What is hysteresis? Literature Hysteresis in economics Fruit-tree model Microfoundations Model of R&D and capital accumulation Economic growth with hysteresis Tapio Palokangas University of Helsinki, HECER and IIASA Preliminary plan, presented in IIASA (Laxenburg, Austria), July 2014 Tapio Palokangas, Univ. of Helsinki Economic growth with hysteresis

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Page 1: Economic growth with hysteresis - · PDF fileWhat is hysteresis? Literature Hysteresis in economics Fruit-tree model Microfoundations Model of R&D and capital accumulation Economic

What is hysteresis?Literature

Hysteresis in economicsFruit-tree model

MicrofoundationsModel of R&D and capital accumulation

Economic growth with hysteresis

Tapio Palokangas

University of Helsinki, HECER and IIASA

Preliminary plan, presented in IIASA (Laxenburg, Austria),July 2014

Tapio Palokangas, Univ. of Helsinki Economic growth with hysteresis

Page 2: Economic growth with hysteresis - · PDF fileWhat is hysteresis? Literature Hysteresis in economics Fruit-tree model Microfoundations Model of R&D and capital accumulation Economic

What is hysteresis?Literature

Hysteresis in economicsFruit-tree model

MicrofoundationsModel of R&D and capital accumulation


1 What is hysteresis?

2 Literature

3 Hysteresis in economics

4 Fruit-tree model

5 Microfoundations

6 Model of R&D and capital accumulation

Tapio Palokangas, Univ. of Helsinki Economic growth with hysteresis

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What is hysteresis?Literature

Hysteresis in economicsFruit-tree model

MicrofoundationsModel of R&D and capital accumulation

Standard growth theories

The analytical methods used in growth theory usuallyinvolve conservation and reversibility properties.

Economic shocks will then have no lasting deleteriouseffects on potential output, despite of the debilitating effectsof recessions on bankrupted firms and unemployedworkers, andbooms have no long-lasting beneficial effects on potentialoutput, despite the new capital investments made andlearning-by-working of employees.

In contrast, I am especially interested in whethertemporary shocks have permanent effects on (sustainable)economic growth.This property – temporary shocks having long lastingtraces – is called hysteresis.

Tapio Palokangas, Univ. of Helsinki Economic growth with hysteresis

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Asymmetric response to shocks

Because an economy is not a closed system, it facesshocks from outside.The way the economy responds to these shocks dependson the structure of that economy.In an economy, a negative shock has in general a strongerimpact on the development pattern of the economy than apositive shock of equal size. Structural reason for this aree.g. the following:

When a worker gets unemployed, he loses productivitywhile unemployed.When a firm gets bankrupt, it loses its intangiblefirm-specific capital

Tapio Palokangas, Univ. of Helsinki Economic growth with hysteresis

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Hysteresis and public policy

Governments attempt to stabilize economic developmentby evening out shocks running a deficit with negative and asurplus with positive shocks.However, because of the asymmetric response, economicdevelopment is not a sine curve: downward responses toshocks are in general stronger than upward responses.As a consequence of this, public debt tend to accumulate:governments fail to pay their debts during negative shocksby surpluses during positive shocks.

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Hysteresis as a physical phenomenon

The concept of hysteresis origins from physics: it occurs inferromagnetic (or ferroelectric) materials, as well as in thedeformation of some materials (such as rubber bands) inresponse to destabilizing forces.Such a system is dependent not only on its currentenvironment but also on its past environment.When economic growth performs hysteresis, temporaryshocks cause a permanent (or very persistent) effect onthe average growth rate of the economy.

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Hysteresis is relevant to economic analysis for the followingreasons (cf. Cross et al. 2009):

1 The agents can be confronted with a binary choice (e.g. toenter or not to enter the market), which requires an actionalmost instantaneously.

2 Switching between states is subject to sunk costs: whenan action is taken, an expense is incurred that cannot berecouped on reversing the action. All this creates thresholdvalues of the control parameter when an agent is willingswitching from one strategy to another.

Tapio Palokangas, Univ. of Helsinki Economic growth with hysteresis

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Analogy to mechanics

Many growth models predict that economic fluctuations donot change potential output paths, but the evidencesuggests that they change in particular in recessions(Cross et al. 2012).Cross et al. (2012) construct a model to explain thisphenomenon based on an analogy with water flows inporous media.Potential output displays hysteresis with regard toaggregate demand shocks and thus retains a memory ofthe shocks associated with recessions.

Tapio Palokangas, Univ. of Helsinki Economic growth with hysteresis

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Hysteresis in economics 1

The concept of hysteresis is used in economics to describe

the time path dependence of the “natural” rate ofunemployment in labor economics [cf. Sachs (1986),Blanchard and Summers (1986), and Lindbeck and Snower(1986)].the behavior of the foreign exchange rate [cf. Baldwin andKrugman (1989), and Dixit (1989)].

Turnovsky (2000, chapter 11) examines the effects oftemporary public policy on economic dynamics.

Tapio Palokangas, Univ. of Helsinki Economic growth with hysteresis

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Hysteresis in economics 2

In empirical literature, it has been common to analyzehysteresis by linear difference (or differential) equationswith breaks, lags or a unit root [cf. Göcke (2002)].In empirics, hysteresis takes the form of a break, a lag or aunit root.However, there is so far no model to explain the effects oftemporary shocks on the growth rate of the economy.

Conclusion: there is a need of endogenous growth modelswith hysteresis properties!

Tapio Palokangas, Univ. of Helsinki Economic growth with hysteresis

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Basic model (Lucas 1978, Barro 2009)

Time is discrete, one consumer, only one good “fruit”The number of productive units, “trees”, is fixed, i.e. thereis neither investment nor depreciationThe log of output evolves as a random walk with drift:

log yt+1 = log yt + g + ut+1 + vt+1,

where g is the exogenous growth rate,ut+1 random term normal with mean 0 and

variance σ2. This characterizes normal“symmetric” economic fluctuations.

vt+1 random terms that picks up low-probabilitydisasters. In these rare events, output jumpssharply downwards.

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The distribution of random events

The probability of more than one disaster in a period isassumed to be small enough to neglect.In a disaster, output contracts by the fraction b ∈ (0,1).The distribution of vt+1 is the following:

vt+1 =

{log(1− b) with probability p,0 with probability 1− p.

The disaster size, b ∈ (0,1), can be constant or followsome probability distribution.

Tapio Palokangas, Univ. of Helsinki Economic growth with hysteresis

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Multiple goods: different trees produce different fruits.Households consume all kind of fruits with a Cobb-Douglasutility functionRandom demand shifts can be introduced on theassumption that the parameters in the Cobb-Douglas utilityfunction are random variables.

Endogenous growth: some fruits are planted to have moretrees in future.

This leads to the AK model where output is in fixedproportion to capital (trees).

Lags in investment: a new tree must grow big enough toproduce fruits.

Tapio Palokangas, Univ. of Helsinki Economic growth with hysteresis

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Critics 1

The fruit-tree model is proper for predicting the behavior ofan economy after a random disaster: it models asymmetricbehavior exogenously having a random disaster, but not arandom windfall.That model is as it stands improper for our purposes: toexplain why symmetric shocks causes asymmetricbehavior.

Tapio Palokangas, Univ. of Helsinki Economic growth with hysteresis

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Critics 2

There are two sources of asymmetry in the economy: thepossibility of a firm to get bankrupted; and/or the possibilityof a worker to get involuntarily unemployed.There is no “wage labor” and consequently nounemployment.There is no bankruptcy, because all capital (fruit trees) istangible and can therefore be sold in the market or usedas a collateral for loans.

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How to model bankruptcy?

Assume a single producer-owner entrepreneur whoproduces only from capital.Inequality constraint: a firm gets bankrupted, once itstradable assets fall below its debt.The key concept is firm-specific intangible capital, whichcannot be sold or used as a collateral.In order to enter the market, a new firm must invest infirm-specific intangible capital by credit, i.e. a new fruit treemust grow big enough to produce fruits.Once the firm faces a big enough negative shock, itsinequality constraint becomes effective and it bankruptsloosing all its firm-specific capital.

Tapio Palokangas, Univ. of Helsinki Economic growth with hysteresis

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How to model hysteresis in the labor market?

Assume that the firm produces from both intangible capitaland wage labor.At the occurrence of a negative shock the firm lays offworkers, and at the occurrence of a positive shock it hiresmore workers.A worker accumulates firm-specific tangible knowledge bylearning by doing while he is employed. This knowledgeincreases his productivity in the workplace.When a worker looses a job, he looses his firm-specificknowledge and his productivity falls.

Tapio Palokangas, Univ. of Helsinki Economic growth with hysteresis

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Connections to models of endogenous growth

Endogenous growth is based on the accumulation ofintangible capital that spills over from one firm to another(or from one worker to another).Creative destruction: a less-productive tree is replaced bya new more-productive tree. The owner of theless-productive tree loses its assets.

Tapio Palokangas, Univ. of Helsinki Economic growth with hysteresis

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Following the original idea of Klaus Wälde (2002), I havecombined capital accumulation and stochastic technologicalchange as follows (Palokangas, CESifo paper 2003):

The representative household’s expected utility is

E∫ ∞


11− σ

[(1− s)y ]1−σe−ρ(t−T )dt , σ ∈ (0,1) ∪ (1,∞),

where E is the expectation operator, y output, 0 < s < 1propensity to save, (1− s)y consumption, ρ > 0 theconstant rate of time preference, σ the constant rate of riskaversion.

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Efficiency in production is aγ , where a>1 is a constant andγ is the serial number of technology.In the advent of technological change,

the serial number γ increases by oneefficiency increases from aγ to aγ+1

a fixed proportion δ of existing machinery k is destroyed,because it does not function with the newer technology.

The household has one unit of labor, of which it devotes lto production and 1− l to R&D.Given total factor productivity aγ , output y is produced onlyfrom capital k and labor l through technology f (k , l):

y = aγ f (k , l).

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Technological change

In a small period of time dt , the probability that R&D leadsto development of a new technology is given by λ(1− l)dt ,while the probability that R&D remains without success isgiven by 1− λ(1− l)dt , where 1− l is labor devoted toR&D and λ is the productivity of R&D. This defines aPoisson process q with

dq =

{1 with probability λ(1− l)dt ,0 with probability 1− λ(1− l)dt ,

where dq is the increment of the process q.

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Capital accumulation

Capital k is a stock of goods that does not depreciate.Because it is the only assets in the model, saving in asmall period of time dt equals deterministic capitalaccumulation, dkd :

dkd = sy dt = saγ f (k , l)dt .

In addition, in the advent of technological change, capitaljumps from k to the new level k̃ = (1− δ)k , because theremainder δk becomes obsolete.Thus, total capital accumulation is given by

dk = dkd + (k̃ − k)dq = sy dt − δk dq.

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Utility maximization

The household maximizes its expected utility by the savingrate s and the allocation of labor l ∈ [0,1] subject to capitalaccumulation and technological change.Define the value function

Γ(γ, k ,T ).

= maxs,l

E∫ ∞


11− σ

[(1− s)y ]1−σe−ρ(t−T )dt .

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Bellman equation

The Bellman equation is

ρΓ(γ, k ,T ) = maxs,l


1− σ[(1− s)y ]1−σ + Γk (γ, k ,T )



+[Γ(γ + 1, k̃ ,T )− Γ(γ, k ,T )


}= max


{(1− s)1−σ

1− σa(1−σ)γ f (k , l)1−σ + Γk (γ, k ,T )saγ f (k , l)

− λ[Γ(γ + 1, (1− δ)k ,T )− Γ(γ, k ,T )

](1− l)


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With Cobb-Douglas technology f (k , l) = kαl1−α, both thesaving rate s and the proportion of labor devoted to R&D,1− l , are constants.This means that the economy is in a stationary state thatfollows a cycle around the equilibrium growth path.With a more complex function (e.g. CES), it is likely thatthe model can be solved only numerically.

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The model can in principle be extended into the followingdirections;

Instead of one representative agent, there can be anumber of producer-consumers that are strategicallyinterlinked. Imperfect competition or spillover of technologybetween producers create strategic like between these,which establishes a dynamic game.The capitalist own firms, but do not work. The workerssupply their labor and savings to the capitalist. There canbe different forms of wage settlement (e.g. union-firmbargaining, efficiency wages) in the model.

Tapio Palokangas, Univ. of Helsinki Economic growth with hysteresis