Eco Cultural Resource Use in Diyakapilla Village: Baseline Survey Report of the Eco Cultural Resource Management Project

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  • 8/16/2019 Eco Cultural Resource Use in Diyakapilla Village: Baseline Survey Report of the Eco Cultural Resource Manageme…









    Centre for Eco-cultural Studies (CES)

     Diyakapilla, Sigiriya

    Sri Lanka

  • 8/16/2019 Eco Cultural Resource Use in Diyakapilla Village: Baseline Survey Report of the Eco Cultural Resource Manageme…








    @ Centre for Eco-cultural Studies (CES) 2001

    Cover photograph: The Sigiriya Sanctuary 

    Photographs: S.S.S. Jasinghe and K. S. Fernando

    Cover Design: .S.S.S. Jasinghe 

    Centre for Eco-cultural Studies (CES)


    Sri Lanka

    [email protected]


  • 8/16/2019 Eco Cultural Resource Use in Diyakapilla Village: Baseline Survey Report of the Eco Cultural Resource Manageme…




    The Sigiriya area is one of the most diverse and productive ecosystems that

     provides economic, environmental and social benefits to the local

    communities. The diverse habitats incorporated within this area are the

    Tropical Dry-mixed Evergreen Forest type, dry grasslands, village forests,

    home gardens and tank environments that harbour over 80% of the Dry Zone

    vertebrate fauna -- the majority of which are considered to be nationally

    threatened owing to the loss or modification of habitats; almost 60% of the

    Dry Zone flora; and the invertebrate faunal group facing a direct threat from

    the extensive use of agricultural pesticides and fungicides. The introduction

    of national laws to protect endangered environments and cultural sites includeSigiriya in its entirety as a designated Protected Area (PA) that yet, contains

    several occupied traditional villages, including Diyakapilla and neighbouring

    Kosgaha Ala. Among the designated Protected Areas are the World Heritage

    Site of the Sigiriya royal palace complex and archaeological reserve; Sigiriya

    wildlife sanctuary; and the Minneriya-Giritale Nature Reserve. Yet most of

    these ecosystems continue to face the

    threat of diverse increased human

    activities that endanger the

    environment and its associated wildlife

    that could be prevented by adequate


    Fig.1. Protected Area signage. 


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      The corresponding lifeways of the traditional agricultural community of

    Diyakapilla governed by agriculture, livestock management, hunting,

    gathering and fishing among other subsistence practices have also

    considerably influenced the environment. The site was selected owing to its

    given location and potential to develop community-based natural resource

    management that would assist in controlling the community’s present

    dependence on the natural forest environment; to promote non-destructive

    nature-based enterprises; and eco-cultural research envisaged for the

    sustainability of the forest environs. The proposed project aims to focus on

    comparative eco-cultural studies and initiate an appropriate methodology for

    the sustainable use of natural resources by the local communities in the

    Diyakapilla/Sigiriya area, with the strengthening of local communitiesthrough skills development, providing incentives for development of

    alternative income generation activities, etc. Preventing further village

    expansion into wildlife Protected Areas and controlling the demand for

    forestlands impose a legal, political, social and economic challenge to the

    authorities concerned primarily due to

    inadequate measures for collaboration and

    effective community participation.

    The baseline survey pertaining to the study

    area is necessitated to comprehend the

     present status of village lifeways that

    concern PA management. The baseline

    survey was carried out to obtain the

     preliminary data required to develop a

    strategy for a community-based

    environmental and cultural resource

    management model that provides active

    local community participation in the

    management of Protected Areas.

    Fig. 2. Map of Sri Lanka showing

    the study region.


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    1.1  LOCATION

    Diyakapilla is situated approximately 3 km east of the nearest establishment

    in Sigiriya within the Sigiriya wildlife sanctuary on the peripheries of thearchaeological reserve and World Heritage Site of the Sigiriya Royal complex

    and the western boundary of the Minneriya-Giritale Nature Reserve.

    Dambulla  to the  southwest of Diyakapilla is  the nearest major town and

    economic centre; and Habarana to the north as the hub, also serve as

    important tourist destinations. 

    Fig. 3. Map of the study area of Diyakapilla.

    1.2 CLIMATE 

    The climate throughout the “Dry Zone” is largely influenced by the

    convectional rainfall pattern that governs the agricultural calendar. The

     principal rains are received annually from the northeast monsoon between

    December and February, with brief inter-monsoonal periods from March-

    April and October-November. The mean annual temperature falls within the

    range of 25o  and 27o  C. The wind velocity of the region increases


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    dramatically and drops to a lower degree in October, while the south-westerly

    winds that blow across Sigiriya area reach their peak in June and July.

    1.3 GEOLOGY

    The area belongs to the Highland Series dating back to the Pre-cambrian

    Period. The rock types distributed in the area include magmatite gneiss,

    quartzite or quartz and crystalline limestone. Monoliths such as Sigiriya,

    Pidurangala and Mapagala dominate the landscape and are important for their

    geological formation and cultural value. The dominant types of soil prevalent

    in the area are Reddish-brown Earth and Low Humic Gley soil.

    Fig. 4. The Sigiriya Rock monolith.


    Water is evidently the most severely deficient resource in Diyakapilla for

    drinking, bathing or sustained agricultural practices. The main natural

    waterways of Migolla Ala and Kuda Ulpota flow across Diyakapilla on the


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    southern and northern sides respectively, and fall into the village tank of

    Kosgaha Ala vava or Vannigamaya vava in Kosgaha Ala further east. The

    majority of inhabitants presently use selected sites these waterways for

     bathing in, with some sites reserved for drinking purposes. The initiative to

    develop the existing waterways for sustained benefits is, however, evidently

    minimal, with the exception of one spring well upstream on Migolla Ala that

    has been conserved with thoughtful consideration to cleanliness and hygiene

    and is often useful in the long dry period in August and September when most

    water holes in the area dry out. The remaining sites and drinking water wells

    are largely neglected through a lack of concern, despite the continued need for

     potable water. 

    The few sources of available water fit for drinking and bathing are located

    along in a few home gardens with approximately 8 m deep wells. These

    wells are often shared by only the closest kin and neighbours, while the

    remaining families depend on the few available perennial water sources in

    Pihilla -- a site marked by the present construction of a causeway or in

    Kosgaha Ala. As such, a well dug by the Mahaveli authorities is available for

    use for the families of the owners of the compound in which it is located, and

    is restricted for common

    usage. Additionally, two

    to three wells that are less

    deep dry out during the

    dry period and are thus

    seasonally used or

    neglected over an

    indefinite period.

    Fig.5. The village tank: Vannigamaya vava, also

    known as Kosgaha Ala vava. 


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    The only tube well installed in the Primary School yard is accessible to all

    members of the community, except when it runs dry with an increased

    demand for water, used for drinking and cooking.

    The eastern sector of the village particularly lacks water   owing to the

    widespread dispersal of the subterranean limestone belt. A single well

    contains drinking water with two more available for bathing at the lower end

    of the hamlet and is shared by a number of families. A further two spring

    wells are available for individual use on the south-eastern periphery. A

    seasonal waterway along the route to Kosgaha Ala is also used for bathing,

    while a common perennial stream is located further east in Pihilla.


    The most widespread vegetation type in the Dry Zone is the Tropical Dry-

    mixed Evergreen Forest ecosystem (Gunatilleke 1990; Andrews 1961;

    Holmes 1956; Rosayro 1950). It has also been described as a Semi-deciduous

    Forest ecosystem (Greller and Balasubramaniam 1990) and further nominated

    as a Semi-evergreen Forest by Dittus (1977). The vegetation in the area

    concerned is representative of the Dry Zone lowland vegetation widely

    known as secondary forests. The abandonment of the great kingdoms and

    tanks in the past coincides with the development of this forest type, in

    addition to sustained chena practices (slash-and-burn or shifting cultivation)

    in the area.

    The dominant species in this forest ecosystem include  Manilkara hexandra

    (Palu),  Drypetes sepiaria  (Vira)  Diospyros ebenum  (Kaluvara), Chloroxylon

    swietenia  (Buruta),  Berrya cordifolia  (Halmilla), Vitex altissima (milla) and

    Schleichera oleosa (Kon).


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    The vegetation along the waterways in moist conditions occurs with the moist

    facies of the former general type. The most abundant species in this habitat

    are Vitex leucoxylon (Nabada),  Madhuka longifolia (Mi),  Berrya cordifolia 

    (Halmilla) Diospyros malabarica (Timbiri), Hydnocarpus venenata (Makulu)

    and Mitragyna parvifolia (Halamba) and Terminalia arjuna (Kumbuk). Since

    these deciduous species are not all necessarily simultaneously leafless the

    forest appears evergreen throughout the year. Species such as  Manilkara

    hexandra  (Palu) and  Diospyros ebenum  (Kaluvara) are commonly evergreen

    emergent, with species such as Mimusops elangi (Munamal) also occasionally

    found (Rosayro 1958, Holmes 1956, Cramer (1993).

    The ground vegetation in this forest ecosystem is relatively sparse and may beobserved in open areas and large forest gaps mostly induced by the felling of

    trees. The undergrowth is floristically very poor and is mostly dominated by a

    few grasses and annual herbs.

    The Scrub Forest environment consists mainly of thorny and non-thorny

    shrubs and a few

    scattered trees. The

    thorny shrubs found

    are  Dichrostrachys

    cinera (Andara),

     Ziziphus mauritiana

    (Masan),  Ziziphus

    oenoplia  (Eraminiya)

    and Carissa spinarum

    (Karamba) and

     Lantana carmera 

    (Gandapana) to name a few. Fig. 6. CES researches on a floristic survey. 


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      The dominant non-thorny shrub species are  Eupatorium odoratum 

    (Podisinnomaran), Bauhinia tomentosa (Petan),  Memecylon umbellatum

    (Korakaha), Phyllanthus polyphyllus (Kuratiya), Croton laccifer (Kappetiya),

    Glycosmis angustifolia (Bolpana) and Glycosmis pentaphylla  (Dhodampana),

    among others. This forest type is unique in appearance due to the presence of

    scattered trees such as Pterospermum subrifolium (Velang),  Bauhinia

    racemosa (Maila), Vitex negundo (Nika) and Grewia damine (Dhamunu).


    The fauna of the Sigiriya Sanctuary and its environs are characteristic of thediverse species of Birds, Mammals, Reptiles, Amphibians, Freshwater Fishes,

    Insects, etc. that are common throughout the Dry Zone. The region supports

    over 80% of the Dry Zone vertebrate fauna -- of which most are considered to

     be nationally threatened owing to the loss or modification of habitats -- in

    addition to almost over 60% of the Dry Zone flora. The invertebrate faunal

    group consisting of Butterflies and Moths, Beetles and Spiders, among others

    is another fascinating natural resource that

    has not received due attention. 

    1.6.1 Mammals 

    Of the diverse species of fauna represented in

    Sigiriya, approximately 40 species are

    mammals. Of these, pride of place goes to the

    majestic Elephant whose migratory route lies

    across the study area. Sigiriya also provides

    an ideal habitat for the four living non-human

     primate species found in Sri Lanka. Squirrels  Fig. 7. Slender Loris. 


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    are another interesting group of mammals common in forested areas. The

    Wild Boar, Porcupine and numerous species of Deer are also dominant in the

    forests. Of particular interest are other nocturnal mammals such as the Civet

    Cat and Otter who are rarely seen, although they may be observed during the

    day after a careful search of the forest. 

    Table 1. Some selected mammals recorded in the area. 

    Flying fox (Pteropus giganteus), Indian Porcupine ( Hystrix indica), Malabar Bandicoot

    ( Bandicota indica), Palm Squirrel (Funambulus palmarum), Giant Squirrel ( Ratufa

    macroura), Black-naped Hare ( Lepus nigricollis), Slender Loris ( Loris tardigradus), Grey

    Langur (Trachypithecus entellus), Purple-faced Leaf Monkey (Semnopithecus vetulus),

    Toque Monkey ( Macaca sinica), Ring-tailed Civet (Viverricula indica), Grey mongoose

    ( Herpestes edwardsi), Black-tipped Mongoose ( Herpestes smithii),  Fishing Cat

    (Prinonailurus  viverrinus), Otter ( Lutra lutra), Jackal (Carnis aures), Elephant ( Elephas

    maximus), Mouse Deer ( Moschiola meminna), Spotted Deer ( Axis axis), Sambhur (Cervus

    unicolor ), Barking Deer ( Muntiacus muntijak ), Wild Boar (Sus scrofa), Indian Pangolin

    ( Manis crassicaudata). 

    1.6.2 Birds

    The Sigiriya region contains over 170 species of migrant and resident birds.

    Of these, approximately 50% are considered to be nationally threatened.

     Numerous types of Babblers, Bulbuls, Barbets, Flycatchers, Eagles,

    Parakeets, Pigeons, Owls and Woodpeckers are common as are Kingfishers,

    Egrets, Herons, Cormorants and Storks that are found in tank environments.

    Migrant birds such as the Forest Wagtail, Indian Pitta, Orange-headed Ground

    Thrush and Blue Rock thrushes are the most attractive species found in the

    area when winter sets in the Northern Hemisphere.


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    Table 2. Some selected birds recorded in the area. 

    Black-headed Ibis (Threskiornis melanocephalus), Eurasian Spoonbill (Platalea

    leucorodia)  White-breasted Waterhen ( Amaurornis phoenicurus), Barred Buttonquail

    (Turnix suscitator), Black Eagle ( Ictinaetus malayensis), Crested Serpent Eagle (Spilornis

    cheela),  Sri Lanka Grey Hornbill (Tockus gingalensis), Malabar Pied Hornbill

    ( Anthracoceros coronatus), Sri Lanka Jungle Fowl (Gallus lafayettii), Spot-bellied Eagle

    Owl ( Bubo nipalensis), Oriental Scops Owl (Otus sunia), Blue-faced Malkoha ( Rhopodytes

    viridirostris), Common Kingfisher ( Alcedo atthis), Stork-billed Kingfisher (Halycon

    capensis), Crimson-fronted Barbet ( Megalaima rubricapilla),  Coppersmith Barbet

    ( Megalaima haemacephala), Gold Leafbird (Chloropsis aurfrons), Flame Minivet

    (Pericrocotus flammeus), White-browed Fantail ( Rhipidura aureola), Racket-tailed Drongo

    ( Dicrurus paradiscus), Black-naped Flycatcher (Hypothymis azurea), Paradise Flycatcher

    (Terpsiphone paradisi), Orange-headed Thrush ( Zoothera citrina), Black-headed Yellow

    Bulbul (Pycnonotus melanicterus), Common tailorbird (Orthotomus sutrius), Large-billed

    Leaf Warbler (Phylloscopus magnirostris), Dark-fronted Babbler ( Rhopocichla atriceps),

    Brown-capped Babbler (Pellorneum fuscocapillum).

    1.6.3 Fishes 

    Over 45 species of freshwater fish have been recorded in the area and the

    majority are  tank-living species. Introduced fish food species are the most

    dominant in tank environments. Numerous species of indigenous fish are found

    in streams and rock pools and are less frequent in irrigated channels.


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    Table 3. Some selected freshwater fishes recorded in the area.

    Sicarplet ( Amblypharyngodon melettinus), Giant Danio ( Danio malabaricus), Flying Barb

    ( Esomos themoicos), Red-side Barb (Puntius bimaculatus), Swamp Barb (Puntius chola),

    Filamented Barb (Puntius filamantosas), Silver Barb (Puntius vittatus), Scarlet-banded

    Barb (Puntius amphibius), Olive Barb (Puntius sarana), Blue Labuca (Chela laubuka),

    Striped Rasbora ( Rasbora daniconius), Stone Sucker (Garra ceylonensis), Common Spiny

    Loach ( Lepidocephalichthys thamalis), Striped Dwarf Catfish, ( Mystus vittatus), Stinging

    Catfish ( Heteropneustes fossilis), Orange Chromide ( Etroplus maculatus),  Pearl Spot

    ( Etroplus suratensis), Tilapiya (Saratherodon mossambicus),  Bar Eyed Goby

    (Glossogobius guuris), Scribbled Goby ( Awaous grammepomus), Brown Snakehead

    (Channa gachua), Walking Catfish (Clarias brachysoma). 

    1.6.4  Amphibians

    Of the amphibians recorded in Sri Lanka, over 15 species are distributed in  

    numerous habitats in the Sigiriya area including streams, tanks, mud flats, paddy fields, home gardens and forested areas. The forest floor and canopy

    also contain numerous species demanding further taxonomic studies.

    Table 4. Some selected amphibians recorded in the area.

    Common Toad ( Bufo melanostictus), Ferguson’s Dwarf Toad ( Bufo fergusonii), Red

     Narrow-Mouthed Frog  ( Mycrohyla rubra), Ornate Narrow-mouthed Frog ( Mycrohyla

    ornata), Spotted Ramanella ( Ramanella variegata), Common Bull Frog (Koloula

    taprobanica), Balloon Frog (Uperodon systoma), Skipper Frog ( Euphlyctis cyanophtyctis),

    Six-toed Green-frog ( Euphlyctis hexadactylus), Common Paddyfield Frog ( Limnonectes

    limnocharis), Common Wood-frog ( Rana gracilis), Lanka Chunam Tree Frog (Polypedates



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    1.6.5  Reptiles

    Diverse species of  reptiles numbering over 75 have been recorded in the area

    including Snakes, Geckos, Agamide Lizards and Skinks.

    Table 5. Some common reptiles recorded in the area.

    Common Rat Snake (Ptyas mucosus), Seba’s Bronze-back ( Dendrolaphis tristis), Green

    Whip Snake ( Ahaetulla nasutus), Brown Speckled Whip Snake ( Ahaetulla pulverulentus),

    Flying Snake (Chysophelea ornata), Flying Snake (Chrysopelea taprobanica), Checkered

    Keel-back (Xenochrophis asperrimus ), Buff-striped Keel-back (Amphiesma stolata), Cobra

    (Naja naja), Russel’s Viper (Doboia russelli), Merrem's hump-nose Viper (Hypnale

    hypnale),  Green pit Viper (Trimeresurus trigonocephalus), Garden Lizard (Calotes

    versicolor ), Earless Lizard (Otocriptis wiegmanni), Spotted Gecko ( Hemidactylus

    maculatus), Common House Gecko ( Hemidactylus frenatus), Crocodile Gecko

    ( Hemidactylus leschenaulti), Scaly Gecko ( Hemidactylus triedrus), Devil Gecko (Ceckoella

     yakhuna), Common Skink ( Mabuya carinata) Spotted Skink ( Mabuya macularia), Hard-

    shelled Terrapin ( Melanochelys trijuga), Soft-shelled Terrapin ( Lissemys punctata), Star

    tortoise (Geochelone elegans), Land Monitor (Varanus bengalensis), Water Monitor

    (Varanus salvator ), Marsh Crocodile (Crocodylus palustris). 

    1.6.6  Insects

    Of the 242 species of Butterflies distributed in Sri Lanka, over 60 speciesmay be observed in the area. Some of them are mostly common in open

    areas, while others inhabit the more dense jungle thickets. A higher number

    of Butterfly species may be observed during the seasonal migrations,

     particularly during March and April.


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    Table 6. Common butterflies recorded in the area.

    Common Cerulean ( Jamides celeno), Red Pierrot (Talicada nyseus), Common Tiger ( Danaus

    chrysippus), Glassy Tiger ( Danaus aglea), Tree Nymph ( Idea Lynceus), Indian Crow ( Euploea

    Core), Great Crow, (Euploea  phaenareta), Common Leopard (Phalanta phalantha), Common

    Sailor ( Neptis hylas), Lime Butterfly (Papilio demoleus), Banded Peacock (Papilio crino),

    Common Mormon (Papilio polytes), Crimson Rose ( Atrophaneura hector), Common Rose

    ( Atrophaneura aristolochiae), Common Birdwing (Troides helena), Common Emigrant

    (Catospsilia crocale), Lemmon Emigrant (Catopsilia pomona), Common Jezebel ( Delias

    eucharis), Common Gull (Cepora nerissa), Common Grassy Yellow ( Eurema hecabe), Common

    Bushbrown ( Mycalesis perseus), Common Eveningbrown ( Melanitis leda). 


    The standard methods applied in socio-anthropological and  faunal and

    floristic research studies were employed in carrying out the present survey.

    Questionnaires designed to meet the overall objectives of the proposed project

    and those of the Institute (Centre for Eco-cultural Studies/CES) serve as the

     preliminary method for retrieval of the demographic data. Direct and indirect

    observations and local knowledge collected through formal and informal

    discussions with the local community provide specific information pertaining

    to folklore, traditions and present lifeways. The available standard “one inch

    to one mile map” published by the Survey Department of Sri Lanka was also

    used for a study of the area. 


    The few recognized studies hitherto carried out in the area incorporates

    Diyakapilla within the overall archaeological landscape researched under the


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    Settlement Archaeology Project -- tersely dubbed ‘SARCP’ -- of the

    Postgraduate Institute of Archaeology1  (vide Bandaranayake et al. 1990;

    1994:9). The archaeological and ethnographic studies carried out under

    SARCP since 1988 have served to provide evidence of diverse cultural

    activities in the region dating back many millennia. The evidence relating to

     past human activities in the study area are also substantiated by early

    settlement indicators found in the vicinity of the present and old settlement

    (Sinhala: purana gammadda) of Diyakapilla, Kosgaha Ala (since abandoned),

    as well as east of Kiri Oya. These sites are marked by iron slag, brick and

     pottery sites that have been recorded upon their discovery (vide Manjusri

    1988: 24 September 1988; vide Manatunga 1990:79, 82).

    Substantiated by these investigations, Diyakapilla is evidently one of several

    recognized  purana  (traditional) villages in the Sigiriya region (vide

    Manatunga 1990:77). Among the other recognized villages are the vestigial

    Vadda  hamlet of Gallinda (since abandoned2), Ilukvava, Kosgaha Ala and

    Alakolavava (ibid.). The ethnoarchaeological component of SARCP has also

    investigated the extant lifeways of the diverse settlements in the region in

    relation to social practices and material culture, among other aspects to

     provide greater visibility in interpreting the archaeological record (vide

    Myrdal-Runebjer 1994:227).

    Despite the cultural significance corroborated by these studies, they have,

    however, had no direct effect on the existing structure or the lifeways of the

    inhabitants. The present community has been ineffectually informed of the

    archaeological significance of their traditional landscape, or measures for its

     preservation and promotion to the world outside.

    1  PGIAR2  At the time of its investigation by the present researcher


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    The site of Diyakapilla is historically known as a place of Buddhist ritual and

    worship involving the water-cutting ceremony associated with the 1600 year-

    old history of the Sigiriya Kingdom -- a practice that is now obsolete, but

    testified in name (pers. comm. A. G.3 Wijesinghe) A rock slab inscribed with

    a figure of a peacock was evidently removed from the site believed to have

     been a ceremonial site, by the Archaeology Department in recent years and

     perhaps placed in the Museum in Kandy (pers. comm. A. G. Wijesinghe). The

    remains of a forest monastery lying scattered in the forest surroundings

    approximately 1/2 km east of the present settlement in the vicinity of Pihilla,

    are among the few signs that bear testimony to past religious activities (videManjusri 1988: 24 September 1988).

    The recent history of the settlement documents the arrival of settlers from

    Kalavava in Anuradhapura during the early 20th century as recalled by their

    descendants, the extant older generation. The settlers were members of a

    single family of cattle herders (Sinhala Pattikula;  Enderan) whose herds had

    caused considerable damage to the bund of the reservoir built in the reign of

    King Dhatusena in 5th century A.D., thus leading the authorities to direct the

    herders away from the tank. Tradition has it that they arrived in Sigiriya and

    occupied the property safeguarded by the Archaeological Department that

    again led to their ultimate shift to Diyakapilla (pers. comm. A. G. Wijesinghe;

     pers. comm. A. G. Appurala).

    3  Alut Gedara


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    5.1  Population and settlement layout

    Diyakapilla is first mentioned by Lawrie (1990:170) in 1881 with a

     population comprising 8 individuals and a century later with a population of

    132 inhabitants as revealed in the SARCP investigations (vide

    Wickremesekara 1990:162). The extant population approximates 147

    inhabitants comprising 40 resident families largely composed of the

    descendants of a small kin group bearing the names of   Alut Gedara and

    Senanayake Mudiyanselage (vide Wickremesekara 1990:162), with the

    exception of one non-related family bearing the name of RatnayakeMudiyanselage. The notable absence of Gamagedara, a name corresponding

    with other villages in the area as indicated in the SARCP investigations is

     presently evident. Consequently, recognized social ties are commonly held

    with a number of selected contiguous settlements of corresponding context in

    conformance with the traditional Dry Zone settlement pattern representative

    of others in the area, in addition to the prevailing custom of cross-cousin

    marriage (Fernando 2001:9; vide Ievers 1899:89-90; vide Karunananda

    1990:39; 1993:vii;). The tendency has been to contract marriages with the

    cattle herder-agriculturists of the traditional settlement in Ilukvava (present

    Mahasengama) and others of comparable caste in the environs at Kibissa and

    Pollattava. Alternately, other settlements outside the area in Matale, Galevela,

    Horivila (Senadhiriyagama) and Minneriya are also perceived

    (Wickremesekara 1990:163, 165; pers. comm. A. G. Wijesinghe; pers. comm.


    The first habitations in Diyakapilla pertaining to the family from Kalavava as

    known to the present folk were located in the vicinity of Pihilla owing to the

    availability of water at the site. This site was occupied until recently as

    evident by traces of human settlement, with its last occupants shifting to the


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     present location in Diyakapilla. The dispersal of a segment of the community

    to the presently abandoned settlement of Kosgaha Ala approximately 1.5 km

    east and the present location in Diyakapilla was also subsequently seen. The

    efforts of Vanniya and Gamaya of the second generation of  settlers resulted

    with the damming of the Kosgaha Ala stream to hold the waters of the

    tributaries of the Kiri Oya to enable irrigated agriculture; and after whom the

    tank has since been named Vannigamaya vava or Kosgaha Ala vava.

    The settlement of Kosgaha Ala was abandoned in 1995 with the shift of the 7

    resident families to the present location in Diyakapilla. The shift was

    attributed to a combination of factors including the influence of social

     pressures; an increase in damage to house and property by the wild elephant population; and the impact of the wildlife Protected Area system on the

    traditional lifeways of the inhabitants following the declaration of the

    designated Sigiriya wildlife sanctuary, Minneriya-Giritale Nature Reserve,


    Lying due west of the old settlements, the present settlement of Diyakapilla is

    dispersed in an east-west orientation and extends over an area approximating

    250 acres (2 km2) along

    either side of the main gravel

    road that continues towards

    Minneriya along one track

    and Kosgaha Ala and

    Dikkanda Ala along another.

    The historically recognized

    old pilgrim route to

    Minneriya also continues

     past the main village road

    from Kosgaha Ala and narrows Fig. 8. The abandoned hamlet in Kosgaha Ala.


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    into the depths of the forest. This track though less circuitous than the main

    road is frequented by wild animals -- the elephant, leopard, bear and wild boar

    -- by which it is now seldom used by these and other villagers journeying to

    and from Minneriya. Composed of habitations each with its own compound of

    1 to 2 acre home gardens and a Primary School, Diyakapilla is fringed by

    seasonal chena fields. 

    The most typical structures built in the 2-3 acre home gardens are a dwelling

    and a small toilet located outdoors. The three original dwellings occupied by

    the second generation of siblings are located at the entrance to the present

    settlement and are yet in occupation. A few residents have shifted to other

    settlements in the greater region in Kandalama, Galevela and Kakirava amongother areas, while one family with house and property in Diyakapilla and

    Dikkanda Ala have shifted to Kibissa recently.


    Much of the surrounding landscape has been transformed over time from

    intensive subsistence activities. Combined, the varied practices have had a

    direct impact on the environment now managed under the Protected Area

    system that aims to  curb land-use within PAs. Resulting from past human

    activities, the diverse habitats in the area surrounding Diyakapilla largely

    correspond with those in the area comprising Dry-mixed Evergreen Forests,

    dry grasslands, abandoned chena lands that have given way to scrublands,

    home gardens, tank environments and perennial waterways. The hill ranges

    contain relatively undisturbed forest cover that serve as the catchment from

    which several streams in the area originate. For example, Yan Oya.

    The subsistence practices of the majority of inhabitants continue to influence

    the forest environment. As with the older generation, a few members of the


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    younger generation presently pursue and are committed toward their

    agricultural practices with adequate foresight to sustain them in the future. The

    majority are, however, evidently easily prone to external influences with slight

    tendency toward long-term social or economic benefits. Alternative income

    generation activities within the present framework are considerably minimal.

    The majority of males have sought employment as casual workers of the

    Cultural Triangle Sigiriya Project and tourist hotels in Sigiriya or similarly in

    or outside the village setting. The females are similarly employed in casual

    labour work necessitated in seasonal agricultural practices mostly outside

    Diyakapilla or in small food catering establishments in Sigiriya New Town

    and are mainly reliant on a daily wage.

    6.1  Agricultural productions

    6.1.1   Paddy and chena cultivation and home gardening

    As in the past, the majority of inhabitants are principally sustained by

    agriculture. Corresponding with the greater part of the Dry Zone, the lifeways

    of the agricultural community of Diyakapilla are largely governed by the

    seasonal agricultural calendar. Sedentary agriculture comprising irrigated rice

    (Sinhala: Vi; Oryza sativa) cultivation and/or shifting cultivation are the

    mainstay economies. 

    The chena fields are mostly located in proximity to the village boundaries.

    Traditional  chena practices are mostly obsolete having being curbed by

    wildlife conservation policies. The present fields in Diyakapilla are scattered

    in isolated parts of the village peripheries that are less frequented by the law

    implementing authorities; or are located in proximity to the home gardens

    nearer the forest cover. The chena fields are seasonally   prepared during the


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     Maha season by independent or shared family groups. A few fields have been

    transformed into farmlands that are cultivated year-round. Those with wells

    that have been developed have been converted into agricultural fields with the

    farming of cash crops as well.

    The traditionally cultivated paddy fields on the eastern peripheries of the

    village in Ikiri vela is said to have been abandoned about two decades ago

    resulting from an insufficient acreage to sustain the population. Most of the

     present paddy fields held are located in Kosgaha Ala and to a lesser extent in

    Peikkulama and Dikkanda Ala. Combined, they are all located within the

    wildlife “Protected Areas.” These and the fields held by a single family in

    Peikkulama approximately 7 km away are located within the peripheries ofthe Sigiriya wildlife sanctuary. The remaining fields in Dikkanda Ala some 3

    km east of Kosgaha Ala are

    located within the

     peripheries of the Protected

    Area in Minneriya-Giritale

     Nature Reserve. These fields

    were, as of now traditionally

    cultivated with the waters of

    the Dikkanda Ala vava that

     principally irrigates the

     Maha season’s crops. Fig. 9. A Tala chena field in Diyakapilla. 

    Further, cash crops may be grown in the fields nearer the settlement in

    Kosgaha Ala during the less intensive Yala season of cultivation, depending

    on the availability of water following the preceding season of cultivation.

    Diverse other crops may also be grown in the fields under the Mahaveli

    irrigation scheme. The grains cultivated in the seasonal chena cycle as with

    the paddy and garden produce, are often sold independently and at random

    when the need arises. The agricultural practices concerned are often carried


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    out with money or goods (tractors, water motors, water pipes,

    insecticides/pesticides, etc.) borrowed on loan or credit. The traditional

    method of ploughing with buffaloes is obsolete and is replaced by hand

    tractors or larger tractors. At present, the only hand tractor in Diyakapilla is

    owned by an individual household for use in their fields. In keeping with the

    agricultural calendar to avoid delays and harm to crops, the other

    agriculturists hire tractors from neighbouring settlements to work their own

    fields. Essentially, the shared labour of the individual and/or extended family

    is obtained, while labour from Diyakapilla or neighbouring villages may be

    recruited if required when sowing, weeding or harvesting takes place.

    Paddy, as with otherirrigated cash crops, such as

     pumpkin are sometimes

    carried out with the support

    of a neighbouring

     businessman or interested

     persons from outside the

    village, as  many of the

     present inhabitants are yet

    unable to bear the entire

    costs involved. The initia Fig. 10. Paddy fields in Kosgaha Ala. 

    expenses are thus taken care

    of and a tractor provided to plough the fields and transport the harvest from

    the paddy fields to the hamlet along the 1.5 km irregular track. Additional

    assistance is provided in the harvesting process for a percentage of the share

    as well, thus covering the cost of investment while retaining a profit.


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    Table 7. Grain and other dominant crops cultivated  

    Sinhala name English name Botanical name

     Bada Iringu Maize; Indian corn  Zeamays indentata 

     Aba Mustard  Brassica sp.

    Tala Gingelly  Sesamum indicum 

    Kurakkan Finger Millet  Eleusine coracana 

     Mung Green Gram Phaseolus aureus

     Batu Brinjal Solanum surattense 

    Tibbatu Tibbatu  Solanum indicum

     Elabatu Elabatu  Solanum xanthocarpum

    Karavila  Bitter gourd  Mormordica charantia 

     Asamodagam Asamodagam  Trachyspermum roxburghlanum

    Kakiri Cucumber Cucumis sp. 

    Pipingnga Cucumber Cucumis sp. 

     Alu puhul Ash pumpkin Benincasa hispida

    Vattakka Pumpkin Cucurbita sp.

     Miris Chilli Capsicum sp.Var. acuminatum

    The home gardens contain a selection of plant foods for home consumptionneeds and for sale of vegetables, fruits, leaves, yams and woody plants.

    Seasonal cash crops cultivated in agricultural fields provide an additional

    means of income. The produce is often sold to independent collectors from

    outside the hamlet for a minimal set price for re-sale to established markets at

    neighbouring hotels or other establishments. The majority of home gardens

    contain a few selected species of crops and woody plants.

    Home gardening is also greatly dependent on water. The home gardens are

    considerably neglected at present owing to the scarcity of perennial water or

    difficulty in accessing the water that may be available. With the availability of

    ground water, a well is sometimes dug at a suitable location for home

    consumption needs.


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    The soil development methods introduced by agricultural experts previously

    are evidently minimally applied.  Certain crops introduced recently such as

    cashew nut, teak, mango and lime, among others are the most favoured for

    home garden mixed-cropping. Papaw and banana also bring considerable cash

    and is cultivated by some residents.

    Table 8. Fruits and edible leaves common in home gardens

    Sinhala name English name Botanical name

    Pēra Guava Psidium guajava

    Pol Coconut Cocos nucifera

    Väl dhodam Passion fruit Passiflora edulis

    Dhehi Lime Citrus hystrix

    Kesel Banana  Musa sapientum

    Amba Mango  Mangifera indica 

    Beli Beli  Aegle marmelos 

    Dhelum Pomegranate Punica granatum 

    Dhodam Orange (ambul; pani) Citrus aurantium; Citrus sinensis

    Jäm Jam  Muntingia calabura

    Dhivül Wood-apple  Limonia acidissima 

    Gaslabü Papaya Carica papaya

    Anōda Sugar apple  Annona squamosa 

    Katü anōda Soursop  Annona muricata 

    Väli anōda Custard Apple Bullock heart  Annona reticulata 

    Kos Jak  Artocarpus heterophyllus

    Ratakajü Ground nut  Arachis hypogaea 

    6.2  Hunting, trapping and fishing 

    As in the past, these as with other forest-dwelling village communities

    supplement their income with hunting, fishing and gathering of wild food


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    species including bees honey (vide Fernando 2001:6). Hunting and fishing

    have a long history in the area dating back to the Mesolithic culture phase of the

    Stone Age. Although these practices are curbed under the Protected Area

    system and the hunting of large mammals has in particular decreased in recent

    years, small game hunting prevails. The Black-naped Hare, Indian Porcupine,

    Mouse Deer, Gray Langur), Purple-faced Leaf Monkey, Hard-shelled

    Terrapin, Soft-shelled Terrapin and the Indian Pangolin are some of the faunal

    species commonly hunted for food. The Spotted Deer, Sambhur, Barking Deer

    and Wild Boar are also hunted though rarely, while the Jungle Fowl and

    diverse pigeons are among the birds favoured.

    The present mode of hunting in the greater region is mostly with three types offirearms. The Paturam thuvakkuva  (Cartridge-firing shotgun) of which two

    such licensed guns are available in Diyakapilla. The  Beheth thuvakkuva 

    (Muzzle-loader) is the most commonly used, while the  Bandina thuvakkuva

    (Self-triggered gun/Trap gun) is also found among a few families. Possession

    of the two latter types is illegal and offenders will be liable for prosecution if

    apprehended by the authorities. These types of firearms are thus mostly used

    in areas that are least visited by the officials and are often kept hidden in the

    chena or paddy fields or in the forest and are only obtained when necessary.

    Traps are also used mostly in the environs of the chena or paddy fields. The

    types of traps used in the past are now obsolete. The common types in use are

    the Deadfall (Sinhala: habaka) -- a weighted trap, Noose  (Sinhala: manda),

    Pitfall with pit-spear   (Sinhala: boruvala),  Lati thibima (snaring with sticky

    sap/glue). Fishing nets are also used for snaring small animals such as the

    Black-naped Hare and birds, and are laid out along the fences in the

    agricultural fields.


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    Fishing is a seasonal practice engaged in during the dry period in July-

    October when the tank water  subsides and a lull follows the Yala season of

    agriculture. Fishing is mostly a leisure activity sought for home consumption

    needs to add flavour to the

    regular diet and provides an

    additional source of income to

    some families who sell their

     produce locally. The most

    common mode of fishing is


    nets, while fishhooks are

    limited to a few users. Thevillage tank in Kosgaha Ala is Fig. 11. Night fishing in Kosgaha Ala vava. 

    the most common site for tank

    fishing and  introduced fish species, such as Tilapiya (Saratherodon

    mossambicus)  are mostly sought. Rock pools such as Alle Vala are

    infrequently used for angling owing to its more distant location.

    Further, edible and non-edible herbs, fruits, fuelwood and honey from wild

     bee colonies are also among the numerous wild produce commonly gathered

    from the forest environs by these and other social groups.

    6.3  Livestock management

    Despite the community’s herding origins the efforts for livestock

    management is considerably limited at present.  9 families are small-scale

    herders, each with under thirty head of cattle compared with the larger, often

    countless herds managed by the preceding generation (pers. comm. A. G.

    Wijesinghe 2000). The influence of cattle herding in the area surrounding

    Diyakapilla and Kosgaha Ala, extending into Dikkanda Ala in what is now


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    the designated Protected Area of Minneriya-Giritale Nature Reserve is

    considerable, having been extensively used for grazing in the past. A rocky

    outcrop shaded by scrub referred to as Karapitiya almost adjacent to the

     present paddy fields in Dikkanda Ala vel yaya held the cattle in the past (pers.

    comm. A. G. M. Jayathilaka 2000). At present, the cattle are usually left to

    graze in pastures nearer the village around Boralu vala -- that serves as the

    western boundary of the village -- Kadigaha Damana, Ikiri Vela as well as

    around Pihilla, Manik Pitiya, Amuna Pitiya and Sohon Pitiya in the southern

    and north-eastern quarters. Open cattle pens are constructed in proximity to

    the permanent dwellings to house the animals at night for protection from

     possible predators (particularly leopard), while the animals are released in the

    mornings and allowed to graze till late afternoon. During the seasonal nightlycrop-watching period, however, the cattle and buffalo are left to graze in the

    open in proximity to the agricultural fields and watch huts.

    The only present economic use of cattle and buffaloes is their sale to the

    Muslim traders from neighbouring settlements. The cattle raised with a

    minimal of effort are not commonly reared for dairy products, despite the

    existing potential for such an enterprise. The non-dairy cattle --  Batu harak  (a

    small variety) are mostly raised for meat with the sale of the live animal. The

    milk of the cow is obtained for home consumption with minimal efforts to

    increase production owing to a general lack of interest, work and other

    commitments. Shifts in lifeways, laws for wildlife conservation and lands

    curtailed for grazing as well as reduced numbers of cattle are further causes

    for the lapse.

    Additionally, a few families also rear the common domestic fowl. One family

    in particular has developed an interest in poultry with a systematically

    constructed a coop.  The birds are often left to forage during the day in the

    vicinity of the home gardens and cooped at night in small enclosures for

     protection from predatory animals. The birds are, however, few in number


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    and are mostly reared for eggs, breeding or sale of the bird. Eggs in small

    numbers are either consumed at home, sold locally and/or to traders.

    Fig. 12. A wild bee colony. 

    6.4  Beekeeping

    Beekeeping or apiculture as a commercial venture using systematic methods

    of production is not common to Diyakapilla. The practice is restricted to two

    or three families who

    maintain colonies in their

    home gardens in hollowed

    logs, disused pots or thetraditional technique of

    housing the colony in a

    single-roomed box. Natural

     bee colonies are, however,

    abundant in the forest

    surroundings. The honey of

    the bee is mostly harvested

    from the wild colonies

    annually during the peak

    season in May-August and

    to a lesser extent in February

    and March. Over 500 to 600 bottles may be collected from the wild colonies

    for sale to shops in Sigiriya or to chauffeur guides for a price ranging between

    Rs.100/- to 125/- per large bottle. With systematic management, however, the

    income earned from this venture would be adequate as with the potential for

     beekeeping in these environs with the dominant vegetation type being

    conducive to bees. Numerous floral species favoured by the common bee

    ( Apis indica) are widespread in and around Diyakapilla.


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    6.2.1   Mi oil extraction 

    The seeds of the  Mi ( Madhuka longifolia) tree are collected seasonally for

     processing into oil. The oil is traditionally used for cooking and also serves as

    a local remedy. The seeds collected by women and children in the dry period

     prior to the  Maha  season’s intense agricultural season are left to dry and

    stored in bags. The seeds are processed when the males who assist in the

    tedious process of extracting the oil are less confined by agricultural activities

    in May/June. The task is carried out outdoors and is often a communal

    activity. A male often joined by the women, older children, or neighbouringfemales engage in processing

    the hard-shelled seeds.

    Traditional methods of oil

    extraction using a sack made

    of woven pan (Ceyperus sp.)

    are obsolescent and are

    replaced by modern

    receptacles such as plastic

    fertiliser sacks.

    Fig. 13. Extraction of Mi oil using a pressing-device.

    The oil extracted is collected into half or one litre bottles in which they are

    sold and/or kept for home usage. A half litre bottle is initially sold at

    approximately Rs.50/- per bottle. The prices decrease to approximately Rs.

    40/- when a larger supply of oil is available in the area in the months ahead

    and vice versa.


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    6.2.2 Brick-making 

    The only type of building material

     produced in the village is brick. Brick

    making commences during the dry

     period and is infrequently engaged in by

    a few families. Bricks are mostly

     produced for home consumption needs

    and/or sold locally. The fuelwood for

    firing the bricks are collected from the

    surroundings for which selected

     branches may also be felled. Fig. 14. Brick firing. 

    6.2.3  Traditional rush/reed products

    The women engage in traditional mat weaving of mats or basketry using a

    wild rush/reed plant species -- Pan  (Ceyperus sp.) -- and the fronds of

    coconut, tal, etc. The practice is, however, growing obsolescent. The raw

    material is collected from several sites in Kosgaha Ala and the neighbourhood

    of Peikkulama, Potana

    and Pidurangala. The

    weavers are mostly

    skilled in weaving

    sleeping mats, baskets

    and shallow receptacles.

    The products are

     primarily woven for

    household use and are

    not commercially

     produced, without colour or design. Fig. 15. Collection of Gallaha Pan.


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    The hamlet is one of several others in the area without an electricity supply.

    The local residents are mostly reliant on kerosene oil for lighting. The

    existing power lines extend only as far as Sigiriya Town, while a main power

    line supplies electricity to the neighbouring tourist establishments and other

    settlements. While an electricity supply to the village would provide direct

    social and economic benefits -- enhance productivity and minimise the

    existing human-elephant conflict rampant in the area -- the numerous attempts

    made by the residents to obtain a supply have thus far been futile.

    The most common mode of energy used in cooking is fuelwood. The required

    supply including fallen branches or those from dead trees are collected from

    the surrounding home gardens, chenas and forestlands. The dry period in

    August is the most effective for storing a considerable supply for the months

    ahead when the annual monsoon makes the task more difficult. Females in

     particular often accompanied by one or more others engage in the practice of

    collecting the required

    fuelwood for   the

    individual households

    and often cross the

    village peripheries some

    500 m and rarely over 1

    km. A bundle of sticks

    is also collected as a

    frequent practice on the

    way home from the

    chena or paddy fields. Fig. 16. Firewood, a common resource found inthe surrounding forest.


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    8.1  The Road Network

    The access route to Diyakapilla from Sigiriya via a 3 km gravel track

    requires travelling through a forest thicket that is also frequented by the

    wild elephant. The road surface is prone to erosion in monsoonal

    weather particularly towards the village end. Further access from the

    lower end of the village track is hampered by the limestone belt

    dispersed in the area, and limits use to tractors. The road is left muddied

    in wet weather towards the first open plains encountered in Ikiri Vela,

    making travelling difficult along the track to Pihilla and Kosgaha Ala on

    foot or by tractor and to herd the grazing cattle to and from the village.

    Further lies the old pilgrim route to Minneriya now mostly re-grown

    with vegetation through infrequent usage. The more circuitous road

    approached from Sigiriya via Inamaluva or Dambulla is accessed, with

    the current availability of public transport.

    8.2 Transport

    Public transport to the village has often been minimal and is one of the

    major problems faced by the Diyakapilla community. Until the latter

    half of Year 2000, the Secondary School students of Sigiriya Madya

    Maha Vidyalaya have had little option but to travel 5 km to school daily

    on foot or by bicycle. The elephant is often encountered by the residents

    and students on their way to school, and being vulnerable to attack fear

    often leads them back home or to seek assistance if they are in the

    vicinity of the village. The efforts of the Principal of the Primary School

    and resident teachers have led to the introduction of public transport to

    Diyakapilla towards the end of Year 2000, with a school bus arranged to

    transport the students to and from school. Its regularity is, however,

    questionable with the bus often not reporting for duty for days.


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    Public transport along the tarred tract from Sigiriya to Habarana via

    Mahasengama (Illukvava) and Gallinda is, however, lacking. A bus

    service presently operates only as far as Mahasengama 3.2 km north of

    Sigiriya, while the remaining 5.6 km route leading to Habarana is

    neglected. Habarana, Minneriya, Polonnaruva, etc. to the north-east may

    thus be accessed along the operative bus route from Sigiriya-Inamaluva

    or Sigiriya-Dambulla, while the jungle route to Minneriya via

    Diyakapilla is also infrequently accessed.

    Bicycles are the most common mode of transport and are owned by the

    majority of male residents. Additionally, two motorcycles are owned bytwo families are the fastest mode of travel at present. The motorcycles

    serve as the main mode of transport in an emergency whether day or at

    night. Women mostly travel on foot or are doubled on bicycles.

    Additionally, three-wheelers may be hired from Sigiriya Town.

    8.3  Native Medicinal Cures and Other Medical Practices

    A few male and female elders in the village are versed in traditional

    native medicinal practices for the treatment of minor ailments. The local

    residents are mostly versed in home remedies used in day-to-day

    requirements. Additionally, assistance is sought from the God

    Minneriya shrine in Diyakapilla which serves to counteract certain

     physical and psychological problems that are encountered by the

    residents of Diyakapilla as well as the numerous others living in the

    greater area.

    Western medical treatment is also resorted to as required, from the

    nearest medical dispensary in Kibissa approximately 7 km away or from

    the Dambulla Base Hospital 18 km away.


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    8.4  Education

    8.4.1 Primary Schooling 

    The Primary School is the only public establishment that presently

    exists in Diyakapilla. The Principal and two resident teachers are

    responsible for the education provided for all the relevant subjects

    included in the curricula from Grades One to Five, as well as for the

    welfare of its twenty students. The school comprises a Principal’s office

    and one building housing all five grades. Toilet facilities are at a

    moderate level, while water is a scarce resource.


    Secondary Schooling

    There are no existing facilities for secondary school education in

    Diyakapilla. The secondary school students are thus required to travel

    approximately 5 km to the Sigiriya Madya Maha Vidyalaya – on foot,

     bicycle or the recently introduced, but irregular school bus service –

    situated beyond the main Sigiriya town on the Dambulla-Sigiriya route.

    Education at a higher level than the Ordinary level examination has

    often been lacking, with the exception of perhaps one or two of its

    residents in the past (pers. comm. A.G. Gunadasa 2001).

    8.5 Retail Stores

    Diyakapilla does not have a retail store that sells even the basic

    commodities. The only small store operating at present sells only

    kerosene, sugar and a type of local cigarette – beedi – that is also sold

     by one of the village elders at his house. All other requirements have to

     be purchased at the nearest store in Sigiriya town or at the Sunday Fair

    in Dambulla. Two stores that were previously in operation are

    inoperative at present as they were evidently ineffectively managed,

    with the goods taken for home consumption needs.


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      8.6 Community Meeting Place

    The small community hall situated at the entrance to the hamlet serves

    as the main centre for village gatherings and the monthly society

    meetings held by the Funerary Welfare Organisation, the Farmer

    Organisation and other society meetings.


    The residents of Diyakapilla are largely incorporated within the overall

    Buddhist farming community of the region. The ancient cave monastery

    at Pidurangala serves as the principal temple of worship, while thehamlet itself is devoid of a temple. The Chief Incumbent of the

    Pidurangala Raja Maha Viharaya maintains religious affiliations with

    the hamlet, in addition to the Incumbent of the new temple complex in

    Sigiriya, with participation in the religious ceremonies held. The

    centrally located Buddhist temple in Sigiriya Town was demolished in

    the mid-1990’s and relocated to Sigiriya New Town under the

    settlement relocation plan of the Central Cultural Fund’s Sigiriya

    Cultural Triangle Project. Additionally, the community of Diyakapilla

    customarily visit the Pidurangala shrine in veneration of the Hindu

     pantheon of Gods influencing the Buddhist rituals, such as Vishnu and

    Kataragama to make and fulfill vows.

    The only vestige of a Buddhist place of ritual are as revealed above

    located north-east of the present habitations, while the only present

     place of worship is discerned in the makeshift altar for offering flowers

    at the foot of the Bodhiya (Bo tree) in the school yard that also contains

    a small shrine housing a Buddha image and an altar for flowers. The

    Primary School staff is also committed toward extending their services

    to organise the religious activities in the village in keeping with the


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    Buddhist calendar. The programmes conducted including observing sil 

    for children and parents, active Vesak and Poson pandol competitions

    for children and annual pilgrimages to a site of worship, or cultural site

    of significance.

    Introduction of a Dhamma School ( Daham Pasala) by the two resident

    school teachers and the support of the Principal of the Primary School

    and parents on Sundays serves to benefit the young on the practical

    teachings of Buddhism.

    The most intense beliefs lie in the worship of God Minneriya (the

    incarnate of King Mahasena) [274-301 A.D.) for blessings and protection (Sinhala: shanthi karma). The only religious establishment

    that is popularly visited by numerous inhabitants from neighbouring and

    other settlements is the God Minneriya devalaya or shrine, that is one of

    two in the area. With the other located at the vestigial Vadda village in

    Gallinda (vide Manatunga 1990: 75). Rituals at the God Minneriya

    devalaya  are customarily held twice weekly on the days considered

    auspicious (Sinhala: kemmura), Wednesdays and Saturdays. Devotees

    who habitually visit the shrine seek assistance in times of trouble for

    which payments are made in cash or kind to the lay priest-medium

    (Sinhala:  Animitirala). The annual festivities in particular are held in

    September under the patronage of the lay priest medium – a descendant

    of the family from Kala Vava.

    The traditional beliefs pertaining to cattle herding among the

    community extends to the veneration of Maggara deviyo, whose

    assistance is sought in a ritual ceremony that takes place prior to the

    Sinhalese New Year (pers. comm.. A.G. Wijesinghe; pers. comm.. A.G.

    Dayaratne). As the protector of cattle, the assistance of the deity is

    sought to prevent the spread of epidemics among their cattle and


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     protection from possible predators, such as leopard. The neighbouring

    settlements of Illukvava, Gallinda and Pidurangala are also believed to

    adhere to this tradition.

    The forest-based inhabitants of Diyakapilla as with other forest-dwellers

    adhere to the practice of hanging a freshly broken sprig of leaves on a

     branch with a prayer to God Minneriya, prior to entering a forest at a

    given location. This rule is customarily adhered to prior to undertaking a

    specific subsistence-related activity, whether hunting, gathering fishing

    or when exploring the forest environs. This gesture symbolises a request

    for protection from the guardian deity within whose forest domain the

    forest communities live.

    The extant community, particularly the older generation also believes in

    the practice of Hadi Huniyam (witchcraft). It is commonly assumed that

    a sudden economic or other setback such as an illness suffered by an

    individual is due to the influence of a magical charm inflicted by one

    who may not often be thought of favourably. This action would often

    influence the mental makeup of the person it is directed toward as well

    as his/her family. In such a situation, assistance is often sought from the

     Animitirala  to prevent or counteract the influence of the charm. A

    further belief involves the practice of “kem krama” in day-to-day life,

    for ailments and agricultural practices that are expected to bring

    favourable results and to prevent misfortunes.


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    Diagram 1. Priority Demands for Forest Resources in


    Chena fields

    Grazing lands 

    Paddy fields


    Mining and gravel extraction

    Timber/hardwood species

    Hunting, trapping


    - Bees honey

    - Edible herbs, leaves, fruits, tubers etc.

    - Wild grasses (

    - Medicinal herbs

    - FuelwoodVine for cordage

    Timber posts/poles

    Demand for forest resources


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    the maintenance of the road, community meeting place, etc. The

    required funding is obtained from the membership fees and

    donations received from interested external sources. A credit

     programme amounting to Rs.1500/-, with an interest rate of 15% per

    month has also been introduced for the benefit of its members.

    11.2  “ Isuru” Farmer Society

    The Isuru Farmer Society was established with the direction of the

    Agrarian Community Services Centre (Govi Jana Seva Kendraya)

    of the Agricultural Department in Kibissa. The society serves to

     provide the necessary services pertaining to the development of

    agricultural practices in the respective villages in the surroundingarea, and is a decision-making body for collectively deciding which

    crops and acreage may be cultivated in the agricultural fields

    available. The main objective is to maintain the village tank in

    Kosgaha Ala, upon which the irrigated agricultural practices in the

    village are entirely dependent; to ensure other concerned services,

    such as crop watching and effective distribution of irrigated waters,

    among others.

    11.3 Parents’ School Development Association

    The Parents’ School Development Association was established with

    the guidance of the resident teachers of the Primary School, to

     provide the necessary supportive services to the School. The

    Association ensures that the education of the children is in order, is

    responsible for maintenance of the school property, the protective

    fence, to tidy the surroundings and provide nutritional food and

     beverage to the students in combined efforts extending to shrama

    dhana programmes.


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    11.4 Samurdhi Group

    The Samurdhi group was established with the direction and

    influence of the Government Samurdhi aid programme for the

     beneficiaries of the village. Its main objective is to maintain unity

    among its recipients and to enhance collective decision-making and

    the well-being of the community members.

    11.5 Diyakapilla Environmental Development Committee (DEDC)

    DEDC was initiated by the Centre for Eco-cultural Studies and is the

    most recently established community organisation. Its primary aim

    is to monitor and implement the activities proposed under the Eco-

    cultural Resource Management Project. The Committee is composedof the representatives of each of the village organisations and

    selected representatives at the local level.


    The responsible administrative concerns in the study area are the

    Grama Niladhari  of the Maillattava Division who serves as the

    administering Government representative at the local level, the

    Dambulla Divisional Secretariat operates at district level and the

    administrative division of Matale District is responsible for its

    overall jurisdiction. The Police Station in Kibissa serves as the

    relevant law enforcement agency and the Department of Wildlife

    Conservation (DWLC) Range Office recently established inAhalagala in proximity to Sigiriya Town, is the overall

    administrative body concerned for managing the Sigiriya wildlife

    sanctuary and Minneriya-Giritale Nature Reserve, with the Beat

    Office located in Peikkulama.


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    The present land-use system falls under the management of DWLC,

    owing to the geographic location of the wildlife “Protected Area”

    system. Further, the Archaeology Department and Cultural Triangle

    Project are the relevant institutes concerned with safeguarding the

    cultural monuments and sites distributed in the area.


    The main source for facilitating credit facilities in the village is the

    Funerary Welfare Society that provides small loan schemes on

    interest to all members, depending on the availability of funds.Additionally, numerous banking facilities are available to the local

    community. The major banks are located in Inamaluva (The Peoples’

    Bank), Habarana or Dambulla which is the popularly visited place.

    The bank that is most commonly accessed is, however, the Rural

    Bank (Sinhala: Gramiya Bankuva) housed at the Govi Jana Seva

    Kendraya  in Kibissa, which provides adequate banking and credit

    facilities. The Govi Jana Seva Kendraya  also provides an effective

    loan scheme amounting to Rs.100,000/- for members of the

    Diyakapilla Farmer Organization for agriculture-related activities.

    Further, the State-sponsored Samurdhi  programme provides a

    maximum of Rs.25,000/- to initiate or develop self-employment

    activities for all Samurdhi recipients.


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    Major Issues Observed

    Observations reveal that the Protected Areas comprising the Sigiriya

    Wildlife Sanctuary, the Sigiriya World Heritage Site and

    archaeological reserve are often prone to environmental hazards owing

    to the unauthorized actions of the private hoteliers, Government

    authorities and the local community:

    14.1 Unplanned and ad hoc development activities 

    Commercial encroachment of land by the private sector, i. e. the tourist

    hotel establishments. Encroachment of the property of the World

    Heritage Site and the Sigiriya wildlife sanctuary with unauthorised

    clearing of land that is in violation of the Fauna and Flora Protection

    Ordinance, the Environment Act and the Archaeological Act.

    14.2 Haphazard waste disposal 

    Garbage disposal: 

    The unauthorized disposal of garbage including non-biodegradable

     plastic in secluded areas of the designated Sigiriya wildlife sanctuary

    in proximity to Diyakapilla village has been a common practice of the

    established tourist hotels. The effects of the illegal dumping grounds

    have produced breeding grounds for the mosquito and led to increased

    health hazards, while creating artificial feeding grounds for the wild

    elephant population and intensifying the human-elephant conflict in

    the area.


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    14.3 Pollution of aquatic environments 

    Further acts of violation of standing laws such as the illegal and

    regular draining of sewage into the Sigiriya tank (Sinhala: vava)

    environment by outside investors, such as the tourist hotels have led

    to increased environmental and health hazards. It is important to

    note that this artificial reservoir that once played a key role in the

    hydraulics of Sigiriya Kingdom in 5th century AD, yet serves as a

    vital resource to local communities and wildlife.

    14.4 Mining and quarrying activities 

    Illegal quarrying of Duvannagala -- an archaeological site situatedwithin the designated Sigiriya wildlife sanctuary. Duvannagala is an

    extensive rock outcrop that once stood as the third largest in

    Sigiriya, until its recent exploitation by the authorities. Although

    several Government bodies serve as the legal custodians of

    Duvannagala, the site has faced excessive destruction from

    quarrying of the site;

    thus disregarding its

    overall potential and

    geological and

    archaeological value

    through extreme

    neglect. Further, the

    impact of the blasting

    of Duvannagala on

    the World Heritage

    Site of Sigiriya Rock

    and its famous

    frescoes are also untold. Fig. 17. Quarrying of Duvannagala rock.


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    14.5 Extraction of Gravel

    The excavation of gravel pits for the construction of roads is another

    matter that requires immediate attention. A vast acreage of the

    wildlife sanctuary has already been cleared of forest for the

    expansion of extensive roadways at the cost of the unique forest

    habitat vital to the Dry Zone fauna and flora, that provide alternative

    means of support to the forest-dwelling people. These gravel pits

    have now developed into regular unauthorized refuse dumping

    grounds for the tourist hotels and also serve as breeding grounds for

    mosquitoes, thus leading to increased health hazards.

    14.6. Gemming

     Non-residents with the support of some local residents have used

    selected sites within the periphery of the wildlife sanctuary in the

    vicinity of Diyakapilla, for the illegal mining of gems. The evidence

    for gemming is corroborated by the considerably sized pits scattered in

    the area.


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    elephants. A preventive measure to minimize the conflict was the

    establishment of the electric fence by the DWLC that extends from  

    Vavala and crosses the periphery of Diyakapilla and approaches the

    Gallinda Kanda (range of hills). The electric fence has lacked

    maintenance over the past several years and is presently inoperative.

    14.9.  Illicit felling of trees

    The woodcraft industry was traditionally unknown in the Sigiriya

    region. The art was introduced in recent years with the development of

    the tourist industry from which arose the demand for it. The craftsmen

    employed in woodcarving are thus mostly from the southern coastalregion such as Galle, while the local youth presently employed in the

    several woodcraft shops in the area are learning the skill. The local

    development of woodcraft

    has thus promoted the

    exploitation of valued

    hardwood timber species

    found in the area, though

     protected by the law.

    Certain members of the

    local community engage

    in harvesting the trees and

    supplying the timber.

    Fig. 19. Clearing of forests.


    The existing tour programme entails a pre-arranged village tour conducted

    for the benefit of the tourists eager to observe traditional village lifeways

    accompanied by a local or foreign tour guide and or a hotel employee, as


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    well as a local associate from Diyakapilla who only serves as the porter or

    helper and receives a service tip of approximately Rs. 150 or 200/=, in

    addition to a picnic lunch for the effort or service provided. The tour

    comprises a visit to the home of the local associate and/or a scenic tour of

    the forest hamlet leading to the village tank further east in Kosgaha Äla.

    The first tour entails a visit to a village dwelling usually that of the local

    associate to display methods and uses of traditional lithic and other

    implements common to a village setting -- the grinding stone (Sinhala:

    miris gala), the quern for grinding kurakkhan), the wooden pestle and

    mortar for pounding, displayed by the spouse and or uninvited guests or

    neighbours. If time permits, the tour group is accompanied on a naturehike to the old hamlet of Kosgaha Äla. A picnic lunch organised by the

    hotel is set on the tank bund -- a place of scenic beauty with the presence

    of aquatic and other wildlife --overlooking the agricultural fields.


    organisation of

    such visits

    ought to be

    encouraged for

    the benefit of

    the tourists

    who wish to

    experience the

    Fig. 20. Tourists visiting the Diyakapilla Primary School. 

    culture and environmental setting of a forest hamlet of this nature and its

    ecological aspects, as well as the local community. Visits that are not pre-

    arranged often do not adhere to the local custom of remaining at the

    entrance of the compound (Sinhala: kadulla) until permission for entry is

    granted by the householder. Instead, the tendency is for the visiting tour


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    guide and tourists to enter the compound without prior permission from a

    householder. These and the pre-arranged visits detailed above also result

    in havoc, with the compound often filled to capacity with the presence of

    uninvited neighbours who habitually commandeer the setting as well as

    the householders and create an aura of unpleasantness contrary to

    accustomed traditional lifeways. The householders concerned are usually

    unable to prevent these unwelcome visits and are accustomed to accepting

    them with submissiveness. A further problem encountered is the

    harassment of tourists by a few village children opt to stay away from

    school with the arrival of the visiting tour groups with the knowledge of

    their parents, mostly encouraged by small handouts.


    The uncontrolled exploitation of natural resources in the area has

    intensified in recent years with the expansion of human settlements and a

    corresponding increase in requirements. For example, large-scale

    development projects and chemical-using agricultural practices, shorter

     periods of fallow in chena cultivation, the illegal extraction of valued

    timber species and unsystematic use of natural habitats for commercial

     purposes are some visible changes (vide Jasinghe et al. 1999). Chena

     practices and/or paddy cultivation as the principal means of support have

     potential to develop for obtaining maximum profits. Present-day

    restrictions on traditional chena practices are a recurrent problem owing to

    the location of the chena lands within the wildlife Protected Area system,

    causing considerable damage to the existing vegetation cover.

    Consideration of the fundamental requirements of local/regional/global

     bio-diversity conservation aims to ensure the protection and maintenance


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    of ecosystems and natural habitats; with maintenance and recovery of

    viable populations of species in their natural surroundings. The need for

    adequate measures within and outside “Protected Areas” to protect genes,

    species, habitats and ecosystems is increasingly felt, while addressing the

    human demands for the above resources, particularly for land. This

    “ecosystem approach” constitutes the primary framework of the proposed

    actions of the Eco-cultural Resource Management Project that intends to

    assist in addressing issues identified in the National Biodiversity

    Conservation Action Plan and Environmental Action Plan. Strengthening

    the local community through the development of skills, providing

    alternative income generation activities, as well as the eco-cultural

    resource monitoring programme and habitat enrichment programme proposed for restoration of the degraded environment would enable the

    long-term use of local resources.

    Primarily due to inadequate collaboration, the lack of an effective strategy

    for community participation and communication; it is required that the

     present status of the lifeways of the local communities are adequately

    identified to initiate an appropriate methodology for the sustainable use of

    natural resources by the traditional Dry Zone forest-dwelling community.

    The opportune location of Diyakapilla within the wildlife Protected Area

    with proximity to the World Heritage Site of Sigiriya and numerous other

    ancient settlements and monastic sites testifies to the ample opportunities

    available for the development of long-term economic and social benefits

    that aim toward ultimate self-sufficiency.  The area is also rich in

    archaeological sites that are the valued property and heritage of all Sri

    Lankans.  These archaeological treasures