Ec Awards Winners 2014 Part 1

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  • 7/25/2019 Ec Awards Winners 2014 Part 1


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    Ethical Corporation

    Responsible BusinessAwards 2014 Part 1Celebrating responsible business excellence
  • 7/25/2019 Ec Awards Winners 2014 Part 1


    Ethical Corporation | August 2014Report review Ethical CorporationBusiness awards 2014

    Few in this field of sustainability enter it in search of medals and prizes. Thebest sustainability professionals are those who care passionately aboutusing the engines of business to make the world a better place.

    But celebrating the best of what they do has its place. Its a way of recog-

    nising stellar achievements and inspiring others to follow suit. That was the

    driving motivation behind Ethical Corporations Fifth Annual Responsible

    Business Awards, which saw nearly 200 of the industrys leading experts

    convene in Londons Mayfair on 29 September.


    The term partnership now occupies a central position in the lexicon of sustain-

    able business. All honest companies admit that they alone cannot solve the

    big social and environmental issues of the day. Only through partnership do

    they stand a chance.

    The Net-Works social business initiative, which was singled out for the

    Best Business/NGO Partnership, crystallises what a successful cross-sector

    partnership approach looks like. The alliance promotes the recycling of

    discarded fishing nets in low-income coastal communities in the Philippines.

    The term

    partnershipnow occupies

    a centralposition in

    the lexicon ofsustainable


    Annual awards

    Ethical Corporation ResponsibleBusiness Awards 2014By Oliver Balch

    Our award winners epitomise the best of business practice


  • 7/25/2019 Ec Awards Winners 2014 Part 1


    Ethical Corporation | August 2014Report review Ethical Corporation


    biodegradablenets posea threat to

    marine lifefor decades

    Best Business/NGO Partnership: Net-Works(Interface and the Zoological Society of London)

    The genius of Net-Works, this years winner of the Best Business/NGO

    partnership, is that it gives local fishing communities in the Philippines

    a sustainable alternative to two intractable problems: poverty and the

    environment damage that comes with it.

    Without recycling facilities, local fishermen typically discard their old

    nets on the beach or in the sea. These non-biodegradable nets pose

    a threat to marine life for decades. Carpet manufacturer Interface and

    environmental non-profit group Zoological Society of London (ZSL) have

    combined to design a solution based on a for-profit recycling initiative.Launched in January 2013, Net-Works pays villagers to collect old nets,

    which are then sold directly to Interfaces nylon supplier. The nets are

    reformulated and used for manufacturing Interfaces carpets.

    The initiative has already led to the collection of more than 25 tonnes

    of waste nets. Participating

    villages, meanwhile, are

    each able to put an extra

    4,800 extra meals on the

    table thanks to the income

    they have received.

    Nigel Stansfield, chief

    innovations officer at Inter-

    face, says the initiative

    achieves all three basic

    elements of sustainability:

    economic, environmental

    and social/ethical.

    You cant do that in

    isolation, he says. Youneed to develop strong,

    collaborative relationships.

    In our case, we did that through our supply chain and we did it with a

    very strong partner.

    Heather Koldewey, head of the global conservation programme at

    ZSL, echoes Stansfields sentiments. Interface has enabled us to design

    a sustainable business model and given us access to a global supply

    chain. Thats really liberated some of these communities and allowed us

    to set a new frame for conservation, she says.


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    and mutualbenefit create

    a successfulpartnership

    The partnership meets the desire of

    Interface, a closed-loop carpet manufac-turer and the projects corporate sponsor,

    to identify recyclable nylon that can be

    reused in its production processes back

    in Europe. The Zoological Society of

    London (ZSL), meanwhile, a conserva-

    tion non-profit that forms the other half of

    the partnership, has found a solution to

    marine pollution caused by waste nets.

    Were a big believer in collaborative inno-

    vation. None of us are smarter than all ofus, says Nigel Stansfield, chief innova-

    tions officer at Interface.

    Net-Works is also testimony to the fact

    that the best partnerships are often the

    least expected. ZSL works to protect endangered animals and their habitats.

    Interface makes carpets. Yet working together has helped both organisations

    find new ways of doing things, says Heather Koldewey, head of the global

    conservation programme at ZSL. Its not about philanthropy, she insists: Its

    about combining skills and heads to come up with something that is truly inno-

    vative and something that we couldnt do separately.

    Similar fresh thinking characterises Banking on Change, a partnership

    between Barclays and the development charities Care and Plan UK. The

    judges highly commended the initiative for adopting a credit-led approach to

    the problem of financial exclusion, which affects 2.5 billion people worldwide.

    Banking on Change establishes savings and loans groups that save and lend

    to one another. More than 25,000 such groups have been set up in 11 coun-

    tries since the partnership kicked off in 2009.

    An acknowledgement of mutual dependence and the promise of mutual

    benefit are other factors behind a successful partnership. These qualities canbe seen in abundance in a collaboration between Diageos liqueur brand

    Baileys and milk producer Glanbia Ingredients Ireland Limited (GIIL). Selected

    for the Best B2B Partnership, the two companies have combined forces to

    push sustainability through the entire Baileys supply chain from the first

    gallon of fresh milk to the final product.

    GIIL, which is the sole supplier of cream to Baileys, recently introduced

    a sustainability and quality assurance programme. The initiative will see all

    its 4,500 farmer suppliers audited to ensure they comply with environmental

    benchmarks. The move forms part of the ongoing introduction of best practice

    guidelines throughout the sector.

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    Ethical Corporation | August 2014Report review Ethical Corporation


    teachers witha basic literacy

    curriculum viatext messages

    For Diageo, it is important that our business partners share our values with

    respect to sustainability, responsible sourcing and ethical business practices,says Luis Rangel, global head of commodities and raw materials for the global

    drinks company. Glanbia has been an outstanding example for everything

    this award represents.

    Selected as Highly Commended

    in the B2B category, meanwhile, was

    Mars Incorporated. The US confec-

    tionary firm was picked out for the

    200MW Mesquite Creek Wind Farm,

    which will comprise 118 individual

    wind turbines and will boast anannual output of 800,000 megawatt

    hours. Mars is jointly underwriting

    the colossal renewable project with

    Sumitomo Corporation of Americas

    and BNB Renewable Energy.

    Relevance and results mark out

    quality partnerships, too. And these

    duly account for the final two awards

    in this category. First, the award

    for Most Effective International

    Community Investment went to

    mobile phone operator VimpelCom

    for a long-running project by its Pakistani brand Mobilink aimed at promoting

    female literacy in rural parts of the country. Run in association with childrens

    charity Unicef, the initiative provides teachers with a basic literacy curriculum

    via text messages. Early evidence shows that the literacy skills among young

    female participants who number around 5,000 have more than doubled as

    a consequence of their involvement.

    As well as the impacts on literacy itself, its also allowing for a breakingdown of cultural barriers to women using mobile phones, says Chris Burgess,

    head of corporate responsibility at VimpelCom. Theres a reinforcing busi-

    ness rationale behind the companys involvement too, he adds. Illiteracy

    levels among women in some parts of Pakistan are around 90%, so thats an

    awful lot of people who cant use our services.

    Support for vulnerable women also featured in a project in Assam, India,

    run by tea brand Twinings. In this case, the company worked closely with local

    and regional government agencies to provide more than 6,000 girls on 15 tea

    estates with folic acid tablets (among other health interventions) to combat

    rampant levels of anaemia.

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    Ita Unibancoran aninnovative


    programmefor its staff

    Interestingly, gender and mobile connectivity

    won the eye of the judges for the Most EffectiveDomestic Community Investment award too. The

    cellphone operator Turkcell has used its mobile

    technology to set up whats thought to be the

    worlds first crowd-sourced microfinance project.

    Money raised through the companys Women

    Empowerment in Economy initiative has been

    used to support 68,000 low-income women so far.

    As with other prize-winning examples, the initia-

    tive marks a collaborative effort between multiple

    institutions in this case, Turkeys Ministry ofFamily and Social Policies and the Grameen Trust,

    among others.

    Another Turkish telecoms firm TTNET was highly commended. The

    companys Internet4All programme aims to bridge the so-called digital divide

    in Turkey by providing under-developed communities with internet literacy

    training as well as low-cost internet access.


    If collaboration is essential to truly sustainable solutions, then engagement

    is its critical precursor. Those involved in sustainability see the necessity of

    responsible stewardship of the planets resources. But it cant be assumed

    that everyone gets it.

    For all companies, engaging their staff marks an imperative first step.

    Without employees on board, a business is left with a well-meaning sustain-

    ability strategies and zero action. US green household products firm Seventh

    Generation has a worldwide reputation for being a values-based business. With

    an intensive induction programme, regular discussions with the chief execu-

    tive and ongoing training on sustainability issues, employees are clear about

    the subjects importance. To avoid any doubt, 20% of employees bonuses aretied to the completion of four self-selected sustainability goals.

    Yet pipping Seventh Generation (Highly Commended) to the post in this

    years Best Employee Engagement category was Ita Unibanco. The Brazilian

    bank won special commendation for an innovative financial education

    programme that it runs for its staff. As a result, the number of employees that

    now have savings accounts and pension plans has increased by 56% and

    37%, respectively.

    Not only are the personal finances of 80,000 staff members more stable.

    Their advice to the banks customers shows improvements too. As Jorge

    Paulo Rodrigues da Silva, a general commercial manager in one of the banks

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    Ethical Corporation | August 2014Report review Ethical Corporation

    Clarity is

    another keyattribute ofeffective


    branches, explains: Now, when we present the theme [of financial responsi-

    bility] to our clients, they begin taking a significantly different view of our bank a view of a relationship that is more consistent, sensible, sustainable and,

    above all, profitable.

    Engaging key audiences outside, as well as inside,

    the business is crucial as well. Interested parties, from

    NGOs to investors, want to know how companies are

    responding to sustainability risks and issues. One impor-

    tant vehicle for achieving such communication is annual

    reports. Beating off tough competition from the likes of

    Merck, H&M (Highly Commended), Legal & General and

    GE for Best Sustainability Report was Maersk.The Danish shipping group was praised for a very

    clear, honest report. Not only did Maersk highlight its

    achievements, but and this is all-important for external

    credibility and engagement it was upfront about the

    challenges it faces too. Among the difficult issues

    tackled in the report are the challenges around facilitation

    payments in the shipping industry, shipping accidents,

    long working hours in China and poor supplier perfor-

    mance on human rights.

    Our story, societal context and wider purpose is told

    consistently from year to year, and every year we are

    able to add more data and facts to our societal impacts

    through our impact studies, said Louise Kjaergaard,

    group lead for sustainability communication at Maersk.

    Along with consistency, clarity is another key attribute of effective commu-

    nication. And it was this quality that drew the judges to Nestls Supplier

    Code, which won the Swiss food giant the Best Supplier Engagement award.

    The Code sets out non-negotiable minimum standards for the companys

    suppliers, right down to the individual farm level. Its not about applying a bigstick, though. Nestl provides guidelines and advice to help its suppliers make

    their business practices more sustainable. Already, 74% of its supply base is

    fully compliant. As a result of its supplier engagement efforts, Nestl can now

    trace 28% of the volumes of its 12 key commodities back to source.

    High Commended, meanwhile, was Woolworths. As with Nestl, the South

    African retailer asks its fresh produce and horticulture suppliers to meet core

    environmental standards. As part of its Farming for the Future initiative, all of

    these suppliers are independently audited. Whats rare about the programme

    is that Woolworths foots the bill for these initial audits, not the supplier. The

    retailer plans to engage its beef and dairy suppliers similarly in the near future.

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    SantanderBrasil was

    picked out forits Reduza e

    Compense CO2programme

    Consumers are arguably one of the hardest groups to engage. Beyond

    the hard core of eco shoppers, who actively look for sustainable productsand services, most dont take much note. So how can you raise consumers

    awareness and nudge them to buy and act

    more sustainably?

    One impressive effort comes from B&Q, which

    was highly commended in the Best Consumer

    Engagement Campaign category. The retailers

    three-month Great British Bee Count campaign

    caught the judges attention for its grassroots

    nature and its clear consumer focus. Run in part-

    nership with Friends of the Earth, the campaigninvited members of the public to download a

    dedicated smartphone app and to share bee

    sightings via social media. Within a week of its

    launch in June 2014, the app had almost 20,000

    registered users and almost half a million bees

    were logged.

    Another move that caused big ripples among

    consumers was the decision by US pharmacy

    chain CVS Caremark to stop selling tobacco

    products in its 7,600 stores. The bold move,

    which won a special mention from the judges, garnered 350,000 likes on

    Facebook and 218m print and broadcast media impressions. In addition, one

    in four consumers surveyed said they were more likely to shop at CVS Care-

    mark as a result.

    The top prize in the consumer engagement category went to another stellar

    performer: Santander Brasil. The Brazilian bank the second to be singled

    out at this years awards was picked out for its Reduza e Compense CO2

    programme. The scheme provides a pioneering bargaining platform that sets

    out to break the dominance of institutional investors in the carbon market andopen it up to individuals or enterprises. Anyone can log on to the web-based

    initiative, calculate their carbon footprint and then acquire the corresponding

    carbon credits on the voluntary market for projects.

    Crucial in the success of the programme was Santander Brasils ability to

    win over people to the idea of carbon offsetting, which it did through instruc-

    tive and light-hearted videos. To show it was serious, the bank also undertook

    to offset the first 1,000km of each vehicle in the companys fleet. Santander

    Brasil also hosts an app on its corporate Facebook page (which has over 1

    million followers), which shows the amount of carbon that users have emitted

    by browsing on the social media site.

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    sweetenerhas an 85%

    smaller carbonfootprint than

    natural caloricsweeteners

    This achievement reinforces the pioneering nature of our initiative, which

    aims to develop the carbon market, especially among those who are distantfrom discussions about the subject, such as members of the public and

    small and medium-sized companies, said Marcos

    Madureira, vice president of sustainability at the

    bank, on receiving the award.

    Companies want consumers to take action to

    promote sustainability. And that action could be

    voting with their wallets. Turning sustainable princi-

    ples into a viable market offering is no easy task,

    however, which is why PureCircles promotion of

    stevia-based sweeteners is so impressive, and whythe Malaysian firm won the Sustainability Commer-

    cialised award. The zero-calorie sweetener, which

    represents an entire new category, is proven to have

    an 85% smaller carbon footprint than natural caloric

    sweeteners such as sugar cane and beet sugar. Its

    water footprint is even better, comprising a mere 5%

    that of the average sweetener on the market.

    Selected as Highly Commended once again

    was B&Q for its easyGrow product, an innovative teabag technology used to

    package bedding plants. B&Q sells about 140m such plants a year. Historically

    they would be packaged in non-recyclable polystyrene trays. The retailers

    new solution uses a renewable material based on corn starch. The pots are

    filled with coir, meanwhile, a sustainable alternative to peat. Launched in April

    2014, EasyGrow drove an additional 1m in sales within the first six months.


    The above examples all point to individual excellence: companies doing one

    thing exceptionally well. But if the cause of sustainability is to make a real

    indent on the worlds most pressing problems, it takes coordinated effortacross multiple fields. That is only possible with genuine, integral leadership

    from the top of an organisation.

    Mars Incorporated is one of those. The US confectioner took the award for

    Best Private Company for an unprecedented second year running. Last year

    Mars was praised for its work on tackling child labour in the cocoa industry

    in West Africa, and this year the judges highlighted its development of a new

    deforestation policy and its underwriting of the new 200MW wind farm in Texas

    (as cited above).

    The benefit for Mars in being a private company is the ability to take the

    long-term perspective, said Kristen Kinkella, corporate affairs director for Mars

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    MBA Polymers

    is developinghigh-qualitypost-consumer


    UK. We look at sustainability, like many other companies, as key to our future

    success and leaving the world better than when we found it.

    Highly Commended in this category is Roshan, the largest telecoms

    provider in Afghanistan. The Aga Khan Fund for Economic Development holds

    a controlling 51% stake in the firm, ensuring that social and economic develop-

    ment are hard wired into the companys business model. The judges praised

    its positive contribution to society in Afghanistan against all the odds.

    MBA Polymers, meanwhile, walked away with the award for Best SME

    (small or medium-sized enterprise). Less than one tenth of the 280m tonnes of

    plastic produced annually are recycled. This small Worksop-based firm, which

    began life in a Californian garage more than 20 years ago, is leading the wayin developing high-quality post-consumer recycled plastics. The companys

    clients include HP, Nespresso and Electrolux.

    Scotland-based Elan Hair Design was Highly Commended for its

    eco-friendly practices, which stretch to sending its clients shorn locks for

    composting, while the Mad Monkey Hostel in Cambodia won special mention

    for its commitment to social responsibility.

    Behind every great company is a great leader. B&Qs appearance in

    several of the category shortlists made Matt Sexton, the driving force behind

    the companys One Planet Home programme, a worthy winner of the Head of

    Sustainability of the Year award.

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    Accepting the accolade, Sexton was quick to credit his colleagues.

    Theres an enormous amount of goodwill among B&Qs employees, he said.

    A personal mission to reduce the level of toxic chemical in paints drew him

    from a career as a buyer into sustainability. He summarises his job succinctly:

    taking all the things that people are doing at B&Q and trying to get them to

    do it in a slightly different, more responsible way.

    Head of Sustainability of the Year: Matt Sexton, B&Q

    The energy and inspiration that Matt Sexton has given to B&Qs One Planet Home programme

    over the past six years earned him this years coveted Head of Sustainability of the Year award.

    The accolade is richly deserved. Under Sextons leadership, the iconic DIY brand has

    reduced its carbon footprint by 30% (saving the retailer more than 66m in the process),

    diverted 90% of waste from landfill and reduced paint solvents by more than 60%.

    Sexton is quick to give credit to his fellow employees. Not a fan of centralised objectives,

    he prefers to think of One Planet

    Home the name B&Q gives to

    its company-wide sustainability

    programme as more of a move-ment. We have advocates in most

    departments across the business.

    I like to think of them as a group

    of people who all share a similar


    His achievements speak of an

    ability to get employees on board.

    One way of doing that is never to

    miss an opportunity to communi-

    cate. At Sextons insistence, the

    One Planet Home logo was woven

    onto 30,000 new uniforms. Every

    new recruit also gets trained in

    B&Qs sustainability practices as

    part of their induction. Whether its the internal television system or a company newspaper,

    well get our message in there, he says. And were very consistent. So we say, This is One

    Planet. This is what we do.

    Another secret to his success is to let the experts get on with what they are expert at. So,

    yes, we have an emission goal around haulage, but I know absolutely nothing about trucks,he admits. Yet within B&Qs 30,000 workforce, there are all the specialists you could want. If

    we can inspire them and get them on board, then they become real champions.

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    Yes Banks CEO

    has institutedResponsible

    Banking as astrategic unit

    with the bank

    As for the prestigious CEO of the Year, the award for 2014 went to Rana

    Kapoor at Yes Bank. Under Kapoors leadership, Yes Bank has emerged as

    Indias fourth largest private sector bank. But its done so while retaining

    a clear social mission. Among other measures, Yes Banks CEO has

    instituted Responsible Banking as a strategic unit with the bank. Kapoor has

    also appointed Chief Sustainability Officer and Chief Innovation Officer roles,

    rarities in Indias finance sector. The effectiveness of such moves is evident

    in Yes Banks portfolio of services for the millions who are unbanked or

    under-banked in India.

    Kapoor is a firm believer that a business-like approach to development

    will provide a secure and realistic solution to Indias sustainable growth. Hismessage to his fellow corporate leaders is equally clear: Integrating CSR prin-

    ciples within the core business operations is critical for business sustenance.

    One outstanding leader whose career is truly inspiring from her time

    as president of Ireland through to her recent nomination as UN special

    envoy for climate change is Mary Robinson. As the judges put it, this years

    Lifetime Achievement award winner has embodied the entire spectrum

    of sustainability.

    Behind every accolade won at the 5th Annual Responsible Business Awards

    lies a story of real innovation, genuine commitment and meaningful action.

    Long may such efforts continue. n

    Business awards 2014