A merchant affiliate program is an integral part of any e-commerce business whether it's big or small. If you own a small online store, you can still apply it to get massive amounts of traffic and sales. Discover how to harness the power of an affiliate program and how you can grow your business by leaps and bounds. Big name retailers have used this technique for years to build a successful business and brand. It is now easier than ever for you to do the same. A merchant affiliate program is not only one of the most useful marketing tools in your arsenal, it is also one of the least expensive. Unlike traditional forms of advertisement where you are required to pay up front not knowing whether or not it can actually improve your business, with an affiliate program you don't pay a dime unless you start making sales. It's literally like having an entire sales force doing all the hard work for you and you pay them a commission only if they help you make a sale. The advantages of having an affiliate program software are enormous. Affiliates promote your links which help to increase your traffic which then increases your sales. As a result of all of the backlinks your affiliates are spreading throughout the internet, your website will improve its search engine ranking which will then organically help you get even more traffic and sales. You have to first check to see if your ecommerce solution comes with a built-in completely integrated affiliate program software. As soon as you set up the commission structure and everything else, you can start to find the right affiliates to help promote your website. How a merchant affiliate program works is someone registers and gives you their information to join your program. Then they are able to publish your text, image and banner links on their sites, blogs and forums throughout the web. The main thing you should remember is you have to select people you think will be able to help you the most, preferably someone who owns a site with relevant information or is in the same niche. It's also your job to warn your affiliates against spamming, because after all it's your reputation that's on the line. The best way to get more targeted affiliates to want to help promote your website is to offer them all the tools they need to make their job easier. Have professionally written sales letters, text links,

Ecommerce Affiliate Program Software

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Create a merchant affiliate program for your ecommerce website and get a team of people to help produce more traffic and sales than you ever would by yourself. Learn about all the advantages of having affiliates work hard to improve your ecommerce business.

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A merchant affiliate program is an integral part of any e-commerce business whether it's big or small. If you own a small online store, you can still apply it to get massive amounts of traffic and sales. Discover how to harness the power of an affiliate program and how you can grow your business by leaps and bounds. Big name retailers have used this technique for years to build a successful business and brand. It is now easier than ever for you to do the same.

A merchant affiliate program is not only one of the most useful marketing tools in your arsenal, it is also one of the least expensive. Unlike traditional forms of advertisement where you are required to pay up front not knowing whether or not it can actually improve your business, with an affiliate program you don't pay a dime unless you start making sales. It's literally like having an entire sales force doing all the hard work for you and you pay them a commission only if they help you make a sale. The advantages of having an affiliate program software are enormous. Affiliates promote your links which help to increase your traffic which then increases your sales. As a result of all of the backlinks your affiliates are spreading throughout the internet, your website will improve its search engine ranking which will then organically help you get even more traffic and sales.

You have to first check to see if your ecommerce solution comes with a built-in completely integrated affiliate program software. As soon as you set up the commission structure and everything else, you can start to find the right affiliates to help promote your website. How a merchant affiliate program works is someone registers and gives you their information to join your program. Then they are able to publish your text, image and banner links on their sites, blogs and forums throughout the web. The main thing you should remember is you have to select people you think will be able to help you the most, preferably someone who owns a site with relevant information or is in the same niche. It's also your job to warn your affiliates against spamming, because after all it's your reputation that's on the line. The best way to get more targeted affiliates to want to help promote your website is to offer them all the tools they need to make their job easier. Have professionally written sales letters, text links,

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images links and banner ads ready for them to simply copy and use wherever they please. Send out new alerts of seasonal or promotional discounts to remind them of your affiliate program, because a lot of people who join don't actually to do anything. The key is to stay on top of your affiliates and give them what they need to do the job efficiently.

There are a number of features to look for when selecting an e-commerce solution that provides an affiliate program software. Here is a list of what they must be able to do:

• Be fully automated• Track affiliate referrals and sales• Calculate commissions• Record and report payments• Have an easy signup process• Allow you to set up commission structure• Provide an admin area for your affiliates• Have recurring payouts• Provide auto generated affiliate links• Have mailing functions to contact affiliates• Store cookies• Have fraud protection

A lot more goes into having a successful merchant affiliate program than just setting it up on your ecommerce web site. You must actively promote the program in order to scale it enough so that you have a big team of affiliates hard at work for you. Make sure you submit your program information to affiliate directories and networks. If you list it under the right category, you will be able to attract targeted affiliates. Another good way to get the right people to join is to actively search for them. Check out discussion forums, websites and blogs that have some connection to your products and contact anyone who you think will be a good fit. Search for your direct competitors and find out the sites that link to them. Then contact the webmasters and introduce your online store and affiliate

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program. Last but not least, do not overlook the importance of on page SEO. Select relevant keywords describing your products and merchant affiliate program and make sure to include it throughout your affiliate sign up page. Good SEO will help you attract people specifically looking to promote your type of products.

In order to start an affiliate program you have to first select an ecommerce solution that is capable of working with a large group of affiliates. Choosing the right solution to handle and manage all of your potential affiliates is critical. It has to have an easy setup process and work well on its own so that you are free to focus on the other parts of the business.

What you need is a full service all-in-one hosting, design, and marketing software made specifically for e-commerce businesses. One that lets you set up your store in minutes, and provides powerful tools to help with not only affiliate programs, but also product marketing and mobile commerce. Check out the best possible e-commerce solutions available at http://www.makeanonlinestore.com and try them out yourself absolutely free, no credit card required!