Eco Report Card

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  • 8/6/2019 Eco Report Card


    ECOReport Card

    A definitive way to record the

    environmental impact of events

    Making a difference

    through measurement




    Use and purpose of theECO Report Card2

    Interpreting an event


    Designed for the 2009 International Congress of Local

    Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI), held at theShaw

    Conference Centre in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

    V 1.2

  • 8/6/2019 Eco Report Card


    Making a

    difference throughmeasurement

    The meeting and events

    industry is the one of the most

    wasteful industries, second

    only to construction.- United States Environmental Protection Agency

    Using a tool that allows event planners and

    organizers to track various stages of an event is

    critical for a thorough understanding of an

    events environmental impact.

    The ECO Report Card was originally envisioned

    as a means to document the environmental

    impact of an event, as there are currently few

    instruments available that have this capability.

    Throughout development, the ECO Report Card

    has also grown into a resource to accompany

    the Sustainable Event Planning Guide from event

    conception to completion.

    The ECO Report Card gives event organizers the

    capacity and tools to evaluate environmental

    impacts of event without external assistance,

    thus making this an autonomous instrument.

  • 8/6/2019 Eco Report Card


    The average conference delegate

    produces 2 large garbage bags of

    trash over a three-day conference

    equivalent to 9 kilograms

    per day.

    - United States Environmental Protection Agency

    The average meal travels

    approximately 2,414 kilometers

    before it reaches your table.

    -Alive Magazine

    In the past three decades,one-

    third of the worlds natural

    resources have been consumed.

    - Annie Leonard (The Story of Stuff)

    Why Measure



    Waste Reduction

    We need to take steps to reduce the enormous

    volume of waste produced every day our

    society cannot continue producing waste at the

    same pace, and our earth cannot sustain it.

    Energy Use

    The energy required for transporting guests to an

    event is an incredibly large contributor to

    greenhouse gas emissions. Food transport also

    takes a large amount of fuel. With the continuallyamplifying crisis of climate change, conserving

    energy is of great concern.

    Environmental Conservation

    Managing resources sustainably is imperative as

    stocks of resources continue to deplete. There is

    also the looming threat of irreversible

    environmental degradation.

  • 8/6/2019 Eco Report Card



    Rather than creating simple

    yes and no questions, the

    various components of the

    ECO Report Card strive to

    encourage environmentally

    conscious behaviours

    throughout all aspects of the

    event. By achieving a high

    level of compliance for a

    given assessment item, the

    event is seen as leading-

    edge. In this manner, the ECO

    Report Card promotes

    sustainable thinking and

    comprehensive practices.

    By design, the ECO Report Card is meant to be simplistic.

    Information should be simple to obtain for each category,

    or assessment item, and the descriptions of each level of

    compliance are easy-to-understand.

    Use and purpose of

    the ECO Report



    As a quantitative assessment

    tool, the ECO Report Card has

    an advantage over common

    qualitative methods. By

    gaining the ability to self-

    assess and compare year-to-

    year scores, environmental

    impacts can be documented

    for future comparison. Event

    organizers can use this tool to

    measure how an event

    incorporates sustainability into

    all stages of the event

    planning, the event itself, and

    wrap up.


    Event organizers should be able

    to obtain all of the information

    necessary for completing the

    ECO Report Card by

    communicating with the event

    venues representatives and

    organization team. The ECO

    Report Card would ideally be

    revisited at each stage of the

    event in order to collect all

    necessary information. Once

    this information is collected, a

    full report can be completed

    by the Eco-Advisor.

  • 8/6/2019 Eco Report Card


    Scoring Overview

    The scoring system has been

    developed based on several criteria.The nature of the action, either direct

    (an action that produces results) or

    indirect (an action that speaks to

    potential results) is foremost in

    determining score. Next, the scope

    of the event affected is

    considered, as well as whether or

    not the action can be left as a

    legacy for the next annual event (if

    applicable) or other events of the

    same nature. Finally, a public

    outreach action is deemed to be

    deserving of the highest score, as

    educating others about how

    typical actions can be modified to

    be environmentally sensitive.


    To determine the score of the ECO Report Card, simply input

    the compliance levels achieved into each category of the

    attached Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, by following the

    instructions within the spreadsheet.

    File the event score, and ensure that the information is

    made available for future events. Take note of the lowest

    scoring items and plan to make improvements in the future.

    Scoring Methodology

    For each assessment item, there are a number of criteria

    required in order to achieve the highest level of

    environmental sustainability for that action. If all

    components of the action are completed to a certain

    compliance level (high, medium high, medium low, or low),

    the full level of points is awarded for that category.

    However, there will be many cases in which all compliance

    criterions will not be entirely fulfilled for a certain level. In this

    case, the level that has been completely reached will be

    used as the base value. For each aspect that is over and

    above the base level of compliance, an additional point wil

    be awarded.

    The ECO Report Card incorporates three

    measurement categories:

    1) Event Practices

    2) Hotel Practices

    3) Delegate/Attendee Behaviours

    Interpreting an event score

  • 8/6/2019 Eco Report Card


    This report is designed to be a useful tool for

    event planners and delegates alike. We would

    appreciate your feedback, questions,

    concerns and suggestions.

    9797 Jasper Avenue

    Edmonton, Alberta, CanadaT5J 1N9

    For more information, contact:

    Yvette Thompson, Eco-Advisor

    Shaw Conference Centre

    ([email protected])

    Cliff Higuchi, Assistant General Manager

    Shaw Conference Centre

    ([email protected])

    Thank you for taking care of your environment. If you need

    to print this document, please print double-sided on 100%

    post-consumer recycled paper.

  • 8/6/2019 Eco Report Card


    ECO Report Card - Event practices - scoring action and compliance descriptions 1

    1. General Event Practices

    Assessment Item Action Level of Compliance Scoring Why score?

    1.1Mission Statement

    Event mission statement oroverarching aim includes

    sustainability/environmentalstewardship themes.

    [H] Statement is focused on sustainability asprimary goal.

    [MH] Statement mentions sustainability as asubsidiary goal.

    [ML] Statement very briefly mentionssustainability, yet is not a clear focus.

    [L] Statement does not have sustainability theme.


    [H] 6[MH] 4[ML] 2

    [L] 0

    - Mission statementdoes not directly relateto action, however thestatement isoverarching andembodies entirety ofevent.


    Communication throughoutplanning process and event

    itself is largely electronic tominimize paper waste (eg.

    printed documents, agendas,minutes, etc.). Electronic

    registration is utilized.

    [H] Virtually no information is distributed inhardcopy during the planning process.Electronic registration is utilized, andinformation about all event activities isavailable online.

    [MH] Most planning communication is doneelectronically. Electronic registration isutilized where possible and information about

    all event activities is available online.

    [ML] Some planning communication is doneelectronically. Electronic registration is notavailable for attendees, yet basic informationabout event activities is available online.

    [L] Little consideration of paper wasteminimization during the planning process.Electronic registration is not available, andevent activities are not updated or availableonline.


    [H] 12[MH] 8[ML] 4[L] 0

    - Reducing theamount of paper wasteand going electronic isa legacy opportunity,and fewer sheets ofpaper (with moreinformation availableonline) provides anopportunity for publiceducation.

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    ECO Report Card - Event practices - scoring action and compliance descriptions 2

    Assessment Item Action Level of Compliance Scoring Why score?

    1.3Green Power

    The event is powered byalternative renewable energy

    sources rather thanconventional nonrenewablesources (eg. oil, natural gas,


    [H] Yes, the event utilizes renewable energysources for the entire facility through athird-party provider (eg. Bullfrog).

    [L] No, the event does not utilize renewableenergy sources.


    [H] 15[L] 0

    - The use of greenpower affects themajority of the event,and is a direct action.

    1.4Website Information

    Event utilizes website todiscuss sustainability

    initiatives, green focus toevent, or other important


    considerations. Websitemakes mention of any

    community contributionsfrom the event.

    [H] Event website makes explicit mention of theenvironmental initiatives and/or focus of theevent. Environmental initiatives are easy tolocate on the website (integrated ontomultiple pages or as a large stand-alonesection), and an extensive discussionensues.

    [MH] Event website makes explicit mention of theenvironmental initiatives and/or focus of the

    event, however discussion is not a largecomponent of the site.

    [ML] Event briefly website mentions theenvironmental initiatives and/or focus of theevent, however content is difficult to find.

    [L] There is no mention of event environmentalinitiatives on the website.


    [H] 12[MH] 8

    [ML] 4[L] 0

    - Event website ismain method ofcommunication withmanydelegates/attendees,and thus theinformation on websiteis an educationalopportunity.

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    ECO Report Card - Event practices - scoring action and compliance descriptions 3

    Assessment Item Action Level of Compliance Scoring Why score?

    1.5Advisory Committee

    Event has an individual orcommittee in place to deal

    exclusively with ensuring theevent is environmentally

    sound. Whether or not thereis a committee or an

    individual will fluctuate withthe size and duration of the


    [H] There is an environmental committee/advisorin place for the event.

    [L] No environmental committee/advisor isutilized.


    [H] 6[L] 0

    - Using anenvironmentalcommittee or advisorsuggests that theevent will be moreeco-friendly, yet this is

    not a direct action.

    1.6Location Certification

    Main event location iscertified through a third-party

    sustainability certificationprocess (eg. BOMA, LEED,


    [H] Yes, the event location is certified at thehighest level of the given scale (eg. LEEDPlatinum, BOMA BESt Level 4).

    [MH] Yes, the event location is certified at a mid-level of the given scale (eg. LEED Gold or

    Silver, BOMA BESt Level 2 or 3).

    [ML] Yes, the event location is certified at thelowest level of the given scale (eg. LEEDCertified, BOMA BESt Level 1).

    [L] No, the event location does not havecertification.


    [H] 6[MH] 4[ML] 2

    [L] 0

    - Is not a direct actionfor the event.

    - Main event locationwill have more than

    50% of the eventsactivities.

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    ECO Report Card - Event practices - scoring action and compliance descriptions 4

    Assessment Item Action Level of Compliance Scoring Why score?

    1.7Green Purchasing


    Event promotes the use ofenvironmentally friendlyproducts (ideally locally

    produced), as well as locallygrown, organic, low polluting

    products to suppliers andvendors. This could be

    captured in a greenpurchasing policy.

    [H] Strict green purchasing policy; all suppliersand vendors are made explicitly aware ofpolicy at onset of partnership.

    [MH] Green purchasing policy in place, althoughis abstract and rudimentary. Major suppliersare made aware sometime during eventplanning.

    [ML] Green purchasing policy is discussed, yet isnot explicitly documented. Casual mention tosuppliers or vendors.

    [L] No green purchasing policy; few (if any)suppliers or vendors are made aware ofenvironmentally friendly purchasing options.


    [H] 6

    [MH] 4[ML] 2[L] 0

    - Green purchasingpolicy may be a legacyconcept, however theactually policy willlikely be manipulatedsignificantly depending

    on budgets, eventtype, etc.

    - Is an indirect action(does not explicitlybring an environmentalchange).

    1.8Delegate Giveaways

    Delegate giveaways (bags,kits, etc.) are minimized or

    eradicated. Eco-friendlygoods are used for any

    delegate giveaways.

    [H] Delegates are not provided with any freematerials.

    [MH] Delegates are provided with some freematerials, however more than 75% ofproducts used as giveaways are eco-friendly.

    [ML] Delegates are provided with free materials,and 25% to 75% of products used asgiveaways are eco-friendly.

    [L] Delegates are provided with free materials,and less than 25% of products used asgiveaways are eco-friendly.


    [H] 12[MH] 8[ML] 4[L] 0

    - Completely reducingor using eco-friendlyproducts is a majorstep in reducingenvironmental impact.

    - The use ofenvironmentallyfriendly products willaffect a large sectionof the event (if thecompliance level ismedium or high).

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  • 8/6/2019 Eco Report Card


    ECO Report Card - Event practices - scoring action and compliance descriptions 6

    Assessment Item Action Level of Compliance Scoring Why score?

    1.11Recycled/SustainablePaper Products

    All paper products usedduring event (and in the

    planning process, ideally)are made with over 30%

    post-consumer recycledcontent, sustainablesubstitutes (such as bamboo

    fiber, hemp, grain-based,etc.), or certified by a thirdparty, such as the Forest

    Stewardship Council (FSC).

    [H] All paper (99%) used is either recycled (over30%), a sustainable substitute, or third partycertified.

    [MH] 75%-99% of paper used is post-consumerrecycled, a sustainable substitute, or third

    party certified.

    [ML] 25-75% of paper used is post-consumerrecycled, a sustainable substitute, or thirdparty certified.

    [L] Less than 25% of paper used is post-consumer recycled, a sustainable substitute,or third party certified.


    [H] 9[MH] 6[ML] 3[L] 0

    - By usingenvironmentally

    friendly forest products(ie. paper), manyportions of the eventwill have reducedimpact.


    Volunteers and/or staffmembers are trained on theenvironmental componentsof the event and importanceof environmentally-friendlybehaviours and actions.

    [H] Volunteers and/or staff are trained ordebriefed on the environmental initiativesand are encouraged to share the informationwith the public.

    [L] Volunteers and/or staff are not made aware ofenvironmental initiatives.


    [H] 12[L] 0

    - Volunteers and staffconvey information todelegates/attendees,and thus facilitateenvironmentaleducation.

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    ECO Report Card - Event practices - scoring action and compliance descriptions 7

    Assessment Item Action Level of Compliance Scoring Why score?

    1.13Exhibitor Giveaways

    Exhibitor handouts areminimized or banned. If theymust be given out, handouts,

    giveaways, etc. are madefrom eco-friendly products.

    [H] Exhibitors or other parties that wouldregularly give away materials are stronglydiscouraged from doing so prior to the eventand again at the event through banningunnecessary giveaways. If handouts arenon-negotiable, the majority (>50%) are eco-friendly products, and less than 50% ofexhibitors are giving out products.

    [MH] Exhibitors, etc. are discouraged fromhanding out materials prior to the eventmultiple times, however are not enforced.Some handouts are eco-friendly products(

  • 8/6/2019 Eco Report Card


    ECO Report Card - Event practices - scoring action and compliance descriptions 8

    2. Waste Reduction Practices

    Assessment Item Action Level of Compliance Scoring Why score?

    2.1Waste Reduction


    Event is committed tominimizing waste and haspotentially placed a zero-waste policy into effect.

    Event/location employs afood recovery or food

    recycling program.

    [H] A zero-waste policy has been created and isshared with all suppliers, vendors, attendeesand location staff. This policy includesmonitoring procedures as well.Event/location has a formal food recoveryprogram in place.

    [MH] A zero-waste concept has been discussedand is shared with most suppliers, vendors,attendees and location staff. Event/locationhas a informal food recovery program inplace.

    [ML] The event organizers have mentionedminimizing waste in literature for suppliers,vendors staff and/or attendees, however apolicy has not been created. Event/locationdoes not have a food recovery program inplace.

    [L] The event makes no mention of wasteminimization or zero-waste. Event/locationdoes not have a food recovery program inplace.


    [H] 6[MH] 4[ML] 2[L] 0

    - Waste minimizationpolicies affects theentire event yet do notnecessarily result indirect action.

    - Diverting trash fromthe waste stream leadsto a significantlydecreased impact onlandfills.

    2.2Waste Audit /

    Diversion Rate

    What is the waste diversionrate from the conventional

    landfill stream?

    Weigh all materials leaving the facility(recycling, compost and garbage). Use theaccompanying spreadsheet to calculatethe diversion rate for the entire event.

    See spreadsheet Event Practices.

    Metric value

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    ECO Report Card - Event practices - scoring action and compliance descriptions 9

    3. Unscored Practices

    Assessment Item Action Level of Compliance Scoring Why score?


    Local/Green Suppliers

    Event utilizesenvironmentally conscious

    local suppliers that take

    personal business actions tominimize environmental


    List the suppliers utilized along with therespective environmental initiatives. This

    will give comparative anecdotal evidenceof the environmental impact of this event.


    - By utilizing local andand environmentallyfriendly suppliers, the

    event supports thegreen economy andlocal producers.

    3.2Local Foods

    The event menu utilizes localfood whenever possible.

    Indicate which foods are bought from localsuppliers, how each was used in mealpreparation, and the approximatepercentage composition of local foodutilized during the event.

    Notes andPercentage

    - Local foods requiresignificantly lesstransport and thereforehave a reducedenvironmental impact.

  • 8/6/2019 Eco Report Card


    ECO Report Card Delegate/Attendee behaviours scoring action and compliance descriptions 10

    4. Delegate Behaviours

    Assessment Item Action How to Score Goal Measurement justification

    4.1Bottled Water

    The delegate/attendeedoes not consume anybottled water over theduration of the event,choosing to drink tap

    water of equal or betterquality and safetystandards instead.

    Ask the delegates:

    Have you consumed any bottled water (insteadof tap water) during this event?

    (choose YES or NO)

    After gathering responses, enter the total numberof yes responses and the total number of noresponses into the accompanying spreadsheet toobtain percentages. This spreadsheet will also giveenvironmental conversions of this information.

    To maximizethe percentage

    of delegatesthat have not


    bottled waterby responding


    - Bottled water is a major andoften unnecessary source ofwaste, as many cities havewater treatment systems that

    allow tap water to surpass thequality of bottled water.

    4.2Transportation to


    The delegate/attendeechose a transportation

    method with lessenvironmental impact ifpossible (bus, etc).

    The delegate/attendeechose to share a cab or

    take the airport shuttle tothe hotel.

    Ask the delegates:

    How did you get to (enter city name here)?(specify plane, car, bus, etc.)

    Did you share a cab or take the airport shuttleto your hotel?

    (choose YES or NO)

    After gathering responses, add the total number ofsimilar answers (ie. plane and by air) and enterthe information into the accompanyingspreadsheet.

    Also enter the total number of yes responses andthe total number of no responses into theaccompanying spreadsheet to obtain percentages.

    To maximizethe percentage

    of delegatesthat shared acab or took theairport shuttleto the hotel by


    - Transportation to theconference is often thelargest source of carbon

    emissions. By sharingtransportation from theairport, one can split his/hercarbon emissions (from thevehicle ride) by half or more.

  • 8/6/2019 Eco Report Card


    ECO Report Card Delegate/Attendee behaviours scoring action and compliance descriptions 11

    Assessment Item Action How to Score Goal Measurement justification


    during Conference

    The delegate/attendeechose to utilize public

    transportation or human

    power (walking, biking)rather than driving avehicle during the event.

    Ask the delegates:

    Did you use public transportation during thisevent (bus, train), ride a bicycle or walk instead

    of driving or taking a taxi?(choose YES or NO)

    After gathering responses, enter the total numberof yes responses and the total number of noresponses into the accompanying spreadsheet toobtain percentages.

    To maximizethe percentage

    of delegatesthat used moreenvironmentally


    transportationmethods duringthe event byresponding


    - Using public transportationand human poweredtransportation methodsenhances the experience of

    the delegate by seeing moreof the host city, while beingmore environmentally friendlysubstitutes.

    4.4Eating Local

    The delegate/attendeechose to indulge in local

    eateries rather than chainrestaurants for any non-organized meals during

    the event.

    Ask the delegates:

    Did you dine in any local restaurants with localcuisine? If yes, how many times did you visit

    and dine in local eateries?(choose YES or NO; indicate a number)

    After gathering responses, enter the total numberof yes responses and the total number of noresponses into the accompanying spreadsheet toobtain percentages. Add up the total number ofvisits to local eateries as well, which can besynthesized as per delegate as well as anaggregate value (Delegates dined in local eaterieson average ___ times, for a total of ___visits.).

    To maximizethe number

    delegates thatdined at localrestaurants(responded

    yes), as wellas the numberof times that

    delegatesvisited local


    - Eating in local restaurants

    supports the local economy(restaurant, farmers, etc.)and has less environmentalimpact (less transport, oftenorganic, etc.).

  • 8/6/2019 Eco Report Card


    ECO Report Card Hotel practices scoring action and compliance descriptions 12

    5. Hotel Guest Experience

    Assessment Item Action Level of Compliance Scoring Point justification


    The hotel offers severalrecycling facilities for

    guests, ideally commonarea recycling as well as in-

    room recycling.

    [H] Hotel offers both common area and in-roomrecycling for guests, for multiple items thatare recyclable in the municipality. Thisincludes basic recyclables (paper,beverage containers, plastic containers,cans) and other items.

    [MH] Hotel offers both common area and in-room recycling for guests, howeverfacilities are limited and only accept a fewitems (paper and/or beverage containers).

    [ML] Hotel offers common area recycling forguests only (no in-room), which is limited(ie. only paper and/or beveragecontainers).

    [L] Hotel does not offer recycling facilities toguests.

    (II)[H] 6

    [MH] 4[ML] 2[L] 0

    - Recycling is important,however ensuring that thiswaste is diverted is up to thehotel and hotel staff.

    - A visual reminder to recyclethroughout the hotel is aneducational opportunity forguests.


    Checkout Service

    Hotel offers an electronic orpaperless checkout servicefor all guests. It possible, all

    checkout records arestored electronically rather

    than as printed files.

    [H] Hotel utilizes only electronic checkout(emailing guests the receipt) as default,stores all files electronically, and generallyfollows a paperless checkout system.

    [MH] Hotel utilizes electronic checkout forguests as an option (although paperreceipts are still default). Most files arestored electronically however some filesare kept in hard copy.

    [ML] Hotel utilizes electronic checkout uponrequest, however keeps checkout files inhardcopy.

    [L] Hotel does not offer electronic checkout.

    (II)[H] 6

    [MH] 4[ML] 2[L] 0

  • 8/6/2019 Eco Report Card


    ECO Report Card Hotel practices scoring action and compliance descriptions 13

    Assessment Item Action Level of Compliance Scoring Point justification

    5.3Guest Education

    Signage and information isincluded in guest rooms

    and throughout hotel thatencourage energy

    conservation, recycling,and environmentally

    sustainable practices. Thisinformation also describes

    hotel environmentalinitiatives.

    [H] Signage is displayed in high traffic areas,and there are multiple signs to indicatethe hotels environmental initiatives.

    Literature is available in-room as well thatspeaks to environmental concerns, anddescribes what the guest can do to makeless environmental impact (ie. turn offfaucets, turn off lights).

    [MH] Signage is displayed in high traffic areas,however information provided is verybasic regarding either generalenvironmental conservation or hotelinitiatives. Literature is available in-roomthat is very similar to the signage.

    [ML] Either of signage or in-room information isavailable, however is limited and withoutapplicability to the hotel guest (no directinformation for what the guest will

    experience [eg. discusses hotel back-of-house upgrades only]).

    [L] No signage or information is available in thecommon areas or guest rooms regardingenvironmental initiatives/conservation.

    (II)[H] 6

    [MH] 4[ML] 2[L] 0

    - Education program is crucial tosuccess of the environmentalprogram.

  • 8/6/2019 Eco Report Card


    ECO Report Card Hotel practices scoring action and compliance descriptions 14

    Assessment Item Action Level of Compliance Scoring Point justification



    Guests are given the optionto refuse newspaper

    delivery, which is clearlydisplayed. An alternative

    may be to providecomputer stations with local

    and national newspapersdisplayed on screen in the

    lobby or common area.

    [H] Guests are made aware of the option toreceive newspapers at check in, andinformation about this option is availablein-room as well. Computer stations in thecommon area have local/nationalnewspapers displayed electronically onscreen.

    [MH] Guests have the option of opting-out ofnewspaper delivery, however it is notadvertised. Computer stations areavailable, however utilizing these sourcesfor retrieving daily news electronically isnot advertised.

    [ML] Guests have the option of opting-out ofnewspaper delivery, however it is notadvertised. There are no computerstations available.

    [L] Guests do not have the option of opting-outof newspaper delivery.

    (II)[H] 6

    [MH] 4[ML] 2[L] 0

  • 8/6/2019 Eco Report Card


    ECO Report Card Hotel practices scoring action and compliance descriptions 15

    6. Internal Operations

    Assessment Item Action Level of Compliance Scoring Point justification

    6.1Third Party


    Hotel qualifies for, and hasreceived, a third party

    environmental certification(eg. Hotel Association of

    Canadas Green Key


    [H] Yes, the hotel is certified at the highest levelof the given scale (eg. 5 Green Keys).

    [MH] Yes, the hotel is certified at a mid-level ofthe given scale (eg. 3-4 Green Keys).

    [ML] Yes, the hotel is certified at the lowest

    level of the given scale (eg. 1-2 GreenKeys).

    [L] No, the hotel does not have certification.

    (II)[H] 6

    [MH] 4[ML] 2

    [L] 0



    Hotel employs energyconservation measures

    whenever appropriate. CFLlight bulbs, motion sensor

    fixtures, etc. are utilized (inappropriate situations).

    [H] Energy conserving lightbulbs are usedthroughout the hotel (in every guestroom,all common areas and all back-of-houseareas). Also motion sensor fixtures andseveral other electronics are implementedto increase energy efficiency.

    [MH] Energy conserving lightbulbs are usedthroughout the hotel (in every guestroomand in all common areas). No other

    energy conservation measures are taken.

    [ML] Energy conserving lightbulbs are used inmore than 75% of all guest rooms or in allof the common areas of the hotel. Noother energy conservation measures aretaken.

    [L] Energy conserving lightbulbs are used inless than 75% of guest rooms or less that75% of all common areas of the hotel. Noother energy conservation measures aretaken.

    (II)[H] 6

    [MH] 4[ML] 2[L] 0

    - Important to consider theenvironmental ramifications of

    energy use within the hotel.

  • 8/6/2019 Eco Report Card


    ECO Report Card Hotel practices scoring action and compliance descriptions 16

    Assessment Item Action Level of Compliance Scoring Point justification

    6.3Single Use Items

    Hotel reuses single usehotel guest room items notused by previous guests (insanitary situations). If this is

    not appropriate, unusedtoiletries are donated or


    [H] Hotel reuses or donates at least 95% ofunused single use items. Staff do notreplace partially used items daily in eachguest room unless requested by guest,nor do they replace unused items at thetermination of each stay automatically

    (unless unsanitary). Partially used itemsare donated (eg. soap bars) if possible,and left over items (out-of-season stocketc.) are donated as well.

    [MH] Hotel reuses or donates at least 75% ofunused single use items. Staff do notreplace partially used items daily in eachguest room unless requested by guest,however do change all unused items atthe termination of each stay. Hoteldonates left over items (out-of-seasonstock etc.) to charity.

    [ML] Hotel reuses or donates at least 50% ofunused single use items. Staff replacespartially used items daily in each guest

    room and change all unused items at thetermination of each stay. Hotel donatesleft over items (out-of-season stock etc.)to charity.

    [L] Hotel reuses or donates less than 50% ofunused single use items. Staff replacespartially used items daily in each guestroom and change all unused items at thetermination of each stay.

    (II)[H] 6

    [MH] 4[ML] 2[L] 0

  • 8/6/2019 Eco Report Card


    ECO Report Card Hotel practices scoring action and compliance descriptions 17

    Assessment Item Action Level of Compliance Scoring Point justification

    6.4Staff Training

    Staff is trained on theimportance of conservation,and incentives are in place

    to ensure that programsare followed through.

    [H] Staff is explicitly trained to promote andexemplify conservation measures throughactions at the hotel. An environmentalincentive program is in place for staffmembers to ensure conservation isprioritized, and staff members are awareof the various environmental initiatives inplace at the hotel.

    [MH] Staff is trained to follow through onenvironmental initiatives within the hotel,and an incentive program is implementedto address conservation measures madeby employees.

    [ML] Staff is made aware of someenvironmental initiatives at the hotelthrough various literature or employeehandbooks, however this is not explicitlymentioned during formal training.

    [L] There is no mention of environmentalinitiatives to the staff, and they are notencouraged to take any environmentalsteps.

    (III)[H] 9

    [MH] 6[ML] 3[L] 0

    - By educating the staff, theinitiatives attempted by thehotel are more likely to befollowed through, and alsopatrons may be more apt totake notice of theseenvironmental steps.

  • 8/6/2019 Eco Report Card


    ECO Report Card Hotel practices scoring action and compliance descriptions 18

    7. Environmental Service Option for Guests

    Assessment Item Action Level of Compliance Scoring Point justification

    7.1EnvironmentalService Option

    The hotel allows the guestto choose an eco-serviceoption. This option takes

    more steps to sustainabilitythan conventional service


    [H] The hotel offers an environmental serviceoption, and promotes program by signageand website information. Guests are giveninformation about the program uponarrival by front desk staff.

    [MH] The hotel offers an environmental serviceoption, however it is not well promoted.Guests are made aware of what theservice entails.

    [ML] The hotel offers an environmental serviceoption, however it is not promoted.Guests are not told about the difference inservices offered.

    [L] The hotel does not offer an environmentalservice option.

    (II)[H] 6

    [MH] 4[ML] 2[L] 0

    Also indicatethe number of

    guests thatreceived eco

    service in eachhotel (see


    - Environmental service optionmay be an incentive tohoteliers to increase business.

  • 8/6/2019 Eco Report Card


    ECO Report Card - Summary of Results

    Event Name: SAMPLE EVENT #1Date: May 26, 2009

    # of Attendees: 420

    Event Practices

    Score 63.0%

    Waste Diversion Rate 75.8%

    - Waste per Delegate 7.86

    - Diversion per Delegate 5.95

    Highest Points Achieved: 15

    Hotel Practices

    Score 57.9%

    Delegate Behaviours

    33.3% of delegates did not drink bottled water during the event.


    35.7% of delegates took an environmentally friendly method of transportation to the event.

    23.8% of delegates used environmentally friendly methods of transportation during the event.

    83.3% of delegates dined in local resturants.

    In fact, at least 42.9% of these individuals dined locally more than once!

    *(By not producing water bottles for these delegates, there would be ~

    litres of petroleum not utilized during the conference, as well as aroundlitres of water avoided, assuming 2 water bottles per delegate!)

  • 8/6/2019 Eco Report Card


    ECO Report Card - Event Practices CalculationEvent Name: SAMPLE EVENT #1

    Date: May 26, 2009

    # of Attendees: 420





    1.1 Mission Statement Medium High 0 4 0 0 4

    1.2 Information Distribution High 12 0 0 0 12

    1.3 Green Power Yes 15 0 15

    1.4 Website Information Medium High 0 8 0 0 8

    1.5 Advisory Committee No 0 0 0

    1.6 Location Certification Medium High 0 4 0 0 4

    1.7 Green Purchasing Policy Medium High 0 4 0 0 4

    1.8 Delegate Giveaways Low 0 0 0 0 0

    1.9 Community Support Medium Low 0 0 5 0 5

    1.10 Nametag Recycling High 9 0 0 0 9

    1.11 Recycled/Sustainable Paper Products Medium Low 0 0 6 0 6

    1.12 Training Yes 12 0 12

    1.13 Exhibitor Giveaways Medium High 0 8 0 0 8

    2.1 Waste Reduction Policy 0 0 0 0 0

    2.2 Waste Audit / Diversion Rate 75.8%

    - Waste per Delegate 7.9 kg

    - Diversion per Delegate 6.0 kg

    3.1 Local/Green Suppliers

    Name Green Initiative

    Company X

    Have used kitchen oil fueled vehicles; train staff to spea k to

    environmental initiatives

    Company Y Purchase local raw materials (from Redwater)


    Medium High Total Points 87

    Medium Low out of possible 138 ow

    Score 63.0%

    Yes Waste Diversion Rate 75.8%

    % of Local Food


    Unscored Practices

    Food Types

    Asparagus As vegetable for dinner on second evening (Saturday)


    Level Achieved


    General Event Practices

    Waste Reduction Practices


    3.2 Local Foods

  • 8/6/2019 Eco Report Card


    Waste Diversion

    Enter total amount

    below (kg)

    Total Composted 1000

    Total Recycled 1500Total Waste (Landfilled) 800

    Overall Waste 3300

    Number of Delegates 420

    Total Event

    Diversion Rate 75.8%

    - Compost Diversion Rate 30.3%- Recycle Diversion Rate 45.5%

    - Waste Landfilled 24.2%

  • 8/6/2019 Eco Report Card


  • 8/6/2019 Eco Report Card


    # of nights: 2

    # of delegates











    5.1 Recycling Medium High 0 4 0 0 4

    5.2 Paperless Checkout Service Medium High 0 4 0 0 4

    5.3 Guest Education Medium High 0 4 0 0 4

    5.4 Newspaper Delivery Medium Low 0 0 2 0 2

    6.1 Third Party Certification High 6 0 0 0 6

    6.2 Energy Conservation Medium High 0 4 0 0 4

    6.3 Single Use Items Medium Low 0 0 2 0 2

    6.4 Staff Training Medium Low 0 0 3 0 3

    7.1 Environmental Service Option Medium High 0 4 0 0 4

    - Percent of guests using Environmental Service 78.1%

    Total Points 33

    High out of possible 57

    Medium High

    Medium Low Score 57.9%Low 1



    Delegate nights






    ECO Report Card - Hotel Practices Calculation

    Recommended Hotels:


    Level Achieved


    # of Eco-Service









    Totalnumber of delegates staying in recommended hotels:

    Totalnumber of delegate nights in recommended hotels:

    Percent of delegates staying in recommended hotels:

    Hotel Practices