situation: Economic and political decline caused by wars lead to rising political dependence from Russia. The short term of reversal of economic trends after 1720 (recovery from population and economic losses of Great Northern War) was ended by Russian intervention in 1792. Polish territory after 1795: 62% of lands – Russia, 20% - Prussia, 18% - Austria (disintegration and heavy fiscalism of new rulers)

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Political and economic reforms attempts (many of them blocked by Russia)

● The fight for independence: Kosciuszko uprising against Russia & Prussia 1794

● 1st attempt at the beginning of reign of Stanislaw August Poniatowski – stopped by Russian intervention [1st partition of Poland in 1772]

● 2nd wave of reform attempts during Russian engagement in conflict with Turkey [1788-1792 – the Great Sejm, constitution of May 3rd, 1791]

● Economic and population life concentrated in Warsaw – revival of city life, development of banking, trade companies and entertainment

1807 creation of Duchy of Warsaw (6 initial departments – after 1809 increased to 10)

On January 16, 1816 the administrative division was reformed from the departments of the Duchy of Warsaw into the more traditionally Polish

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voivodeships, obwóds and powiats.

Congress of Vienna (1815)

Polish lands again divided among 3 powers but gained significant doses of autonomy. Administrative division of the country differentiated territories. Most disadvantageous situation of Poles under Austrian rule (isolated by mountain barrier caused deepening of economic backwardness)

industrial policies: Industry of Poland lands depended on occupiers – mainly subordinated to Russian strategic defensive plans. Reforms were not possible as the financial decline. Development of cities and urbanization caused a development of infrastructure such as a paved roads system. Creation of Bank of Poland in 1828 gave opportunity for the financial support by money issuance combined with active credit policy. Occupiers controlled administrative reforms and introduced high tariff barrier (between Kingdom and Russian Empire) Slow development of railways was due to military doctrine, thought this fast industrialization in 1870’s-1880’s concentrated industry.

Industry: Congress Poland experienced rapid and extensive socioeconomic change during the nineteenth century. Although the vast majority of Poland’s population remained rural, urban settlements grew notably. As in other countries, the “push” of poverty and overpopulation in the countryside and the “pull” of new job opportunities brought many people to the developing cities in search of better lives. A boom in industry and

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commerce began in midcentury, the result in part of administrative decisions taken in the 1820s, when the Russian authorities encouraged German weavers and industrial workers to settle in a number of towns in the Łódź region by guaranteeing them special privileges. Thanks to this action, Łódź, Zgierz, Pabianice, and other nearby locales gradually developed into major centers of mechanized textile production. By the mid-1860s, many factories had been established.

30.Modernization attempts and

backwardness in 19th century - openness to trade gradually decreased by rising protectionism (neo-mercantilism), almost no extra-tariff barriers, lowering transport costs level-off impact of rising tariffs - free capital flows under Gold Standard, developed capital markets for government debt and stocks - free labour movement facilitated by declining transport cost (especially after 1870); intercontinental flows but also big migrations inside great Eurasiatic landmass - rising intergovernmental cooperation (Hague Conventions) - economic and social interpretations of roots of war: arms race as solution to satisfy interests of big industry and junkers (Prussian landed aristocracy), nationalism as means of preserving national unity and solving internal problems in age of mass society and labour movement; relative decline of Britain due to spread of industrialization; relative rise of Germany and the will of Weltpolitik - industrialization policies enhanced by creation of Bank of Poland in 1828 (money issuance combined with active credit policy) - new industrial ventures planned from the beginning under Drucki-Lubecki as more ambitious and capital intensive than in the years of Staszic (source of future problems) - economic modernization not paired by political counterpart – November uprising 1830-1831 - after Polish defeat Kingdom’s constitution suspended (rule of marshall Paskevitch) - economic policy subordinated to Russian strategic defensive plans - Bank of Poland failures in industrial finance under count Łubieoski - tariff barrier between Kingdom and Russian Empire until 1850 – capital jumps

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the border – development of textile industry around Białystok - mechanization of textile industry in Łódź (1840’s – Ludwig Geyer, 1850’s – Karl Scheibler) – rapid technological advancement - sugar beet refineries (1830’s & 1840’s) – rich landlords, often with financing from Bank of Poland, industrialization not followed by urbanization - hope for political reform after Crimean War (1853-1856) -Centereuropean tendencies -Organic work -Beginning of mass production and urbanization -Development of railway(territories of Austria-Hungary and Morawy in Czech), Germany and UK most of all -Colonialism -Development of French constitutions (backbone behind modern european constitutions) -between bourgeoise and workers in capitalist economies, growing unevenness of capital distribution

31.World War I

a) Economic reasons of WW I: - rivalry for the colonies, resources, colonial trade and trade routes between the most successful empires (Britain, France) and the emerging economic powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy and Russia) - division of the continent into two opposed political and economic alliances – the Triple Entente (GB, FR, RU) and the Triple Alliances, also known as the Central Powers (Germany, Italy, Austria-Hungary) - German belief in the possibility of ending the war in the fast and effortless way (Blitzkrieg) b) Trench warfare and economy:

● French resistance during the battle of Marna in 1914 and surprisingly fast Russian reaction to the war forced Germany to start a long-lasting exhausting trench war demanding the huge ammounts of force and capital. The confict increasingly

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influenced the economies and populations of European countries.

● Trench war demanded a full economic mobilization of both sides of the conflict.

c) Mobilization potential of Entente:

● common view that accumulated reserves and increased production of a specialised arms sector will be sufficient to lead the war contributed to the increasing expenditures on the armies in all the states – in 1914 it varied from 3% GDP in Britain to 4% GDP in France

● factual costs of war turned out to be many times higher due to the wide-scale usage of modern technologies such as tanks, submarines, aviation, machine guns and artillery (f. e. 10 times more ammunition was needed than 1914 estimates)

● France, Britain and Russia owned 28% of world industry but they produced smaller quantities of the startegic materials such as steel. After USA joinef the war in 1917 their potential was increased by 24% reaching the level of 52% and allowing the Entente to win the war

● The French and British Empire intensively exploited their colonies food, coloured-metals, iron and phosphorites reserves as well as human and financial resources. Thousands of people were forced to join the army. The Entente had also an easy access to US resources.

● mobilization potential of Germany:

1. preparations started in the last two decades of XIX century 2. three times increased expenditures – 3,7% of GDP in 1914 3. Germany and Austria-Hungary owned 19% of world industry,

controlling more strategical sectors (f. e. majority of steel production)

4. no access to the reserves of other countries were the reason of Central Powers' isolation and the need to exploit their own economic potential

5. failed hopes for an express victory in the war thanks to the huge reserves accumulated during the peace forced Germany

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to transform its economy to the typical war model – creating the Hindenburg's Programme (1916)

e) Hindenburg's programme:

● main purpose was to prepare the country to the reality of total war

● extremely fast increase of the quantity of weapons supplied – double increase of explosives, triple increase of machine guns as well as significantly increased production of aviation and trucks. Significant increase of raw materials exploitation

● whole industry controlled by the war government, many key enterprises under the direct and forced management of Kriegsamt

● reglamentation of production and distribution of industrial goods, setting the level of prices and wages

● contingents in the agriculture, state-managed sharing of food ● all the above is called state monopoly capitalism – generally

speaking it means strict connections between the private industry working for the needs of front with the state institutions

f) Economic situation of Western Europe countries:

● The Entente had a free access to the world market what's the reason of the interventionism aspirations being smaller – unlike Germany where literally everything was controlled by state, in Britain it was limited to the railway, sailing, coal mining, arms industry and strategic raw materials exploitation. France controlled fleet and allocation of workforce

● British Ministry of Munition had the right to confisquate all the factories connected with the arms industry as well as those that could switch from the peace- to wartime production

● Building state-owned arms industry factories and supporting the modernisation of existing private ones

g) Economic situation of Russia:

● supervision over the industry working for the front

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● coordinating of distribution of food, fuel and raw materials; contigents for food and the strategic raw materials for the prices set by the state

● mobilization of 2/5 male workforce in the age of 15-49 resulted in the lack of workers in the industry; soon the missing males were replaced by the females, kids and retired as well as captured prisoners of war

● priviledged arms industry significantly increased its productivity but still couldn't cover the army's needs because of the law quality of the produced weapon and lack of modern machines in the factories

● Russian retreat from the industrialised Kingdom of Poland over the German offensive in 1915 was a great loss for the country – the general industrial production decreased by 20%, the efficiency of work fell too

f) German policy on the occupied Polish lands:

● the production continuosly decreased, many factories (Łódź region, Zagłębie Dąbrowskie) were destroyed in order not to compete with the German enterprises after war; raw materials confisquated

● strict contingents of food, usage of Poles as soldiers ● creation of Polish National Loaning Cash emitting Polish mark

(1916) g) Role of the American economy:

● US benefited from the wartime conjuncture providing Europe with food, cotton, oil and industrial goods (often on credit)

● Loans on the level of $20 billion for the Entente and $20 million for the Central Powers

● The main reason of US joining the war were the German submarines actions against US fleet what resulted in blocking American access to Europe and made the trade impossible

● 1917 – intrduction of the elements of the wartime economy – regulations of production profile in the industry, licensioning the food suppliers, controlling the level of prices, railway and sea transports, rationalising the production.

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h) War expenditures:

● Total cost of war for the Entente was nearly $60 billion, for the Central Powers - $ $25 billion. Consumption and investment were limited in order to increase the expenditures on arming and equiping the armies. In the end of war total expenditures reached the level of 50% GDP in Russia and 30% in Britain and Germany.

● The countries participating in the war experienced a profound crackdown on their budgets, their revenues couldn't cover majority of expenditures. The other source of funds was needed.

● Germany used mainly the conception of the internal loans – forcing its citizens to buy the special state obligations. 9 internal loans of that kind took place what covered 90% of the budget expenditures. The public debt increased 30 times. Currency-to-gold exchange rate was cancelled. Money supply increased 9 times causing the strong, 500% inflation.

● The Entente used the conception of internal loans as well – increasing taxes, exploiting colonies („war gifts” - f. e. $100 million obtained from India) and spending reserves. At the same time it took advantage of external loans from the US offering its goods on credit – 7$ billion debt emerged. Expenditures were funded by internal loans (57%), taxes (28%) and American loans (15%). increased supply of money contributed to 500% inflation.

● US became a main debtor, owning the vast majority of world's gold reserves.

i. Living conditions:

● shortage of food, famine in many areas ● lack of workforce - usage of children, women, old people and

prisoners of war as workers ● strikes in many German factories

j) Aftermath:

● 9 million soldiers dead, 20 million wounded. 3 million civilians dead as a result of famine, diseases and war actions. Harsh loses in Serbia (20% of population dead) and Poland (25% of population dead). France and Germany lost 10% of all well-educated

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specialists necessary in the economy. In total – 7% of Europeans dead.

● Significant material and financial losses – infrastructure, factories, gold and foreign currencies reserves

● Neutral countries benefited from the war – economic situation in Scandiavia, Swiss Spain and the Netherlands was much better than in 1914.

● German fleet and foreign investments confiscated. The country had to pay $33 billion war reparations what turned ut to be impossible and in the long perspective led to the outbreak of WW II

● Limiting the role of the European economy which became dependant on the external sources of capital and raw materials. The US was the main winner but Canada, Brazil, South Africa, India, Australia and Japan also benefited and significantly deeloped their industries.

● Four major geopolitical empires disappeared – German, Austro-Hungarian, Russian and the Ottoman.

● Women's war effort contributed to granting them vote rights.

32. Polish hyperinflation and


High inflation was the main concern of European economies after 1918.Originally it was caused by the wartime rise in prices and afterwards by the persistent budget deficit connected with the world military conflict and the problems of the economical rebuildment. High inflation rate reaching the level of hyperinflation occured in the number of countries including Germany, Austria, Poland and Hungary. First years of the reborn Polish state were connected with the harsh fights for the borders with the neighbouring countries, especially with the Bolshevist Russia. The war expenditures accounted for 50-60% GDP in 1920. The government has very limited tax revenues so it had to take advantage of external and internal loans (Polish National Loaning Cash emmiting Polish mark). American Polonia granted help. Contingents, reglamentation of food were employed. Government had a control over trade and industry.

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Increased supply of Polish mark (from 50 milliards in 1920 to 125 bln in 1923) caused 6000% inflation. State-owned credits and the tax revenue were depreciating. Banks lost huge sums of money as a result of decrease in value of the loans provided earlier to the private sector. People were interested in exchanging mark for gold and foreign currencies through the speculants what propmted the exchange rates. Tensions in the society (riots in Cracow in 1923) and the end of wars with the neighbours forced the government to reform the financial sector. The prime minister Władysław Grabski started a wide-scale reforms. Polish National Loaning Cash was replaced with the National Bank of Poland and worthless currency – mark – with the new Polish zloty. The government's strategy first aim was to repair the public finances. The expenditures and administrative costs were significantly cut. At the same time the budget income was being increased – f. e. the new property tax was introduced for the period of 3 years – owners of all the estates of the value biggest than 10 thousand swiss franks had to pay. The reform went without any help from Britain and France. In April 1924 the National Bank of Poland started its activity. Polish zloty was introduced. Its exchange rate was set at the level of the swiss frank. The exchange rate was based on the accumulated reserves of gold and foreign values and it could cover 30% of the value of all the new banknotes. In 1919 only 14% of workforce employed before war in the factories of Kingdom of Poland had their jobs. The situation was changed by incorporating the Upper Silesia to Poland. Another factor was the development of infrastructure at the Baltic seaside, especially building the port in Gdynia. The significant ammounts of the coal were exported. The major companies, factories and industries remained the state's property.

33. World finances in the interwar

period. - The European economy was devastated by the war, while the United States economy grew in response to the demands of the war. Economic leadership shifted from the England and London to the United States and New York. The United States became the creditor nation of the world while England, for the first time since the beginning of the industrial revolution, became a debtor nation.

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- The most fundamental problems of the period were inconvertible currencies in all belligerent countries, the inability of states to construct a viable international financial system, economic crisis in 1920-1933. - Immediately after the war, there was a period where inconvertibility of the currencies and fluctuating exchange rates prevailed.The industrial countries realised the need to stabilise the prices and exchange rates, basically toimpose the conditions needed to expand trade and therefore, to return to a growing economy.The dominant idea was that of a return to the gold standard. This meant rebuilding the pre-wareconomy. The leader for this objective was Great Britain, which in the Twenties promoted first the Brussels Conference, and then the Genoa Conference. -League of Nations, created after the First World War with the intention of maintaining world security and peace and encouraging economic growth between member countries. After the end of the war, the economic and financial conditions in all European countries were close to total collapse. Within this context, the League organized a large conference in Brussels in September – October 1920. The goal was to find a solution to monetary problems and facilitate the circulation of goods and funds. Following the conference the League established an Economic and Financial Organisation, including several Committees (Financial, Economic, Fiscal, Statistical). During the following years the League assisted many European countries: Austria, Hungary, Greece, Bulgaria, etc. In October 1929 the Great Depression started in the USA and soon contaminated Europe. In 1933, the LON organized a new Economic Conference in London to find a common solution to the protection of national economies. The conflict between the international political goals of the major powers and their views on economic welfare prevented from any concerted solution. - England and France and other debtor nations could not pay their debts unless they received reparations from Germany. Germany, also devastated by war, could not finance its own recovery and pay reparations too. - Conference of Genoa 1922, at Genoa, Italy. Representatives of 34 nations convened on Apr. 10 to attempt the reconstruction of European finance and commerce. It was the first conference after World War I in which Germany and the Soviet Union were accepted on a par with other nations. Negotiations broke down when France and Belgium, Russia's main creditors, insisted on repayment of prewar loans and restitution of confiscated foreign-owned property in Russia. Announcement of the German-Soviet Treaty of Rapallo further strained relations. With the Genoa Conference Resolutions, the gold exchange standard was begun. - When Germany defaulted in 1923, and experienced massive inflation, financial reforms had to be introduced to stabilize the German economy. The

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only way to accomplish that was to create the means by which American investment could be made in German recovery. - The Dawes Plan (1924) was the result of negotiations between Germany and the US Government. The plan allowed the co-ordination of reparations repayments, making these more manageable. This involved paying reduced payments until 1929, when the situation would be reappraised. The scale of the reassessment is worthy to note, reparations payments in 1922 had been some $2 billion, the figure for 1914 was set at $50million. This large reduction in reparations payments was accompanied by a loan of $200 million from the US government which would allow for heavy investment in the German infrastructure. Linked to this agreement was the introduction of the new Reichsbank and the replacement of the old German Mark with the Rentenmark. The Dawes plan also provided for the gradual removal of French and Belgian troops from the Rhineland.

34. Soviet Union and the centrally

planned economy before World

War II The World War I totally exhausted the tsarist government of Russian Empire.

Liberals, bourgeoisie, aristocracy and military – everyone was preparing to

overthrow it. In many ways Russia's disastrous participation in World War I was

the final blow to Tsarist rule. In the very first engagement with the Germans

(who had sided with the Austro-Hungarian Empire), the Battle of Tannenberg,

the Russian army was comprehensively beaten suffering 120,000 casualties to

Germany's 20,000. The mismanagement and failures of the war turned the

people – and importantly the soldiers – against the Tsar, whose decision to

take personal command of the army seemed to make him personally

responsible for the defeats. In March 1917, the Tsar lost control first to streets,

then of the soldiers, and finally of the Duma, resulting in his forced abdication.

The power was held by the Provisional Government.

One person keen to take advantage of the chaotic state of affairs in St.

Petersburg was Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov - aka Lenin. With the Tsar under arrest

and Russian politics in chaos, Lenin saw the opportunity to lead his party, the

Bolsheviks, to power. At first his uncompromising stance served to isolate Lenin

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and the Bolsheviks, however with powerful slogans like 'Peace, land and bread,'

Lenin begin to win the hearts of the Russian people - who were increasingly

unable to stomach war and poverty.

In October Bolsheviks took up crucial positions in Petrograd (now St.

Petersburg) By the 25th October every key building in St. Petersburg was under

Bolshevik control, except the Winter Palace where Kerensky and the other

Ministers were holed up with a small guard. On the 26th the Palace was taken

with barely a shot fired, and Lenin's October Revolution had been achieved

with the bare minimum of drama or bloodshed.

Despite being allowed to seize power so easily Lenin soon discovered that his

support was far from absolute. His Peace Policy with the Germans (Brest-

Litovsk Treaty March 3, 1918 between Russia and the Central Powers, headed

by Germany, marking Russia's exit from World War I) was particularly

unpopular as it ceded large amounts of Russian territory. Shortly after the

October Revolution, the Russian Civil War broke out between the 'Reds'

(Communists) and the 'Whites' (Nationalists, Conservatives, Imperialists and

other anti-Bolshevik groups).

In 1920 bolsheviks won the Civil War, but the price was high: 13 mln people

dead and big devastation. In 1921 Lenin introduced New Economic Policy (NEP)

that made it possible for russian economy to achieve its prewar level in 1925.

Syndicates in industry and private capitals were liquidated, was created

centrally planned system of managing the economy (narkomats).

The main contents of NEP: introducing taxes into agriculture, involvement of

foreign funds, monetary reform (1922-1924). NEP in agriculture: at first the tax

established at the level of 20%, in October 1922 the Land Code was introduced,

according to which all the land was nationalized. The welfare of peasants rose

in comparison with prewar period, the middle class took the biggest part. NEP

in industry: creation of trusts (association of interconnected enterprises) that

had economic and financial independence, no less than 20% of trusts’ income

should have been sent to reserve funds; appearance of syndicates (association

of trusts) that dealt with sale, provision, lending, foreign trade operations;

appearance of private sector; development of cooperation. All in all, the index

of industrial production grew 3 times, agricultural production – 2 times.

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Lenin and the Reds established the Soviet Union in 1922. In 1923 Lenin died

and Stalin took over the Communist Party, which continued to rule Russia until

1991 when the USSR was dissolved.

In 1928 Stalin introduced the five-year plan of industrialization (first heavy

than development of light industry) and after a year he started forced

collectivization of agriculture (small private rural household were converted

into big kolhozes). Stalin believed that the goals of collectivization could be

achieved voluntarily, but when the new farms failed to attract the number of

peasants hoped, the government blamed the oppression of the kulaks and

resorted to forceful implementation of the plan, by murder and wholesale

deportation of farmers to Siberia. In 1932-1933, an estimated 3.1–7 million

people, mainly in Ukraine, died from famine after Stalin forced the peasants

into the collectives. Under the Second Five-Year Plan (1933-37), the state

devoted attention to consumer goods, and the factories built during the first

plan helped increase industrial output in general. The Third Five-Year Plan,

begun in 1938, produced poorer results because of a sudden shift of emphasis

to armaments production in response to the worsening international climate.

Although the First Five-Year Plan called for the collectivization of only 20% of

peasant households, by 1940 approximately 95% of all peasant households had

been collectivized and private ownership of property almost entirely


35.The Great Depression The Great Depression was an economic slump in North America, Europe, and other industrialized areas of the world that began in 1929 and lasted until about 1939. It was the longest and most severe depression ever experienced by the industrialized Western world. The Great Depression began with a catastrophic collapse of stock-market prices on the New York Stock Exchange in October 1929 (Black Tuesday). As stock prices plummeted with no hope of recovery, panic struck. Masses and masses of people tried to sell their stock, but no one was buying. The stock market, which had appeared to be the surest way to become rich, quickly became the path to bankruptcy.

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Started in the United States the Great Depression quickly turned into a worldwide economic slump owing to the special and intimate relationships that had been forged between the United States and European economies after World War I. The United States had emerged from the war as the major creditor and financier of postwar Europe. So once the American economy slumped and the flow of American investment credits to Europe dried up, prosperity tended to collapse there as well. The Depression hit hardest those nations that were most deeply indebted to the United States, i.e., Germany and Great Britain. In Germany, unemployment rose sharply beginning in late 1929, and by early 1932 it had reached 6 million workers, or 25 percent of the work force. Britain was less severely affected, but its industrial and export sectors remained seriously depressed until World War II. Many other countries had been affected by the slump by 1931. Almost all nations sought to protect their domestic production by imposing tariffs, raising existing ones, and setting quotas on foreign imports. The effect of these restrictive measures was to greatly reduce the volume of international trade: by 1932 the total value of world trade had fallen by more than half as country after country took measures against the importation of foreign goods. THE MAIN AREAS OF DEPRESSION The US economy had experienced rapid economic growth and financial excess in the late 1920s, and initially the economic downturn was seen as simply part of the boom-bust-boom cycle. Unexpectedly, however, output continued to fall for three and a half years, by which time half of the population was in desperate circumstances (map1). It also became clear that there had been serious over-production in agriculture, leading to falling prices and a rising debt among farmers. At the same time there was a major banking crisis, including the "Wall Street Crash" in October 1929. Map 1 The economic situation in Germany (map2) was made worse by the enormous debt with which the country had been burdened following the First World War. It had been forced to borrow heavily in order to pay "reparations" to the victorious European powers, as demanded by the Treat of Versailles (1919),

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and also to pay for industrial reconstruction. When the American economy fell into depression, US banks recalled their loans, causing the German banking system to collapse. Map 2 Countries that were dependent on the export of primary products, such as those in Latin America, were already suffering a depression in the late l920s. More efficient farming methods and technological changes meant that the supply of agricultural products was rising faster than demand, and prices were falling as a consequence. Initially, the governments of the producer countries stockpiled their products. but this depended on loans from the USA and Europe. When these were recalled, the stockpiles were released onto the market, causing prices to collapse and the income of the primary-producing countries to fall drastically (map3). Map 3 THE GOLD STANDARD The gold standard linked currencies to the value of gold, and was supported by almost every country in the world. From 1931, however, countries began to leave the standard, leading to its total collapse by 1936. Although at the time this was seen as a disaster, it actually presented opportunities for recovery in many countries, allowing governments to intervene to create economic growth. POLITICAL IMPLICATIONS The Depression had profound political implications. In countries such as Germany and Japan, reaction to the Depression brought about the rise to power of militarist governments who adopted the regressive foreign policies that led to the Second World War. In countries such as the United States and Britain, government intervention ultimately resulted in the creation of welfare systems and the managed economies of the period following the Second World War.

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THE COLLAPSE OF WORLD TRADE The German case is an extreme example of what happened virtually everywhere in the 1930s. The international economy broke up into trading blocs determined by political allegiances and the currency in which they traded. Trade between the blocs was limited, with world trade in 1939 still below its 1929 level. Although the global economy did eventually recover from the Depression, it was at considerable cost to international economic relations and to political stability.

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36.The Great Depression in Poland The Great Depression severely affected central Europe, Poland in particular, where the economic crisis started slightly later than in the US, but it lasted longer: 1930-1935. From the perspective of the World War II which followed Poles tend to see thirties as good years. But the big economic crisis brought lots of misery and poverty, especially in the regions which were poor already, mainly in Southeastern Poland. The unemployment rate in Poland rose to 20% while output fell by 40%. By November 1932 the country had increased tariffs and introduced import quotas. In general, years 1926-1928 were successful for Polish economy. The export grew, especially coal export due to the long strike of British miners. The unemployment was low. But the economic crisis affected Poland quite soon after the New York stock crash. Foreign banks withdrew credits given for development of Polish economy, the foreign investments stopped. The crisis affected the most agriculture which was giving jobs to 60% of Poles. In 1929 Polish economy was in 79% agrarian and in 21% industrial. This was one of the main reasons why Polish crisis was longer than in industrially developed countries. The first sign of the crisis was a drastic decrease of the food prices due to overproduction and decrease of the consumption by urban population. Farmers had to sell much more products to pay taxes, buy tools, cloths, salt or matches. The lower food prices and higher supply caused further decrease of

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food prices and more hardship for farmers. With a time it led to a high inequality between food, very cheap, and industrial products, very expensive. The industrial slow down caused rapid decrease in production. This led to the development of monopoles which limited the competition and led to increase in prices. The total industrial production in 1932 was about 40% less than in 1928. 1932 was the worst year for Polish economy, the unemployment beyond farming was estimated at 44%. Initially Polish government did very little to improve the economic situation besides fighting for duty barriers for imported products and for easing of barriers for Polish products. The course of Polish currency was kept high, the access to the credit was low, the investments were low and the budget expenses were cut. This led to lower industrial production, lower prices and lower standard of life of population. The more complex program to fight the crisis was introduced at the end of 1932. It helped to increase the value of farming products and to lower the prices of industrial goods, especially these produced by monopoles. The government initiated steps against unemployment and to increase the export. People were hired for public works. My mother remembered that some barracks which were build for temporary road workers. The safe work for many people was a job in public institutions. The lowering unemployment decreased the number of strikes. Many corporations become public, since they were unable to repay their credits. Falling prices and demand induced by the crisis created an additional problem in the central European banking system, where the financial system had particularly close relationships with business. In 1931 the Creditanstalt bank in Vienna collapsed, causing a financial panic across Europe. Industrial projects were kicked off to alleviate differences between better developed western and central Poland, so called "Poland A" and poor "Poland B" which included Easter and Southeastern regions, predominantly a farmland inhabited by minorities. The biggest project was so called Central Industrial Region (COP) was initiated in 1936 in the central Poland just between Poland A and Poland B. The COP project was interrupted by the outbreak of War World II in September 1939. One has to wonder how Poland would look like in the present time if not the biggest human and economic devastation and then forty years of communism brought by the war and Soviet occupation.

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37. The new states of central and

eastern Europe before World War

II 1.Aftermath of World War I After the fall of Russian Empire, Austro-Hungary and Turkish Empire new countries were established

● Finland ● Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania

As a result of the fall of Russian Empire ● Austria and Hungary (two independent countries as a result of the fall of

Austro-Hungary, though initially Austria was called “German Austria”) ● Romania ● Albania ● Yugoslavia (initially “State of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs”) ● Bulgaria (as a result of the fall of Turkish Empire)

2. Poland’s case After the end of World War I, the Central Powers' surrender to the Western Allies, the chaos of the Russian Revolution and the Treaty of Versailles finally allowed and helped the restoration of Poland's full independence after 123 years. It reappeared on the map of the Europe and it was granted access to Baltic Sea (Please note that Gdaosk which is the main Polish port was known as a “Free city of Gdansk” and it was under the control of the League of Nations).

3. Situation of these countries before WW II After the war, almost all of the countries declared to be democracies. Hungary was the only exception (dictator Miklos Horthy). Unfortunately these democracies didn’t last. As a result of the lack of political elites, inexperienced society couldn’t create efficient parliamentary system. This lead to creation of dictatorships. Only Czechoslovakia was able to sustain democracy until WW II. In most of these countries , the economic situation was very poor. The poverty lead to frustration and started the search for someone to blame. Ethnic conflicts and open conflicts with neighbors were impossible to avoid. Hungary for example lost lots of its territories and had a huge diasporas in Slovakia, Yugoslavia and Romania which gave birth to many ethnic conflicts. It can be considered one of the reasons for these countries to take part in World War II

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38.Franklin Delano Roosevelt and

New Deal Intoduction The New Deal is a series of economic programs implemented in the United States between 1933 and 1936. The New Deal was Roosevelt's way to solve the problems caused by the Great Depression, including unemployment and agricultural overproduction. The New Deal is often split into two smaller New Deals: the First New Deal and the Second New Deal. During the First Hundred Days of Roosevelt's presidency, Roosevelt and his administration proposed many plans to fix the economy. Causes : see question n.35- The great depression When Roosevelt was inaugurated March 4, 1933 (32 days after Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany), the U.S. was at the worst depression in its history. A quarter of the workforce was unemployed. Farmers were in deep trouble as prices fell by 60%. Industrial production had fallen by more than half since 1929. Two million were homeless. By the evening of March 4, 32 of the 48 states, as well as the District of Columbia had closed their banks.] The New York Federal Reserve Bank was unable to open on the 5th, as huge sums had been withdrawn by panicky customers in previous days. Beginning with his inauguration address, Roosevelt began blaming the economic crisis on bankers and financiers, the quest for profit, and the self-interest basis of capitalism

In one day, legislation from Congress permitted reopening of most banks under certification by the federal government that they were sound. Later banking reforms included insuring of deposits through the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.

Active social programmes

The New Deal provided large sums of federal money for direct payments to needy citizens through grants (rather than loans) to the states. It also established various new agencies to provide government-sponsored work for the unemployed. Through the Works Progress Administration (WPA) special projects were devised to provide employment for skilled and unskilled labor and for such persons as writers, artists, actors, and musicians. A vast program of public works—the construction of public buildings, highways, and similar projects—was begun under the Public Works Administration (PWA).A basic goal of the New Deal was to raise both wages and prices, which had dropped lower and lower as the depression continued.

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The National Industrial Recovery Act called for the cooperation of labor and management in setting prices, minimum wages, and working hours within various industries. The act also gave workers the right to join unions without interference from employers.To increase the income of farmers, the Agricultural Adjustment Act was passed. It included provisions for paying farmers to reduce the acreage of certain crops and to limit livestock holdings.

To sum up, many social programmes and highly interventional economic policy (as opposed to previous policy which wasn’t that strict) were introduced in order to stimulate the economy.

Later on, Supreme Court rejects part of New Deal as unconstitutional .Return of recession in 1937 which results in the Second New Deal (1937-1938) – agricultural subsidies for soil preservation & other solutions designed to be constitutional which leads to the return of good business climate – after American entry into the war

● Lack of theoretical basis for interventionism, John M. Keynes General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money (1935-1936) commonly accepted after the war

For overcoming the difficult challenges of a depression and a world war, historians generally consider F.D Roosevelt to be one of the best U.S. presidents. He was one of the most popular presidents ever (he won the elections 4 times in a row)

39. Totalitarian and democratic

economic policies in 1930’s.

(From Mr Dwilewicz presentation) - State interventionism – economic policies after WWI and the Great Depression State interventionism – democratic countries:

● F.D. Roosevelt in USA: bank holidays (March 6, 1933) – after 9 days 75% banks restart their activity; Glass-Steagall Act (1933) separating commercial & investment banking & creating Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

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● additional spending in different sectors of economy: Agricultural Adjustment Administration (May 1933 -1936, $ 1.5 bn of expenditures), Federal Emergency Relief Administration (May 1933 - relief payments for unemployed), National Recovery Administration (June 1933-1935 – 557 basic & 208 supplementary codes of conduct regulating specified industrial branches on voluntary basis – in exchange for Blue Eagle symbol of fair industrial practice), Public Works Administration (1933-1939 – $ 4 bn spent on public construction projects), Works Progress Administration (1935-1943 – employment program similar to PWA), Tennessee Valley Authority – economic reconstruction of Tennessee River region, Civilian Conservation Corps – forestry improvement program for unemployed youth

● $ devaluation Jan 21, 1934: from $21 to $35/troy ounce Au; Gold Reserve Act (Jan 30, 1934)

● May 1934 – intervention on silver market – damaging effects for China ● Securities & Exchange Act (1934) – Securities and Exchange Commission

(1934), Banking Act (1935) – strengthening of Fed’s position against government and state banks

● Social Security Act (August 1935) – old age pensions ● Supreme Court rejects part of New Deal as unconstitutional – 1934-1936 ● Return of recession in 1937 ● Second New Deal (1937-1938) – agricultural subsidies for soil

preservation & other solutions designed to be constitutional ● Return of good business climate – after American entry into the war ● Lack of theoretical basis for interventionism, John M. Keynes General

Theory of Employment, Interest and Money (1935-1936) commonly accepted after the war

State interventionism – totalitarian states:

● Italy: concept of totalitarian state – Mussolini ● corporatism (corporativism) as ideology of ensuring national unity by

avoiding conflicts resulting from market system, syndicates – sole representation of labour from October 1925,strikes& lockouts illegal; Constitution for corporate state - April 1926, creation of 22 nation-wide corporations - 1934, Council of Corporations as supreme legislative body - 1936 (also basis in social teaching of the Catholic Church - Pius XI - Quadrogesimo Anno, 1931, hence corporatism in Spain & Portugal)

● public works projects before 1929 (mostly in backward agriculture)

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● Istituto Mobiliare Italiano – IMI, Istituto per la Riconstruzione Industriale – IRI, 1933, created on the basis of big banks, source of finance for big industrial projects (private & public) and bailing out failing firms (without nationalization)

● Autarky in foreign trade, especially after League of Nations sanctions resulting from 1935 invasion of Ethiopia, at the same time rising role of state-licensing, reallocation of resources to military industry: war machine at the expense of standard of living

● Germany – fighting high unemployment as source of legitimacy for Hitler’s regime

● The concept of Grossraumwirtschaft (big area economy) ● Delegalization of trade-unions, Deutsche Arbeitsfront instead - May 1933,

Robert Ley (role in labour mobilization during the war) ● Reduction of market’s role in the economy – government price-fixing,

bank-licensing, creation of Reich’s Economic Council (Generalrat der Wirtschaft)

● State planning associated with private property, Reich’s Ministry of Economy – Hjalmar Schacht, from 1938 Walter Funk, Reichsbank -1933-1939 Schacht, from 1939 Funk, War Economy Office of Wehrmacht – Georg Thomas, Office of Plenipotentiary General for 4-year Plan – Hermann Göring; constant rivalry between administrative bodies

● Cannons instead of bread – reallocation of capital towards armaments, rising role of collective consumption (KdF, Strength Through Joy), big public works (highway networks, Organisation Todt), 1937 – labour shortage, no rise of level of living

● mass production of industrial consumption goods on fordist patterns – Volkswagen, Volksempfänger

● Autarky in agriculture ● Different source of financing: state robbery of Jewish property, pre-paid

Volkswagen program, asymmetric foreign trade relations with Balkan countries, Mefo bills-of-exchange; despite that imbalances in German pre-war finance

● Japan – industrial policies similar to those of Germany – armaments expenditure at 17% in 1938, partially because of military expansion in China

● Dependence from imported supplies implied concept of Great Asian Zone of Coprosperity

● Neutrality pact with Soviet Union – April 1941, clear path for southern expansion

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● Summing up: totalitarian regimes intervening in economy in order to build war machine for ensuring wealth thanks to future conquests, democratic governments focused directly on wealth of citizens, especially those most affected by Great Depression, in part to avoid social radicalism

From H. Kalioski book: USA – big economic crisis, social problems, ignored by economists and governments (they were waiting and hoping it will become better with time), protectionism to limit international trade, Hawley – Smoot Tariff Act 1930 (import tariffs increasing) - interventionism: overcoming the crisis by increasing demand, investments, decreasing interest rates and taxes, - Roosevelt’s interventionism called “New Deal” and “brain trust” (it clustered professors from Columbia University) – hangup o the gold standard; 1934 (Gold Reserve Act), 05.03.1993 – all banks closed for a week, emergency Banking Act, - to “heal” the industry in 1933 the National Recovery Administration crated (supporting the industry and actions against unemployment) - 1935 – NRA resolved, National Labour Relations Board created to negotiate between employers and employees, - Fair Labor Standards Act – minimum age for trade workers and number of working hours regulated, - agriculture 1933 – Agriculture Adjustment Administration, - 1933 – banning of prohibition (from 1920) – source of crime, robbery, administration cost of the department responsible, Germany - - preparing for a war to realize Nazi desires, - Grossrauwirtschaft – extended economy – plan to create it after winning the war, - centralized economy under Hitler, labor unions liquidated, Deutsche Arbeitsfront instead - Reichsgruppen – economic groups including industry (without armament), trade, banks, insurances, power industry, craft, - marker economy mixed with central planning - H. Schacht – preparing the country to the war - > Walter Funk, Goring (Goring’s 4 year plan),

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- desire to liquidate unemployment, economic self – sufficiency, country’s motorization (Volkswagen), Autobahn ( motorways), - Kristallnacht, or the Night of Broken Glass – a pogrom or series of attacks against Jews (1938) – 7.5. thousand Jewish shops destroyed,

39. Polish economic policy in


From H. Kalioski book:

● 1933 – Labor Fund (Fundusz Pracy) was created to finance public works

and decrease the unemployment rate; it had the following aims: job

mediacy organization, extemporaneous help for unemployed,

● From the Fund means transport, land improvement, flat building were


● 2nd aspect of the economic policy – desire to decrease the prices of

investment goods to revitalize the economic trend

● actions against cartels (excessive prices); cartels dissolved:


● cement, paraffin, iron, coal prices decreased,

● the government was forced to run enterprises important for the country,

but actually going bankrupt: industrial mills in Gdaosk and Łódź,

● 1935 – “pump priming” (“nakręcanie koniunktury”) -

Deputy Prime Minister and Treasury Minister Eugeniusz Kwiatkowski :

coordinated the Port of Gdynia building, was for the industrialization of

the country by using private and public means,

● Industrialization – to increase economic standards in Poland and

strengthen its defence

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● 4 - year plan from July 1936 – June 1940, fulfilled in 3 years, was to


The Central Industrial Region (Polish: Centralny Okręg Przemysłowy,

abbreviated COP), is an industrial region in Poland. It was one of the

biggest economic projects of the Second Polish Republic. The 5-year long

project was initiated by a famous Polish economist, deputy Prime

Minister and Minister of the Treasury, Eugeniusz Kwiatkowski. Its goal was

to create a heavy industrial center in the middle of the country, as far as

possible from any borders, strengthen the Polish economy and

reduce unemployment. The four-year plan for the development of COP was

scheduled from 1 September 1936 until 30 July 1940 and was interrupted by

the outbreak of the Second World War and the German invasion of

Poland on 1 September 1939. Nonetheless, the COP project succeeded in

vastly expanding Polish industry, and after the end of the war in 1945 COP

was rebuilt and expanded under the People's Republic of Poland.

● area: provinces around Krakow, Lvov, Kielce, Lublin (center Sandomierz),

because of 1) afar from the borders, 2) excess of people to work,

diverse raw materials,

● effects: Stalowa Wola – steal mill producing cannons, Rzeszów, Mielec –

airplane factories, Lublin – car factories, Radom, Starachowice – weapon


● CIR – modernized the industry, crated 107 thousand workplaces

● 2nd long – term plan for 1939 – 1954 – to modernize industry, agriculture,

communication, urbanization, - to integrate parts A and B of the


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Poland A and B (Polish: Polska "A" i "B") refers to the historical distinction

between west and east areas of Poland, with the west being significantly more

developed than the east.

Historically, the source of Poland A and B can be traced to the period of

the partitions of Poland, and different policies of the partitioners, which

resulted in a much larger industrial development of the Western Prussian


41. Japanese economy from Meiji to WW

II. Before: Japan is backward, but liberal. Foreign people not allowed to enter. Catholics murdered. Large tariffs. ( taryfa celna). 1867- Mitsuhito becomes the emperor of Japan and the Meiji era commences. 1868-9 - the shogunate ( power lying in the hands of the chief of the amry) in Japan is overthrown Important changes until WW I

● The conversion of the fiefs (han) into prefectures(ken) administered by government.:

● Japanese peasants did pay taxes to their daimyo, instead they paid them to the central government.

● Major ports opened for foreign trade ● A change in army’s policies:

● General duty of military service to eliminate class differences ● The role of samurais depreciated – received government securities

instead of salaries ● Ministry of Industrialization founded with European experts brought into

it. ● Industry focused on food and textiles:

● Lacked from the beginnings any vital raw materials but the development of industry was rapid.

● Silk, cotton, but also conversion of rare nurtures: sake, miso, soya sauce etc.

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● From 1877-1900 economic growth based in 45% on food production and in 35% on textiles.

● Beginning of the 80’s of XIX century all factories being sold to private companies.

● Manual work replaced with machines and automaticity. ● Import of these products being stopped and exports beginning to

spread ● This all led to the fact that in 1913 almost ¼ of the overall cotton

came from Japan which became a significant danger to e.g. Great Britain in this branch of industry.

● First steelworks opened in Yawata and first private steel works (Kobe Steel and Nippon Kokan) opened shortly before the WW I.

● TELC – Tokyo Electric Light Company born in 1887 – supplying the country with electricity:

● Factories in Kobe, Kioto, Osaka, Nagoi and Yokohama ● In 1920 it has brought 52,3% of power into industry in comparison

to US 31,6% and British 28,3% ( in 1924!) ● Railway between Tokyo and Yokohama built in 1872 ● Change of policy and stabilization of yen in 1882:

● Bank of Japan founded which used the organizational formula of the Belgian National Bank

● Yen became a currency for gold. ● Credit market dominated with native banks: Mitsui, Mitsubishi,

Yasuda, Sumimoto. ● In 1901 there were almost 2 thousands bans many of which

became joint-stock companies. ● As mentioned earlier private companies replaced government factories,

but: ● They were simply private monopoles in replacement for the

government ones and it was backed by the country. ● Urban migrations ● Influence of rich families started to grow:

● Mitsui and Mitsubishi families involved into many branches of industry, while Sumimoto took power over heavy industry.

● Immense work exploitation: ● Low wages made the production cost low and attractive on the

market ● Peasantry decided about the production and sales of their output:

● No agrotechnical methods introduced ● Outdated agricultural methods cultivated

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● Agriculture did not develop simultaneously with other branches of economy

● Some exports had to be cancelled e.g. tea or even rice ( rice being imported sic!)

Brief summary:

● Japan in a short time from a backwards country with active feudal system became the most industrialized Asian country before WW I.

From WWI to WWII:

● Japanese followed Hitler policies to increase the heavy industry expenditures from 7% from 1932 up to 17% in 1938

● State interventionism to limit the market structures in economy ● 1937 – Planning Agency founded. ● Five-Year Plan for industry:

● Control over prices, workforce, foreign trade and raw materials ● Usurpation of lands, factories etc.

● Private companies had limit control over their assets and profits ● Japan wanted to form Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere:

● They had no raw materials nor fuels ● Had to create their own economy over a big territory which

could grant them such raw materials: ● Chinese steel, nickel || Phillipines copper || Indochinese

rubber etc. ● Countries that were conquered like Manchuria were to

give access to raw materials, place to emigrate and guarantee a market for Japanese products

● War preparations: ● Import of raw materials and fuels increased to 42% ● Textile industry exports replaced by heavy and chemical

industry. Sources:

9. David S.Landes “Wealth and poverty of nations” : “Meiji era” chapter 10. Morawski lecture – p.16 11. Kalioski “ Economic history of 19th and 20th century” p. 96-97 , 178

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42. Land reforms in Central &

Eastern Europe (1918 – 1939)


● Agriculture did not develop as it was though it would ( lack of assets)

● Biggest changes ( peasants taking over the lands belonging to state) in

Latvia and Romania


● Wanted to possess the economic space in Nothern Africa and Southern


● “Battle of the Wheat”:

● Commenced in 1925

● Encouraged farmers to concentrate on wheat production ( eliminate the

import of wheat)

● Part of self-sufficiency ( autarky )

● Results:

● 1935 – wheat imports cut by ¾.

● Made in the expense of dairy and arable farming.

● Failure for the farmers:

● Southern climate suitable for grazing (pasad zwierzęta) rather for


● They had to occupy themselves of what was not as profitable for

them as grazing ( pasanie) and orchards. ( sadownictwo)

● Agriculture remained inefficient

● Farm labourers were the poorest class in country:

● Italy had dualist economy:

● North:

● Industrial and prosperous

● South:

● Agricultural, poor and backward

● Self-sufficiency did not work as it was planned to.

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● Programme of land reclamation:

● Draining marshes

● Irrigation

● Planting forests in mountainous areas

● Drive to improve and increase agricultural yield

● Pontine Marshes near Rome were a great example of drying fields which

increased significantly ( by thousands of ha) the area for tillages (


● Still, only one-tenth has been carried out in 1939


Lenin era:

● War communism ( 1918-1921)

● Took grain from peasants

● Social property instead of private property: nationalization of land –

peasants divide landlords’ estates perceiving government decree as land


● New Economic Policy ( 1921-28):

● Peasants allowed to keep surplus after payment of tax representing

certain proportion of the surplus.

Stalin era:

12. The collectivization of agriculture (1929-1937):

a. Main idea:

i. Small farms and holdings belonging to the peasants should

be merged to form large collective farms ( kolkhoz) jointly

owned by peasants.

b. Stalin’s reasons for collectivization:

i. Existing system of small farms was inefficient.

ii. Large farms under state direction( use of tractors, comine

harvesters) would vastly increase grain production.

iii. Elimination of the class of the prosperous peasants called


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1. NEP encouraged them.

2. Stalin thought they held up the progress

3. Political reason = Stalin saw the kulaks as the enemy

of communism “ Strike hard (...) so they would never

stand on their feet again”.

c. Conduction:

i. Launched in 1929.

ii. Carried through sheer brute force, because the resistance

on the countryside was determined.

iii. A disaster for all time.

iv. No problem in collectivizing landless labourers.

v. Problems with all peasants, even not the kulaks:

1. Hostile to the plan

2. Had to be forced to join by armies of party members:

a. They urged poorer peasants to seize the cattle

and machinery.

b. Hand it to the collectives.

vi. Kulaks responded by:

1. Slaughtering cattle

2. Burning crops

3. Did not allow state’s interference.

vii. Collectivized peasants tried to sabotage the system by

producing enough grain for their own needs.

viii. The officials insisted on seizing the required quotas which

caused starvation.

ix. 90% of all farmland collectivized by 1937.

d. Collectivization was Stalin’s success:

i. Allowed greater mechanization

ii. Substantial increase in production in 1937.

iii. Amount of grain taken by the state increased impressively

along with grain exports.

iv. 1930 & 1931 – great years for export of Russian grain;

higher than ever and without the reach of past years.

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e. Collectivization under Stalin was a failure:

i. Animals slaughtered = 1953 it recovered to its actual, pre-

collectivisation state.

ii. Human life and suffering enormous.

iii. Total grain production did not increase at all (except 1930)

= Less in 1934 than in 1928.

iv. Why?:

1. Kulaks were excluded from the collective farms= lack

of best producers, instead party members knowing

not much about agriculture.

2. Kulaks left their kolkhoz to look for job in the cities.

3. Arrests, deportations = Fewer peasants to work the


4. Not enough tractors; serious problems in getting

ploughing in time ( peasants killed the horses or

anything that helped them )

5. Peasants were allowed to have their small private plot

for their own use – work harder for their own and did

the minimum to get away with the kolkhoz.

f. Results:

i. Famine in the countryside, especially in Ukraine.

ii. 1,75 mln tons of grain exported

iii. 5 mln peasants died of starvation.

iv. 1 mln died of removal, executions – no resistance from


v. No longer kulaks endangered the socialist state = no food

shortages in cities.

vi. Stalin welcomed it = broke peasant resistance.


● 1920 - land reform adopted in Poland but with many errors:

● Was contradictory with the 1921 Constitution because it fostered the

condemnation of landed territories ( wywłaszczenie terenów

obszarniczych) with the compensation costs being equal to the half of its

actual market price – Constitution guaranteed the full compensation

● 1925 – change of the reforms:

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● Voluntary parceling of landed areas in accordance to market prices.

● After 1925 until 1929 :

● Increase of land prices

● Exceeded the 200 thousands of ha parceled annually

● After 1929:

● Deterioration – farms not making profits

● Effects:

● 154 thousands individual households created and over 500 thousands

had their actual size increased.


● International Agricultural Conference in Warsaw in 1930:

● Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Estonia, Yugoslavia, Latvia, Poland, Hungary

created the agrarian block:

● Increase grain export by agreeing trade actions on the

international market

● Scandinavians approached offering and promoting cooperation

between northern countries.


● Kalioski, “Historia gospodarcza…”, p. 133-138, 143-146, 179

● Lecture presentation 8.

● Own ( matura exam) notes

43. World Agriculture 1918-1939

● Economic revival just after World War I was not so sufficient in

agricultural as it was in ndustry. It is often called as a agricultural

stagnation and it depended generally from the protectionist policies of


● “Little crisis” early 20s of XX c.

● so called “little crisis” affects country, prices of crops and livestock(

żywiec ) decrease.

● Good economic climate after 1923.

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● in the early 1924 agriculture was at the same level as before war,

● during the next years, output of crops increased essentially, in

general, thanks to progress in modernization of methods of field-

work. In many countries, husbandry( hodowla ) of ‘dairy animals’

became very important and profitable. Farmers were thinking about

export of their products to redouble their benefits.

● the demand for rural products increased and it was a great

perspective for medium developed countries like ESTONIA,


● In Poland, revival of rural market was also very profitable, progress in

this sector made Poland self-sufficient, even with some surpluses.

● higher prices lead to increased in income and, thanks to that,

increased in investments in inventory and equipment,

● Economic downturn 1929-1933

● depression in industry had a great impact on agriculture, demand

from country decreased and so on conditions of living there,

● rural market became an isolated one

● prices of crops decreased significantly due to the large amount of


● 38/1000 farms went bankrupt,

● huge price scissors, to disadvantage of agriculture

● 1930, International Agriculture Conference in Warsaw( Bulgaria,

Hungary, Estonia, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Yugoslavia, Latvia ) created

rural block whose the main aim was to increase export of crops

thanks to some operations in the global market,

● The next economic revival 1934-1939

● during this period, economic growth accelerated due to some

positive changes in the industry, oncoming war,

Modernization of agriculture during the period 1918-1939, generally, relied

on mechanization and introduction some new technologies. Agriculture have

been always in close relation with industry so it is a very important issue for

country’s welfare. Greater supply of rural goods accelerated demand for

resources. It is crucial to notice, that modern agriculture stayed focus not only

on traditional methods of planting but it developed also new methods of

planting new inputs. In some European countries subject of land reform was

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also very popular, and many governments had to deal with this issue very

quickly to stay present in the global agriculture market. That is why, some of

this land reform were introduced inadequate which led to overpopulation in

lands. Faster development of industry was also a general reason, why

agriculture had lost its importance among some richer countries.


13. Slides lecture 9( slide 4 )

14. J. Kalioski – Historia Gospodarcza XIX i XX w. p.163,165,167,192.193

44. World industry after 1918-


● Economic revival just after World War I.

● abolition of state control accelerates production and increases


● adjustment military production to civilian

● Inflation( hyperinflation in Germany, Poland, Austria, Hungary )-main

reason of blocking the economic revival.

● “Little crisis” early 20s XX c.

● Good business climate after 1923.

● USA-economic growth thanks to country’s electrification,

development of car industry and architecture engineering,

● JAPAN-revival and introduction of new methods in shipbuilding, car,

airplane, energy industry,

● EUROPE-a big economic growth in France, Germany, Belgium and in

some countries in Middle Europe

( Hungary, Romania ),

● GERMANY-fueled by inflow of American capital,

● Worse conditions of economic growth in Denmark, Great Britain,

Norway, Italy,

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● POLAND-a big economic growth after 1926, negative contacts with


● Further concentration of industry, often at international level

Generally, economic prosperity in the second decade of XX c. was

made by growth and development of new branches of industry(

shipbuilding, car, energy, media, metallurgy industry). In 1929,

world industrial production exceeds pre-war level by 45 %.

● Economic downturn 1929-1933

15. world industrial production and demand decreases in some European


16. the collapse of the building market and the real estate market in the



18. bankruptcy of over 5 thousand American banks,

19. due to the economic links, crisis arrived in Europe, bankruptcy of

thousands of entrepreneurs,

20. the biggest economic collapse in highly developed countries,

21. crisis in Japan(1930,31), the collapse of export

22. Poland-similar results of crisis like in other countries all over the

world, bankruptcy of many, many enterprises, failure of industrial


23. characteristic feature of economic downturn: bigger failure of

production of capital goods( dobra inwestycyjne) than consumer

goods( dobra konsupcyjne ) which means a very strong suspension of


24. huge unemployment

25. the collapse of international trade by 60%, crisis in finance market

force some countries to exchange one sort of goods for another,

26. replacing free trade principles by state protectionism

27. world crisis leads to some problems with countries’ budget.

Depression in industry means fewer money from taxes what is equal

to fewer money on education and administration. It is easy to see

that this whole chain of results has a horrible effects on social mood.

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● The next revival 1934-1939.

After 1933 in most of countries, economic revival started again

its growth but it is hard to compare this rate of growth with the

previous one because of armaments race( wyścig zbrojeo ) and

oncoming war.

● German economy accelerated by development of military


● Increasing role of Finland and Sweden thanks to huge level of export,

● UK got out from economic depression thanks to its absorptive(

chłonny ), internal market,

● A Huge economic growth in Japan thanks to free access to precious

resources in conquered Manchuria,

● A Very dynamic growth in South America, the next stage of


● Growth in Poland thanks to some new investments and incorporation

of “Śląsk Zaolziaoki”, rich in coal mines and steelworks ( huty )

● A Very small economic growth in USA, accounts for only 6 %,

Whole period between the First World War and the Second World War was

plagued by crises, these smaller, and those bigger. In result, economic growth

in general was very slow and people’s conditions did not change significantly.


● Slides lecture 9( slide 4 and 5 )

● J. Kalioski – Historia Gospodarcza XIX i XXw. p.158-170

45. World War II and it’s

consequences 23.08.1939-The Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact (the Treaty of Non-Aggression

between Germany and the Soviet Union) (It remained in effect until 22 June

1941, when Germany started its invasion of the Soviet Union, called Operation


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The September Campaign (an invasion of Poland by Germany, the Soviet Union,

and a small Slovak contingent that marked the start of World War II in Europe.

The invasion began on 1 September 1939, one week after the signing of the

Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, and ended 6 October 1939 with Germany and the

Soviet Union dividing and annexing the whole of Poland.):

31 August 1939 - The Gleiwitz incident - a staged attack by Nazi forces posing as

Poles on 31 August 1939, against the German radio station Sender Gleiwitz in

Gleiwitz, Upper Silesia, Germany

1.09.1939 - Germans attack Westerplatte with the battleship Schleswig-

Holstein (the first battle of WWII).

3.09.1939-The Western Allies declare war against Germany (not fullfield)

17.09 Soviet army unannounced crosses the eastern frontier; mistakenly

welcomed by they were moving into action against the Germans

28.09.1939 – capitulation of Warsaw, emigration of the government. Army

formations ordered to disperse and fend for themselves. Poles could only fight

abroad or in the Underground.

Soviet Union Policy

April 1940 – Denmark and Norway conquered; Norway received help from

Great Britain

30 XI 1939 Russia attacks Finland; as a result becomes excluded from the

League of Nations

August 1940 – Lithuania, Lativa, Estonia ennexed by Russia

Germans invasion on France

10 V 1940 – Germany attacks neutral countries: Belgium, The Neatherlands,


Offensive in the West: goal was to pass round Maginote line

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1940-ceasefire with France and Italy; France divided into north part-occupied

by Germans and south-Vichy France with Marshal Philippe Pétain

The Battle of Britain

Based on air operations; importance of polish contribution; the first failure of

the Third Reich in WWII

The tripartite treaty

27 IX 1940 - Germany, Italy and Japan sign a tripartite treaty (the "Axis") against

the USA. Romania, Bulgaria, Slovakia and Hungary also joins, Greece not.

22 VI 1941 - the Germans launch a surprise invasion of the Soviet Union

("Operation Barbarossa"); failure


7 XII 1941 - the Japanese navy attacks the USA fleet at Pearl Harbor; USA starts

the war with Japan. Japanese advantage until the Midway battle (4 VI 1942).

Final failure - 6 & 9 VIII 1945 the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima & Nagasaki

Attack on Russia caused a change in the attitude towards the Third Reich; USA

and Great Britain ready to help the SU-treaties with Russia, Czechoslovakia,

Poland (The Sikorski-Mayski Agreement, 30 July 1941)

14 VIII 1941 The Atlantic Charter signed by the USA and Great Britain

(recognition of each country’s sovereignty, renouncement from violence after

the end of war)

1 I 1942 The Declaration by United Nations (USA and Great Britain + 26

members of anti-Nazi coalition)

XI 1943 The Tehran Conference - Roosevelt and Churchill accept polish

boundary at Curzon Line

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4 - 11 II 1945 The Yalta Conference - It was agreed to reorganize the communist

Provisional Government of the Republic of Poland that had been installed by

the Soviet Union "on a broader democratic basis."

17 VII - 2 VIII 1945 The Potsdam Conference – division of Germany into four

occupation zones

Economic consequences:

● Great expenses - 1,2bln dol (USA-0,4bln dol, Germany-272mld, Soviet

Union-192mld, Great Britain-120mld)

● Inflation, inbalanced economy, growth of state interventionism in

countries with free market

● Development of heavy industry, chemistry, transport

● Russia-full militarization of economy

● Reduction of consumer goods production possibilities (except from

Scandinavian countries, Great Britain and Switzerland)

● Decrease in agricultural production (crops half times smaller than


Consequences for Poland:

● Territory loss greater than territory gain

● Poland’s eastern borders (Wilno, Lwów) abandoned to Soviet Union

● The Recovered Lands (Breslau-Wrocław, Stettin-Szczec in, Danzig-

Gdaosk) acquired from Germany (rich in coal&iron deposits)

● Post-war repatriations and expulsions (fall of population by


● Repopulation of entire Western Territories by refugees transferred

from the Soviet Union

● Decimation of the intelligentsia and Jewry

● Almost disappearance of the national minorities

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46. Keynesian economic polices

Keynesianism is a macroeconomic theory based on the ideas of 20th century British

economist John Maynard Keynes

Opposition to classical economics

Keynesians advocate an activist stabilization policy to reduce the amplitude of the business

cycle, which they rank among the most serious of economic problems.

Stimulating economy by state interventionism (e.g. during the Great Recession):

● reduction in interest rates

● government investment in infrastructure (rather by National Debt than taxation)

(->injects income -> more spending in the general economy ->more production and

investment involving still more income and spending and so forth) . The initial

stimulation starts a cascade of events, whose total increase in economic activity is

a multiple of the original investment.

47. Bretton Woods System


During the Great Depression of the 1930s, countries attempted to shore up their failing

economies by sharply raising barriers to foreign trade, devaluing their currencies to compete

against each other for export markets, and curtailing their citizens' freedom to hold foreign

exchange. These attempts proved to be self-defeating. World trade declined sharply and

employment and living standards plummeted in many countries.

● During the Great Depression, countries tried to 1) raise trade barriers, 2)

devalue currencies for the competitiveness, and 3) keep their citizens from

holding foreign exchange. (Why? If their citizens hold more foreign exchange,

the value of their currencies would increase.)

28. “Beggar thy neighbor” policies!!!

● However, these attempts were self-defeating. They resulted in 1) an overall

decline of the world trade, 2) plummeting national income, 3) shrinking

demand, and 4) mass unemployment.

Preparing to rebuild the international economic system as World War II was still raging, 730

delegates from all 44 Allied nations gathered at the Mount Washington Hotel in Bretton

Woods, New Hampshire, United States, for the United Nations Monetary and Financial

Conference. The delegates deliberated upon and signed the Bretton Woods Agreements

during the first three weeks of July 1944.

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For the international economy, planners at Bretton Woods all favored a regulated system, one

that relied on a regulated market with tight controls on the value of currencies. Although they

disagreed on the specific implementation of this system, all agreed on the need for tight


● This breakdown of the international economic system led 44 nations to gather

in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, United States and signed the Bretton

Woods Agreements.

● They all agreed on the need for the regulated system which could control the

currency value.

Setting up a system of rules, institutions, and procedures to regulate the international

monetary system, the planners at Bretton Woods established the International Monetary Fund

(IMF) and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), which today

is part of the World Bank Group. These organizations became operational in 1945 after a

sufficient number of countries had ratified the agreement.

● In addition to setting up the system, the planners at Bretton Woods established

the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the International Bank for

Reconstruction and Development(IBRD) to regulate the international monetary



The chief features of the Bretton Woods system were an obligation for each country to adopt a

monetary policy that maintained the exchange rate of its currency within a fixed value—plus

or minus one percent—in terms of gold and the ability of the IMF to bridge temporary

imbalances of payments.

● The Bretton Woods System forced countries to keep their exchange rates

pegged at rates that could be adjusted only to correct a “fundamental

disequilibrium” in the balance of payments, and only with the IMF’s


29. Par value system ( the Bretton Woods system)!!!

● They pegged the value of their currencies in terms of the U.S. dollar and, in the

case of the United States, the value of the dollar in terms of gold.


On August 15, 1971, the United States unilaterally terminated convertibility of the dollar to

gold. This action, referred to as the Nixon shock, created the situation in which the United

States dollar became the sole backing of currencies and a reserve currency for the member


● The United States terminated convertibility of the dollar to gold in 1971.

30. The Nixon shock!

By the early 1960s, the U.S. dollar's fixed value against gold, under the Bretton Woods system

of fixed exchange rates, was seen as overvalued. A sizable increase in domestic spending on

President Lyndon Johnson's Great Society programs and a rise in military spending caused

by the Vietnam War gradually worsened the overvaluation of the dollar.

● Why did the United States suspend convertibility of the dollar to gold?

31. The U.S. dollar’s fixed value against gold was overvalued!

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(In this case, if all countries try to change dollars to gold, the United States

cannot give them gold at the fixed value which they decided under the Bretton

Woods system.)

● Why was the U.S. dollar overvalued?

32. 1) President Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society programs and 2) the Vietnam


33. The Great Society programs increased the domestic spending and the

Vietnam War the military spending! (the government spending ↑ )

Since the collapse of the Bretton Woods system, IMF members have been free to choose any

form of exchange arrangement they wish (except pegging their currency to gold): allowing

the currency to float freely, pegging it to another currency or a basket of currencies, adopting

the currency of another country, participating in a currency bloc, or forming part of a

monetary union.

● Since the collapse of the Bretton Woods system, countries were allowed to

choose any form of exchange arrangement.

48. Marshall Plan


By the end of World War II much of Europe was devastated. A large portion of the 60 million deaths among World War II casualties were residents of Europe. Fighting had occurred throughout much of the continent, encompassing an area far larger than that in World War I. Sustained aerial bombardment had badly damaged most major cities, and industrial facilities especially hard-hit. Many of the continent's greatest cities, including Warsaw, London and Berlin, laid in ruins. The region's economic structure was ruined, and millions were homeless. The general devastation of agriculture had led to near-starvation conditions in several parts of the continent, which was to be exacerbated by the particularly harsh winter of 1946–1947 in northwestern Europe.

Especially damaged was transportation infrastructure, as railways, bridges, and docks had been specifically targeted by air strikes, while much merchant shipping had been sunk. Although most small towns and villages in Western Europe had not suffered as much damage, the destruction of transportation left them economically isolated. None of these problems could be easily remedied, as most nations engaged in the war had exhausted their treasuries in its execution.

The only major power whose infrastructure had not been significantly harmed in World War II was the United States. Its industrial base expanded rapidly

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during the war, and by the war's conclusion was significantly bigger and stronger than in 1939. The war years had seen the fastest period of economic growth in the nation's history, as American factories supported both its own war effort and that of its allies. By 1947 the industrial sector had retooled to produce consumer goods, stimulated by a boom in consumer spending. Exports were a small factor in the American economy; much of the Marshall Plan aid would be used by the Europeans to buy manufactured goods and raw materials from the United States.

● By the end of World War II, the Europe was almost destroyed. 34. Many people died in the War. 35. The economic structure was ruined: 1) the devastation of agriculture,

which led to starvation and 2) the destruction of the transportation infrastructure

● However, the United Sates experienced the fast economic growth during the war as American factories supported both its own war effort and that of its allies.

Europe's economies were recovering very slowly, as unemployment and food shortages led to strikes and unrest in several nations. In 1947 the European economies were still well below their pre-war levels and were showing few signs of growth. Agricultural production was 83% of 1938 levels, industrial production was 88%, and exports only 59%. In Germany, homes went unheated and hundreds froze to death. In Britain the situation was not as severe. Germany received many offers from Western European nations to trade food for desperately needed coal and steel. The Allies were however not willing to let the Germans trade.

In addition, the power and popularity of indigenous communist parties in several Western European states worried the United States. In both France and Italy, the crisis of the postwar era had provided fuel for their Communist Parties, which had become well organized in the resistance movements of the war. These parties had seen significant electoral success in the postwar elections. Though today many historians feel the threat of France and Italy falling to the communists was remote, it was regarded as a very real possibility by American policy makers at the time.

● Europe’s economies were recovering very slowly due to the severe unemployment and food shortages.

● In both France and Italy, this crisis of the postwar let communist parties gain electoral success in the postwar elections.

The American administration of Harry Truman began to believe this possibility in early March 1946, with the Soviets' violation of the withdrawal deadline in

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Iran, and Churchill's Iron Curtain speech, given in Truman's presence a few days later. In the administration's view, the United States needed to adopt a definite position on the world scene or fear losing credibility. The emerging doctrine of containment (as opposed to rollback) argued that the United States needed to substantially aid non-communist countries to stop the spread of Soviet influence. There was also some hope that the Eastern European nations would join the plan, and thus be pulled out of the emerging Soviet bloc, but that was not to happen.

● The American administration of Harry Truman thought that they needed to substantially aid non-communist countries to stop the spread of Soviet influence.


The Marshall Plan (officially the European Recovery Program, ERP) was the primary program, 1947–51, of the United States for rebuilding and creating a stronger economic foundation for the countries of Europe. The initiative was named after Secretary of State George Marshall (primarily due to President Harry S. Truman's suspicion that the Republican Party would oppose anything proposed by himself, a Democrat, and his administration) and was largely the creation of State Department officials, especially William L. Clayton and George F. Kennan. Marshall spoke of urgent need to help the European recovery in his address at Harvard University in June 1947.

The reconstruction plan, developed at a meeting of the participating European states, was established on June 5, 1947. It offered the same aid to the Soviet Union and its allies, but they did not accept it. The plan was in operation for four years beginning in April 1948. During that period some US $13 billion in economic and technical assistance were given to help the recovery of the European countries that had joined in the Organization for European Economic Co-operation. This $13 billion was in the context of a U.S. GDP of $258 billion in 1948, and was on top of $12 billion in American aid to Europe between the end of the war and the start of the Plan that is counted separately from the Marshall Plan.

The ERP addressed each of the obstacles to postwar recovery. The plan looked to the future, and did not focus on the destruction caused by the war. Much more important were efforts to modernize European industrial and business practices using high-efficiency American models, reduce artificial trade barriers, and instill a sense of hope and self-reliance.

● The Marshall Plan, established in 1947, was the primary program for rebuilding and creating a stronger economic foundation for the countries of Europe.

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36. It is officially called the European Recovery Program (ERP). ● The plan operated from 1948 to 1951 for four years. ● During that period, the United States provided the European countries

with economic and technical assistance which amounted to $13 billion. ● The Marshall Plan (ERP) made efforts to 1) modernize European

industrial and business practices using high-efficiency American models, 2) reduce trade barriers, and 3) instill a sense of hope and self-reliance.


By 1952 as the funding ended, the economy of every participant state had surpassed pre-war levels; for all Marshall Plan recipients, output in 1951 was 35% higher than in 1938. Over the next two decades, Western Europe enjoyed unprecedented growth and prosperity, but economists are not sure what proportion was due directly to the ERP, what proportion indirectly, and how much would have happened without it. The Marshall Plan was one of the first elements of European integration, as it erased trade barriers and set up institutions to coordinate the economy on a continental level—that is, it stimulated the total political reconstruction of Western Europe.

● The Marshall Plan resulted in a success. The economy of every

participant state surpassed pre-war levels in 1951, when the output was

35% higher than in 1938.

● The Western Europe experienced the growth over the next two decades.

49. European integration after

World War II. Excerpts from the course: European Integration: Integration means unification of economic structures and approximation of laws; integrated states work as they were one country (one economy). This was achieved through elimination of barriers and common actions (common policies).Countries integrate because they want to achieve advantages: economies of scale, higher efficiency, increased market, more efficient allocation of resources (free trade advantages). The Integration was born in Western Europe: Economic reasons: small countries were interested in the increase of markets

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(economies of scale, increased efficiency); competition on the part of stronger American producers high costs of technological progress

Political reasons: threat of the socialism in Central and Eastern Europe,

threat of the increased military power of Germany Open-minded people: (advocates of gradual economic integration: as an instrument of peaceful co-operation and of increased benefits): Jean Monnet, Robert Schuman The stages of European integration: • Free trade area (FTA) • Customs union (CU) • Common market (CM) = internal market = (IM) • Monetary union (EMU) • Political union FTA • Member states (MS) abolish import duties and other barriers to free movement of products manufactured in the territory of their partners • Each country retains its own external tariff (& other barriers) vis-avis third countries • Examples CU • No barriers to internal trade • Common external customs tariff (common commercial policy = uniform instruments on external borders) • Means – countries loose part of national sovereignty Common markets CU plus free circulation of services, capital and people Economic and monetary union Common currency and close coordination of economic policies Political union Common internal policy(immigration, protection of borders), common foreign policy, common institutions. Stages of development: 1. 1950-1958: birth of integration ideas; European Coal and Steel Community, heated discussions on the integration institutions (European Defence Community, European Political Community),

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2. 1958-1973: EEC established, customs union created, first common policies introduced (CAP, common trade policy), first enlargement in 1973 (UK, Denmark, Ireland), 3. 1973-1985: europesimism (eurosclerosis), small interest in further deepening of integration, European Monetary System created in 1979 as an answer to the collapse of the Bretton Woods system; Greece joined the EEC in 1981 4. 1985-1993: acceleration of the integration process, Spain and Portugal join the EEC in 1986, White Paper of 1985 on the timetable and means of creation of the single European market, Single European Act (the first amendment to the Treaty of Rome), Treaty of Maastricht signed in 1992 (entered into force on November 1, 1993), 5. 1993-2004: European Union created progressively, subsequent stages of Economic and Monetary Union implemented, 1995– enlargement (Austria, Finland, Sweden); March 31, 1998- beginning of negotiations on eastward enlargement of the EU, January 1, 1999– third stage of EMU started,

50. Soviet Union after 1945. Nikita Khrushchev: (1953;1957 – 1964)

1) Rise to power:

a) Khrushchev came to power in 1953, although he was fully responsible for

all Russian policies since 1957.

b) In the beginning of this 4 year period,he met the same situation as after

Lenin’s death (Stalin did not allow any initiative of other rivals)

c) The leading members of the Praesidium, former Poltiburo, were in


d) Malenkov-Chairman of the Council of Ministers,Khrushchev Party

Secretary, Voroshilov Chairman of the Preasidium,Beria the Chief of the

Secret Police

e) In 1955- Beria was executed due to his record of cruelty and Malenkov

resigned due to the disputes concerning industrial policies.

f) Khrushchev gained benefits from the Spech he delivered at the

Twentieth Communist Party Congress, where he condemned Stalin for

his cult of personality, revealed the informations about the purges and

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the conduct of the war, indicated that socialism could be different from

the Stalinist one, suggested that peaceful coexistence with the West is

vital to avoid nuclear war. Khrushchev knew that sooner or later people

would get to know about the crimes of the Communist Party, therefore it

would be better if the party itself have confronted with this information.

He gained large approval from his partners, but also indicated them as

guilty, as he joined the party later, than they did.

g) Khrushchev made it difficult for other person to become such a leader as

Stalin, due to his condemning of Stalin, moreover he thought that Stalin

reduced and slowed the progress; he felt as an enlightened dictator.

h) Khrushchev has been secretly filling the posts in the party with his

partners and cooperatives, so that when Malenkov and Molotov

opposed to him(the Hungarian Revolution) they were retired(1957).

Khrushchev had also serious influence in the army structures.

i) Decline of Power- 1964. He was not supreme as Stalin, as he was under

the charge of the Central Committee of the Party and could be voted out

as in 1964.

2) Policies:

Khrushchev has met serious problems when he came to power. Low standard

of living among the workers; inefficiency of agriculture. HIS POLICIES ARE


a) Industrial policies:

i) Five Year Plans- no.6 in 1955; focused on light industries producing

consumer goods like (TV, radios, washing machines, sewing


ii) Regional Economic Councils set up to make decisions and organize

local industries- part of decentralization programme

iii) Make profits rather than satisfy the quotas;wages depended on


iv) Housing programme in 1958;wage increases, minimum wage, tax cuts

on low incomes; shorter working week;increase in pensions;disability

allowances; abolition of all tuition fees in secondary and higher

education- improvement in the living standards.

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v) After several years;slowing down of economic growth - > Economic

Councils inefficient.

vi) Enormous cost of armaments, techonological and space programmes,

resulted in the reduction of progress and a further decrease in the


vii) Uri Gagarin-1961-manned on orbit-success for USSR

b) Agriculture:

i) Collectivization- serious damage, food production obligation.

ii) Khrushchev toured around the country talking with peasants and

disputed about problems

iii) Virgin Lands Scheme(1954)- cultivation of huge areas of land in

Sibeiria and Kazakhstan.

iv) Young volunteeres implemented, government giving 100 000 tractors.

v) Increase of yields in the collective farms:peasants could keep or sell

crops from private plots; lower taxes; increase of payments for the

crops from collectives->incentives to produce more.

vi) 1958- dramatic increase in the farm output; from 1963- decrease due

to the virgin lands scheme failure; criticism in the party about the

spenditure on agriculture;

vii) Why? Lands of poor quality, not enough fertilizers, interference from

party officials - >grain imports from USA and Australia = humiliation of


c) Political:

i) Return to party control

ii) Reduction in secret police activities:no executions, instead

retirements; labour camps emptied and people rehabilitated.

d) Cultural and social:

i) More freedom for people

ii) Higher standard of living

iii) Writers allowed to publish works with criticism to Stalin, but not to

the Party or Soviet life. Then banned. Writers overstepped were

expelled from writers union, but not executed.

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iv) Othodox Church was banned, churches closed down and no religious

gatherings allowed.

v) 1962- riot in Novocherkassk factory about the increase of prizes of

meat and dairy products; troops killed 23 people

e) Foreign policies:

i) Peaceful coexistence with West and a thaw in the Cold War; different

roads to socialism in the satellite states- Khrushchev aims

ii) Chinese accusations of revisionism due to his departures from strict

Marxist-Leninist ideas

(a) Biggest crisis:

(i) 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis- installed to test Kennedy, prove

their solidarity with Cuba, response to the missiles in

Turkey, brink of nuclear war, afterwards missilies withdrew

and Nuclear Test Ban treaty signed.

(ii) June 1956 – crisis in Poland from the workers due to the

poor living standards, wage reduction and high taxes.

“Bread and freedom” and enormous anit-Soviet stress.

Crowds dispersed by troops, and in October Russian tanks

surrounded Warsaw. Compromise reached, as Gomułka,

earlier imprisoned, was reappointed as the Secretary of the

Communist Party. Russians agreed that communism in

Poland can develop in its own manner if the Poles

cooperated with USSR. Smooth relations, although different

versions of socialism. In Poland – collectivization did not

occur on a large scale and traded with western countries.

1970- Gomułka resigned.

(iii) Hungarian Revolution of 1956.After Stalin’s death,

Rakosi(procommunist) replaced by Imry Nagy(moderate

communist). Rakosi interfered and overthrew Nagy.

Resentment of public opinion caused a general rising in

October 1956. It was due to: Rakosi brutal regime;

worsening living standards in contrast to high standards of

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communist party leaders; anti-Russian feeling; situation in

Poland and Khrushchev ‘s speech encouraged the

resistance. Rakosi has been overthrown, Nagy became

Prime Minister and the Russians did not interefere. Agter he

announced plans for a multi party government and wanted

to get Hungary out of Warsaw Pact. Afterwards, Russians

send tanks, surrounded Budapest and opened fire. Many

people fought bravely, Russians obtained control and

executed Nagy. Janos Kadar became new leader. Russians

were fearful, that Hungary might be a non-communist state,

enemy to USSR and encourage other states to do the same.

3) Khrushchev’s fall:

a) October 1964 voted out due to the ill-health. Reasons were: failure of his

agricultural policies; loss of prestige due to the Cuban missile crisis;

breach with China; conflicts with :bureaucracy due to the

decentralization and efficiency issues;military due to cuts in defence

spending and limit of nuclear weapons;extrovert personality

b) Assessment: outstanding personality; approachable and human style;

comparatively civilized politics along with the improvement of living

standards and social policies.; also peaceful coexistence; his failure was

due to the greed of party officials Martin McCauley.

Leonid Brezhnev: (1964;1977 – 1982)

1) Rise to power:

a) After Khrushchev departure, Brezhnev, Kosygin and Podgorny were in

charge in 1964.

b) Kosygin leading figure at first, foreign affairs, the other two internal


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c) In early 1970s Kosygin eclipsed by Brezhnev due to the disagreements

over economic policies. Kosygin wanted decentralization, CP3 fearful

about the demands for independence from satellites.

d) Control establishment in 1977 and remained the leader until his death in


2) Policies:

Khrushchev policies were abandoned, economic problems ignored; less

tolerance towards criticism; nomenklatura (ruling elite and bureaucracy)

need to be happy.

a) Economic policies:

i) Slow economic growth rate; although incentives and wages were


ii) System centralized.

iii) Old-fashioned industry in need of changes and developments.

iv) Failure of coal and oil industries- no out put increase.

v) Building industry slow and poor quality

vi) Low agricultural yield, therefore dependence on American wheat.

vii) Successful production of military hardware; new missiles invented

and the race with USA kept. Americans managed to produce much

modern and deadly missiles, the USSR crossed the barrier to do so as


viii) Basic problem of Soviet economy: vast defence spending

comparing to lack of investments in other areas of economy.

b) Foreign policies:

i) WEST:

(1) Peaceful coexistence;

(2) Russian invasion of Afghanistan

(3) Soviet aid to Cuba, aid to Angola,Mozmbique and Ethiopia

(4) Continuing arms race increase of Soviet arms forces, particularly

navy and SS20 missiles

3 Communist Party

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ii) EAST

(satellites had their own versions of communism, the ideas from USSR

could be dropped; Russians reluctant to interfere as no threat

occurred;) :

(1) Czechoslovakia in 1968: Antonin Novotny procommunist in charge

in Czecholovakia. Escalation of opposition due to: Czechs industrial

and cultural development was high and much more advanced in

comparison to other satellites and they did not wanted the over-

centralized Russia to control their economy and indicate e.g. to

import expensive iron-ore from Siberia, rather then good one from

Sweden;Czechoslovakia has been an independent state from 1918-

1938 and resented restrictions on personal freedom;no protets

could take place. In January 1968 Novotny resigned and Alexander

Dubcek was appointed as the FSotCP4. He had an entirely different

programme: CP would no longer dictate policies; de-centralization

of industry control by the works councils; no collectivized farms

instead there would be independent co-operatives; trades unions

more power; more freedom with the West travels abroad and

trade; freedom of speech and of press so the government criticism

was encouraged, Dubcek wanted “socialism with human face” so

that the government is responsible for people’s wishes;

Czechoslovakia would be in Warsaw Pact and remain an ally for

USSR. In 1968 programme was carried. The Russians created a

massive invasion consisting of Warsaw Pact

troops(Pl,Bulg,Hun,East Ger). Czechs decided not to press more

and resisted passively; they did not want any bloodshed to take

place. Several peaceful demonstrations ans stikes were held, but

the programme had to be abandoned and Dubcek was replaced by

Gustav Husak, a procommunist leader.

(2) Afterwards, Brezhnev invented the Brezhnev Doctrine-

intervention in the internal affairs of any communist country was

justified if socialism was threatened. So this could not take place in

4 First Secretary of the Communist Party

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Czechosloviaka, that other nations including in the USSR would

demand for the same. Protests may flow to East Germany.

(3) Riots in Poland- Gomułka resigned. Gierek appointed causing

industrial unrest and shortage of food. Government allowed the

formation of an independent trade movement known as Solidarity.

Russians threatened but no invasion took place.

(4) The Helsinki Agreements(1975)- decided about the freedom and

laws of humans and caused unrest within the society. USSR signed

them , but disobeyed them.

c) Social and human policies:

i) Improvement in living conditions.

ii) Elimination of unemployment\.

iii) Social security.

iv) Accomodation, so people moved from apartments to flats.

v) Limits of personal freedom. No criticism of Stalin or system itself.

vi) KGB(secret police) invented the method of psychiatric hospitals and

mental asylums, where they kept the ones, who opposed or caused


vii) Formation of Human Rights Committee by Andrei Sakharov and Valeri

Chalidze to demand freedom of speech and human rights. In 1975,

Helsinki Agreements signed but disobeyed by Brezhnev, therefore the

members of the committee were deported,arrested even Sakharov

sent to Siberia.

Andropov and Chernenko(1982-1985):

1) Rise to power and policies:

a) Andropov ruled from Nov 1982 to February 1984). He modernized and

streamlined Soviet system. Anti-corruption and programme of economic

reforms, hoping to increase production and create decentralization.

Older party officials replaced with younger ones; died from illness and

bad health condition.

b) Chernenko ruled from February 1984 to March 1985. Former Brezhnev

assistant, abandoned anti-corruption. No relaxation on human rights.

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Trade unions members were arrested, along with religious groups


Mikhail Gorbachev(1985-1991):

Gorbachev did not want to end communism, he wanted to replace the existing

system, that was still basically Stalinist, with a socialist system which was

humane and democratic.

1) Policies:

a) Glasnost- so the openness. Areas of human rights and cultural affairs.

Release of dissidents (Sakharovs from Gorky). Made innocent all leaders

disgraced and executed by Stalin. Freedom of press(Pravda criticism on

Brezhnev). Prevent sending dissidents to mental asylums. Political

meetings like NPC5 in 1988 or CoPD6 in 1989 were televised.

Developments in medias; UofSF7 and UoW8 were allowed to choose their

own leaders. Anti-Stalinist films, books were published and news were

also reported to public knowledge(Chernobyl catastrophy). The aim of

glasnost was to : show the inefficiency of the regime, educate public

opinion,mobilize support for new policies. Glasnost did not accept

criticism towards the Party.

b) Perestroika- so the restructurization of the Party,economy and


i) Economy:

(1) Small scale enterprises allowed . (family restaurants, TV repairs


(2) Workers cooperatives of maximum 50 workers.

(3) Wanted to create competition and stimulate the inefficient and

slow services from the state.

(4) Job alternatives had to occur, as the automatization took place. 5 Nineteenth Party Conference

6 Congress of People’s Deputies

7 Union of Soviet filmmakers

8 Union of Writers.

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(5) Quality control responsibility would be taken over by independent

state bodies, rather the industrial committees.

(6) The Law on State Enterprises in June 1987 removed control over

raw materials, quotas and trade from the central planners and

allowed the orders from customers.

ii) Politics:

(1) January 1987- Gorbachev announces democratic moves. Local

soviet were to be elected by people and there was a choice of

candidates, but not of parties. Secret elections for high ranked

party positions.

(2) 1988- Parliament of Supreme Soviet(Supreme Soviet-

Praesidium,Council of Ministers) was replaced by the Congress of

People’s Deputies who elected a smaller Supreme Soviet, meeting

regularly during the entire year. Chairman of the Supreme Soviet

would be head of the state.

(3) Elections in 1989- Yeltsin elected, earlierly forced to resign by

traditionalists .Seats for the Communist Party abolished and

Gorbachev elected as the President of the Soviet Union in 1990.

He had two councils to help him- one of his assistants, one of the

representatives of the Republics.

(4) Party has lost its privileged position and the leaders were exposed

towards public choice.

2) Gorbachev’s failure:

a) Opposition from radicals and conservatives:

i) Some people thought that reforms were not drastic enough(radicals -

Yeltsin), and wanted complete western market; some indicated that

the changes were too drastic.(conservatives;traditionalists –

Ligachev). Divisions in the Party occurred and Gorbachev could not

satisfy none of the groups. He sympathized with Yeltsin, but had to be

fair against Ligachev, who controlled Party apparatus.

ii) Conservatives were in majority; and Yeltsin was not elected. Protests

occurred and they were allowed due to Glasnonst. Beginning of the

end of CP.

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b) Economical reforms were not immediate and effective enough:

i) National income fell

ii) Economic growth remained the same.

iii) Law on State Enterprises – the wages dependent on output, factories

focused on expensive goods, because they increased the output, so

that inflation occurred and government’s budget deficit. Basic

consumer goods were in shortage and this caused unrest among

people due to their expectations of Gorbachev’s reforms. Strikes as

e.g. in Donbass and Kazakhstan occurred. This was the first strike

since 1917 and the miners wanted 42 demands. They wanted a trade

union like Solidarity and improvement of living conditions; supply of

food, share in profits and local control over mines. They demanded

end to the Communist Party;

iv) In 1990 the society was living below the poverty line and Gorbachev

was losing control of the movement he started.

c) Nationalist pressures:

i) USSR consisted of 15 different republics. They were held under sever

control, but Gorbachev’s policies encouraged their hopes for

independence. Gorbachev allowed these tensions, if the republics

obeyed the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

ii) Nagorno-Karabakh- Christian republic wanted to join Armenia from

Azerbaijan, fightings broke out and Moscow lost control.

iii) Lithuania,Latvia and Estonia declared independence in 1990 due to

what happened in other satellites.

iv) Yeltsin who wanted independence for the countries willing so, was

appointed President of the Parliament/

d) Rivalry between Gorbachev and Yeltsin:

i) Unions should be voluntary

ii) Traditionalists pressures , Party should be changed and Gorbachev

hoped for a peaceful party.

iii) Market economy in comparison to Gorbachev’s cautioness.

3) The coup of August 1991.

a) Gorbachev had to make multi-party free elections.

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b) Unrest from conservatives- loss of eastern Europe, East Germany.

c) Yeltsin resigned and Gorbachev was losing control.

d) Georgia declared independence, although Gorbachev persuaded them to

form a new, voluntary union.

e) Coup against Gorbachev launched, when he was on holiday. Kept under

house arrest and eight-member committee was in charge. Declaration of

emergency state, abandoning of Gorbachev’s policies and surrounding of

troops in major areas. Coup poorly organized, Yeltsin was not arrested.

He climbed onto the tanks and called the peole to rally in support. Army

was sympathetic towards the reformers and confused which side to

support. No casualties occurred-army was fearful. 21 August Coup

leaders admitted failure. Communist Party disgraced and discredited,

banned in the Federation. Yeltsin became a hero and Gorbachev was

sidelined(was a Party-General Secretary). New Union o the Republic,

known as Commonwealth of Independent States with Ukraine and

Belorussia. Gorbachev resigned as the President of the USSR on 24

December 1991.