Reasons for Exploration The three European countries of England, France, and Spain explored and ultimately colonized most of the New World. On the following slides are painting depicting each of the countries explorers and settlers. Look at the each picture and infer the reason(s) (religious, political and/or economic) for each country’s exploration and colonization of the New World.

economic) for each country’s exploration and colonization

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Page 1: economic) for each country’s exploration and colonization

Reasons for ExplorationThe three European countries of England, France, and Spain explored and ultimately colonized most of the New World. On the following slides are painting depicting each of the countries explorers and settlers. Look at the each picture and infer the reason(s) (religious, political and/or economic) for each country’s exploration and colonization of the New World.

Page 2: economic) for each country’s exploration and colonization
Page 4: economic) for each country’s exploration and colonization

3 G’s

● God: spread Christianity to Native Americans; religious freedom

● Gold: increase wealth by finding precious metals or products to trade (i.e. gold & spices)

● Glory: bring honor to monarchs and explorers; expand European empires

Page 5: economic) for each country’s exploration and colonization

Country Reasons to Explore the New World

Spain *Covert Natives (God)*Increase wealth by obtaining gold (Gold)*Claim land for Spain (Glory)

England *Escape religious persecution (God) *Increase wealth thru mercantilism (Gold) *Claim land for Britain (Glory)

France *Covert Natives (God)*Increase wealth thru fur trade (Gold)*Claim land for France (Glory)

Page 6: economic) for each country’s exploration and colonization


Religious, Political

Look at the each picture and infer the reason(s) (religious, political and/or economic) for each country’s exploration and colonization of the New World.

Page 7: economic) for each country’s exploration and colonization


Finding a Northwest Passage (an all water route) to Asia was the goal of most European countries. Asia possessed valuable silks and spices that many Europeans desired. If one of the European countries gained control of these products, they would create a trade monopoly and become the most powerful country in the world! The race was on. Christopher Columbus believed that if he sailed west he would reach Asia. The king and queen of Spain financed his voyages in search of Asia. He set sail with three ships and in ten weeks sighted land. Believing he had arrived in India, Columbus claimed the land for Spain and called the natives living there Indians. What he really discovered was America. He actually landed in America on an island in the Bahamas.

Read the information and answer the questions below.

Page 8: economic) for each country’s exploration and colonization

The discoveries of explorers such as Columbus inspired many European nations to take to the open seas. Spain led the way. The Spanish explored for “God, Gold, and Glory.” The few fortunate conquistadors (a Spanish conqueror or adventurer) who found gold and glory in Central and South America conquered ancient people, robbed them of their gold and precious jewels, and destroyed their civilizations. Other Spaniards found nothing but suffering and death in the New World.

As soon as new lands were conquered, Spanish missionaries arrived and sought to convert the native populations to Catholicism. Ships loaded with gold and jewels sailed back east to Spain carrying more riches than people could imagine. Men eager to find treasures chased rumors across the Americas. They were not as lucky as early conquistadors, but they helped Spain build a huge empire in the Americas. Spain had certainly hit the jackpot, it claimed many lands half a world away and the Spanish treasury was overflowing with gold.

Questions to Discuss:● What reasons this country to explore the Americas? ● How did this country impact American Indians in the New World?

Page 9: economic) for each country’s exploration and colonization


Religious, Economic

Look at the each picture and infer the reason(s) (religious, political and/or economic) for each country’s exploration and colonization of the New World.

Page 10: economic) for each country’s exploration and colonization


Page 11: economic) for each country’s exploration and colonization

EnglandMany English colonists came to the New World for the chance to own land and start a new life. Others were seeking freedom to practice their religion. Some settlers thought they would find the same gold and silver discovered by the Spanish. In 1607, a group of merchants formed the Virginia London Company to start a profitable colony in Virginia. The settlers were to ship back valuable goods such as furs and timbers. Eventually England claimed land along the Atlantic Ocean and founded 13 colonies. Some English settlements were created as a refuge for debtors (people who owe money). The debtors would otherwise be tossed into prison. The English government supported all these efforts partly because it was competing for land in the New World with other European nations.

Questions to Discuss:● What reasons led this country to explore the Americas? ● How did this country impact American Indians in the New World?

Page 12: economic) for each country’s exploration and colonization



Look at the each picture and infer the reason(s) (religious, political and/or economic) for each country’s exploration and colonization of the New World.

Page 13: economic) for each country’s exploration and colonization


Page 14: economic) for each country’s exploration and colonization

FranceFrance’s explorers searched for, but did not find the Northwest Passage. However, they did claim the land we know today as Canada for France. They discovered something almost as valuable as Spanish gold – beaver fur. Beaver hats were a hot fashion item in Europe. French hat makers were willing to pay high prices for beaver skins. The fur trade was extremely profitable for the French settlers. Because the French settlers were more interested in furs than farming, they did not try to conquer the Native Americans. Instead, the French made Native Americans their business partners. For the next 150 years, Quebec would be a base for French explorers, soldiers, missionaries, traders, and fur trappers.

Questions to Discuss:

● What reasons led this country to explore the Americas? ● How did this country impact American Indians in the New World?

Page 15: economic) for each country’s exploration and colonization

The “Columbian Exchange”The “Columbian Exchange” was one of the most significant events in world history. This term identifies the exchange of plants, animals, and diseases between the Eastern and Western Hemispheres that occurred after 1492. Europeans learned about new foods, such as corn, tomatoes, potatoes, and chocolate. Meanwhile, Europeans introduced sugar, wheat, oranges, grapes and onions to the Americas.

Europeans also introduced many new animals to the Western Hemisphere, including horses, sheep, goats, cows, cats, and rats. This exchange of plants and animals transformed ways of life in both hemispheres. The European encounter with the Americas also spread germs. Europeans brought diseases like smallpox, typhus, cholera, and measles. Over centuries, Europeans had developed resistance to these diseases, but Native Americans had no such immunity. Estimates range from 2 to 18 million Native Americans died from these diseases.

Page 16: economic) for each country’s exploration and colonization

Items that moved from Europe to the Americas ● Diseases, Livestock, Grain, Coffee, Sugar


Items that moved from the Americas to Europe● Tobacco,Potatoes, Corn, Cacao

Columbian Exchange

Page 17: economic) for each country’s exploration and colonization