ECC Training Packet

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The 2014 Employee Campaign Coordinator Training Packet provides information about United Way of McLean County and strategies for running a successful workplace campaign.

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United Way of McLean County

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Dear United Way Volunteer, You are here today because you have graciously volunteered to represent United Way of McLean County in your workplace. We value your time and commitment – the role you will play this fall is crucial to the overall success of the 2014 Campaign. Raising money and awareness for United Way is what our team does – and it is my pleasure to welcome you to our team. As an Employee Campaign Coordinator, we want you to focus your natural talents and skills on advocating for United Way. With your help, a successful campaign can create more chances for people; it will better the lives of our families, our neighbors, our friends. All of us want to live in a thriving community where everyone can enjoy personal success. That’s why United Way of McLean County remains dedicated to meeting the community’s short-term needs while simultaneously developing long-term solutions in education, income and health that will lead to an environment of sustained success. This year we want to emphasize what it means to LIVE UNITED. Whether you are a member of the business or non-profit community, a donor or volunteer, you are the key to our community’s success. We hope you learn more about United Way today; and we hope you enjoy your experience as a United Way Volunteer. Your time and effort are greatly appreciated, and will help improve thousands of lives in our community. We could not do this without you. Best of luck in your campaign, and know that we are here to help in any way. Sincerely, Ed Quijano 2014 Campaign Chair United Way of McLean County

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ADVANCING EDUCATION,INCOME AND HEALTHUnited Way of McLean County is a volunteer led organization, United Way of McLean County is a volunteer led organization, dedicated to advancing the common good. As a community leader and advocate, we bring local resources together to target the essential areas of a good, quality life - education, income and health. We measure our success by the impact we make in McLean County. With that in mind, we strive to proactively change the community through collaboration and problem solving.

WE AIM TO BE THE DIFFERENCE AND LEAD THE WE AIM TO BE THE DIFFERENCE AND LEAD THE CHANGE IN OUR COMMUNITY.To accomplish this, we are focused on the fundamental building blocks that allow individuals and families to enjoy a better quality of life. Those building blocks - a good education, financial stability and access to quality health care - create a sturdy foundation to support not just one person or family, but an entire community.

TOGETHER, CHANGE BECOMES REAL.TOGETHER, CHANGE BECOMES REAL.Change starts with our Community Impact Partners - any organization or business helping us change our community. But, lasting change requires a broad movement of people and organizations, leveraging our time and resources. We can connect resources and human expertise, but it takes everyone, together, to create change.

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We focus on creating a positive community environment. This positive experience is created when at-risk youth and adults remain independent and attached to the community.

We strive to help people and families find stability in times of crisis. This stability comes from ensuring immediate access to food, shelter and safety.

We promote health to ensure all people have the potential for a happy and productive life. This is achieved by removing barriers to care and promoting healthy living to prevent serious illness.

250Local residents gain job-readiness skills


680Patients treated to prevent hospitalization


804Local residents receive a daily meal

BASIC NEEDSWe aim to make financial stability a reality for all people and families. This starts with sustaining employment, which leads to safe, affordable housing and manageable debt.

Youth interact with postive adult figures1,176

COMMUNITY BASED SUPPORT SERVICES788Children receive tutoring


For more on our outcomes visit: www.uwaymc.org

We focus on providing the opportunity for children and youth to reach their academic potential. This occurs when children enter kindergarten ready to learn and continue through high school graduation.



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We envision a community in which all

individuals and families achieve their human

potential through academic success,

financial stability and healthy lives.


United Way of McLean County (UWMC) asks and

engages businesses and organizations of all sizes,

employees at those businesses and retired individuals to

pledge dollars toward the annual campaign goal.

In 2013 more than $4 million was raised in McLean

County to create long-lasting impact in our community.

Dollars raised during each year’s campaign directly

support more than 60 local programs managed by more

than 30 local non-profit organizations. Each of these

programs directly targets proven outcomes that support

the community in education, income, health and/or short-

term community strengthening.

ALLOCATION PROCESS More than 80 local volunteers evaluate and determine the

programs the annual UWMC campaign supports. Each of

these volunteers sits on a Solutions Team representing

each UWMC focus area: Education, income, health,

community based support services and basic needs.

Funded partners apply for funds based on their ability to

meet pre-determined outcomes in each focus area.

By using outcome-based funding, UWMC provides

donors and investors with transparency and

accountability for their dollars. It also allows funded

partners to work toward a common goal, creating better

opportunities to create positive change.

Delete text and place photo here.

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1. What is United Way of McLean County?United Way of McLean County (UWMC) is a local, volunteer run nonprofit organization that works to create positive and lasting changes for our community in the areas of Education, Income, and Health.

2. How does UWMC work to create positive change for our community? UWMC is an organization that focuses on achieving positive community impact through collaboration, fundraising, connecting people to necessary resources and volunteerism.

• Collaboration: In order to make community-wide changes, UWMC brings multiple organizations and experts to the table to discuss issues and solutions directly related to their fields.

• Fundraising: UWMC acts as a mobilizer of resources in the forms of corporate contributions, fundraisers and employee/individuals contributions. These funds are then distributed through a rigorous and competitive allocation process to current and/or pilot community programs focused on the education, income or health of its clients.

• Connecting people to necessary resources: United Way 2-1-1 assists people living in McLean and Livingston Counties who need help. It is a free and easy to use information and referral hotline. Also, UWMC uses people’s talents and expertise to solve community issues that exceed simple fundraising – an example is the current collaboration of UWMC, local businesses and the school districts at the possibility of acquiring community-wide Wi-Fi.

• Volunteerism: UWMC is a volunteer-led organization. Over 400 volunteers work in a variety of roles to govern the organization, raise money or allocate funds. UWMC also realizes the value volunteerism as a practice among organizations and individuals that is necessary to achieve quality outcomes in McLean County.

3. How does my donation make a difference?Think of a donation to United Way of McLean County as an investment in our community. Our team of volunteers review each and every program application, and then allocate funding based on the greatest community needs to make sure that your money is making the largest difference possible here in McLean County. Your donation goes a long way in McLean County - 61 programs, 5 initiatives, & 2-1-1!

4. How are funds allocated to programs and initiatives?UWMC funds programs that are aligned to community outcomes in the areas of Education, Income, Health, Basic Needs, and Community Based Support Services. Over 50 volunteers meticulously review funding applications and make decisions based on a rating system that ranks programs by specific criteria.

5. What is an outcome? UWMC defines outcomes as benefits or changes for a target population. Community experts in each focus area established UWMC’s outcomes in 2010. The outcomes in each area were designed to demonstrate real change. Before receiving funding each program must apply to one or more outcome(s). There is also an expectation that each program supplies UWMC with quality indicators that will adequately measure the program’s progress in reaching the specified community outcome. Outcomes are not only indicators of program success, but also of areas for improvement. Using outcomes allows UWMC to monitor recipients of donor funding and hold all partners accountable for success.

Top 10 Questions About United Way of McLean County

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6. How much of my contribution actually goes to people who are in Need?Because of United Way’s volunteer involvement, the greatest part of your dollar possible, over 86%, goes directly to help people in need in our community. With current operating costs at 14%, contributors to United Way of McLean County can take pride in the fact that our total administrative costs continue to be much lower than the national United Way average and far less than many charities.

7. I would like to give, but how can I afford to?Any amount, regardless of size, is greatly appreciated. Every dollar makes a difference. There is no minimum pledge. If your employer participates in the United Way campaign, the most convenient way to contribute to your community is through payroll deduction. It takes each and every one of us to build a brighter future for McLean County.

8. What if my favorite agency received a cut in UWMC’s recent funding decisions? • For the 2012 – 2014 funding cycle, it is true that some programs’ previous funding was cut. Fortunately, of the previously funded programs that applied for the 2012 – 2014 funding cycle, none of them were de-funded completely. • 18 programs that had not previously received funding from United Way were added to the 2012 – 2014 funding cycle. • UWMC also funds programs within agencies, rather than at the agency level. This allows United Way to reach more people through community impact. • UWMC’s funding decisions are made through a methodological and competitive process. • Over 50 volunteers meticulously reviewed funding applications and made decisions based on a rating system that ranked programs by specific criteria. • UWMC’s 2012-2014 Funding Cycle includes 61 programs and 5 initiatives. None of these are Planned Parenthood programs. Our designation policy allows donors to designate their dollars to any agency if they are a 501- c3 and abide by the Anti-Terrorism Laws. Through these designated funds, Planned Parenthood has received money from UWMC in the past. However, in the past four years the money did not total over $2,000, and there were no designations to that agency in the 2011 campaign.

9. What is a designation? Some workplace campaigns allow employees to designate their donation to specific agencies through payroll deduction. Donors can designate any amount over $50 to 501-c3 organizations that abide by the Anti-Terrorism Laws. If the donor does not live in McLean County, they can choose to donate to their local United Way as well.

UWMC also allows donors to donate to a specific Buildling Block: Education, Income or Health. Do you relate to a specific focus area or outcome? The same designation rules apply - $50 or more to a building block of your choice.

10. What is United Way Worldwide?United Way Worldwide (UWW), based in Alexandria, Virginia, is the national membership organization for nearly 1,300 independent local United Way organizations across the country. Each United Way is autonomous, governed by its own local board of directors. Our United Way is a member of the national organization, and through this membership we can access national research, advertising, training and many other services essential to our operation.

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WORKPLACE CAMPAIGNS Campaigns are held at small businesses and large corporations in a

variety of industries. They are the backbone of United Way’s campaign.

During the organization’s internal United Way campaign, CEOs and ECCs

encourage employees to help people in our county by donating to United

Way. They motivate people to give back by educating them about United

Way’s community work.

By holding a United Way campaign, your company leads the way in making McLean County a better place to live. A United Way campaign benefits your company by:

Providing employees with an easy, convenient way to give, especially through payroll deduction

Increasing employee morale

Increasing internal communication and common purpose

Enhancing relationships with key community leaders

Enhancing reputation in the community

So what is an ECC?

An Employee Campaign

Coordinator leads their

organization’s internal

UW campaign.

Being an ECC is a great

opportunity to develop

leadership and

organizational skills,

interface with

administration and fellow

employees and help

improve your


The vast majority of ECCs

return each year citing

their enjoyment working with the UW campaign.


- Work closely with UW staff and campaign volunteers to run an effective campaign. - Recruit volunteers to help you coordinate the distribution and collection of campaign materials and pledges. - Promote the campaign and ask people to give. - Prepare and submit final pledge forms.

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CEO support and involvement

VISIBLE support of United Way from your top management goes a long way. That visibility can consist of pledging a company gift (if applicable), commitment to holding employee meetings, take an active role in the campaign and pledge a person gift or be a Leadership Giver!

Recruit a capable, committed committee

Include a person from each department on your committee, if the help is available. The more assistance you can get internally, the better your campaign will be – along with less stress for you.

Set a goal and track results

Analyze your past performance. Set an ambitious goal that will challenge your team and organization. Goals can

include total dollars raised, percent participation and/or number of active Leadership Givers. And don’t forget to advertise your goal—people WON’T GIVE UNLESS YOU ASK THEM!

Work with UW staff and reps

Utilize our United Way campaign materials and tools. Secure your resources for the campaign by getting in touch with your Campaign Ambassador or UW staff. See the contact info. page to get in touch with someone.



Have fun!

Your internal campaign should be a fun and exciting time. Remember, you’re helping people get on the path to success, and improving the community! See the campaign activity ideas page for ways to encourage fundraising participation and incorporate employee appreciation in your campaign. And don’t forget to share pictures on social media!

Thank, recognize and report

Report your results to United Way and your employees. Post internal signs thanking everyone. Lastly, ask your CEO to thank all donors.



Conduct a Leadership Giving program

Leadership Givers are any one person or any combined household that gives $500 or more to UWMC. Together, Leadership Giver dollars account for more than 41% of employee and individual contributions—$1,805,168. ASK your employees to consider giving at this level with a formal presentation.

Hold meetings for all employees

Schedule meetings with an interactive presentation and personalize all pledge forms. Follow up with your employees and ask them to return their pledge card even if they didn’t donate.








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Unite Your Team through Volunteerism

United Way of McLean County believes volunteers play a critical role in creating change that can help improve lives and build a strong, caring community. And we recognize that volunteerism is one of the foundations of corporate social responsibility and good corporate citizenship. That’s why United Way proudly offers several “ready-made” volunteer projects that collaborate with agencies we support through our fundraising campaign.

We Are Here to Help!

UWMC will handle all project management, provide team leadership during the project and send an impact report to your company afterwards. Our campaign volunteer projects are designed to be customizable to fit your company’s needs and abilities.



“Pack the Playpen” - Basic Needs & Health

Formula, diapers and other baby items are essential to a healthy start on life. Help alleviate some of the financial strain and donate to UWMC partners that address this issue. Hold a drive to “Pack the Playpen” with as many baby necessities as you can. Then have employees sort, count and deliver the donations to The Baby Fold, Center for Youth & Family Solutions and Children’s Home + Aid.


“Fall Into Reading” - Education & Literacy

Encourage reading at a young age and set a child up for success. Visit Heartland Head Start and have your employee volunteers read a “fall” themed story, and then break out into groups to do a related craft. Host a book drive prior to the project to

leave each child a book to take home. “Healthy Snack Packs” - Health & Education

Providing healthy snacks is essential to keeping kids focused and ready to learn, but can be costly. Help local after-school clubs by holding a “Healthy Snack Drive.” At the end of the drive, gather to decorate paper bags and assemble the “Snack Packs.”







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For $177 a child will receive tutoring

and/or mentoring that will allow them to

read at grade level.

For $62.50 an uninsured person will have a

consistent, primary medical provider and

access to care for an entire year.

For $79 a student will receive mentoring

and learn the steps to successfully transition

from middle school to high school – a

common dropout point.

For $55 a mental health patient will

experience frequent medical visits and

receive help with their medications.

For $1.62 a home-bound person will enjoy

a delivered meal and check-in that will

allow them to stay at their home.

For $25 a low-income family will have their

taxes prepared for free by an IRS-trained


Did you know?

Thank to your

donations, this

year we have

the potential to


1,500 students

receive tutoring

550 people

receive job


348 children get


3,768 low-income

people receive

medical care

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Your United Way campaign can be energizing and bring people together under a common cause. The more you educate people

about United Way and have fun doing it, the more success you are likely to have.

Special event fundraiser should not be the focus of your campaign, but rather the “icing on the cake”. Emphasize the annual

campaign, LIVE UNITED, the building blocks of a good life, but use special events to enjoy and celebrate your campaign.

Here are some ideas for your activities:


Host a yoga, zumba, running, aerobics class (or all)!

Employees get pledges for the length of time participating

or can just pay $5 to participate. Set this up during a lunch

hour or after work.

American Idol Contest

Employees can conduct an Idol contest, based on the hit

show. Employees make a donation to vote for the singing

group of their choice. The duo or group that attracts the

most votes will sing a song of their choice in front of an

audience. Include lip synching for those who don’t sing.

Backyard Barbeque

Set a sale price for the BBG. Pre-sell tickets to the event.

The event may be set up as a potluck picnic with

everyone bringing a dish to share. You make include a

volleyball net, Frisbee, music etc.

Bake Sale

Have employees donate baked items (homemade or store

bought) and sell them at a United Way rally.

Bags Tournament

Set an entry price for a bags (or washers) tournament!

This could take place also at a BBQ or even inside of the

office during a day. Set the tournament up bracket style,

and see who comes out on top.


Employees have messages tied to helium balloons

delivered to designate co-workers. Charge $1 per balloon.

Best Putter Contest

Construct two putting courses. Employees rent a bucket of

balls for $1 to see if they can get the most holes in one.

Two winners are determined each day.

Book/Video Sale

Employees donate their old books, DVDs and CDs for an

employee book sale.

Boss Cooks for You

Have a special breakfast at which top managers cook for


Building for the Future

Employees can incorporate Legos as a part of the special

event. Employees who donate receive Legos to build

structures, have competitions, or just simply collect the

most! As part of an office wide fundraiser, Legos can be

purchased and added to one overall tower which can be

built up to a goal height with various incentives at

increased levels.

Boogie for Dollars

Throw a dance or even a dance-a-thon. Charge

admissions, entry fees, or have entrants get pledges for

time danced or number of dances.

Buy a Boa

Purchase brightly colored feather boas for employees to

buy. The purchaser chooses a person to wear the boa for

the day. In order to get rid of the boa, the wearer must pay

to pick another employee to wear the boa.

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Candy Messages

As a part of campaign, print messages on colored paper

with campaign updates, words of encouragement, United

Way statistic/words of thanks. Attach pieces of candy,

mints, packs of gum etc. and leave on employees’ desks.

Casual Day

Sell “casual day” badges, allowing employees who

purchase them to dress casually.

CEO Car Wash

Employees donate $5 to have their car washed by their

boss; United Way staff can also volunteer their time.

Charge for extra services such as cleaning inside or

polishing. Charge for photos of the employees and the

boss washing their cars.

Chair Race

Set up a relay course for employees or executives to go

through sitting in chairs or riding tricycles. Use a

stopwatch to time contestants. Observers wager $1 on

their favorite contestants.

Chili Cook-Off

Employees sign up to bring homemade chili for lunch at

the office; for those who would like to help, but are not

master chefs, napkins, utensils and bowls also are

needed. Bowls of chili are sold for a set price. Hand out

blue ribbon prizes to the winners.

Collection Drives

Raising money is important, but you can energize your

employees by giving them an opportunity to collect

needed items. Options: food, clothing, pet food products

etc. We can help you think of more!

Comedy Hour

Ask a local comedian or improve group to donate their

services during the lunch hour. Have employees buy

tickets to attend.


Collect and group recipes and helpful household hints into

a customized cookbook. Employees or community kids

create illustrations for the book. Print and bind the book at

a local business.

Dress up the Boss

Boss wears a costume voted on by all employees if the

campaign goal is reached. Examples: tutu, animal,

costume, devil costume etc.

Duct Tape the Boss

Sell one-yard lengths of duct tape during the lunch hour

and tape the boss to a wall. Have the boss stand on a

chair and after there is enough tape holding him/her, pull

the chair out. Sell photos of employees standing next to

the boss for additional funds.

Dunk Tank

Arrange for a dunk tank to be set up on site. Arrange for

volunteers to take shifts in the tank and post a schedule of

their assigned times. Have employees pay $1 per ball to

sink their co-workers.

Employee Car Wash

Develop a team of car washers on the day of the event.

Set up a wash site in the parking lot. Wash tickets may be

purchased in advance or washers may recruit cars on

wash days.

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Executive Prison

Transform an office into a jail cell. Arrest managers and

executives and allow them to make phone calls to their

staff members to bail them out. All bail proceeds go to

United Way.

Experiences Auction

Executives create packages of experience that employees

can bid on at an auction. Experiences could include

fishing trips, dinners or movie tickers. Employees can also

auction their special services: cooking a dish, singing at a

wedding/party/special event, lawn mowing, baby-sitting


Harvest Festival

Employees bring items from their home gardens (plants,

vegetables, fruits, vegetables) to be purchases by

employees with proceeds going to United Way.

Halloween Pumpkin Carving Contest

Hold a pumpkin carving contest where employees enter

carved pumpkins individually or by group. Charge $5 to

enter and $1 to cast a vote for best pumpkin. Various

prizes can be awarded such as best traditional pumpkin,

most creative, best effort.

Hawaiian Luau

Have a mini-luau. Serve ham, pineapple upside-down

cake and other Hawaiian fare. Give prizes to employees

wearing the most outrageous Hawaiian attire.

Health and Giving Events

Each department in your organization hosts a special

event to raise money and improve health simultaneously.

Yoga classes, brown bag lunch workshops, stress

reduction classes, etc.

Indoor Mini-Golf

Each department designs a creative hole using only

materials already in their department: wastebaskets, letter

trays, machine parts, etc. The employee committee

rounds up some clubs and staffs the course during the

lunch hour. Employees play the course as often as they

would like for a small fee.

International Food Day

Employees team together to create tasty treats from

around the world, decorating booths and dressing in

costume. A panel of judges awards prizes.

Karaoke Party

Participants pay $2 to enter and are given a list of songs

and a pledge form in advance. Participants ask

employees to support them by pledging an amount of


Lunch Box Auction

Employees supply lunches to be auctioned off, and prizes

can be given for the most creative or elegant lunches.


Promote the United Way campaign by using the concept

of being a hero in your community by giving, advocating

and volunteering.

Lotto in the Office

Purchase 10-20 lotto tickets and stick them to a seasonal

item (fall wreath, Christmas tree etc.) Raffle the item off to

see who wins and who becomes the big winner!

Mini Mini Golf

Set up a mini mini golf course on a table top. Use a

slanted tooth brush or a miniature hammer as a club and

a ping pong ball as a golf ball. Create unique holes with

common office items.

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Monster in the Office

Purchase an inexpensive, inflatable “monster” from a

party store and stick it in your CEO’s office. Have her pay

to ship the monster out of her office and into another

employee’s cubicle. After that, each employee must pay a

fee to get rid of the office. This also works great with pink

lawn flamingos!

Nacho Party

Plan an afternoon to sell nachos or popcorn to interested

employees. Proceeds go to United Way.

Nintendo Contest

Set up three or four video machines in a small conference

room. Employees pay to play and try to beat the previous

players’ scores. This can take place over several days

with many repeat players.

Photo Contest

Employees bring in a favorite baby picture or pet picture

labeled with their name on the back. Pictures are

numbered and posted on a bulletin board. Employees put

change in jars to vote for their favorite picture. Also, works

greats with old high school pictures!

Peanuts, Get your Peanuts!

Decorate a push cart with a sports theme. Stock the cart

with individual bags of peanuts, chips, hot dogs, soda and

necessary condiments. Visit cubicles and sell items.

Pinterest in the Office

Take a break from Pintrest via the internet, and start an

entire bulletin board devoted to being your real-life

Pinterest board! Employees can give $5 to pin something

on the community board, and then $3 to re-pin (by making

a copy for him or her). Include recipes, quotes, fashion,

trends, humor and more!


Ask employees to contribute something special for a raffle

prize: pies, lunch, car wash, tickets etc. Employees who

turn in pledge forms early receive raffle tickets.

Employees can also purchase raffle tickets.

Report Cards

Partner with students at local schools who make pledges

at the beginning of the semester to get $25.00 per ‘A’ and

$10.00 per ‘B’. This benefits both the students and the

community at large! For added incentive, students who

achieve their goals can receive prizes.

Scavenger Hunts

Employees participate in a scavenger hunt that requires

them to find unusual items from around the neighborhood

or office buildings as well. You can plant items with

selected employees for others to discover. Teams of four

pay an entrance fee, and have an hour to collect as many

points as possible.

Silent Auction

Gather items and create bid sheets, being certain to

provide a minimum bid for each item. Host the silent

auction throughout your entire campaign!

United Way Trivia

Ask trivia questions about United Way at campaign

meetings. Give away prizes for correct answers.

Encourage staff to visit uwaymc.org to do research.

White Elephant Sale

Employees donate white elephant gifts that others can

buy at affordable prices.

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ECC RESOURCES We are here to help you! Contact us for any of your campaign needs, or any questions you have about UWMC at (309) 828-7383.

UWMC staff:


[email protected]

NOEL LUCERO Campaign/Volunteer Manager

[email protected]

BRENNAN WIELGOPOLAN Marketing and Communication Manager

[email protected]

www.uwaymc.org The UWMC website provides a list of our Partner Programs, information about our focus areas and outcomes and upcoming events.




facebook.com/ uwaymc


@UnitedWay McLean