eBook & Online Videos Treasuring the WORD P O W E R F U L Scripture Memory Teaching | Tips | Topics JEREMY KLUTH www.ScripturePerformer.org

eBook & Online Videos Treasuring the WORDfor you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness and let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and

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eBook & Online Videos


the WORD


Scripture Memory

Teaching | Tips | Topics



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#ScriptureMemory Performances | Teaching | ToolsFOR Churches | Groups | Events | Banquets | Confs | Camps | Retreats

JEREMY KLUTH began memorizing Scripture at the age of 13 to help himself spiritually after his mother died of cancer. In high school and at Moody Bible Institute, Jeremy performed lead roles in school theater productions. Jeremy attended a Torchbearers Bible School in Europe and has traveled extensively to 25 countries. He serves on the staff of HealthyCharity.org that ministers to thousands of people in Africa. God has now combined Jeremy’s love for #ScriptureMemory, dramatic performances, teaching, ministry and travel to inspire and instruct people wherever he is invited.



Open date(s) or Special Event Date: _________________ Bible Clothing Regular Clothing #ScriptureMemory PERFORMANCE: 5-8 Minutes 10-15 Minutes 25-30+ Minutes (Optional) #ScriptureMemory TEACHING: 15-Minutes 30-Minutes 45-Minutes 60-Minutes


Any of these chapters or passages are available: James 1-5 (4 Minutes per chapter or 20 for all 5 chapters) Jesus’ Washes Disciples’ Feet in John 13 (3 Minutes) Jesus & Lazarus in John 11 (6 Minutes) Jesus’ baptism & temptation in the wilderness (4 Minutes) Peter & John’s Trial in Acts 4-5 (10 Minutes) 1 Peter 1-5 (4 Minutes per chapter or 20 Minutes) 2 Peter 1-3 (4 Minutes per chapter or 12 Minutes) OR other passages, chapters or verses on specific topics can be memorized and performed upon request.


TOP 7 Excuses People Use to NOT Memorize Scripture TOP 7 Reasons WHY to Memorize Scripture TOP 8 P.O.W.E.R.F.U.L. Secrets on HOW to Memorize Scripture


EMAIL YOUR INVITATION DETAILS to Jeremy Kluth at [email protected] or call or text him at 719.464.2204 FINANCES You can decide on the amount of the honorarium or if a love offering will be taken. If you are unable to provide any financial support, or if you request it, Jeremy will be glad to share a 2-minute video (watch) from his family’s HealthyCharity.org life-saving work in Africa and accept donations for this ministry. Any out-of-pocket travel costs to and from your location from Jeremy’s home in downtown Chicago will be submitted for reimbursement. A book table is requested at all events for Jeremy to make his helpful #ScriptureMemory products available.


JEREMY KLUTHBringing Scripture to Life

Cell 719.464.2204 - [email protected] - @ScripturePerformer Facebook | YouTube | Instagram

To preview videos, CLICK image or visit www.ScripturePerformer.org





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Scripture Performer Booking Information

Teaching Slides 2

Introduction 3

Top 7 Excuses Used 6

Top 7 Reasons Why 11

Top 8 Powerful Tips 17

Conclusion 22

Scripture Memory Topics and Verses 23

Scripture Memory Resources 25

Scripture Memory Training Videos 26

Order Form 27

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Page 5: eBook & Online Videos Treasuring the WORDfor you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness and let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and


Scripture has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. My family moved to

Colorado when I was three because my dad accepted the position of being a lead

pastor at a local church in Colorado Springs, Colorado. I knew what it was like to grow

up hearing about Jesus. Being the pastor’s kid, I could tell you all the answers to all the

Sunday school questions. I knew plenty about God, and I knew about His Word that He

gave us. For the entirety of their marriage, my parents had daily devotions together.

They would read the Bible and pray together every day. I was only familiar with the term

devotions and what it literally meant, but I did not grasp the spiritual purpose and

necessity that it was. That all changed on one particular mission trip.

I was twelve when my church went on a mission trip to Costa Rica. We were helping out

a local church there that needed help repairing some parts of their building, as well as

building a handicap bathroom. Otherwise, the government was going to shut down the

church. It was a one-week mission trip, and I was the “gopher” kid. I was not quite old

enough to handle all the specific repairs or to build a bathroom, but what I could do was

go-for a nail or tool that someone needed or go-for a paintbrush to finish a wall. One of

the primary repairers was a man named Jonathan, who also served as a translator.

Jonathan was a relatively new member of our church, so I didn’t know him that well

beforehand. Despite that, Jonathan reached out to me during this week and showed

genuine interest in me and asked me many questions. It got to a point when he asked

me if I knew what daily devotions were and if I did them. I told him that I knew what they

were especially because my parents did them together daily, but I did not personally do

them. He then began to tell me about the significant benefits of spending daily time with

God and vividly explained how that was how we have a relationship with Jesus. I do not

remember a specific thing he said, but I remember being immensely captured by this. I

had never viewed the Christian life as having a relationship with God before.

Then he invited me to join him for his morning devotions. After spending two hours with

him, reading the Word, taking in God’s creation, and praying, I was hooked. I knew I

wanted to start doing this myself. But like any person wishing to start reading the Bible

regularly for the first time, I asked, “Where should I start? How can I do this for myself?”

He encouraged me to start by reading two psalms a day, one proverb, and a chapter

from one of the gospels. He told me to take time to pray over my time reading the Bible

and asking for the Spirit’s guidance to understand the passages I was reading. It was

then that I truly gave my life to Christ; my love for Scripture was ignited that week.

I began to eat up the Word every day and taking in everything I was reading. I wanted to

know more and more about the Bible. Through this time spent with God, the Spirit

began to change me supernaturally. My bursts of anger were more infrequent, I felt a

peace I had never felt before, and I had this desire to love those around me. Other

students, who I had gone to school with, noticed this. They would point out my calmer

demeanor, the fact that I wouldn’t get so upset about things, and that I would show them

genuine kindness. It was not until the next year that I understood that it was the Spirit of

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God changing me from the inside out. By purely spending daily time in the Word, I was

growing and being transformed into a more mature person by the power of the Holy


But it was also that year that my family found out that the breast cancer my mom had for

the last seven years moved into her lungs. When she was first diagnosed seven years

before, the doctors said there was an 85% chance she would not live longer than twelve

months because it was the such a deadly cancer. Yet by God’s gracious power and

healing, my mom had lived seven years up to this point. However, this time her

diagnosis was even more severe, and she was only given a few months to live. As she

moved into hospice that year, my dad told me that when people go to hospice, it usually

means that they are getting ready to pass away. That was hard to bear as a 13-year-old

kid. And in August of 2010, my mom quietly passed away.

Although she went into heaven that day, for

the first time in my walk with Christ, my faith

was truly tested. It was easy to read the Bible

and praise God when things were going well,

but suddenly it seemed like my whole world

came crashing down. My best friend, my

biggest supporter, was gone. The first major

trial of my life had come. By God’s grace, I

didn’t know what to do other than to turn to God. I had experienced the richness and

goodness of God so thoroughly, and I knew that my mom’s greatest desire for me was

that I would continue walking with the Lord and trusting Him. As a result, I turned to


When I turned to Scripture, James 1:2-4 was the passage I found to be the most

comfort. It is written, “Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds,

for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness and let steadfastness

have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.” I don’t

know when or what the circumstances were when I discovered this passage, but in my

time of grieving and seeking the Lord, this is the passage that penetrated my heart so

profoundly. So, I memorized this verse because of the desire to honestly know this

verse and be able to have it with me at all times to remind myself of the truth of it.

It was the first verse I memorized that I wanted to learn for myself, rather than outside

influences like Awana or Sunday school. I realized that it was such a comfort to have

that verse in my heart, and when I started to struggle with other things like anger, lust,

and other sins, I began to look up specific verses that I could memorize to help me

overcome these temptations. One of the first verses I memorized after James 1:2-4 was

Psalm 119:11; “I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.”

It was then that I realized that memorizing Scripture is truly a great tool that all believers

should have as they go through life. We have God’s very Word to help us in all the

situations of life that we go through.

“I realized that memorizing

Scripture is truly a great tool

that all believers should have

as they go through life.”

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After a few years of memorizing individual verses, my hunger for the Word increased. I

remember reading James 1:2-4 and I read the whole chapter after that. Then I thought

to myself, “This entire chapter is an incredibly powerful passage. I would love to store

this up in my heart as well.” So, I memorized the whole chapter of James. Again, a few

years later, I had the desire to really challenge myself by memorizing the entire book of


This hunger and longing to really know God’s Word is all thanks to the Holy Spirit inside.

Psalm 37:4 says, “Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your

heart.” As I have taken delight in the Lord, He has given me a desire for His Word, and I

know it in my heart. Here I am a few years later writing this eBook. This natural

progression that I have seen in my life with Scripture memorization has a purpose. I

know that when I talk to other believers about memorizing Scripture, many of them say

that they know it is a great spiritual discipline and they want to do it, but then they say

something like, “I don’t have a good memory,” or “I don’t have time.” This great tool and

powerful spiritual weapon is usually recognized for its value, but sadly rarely practiced.

So, I write this book because I know many of you, fellow brothers and sisters in Christ,

want to memorize Scripture for yourself, but you feel stuck and don’t think you can

actually implement it into your life because of x,y, and z. Everyone has a reason, or to

be blunt, an excuse, as to why not to memorize Scripture. But I hope and pray that this

eBook serves as a guide and encouragement to you and also demonstrating that you

genuinely can memorize Scripture for yourself. I will be looking into the Top 7 Excuses

that people use not to memorize Scripture and showing why those excuses are not

valid, follow up with the Top 7 Reasons why to memorize Scripture (because I know that

some do not believe it is significant) and follow up with 8 tips that can be used to

regularly implement Scripture memorization into your life.

According to Hebrews 4:12, the Word is living and active. It is the only supernatural

book in the world, which discerns our very own thoughts and intentions. It contains the

very words of God that He gave to us that we might use them to be trained in

righteousness so that we might be equipped for every good work as it is written in 2

Timothy 3:16-17. The Scriptures tell us themselves why they are useful and why we

should know the Scriptures in our hearts. Therefore, I invite you to see for yourself why

Scripture memorization should be a vital part of your walk with Christ.

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1. I don’t have a good memory

Memorizing anything is not a very common habit for anyone these days. The oral

tradition is a very foreign concept in first-world countries as the prime means of

communicating. When we do memorize, it is usually systematic and associated with

academics. Since it is associated with academics, it is only deemed useful for the time

that it is most needed. Otherwise, there is no regular practice of memorizing something.

This is the real reason why people say they do not have a good memory; they are not

actively practicing it. Think of the brain as a muscle; you have to exercise it just like you

would muscles of the body. I understand why people tell me they don’t have a good

memory. They are right by saying that because they did not put in the work to make it

good. If I were to ask you to do 50 pushups right now and you hadn’t worked out in six

months, do you think you would be able to do that many? On the flip side, if you did

pushups every day for thirty days straight, do you think you would improve at pushups?

It is the same with memorizing Scripture. If you memorized Scripture every day, do you

think you would improve in your ability to memorize Scripture? You would also improve

your general ability to memorize, which can have incredibly positive effects on your

mental health. Memorizing is an effective way to engage the brain. It trains your brain to

remember, challenges your mind, and can stave off cognitive decline. But what about

those who are older? Perhaps you are sixty, seventy, or eighty years old and you have

never memorized Scripture before and you’re wondering, “Is it too late to start?”

During these first few months starting my new ministry, ScripturePerformer.org, where I

do dramatic performances of memorized Scripture, I have searched the web and sought

out others that also perform Scripture to glean from their experience and ask what has

worked for them and what has not. About a month ago, a California-based pastor

reached out to me and told me that a friend of his who knew my dad gave him my name

and website name. He sent me a link to his website and told me that he does Scripture

performances as well and would love to connect.

We scheduled a Skype shortly afterwards. As we chatted about the performing

Scripture and what the process was like memorizing Scripture, he mentioned that he

was 70. A question popped into my head, so I asked him, “How long have you been

doing this? When did you start memorizing Scripture and performing it?” He told me that

it was about nine years ago when he saw someone perform an entire piece of literature

from Homer, that he had the idea of someday memorizing Revelation and performing it.

But he said it was not until two years ago that he started memorizing books of the Bible.

I was amazed by that. This pastor was 68 when he started to memorize Scripture. It

goes to show that with a desire to do it, practice, and consistency, it is possible to be

able to memorize Scripture and become good at it regardless of your age.

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2. I don’t have time

Time is a funny thing. We either usually have too much time or too little time but never

just enough time. Time is something that continues moving, regardless of our

circumstances or how we feel. There is no way to stop time because we have no control

over it. One thing we can control is how we use our time. I am not saying that there are

no obligations or circumstances that occur, which keep us from using the time how we

want at times. However, the reality is that we make time for the things that are most

important to us. Whether it is our job, a sport,

music, or traveling, if something is important to

us, we will make time for it. This, of course,

requires sacrifice and effort. Something else

will have to be cut out or limited.

We all have time, and the things that mean the most to us will be in place of everything

else. We do this on a conscious and subconscious level. If you don’t fully know what

they are, examine the things that take up the most of your time, and you will find the

things that matter the most to you. You may be surprised by how little or how much time

you spend on something or with someone. Some people might say they do not have

time, but they actually do because of poor time management and do not realize they

have more time on their hands than they thought. So, you either have time, and you just

don’t want to use it for something like Scripture memorization, you have time, but you

aren’t aware of it, or you need to make time and replace or limit something else with the

practice of memorizing Scripture.

Specifically with Scripture memorization, it is not something that requires a lot of time.

We may be in a busy time of our lives when we don’t have an hour to spare, but we all

have five to ten minutes. Whether that means going to bed 5-10 minutes later or getting

up 5-10 minutes earlier, there is a way to set aside time for memorizing Scripture. It

could also be that you spend ten less minutes a day on your phone or watching TV. We

have the time and we dictate, for the most part, how we spend that time.

3. I tried before, and it didn’t work

This is a very tempting excuse to use. Someone can make the rest of the excuses

without ever memorizing Scripture whereas this excuse plays off the fact that someone

did practice memorizing Scripture in some capacity, but after attempting it once or twice

and failing, they came to the conclusion that they can’t memorize Scripture, so it’s not

for them. Let me use the cliché question; how many times did Thomas Edison try to

create a lightbulb, and it didn’t work? Did he stop trying after failing over 1,000 times?

My dad likes to use the quote that the word “fail” stands for “First Attempt in Learning.”

There can be a lot to be said about failure. I could use many quotes from very

successful people that speak of the value of learning from failure. That is not necessary

to prove that Scripture memorization is possible to do. As mentioned above, it takes

effort and consistency, just like any other activity that someone wants to do and improve

“One thing we can control is

how we use our time.”

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in. Perhaps memorizing does not come naturally to you, but that does not mean you

cannot overcome your shortcomings.

It could also be that it takes you longer to memorize Scripture and you might need to

take a slower, more comprehensive approach. The pastor in California that I connected

with says he has a seven month memorization process, but he does not memorize until

the third month because he spends the first two months just reading the passage every

day. Thus, by the time he starts to actually memorize, he is so used to the passage that

he can infer what comes next. This makes the memorization process a whole lot easier

for him and by the time seven months is over, the text is deeply embedded in his heart.

4. I don’t know how to do it

The real issue at hand with this excuse is how to memorize anything at all. Although it is

possible to memorize things, the question becomes, “How do I start it? What do I do?”

Most people will probably not have a plan for memorizing Scripture. People want to

know tactics and tips on how to remember something. That is fair to want that. There

are tactics to be used and tips to share, but memorizing will be different for everyone.

That is because we are all different types of learners and we respond differently to

different types of teaching and methods of learning.

There are a variety of ways to memorize Scripture. The first step to being able to do it is

to know what kind of learner you are and put that type of learning to the test. Personally,

I am a visual learner and I respond well to the simple repeating of the words as I look at

the passage. You may be a very auditory learner and respond well to listening to the

passage over and over. Use that to your advantage. Record yourself or have it ready to

go on the Bible app and listen to it while you’re driving, doing dishes, or working out. Do

not be afraid to experiment. Whether you are a visual, kinesthetic, auditory, or some

other type of learner, it is possible to memorize Scripture, but it is crucial to figure out

the method that works for you and stick with it.

5. I don’t know which Scriptures to memorize

It can seem very daunting, looking at the Bible and trying to figure out or decide where

to start. Fortunately, it really does not have to be that complicated. Whether you have

been a Christian for one year or forty years, I am sure that there have been specific

verses that friends, family, pastors, or other Christians have said or read that you heard

or that you personally read, and it really spoke to you. You listened to or read a verse

and thought to yourself, “Wow, I really needed that,” or “That is powerful and

encouraging.” At the very least, you have a specific struggle or struggles in your life,

whether it’s a sin or a troublesome circumstance.

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That is an excellent place to start. Ponder the verses that mean something to you in

your spiritual walk. If you haven’t already stored them up in your heart, commit to

memorizing those verses. Whenever you recite a verse or passage, always start with

the reference, then the verse, and then the reference again. That will really help it stick.

On the other hand, as for a difficult circumstance, the great thing is that we have Google

now. (Or Bing or whichever search site you use). You can use the search, “What does

the Bible say about…” and type in what you

want to find. I don’t know about the other sites,

but I know that if you do that using Google,

OpenBible.info should be the first option that

shows up.

OpenBible.info is a tremendous initial

resource that gives you verses that speak of

the topic you’re searching for. But to make it

easier for you, I have a section for you with

specific topics and verses that you can find on page 22 of this eBook. There have never

been more resources for us to access the truths of Scripture and find verses and

passages. One of my favorite resources is the Treasury of Scripture Knowledge or the

app “Bible Notes,” which is the mobile version of the book. This book contains the most

exhaustive listing of biblical cross references available anywhere, over 500,000 cross-

references, and parallel passages. It is a great Bible study tool in and of itself, and I

highly recommend it. With tools like these and taking time to think of those verses that

mean something to you, you will be on your way to choose the Scriptures you want to

start to memorize.

6. I don’t feel like it

This could be interchanged with the phrases “I don’t want to” or “I have no interest in it.”

These are invalid excuses because, in life, there are many things that we don’t feel like

doing or we don’t want to do. Many of us don’t like going to work, but we do it anyway

because we need to be able to provide for ourselves and/or our families with the money

we receive. For someone who exercises 4-6x/week, there are many times when I don’t

feel like going to the gym because I’d rather sleep more, or I am a little sore, or (insert

other excuse here). However, I know that is good for me, and it keeps me from

remaining in an idle state. Even though I don’t always want to do it, I know it will be

better for me in the long run if I didn’t work out at all.

As you will see in the next section, there are reasons why we should memorize

Scripture, and they are ones to take into consideration when thinking about whether or

not to memorize Scripture. There are more benefits to memorizing Scripture than not to,

and sometimes it takes that pushing through of our emotions and feelings of disinterest

to press on to continue in it. But the comparison between exercising and Scripture

memorization is not totally perfect. My sincere hope is that you never view memorizing

Scripture as a chore or something that you have to do, but rather a vital spiritual tool

that you delight in because it is just a daily exercise, but time spent with God. This time

“Ponder the verses that

mean something to you in

your spiritual walk. If you

haven’t already stored them

up in your heart, commit to

memorizing those verses.”

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will help you grow in your faith, your understanding of God, and your ability to love Him

and others.

Paul writes in 1 Timothy 4:8, “while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of

every value, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come”

(emphasis added). And when we delight ourselves in the Lord, He will give us the

desires of our heart (Psalm 37:4). What that verse means is that our desires become

aligned to His will and what He wants for us, and yet it is still something we want. After

all, He made us each unique with different

personalities, gifts, passions, and abilities. As

we grow closer to God, our awareness of what

He has given to us grows so that we might

better glorify Him and make Him known.

As for those who say they have no interest, also consider the verse above. If you are a

believer in Jesus, the God of the Universe, then His Words should be of great interest to

you. What the Scriptures tell us about Him and what He did is incredibly significant for

our lives. He was the only perfect human being, and every Word of His proves true.

They are not the empty words of a family member or a friend that promises you things

time and time again and never comes through. These are the words of a faithful God

whose words will not return to Him empty but will accomplish what He purposes and

succeed in the thing in which He sent it (Isaiah 55:11), and “every word of God proves

true” (Proverbs 30:5). To want to know them and treasure them in your heart should be

the desire of every believer.

7. I don’t know why I should do it

Being a Christian is not about doing good works. Our faith is not dependent on what we

do but rather what Christ has done. His finished work on the cross satisfies the penalty

all of us deserve for our sinfulness, and we have only to receive the gift of faith that God

has given us. With that being said, this great gift should stir in us a desire to grow in our

faith and obey God. He calls us to glorify Him and make Him known. He wants to have

a personal relationship with us. This calls for faithful conduct and intentional time spent

with Him and our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.

We often associate living a godly life with the reading the Word, prayer, sharing our

faith, and being a part of a body of believers, a church, and for good reason. Thus, if

you are spending time reading the Word, talking to God in prayer, wanting to listen to

Him and hear the Word in church, perhaps you’re thinking, “I don’t know why I should

also memorize the Word." That is fair to think that, and I am glad that you bring that up

because, in the next section, I have for you several reasons (7 to be precise) as to why

you should memorize Scripture. So, go on, read ahead. I invite you to understand the

point of memorizing Scripture at all and the great value that it has.

“When we delight ourselves

in the LORD, he will give us

the desires of our heart.”

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1. It is God’s will

The whole point of the Christian life is to do God’s will. When we, by faith, put our trust

in Christ, our desire is to please God. To please God, we do His will by obeying Him.

Jesus Himself says, “For whoever does the will of God, he is my brother and my sister

and mother” (Mark 3:35). This is a common understanding among Christians. There are

a few verses in the Bible that explicitly speak of God’s will for our life (1 Thessalonians

4:3, 5:16-18, 1 Peter 2:15) and as I mentioned above, it is generally understood that

doing the will of God includes reading His Word, praying, being a part of a body of

believers to grow as a Christian and sharing our faith.

The reason that we should include memorizing Scripture in our daily lives is that it is

also God’s will. According to Psalm 40:8, memorizing Scripture is synonymous with

God’s will: “I delight to do Your will, O my God; Your law is within my heart.” In this

verse, the psalmist delights in doing God’s will; thus, he has the law within his heart.

How could the psalmist have the law within his heart if he did not have it memorized?

When we have the law, God’s Word in our heart, we have the knowledge and

understanding to do God’s will. Psalm 37:30-31 says, “The mouth of the righteous utters

wisdom, and his tongue speaks justice. The law of his God is in his heart; his steps do

not slip” (emphasis added). We can walk on God’s path securely when we are rooted

firmly in His Word.

2. To bring healing and comfort

Life is messy. There are incredible joys in life, and there is no more satisfying life than

life following after God, but there are also unbelievable heartaches and trials. As I

shared in the introduction, I dealt with and continue to deal with the loss of my mother.

But we can rejoice even amid trials because God is the “Father of mercies and God of

all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those

who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by

God. For as we share abundantly in Christ’s suffering, so through Christ, we share

abundantly in comfort too” (2 Corinthians 1:3-5).

At many painful points in my life, I have found

through my time reading the Word; the Holy Spirit

will illuminate a verse or verses that speak to my

specific circumstances so clearly. When my mom

passed away, it was James 1:2-4. When I was

struggling the most with the temptation to sexual sin, it was 1 Corinthians 10:13, and

when it was the struggle of feeling unworthy to receive God’s grace freely, it was

Hebrews 4:15-16. In those moments, I am comforted not only by the verse but also by

“Scripture is a treasure

trove of verses for the

situations of daily life.”

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the presence of the Lord because it is a confirmation to me that God sees me in my

distress, and it is a definite time when He is speaking to me. I respond in praise and

thanksgiving, but also, I commit to storing up that verse in my heart for the future

moments when I am struggling through a similar situation so that I can recall those

verses I have memorized to bring about healing and comfort.

Perhaps you have not experienced that yourself. God does not always bring to light a

specific verse or passage when you are going through a difficult time. In the situations

where that does not happen, I would encourage you then to search through the

Scriptures to find those verses that speak to your circumstances. You know yourself

better than anyone else. You know what you struggle with most, whether it is a specific

temptation, a particular trial you’re going through, or something else. Scripture is a

treasure trove of verses for the situations of daily life. When you are reading, and you

find a powerful verse that you want to memorize, underline it, and write it down

somewhere that you will commit to learning it. If you find it too tedious or lengthy to find

passages in your physical Bible, I have already shared with you a few of the many

resources you can use in the “Excuses” section. It does not matter the resource, as long

as you take the time to look up those verses that bring you healing and comfort in a time

of need because we know that we can have hope in the Scriptures (Romans 15:4).

3. To experience godly success in your life

Wanting to be successful in life is not a bad thing. Ultimately though, people focus too

much on the idea of being successful. This can easily become an idol in one’s life.

There is also the danger known as the “prosperity gospel,” the idea that it is, in fact,

God’s will for Christians to be blessed financially and experience physical well-being. I

am not advocating for that. For one thing, it is not biblical, because those who want to

live for God are guaranteed troubles (2 Timothy 3:12). However, experiencing godly

success is a different matter.

Experiencing godly success means to know God more intimately. As we draw near to

Him, He promises to draw near to us (James 4:8), so that we might experience more of

His presence. The more we get to know God, the more fulfilled and joyful we became

because of the awe we feel by coming close to Creator of the Universe. In Joshua 1:8, it

is written, “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth but you shall meditate

on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it.

For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success”

(emphasis added).

The idea is not so much being successful in whatever we want to do, but by seeking

God and what He wants for us, we will be successful in our life. I love the way Pastor

Craig Groeschel puts it in part two of his “Habits” sermon series:

“The only end goal that ever seems to matter is if I become more like Christ…and if that

becomes the driving force of your life, then success is not somewhere out there, but you

can be successful when you’re obedient to him today…I am obedient because I

honored God today.”

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When we meditate on God’s Word daily and make an effort to do what is written in it, we

will prosper. Christ came to give us life and life to the abundance (John 10:10), and this

life comes from seeking after God. We have the daily satisfaction of having a

relationship with Jesus, and this fuels our success.

4. To overcome sin and temptation

There is nothing more destructive in our life than

sin. Sin enslaves the world and keeps us from

walking in the Spirit. Sin is the antithesis of the

godly life because it is the opposite of

righteousness. We are grieved when we sin

because we know we have disobeyed God. This

grieving comes from the conviction of our wrongdoing, which comes from the Holy Spirit

within us. The desires of the flesh and of the Spirit are opposed to each other (Galatians

5:17), so there is a battle between our flesh and the Spirit.

But the good news is that we are no longer slaves of sin for “We know that our old self

was crucified with him so that the body of sin might be brought to nothing so that we

would no longer be enslaved to sin. For one who has died has been set free from sin.

Now if we have died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him…So you also

must consider yourselves dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus” (Romans 6:6-

8,11, emphasis added). Paul continues on in the chapter to say that we are not only no

longer slaves of sin, but in fact, on the contrary, slaves to righteousness.

However, this great truth does not mean that we do not stop sinning. We know that sin

will always be a struggle for us as long as we are on this side of heaven. We can sin

deliberately, we can sin even when we have good intentions, and we can also sin

unintentionally. One of the causes of this is because we forget. As humans, we tend to

forget things. A lot. We forget what’s displeasing to God, and we sin without realizing it.

We forget what’s pleasing to God, and we sin because of our lack of obedience to God.

We don’t want to sin, and yet we do it because of these issues, but this is why we have

God’s Word.

In the longest psalm in the Bible, the psalmist gives a solution to overcoming this

struggle with sin when he writes, “I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might

not sin against you” (Psalm 119:11, emphasis added). Although sin will never

completely go away and we will never

remember everything at all times, the more

and more Scripture we memorize, the more

we will keep away from doing the things that

displease God and do more of the things that

please God. Just as with a close friendship or

intimate relationship, the more we get to know

a person, the more we understand that person, what they are passionate about, what

pleases them and what displeases them. Our relationship with Christ is founded upon

“There is a battle

between our flesh and

the Spirit.”

“If you abide in me, and

my words abide in you, ask

whatever you wish, and it

will be done for you.”

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the words that He spoke, for just as He says, “If you abide in me, and my words abide in

you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you” (John 15:7, emphasis added).

As with Psalm 40:8, His words cannot abide in us if they are not memorized. And when

they are, we will bear much fruit in obedience to God.

5. To refute the enemy’s lies and affirm Truth

The greatest difficulty of living a godly life is not the physical limitations or other people,

not even ourselves, but rather “against the rulers, against the authorities, against the

cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the

heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:12). Our real test of faith comes from our adversary,

Satan. Scripture says that Satan has been “sinning from the beginning” (1 John 3:8) and

that he “has nothing to do with the truth because there is no truth in him. When he lies,

he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies” (John 8:44). He

is the exact opposite of Truth. We know this, and yet because of our forgetfulness and

his deception and craftiness, he makes us believe the very lies that he tells us.

Satan uses our emotions and our feelings often to sway us into accepting his lies. When

we feel guilty about something we did wrong against God or someone else, and we tell

ourselves we are not good enough, Satan uses the tactic of condemnation by saying,

“That’s right. You’re not good enough. You can never live up to God’s standards, so

why bother?” Other times he employs the complete opposite tactic, as in, when we

justify something or think something is okay, Satan sides with us and says, “It is good to

do what you are doing. It’s natural to feel what you are feeling. Continue in this.”

Regardless of the way he attempts to destroy us, we must contrast his lies with the

Truth. The Truth is found in Jesus because He is the Truth.

Jesus sets the perfect human example for how we can refute the enemy’s lies and

affirm Truth when He is tempted by the devil in the wilderness. Each time that Satan

tempts Jesus, Christ uses Scripture. He did not have a physical copy of the Law with

Him, but He didn’t need it because The Truth was in His heart, and because He knew

the Truth, he could powerfully refute Satan’s lies. Jesus would not allow His physical

state or desires to get in the way of holding fast to the Word of God. And neither did He

use divine power to rebuke Satan, but he instead chose to identify with us and show us

how we can resist the enemy with our human capabilities. Paul tells us in Ephesians

6:16, “In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all

the flaming darts of the evil one” (emphasis added).

It is undoubtedly harder to accept Truth rather than give in to the lies because of our

emotions and feelings. We ask ourselves, or moreover, Satan tempts us into asking

ourselves, “Does God really love me that much? Is God really with me wherever I go?

Does God really have good planned for me?” However, the compelling aspect of Truth

is its immutability. It does not matter what our circumstances are or how we feel; the

Truth remains the same. In the same way Jesus did, we must saturate our hearts with

Truth so that we can use it to refute the enemy’s lies and affirm it in our lives.

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6. To teach and encourage other Christians

Scripture memorization is not only for oneself. It certainly provides aid when it comes to

overcoming one’s own struggles. We preach Truth to ourselves, but when we have His

Word in our hearts, we ought to use that to minister to other Christians. As mentioned in

the section of healing and comfort, we know ourselves better than anyone else and

what Scriptures we ought to memorize. In this way, just as everyone has their own

experiences and gifts within the body, each has different verses and passages that are

significant to them, meaning that sometimes the very verse that we have memorized is

precisely the verse that another Christian needs to hear in the situation they are going

through. This is one of the most amazing ways that the Holy Spirit makes His presence

known to us when he brings into mind Scriptures at opportune times. The Scriptures are

written for our “instruction, that through the endurance and through the encouragement

of the Scriptures, we might have hope (Romans

15:4, emphasis added).

The Word speaks even more explicitly into the

value of memorizing Scripture and teaching and

encouraging other Christians in Colossians 3:16, when Paul writes, “Let the word of

Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing

psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God”

(emphasis added). This is an instruction from Paul to use Scripture in the body of Christ

so that there might be great rejoicing and building up of one another. Thus, the

Scriptures are not just meant to be memorized privately and personally but also spoken

out publicly to others. This is not only limited to certain parts of Scripture because “all

Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting,

and for training in righteousness that the man of God may be complete, equipped for

every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16-17, emphasis added).

Scripture has value that should not be disregarded, and we must take into consideration

the time in which this was written. When Paul wrote these verses, Christians did not

have a personal Bible they could read for themselves. The printing press did not come

out until the 1440s, so the rare chance that Christians got to read the Bible would not be

taken lightly. For Christians to teach and encourage other Christians with Scripture then,

they had to have memorized the Word to do it. The Bible is timeless and speaks into our

context even now, and that is why it is so powerful. Thus, although we can simply look

in our Bible these days or find a passage using the internet, we should not neglect the

discipline that Christians of past practiced when they wanted to share Scripture with

other Christians, and that was to memorize it.

7. To know what you believe and share it

There is no such thing as blind faith when it comes to believing in Jesus. Indeed, we

never get the full picture, and some things appear unclear for us because we are not

omniscient. But the reality is that faith in Jesus is based on a historical event, the life,

death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Paul candidly observes in 1

“Let the word of Christ

dwell in you richly.”

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Corinthians 15:17-19, “And if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile and you are

still in your sins…If in Christ we have hope this life only, we are of all people most to be

pitied” (emphasis added). If Christ was not raised from the dead, we have the most

pointless faith. Paul continues, though, and declares, “But in fact, Christ has been

raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep” (1 Corinthians


Yet even with this fact, many of us have a casual understanding of our faith. We believe

in Jesus and what He did, but we don’t allow ourselves to fully know the weight of what

that means and why we believe it. We say to ourselves, “I know the gospel. But I don’t

need to share it because my pastors do so well at it, and I am not really one for

evangelizing.” But do we really know the gospel? Is it so steeped in our hearts that it

oozes out of us and we can so confidently and boldly proclaim it because we have

allowed it to saturate our minds?

God had it in mind since the beginning of humanity that we genuinely know His Word

and that we would share it. In Deuteronomy 30:14, it is written, “But the Word is very

near you. It is in your mouth and in your heart so that you can do it” (emphasis added).

When we know the Word, we can do the Word, and we can do the Word because we

know the Word. That is why James urges us to “be doers of the Word and not hearers

only, deceiving yourselves. For if anyone is a hearer of the Word and not a doer, he is

like a man who looks intently at his natural face in a mirror. For he looks at himself and

goes away and at once forgets what he was like. But the one who looks into the perfect

law, the law of liberty and perseveres, being no hearer who forgets but a doer who acts,

he will be blessed in his doing” (James 1:22-25, emphasis added).

Then, when we truly know it, as in, conceive and adequately assign the right value of it,

sharing it becomes a natural outflow of this knowledge. Again in Deuteronomy, the Lord

instructs His people, “And these words that I command you today shall be on your

heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you

sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you

rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between

your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates”

(Deuteronomy 6:6-9, emphasis added). This refers to family, but we are also called to

always be prepared to share our faith with non-Christians. (1 Peter 3:15) This is the call

of the follower of Christ, so let us obey it with diligence.

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When it comes to Scripture memorization, there is really no secret as to how to do it.

But in a way to pique interest, these not-so-secret “secrets” are simple but effective

tools that, if applied, can be used for fruitful storing up of God’s Word. The key to all of

this is the work that you are willing to put in to make this a part of your life. As with any

skill or activity, Scripture memorization takes practice and work to improve in it. See

these as a formula of steps that you can use over and over as you memorize more and

more verses, passages, and books of the Bible.

1. – Pick a topic and verse

Choosing what you are going to memorize is the first step to any Scripture

memorization. You have to consciously choose what you are going to learn. Unless you

are in Awana or are assigned memory verses for a class, the verses you memorize will

be ones that you want to memorize. This “secret” can be expanded to picking a book or

story for those who desire to learn large portions of the Bible or having stories from the

Bible in their heart so that they can perform them for groups or to simply know a story

from Scripture well. However, most will stick with topical verses, and that works as well.

This is a simple tip, but nonetheless necessary. Whether you want to look up verses

about wisdom, overcoming anxiety, love, or God’s promises, as I have already

mentioned, Scripture contains a wealth of verses, passages, and stories that speak

about these topics. If you skipped over the other sections because you just wanted to

know the secrets and aren’t quite sure where to start, take a look at the list at Scripture

Memory Topics and Verses on page 22 with specific verses you can learn and

memorize to help you grow in your Christian life. Once you have this step covered, you

can start to learn your chosen topical verses, passages, stories, or book by heart.

As someone who has experience memorizing Scripture for several years, I highly

recommend memorizing whole chapters rather than individual verses. For one, it is

harder for me to keep track of small, individual verses that are spread throughout the

Bible. Secondly, if you have a verse in mind and you memorize the chapter as well, in

this way, you will not just know the verse but also know the context in which it is in and

be able to understand the thought more fully. Third, it makes the memorizing process

more substantial and it is easier for me to review whole chapters. It only takes a few

seconds to recite a verse whereas it takes a couple minutes to recite a chapter and I am

able to meditate on it longer and gain even greater insight.

2. – Overcome excuses

Just because we are made aware of the excuses we use, or we know why we should or

should not do something, does not mean we always follow through. Even devoting an



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entire section of this book to the many excuses people use not to memorize Scripture

does not mean that I still don’t use these very excuses at times. If you are human, then I

know that you struggle with this too. There is a reason that Scripture memorization is

considered one of the spiritual disciplines; it takes discipline.

We must be dedicated to it and choose to overcome the excuses. There will be many

times we don’t feel like doing it, but that does not mean we should stop doing it. I don’t

need to get into too much more detail as to how to overcome excuses as the “Excuses”

section covers that. But just as with going to the gym, eating healthy, or writing a book,

it is easy to compromise and tell yourself that you can do it later or think of reasons to

do the opposite. Thus, take this step as a good reminder to look over the excuses you

read and the other ones you make for yourself so that you can take the effort to

overpower them. And make sure to have a plan for Scripture memorization. It is easier

to compromise when you do not have a system or habit in place to memorize Scripture.

3. – Work on it daily

As has been said before, consistency is key. It is easy to make the excuse that you

don’t have a good memory, and you don’t have time to memorize Scripture when you

are not working on it regularly. Not actively engaging your brain in memorizing

something will undoubtedly diminish your ability to remember something, and if you are

not making time to memorize Scripture, you will fill up the time that you would be

memorizing with something else. Again, what’s most important to you will be shown in

what you spend our time doing, so you will make time for what is important to you.

When we decide to prioritize it in our lives, we have the time to work on it. Daily is the

best way to do it. It may seem daunting at first, but this does not have to be a long time.

In fact, when it comes to memorizing anything, it is most effective in short bursts of

concentration. Language learning apps like Babbel and word game apps like

Wordscapes suggest that you only need fifteen minutes a day to learn a language or

sharpen your mind. That’s because our brains can only handle so much at one time.

I would suggest to you that five minutes is all you need to practice and continue

memorizing Scripture. If you want to do more than that, I encourage you in that situation

to still practice the 15-minute principle in the more extended sense. So, if you wanted to

memorize for an hour, memorize for 15-20 minutes and take a break. Do something

else and then come back to it for the same amount of time and repeat that once or twice

more depending on how long you plan to do it. It does not matter the length, as long as

you work on it daily. One of the coolest things about memorizing is that you can

combine it with other activities. Since all you need is your brain, you can add it to your

time watching TV, standing in the elevator, or walking your dog. If you make it as easy

as possible implement it into your daily routine, you will be more likely to practice this.

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4. – Emphasize words

The beautiful thing about Scripture is that it is all true. The stories are real stories with

real people who had real emotions. They would have emphasized certain things at

different times, and the inflection in their voices would have conveyed different tones.

The writers of non-narrative books, like the books of wisdom and the epistles, wrote in

ways to highlight different elements of their subject matter. Although we cannot fully

know how people in the Bible said what they said or fully understand how the writers felt

about their content, through careful studying of the text and through the leading of the

Spirit, we can interpret and understand the meaning and intent of a passage.

It is not necessary to emphasize words, but I find that in the actual memorizing process,

this helps the verse stick in my brain as I repeat a particular phrase several times with

different emphasis on different words each time. Sometimes, I have an “aha” moment

when I recognize that a word is a keyword to understanding the meaning of a verse or

passage, and other times it is more a fun way to engage my brain in saying the phrase

in various ways rather than dully saying it the same repeatedly. When it comes to

dialogue in a story, it helps me to ponder textually how that person would have actually

said it. Sometimes, it is easier to tell when it says that the person was angry or sad, and

other times it is not so obvious. Regardless, I use this technique of emphasizing words

as a way to further engage the text that I am memorizing.

5. – Review weekly

Whether you have a great ambition to memorize many verses and/or chapters and/or

books of the Bible or desire to simply have a few, it is hard to work on every chosen

passage daily. If you are in the latter category, you might be thinking, “Why couldn’t I? I

am not memorizing a lot.” But consider the context of your life. As Scripture

memorization should be integrated into our lives, the more and more years that go by,

the more verses we will have memorized. Even if you memorized just one verse a week

for every week of the year, that would be 52 verses. Perhaps you could keep track of all

52 of them and work on them daily. Now take into consideration five or ten years from

now. If you only memorized one verse a month, but you did that for ten years, you

would have 120 verses memorized!

The point is that as you make Scripture memorization a part of your regular life,

eventually you will come to a point when you cannot work on every individual

verse/chapter/book every day. You might also be working on an entire book for an

extended period of time, so the individual verse and smaller passages will take a back

seat to your daily practice. That is why it is crucial to review weekly. Having memorized

passages stored somewhere in that online or physical databank comes in handy. This is

why I have the “Scripture Memory System” video in my “Training Video” section. It is a

helpful video that helps you organize your verses in a practical box with dividers for the

days of the week and dates of the month. This video is specifically for the daily practice,

but you can take the same principles to work on it weekly.

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As for deciding what day and when to review within the week, it’s up to you. You know

your schedule and when it works best for you. Personally, I tend to review on Sundays. I

make an effort to observe the Sabbath on Sundays (as in, intentionally ceasing from

work or required tasks to enjoy the gift of rest that God has given to us), so it fits well to

do it then. You might be thinking, “But isn’t that work to review all those verses?”

The way I view it is that memorizing Scripture fuels my spiritual growth. It is a way for

me to spend time with God, so I do not consider it work. Before I recite, I pray that I

would be able to understand the words I recite in a fresh way and that the Lord would

speak to me through them. I ask that the truth of the words would penetrate my heart

even deeper so that I might be more in awe of God. For I desire to treasure the words of

His mouth more than the portion of my food (Job 23:12). My relationship with Christ

includes knowing the words He has spoken that I might better know Him.

6. – Faithfully share it

One of the reasons to memorize Scripture is so that we can share it. This implies the

significance of continually doing that. We want to be faithful to our God, for we know He

is always faithful to us. His Words are, in fact, life to us (Proverbs 4:22) and a lamp to

our feet and a light to our path (Psalm 119:105). In 1 Samuel 12:24, Samuel exhorts the

Israelites to “fear the Lord and serve him faithfully with all your heart. For consider what

great things he has done for you.” We know that we will never be entirely faithful to Him

at all times, but we are always to strive for that.

To be faithful to God’s Word, we cannot only keep it privately to oneself, but we are to

declare His Word to others because we are called to do it. Before Jesus ascended into

heaven, His final commandment was that His disciples “make disciples of all nations,

baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching

them all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of

the age” (Matthew 28:19-20 emphasis added). Therefore, let us hold fast His Words,

keep His commandments, and live (Proverbs 4:4).

7. – Understand it

For any of us to be doers of the Word, we have to understand it. If you were a soldier in

the middle of a battlefield and your captain ordered you, “Zieht euch zurück!” you would

probably think to yourself, “What does that mean?” You would not know what to do

because you did not understand what they said. (By the way, the phrase means, “Fall

back!” in German. Shameless plug for my German friends reading this) It is the same

with the words and commands of Christ. The thing about Christ’s words is that they are

full of the Spirit (John 6:63), meaning they come from a spiritual language.

Since Scripture is the Word of God, it contains His very thoughts, yet how can we

understand the thoughts of God? Paul adds to that thought; “For who knows a person’s

thoughts except the Spirit of that person which is in him? So also no one comprehends

the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God” (1 Corinthians 2:11). In other words, Paul

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is saying only we ourselves know our own thoughts. No one else can read your mind

and know all your thoughts.

In the same way, only God knows His own thoughts. Yet Paul tells us something

incredible in the next two verses that “we have received not the Spirit of the world but

the Spirit who is from God, that we might understand the things freely given us by God.

And we impart this in words not taught by human wisdom but taught by the Spirit,

interpreting spiritual truths to those who are spiritual” (emphasis added).

This is an amazing truth. The reason we can understand these truths is that when we

repent of our sins and confess that Jesus is Lord and believe that God raised Him from

the dead, we receive the Holy Spirit, as in, the Spirit of God (Acts 2:38). We actually

understand the mind of God and His thoughts. Of course, He is omniscient,

omnipresent, and omnipotent, so we will never understand His ways completely, but the

most remarkable thing is that we can understand His thoughts at all!

Because the Holy Spirit is in every one of us who believes in Christ, we can grasp the

true meaning of what Jesus is saying. The value of Scripture memorization is that it

allows you to continually reflect on the spiritual Truth of each passage long after you

have memorized it. You can be thinking about when you are taking a shower, when you

are walking, or when you are talking with a friend or family member. When we

understand the Truth, we can obey the Truth. This is an essential instruction; whenever

you memorize from any text from Scripture, recognize that it is vastly different than

learning a phone number, a song, or a play. These words contain spiritual truths that

are to be understood as they are committed to memory.

8. – Live it

The culmination of being a doer of the Word is living it. John writes in his letter,

“whoever says he abides in him (God) ought to walk in the same way in which he

(Jesus) walked” (1 John 2:6) Jesus walked in obedience to His Father during His time

on earth. As these truths carry spiritual weight, they sanctify us. As our outer self is

being wasted away, “our inner self is being renewed day by day” (2 Corinthians 4:16,

emphasis added). And “if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed

away; behold, the new has come” (2 Corinthians 5:17, emphasis added). The Holy Spirit

in us gives us new life that we might live for God, for before we were dead in our

trespasses, but now we have been made alive in Christ.

As a thanksgiving and praise to God, we live for Him. When we have stored up His

Word in our hearts, our goal is to live it out. The two greatest commandments given by

God and affirmed by Jesus was to love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all

your soul and with all your mind and to love your neighbor as yourself. If we keep

Christ’s commandments, we will abide in His love, just as He kept the Father’s

commandments and abide in the Father’s love (John 15:10). John expounds upon this

further in his letter when he writes, “whoever keeps his word, in him truly the love of

God is perfected” (1 John 2:5, emphasis added). To live godly life means to hold fast to

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God’s words and obey them in love. For if we love God and love others, we fulfill the

rest of the commandments (Matthew 22:40).

You’ve now read through some of the most common excuses people use to not

memorize Scripture. I’ve done my best to rebut them, and followed up with the reasons

why to do it and how there is indeed great value in the spiritual discipline of storing up

God’s Word in your heart. I finished off giving you some P.O.W.E.R.F.U.L not-so-secret

secrets to be able to do this practically. There are other excuses people use against and

other reasons for memorizing Scripture, but the important thing is to recognize that

Scripture memorization should be a vital part of our relationship with Christ, just as

reading and studying the Word is, praying to God and for others, sharing our faith with

unbelievers and being a part of a church.

To memorize the Word is simply an addition to the reading and studying you are already

doing. Why not take a little extra time to make sure the words that you are challenged,

encouraged, and taught by are with you always, so that you might be more “transformed

by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God,

what is good and acceptable and perfect” (Romans 12:2). It is easier to please and

obey God when we know what He said is good and beneficial and what is bad and

sinful. The Word is meant to instruct us, correct us, and train us so that we might be

equipped for good works. These good works do not save us, but they do demonstrate

the saving faith we have in Jesus Christ.

For “no one has ever seen God; if we love one another, God abides in us and his love is

perfected in us” (1 John 4:12). And when we love, “let us not love in word or talk but in

deed and in truth” (1 John 2:18). This, of course, is referring to our own words, but to

love in truth is to love by His Word because His Word is Truth (John 17:17). So, let us

treasure His Words and feed on them, for when we thirst for Him, we can say that “My

soul will be satisfied as with fat and rich food, and my mouth will praise you with joyful

lips” (Psalm 63:5).

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John 1:12 • I John 5:11-13 • Rev 3:20 John 5:24,11:25 • John 10:10,27-29 • Acts 2:21

Romans 10:9 • I John 1:9 • Rom 3:4,23; 5:8 • John 20:31 • Eph 2:8,9 • I Pet 3:18

WHY SPEND TIME IN GOD’S WORD Josh 1:7,8 • II Chron 26:5 • John 15:3,7; 17:17

I John 5:13-15 • Psalms 1:3, 119:45 • James 1:22-25 • Prov 16:20 • All of Psalms 119

THOUGHTS ABOUT YOUR FUTURE Jeremiah 29:11 Psalms 32:8 • Eph 2:10, 6:1,2

Joshua 1:8 • James 1:5 • Prov 3:5,6 • Prov 14:12 • Prov 15:20,22 • Prov 16:1,3 • Prov

16:9,25 • Prov 19:1,18,21 • Matt 6:25-34 • Col 3:20


I Cor 7 • I Tim 2:22 • I Cor 10:13 I Tim 5:1,2,22b • Titus 2:6,11,12 • I Pet 2:11,12

Ruth 3:10,11 Prov 3:5,6 • Prov 16:2,20 • Prov 22:3 • Prov 5 • Prov 7 • II Sam 13:1-38

Judges 14-16 • I Kgs 11:1-11


Ruth 1-4 • Gen 24:1-66 • Gen 29:1-30 • Gen 41:41-46 • Esther 2:1-17 I Sam 18:12-29

I Sam 25:1-44

MAKING FRIENDS Matt 7:12 • Prov 12:26, 20:7 Prov 17:9,17,19 • Prov 18:19,24

Psalms 1:1-3 • I Sam 18:1-4; 20 • Prov 27:6,7,10 • John 15:12,14,15

PATIENCE James 1:2,3 • Eph 4:1 • Prov 15:18 • Prov 19:11 • Prov 17:27b


Eph 6:5-8 • II Thess 3:13 Prov 12:24 • Daniel 1:18-21 • Daniel 6


Phil 2:14,15 • Phil 4:4,8 • I Thess 5:11,16-18 • Colossians 3:15,16,23 • Eph 4:22-34

Romans 12:1,2 • Eph 4:29, 5:19-21

RELATING TO THOSE IN AUTHORITY I Tim 2:1,2 • I Pet 2:13,14 • I Pet 2:17-21

Romans 13:1-5 • Heb 13:17 Eph 1:20,21 • Eph 6:10-12 • Prov 17:11 • Dan 1

RELATING TO PARENTS Col 3:20 • Prov 17:25,21 Prov 20:20 • Prov 17:6 • Eph 6:1,2

Deut 21:18-21 • Exodus 20:12

SHARING YOUR FAITH 1 Pet 3:15,16 • Acts 8:4 • 1 Eph 6:19,20 • CoI 4:2 • Acts 4:13


I Kings 19:19-21 • Matt 19:21,22 • Matt 28:18-20


Mark 11:25,26 • Matt 18:21,22 • Luke 17:3,4 • Eph 4:32

GOD’S CARE AND PROVISIONS Matt 6:11,33 • Psalms 37:3,4 • Chron 29:11-14

Psalms 34:10 • Prov 11:24,13:22b I Tim 6:6


5:16-18 • Phil 4:6,7 • Col 2:6,7 • Jonah 2.-9 • Romans 8:28

WHEN IN DIFFICULTIES Psalms 119:67,71,75 • I Pet 1:6,7 • James 1:2-4

I Thess 3:5-7 Psalms 46:1,50:15

GOD’S BLESSING IN YOUR LIFE I Chron 4:9,10 • Psalms 67:7 • Josh 1:8 • Eph 1:3

Psalms 115:12 • Deut 28

SUCCESS & PROSPERING Psalms 1:1-3 • Josh 1:7,8 • Chron 26:5 Jam 1:25 • Prov

3:9,10 • Deut 28

WORRIES & ANXIETIES Phil 4:6,7 • Psalms 55:22 • Psalms 68:19 • I Pet 5:7 • Matt 6

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Titus 2:9,10 • Luke 16:10,11 • Heb 13:5 • Prov 28:20,22 • Rom 13:4 • Prov 15:16

Prov 25:16 • Numbers 5:7,8 • Exodus 22:3 • Prov 19:1,17,18,22 • Prov 20:17,21,23

Prov 21:6,22:1 • Prov 28:22,27


Prov 13:3,5,16 • Prov 14:7,8,23,25 • Prov 15:2,4,7 Prov 16:2,18,23 • Prov 17:20,27,28 •

Prov 18:2,7,13 • Prov 19:1,2 • Prov 20:19,21:23 • Prov 30:5,6,7

TITHING & GIVING Gen 28:22 • Deut 14:22,23 • Prov 3:9,1 • Mal 3:8,9,10 • Lev 27:30

Acts 2:44,45 • I Cor 16:2 • Prov 11:25 • Mt 6:33 • 2 Cor 9:7 • Exodus 35:5 • Prov 3:5,6

2 Cor 8

GOD’S VIEW ON HAVING CHILDREN Psalms 139:13-16 • Mal 2:15 • Psalms 112:2

Psalms 127:3-5 • Exodus 1,2 • Gen 1:27,28 • Gen 9:1


Exodus 20:8-11 • Exodus 23:12 • Exodus 35:2 • Exodus 31:12-17 • Isa 58:13


Prov 11:9,12,13 • Prov 12:13,16 • Prov 13:3,10,16 • Prov 14:29 • Prov 15:14,18,28

Prov 16:2,7 • Prov 16:23,24,32 • Prov 17:14,17 • Prov 17:27,28 • Prov 18:6-8,13,19

Eph 4:31,32

ALCOHOL AND DRINKING Prov 23:29-35 • Prov 20:1 • Prov 1:10 • Habakkuk 2:15

I Cor 6:10-12 • Prov 31:4-9 • Hos 4:11 • Isa 28:7 • Gal 5:19-24 • Hos 7:5 • Gen 9:20-26

Gen 19:30-38 • I Sam 25:36-38 • 2 Sam 11; 13:28 • I Tim 3:3,8,11 • I Tim 5:23 • 2 Tim 2:22

EATING HABITS I Thess 4:3,4 • Titus 2:11,12 • I Thess 5:23,24 • Gal 5:13 • Col 3:2

Prov 13:25,14:30 • Prov 30:7,8 • Dan 1:8-16 • I Cor 6:12-20

Also visit BibleMemory.com – Bible verses by topics and Bible memory tools

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Jeremy Kluth’s website and videos: ScripturePerformer.org

Jeremy Kluth’s Booking form for events, conferences, churches, retreats,

banquets, chapels and more: kluth.org/scriptureperformer.pdf

Jeremy Kluth Scripture Performer Youtube Channel - Facebook - Instagram

Scripture Memory Fellowship ScriptureMemory.com

Bible Memory App, Verses by Topic, Helpful Tips, Tools BibleMemory.com

Online Bible memory verse training and online community MemVerse.com

Scripture Memory National Bible Bee Bible.bee

Scripture Performers, Bible Actors and Groups: Max McLean Fellowship for

Performing Arts, Matthew Moore Lamp & Light Productions, Marquis Laughlin

Acts of the Word, Donna Paulsen Soul Hope Ministries, BibleActor.com,

PaulPitts.com, Paul Larson with Credible Faith, Unmuted Arts

Schools: YWAM DTS in Kona, Hawaii Word-by-Heart, Word-By-Heart Training

Article: Navigators – How to Memorize Scripture

Reference Book: Treasury of Scripture Knowledge (500,000 Cross-References

for every verse in the Bible)

Awana Bible Clubs for Churches, Christians Camps and More Awana.org

Book: “An Approach to Extended Memorization of Scripture” by Andrew Davis

Book: Scriptural Calendar: A Daily Guide To Help You Hide God’s Word In Your

Heart by Bob Marette

Book: How To Study the Bible For Yourself by Tim LaHaye

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Inside this

25-page eBook

7 Excuses people use

to not memorize


7 reasons WHY to

memorize Scripture

8 P.O.W.E.R.F.U.L.

TIPS on how to

Memorize Scripture

Over 25 Topics WITH

200+ Memory Verses

8 Performance and

online training
